232. Oxypoda sylvia Casey

(Illustrations in Klimaszewski et al. 2006, 2018), Table 1

References. Casey 1906, 1911 (as Moluciba grandipennis Casey). Seevers 1978. Klimaszewski et al. 2005a, 2006, 2011, 2015a (as Oxypoda grandipennis), 2018, 2020, 2021.

Distribution. Nearctic, recorded from A/S (Klimaszewski et al. 2021). Canada: AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT. USA: AK, ME, NH.

Collection and Habitat data. In NH found in birch and fir litter, and in rotten wood. Most specimens were collected by flight intercept traps; specimen from mid-winter was taken by a pitfall trap. Collected from June to March; most specimens were taken during August–September. In AK specimens were captured in alpine tundra, as well as forests of mostly spruce, some aspen, and Betula sp. and Populus tremuloides; in old-growth, and thinned and unthinned 2nd growth forests (Klimaszewski et al. 2021). In Canada found in many forest types, including hardwood and various coniferous species; adults common in decaying and rotten mushrooms in many of the above forest types. Some taken in a group of Pholiota mushrooms on trunk of dead Populus; another under coyote dung on forest road (Klimaszewski et al. 2006, 2021).

Material. USA, New Hampshire, Carroll Co.: 1 mi N Wonalancet, E Fork Spring Brk., 14–21.VIII.1985, 2 males; 6–17.IX.1985, D.S. Chandler, fl. intercept trap, 1 male, 1 female. The Bowl, 2.5 mi NW Wonalancet, 6–17.IX.1985, 1 male; 22–28.VIII.1985, D.S. Chandler, FITrap, 2 males. Coos Co.: 1 mi NE East Inlet Dam, 22.VIII–12.IX.1986, 1 male; 27.IX–17.X.1986, D.S. Chandler, FIT, 2 males. Mt. Washington, Halfway House, 25.VI.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift birch & fir litter, 1 female. Norton Pool, 3 mi NE East Inlet Dam, 13–26.IX.1986, 5 males, 2 females; 2.IX–17.X.1986, 1 male; 22.VIII–12.IX.1986, D.S. Chandler, FIT, 2 males. Second College Grant, nr. Dead Diamond Rd., 44.93097, -71.074241, 30.I–26.III.2022, C. Ziadeh, pitfall trap #47, 1 male. Grafton Co.: Hubbard Brook Exp. Forest, Bear Brook, 1500’, 15.X.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift rotten wood, 2 females.