Published September 7, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

The augmented documentation of the VOESKA collection

  • 1. ROR icon Institute for Language and Speech Processing
  • 2. ROR icon Athena Research and Innovation Center In Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies
  • 3. Ephorate of Antiquities of Arta


In the framework of the Voeska project, a documentation model for cultural heritage was used which, in addition to descriptive characteristics of objects and places, allows adding elements to the documentation that highlight deeper aspects of the interpretation of finds and monuments. The interpretive framework and two types of questions, reflection questions and content questions, were added to the documentation fields. In addition, a vocabulary of keywords was formulated according to the nature of the collection of evidence and more general rules were defined to ensure, where possible, uniformity of documentation. This "augmentation" was created with the aim of providing the impetus for the creation of cultural heritage experiences that will emotionally mobilize the public and bring them closer to the past. The addition of the documentation fields is mainly aimed at content creators, such as authors, designers of cultural experiences or even educators. It aspires to offer them the tools they need to create such experiences, to give them "ideas" for designing lessons for their students, story-centered narratives, etc. Despite its initial targeting at a specific group of end recipients, it is a proposal for change of the presentation of online heritage collections in general, in an effort to attract a wider audience. This announcement will describe the content of the augmented documentation and the challenges involved in its creation process. Finally, the initial results of its evaluation will be briefly presented.



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Translated title (Modern Greek (1453-))
Η επαυξημένη τεκμηρίωση της Συλλογής του Βοΐσκα