Level,Code Construct,Dif,Book,Page,Codesnippet
A1,printfunc,-5,"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",143,print.print(data.asList())
A1,simplelist,-5,2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,348,"list1 = [1, 2, 3] t1 = tuple(list1) print(t1)"
A2,fornested,-4,"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",612,"for eachOp in opvec: # loop thru operators ... for i in vec1:
... for j in vec2:"
A1,simpletuple,-4,"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",101,"lowerLeft = (x1, y1)
extent = (width1, height1)
scan(lowerLeft, extent)"
A1,simpletuple,-4,2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,347,"tup1 = (1, 3, 5, 7)"
A2,readline,-4,Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,518,"if fh.readline() != ""#EXTM3U\n"":
            print(""This is not a .m3u file"")
            return []
        songs = []
        INFO_RE = re.compile(r""#EXTINF:(?P<seconds>-?\d+),(?P<title>.+)"")"
A2,nestedlist,-4,2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,411,"self.cells = [[' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' ']]"
A2,write,-4,Head First Python,371,self.response.out.write(html)
C2,enumfunc,4,Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,83," for i, value in enumerate(fruits):
...     print i, value"
C2,enumfunc,4,Head First Python,53,enumerate() 
C2,enumfunc,4,"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",46,"for i, ch in enumerate(foo): ... print ch, '(%d)' % i"
C2,zip,4,Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,84,"for fru, veg in zip(fruits, vegetables):"
C2,zip,4,"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",20,"dict(zip(('one', 'two'), (2, 3)))"
C2,map,4,Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,84,map()
C2,map,4,Making Use of Python,110,"map(function,sequence)"
C2,map,4,"Learning Python, 5th Edition",113,"list(map(sum, M))"