Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result = [i + j for i in int variables for j in float variables],listCompNested,168
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,zip(),zip,84
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,zip(),zip,295
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,map(),map,84
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,map(),map,289
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,super().,superfunc,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,super().,superfunc,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,enumerate(),enumfunc,83
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,enumerate(),enumfunc,92
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,enumerate(),enumfunc,286
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,armour stats = [stock[item] for item in profile['inventory'],simpleListComp,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,flatlist = [str(item) for item in self.inv],simpleListComp,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"stuff = [str(item) for item in self.inv if issubclass(type(item), Thing)]",simpleListComp,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,objects = [str(i) for i in self.inv],simpleListComp,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,sequence = [str(item) for item in sequence],simpleListComp,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"matches = [(actor, target) for actor in sides 
  for target in opponents  
  if target != actor]",listCompIf,113
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"matches = [(actor, target) for actor in seq 
  for target in opponents 
  if target != actor]",listCompIf,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"matches = [(actor, target) for target in opponents 
  for actor in seq 
  if target != actor]",listCompIf,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,136
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,re.split() method instead of string.split(),re,136
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,136
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,136
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,137
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,137
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,137
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,re.escape(pattern),re,138
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,138
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,138
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string)",re,139
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.compile(pattern[, flags])",re,139
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,re.escape(pattern),re,139
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,re.escape(string),re,139
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string[, maxsplit])",re,139
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.sub(""«a.»"", ""data:"", string)",re,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.sub(""«a.»"", ""data:"", string, 2)",re,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.subn(pattern, repl, string[, count])",re,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.sub() but also returns the number of substitutions made in a tuple (new string, number)",re,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.subn(""«a.»"", ""data:"", string)",re,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.findall(pattern, string[, flags])",re,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.findall(""«a.»"", string)",re,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,re.sub(),re,145
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.compile(pattern[, flags])",re,291
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,re.escape(pattern),re,291
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.findall(pattern, string[, flags])",re,291
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,re.split(),re,292
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.split(pattern, string[, maxsplit])",re,292
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,re.sub(),re,292
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"re.subn(pattern, repl, string[, count])",re,292
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import re,importre,136
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import re,importre,145
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import re,importre,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import re,importre,167
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import re,importre,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"property([fget][, fset][, fdel][, doc])",classprop,196
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,property(),classprop,196
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: 
  print(""TRYING : beginning division of {0} / {1}"".format(x,y)) 
  result = x / y 
  except ZeroDivisionError: 
  print(""HANDLED: division by zero!"") 
  print(""SUCCESS: result is {0:g}"".format(result)) 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: 
  f = open('finally log.txt', 'a') 
  f.write(""{0:g} / {1:g} = {2:g}\n"".format(x,y, (x/y))) 
  # If there's a problem, log it, but then re-raise the error 
  # Don't handle it locally 
  except ZeroDivisionError: 
  f.write(""Error: tried to divide by zero\n"") 
  # Whatever happens, close the file 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"stock list = ["" {0!s:10}{1: >3}"".format(item, stock[item][0]",listwithdict,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"while len(players) < max players: 
  print(""New Character"") 
  # Create empty profile dictionary 
  profile = {'Name':"""", 'Desc':"""", 'Gender':"""", 'Race':"""", 'Muscle':0, 
  'Brainz':0, 'Speed':0, 'Charm':0, 'life':0, 'magic':0, 
  'prot':0, 'gold':0, 'inventory':[]} 
  # Prompt user for user-defined information (Name, Desc, Gender, Race) 
  name = input('What is your name? ') 
  desc = input('Describe yourself: ') 
  gender = input('What Gender are you? (male/female/unsure): ') 
  race = input('What Race are you? - (Pixie/Vulcan/Gelfling/Troll): ') 
  # Validate user input 
  profile['Name'] = name.capitalize() 
  profile['Desc'] = desc.capitalize() 
  gender = gender.lower() 
  if gender.startswith('f'): 
  profile['Gender'] = 'female' 
  elif gender.startswith('m'): 
  profile['Gender'] = 'male' 
  profile['Gender'] = 'neuter' 
  race = race.capitalize() 
  if race.startswith('P'): 
  profile['Race'] = 'Pixie' 
  elif race.startswith('V'): 
  profile['Race'] = 'Vulcan' 
  elif race.startswith('G'): 
  profile['Race'] = 'Gelfling' 
  elif race.startswith('T'): 
  profile['Race'] = 'Troll' 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"while len(players) < max players: 
  # Call character generation function. 
  profile = generate rpc() 
  # Go shopping if the inventory is empty 
  shopping = profile['inventory'] == [] 
  while shopping: 
  shopping = buy equipment() 
  handbag = join with and(profile['inventory']) 
  print(""You own a"", handbag) 
  # Choose a weapon 
  print(profile['Name'] + "", prepare for mortal combat!!!"") 
  # See if player has any weapons 
  weapon stats = [stock[item] for item in profile['inventory'] 
  if item not in armour types] 
  if len(weapon stats) == 1: 
  profile['weapon'] = weapon stats[0] 
  elif len(weapon stats) < 1: 
  profile['weapon'] = (0,20,50) 
  weapon = input(""And choose your weapon: "") 
  # The weapon must be in player's inventory. 
  # Default to fist if weapon not available. 
  weapon = weapon.lower() 
  if weapon in profile['inventory']: 
  profile['weapon'] = stock[weapon] 
  profile['weapon'] = (0,20,50) 
  # See if player has any armor 
  armour stats = [stock[item] for item in profile['inventory'] 
  if item in armour types] 
  if armour stats: 
  profile['armour'] = armour stats[0] 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"while len(players) > 1: 
  # create list of matches using ziply function 
  matches = ziply(range(0,len(players))) 
  if trace: 
  for attacker, target in matches: 
  life left = players[target]['life'] 
  # Calculate velocity of blow 
  velocity = calc velocity(attacker, target) 
  if trace: 
  print(""\t"", velocity) 
  if velocity > 0: 
  # Print sutable Hit message 
  if velocity > vel max: 
  vel max = velocity 
  hit type = int(7 * velocity / vel max) 
  if hit type > 7: 
  hit type = 7 
  if trace: 
  print(""\t\tHit#"", hit type) 
  print(players[attacker]['Name'], hits[hit type], \ 
  players[target]['Name'], end="""") 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"while True: 
  this input = float(input('#? :~> ')) 
  if this input < 0: 
  if counter == 0: 
  print(""You haven't entered any numbers yet!"") 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"while attacker[health] > 0 and target[health] > 0: 
  #3.1 for player in players: 
  #3.1.1 Calculate velocity of blow 
  #3.1.2 Calculate damage inflicted by blow 
  #3.1.3 Print damage report 
  #3.1.4 if attacker[health] > 0 and target[health] > 0: break",whilebreak,91
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while result < 1000:,whilesimple,65
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while number >= 0:,whilesimple,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while True:,whilesimple,67
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while statements. Its construction is for element in sequence:,whilesimple,69
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while purchase != 'done':,whilesimple,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while players[0]['life'] > 0 and players[1]['life'] > 0:,whilesimple,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while len(players) < max players:,whilesimple,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while loop wrapping the function call now looked like this:,whilesimple,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while shopping:,whilesimple,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while len(players) > 1:,whilesimple,114
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while not filename:,whilesimple,150
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while command != 'exit':,whilesimple,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while len(players) > 1:,whilesimple,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,while len(players) < max players:,whilesimple,219
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from strings import *,fromstarstatements,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from modulename import *,fromstarstatements,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from convert import *,fromstarstatements,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from modulename import *,fromstarstatements,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from modulename import *,fromstarstatements,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from internals import *,fromstarstatements,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"from pirate 

 import *",fromstarstatements,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from pirate import *,fromstarstatements,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from sys import argv as arguments,asextension,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: {}[""foo""] 
 except KeyError as e: store.append(e) 
 try: 1 / 0 
 except ZeroDivisionError as e: store.append(e) 
 try: """".bar() 
 except AttributeError as e: store.append(e) 
 # Loop over the store of errors and print out their class hierarchy 
 for exception object in store: 
  ec = exception object.
  indent = "" +-"" 
  while ec.
  # Assign ec's superclass to itself and increase  
  ec = ec.
  print(indent + ec.
  indent = "" "" + indent 









Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: 
  f = open(file) 
  lines = f.readlines() 
  except IOError: 
  raise SecurityError(""Cannot open status file {0}"".format(file)) 
  # For each line, trim whitespace, split it at the colon and make a dict 
  return dict([re.split("":\s*"", l.strip(), 1) for l in lines ]) 
 def check report(report): 
  """"""Check a house report dict, that everything is secure"""""" 
  to check = (""door open front"", ""door open rear"", 
  ""motion in living room"", ""motion in kitchen"", ""motion in attic"") 
  for check in to check: 
  # See if the value is what we expect for security 
  if report[check] != ""no"": 
  if check[0:9] == ""door open"": 
  raise BuildingIntegrityError(""Door open: {0}"".format(check)) 
  elif check[0:9] == ""motion in"": 
  raise MotionDetectedError(""Motion detected: {0}"".format(check)) 
  # If we can't find the item to check, security isn't certain! 
  except (KeyError, SecurityNotCertain): 
  raise SecurityNotCertain(""Can't check security for {0}"".format(check)) 
 # Main program - in real life this would be scheduled to run e.g. every minute 
 report = get report() 
 check report(report) 

 The program begins by checking for a security report in the file report.txt, and when it can’t find 

 this file, it raises the SecurityError you may have already seen. This file is where you can tell the 
 program whether or not the front or back door is open, and whether there’s any movement in any of the 
 rooms. Listing 10-6 is a complete report.txt, indicating a secure house: save it to the current directory 
 and run the program. 

 Listing 10-6. A Complete Security Report for Listing 10-5 to Parse 

 door open front: no 
 door open rear: no 

Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: 
  str = """" + 5 
 except TypeError as ex: 
  log error(ex) 
 # NameError: referring to a variable that does not exist 
 # (Note that neither e nor ex exist outside their ""except"" clauses above) 
 except NameError as exc: 
  log error(exc) 

 Listing 10-7 prints the following message to the screen: 

 LOG:: KeyError: 'quux' 
 LOG:: TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly 
 LOG:: NameError: name 'ex' is not defined 

 We have been able in the preceding code to interrogate each exception object and then log its 

 type—its class name—and the message associated with it.  

 But what if we want to raise more information alongside the exception? You will see later that 

 Python attaches a lot of diagnostic messages to exceptions, so that they can be traced through the code 
 by the programmer. But there might be extra information in the exception’s original environment that, 
 for example, helps us clean up after it or otherwise recover from it, helps us track down the precise 
 problem in a configuration file, or helps us decide whether or not to ignore the error. 

 Along with the message, you can store extra parameters in the exception object by including them 

 as arguments to the Exception() constructor. The parameters are stored in the args attribute of the 
 object. In Listing 10-8, we store an extra parameter on the exception and access it later on during 
 exception handling. 

 Listing 10-8. Storing Extra State Information in an Exception 

 for ignore in (True, False): 
  # Pass a second parameter into the exception constructor 
  raise Exception(""Ignore is {0}"".format(ignore), ignore) 
  except Exception as e: 
  # Based on that second parameter,  
  # work out if the error can be ignored or not 
  print(""I can ignore this error!"") 
  print(""I canNOT ignore this error!"") 

 The preceding script produces the following results: 

Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: dict['foo'] 
 except KeyError: pass # dictionary-specific lookup problem 
 try: dict['bar'] 
 except LookupError: pass # lookup problems in dictionaries, tuples and lists 
 try: dict['quux'] 
 except Exception: pass # any problem, of any sort 
 except KeyError: raise Exception(""Should have been handled by the first match"") 

 Almost all exceptions you encounter could be handled by explicitly handling the Exception class; 
 similarly, any dictionary or sequence lookups can be handled with LookupError rather than explicitly 
 handling both KeyError and IndexError. Note again in the last example in Listing 10-9 that they are 
 handled by the first matching except clause found, not the closest match. 

 Using finally to Clean Up After a Problem 
 If you don’t handle an exception locally, that’s generally a signal to the rest of your program that there 
 might be some cleaning up to do. However, sometimes an exception can interrupt your program at such 
 a point that there are other unfinished tasks that are far more easily cleaned up locally, even if the 
 primary exception needs to be handled at a higher level. 

 An example is closing a file that you’ve opened in the current method. Your current method might 

 want to write a log to a file. If an exception is raised while the file is still open, only that method has 
 direct access to the file object in order to close it. Leaving the file open could cause problems much later 
 in your program should it try to access that potentially locked file. It’s best to be certain that the file 
 object will be closed, whether or not an exception is raised and whether or not it is handled. 


Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: 
  # Catch a NameError, and raise a new error ""from"" it 
  try: foo 
  except Exception as e: 
  raise Exception(""Explicitly raised"") from e 
  # Re-catch the new exception 
  except Exception as e2:  
  return e2 
 def return implicit chain(): 
  # Catch a NameError, but accidentally raise a KeyError 
  try: foo 
  except Exception as e: 
  # Re-catch the new exception 
  except Exception as e2: 
  return e2 
 # The explicitly raised exception, and its ""cause"" 
 ex ch = return explicit chain() 
 print(""Explicit chain:"") 
 print(ex ch.
 print(ex ch.
 # The implicitly raised error, and its ""context"" 
 print(""Implicit chain:"") 
 im ch = return implicit chain() 
 print(im ch.
 print(im ch.
 # Re-raise, to see the corresponding traceback 
 # raise im ch # Uncomment this to see the implicit chain 
 raise ex ch 




 When you run the preceding code, you’ll get these results: 

Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: foo 
 NameError: global name 'foo' is not defined 
 The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: 
 Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File ""./"", line 35, in <module> 
  raise ex ch 
  File ""./"", line 6, in return explicit chain 
  raise Exception(""Explicitly raised"") from e 
 Exception: Explicitly raised 

 Now, comment out the next-to-last line to see the traceback from an implicit chain: 

 Explicit chain: 
 Exception('Explicitly raised',) 
 global name 'foo' is not defined 
 Implicit chain: 
 global name 'foo' is not defined 
 Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File ""./"", line 14, in return implicit chain 
  try: foo 
 NameError: global name 'foo' is not defined 
 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: 
 Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File ""./"", line 34, in <module> 
  raise im ch # Uncomment this to see the implicit chain 
  File ""./"", line 16, in return implicit chain 
 KeyError: 'bar' 

 As you can see, more complex tracebacks will distinguish between explicit and implicit chaining by 

 leaving a newline and then referring to the next exception that was raised en route to the eventual 


Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: 
  return divide by(x, y) 
  except ZeroDivisionError:",tryexcept,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: 
  d = {""foo"": ""bar""} 
 except KeyError as e:",tryexcept,229
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"try: 
  return some object.result() 
 except AttributeError:",tryexcept,238
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,def collect kwargs(**kwargs):,funcwith2star,103
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def collect args(b, e, a = 432, c = 512, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,104
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,def collect args(*args):,funcwithstar,103
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,def trace(*text):,funcwithstar,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on about(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,278
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on treeview1 cursor changed(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,278
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on window1 delete event(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,280
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on new1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,280
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on open1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,280
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on save1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,280
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on save as1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,280
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on quit1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on cut1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on copy1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on paste1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on delete1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on about1 activate(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on treeview1 cursor changed(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def on button1 clicked(self, widget, *args):",funcwithstar,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Weapon(Thing):,simpleclass,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Weapon(Thing):,simpleclass,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Weapon(Thing):,simpleclass,191
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Weapon(Thing):,simpleclass,192
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Weapon(Thing):,simpleclass,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Player(GameObject):,simpleclass,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Thing(GameObject):,simpleclass,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Weapon(Thing):,simpleclass,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Armour(Thing):,simpleclass,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Location(GameObject):,simpleclass,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class SecurityError(Exception):,simpleclass,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class SecurityNotCertain(SecurityError):,simpleclass,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class BuildingIntegrityError(SecurityError):,simpleclass,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class MotionDetectedError(SecurityError):,simpleclass,228
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,class Window1(SimpleGladeApp):,simpleclass,280
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,raise KeyError('foo'),raise,225
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"matrix = [[11,12,13],[21,22,23],[31,32,33]]",nestedList,83
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"matrix = [['data', 'data', 'data'], ['data', 'data', 'data']",nestedList,85
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"msgs = ['[soso ...]', '[ok]', '[you know ...]', '[terrible]",nestedList,131
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"result = ['\t'.join([str(i), str(arg)]) for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv)]",nestedList,171
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"kwargs = {'first': 729, 'second':546, 'third':819}",simpleDict,104
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.commands = {'look':'print({0!s},simpleDict,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.commands = {'look':'print({0!s},simpleDict,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Safe 3 / 2 = {0:g}",simpleDict,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Unsafe 3 / 2 = {0:g}",simpleDict,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Safe 3 / 0 = {0:g}",simpleDict,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Unsafe 3 / 0 = {0:g}",simpleDict,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Unsafe 3 / 0 = {0:g}",simpleDict,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,config = {'where': 'local'},simpleDict,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,config = {'new': True},simpleDict,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"File objects can be created with the built-in open(filename[, mode[, buffering]])",openfunc,141
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,Opening the file by just passing the filename to open(),openfunc,142
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,text = open('story.txt'),openfunc,142
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,text = open('story.txt'),openfunc,142
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"out file = open('story.html', 'w')",openfunc,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"out file = open('story.html', 'a')",openfunc,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"out file = open('story.html', 'a')",openfunc,144
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,input file = open(input filename),openfunc,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"output file = open(output filename, 'w')",openfunc,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,script = open(filename),openfunc,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"data file = open('rpcharacters.rpg', 'w')",openfunc,157
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,data file = open('rpcharacters.rpg'),openfunc,158
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"data file = open('rpcharacters.rpg', 'w')",openfunc,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,data file = open('rpcharacters.rpg'),openfunc,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return convert string(open(filename).read()),openfunc,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,r = csv.reader(open('purchases.csv')),openfunc,256
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,r = urllib.request.urlopen(''),openfunc,258
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"output file = open(outfile name,'w')",openfunc,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"Writing to the file is simple. As long as you opened the file in w or a mode, file.write(str)",write,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,out file.write(content),write,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,out file.write(content),write,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,out file.write(content),write,144
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"closing it is cleaner. Often, the data in a file.write()",write,144
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,output file.write(text),write,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,sys.stdout.write(output string),write,171
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,output file.write(a out),write,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,file.write(),write,286
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,You can also write a list of strings to the file using file.writelines(sequence),writelines,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"any iterable object producing strings, though typically it’s a list of strings; writelines()",writelines,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,data file.writelines(lines),writelines,157
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,data file.writelines(lines),writelines,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,file.writelines(sequence),writelines,286
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,The most basic method you can use to access the file’s contents is[size]),read,142
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,,read,142
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,text = input,read,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"read in data from stdin, you would write, which calls the read()",read,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result =,read,171
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,open('example.txt').read(),read,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(convert string(,read,248
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,text =,read,258
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,smaller pieces. file.readline([size]),readline,142
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,text.readline(),readline,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"iteration returns the same result as file.readline(), and the loop ends when the readline()",readline,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,file.readline(),readline,286
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,file.readline([size]),readline,286
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import the,importfunc,22
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import hello,importfunc,22
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import random,importfunc,91
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import random,importfunc,93
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import random,importfunc,102
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import random,importfunc,115
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import rpcombat,importfunc,123
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import the,importfunc,136
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import time,importfunc,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import should,importfunc,166
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import os,importfunc,167
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import style,importfunc,169
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statement,importfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import foo,importfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import sys,importfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import everything,importfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statement,importfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import the,importfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statement,importfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import functions,importfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import sys,importfunc,171
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import time,importfunc,171
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import time,importfunc,174
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import cgitb,importfunc,176
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import cgi,importfunc,177
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import cgitb,importfunc,177
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import time,importfunc,177
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import a,importfunc,185
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import random,importfunc,202
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import time,importfunc,202
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import rpcombat,importfunc,219
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import a,importfunc,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import strings,importfunc,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statement,importfunc,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import convert,importfunc,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import them,importfunc,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"import 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import only,importfunc,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import everything,importfunc,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import convert,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import each,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import it,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import the,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import from,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import within,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import never,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import syntax,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import keyword,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import convert,importfunc,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"import

Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"import
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statements,importfunc,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statements,importfunc,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import the,importfunc,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import it,importfunc,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import strings,importfunc,248
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import sys,importfunc,248
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statement,importfunc,249
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statements,importfunc,249
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statements,importfunc,249
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import convert,importfunc,249
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import imp,importfunc,249
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import convert,importfunc,249
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import keyword,importfunc,250
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import a,importfunc,250
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statement,importfunc,251
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import from,importfunc,251
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"import 

Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import pirate,importfunc,252
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import a,importfunc,252
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import that,importfunc,252
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import it,importfunc,252
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statements,importfunc,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import pirate,importfunc,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statements,importfunc,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import pirate,importfunc,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import imp,importfunc,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statements,importfunc,254
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import csv,importfunc,256
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import datetime,importfunc,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import statement,importfunc,260
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import and,importfunc,260
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import Tkinter,importfunc,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import the,importfunc,265
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import gtk,importfunc,265
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import gtk,importfunc,272
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import pango,importfunc,272
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import os,importfunc,279
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,import gtk,importfunc,279
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"from 

 the project directory and import the",importfromsimple,123
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from sys import argv,importfromsimple,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"from the standard library 
 import random",importfromsimple,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"from a module, you can use one of two Python constructs. 

 import modulename",importfromsimple,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from convert import piratify,importfromsimple,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"from  
 convert import convert",importfromsimple,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from convert import random,importfromsimple,245
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from internals import config,importfromsimple,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from pirate import convert,importfromsimple,252
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from pirate import convert,importfromsimple,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from pirate import convert,importfromsimple,254
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from SimpleGladeApp import SimpleGladeApp,importfromsimple,279
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,from SimpleGladeApp import bindtextdomain,importfromsimple,279
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners, = name.title(),simpleattr,182
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.desc = desc.capitalize(),simpleattr,182
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners, = name.title(),simpleattr,182
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners, = name.title(),simpleattr,186
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.desc = desc.capitalize(),simpleattr,186
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.gender = 'female',simpleattr,186
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.gender = 'male',simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.gender = 'neuter',simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.race = 'Pixie',simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.race = 'Vulcan',simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.race = 'Gelfling',simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.race = 'Troll',simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.race = 'Goblin',simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.muscle = roll(33,3)",simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.brainz = roll(33,3)",simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.speed = roll(33,3)",simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.charm = roll(33,3)",simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners," = int((self.getMuscle() + (self.getSpeed()/2) + roll(49,1))/2)",simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners," = int(roll(33,3))",simpleattr,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.magic = int((self.getBrainz() + (self.getCharm()/2) + roll(49,1))/2)",simpleattr,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.magic = int(roll(33,3))",simpleattr,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.prot = int((self.getSpeed() + (self.getBrainz()/2) + roll(49,1))/2)",simpleattr,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.prot = int(roll(33,3))",simpleattr,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners," = int(roll(40,4))",simpleattr,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.inv = [],simpleattr,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.price = price,simpleattr,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.strength = strength,simpleattr,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.speed = speed,simpleattr,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.price = price,simpleattr,191
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.strength = strength,simpleattr,191
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.damage = strength,simpleattr,191
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.speed = speed,simpleattr,191
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.price = price,simpleattr,192
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.strength = strength,simpleattr,192
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.speed = speed,simpleattr,192
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.damage = strength,simpleattr,192
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.damage = strength,simpleattr,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. name = name.title(),simpleattr,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. desc = desc.capitalize(),simpleattr,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. gender = 'female',simpleattr,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. gender = 'male',simpleattr,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. gender = 'neuter',simpleattr,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. race = 'Pixie',simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. race = 'Vulcan',simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. race = 'Gelfling',simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. race = 'Troll',simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. race = 'Goblin',simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. strength = roll(33,3)",simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. brainz = roll(33,3)",simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. speed = roll(33,3)",simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. charm = roll(33,3)",simpleattr,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. life = int(value),simpleattr,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. magic = int(value),simpleattr,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. prot = int(value),simpleattr,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. gold = int(value),simpleattr,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.inv = contents,simpleattr,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. life = int((self.strength + (self.speed / 2) + \,simpleattr,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. life = int(roll(33,3))",simpleattr,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. magic = int((self.brainz + (self.charm / 2) + roll(49,1))/2)",simpleattr,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. magic = int(roll(33,3))",simpleattr,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. prot = int((self.speed + (self.brainz / 2) + roll(49,1))/2)",simpleattr,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. prot = int(roll(33,3))",simpleattr,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. gold = int(roll(40,4))",simpleattr,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.weapon = available weapons[0],simpleattr,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.armour = available armour[0],simpleattr,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners, -=,simpleattr,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. strength = value,simpleattr,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. speed = value,simpleattr,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. name = name.capitalize(),simpleattr,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self. desc = ""It looks like a building site, nothing to see.""",simpleattr,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. vel max = velocity,simpleattr,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. vel min = velocity,simpleattr,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. dam max = damage,simpleattr,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. dam min = damage,simpleattr,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. vel max = self. dam max = 23,simpleattr,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self. vel min = self. dam min = 1,simpleattr,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.inventory = players,simpleattr,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.hello button = Tkinter.Button(frame, text=""Hello"",",simpleattr,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.hello button.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT),simpleattr,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.quit button = Tkinter.Button(frame, text=""QUIT"", fg=""red"",",simpleattr,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.quit button.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT),simpleattr,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW TOPLEVEL),simpleattr,265
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.box1 = gtk.HBox(False, 0)",simpleattr,266
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.button1 = gtk.Button(""Hello"")",simpleattr,266
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.button2 = gtk.Button(""Quit"")",simpleattr,266
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW TOPLEVEL),simpleattr,272
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.vbox1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0)",simpleattr,272
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.menubar1 = gtk.MenuBar(),simpleattr,272
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.file = gtk.MenuItem(label="" File"", use underline=True)",simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.file menu = gtk.Menu(),simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners," as = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock id=""gtk-save"")",simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.quit = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock id=""gtk-quit"")",simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.edit = gtk.MenuItem(label="" Edit"", use underline=True)",simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.edit menu = gtk.Menu(),simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.copy = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock id=""gtk-copy"")",simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners," = gtk.MenuItem(label="" Help"", use underline=True)",simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners, menu = gtk.Menu(),simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.about = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock id=""gtk-about"")",simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.hhelp = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock id=""gtk-help"")",simpleattr,273
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.hbox1 = gtk.HBox(False, 0)",simpleattr,274
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.scrolledwindow1 = gtk.ScrolledWindow(),simpleattr,274
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.treeview1 = gtk.TreeView(),simpleattr,274
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.scrolledwindow2 = gtk.ScrolledWindow(),simpleattr,274
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.textview1 = gtk.TextView(self.textbuffer),simpleattr,274
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.button2 = gtk.Button(""Quit"")",simpleattr,274
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.choice = self.treeview1.get selection(),simpleattr,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.model, self.row reference = self.choice.get selected()",simpleattr,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.choice = self.liststore.get value(self.row reference, 0)",simpleattr,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.textbuffer = gtk.TextBuffer(None),simpleattr,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.headline = self.textbuffer.create tag('headline',",simpleattr,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self.textbuffer = gtk.TextBuffer(None),simpleattr,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self.headline = self.textbuffer.create tag('headline',",simpleattr,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,counter += 1,assignIncrement,54
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,c += 1,assignIncrement,56
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,width +=1,assignIncrement,61
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,width +=2,assignIncrement,61
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,widths +=1,assignIncrement,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,widths +=2,assignIncrement,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total += number,assignIncrement,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,counter += 1,assignIncrement,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,sum += this input,assignIncrement,68
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,counter += 1,assignIncrement,68
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,output string += char,assignIncrement,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"result += random.randint(1,sides)",assignIncrement,102
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"result += random.randint(1,sides)",assignIncrement,109
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"result += random.randint(1,sides)",assignIncrement,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,read += 4,assignIncrement,162
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,write += 2,assignIncrement,162
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,execute += 1,assignIncrement,162
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self += other,assignIncrement,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss counter += 1,assignIncrement,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"result += random.randint(1,sides)",assignIncrement,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"total += expected gains(bet[1], bet[2], perc to prob(bet[0]))",assignIncrement,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total += cost,assignIncrement,256
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def roll(sides = 6, dice = 1):",funcdefault,103
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def roll(sides, dice = 1):",funcdefault,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,def ziply(sides=None):,funcdefault,113
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def roll(sides, dice = 1):",funcdefault,115
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,def ziply(seq=None):,funcdefault,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def roll(sides, dice = 1):",funcdefault,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,def ziply(seq=None):,funcdefault,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def expected gains(amount bet = 10, amount to win = 10, frac = 0.5):",funcdefault,226
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,def get report(file = 'report.txt'):,funcdefault,228
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def delete event(self, widget, event, data=None):",funcdefault,265
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def delete event(self, widget, event, data=None):",funcdefault,270
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"def delete event(self, widget, event, data=None):",funcdefault,279
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return to the text file to complete the first stage of the software,return,13
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return to this,return,14
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return a value of some kind, so it is usual to catch this value by assigning it to a",return,19
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
 statement can also pass a value back to the main program for use in further",return,25
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 • try",return,28
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return (CR): On a mechanical typewriter, the linefeed would just give you a new line, while",return,34
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return would properly start a new paragraph. One of the instances where you might need to,return,34
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return (CR),return,34
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return to Cloud-Cuckoo,return,43
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return some crazy values, which",return,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return type for a,return,45
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return value to report whether some condition holds or not.,return,45
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return True if either variable is true. If I wanted to narrow my search to find out,return,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return True. If you want to be totally contrary and test,return,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return True if the value you are testing,return,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False.,return,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return True only if var1 is less than 6 and var2 is greater than 7. We can also use or:,return,53
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False if you test them as shown previously.,return,56
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return True if x is in sequence s; otherwise, it will return False.",return,77
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False in when tested in Boolean expressions.,return,79
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a value from the list at the same time. This can be,return,81
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return another,return,83
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a list of the results. Think of,return,84
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return the keys, the values, and the key-value pairs respectively. You’ll notice that the",return,87
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return views instead of lists. Views can be iterated over and support membership,return,88
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return a pseudorandom integer between the start and end of the specified range, much like",return,92
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return profile,return,102
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return some data using a return statement. The function’s last line specifies,return,102
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return statement, and Python will assume None as the default return value.",return,102
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return result,return,102
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a random number,return,103
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return values. You might also want to include,return,104
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return the result, which will be collected",return,105
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return vars(),return,105
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return a symbol table, for which you need to provide the name of the object",return,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return vars(),return,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return value or indeed, any input parameters.",return,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return immutable values from,return,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return any either.,return,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return result,return,109
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return profile to the end:,return,109
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return profile,return,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
 statement that returns the value False. It could just as well return any value that evaluates to False, so",return,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return at the end of the function has to return something; it doesn’t really,return,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return values to control the loop,return,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return any values for any other reason.,return,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False statement in the buy equipment() function to return,return,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return profile['inventory'] == [] and profile['gold'] > 10,return,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return purchase,return,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return the members of profile['inventory'] not in,return,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 Next, I inserted a dummy call in the main body:",return,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 As the chances of the actual phrase coming up naturally were rather small, I inserted a dummy call",return,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return sentence,return,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return velocity,return,113
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return damage,return,113
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return tuple(matches),return,113
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return the data in,return,113
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return result,return,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return tuple(matches),return,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return sentence,return,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return sentence,return,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return profile,return,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return profile['inventory'] == [] and profile['gold'] > 10,return,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return purchase,return,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return velocity,return,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return damage, potential damage",return,120
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return values.,return,124
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return value of the function.,return,124
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return the original string and two empty strings.,return,126
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a string that,return,127
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a new edited version of the string.,return,134
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return the string obtained by substituting the leftmost nonoverlapping,return,139
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a string.,return,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a,return,140
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return illegal values when reading files with Unix-style line endings. Use,return,144
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return filename,return,150
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return out str,return,150
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return profile,return,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 And here’s the data file itself (rpcharacters.rpg):",return,157
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 Just to complete things for this chapter, I’ll run fix on again to check I got rid",return,158
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
 def naming conventions(functions = ""lower case with underscores""):",return,168
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return result,return,168
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return result,return,169
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return result,return,171
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return result,return,171
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return,return,182
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.desc,return,182
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return,return,182
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a list of names available within the namespace of that,return,184
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return,return,186
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.desc,return,186
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.gender,return,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.race,return,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.muscle,return,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.brainz,return,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.speed,return,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.charm,return,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return,return,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.magic,return,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.prot,return,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return,return,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return "", "".join(self.inv)",return,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return value would be meaningless anyway. My base,return,192
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a string object. Thing.printValues(self) could,return,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return stats,return,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return value in either case must be a string object. If no str,return,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return stats,return,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return the length of the object, that is the",return,194
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False in a Boolean context.,return,194
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return the value corresponding to the,return,194
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return len(vars(self)),return,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return item,return,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 (self, key, value):",return,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a new iterator object that can iterate over all the objects in the container. For,return,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return a new iterator object,return,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return True if the item is in self, False otherwise. For mapping objects, it should consider the keys of",return,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.,return,196
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return the (computed) attribute value or raise an AttributeError exception.,return,197
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return the singleton NotImplemented if the method does not,return,197
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return any value, so if the comparison operator is",return,197
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return False or True. When this method is not defined, len ()",return,198
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return NotImplemented.,return,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return the result,return,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return an integer.,return,200
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. name,return,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. desc,return,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. gender,return,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. race,return,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. strength,return,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. brainz,return,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. speed,return,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. charm,return,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. life,return,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. magic,return,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. prot,return,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. gold,return,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self.inv,return,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return text,return,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return stats,return,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return rpcharacter sheet,return,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return len(vars(self)),return,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return item,return,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
  def buy(self, purchase):",return,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return purchase,return,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return int(velocity),return,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. strength,return,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return self. speed,return,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return str(,return,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return stats,return,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return len(vars(self)),return,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return item,return,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return stats,return,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return stats,return,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return view,return,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return stats,return,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return True,return,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return True,return,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False,return,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
  def enter(self, player):",return,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return value.,return,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
  def damage(self, attacker, target, velocity):",return,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return int(damage), int(potential damage)",return,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False,return,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return True,return,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False,return,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
  def exit(self, player):",return,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return anything either.,return,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
 class Shop(Location):",return,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return view,return,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
 def join with and(sequence):",return,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return sentence,return,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return result,return,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return tuple(matches),return,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return phrase,return,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
 def read in():",return,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return x / y,return,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return 10000000000000000,return,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return x / y,return,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
 a standard big number when the divisor is zero; in fact, they would expect an exception! So we’ll now",return,224
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return results that look like this:,return,225
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return (percentage > 50),return,226
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
  the most likely gains""""""",return,226
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return (amount to win * frac) - amount bet,return,226
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return pr * 100,return,226
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return pc / 100,return,226
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return explicit chain():,return,236
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return explicit chain,return,237
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return some object.result(),return,238
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return None,return,238
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return None,return,238
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return sentence.strip().rstrip(""!."")",return,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return (str + "" "").replace("". "", ""! "").replace("".\n"", ""!\n"").strip()",return,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return stub.strip() + "", me hearties! """,return,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return ""Yarr, "" + stub[0].lower() + stub[1:] + ""! """,return,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return yarr(stub),return,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return me hearties(stub),return,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return stub + ""! """,return,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return [ s for s in (sen.strip() for sen in text.split(""!"")) if s != """"]",return,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return """".join([ random pirate(txt) for txt in to stubs(content) ])",return,244
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return config():,return,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return config,return,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return config(),return,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return config(),return,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return config(),return,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return config(),return,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return config(),return,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False,return,265
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False,return,270
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
  def make pixbuf(self, tvcolumn, cell, model, tier):",return,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 The get selection() method catches selections in the options list and displays the system",return,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 The menu item File ® Save is connected to the on save as() method, which is supposed to create a",return,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 The code for on quit() is easy. As I have already defined a delete event() method, this method can",return,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 



 Edit ® Copy turns out to be a one-liner also. The textbuffer has a built-in method to transfer its",return,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

 Gtk has another preformed dialog for the About dialog box, so I can fill in the on about() stub using",return,278
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 
  def on help(self, widget, *args):",return,278
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return 

Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,return False,return,279
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return (CR), 34",return,284
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"return statement, 102",return,292
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,18
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Hello World!"")",printfunc,19
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Hello World!"")",printfunc,19
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,19
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,19
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Hello World!"")",printfunc,20
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(some text),printfunc,20
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Hello World!)",printfunc,21
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(some text),printfunc,21
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,31
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,31
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(Gender, Race)",printfunc,31
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Male"" ""Gnome"")",printfunc,31
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Male"" Race)",printfunc,32
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Male"" Race)",printfunc,32
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(boilerplate),printfunc,33
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(variable),printfunc,34
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,35
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\n"", fancy line)",printfunc,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", Name)",printfunc,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", Race, Gender)",printfunc,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", Desc)",printfunc,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(fancy line, ""\n"")",printfunc,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(13 // 5),printfunc,39
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(13 % 5),printfunc,39
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(-13 // 5),printfunc,39
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(-13 % 5),printfunc,39
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(13 / 5),printfunc,39
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(13.75 / 4.25),printfunc,39
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(-13 // -5),printfunc,40
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(-13 % -5),printfunc,40
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(octal number),printfunc,41
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(hexadecimal number),printfunc,41
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You need"", total length, ""meters of cloth for "", price)",printfunc,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(c),printfunc,56
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,58
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print('\twidth\theight\twidths\ttotal\tprice'),printfunc,58
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t', curtain width)",printfunc,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t', curtain length)",printfunc,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t', widths)",printfunc,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t', total length)",printfunc,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t', total length)",printfunc,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t\t', price)",printfunc,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t', round(total length, 2))",printfunc,60
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t\t', round(price, 2))",printfunc,60
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You need"", round(total length, 2), ""meters of cloth for "", round(price, 2))",printfunc,60
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print('\twidth\theight\twidths\ttotal\tprice\tshorter?\twider?'),printfunc,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t', round(curtain width, 2))",printfunc,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t', round(curtain length, 2))",printfunc,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t\t\t', curtain length < roll width)",printfunc,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t', curtain width > roll width)",printfunc,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t', widths)",printfunc,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t', round(total length, 2))",printfunc,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t\t\t\t\t', round(price, 2))",printfunc,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You need"", round(total length, 2)",printfunc,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(average),printfunc,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Input is negative"")",printfunc,68
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(counter, ':', sum)",printfunc,68
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(banana),printfunc,69
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(character),printfunc,70
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(word),printfunc,70
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""***"")",printfunc,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(output string),printfunc,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(output string),printfunc,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""***"")",printfunc,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(fancy line),printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Name'])",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Race'], profile['Gender'])",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Desc'])",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(fancy line),printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tMuscle: "", profile['Muscle'], ""\tlife: "", profile['life'])",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tBrainz: "", profile['Brainz'], ""\tmagic: "", profile['magic'])",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tSpeed: "", profile['Speed'], ""\tprotection: "", profile['prot'])",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tCharm: "", profile['Charm'], ""\tgold: "", profile['gold'])",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""<==|#|==\SHOP/==|#|==>"")",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", item, stock[item][0])",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""<==|#|==\@@@@/==|#|==>"")",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have"", profile['gold'], ""gold."")",printfunc,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have a"", "" "".join(profile['inventory'])",printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have"", profile['gold'], ""left."")",printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You don't have enough gold to buy that."")",printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""We don't have"", purchase, ""in stock."")",printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You own a"", "" "".join(profile['inventory']))",printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(profile['Name'], ""Are you ready for mortal combat?"")",printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(profile['Name'], ""is now ready for battle."")",printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Then let the combat begin!"")",printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", velocity)",printfunc,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\tHit#"", hit type)",printfunc,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\tMiss#"", miss type)",printfunc,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\tDamage:"", damage)",printfunc,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\t\tDamage#"", damage type)",printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\t\t\tChange#"", change type)",printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(players[target]['Name'], ""collapses in a pool of blood"")",printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(players[attacker]['Name'], ""wins the fight."")",printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\tmax"", dam max, vel max, "":: min"", vel min)",printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Outside the box:"")",printfunc,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(vars()),printfunc,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Inside the box"")",printfunc,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(cardboard box()),printfunc,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Inside the box:"")",printfunc,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(dave, '\t', fred, '\t', pete)",printfunc,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Outside the box:"")",printfunc,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(dave, '\t', fred, '\t', pete)",printfunc,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Inside the box"")",printfunc,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(cardboard box()),printfunc,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Outside the box:"")",printfunc,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(vars()),printfunc,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(global list),printfunc,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(result),printfunc,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,109
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""New Character"")",printfunc,109
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,109
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""We don't have"", purchase, ""in stock."")",printfunc,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""fix gender() called with arguments:"", gender, phrase)",printfunc,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(fix gender(profile['Gender'],test phrase))",printfunc,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""New Character"")",printfunc,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(fancy line),printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Name'])",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Race'], profile['Gender'])",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Desc'])",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(fancy line),printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tMuscle: "", profile['Muscle'], ""\tlife: "", profile['life'])",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tBrainz: "", profile['Brainz'], ""\tmagic: "", profile['magic'])",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tSpeed: "", profile['Speed'], ""\tprotection: "", profile['prot'])",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tCharm: "", profile['Charm'], ""\tgold: "", profile['gold'])",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""<==|#|==\SHOP/==|#|==>"")",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", item, stock[item][0])",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""<==|#|==\@@@@/==|#|==>"")",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have"", profile['gold'], ""gold."")",printfunc,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(fix gender(profile['Gender'],test phrase))",printfunc,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have a"", join with and(profile['inventory'])",printfunc,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have"", profile['gold'], ""left."")",printfunc,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You don't have enough gold to buy that."")",printfunc,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""We don't have"", purchase, ""in stock."")",printfunc,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(profile['Name'], ""is now ready for battle. "")",printfunc,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Then let the combat begin!"")",printfunc,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\tMiss#"", miss type)",printfunc,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\tDamage:"", damage, potential damage)",printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\t\tDamage#"", damage type)",printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\t\t\tChange#"", change type)",printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(players[target]['Name'], ""collapses in a pool of blood"")",printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t\tmax damage | velocity"", dam max, vel max, "":: min"", vel min)",printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(players[0]['Name'], ""wins the fight."")",printfunc,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,126
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print() function (or statement in Python 2),printfunc,127
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(string.format(letters[i],float(numbers[i]),message = msgs[i]))",printfunc,131
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,141
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(line),printfunc,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print((output filename, ""written out.""))",printfunc,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Looks like a Python file. [OK]"")",printfunc,150
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""This file does not have a .py extension."")",printfunc,150
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\n#===(*)===# TODO #===(*)===#\n"")",printfunc,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Warning: wrong interpreter invoked"")",printfunc,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Warning: no text encoding declaration"")",printfunc,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Warning: dodgy"", label)",printfunc,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Warning: dodgy"", label)",printfunc,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Warning: dodgy"", label)",printfunc,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Warning: dodgy"", label)",printfunc,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(todo text),printfunc,152
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(format info(spellbook)),printfunc,152
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(fancy line),printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Name'])",printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Race'], profile['Gender'])",printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", profile['Desc'])",printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(fancy line),printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tMuscle: "", profile['Muscle'], ""\tlife: "", profile['life'])",printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tBrainz: "", profile['Brainz'], ""\tmagic: "", profile['magic'])",printfunc,154
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tSpeed: "", profile['Speed'], ""\tprotection: "", profile['prot'])",printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\tCharm: "", profile['Charm'], ""\tgold: "", profile['gold'])",printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(rpcharacter sheet),printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""<==|#|==\SHOP/==|#|==>"")",printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\t"", item, stock[item][0])",printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""<==|#|==\@@@@/==|#|==>"")",printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have"", profile['gold'], ""gold."")",printfunc,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(shop),printfunc,156
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(). In other words, repr()",printfunc,157
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Saving character sheets"")",printfunc,157
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Reading in data"")",printfunc,158
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(players),printfunc,158
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\nPoints awarded for style: "")",printfunc,169
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\t', result)",printfunc,169
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,169
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,170
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(number)"")",printfunc,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(number),printfunc,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Content-type: text/html"")",printfunc,174
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,174
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""</body></html>"")",printfunc,175
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Content-type: text/html"")",printfunc,177
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,177
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""</body></html>"")",printfunc,178
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(person1.getName()),printfunc,182
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(character sheet),printfunc,183
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""New [Test] Character"")",printfunc,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Weapon made."")",printfunc,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""new weapon made"")",printfunc,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(object),printfunc,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\n::Inventory::\n-------------"")",printfunc,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(key, item, repr(item))",printfunc,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,201
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""\nNew Character\n"")",printfunc,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have"",, ""gold."")",printfunc,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You own a"", handbag)",printfunc,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print( + "", prepare for mortal combat!!!"")",printfunc,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(, ""is now ready for battle. "")",printfunc,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""We don't have a"", purchase, ""for sale."")",printfunc,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(msg),printfunc,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You buy a"", purchase, ""for"",, ""gold pieces."")",printfunc,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have a"", self.strInv(), ""in your bag."")",printfunc,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You have"",, ""gold left."")",printfunc,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You don't have enough gold to buy that."")",printfunc,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""No can do."")",printfunc,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(self),printfunc,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You enter the"",",printfunc,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(output),printfunc,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\n',, ""collapses in a pool of blood"", '\n')",printfunc,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print('\n', ""Let the combat begin!"", '\n')",printfunc,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(players[0].name, ""is victorious!"")",printfunc,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You leave the"",",printfunc,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Game Over"")",printfunc,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print("" <<-::"", *text)",printfunc,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Saving character sheets"")",printfunc,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Reading in data"")",printfunc,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(Boilerplate),printfunc,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Total gains: {0:g}"".format(total))",printfunc,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""FINALLY: cleaning up"")",printfunc,233
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,233
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,234
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""RAISING: exception {0} not handled; (cid:171)",printfunc,234
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(strings.piratify(""Hello, world.""))",printfunc,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(strings.yarr(""This is a test.""))",printfunc,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print( hearties(""It uses the strings module!""))",printfunc,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(convert file(sys.argv[1])),printfunc,248
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(sys.path),printfunc,250
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(sys.path),printfunc,251
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""foo"")",printfunc,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""You spent {0}"".format(total))",printfunc,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""Python thinks that '{0}' is '{1}'"".format(guess,time obj))",printfunc,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"print(""{0} days ago was {1}"".format(i*5,day))",printfunc,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,print(),printfunc,290
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sequence1 = (1, 2, 3)",simpleTuple,69
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"single tuple = ('item',)",simpleTuple,80
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"hits = (), misses = (), damage report = (), life changing = ()",simpleTuple,91
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"life = (profile['Muscle'] + (profile['Speed']/2) + random.randint(9,49))",simpleTuple,94
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"magic = (profile['Brainz'] + (profile['Charm']/2) + random.randint(9,49))",simpleTuple,94
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"prot = (profile['Speed'] + (profile['Brainz']/2) + random.randint(9,49))",simpleTuple,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['weapon'] = (0,20,50)",simpleTuple,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['armour'] = (0,0,50)",simpleTuple,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"args = (486, 648, 432, 512, 576, 682, 768)",simpleTuple,104
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['armour'] = (0,0,50)",simpleTuple,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"life = (profile['Muscle'] + (profile['Speed']/2) + roll(49,1))",simpleTuple,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"magic = (profile['Brainz'] + (profile['Charm']/2) + roll(49,1))",simpleTuple,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"prot = (profile['Speed'] + (profile['Brainz']/2) + roll(49,1))",simpleTuple,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['armour'] = (0,0,50)",simpleTuple,120
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"weightings = (0.2, 0.3)",simpleTuple,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"priciest = ('',0,0,0)",simpleTuple,256
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sequence2 = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,69
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"splits = ['Fleagle', 'Beagle', 'Drooper', 'Snorky']",simpleList,69
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sequence = ['Just','a','list','of','words']",simpleList,70
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"fruits = ['avocados', 'bananas', 'oranges', 'grapes', 'mangos']",simpleList,76
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"fruits = ['avocados', 'bananas', 'oranges', 'grapes', 'mangos']",simpleList,76
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"inventory = ['pole', ['another', 'list']",simpleList,80
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"inventory[::2] = ['shield', 'scroll', 'oil']",simpleList,80
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"int list = [0, 1]",simpleList,84
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"char list = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleList,84
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,players = [],simpleList,93
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,global list = [],simpleList,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['inventory'] == [],simpleList,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,shopping = profile['inventory'] == [],simpleList,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['inventory'] == [],simpleList,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,to buy anything. I made one further alteration to the breakout return: profile['inventory'] == [],simpleList,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,players = [],simpleList,115
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"numbers = ['23.5', 42, '37', '-1.234567', -98754.320999999996]",simpleList,131
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"letters = ['v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']",simpleList,131
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,lines = [],simpleList,157
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"int variables = [a, b, c]",simpleList,168
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"float variables = [x, y, z]",simpleList,168
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"list numbers=[1,2,3,4]",simpleList,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"list numbers=[1,2,3,4]",simpleList,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,players = [],simpleList,202
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,shopping = self.inventory == [],simpleList,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if items == [],simpleList,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,lines = [],simpleList,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,arena.inventory = [],simpleList,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,store = [],simpleList,224
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,config['test'] = ['success'],simpleList,247
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"Just import ""convert"" with the * wildcard form 

  = [""convert""]",simpleList,253
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,a list = [a out],simpleList,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for banana in splits:,forsimple,69
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for character in text:,forsimple,70
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for word in sequence:,forsimple,70
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for char in input string:,forsimple,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for item in reversed(inventory):,forsimple,83
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for i, value in enumerate(fruits):",forsimple,83
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for row in matrix:,forsimple,83
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for i, value in enumerate(row):",forsimple,83
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for fru, veg in zip(fruits, vegetables):",forsimple,84
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for key in profile:,forsimple,87
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for item in profile:,forsimple,87
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for character in sentence:,forsimple,89
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for item in stock:,forsimple,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for armour type in armour types:,forsimple,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for attacker, player in enumerate(players):",forsimple,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for rolls in range(0,dice):",forsimple,102
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for your parameters in the function definition:,forsimple,103
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for rolls in range(1,dice):",forsimple,109
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for armour type in armour types:,forsimple,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for attacker, player in enumerate(players):",forsimple,114
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for attacker, target in matches:",forsimple,114
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for rolls in range(1,dice):",forsimple,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for item in stock:,forsimple,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for i in range(0,5):",forsimple,131
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for line in text:,forsimple,143
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for line no, line in enumerate(script):",forsimple,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for item in stock:,forsimple,155
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for player in players:,forsimple,157
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for line in data file:,forsimple,158
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for result in reversed(sorted(results)):,forsimple,169
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for number in list numbers:,forsimple,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for number in list numbers:,forsimple,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for key, item in inventory.items():",forsimple,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for attack, targ in matches:",forsimple,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for rolls in range(1,dice):",forsimple,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for player in players:,forsimple,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for line in data file:,forsimple,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for bet in data:,forsimple,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for naming variables in Python are just that:,forsimple,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for row in r:,forsimple,256
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"for i in range(1,10):",forsimple,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,for heading in headings:,forsimple,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,muscle = 2 + 3,assignwithSum,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,strangeness = muscle + brainz * speed,assignwithSum,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,13 = 2 * -5 + remainder,assignwithSum,40
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,x = 0xaa + 0x33,assignwithSum,42
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,o = 0o77 + 0o33,assignwithSum,42
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,curtain width = float(window width) * 0.75 + 20,assignwithSum,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,curtain length = float(window height) + 15,assignwithSum,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"which is the same as counter = counter + 1. Some other possible combinations are -=, *=, /=, which",assignwithSum,54
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,curtain length = float(window height) + 15,assignwithSum,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,curtain length = float(window height) + 15,assignwithSum,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"characters[character] = characters.get(character,0) + 1",assignwithSum,89
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['Muscle'] = random.randint(3,33) + random.randint(3,33) \",assignwithSum,94
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['Brainz'] = random.randint(3,33) + random.randint(3,33) \",assignwithSum,94
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['Speed'] = random.randint(3,33) + random.randint(3,33) \",assignwithSum,94
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['Charm'] = random.randint(3,33) + random.randint(3,33) \",assignwithSum,94
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"gold = random.randint(9,49) + random.randint(9,49) + random.randint(9,49)",assignwithSum,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack velocity = attack speed + weapon speed + attack chance,assignwithSum,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target velocity = target prot + armour speed,assignwithSum,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack damage = attack strength + weapon damage + velocity,assignwithSum,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target defence = target strength + armour strength + target chance,assignwithSum,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dave = fred + pete,assignwithSum,105
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dave = fred + pete,assignwithSum,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dave = fred + pete,assignwithSum,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = sentence + "" and "" + last item",assignwithSum,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"test phrase = profile['Name'] + "" buys themself some equipment""",assignwithSum,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = sentence + "" and "" + last item",assignwithSum,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"test phrase = profile['Name'] + "" buys themself some equipment""",assignwithSum,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack velocity = attack speed + weapon speed + attack chance,assignwithSum,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target velocity = target prot + armour speed,assignwithSum,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack damage = attack strength + weapon damage + velocity,assignwithSum,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target defence = target strength + armour strength + target chance,assignwithSum,120
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"text = re.sub('("".+?"")', '<i>\\1</i>', text)",assignwithSum,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"text = re.sub('(\W)\*([a-z A-Z]+?)\*(\W)', '\\1<b>\\2</b>\\3', text)",assignwithSum,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"text = re.sub('( \w+? )', '<u>\\1</u>', text)",assignwithSum,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"filename format = re.compile("".+?\.py"")",assignwithSum,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"version format = re.compile(""[\""']?(?:[0-9]+?\.)?[0-9]+?\.[0-9]+?[\""']?"")",assignwithSum,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"email format = re.compile(""[\""'].+?@.+\..+?[\""']"")",assignwithSum,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"todo format = re.compile(""^\s*?#\s*?(TODO|todo|FIXME|fixme):?\s*?(.+)"")",assignwithSum,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"msg = fix gender(self.gender, + "" buys themself \",assignwithSum,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack velocity = self.speed + weapon.speed + attack chance,assignwithSum,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target velocity = target.prot + armour.speed + roll(target.brainz),assignwithSum,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack damage = attack strength + weapon damage + int(velocity) - roll(172),assignwithSum,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target defence = target strength + armour strength + target chance,assignwithSum,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = sentence + "" and "" + last item",assignwithSum,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,elif choice <= weightings[0] + weightings[1]:,assignwithSum,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,priciest = row + [cost],assignwithSum,256
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"icon = eval(""self."" + self.choice.replace(' ',' ') + "" image"")",assignwithSum,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"command = eval(""self."" + heading + "" func"")",assignwithSum,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"performed using the = sign like this: variable = value. One of the specific features of Python is that,",simpleAssign,18
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,expecting: message == input text,simpleAssign,18
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,variable like this: variable = function().,simpleAssign,19
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,expecting: message == input text,simpleAssign,20
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,some text = input('Type in some words: '),simpleAssign,20
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,some text = input(Type in some words: ),simpleAssign,21
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,expecting: message == input text,simpleAssign,23
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"Python, using the = sign. So, you would assign a value to a variable by typing the following:",simpleAssign,28
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,variable = value,simpleAssign,28
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,number = 0,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,roll width = 1.4,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,price per metre = 5,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,trace = False,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total price = roll width * price per metre,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,eggs = 2,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,butter = 0.5oz,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,salt = pinch,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,pepper = pinch,simpleAssign,29
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,b = 3,simpleAssign,30
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,trace = False,simpleAssign,30
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,information = None,simpleAssign,31
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,variable = input('Type something in: '),simpleAssign,34
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"version

  = 0.1",simpleAssign,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,Name = input('What is your Name? '),simpleAssign,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,Desc = input('Describe yourself: '),simpleAssign,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,Gender = input('What Gender are you? (male / female / unsure): '),simpleAssign,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,Race = input('What fantasy Race are you? - (Pixie / Vulcan / Gelfling / Troll): '),simpleAssign,36
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"The one new thing I’ve added is the line version

  = 0.1 at the beginning. This is a magic",simpleAssign,37
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,muscle = 10,simpleAssign,37
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,brainz = 4,simpleAssign,37
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,beauty = True,simpleAssign,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,illusion = False,simpleAssign,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,brainz = 7 - 3,simpleAssign,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,speed = 5 * -4,simpleAssign,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"happen? Surely 5 + 4 = 9, multiplied by –20 would give –180? But no, what happens here is this:",simpleAssign,38
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,muscle = 2.9,simpleAssign,40
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,speed = 0.0,simpleAssign,40
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,octal number = 0o12,simpleAssign,41
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,hexadecimal number = 0xFC6,simpleAssign,41
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"7  








 2037 (decimal)",simpleAssign,41
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"5 








 2037 (decimal)",simpleAssign,42
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,permissions = 0o755,simpleAssign,42
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,gold = 0xFFCC00,simpleAssign,42
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"version

  = 0.1",simpleAssign,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,roll width = 140,simpleAssign,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,price per metre = 5,simpleAssign,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,window height = input('Enter the height of the window (cm): '),simpleAssign,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,window width = input('Enter the width of the window (cm): '),simpleAssign,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,widths = curtain width / roll width,simpleAssign,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total length = curtain length * widths,simpleAssign,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,price = total length * price per metre,simpleAssign,44
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,7.65 != 6.0,simpleAssign,50
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,5 >= 5,simpleAssign,50
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,3.2 != 3.2,simpleAssign,50
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,variable = 3.0,simpleAssign,50
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,variable == 3,simpleAssign,50
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"len(""case"") == len(""Case"")",simpleAssign,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"len(""Same"") != len(""Same"")",simpleAssign,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,is emo = True,simpleAssign,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,is country = False,simpleAssign,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,is techno = False,simpleAssign,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,is CD = True,simpleAssign,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,is DVD = False,simpleAssign,52
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,is cool = not is techno and not is country and not is emo,simpleAssign,53
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"height, length = length, height",simpleAssign,54
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,x = y = z = 1,simpleAssign,54
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"x<y, x<=y, x>y, x>=y, x==y, and x!=y Makes comparisons",simpleAssign,55
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,elif condition != True:,simpleAssign,55
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,It is not usually considered good style to explicitly state condition == True; if whatever condition is,simpleAssign,56
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,widths = curtain width / roll width,simpleAssign,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total length = curtain length * widths,simpleAssign,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,price = total length * price per metre,simpleAssign,59
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,price = total length * price per metre,simpleAssign,60
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total length = curtain width,simpleAssign,61
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total length = curtain length,simpleAssign,61
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,widths = int(curtain width/roll width),simpleAssign,61
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,extra material = curtain width%roll width,simpleAssign,61
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"Prototype"" 

  = 0.2",simpleAssign,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,roll width = 140,simpleAssign,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,price per metre = 5,simpleAssign,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,window height = input('Enter the height of the window (cm): '),simpleAssign,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,window width = input('Enter the width of the window (cm): '),simpleAssign,62
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,widths = int(curtain width/roll width),simpleAssign,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,extra material = curtain width%roll width,simpleAssign,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,price = total length * price per metre,simpleAssign,63
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result = 1,simpleAssign,65
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result *= 2,simpleAssign,65
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"Recall that result *= 2 is the same as result = result*2, so the number printed is doubled during",simpleAssign,65
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"input number. While it is positive (i.e., >= 0) the loop processes as normal, but as soon as a negative",simpleAssign,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,counter = 0,simpleAssign,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total = 0,simpleAssign,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,number = 0,simpleAssign,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"number = int(input(""Enter a positive number\nor a negative to exit: ""))",simpleAssign,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,average = total / counter,simpleAssign,66
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"this input = int(raw input(""#? :-> ""))",simpleAssign,67
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,counter = 0,simpleAssign,68
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,sum = 0,simpleAssign,68
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"text = input(""Type in some words: "")",simpleAssign,70
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"arithmetic = and comparison symbols> including, dubious? email@addresses and",simpleAssign,70
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,space flag = True,simpleAssign,71
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,space flag = False,simpleAssign,71
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if space flag = False,simpleAssign,71
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,space flag = True,simpleAssign,71
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,space flag = False,simpleAssign,71
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,space flag = True,simpleAssign,71
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"arithmetic = and comparison symbols> including, dubious? email@addresses and",simpleAssign,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"input string = input(""Enter a text string: "")",simpleAssign,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,space flagged = False,simpleAssign,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,space flagged = False,simpleAssign,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,space flagged = True,simpleAssign,72
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"I Note list alias = sequence does not make a copy of the list. Instead, list alias and sequence are the",simpleAssign,77
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"list alias, you will see the change in sequence as well. If you do new sequence = sequence[:], then",simpleAssign,77
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"vegetables = vegetables.split("", "")",simpleAssign,78
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"In other words, it counts each item where x == item is true.",simpleAssign,78
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,vegetables == fruits,simpleAssign,79
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"blah1, blah2, blah3 = t",simpleAssign,80
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,New values can be assigned to list items using the assignment operator sequence[i] = x.,simpleAssign,80
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,You can replace a slice of your list with another sequence using list[i:j:step] = sequence.,simpleAssign,80
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"a = set(['apples', 'oranges', 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'])",simpleAssign,85
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"b = set(['avocados', 'mangos', 'apples', 'grapes', 'mangos'])",simpleAssign,85
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,access its corresponding value in the dictionary: dictionary[key] = value. Don’t forget to enclose the,simpleAssign,86
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"a blank copy of a dictionary using the dict.fromkeys(iterable, value=None) method.",simpleAssign,88
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,new profile = profile.fromkeys(profile),simpleAssign,88
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"armour types = set(['shield','cuirass','armour'])",simpleAssign,93
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,trace = False,simpleAssign,93
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,max players = 2,simpleAssign,93
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['life'] = life,simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"life = random.randint(9,99)",simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['magic'] = magic,simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"magic = random.randint(9,99)",simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['prot'] = prot,simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"prot = random.randint(9,99)",simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['gold'] = gold,simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"gold = random.randint(9,99)",simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,purchase = input('Would you like to buy some equipment? '),simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"purchase = input('Please choose an item or type ""done"" to quit. ')",simpleAssign,95
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if stock[purchase][0] <= profile['gold']:,simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['gold'] -= stock[purchase][0],simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"weapon = input(""Then choose your weapon: "")",simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,weapon = weapon.lower(),simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['weapon'] = stock[weapon],simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['armour'] = stock[armour type],simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,vel max = 23,simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,vel min = 1,simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dam max = 23,simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target = int(not bool(attacker)),simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,life left = players[target]['life'],simpleAssign,96
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack speed = players[attacker]['Speed'],simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,weapon speed = players[attacker]['weapon'][2],simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"attack chance = random.randint(1,players[attacker]['Brainz'])",simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target prot = players[target]['prot'],simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,armour speed = players[target]['armour'][2],simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,vel max = velocity,simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,hit type = int(7 * velocity / vel max),simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,hit type = 7,simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,vel min = velocity,simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss type = int(velocity / vel max),simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss type = 7,simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack strength = players[attacker]['Muscle'],simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,weapon damage = players[attacker]['weapon'][1],simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target strength = players[target]['Muscle'],simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,armour strength = players[target]['armour'][1],simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"target chance = random.randint(9,players[target]['Brainz'])",simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,potential damage = 2,simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"damage = random.randint(1,potential damage)",simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dam max = damage,simpleAssign,97
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,damage type = int(7 * damage/dam max),simpleAssign,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,damage type = 7,simpleAssign,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,change type = int(5 * damage/life left),simpleAssign,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,change type = 7,simpleAssign,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,players[target]['life'] -= damage,simpleAssign,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if players[target]['life'] <= 0:,simpleAssign,98
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result = 0,simpleAssign,102
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"muscle = roll(33,3)",simpleAssign,103
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"roll(dice = 3, sides = 33)",simpleAssign,103
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"collect kwargs(one = 1, two = 2, three = 3)",simpleAssign,104
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"collect args(486, 648, 432, 512, 576, 682, 768, first = 729, second = 546, third  
 = 819)",simpleAssign,104
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,fred = 1,simpleAssign,105
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,pete = 2,simpleAssign,105
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dave = 0,simpleAssign,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,fred = 1,simpleAssign,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,pete = 2,simpleAssign,106
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,fred = 1,simpleAssign,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,pete = 2,simpleAssign,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,fred = dave,simpleAssign,107
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,you had written local list = global list. Please review Chapter 5 if you’ve forgotten how this works.,simpleAssign,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result = modify list(global list),simpleAssign,108
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result = 0,simpleAssign,109
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,I then replaced the copied section of code from the main section with profile = generate rpc().,simpleAssign,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile = generate_rpc(),simpleAssign,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,shopping = buy equipment(),simpleAssign,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"purchase = input('Please choose an item or type ""done"" to quit. ')",simpleAssign,110
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['armour'] = stock[armour type],simpleAssign,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['armour'] = armour stats[0],simpleAssign,111
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,handbag = join with and(profile['inventory']),simpleAssign,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,last item = sequence[-1],simpleAssign,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = phrase.replace('themself','herself')",simpleAssign,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = phrase.replace('themself','himself')",simpleAssign,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = phrase.replace('themself','itself')",simpleAssign,112
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,opponents = list(sides[:]),simpleAssign,113
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target = int(not bool(attacker)),simpleAssign,114
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"matches = ziply(range(0,len(players)))",simpleAssign,114
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"armour types = set(['shield','cuirass','armour'])",simpleAssign,115
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,trace = False,simpleAssign,115
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,reply = input('How many players?: ') or 2,simpleAssign,115
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,max players = int(reply),simpleAssign,115
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result = 0,simpleAssign,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,opponents = list(seq[:]),simpleAssign,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,last item = sequence[-1],simpleAssign,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,sentence = sequence[0],simpleAssign,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = phrase.replace('themself','herself')",simpleAssign,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = phrase.replace('themself','himself')",simpleAssign,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"sentence = phrase.replace('themself','itself')",simpleAssign,116
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,name = input('What is your name? '),simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,desc = input('Describe yourself: '),simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,gender = input('What Gender are you? (male/female/unsure): '),simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,race = input('What Race are you? - (Pixie/Vulcan/Gelfling/Troll): '),simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['Name'] = name.capitalize(),simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['Desc'] = desc.capitalize(),simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,gender = gender.lower(),simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,race = race.capitalize(),simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['Muscle'] = roll(33,3)",simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['Brainz'] = roll(33,3)",simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['Speed'] = roll(33,3)",simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['Charm'] = roll(33,3)",simpleAssign,117
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"gold = roll(40,4)",simpleAssign,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['life'] = life,simpleAssign,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['life'] = roll(33,3)",simpleAssign,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['magic'] = magic,simpleAssign,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['magic'] = roll(33,3)",simpleAssign,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['prot'] = prot,simpleAssign,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"profile['prot'] = roll(33,3)",simpleAssign,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['gold'] = gold,simpleAssign,118
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"purchase = input('Please choose an item or type ""done"" to quit. ')",simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if stock[purchase][0] <= profile['gold']:,simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile['gold'] -= stock[purchase][0],simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack speed = players[attacker]['Speed'],simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,weapon speed = players[attacker]['weapon'][2],simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack chance = roll(players[attacker]['Brainz']),simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target prot = players[target]['prot'],simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,armour speed = players[target]['armour'][2],simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack strength = players[attacker]['Muscle'],simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,weapon damage = players[attacker]['weapon'][1],simpleAssign,119
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target strength = players[target]['Muscle'],simpleAssign,120
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,armour strength = players[target]['armour'][1],simpleAssign,120
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target chance = roll(players[target]['Brainz']),simpleAssign,120
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,potential damage = 2,simpleAssign,120
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"damage = random.randint(1,potential damage)",simpleAssign,120
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,vel max = 23,simpleAssign,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,vel min = 1,simpleAssign,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dam max = 23,simpleAssign,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,vel min = velocity,simpleAssign,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss type = int(velocity / vel max),simpleAssign,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss type = 7,simpleAssign,121
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"damage, potential damage = calc damage(attacker, target, velocity)",simpleAssign,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dam max = damage,simpleAssign,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,damage type = int(7 * damage/dam max),simpleAssign,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,damage type = 7,simpleAssign,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,change type = int(5 * damage/life left),simpleAssign,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,change type = 7,simpleAssign,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,players[target]['life'] -= damage,simpleAssign,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if players[target]['life'] <= 0:,simpleAssign,122
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,a = 1,simpleAssign,127
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,b = 2.37,simpleAssign,127
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"ab = sep.join([str(a),str(b)])",simpleAssign,128
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,x = s3.lower(),simpleAssign,129
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,regex object = re.compile(pattern),simpleAssign,139
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,input filename = eval(input('Enter a filename:-> ')),simpleAssign,145
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"output filename = input filename.replace('.txt', '.html')",simpleAssign,145
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,title = input filename.split('/'),simpleAssign,145
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,title = title[-1].rstrip('.txt').title(),simpleAssign,145
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"text = re.sub('[Aa]sh.*?[Pp](etl|etal)', '<b>Cinderella</b>', text)",simpleAssign,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"text = re.sub('([\]\"".:?!-])\n', '\\1</p>\n<p>', text)",simpleAssign,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"text = re.sub('([a-z,;])\n', '\\1<br />\n', text)",simpleAssign,146
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"Now = time.strftime(""%d-%m-%Y"")",simpleAssign,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"status format = re.compile(""[\""'](Prototype|Alpha|Beta|RC|Stable)[\""']"")",simpleAssign,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"date format = re.compile(""[\""'][0-3][0-9]-[01][0-9]-[0-9]{4}[\""']"")",simpleAssign,149
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,filename = input('Python script to be checked:-> '),simpleAssign,150
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,filename = get file(),simpleAssign,150
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,spellbook['file'] = filename,simpleAssign,150
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"if line no == 0 and line != ""#! /usr/bin/env python\n"":",simpleAssign,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"if line no == 1 and line != ""# -*- coding: UTF8 -*-\n"":",simpleAssign,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"label, value = line.split(' = ')",simpleAssign,151
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,task = todo format.match(line),simpleAssign,152
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"label, desc = task.groups(1)",simpleAssign,152
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,spellbook['date'] = Now,simpleAssign,152
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,spellbook['author'] = spellbook['maintainer'],simpleAssign,152
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,player = eval(line),simpleAssign,158
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"are 'magic' objects, which should only be used as documented. 

  = 0.1",simpleAssign,167
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"a, b, c = 0, 1, 2",simpleAssign,168
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"x, y ,z = 0.5, 1.65, 2.42",simpleAssign,168
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result = naming conventions(),simpleAssign,169
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,results = main func(),simpleAssign,169
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"now = time.strftime(""%Y-%m-%d"") # the time function yields system time, date, etc.",simpleAssign,171
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,arguments = get args(),simpleAssign,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,data = get input(),simpleAssign,172
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,t=3,simpleAssign,173
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"result=eval(""t > 5"") # 3 is not greater than 5",simpleAssign,173
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"now = time.strftime(""%A %d %B %Y"")",simpleAssign,174
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"now = time.strftime(""%A %d %B %Y"")",simpleAssign,177
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,177
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"name = form.getvalue('name', 'new user')",simpleAssign,177
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,person1 = Person() #create instance of class,simpleAssign,182
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,player1 = Player(),simpleAssign,183
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,player1 = Player(),simpleAssign,184
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,player2 = Player(),simpleAssign,184
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"and == with your custom classes, and you can replicate the behavior of other existing types, such as",simpleAssign,184
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"binding. This is what happens when you first assign a value to a variable using the = operator, or when",simpleAssign,185
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,gender = gender.lower(),simpleAssign,186
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,race = race.capitalize(),simpleAssign,187
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,name = input('What is your name? '),simpleAssign,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,desc = input('Describe yourself: '),simpleAssign,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,gender = input('What Gender are you? (male/female/unsure): '),simpleAssign,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,race = input('What Race are you? - (Pixie/Vulcan/Gelfling/Troll): '),simpleAssign,188
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,player1 = Player(),simpleAssign,189
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,price = 0,simpleAssign,189
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,strength = 0,simpleAssign,189
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,speed = 0,simpleAssign,189
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,box = Thing(),simpleAssign,189
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,axe = Weapon(),simpleAssign,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,axe.price = 75,simpleAssign,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,axe.strength = 60,simpleAssign,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,axe.speed = 50,simpleAssign,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,axe = Weapon(),simpleAssign,190
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,axe = Weapon(),simpleAssign,191
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,box = Thing(),simpleAssign,191
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"box = Thing(0, 0, 0)",simpleAssign,192
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"axe = Weapon(75, 60, 50)",simpleAssign,193
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,number of items contained within the object expressed as an integer >= 0. This integer is,simpleAssign,194
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,names = vars(self),simpleAssign,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,item = names[key],simpleAssign,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,item = 0,simpleAssign,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,key] = value,simpleAssign,195
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,name = name.capitalize() #double underscores in front,simpleAssign,196
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"name = property(getName, setName)",simpleAssign,196
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,player1 = Player(),simpleAssign,196
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self <= other,simpleAssign,197
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self == other,simpleAssign,197
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self != other,simpleAssign,197
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self >= other,simpleAssign,197
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,I Note There are no implied relationships among the comparison operators. The truth of x==y does not imply that,simpleAssign,198
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"x!=y is False. Therefore, you need to define all of these methods so that all forms of comparison work correctly.",simpleAssign,198
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"comparison is not defined. It should return a negative integer if self < other, zero if self == 
 other, and a positive integer if self > other.",simpleAssign,198
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self -= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self *= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self /= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self /= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self //= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self %= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self **= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self <<= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self >>= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self &= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self ^= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,self |= other,simpleAssign,199
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"CHAPTER 9 I CLASSES 

  = 0.6",simpleAssign,202
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,trace on = False,simpleAssign,202
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,drag = 23,simpleAssign,202
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"armour types = set(['shield','cuirass','armour'])",simpleAssign,202
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"name = property(getName, setName)",simpleAssign,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"desc = property(getDesc, setDesc)",simpleAssign,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,gender = gender.lower(),simpleAssign,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"gender = property(getGender, setGender)",simpleAssign,203
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,race = race.capitalize(),simpleAssign,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"race = property(getRace, setRace)",simpleAssign,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,strength = property(getStrength),simpleAssign,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,brainz = property(getBrainz),simpleAssign,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,speed = property(getSpeed),simpleAssign,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,charm = property(getCharm),simpleAssign,204
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"life = property(getLife, setLife)",simpleAssign,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"magic = property(getMagic, setMagic)",simpleAssign,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"prot = property(getProt, setProt)",simpleAssign,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"gold = property(getGold, setGold)",simpleAssign,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,text = join with and(flatlist),simpleAssign,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"inventory = property(getInv, setInv)",simpleAssign,205
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,name = input('What is your name? '),simpleAssign,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,desc = input('Describe yourself: '),simpleAssign,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,gender = input('What Gender are you? (male/female/unsure): '),simpleAssign,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,race = input('Race? (Pixie/Vulcan/Gelfling/Troll): '),simpleAssign,206
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,handbag = join with and(self.inventory),simpleAssign,207
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,key] = value,simpleAssign,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,names = vars(self),simpleAssign,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,item = names[key],simpleAssign,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners, == purchase.capitalize()],simpleAssign,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,elif 0 < items[0].gold <=,simpleAssign,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,item = items[0],simpleAssign,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,weapon = self.weapon,simpleAssign,208
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,armour = target.armour,simpleAssign,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack chance = roll(99),simpleAssign,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,strength = property(getStrength),simpleAssign,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,speed = property(getSpeed),simpleAssign,209
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,names = vars(self),simpleAssign,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,item = names[key],simpleAssign,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,item = 0,simpleAssign,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"self, name = 'Somewhere', store = {}): 

  = store",simpleAssign,210
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,here = self,simpleAssign,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,me = player,simpleAssign,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,command list = command.split(),simpleAssign,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,command = self.commands[command list[0]],simpleAssign,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,command = command.format(' '.\,simpleAssign,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"join(command list[1:]),target = player)",simpleAssign,211
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"command = command.format('self', \",simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target = player),simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"command = input("":-> "")",simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,attack strength = int(attacker.strength),simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,weapon damage = int(attacker['weapon'].strength),simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target strength = int(target.strength),simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,armour strength = int(target['armour'].strength),simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,target chance = roll(int(target.brainz) * 3),simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,potential damage = int((attack damage - target defence) * 0.3),simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,potential damage = 2,simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"damage = random.randint(1,potential damage)",simpleAssign,212
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,life left =,simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,velocity = attacker.strike(target),simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,size = len(hits) - 1,simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,hit type = int(size * velocity / self. vel max),simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,hit type = size,simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,size = len(misses) - 1,simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss type = int(size * velocity / self. vel max),simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss type = roll(7),simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss type = roll(7) - 1,simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"damage, potential damage = self.damage(attacker, target, velocity)",simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,size = len(damage report) - 1,simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,damage type = int(size * damage / self. dam max),simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,damage type = size,simpleAssign,213
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,damage type = 0,simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,size = len(life changing) - 1,simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,change type = int(size * damage / life left),simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,change type = size,simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,change type = 0,simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"output = fix gender(attacker.gender, outstring)",simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners, -= damage,simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if <= 0:,simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss counter = 0,simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"matches = ziply(list(range(0,len(players))))",simpleAssign,214
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"winner = self.resolve conflict(players[attack],\",simpleAssign,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if winner == False:,simpleAssign,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,miss counter = 0,simpleAssign,215
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,last item = sequence[-1],simpleAssign,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,sentence = sequence[0],simpleAssign,216
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,result = 0,simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,opponents = list(seq[:]),simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('them','her')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('their','her')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('themself','herself')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('them','him')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('their','his')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('themself','himself')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('them','it')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('their','its')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"phrase = phrase.replace('themself','itself')",simpleAssign,217
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,player = eval(line),simpleAssign,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,reply = input('How many players?: ') or 2,simpleAssign,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,max players = int(reply),simpleAssign,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,arena = Location('Main Arena'),simpleAssign,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,shop = Shop('The Emporium'),simpleAssign,218
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,players = players[:max players],simpleAssign,219
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,profile = Player(),simpleAssign,219
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,arena.inventory = players,simpleAssign,219
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"r = dangerous method(a, b, c)",simpleAssign,222
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"r = something else(a, b, c)",simpleAssign,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"r = something else again(a, b, c)",simpleAssign,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,Safe 3 / 2 = 1.5,simpleAssign,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,Unsafe 3 / 2 = 1.5,simpleAssign,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,Safe 3 / 0 = 1e16,simpleAssign,223
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total = 0,simpleAssign,227
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,stub = strip punctuation(str),simpleAssign,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,stub = strip punctuation(str),simpleAssign,242
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,choice = random.random(),simpleAssign,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if choice <= weightings[0]:,simpleAssign,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,text = piratify(text),simpleAssign,243
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"foo = 

Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"foo = 

Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,config = True,simpleAssign,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,config = val,simpleAssign,246
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,total = 0,simpleAssign,256
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,cost = float(row[1]) * float(row[2]),simpleAssign,256
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"time obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(guess, ""%d %b %Y, %H:%M"")",simpleAssign,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,interval = datetime.timedelta(5),simpleAssign,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,day =,simpleAssign,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,day -= interval,simpleAssign,257
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(text),simpleAssign,258
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,""" 

  = 0.1",simpleAssign,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,frame = Tkinter.Frame(master),simpleAssign,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,command=self.say hi),simpleAssign,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,command=frame.quit),simpleAssign,262
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,root = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,263
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,app = HelloTk(root),simpleAssign,263
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,""" 

  = 0.1",simpleAssign,265
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,hello = HelloGtk(),simpleAssign,266
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,with treeview1 using the treeview1.set model(model=self.liststore) method.,simpleAssign,271
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,command = eval(command ref),simpleAssign,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"weight=700, scale=pango.SCALE LARGE)",simpleAssign,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,place = self.textbuffer.get start iter(),simpleAssign,275
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,iter0 = self.textbuffer.get iter at line(0),simpleAssign,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,iter1 = self.textbuffer.get iter at line(1),simpleAssign,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title='Save Multimedia Info to file',",simpleAssign,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"action=gtk.FILE CHOOSER ACTION SAVE,",simpleAssign,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,response =,simpleAssign,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,outfile name = dialog.get filename(),simpleAssign,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,if response == gtk.RESPONSE OK:,simpleAssign,276
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"weight=700, scale=pango.SCALE LARGE)",simpleAssign,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,place = self.textbuffer.get start iter(),simpleAssign,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"icon = eval("" image"")",simpleAssign,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,iter0 = self.textbuffer.get iter at line(0),simpleAssign,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,iter1 = self.textbuffer.get iter at line(1),simpleAssign,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,elif response == gtk.RESPONSE CANCEL:,simpleAssign,277
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,logo = self.icon,simpleAssign,278
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,dialog = gtk.AboutDialog(),simpleAssign,278
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,response =,simpleAssign,278
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,application = GtkInfo(),simpleAssign,279
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"domain=app name, **kwargs):",simpleAssign,280
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"path = os.path.join(glade dir, path)",simpleAssign,280
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,window1 = Window1(),simpleAssign,281
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners,"dict.fromkeys(iterable, value=None)",simpleAssign,285
Python Projects for Kids,"while loop. At the bottom of the code, we will simply write this:",whilesimple,52
Python Projects for Kids,while calc_on == 1:,whilesimple,52
Python Projects for Kids,while game_on:,whilesimple,63
Python Projects for Kids,while game_on:,whilesimple,64
Python Projects for Kids,while gameOn == 'true':,whilesimple,65
Python Projects for Kids,"while loop back in Chapters 4, Making Decisions:",whilesimple,106
Python Projects for Kids,while game_on:,whilesimple,106
Python Projects for Kids,while game_on:,whilesimple,106
Python Projects for Kids,while loop:,whilesimple,124
Python Projects for Kids,while loop to line 17 of the file:,whilesimple,125
Python Projects for Kids,while True:,whilesimple,125
Python Projects for Kids,while do_main:,whilesimple,142
Python Projects for Kids,while loop:,whilesimple,142
Python Projects for Kids,while loop:,whilesimple,151
Python Projects for Kids,while loop stops running:,whilesimple,152
Python Projects for Kids,"numbers = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}",simpleDict,86
Python Projects for Kids,"items = {'arrows' : 200, 'rocks' : 25, 'food' : 15, 'lives' : 2}",simpleDict,87
Python Projects for Kids,import the,importfunc,61
Python Projects for Kids,import a,importfunc,61
Python Projects for Kids,import statement,importfunc,61
Python Projects for Kids,import random,importfunc,61
Python Projects for Kids,import pygame,importfunc,117
Python Projects for Kids,import pygame,importfunc,119
Python Projects for Kids,import pygame,importfunc,120
Python Projects for Kids,import the,importfunc,120
Python Projects for Kids,import pygame,importfunc,120
Python Projects for Kids,import and,importfunc,129
Python Projects for Kids,import the,importfunc,133
Python Projects for Kids,import pygame,importfunc,133
Python Projects for Kids,import random,importfunc,133
Python Projects for Kids,import time,importfunc,133
Python Projects for Kids,"players[i][""score""] += 1",assignIncrement,108
Python Projects for Kids,"You will notice a new symbol, +=. The += symbol is a shortcut that lets us take a",assignIncrement,108
Python Projects for Kids,"player backpack, then the new score for the first player is score += 1. You will",assignIncrement,108
Python Projects for Kids,"zero in the dictionary. Now, we are updating that score to be score += 1. Each time",assignIncrement,108
Python Projects for Kids,You will notice the -= and += symbols in this code. These symbols are used as,assignIncrement,145
Python Projects for Kids,pressed. Both the -= and += symbols are very important for setting the proper paddle,assignIncrement,145
Python Projects for Kids,ball_x += ball_xv,assignIncrement,146
Python Projects for Kids,ball_y += ball_yv,assignIncrement,146
Python Projects for Kids,player1_score += 1,assignIncrement,150
Python Projects for Kids,"range(1, 11)",rangefunc,54
Python Projects for Kids,range(),rangefunc,54
Python Projects for Kids,range(),rangefunc,54
Python Projects for Kids,"range(0,100))",rangefunc,63
Python Projects for Kids,range(),rangefunc,100
Python Projects for Kids,range(),rangefunc,100
Python Projects for Kids,range(2),rangefunc,103
Python Projects for Kids,range(2),rangefunc,103
Python Projects for Kids,range(4),rangefunc,103
Python Projects for Kids,range(2),rangefunc,106
Python Projects for Kids,def addition():,simplefunc,20
Python Projects for Kids,def addition():,simplefunc,21
Python Projects for Kids,def name():,simplefunc,25
Python Projects for Kids,def name():,simplefunc,25
Python Projects for Kids,def name():,simplefunc,25
Python Projects for Kids,def name():,simplefunc,26
Python Projects for Kids,def name():,simplefunc,26
Python Projects for Kids,def addition():,simplefunc,33
Python Projects for Kids,def addition():,simplefunc,36
Python Projects for Kids,def subtraction():,simplefunc,38
Python Projects for Kids,def multiplication():,simplefunc,39
Python Projects for Kids,def division():,simplefunc,39
Python Projects for Kids,def modulo():,simplefunc,41
Python Projects for Kids,def calc_run():,simplefunc,47
Python Projects for Kids,def calc_run():,simplefunc,47
Python Projects for Kids,def calc_run():,simplefunc,49
Python Projects for Kids,def quit():,simplefunc,51
Python Projects for Kids,def calc_run():,simplefunc,51
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_easy():,simplefunc,63
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_easy():,simplefunc,63
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_easy():,simplefunc,63
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_easy():,simplefunc,64
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_easy():,simplefunc,65
Python Projects for Kids,def start_game():,simplefunc,67
Python Projects for Kids,def start_game():,simplefunc,67
Python Projects for Kids,def start_game():,simplefunc,67
Python Projects for Kids,def start_game():,simplefunc,68
Python Projects for Kids,def play_again():,simplefunc,69
Python Projects for Kids,def play_again():,simplefunc,69
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_hard():,simplefunc,71
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_hard():,simplefunc,71
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_hard():,simplefunc,72
Python Projects for Kids,def difficulty_level_hard():,simplefunc,73
Python Projects for Kids,"return to our example of the addition function in Chapter 2, Variables, Functions,",return,32
Python Projects for Kids,return the remainder. Why is this even,return,40
Python Projects for Kids,return a message to,return,49
Python Projects for Kids,return the value of arrows:,return,87
Python Projects for Kids,return to and start again.,return,154
Python Projects for Kids,if you like:,simpleif,25
Python Projects for Kids,if it matches up:,simpleif,39
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'add':
Python Projects for Kids,if to give the user choices for each mathematical operation:,simpleif,47
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'add':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'subtract':
Python Projects for Kids,if op == 'multiply':,simpleif,47
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'divide':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'modulo':
Python Projects for Kids,"if they do NOT choose add, subtract, multiply, divide, or modulo:",simpleif,49
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'add':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'subtract':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'multiply':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'divide':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'modulo':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'add':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'subtract':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'multiply':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'divide':
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'modulo':
Python Projects for Kids,if for ten to your control flow of if/elif/else:,simpleif,55
Python Projects for Kids,"if op == 'ten':
Python Projects for Kids,"if guess > secret:
  print('your guess is too high. Try again.')",simpleif,65
Python Projects for Kids,"if guess < secret:
  print('your guess is too low. Try again.')",simpleif,65
Python Projects for Kids,"if level == 'easy':
Python Projects for Kids,"if level == 'hard':
Python Projects for Kids,"if level == 'quit':
  game_on = False",simpleif,68
Python Projects for Kids,"if play == 'Yes':
Python Projects for Kids,"if i == 2:
  print('Game over. Too many guesses.')",simpleif,73
Python Projects for Kids,"if guess > secret:
  print('your guess is too high. Try again.')",simpleif,73
Python Projects for Kids,"if guess < secret:
  print('your guess is too low. Try again.')",simpleif,73
Python Projects for Kids,if it is not installed already:,simpleif,120
Python Projects for Kids,"if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
  do_main = False",simpleif,143
Python Projects for Kids,"if pressed[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
  do_main = False",simpleif,144
Python Projects for Kids,"if pressed[pygame.K_w]:
  paddle1_y -= 5",simpleif,144
Python Projects for Kids,"if pressed[pygame.K_s]:
  paddle1_y += 5",simpleif,144
Python Projects for Kids,"if pressed[pygame.K_UP]:
  paddle2_y -= 5",simpleif,144
Python Projects for Kids,"if pressed[pygame.K_DOWN]:
  paddle2_y += 5",simpleif,144
Python Projects for Kids,"if ball_y - ball_r <= 0 or ball_y + ball_r >= screen_height:
  ball_yv *= -1",simpleif,146
Python Projects for Kids,"if paddle1_y < 0:
  paddle1_y = 0",simpleif,147
Python Projects for Kids,"if paddle1_y + paddle1_h > screen_height:
  paddle1_y = screen_height - paddle1_h",simpleif,148
Python Projects for Kids,"if paddle2_y < 0:
  paddle2_y = 0",simpleif,148
Python Projects for Kids,"if paddle2_y + paddle2_h > screen_height:
  paddle2_y = screen_height - paddle2_h",simpleif,148
Python Projects for Kids,"if ball_x <= 0:
  player2_score += 1",simpleif,150
Python Projects for Kids,"print(""Hello, world!"")",printfunc,7
Python Projects for Kids,print(),printfunc,11
Python Projects for Kids,print(name) or print(height),printfunc,14
Python Projects for Kids,print(first_number + second_number),printfunc,15
Python Projects for Kids,print(first_number + second_number),printfunc,16
Python Projects for Kids,print(first_number + second_number),printfunc,17
Python Projects for Kids,print(first_number + second_number),printfunc,18
Python Projects for Kids,print(first_number + second_number),printfunc,20
Python Projects for Kids,print(first_number + second_number),printfunc,21
Python Projects for Kids,print(name),printfunc,22
Python Projects for Kids,"print('So nice to meet you, ' + first_name)",printfunc,26
Python Projects for Kids,"print('So nice to meet you, ' + first_name)",printfunc,26
Python Projects for Kids,"print('So nice to meet you, ' + first_name)",printfunc,26
Python Projects for Kids,print(first + second),printfunc,33
Python Projects for Kids,print(a),printfunc,34
Python Projects for Kids,print(b),printfunc,34
Python Projects for Kids,print(a),printfunc,35
Python Projects for Kids,print(b),printfunc,35
Python Projects for Kids,print(first + second),printfunc,36
Python Projects for Kids,print(first - second),printfunc,38
Python Projects for Kids,print(first * second),printfunc,39
Python Projects for Kids,print(first / second),printfunc,39
Python Projects for Kids,print(first % second),printfunc,41
Python Projects for Kids,print('Thank you. Goodbye'),printfunc,49
Python Projects for Kids,print(1),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(2),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(3),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(4),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(5),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(6),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(7),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(8),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(9),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(10),printfunc,53
Python Projects for Kids,print(n),printfunc,54
Python Projects for Kids,print(number),printfunc,55
Python Projects for Kids,print('You win!'),printfunc,65
Python Projects for Kids,print('You win!'),printfunc,73
Python Projects for Kids,print(fruit[0]),printfunc,81
Python Projects for Kids,print(fruit[3]),printfunc,82
Python Projects for Kids,print(fruit),printfunc,83
Python Projects for Kids,print(fruit),printfunc,84
Python Projects for Kids,print('I see ' + color + '.'),printfunc,85
Python Projects for Kids,print(items),printfunc,87
Python Projects for Kids,print(items['arrows']),printfunc,87
Python Projects for Kids,print(items),printfunc,89
Python Projects for Kids,print(items),printfunc,90
Python Projects for Kids,print(items),printfunc,90
Python Projects for Kids,print(items),printfunc,90
Python Projects for Kids,"black = (0, 0, 0)",simpleTuple,122
Python Projects for Kids,"white = (255, 255, 255)",simpleTuple,122
Python Projects for Kids,"red = (255, 0, 0)",simpleTuple,122
Python Projects for Kids,"green = (0, 255, 0)",simpleTuple,122
Python Projects for Kids,"blue = (0, 0, 255)",simpleTuple,122
Python Projects for Kids,"red = (255, 0, 0)",simpleTuple,134
Python Projects for Kids,"orange = (255, 127, 0)",simpleTuple,134
Python Projects for Kids,"yellow = (255, 255, 0)",simpleTuple,134
Python Projects for Kids,"blue = (0, 0, 255)",simpleTuple,134
Python Projects for Kids,"violet = (127, 0, 255)",simpleTuple,134
Python Projects for Kids,"brown = (102, 51, 0)",simpleTuple,134
Python Projects for Kids,"black = (0, 0, 0)",simpleTuple,134
Python Projects for Kids,"white = (255, 255, 255)",simpleTuple,134
Python Projects for Kids,"fruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'kiwi', 'dragonfruit']",simpleList,80
Python Projects for Kids,"years = [2012, 2013, 2014, 2015]",simpleList,80
Python Projects for Kids,"students_in_class = [30, 22, 28, 33]",simpleList,80
Python Projects for Kids,"colors = ['green', 'yellow', 'red']",simpleList,85
Python Projects for Kids,players = [],simpleList,98
Python Projects for Kids,"for n in range(1, 11):",forsimple,54
Python Projects for Kids,"for number in range(1, 11):",forsimple,55
Python Projects for Kids,for i in range(guesses):,forsimple,72
Python Projects for Kids,"for i in range(guesses), we are really saying this:",forsimple,72
Python Projects for Kids,for loop in our difficulty_level_hard() function:,forsimple,73
Python Projects for Kids,for i in range(guesses):,forsimple,73
Python Projects for Kids,for loop in your Python shell:,forsimple,85
Python Projects for Kids,for color in colors:,forsimple,85
Python Projects for Kids,for this behavior in pygame:,forsimple,141
Python Projects for Kids,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,143
Python Projects for Kids,other_player = players[(i+1) % 2],assignwithSum,107
Python Projects for Kids,"score_text = font.render(str(player1_score) + "" "" + str(player2_",assignwithSum,152
Python Projects for Kids,and-64-bit-windows#1TC=windows-7.,simpleAssign,5
Python Projects for Kids,"128 cm, tall. I will say height_inches = 64 or height_centimeters = 128. The",simpleAssign,13
Python Projects for Kids,first_number = 10,simpleAssign,16
Python Projects for Kids,second_number = 20,simpleAssign,16
Python Projects for Kids,first_number = 10.3,simpleAssign,17
Python Projects for Kids,second_number = 20.3,simpleAssign,17
Python Projects for Kids,second_number = 20,simpleAssign,18
Python Projects for Kids,html?highlight=built%20functions#.,simpleAssign,20
Python Projects for Kids,first_number = 30,simpleAssign,20
Python Projects for Kids,second_number = 60,simpleAssign,20
Python Projects for Kids,first_number = 30,simpleAssign,21
Python Projects for Kids,second_number = 60,simpleAssign,21
Python Projects for Kids,name = raw_input('What is your name?'),simpleAssign,22
Python Projects for Kids,"first_name =

 The first_name variable will store the answer to the question, What is your first",simpleAssign,25
Python Projects for Kids,first_name = input('What is your first name?'),simpleAssign,25
Python Projects for Kids,first_name = input('What is your first name?'),simpleAssign,26
Python Projects for Kids,first_name = input('What is your first name?'),simpleAssign,26
Python Projects for Kids,5. The user presses the = key.,simpleAssign,31
Python Projects for Kids,first = raw_input('I will add two numbers. Enter the first number'),simpleAssign,33
Python Projects for Kids,second = raw_input('Now enter the second number.'),simpleAssign,33
Python Projects for Kids,a = int(44.5),simpleAssign,34
Python Projects for Kids,b = float(44.5),simpleAssign,34
Python Projects for Kids,a = int(24),simpleAssign,35
Python Projects for Kids,b = float(24),simpleAssign,35
Python Projects for Kids,first = float(input('What is your first number?')),simpleAssign,36
Python Projects for Kids,second = float(input('What is your second number?')),simpleAssign,36
Python Projects for Kids,first = int(raw_input('What is your first number?')),simpleAssign,38
Python Projects for Kids,second = int(raw_input('What is your second number?')),simpleAssign,38
Python Projects for Kids,first = int(raw_input('What is your first number?')),simpleAssign,39
Python Projects for Kids,second = int(raw_input('What is your second number?')),simpleAssign,39
Python Projects for Kids,first = int(raw_input('What is your first number?')),simpleAssign,39
Python Projects for Kids,second = int(raw_input('What is your second number?')),simpleAssign,39
Python Projects for Kids,first = int(raw_input('What is your first number?')),simpleAssign,41
Python Projects for Kids,second = int(raw_input('What is your second number?')),simpleAssign,41
Python Projects for Kids,1 <= 1,simpleAssign,44
Python Projects for Kids,1 >= 1,simpleAssign,44
Python Projects for Kids,1 == 1,simpleAssign,44
Python Projects for Kids,1 != 1,simpleAssign,44
Python Projects for Kids,"op = raw_input('add, subtract, multiply, divide, or modulo?')",simpleAssign,47
Python Projects for Kids,"op = raw_input('add, subtract, multiply, divide, or modulo? ')",simpleAssign,47
Python Projects for Kids,"op = raw_input('add, subtract, multiply, divide, or modulo? ')",simpleAssign,49
Python Projects for Kids,calc_on = 1,simpleAssign,51
Python Projects for Kids,calc_on = 0,simpleAssign,51
Python Projects for Kids,"op = raw_input('add, subtract, multiply, divide, or modulo? ')",simpleAssign,51
Python Projects for Kids,"op = raw_input('add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulo, quit?')",simpleAssign,52
Python Projects for Kids,"op = raw_input('add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulo, ten, or",simpleAssign,55
Python Projects for Kids,game_on = None,simpleAssign,62
Python Projects for Kids,guesses = None,simpleAssign,62
Python Projects for Kids,secret = None,simpleAssign,62
Python Projects for Kids,"secret = int(random.randrange(0,100))",simpleAssign,63
Python Projects for Kids,"game_on = True. For the easy game, we are going to assume that game_on is True.",simpleAssign,63
Python Projects for Kids,"secret = float(random.randrange(0,100))",simpleAssign,63
Python Projects for Kids,"secret = float(random.randrange(0,100))",simpleAssign,64
Python Projects for Kids,guess = int(input('Guess a number. ')),simpleAssign,64
Python Projects for Kids,statement: guess = int(input('Guess a number. ')). Adding a space after the,simpleAssign,64
Python Projects for Kids,guess = float(input('Guess a number. ')),simpleAssign,65
Python Projects for Kids,elif guess == secret:,simpleAssign,65
Python Projects for Kids,game_on = True,simpleAssign,67
Python Projects for Kids,"game_on = True level = input('Welcome. Type easy, hard, or quit",simpleAssign,67
Python Projects for Kids,"level = input('Welcome. Type easy, hard, or quit. ')",simpleAssign,68
Python Projects for Kids,game_on = True,simpleAssign,69
Python Projects for Kids,play = input('Play again? Yes or No. '),simpleAssign,69
Python Projects for Kids,play = input('Play again? Yes or No.'),simpleAssign,69
Python Projects for Kids,guesses = 3,simpleAssign,71
Python Projects for Kids,guesses = 3,simpleAssign,72
Python Projects for Kids,guess = float(input('Guess a number. ')),simpleAssign,73
Python Projects for Kids,elif guess == secret:,simpleAssign,73
Python Projects for Kids,tutorial/datastructures.html?highlight=lists#more-on-,simpleAssign,80
Python Projects for Kids,items['fireball'] = 10,simpleAssign,88
Python Projects for Kids,will end only when game_on = False.,simpleAssign,106
Python Projects for Kids,Erin (player 1) = 0 and Tanvir (player 2) = 1.,simpleAssign,107
Python Projects for Kids,Tanvir = 1.,simpleAssign,107
Python Projects for Kids,0 + 1) % 2 = 1.,simpleAssign,107
Python Projects for Kids,This formula says (Erin + 1) modulo 2 = Tanvir's backpack.,simpleAssign,107
Python Projects for Kids,"Tanvir needs to guess what is in Erin's backpack. Remember, Erin = 0.",simpleAssign,108
Python Projects for Kids,1 + 1) % 2 = 0.,simpleAssign,108
Python Projects for Kids,This formula says (Tanvir + 1) modulo 2 = Erin's backpack.,simpleAssign,108
Python Projects for Kids,game_on = False appears in the code to stop the while loop. As soon as the loop,simpleAssign,108
Python Projects for Kids,screen_width = 400,simpleAssign,121
Python Projects for Kids,screen_height = 600,simpleAssign,121
Python Projects for Kids,of the background. We will make the game_screen = pygame.display.set_,simpleAssign,122
Python Projects for Kids,"game_screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))",simpleAssign,122
Python Projects for Kids,screen_width = 600,simpleAssign,135
Python Projects for Kids,screen_height = 400,simpleAssign,135
Python Projects for Kids,"game_screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))",simpleAssign,136
Python Projects for Kids,"font = pygame.font.SysFont(""monospace"", 75)",simpleAssign,136
Python Projects for Kids,ball_x = int(screen_width / 2),simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,ball_y = int(screen_height / 2),simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,ball_xv = 3,simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,ball_yv = 3,simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,The ball_xv = 3 means that the ball will move 3 pixels along the x axis each time it,simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,is redrawn. The ball_yv = 3 means that the ball will move 3 pixels along the y axis,simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,"speed and direction that we like. Here, v = velocity which is the magnitude (speed)",simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,"and direction (x,y) of the ball. So, when we say ball_xv = 3, we are really saying",simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,ball_r = 20,simpleAssign,137
Python Projects for Kids,paddle1_x = 10,simpleAssign,138
Python Projects for Kids,paddle1_y = 10,simpleAssign,138
Python Projects for Kids,paddle1_w = 25,simpleAssign,138
Python Projects for Kids,paddle1_h = 100,simpleAssign,138
Python Projects for Kids,paddle2_x = screen_width - 35,simpleAssign,138
Python Projects for Kids,paddle2_y = 10,simpleAssign,138
Python Projects for Kids,paddle2_w = 25,simpleAssign,138
Python Projects for Kids,paddle2_h = 100,simpleAssign,138
Python Projects for Kids,player1_score = 0,simpleAssign,139
Python Projects for Kids,player2_score = 0,simpleAssign,139
Python Projects for Kids,call our main game loop variable do_main. We will set do_main = True:,simpleAssign,142
Python Projects for Kids,do_main = True,simpleAssign,142
Python Projects for Kids,pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed(),simpleAssign,143
Python Projects for Kids,if ball_x < paddle1_x + paddle1_w and ball_y >= paddle1_y and ball_y,simpleAssign,148
Python Projects for Kids,if ball_x > paddle2_x and ball_y >= paddle2_y and ball_y <= paddle2_y,simpleAssign,148
Python Projects for Kids,ball_x = int(screen_width / 2),simpleAssign,150
Python Projects for Kids,ball_y = int(screen_height / 2),simpleAssign,150
Python Projects for Kids,elif ball_x >= screen_width:,simpleAssign,150
Python Projects for Kids,ball_x = int(screen_width / 2),simpleAssign,150
Python Projects for Kids,ball_y = int(screen_height / 2),simpleAssign,150
Python Projects for Kids,"paddle_1 = pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, white, (paddle1_x, paddle1_y,",simpleAssign,151
Python Projects for Kids,"paddle_2 = pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, white, (paddle2_x, paddle2_y,",simpleAssign,151
Python Projects for Kids,"net = pygame.draw.line(game_screen, yellow, (300,5), (300,400))",simpleAssign,151
Python Projects for Kids,"ball =, red, (ball_x, ball_y), ball_r,",simpleAssign,151
Python Projects for Kids,py?fileviewer=file-view-default,simpleAssign,159
Python Projects for Kids,php?,simpleAssign,159
Head First Python,"@property
Head First Python,"@property
Head First Python,"@property decorator allows the top3() method to appear 
 like an attribute to users of the class",decaratorclass,250
Head First Python,"@property” - a decorator that 
 lets you arrange for a class",decaratorclass,253
Head First Python,"@property, so that it appears to be a new attribute to 
 users of your class",decaratorclass,285
Head First Python,"@property thing again?
 A: The @property decorator lets you specify that a method is to be presented to users of your class",decaratorclass,285
Head First Python,"@property 
 decorator let’s you indicate this. Users of your class",decaratorclass,285
Head First Python,"@property, so that it appears to be a new attribute to 
 users of your class",decaratorclass,286
Head First Python,enumerate(),enumfunc,53
Head First Python,enumerate(),enumfunc,54
Head First Python,enumerate(),enumfunc,450
Head First Python,clean_mikey = [sanitize(each_t) for each_t in mikey],simpleListComp,155
Head First Python,secs = [m * 60 for m in mins],simpleListComp,156
Head First Python,feet = [m * 3.281 for m in meters],simpleListComp,156
Head First Python,upper = [s.upper() for s in lower],simpleListComp,156
Head First Python,clean = [sanitize(t) for t in dirty],simpleListComp,156
Head First Python,clean = [float(s) for s in clean],simpleListComp,156
Head First Python,response = [athletes[each_ath].name for each_ath in athletes],simpleListComp,270
Head First Python,response = [athletes[each_ath].name for each_ath in athletes],simpleListComp,329
Head First Python,response = [athletes[each_ath].name for each_ath in athletes],simpleListComp,331
Head First Python,response = [row[0] for row in results.fetchall()],simpleListComp,332
Head First Python,data = [row[0] for row in results.fetchall()],simpleListComp,333
Head First Python,response = [row[0] for row in results.fetchall()],simpleListComp,335
Head First Python,response = [row[0] for row in results.fetchall()],simpleListComp,336
Head First Python,athlete_names = [ath[0] for ath in athletes],simpleListComp,344
Head First Python,prediction = [k for k in row_data['20k'].keys() if row_data['20k'][k] == column_heading],simpleListComp,408
Head First Python,prediction = [k for k in row_data['20k'].keys() if row_data['20k'][k] == column_heading],simpleListComp,409
Head First Python,times = [t for t in row_data['Marathon'].keys()],simpleListComp,411
Head First Python,"headings = [h for h in sorted(row_data['10mi'].values(), reverse=True)]",simpleListComp,411
Head First Python,time = [t for t in row_data['20k'].keys() if row_data['20k'][t] == '79.3'],simpleListComp,411
Head First Python,times = [t for t in row_data['Marathon'].keys()],simpleListComp,412
Head First Python,"headings = [h for h in sorted(row_data['10mi'].values(), reverse=True)]",simpleListComp,412
Head First Python,time = [t for t in row_data['20k'].keys() if row_data['20k'][t] == '79.3'],simpleListComp,412
Head First Python,where = [time2secs(t) for t in target_data],simpleListComp,420
Head First Python,prediction = [k for k in row_data[predicted_distance],simpleListComp,427
Head First Python,prediction = [k for k in row_data[predicted_distance],simpleListComp,428
Head First Python,"time = []
 for each_t in row_data[‘20k’].keys():

 if row_data[‘20k’][each_t]",listCompIf,412
Head First Python,"pickle.dump([1, 2, 'three'], mysavedata)",pickle,133
Head First Python,"pickle.dump(man, man_file)",pickle,134
Head First Python,"pickle.dump(other, other_file)",pickle,134
Head First Python,pickle.dump(),pickle,134
Head First Python,pickle.dump(),pickle,138
Head First Python,pickle.load(),pickle,138
Head First Python,if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,370
Head First Python,if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,371
Head First Python,if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,372
Head First Python,"if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,438
Head First Python,"__add__', '__class__",__class__,206
Head First Python,"__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__",__dict__,206
Head First Python,"try:
  man_file = open('man_data.txt', 'w')
  other_file = open('other_data.txt', 'w')

  print(man, file=man_file)
  print(other, file=other_file)

  except IOError:
  print('File error.')

 …the calls to 
 “close()” are 
 moved to here.

Head First Python,"try:
 except IOError:


 print('File error')

 There’s your error message, but…

 File error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<pyshell#8>"", line 7, in <module>
 NameError: name 'data' is not defined

 …what’s this?!? Another exception was 
 raised and it killed your code.

 As the file doesn’t exist, the data file object wasn’t created, which subsequently makes it impossible to call the 
 close() method on it, so you end up with a NameError. A quick fix is to add a small test to the finally 
 suite to see if the data name exists before you try to call close(). The locals() BIF returns a collection of 
 names defined in the current scope. Let’s exploit this BIF to only invoke close() when it is safe to do so:

 The “in” operator tests 
 for membership.

 This is just the bit of code that 
 needs to change. Press Alt-P to 
 edit your code at IDLE’s shell.

 if 'data' in locals():


Head First Python,"try:
  except IOError as err:
Head First Python,"try:
  man_file = open('man_data.txt', 'w')
  other_file = open('other_data.txt', 'w')

  print(man, file=man_file)
  print(other, file=other_file)
  except IOError as err:
  print('File error: ' + str(err))
Head First Python,"try:
  man_file = open('man_data.txt', 'w')
  other_file = open('other_data.txt', 'w')

  print(man, file=man_file)
  print(other, file=other_file)
  except IOError as err:
  print('File error: ' + str(err))
Head First Python,"palin = {'Name': 'Michael Palin', 'Occupations': ['comedian', 'actor', 'writer', 'tv']}",dictwithList,180
Head First Python,"with open(‘man_data.txt', ‘w') as man_file:",withfunc,122
Head First Python,"with open(‘other_data.txt', ‘w') as other_file:",withfunc,122
Head First Python,"with open('man_data.txt', 'w') as man_file, open('other_data.txt’, 'w’) as other_file:",withfunc,122
Head First Python,with open('man_data.txt') as mdf:,withfunc,124
Head First Python,"with open('mydata.pickle', 'wb') as mysavedata:",withfunc,133
Head First Python,"with open('mydata.pickle', 'rb') as myrestoredata:",withfunc,133
Head First Python,"with open('man_data.txt', 'w') as man_file, open('other_data.txt', 'w') as other_file:",withfunc,134
Head First Python,"with open('man_data.txt', 'rb') as man_file:",withfunc,136
Head First Python,with open(‘james.txt’) as jaf:,withfunc,142
Head First Python,with open(‘julie.txt’) as juf:,withfunc,142
Head First Python,with open(‘mikey.txt’) as mif:,withfunc,142
Head First Python,with open(‘sarah.txt’) as saf:,withfunc,142
Head First Python,with open('james.txt') as jaf:,withfunc,151
Head First Python,with open('julie.txt') as juf:,withfunc,151
Head First Python,with open('mikey.txt') as mif:,withfunc,151
Head First Python,with open('sarah.txt') as saf:,withfunc,151
Head First Python,with open('james.txt') as jaf:,withfunc,152
Head First Python,with open('julie.txt') as juf:,withfunc,152
Head First Python,with open('mikey.txt') as mif:,withfunc,152
Head First Python,with open('sarah.txt') as saf:,withfunc,152
Head First Python,with open('james.txt') as jaf:,withfunc,168
Head First Python,with open('julie.txt') as juf:,withfunc,168
Head First Python,with open('mikey.txt') as mif:,withfunc,168
Head First Python,with open('sarah.txt') as saf:,withfunc,168
Head First Python,with open('james.txt') as jaf:,withfunc,169
Head First Python,with open('julie.txt') as juf:,withfunc,169
Head First Python,with open('mikey.txt') as mif:,withfunc,169
Head First Python,with open('sarah.txt') as saf:,withfunc,169
Head First Python,with open('james.txt') as jaf:,withfunc,170
Head First Python,with open('julie.txt') as juf:,withfunc,170
Head First Python,with open('mikey.txt') as mif:,withfunc,170
Head First Python,with open('sarah.txt') as saf:,withfunc,170
Head First Python,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,170
Head First Python,with open('templates/header.html') as headf:,withfunc,227
Head First Python,with open('templates/footer.html') as footf:,withfunc,227
Head First Python,with open('templates/header.html') as headf:,withfunc,228
Head First Python,with open('templates/footer.html') as footf:,withfunc,228
Head First Python,with open('templates/header.html') as headf:,withfunc,230
Head First Python,with open('templates/footer.html') as footf:,withfunc,230
Head First Python,with open(‘templates/form.html') as formf:,withfunc,298
Head First Python,with open('PaceData.csv') as paces:,withfunc,403
Head First Python,with open('PaceData.csv') as paces:,withfunc,404
Head First Python,with open('PaceData.csv') as paces:,withfunc,407
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):
Head First Python,while count < len(movies):,whilesimple,16
Head First Python,while splitting each line. Type the following code into IDLE’s shell:,whilesimple,78
Head First Python,called __init__(),__init__,191
Head First Python,def __init__(self),__init__,191
Head First Python,the __init__() method),__init__,191
Head First Python,the __init__(),__init__,191
Head First Python,to __init__()),__init__,192
Head First Python,the __init__(),__init__,192
Head First Python,def __init__(self),__init__,192
Head First Python,the __init__(),__init__,193
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, value=0)",__init__,193
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, a_name, a_dob=None, a_times=[])",__init__,194
Head First Python,the __init__(),__init__,195
Head First Python,the __init__(),__init__,196
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, a_name, a_dob=None, a_times=[])",__init__,196
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, a_name, a_dob=None, a_times=[])",__init__,199
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, a_name, a_dob=None, a_times=[])",__init__,200
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, a_name)",__init__,206
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, a_name, a_dob=None, a_times=[])",__init__,207
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, a_name, a_dob=None, a_times=[])",__init__,208
Head First Python,"def __init__(self, a_name, a_dob=None, a_times=[])",__init__,208
Head First Python,The __init__(),__init__,212
Head First Python,"212
Head First Python,"try: 

 This code is 
 protected from 
 runtime errors.

  data = open('sketch.txt')

  for each_line in data:
  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)
  print(role, end='')
  print(' said: ', end='')
  print(line_spoken, end='')
 If a runtime error 
 occurs, this code is 


 Now, no matter what happens when the split() method is invoked, the 
 try statement catches any and all exceptions and handles them by ignoring the 
 error with pass.

 Let’s see this code in action.

 Do this!

 Make the required changes 
 to your code in the IDLE 
 edit window.

 you are here 4 

Head First Python,"try:

 data = open('sketch.txt')

 As with the 
 other program, 
 all of this 
 code remains 

 Give the user 
 the bad news.


 for each_line in data:
  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)
  print(role, end='')
  print(' said: ', end='')
  print(line_spoken, end='')



 print('The data file is missing!')

 Another quick test is required, this time with the version of your program that uses exception handling. Press F5 to 
 give it a spin.

 >>> ================================ RESTART ================================

 As expected, this version of the 
 program handles the missing file, too.

 The data file is missing!


  Chapter 3",trytry,98
Head First Python,"try:















 data = open('sketch.txt')

 for each_line in data:
  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)
  print(role, end='')
  print(' said: ', end='')
  print(line_spoken, end='')

 Th i s  c o d e  a n d  t h i s  c o d e  r u n s  w h e n  A N Y  
 r u n t i m e  e r r o r  o c c u rs  w it h i n  t h e  c o d e  t h at  
 i s  b e i n g  t rie d .


 print('The data file is missing!')

 As your code is currently written, it is too generic. Any runtime error that 
 occurs is handled by one of the except suites. This is unlikely to be what 
 you want, because this code has the potential to silently ignore runtime errors. 

 You need to somehow use except in a less generic way.

 you are here 4 

Head First Python,"try:










 data = open('sketch.txt')

 for each_line in data:
  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)
  print(role, end='')
  print(' said: ', end='')
  print(line_spoken, end='')
  except ValueError:


 Specify the type of runtime 
 error you are handling.


  except IOError:

 print('The data file is missing!')

 Of course, if an different type of runtime error occurs, it is no longer handled 
 by your code, but at least now you’ll get to hear about it. When you are 
 specific about the runtime errors your code handles, your programs no longer 
 silently ignore some runtime errors.

 ...and it lets you avoid 
 adding unnecessary code 
 and logic to your programs. 
 That works for me!

 Using “try/except” 
 lets you concentrate 
 on what your code 
 needs to do...


  Chapter 3",trytry,102
Head First Python,"try:

  data = open('sketch.txt')

  for each_line in data:


  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)

  except ValueError:



 except IOError:

  print('The datafile is missing!')

 Here are your magnets.

  if role == 'Man':

  elif role == 'Other Man':
 man = []

 line_spoken = line_spoken.strip()

 other = []





 you are here 4 

Head First Python,"try:

  data = open('sketch.txt')

  for each_line in data:


  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)

 Assign the 
 stripped string 
 back onto itself.

 “elif” means 
 “else if.”

 line_spoken = line_spoken.strip()

  if role == 'Man':


  elif role == 'Other Man':


 The “strip()” method 
 removes unwanted 
 whitespace from a string.

 Update one of the lists 
 based on who said what.

  except ValueError:



 except IOError:

  print('The datafile is missing!')



 Conclude by displaying the 
 processed data on screen.


  Chapter 4",trytry,108
Head First Python,"try:

  data = open('sketch.txt')

  for each_line in data:


  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)

  line_spoken = line_spoken.strip()

  if role == 'Man':


  elif role == 'Other Man':


  except ValueError:



 except IOError:

  print('The datafile is missing!')

 Go on, try.

  print(man, )

  print(other,  )

 Be sure to 
 close your 

 Open your two 
 data files here.

 Specify the files to 
 write to when you invoke 

 Handle any 
 exceptions here.

 you are here 4 

Head First Python,"try:

 At the bottom of your program, two calls to the print() BIF 
 display your processed data on screen. You were to amend this 
 code to save the data to two disk files instead.

 You were to call your disk files man_data.txt (for what the 
 man said) and other_data.txt (for what the other man said). 
 You were to make sure to both open and close your data files, as 
 well as protect your code against an IOError using try/except. 

  data = open('sketch.txt')

  for each_line in data:


  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)

  line_spoken = line_spoken.strip()

 All of this code is 

  if role == 'Man':


  elif role == 'Other Man':


  except ValueError:



 except IOError:

  print('The datafile is missing!')


 man_file = open(‘man_data.txt’, ‘w’)
 other_file = open(‘other_data.txt’, ‘w’)

  print(man,  )

  print(other, )



 Did you remember to open 
 your files in WRITE mode?

 Open your two files, and assign 
 each to file objects.

 Use the “print()” BIF to save the 
 named lists to named disk files.



 except IOError:

 print('File error.’)

 Don’t forget to close BOTH files.

 Handle an I/O exception, should 
 one occur.


  Chapter 4",trytry,112
Head First Python,"try:
  with open(‘athletes.pickle', ‘wb') as athf:
  pickle.dump(all_athletes, athf)
  except IOError as ioerr:
  print(‘File error (put_and_store): ' + str(ioerr))

 Each athlete’s name is 
 used as the “key” in the 
 dictionary. The “value” is 
 the AthleteList object 

 And don’t forget 
 a try/except to 
 protect your file 
 I/O code.


 def get_from_store():

  all_athletes = {}

 Simply read the 
 entire pickle into 
 the dictionary. 
 What could be 

  with open(‘athletes.pickle', ‘rb') as athf:
  all_athletes = pickle.load(athf)
  except IOError as ioerr:
  print(‘File error (get_from_store): ' + str(ioerr))


 forget your 


  Chapter 7",trytry,224
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()

  templ = data.strip().split(',')

  return(AthleteList(templ.pop(0), templ.pop(0), templ))

  except IOError as ioerr:

  print('File error (get_coach_data): ' + str(ioerr))


 def put_to_store(files_list):

  all_athletes = {}

  for each_file in files_list:

  ath = get_coach_data(each_file)

  all_athletes[] = ath


  with open('athletes.pickle', 'wb') as athf:

  pickle.dump(all_athletes, athf)

  except IOError as ioerr:

  print('File error (put_and_store): ' + str(ioerr))



  Chapter 9",trytry,328
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()

  templ = data.strip().split(',')

  return(AthleteList(templ.pop(0), templ.pop(0), templ))

  except IOError as ioerr:

  print('File error (get_coach_data): ' + str(ioerr))


 def put_to_store(files_list):

  all_athletes = {}

  for each_file in files_list:

  ath = get_coach_data(each_file)

  all_athletes[] = ath


  with open('athletes.pickle', 'wb') as athf:

  pickle.dump(all_athletes, athf)

  except IOError as ioerr:

  print('File error (put_and_store): ' + str(ioerr))



  Chapter 9",trytry,330
Head First Python,"try:
  man_file = open('man_data.txt', 'w')
  other_file = open('other_data.txt', 'w')



  print(man, file=man_file)
  print(other, file=other_file)


 Not OK!!


  except IOError:",tryexcept,114
Head First Python,"try:
  with open('its.txt', ""w"") as data:
  print(""It's..."", file=data)
 except IOError as err:",tryexcept,120
Head First Python,"try:
 except IOError as err:",tryexcept,122
Head First Python,"try:

 Here’s a snippet of your code as it currently stands. Grab your 
 pencil and strike out the code you no longer need, and then 
 replace it with code that uses the facilities of pickle instead. 
 Add any additional code that you think you might need, too.

  with open('man_data.txt', 'w') as man_file, open('other_data.txt', 'w') as other_file:

  nester.print_lol(man, fh=man_file)

  nester.print_lol(other, fh=other_file)

 except IOError as err:",tryexcept,133
Head First Python,"try:

  nester.print_lol(man, fh=man_file)

  nester.print_lol(other, fh=other_file)

 except IOError as err:

  print('File error: ' + str(err))


 except pickle.PickleError as perr:",tryexcept,134
Head First Python,"try:
 except IOError as err:
 except pickle.PickleError as perr:",tryexcept,136
Head First Python,"try:
 except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,170
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()


  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,175
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()


  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,176
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()


  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,181
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()


  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,182
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()


  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,184
Head First Python,"try:
  with open(filename) as f:
  data = f.readline()
  templ = data.strip().split(‘,’)
  return({‘Name’ : templ.pop(0),
  ‘DOB’ : templ.pop(0),
  ‘Times’: str(sorted(set([sanitize(t) for t in templ]))[0:3])})
  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,186
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()

  templ = data.strip().split(',')

  return({'Name' : templ.pop(0),

  'DOB' : templ.pop(0),

 What needs to change here to ensure 
 this function returns an Athlete object 
 as opposed to a dictionary?

  'Times': str(sorted(set([sanitize(t) for t in templ]))[0:3])})

  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,195
Head First Python,"try:

  with open(filename) as f:

  data = f.readline()

  templ = data.strip().split(',')

 Remove the dictionary creation 
 code and replace it with Athlete 
 object creation code instead.

  return({'Name' : templ.pop(0),

  'DOB' : templ.pop(0),

 Athlete(templ.pop(0), templ.pop(0), templ)

  'Times': str(sorted(set([sanitize(t) for t in templ]))[0:3])})

  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,196
Head First Python,"try:

  with open('athletes.pickle', 'rb') as athf:

  all_athletes = pickle.load(athf)

  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,329
Head First Python,"try:

  with open('athletes.pickle', 'rb') as athf:

  all_athletes = pickle.load(athf)

  except IOError as ioerr:",tryexcept,331
Head First Python,class NamedList(list):,simpleclass,206
Head First Python,class AthleteList(list):,simpleclass,208
Head First Python,"def get(self):
Head First Python,"for fab in ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo']:",forwithlist,233
Head First Python,"names = ['John', 'Eric', ['Cleese', 'Idle'], 'Michael', ['Palin']]",nestedList,64
Head First Python,"names = ['John', 'Eric', ['Cleese', 'Idle'], 'Michael', ['Palin']]",nestedList,69
Head First Python,"names = ['John', 'Eric', ['Cleese', 'Idle'], 'Michael', ['Palin']]",nestedList,69
Head First Python,"names = ['John', 'Eric', ['Cleese', 'Idle'], 'Michael', ['Palin']]",nestedList,69
Head First Python,"clean = [float(sanitize(t)) for t in ['2-22', '3:33', '4.44']]",nestedList,156
Head First Python,"names = ['John', ['Johnny', 'Jack'], 'Michael', ['Mike', 'Mikey', 'Mick']]",nestedList,269
Head First Python,Python’s open(),openfunc,75
Head First Python,When you use the open(),openfunc,75
Head First Python,the_file = open('sketch.txt'),openfunc,75
Head First Python,data = open('sketch.txt'),openfunc,76
Head First Python,data = open('sketch.txt'),openfunc,78
Head First Python,data = open('sketch.txt'),openfunc,85
Head First Python,data = open('sketch.txt'),openfunc,86
Head First Python,data = open('sketch.txt'),openfunc,91
Head First Python,data = open('sketch.txt'),openfunc,92
Head First Python,data = open('sketch.txt'),openfunc,97
Head First Python,Use the open(),openfunc,103
Head First Python,Surely Python’s open(),openfunc,109
Head First Python,When you use the open(),openfunc,110
Head First Python,"access mode to use. By default, open()",openfunc,110
Head First Python,"out = open(""data.out"", ""w"")",openfunc,110
Head First Python,data = open('missing.txt'),openfunc,118
Head First Python,"data = open('its.txt', ""w"")",openfunc,120
Head First Python,Or combine the two “open(),openfunc,122
Head First Python,"page = urlopen(url, urlencode(post_data))",openfunc,275
Head First Python,page = urlopen(url),openfunc,275
Head First Python,"page = urlopen(url, urlencode(post_data))",openfunc,276
Head First Python,page = urlopen(url),openfunc,276
Head First Python,"page = urlopen(url, urlencode(post_data))",openfunc,282
Head First Python,page = urlopen(url),openfunc,282
Head First Python,urlencode() and urlopen(),openfunc,291
Head First Python,"page = urlopen(url, urlencode(post_data))",openfunc,305
Head First Python,page = urlopen(url),openfunc,305
Head First Python,"page = urlopen(url, urlencode(post_data))",openfunc,306
Head First Python,page = urlopen(url),openfunc,306
Head First Python,urlopen(),openfunc,457
Head First Python,self.response.out.write(html),write,371
Head First Python,self.response.out.write(html),write,372
Head First Python,invoking the out.write(),write,379
Head First Python,self.response.out.write(field),write,379
Head First Python,self.response.out.write(': '),write,379
Head First Python,self.response.out.write(self.request.get(field)),write,379
Head First Python,self.response.out.write('<br />'),write,379
Head First Python,self.response.out.write(html),write,380
Head First Python,self.response.out.write(html),write,381
Head First Python,self.response.out.write(html),write,382
Head First Python,head_text =,read,227
Head First Python,foot_text =,read,227
Head First Python,head_text =,read,228
Head First Python,foot_text =,read,228
Head First Python,head_text =,read,230
Head First Python,foot_text =,read,230
Head First Python,"return(""utf8""))",read,275
Head First Python,"return(""utf8""))",read,276
Head First Python,"return(""utf8""))",read,282
Head First Python,form_text =,read,298
Head First Python,"return(""utf8""))",read,305
Head First Python,"return(""utf8""))",read,306
Head First Python,"print(data.readline(), end='')",readline,76
Head First Python,"print(data.readline(), end='')",readline,76
Head First Python,Use the “readline(),readline,76
Head First Python,The readline(),readline,103
Head First Python,"print(data.readline(), end='')",readline,118
Head First Python,print(mdf.readline()),readline,124
Head First Python,data = jaf.readline(),readline,142
Head First Python,data = juf.readline(),readline,142
Head First Python,data = mif.readline(),readline,142
Head First Python,data = saf.readline(),readline,142
Head First Python,data = jaf.readline(),readline,151
Head First Python,data = juf.readline(),readline,151
Head First Python,data = mif.readline(),readline,151
Head First Python,data = saf.readline(),readline,151
Head First Python,data = jaf.readline(),readline,152
Head First Python,data = juf.readline(),readline,152
Head First Python,data = mif.readline(),readline,152
Head First Python,data = saf.readline(),readline,152
Head First Python,data = jaf.readline(),readline,168
Head First Python,data = juf.readline(),readline,168
Head First Python,data = mif.readline(),readline,168
Head First Python,data = saf.readline(),readline,168
Head First Python,data = jaf.readline(),readline,169
Head First Python,data = juf.readline(),readline,169
Head First Python,data = mif.readline(),readline,169
Head First Python,data = saf.readline(),readline,169
Head First Python,data = jaf.readline(),readline,170
Head First Python,data = juf.readline(),readline,170
Head First Python,data = mif.readline(),readline,170
Head First Python,data = saf.readline(),readline,170
Head First Python,data = f.readline(),readline,170
Head First Python,"paces.readline().strip().split(',')",readline,403
Head First Python,"paces.readline().strip().split(',')",readline,404
Head First Python,"column_headings = paces.readline().strip().split(',')",readline,407
Head First Python,import it,importfunc,43
Head First Python,import it,importfunc,43
Head First Python,import nester,importfunc,43
Head First Python,import statement,importfunc,43
Head First Python,import nester,importfunc,44
Head First Python,import your,importfunc,46
Head First Python,import nester,importfunc,46
Head First Python,import statement,importfunc,46
Head First Python,import your,importfunc,49
Head First Python,import them,importfunc,49
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,51
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,55
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,56
Head First Python,import nester,importfunc,58
Head First Python,import statement,importfunc,71
Head First Python,import a,importfunc,71
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,76
Head First Python,import os,importfunc,76
Head First Python,import it,importfunc,97
Head First Python,import os,importfunc,97
Head First Python,import into,importfunc,127
Head First Python,import into,importfunc,128
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,128
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,133
Head First Python,import pickle,importfunc,133
Head First Python,"import 
Head First Python,import pickle,importfunc,134
Head First Python,import pickle,importfunc,136
Head First Python,import nester,importfunc,136
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,209
Head First Python,import pickle,importfunc,223
Head First Python,import pickle,importfunc,224
Head First Python,import your,importfunc,225
Head First Python,import has,importfunc,225
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,237
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,237
Head First Python,import glob,importfunc,237
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,238
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,238
Head First Python,import glob,importfunc,238
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,244
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,246
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,246
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,246
Head First Python,import cgitb,importfunc,248
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,264
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,269
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,272
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,272
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,272
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,274
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,274
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,275
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,275
Head First Python,import time,importfunc,275
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,276
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,276
Head First Python,import time,importfunc,276
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,281
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,281
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,281
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,281
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,281
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,281
Head First Python,import time,importfunc,281
Head First Python,import sys,importfunc,284
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,296
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,299
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,300
Head First Python,import os,importfunc,300
Head First Python,import time,importfunc,300
Head First Python,import sys,importfunc,300
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,301
Head First Python,import os,importfunc,301
Head First Python,import time,importfunc,301
Head First Python,import sys,importfunc,301
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,301
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,302
Head First Python,import os,importfunc,302
Head First Python,import time,importfunc,302
Head First Python,import sys,importfunc,302
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,302
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,305
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,306
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,313
Head First Python,"import 
Head First Python,import sqlite3,importfunc,315
Head First Python,import sqlite3,importfunc,319
Head First Python,import sqlite3,importfunc,320
Head First Python,import sqlite3,importfunc,321
Head First Python,import glob,importfunc,321
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,321
Head First Python,import pickle,importfunc,328
Head First Python,import pickle,importfunc,330
Head First Python,import sqlite3,importfunc,332
Head First Python,import sqlite3,importfunc,335
Head First Python,import sqlite3,importfunc,336
Head First Python,import glob,importfunc,337
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,337
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,337
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,337
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,337
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,337
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,338
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,338
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,338
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,338
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,338
Head First Python,import sys,importfunc,338
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,338
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,338
Head First Python,import glob,importfunc,339
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,339
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,339
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,339
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,339
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,339
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,340
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,340
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,340
Head First Python,import cgi,importfunc,340
Head First Python,import json,importfunc,340
Head First Python,import sys,importfunc,340
Head First Python,import athletemodel,importfunc,340
Head First Python,import yate,importfunc,340
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,364
Head First Python,import hfwwgDB,importfunc,371
Head First Python,import statement,importfunc,390
Head First Python,import the,importfunc,426
Head First Python,import time,importfunc,426
Head First Python,import android,importfunc,426
Head First Python,import doctest,importfunc,438
Head First Python,import your,importfunc,438
Head First Python,import statement,importfunc,452
Head First Python,from distutils.core import setup,importfromsimple,40
Head First Python,"from module import 
Head First Python,from distutils.core import setup,importfromsimple,60
Head First Python,"from 
 module import function",importfromsimple,71
Head First Python,from athletelist import AthleteList,importfromsimple,209
Head First Python,from athletelist import AthleteList,importfromsimple,223
Head First Python,from athletelist import AthleteList,importfromsimple,224
Head First Python,from string import Template,importfromsimple,227
Head First Python,from string import Template,importfromsimple,228
Head First Python,from string import Template,importfromsimple,230
Head First Python,from urllib import urlencode,importfromsimple,275
Head First Python,from urllib2 import urlopen,importfromsimple,275
Head First Python,from urllib import urlencode,importfromsimple,276
Head First Python,from urllib2 import urlopen,importfromsimple,276
Head First Python,from urllib import urlencode,importfromsimple,281
Head First Python,from urllib2 import urlopen,importfromsimple,281
Head First Python,from urllib import urlencode,importfromsimple,305
Head First Python,from urllib2 import urlopen,importfromsimple,305
Head First Python,from urllib import urlencode,importfromsimple,306
Head First Python,from urllib2 import urlopen,importfromsimple,306
Head First Python,from athletelist import AthleteList,importfromsimple,328
Head First Python,from athletelist import AthleteList,importfromsimple,330
Head First Python,from urllib import urlencode,importfromsimple,343
Head First Python,from urllib2 import urlopen,importfromsimple,343
Head First Python,from urllib import urlencode,importfromsimple,344
Head First Python,from urllib2 import urlopen,importfromsimple,344
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import db,importfromsimple,361
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import db,importfromsimple,362
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template,importfromsimple,364
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template,importfromsimple,365
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template,importfromsimple,366
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import db,importfromsimple,368
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template,importfromsimple,368
Head First Python,"from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoforms
 import birthDB",importfromsimple,368
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import webapp,importfromsimple,370
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app,importfromsimple,370
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import webapp,importfromsimple,371
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app,importfromsimple,371
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import db,importfromsimple,371
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template,importfromsimple,371
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoforms,importfromsimple,371
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import webapp,importfromsimple,372
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app,importfromsimple,372
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import db,importfromsimple,372
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template,importfromsimple,372
Head First Python,"from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoforms

 import hfwwgDB",importfromsimple,372
Head First Python,from google.appengine.ext import db,importfromsimple,380
Head First Python,from google.appengine.api import users,importfromsimple,390
Head First Python,from find_it import find_closest,importfromsimple,419
Head First Python,from find_it import find_closest,importfromsimple,420
Head First Python,self.thing = value,simpleattr,193
Head First Python, = a_name,simpleattr,194
Head First Python,self.dob = a_dob,simpleattr,194
Head First Python,self.times = a_times,simpleattr,194
Head First Python, = a_name,simpleattr,196
Head First Python,self.dob = a_dob,simpleattr,196
Head First Python,self.times = a_times,simpleattr,196
Head First Python, = a_name,simpleattr,199
Head First Python,self.dob = a_dob,simpleattr,199
Head First Python,self.times = a_times,simpleattr,199
Head First Python, = a_name,simpleattr,200
Head First Python,self.dob = a_dob,simpleattr,200
Head First Python,self.times = a_times,simpleattr,200
Head First Python, = a_name,simpleattr,206
Head First Python, = a_name,simpleattr,207
Head First Python,self.dob = a_dob,simpleattr,207
Head First Python,self.times = a_times,simpleattr,207
Head First Python, = a_name,simpleattr,208
Head First Python,self.dob = a_dob,simpleattr,208
Head First Python,self.times = a_times,simpleattr,208
Head First Python, = a_name,simpleattr,208
Head First Python,self.dob = a_dob,simpleattr,208
Head First Python,"def print_lol(the_list, level=0):",funcdefault,63
Head First Python,"def print_lol(the_list, , level=0):",funcdefault,67
Head First Python,"def print_lol(the_list, , level=0):",funcdefault,68
Head First Python,"def print_lol(the_list, indent=False, level=0, ):",funcdefault,127
Head First Python,"def print_lol(the_list, indent=False, level=0, ):",funcdefault,128
Head First Python,"def start_response(resp=""text/html""):",funcdefault,227
Head First Python,"def start_form(the_url, form_type=""POST""):",funcdefault,227
Head First Python,"def end_form(submit_msg=""Submit""):",funcdefault,227
Head First Python,"def header(header_text, header_level=2):",funcdefault,227
Head First Python,"def start_response(resp=""text/html""):",funcdefault,228
Head First Python,"def start_form(the_url, form_type=""POST""):",funcdefault,229
Head First Python,"def end_form(submit_msg=""Submit""):",funcdefault,229
Head First Python,"def header(header_text, header_level=2):",funcdefault,229
Head First Python,"def start_response(resp=""text/html""):",funcdefault,230
Head First Python,"def start_form(the_url, form_type=""POST""):",funcdefault,231
Head First Python,"def end_form(submit_msg=""Submit""):",funcdefault,231
Head First Python,"def header(header_text, header_level=2):",funcdefault,231
Head First Python,"def send_to_server(url, post_data=None):",funcdefault,275
Head First Python,"def status_update(msg, how_long=2):",funcdefault,275
Head First Python,"def send_to_server(url, post_data=None):",funcdefault,276
Head First Python,"def status_update(msg, how_long=2):",funcdefault,276
Head First Python,"def send_to_server(url, post_data=None):",funcdefault,282
Head First Python,"def status_update(msg, how_long=2):",funcdefault,282
Head First Python,"def do_form(name, the_inputs, method=""POST"", text=""Submit""):",funcdefault,297
Head First Python,"def do_form(name, the_inputs, method=""POST"", text=""Submit""):",funcdefault,298
Head First Python,"def send_to_server(url, post_data=None):",funcdefault,305
Head First Python,"def send_to_server(url, post_data=None):",funcdefault,306
Head First Python,"def send_to_server(url, post_data=None):",funcdefault,343
Head First Python,"def status_update(msg, how_long=2):",funcdefault,343
Head First Python,"def send_to_server(url, post_data=None):",funcdefault,344
Head First Python,"def status_update(msg, how_long=2):",funcdefault,344
Head First Python,"def do_dialog(title, data, func, ok='Select', notok='Quit'):",funcdefault,425
Head First Python,"def status_update(msg, how_long=2):",funcdefault,426
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,53
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,54
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,54
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,54
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,54
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,55
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,55
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,55
Head First Python,"range() BIF, amend your function to use range()",rangefunc,55
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,56
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,56
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,71
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,452
Head First Python,range(),rangefunc,455
Head First Python,def print_lol(the_list):,simplefunc,29
Head First Python,def print_lol(the_list):,simplefunc,30
Head First Python,def print_lol(the_list):,simplefunc,30
Head First Python,def print_lol(the_list):,simplefunc,35
Head First Python,def print_lol(the_list):,simplefunc,37
Head First Python,def print_lol(the_list):,simplefunc,38
Head First Python,def sanitize(time_string):,simplefunc,149
Head First Python,def sanitize(time_string):,simplefunc,150
Head First Python,def sanitize(time_string):,simplefunc,168
Head First Python,def sanitize(time_string):,simplefunc,175
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,175
Head First Python,def sanitize(time_string):,simplefunc,176
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,176
Head First Python,def sanitize(time_string):,simplefunc,181
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,181
Head First Python,def sanitize(time_string):,simplefunc,182
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,182
Head First Python,def sanitize(time_string):,simplefunc,184
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,184
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,186
Head First Python,def how_big(self):,simplefunc,193
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,195
Head First Python,def top3(self):,simplefunc,196
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,196
Head First Python,def top3(self):,simplefunc,199
Head First Python,def top3(self):,simplefunc,200
Head First Python,def top3(self):,simplefunc,207
Head First Python,def top3(self):,simplefunc,208
Head First Python,def top3(self):,simplefunc,208
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,223
Head First Python,def put_to_store(files_list):,simplefunc,223
Head First Python,def get_from_store():,simplefunc,223
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,224
Head First Python,def put_to_store(files_list):,simplefunc,224
Head First Python,def include_header(the_title):,simplefunc,227
Head First Python,def include_footer(the_links):,simplefunc,227
Head First Python,def u_list(items):,simplefunc,227
Head First Python,def para(para_text):,simplefunc,227
Head First Python,def include_header(the_title):,simplefunc,228
Head First Python,def include_footer(the_links):,simplefunc,228
Head First Python,def u_list(items):,simplefunc,229
Head First Python,def para(para_text):,simplefunc,229
Head First Python,def include_header(the_title):,simplefunc,230
Head First Python,def include_footer(the_links):,simplefunc,230
Head First Python,def u_list(items):,simplefunc,231
Head First Python,def para(para_text):,simplefunc,231
Head First Python,def get_names_from_store():,simplefunc,270
Head First Python,def create_inputs(inputs_list):,simplefunc,297
Head First Python,def create_inputs(inputs_list):,simplefunc,298
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,328
Head First Python,def get_from_store():,simplefunc,329
Head First Python,def get_names_from_store():,simplefunc,329
Head First Python,def get_coach_data(filename):,simplefunc,330
Head First Python,def get_from_store():,simplefunc,331
Head First Python,def get_names_from_store():,simplefunc,331
Head First Python,def get_names_from_store():,simplefunc,332
Head First Python,def get_athlete_from_id(athlete_id):,simplefunc,333
Head First Python,def get_names_from_store():,simplefunc,335
Head First Python,def get_names_from_store():,simplefunc,336
Head First Python,def get_namesID_from_store():,simplefunc,336
Head First Python,def main():,simplefunc,370
Head First Python,def main():,simplefunc,371
Head First Python,def get(self):,simplefunc,371
Head First Python,def get(self):,simplefunc,372
Head First Python,def main():,simplefunc,372
Head First Python,def post(self):,simplefunc,379
Head First Python,def post(self):,simplefunc,380
Head First Python,def post(self):,simplefunc,381
Head First Python,def post(self):,simplefunc,382
Head First Python,return to your OS,return,3
Head First Python,return to the start of the file.,return,76
Head First Python,return “None”,return,170
Head First Python,return a,return,184
Head First Python,return an,return,195
Head First Python,"return an Athlete object as opposed to a dictionary, and",return,196
Head First Python,"return 

 a three-item list, as opposed to a string? Surely a string would",return,198
Head First Python,return an,return,209
Head First Python,"return 
 a dictionary of",return,223
Head First Python,"return a HTML header tag (H1, H2, H2, and so on) with level 2",return,231
Head First Python,"return to the coach’s home page, or",return,241
Head First Python,"return to the coach’s home page, then select the hyperlink to display the list of athletes, select Sarah,",return,247
Head First Python,"return 
 to the SL4A script listing.",return,283
Head First Python,return the object’s,return,285
Head First Python,return a,return,286
Head First Python,return a list,return,322
Head First Python,"return a dictionary, just as it’s always done.",return,327
Head First Python,"return that to the caller, right?",return,327
Head First Python,return the selected item.,return,425
Head First Python,"if you are using Mac OS X or Linux, type:
 python3 -V",simpleif,3
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,22
Head First Python,if this code makes a difference to the output displayed on screen:,simpleif,22
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):
  for nested_item in each_item:",simpleif,22
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,23
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,24
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,24
Head First Python,"if isinstance(nested_item, list):",simpleif,24
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):
  for nested_item in each_item:",simpleif,25
Head First Python,"if isinstance(nested_item, list):
  for deeper_item in nested_item:",simpleif,25
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,28
Head First Python,"if isinstance(nested_item, list):",simpleif,28
Head First Python,"if isinstance(deeper_item, list):",simpleif,28
Head First Python,"if 


Head First Python,"if

 each_item in the_list:",simpleif,30
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,30
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,38
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,55
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,56
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):
  print_lol(each_item, level)",simpleif,59
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):
  print_lol(each_item, level+1)",simpleif,59
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,67
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,68
Head First Python,if indent :,simpleif,68
Head First Python,"if 

 not each_line.find(':') == -1:",simpleif,86
Head First Python,if os.path.exists('sketch.txt'):,simpleif,97
Head First Python,"if not each_line.find(':') == -1:
  (role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)",simpleif,97
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,127
Head First Python,if indent:,simpleif,127
Head First Python,"if isinstance(each_item, list):",simpleif,128
Head First Python,if indent:,simpleif,128
Head First Python,if you enclose your code with try/except:,simpleif,136
Head First Python,if that’s what you need:,simpleif,156
Head First Python,if each_t not in unique_james:,simpleif,162
Head First Python,if post_data:,simpleif,275
Head First Python,if post_data:,simpleif,276
Head First Python,"if resp['which'] in ('positive'):
  selected_athlete = app.dialogGetSelectedItems().result[0]",simpleif,280
Head First Python,if post_data:,simpleif,282
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('positive'):,simpleif,282
Head First Python,if post_data:,simpleif,305
Head First Python,if post_data:,simpleif,306
Head First Python,"if resp is not None:
  web_server = resp",simpleif,306
Head First Python,"if resp is not None:
 tap on the Cancel button…",simpleif,306
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('positive'):,simpleif,343
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('positive'):,simpleif,344
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('positive'):,simpleif,345
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('negative'):,simpleif,345
Head First Python,if resp is not None:,simpleif,345
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('positive'):,simpleif,346
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('negative'):,simpleif,346
Head First Python,if resp is not None:,simpleif,346
Head First Python,"if diff == 0:
  File ""/Users/barryp/HeadFirstPython/chapter11/"", line 11, in whats_the_difference",simpleif,417
Head First Python,if your time “problems” have been resolved:,simpleif,420
Head First Python,"if notok:
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('positive'):,simpleif,427
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('positive'):,simpleif,428
Head First Python,if resp['which'] in ('positive'):,simpleif,428
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,4
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,4
Head First Python,print(movies[1]),printfunc,9
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,9
Head First Python,"print() BIF. Then, use the len()",printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(cast),printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(len(cast)),printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(cast[1]),printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(cast),printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(cast),printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(cast),printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(cast),printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(cast),printfunc,10
Head First Python,print(fav_movies[0]),printfunc,15
Head First Python,print(fav_movies[1]),printfunc,15
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,15
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,15
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,15
Head First Python,print(each_flick),printfunc,15
Head First Python,print(movies[count]),printfunc,16
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,16
Head First Python,print(movies[4][1][3]),printfunc,18
Head First Python,print(movies),printfunc,19
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,19
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,21
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,22
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,22
Head First Python,print(nested_item),printfunc,22
Head First Python,print(nested_item),printfunc,22
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,22
Head First Python,print(nested_item),printfunc,23
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,23
Head First Python,print(nested_item),printfunc,24
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,24
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,24
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,24
Head First Python,print(deeper_item),printfunc,24
Head First Python,print(nested_item),printfunc,24
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,25
Head First Python,print(deeper_item),printfunc,25
Head First Python,print(nested_item),printfunc,25
Head First Python,print(deeper_item),printfunc,28
Head First Python,print(deepest_item),printfunc,28
Head First Python,print(nested_item),printfunc,28
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,28
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,30
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,30
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,32
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,35
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,37
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,38
Head First Python,print(num),printfunc,54
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,55
Head First Python,"print()’s default behavior), use this Python code: print(""\t"", end='')",printfunc,55
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,55
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,56
Head First Python,"print()’s default behavior), use this Python code: print(""\t"", end='')",printfunc,56
Head First Python,"print(""\t"", end='')",printfunc,56
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,56
Head First Python,"print(""\t"", end='')",printfunc,58
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,58
Head First Python,"print(""\t"", end='')",printfunc,67
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,67
Head First Python,"print(""\t"", end='')",printfunc,68
Head First Python,print(each_item),printfunc,68
Head First Python,"print(""\t"" * level, end='')",printfunc,68
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,71
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,76
Head First Python,"print(each_line, end='')",printfunc,76
Head First Python,"print(role, end='')",printfunc,78
Head First Python,"print(' said: ', end='')",printfunc,78
Head First Python,"print(line_spoken, end='')",printfunc,78
Head First Python,"print(role, end='')",printfunc,85
Head First Python,"print(' said: ', end='')",printfunc,85
Head First Python,"print(line_spoken, end='')",printfunc,85
Head First Python,"print(role, end='')",printfunc,86
Head First Python,"print(' said: ', end='')",printfunc,86
Head First Python,"print(line_spoken, end='')",printfunc,86
Head First Python,"print(role, end='')",printfunc,91
Head First Python,"print(' said: ', end='')",printfunc,91
Head First Python,"print(line_spoken, end='')",printfunc,91
Head First Python,"print(role, end='')",printfunc,92
Head First Python,"print(' said: ', end='')",printfunc,92
Head First Python,"print(line_spoken, end='')",printfunc,92
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,92
Head First Python,"print(role, end='')",printfunc,97
Head First Python,"print(' said: ', end='')",printfunc,97
Head First Python,"print(line_spoken, end='')",printfunc,97
Head First Python,print('The data file is missing!'),printfunc,97
Head First Python,print() BIF uses standard output (usually the screen),printfunc,110
Head First Python,"print(""Norwegian Blues stun easily."", file=out)",printfunc,110
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,111
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,113
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,113
Head First Python,print('File error.'),printfunc,114
Head First Python,print('Flying Circus'),printfunc,116
Head First Python,print() BIF),printfunc,118
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + err),printfunc,119
Head First Python,print('File error:' + err),printfunc,119
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(err)),printfunc,119
Head First Python,"print(""It's..."", file=data)",printfunc,120
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(err)),printfunc,120
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(err)),printfunc,120
Head First Python,print(‘File error: ' + str(err)),printfunc,122
Head First Python,"print(man, file=man_file)",printfunc,122
Head First Python,"print(other, file=other_file)",printfunc,122
Head First Python,"print(man, file=man_file)",printfunc,122
Head First Python,"print(other, file=other_file)",printfunc,122
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,124
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,124
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,125
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,125
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,126
Head First Python,"print(""\t"", end='', )",printfunc,127
Head First Python,"print(each_item,  )",printfunc,127
Head First Python,"print(""\t"", end='', )",printfunc,128
Head First Python,"print(each_item,  )",printfunc,128
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,128
Head First Python,"print()” BIF, the code needs to invoke “print_lol()",printfunc,128
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,129
Head First Python,print(a_list),printfunc,133
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(err)),printfunc,133
Head First Python,print(‘Pickling error: ‘ + str(perr)),printfunc,134
Head First Python,print('Pickling error: ' + str(perr)),printfunc,134
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,134
Head First Python,"print(""Dead Parrot Sketch"", file='myfavmonty.txt')",printfunc,134
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(err)),printfunc,136
Head First Python,print('Pickling error: ' + str(perr)),printfunc,136
Head First Python,print(new_man[0]),printfunc,136
Head First Python,print(new_man[-1]),printfunc,136
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,138
Head First Python,print(james),printfunc,142
Head First Python,print(julie),printfunc,142
Head First Python,print(mikey),printfunc,142
Head First Python,print(sarah),printfunc,142
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,145
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,146
Head First Python,print(sorted(james)),printfunc,146
Head First Python,print(sorted(julie)),printfunc,146
Head First Python,print(sorted(mikey)),printfunc,146
Head First Python,print(sorted(sarah)),printfunc,146
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,151
Head First Python,print( ),printfunc,151
Head First Python,print( ),printfunc,151
Head First Python,print( ),printfunc,151
Head First Python,print( ),printfunc,151
Head First Python,print( ),printfunc,152
Head First Python,print( ),printfunc,152
Head First Python,print( ),printfunc,152
Head First Python,print( ),printfunc,152
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,152
Head First Python,print(unique_james[0:3]),printfunc,162
Head First Python,print(sorted(set([sanitize(t) for t in james]))[0:3]),printfunc,168
Head First Python,print(sorted(set([sanitize(t) for t in julie]))[0:3]),printfunc,168
Head First Python,print(sorted(set([sanitize(t) for t in mikey]))[0:3]),printfunc,168
Head First Python,print(sorted(set([sanitize(t) for t in sarah]))[0:3]),printfunc,168
Head First Python,print(‘File error: ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,170
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,175
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,176
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,176
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,181
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,182
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,184
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,185
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,186
Head First Python,print(‘File error: ‘ + str(ioerr)),printfunc,186
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,186
Head First Python,print(james[‘Name’] + “’s fastest times are: “ + james[‘Times’]),printfunc,186
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,187
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,195
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,195
Head First Python,"print(james['Name'] + ""'s fastest times are: "" + james['Times'])",printfunc,195
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,196
Head First Python,print('File error: ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,196
Head First Python,"print(james['Name'] + ""'s fastest times are: "" + james['Times'])",printfunc,196
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,198
Head First Python,print(vera.top3()),printfunc,200
Head First Python,print(vera.top3()),printfunc,200
Head First Python,"print( + "" is a "" + attr + ""."")",printfunc,206
Head First Python,print(vera.top3()),printfunc,208
Head First Python,print(vera.top3()),printfunc,208
Head First Python,print(data[each_athlete].name + ' ' + data[each_athlete].dob),printfunc,225
Head First Python,print(data_copy[each_athlete].name + ' ' + data_copy[each_athlete].dob),printfunc,225
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,232
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,232
Head First Python,"print(""Starting simple_httpd on port: "" + str(httpd.server_port))",printfunc,235
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_footer({""Home"": ""/index.html""}))",printfunc,237
Head First Python,"print(yate.start_form(""""))",printfunc,237
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""Select an athlete from the list to work with:""))",printfunc,237
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_header(""Coach Kelly's List of Athletes""))",printfunc,237
Head First Python,"print(yate.radio_button(""which_athlete"", athletes[each_athlete].name))",printfunc,237
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response()),printfunc,237
Head First Python,"print(yate.end_form(""Select""))",printfunc,237
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response()),printfunc,238
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_header(""Coach Kelly's List of Athletes""))",printfunc,238
Head First Python,"print(yate.start_form(""""))",printfunc,238
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""Select an athlete from the list to work with:""))",printfunc,238
Head First Python,"print(yate.radio_button(""which_athlete"", athletes[each_athlete].name))",printfunc,238
Head First Python,"print(yate.end_form(""Select""))",printfunc,238
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_footer({""Home"": ""/index.html""}))",printfunc,238
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response()),printfunc,246
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_header(""Coach Kelly's Timing Data""))",printfunc,246
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""The top times for this athlete are:""))",printfunc,246
Head First Python,print(yate.u_list(athletes[athlete_name].top3())),printfunc,246
Head First Python,print(yate.u_list(athletes[athlete_name].top3())),printfunc,247
Head First Python,print(yate.u_list(athletes[athlete_name].top3())),printfunc,250
Head First Python,print(yate.u_list(athletes[athlete_name].top3)),printfunc,250
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response('application/json')),printfunc,272
Head First Python,print(json.dumps(sorted(names))),printfunc,272
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response('application/json')),printfunc,281
Head First Python,print(json.dumps(athletes[athlete_name])),printfunc,281
Head First Python,"print(json.dumps(athletes[athlete_name]), file=sys.stderr)",printfunc,284
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,284
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response('text/html')),printfunc,299
Head First Python,"print(yate.do_form('', ['TimeValue'], text='Send'))",printfunc,299
Head First Python,"print(host + "", "" + addr + "", "" + cur_time + "": "" + method, file=sys.stderr)",printfunc,300
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response('text/plain')),printfunc,301
Head First Python,print('OK.'),printfunc,301
Head First Python,print(file=sys.stderr),printfunc,301
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response('text/plain')),printfunc,302
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,302
Head First Python,print(file=sys.stderr),printfunc,302
Head First Python,print('OK.'),printfunc,302
Head First Python,print('File error (get_from_store): ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,329
Head First Python,print('File error (get_from_store): ' + str(ioerr)),printfunc,331
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response()),printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_header(""NUAC's List of Athletes""))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.start_form(""""))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""Select an athlete from the list to work with:""))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.radio_button(""which_athlete"", athletes[each_athlete].name))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.end_form(""Select""))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_footer({""Home"": ""/index.html""}))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response()),printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_header(""NUAC's Timing Data""))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.header(""Athlete: "" + athlete_name + "", DOB: "" + athletes[athlete_name].dob + "".""))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""The top times for this athlete are:""))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,print(yate.u_list(athletes[athlete_name].top3)),printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""The entire set of timing data is: "" + str(athletes[athlete_name].clean_data)",printfunc,337
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_footer({""Home"": ""/index.html"", ""Select another athlete"": """"}))",printfunc,337
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response('application/json')),printfunc,338
Head First Python,print(json.dumps(sorted(names))),printfunc,338
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response('application/json')),printfunc,338
Head First Python,print(json.dumps(athletes[athlete_name].as_dict)),printfunc,338
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response()),printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_header(""NUAC's List of Athletes""))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.start_form(""""))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""Select an athlete from the list to work with:""))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.radio_button(""which_athlete"", athletes[each_athlete].name))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.end_form(""Select""))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_footer({""Home"": ""/index.html""}))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response()),printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_header(""NUAC's Timing Data""))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.header(""Athlete: "" + athlete_name + "", DOB: "" + athletes[athlete_name].dob + "".""))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""The top times for this athlete are:""))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,print(yate.u_list(athletes[athlete_name].top3)),printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.para(""The entire set of timing data is: "" + str(athletes[athlete_name].clean_data)",printfunc,339
Head First Python,"print(yate.include_footer({""Home"": ""/index.html"", ""Select another athlete"": """"}))",printfunc,339
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response(‘application/json’)),printfunc,340
Head First Python,print(json.dumps(sorted(names))),printfunc,340
Head First Python,print(yate.start_response(‘application/json’)),printfunc,340
Head First Python,print(json.dumps(athletes[athlete_name].as_dict)),printfunc,340
Head First Python,print('Content-type: text/plain\n'),printfunc,356
Head First Python,print('Hello from Head First Python on GAE!'),printfunc,356
Head First Python,"print(num_cols, end=' -> ')",printfunc,403
Head First Python,print(column_headings),printfunc,403
Head First Python,"print(num_2mi, end=' -> ')",printfunc,403
Head First Python,print(row_data['2mi']),printfunc,403
Head First Python,"print(num_Marathon, end=' -> ')",printfunc,403
Head First Python,print(row_data['Marathon']),printfunc,403
Head First Python,"print(num_cols, end=' -> ')",printfunc,404
Head First Python,print(column_headings),printfunc,404
Head First Python,"print(num_2mi, end=' -> ')",printfunc,404
Head First Python,print(row_data['2mi']),printfunc,404
Head First Python,"print(num_Marathon, end=' -> ')",printfunc,404
Head First Python,print(row_data['Marathon']),printfunc,404
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,408
Head First Python,print(),printfunc,454
Head First Python,"movies = [""The Holy Grail"", ""The Life of Brian"", ""The Meaning of Life""]",simpleList,7
Head First Python,"movies = [""The Holy Grail"", ""The Life of Brian"", ""The Meaning of Life""]",simpleList,9
Head First Python,"cast = [""Cleese"", 'Palin', 'Jones', ""Idle""]",simpleList,10
Head First Python,"movies = [""The Holy Grail"", ""The Life of Brian"", ""The Meaning of Life""]",simpleList,13
Head First Python,"movies = [""The Holy Grail"", ""The Life of Brian"", ""The Meaning of Life""]",simpleList,14
Head First Python,"fav_movies = [""The Holy Grail"", ""The Life of Brian""]",simpleList,15
Head First Python,"fav_movies = [""The Holy Grail"", ""The Life of Brian""]",simpleList,15
Head First Python,"names = ['Michael', 'Terry']",simpleList,20
Head First Python,py_modules  = ['nester'],simpleList,40
Head First Python,"cast = ['Palin’, 'Cleese’, 'Idle’, 'Jones’, 'Gilliam’, 'Chapman’]",simpleList,44
Head First Python,"cast = ['Palin', 'Cleese', 'Idle', 'Jones', 'Gilliam', 'Chapman']",simpleList,46
Head First Python,py_modules  = ['nester'],simpleList,60
Head First Python,py_modules  = ['nester'],simpleList,65
Head First Python,man = [],simpleList,108
Head First Python,other = [],simpleList,108
Head First Python,man = [],simpleList,111
Head First Python,other = [],simpleList,111
Head First Python,man = [],simpleList,112
Head First Python,other = [],simpleList,112
Head First Python,new_man = [],simpleList,136
Head First Python,"data = [6, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5]",simpleList,145
Head First Python,"data = [6, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5]",simpleList,145
Head First Python,clean_james = [],simpleList,152
Head First Python,clean_julie = [],simpleList,152
Head First Python,clean_mikey = [],simpleList,152
Head First Python,clean_sarah = [],simpleList,152
Head First Python,clean_mikey = [],simpleList,155
Head First Python,"mins = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,156
Head First Python,"meters = [1, 10, 3]",simpleList,156
Head First Python,"lower = [""I"", ""don't"", ""like"", ""spam""]",simpleList,156
Head First Python,"dirty = ['2-22', '2:22', '2.22']",simpleList,156
Head First Python,unique_james = [],simpleList,162
Head First Python,new_l = [],simpleList,172
Head First Python,"cleese['Occupations'] = ['actor', 'comedian', 'writer', 'film producer']",simpleList,180
Head First Python,"the_files = ['sarah.txt', 'james.txt', 'mikey.txt', 'julie.txt']",simpleList,225
Head First Python,"_FINS =  ['Falcate', 'Triangular', 'Rounded']",simpleList,376
Head First Python,"_WHALES = ['Humpback', 'Orca', 'Blue', 'Killer', 'Beluga', 'Fin', 'Gray', 'Sperm']",simpleList,376
Head First Python,"_BLOWS = ['Tall', 'Bushy', 'Dense']",simpleList,376
Head First Python,"_WAVES = ['Flat', 'Small', 'Moderate', 'Large', 'Breaking', 'High']",simpleList,376
Head First Python,exclude = ['which_user'],simpleList,390
Head First Python,times = [],simpleList,412
Head First Python,headings = [],simpleList,412
Head First Python,for each_flick in fav_movies:,forsimple,15
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,16
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,19
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,21
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,22
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,22
Head First Python,for nested_item in each_item:,forsimple,22
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,22
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,23
Head First Python,for nested_item in each_item:,forsimple,23
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,24
Head First Python,for nested_item in each_item:,forsimple,24
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,24
Head First Python,for nested_item in each_item:,forsimple,24
Head First Python,for deeper_item in nested_item:,forsimple,24
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,25
Head First Python,for each_item in movies:,forsimple,28
Head First Python,for nested_item in each_item:,forsimple,28
Head First Python,for deeper_item in nested_item:,forsimple,28
Head First Python,for deepest_item in deeper_item:,forsimple,28
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,30
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,35
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,37
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,38
Head First Python,for num in range(4):,forsimple,54
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,55
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,56
Head First Python,for tab_stop in range(level):,forsimple,56
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,58
Head First Python,for tab_stop in range(level):,forsimple,58
Head First Python,for the second argument and note the change in the function’s behavior:,forsimple,64
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,67
Head First Python,for tab_stop in range(level):,forsimple,67
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,68
Head First Python,for tab_stop in range(level):,forsimple,68
Head First Python,for statement to process every line in the file:,forsimple,76
Head First Python,for each_line in data:,forsimple,76
Head First Python,for each_line in data:,forsimple,78
Head First Python,for each_line in data:,forsimple,85
Head First Python,for each_line in data:,forsimple,86
Head First Python,for each_line in data:,forsimple,91
Head First Python,for each_line in data:,forsimple,92
Head First Python,for each_line in data:,forsimple,97
Head First Python,for a single “:” character in the line. If the “:,forsimple,100
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,127
Head First Python,for tab_stop in range(level):,forsimple,127
Head First Python,for each_item in the_list:,forsimple,128
Head First Python,for tab_stop in range(level):,forsimple,128
Head First Python,for each_t in james:,forsimple,152
Head First Python,for each_t in julie:,forsimple,152
Head First Python,for each_t in mikey:,forsimple,152
Head First Python,for each_t in sarah:,forsimple,152
Head First Python,for each_t in mikey:,forsimple,155
Head First Python,for each_t in james:,forsimple,162
Head First Python,for t in old_l:,forsimple,172
Head First Python,for t in sarah]))[0:,forsimple,175
Head First Python,for t in sarah]))[0:,forsimple,176
Head First Python,for t in sarah]))[0:,forsimple,181
Head First Python,for t in sarah]))[0:,forsimple,182
Head First Python,for t in sarah_data[‘Times’]]))[0:,forsimple,182
Head First Python,for t in sarah_data['Times']]))[0:,forsimple,184
Head First Python,for t in self.times]))[0:,forsimple,196
Head First Python,for t in self.times]))[0:,forsimple,199
Head First Python,for t in self.times]))[0:,forsimple,200
Head First Python,for attr in johnny:,forsimple,206
Head First Python,for t in self.times]))[0:,forsimple,207
Head First Python,for t in self.times]))[0:,forsimple,208
Head First Python,for t in self]))[0:,forsimple,208
Head First Python,for each_file in files_list:,forsimple,224
Head First Python,for each_athlete in data:,forsimple,225
Head First Python,for each_athlete in data_copy:,forsimple,225
Head First Python,for key in the_links:,forsimple,227
Head First Python,for item in items:,forsimple,227
Head First Python,for key in the_links:,forsimple,228
Head First Python,for item in items:,forsimple,229
Head First Python,for key in the_links:,forsimple,230
Head First Python,for item in items:,forsimple,231
Head First Python,for each_athlete in athletes:,forsimple,237
Head First Python,for each_athlete in athletes:,forsimple,238
Head First Python,for t in self]))[0:,forsimple,250
Head First Python,for each_input in inputs_list:,forsimple,298
Head First Python,for each_form_item in form.keys():,forsimple,301
Head First Python,for each_form_item in form.keys():,forsimple,302
Head First Python,for each_ath in athletes:,forsimple,321
Head First Python,for each_time in athletes[each_ath].clean_data:,forsimple,324
Head First Python,for each_athlete in sorted(athletes):,forsimple,337
Head First Python,for each_athlete in sorted(athletes):,forsimple,339
Head First Python,"for 
 variable substitution in the template, Django uses the {{name}} syntax:",forsimple,363
Head First Python,for field in self.request.arguments():,forsimple,379
Head First Python,for each_line in paces:,forsimple,403
Head First Python,for each_line in paces:,forsimple,404
Head First Python,for each_line in paces:,forsimple,407
Head First Python,for i in range(len(column_headings)):,forsimple,407
Head First Python,for each_t in row_data[‘Marathon’].keys():,forsimple,412
Head First Python,"for each_h in sorted(row_data[‘10mi’].values(), reverse=True):",forsimple,412
Head First Python,for the following terms in your favorite search engine:,forsimple,441
Head First Python,count = count+1,assignwithSum,16
Head First Python,"return('<p></p><input type=submit value=""' + submit_msg + '"">')",assignwithSum,227
Head First Python,"return('<p></p><input type=submit value=""' + submit_msg + '""></form>')",assignwithSum,229
Head First Python,"return('<p></p><input type=submit value=""' + submit_msg + '""></form>')",assignwithSum,231
Head First Python,athlete_names = sorted(json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_names_cgi))),assignwithSum,275
Head First Python,athlete_names = sorted(json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_names_cgi))),assignwithSum,276
Head First Python,"athlete = json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_data_cgi,",assignwithSum,280
Head First Python,athlete_title = which_athlete + ' top 3 times:',assignwithSum,280
Head First Python,athlete_names = sorted(json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_names_cgi))),assignwithSum,282
Head First Python,"athlete = json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_data_cgi,",assignwithSum,282
Head First Python,"athlete_title = athlete['Name'] + ' (' + athlete['DOB'] + '), top 3 times:'",assignwithSum,282
Head First Python,"athlete = json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_data_cgi, {'which_athlete': which_athlete}))",assignwithSum,295
Head First Python,"html_inputs = html_inputs + ‘<input type= “Text"" name=""' + \",assignwithSum,298
Head First Python,athlete_names = sorted(json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_names_cgi))),assignwithSum,343
Head First Python,"athlete = json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_data_cgi,{'which_athlete': which_athlete}))",assignwithSum,343
Head First Python,"athlete_title = athlete['Name'] + ' (' + athlete['DOB'] + '), top 3 times:'",assignwithSum,343
Head First Python,athlete_names = sorted(json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_names_cgi))),assignwithSum,344
Head First Python,"athlete = json.loads(send_to_server(web_server + get_data_cgi,{'which_athlete': which_athlete}))",assignwithSum,344
Head First Python,"athlete_title = athlete['Name'] + ' (' + athlete['DOB'] + '), top 3 times:'",assignwithSum,344
Head First Python,html = html +,assignwithSum,365
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/form_start.html’, {})",assignwithSum,366
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render(‘templates/form_end.html’, {‘sub_title’: ‘Submit Sighting’})",assignwithSum,366
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render(‘templates/footer.html’, {‘links’: ''})",assignwithSum,366
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/form_start.html', {})",assignwithSum,368
Head First Python,html = html + str(BirthDetailsForm(auto_id=False)),assignwithSum,368
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/form_end.html', {'sub_title': 'Submit Details'})",assignwithSum,368
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/footer.html', {'links': ''})",assignwithSum,368
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/form_start.html', {})",assignwithSum,371
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/form_end.html’, {'sub_title': 'Submit Sighting'})",assignwithSum,371
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/footer.html', {'links': ''})",assignwithSum,371
Head First Python,html = html + str(SightingForm()),assignwithSum,371
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/form_start.html', {})",assignwithSum,372
Head First Python,html = html + str(SightingForm()),assignwithSum,372
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/form_end.html’, {'sub_title': 'Submit Sighting'})",assignwithSum,372
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/footer.html', {'links': ''})",assignwithSum,372
Head First Python,"html = html + ""<p>Thank you for providing your birth details.</p>""",assignwithSum,380
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/footer.html',",assignwithSum,380
Head First Python,"html = html + ""<p>Thank you for providing your sighting data.</p>""",assignwithSum,381
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/footer.html',",assignwithSum,381
Head First Python,"html = html + ""<p>Thank you for providing your sighting data.</p>""",assignwithSum,382
Head First Python,"html = html + template.render('templates/footer.html',",assignwithSum,382
Head First Python,"displays the input dialog box.

  = app.dialogGetInput(""Enter a "" + distance_run + "" time:"",",assignwithSum,427
Head First Python,"recorded_time = app.dialogGetInput(""Enter a "" + distance_run + "" time:"",",assignwithSum,428
Head First Python,count = 0,simpleAssign,16
Head First Python,num_names = len(names),simpleAssign,20
Head First Python,indent=False,simpleAssign,68
Head First Python,"role, line_spoken) = each_line.split("":"")",simpleAssign,77
Head First Python,"role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':')",simpleAssign,78
Head First Python,"role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':')",simpleAssign,78
Head First Python,"role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)",simpleAssign,81
Head First Python,"role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)",simpleAssign,85
Head First Python,"role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)",simpleAssign,86
Head First Python,"role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)",simpleAssign,91
Head First Python,"role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(':', 1)",simpleAssign,92
Head First Python,fh=sys.stdout,simpleAssign,128
Head First Python,file=fh,simpleAssign,128
Head First Python,file=fh,simpleAssign,128
Head First Python,"print_lol(man, fh=man_file).",simpleAssign,129
Head First Python,a_list = pickle.load(myrestoredata),simpleAssign,133
Head First Python,"A: Consider print(), which has this signature: print(value, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout). By",simpleAssign,134
Head First Python,new_man = pickle.load(man_file),simpleAssign,136
Head First Python,"james = data.strip().split(‘,’)",simpleAssign,142
Head First Python,"julie = data.strip().split(‘,’)",simpleAssign,142
Head First Python,"mikey = data.strip().split(‘,’)",simpleAssign,142
Head First Python,"sarah = data.strip().split(‘,’)",simpleAssign,142
Head First Python,data2 = sorted(data),simpleAssign,145
Head First Python,"mins, secs) = 

 you are here 4",simpleAssign,149
Head First Python,"mins, secs) = 

Head First Python,"james = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,151
Head First Python,"julie = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,151
Head First Python,"mikey = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,151
Head First Python,"sarah = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,151
Head First Python,"james = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,152
Head First Python,"julie = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,152
Head First Python,"mikey = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,152
Head First Python,"sarah = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,152
Head First Python,"descending order, pass the reverse=True argument to",simpleAssign,153
Head First Python,james = sorted([sanitize(t) for t in james]),simpleAssign,161
Head First Python,james = sorted([sanitize(t) for t in james]),simpleAssign,162
Head First Python,distances = set(),simpleAssign,166
Head First Python,distances = set(james),simpleAssign,166
Head First Python,"mins, secs) = time_string.split(splitter)",simpleAssign,168
Head First Python,"james = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,168
Head First Python,"julie = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,168
Head First Python,"mikey = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,168
Head First Python,"sarah = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,168
Head First Python,"james = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,169
Head First Python,"julie = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,169
Head First Python,"mikey = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,169
Head First Python,"sarah = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,169
Head First Python,"james = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,170
Head First Python,"julie = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,170
Head First Python,"mikey = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,170
Head First Python,"sarah = data.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,170
Head First Python,sarah = get_coach_data(‘sarah.txt'),simpleAssign,170
Head First Python,Pass reverse=True to either,simpleAssign,172
Head First Python,"mins, secs) = time_string.split(splitter)",simpleAssign,175
Head First Python,"print(sarah_name + 


Head First Python,"mins, secs) = time_string.split(splitter)",simpleAssign,176
Head First Python,"sarah


Head First Python,"sarah_name, sarah_dob)


 sarah.pop(0), sarah.pop(0)",simpleAssign,176
Head First Python,palin = dict(),simpleAssign,180
Head First Python,"mins, secs) = time_string.split(splitter)",simpleAssign,181
Head First Python,sarah = get_coach_data('sarah2.txt'),simpleAssign,181
Head First Python,"sarah_name, sarah_dob) = sarah.pop(0), sarah.pop(0)",simpleAssign,181
Head First Python,"mins, secs) = time_string.split(splitter)",simpleAssign,182
Head First Python,sarah = get_coach_data('sarah2.txt'),simpleAssign,182
Head First Python,"sarah_name, sarah_dob) = sarah.pop(0), sarah.pop(0)",simpleAssign,182
Head First Python,sarah_data[‘Name’] = sarah.pop(0),simpleAssign,182
Head First Python,sarah_data[‘DOB’] = sarah.pop(0),simpleAssign,182
Head First Python,sarah_data[‘Times’] = sarah,simpleAssign,182
Head First Python,"mins, secs) = time_string.split(splitter)",simpleAssign,184
Head First Python,sarah = get_coach_data('sarah2.txt'),simpleAssign,184
Head First Python,sarah_data['Name'] = sarah.pop(0),simpleAssign,184
Head First Python,sarah_data['DOB'] = sarah.pop(0),simpleAssign,184
Head First Python,sarah_data['Times'] = sarah,simpleAssign,184
Head First Python,james = get_coach_data(‘james2.txt’),simpleAssign,186
Head First Python,a = Athlete(),simpleAssign,191
Head First Python,b = Athlete(),simpleAssign,191
Head First Python,c = Athlete(),simpleAssign,191
Head First Python,d = Athlete(),simpleAssign,191
Head First Python,a = Athlete(),simpleAssign,192
Head First Python,"d = Athlete(""Holy Grail"")",simpleAssign,193
Head First Python,"sarah = Athlete('Sarah Sweeney', '2002-6-17', ['2:58', '2.58', '1.56'])",simpleAssign,194
Head First Python,james = Athlete('James Jones'),simpleAssign,194
Head First Python,james = get_coach_data('james2.txt'),simpleAssign,195
Head First Python,james = get_coach_data('james2.txt'),simpleAssign,196
Head First Python,"Yes, that’s correct: more functionality = more methods.",simpleAssign,197
Head First Python,vera = Athlete(‘Vera Vi’),simpleAssign,200
Head First Python,"johnny = NamedList(""John Paul Jones"")",simpleAssign,206
Head First Python,vera = AthleteList(‘Vera Vi’),simpleAssign,208
Head First Python,new_d = {} or new_d = dict(),simpleAssign,212
Head First Python,ath = get_coach_data(each_file),simpleAssign,224
Head First Python,all_athletes[] = ath,simpleAssign,224
Head First Python,data = put_to_store(the_files),simpleAssign,225
Head First Python,data_copy = get_from_store(),simpleAssign,225
Head First Python,header = Template(head_text),simpleAssign,227
Head First Python,return(header.substitute(title=the_title)),simpleAssign,227
Head First Python,footer = Template(foot_text),simpleAssign,227
Head First Python,return(footer.substitute(links=link_string)),simpleAssign,227
Head First Python,header = Template(head_text),simpleAssign,228
Head First Python,return(header.substitute(title=the_title)),simpleAssign,228
Head First Python,footer = Template(foot_text),simpleAssign,228
Head First Python,return(footer.substitute(links=link_string)),simpleAssign,228
Head First Python,header = Template(head_text),simpleAssign,230
Head First Python,return(header.substitute(title=the_title)),simpleAssign,230
Head First Python,footer = Template(foot_text),simpleAssign,230
Head First Python,return(footer.substitute(links=link_string)),simpleAssign,230
Head First Python,"p></p><input type=submit value=""Submit""></form>'",simpleAssign,233
Head First Python,"p></p><input type=submit value=""Click to Confirm Your Order""></form>'",simpleAssign,233
Head First Python,port = 8080,simpleAssign,235
Head First Python,"httpd = HTTPServer(('', port), CGIHTTPRequestHandler)",simpleAssign,235
Head First Python,"data_files = glob.glob(""data/*.txt"")",simpleAssign,237
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.put_to_store(data_files),simpleAssign,237
Head First Python,"data_files = glob.glob(""data/*.txt"")",simpleAssign,238
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.put_to_store(data_files),simpleAssign,238
Head First Python,form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,244
Head First Python,athlete_name = form_data['which_athlete'].value,simpleAssign,244
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.get_from_store(),simpleAssign,246
Head First Python,form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,246
Head First Python,athlete_name = form_data['which_athlete'].value,simpleAssign,246
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,264
Head First Python,to_transfer = json.dumps(names),simpleAssign,269
Head First Python,from_transfer = json.loads(to_transfer),simpleAssign,269
Head First Python,athletes = get_from_store(),simpleAssign,270
Head First Python,names = athletemodel.get_names_from_store(),simpleAssign,272
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,274
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,274
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,274
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,275
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,275
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,276
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,276
Head First Python,which_athlete = athlete_names[selected_athlete],simpleAssign,280
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,280
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.get_from_store(),simpleAssign,281
Head First Python,form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,281
Head First Python,athlete_name = form_data['which_athlete'].value,simpleAssign,281
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,282
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,282
Head First Python,selected_athlete = app.dialogGetSelectedItems().result[0],simpleAssign,282
Head First Python,which_athlete = athlete_names[selected_athlete],simpleAssign,282
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,282
Head First Python,"input type=""Text"" name=""TimeValue"" size=40>",simpleAssign,296
Head First Python,form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,296
Head First Python,"timing_value = form[""TimeValue""].value",simpleAssign,296
Head First Python,"return(form.substitute(cgi_name=name, http_method=method,",simpleAssign,297
Head First Python,"list_of_inputs=inputs, submit_text=text))",simpleAssign,297
Head First Python,"each_input + '"" size=40>'",simpleAssign,298
Head First Python,inputs = create_inputs(the_inputs),simpleAssign,298
Head First Python,form = Template(form_text),simpleAssign,298
Head First Python,"return(form.substitute(cgi_name=name, http_method=method,",simpleAssign,298
Head First Python,"list_of_inputs=inputs, submit_text=text))",simpleAssign,298
Head First Python,form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,300
Head First Python,addr = os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'],simpleAssign,300
Head First Python,host = os.environ['REMOTE_HOST'],simpleAssign,300
Head First Python,method = os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'],simpleAssign,300
Head First Python,cur_time = time.asctime(time.localtime()),simpleAssign,300
Head First Python,addr = os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'],simpleAssign,301
Head First Python,host = os.environ['REMOTE_HOST'],simpleAssign,301
Head First Python,method = os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'],simpleAssign,301
Head First Python,cur_time = time.asctime(time.localtime()),simpleAssign,301
Head First Python,"end='', file=sys.stderr)",simpleAssign,301
Head First Python,form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,301
Head First Python,file=sys.stderr),simpleAssign,301
Head First Python,addr = os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'],simpleAssign,302
Head First Python,host = os.environ['REMOTE_HOST'],simpleAssign,302
Head First Python,method = os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'],simpleAssign,302
Head First Python,cur_time = time.asctime(time.localtime()),simpleAssign,302
Head First Python,"end='', file=sys.stderr)",simpleAssign,302
Head First Python,form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,302
Head First Python,file=sys.stderr),simpleAssign,302
Head First Python,"resp = app.dialogGetInput(title, message, data).result",simpleAssign,304
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,305
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,306
Head First Python,"resp = app.dialogGetInput(server_title, server_msg, web_server).result",simpleAssign,306
Head First Python,"resp = app.dialogGetInput(timing_title, timing_msg).result",simpleAssign,306
Head First Python,new_time = resp,simpleAssign,306
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect('test.sqlite'),simpleAssign,315
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,315
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect('coachdata.sqlite'),simpleAssign,319
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,319
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect('coachdata.sqlite'),simpleAssign,320
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,320
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect('coachdata.sqlite'),simpleAssign,321
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,321
Head First Python,"data_files = glob.glob(""../data/*.txt"")",simpleAssign,321
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.put_to_store(data_files),simpleAssign,321
Head First Python,name = athletes[each_ath].name,simpleAssign,321
Head First Python,dob = athletes[each_ath].dob,simpleAssign,321
Head First Python,the_current_id = cursor.fetchone()[0],simpleAssign,324
Head First Python,athletes = get_from_store(),simpleAssign,329
Head First Python,athletes = get_from_store(),simpleAssign,331
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect(db_name),simpleAssign,332
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,332
Head First Python,"results = cursor.execute(""""""SELECT name FROM athletes"""""")",simpleAssign,332
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect(db_name),simpleAssign,333
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,333
Head First Python,"results = cursor.execute(""""""SELECT name, dob FROM athletes WHERE id=?"""""",",simpleAssign,333
Head First Python,"name, dob) = results.fetchone()",simpleAssign,333
Head First Python,"results = cursor.execute(""""""SELECT value FROM timing_data WHERE athlete_id=?"""""",",simpleAssign,333
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect(db_name),simpleAssign,335
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,335
Head First Python,"results = cursor.execute(""""""SELECT name FROM athletes"""""")",simpleAssign,335
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect(db_name),simpleAssign,336
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,336
Head First Python,"results = cursor.execute(""""""SELECT name FROM athletes"""""")",simpleAssign,336
Head First Python,connection = sqlite3.connect(db_name),simpleAssign,336
Head First Python,cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,336
Head First Python,"results = cursor.execute(“““SELECT name, id FROM athletes"""""")",simpleAssign,336
Head First Python,response = results.fetchall(),simpleAssign,336
Head First Python,"data_files = glob.glob(""data/*.txt"")",simpleAssign,337
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.put_to_store(data_files),simpleAssign,337
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.get_from_store(),simpleAssign,337
Head First Python,form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,337
Head First Python,athlete_name = form_data['which_athlete'].value,simpleAssign,337
Head First Python,names = athletemodel.get_names_from_store(),simpleAssign,338
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.get_from_store(),simpleAssign,338
Head First Python,form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,338
Head First Python,athlete_name = form_data['which_athlete'].value,simpleAssign,338
Head First Python,"data_files = glob.glob(""data/*.txt"")",simpleAssign,339
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.put_to_store(data_files),simpleAssign,339
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.get_from_store(),simpleAssign,339
Head First Python,form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,339
Head First Python,athlete_name = form_data['which_athlete'].value,simpleAssign,339
Head First Python,athlete = athletemodel.get_athlete_from_id(athlete_id),simpleAssign,339
Head First Python,names = athletemodel.get_names_from_store(),simpleAssign,340
Head First Python,athletes = athletemodel.get_from_store(),simpleAssign,340
Head First Python,form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,340
Head First Python,athlete_name = form_data[‘which_athlete’].value,simpleAssign,340
Head First Python,athlete = athletemodel.get_athlete_from_id(athlete_id),simpleAssign,340
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,343
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,343
Head First Python,selected_athlete = app.dialogGetSelectedItems().result[0],simpleAssign,343
Head First Python,which_athlete = athlete_names[selected_athlete],simpleAssign,343
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,343
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,344
Head First Python,"athletes = 

 Extract the athlete",simpleAssign,344
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,344
Head First Python,selected_athlete = app.dialogGetSelectedItems().result[0],simpleAssign,344
Head First Python,which_athlete = athlete_names[selected_athlete],simpleAssign,344
Head First Python,resp = app.dialogGetResponse().result,simpleAssign,344
Head First Python,new_time = resp,simpleAssign,345
Head First Python,"add_time_cgi = 

 resp = app.dialogGetInput(timing_title, timing_msg).result",simpleAssign,345
Head First Python,"timing_msg = 

 timing_title = 'Enter a new time'",simpleAssign,345
Head First Python,"resp = app.dialogGetInput(timing_title, timing_msg).result",simpleAssign,346
Head First Python,new_time = resp,simpleAssign,346
Head First Python,"name = 

  email =",simpleAssign,361
Head First Python,"date = 

  time =",simpleAssign,361
Head First Python,"location = 

  fin_type =",simpleAssign,361
Head First Python,"whale_type = 

  blow_type =",simpleAssign,361
Head First Python,"wave_type =  

 Create a class called “Sighting” that inherits",simpleAssign,361
Head First Python,"name = 

Head First Python,"email =  

Head First Python,"date = 

Head First Python,"time = 

Head First Python,"location = 

Head First Python,"fin_type = 

Head First Python,"whale_type = 

Head First Python,"blow_type =  

Head First Python,"wave_type =  

Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html', {'title': 'Report a Possible Sighting'})",simpleAssign,364
Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html', {'title': 'Report a Possible Sighting'})",simpleAssign,365
Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html', {'title': 'Report a Possible Sighting'})",simpleAssign,366
Head First Python,name = db.StringProperty(),simpleAssign,368
Head First Python,date_of_birth = db.DateProperty(),simpleAssign,368
Head First Python,time_of_birth = db.TimeProperty(),simpleAssign,368
Head First Python,model = birthDB.BirthDetails,simpleAssign,368
Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html', {'title': 'Provide your birth details'})",simpleAssign,368
Head First Python,"app = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/.*', IndexPage)], debug=True)",simpleAssign,370
Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html', {'title': 'Report a Possible Sighting'})",simpleAssign,371
Head First Python,"app = webapp.WSGIApplication([(‘/.*’, SightingInputPage)], debug=True)",simpleAssign,371
Head First Python,model = hfwwgDB.Sighting,simpleAssign,371
Head First Python,model = hfwwgDB.Sighting,simpleAssign,372
Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html', {'title': 'Report a Possible Sighting'})",simpleAssign,372
Head First Python,"app = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/.*', SightingInputPage)], debug=True)",simpleAssign,372
Head First Python,location =  db.StringProperty(multiline=True),simpleAssign,376
Head First Python,fin_type =  db.StringProperty(choices=_FINS),simpleAssign,376
Head First Python,whale_type = db.StringProperty(choices=_WHALES),simpleAssign,376
Head First Python,blow_type = db.StringProperty(choices=_BLOWS),simpleAssign,376
Head First Python,wave_type = db.StringProperty(choices=_WAVES),simpleAssign,376
Head First Python,name = db.StringProperty(),simpleAssign,380
Head First Python,date_of_birth = db.DateProperty(),simpleAssign,380
Head First Python,time_of_birth = db.TimeProperty(),simpleAssign,380
Head First Python,new_birth = birthDB.BirthDetails(),simpleAssign,380
Head First Python, = self.request.get('name'),simpleAssign,380
Head First Python, = self.request.get('date_of_birth'),simpleAssign,380
Head First Python,new_birth.time = self.request.get('time_of_birth')),simpleAssign,380
Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html', {'title': 'Thank you!'})",simpleAssign,380
Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html',",simpleAssign,381
Head First Python,new_sighting = hfwwgDB.Sighting(),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python, = self.request.get(‘name’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python, = self.request.get(‘email’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python, = self.request.get(‘date’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python,new_sighting.time = self.request.get(‘time’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python,new_sighting.location = self.request.get(‘location’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python,new_sighting.fin_type = self.request.get(‘fin_type’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python,new_sighting.whale_type = self.request.get(‘whale_type’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python,new_sighting.blow_type =self.request.get(‘blow_type’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python,new_sighting.wave_type = self.request.get(‘wave_type’),simpleAssign,382
Head First Python,"html = template.render('templates/header.html',",simpleAssign,382
Head First Python,date = db.DateProperty(),simpleAssign,384
Head First Python,time = db.TimeProperty(),simpleAssign,384
Head First Python,date = db.StringProperty(),simpleAssign,385
Head First Python,time = db.StringProperty(),simpleAssign,385
Head First Python,which_user = db.UserProperty(),simpleAssign,390
Head First Python,model = hfwwgDB.Sighting,simpleAssign,390
Head First Python,new_sighting.which_user = users.get_current_user(),simpleAssign,390
Head First Python,num_cols = len(column_headings),simpleAssign,403
Head First Python,num_2mi = len(row_data['2mi']),simpleAssign,403
Head First Python,num_Marathon = len(row_data['Marathon']),simpleAssign,403
Head First Python,"column_headings = 

 row_data[row_label] = row",simpleAssign,403
Head First Python,row_label = row.pop(0),simpleAssign,403
Head First Python,"row = each_line.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,403
Head First Python,"column_headings = 


Head First Python,num_cols = len(column_headings),simpleAssign,404
Head First Python,num_2mi = len(row_data['2mi']),simpleAssign,404
Head First Python,num_Marathon = len(row_data['Marathon']),simpleAssign,404
Head First Python,"row = each_line.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,404
Head First Python,row_label = row.pop(0),simpleAssign,404
Head First Python,row_data[row_label] = row,simpleAssign,404
Head First Python,"row = each_line.strip().split(',')",simpleAssign,407
Head First Python,row_label = row.pop(0),simpleAssign,407
Head First Python,inner_dict[row[i]] = column_headings[i],simpleAssign,407
Head First Python,row_data[row_label] = inner_dict,simpleAssign,407
Head First Python,column_heading = row_data['15k']['43:24'],simpleAssign,408
Head First Python,column_heading = row_data['15k']['43:24'],simpleAssign,409
Head First Python,res = input('What is your favorite programming language: '),simpleAssign,413
Head First Python,age = input('What is your age: '),simpleAssign,413
Head First Python,what = time2secs(look_for),simpleAssign,420
Head First Python,"res = find_closest(what, where)",simpleAssign,420
Head First Python,app = android.Android(),simpleAssign,426
Head First Python,"resp = do_dialog(""Pick a distance"", distances, )",simpleAssign,427
Head First Python,"distance_run = 

  distance_run = distances[distance_run]",simpleAssign,427
Head First Python,"closest_time = find_nearest_time(format_time( ), row_data[distance_run])",simpleAssign,427
Head First Python,closest_column_heading = row_data[distance_run][closest_time],simpleAssign,427
Head First Python,"resp = do_dialog(""Pick a distance to predict"", distances, )",simpleAssign,427
Head First Python,"predicted_distance =  

  predicted_distance = distances[predicted_distance]",simpleAssign,427
Head First Python,if row_data[predicted_distance][k] == closest_column_heading],simpleAssign,427
Head First Python,"resp = do_dialog(""Pick a distance"", distances, app.dialogSetSingleChoiceItems)",simpleAssign,428
Head First Python,distance_run = app.dialogGetSelectedItems().result[0],simpleAssign,428
Head First Python,distance_run = distances[distance_run],simpleAssign,428
Head First Python,"closest_time = find_nearest_time(format_time(recorded_time), row_data[distance_run])",simpleAssign,428
Head First Python,closest_column_heading = row_data[distance_run][closest_time],simpleAssign,428
Head First Python,"resp = do_dialog(""Pick a distance to predict"", distances, app.dialogSetSingleChoiceItems)",simpleAssign,428
Head First Python,predicted_distance = app.dialogGetSelectedItems().result[0],simpleAssign,428
Head First Python,predicted_distance = distances[predicted_distance],simpleAssign,428
Head First Python,if row_data[predicted_distance][k] == closest_column_heading],simpleAssign,428
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [23]: c = [(x, y) for x in a for y in b]",listCompNested,38
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","zip(('one', 'two'), (2, 3)))",zip,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, message="""", buttons=()",privatemethod,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@classmethod
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@staticmethod
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@wrapper
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@afunc
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@classmethod
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@property
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@description.setter
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@functionwrapper
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@classmethod
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@dec
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@trace
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@trace
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@dec(argA, argB)
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@trace('tracing func1')
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@trace('tracing func2')
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@dec1
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@trace('tracing func1')
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@trace('tracing func2')
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@trace('tracing func1')
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@trace('tracing func2')
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@classmethod.

 ● See the description of class",decaratorclass,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","@classmethod and @staticmethod (instead of the 
 classmethod() and staticmethod() built-in functions) to declare class",decaratorclass,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",enumerate(),enumfunc,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",enumerate(),enumfunc,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",enumerate(iterable) -- Returns an iterable that produces pairs (tuples),enumfunc,37
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",enumerate(),enumfunc,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",enumerate(),enumfunc,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",enumerate(),enumfunc,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [6]: list2 = [f(x) for x in list1],simpleListComp,96
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",b = [x * 2 for x in a],simpleListComp,171
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",factorials = [t(n) for n in numbers],simpleListComp,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",b = [x * 3 for x in a if x % 2 == 0],simpleListComp,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","names3 = [name for name in names1 if name not in 
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [29]: gen1 = (item.upper() for item in items),generatorExpression,38
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",gen = (item for item in collection if item not in excludes),generatorExpression,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",genexpr = (f(x) for x in mylist),generatorExpression,97
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",re.compile(),re,82
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",re.subn(),re,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",re.subn() function returns a tuple containing two values: (1),re,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import re,importre,82
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import re,importre,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def simplegenerator():
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def walk_tree(self, level):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def walk_tree(tree, level):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def walk_tree_recur(tree, level):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",classmethod(),classmethod2,63
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",classmethod() built-in),classmethod2,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",staticmethod(),staticmethod2,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",staticmethod(),staticmethod2,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",staticmethod(),staticmethod2,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,30
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,32
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,55
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,58
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,59
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,69
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,71
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,74
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,112
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,124
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,137
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,173
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,174
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,205
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,210
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,221
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,225
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,247
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x.__class__,__class__,2
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",The built-in types are introspect-able -- Use x.__class__,__class__,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",dir(x.__class__,__class__,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",type(x) is the same as x.__class__,__class__,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",obj.__class__,__class__,69
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",obj.__class__,__class__,69
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",dir(anIter): ['__class__,__class__,90
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","__add__', '__class__",__class__,176
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a.__dict__,__dict__,191
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","with open('tmp01.txt', 'r') as infile:",withfunc,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","with open('small_file.txt', 'r') as infile:",withfunc,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","with open('tmp_outfile.txt', 'w') as outfile:",withfunc,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","with open(infilename, 'r') as infile, open(outfilename, 'w') as 
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","with open(infilename, 'r') as infile, open(outfilename, 'w') as 
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [11, None, 'abc', None, {}]",listwithdict,188
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if condition3:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while condition:

 The while: statement is not often used in Python because the for: statement is 
 usually more convenient, more idiomatic, and more Pythonic.

 ● Write a while statement that prints integers from zero to 5. Solution:

 count = 0
 while count < 5:
  count += 1
  print count

 The break and continue statements are often useful in a while statement. See 
 continue and break statements
 The while statement can also have an optional else: clause. The else: clause is 
 executed if the while statement completes normally, that is if a break statement is not 

 1.6.7  continue and break statements
 The break statement exits from a loop.
 The continue statement causes execution to immediately continue at the start of the 
 Can be used in for: and while:.
 When the for: statement or the while: statement has an else: clause, the block in 
 the else:",whileelse,39
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while 1:
  line = raw_input('Enter a line (""q"" to quit):')
  if line == 'q':
  print 'matched:', line
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while 1:
  line = raw_input('Enter a line (""q"" to quit):')
  if line == 'q':
  mo =
  if mo:
  value1, value2 =, 2)
  print 'value1: %s value2: %s' % (value1, value2)
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while 1:
  line = raw_input('Enter a line (""q"" to quit): ')
  if line == 'q':
  mo =
  if mo:
  value1, value2 =, 2)
  start1 = mo.start(1)
  end1 = mo.end(1)
  start2 = mo.start(2)
  end2 = mo.end(2)
  print 'value1: %s start1: %d end1: %d' % (value1, start1, 
  print 'value2: %s start2: %d end2: %d' % (value2, start2, 
  repl1 = raw_input('Enter replacement #1: ')
  repl2 = raw_input('Enter replacement #2: ')
  newline = (line[:start1] + repl1 + line[end1:start2] +
  repl2 + line[end2:])
  print 'newline: %s' % newline
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while 1:
  result = self.command_reco()
  if not result:
  return ASTNode(ProgNodeType, commandList)

  def command_reco(self):
  if self.tokenType == EOFTokType:
  return None
  result = self.func_call_reco()
  return ASTNode(CommandNodeType, result)

  def func_call_reco(self):
  if self.tokenType == WordTokType:
  term = ASTNode(TermNodeType, self.token)
  self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =
  if self.tokenType == LParTokType:
  self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =
  result = self.func_call_list_reco()
  if result:
  if self.tokenType == RParTokType:
  self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo = \
  return ASTNode(FuncCallNodeType, term, 
  raise ParseError(self.lineNo, 'missing right 
  raise ParseError(self.lineNo, 'bad func call 
  raise ParseError(self.lineNo, 'missing left paren')
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while 1:
  tokenType, token =
  name, lineNo, columnNo = scanner.position()
  if tokenType == None:
  tokType = EOFTokType
  token = None
  elif tokenType == 'word':
  tokType = WordTokType
  elif tokenType == 'lpar':
  tokType = LParTokType
  elif tokenType == 'rpar':
  tokType = RParTokType
  elif tokenType == 'comma':
  tokType = CommaTokType
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while True:
  count += 1
  if count > 5:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while 1:
  target = raw_input('Enter a target line (""q"" to quit): ')
  if target == 'q':
  repl = raw_input('Enter a replacement: ')
  result = pat.sub(repl, target)
  print 'result: %s' % result

 Here is another example of the use of a function to insert calculated replacements.

 import sys, re, string

 pat = re.compile('[a-m]+')

 def replacer(mo):
  return string.upper(

 print 'Upper-casing a-m.'
 while 1:
  target = raw_input('Enter a target line (""q"" to quit): ')
  if target == 'q':
  result = pat.sub(replacer, target)
  print 'result: %s' % result


 ● If the replacement argument to sub is a function, that function must take one 

 argument, a match object, and must return the modified (or replacement) value. 
 The matched sub-string will be replaced by the value returned by this function.

 ● In our case, the function replacer converts the matched value to upper case.
 This is also a convenient use for a lambda instead of a named function, for example:

 import sys, re, string

 pat = re.compile('[a-m]+')

 print 'Upper-casing a-m.'
 while 1:
  target = raw_input('Enter a target line (""q"" to quit): ')
  if target == 'q':
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while 1:
  result = self.func_call_reco()
  if not result:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while True:
  token =
  if token[0] is None:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while 1:
  result = self.func_call_reco()
  if not result:
  if self.tokenType != CommaTokType:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while idx < len(numbers):
  numbers[idx] *= 2
  idx += 1
  print 'after: %s' % (numbers, )

 But, notice that this task is easier using the for: statement and the built-in 
 enumerate() function:

 def test_for():
  numbers = [11, 22, 33, 44, ]
  print 'before: %s' % (numbers, )
  for idx, item in enumerate(numbers):
  numbers[idx] *= 2
  print 'after: %s' % (numbers, )

 3.5.6  break and continue statements
 The continue statement skips the remainder of the statements in the body of a loop 
 and starts immediately at the top of the loop again.
 A break statement in the body of a loop terminates the loop. It exits from the 
 immediately containing loop.
 break and continue can be used in both for: and while: statements.

 1. Write a for: loop that takes a list of integers and triples each integer that is even.

 Use the continue statement.

 2. Write a loop that takes a list of integers and computes the sum of all the integers 

 up until a zero is found in the list. Use the break statement.


 1. The continue statement enables us to ""skip"" items that satisfy a condition or 


 def test():
  numbers = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, ]
  print 'before: %s' % (numbers, )
  for idx, item in enumerate(numbers):
  if item % 2 != 0:
  numbers[idx] *= 3
  print 'after: %s' % (numbers, )


 2. The break",whilebreak,197
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","while count < 10:
  count += 1
  if count % 2 == 0:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",while k < kmax:,whilesimple,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",while i < k and n % p[i] <> 0:,whilesimple,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",while k < kmax:,whilesimple,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",while i < k and n % p[i] <> 0:,whilesimple,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",while 1:,whilesimple,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",while condition:,whilesimple,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from module import *,fromstarstatements,7
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from A import *,fromstarstatements,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from my_package import *,fromstarstatements,59
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from my_package import *,fromstarstatements,60
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from A import B as C,asextension,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from simplepackage.simple import test1 as mytest,asextension,32
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree,asextension,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree,asextension,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","in a file:

 import simplejson as json",asextension,249
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","2. We can read the file into a string, then decode it from Json:

 import simplejson as json",asextension,250
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","import sys
 import people_api as api",asextension,257
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Here are the relevant, modified subclasses (

 import people_api as supermod",asextension,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","import sys
 import upcase_names_appl as appl",asextension,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","A Python Book

 import member_specs_api as supermod",asextension,262
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","import sys
 import member_specs_api as supermod",asextension,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, file_name)",__init__,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __init__(self),__init__,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, first='', last='')",__init__,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, data, children=None)",__init__,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, items=None)",__init__,62
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, items=[])",__init__,62
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name, size)",__init__,63
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, description)",__init__,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, description)",__init__,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, data=None, name='no_name')",__init__,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name, desc)",__init__,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, seq)",__init__,93
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, seq)",__init__,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, nodeType, *args)",__init__,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, lineNo, msg)",__init__,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, nodeType, *args)",__init__,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __init__(self),__init__,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, lineNo, msg)",__init__,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, nodeType, *args)",__init__,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, msg, lineno, columnno)",__init__,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, msg, lineno, columnno)",__init__,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, message="""", default_text='', modal=True)",__init__,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, modal=True, multiple=True)",__init__,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name, size)",__init__,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name=None, children=None)",__init__,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name, height=-1, children=None)",__init__,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, data, children=None)",__init__,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name='-no name-')",__init__,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name='-no name-')",__init__,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name='-no name-')",__init__,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, urls)",__init__,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __init__(self),__init__,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, locator=None, description=None, contact=None)",__init__,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try: except: statement
 Exceptions are a systematic and consistent way of processing errors and ""unusual"" events
 in Python.
 Caught and un-caught exceptions -- Uncaught exceptions terminate a program.
 The try: statement catches an exception.
 Almost all errors in Python are exceptions.
 Evaluation (execution model) of the try statement -- When an exception occurs in the 
 try block, even if inside a nested function call, execution of the try block ends and the 
 except clauses are searched for a matching exception.
 Tracebacks -- Also see the traceback module:
 Exceptions are classes.
 Exception classes -- subclassing, args.
 An exception class in an except: clause catches instances of that exception class and 
 all subclasses, but not superclasses.
 Built-in exception classes -- See:
 ● Module exceptions.

 Page 49",trytry,40
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  raise RuntimeError('this silly error')
 except RuntimeError, exp:
  print ""[[[%s]]]"" % exp

 You can also get the arguments passed to the constructor of an exception object. In the 
 above example, these would be:


 Why would you define your own exception class? One answer: You want a user of your 
 code to catch your exception and no others.
 Catching an exception by exception class catches exceptions of that class and all its 
 subclasses. So:

 except SomeExceptionClass, exp:

 matches and catches an exception if SomeExceptionClass is the exception class or a base 
 class (superclass) of the exception class. The exception object (usually an instance of 
 some exception class) is bound to exp.
 A more ""modern"" syntax is:

 except SomeExceptionClass as exp:


 class MyE(ValueError):

  raise MyE()
 except ValueError:
  print 'caught exception'

 will print ""caught exception"", because ValueError is a base class of MyE.
 Also see the entries for ""EAFP"" and ""LBYL"" in the Python glossary:

 ● Write a very simple, empty exception subclass. Solution:

 class MyE(Exception):

 Page 50",trytry,41
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:except: statement that raises your exception and also catches it. 


  raise MyE('hello there dave')
 except MyE, e:
  print e

 1.6.9  raise statement
 Throw or raise an exception.

 ● raise instance
 ● raise MyExceptionClass(value) -- preferred.
 ● raise MyExceptionClass, value

 The raise statement takes:

 ● An (instance of) a built-in exception class.
 ● An instance of class Exception or
 ● An instance of a built-in subclass of class Exception or
 ● An instance of a user-defined subclass of class Exception or
 ● One of the above classes and (optionally) a value (for example, a string or a 


 For a list of built-in exceptions, see
 The following example defines an exception subclass and throws an instance of that 
 subclass. It also shows how to pass and catch multiple arguments to the exception:

 class NotsobadError(Exception):

 def test(x):
  if x == 0:
  raise NotsobadError('a moderately bad error', 'not too 
  except NotsobadError, e:
  print 'Error args: %s' % (e.args, )


 Which prints out the following:

 Error args: ('a moderately bad error', 'not too bad')

 Page 51",trytry,42
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =
  except StopIteration:
  raise RuntimeError, 'Empty file'
  result = self.prog_reco()
  self.infile = None
  return result

  def parseStream(self, instream):
  self.tokens = genTokens(instream, '<instream>')
  self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =
  except StopIteration:

 Page 126",trytry,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  result = parser.parseFile(infileName)
  except ParseError, exp:
  sys.stderr.write('ParseError: (%d) %s\n' % \
  (exp.getLineNo(), exp.getMsg()))
  if result:

 def usage():
  print __doc__

 def main():
  args = sys.argv[1:]
  opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'h', ['help'])
  relink = 1
  for opt, val in opts:
  if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
  if len(args) != 1:
  inputfile = args[0]

 if __name__ == '__main__':
  #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

 Comments and explanation:

 ● The tokenizer is a Python generator. It returns a Python generator that can 

 produce ""(tokType, tok, lineNo)"" tuples. Our tokenizer is so simple-minded that 
 we have to separate all of our tokens with whitespace. (A little later, we'll see how
 to use Plex to overcome this limitation.)

 ● The parser class (ProgParser) contains the recognizer methods that implement the 
 production rules. Each of these methods recognizes a syntactic construct defined 
 by a rule. In our example, these methods have names that end with ""_reco"".

 ● We could have, alternatively, implemented our recognizers as global functions, 

 instead of as methods in a class. However, using a class gives us a place to ""hang""
 the variables that are needed across methods and saves us from having to use 
 (""evil"") global variables.

 ● A recognizer method recognizes terminals (syntactic elements on the right-hand 
 side of the grammar rule for which there is no grammar rule) by (1) checking the 
 token type and the token value, and then (2) calling the tokenizer to get the next 
 token (because it has consumed a token).

 Page 129",trytry,120
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =
  except StopIteration:
  raise RuntimeError, 'Empty file'
  result = self.prog_reco()
  self.infile = None
  return result

  def parseStream(self, instream):
  self.tokens = None
  self.tokenType = NoneTokType
  self.token = ''
  self.lineNo = -1
  self.tokens = genTokens(self.instream, '<stream>')
  self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =
  except StopIteration:
  raise RuntimeError, 'Empty stream'
  result = self.prog_reco()
  self.infile = None
  return result

  def prog_reco(self):
  commandList = []
  while 1:
  result = self.command_reco()
  if not result:

 Page 136",trytry,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  result = parser.parseFile(infileName)
  except ParseError, exp:
  sys.stderr.write('ParseError: (%d) %s\n' % \
  (exp.getLineNo(), exp.getMsg()))
  if result:

 def usage():
  print __doc__

 def main():
  args = sys.argv[1:]
  opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'h', ['help'])
  for opt, val in opts:
  if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
  if len(args) != 1:
  infileName = args[0]

 if __name__ == '__main__':
  #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

 And, here is a sample of the data we can apply this parser to:

 # Test for recursive descent parser and Plex.
 # Command #1
 # Command #2
 bbb (ccc()) # An end of line comment.
 # Command #3
 ddd(eee(), fff(ggg(), hhh(), iii()))
 # End of test

 And, when we run our parser, it produces the following:

 $ python
 Node -- Type ProgNodeType
  Node -- Type CommandNodeType
  Node -- Type FuncCallNodeType
  Node -- Type TermNodeType
  Child: aaa
  Node -- Type FuncCallListNodeType
  Node -- Type CommandNodeType

 Page 139",trytry,130
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:except: and raise statements
 The try:except: statement enables us to catch an exception that is thrown from 
 within a block of code, or from code called from any depth withing that block.
 The raise statement enables us to throw an exception.
 An exception is a class or an instance of an exception class. If an exception is not caught, 
 it results in a traceback and termination of the program.
 There is a set of standard exceptions. You can learn about them here: Built-in Exceptions 
 You can define your own exception classes. To do so, create an empty subclass of the 
 class Exception. Defining your own exception will enable you (or others) to throw 
 and then catch that specific exception type while ignore others exceptions.

 1. Write a try:except: statement that attempts to open a file for reading and 

 catches the exception thrown when the file does not exist.
 Question: How do you find out the name of the exception that is thrown for an 
 input/output error such as the failure to open a file?

 2. Define an exception class. Then write a try:except: statement in which you 

 throw and catch that specific exception.

 3. Define an exception class and use it to implement a multi-level break from an 

 inner loop, by-passing an outer loop.


 1. Use the Python interactive interpreter to learn the exception type thrown when a 

 I/O error occurs. Example:

 >>> infile = open('xx_nothing__yy.txt', 'r')
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 1, in <module>
 IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

 Page 207",trytry,198
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:except: block which catches that exception:

 def test():
  infilename = 'nothing_noplace.txt'
  infile = open(infilename, 'r')
  for line in infile:
  print line
  except IOError, exp:
  print 'cannot open file ""%s""' % infilename


 2. We define a exception class as a sub-class of class Exception, then throw it 

 (with the raise statement) and catch it (with a try:except: statement):

 class SizeError(Exception):

 def test_exception(size):
  if size <= 0:
  raise SizeError, 'size must be greater than
  # Produce a different error to show that it 
 will not be caught.
  x = y
  except SizeError, exp:
  print '%s' % (exp, )
  print 'goodbye'

 def test():
  print '-' * 40


 When we run this script, it produces the following output:

 $ python
 size must be greater than zero
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File """", line 20, in <module>
  File """", line 18, in test
  File """", line 10, in test_exception
  x = y
 NameError: global name 'y' is not defined

 Page 208",trytry,199
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  # lxml
  from lxml import etree as etree_
  XMLParser_import_library = XMLParser_import_lxml
  if Verbose_import_:
  print(""running with lxml.etree"")
 except ImportError:
  # cElementTree from Python 2.5+
  import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree_
  XMLParser_import_library = XMLParser_import_elementtree
  if Verbose_import_:
  print(""running with cElementTree on Python 2.5+"")
  except ImportError:
  # ElementTree from Python 2.5+
  import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree_
  XMLParser_import_library = XMLParser_import_elementtree
  if Verbose_import_:
  print(""running with ElementTree on Python 2.5+"")
  except ImportError:
  # normal cElementTree install
  import cElementTree as etree_
  XMLParser_import_library = 
  if Verbose_import_:
  print(""running with cElementTree"")
  except ImportError:
  # normal ElementTree install
  import elementtree.ElementTree as etree_
  XMLParser_import_library = 
  if Verbose_import_:
  print(""running with ElementTree"")
  except ImportError:
  raise ImportError(""Failed to import ElementTree 
 from any known place"")

 def parsexml_(*args, **kwargs):
  if (XMLParser_import_library == XMLParser_import_lxml and
  'parser' not in kwargs):
  # Use the lxml ElementTree compatible parser so that, e.g.,

 Page 271",trytry,262
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  rating = int(rating)
  except ValueError, exp:
  print 'Error: rating must be integer.'
  connection, cursor = opendb()
  cursor.execute(""select * from plantsdb where p_name
 = '%s'"" % name)
  rows = cursor.fetchall()
  if len(rows) > 0:
  ql = ""update plantsdb set p_descrip='%s', 
 p_rating='%s' where p_name='%s'"" % (
  descrip, rating, name, )
  print 'ql:', ql
  print 'Updated'
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  if x == 0:
  raise NotsobadError('a moderately bad error', 'not too 
  except NotsobadError, e:",tryexcept,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  print # Note 3
  except StopIteration, exp:",tryexcept,55
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  except StopIteration, e:",tryexcept,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  except StopIteration, e:",tryexcept,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  # Do the parse
  result = yacc.parse(content)
  # Display the AST
  except LexerError, exp:
  except ParserError, exp:",tryexcept,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  for x in a:
  print 'outer -- x: %d' % x
  for y in b:
  if x > 22 and y > 444:
  raise BreakException1('leaving 
 inner loop')
  print 'inner -- y: %d' % y
  print 'outer -- after'
  print '-' * 40
  except BreakException1, exp:",tryexcept,200
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  x = iter(x)
  except TypeError, exp:",tryexcept,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","try:
  y = iter(x)
  except TypeError, exp:",tryexcept,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lambda
 Use a lambda, as a convenience, when you need a function that both:",lambda,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lambda first, last: '%s %s' % (first, last, ))",lambda,53
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lambda first, last: '%s, %s' % (last, first, ))",lambda,53
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lambda x: x,",lambda,53
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lambda x: x * 2,",lambda,53
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lambda mo: string.upper(,",lambda,87
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def fn1(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,47
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def test(size, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,48
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t(**kwargs):,funcwith2star,49
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def inner_fn(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def show_args(x, y=-1, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,205
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def func1(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,206
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def func2(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,206
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def inner(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,226
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def inner2(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def inner2(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def inner(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def inner2(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def inner2(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t(*args):,funcwithstar,49
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def quit(self, *args):",funcwithstar,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def quit(self, *args):",funcwithstar,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class A(object):,simpleclass,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class NotsobadError(Exception):,simpleclass,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class Context01(object):,simpleclass,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class Context01(object):,simpleclass,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class SomeClass(object):,simpleclass,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class B(object):,simpleclass,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class A(object):,simpleclass,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class A(object):,simpleclass,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class A(object):,simpleclass,62
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class B(A):,simpleclass,62
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class A(object):,simpleclass,63
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class B(object):,simpleclass,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class TestProperty(object):,simpleclass,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class TestProperty(object):,simpleclass,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class C(list):,simpleclass,66
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class D(dict):,simpleclass,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class A(object):,simpleclass,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class B(A):,simpleclass,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class ParseError(Exception):,simpleclass,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class ParseError(Exception):,simpleclass,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class LexerError(Exception):,simpleclass,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class ParserError(Exception):,simpleclass,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class A(object):,simpleclass,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class BreakException1(Exception):,simpleclass,200
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class Demo(object):,simpleclass,214
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class Plant(object):,simpleclass,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class Node(object):,simpleclass,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class Plant(Node):,simpleclass,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class Animal(Node):,simpleclass,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class A(object):,simpleclass,218
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class B(object):,simpleclass,218
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class C(object):,simpleclass,218
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class AnimalNode(object):,simpleclass,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class AnimalNode(object):,simpleclass,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class ASimpleClass(object):,simpleclass,221
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class ASimpleClass(object):,simpleclass,221
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class CountInstances(object):,simpleclass,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class CountInstances(object):,simpleclass,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class CountInstances(object):,simpleclass,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",class WebPages(object):,simpleclass,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","raise ParseError(self.lineNo, 'missing left paren')",raise,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","raise LexerError(msg, t.lineno, columnno)",raise,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","raise ParserError(msg, t.lineno, columnno)",raise,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",">>> class MyClass:
 ...  pass",pass,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __enter__(self):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","with MyContextManager() as obj:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [17]:class A:
  ....: pass",pass,45
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","HelloClass(cls, arg):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","HelloStatic(arg):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","fn1(msg):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [104]: class A:
  .....:  pass",pass,60
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [21]: class A(object):
  ....:  pass",pass,60
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",">>> class A(object):
 ...  pass",pass,191
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","func(arg1, arg2):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def func(arg1, arg2):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","func(arg1, arg2):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def func(arg1, arg2):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","func(arg1, arg2, ...):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def func(arg1, arg2, ...):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in [y for y in range(10) if y % 2 == 0]:,forwithlist,38
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","posstr = ('(%d, %d)' % (position[1]",nestedTuple,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for child in self.get_children():
  for level1, tree1 in child.walk_tree(level+1):",fornested,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for tree in trees:
  for tree in walk_tree(tree, level):",fornested,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for child in tree.get_children():
  for level1, tree1 in walk_tree_recur(child, level+1):",fornested,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for row in rows:
  for idx, field in enumerate(row):",fornested,242
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [115]: values = {'vegetable': 'chard', 'fruit': 'nectarine'}",simpleDict,16
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [7]: values = {'name': 'dave', 'hobby': 'birding'}",simpleDict,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","d2 = {key1: value1, key2: value2, }",simpleDict,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [43]: d = {'aa': 111, 'bb': 222}",simpleDict,21
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [47]: d = {'aa': 111, 'bb': 222}",simpleDict,21
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","d = {'tomato': 101, 'cucumber': 102}",simpleDict,21
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","d = {'tomato': 101, 'cucumber': 102}",simpleDict,21
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","name_dict = {first: last, 'Elvis': 'Presley'}",simpleDict,22
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","d = {'aa': 111, 'bb': 222, 'cc': 333}",simpleDict,22
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [52]: mydict = {'peach': 'sweet', 'lemon': 'tangy'}",simpleDict,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [14]: b = {'aa': 11, 'bb': 22}",simpleDict,28
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","d = {'aa': 111, 'bb': 222}",simpleDict,34
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [9]:d = {'aa': 111, 'bb': 222, 'cc': 333}",simpleDict,45
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [5]: d2 = {'width': 8.5, 'height': 11}",simpleDict,181
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [6]: d3 = {1: 'RED', 2: 'GREEN', 3: 'BLUE', }",simpleDict,181
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [6]: trees = {'poplar': 'deciduous', 'cedar': 
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","dic1 = {'albert': 'cute', }",simpleDict,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = {'aa': 11, 'bb': 22, }",simpleDict,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = {'aa': 11, 'bb': 22, }",simpleDict,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",,openfunc,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open('infile1.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')",openfunc,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile = open('outfile1.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')",openfunc,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [28]: f = open('mylog.txt', 'w')",openfunc,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Use the (built-in) open(path, mode)",openfunc,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","object. You could also use file(), but open()",openfunc,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open('myfile.txt', 'r')",openfunc,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile = open('myfile.txt', 'w')  # open for (over-)",openfunc,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","log = open('myfile.txt', 'a')",openfunc,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","with open('small_file.txt', 'r')",openfunc,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","about modes, see the description of the open()",openfunc,25
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [39]: f = open('mylog.txt', 'a')",openfunc,25
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [63]: outfile = open('', 'wb')",openfunc,25
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [55]: f = open('tmp1.txt', 'r')",openfunc,26
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [1]: outfile = open('tmp.log', 'w')",openfunc,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [6]: infile = open('tmp.log', 'r')",openfunc,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Create a file object. Use open(),openfunc,69
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open(infileName, ""r"")",openfunc,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",The open(),openfunc,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile = open(infilename, 'w')",openfunc,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open(infilename, 'r')",openfunc,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile = open(infilename, 'a')",openfunc,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open(infilename, 'r')",openfunc,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",1. Use the open(),openfunc,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open('tmp.txt', 'r')",openfunc,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open('tmp.txt', 'r')",openfunc,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open(infilename, 'r')",openfunc,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",f = urllib.urlopen(url),openfunc,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",f = urllib.urlopen(url),openfunc,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",f = urllib.urlopen(url),openfunc,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",f = urllib.urlopen(url),openfunc,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infile = open(infilename),openfunc,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infile = open('test1.yaml'),openfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infile = open('test1.yaml'),openfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = open('test1.yaml', 'r')",openfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile = open('test1_new.yaml', 'w')",openfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","fout = open('tmpdata.json', 'w')",openfunc,249
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","fin = open('tmpdata.json', 'r')",openfunc,250
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write(line),write,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [29]: f.write('message #1\n'),write,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [30]: f.write('message #2\n'),write,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [31]: f.write('message #3\n'),write,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write('line: %s' % line.upper()),write,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [40]: f.write('message #4\n'),write,25
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout.write('hello\n'),write,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def write(self, msg)",write,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.out_file.write('[[%s]]' % msg),write,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write('%s\n' % line.upper()),write,44
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",f.write(ch * 10),write,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",f.write('\n'),write,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write('%s\n' % line.translate(tran_table)),write,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outFile.write('<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>\n')",write,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","sys.stderr.write('Lexer error (%d, %d)",write,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","sys.stderr.write('Parser error (%d, %d)",write,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write('line 1\n'),write,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write('line 2\n'),write,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write('line 3\n'),write,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write('line 4\n'),write,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",convenient way of producing output than using sys.stdout.write(),write,191
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write(msg),write,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write(line),write,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",fout.write(content),write,249
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",fout.write('\n'),write,250
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outfile.write('Starting fancy export'),write,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","sys.stdout.write('<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>\n')",write,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","sys.stdout.write('<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>\n')",write,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout.write('#from member_specs_api import *\n\n'),write,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout.write('import member_specs_api as model_\n\n'),write,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout.write('rootObj = model_.contact_list(\n'),write,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout.write(')\n'),write,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","sys.stdout.write('<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>\n')",write,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout.write('-' * 60),write,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout.write('\n'),write,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content =,read,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Other ways of reading from a file/stream object:,read,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result =,read,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result =,read,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result =,read,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",inContent =,read,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","The call """" gets the next token. It returns a tuple containing (1)",read,124
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content =,read,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content =,read,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",stuff =,read,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",stuff =,read,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",stuff =,read,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content =,read,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",data_str =,read,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content =,read,250
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","my_file.readline(), my_file.readlines()",readline,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import it,importfunc,2
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import urllib,importfunc,2
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import this,importfunc,6
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","import 

"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import string,importfunc,17
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import types,importfunc,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import zipfile,importfunc,25
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,30
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import looks,importfunc,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import looks,importfunc,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import imp,importfunc,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import A,importfunc,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import A,importfunc,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import module,importfunc,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,32
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,32
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,32
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import func1,importfunc,60
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import mypackage,importfunc,60
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import pdb,importfunc,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import pdb,importfunc,69
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import inspect,importfunc,69
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import string,importfunc,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import unittest,importfunc,71
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import unittest,importfunc,71
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import getopt,importfunc,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import unittest,importfunc,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import pdb,importfunc,74
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import unittest,importfunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import doctest,importfunc,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,78
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sqlite3,importfunc,78
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import module,importfunc,82
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import unittest,importfunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import unittest,importfunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import unittest,importfunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import webserv_example_heavy_sub,importfunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import from,importfunc,104
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import MyLibrary,importfunc,105
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import string,importfunc,106
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import python_201_pyrex_primes,importfunc,108
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import python_201_pyrex_clsprimes,importfunc,110
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import python_201_pyrex_clsprimes,importfunc,111
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import test_c,importfunc,112
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import string,importfunc,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import types,importfunc,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import getopt,importfunc,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,122
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import Plex,importfunc,122
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import getopt,importfunc,125
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import Plex,importfunc,125
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import types,importfunc,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import getopt,importfunc,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import pprint,importfunc,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import getopt,importfunc,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import gtk,importfunc,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import gtk,importfunc,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import getopt,importfunc,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import gtk,importfunc,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import getopt,importfunc,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import gtk,importfunc,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import pdb,importfunc,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import easygui,importfunc,152
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import easygui,importfunc,152
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import individual,importfunc,153
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import and,importfunc,153
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import individual,importfunc,153
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import the,importfunc,153
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import testpackages,importfunc,153
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import testpackages,importfunc,153
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import the,importfunc,154
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import print,importfunc,157
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,161
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import os,importfunc,176
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import os,importfunc,176
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,179
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,179
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import types,importfunc,180
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import urllib,importfunc,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import urllib,importfunc,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import urllib,importfunc,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import our,importfunc,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import urllib,importfunc,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import os,importfunc,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import getopt,importfunc,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import time,importfunc,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import gadfly,importfunc,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import gadfly,importfunc,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import gadfly,importfunc,242
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sqlite3,importfunc,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import csv,importfunc,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import yaml,importfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import pprint,importfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import pprint,importfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import yaml,importfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import pprint,importfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,253
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,255
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import the,importfunc,255
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import statement,importfunc,255
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import your,importfunc,257
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import your,importfunc,257
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,261
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import member_specs_upper,importfunc,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import garden_api,importfunc,269
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",import sys,importfunc,269
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from A import B,importfromsimple,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from A.B import C -- (1) Possibly import object,importfromsimple,31
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","from a module from the standard library, for example import 

"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from simplepackage import simple,importfromsimple,32
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from simplepackage.simple import test1,importfromsimple,32
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed,importfromsimple,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed,importfromsimple,125
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from distutils.core import setup,importfromsimple,154
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from xml.dom import minidom,importfromsimple,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from lxml import etree,importfromsimple,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from lxml import etree,importfromsimple,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from lxml import etree,importfromsimple,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","from a string:

 import yaml",importfromsimple,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",from StringIO import StringIO,importfromsimple,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.out_file = file(file_name, 'a')",simpleattr,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises"," = [11,22,33]",simpleattr,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.idx = 0,simpleattr,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.idx +=1,simpleattr,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.first = first,simpleattr,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.last = last,simpleattr,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.initlevel = 0,simpleattr,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = data,simpleattr,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.children = children,simpleattr,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,62
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.items = items,simpleattr,62
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.items = items,simpleattr,62
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.size = size,simpleattr,63
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self._description = description,simpleattr,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self._description = description,simpleattr,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self._description = description,simpleattr,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self._description = description,simpleattr,66
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.desc = desc,simpleattr,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.failUnless(len(result) == 0),simpleattr,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.value = value,simpleattr,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.children = children,simpleattr,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.children = children,simpleattr,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.seq = seq,simpleattr,93
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.idx = 0,simpleattr,93
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.idx += 1,simpleattr,93
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.idx += 1,simpleattr,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.idx = 0,simpleattr,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.seq = seq,simpleattr,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.iterator = self._next(),simpleattr,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", =,simpleattr,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.iterator = self._next(),simpleattr,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", =,simpleattr,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.iterator = self._next(),simpleattr,96
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", =,simpleattr,96
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.failUnless(inContent == outContent),simpleattr,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.nodeType = nodeType,simpleattr,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.children = [],simpleattr,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.infileName = infileName,simpleattr,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.tokens = None,simpleattr,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.tokenType = NoneTokType,simpleattr,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.token = '',simpleattr,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.lineNo = -1,simpleattr,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.infile = file(self.infileName, 'r')",simpleattr,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.tokens = genTokens(self.infile),simpleattr,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =",simpleattr,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.lineNo = lineNo,simpleattr,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.msg = msg,simpleattr,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.nodeType = nodeType,simpleattr,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.children = [],simpleattr,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.tokens = None,simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.tokenType = NoneTokType,simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.token = '',simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.lineNo = -1,simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.infile = None,simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.tokens = None,simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.tokens = None,simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.tokenType = NoneTokType,simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.token = '',simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.lineNo = -1,simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.infile = file(infileName, 'r')",simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.tokens = genTokens(self.infile, infileName)",simpleattr,127
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =",simpleattr,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo = \",simpleattr,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =",simpleattr,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.lineNo = lineNo,simpleattr,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.msg = msg,simpleattr,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.nodeType = nodeType,simpleattr,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.children = [],simpleattr,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.msg = msg,simpleattr,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.lineno = lineno,simpleattr,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.columnno = columnno,simpleattr,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.msg = msg,simpleattr,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.lineno = lineno,simpleattr,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.columnno = columnno,simpleattr,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.ret = None,simpleattr,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","self.ret = button.get_data(""user_data"")",simpleattr,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.entry = gtk.Entry(),simpleattr,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.ret = None,simpleattr,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.ret = self.entry.get_text(),simpleattr,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.multiple = multiple,simpleattr,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.ret = None,simpleattr,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.ret = self.get_filename(),simpleattr,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.size = size,simpleattr,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.children = children,simpleattr,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.height = height,simpleattr,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.color = color,simpleattr,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.left_branch = left_branch,simpleattr,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.right_branch = right_branch,simpleattr,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = data,simpleattr,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.children = children,simpleattr,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", = name,simpleattr,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.urls = urls,simpleattr,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.current_index = 0,simpleattr,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.current_index = 0,simpleattr,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.current_index += 1,simpleattr,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.level = 0,simpleattr,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.level += 1,simpleattr,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.level -= 1,simpleattr,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.level += 1,simpleattr,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",self.level -= 1,simpleattr,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Try: list1 + list2, list1 * n, list1 += list2, etc.",assignIncrement,13
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Incrementally building up large strings from lots of small strings -- the new way -- The 
 += operation on strings has been optimized. So, when you do this str1 += str2,",assignIncrement,17
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",index += 1,assignIncrement,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",index += 5,assignIncrement,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",index += f(x),assignIncrement,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",A.count += 1,assignIncrement,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",level += 1,assignIncrement,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lineNo += 1,assignIncrement,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",scanner.line_count += 1,assignIncrement,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",level += 1,assignIncrement,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",level += 1,assignIncrement,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t.lineno += t.value.count(""\n"")",assignIncrement,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","And, augmented assignment (+= and *=) also work.",assignIncrement,175
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",1. The += operator increments the value of an integer:,assignIncrement,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count += 1,assignIncrement,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count += 1,assignIncrement,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",2. The += operator appends characters to the end of a string:,assignIncrement,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",3. The += operator appends items in one list to another:,assignIncrement,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [22]: a += b,assignIncrement,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count += n,assignIncrement,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",b[idx] += value,assignIncrement,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sum += item,assignIncrement,198
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sum += value,assignIncrement,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",level += 1,assignIncrement,210
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",indent += 1,assignIncrement,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",indent += 1,assignIncrement,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",indent += 1,assignIncrement,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",level += 1,assignIncrement,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CountInstances.instance_count += 1,assignIncrement,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CountInstances.instance_count += 1,assignIncrement,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CountInstances.instance_count += 1,assignIncrement,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count += 1,assignIncrement,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(size=0):,funcdefault,48
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def walk(self, level=0):",funcdefault,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def walk(node, level=0):",funcdefault,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def quit(self, w=None, event=None):",funcdefault,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def file_sel_box(title=""Browse"", modal=False, multiple=True):",funcdefault,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def file_open_box(modal=True):,funcdefault,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def file_save_box(modal=True):,funcdefault,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def sample_func(arg1, arg2, arg3='empty', arg4=0):",funcdefault,202
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def sample_func(arg1, arg2=[]):",funcdefault,202
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def sample_func(arg1, arg2=None):",funcdefault,202
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def adder(a, b=[]):",funcdefault,202
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def writer(outfile, msg='\n'):",funcdefault,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def add_to_dict(name, value, dic=None):",funcdefault,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def walk_and_show(node, level=0):",funcdefault,210
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def show(self, indent=0):",funcdefault,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def show(self, indent=0):",funcdefault,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def show(self, indent=0):",funcdefault,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def show(self, level=0):",funcdefault,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def show(self, level=''):",funcdefault,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range() and xrange(),rangefunc,12
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range(n),rangefunc,13
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","range([start,] stop[, step])",rangefunc,37
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range() or xrange(),rangefunc,40
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range(),rangefunc,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range(),rangefunc,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range() instead of range(),rangefunc,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range(),rangefunc,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range() instead of range(),rangefunc,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",range(3),rangefunc,262
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_tree(t):,simplefunc,15
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,17
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def close(self):,simplefunc,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def next(self):,simplefunc,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_args(self):,simplefunc,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(x):,simplefunc,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __enter__(self):,simplefunc,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def fn():,simplefunc,48
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t(x):,simplefunc,49
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t():,simplefunc,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def s():,simplefunc,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def u():,simplefunc,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def v():,simplefunc,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def w():,simplefunc,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def wrapper(fn):,simplefunc,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def list_tripler(somelist):,simplefunc,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_data(self):,simplefunc,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_children(self):,simplefunc,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_level(level):,simplefunc,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,59
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_size(self):,simplefunc,63
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def dup_string(x):,simplefunc,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def inc_count():,simplefunc,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def dec_count():,simplefunc,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_count(self):,simplefunc,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def _get_description(self):,simplefunc,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_len(self):,simplefunc,66
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_len(self):,simplefunc,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_keys(self):,simplefunc,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_name(self):,simplefunc,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,68
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def testFoo(self):,simplefunc,71
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def testBar01(self):,simplefunc,71
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def testBar02(self):,simplefunc,71
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,71
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_1_generate(self):,simplefunc,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_2_compare_superclasses(self):,simplefunc,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_3_compare_subclasses(self):,simplefunc,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def check_result(result):,simplefunc,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def suite():,simplefunc,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,74
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,74
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def testFoo(self):,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def checkBar01(self):,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def setUp(self):,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def tearDown(self):,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def testBar01(self):,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def testBar02(self):,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def function_test_1():,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def make_suite():,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def _test():,simplefunc,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def f(n):,simplefunc,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def create_table(db_name):,simplefunc,78
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def retrieve(db_name):,simplefunc,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,83
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def repl_func(mo):,simplefunc,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def generateItems(seq):,simplefunc,89
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def iterchildren(self):,simplefunc,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_filler(level):,simplefunc,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def next(self):,simplefunc,93
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def refresh(self):,simplefunc,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_iteratorexample():,simplefunc,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def _next(self):,simplefunc,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def refresh(self):,simplefunc,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_yielditeratorexample():,simplefunc,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def f(x):,simplefunc,96
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def f(x):,simplefunc,97
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_one(self):,simplefunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_two(self):,simplefunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def suite():,simplefunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_import_export1(self):,simplefunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def suite():,simplefunc,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_main():,simplefunc,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,112
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def prog_reco(self):,simplefunc,118
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def func_call_list_reco(self):,simplefunc,118
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def getLineNo(self):,simplefunc,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def getMsg(self):,simplefunc,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def is_word(token):,simplefunc,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def genTokens(infile):,simplefunc,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(infileName):,simplefunc,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(infileName):,simplefunc,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def command_reco(self):,simplefunc,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def func_call_reco(self):,simplefunc,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def func_call_list_reco(self):,simplefunc,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def getLineNo(self):,simplefunc,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def getMsg(self):,simplefunc,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(infileName):,simplefunc,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t_COMMENT(t):,simplefunc,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t_newline(t):,simplefunc,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t_error(t):,simplefunc,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_prog(t):,simplefunc,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_command_list_1(t):,simplefunc,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_command_list_2(t):,simplefunc,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_command(t):,simplefunc,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_func_call_1(t):,simplefunc,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_func_call_2(t):,simplefunc,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_func_call_list_1(t):,simplefunc,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_func_call_list_2(t):,simplefunc,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_term(t):,simplefunc,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def p_error(t):,simplefunc,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def parse(infileName):,simplefunc,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,137
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def testeasygui():,simplefunc,152
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,152
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_version():,simplefunc,160
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,160
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_version():,simplefunc,160
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t(n):,simplefunc,171
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def t(n):,simplefunc,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,173
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,174
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def exercise1():,simplefunc,179
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def exercise2():,simplefunc,179
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def exercise3():,simplefunc,180
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def exercise4():,simplefunc,180
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def exercise5():,simplefunc,180
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,183
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,185
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,185
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,185
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(infilename):,simplefunc,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(infilename):,simplefunc,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(color):,simplefunc,192
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def walk(url_list):,simplefunc,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def walk(url_list):,simplefunc,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test_while():,simplefunc,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,197
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,200
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def list_sum(values):,simplefunc,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,202
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def add_comment(line):,simplefunc,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def remove_comment(line):,simplefunc,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,205
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,206
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def fancy(obj):,simplefunc,207
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def plain(obj):,simplefunc,207
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def fancy(obj):,simplefunc,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def plain(obj):,simplefunc,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,210
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def isiterable(x):,simplefunc,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def iseven(n):,simplefunc,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def f(n):,simplefunc,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def g(n):,simplefunc,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def walk(url_list):,simplefunc,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,214
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,214
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,218
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,221
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_class(msg):,simplefunc,221
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_instance_count(cls):,simplefunc,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_instance_count():,simplefunc,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def method1(self):,simplefunc,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def method1(self):,simplefunc,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show(self):,simplefunc,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_instance_count(cls):,simplefunc,225
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,225
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def trace(func):,simplefunc,226
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,226
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def trace(msg):,simplefunc,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def inner1(func):,simplefunc,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def trace(msg):,simplefunc,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def inner1(func):,simplefunc,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def horizontal_line(func):,simplefunc,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def trace(msg):,simplefunc,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def inner1(func):,simplefunc,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def horizontal_line(line_chr):,simplefunc,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def inner1(func):,simplefunc,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def isiterable(x):,simplefunc,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def next(self):,simplefunc,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def startDocument(self):,simplefunc,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def endDocument(self):,simplefunc,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(infilename):,simplefunc,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_tree(doc):,simplefunc,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_level(level):,simplefunc,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_tree(doc):,simplefunc,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_level(level):,simplefunc,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_tree(doc):,simplefunc,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_level(level):,simplefunc,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_tree(doc):,simplefunc,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def show_level(level):,simplefunc,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,242
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def createdb():,simplefunc,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def showdb():,simplefunc,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def showdb1(cursor):,simplefunc,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def deletefromdb(name):,simplefunc,244
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def opendb():,simplefunc,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def hr():,simplefunc,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(infilename):,simplefunc,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,249
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test():,simplefunc,250
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def test(names):,simplefunc,257
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def upcase_names(self):,simplefunc,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def upcase_names(self):,simplefunc,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def create_people(names):,simplefunc,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def upper_elements(obj):,simplefunc,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def remap(name):,simplefunc,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def upper(self):,simplefunc,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def upper(self):,simplefunc,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def get_root_tag(node):,simplefunc,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def parse(inFilename):,simplefunc,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def parseString(inString):,simplefunc,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def parseLiteral(inFilename):,simplefunc,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def process(inFilename):,simplefunc,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def usage():,simplefunc,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",def main():,simplefunc,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return from function; (3) stuff into a,return,5
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return it from a function.,return,10
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return is not automatically added.,return,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self,return,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return x,return,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return '::::'.join(self.args),return,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return 'some value or other' # usually we want to return,return,43
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return self,",return,44
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return a true value. Otherwise, the",return,44
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return statement is used to return values from a function.,return,46
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return statement takes zero or more values, separated by commas. Using commas",return,46
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return multiple values, use a tuple or list. Don't forget that (assignment) unpacking",return,46
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return x * 3, y * 4",return,46
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return them from a function.,return,48
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return a value, returns None.",return,48
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return '[[%s]]' % x,return,49
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return x,return,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return x,return,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return result,return,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner_fn,return,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return (like a function) multiple values.,return,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return the formatted name.,return,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return 

 statement with no value.",return,55
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.initlevel,return,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return,return,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.children,return,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.walk_tree(self.initlevel),return,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return a1,return,58
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return an iterator. They,return,58
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return A.size,return,63
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return s1,return,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return A.count,return,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self._description,return,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self._description,return,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return len(self),return,66
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return len(self),return,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return contentstr,return,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return,return,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return flag1 and flag2,return,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return unittest.makeSuite(GenTest),return,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return testsuite,return,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return 0,return,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return suite,return,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return -10,return,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return 0,return,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return s2,return,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return the iterator; (2) the next() method should,return,88
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return the next item to be iterated over and when finished (there are no more,return,88
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return gen,return,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return,return,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.value,return,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return ' ' * level,return,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return value,return,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self,return,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.iterator,return,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return x * 3,return,96
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return x*3,return,97
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return testsuite,return,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return cmp(string.lower(arg1), string.lower(arg2))",return,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return testsuite,return,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return NULL;,return,101
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return NULL;,return,102
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return NULL;,return,102
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return a value:,return,103
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return (width * height);,return,106
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return (3.14 * radius * radius);,return,106
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return 123;,return,106
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return 1;,return,106
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return s4,return,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return result,return,108
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return result,return,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return result;,return,112
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return result,return,118
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return None,return,118
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return ASTNode(FuncCallListNodeType, terms)",return,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.lineNo,return,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.msg,return,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return 1,return,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return ASTNode(ProgNodeType, commandList)",return,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return ASTNode(CommandNodeType, result)",return,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return ASTNode(FuncCallNodeType, term,",return,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return None,return,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return ASTNode(FuncCallListNodeType, terms)",return,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.lineNo,return,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self.msg,return,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return which button was pressed,return,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return win.ret,return,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return win.ret,return,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return win.ret,return,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return file_sel_box(""Open"", modal=modal, multiple=True)",return,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return file_sel_box(""Save As"", modal=modal, multiple=False)",return,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return
 def  for  lambda try",return,157
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return n * t(n - 1),return,171
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return n * t(n - 1),return,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return an arbitrary (key, value) pair",return,184
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return an iterator over (key, value) pairs",return,184
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return an iterator over the mapping's keys,return,184
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return an iterator over the mapping's values,return,184
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return
 True and False.",return,188
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return local_var1 + local_var2,return,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return statement enables us to return a value from a function:,return,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return sum,return,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return b,return,202
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return dic,return,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return line,return,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return line,return,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return value of a function satisfy some description, then we can say",return,207
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return each value. The function takes these arguments:,return,211
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return flag,return,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return n % 2 == 0,return,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return n * 2,return,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return n ** 2,return,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner,return,226
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return retval,return,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner2,return,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner1,return,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return result,return,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return content * 3,return,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return retval,return,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner2,return,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner1,return,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return retval,return,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner,return,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return result,return,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return content * 3,return,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return retval,return,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner2,return,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner1,return,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return retval,return,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner2,return,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return inner1,return,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return result,return,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return content * 3,return,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return False,return,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return True,return,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return self,return,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return content,return,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return count,return,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return connection, cursor",return,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return people,return,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return doc,return,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return newname,return,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","return tag, rootClass",return,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return rootObj,return,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return rootObj,return,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return rootObj,return,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",return rootObj,return,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if x:
  if y:",simpleif,4
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if not t:
  ....:  return",simpleif,15
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if d.get('eggplant') is None:
 ...  print 'missing'",simpleif,21
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if the key is missing. Example:,simpleif,22
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if key in mydict:
  ....:  print mydict[key]",simpleif,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if flag is None:
 ...  print 'clear'",simpleif,26
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if flag is not None:
 ...  print 'hello'",simpleif,27
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if condition1:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if condition2:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if x is None:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if x is not None:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if expression. Example:,simpleif,35
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if self.idx < len(
  x =[self.idx]",simpleif,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if item > 100:
  value1 = item",simpleif,39
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if it does the following:,simpleif,53
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if item > max:
  return  # Note 2",simpleif,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if children is None:
  self.children = []",simpleif,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if items is None:
  ....:  self.items = []",simpleif,62
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if data is None:
  data = {}",simpleif,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len1 <= 5:
  flag1 = 1",simpleif,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if s1.find('Generated') > -1:
  flag2 = 1",simpleif,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 0:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if name1 < name2:
  return 1",simpleif,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if name1 > name2:
  return -1",simpleif,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if n == 1:
  return 10",simpleif,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
  sys.stderr.write('\nusage: <db_name>\n\n')",simpleif,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if mo:
  value =",simpleif,83
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if children is None:
  self.children = []",simpleif,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if self.idx >= len(self.seq):,simpleif,93
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if flag:
  flag = 0",simpleif,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if kmax > 1000:
  kmax = 1000",simpleif,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if i == k:
  p[k] = n",simpleif,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if kmax > 1000:
  kmax = 1000",simpleif,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if i == k:
  p[k] = n",simpleif,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if isinstance(child, ASTNode):",simpleif,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if self.tokenType != CommaTokType:,simpleif,118
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if letter not in string.ascii_letters:
  return None",simpleif,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if is_word(tok):
  tokType = WordTokType",simpleif,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if tok == '(':
  tokType = LParTokType",simpleif,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if tok == ')':
  tokType = RParTokType",simpleif,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if tok == ',':
  tokType = CommaTokType",simpleif,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if we run the parser on the this input data, we see:",simpleif,121
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if isinstance(child, ASTNode):",simpleif,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if self.tokenType == EOFTokType:
  return None",simpleif,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if self.tokenType == WordTokType:
  term = ASTNode(TermNodeType, self.token)",simpleif,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if self.tokenType == LParTokType:
  self.tokenType, self.token, self.lineNo =",simpleif,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if result:
  if self.tokenType == RParTokType:",simpleif,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if isinstance(child, ASTNode):",simpleif,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
  print 'usage: python <datafile.txt>'",simpleif,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
  print 'usage: python <datafile.txt>'",simpleif,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if line and line[0] != ""#"":
  fields = record.parseString(line)",simpleif,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if modal:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if pixmap:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 0:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if modal:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if message:
  label = gtk.Label(message)",simpleif,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if result is None:
  print 'Canceled'",simpleif,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 0:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if modal:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if multiple:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if self.multiple:
  self.ret = self.get_selections()",simpleif,149
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 0:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if the following is evaluated in the user's code:,simpleif,153
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if statement:,simpleif,159
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if x > 0:,simpleif,159
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if x > 0:
  print x",simpleif,160
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if x > 5:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if n <= 1:
  return n",simpleif,171
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if n <= 1:
  return n",simpleif,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if clause. Here is a template:,simpleif,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if clause of our list comprehension checks for containment in the list names2:,simpleif,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if Vegetables.has_key('Parsley'):
  print 'we have leafy, %s parsley' %",simpleif,185
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if line:
  print line",simpleif,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
  print __doc__",simpleif,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if item is None:
 ...  count += 1",simpleif,188
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if not bananas:
 ...  print 'yes, we have no bananas'",simpleif,192
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if color == RED:
  print ""It's red.""",simpleif,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if item == 0:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if arg2 is None:
  arg2 = []",simpleif,202
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if dic is None:
  dic = {}",simpleif,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if line.startswith('## '):
  line = line[3:]",simpleif,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node is None:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if test_func(x):
  if transforms is None:",simpleif,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if isiterable(transforms):
  for func in transforms:",simpleif,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if children is None:
  self.children = []",simpleif,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if self.left_branch is not None:",simpleif,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if self.right_branch is not None:",simpleif,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if children is None:
  self.children = []",simpleif,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if self.current_index >= len(self.urls):
  raise StopIteration",simpleif,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if content:
  self.show_with_level('characters: ""%s""' %",simpleif,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node.nodeType == minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
  print __doc__",simpleif,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node.text:
  text = node.text.strip()",simpleif,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node.tail:
  tail = node.tail.strip()",simpleif,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
  print __doc__",simpleif,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node.text:
  text = node.text.strip()",simpleif,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node.tail:
  tail = node.tail.strip()",simpleif,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
  print __doc__",simpleif,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node.text:
  text = node.text.strip()",simpleif,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node.tail:
  tail = node.tail.strip()",simpleif,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if node.tag == tag:
  node.attrib[attrname] = attrvalue",simpleif,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if os.path.exists(outdocname):
  response = raw_input('Output file (%s) exists.",simpleif,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if response == 'y':
  write_output = True",simpleif,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if write_output:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 2:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(rows) > 0:
  cursor.execute(""delete from plantsdb where",simpleif,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) < 1:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if cmd == 'create':
  if len(args) != 1:",simpleif,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if cmd == 'show':
  if len(args) != 1:",simpleif,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if cmd == 'add':
  if len(args) < 4:",simpleif,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if cmd == 'delete':
  if len(args) < 2:",simpleif,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(fields) == 3:
  line = '%s %s %s' % (fields[0].ljust(20),",simpleif,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if item.get_data_type() == 'xs:string':
  name = remap(item.get_name())",simpleif,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if isinstance(val1, list):
  for idx, val2 in enumerate(val1):",simpleif,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if hasattr(supermod, tag):
  rootClass = getattr(supermod, tag)",simpleif,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if rootClass is None:
  rootTag = 'contact-list'",simpleif,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if rootClass is None:
  rootTag = 'contact-list'",simpleif,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if rootClass is None:
  rootTag = 'contact-list'",simpleif,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","if len(args) != 1:
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",print(data.asList()),printfunc,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",print(),printfunc,191
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",print(data),printfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",print(data),printfunc,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lowerLeft = (x1, y1)",simpleTuple,101
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","extent = (width1, height1)",simpleTuple,101
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","buttons=('Ok', 'Cancel'))",simpleTuple,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [1]: a1 = (11, 22, 33, )",simpleTuple,168
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [3]: a2 = ('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc')",simpleTuple,168
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [13]: a7 = (6,)",simpleTuple,168
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","stuff = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']",simpleList,11
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [77]: a = [11, 22, 33]",simpleList,13
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [25]: a = [],simpleList,14
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [37]: b = ['bb', None, None]",simpleList,14
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [38]: c = ['cc', None, None]",simpleList,14
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [39]: root = ['aa', b, c]",simpleList,14
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content = [],simpleList,16
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [25]: strlist = [],simpleList,17
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [3]: a[2:5] = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66]",simpleList,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [35]: a = b = [11, 22]",simpleList,30
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [25]: items = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date']",simpleList,37
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [28]: items = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date']",simpleList,38
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [20]: b = [11,22,33]",simpleList,38
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [13]:a = [111, 222, 333, 444]",simpleList,45
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","__all__ = ['func1', 'func2',]",simpleList,60
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content = [],simpleList,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [5]: list1 = [11, 22, 33]",simpleList,96
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = [],simpleList,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = [],simpleList,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",commandList = [],simpleList,118
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",terms = [],simpleList,118
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",terms = [],simpleList,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",packages = ['testpackages']  # [3],simpleList,154
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [26]: a3 = [100, 200, 300, ]",simpleList,168
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [5]: a3 = ['basil', 'parsley', 'coriander']",simpleList,168
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [8]: a5 = [(11, 22), (33, 44), (55,)]",simpleList,168
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","11, 22] == [11, 22]",simpleList,169
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [11, 22, 33, 44, ]",simpleList,170
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","b = [55, 66]",simpleList,170
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = ['aa', 11]",simpleList,170
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [11, 22, 33, 44, ]",simpleList,170
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [11, 22, 33, 44, ]",simpleList,170
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [11, 22, 33, 44]",simpleList,171
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","names = ['alice', 'bertrand', 'charlene']",simpleList,171
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","numbers = [2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,171
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","names = ['alice', 'bertrand', 'charlene']",simpleList,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","numbers = [2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [11, 22, 33, 44]",simpleList,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","names1 = ['alice', 'bertrand', 'charlene', 'daniel']",simpleList,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","names2 = ['bertrand', 'charlene']",simpleList,172
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","names2 = ['bertrand', 'charlene']",simpleList,173
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [""home"", ""myusername"", ""Workdir"", ""notes.txt""]",simpleList,176
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [""home"", ""myusername"", ""Workdir"", ""notes.txt""]",simpleList,176
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lines = [],simpleList,178
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [20]: a = [11, 22, 33]",simpleList,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [21]: b = [44, 55]",simpleList,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","trees = ['pine', 'oak', 'elm']",simpleList,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","bananas = ['banana1', 'banana2', 'banana3',]",simpleList,192
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","bananas = ['banana1', 'banana2', 'banana3',]",simpleList,192
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [13]: a = [11, 22, 33, ]",simpleList,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","b = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]",simpleList,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [13]: a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [14]: b = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]",simpleList,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","numbers = [11, 22, 33, 44, ]",simpleList,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","numbers = [11, 22, 33, 0, 44, 55, 66, ]",simpleList,197
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, ]",simpleList,200
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","b = [111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, ]",simpleList,200
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a = [11, 22, 33, 44, ]",simpleList,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Func_list = [fancy, plain, ]",simpleList,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Indents = [' ' * idx for idx in range(10)],simpleList,210
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","data1 = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, ]",simpleList,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","plants = [p1, p2, ]",simpleList,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Indents = [' ' * n for n in range(10)],simpleList,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n6 = Animal('raptor', children=[n3, n4,]",simpleList,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n7a = Animal('bird', children=[n5, n6,]",simpleList,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n5 = Plant('oak', children=[n1, n2,]",simpleList,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n6 = Plant('conifer', children=[n3, n4,]",simpleList,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n7b = Plant('tree', children=[n5, n6,]",simpleList,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","objs = [A(), B(), C(), A(), ]",simpleList,218
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Indents = [' ' * idx for idx in range(10)],simpleList,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",instances = [],simpleList,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",instances = [],simpleList,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",instances = [],simpleList,225
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","names = ['albert', 'betsy', 'charlie']",simpleList,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in stuff:,forsimple,11
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for membership with the in operator. Example:,forsimple,13
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for statement to print the items in the list. Solution:,forsimple,14
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in a:,forsimple,14
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for new code in Python 2) is to use the string.format method. See here:,forsimple,17
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for key in d.iterkeys():,forsimple,21
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for key in d.keys():,forsimple,22
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for value in d.values():,forsimple,22
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in d.items():,forsimple,22
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for key, value in d.items():",forsimple,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for k in myDict:,forsimple,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for k in myDict.iterkeys():,forsimple,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for a key in a dictionary. Example:,forsimple,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in f:,forsimple,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in infile:,forsimple,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,24
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in f:,forsimple,25
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for example, in an if: statement:",forsimple,27
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in y:,forsimple,35
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in a:,forsimple,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for idx, item in enumerate(items):",forsimple,37
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for idx, value in enumerate([11,22,33]):",forsimple,37
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in gen1:,forsimple,38
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in data1:,forsimple,39
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,44
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for val in range(max):,forsimple,47
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for arg in args:,forsimple,49
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for key in kwargs.keys():,forsimple,49
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in somelist:,forsimple,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in somelist:,forsimple,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in it:,forsimple,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in it:,forsimple,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in it:,forsimple,55
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for child in walk_list(tree.get_children(), level+1):",forsimple,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for level, item in walk_tree(a1, initLevel):",forsimple,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for level, item in walk_tree_recur(a1, initLevel):",forsimple,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for level, item in a1:",forsimple,58
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for key in self:,forsimple,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in f:,forsimple,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for opt, val in opts:",forsimple,74
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for row in cursor:,forsimple,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in Targets:,forsimple,83
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in seq:,forsimple,89
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in anIter:,forsimple,89
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for fruit in iter1:,forsimple,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.iterchildren():,forsimple,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in node.iterchildren():,forsimple,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in a:,forsimple,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in a:,forsimple,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in self.seq:,forsimple,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in a:,forsimple,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in a:,forsimple,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in genexpr:,forsimple,97
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for p in plist:,forsimple,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for p in plist:,forsimple,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for parsing and processing XML 
 in Python. Here are a few places to look for support:",forsimple,114
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in args:,forsimple,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in child:,forsimple,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for idx in range(level):,forsimple,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for letter in token:,forsimple,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for tok in toks:,forsimple,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in args:,forsimple,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in child:,forsimple,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for idx in range(level):,forsimple,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in args:,forsimple,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in child:,forsimple,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for idx in range(level):,forsimple,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for opt, val in opts:",forsimple,137
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for text in buttons:,forsimple,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for opt, val in opts:",forsimple,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for opt, val in opts:",forsimple,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for opt, val in opts:",forsimple,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for key, value in Vegetables.items():",forsimple,185
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for key in keys:,forsimple,185
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for the existence of a key in a dictionary, we can use either the in 

 operator (preferred) or the d.has_key() method (old style):",forsimple,185
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,186
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in a:,forsimple,188
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for X in Y:,forsimple,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for value in a:,forsimple,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for chr1 in b:,forsimple,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for url in url_list:,forsimple,194
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for idx in range(6):,forsimple,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for n in xrange(100000):,forsimple,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for url in url_list:,forsimple,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for url in walk(Urls):,forsimple,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for idx, value in enumerate(a):",forsimple,196
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in numbers:,forsimple,198
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for value in values:,forsimple,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for line in infile:,forsimple,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for func in funcs:,forsimple,208
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in content:,forsimple,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for val in filter_and_transform(data1, iseven, f):",forsimple,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for val in filter_and_transform(data1, iseven):",forsimple,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for url in url_list:,forsimple,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in walk(Urls):,forsimple,213
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for plant in plants:,forsimple,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for idx, obj in enumerate(objs):",forsimple,218
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.children:,forsimple,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for instance in instances:,forsimple,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for instance in instances:,forsimple,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for instance in instances:,forsimple,225
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in X:,forsimple,230
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for page in pages:,forsimple,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for key in node.attributes.keys():,forsimple,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in node.childNodes:,forsimple,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in range(level):,forsimple,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for key, value in node.attrib.iteritems():",forsimple,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in node.getchildren():,forsimple,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in range(level):,forsimple,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for key, value in node.attrib.iteritems():",forsimple,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in node.getchildren():,forsimple,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in range(level):,forsimple,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for key, value in node.attrib.iteritems():",forsimple,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in node.getchildren():,forsimple,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for x in range(level):,forsimple,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in node.getchildren():,forsimple,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for opt, val in opts:",forsimple,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for row in rows:,forsimple,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for row in cur:,forsimple,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for field in cur.description:,forsimple,242
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for spec in Values:,forsimple,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for rowdescription in description:,forsimple,244
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for row in rows:,forsimple,244
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for row in rows:,forsimple,244
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for parsing and generating CSV files in the Python standard library. See:,forsimple,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for fields in reader:,forsimple,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for the definitions in that schema:,forsimple,252
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for person in self.get_person():,forsimple,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for count, name in enumerate(names):",forsimple,257
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for person in self.get_person():,forsimple,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","for count, name in enumerate(names):",forsimple,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for item in obj.member_data_items_:,forsimple,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",for child in self.get_contact():,forsimple,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [1]: fn = lambda x, y, z: (x ** 2) + (y * 2) + z",assignwithSum,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pat = r'(\d+)',assignwithSum,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",newline = line[:start1] + repl1 + line[end1:start2] +,assignwithSum,86
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pat = re.compile('[0-9]+'),assignwithSum,86
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",i = i + 1,assignwithSum,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",k = k + 1,assignwithSum,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",n = n + 1,assignwithSum,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",i = i + 1,assignwithSum,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",k = k + 1,assignwithSum,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",n = n + 1,assignwithSum,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",name = letter + Plex.Rep(letter | digit),assignwithSum,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","comment = Plex.Str('""') + Plex.Rep( Plex.AnyBut('""')) +",assignwithSum,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",totalmass = totalmass + mass,assignwithSum,124
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",name = letter + Plex.Rep(letter | digit),assignwithSum,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","comment = Plex.Str(""#"") + Plex.Rep(Plex.AnyBut(""\n""))",assignwithSum,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lineDef = fieldDef + ZeroOrMore("","" + fieldDef)",assignwithSum,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lineDef = fieldDef + ZeroOrMore("","" + fieldDef)",assignwithSum,140
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + ""_"")",assignwithSum,140
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","args = arg + ZeroOrMore("","" + arg)",assignwithSum,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",expression = functor + lparen + args + rparen,assignwithSum,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",city = Group(Word(alphas) + ZeroOrMore(Word(alphas))),assignwithSum,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","name = Group(lastname + Suppress("","") + firstname)",assignwithSum,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","phone = Combine(Word(nums, exact=3) + ""-"" + Word(nums, exact=3) + ""-""",assignwithSum,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","location = Group(city + Suppress("","") + state + zip)",assignwithSum,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",record = name + phone + location,assignwithSum,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rowData = Group( vert + Word(alphas) + vert +,assignwithSum,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",datatable = heading + Dict( ZeroOrMore(rowData) ) + trailing,assignwithSum,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",total_count = tree_count + vegetable_count +,assignwithSum,158
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",total_count = tree_count + vegetable_count +,assignwithSum,159
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",total_count = tree_count + \,assignwithSum,159
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",z = x + y,assignwithSum,160
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",z = x + y,assignwithSum,160
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",value1 = 4 * (3 + 5),assignwithSum,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",value4 = value1 + value2 + value3 - value4,assignwithSum,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",s3 = s1 + s2,assignwithSum,175
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",path = a[0] + os.sep + a[1] + os.sep + a[2] +,assignwithSum,176
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",local_var1 = arg1 + 1,assignwithSum,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Zope, Twisted, etc). Try:",simpleAssign,2
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",The comparison operators <> and != are alternate spellings of the same operator.,simpleAssign,9
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [8]: a = 4,simpleAssign,12
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [9]: b = 5,simpleAssign,12
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [19]: size = 25,simpleAssign,16
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [20]: factor = 3.45,simpleAssign,16
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t = string.maketrans('abc', '123')",simpleAssign,17
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [4]: 'n1: {num1} n2: {num2}'.format(num2=25, num1=100)",simpleAssign,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [5]: 'n1: {num1} n2: {num2} again: {num1}'.format(num2=25,",simpleAssign,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",num1=100),simpleAssign,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [96]: a = u'abcd',simpleAssign,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [98]: b = unicode('efgh'),simpleAssign,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [107]: a = u'abcd',simpleAssign,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [110]: b = u'Sel\xe7uk',simpleAssign,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [123]: a = u'abcd',simpleAssign,18
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [6]: b = a.encode('utf-8'),simpleAssign,19
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",line = line.upper(),simpleAssign,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","dict(one=2, two=3)",simpleAssign,20
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [104]: dict1['category'] = 38,simpleAssign,21
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [33]: f = file('mylog.txt', 'r')",simpleAssign,23
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [42]: f = file('mylog.txt', 'r')",simpleAssign,25
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [64]: zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)",simpleAssign,25
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [56]: lines = f.readlines(),simpleAssign,26
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",flag = None,simpleAssign,26
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = set(),simpleAssign,27
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","b = set([11, 22])",simpleAssign,27
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","c = set([22, 33])",simpleAssign,27
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Form -- target = expression.,simpleAssign,28
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","x, y, z = 11, 22, 33",simpleAssign,28
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","x, y, z] = 111, 222, 333",simpleAssign,28
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a, (b, c) = 11, (22, 33)",simpleAssign,28
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a, B = 11, (22, 33)",simpleAssign,28
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [22]: LITTLE, MEDIUM, LARGE = range(1, 4)",simpleAssign,28
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [10]: a = range(10),simpleAssign,28
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [16]: b['bb'] = 1000,simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [17]: b['cc'] = 2000,simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [1]: a = range(10),simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",anObj = MyClass(),simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",index = 0,simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",index -= 1,simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",index *= 3,simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",obj1 = A(),simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",obj2 = obj1,simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [23]: a = range(10),simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [25]: b = a,simpleAssign,29
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [27]: b[3] = 333,simpleAssign,30
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [32]: a = b = 123,simpleAssign,30
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = 111,simpleAssign,30
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",b = 222,simpleAssign,30
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a, b = b, a",simpleAssign,30
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",writer = Writer('outputfile.txt'),simpleAssign,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",save_stdout = sys.stdout,simpleAssign,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout = writer,simpleAssign,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",tmp_file = file('outputfile.txt'),simpleAssign,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sys.stdout = save_stdout,simpleAssign,33
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",is and is not -- The identical object. Cf. a is b and id(a) == id(b).,simpleAssign,34
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = 'yes' if a == b else 'no',simpleAssign,35
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = A(),simpleAssign,36
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [19]: a = range(4),simpleAssign,38
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count = 0,simpleAssign,40
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count = 0,simpleAssign,40
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",line = line.rstrip(),simpleAssign,44
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [18]:a = A(),simpleAssign,45
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [19]:a.x = 123,simpleAssign,45
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [9]: a, b = test(3, 4)",simpleAssign,46
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [53]: def t(max=5):,simpleAssign,47
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",test(size=25),simpleAssign,48
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t(arg1=11, arg2=22)",simpleAssign,49
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [1]: X = 3,simpleAssign,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",X = 4,simpleAssign,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",X = 5,simpleAssign,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = X,simpleAssign,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",X = 6,simpleAssign,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = X,simpleAssign,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",X = 7,simpleAssign,50
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",HelloClass = classmethod(HelloClass),simpleAssign,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",HelloStatic = staticmethod(HelloStatic),simpleAssign,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = fn(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",fn1 = wrapper(fn1),simpleAssign,51
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [3]: format = lambda obj, category: 'The ""%s"" is a ""%s"".' % (obj,",simpleAssign,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [79]: a = lambda x, y: (x * 3, y * 4, (x, y))",simpleAssign,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t = Test('Dave', 'Kuhlman')",simpleAssign,52
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",item *= 3,simpleAssign,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",it = simplegenerator(),simpleAssign,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",alist = range(5),simpleAssign,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",it = list_tripler(alist),simpleAssign,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",alist = range(8),simpleAssign,54
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","it = limit_iterator(alist, 4)",simpleAssign,55
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",it = simplegenerator(),simpleAssign,55
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def set_initlevel(self, initlevel): self.initlevel = initlevel",simpleAssign,56
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a7 = Node('777'),simpleAssign,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a6 = Node('666'),simpleAssign,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a5 = Node('555'),simpleAssign,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a4 = Node('444'),simpleAssign,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a3 = Node('333', [a4, a5])",simpleAssign,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a2 = Node('222', [a6, a7])",simpleAssign,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a1 = Node('111', [a2, a3])",simpleAssign,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",initLevel = 2,simpleAssign,57
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",iter1 = iter(a1),simpleAssign,58
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [105]: a = A(),simpleAssign,60
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [22]: a = A(),simpleAssign,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [107]: b = B(),simpleAssign,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [111]: a = A('dave'),simpleAssign,61
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",size = 5,simpleAssign,63
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Caution: self.variable = x creates a new member variable.,simpleAssign,63
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","A decorator of the form @afunc is the same as m = afunc(m). So, this:",simpleAssign,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",m = afunc(m),simpleAssign,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Count = 0,simpleAssign,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",dup_string = staticmethod(dup_string),simpleAssign,64
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",A.count -= 1,simpleAssign,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count = 0,simpleAssign,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [4]: a = A(),simpleAssign,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [9]: b = A(),simpleAssign,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","description = property(_get_description, _set_description)",simpleAssign,65
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","c = C((11,22,33))",simpleAssign,66
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","c = C((11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88))",simpleAssign,66
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","d = D({'aa': 111, 'bb':222, 'cc':333})",simpleAssign,67
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","f = file('', 'r')",simpleAssign,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = file(filename, 'r')",simpleAssign,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","f = file('tmp.txt', 'w')",simpleAssign,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","tran_table = string.maketrans('aeiou', 'AEIOU')",simpleAssign,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",line = line.rstrip(),simpleAssign,70
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",my_test_loader = unittest.TestLoader(),simpleAssign,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",my_test_loader.sortTestMethodsUsing = my_cmp_func,simpleAssign,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",unittest.main(testLoader=my_test_loader),simpleAssign,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile, infile = popen2.popen2(cmd)",simpleAssign,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile, infile = popen2.popen2(cmd)",simpleAssign,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile, infile = popen2.popen2(cmd)",simpleAssign,72
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile, infile = popen2.popen2(cmd)",simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","outfile, infile = popen2.popen2(cmd)",simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",flag1 = 0,simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",flag2 = 0,simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lines = result.split('\n'),simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",len1 = len(lines),simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",loader = unittest.TestLoader(),simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",loader = unittest.defaultTestLoader,simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",testsuite = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(GenTest),simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",testsuite = suite(),simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2)",simpleAssign,73
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,74
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'h', ['help'])",simpleAssign,74
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",relink = 1,simpleAssign,74
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",suite = unittest.TestSuite(),simpleAssign,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sortUsing=compare_names)),simpleAssign,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",suite = make_suite(),simpleAssign,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(),simpleAssign,75
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",elif n == 2:,simpleAssign,77
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",con = sqlite3.connect(db_name),simpleAssign,78
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",cursor = con.cursor(),simpleAssign,78
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",con = sqlite3.connect(db_name),simpleAssign,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",cursor = con.cursor(),simpleAssign,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rows = cursor.fetchall(),simpleAssign,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",db_name = args[0],simpleAssign,79
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",,simpleAssign,80
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pat = re.compile('aa[bc]*dd'),simpleAssign,82
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pat = re.compile('aa[0-9]*bb'),simpleAssign,82
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = pat.match('aa1234bbccddee'),simpleAssign,82
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = pat.match('xxxxaa1234bbccddee'),simpleAssign,82
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x ='xxxxaa1234bbccddee'),simpleAssign,82
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","x =, 'xxxxaa1234bbccddee')",simpleAssign,83
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [69]: mo ='height: (\d*) width: (\d*)', 'height: 123",simpleAssign,83
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pat = re.compile('<<([0-9]*)>>'),simpleAssign,83
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",mo =,simpleAssign,83
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","of parentheses), then you can use ""value ="" to extract the value",simpleAssign,84
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","matched by the Nth group from the matching object. ""value =""",simpleAssign,84
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","returns the first extracted value; ""value ="" returns the second; etc. An",simpleAssign,84
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Use ""values = mo.groups()"" to get a tuple containing the strings matched by all",simpleAssign,84
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","In [76]: mo ='h: (\d*) w: (\d*)', 'h: 123",simpleAssign,84
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pat = re.compile('aa([0-9]*)bb([0-9]*)cc'),simpleAssign,84
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",s1 =,simpleAssign,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","out_str, count = re.subn(pat, repl_func, in_str)",simpleAssign,85
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pat = re.compile('aa([0-9]*)bb([0-9]*)cc'),simpleAssign,86
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = pat.sub(,simpleAssign,87
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",anIter = generateItems([]),simpleAssign,89
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","anIter = generateItems([111,222,333])",simpleAssign,89
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","anIter = generateItems(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])",simpleAssign,89
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","iter1 = make_producer(DATA, ('apple', 'orange', 'honeydew', ))",simpleAssign,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",children=None):,simpleAssign,91
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def set_name(self, name): = name",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def set_value(self, value): self.value = value",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a7 = Node('gilbert', '777')",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a6 = Node('fred', '666')",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a5 = Node('ellie', '555')",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a4 = Node('daniel', '444')",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a3 = Node('carl', '333', [a4, a5])",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a2 = Node('bill', '222', [a6, a7])",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","a1 = Node('alice', '111', [a2, a3])",simpleAssign,92
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",value = self.seq[self.idx],simpleAssign,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = IteratorExample('edcba'),simpleAssign,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = IteratorExample('abcde'),simpleAssign,94
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",flag = 0,simpleAssign,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",flag = 1,simpleAssign,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = YieldIteratorExample('edcba'),simpleAssign,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = YieldIteratorExample('abcde'),simpleAssign,95
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",mylist = range(10),simpleAssign,97
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",loader = unittest.TestLoader(),simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",testsuite = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(MyTest),simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",testsuite = suite(),simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2)",simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result =,simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","inFile = file('test1_in.xml', 'r')",simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = webserv_example_heavy_sub.parseString(inContent),simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outFile = StringIO.StringIO(),simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outContent = outFile.getvalue(),simpleAssign,98
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",loader = unittest.TestLoader(),simpleAssign,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",loader.sortTestMethodsUsing = mycmpfunc,simpleAssign,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",testsuite = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(XmlTest),simpleAssign,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",testsuite = suite(),simpleAssign,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2)",simpleAssign,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result =,simpleAssign,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","success and failure. In our example, we used ""self.failUnless(inContent == 
 outContent)"" to ensure that the content we parsed and the content that we",simpleAssign,99
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",loader.sortTestMethodsUsing = mycmpfunc,simpleAssign,100
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",message = NULL;,simpleAssign,102
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if (n == 0),simpleAssign,102
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",s1 = string.strip(s1),simpleAssign,106
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",s2 = string.strip(s2),simpleAssign,106
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",s4 = s3 * 4,simpleAssign,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",plist = primes(kmax),simpleAssign,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",k = 0,simpleAssign,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",n = 2,simpleAssign,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",i = 0,simpleAssign,107
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",plist = self.primes(kmax),simpleAssign,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",k = 0,simpleAssign,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",n = 2,simpleAssign,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",i = 0,simpleAssign,109
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",primes = python_201_pyrex_clsprimes.Primes(),simpleAssign,110
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = width * height * 3;,simpleAssign,112
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = calculate(w, h)",simpleAssign,112
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Prog ::= Command | Command Prog,simpleAssign,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Command ::= Func_call,simpleAssign,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Func_call ::= Term '(' Func_call_list ')',simpleAssign,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Func_call_list ::= Func_call | Func_call ',' Func_call_list",simpleAssign,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Prog ::= Command | Command Prog,simpleAssign,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Command ::= Func_call,simpleAssign,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Func_call ::= Term '(' Func_call_list ')',simpleAssign,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Func_call_list ::= Func_call | Func_call ',' Func_call_list",simpleAssign,115
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","ipshell = IPShellEmbed((),",simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",NoneNodeType = 0,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",ProgNodeType = 1,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CommandNodeType = 2,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",FuncCallNodeType = 3,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",FuncCallListNodeType = 4,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",TermNodeType = 5,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",NoneTokType = 0,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",LParTokType = 1,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",RParTokType = 2,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",WordTokType = 3,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CommaTokType = 4,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",EOFTokType = 5,simpleAssign,116
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",elif type(child) == types.ListType:,simpleAssign,117
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = self.prog_reco(),simpleAssign,118
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",gen = genTokens(infile),simpleAssign,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","tokType, tok, lineNo =",simpleAssign,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lineNo = 0,simpleAssign,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",line =,simpleAssign,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",toks = line.split(),simpleAssign,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",parser = ProgParser(),simpleAssign,119
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = None,simpleAssign,120
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","letter = Plex.Range(""AZaz"")",simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","digit = Plex.Range(""09"")",simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",number = Plex.Rep1(digit),simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","space = Plex.Any("" \t"")",simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",endline = Plex.Str('\n'),simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","resword = Plex.Str(""if"", ""then"", ""else"", ""end"")",simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lexicon = Plex.Lexicon([,simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","scanner = Plex.Scanner(lexicon, infile, infileName)",simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",scanner.line_count = 0,simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",position = scanner.position(),simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",tokstr = tokstr.ljust(20),simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,123
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infileName = args[0],simpleAssign,124
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Prog ::= Command | Command Prog,simpleAssign,125
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Command ::= Func_call,simpleAssign,125
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Func_call ::= Term '(' Func_call_list ')',simpleAssign,125
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Func_call_list ::= Func_call | Func_call ',' Func_call_list",simpleAssign,125
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","ipshell = IPShellEmbed((),",simpleAssign,125
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",NoneNodeType =  0,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",ProgNodeType =  1,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CommandNodeType = 2,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",FuncCallNodeType =  3,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",FuncCallListNodeType = 4,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",TermNodeType =  5,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",NoneTokType = 0,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",LParTokType = 1,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",RParTokType = 2,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",WordTokType = 3,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CommaTokType = 4,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",EOFTokType =  5,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",elif type(child) == types.ListType:,simpleAssign,126
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = self.func_call_reco(),simpleAssign,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = self.func_call_list_reco(),simpleAssign,128
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",gen = genTokens(infile),simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","tokType, tok, lineNo =",simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","letter = Plex.Range(""AZaz"")",simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","digit = Plex.Range(""09"")",simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lpar = Plex.Str('('),simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rpar = Plex.Str(')'),simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","comma = Plex.Str(',')",simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","space = Plex.Any("" \t\n"")",simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lexicon = Plex.Lexicon([,simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","scanner = Plex.Scanner(lexicon, infile, infileName)",simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",tokType = NoneTokType,simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",tok = token,simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",parser = ProgParser(),simpleAssign,129
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = None,simpleAssign,130
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Prog ::= Command*,simpleAssign,132
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Command ::= Func_call,simpleAssign,132
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Func_call ::= Term '(' Func_call_list ')',simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Func_call_list ::= Func_call*,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",startlinepos = 0,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",NoneNodeType =  0,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",ProgNodeType =  1,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CommandNodeType = 2,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",CommandListNodeType = 3,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",FuncCallNodeType =  4,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",FuncCallListNodeType = 5,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",TermNodeType =  6,simpleAssign,133
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",elif type(child) == types.ListType:,simpleAssign,134
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",t_LPAR =  r'\(',simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",t_RPAR =  r'\)',simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t_COMMA = r'\,'",simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",t_NAME =  r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*',simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",startlinepos = t.lexer.lexpos - 1,simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",columnno = t.lexer.lexpos - startlinepos,simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t[0] = ASTNode(ProgNodeType, t[1])",simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t[0] = ASTNode(CommandListNodeType, t[1])",simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",t[0] = t[1],simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t[0] = ASTNode(CommandNodeType, t[1])",simpleAssign,135
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t[0] = ASTNode(FuncCallNodeType, t[1])",simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t[0] = ASTNode(FuncCallNodeType, t[1], t[3])",simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t[0] = ASTNode(FuncCallListNodeType, t[1])",simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",t[0] = t[1],simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","t[0] = ASTNode(TermNodeType, t[1])",simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",columnno = t.lexer.lexpos - startlinepos,simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",startlinepos = 0,simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lex.lex(debug=1),simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = file(infileName, 'r')",simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",USAGE_TEXT = __doc__,simpleAssign,136
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,137
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'h', ['help'])",simpleAssign,137
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",relink = 1,simpleAssign,137
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infileName = args[0],simpleAssign,137
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",fieldDef = Word(alphanums),simpleAssign,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infilename = sys.argv[1],simpleAssign,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = file(infilename, 'r')",simpleAssign,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",fields = lineDef.parseString(line),simpleAssign,139
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lineDef = delimitedList(fieldDef),simpleAssign,140
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","lparen = Literal(""("")",simpleAssign,140
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","rparen = Literal("")"")",simpleAssign,140
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",integer = Word( nums ),simpleAssign,140
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",functor = identifier,simpleAssign,140
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",arg = identifier | integer,simpleAssign,140
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","content = raw_input(""Enter an expression: "")",simpleAssign,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",parsedContent = expression.parseString(content),simpleAssign,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lastname = Word(alphas),simpleAssign,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",firstname = Word(alphas),simpleAssign,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","state = Word(alphas, exact=2)",simpleAssign,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","zip = Word(nums, exact=5)",simpleAssign,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Word(nums, exact=4))",simpleAssign,141
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infilename = sys.argv[1],simpleAssign,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","infile = file(infilename, 'r')",simpleAssign,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",line = line.strip(),simpleAssign,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",We use the len=n argument to the Word constructor to restict the parser to,simpleAssign,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",number. Word also accepts min=n'' and ``max=n to enable you to restrict,simpleAssign,142
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","vert = Literal(""|"").suppress()",simpleAssign,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",number = Word(nums),simpleAssign,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",trailing = Literal(,simpleAssign,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",data = datatable.parseString(testData),simpleAssign,143
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","pixmap=None,",simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",modal= True):,simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=5),simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","pixmap = Pixmap(self, pixmap)",simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","hbox.pack_start(pixmap, expand=False)",simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",label = gtk.Label(message),simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",b = gtk.Button(text),simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","pixmap=None,",simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",modal= True):,simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","win = MessageBox(message, buttons, pixmap=pixmap, modal=modal)",simpleAssign,145
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = message_box(title='Test #1',",simpleAssign,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'h', ['help'])",simpleAssign,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",relink = 1,simpleAssign,146
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",box = gtk.VBox(spacing=10),simpleAssign,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","button = gtk.Button(""OK"")",simpleAssign,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","button = gtk.Button(""Cancel"")",simpleAssign,147
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",modal=True):,simpleAssign,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","win = EntryDialog(message, default_text, modal=modal)",simpleAssign,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = input_box(title='Test #2',",simpleAssign,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'h', ['help'])",simpleAssign,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",relink = 1,simpleAssign,148
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","win = FileChooser(modal=modal, multiple=multiple)",simpleAssign,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = file_open_box(),simpleAssign,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",result = file_save_box(),simpleAssign,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'h', ['help'])",simpleAssign,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",relink = 1,simpleAssign,150
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","response = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter your name:', title='Name",simpleAssign,152
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","easygui.msgbox(msg=response, title='Your Response')",simpleAssign,152
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",response = easygui.fileopenbox(msg='Select a file'),simpleAssign,152
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","long_description = long_description,",simpleAssign,154
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",python sdist --formats=gztar,simpleAssign,155
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = 3,simpleAssign,160
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = 25,simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",y = float(x),simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x1 = 1234,simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x2 = int('1234'),simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x1 = 2.0e3,simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x1 = 1.234,simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x3 = float('1.234'),simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x4 = 2.0e3,simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x5 = 2.0e-3,simpleAssign,162
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [7]: value1 = 23,simpleAssign,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [9]: value3 = 0,simpleAssign,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",value1 = 0.01,simpleAssign,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",value3 = 3e-4,simpleAssign,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",value4 = value1 * (value2 - value3),simpleAssign,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = 5,simpleAssign,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",y = 8,simpleAssign,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",z = float(x) / y,simpleAssign,163
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = 20,simpleAssign,165
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",y = 50,simpleAssign,165
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",z = float(x) / y,simpleAssign,166
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [21]: a = tuple(),simpleAssign,169
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",b = a.pop(),simpleAssign,170
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",b = a.pop(),simpleAssign,170
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",s2 = s1.rstrip(),simpleAssign,177
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",s2 =,simpleAssign,177
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",s2 = s1.upper(),simpleAssign,177
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",words = s1.split(),simpleAssign,178
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = u'abcd',simpleAssign,179
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",b = unicode('efgh'),simpleAssign,179
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = u'abcd',simpleAssign,180
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = u'abcd',simpleAssign,180
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",unicode_string = utf8_string.decode('utf-8'),simpleAssign,180
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",unicode_string = u'aa\u0107bb',simpleAssign,180
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a[k] = v,simpleAssign,183
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",keys = Vegetables.keys(),simpleAssign,185
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lines = content.splitlines(),simpleAssign,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",lines = infile.readlines(),simpleAssign,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",line = line.rstrip(),simpleAssign,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infilename = args[0],simpleAssign,187
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count = 0,simpleAssign,188
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = 3,simpleAssign,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",y = 4,simpleAssign,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",z = 5,simpleAssign,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",1. The = operator is an assignment statement that binds a value to a variable:,simpleAssign,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count = 0,simpleAssign,189
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",1. The -= operator decrements the value of an integer:,simpleAssign,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count = 5,simpleAssign,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count -= 1,simpleAssign,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = A(),simpleAssign,190
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = A(),simpleAssign,191
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a.category = 25,simpleAssign,191
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","NO_COLOR, RED, GREEN, BLUE = range(4)",simpleAssign,192
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","NO_COLOR, RED, GREEN, BLUE = range(4)",simpleAssign,192
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",elif color == GREEN:,simpleAssign,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",elif color == BLUE:,simpleAssign,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",color = BLUE,simpleAssign,193
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",In [8]: count = 0,simpleAssign,195
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",idx = 0,simpleAssign,197
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sum = 0,simpleAssign,198
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",local_var2 = arg2 * 2,simpleAssign,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = function_name(1, 2)",simpleAssign,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",sum = 0,simpleAssign,201
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",dic[name] = value,simpleAssign,203
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",line = filterfunc(line),simpleAssign,204
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","show_args(x=2, y=3)",simpleAssign,205
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","show_args(y=5, x=4)",simpleAssign,205
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","show_args(11, y=44, a=55, b=66)",simpleAssign,205
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = transforms([11, 22], p, [f, g])",simpleAssign,211
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",transforms=None),simpleAssign,211
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = filter_and_transforms([11, 22], p, [f,",simpleAssign,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",transforms=None):,simpleAssign,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",x = func(x),simpleAssign,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",flag = True,simpleAssign,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",flag = False,simpleAssign,212
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",a = Demo(),simpleAssign,214
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","p1 = Plant('Eggplant', 25)",simpleAssign,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","p2 = Plant('Tomato', 36)",simpleAssign,215
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",n1 = Node('N1'),simpleAssign,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",n2 = Node('N2'),simpleAssign,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",n3 = Node('N3'),simpleAssign,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",n4 = Node('N4'),simpleAssign,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n5 = Node('N5', [n1, n2,])",simpleAssign,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n6 = Node('N6', [n3, n4,])",simpleAssign,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n7 = Node('N7', [n5, n6,])",simpleAssign,216
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",children=None):,simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n1 = Animal('scrubjay', 'gray blue')",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n2 = Animal('raven', 'black')",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n3 = Animal('american kestrel', 'brown')",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n4 = Animal('red-shouldered hawk', 'brown and",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n5 = Animal('corvid', 'none', [n1, n2,])",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n1 = Plant('valley oak', 50)",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n2 = Plant('canyon live oak', 40)",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n3 = Plant('jeffery pine', 120)",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n4 = Plant('ponderosa pine', 140)",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","n8 = Node('birds and trees', [n7a, n7b,])",simpleAssign,217
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, name, left_branch=None,",simpleAssign,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",right_branch=None):,simpleAssign,219
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Tree = AnimalNode('animals',",simpleAssign,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","Tree = AnimalNode('animals', [",simpleAssign,220
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",show_class = classmethod(show_class),simpleAssign,221
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",show_class = staticmethod(show_class),simpleAssign,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",instance_count = 0,simpleAssign,222
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","show_instance_count = 
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",instance_count = 0,simpleAssign,223
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","show_instance_count = 
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",method1 = functionwrapper(method1),simpleAssign,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",method1 = classmethod(method1),simpleAssign,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",instance_count = 0,simpleAssign,224
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","show_instance_count = 
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",func = dec(func),simpleAssign,225
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","func = dec(argA, argB)(func)",simpleAssign,226
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","retval = func(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = func2((x, y))",simpleAssign,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = func1('aa', 'bb')",simpleAssign,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",func = dec2(dec1(func)),simpleAssign,227
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","retval = func(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","retval = func(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = func2((x, y))",simpleAssign,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = func1('aa', 'bb')",simpleAssign,228
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","retval = func(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","retval = func(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = func2((x, y))",simpleAssign,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","result = func1('aa', 'bb')",simpleAssign,229
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",url = self.urls[self.current_index],simpleAssign,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pages = WebPages(urls),simpleAssign,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",pages = WebPages(urls),simpleAssign,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",page =,simpleAssign,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",page =,simpleAssign,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",page =,simpleAssign,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",page =,simpleAssign,231
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content = content.strip(),simpleAssign,233
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",parser = make_parser(),simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",handler = TestHandler(),simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infilename = args[0],simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",root = doc.documentElement,simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",count = 0,simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",attr = node.attributes.get(key),simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",if (len(node.childNodes) == 1 and,simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","node.childNodes[0].nodeType == 

 Page 243",simpleAssign,234
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",docname = args[0],simpleAssign,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = minidom.parse(docname),simpleAssign,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",root = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,235
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",docname = args[0],simpleAssign,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = etree.parse(docname),simpleAssign,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",root = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,236
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",docname = args[0],simpleAssign,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = etree.parse(docname),simpleAssign,237
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",root = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",root = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = etree.parse(indocname),simpleAssign,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",date = time.ctime(),simpleAssign,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",write_output = False,simpleAssign,238
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",write_output = True,simpleAssign,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'h', ['help',",simpleAssign,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",indocname = args[0],simpleAssign,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",outdocname = args[1],simpleAssign,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = etree.parse('people.xml'),simpleAssign,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",root = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,239
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","connection = gadfly.connect(""dbtest1"",",simpleAssign,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",cur = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rows = cur.fetchall(),simpleAssign,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","connection = gadfly.connect(""dbtest1"",",simpleAssign,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",cur = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,241
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rows = cur.fetchall(),simpleAssign,242
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",connection = sqlite3.connect('sqlite3plantsdb'),simpleAssign,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",q2 = q1 % spec,simpleAssign,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","connection, cursor = opendb()",simpleAssign,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",description = cursor.description,simpleAssign,243
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rows = cursor.fetchall(),simpleAssign,244
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",descrip = row[1],simpleAssign,244
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",name = row[0],simpleAssign,244
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","connection, cursor = opendb()",simpleAssign,244
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rows = cursor.fetchall(),simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","connection = sqlite3.connect(""sqlite3plantsdb"")",simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",cursor = connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",cmd = args[0],simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",name = args[1],simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",descrip = args[2],simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rating = args[3],simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",name = args[1],simpleAssign,245
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",reader = csv.reader(infile),simpleAssign,246
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",data = yaml.load(infile),simpleAssign,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",data = yaml.load(data_str),simpleAssign,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",data = yaml.load(infile),simpleAssign,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","yaml.dump(data, outfile, default_flow_style=False)",simpleAssign,248
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",content = json.dumps(Data),simpleAssign,249
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",data = json.loads(content),simpleAssign,250
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", -s --super=people_api people.xsd,simpleAssign,253
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",super=people_api people.xsd,simpleAssign,253
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", -s --super=people_api people.xsd,simpleAssign,253
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises", --session=test01.session,simpleAssign,253
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",member-specs=list|dict,simpleAssign,255
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, comments=None, person=None, programmer=None,",simpleAssign,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","python_programmer=None, java_programmer=None):",simpleAssign,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",supermod.people.subclass = peopleTypeSub,simpleAssign,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, vegetable=None, fruit=None, ratio=None,",simpleAssign,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","id=None, value=None,",simpleAssign,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","name=None, interest=None, category=None, agent=None,",simpleAssign,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","promoter=None,",simpleAssign,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",description=None):,simpleAssign,256
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",supermod.person.subclass = personTypeSub,simpleAssign,257
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",people = api.peopleType(),simpleAssign,257
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","person = api.personType(name=name, id=id)",simpleAssign,257
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, comments=None, person=None,",simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","specialperson=None, programmer=None, python_programmer=None,",simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",java_programmer=None):,simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",supermod.peopleType.subclass = peopleTypeSub,simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, vegetable=None, fruit=None, ratio=None,",simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","id=None, value=None, name=None, interest=None, category=None,",simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","agent=None, promoter=None, description=None, range_=None,",simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",extensiontype_=None):,simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",supermod.personType.subclass = personTypeSub,simpleAssign,258
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",people = appl.peopleTypeSub(),simpleAssign,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","person = appl.personTypeSub(name=name, id=id)",simpleAssign,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",people = create_people(names),simpleAssign,259
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","containing an item for each member. If you want a list, then use ""--member-specs=list"",",simpleAssign,260
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","member-specs=dict"".",simpleAssign,260
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",super=member_specs_api \,simpleAssign,261
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",member-specs=list \,simpleAssign,261
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",member-specs=list.,simpleAssign,261
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",etree_ = None,simpleAssign,262
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",Verbose_import_ = False,simpleAssign,262
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",XMLParser_import_library = None,simpleAssign,262
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",kwargs['parser'] = etree_.ETCompatXMLParser(),simpleAssign,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","doc = etree_.parse(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","val1 = getattr(obj, name)",simpleAssign,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",val1[idx] = val2.upper(),simpleAssign,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","newname = name.replace('-', '_')",simpleAssign,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",supermod.contactlistType.subclass = contactlistTypeSub,simpleAssign,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","def __init__(self, priority=None, color_code=None, id=None,",simpleAssign,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","first_name=None, last_name=None, interest=None, category=None):",simpleAssign,263
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",supermod.contactType.subclass = contactTypeSub,simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",tag = supermod.Tag_pattern_.match(node.tag).groups()[-1],simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootClass = None,simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = parsexml_(inFilename),simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootNode = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode)",simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootClass = supermod.contactlistType,simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootObj = rootClass.factory(),simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = None,simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","rootObj.export(sys.stdout, 0, name_=rootTag,",simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = None,simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = parsexml_(StringIO(inString)),simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootNode = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode)",simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootClass = supermod.contactlistType,simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootObj = rootClass.factory(),simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = None,simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","rootObj.export(sys.stdout, 0, name_=rootTag,",simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = parsexml_(inFilename),simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootNode = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises","rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode)",simpleAssign,264
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootClass = supermod.contactlistType,simpleAssign,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootObj = rootClass.factory(),simpleAssign,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = None,simpleAssign,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infilename = args[0],simpleAssign,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",root = parse(infilename),simpleAssign,265
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = supermod.parsexml_(inFilename),simpleAssign,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootNode = doc.getroot(),simpleAssign,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootClass = member_specs_upper.contactlistTypeSub,simpleAssign,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",rootObj = rootClass.factory(),simpleAssign,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",doc = None,simpleAssign,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",args = sys.argv[1:],simpleAssign,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",infilename = args[0],simpleAssign,266
"A python book Beginning python, advanced python, and python exercises",plant = garden_api.PlantType(),simpleAssign,269
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,map(),map,129
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,map() and reduce(),map,397
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,map() and reduce()),map,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"map(function, iterable, ...)",map,399
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,map(),map,402
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,map(),map,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Shape(metaclass=ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,289
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Shape(metaclass=ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,289
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Person(metaclass=ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class PrinterMixin(metaclass=ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class IDPrinterMixin(metaclass=ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Player(metaclass=ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"super().__init__(name, age)",superfunc,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,super().__init__() reference. This allows whatever initialisation is,superfunc,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,super().__init__() ini-,superfunc,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"super().__init__(name, age, id)",superfunc,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"super().__init__(name, age)",superfunc,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"super().__init__(name, age)",superfunc,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,super().__init__(id),superfunc,290
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,super().__init__(name),superfunc,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,super().__init__(name),superfunc,294
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,super().__init__(board),superfunc,409
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,super().__init__(board),superfunc,410
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@classmethod
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@staticmethod
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@property

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@age.setter
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@property
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@name.deleter
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@property
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@age.setter
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@property
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@name.deleter
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@age.setter
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@property

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@id.setter

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@abstractmethod
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@abstractmethod
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@property
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@logger
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@logger
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@make_italic
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@register()
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@register(active=False)
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@pretty_print
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@trace
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@logger
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@logger
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@wraps(func)
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@timer
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@timer
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@timer 
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@property 
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@counter.setter 

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@abstractmethod 

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@classmethod and take a rst parameter which represents the
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@singleton
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"@singleton
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,list2 = [item + 1 for item in list1],simpleListComp,383
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,list3 = [item + 1 for item in list1 if item % 2 == 0],simpleListComp,384
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def gen_numbers():

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def gen_numbers2():
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __get__(self, inst, owner):",descriptorGet,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __set__(self, inst, value):",descriptorSet,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __delete__(self, instance):",descriptorDelete,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,280
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,414
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1.__class__,__class__,193
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,denes attributes such as __class__,__class__,208
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.__class__,__class__,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(Person.__dict__,__dict__,193
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1.__dict__,__dict__,193
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"0x10595d488>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__",__dict__,194
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,str(inst.__dict__,__dict__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return inst.__dict__,__dict__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,inst.__dict__,__dict__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Note use of __dict__,__dict__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.__dict__,__dict__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.__dict__,__dict__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Point[' + str(self.__dict__,__dict__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,str(self.__dict__,__dict__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,The Cursor __init__() method uses the __dict__,__dict__,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,The __str__() method also uses the __dict__,__dict__,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,attributes and one for object attributes. These dictionaries are called __dict__,__dict__,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,be accessed either from the class <class>.__dict__,__dict__,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,instance of the class <instance.>__dict__,__dict__,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Student.__dict__:', Student.__dict__",__dict__,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('student.__dict__:', student.__dict__",__dict__,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Student.__dict__,__dict__,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"0x10d515158>, '__dict__",__dict__,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student.__dict__,__dict__,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,appropriate __dict__,__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""Student.__dict__['count']:"", Student.__dict__",__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""student.__dict__['name']:"", student.__dict__",__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Student.__dict__,__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student.__dict__,__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"However, accessing attributes via the __dict__",__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,you try to access a class variable via the objects __dict__,__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""student.__dict__['count']:"", student.__dict__",__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,This will generate a KeyError indicating that the object __dict__,__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""student.__dict__",__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student.__dict__,__dict__,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,objects (and classes) __dict__,__dict__,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Python rst looks in __dict__,__dict__,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Also note that if an attribute is accessed directly from the __dict__,__dict__,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,example student.__dict__,__dict__,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,tion of the method should either access the __dict__,__dict__,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,objects dictionary (e.g. student.__dict__,__dict__,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 except ZeroDivisionError as e:

 my_function(6, 2) 
 print('Everything worked OK')
 print('Always runs')

 The try block will run, if no error is raised then the else clause will be
 executed and last of all the nally code will run, we will therefore have as output:

 my_function in
 my_function out
 Everything worked OK
 Always runs

 If however we pass in 6 and 0 to my_function():

 except ZeroDivisionError as e:
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"s3 = { [1, 2, 3] }",dictwithList,366
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"s3 = { frozenset([1, 2, 3]) }",dictwithList,367
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if num < 0:
  print('Its negative')
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if savings < 10000:
  print('Welcome Sir!')
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"while number_to_guess != guess:
 print('Sorry wrong number')
 if count_number_of_tries == 4: 
 # TBD ...
 guess = int(input('Please guess again: '))
 count_number_of_tries += 1

 8.4.5 Notify the Player Whether Higher or Lower

 We also said at the beginning that to make it easier for the player to guess the
 number; we should indicate whether their guess was higher or lower than the actual
 number. To do this we can again use the if statement; if the guess is lower we print
 one message but if it was higher we print another.

 At this point we have a choice regarding whether to have a separate if state-
 ment to that used to decide if the maximum goes has been reached or to extend that
 one with an elif. Each approach can work but the latter indicates that these
 conditions are all related so that is the one we will use.

 The while loop now looks like:

 count_number_of_tries = 1 
 guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10:
 while number_to_guess != guess:
 print('Sorry wrong number')
 if count_number_of_tries == 4: 
 elif guess < number_to_guess:
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"while not user_input_accepted: 
  user_input = input('Do you want to finish (y/n): ') 

 if user_input == 'y': 

  user_input_accepted = True 

  elif user_input == 'n': 
  ok_to_finish = False 

 user_input_accepted = True 

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"while not input_ok: 

  print('Menu Options are:') 
  print('\t1. Add') 
  print('\t2. Subtract') 
  print('\t3. Multiply') 
  print('\t4. Divide') 
  user_selection = input('Please make a selection: ') 

 if user_selection in ('1', '2', '3', '4'): 

  input_ok = True 

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"while invalid_input: 


  user_input = input() 

 if not user_input.isdigit(): 

  print('Input must be a number') 


  user_input_int = int(user_input) 
 if user_input_int < 1 or user_input_int > 3: 

  print('input must be a number in the range

 1 to 3') 


 invalid_input = False 

  return user_input_int - 1 

 def get_move(self): 

 """""" Allow the human player to enter their move """""" 
 while True: 

  row = self._get_user_input('Please input the row: 


  column = self._get_user_input('Please input the 

 column: ') 

 if self.board.is_empty_cell(row, column): 

 return Move(self.counter, row, column) 

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"while True: 

 # Randomly select the cell 
 row = random.randint(0, 2) 

  column = random.randint(0, 2) 

 # Check to see if the cell is empty 
 if self.board.is_empty_cell(row, column): 

 return Move(self.counter, row, column) 

 def get_move(self): 

 """""" Provide a very simple algorithm for selecting a 


 if self.board.is_empty_cell(1, 1): 

 # Choose the center 
 return Move(self.counter, 1, 1) 
 elif self.board.is_empty_cell(0, 0): 

 # Choose the top left 
 return Move(self.counter, 0, 0) 
 elif self.board.is_empty_cell(2, 2): 

 # Choose the bottom right 
 return Move(self.counter, 2, 2) 
 elif self.board.is_empty_cell(0, 2): 

 # Choose the top right 
 return Move(self.counter, 0, 2) 
 elif self.board.is_empty_cell(0, 2): 

 # Choose the top right 
 return Move(self.counter, 2, 0) 

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"while self.winner is None:

 # Human players move
 if self.next_player == self.human:

 print('Your move')

  move = self.human.get_move()


 if self.board.check_for_winner(self.human):

 self.winner = self.human


  self.next_player =

 # Computers move

 print('Computers move')
 move =


 if self.board.check_for_winner(

 self.winner =

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"while number_to_guess != guess:
 print('Sorry wrong number')
 # TBD ...
 guess = int(input('Please guess again: '))

 8.4.4 Check They Haven’t Exceeded Their Maximum

 Number of Guess

 We also said above that the player can’t play forever; they have to guess the correct
 number within 4 goes. We therefore need to add some logic which will stop the
 game once they exceed this number.

 We will therefore need a variable to keep track of the number of attempts they

 have made.

 We should call this variable something meaningful so that we know what it
 represents, for example we could call it count_number_of_tries and ini-
 tialise it with the value 1:

 count_number_of_tries = 1

 This needs to happen before we enter the while loop.
 Inside the while loop we need to do two things

 • check to see if the number of tries has been exceeded,
 • increment the number of tries if they are still allowed to play the game.

 We will use an if statement to check to see if the number of tries has been met;
 if it has we want to terminate the loop; the easiest way to this is via a break

 if count_number_of_tries == 4: 


 If we don’t break",whilebreak,87
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"while not finished: 
  result = 0 
  menu_choice = get_operation_choice() 
  n1, n2 = get_numbers_from_user() 

 if menu_choice == '1': 

  result = add(n1, n2) 
 elif menu_choice == '2': 

  result = subtract(n1, n2) 

 elif menu_choice == '3': 

  result - multiply(n1, n2) 

 elif menu_choice == '4': 

  result = divide(n1, n2) 
  print('Result:', result) 
  finished = check_if_user_has_finished(() 


 13.10 Running the Calculator

 If you now run the calculator you will be prompted as appropriate for input. You
 can try and break",whilebreak,140
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while loop has the basic form:,whilesimple,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while <test-condition-is-true>:,whilesimple,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while loop in Python:,whilesimple,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while count < 10:,whilesimple,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while loop will terminate:,whilesimple,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while roll_again == 'y':,whilesimple,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while number_to_guess != guess:,whilesimple,86
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while number_to_guess != guess:,whilesimple,86
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while number_to_guess != guess:,whilesimple,89
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while not value_as_string.isnumeric():,whilesimple,117
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while not finished:,whilesimple,134
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while not finished:,whilesimple,137
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while not finished:,whilesimple,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while not value_as_string.isnumeric():,whilesimple,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while not finished:,whilesimple,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while value <= limit:,whilesimple,341
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,while not (counter == 'X' or counter == 'O'):,whilesimple,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from utils import *,fromstarstatements,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from utils import *,fromstarstatements,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from utils.functions import *,fromstarstatements,282
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from utils.classes import *,fromstarstatements,282
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from accounts import *,fromstarstatements,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for example:

 import utils as utilities",asextension,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from utils import printer as myfunc,asextension,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from util.functions import f1 as myfunc,asextension,282
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,181
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,187
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,196
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,thus __init__(),__init__,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,the __init__(),__init__,198
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,202
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age, id)",__init__,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,the __init__(),__init__,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,s __init__(),__init__,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age, id, region, sales)",__init__,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,207
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,207
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age, id)",__init__,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,the __init__() initialiser),__init__,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age, id)",__init__,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, day, month, year)",__init__,226
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,as __init__() and __str__()),__init__,231
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, value=0)",__init__,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, value=0)",__init__,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, value=0)",__init__,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, value)",__init__,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, id)",__init__,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, id)",__init__,289
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, id)",__init__,289
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"a
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"the
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, id)",__init__,290
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age, id)",__init__,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name)",__init__,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age, id)",__init__,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age, id)",__init__,294
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, d)",__init__,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __init__(self),__init__,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name)",__init__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, x0, y0)",__init__,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,the __init__() method),__init__,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,method __init__(),__init__,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __init__(self),__init__,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name)",__init__,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name)",__init__,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name)",__init__,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name)",__init__,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name)",__init__,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,the __init__(),__init__,319
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, surname, age)",__init__,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, x, y)",__init__,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, limit)",__init__,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __init__(self),__init__,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, string)",__init__,407
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, counter, x, y)",__init__,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, board)",__init__,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, board)",__init__,409
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __init__(self, board)",__init__,410
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __init__(self),__init__,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __init__(self),__init__,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 except <type of exception to monitor for>:

 <code to monitor>
 <code to call if exception is found>

 A concrete example of this is given below for a try statement that will be used

 to monitor a call to runcalc:

 except ZeroDivisionError:


 which now results in the string 'oops' being printed out. This is because when
 runcalc is called the '/' operator throws the ZeroDivisionError which is
 passed back to the calling code which has an except clause specifying this type of
 exception. This catches the exception and runs the associated code block which in
 this case prints out the string 'oops'.

 In fact, we don’t have to be as precise as this; the except clause can be given a
 class of exception to look for and it will match any exception that is of that type or
 is an instance of a subclass of the exception. We therefore can also write:

 except Exception:

 The Exception class is a grandparent of the ZeroDivisionError thus
 any ZeroDivisionError object is also a type of Exception and thus the except
 block matches the exception passed. This means that you can write one except
 clause and that clause can handle a whole range of exceptions.",trytry,255
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 except ZeroDivisionError:
 except IndexError:
 except FileNotFoundError:
 except Exception:

 In this case the rst except monitors for a ZeroDivisionError but the
 other excepts monitor for other types of exception. Note that the except
 Exception is the last except clause in the list as ZeroDivisionError,
 IndexError and FileNotFoundError are all eventual subclasses of
 Exception and thus this clause would catch any of these types of exception. As
 only one except clause is allowed to run; if this except handler came st the
 other except handers would never ever be run.

 24.5.1 Accessing the Exception Object

 It is possible to gain access to the exception object being caught by the except
 clause using the as keyword. This follows the exception type being monitored and
 can be used to bind the exception object to a variable, for example:

 except ZeroDivisionError as exp:


 Which produces:

 division by zero

 If there are multiple except clauses, each except clause can decide whether
 to bind the exception object to a variable or not (and each variable can have a
 different name):",trytry,256
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 except ZeroDivisionError as exp:

 except FileNotFoundError:
 except Exception as exception:

 except IndexError as e:


 In the above example three of the four except clauses bind the exception to a
 variable (each with a different name—although they could all have the same name)
 but one, the FileNotFoundError except clause does not bind the exception to a

 24.5.2 Jumping to Exception Handlers

 One of the interesting features of Exception handling in Python is that when an
 Error or an Exception is raised it is immediately thrown to the exception handlers
 (the except clauses). Any statements that follow the point at which the exception
 is raised are not run. This means that a function may be terminated early and further
 statements in the calling code may not be run.

 As an example, consider the following code. This code denes a function
 my_function() that prints out a string, performs a division operation which will
 cause a ZeroDivisionError to be raised if the y value is Zero and then it has a
 further print statement. This function is called from within a try statement.
 Notice that there is a print statement each side of the call to my_function().
 There is also a handler for the ZeroDivisionError.

 def my_function(x, y):

 print('my_function in')
 result = x / y
 print('my_function out')
 return result


 print('Before my_function')
 my_function(6, 2) 
 print('After my_function')

 except ZeroDivisionError as exp:

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 my_function(6, 0) 
 except IndexError as e:
 print('Something went wrong')

 This must be the last except clause as it omits the exception type and thus acts
 as a wildcard. It can be used to ensure that you get notied that an error did occur—
 although you do not know what type of error it actually was; therefore, use this
 feature with caution.

 24.5.4 The Else Clause

 The try statement also has an optional else clause. If this is present, then it must
 come after all except clauses. The else clause is executed if and only if no
 exceptions were raised. If any exception was raised the else clause will not be run.
 An example of the else clause is shown below:

 except ZeroDivisionError as e:

 my_function(6, 2) 
 print('Everything worked OK')

 In this case the output is:
 my_function in
 my_function out
 Everything worked OK",trytry,259
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 except ValueError:

 This will re raise the ValueError caught by the except clause. Note here we
 did not even bind it to a variable; however, we could have done this if required.

 except ValueError as ve:


 24.7 Dening an Custom Exception

 You can dene your own Errors and Exceptions, which can give you more control
 over what happens in particular circumstances. To dene an exception, you create a
 subclass of the Exception class or one of its subclasses.

 For example,

 to dene a InvalidAgeException, we can extend the

 Exception class and generate an appropriate message:

 class InvalidAgeException(Exception):

 """""" Valid Ages must be between 0 and 120 """"""

 This class can be used to explicitly represent an issue when an age is set on a

 Person which is not within the acceptable age range.",trytry,262
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 

 print('Before my_function')
 my_function(6, 0) 
 print('After my_function')

 except ZeroDivisionError as exp:",tryexcept,258
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 except ValueError as ve:",tryexcept,261
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 

 p = Person('Adam', 21) 
 p.age = -1 

 except InvalidAgeException as e:",tryexcept,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 except Exception as e:",tryexcept,265
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
 except AmountError as e:",tryexcept,266
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 

 print('balance:', acc1.balance)
 print('balance:', acc1.balance)
 except BalanceError as e:",tryexcept,267
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 
  print('balance:', acc1.balance) 
  print('balance:', acc1.balance) 
 except accounts.BalanceError as e:",tryexcept,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"try: 

 while True: 

 line = (yield) 
 if pattern in line:

 except GeneratorExit:",tryexcept,343
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"s2 = { {1, 2, 3} }",nestedDict,366
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"s2 = { frozenset({1, 2, 3}) }",nestedDict,367
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,lambda arguments: expression,lambda,124
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def my_function(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,122
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def named(**kwargs):,funcwith2star,123
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def greeter(*args):,funcwithstar,121
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def __exit__(self, *args):",funcwithstar,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class nameOfClass(SuperClass):,simpleclass,181
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class SubClassName(BaseClassName):,simpleclass,202
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Employee(Person):,simpleclass,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class SalesPerson(Employee):,simpleclass,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Person(object):,simpleclass,207
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Employee(Person):,simpleclass,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Employee(Person):,simpleclass,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class J(H):,simpleclass,220
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Birthday(Date):,simpleclass,227
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class InvalidAgeException(Exception):,simpleclass,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class DivideByYWhenZeroException(Exception):,simpleclass,265
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Bag(MutableSequence):,simpleclass,287
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Bag(MutableSequence):,simpleclass,288
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Circle(Shape):,simpleclass,290
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Employee(object):,simpleclass,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Person(object):,simpleclass,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class ContextManagedClass(object):,simpleclass,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Employee(Person):,simpleclass,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class SalesPerson(Employee):,simpleclass,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Logger(object):,simpleclass,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Cursor(object):,simpleclass,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Bag():,simpleclass,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class with the signature __len__(self):,simpleclass,311
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class Evens(object):,simpleclass,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class NotHashableThing(object):,simpleclass,378
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class HumanPlayer(Player):,simpleclass,409
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,class ComputerPlayer(Player):,simpleclass,410
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,raise ValueError('Unknown request'),raise,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,raise an exception in my_function(),raise,261
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,raise <Exception/Error type to raise>(),raise,261
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,raise ValueError('Bang!'),raise,261
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,raise ValueError # short hand for raise ValueError(),raise,262
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,raise InvalidAgeException(value),raise,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,raise InvalidAgeException(value),raise,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.cells = [[' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' ']",nestedList,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for arg in args:
 for key in kwargs.keys():",fornested,122
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import string,importfunc,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import statement,importfunc,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import string,importfunc,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import random,importfunc,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import random,importfunc,86
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import random,importfunc,89
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import math,importfunc,155
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import the,importfunc,225
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import Dates,importfunc,228
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import the,importfunc,271
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import all,importfunc,271
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import utils,importfunc,271
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import utils,importfunc,271
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import statement,importfunc,272
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import statements,importfunc,272
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import utils,importfunc,272
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import support,importfunc,272
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import statements,importfunc,272
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import statements,importfunc,272
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import statement,importfunc,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import everything,importfunc,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import everything,importfunc,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import is,importfunc,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import of,importfunc,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import the,importfunc,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import and,importfunc,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import to,importfunc,275
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import into,importfunc,275
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import utils,importfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"import
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import sys,importfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import module1,importfunc,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import a,importfunc,282
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import all,importfunc,282
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import the,importfunc,283
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import the,importfunc,289
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import time,importfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import time,importfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import the,importfunc,334
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import is,importfunc,336
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import the,importfunc,385
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import collections,importfunc,385
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import itertools,importfunc,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,import it,importfunc,401
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from utils import Shape,importfromsimple,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from utils import _special_function,importfromsimple,275
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from util import Shape,importfromsimple,275
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from and import styles,importfromsimple,282
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from utils.file_utils.file_support import file_logger,importfromsimple,283
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from this module so that you can import the,importfromsimple,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from collections import MutableSequence,importfromsimple,287
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from collections import MutableSequence,importfromsimple,288
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from abc import ABCMeta,importfromsimple,289
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from abc import ABCMeta,importfromsimple,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from abc import ABCMeta,importfromsimple,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from functools import wraps,importfromsimple,333
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from timeit import default_timer,importfromsimple,334
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from timeit import default_timer,importfromsimple,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,from functools import reduce,importfromsimple,401
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.state == ""off"" then",simpleattr,173
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.tate = ""wash""",simpleattr,173
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.state == ""wash"" then",simpleattr,173
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.state = ""wipe""",simpleattr,173
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.state == ""working"" then",simpleattr,175
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.tate = ""notWorking""",simpleattr,175
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.state = ""working""",simpleattr,175
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.status = relay.working().,simpleattr,176
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"self.status == ""working"" then",simpleattr,176
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,181
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,181
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,187
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,187
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age += 1,simpleattr,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,196
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,196
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,202
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,202
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age += 1,simpleattr,202
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = id,simpleattr,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.region = region,simpleattr,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.sales = sales,simpleattr,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,207
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,207
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,207
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,207
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = id,simpleattr,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = id,simpleattr,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = day,simpleattr,226
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.month = month,simpleattr,226
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.year = year,simpleattr,226
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.value = value,simpleattr,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.value = value,simpleattr,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.value = value,simpleattr,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._name = name,simpleattr,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = age,simpleattr,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._name = name,simpleattr,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = age,simpleattr,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = new_age,simpleattr,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._name = name,simpleattr,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = age,simpleattr,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = new_age,simpleattr,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._name = name,simpleattr,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = age,simpleattr,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = value,simpleattr,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._name = name,simpleattr,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = age,simpleattr,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = value,simpleattr,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.value = value,simpleattr,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._age = value,simpleattr,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._id = id,simpleattr,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._id = id,simpleattr,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = id,simpleattr,289
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._id = id,simpleattr,289
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = id,simpleattr,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = id,simpleattr,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,294
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = id,simpleattr,294
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.value = d,simpleattr,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,", '=',",simpleattr,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,] = value,simpleattr,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.x = self.x + dx,simpleattr,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.y = self.y + dy,simpleattr,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program," = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleattr,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.surname = surname,simpleattr,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.x = x,simpleattr,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.y = y,simpleattr,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.x = x,simpleattr,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.y = y,simpleattr,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._balance += amount,simpleattr,334
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._balance -= amount,simpleattr,334
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.limit = limit,simpleattr,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.val = 0,simpleattr,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.val += 2,simpleattr,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._list = [] # initial internal data,simpleattr,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = name,simpleattr,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.age = age,simpleattr,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.label = string,simpleattr,407
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.x = x,simpleattr,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.y = y,simpleattr,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.counter = counter,simpleattr,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.board = board,simpleattr,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._counter = None,simpleattr,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self._counter = value,simpleattr,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.separator = '\n' + ('-' * 11) + '\n',simpleattr,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.board = Board(),simpleattr,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.human = HumanPlayer(self.board),simpleattr,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = ComputerPlayer(self.board),simpleattr,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.next_player = None,simpleattr,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.winner = None,simpleattr,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.human.counter = X,simpleattr,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = O,simpleattr,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.human.counter = O,simpleattr,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = X,simpleattr,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.next_player = self.human,simpleattr,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.next_player =,simpleattr,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,self.next_player = self.human,simpleattr,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"operator. For example, the += compound operator is a combination of the add",assignIncrement,58
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x += 1  # has the same behaviour as x = x + 1,assignIncrement,58
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x += 2,assignIncrement,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count += 1 # also part of the while loop,assignIncrement,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count (remember count +=1 is equivalent to count = count + 1).,assignIncrement,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count_number_of_tries += 1,assignIncrement,88
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count_number_of_tries += 1,assignIncrement,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count += 1,assignIncrement,91
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('You are now', self.age) 

 += 1",assignIncrement,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,rate_of_pay += 2.50,assignIncrement,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,rate_of_pay += 2.50,assignIncrement,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Person.instance_count += 1,assignIncrement,196
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,cls.instance_count += 1,assignIncrement,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,rate_of_pay += 2.50,assignIncrement,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Student.count += 1,assignIncrement,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Student.count += 1,assignIncrement,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Student.count += 1,assignIncrement,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Student.count += 1,assignIncrement,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Student.count += 1,assignIncrement,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,value += 2,assignIncrement,341
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,end of the list or we can use the += operator which does the same thing:,assignIncrement,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Note that strictly speaking both extend() and += take an iterable.,assignIncrement,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def factorial(n, depth = 1):",funcdefault,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def tail_factorial(n, accumulator=1):",funcdefault,98
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def greeter(name, message = 'Live Long and Prosper'):",funcdefault,119
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"def greeter(message = 'Live Long and Prosper', name):",funcdefault,120
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def register(active=True):,funcdefault,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,range(...),rangefunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_msg():,simplefunc,114
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_my_msg(msg):,simplefunc,114
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def square(n):,simplefunc,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_integer_input(message):,simplefunc,117
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def my_function():,simplefunc,127
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_max():,simplefunc,128
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_max():,simplefunc,128
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_max():,simplefunc,129
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_msg():,simplefunc,149
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_some_other_msg():,simplefunc,152
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def mult_by_two(num):,simplefunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def mult_by_five(num):,simplefunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def square(num):,simplefunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def add_one(num):,simplefunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def simple_tax_calculator(amount):,simplefunc,155
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def make_checker(s):,simplefunc,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def make_function():,simplefunc,157
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def increase(num):,simplefunc,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def increment(num):,simplefunc,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def reset_function():,simplefunc,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def move_up(self):,simplefunc,173
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def birthday(self):,simplefunc,202
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def bonus(self):,simplefunc,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def move(self):,simplefunc,215
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def move(self):,simplefunc,215
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_data(self):,simplefunc,216
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,218
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,218
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_info(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_data(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_info(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_info(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_data(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_info(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_data(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_info(self):,simplefunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,220
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,220
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,220
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def is_day_of_week(self):,simplefunc,226
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def is_birthday():,simplefunc,227
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def test(date):,simplefunc,228
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_age(self):,simplefunc,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_name(self):,simplefunc,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_age(self):,simplefunc,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_name(self):,simplefunc,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def del_name(self):,simplefunc,246
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def runcalc(x):,simplefunc,254
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def function_bang():,simplefunc,261
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def main():,simplefunc,265
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def printer(some_object):,simplefunc,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def _special_function():,simplefunc,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def my_func():,simplefunc,275
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def f1():,simplefunc,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def f2():,simplefunc,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def f1():,simplefunc,280
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def f2():,simplefunc,280
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def f1():,simplefunc,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def f2():,simplefunc,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def main():,simplefunc,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __len__(self):,simplefunc,288
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def display(self):,simplefunc,290
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def birthday(self):,simplefunc,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def birthday(self):,simplefunc,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_me(self):,simplefunc,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_id(self):,simplefunc,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,294
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def night_out(p):,simplefunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_length(self):,simplefunc,311
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def my_default(self):,simplefunc,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def my_default(self):,simplefunc,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def logger(func):,simplefunc,322
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def inner():,simplefunc,322
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def target():,simplefunc,323
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def logger(func):,simplefunc,324
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def make_bold(fn):,simplefunc,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def makebold_wrapped():,simplefunc,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def make_italic(fn):,simplefunc,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def makeitalic_wrapped():,simplefunc,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def wrap(func):,simplefunc,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def wrapper():,simplefunc,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def pretty_print(method):,simplefunc,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def method_wrapper(self):,simplefunc,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_self(self):,simplefunc,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def trace(method):,simplefunc,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def singleton(cls):,simplefunc,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def get_instance():,simplefunc,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def print_it(self):,simplefunc,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def logger(func):,simplefunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def inner():,simplefunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def logger(func):,simplefunc,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def inner():,simplefunc,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def logger(func):,simplefunc,333
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __next__(self):,simplefunc,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def evens_up_to(limit):,simplefunc,341
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def grep(pattern):,simplefunc,343
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def is_even(i):,simplefunc,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def add_one(i):,simplefunc,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def select_player_to_go_first(self):,simplefunc,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,def play(self):,simplefunc,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to the Hello World program and look at what it is,return,22
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to it here and take a closer look at what is going on.,return,22
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return key.,return,24
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to the data held at that location. This address is often referred to as the,return,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the type of,return,33
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to this concept more when we explore classes and objects. For the moment,return,36
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return either True or False,return,38
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to the import statement later in the book; for now just except,return,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a,return,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template)",return,46
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return str(mapping[named]),return,46
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return any remainder,return,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Boolean values. They are key to the conditional elements,return,62
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a value; statements do,return,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return it as the result of the if expression. For example:,return,68
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return True if the number is even (note the brackets are optional but,return,70
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to the kilometres to miles converter you wrote in,return,70
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return when it,return,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to this feature of the for loop when we look at collections/containers of data,return,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return with an error message.,return,81
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a result.,return,93
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return (often with some result). The termination condition may be because:,return,94
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to this in a later chapter on Functional,return,94
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return without a result.,return,95
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the value 1 if the number passed in is 1—this is the base case.,return,96
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 1 # The base case,return,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return res,return,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 1,return,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return result,return,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the value 2 and so on.,return,98
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return accumulator,return,98
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return tail_factorial(n - 1, accumulator * n)",return,98
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a value.,return,111
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a value from a function. In Python this can be,return,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return statement. Whenever a return statement is encountered,return,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return any values following,return,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return keyword.,return,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return n * n,return,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return that value. The returned value can then be used at the point that the function,return,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return multiple values from a function, for example in this",return,116
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return b, a",return,116
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return int(value_as_string),return,117
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return another number. We have,return,133
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x + y,return,133
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x - y,return,133
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x * y,return,133
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x / y,return,133
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return ok_to_finish,return,136
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return True if (and only if) user_selection contains one of the,return,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return user_selection,return,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return both numbers. Both functions are shown here:,return,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return num1, num2",return,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return int(value_as_string),return,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return value.,return,143
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return num + 1,return,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return different values for the previously entered parameters. For,return,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return num + amount,return,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return (or both), a function. To do this we will",return,149
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Hello Python World!',return,149
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Some other message!!!',return,152
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return result,return,153
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return y * 10.0,return,153
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the value,return,153
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return num * 2,return,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return num * 5,return,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return num * num,return,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return num + 1,return,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return func(num),return,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return math.ceil(amount * 0.3),return,155
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return func(salary),return,155
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return lambda n: n%2 == 0,return,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return lambda n: n >= 0,return,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return lambda n: n < 0,return,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a named function. This is done by returning,return,157
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x + y,return,157
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return adder,return,157
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x * y,return,159
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a *,return,160
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return lambda y: func(num, y)",return,161
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return num + more,return,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return num + 1,return,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return something. However, it is up to the object to determine how",return,169
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a string,return,186
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a string from the __str__ method that provides and the name,return,187
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return + ' is ' + str(self.age),return,187
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return + ' is ' + str(self.age),return,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return + ' is ' + str(self.age),return,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return any parameters; however, instance",return,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the amount someone should be paid:,return,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return hours_worked * rate_of_pay,return,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a Boolean value depending upon the age attribute:,return,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.age < 20,return,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return + ' is ' + str(self.age),return,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return hours_worked * rate_of_pay,return,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.age < 20,return,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return anything (i.e. it does not return a value),return,191
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return
 the number of instances of this class that have been created.",return,198
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return hours_worked * rate_of_pay,return,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.sales *,return,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Person ' + + ' is ' + str(self.age),return,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Employee(' + str( + ')',return,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return + ' is ' + str(self.age),return,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return + ' is ' + str(self.age) + ' - i,return,210
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return + ' is ' + str(self.age),return,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + '-id(' + str( + ')',return,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().get_data() + 'FData',return,216
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + 'X',return,218
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + 'X',return,218
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'A',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'B',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'C',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'CData',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'D',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'E',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + 'F',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().get_data() + 'FData',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + 'G',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().get_data() + 'GData',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + 'H',return,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + 'J',return,220
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + 'I',return,220
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return super().__str__() + 'X',return,220
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Boolean;,return,225
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return 

2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.month == month_index,return,226
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return true if it does and,return,228
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Quantity[' + str(self.value) + ']',return,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Quantity[' + str(self.value) + ']',return,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Quantity(new_value),return,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.value == other.value,return,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.value != other.value,return,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.value >= other.value,return,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.value > other.value,return,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.value < other.value,return,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.value <= other.value,return,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Quantity[' + str(self.value) + ']',return,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the,return,238
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Person[' + str( + '] is ' +,return,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Person[' + str(self._name) +'] is ' + s,return,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._age,return,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._name,return,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Person[' + str(self._name) +'] is ' +,return,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the attribute being used (as is the case here).,return,243
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._age,return,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._name,return,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Person[' + str(self._name) +'] is ' +,return,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._age,return,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._name,return,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Person[' + str(self._name) +'] is ' +,return,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._age,return,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._name,return,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Person[' + str(self._name) + '] is ' +,return,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'InvalidAgeException(' + str(self.value) + ')',return,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Shape - ' + self._id,return,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._id,return,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._id,return,290
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return True for that class with respect to the virtual,return,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return True:,return,292
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Employee(' + + ')' + + '[',return,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Employee(' + + ')' + + '[',return,294
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return values from these methods. In these languages it helps to,return,296
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x + y,return,296
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x + y,return,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x - y,return,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x * y,return,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x / y,return,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Distance(self.value + other.value),return,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return Distance(self.value - other.value),return,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Distance[' + str(self.value) +,return,298
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return x / y,return,299
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return an object that will be used,return,301
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self although it is not a requirement to do so (this flexibility,return,301
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self,return,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return True,return,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'ContextManagedClass object',return,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return such a string, you use the same method (__str__(), in Python).",return,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the,return,304
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return[pos],return,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Bag(' + str( + ')',return,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return len(,return,311
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the length of the associated data items.,return,311
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'default',return,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a reference to a method to use as,return,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a,return,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.my_default,return,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'default',return,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a reference to the,return,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return an attribute value,return,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'default',return,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return object.__getattribute__(self, name)",return,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a default value of −1.,return,319
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the value −1 which will,return,320
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a third function representing the decorated,return,321
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a,return,321
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return inner,return,322
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return inner,return,324
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return makebold_wrapped,return,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return ""<b>"" + fn() + ""</b>""",return,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return makeitalic_wrapped,return,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return ""<i>"" + fn() + ""</i>""",return,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'hello world',return,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return wrapper,return,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return wrap,return,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return ""<p>{0}</p>"".format(method(self))",return,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return method_wrapper,return,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return + "" "" + self.surname",return,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return method_wrapper,return,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return 'Point - ' + str(self.x) + ',' +",return,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return instance,return,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return inner,return,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return inner,return,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return ""Hello ""+name",return,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return inner,return,333
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a sequence of values. Iterators may be nite,return,337
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the next,return,337
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return or to raise the,return,337
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the iterator,return,337
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a different object that will be used to implement the iterator or,return,337
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return itself as the iterator—it’s the designers choice.,return,337
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self,return,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return return_val,return,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return iter-,return,339
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return one of the values associated with a yield statement; in this case the,return,340
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return no value; if required the generator,return,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return what is known as a slice from a Tuple. This is a new,return,348
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a subset,return,352
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a new instance of the class Tuple and have no,return,352
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return to your Account related classes.,return,361
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"return
 that item as a result of running the method); however it removes the last item in the",return,365
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the associated value. It is,return,374
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return inner,return,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 1,return,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return factorial_value,return,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the stored value if one is present.,return,381
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the value,return,382
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return almost immediately.,return,382
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return in,return,382
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return iterators constructed,return,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._list.pop(0),return,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return len(self._list),return,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.__len__() == 0,return,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._list[0],return,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Queue: ' + str(self._list),return,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return the size of the stack. This method also meets,return,395
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return i % 2 == 0,return,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return 'Person(' + +,return,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return i + 1,return,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return a whole integer (rather than a,return,402
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return iter(self._list),return,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return True if not return False. Call this function is_job().,return,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return this as the result of the function. Call this function add_item().,return,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.label,return,407
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self._counter,return,408
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return row1 + self.separator + row2 + self.separator +,return,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.cells[row][column] == ' ',return,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return self.cells[row][column] == counter,return,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return True,return,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return False,return,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return (# across the top,return,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if
 you type in python on a Mac you will get something like this:",simpleif,13
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if you try the following:,simpleif,38
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we divide 3 by 2:,simpleif,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we multiple them together then we get a floating point number:,simpleif,57
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if num < 0:
  print(num, 'is negative')",simpleif,64
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if num > 0:
  print(num, 'is positive')",simpleif,64
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if the conditional part of the if statement returns False. For example:,simpleif,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we enter the value 1:,simpleif,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we enter the value −1:,simpleif,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if savings == 0:
  print(""Sorry no savings"")",simpleif,66
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if savings < 500:
  print('Well done')",simpleif,66
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if savings < 1000:
  print('Thats a tidy sum')",simpleif,66
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if temp < 0:
  print('It is freezing')",simpleif,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if snowing:
  print('Put on boots')",simpleif,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if block, for example:",simpleif,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if temp < 0:
  print('It is freezing')",simpleif,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if snowing:
  print('Put on boots')",simpleif,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if they are over 12 and under 20. We could write this as:,simpleif,68
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if the value of i is even:,simpleif,77
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if square(3) < 15:,simpleif,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we have the following:,simpleif,127
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we write:,simpleif,128
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we write:,simpleif,151
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if s == 'even':
 elif s == 'positive':",simpleif,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if s == 'negative':
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we write:,simpleif,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we change the order of the parent classes such that we swap I and J:,simpleif,218
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if isinstance(other, int):
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if isinstance(other, int):
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if isinstance(value,int) & value > 0 & value < 120:",simpleif,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if isinstance(value, int) & (value > 0 & value < 120):",simpleif,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if

 we write:
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if isinstance(value,int) & (value > 0 & value < 120):
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if our utils module now included a function:,simpleif,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we explicitly import the function then we can still reference it:,simpleif,275
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if we now write:,simpleif,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if we extend the above example: = 'My Bag'",simpleif,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if active:
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if self.val > self.limit:,simpleif,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if number.isnumeric():
 num = int(number)",simpleif,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if num <= 2:
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if two objects are equal. For example:,simpleif,378
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if statement to lter out all odd numbers:,simpleif,384
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:",simpleif,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if self.winner is not None:,simpleif,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"if self.board.is_full():
 print('Game is a Tie')",simpleif,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Hello, world')",printfunc,9
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(5 + 4),printfunc,9
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(name),printfunc,9
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello World') and Print('Hello World'),printfunc,18
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello World') and Print('Hello World'),printfunc,20
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello World'),printfunc,22
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,23
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,23
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,23
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,23
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,23
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,23
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Hello, world')",printfunc,24
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Hello ', user_name)",printfunc,24
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Hello', user_name)",printfunc,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Hello, world')",printfunc,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Hello', name)",printfunc,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Hello Best Friend', name)",printfunc,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_variable),printfunc,26
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_variable),printfunc,26
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_variable),printfunc,26
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Hello', user_name)",printfunc,28
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(name),printfunc,29
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,29
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,30
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,31
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""It's the day"")",printfunc,32
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('She said ""hello"" to everyone')",printfunc,32
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(z),printfunc,33
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(my_variable)),printfunc,33
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(string_3),printfunc,34
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello ' + 'World'),printfunc,34
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(len(string_3)),printfunc,34
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_string[4]),printfunc,34
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_string[4]),printfunc,35
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_string[1:5]),printfunc,35
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_string[:5]),printfunc,35
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_string[2:]),printfunc,35
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('*' * 10),printfunc,35
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hi' * 10),printfunc,35
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Source string:', title)",printfunc,36
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Split using a space'),printfunc,36
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(title.split(' ')),printfunc,36
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Split using a comma'),printfunc,36
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(title.split(','))",printfunc,36
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(title.split(' ')),printfunc,36
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""my_string.count(' '):"", my_string.count(' '))",printfunc,36
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(welcome_message.replace(""Hello"", ""Goodbye""))",printfunc,37
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Edward Alun Rawlings'.find('Alun')),printfunc,37
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Edward John Rawlings'.find('Alun')),printfunc,37
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(msg),printfunc,38
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(msg),printfunc,38
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('James' == 'James'),printfunc,38
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('James' == 'John'),printfunc,38
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('James' != 'John'),printfunc,38
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('James' == 'james'),printfunc,38
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Testing a String'),printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 20),printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string', some_string)",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""some_string.startswith('H')",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""some_string.startswith('h')",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""some_string.endswith('d')"", some_string.endswith('d'))",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string.istitle()', some_string.istitle())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string.isupper()', some_string.isupper())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string.islower()', some_string.islower())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string.isalpha()', some_string.isalpha())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('String conversions'),printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 20),printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string.upper()', some_string.upper())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string.lower()', some_string.lower())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string.title()', some_string.title())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('some_string.swapcase()', some_string.swapcase())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('String leading, trailing spaces', ""  xyz  "".strip())",printfunc,39
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(some_string.isupper),printfunc,40
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(some_string.isupper()),printfunc,40
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(format_string.format('Phoebe')),printfunc,41
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""{} is {} years old"".format(name, age))",printfunc,41
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(format_string.format('Smith', 'Carol', 75))",printfunc,42
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('|{:25}|'.format('25 characters width')),printfunc,42
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('|{:<25}|'.format('left aligned')),printfunc,43
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('|{:>25}|'.format('right aligned')),printfunc,43
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('|{:^25}|'.format('centered')),printfunc,43
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('{:,}'.format(1234567890))",printfunc,43
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('{:,}'.format(1234567890.0))",printfunc,43
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(template.substitute(d)),printfunc,45
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(x),printfunc,49
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(x)),printfunc,49
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(x),printfunc,49
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(x)),printfunc,49
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(age)),printfunc,50
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(age),printfunc,50
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(exchange_rate),printfunc,50
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(exchange_rate)),printfunc,50
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('int value as a float:', float_value)",printfunc,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(float_value)),printfunc,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('string value as a float:', float_value)",printfunc,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(float_value)),printfunc,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(exchange_rate),printfunc,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(exchange_rate)),printfunc,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('c1:', c1, ', c2:', c2)",printfunc,52
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(c1)),printfunc,52
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(c1.real),printfunc,52
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(c1.imag),printfunc,52
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(all_ok),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(all_ok),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(all_ok)),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(int(True)),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(int(False)),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(bool(1)),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(bool(0)),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(status),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(status)),printfunc,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(home + away),printfunc,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(home + away)),printfunc,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(10 * 4),printfunc,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(10*4)),printfunc,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(goals_for - goals_against),printfunc,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(goals_for - goals_against)),printfunc,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(100 / 20),printfunc,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(100 / 20)),printfunc,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(res1),printfunc,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(res1)),printfunc,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(res1),printfunc,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(res1)),printfunc,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Modulus division 4 % 2:', 4 % 2)",printfunc,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Modulus division 3 % 2:', 3 % 2)",printfunc,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(a ** b),printfunc,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('True division 3/2:', 3 / 2)",printfunc,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('True division 3//2:', -3 / 2)",printfunc,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Integer division 3//2:', 3 // 2)",printfunc,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Integer division 3//2:', -3 // 2)",printfunc,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(2.3 + 1.5),printfunc,57
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(1.5 / 2.3),printfunc,57
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(1.5 * 2.3),printfunc,57
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(2.3 - 1.5),printfunc,57
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(1.5 - 2.3),printfunc,57
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(i),printfunc,57
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(c3),printfunc,58
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(winner is None),printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(winner is not None),printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('winner:', winner)",printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('winner is None:', winner is None)",printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('winner is not None:', winner is not None)",printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(winner)),printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Set winner to True'),printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('winner:', winner)",printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('winner is None:', winner is None)",printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('winner is not None:', winner is not None)",printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(winner)),printfunc,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(num, 'squared is ', num * num)",printfunc,64
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,64
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Its not negative'),printfunc,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print() statement will be run otherwise (else) the second print(),printfunc,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Thank you'),printfunc,66
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Thats a tidy sum'),printfunc,66
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Time for Hot Chocolate'),printfunc,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Time for Hot Chocolate'),printfunc,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(status),printfunc,68
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(status),printfunc,68
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Starting'),printfunc,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(count, ' ', end='')",printfunc,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Print out values in a range'),printfunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(i, ' ', end='')",printfunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Print out values in a range with an increment of 2'),printfunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(i, ' ', end='')",printfunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('.', end='')",printfunc,75
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,75
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Only print code if all iterations completed'),printfunc,76
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(i, ' ', end='')",printfunc,76
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,76
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,77
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(i, ' ', end='')",printfunc,77
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('hey its an even number'),printfunc,77
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('we love even numbers'),printfunc,77
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,77
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Only print code if all iterations completed'),printfunc,78
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(i, ' ', end='')",printfunc,78
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,78
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('All iterations successful'),printfunc,78
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Rolling the dices...'),printfunc,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('The values are....'),printfunc,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(dice1),printfunc,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(dice2),printfunc,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,82
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Sorry wrong number'),printfunc,86
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Your guess was lower than the number'),printfunc,88
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Your guess was higher than the number'),printfunc,88
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Welcome to the number guess game'),printfunc,89
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Sorry wrong number'),printfunc,89
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Your guess was lower than the number'),printfunc,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Your guess was higher than the number'),printfunc,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Well done you won!'),printfunc,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""Sorry - you loose"")",printfunc,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Game Over'),printfunc,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(‘value found:’, current_node.value)",printfunc,95
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('calling recursive_function'),printfunc,96
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(factorial(5)),printfunc,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('\t' * depth, 'Returning 1')",printfunc,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('\t' * depth, 'Returning:', result)",printfunc,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Calling factorial( 5 )'),printfunc,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(factorial(5)),printfunc,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(tail_factorial(5)),printfunc,98
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('is_prime(3):', is_prime(3))",printfunc,99
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('is_prime(7):', is_prime(7))",printfunc,99
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('is_prime(9):', is_prime(9))",printfunc,99
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('is_prime(31):', is_prime(31))",printfunc,99
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(row),printfunc,100
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print() and input(),printfunc,112
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello World!'),printfunc,114
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(msg),printfunc,114
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(result),printfunc,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(square( 5)),printfunc,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(x, ',', y)",printfunc,116
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(z),printfunc,116
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('The input must be an integer'),printfunc,117
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('age is', age)",printfunc,117
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(get_integer_input.__doc__),printfunc,118
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Welcome', name, '-', message)",printfunc,119
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Welcome', name, '-', message)",printfunc,119
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Welcome', name, '-', message)",printfunc,120
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(prompt, title, name, '-', message)",printfunc,120
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Welcome', name)",printfunc,121
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('arg:', arg)",printfunc,122
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('key:', key, 'has value: ', kwargs[key])",printfunc,122
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 50),printfunc,122
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('arg:', key, 'has value:', kwargs[key])",printfunc,123
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(double(10)),printfunc,124
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(func1(4)),printfunc,125
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(func2(3, 4))",printfunc,125
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(func3(2, 3, 4))",printfunc,125
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(a_variable),printfunc,127
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(a_variable),printfunc,127
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(a_variable),printfunc,127
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(a_variable),printfunc,127
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(max),printfunc,128
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(max),printfunc,128
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(max),printfunc,129
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(max),printfunc,129
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('inner:', title)",printfunc,129
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('outer:', title)",printfunc,129
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('inner:', title)",printfunc,130
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('outer:', title)",printfunc,130
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Simple Calculator App'),printfunc,133
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Result:', result)",printfunc,134
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('================='),printfunc,134
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,134
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Response must be (y/n), please try again')",printfunc,136
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Result:', result)",printfunc,137
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('================='),printfunc,137
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,137
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Invalid Input (must be 1 - 4)'),printfunc,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-----------------'),printfunc,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Result:', result)",printfunc,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('================='),printfunc,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('The input must be an integer'),printfunc,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Result:', result)",printfunc,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('================='),printfunc,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Bye'),printfunc,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(element),printfunc,144
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(increment(5)),printfunc,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(increment(5)),printfunc,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(increment(5)),printfunc,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(increment(5)),printfunc,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(message),printfunc,150
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(message),printfunc,150
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(get_msg)),printfunc,150
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(another_reference()),printfunc,151
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(get_msg()),printfunc,152
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(get_msg()),printfunc,152
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(get_msg()),printfunc,152
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(another_reference()),printfunc,152
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(result),printfunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(apply(10, mult_by_five))",printfunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(apply(10, square))",printfunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(apply(10, add_one))",printfunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(apply(10, mult_by_two))",printfunc,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(calculate_tax(45000.0, simple_tax_calculator))",printfunc,155
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(f1(3)),printfunc,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(f2(3)),printfunc,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(f3(3)),printfunc,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(f1(3, 2))",printfunc,157
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(f1(3, 3))",printfunc,157
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(f1(3, 1))",printfunc,157
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function(2, double))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function(2, triple))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function(16, square_root))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function(2, is_prime))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function(4, is_prime))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function('2', is_integer))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function('A', is_integer))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function('A', is_letter))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(my_higher_order_function('1', is_letter))",printfunc,158
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(multiply(2, 5))",printfunc,161
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(double(5)),printfunc,161
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(triple(5)),printfunc,161
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(increase(10)),printfunc,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(increase(10)),printfunc,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(increment(5)),printfunc,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(increment(5)),printfunc,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(dollars_to_sterling(5)),printfunc,165
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(euro_to_sterling(15)),printfunc,165
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(sterling_to_dollars(7)),printfunc,165
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(sterling_to_euro(9)),printfunc,165
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(4)),printfunc,180
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(5.6)),printfunc,180
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type(True)),printfunc,180
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(type('Ewan')),printfunc,180
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(type([1, 2, 3, 4]))",printfunc,180
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('id(p1):', id(p1))",printfunc,183
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('id(p2):', id(p2))",printfunc,183
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1),printfunc,184
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(px),printfunc,184
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('id(p1):', id(p1))",printfunc,184
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('id(px):', id(px))",printfunc,184
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,185
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1),printfunc,185
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p2),printfunc,185
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(, 'is', p1.age)",printfunc,185
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(, 'is', p2.age)",printfunc,185
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(, 'is', p1.age)",printfunc,186
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(),printfunc,187
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1),printfunc,187
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p2),printfunc,187
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p3),printfunc,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p3),printfunc,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Pay',, pay)",printfunc,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Pay',, pay)",printfunc,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('You are now', self.age)",printfunc,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1),printfunc,191
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('p1.is_teenager', p1.is_teenager())",printfunc,191
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1),printfunc,191
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1),printfunc,191
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p1),printfunc,192
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Class attributes'),printfunc,193
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(Person.__name__),printfunc,193
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(Person.__module__),printfunc,193
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(Person.__doc__),printfunc,193
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Object attributes'),printfunc,193
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc1),printfunc,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc2),printfunc,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc3),printfunc,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('balance:', acc1.get_balance())",printfunc,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(Person.instance_count),printfunc,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Static method'),printfunc,199
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Happy birthday you were', self.age)",printfunc,202
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('You are now', self.age)",printfunc,202
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Person'),printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p),printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 25),printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Employee'),printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('e.calculate_pay(40):', e.calculate_pay(40))",printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 25),printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('SalesPerson'),printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('s.calculate_pay(40):', s.calculate_pay(40))",printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('s.bonus():', s.bonus())",printfunc,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p),printfunc,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(e),printfunc,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p),printfunc,212
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(e),printfunc,212
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Car - move()'),printfunc,215
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Toy - move()'),printfunc,215
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('print(x):', x)",printfunc,217
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 25),printfunc,217
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(x),printfunc,217
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(x),printfunc,217
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(x),printfunc,218
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('A'),printfunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('D'),printfunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('E'),printfunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('F' + self.get_data()),printfunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('H' + self.get_data()),printfunc,219
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('balance:', acc1.get_balance())",printfunc,221
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('balance:', acc1.get_balance())",printfunc,221
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q1 =', q1, ', q2 =', q2)",printfunc,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q3 =', q3)",printfunc,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q1 =', q1, ', q2 =', q2)",printfunc,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q3 =', q3)",printfunc,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q2 - q1 =', q2 - q1)",printfunc,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q1 * q2 =', q1 * q2)",printfunc,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q1 / q2 =', q1 / q2)",printfunc,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q1 * 2', q1 * 2)",printfunc,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q2 / 2', q2 / 2)",printfunc,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q1 =', q1, ',q2 =', q2)",printfunc,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q3 =', q3)",printfunc,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q1 < q2: ', q1 < q2)",printfunc,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q3 > q2: ', q3 > q2)",printfunc,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('q3 == q1: ', q3 == q1)",printfunc,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print( d1 + d2),printfunc,239
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(d2 // 2),printfunc,239
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(d2 * 2),printfunc,239
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person),printfunc,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person),printfunc,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person),printfunc,244
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person),printfunc,244
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person.get_age()),printfunc,244
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person.get_name()),printfunc,244
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person),printfunc,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person.age),printfunc,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(,printfunc,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(person),printfunc,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In age method'),printfunc,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In set_age method'),printfunc,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In name'),printfunc,247
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc1),printfunc,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc2),printfunc,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc3),printfunc,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('balance:', acc1.balance)",printfunc,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('balance:', acc1.balance)",printfunc,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('balance:', acc1.balance)",printfunc,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Starting'),printfunc,258
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(e),printfunc,260
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Everything worked OK'),printfunc,260
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Always runs'),printfunc,260
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('function_bang in'),printfunc,261
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('function_bang'),printfunc,261
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(ve),printfunc,261
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In age method'),printfunc,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('In set_age method(', value, ')')",printfunc,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In name'),printfunc,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In here'),printfunc,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('In set_age method(', value, ')')",printfunc,264
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(e),printfunc,266
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Handling Exception'),printfunc,267
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(e),printfunc,267
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello I am the utils module'),printfunc,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('printer'),printfunc,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(some_object),printfunc,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('done'),printfunc,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In id method'),printfunc,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In set_age method'),printfunc,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello I am the utils module')),printfunc,272
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(s),printfunc,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello I am the utils module'),printfunc,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Special function'),printfunc,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(utils.__name__),printfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(utils.__doc__),printfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(utils.__file__),printfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(dir(utils)),printfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('sys.version: ', sys.version)",printfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('sys.maxsize: ', sys.maxsize)",printfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('sys.path: ', sys.path)",printfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('sys.platform: ', sys.platform)",printfunc,276
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello I am module 1'),printfunc,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('f1[1]'),printfunc,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('f2[1]'),printfunc,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('x is', x)",printfunc,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello I am module 1'),printfunc,280
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('f1[1]'),printfunc,280
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('f2[1]'),printfunc,280
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('x is', x)",printfunc,280
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Hello I am module 1'),printfunc,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('f1[1]'),printfunc,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('f2[1]'),printfunc,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('x is', x)",printfunc,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('utils package'),printfunc,282
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc1),printfunc,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc2),printfunc,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc3),printfunc,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('balance:', acc1.balance)",printfunc,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Handling Exception'),printfunc,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(e),printfunc,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Circle: ', self._id)",printfunc,290
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(,printfunc,290
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Happy Birthday'),printfunc,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Its your birthday'),printfunc,291
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(issubclass(Employee, Person))",printfunc,292
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(isinstance(e, Person))",printfunc,292
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(issubclass(Employee, Person))",printfunc,292
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(isinstance(e, Person))",printfunc,292
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(self),printfunc,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(,printfunc,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calc.add(3, 4):', calc.add(3, 4))",printfunc,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calc.add(3, 4.5):', calc.add(3, 4.5))",printfunc,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calc.add(4.5, 6.2):', calc.add(4.5, 6.2))",printfunc,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calc.add(2.3, 7):', calc.add(2.3, 7))",printfunc,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calc.add(-1, 4):', calc.add(-1, 4))",printfunc,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(calc.add(q1, q2))",printfunc,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(calc.add(d1, d2))",printfunc,299
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(calc.subtract(d1, d2))",printfunc,299
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(calc.divide(d1, d2))",printfunc,299
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('In with block', cmc)",printfunc,301
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Existing'),printfunc,301
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('__init__'),printfunc,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('__enter__'),printfunc,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__exit__:', args)",printfunc,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Starting'),printfunc,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('In with block', cmc)",printfunc,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Exiting'),printfunc,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,302
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Person - Eat'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Person - Drink'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Person - Sleep'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Employee - Eat'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Employee - Drink'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Employee - Sleep'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('SalesPerson - Eat'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('SalesPerson - Drink'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Dog - Eat'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Dog - Drink'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Dog - Sleep'),printfunc,303
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__set__:', inst, '-',, '=', value)",printfunc,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__delete__', instance)",printfunc,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__set_name__', 'owner', owner, 'setting', name)",printfunc,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('move_by', dx, ',', dy)",printfunc,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 25),printfunc,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('p1:', cursor)",printfunc,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('p1 updated:', cursor)",printfunc,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('p1.x:', cursor.x)",printfunc,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 25),printfunc,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 25),printfunc,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(acc.balance),printfunc,308
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(b),printfunc,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(len(b)),printfunc,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(len(b)),printfunc,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(len(b)),printfunc,311
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(,printfunc,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(,printfunc,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(,printfunc,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(,printfunc,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Student.count:', Student.count)",printfunc,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('',",printfunc,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('student.count:', student.count)",printfunc,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Student.count:', Student.count)",printfunc,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('',",printfunc,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('',",printfunc,314
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('p.dummy_attribute:', res1)",printfunc,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__getattr__: ', attribute)",printfunc,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('p.dummy_attribute:', res1)",printfunc,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__getattr__: ', attribute)",printfunc,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(‘student.dummy_method():', res2)",printfunc,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__getattr__: ', attribute)",printfunc,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__getattribute__()', name)",printfunc,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('',",printfunc,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('student.dummy_attribute:', res1)",printfunc,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('__setattr__:', name, value)",printfunc,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('',",printfunc,319
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('acc1.branch:', acc1.branch)",printfunc,319
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calling ', func.__name__)",printfunc,322
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('called ', func.__name__)",printfunc,322
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In target function'),printfunc,323
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In target function'),printfunc,323
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(x, y)",printfunc,324
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calling ', func.__name__, 'with', x, 'and', y)",printfunc,324
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('returned from ', func.__name__)",printfunc,324
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(hello()),printfunc,325
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(hello()),printfunc,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Called ', func.__name__)",printfunc,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Skipped ', func.__name__)",printfunc,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('func1'),printfunc,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('func2'),printfunc,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('-' * 10),printfunc,326
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Person - ',, ', ', self.age)",printfunc,327
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Starting'),printfunc,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p.get_fullname()),printfunc,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Calling', method, 'with', x, y)",printfunc,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Called', method, 'with', x, y)",printfunc,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p),printfunc,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(p),printfunc,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('In singleton for: ', cls)",printfunc,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(self),printfunc,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Starting'),printfunc,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(s1),printfunc,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(s2),printfunc,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(f1),printfunc,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(f2),printfunc,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('In Logger'),printfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('In inner calling ', func.__name__)",printfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('In inner called ', func.__name__)",printfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Finishing Logger'),printfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Print It'),printfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Start'),printfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,331
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calling ', func.__name__)",printfunc,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('called ', func.__name__)",printfunc,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('name:', get_text.__name__)",printfunc,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('doc: ', get_text.__doc__)",printfunc,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('module; ', get_text.__module__)",printfunc,332
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calling ', func.__name__)",printfunc,333
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('called ', func.__name__)",printfunc,333
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Start'),printfunc,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(i, end=', ')",printfunc,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(i),printfunc,340
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Continue'),printfunc,340
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Final'),printfunc,340
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('End'),printfunc,340
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(i),printfunc,340
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(i, end=', ')",printfunc,341
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('i:', i)",printfunc,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('j:', j, end=', ')",printfunc,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(''),printfunc,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(next(evens), end=', ')",printfunc,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(next(evens), end=', ')",printfunc,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(next(evens)),printfunc,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Looking for', pattern)",printfunc,343
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Exiting the Co-routine'),printfunc,343
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Starting'),printfunc,344
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Done'),printfunc,344
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Number must be greater than 2'),printfunc,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(prime, end=', ')",printfunc,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Must be a positive integer'),printfunc,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(next(prime)),printfunc,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(next(prime)),printfunc,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(next(prime)),printfunc,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(next(prime)),printfunc,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(next(prime)),printfunc,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(t1),printfunc,348
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('tup1[0]:\t', tup1[0])",printfunc,348
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('tup1[1]:\t', tup1[1])",printfunc,348
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('tup1[2]:\t', tup1[2])",printfunc,348
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('tup1[3]:\t', tup1[3])",printfunc,348
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('tup1[1:3]:\t', tup1[1:3])",printfunc,349
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('tup1[:3]:\t', tup1[:3])",printfunc,349
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('tup1[1:]:\t', tup1[1:])",printfunc,349
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('tup1[::-1]:\t', tup1[::-1])",printfunc,349
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(tup2),printfunc,349
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(x),printfunc,350
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('len(tup3):\t', len(tup3))",printfunc,350
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(tup3.count('apple')),printfunc,350
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(tup3.index('pear')),printfunc,350
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('orange is in the Tuple'),printfunc,351
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(tuple3),printfunc,351
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(root_list),printfunc,353
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(t2),printfunc,354
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list(vowelTuple)),printfunc,354
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list1[1]),printfunc,355
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('list1[1]:', list1[1])",printfunc,355
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('list1[-1]:', list1[-1])",printfunc,355
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('list1[1:3]:', list1[1:3])",printfunc,355
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('list[:3]:', list1[:3])",printfunc,355
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('list[1:]:', list1[1:])",printfunc,355
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list1),printfunc,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list1),printfunc,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list1),printfunc,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list1),printfunc,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(a_list),printfunc,357
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(a_list),printfunc,357
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list3),printfunc,357
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(another_list),printfunc,358
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(another_list),printfunc,358
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list6),printfunc,358
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list6.pop(2)),printfunc,358
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list6),printfunc,358
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list6),printfunc,359
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list6.pop()),printfunc,359
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(list6),printfunc,359
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_list),printfunc,359
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_list),printfunc,359
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_list),printfunc,360
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(my_list),printfunc,360
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(transaction),printfunc,361
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(basket),printfunc,362
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(set1),printfunc,363
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(item),printfunc,363
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('apple' in basket),printfunc,364
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(basket),printfunc,364
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(basket),printfunc,364
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(len(basket)),printfunc,365
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(max(a_set)),printfunc,365
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(min(a_set)),printfunc,365
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(basket),printfunc,365
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(basket),printfunc,365
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(basket),printfunc,366
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(s1),printfunc,366
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(s2),printfunc,366
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(s3),printfunc,366
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(s2),printfunc,367
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(s3),printfunc,367
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Union:', s1 | s2)",printfunc,367
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Intersection:', s1 & s2)",printfunc,368
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Difference:', s1 - s2)",printfunc,368
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Symmetric Difference:', s1 ^ s2)",printfunc,368
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('exam:', exam)",printfunc,370
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('project:', project)",printfunc,370
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities),printfunc,371
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('dict1:', dict1)",printfunc,372
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('dict2:', dict2)",printfunc,372
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('dict3:', dict3)",printfunc,372
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('cities[Wales]:', cities['Wales'])",printfunc,373
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('cities.get(Ireland):', cities.get('Ireland'))",printfunc,373
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities),printfunc,373
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities),printfunc,374
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities),printfunc,374
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities),printfunc,374
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities),printfunc,374
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities),printfunc,375
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities),printfunc,375
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(country, end=', ')",printfunc,375
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities[country]),printfunc,375
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(e),printfunc,376
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities.values()),printfunc,376
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities.keys()),printfunc,376
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(cities.items()),printfunc,376
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Wales' in cities),printfunc,376
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('France' not in cities),printfunc,376
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(len(cities)),printfunc,377
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(seasons['Spring']),printfunc,377
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(seasons['Spring'][1]),printfunc,377
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('key.__hash__():', key.__hash__())",printfunc,378
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(""key.__eq__('England'):"", key.__eq__('England'))",printfunc,378
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('calling ', func.__name__, 'with', value)",printfunc,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(factorial(150000)),printfunc,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(factorial(80000)),printfunc,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(factorial(120000)),printfunc,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(factorial(150000)),printfunc,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(factorial(120000)),printfunc,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(factorial(80000)),printfunc,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('list1:', list1)",printfunc,383
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('list2:', list2)",printfunc,383
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('list3:', list3)",printfunc,384
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(fruit),printfunc,385
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(fruit['orange']),printfunc,385
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('fruit.most_common(1):', fruit.most_common(1))",printfunc,385
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('fruit1:', fruit1)",printfunc,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('fruit2:', fruit2)",printfunc,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('fruit1 + fruit2:', fruit1 + fruit2)",printfunc,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('fruit1 - fruit2:', fruit1 - fruit2)",printfunc,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('fruit1 | fruit2:', fruit1 | fruit2)",printfunc,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('fruit1 & fruit2:', fruit1 & fruit2)",printfunc,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('apple'in fruit),printfunc,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(r1),printfunc,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(r2),printfunc,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(r3),printfunc,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(r4),printfunc,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('initial queue:', queue)",printfunc,391
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('queue after additions:', queue)",printfunc,391
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('element retrieved from queue:', element1)",printfunc,391
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('queue after removal', queue)",printfunc,391
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('queue.is_empty():', queue.is_empty())",printfunc,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('len(queue):', len(queue))",printfunc,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('queue:', queue)",printfunc,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('queue.peek():', queue.peek())",printfunc,393
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('queue.dequeue():', queue.dequeue())",printfunc,393
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('queue:', queue)",printfunc,393
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('stack:', stack)",printfunc,394
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('top_element:', top_element)",printfunc,394
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('stack:', stack)",printfunc,394
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('stack:', stack)",printfunc,396
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('stack.is_empty():', stack.is_empty())",printfunc,396
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('stack.length():', stack.length())",printfunc,396
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('',",printfunc,396
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('stack.pop():', stack.pop())",printfunc,396
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('stack:', stack)",printfunc,396
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('data:', data)",printfunc,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('d1:', d1)",printfunc,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('d2:', d2)",printfunc,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(p, end=', ')",printfunc,399
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('\n-----'),printfunc,399
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(p, end=', ')",printfunc,399
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('data:', data)",printfunc,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('d1', d1)",printfunc,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('d2:', d2)",printfunc,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(result),printfunc,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(ages),printfunc,401
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(result),printfunc,401
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('Average age:', average_age)",printfunc,402
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('stack contents:', stack)",printfunc,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('new_list:', new_list)",printfunc,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print('filtered_list: ', filtered_list)",printfunc,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('That position is not free'),printfunc,409
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Please try again'),printfunc,409
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Do you want to be X or O?'),printfunc,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Input must be X or O'),printfunc,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('Welcome to TicTacToe'),printfunc,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"print(self.next_player, 'will play first first')",printfunc,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print('The Winner is the ' + str(self.winner)),printfunc,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,print(self.board),printfunc,413
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"tup1 = (1, 3, 5, 7)",simpleTuple,347
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"tup2 = (1, 'John', Person('Phoebe', 21), True, -23.45)",simpleTuple,349
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"tup3 = ('apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'plum', 'apple')",simpleTuple,350
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"tuple1 = (1, 3, 5, 7)",simpleTuple,351
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"tuple2 = ('John', 'Denise', 'Phoebe', 'Adam')",simpleTuple,351
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"tuple3 = (42, tuple1, tuple2, 5.5)",simpleTuple,351
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"t1 = (1, 'John', 34.5)",simpleTuple,354
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"t2 = (l2, 'apple')",simpleTuple,354
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"vowelTuple = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')",simpleTuple,354
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,348
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo']",simpleList,352
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"l1 = [1, 43.5, Person('Phoebe', 21), True]",simpleList,353
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"l2 = ['apple', 'orange', 31]",simpleList,353
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"root_list = ['John', l1, l2, 'Denise']",simpleList,353
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"l1 = ['Smith', 'Jones']",simpleList,354
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"l2 = [t1, l1]",simpleList,354
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo']",simpleList,355
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo']",simpleList,355
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo']",simpleList,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo', 'Pete']",simpleList,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 += ['Ginger', 'Sporty']",simpleList,356
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"a_list = ['Adele', 'Madonna', 'Cher']",simpleList,357
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 = [3, 2, 1]",simpleList,357
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list2 = [6, 5, 4]",simpleList,357
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"another_list = ['Gary', 'Mark', 'Robbie', 'Jason', 'Howard']",simpleList,358
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list6 = ['Once', 'Upon', 'a', 'Time']",simpleList,358
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list6 = ['Once', 'Upon', 'a', 'Time']",simpleList,359
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"my_list = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']",simpleList,359
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"my_list = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']",simpleList,360
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6]",simpleList,383
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"values = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 3, 1]",simpleList,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,queue = [],simpleList,391
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,stack = [],simpleList,394
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"data = [1, 3, 5, 2, 7, 4, 10]",simpleList,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"data = [1, 3, 5, 2, 7, 4, 10]",simpleList,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"data1 = [1, 3, 5, 7]",simpleList,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"data2 = [2, 4, 6, 8]",simpleList,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"data = [1, 3, 5, 2, 7, 4, 10]",simpleList,401
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for i in range(0, 10):",forsimple,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for i in range(0, 10, 2):",forsimple,74
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for _ in range(0,10):",forsimple,75
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for i in range(0, 6):",forsimple,76
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for i in range(0, 10):",forsimple,77
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for i in range(0, 6):",forsimple,78
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for row in triangle:,forsimple,100
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for name in args:,forsimple,121
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for key in kwargs.keys():,forsimple,123
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for dening a property in this way is:,forsimple,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for i in Evens(6):,forsimple,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for i in gen_numbers():,forsimple,340
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for i in gen_numbers():,forsimple,340
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for i in evens_up_to(6):,forsimple,341
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for i in evens_up_to(4):,forsimple,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for j in evens_up_to(6):,forsimple,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for prime in prime_number_generator(num):,forsimple,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for x in tup3:,forsimple,350
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for transaction in acc1:,forsimple,361
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for item in basket:,forsimple,363
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for country in cities:,forsimple,375
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for e in d.values():,forsimple,376
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for i in range(1, num + 1):",forsimple,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for p in data:,forsimple,399
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for p in d3:,forsimple,399
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for row in range(0, 3):",forsimple,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"for column in range(0, 3):",forsimple,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,string_3 = string_1 + string_2,assignwithSum,34
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = x + 2,assignwithSum,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count = count + 1,assignwithSum,91
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Remember this is just a shorthand form of count = count + 1 and thus still,assignwithSum,91
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"result = n * factorial(n-1, depth + 1)",assignwithSum,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"func3 = lambda x, y, z: x + y + z",assignwithSum,124
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,max = max + 1,assignwithSum,128
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,max = max + 1,assignwithSum,128
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,max = max + 1,assignwithSum,129
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,increment = lambda num: num + addition,assignwithSum,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 = q1 + q2,assignwithSum,230
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,p3 = p1 + p2,assignwithSum,231
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value + other.value,assignwithSum,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 = q1 + q2,assignwithSum,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value + other.value,assignwithSum,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 = q1 + q2,assignwithSum,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value + other.value,assignwithSum,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 = q1 + q2,assignwithSum,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = 1 + 2,assignwithSum,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = 1 + 2,assignwithSum,280
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = 1 + 2,assignwithSum,281
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,list3 = list1 + list2,assignwithSum,357
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"d1 = list(map(lambda i: i + 1, data))",assignwithSum,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"result = list(map(lambda x, y: x + y, data1, data2))",assignwithSum,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"result = reduce(lambda total, value: total + value, data)",assignwithSum,401
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,user_name = input('Enter your name: '),simpleAssign,24
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,user_name = input('Enter your name: '),simpleAssign,24
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,name = input('Enter your name: '),simpleAssign,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,name = input('What is the name of your best friend: '),simpleAssign,25
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,my_variable = 42,simpleAssign,26
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,my_variable = True,simpleAssign,26
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,user_name = input('Enter your name: '),simpleAssign,28
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,name = input('Enter your name: '),simpleAssign,29
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,age = 20,simpleAssign,41
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,example {artist}. Then in the format() method a key=value pair is provided,simpleAssign,42
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"song='Guilty', year=2017))",simpleAssign,42
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,template = string.Template('$artist sang $song in $year'),simpleAssign,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"function. The substitute function takes a set of key=value pairs, in which the key is the",simpleAssign,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Great Pretender', year=1987))",simpleAssign,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,template = string.Template('$artist sang $song in $year'),simpleAssign,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Can use a key = value pairs where the key is the name of,simpleAssign,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Great Pretender', year=1987))",simpleAssign,44
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Girl', year=2017))",simpleAssign,45
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"song='Havana', year=2018))",simpleAssign,45
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"d = dict(artist = 'Billy Idol', song='Eyes Without a Face',",simpleAssign,45
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,year = 1984),simpleAssign,45
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = 1,simpleAssign,49
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"x = 
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,total = int('100'),simpleAssign,50
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,age = int(input('Please enter your age:')),simpleAssign,50
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,i = int(1.0),simpleAssign,50
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,exchange_rate = 1.83,simpleAssign,50
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,int_value = 1,simpleAssign,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,float_value = float(int_value),simpleAssign,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,float_value = float(string_value),simpleAssign,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"exchange_rate = float(input(""Please enter the exchange rate to",simpleAssign,51
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,c1 = 1j,simpleAssign,52
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,c2 = 2j,simpleAssign,52
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,all_ok = True,simpleAssign,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,all_ok = False,simpleAssign,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,status = bool(input('OK to proceed: ')),simpleAssign,53
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,home = 10,simpleAssign,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,away = 15,simpleAssign,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,goals_for = 10,simpleAssign,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,goals_against = 7,simpleAssign,54
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,res1 = 3/2,simpleAssign,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,res1 = 3//2,simpleAssign,55
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,a = 5,simpleAssign,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,b = 3,simpleAssign,56
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,i = 3 * 0.1,simpleAssign,57
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,c1 = 1j,simpleAssign,58
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,c2 = 2j,simpleAssign,58
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,c3 = c1 * c2,simpleAssign,58
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,operator and the = operator such that,simpleAssign,58
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = 0,simpleAssign,58
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x −= 2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x *= 2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x /= 2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x //= 2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = x – 2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = x * 2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = x/2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = x//2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x %= 2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = x % 2,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x **= 3,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = x **,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,winner = None,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,winner = None,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,winner = True,simpleAssign,59
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,3 == 3,simpleAssign,63
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,2 != 3,simpleAssign,63
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Tests if the left-hand value is less than or equal to the right-hand value 3 <= 4,simpleAssign,63
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Tests if the left-hand value is greater than or equal to the right-hand value 5 >= 4,simpleAssign,63
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,num = int(input('Enter a number: ')),simpleAssign,64
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,num = int(input('Enter another number: ')),simpleAssign,64
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,num = int(input('Enter yet another number: ')),simpleAssign,65
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"savings = float(input(""Enter how much you have in savings: ""))",simpleAssign,66
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,snowing = True,simpleAssign,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,snowing = True,simpleAssign,67
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,age = 15,simpleAssign,68
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,status = None,simpleAssign,68
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,num % 2) == 0,simpleAssign,70
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count = 0,simpleAssign,72
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for i = from 0 to 10,simpleAssign,73
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,num = int(input('Enter a number to check for: ')),simpleAssign,76
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if i == num:,simpleAssign,76
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if i % 2 == 1:,simpleAssign,77
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,num = int(input('Enter a number to check for: ')),simpleAssign,78
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if i == num:,simpleAssign,78
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,MIN = 1,simpleAssign,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,MAX = 6,simpleAssign,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"dice1 = random.randint(MIN, MAX)",simpleAssign,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"dice2 = random.randint(MIN, MAX)",simpleAssign,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,roll_again = input('Roll the dices again? (y / n): '),simpleAssign,79
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,that is 0! = 1.,simpleAssign,80
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"number_to_guess = random.randint(1,10)",simpleAssign,86
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10: ')),simpleAssign,86
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10: ')),simpleAssign,86
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10: ')),simpleAssign,86
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10: ')),simpleAssign,87
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count_number_of_tries = 1,simpleAssign,88
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10: ')),simpleAssign,88
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,guess = int(input('Please guess again: ')),simpleAssign,88
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"number_to_guess = random.randint(1,10)",simpleAssign,89
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count_number_of_tries = 1,simpleAssign,89
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10: ')),simpleAssign,89
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if count_number_of_tries == 4:,simpleAssign,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,guess = int(input('Please guess again: ')),simpleAssign,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if number_to_guess == guess:,simpleAssign,90
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,If current_node.value == value_to_find:,simpleAssign,95
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if n == 1: # The termination condition,simpleAssign,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,res = n * factorial(n-1) # The recursive call,simpleAssign,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if n == 1:,simpleAssign,97
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if n == 0:,simpleAssign,98
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,triangle = pascals_triangle(5),simpleAssign,100
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,result = square( 4),simpleAssign,115
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,a = 2,simpleAssign,116
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,b = 3,simpleAssign,116
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"x, y = swap(a, b)",simpleAssign,116
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"z = swap(a, b)",simpleAssign,116
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,value_as_string = input(message),simpleAssign,117
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,value_as_string = input(message),simpleAssign,117
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,age = get_integer_input('Please input your age: '),simpleAssign,117
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"named(a=1, b=2, c=3)",simpleAssign,123
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,double = lambda i : i * i,simpleAssign,124
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,func0 = lambda: print('no args'),simpleAssign,124
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,func1 = lambda x: x * x,simpleAssign,124
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"func2 = lambda x, y: x * y",simpleAssign,124
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,a_variable = 100,simpleAssign,127
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,a_variable = 25,simpleAssign,127
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,max = 100,simpleAssign,128
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,max = 100,simpleAssign,129
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,finished = False,simpleAssign,134
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,result = 0,simpleAssign,134
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,user_input = input('Do you want to finish (y/n): '),simpleAssign,135
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,ok_to_finish = True,simpleAssign,136
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,user_input_accepted = False,simpleAssign,136
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,finished = False,simpleAssign,137
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,result = 0,simpleAssign,137
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,finished = check_if_user_has_finished((),simpleAssign,137
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,input_ok = False,simpleAssign,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,finished = False,simpleAssign,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,result = 0,simpleAssign,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,menu_choice = get_operation_choice(),simpleAssign,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,finished = check_if_user_has_finished((),simpleAssign,138
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,num1 = get_integer_input('Input the first number: '),simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,num2 = get_integer_input('Input the second number: '),simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,value_as_string = input(message),simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,value_as_string = input(message),simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"n1, n2 = get_numbers_from_user()",simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,finished = False,simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,result = 0,simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,menu_choice = get_operation_choice(),simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"n1, n2 = get_numbers_from_user()",simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,finished = check_if_user_has_finished((),simpleAssign,139
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"result = add(n1, n2)",simpleAssign,140
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"result = subtract(n1, n2)",simpleAssign,140
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"result = divide(n1, n2)",simpleAssign,140
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,finished = False,simpleAssign,140
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,int sizeOfContainer = container.length,simpleAssign,144
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,for (int i = 1 to sizeOfContainer) do,simpleAssign,144
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,element = container.get(i),simpleAssign,144
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,amount = 1,simpleAssign,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,amount = 2,simpleAssign,147
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,message = get_msg(),simpleAssign,150
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,message = get_msg,simpleAssign,150
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,another_reference = get_msg,simpleAssign,151
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,get_msg = get_some_other_msg,simpleAssign,152
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,result = function(x),simpleAssign,153
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"result = apply(10, mult_by_two)",simpleAssign,154
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,f1 = make_checker('even'),simpleAssign,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,f2 = make_checker('positive'),simpleAssign,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,f3 = make_checker('negative'),simpleAssign,156
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,f1 = make_function(),simpleAssign,157
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"total = operation(2, 5)",simpleAssign,159
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"total = operation(10, 5)",simpleAssign,160
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"double = operation(2, *)",simpleAssign,160
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"double = multby(multiply, 2)",simpleAssign,161
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"triple = multby(multiply, 3)",simpleAssign,161
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,more = 100,simpleAssign,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,more = 50,simpleAssign,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,addition = 50,simpleAssign,163
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"dollars_to_sterling = curry(convert, 0.77)",simpleAssign,165
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"euro_to_sterling = curry(convert, 0.88)",simpleAssign,165
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"sterling_to_dollars = curry(convert, 1.3)",simpleAssign,165
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"sterling_to_euro = curry(convert, 1.14)",simpleAssign,165
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p1 = Person('John', 36)",simpleAssign,182
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p2 = Person('Phoebe', 21)",simpleAssign,182
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p1 = Person('John', 36)",simpleAssign,183
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,px = p1,simpleAssign,183
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"ran p1 = p2) then this would have no effect on the value held in px; indeed, we",simpleAssign,184
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,p1.age = 54,simpleAssign,186
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p3 = Person('Adam', 19)",simpleAssign,188
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,rate_of_pay = 7.50,simpleAssign,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if self.age >= 21:,simpleAssign,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,pay = p2.calculate_pay(40),simpleAssign,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,pay = p3.calculate_pay(40),simpleAssign,189
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,rate_of_pay = 7.50,simpleAssign,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if self.age >= 21:,simpleAssign,190
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p1 = Person('John', 36)",simpleAssign,191
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,p1.age = 18,simpleAssign,191
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p1 = Person('John', 36)",simpleAssign,192
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc1 = Account('123', 'John', 10.05, 'current')",simpleAssign,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc2 = Account('345', 'John', 23.55, 'savings')",simpleAssign,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc3 = Account('567', 'Phoebe', 12.45, 'investment')",simpleAssign,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Account[123] - John, current account = 10.05",simpleAssign,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Account[345] - John, savings account = 23.55",simpleAssign,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Account[567] - Phoebe, investment account = 12.45",simpleAssign,195
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,instance_count = 0,simpleAssign,196
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p1 = Person('Jason', 36)",simpleAssign,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p2 = Person('Carol', 21)",simpleAssign,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p3 = Person('James', 19)",simpleAssign,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p4 = Person('Tom', 31)",simpleAssign,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,instance_count = 0,simpleAssign,197
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,html?highlight=classmethod documentation on class methods.,simpleAssign,200
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,rate_of_pay = 7.50,simpleAssign,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if self.age >= 21:,simpleAssign,203
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p = Person('John', 54)",simpleAssign,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"e = Employee('Denise', 51, 7468)",simpleAssign,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"s = SalesPerson('Phoebe', 21, 4712, 'UK', 30000.0)",simpleAssign,204
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p = Person('John', 54)",simpleAssign,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"e = Employee('Denise', 51, 1234)",simpleAssign,211
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p = Person('John', 54)",simpleAssign,212
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"e = Employee('Denise', 51, 1234)",simpleAssign,212
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,tc = ToyCar(),simpleAssign,215
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = X(),simpleAssign,217
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc1 = CurrentAccount('123', 'John', 10.05, 100.0)",simpleAssign,221
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc2 = DepositAccount('345', 'John', 23.55, 0.5)",simpleAssign,221
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc3 = InvestmentAccount('567', 'Phoebe', 12.45, 'high risk')",simpleAssign,221
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"day = 01, month = 13, year = 9999). This is because the structure only knows it is",simpleAssign,224
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"date = Date(12, 2, 1998)",simpleAssign,227
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,age = 0,simpleAssign,227
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"birthday = Birthday(12, 3, 1974)",simpleAssign,228
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"using operators such as +, −, <, > or == as well as logical operators such as &",simpleAssign,230
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 = Quantity(5),simpleAssign,230
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q2 = Quantity(10),simpleAssign,230
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 = Quantity(5),simpleAssign,230
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q2 = Quantity(10),simpleAssign,230
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 = q1.add(q2),simpleAssign,230
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,p1 = Person('John'),simpleAssign,231
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,p2 = Person('Denise'),simpleAssign,231
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value - other.value,simpleAssign,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 = Quantity(5),simpleAssign,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q2 = Quantity(10),simpleAssign,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"q1 = Quantity[5] , q2 = Quantity[10]",simpleAssign,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 = Quantity[15],simpleAssign,232
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value - other.value,simpleAssign,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value * other.value,simpleAssign,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value ** other.value,simpleAssign,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value / other.value,simpleAssign,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value // other.value,simpleAssign,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value % other.value,simpleAssign,234
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 = Quantity(5),simpleAssign,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q2 = Quantity(10),simpleAssign,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"q1 = Quantity[5] ,q2 = Quantity[10]",simpleAssign,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 = Quantity[15],simpleAssign,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q2 - q1 = Quantity[5],simpleAssign,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 * q2 = Quantity[50],simpleAssign,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 / q2 = Quantity[0.5],simpleAssign,235
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value * other,simpleAssign,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value * other.value,simpleAssign,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value / other,simpleAssign,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,new_value = self.value / other.value,simpleAssign,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 <= q2,simpleAssign,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 == q2,simpleAssign,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 != q2,simpleAssign,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 >= q2,simpleAssign,236
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 = Quantity(5),simpleAssign,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q2 = Quantity(10),simpleAssign,237
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"q1 = Quantity[5] ,q2 = Quantity[10]",simpleAssign,238
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 = Quantity[15],simpleAssign,238
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q3 == q1: False,simpleAssign,238
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,d1 = Distance(6),simpleAssign,239
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,d2 = Distance(3),simpleAssign,239
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"person = Person('John', 54)",simpleAssign,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program, = 42,simpleAssign,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"person = Person('John', 54)",simpleAssign,242
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"person = Person('John', 54)",simpleAssign,244
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"person = Person('John', 54)",simpleAssign,244
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"property_name> = property(fget=None, fset=None,",simpleAssign,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"fdel=None, doc=None)",simpleAssign,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"age = property(get_age, set_age, doc=""An age property"")",simpleAssign,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"name = property(get_name, doc=""A name property"")",simpleAssign,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"person = Person('John', 54)",simpleAssign,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,person.age = 21,simpleAssign,245
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Notice how we can now write person.age and person.age = 21; in both,simpleAssign,246
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"name = property(get_name, fdel=del_name, doc=""A name",simpleAssign,246
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc1 = CurrentAccount('123', 'John', 10.05, 100.0)",simpleAssign,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc2 = DepositAccount('345', 'John', 23.55, 0.5)",simpleAssign,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc3 = acc3 = InvestmentAccount('567', 'Phoebe', 12.45,",simpleAssign,248
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Account[123] - John, current account = 10.05overdraft",simpleAssign,249
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Account[345] - John, savings account = 23.55interest",simpleAssign,249
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"Account[567] - Phoebe, investment account = 12.45",simpleAssign,249
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p = Person('Adam', 21)",simpleAssign,263
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,result = x /y,simpleAssign,265
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,result = x /y,simpleAssign,265
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"John, current account = 21.17overdraft limit: -100.0",simpleAssign,266
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,default_shape = Shape('square'),simpleAssign,270
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,shape = utils.Shape('circle'),simpleAssign,271
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,shape = Shape('circle'),simpleAssign,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,s = Shape('rectangle'),simpleAssign,273
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,s = Shape('oval'),simpleAssign,274
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,s = Shape('line'),simpleAssign,275
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,set PYTHONPATH = c:\python30\lib;,simpleAssign,279
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,p = Processor(),simpleAssign,282
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc1 = accounts.CurrentAccount('123', 'John', 10.05, 100.0)",simpleAssign,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc2 = accounts.DepositAccount('345', 'John', 23.55, 0.5)",simpleAssign,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc3 = accounts.InvestmentAccount('567', 'Phoebe', 12.45, 'high",simpleAssign,284
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,bag = Bag(),simpleAssign,287
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,bag = Bag(),simpleAssign,288
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"c = Circle(""circle1"")",simpleAssign,290
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"e = Employee('Megan', 21, 'MS123')",simpleAssign,292
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"e = Employee('Megan', 21, 'MS123')",simpleAssign,292
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"e = Employee('Megan', 21, 'MS123')",simpleAssign,293
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"e = Employee('Megan', 21, 'MS123')",simpleAssign,294
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc1 = accounts.CurrentAccount('123', 'John', 10.05, 100.0)",simpleAssign,295
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc2 = accounts.DepositAccount('345', 'John', 23.55, 0.5)",simpleAssign,295
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"acc3 = accounts.InvestmentAccount('567', 'Phoebe', 12.45,",simpleAssign,295
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,calc = Calculator(),simpleAssign,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q1 = Quantity(5),simpleAssign,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,q2 = Quantity(10),simpleAssign,297
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,d1 = Distance(6),simpleAssign,299
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,d2 = Distance(3),simpleAssign,299
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = Logger('x'),simpleAssign,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,y = Logger('y'),simpleAssign,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x'] = x0,simpleAssign,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,y'] = y0,simpleAssign,305
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,dot notation (such as curser.x = 10). This means that it will not be intercepted by,simpleAssign,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"cursor = Cursor(15, 25)",simpleAssign,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,cursor.x = 20,simpleAssign,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,cursor.y = 35,simpleAssign,306
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"__set__: Point[15, 25] - x = 20",simpleAssign,307
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"__set__: Point[20, 25] - y = 35",simpleAssign,307
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = 20,simpleAssign,307
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,x = 20,simpleAssign,307
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"__set__: Point[20, 35] - x = 21",simpleAssign,307
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,y = 35,simpleAssign,307
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"__set__: Point[21, 35] - y = 36",simpleAssign,307
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,b = Bag(),simpleAssign,310
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Bag.__len__ = get_length,simpleAssign,311
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,b2 = Bag(),simpleAssign,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count = 0,simpleAssign,312
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student = Student('John'),simpleAssign,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student = Student('John'),simpleAssign,313
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student = Student('John'),simpleAssign,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,res1 = student.dummy_attribute,simpleAssign,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,res1 = student.dummy_attribute,simpleAssign,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count = 0,simpleAssign,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student = Student('John'),simpleAssign,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,res1 = student.dummy_attribute,simpleAssign,315
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count = 0,simpleAssign,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student = Student('John'),simpleAssign,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,res2 = student.dummy_method(),simpleAssign,316
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count = 0,simpleAssign,317
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student = Student('Katie'),simpleAssign,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,res1 = student.dummy_attribute # invoke missing attribute,simpleAssign,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,count = 0,simpleAssign,318
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,student = Student('John'),simpleAssign,319
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,t1 = logger(target),simpleAssign,323
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p = Person('John', 'Smith', 21)",simpleAssign,328
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"p = Point(1, 1)",simpleAssign,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,instance = None,simpleAssign,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,instance = cls(),simpleAssign,329
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,s1 = Service(),simpleAssign,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,s2 = Service(),simpleAssign,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,f1 = Foo(),simpleAssign,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,f2 = Foo(),simpleAssign,330
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,start = default_timer(),simpleAssign,334
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,end = default_timer(),simpleAssign,334
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"calling deposit on Account[123] - John, current account = 
 10.05overdraft limit: -100.0 with 23.45",simpleAssign,335
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"calling withdraw on Account[123] - John, current account = 
 33.5overdraft limit: -100.0 with 12.33",simpleAssign,335
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,return_val = self.val,simpleAssign,338
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,value = 0,simpleAssign,341
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,evens = evens_up_to(4),simpleAssign,342
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,g = grep('Python'),simpleAssign,344
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,number = input('Please input the number:'),simpleAssign,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,prime = infinite_prime_number_generator(),simpleAssign,345
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,t1 = tuple(list1),simpleAssign,348
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"set1 = set((1, 2, 3)",simpleAssign,363
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"dict1 = dict(uk='London', ireland='Dublin', france='Paris')",simpleAssign,372
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"dict2 = dict([('uk', 'London'), ('ireland', 'Dublin'),",simpleAssign,372
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"dict3 = dict((['uk', 'London'], ['ireland', 'Dublin'],",simpleAssign,372
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,__hash__ = None,simpleAssign,378
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,start = default_timer(),simpleAssign,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,end = default_timer(),simpleAssign,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,if num == 0:,simpleAssign,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Factorial_value = 1,simpleAssign,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,Factorial_value = factorial_value * i,simpleAssign,380
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"fruit = collections.Counter(['apple', 'orange', 'pear',",simpleAssign,385
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"fruit1 = collections.Counter(['apple', 'orange', 'pear',",simpleAssign,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"fruit2 = collections.Counter(['banana', 'apple', 'apple'])",simpleAssign,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,fruit['apple'] = 1 # initialises the number of apples,simpleAssign,386
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"r1 = list(itertools.chain([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]))",simpleAssign,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"r2 = list(itertools.repeat('hello', 5))",simpleAssign,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"r3 = list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x < 5, values))",simpleAssign,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"r4 = list(itertools.islice(values, 3, 6))",simpleAssign,387
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,element1 = queue.pop(0),simpleAssign,391
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,queue = Queue(),simpleAssign,392
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,top_element = stack.pop(),simpleAssign,394
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,stack = Stack(),simpleAssign,396
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"d1 = list(filter(lambda i: i % 2 == 0, data))",simpleAssign,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"d2 = list(filter(is_even, data))",simpleAssign,398
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"d3 = list(filter(lambda p: p.age <= 21, data))",simpleAssign,399
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"d2 = list(map(add_one, data))",simpleAssign,400
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"ages = list(map(lambda p: p.age, data))",simpleAssign,401
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"total_age = reduce(lambda running_total, person: running_total",simpleAssign,402
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,average_age = total_age // len(data),simpleAssign,402
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,stack = Stack(),simpleAssign,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"new_list = list(map(add_item, stack))",simpleAssign,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,"filtered_list = list(filter(is_job, stack))",simpleAssign,403
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,X = Counter('X'),simpleAssign,407
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,O = Counter('O'),simpleAssign,407
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,invalid_input = True,simpleAssign,409
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,row = self.cells[move.x],simpleAssign,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,row[move.y] = move.counter,simpleAssign,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,c = player.counter,simpleAssign,411
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,counter = input().upper(),simpleAssign,412
2019 Book A Beginner's Guide To Python 3 Program,game = Game(),simpleAssign,414
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","zip(s, t)",zip,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","zip(s, t))",zip,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","zip('Anne', 'Elk'))",zip,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","map(self, k)",map,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",g = (x**2 for x in range(5)),generatorExpression,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",pickle.dumps(t),pickle,170
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",pickle.loads (“load string”),pickle,171
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import dbm,importdbm,170
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,173
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if meth_name in ty.__dict__,__dict__,217
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x % 2 == 0:
  print('x is even')
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x > y:
  print('x is greater than y')
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x == y:
  print('x and y are equal')
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if word > 'banana':
  print('Your word, ' + word + ', comes after banana.')
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x > 0:
  y = math.log(x)
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","while n != 1:
  if n % 2 == 0: # n is even
  n = n / 2
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","while True:
  line = input('> ')
  if line == 'done':
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","while True:
  y = (x + a/x) / 2
  if y == x:
  x = y

 For most values of a this works fine, but in general it is dangerous to test float equalߚ
 ity. Floating-point values are only approximately right: most rational numbers, like
 1/3, and irrational numbers, like 2, can’t be represented exactly with a float.
 Rather than checking whether x and y are exactly equal, it is safer to use the built-in
 function abs to compute the absolute value, or magnitude, of the difference between

  if abs(y-x) < epsilon:
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","while index < len(word):
  if word[index] == letter:
  return index
  index = index + 1
  return -1

 In a sense, find is the inverse of the [] operator. Instead of taking an index and
 extracting the corresponding character, it takes a character and finds the index where
 that character appears. If the character is not found, the function returns -1.
 This is the first example we have seen of a return statement inside a loop. If
 word[index] == letter, the function break",whilebreak,89
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","while loop:

 def is_abecedarian(word):
  i = 0
  while i < len(word)-1:
  if word[i+1] < word[i]:
  return False
  i = i+1
  return True

 The loop starts at i=0 and ends when i=len(word)-1. Each time through the loop, it
 compares the ith character (which you can think of as the current character) to the i
 +1th character (which you can think of as the next).
 If the next character is less than (alphabetically before) the current one, then we have
 discovered a break",whilebreak,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","while
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",while n > 0:,whilesimple,77
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",while statement:,whilesimple,77
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",while loop:,whilesimple,86
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",while index < len(fruit):,whilesimple,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",while j > 0:,whilesimple,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",while j > 0:,whilesimple,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",while i<j:,whilesimple,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","while
 and then produce a “RuntimeError:",whilesimple,238
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",while x > 0 and y < 0 :,whilesimple,238
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)",__init__,199
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, suit=0, rank=2)",__init__,208
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, label='')",__init__,213
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,216
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, pong)",__init__,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, pings=None)",__init__,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, name, contents=None)",__init__,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, name, contents=None)",__init__,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, x=0, y=0)",__init__,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def __init__(self, n=100)",__init__,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,253
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","try:
  x = p.x
 except AttributeError:",tryexcept,184
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def printall(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,232
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def printall(*args):,funcwithstar,142
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def printall(*args):,funcwithstar,232
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",class Hand(Deck):,simpleclass,213
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",class Ping(PingPongParent):,simpleclass,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",class Pong(PingPongParent):,simpleclass,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",class Pointier(Point):,simpleclass,231
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",raise LookupError(),raise,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",raise LookupError('value does not appear in the dictionary'),raise,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x < 0:
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","class PingPongParent:
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for x in []:,forwithlist,109
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [[1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]",nestedList,120
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t2 = [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]",nestedList,147
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t3 = [1, 2, 3, 4.0, '5', '6', [7], [8], 9]",nestedList,147
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for suit in range(4):
  for rank in range(1, 14):",fornested,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for m in self.maps.maps:
  for k, v in m.items:",fornested,254
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","eng2sp = {'one': 'uno', 'two': 'dos', 'three': 'tres'}",simpleDict,126
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","known = {0:0, 1:1}",simpleDict,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","known = {0:0, 1:1}",simpleDict,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","d = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}",simpleDict,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fin = open('words.txt'),openfunc,99
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fin = open('words.txt'),openfunc,100
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fp = open(filename),openfunc,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","fout = open('output.txt', 'w')",openfunc,166
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fin = open('bad_file'),openfunc,169
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","fout = open('/etc/passwd', 'w')",openfunc,169
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fin = open('/home'),openfunc,169
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fin = open('bad_file'),openfunc,169
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","db ='captions', 'c')",openfunc,170
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fp = os.popen(cmd),openfunc,171
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fp = os.popen(cmd),openfunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for line in open(filename),openfunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for line in open(filename),openfunc,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for line in open(filename),openfunc,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for line in open(filename),openfunc,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fout.write(line1),write,166
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fout.write(line2),write,166
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fout.write(str(x)),write,166
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res =,read,171
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res =,read,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fin.readline(),readline,99
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fin.readline(),readline,100
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",line = fin.readline(),readline,100
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import  pass,importfunc,12
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import it,importfunc,22
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import math,importfunc,22
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import statement,importfunc,32
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import turtle,importfunc,35
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import turtle,importfunc,35
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import math,importfunc,40
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import stateߚ,importfunc,40
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import math,importfunc,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import time,importfunc,57
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import math,importfunc,83
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import string,importfunc,151
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import random,importfunc,153
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import string,importfunc,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import os,importfunc,167
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import pickle,importfunc,170
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import it,importfunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import wc,importfunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import the,importfunc,173
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import a,importfunc,173
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import a,importfunc,173
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import the,importfunc,173
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import copy,importfunc,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import to,importfunc,237
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import the,importfunc,237
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",import this,importfunc,237
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",from structshape import structshape,importfromsimple,147
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",from collections import Counter,importfromsimple,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",from collections import defaultdict,importfromsimple,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",from collections import namedtuple,importfromsimple,231
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.hour = hour,simpleattr,199
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.minute = minute,simpleattr,199
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.second = second,simpleattr,199
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.hour = hour,simpleattr,199
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.suit = suit,simpleattr,208
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.rank = rank,simpleattr,208
"Think Python, 2nd Edition", = [],simpleattr,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition", = [],simpleattr,213
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.label = label,simpleattr,213
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.suffix_map = {},simpleattr,216
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.prefix = (),simpleattr,216
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.suffix_map[self.prefix] = [word],simpleattr,216
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","self.prefix = shift(self.prefix, word)",simpleattr,216
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.pong = pong,simpleattr,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.pings = pings,simpleattr,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition", = name,simpleattr,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.pouch_contents = contents,simpleattr,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition", = name,simpleattr,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.pouch_contents = [] if contents == None else contents,simpleattr,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.x = x,simpleattr,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.y = y,simpleattr,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.items = [],simpleattr,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.maps = [],simpleattr,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.maps = BetterMap(2),simpleattr,253
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.num = 0,simpleattr,253
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.num += 1,simpleattr,253
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",self.maps = new_maps,simpleattr,254
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",total += x,assignIncrement,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",The += operator provides a short way to update a variable. This augmented assignߚ,assignIncrement,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",total += x,assignIncrement,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d[c] += 1,assignIncrement,127
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count += 1,assignIncrement,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count += 1,assignIncrement,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",rect.width += dwidth,assignIncrement,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",rect.height += dheight,assignIncrement,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum.minute += 1,assignIncrement,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum.hour += 1,assignIncrement,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time.second += seconds,assignIncrement,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time.minute += 1,assignIncrement,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time.hour += 1,assignIncrement,190
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",seconds += self.time_to_int(),assignIncrement,198
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",seconds += self.time_to_int(),assignIncrement,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",total += x,assignIncrement,249
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def print_most_common(hist, num=10):",funcdefault,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","def process_word(self, word, order=2):",funcdefault,216
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",range(5)),rangefunc,226
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_lyrics():,simplefunc,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_lyrics():,simplefunc,24
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def repeat_lyrics():,simplefunc,24
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_lyrics():,simplefunc,25
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def repeat_lyrics():,simplefunc,25
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_twice(bruce):,simplefunc,26
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def do_twice(f):,simplefunc,33
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_spam():,simplefunc,33
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def square(t):,simplefunc,38
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def countdown(n):,simplefunc,51
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def recurse():,simplefunc,53
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def area(radius):,simplefunc,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def area(radius):,simplefunc,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def absolute_value(x):,simplefunc,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def absolute_value(x):,simplefunc,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def factorial(n):,simplefunc,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def factorial(n):,simplefunc,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def factorial(n):,simplefunc,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def fibonacci (n):,simplefunc,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def factorial (n):,simplefunc,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def factorial(n):,simplefunc,70
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def b(z):,simplefunc,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def first(word):,simplefunc,73
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def last(word):,simplefunc,73
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def middle(word):,simplefunc,73
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def countdown(n):,simplefunc,77
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def sequence(n):,simplefunc,78
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def any_lowercase1(s):,simplefunc,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def any_lowercase2(s):,simplefunc,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def any_lowercase3(s):,simplefunc,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def any_lowercase4(s):,simplefunc,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def any_lowercase5(s):,simplefunc,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def has_no_e(word):,simplefunc,101
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def is_abecedarian(word):,simplefunc,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def is_abecedarian(word):,simplefunc,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def is_palindrome(word):,simplefunc,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def is_palindrome(word):,simplefunc,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def add_all(t):,simplefunc,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def capitalize_all(t):,simplefunc,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def only_upper(t):,simplefunc,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def delete_head(t):,simplefunc,116
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def bad_delete_head(t):,simplefunc,117
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def tail(t):,simplefunc,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def histogram(s):,simplefunc,127
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_hist(h):,simplefunc,128
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def invert_dict(d):,simplefunc,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def fibonacci(n):,simplefunc,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def example1():,simplefunc,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def example2():,simplefunc,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def example2():,simplefunc,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def example3():,simplefunc,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def example3():,simplefunc,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def example4():,simplefunc,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def example5():,simplefunc,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def min_max(t):,simplefunc,142
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def process_file(filename):,simplefunc,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def total_words(hist):,simplefunc,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def different_words(hist):,simplefunc,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def most_common(hist):,simplefunc,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def random_word(h):,simplefunc,157
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def walk(dirname):,simplefunc,168
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def linecount(filename):,simplefunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_point(p):,simplefunc,179
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def find_center(rect):,simplefunc,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def time_to_int(time):,simplefunc,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def int_to_time(seconds):,simplefunc,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def valid_time(time):,simplefunc,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_time(time):,simplefunc,196
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_time(time):,simplefunc,197
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_time(self):,simplefunc,197
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def histogram(s):,simplefunc,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def print_attributes(obj):,simplefunc,204
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,209
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def pop_card(self):,simplefunc,212
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def shuffle(self):,simplefunc,212
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def factorial(n):,simplefunc,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def factorial(n):,simplefunc,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def capitalize_all(t):,simplefunc,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def capitalize_all(t):,simplefunc,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def only_upper(t):,simplefunc,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def only_upper(t):,simplefunc,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def has_duplicates(t):,simplefunc,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def has_duplicates(t):,simplefunc,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def all_anagrams(filename):,simplefunc,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def all_anagrams(filename):,simplefunc,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def all_anagrams(filename):,simplefunc,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",def resize(self):,simplefunc,253
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return
 None  continue  for lambda  try",return,12
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value.,return,21
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return results; for,return,29
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a value. They are called void funcߚ,return,29
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value is lost forߚ,return,29
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value. If you assign the result to a variable, you get a special",return,29
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value:,return,31
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return
 value is the value of the expression.",return,31
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value? An interface is “clean” if it,return,40
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value.,return,44
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value to,return,54
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return statement:,return,57
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return to the caller.,return,57
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return values. But the functions we’ve written are all void: they have an effect, like",return,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value. In this chapter,return,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value, which we usually assign to a variable or",return,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return
 value; more precisely, their return value is None.",return,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a,return,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statement before, but in a fruitful function the return stateߚ",return,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value.” The expression can be,return,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return math.pi * radius**2,return,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statements, one in each branch of a",return,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return x,return,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statements are in an alternative conditional, only one runs.",return,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statement runs, the function terminates without executing any",return,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statement, or any other place",return,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return statement. For example:,return,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return statement. If the flow of execution gets to,return,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value is None, which is not the absolute value of 0:",return,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value)?,return,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value is the distance represented by a floating-point value.,return,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 0.0,return,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 0.0,return,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 0.0,return,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return the result:,return,64
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return result,return,64
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return statement.,return,64
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return result,return,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return area(distance(xc, yc, xp, yp))",return,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return booleans, which is often convenient for hiding complicated tests",return,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False,return,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return x % y == 0,return,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 1:,return,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return result,return,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 1 without makߚ,return,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value, 1, is multiplied by n, which is 1, and the result is returned.",return,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value, 1, is multiplied by n, which is 2, and the result is returned.",return,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value (2) is multiplied by n, which is 3, and the result, 6, becomes the",return,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value of the function call that started the whole process.,return,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return values are shown being passed back up the stack. In each frame, the",return,68
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value is the value of result, which is the product of n and recurse.",return,68
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 1,return,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2),return,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return None,return,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return None,return,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 1,return,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return n * factorial(n-1),return,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value or the way it is being used.,return,70
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return statement and,return,70
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value. If possible, check the result by hand. Consider calling the",return,70
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return
 value is being used correctly (or used at all!).",return,70
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 1,return,71
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return result,return,71
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return prod,return,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return x * y,return,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return square,return,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return the first, last, and",return,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return word[0],return,73
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return word[-1],return,73
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return word[1:-1],return,73
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return the value of the last,return,83
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return an,return,83
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return True if one of the words is the reverse of the other, but it conߚ",return,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return False immediately. Otherwise, for the rest of the function, we can assume that",return,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False immediately. If we get through,return,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True.,return,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value,return,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False,return,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 'True',return,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 'False',return,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return flag,return,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return flag,return,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return and a newline, that separate",return,100
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,101
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False; otherwise we have to go to the next letter. If we exit the loop norߚ,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True.,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False as soon as we find a forbidden letter; if we get to the end of the,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True.,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False.,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False.,return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return uses_only(required, word)",return,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return is_abecedarian(word[1:]),return,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False.,return,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return is_reverse(word, word)",return,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return False, and words that don’t should return True. You should have",return,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return None. If you accidentally,return,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return total,return,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return res,return,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a,return,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return res,return,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value from remove is None.,return,113
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return t[1:],return,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return None. This is the opposite of,return,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a new string and leave the original alone.,return,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return d,return,127
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return inverse,return,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return res,return,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return immediately. Otherwise it has to compute the new value, add it to the dictioߚ",return,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return it.,return,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value from split is a list with two elements; the first element is assigned,return,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return one value, but if the value is a tuple, the",return,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return min(t), max(t)",return,142
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False,return,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statement, it is syntactically simpler to create a",return,146
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 'a' with probability 2/3 and 'b' with probability 1/3.,return,153
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return hist,return,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return new strings.),return,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return sum(hist.values()),return,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return len(hist),return,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return t,return,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return res,return,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return random.choice(t),return,157
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return prefix[1:] + (word,)",return,160
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value is the number of characters that were written. The file object keeps,return,166
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value is an object,return,171
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value is the final status of the ls process; None means that it ended norߚ,return,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return count,return,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return character, represented \r. Some use both. If you move files between difߚ",return,174
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a list of its anagrams.,return,175
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value is a reference to a Point object, which we assign to blank.",return,178
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return instances. For example, find_center takes a Rectangle as an",return,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return p,return,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True if any part of the Rectangle falls inside the,return,185
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return them as results. In this,return,187
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return sum,return,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return sum,return,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return seconds,return,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return time,return,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return int_to_time(seconds),return,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return int_to_time(seconds),return,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return int_to_time(seconds),return,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return None.,return,193
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return int_to_time(seconds),return,198
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return self.time_to_int() > other.time_to_int(),return,198
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a string repreߚ,return,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return '%.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (self.hour, self.minute, self.second)",return,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return int_to_time(seconds),return,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return self.increment(other),return,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return int_to_time(seconds),return,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return int_to_time(seconds),return,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return self.__add__(other),return,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a new Point whose x,return,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return
 a new Point with the result.",return,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return d,return,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return '%s of %s' % (Card.rank_names[self.rank],",return,209
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,210
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False,return,210
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return self.rank < other.rank,return,210
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return t1 < t2,return,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return '\n'.join(res),return,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return,return,212
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return

"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return ty,return,217
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return the,return,218
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a list of,return,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return
 True or False according to whether or not the hand meets the relevant criteria.",return,220
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return n * factorial(n-1),return,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 1 if n == 0 else n * factorial(n-1),return,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return res,return,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return [s.capitalize() for s in t],return,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return res,return,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return [s for s in t if s.isupper()],return,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return not any(letter in forbidden for letter in word),return,226
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return res,return,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return set(d1) - set(d2),return,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return False,return,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return len(set(t)) < len(t),return,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return True,return,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return set(word) <= set(available),return,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return 0:,return,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return Counter(word1) == Counter(word2),return,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return d,return,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return d,return,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return d,return,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return '(%g, %g)' % (self.x, self.y)",return,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return value from namedtuple,return,231
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return res,return,233
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return
 without making a recursive invocation. If not, you need to rethink the algorithm and",return,239
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return a value from a,return,240
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statement, it",return,240
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return what I expect.,return,243
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statement with a complex expression, you don’t have a chance to",return,243
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return self.hands[i].removeMatches(),return,243
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return count,return,243
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return iterators. But if,return,250
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return the value that corresponds to key k. With a Python dictioߚ,return,251
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return self.maps[index],return,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return m.get(k),return,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return the same hash value, but the",return,253
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return the same,return,253
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",return self.maps.get(k),return,253
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value, 141",return,261
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value, 181",return,262
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return statement, 52, 61, 243",return,266
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","return value, 21, 31, 61, 181",return,266
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if you are using Python as a calculator, you might type:",simpleif,13
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if you try to access cat from within print_twice, you get a NameError:",simpleif,28
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if
 they are equal and False otherwise:",simpleif,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if statement:,simpleif,49
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x > 0:
  print('x is positive')",simpleif,49
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x < y:
  print('x is less than y')",simpleif,50
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if choice == 'a':
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if choice == 'b':
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if choice == 'c':
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x < y:
  print('x is less than y')",simpleif,50
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if 0 < x:
  if x < 10:",simpleif,51
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if 0 < x and x < 10:
  print('x is a positive single-digit number.')",simpleif,51
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if 0 < x < 10:
  print('x is a positive single-digit number.')",simpleif,51
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n <= 0:
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n <= 0:
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if the user types something other than a string of digits, you get an error:",simpleif,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if it is possible to form a triangle:,simpleif,58
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n == 0:
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n == 0:
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x < 0:
  return -x",simpleif,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x < 0:
  return -x",simpleif,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x > 0:
  return x",simpleif,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x % y == 0:
  return True",simpleif,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if is_divisible(x, y):
  print('x is divisible by y')",simpleif,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if is_divisible(x, y) == True:
  print('x is divisible by y')",simpleif,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n == 0:
  return 1",simpleif,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n == 0:
  return 1",simpleif,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n == 0:
  return 0",simpleif,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if not isinstance(n, int):
  print('Factorial is only defined for integers.')",simpleif,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n < 0:
  print('Factorial is not defined for negative integers.')",simpleif,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n == 0:
  print(space, 'returning 1')",simpleif,70
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if a is 4 and x is 3:,simpleif,79
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if letter == 'a':
  count = count + 1",simpleif,90
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if letter in word2:
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if you compare apples and oranges:,simpleif,91
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if two strings are equal:,simpleif,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if word == 'banana':
  print('All right, bananas.')",simpleif,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if word < 'banana':
  print('Your word, ' + word + ', comes before banana.')",simpleif,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if len(word1) != len(word2):
  return False",simpleif,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if word1[i] != word2[j]:
  return False",simpleif,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if word1[i] != word2[j]:
 IndexError: string index out of range",simpleif,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if word1[i] != word2[j]:
  return False",simpleif,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if c.islower():
  return True",simpleif,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if not c.islower():
  return False",simpleif,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if letter == 'e':
  return False",simpleif,101
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if letter in forbidden:
  return False",simpleif,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if letter not in available:
  return False",simpleif,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if letter not in word:
  return False",simpleif,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if c < previous:
  return False",simpleif,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if len(word) <= 1:
  return True",simpleif,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if word[0] > word[1]:
  return False",simpleif,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if word[i] != word[j]:
  return False",simpleif,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if you omit both, the slice is a copy of the whole list:",simpleif,110
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if s.isupper():
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if
 the list is sorted in ascending order and False otherwise. For example:",simpleif,121
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if you print eng2sp, you might be surprised:",simpleif,126
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if c not in d:
  d[c] = 1",simpleif,127
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if d[k] == v:
  return k",simpleif,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if val not in inverse:
  inverse[val] = [key]",simpleif,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if you try:,simpleif,131
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n in known:
  return known[n]",simpleif,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if verbose:
  print('Running example1')",simpleif,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if you try to modify one of the elements of the tuple, you get an error:",simpleif,140
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if you scatter the tuple, it works:",simpleif,142
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x == y:
  return True",simpleif,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if we can make Python swear:,simpleif,151
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if key not in d2:
  res[key] = None",simpleif,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if os.path.isfile(path):
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if it were a function:
 >>> blank = Point()",simpleif,178
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if the object has the attributes you need:,simpleif,184
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if sum.second >= 60:
  sum.second -= 60",simpleif,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if sum.minute >= 60:
  sum.minute -= 60",simpleif,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if time.second >= 60:
  time.second -= 60",simpleif,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if time.minute >= 60:
  time.minute -= 60",simpleif,190
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if it violates an invariant:,simpleif,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if time.hour < 0 or time.minute < 0 or time.second < 0:
  return False",simpleif,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if time.minute >= 60 or time.second >= 60:
  return False",simpleif,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if not valid_time(t1) or not valid_time(t2):
  raise ValueError('invalid Time object in add_time')",simpleif,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if it fails:,simpleif,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if
 you invoke increment with two arguments, you get:",simpleif,198
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if isinstance(other, Time):
  return self.add_time(other)",simpleif,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if c not in d:
  d[c] = 1",simpleif,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if len(self.prefix) < order:
  self.prefix += (word,)",simpleif,216
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if pings is None:
  self.pings = []",simpleif,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n == 0:
  return 1",simpleif,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if contents == None:
  contents = []",simpleif,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if s.isupper():
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if any of the values are True. It works on lists:,simpleif,226
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if key not in d2:
  res[key] = None",simpleif,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if x in d:
  return True",simpleif,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if letter not in available:
  return False",simpleif,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if t not in d:,simpleif,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if k == 0:
  return 1",simpleif,233
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if n == 0:
  return 0",simpleif,233
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if key == k:
  return val",simpleif,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","if self.num == len(self.maps.maps):
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('Hello, World!')",printfunc,3
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(n),printfunc,13
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(miles * 1.61),printfunc,14
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(1),printfunc,14
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(x),printfunc,14
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(""I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay."")",printfunc,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(""I sleep all night and I work all day."")",printfunc,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(""I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay."")",printfunc,24
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(""I sleep all night and I work all day."")",printfunc,24
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(print_lyrics),printfunc,24
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(""I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay."")",printfunc,25
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(""I sleep all night and I work all day."")",printfunc,25
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(bruce),printfunc,26
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(bruce),printfunc,26
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(cat),printfunc,27
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(cat),printfunc,28
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(result),printfunc,29
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(type(None)),printfunc,29
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,33
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('+', '-')",printfunc,34
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('+', end=' ')",printfunc,34
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('-'),printfunc,34
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(bob),printfunc,35
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('Hello!'),printfunc,37
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('x is odd'),printfunc,50
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('x and y are equal'),printfunc,50
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('x is greater than y'),printfunc,50
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('x is a positive single-digit number.'),printfunc,51
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(n),printfunc,51
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(s),printfunc,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(decibels),printfunc,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('dx is', dx)",printfunc,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('dy is', dy)",printfunc,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('dsquared is: ', dsquared)",printfunc,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(space, 'factorial', n)",printfunc,70
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(space, 'returning', result)",printfunc,71
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(z, prod)",printfunc,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(c(x, y+3, x+y))",printfunc,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(n),printfunc,77
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('Blastoff!'),printfunc,77
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(line),printfunc,78
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('Done!'),printfunc,78
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(letter),printfunc,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(letter),printfunc,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(letter + suffix),printfunc,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(count),printfunc,90
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('All right, bananas.')",printfunc,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(i, j)",printfunc,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(word),printfunc,100
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(cheeses, numbers, empty)",printfunc,107
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(cheese),printfunc,109
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('This never happens.'),printfunc,109
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(c, h[c])",printfunc,128
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(key, h[key])",printfunc,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(args),printfunc,142
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(pair),printfunc,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(number, letter)",printfunc,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(index, element)",printfunc,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(key, value)",printfunc,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(first, last, directory[last,first])",printfunc,145
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(x),printfunc,153
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('Total number of words:', total_words(hist))",printfunc,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('Number of different words:', different_words(hist))",printfunc,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('The most common words are:'),printfunc,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(word, freq, sep='\t')",printfunc,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('The most common words are:'),printfunc,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(word, freq, sep='\t')",printfunc,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(""Words in the book that aren't in the word list:"")",printfunc,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(word, end=' ')",printfunc,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print('Something went wrong.'),printfunc,169
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(key, db[key])",printfunc,170
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(stat),printfunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(res),printfunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(stat),printfunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(linecount('')),printfunc,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(linecount('')),printfunc,173
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(s),printfunc,173
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(repr(s)),printfunc,173
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('(%g, %g)' % (p.x, p.y))",printfunc,179
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('%.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (time.hour, time.minute, time.second))",printfunc,196
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('%.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (time.hour, time.minute, time.second))",printfunc,197
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('%.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (self.hour, self.minute, self.second))",printfunc,197
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(time),printfunc,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(start + duration),printfunc,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(start + duration),printfunc,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(start + 1337),printfunc,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(1337 + start),printfunc,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(1337 + start),printfunc,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(total),printfunc,203
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(attr, getattr(obj, attr))",printfunc,204
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(card1),printfunc,209
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(deck),printfunc,212
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(hand),printfunc,214
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(val),printfunc,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(val, freq)",printfunc,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",print(args),printfunc,232
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(args, kwargs)",printfunc,232
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('x: ', x)",printfunc,238
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print('y: ', y)",printfunc,238
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","print(""condition: "", (x > 0 and y < 0))",printfunc,238
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')",simpleTuple,139
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')",simpleTuple,140
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ('A',)",simpleTuple,140
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = (7, 3)",simpleTuple,142
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","cheeses = ['Cheddar', 'Edam', 'Gouda']",simpleList,107
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","numbers = [42, 123]",simpleList,107
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",empty = [],simpleList,107
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","numbers = [42, 123]",simpleList,108
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","cheeses = ['Cheddar', 'Edam', 'Gouda']",simpleList,109
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","a = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,110
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","b = [4, 5, 6]",simpleList,110
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']",simpleList,110
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']",simpleList,110
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t[1:3] = ['x', 'y']",simpleList,110
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleList,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleList,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t2 = ['d', 'e']",simpleList,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['d', 'c', 'e', 'b', 'a']",simpleList,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res = [],simpleList,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res = [],simpleList,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleList,113
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleList,113
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleList,113
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']",simpleList,113
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['pining', 'for', 'the', 'fjords']",simpleList,114
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","a = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,115
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","b = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,115
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","a = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,115
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","letters = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleList,116
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t1 = [1, 2]",simpleList,117
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t4 = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,117
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","letters = ['a', 'b', 'c']",simpleList,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t += [x],simpleList,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [3, 1, 2]",simpleList,119
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,120
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,121
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,121
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,131
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [0, 1, 2]",simpleList,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [('a', 0), ('b', 1), ('c', 2)]",simpleList,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [('a', 0), ('c', 2), ('b', 1)]",simpleList,145
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,147
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,153
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['a', 'a', 'b']",simpleList,153
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = [],simpleList,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = [],simpleList,157
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,170
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t1 = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,171
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = ['spam', 'egg', 'spam', 'spam', 'bacon', 'spam']",simpleList,203
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","suit_names = ['Clubs', 'Diamonds', 'Hearts', 'Spades']",simpleList,209
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res = [],simpleList,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res = [],simpleList,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res = [],simpleList,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d[t] = [word],simpleList,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for
 running in script mode at http:",forsimple,13
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(4):,forsimple,37
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(4):,forsimple,37
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(4):,forsimple,38
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(4):,forsimple,39
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(n):,forsimple,39
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(n):,forsimple,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(n):,forsimple,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(n):,forsimple,43
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in fruit:,forsimple,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in prefixes:,forsimple,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in word:,forsimple,90
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in word1:,forsimple,91
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for putting words in alphabetical order:,forsimple,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in s:,forsimple,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in s:,forsimple,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in s:,forsimple,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in s:,forsimple,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in s:,forsimple,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for line in fin:,forsimple,100
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in word:,forsimple,101
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in word:,forsimple,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in word:,forsimple,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in required:,forsimple,102
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in word:,forsimple,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for the ‘i’ that sneaks in there. Or Mississippi:,forsimple,105
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for cheese in cheeses:,forsimple,109
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(len(numbers)):,forsimple,109
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for x in t:,forsimple,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for s in t:,forsimple,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for s in t:,forsimple,112
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in s:,forsimple,127
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in h:,forsimple,128
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for key in sorted(h):,forsimple,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for k in d:,forsimple,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for key in d:,forsimple,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for pair in zip(s, t):",forsimple,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for letter, number in t:",forsimple,143
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for x, y in zip(t1, t2):",forsimple,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for index, element in enumerate('abc'):",forsimple,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for key, value in d.items():",forsimple,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for last, first in directory:",forsimple,145
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(10):,forsimple,153
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for line in fp:,forsimple,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for word in line.split():,forsimple,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for key, value in hist.items():",forsimple,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for freq, word in t[:10]:",forsimple,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for freq, word in t[:num]:",forsimple,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for key in d1:,forsimple,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for word in diff:,forsimple,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for word, freq in h.items():",forsimple,157
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for name in os.listdir(dirname):,forsimple,168
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for key in db:,forsimple,170
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for c in s:,forsimple,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for attr in vars(obj):,forsimple,204
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for card in,forsimple,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(num):,forsimple,214
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for ty in type(obj).mro():,forsimple,217
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for s in t:,forsimple,224
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for s in t:,forsimple,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for val in g:,forsimple,225
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for key in d1:,forsimple,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for x in t:,forsimple,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for letter in word:,forsimple,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for val, freq in count.most_common(3):",forsimple,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for x in t:,forsimple,249
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","for key, val in self.items:",forsimple,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for i in range(n):,forsimple,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",for each add in order from left to right:,forsimple,254
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","tion 3 + = 3 is illegal because even though + and = are legal tokens, you can’t have",assignwithSum,6
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = math.exp(math.log(x+1)),assignwithSum,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",cat = part1 + part2,assignwithSum,27
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n = int(circumference / 3) + 1,assignwithSum,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n = int(arc_length / 3) + 1,assignwithSum,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n = int(arc_length / 3) + 1,assignwithSum,42
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",dsquared = dx**2 + dy**2,assignwithSum,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",dsquared = dx**2 + dy**2,assignwithSum,64
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fibonacci n = fibonacci n −1 + fibonacci n −2,assignwithSum,68
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = x + 1,assignwithSum,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",total = x + y + z,assignwithSum,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",y = x + 1,assignwithSum,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","A m, n =

 n + 1",assignwithSum,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = x + 1,assignwithSum,76
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = x + 1,assignwithSum,76
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = x + 1,assignwithSum,76
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n = n*3 + 1,assignwithSum,78
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",y = x + a/x,assignwithSum,79
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",index = index + 1,assignwithSum,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",i = i+1,assignwithSum,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",i = i+1,assignwithSum,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",i = i+1,assignwithSum,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",c = a + b,assignwithSum,110
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",total = total + x,assignwithSum,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t3 = t1 + [4],assignwithSum,117
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = t + [x],assignwithSum,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = t + x # WRONG!,assignwithSum,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",other using the idiom t = t + [x]. Which one takes longer to run? Why?,assignwithSum,122
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2),assignwithSum,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count = count + 1 # WRONG,assignwithSum,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",word = word.strip(string.punctuation + string.whitespace),assignwithSum,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","hist[word] = hist.get(word, 0) + 1",assignwithSum,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",distance = math.sqrt(blank.x**2 + blank.y**2),assignwithSum,179
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p.x = rect.corner.x + rect.width/2,assignwithSum,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p.y = rect.corner.y + rect.height/2,assignwithSum,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box.width = box.width + 50,assignwithSum,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box.height = box.height + 100,assignwithSum,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum.hour = t1.hour + t2.hour,assignwithSum,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum.minute = t1.minute + t2.minute,assignwithSum,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum.second = t1.second + t2.second,assignwithSum,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum.hour = t1.hour + t2.hour,assignwithSum,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum.minute = t1.minute + t2.minute,assignwithSum,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum.second = t1.second + t2.second,assignwithSum,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",minutes = time.hour * 60 + time.minute,assignwithSum,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",seconds = minutes * 60 + time.second,assignwithSum,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",seconds = time_to_int(t1) + time_to_int(t2),assignwithSum,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",seconds = time_to_int(t1) + time_to_int(t2),assignwithSum,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",seconds = time_to_int(t1) + time_to_int(t2),assignwithSum,192
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",seconds = self.time_to_int() + other.time_to_int(),assignwithSum,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",seconds = self.time_to_int() + other.time_to_int(),assignwithSum,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d[c] = d[c]+1,assignwithSum,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","res = binomial_coeff(n-1, k) + binomial_coeff(n-1, k-1)",assignwithSum,233
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","ments. For example, in mathematics the statement 3 + 3 = 6 has correct syntax, but",simpleAssign,5
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","3 + = 3$6 does not. In chemistry H2O is a syntactically correct formula, but 2Zz is",simpleAssign,5
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",of the problems with 3 + = 3$6 is that $ is not a legal token in mathematics (at least,simpleAssign,5
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n = 17,simpleAssign,11
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",pi = 3.141592653589793,simpleAssign,11
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",more@ = 1000000,simpleAssign,12
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n = 17,simpleAssign,13
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",miles = 26.2,simpleAssign,13
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",miles = 26.2,simpleAssign,14
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 2,simpleAssign,14
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 5,simpleAssign,14
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",v = 5  # assign 5 to v,simpleAssign,16
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",v = 5  # velocity in meters/second.,simpleAssign,16
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",We’ve seen that n = 42 is legal. What about 42 = n?,simpleAssign,18
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",How about x = y = 1?,simpleAssign,18
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",ratio = signal_power / noise_power,simpleAssign,22
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",decibels = 10 * math.log10(ratio),simpleAssign,22
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",radians = 0.7,simpleAssign,22
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",height = math.sin(radians),simpleAssign,22
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",degrees = 45,simpleAssign,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",radians = degrees / 180.0 * math.pi,simpleAssign,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = math.sin(degrees / 360.0 * 2 * math.pi),simpleAssign,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",minutes = hours * 60  # right,simpleAssign,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",hours * 60 = minutes  # wrong!,simpleAssign,23
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = math.cos(radians),simpleAssign,29
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",result = print_twice('Bing'),simpleAssign,29
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",bob = turtle.Turtle(),simpleAssign,35
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",bob = turtle.Turtle(),simpleAssign,35
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","Hint: figure out the circumference of the circle and make sure that length * n =
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","units of degrees, so when angle=360, arc should draw a complete circle.",simpleAssign,38
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",alice = Turtle(),simpleAssign,39
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",angle = 360 / n,simpleAssign,39
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",A simple solution is to compute angle = 360.0 / n. Because the numerator is a,simpleAssign,39
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","polygon(bob, n=7, length=70)",simpleAssign,40
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",circumference = 2 * math.pi * r,simpleAssign,40
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n = 50,simpleAssign,40
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",length = circumference / n,simpleAssign,40
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",circumference = 2 * math.pi * r,simpleAssign,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",length = circumference / n,simpleAssign,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",arc_length = 2 * math.pi * r * angle / 360,simpleAssign,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",step_length = arc_length / n,simpleAssign,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",step_angle = angle / n,simpleAssign,41
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",angle = 360.0 / n,simpleAssign,42
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",arc_length = 2 * math.pi * r * angle / 360,simpleAssign,42
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",step_length = arc_length / n,simpleAssign,42
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",step_angle = float(angle) / n,simpleAssign,42
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",minutes = 105,simpleAssign,47
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",minutes = 105,simpleAssign,47
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",hours = minutes // 60,simpleAssign,47
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",remainder = minutes - hours * 60,simpleAssign,47
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",remainder = minutes % 60,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",5 == 5,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",5 == 6,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",The == operator is one of the relational operators; the others are:,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x != y  # x is not equal to y,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x >= y  # x is greater than or equal to y,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x <= y  # x is less than or equal to y,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",instead of a double equal sign (==). Remember that = is an assignment operator,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",and == is a relational operator. There is no such thing as =< or =>.,simpleAssign,48
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","n%2 == 0 or n%3 == 0 is true if either or both of the conditions is true, that is, if the",simpleAssign,49
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","The execution of countdown begins with n=3, and since n is greater than 0, it outputs",simpleAssign,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","The execution of countdown begins with n=2, and since n is greater than 0, it outputs",simpleAssign,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","The execution of countdown begins with n=1, and since n is greater than 0, it",simpleAssign,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","The execution of countdown begins with n=0, and since n is not",simpleAssign,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",The countdown that got n=1 returns.,simpleAssign,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",The countdown that got n=2 returns.,simpleAssign,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",The countdown that got n=3 returns.,simpleAssign,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",If n <= 0 the return statement exits the function. The flow of execution immediately,simpleAssign,52
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",Figure 5-1 shows a stack diagram for countdown called with n = 3.,simpleAssign,53
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","the stack, where n=0, is called the base case. It does not make a recursive call, so there",simpleAssign,53
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","As an exercise, draw a stack diagram for print_n called with s = 'Hello' and n=2.",simpleAssign,53
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",text = input(),simpleAssign,54
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",name = input(' your name?\n'),simpleAssign,54
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",speed = input(prompt),simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",speed = input(prompt),simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 5,simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",y = 6,simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",y = 6,simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","noise ratio in decibels. The formula is SNRdb = 10 log10 Psignal/Pnoise . In Python,",simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",signal_power = 9,simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",noise_power = 10,simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",ratio = signal_power // noise_power,simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",decibels = 10 * math.log10(ratio),simpleAssign,55
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",decibels = 10 * math.log10(ratio),simpleAssign,56
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",an + bn = cn,simpleAssign,57
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",an + bn = cn,simpleAssign,58
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",angle = 50,simpleAssign,59
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",e = math.exp(1.0),simpleAssign,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",height = radius * math.sin(radians),simpleAssign,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",a = math.pi * radius**2,simpleAssign,61
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","y, 0 if x == y, and -1 if x < y.",simpleAssign,62
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","distance =

 x2 − x1",simpleAssign,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",dx = x2 - x1,simpleAssign,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",dy = y2 - y1,simpleAssign,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",dx = x2 - x1,simpleAssign,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",dy = y2 - y1,simpleAssign,63
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",dx = x2 - x1,simpleAssign,64
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",dy = y2 - y1,simpleAssign,64
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",result = math.sqrt(dsquared),simpleAssign,64
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","radius = distance(xc, yc, xp, yp)",simpleAssign,64
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",result = area(radius),simpleAssign,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","radius = distance(xc, yc, xp, yp)",simpleAssign,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",result = area(radius),simpleAssign,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","The result of the == operator is a boolean, so we can write the function more conߚ",simpleAssign,65
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",0! = 1,simpleAssign,66
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n! = n n −1 !,simpleAssign,66
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",recurse = factorial(n-1),simpleAssign,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",result = n * recurse,simpleAssign,67
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fibonacci 0 = 0,simpleAssign,68
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",fibonacci 1 = 1,simpleAssign,68
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",elif n == 1:,simpleAssign,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","when n == 0. But if n is not an integer, we can miss the base case and recurse forever.",simpleAssign,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",elif n == 0:,simpleAssign,69
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",recurse = factorial(n-1),simpleAssign,71
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",result = n * recurse,simpleAssign,71
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","prod = a(z, z)",simpleAssign,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",square = b(total)**2,simpleAssign,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 1,simpleAssign,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if m = 0,simpleAssign,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",if m > 0 and n = 0,simpleAssign,72
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","remainder when a is divided by b, then gcd a, b = gcd b, r . As a base case, we can",simpleAssign,73
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","use gcd a, 0 = a.",simpleAssign,73
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 5,simpleAssign,75
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 7,simpleAssign,75
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","the equal sign (=) for assignment, it is tempting to interpret a statement like a = b as",simpleAssign,75
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","mathematics, if a=7 then 7=a. But in Python, the statement a = 7 is legal and 7 = a",simpleAssign,75
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","a=b now, then a will always equal b. In Python, an assignment statement can make",simpleAssign,76
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",a = 5,simpleAssign,76
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",b = a # a and b are now equal,simpleAssign,76
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",a = 3 # a and b are no longer equal,simpleAssign,76
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 0,simpleAssign,76
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n = n - 1,simpleAssign,77
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","The condition for this loop is n != 1, so the loop will continue until n is 1, which",simpleAssign,78
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",a = 4,simpleAssign,79
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 3,simpleAssign,79
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",The result is closer to the correct answer ( 4 = 2). If we repeat the process with the,simpleAssign,79
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = y,simpleAssign,79
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = y,simpleAssign,80
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = y,simpleAssign,80
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = y,simpleAssign,80
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = y,simpleAssign,80
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","When y == x, we can stop. Here is a loop that starts with an initial estimate, x, and",simpleAssign,80
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",9801 ∑k = 0,simpleAssign,83
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",π = 2 2,simpleAssign,83
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",letter = fruit[1],simpleAssign,85
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",letter = fruit[0],simpleAssign,85
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",i = 1,simpleAssign,86
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",letter = fruit[1.5],simpleAssign,86
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",length = len(fruit),simpleAssign,86
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",last = fruit[length],simpleAssign,86
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",last = fruit[length-1],simpleAssign,86
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",index = 0,simpleAssign,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",letter = fruit[index],simpleAssign,87
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",index = 0,simpleAssign,89
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count = 0,simpleAssign,90
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",new_word = word.upper(),simpleAssign,90
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",index = word.find('a'),simpleAssign,90
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",i = 0,simpleAssign,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",j = len(word2),simpleAssign,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",j = j-1,simpleAssign,92
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",j = j-1,simpleAssign,93
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",flag = c.islower(),simpleAssign,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",flag = False,simpleAssign,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",flag = flag or c.islower(),simpleAssign,96
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",word = line.strip(),simpleAssign,100
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",word = line.strip(),simpleAssign,100
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",previous = word[0],simpleAssign,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",previous = c,simpleAssign,103
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",i = 0,simpleAssign,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",j = len(word)-1,simpleAssign,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",j = j-1,simpleAssign,104
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",numbers[1] = 5,simpleAssign,108
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",numbers[i] = numbers[i] * 2,simpleAssign,109
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","write t = t.sort(), you will be disappointed with the result.",simpleAssign,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",total = 0,simpleAssign,111
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = t.pop(1),simpleAssign,113
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = list(s),simpleAssign,113
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = s.split(),simpleAssign,114
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = s.split(delimiter),simpleAssign,114
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",s = delimiter.join(t),simpleAssign,114
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","If a refers to an object and you assign b = a, then both variables refer to the same",simpleAssign,115
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",b = a,simpleAssign,115
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",b[0] = 42,simpleAssign,116
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t2 = t1.append(3),simpleAssign,117
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = t[1:] # WRONG!,simpleAssign,117
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",rest = tail(letters),simpleAssign,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",word = word.strip(),simpleAssign,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = t.sort()  # WRONG!,simpleAssign,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = t.append(x) # WRONG!,simpleAssign,118
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t2 = t[:],simpleAssign,119
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t2 = sorted(t),simpleAssign,119
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",eng2sp = dict(),simpleAssign,125
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",vals = eng2sp.values(),simpleAssign,126
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d = dict(),simpleAssign,127
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",h = histogram('brontosaurus'),simpleAssign,128
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",h = histogram('a'),simpleAssign,128
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",h = histogram('parrot'),simpleAssign,128
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","Given a dictionary d and a key k, it is easy to find the corresponding value v = d[k].",simpleAssign,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",h = histogram('parrot'),simpleAssign,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","k = reverse_lookup(h, 2)",simpleAssign,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","k = reverse_lookup(h, 3)",simpleAssign,129
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",inverse = dict(),simpleAssign,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",val = d[key],simpleAssign,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",hist = histogram('parrot'),simpleAssign,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",inverse = invert_dict(hist),simpleAssign,130
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d = dict(),simpleAssign,131
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",with n=4.,simpleAssign,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","frames of the functions it calls. At the top of the graph, fibonacci with n=4 calls fibo",simpleAssign,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","nacci with n=3 and n=2. In turn, fibonacci with n=3 calls fibonacci with n=2 and",simpleAssign,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",n=1. And so on.,simpleAssign,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",known[n] = res,simpleAssign,132
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",verbose = True,simpleAssign,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",been_called = False,simpleAssign,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",been_called = True  # WRONG,simpleAssign,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",been_called = False,simpleAssign,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",been_called = True,simpleAssign,133
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count = 0,simpleAssign,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",known[2] = 1,simpleAssign,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",known = dict(),simpleAssign,134
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = tuple(),simpleAssign,140
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = tuple('lupins'),simpleAssign,140
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",temp = a,simpleAssign,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",a = b,simpleAssign,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",b = temp,simpleAssign,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","a, b = b, a",simpleAssign,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","a, b = 1, 2, 3",simpleAssign,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","uname, domain = addr.split('@')",simpleAssign,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t = divmod(7, 3)",simpleAssign,141
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","quot, rem = divmod(7, 3)",simpleAssign,142
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","ces, t1 and t2, and returns True if there is an index i such that t1[i] == t2[i]:",simpleAssign,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = d.items(),simpleAssign,144
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d = dict(t),simpleAssign,145
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","d = dict(zip('abc', range(3)))",simpleAssign,145
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","directory[last, first] = number",simpleAssign,145
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","lt = list(zip(t, s))",simpleAssign,147
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d = dict(lt),simpleAssign,147
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = random.random(),simpleAssign,153
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",hist = histogram(t),simpleAssign,153
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",hist = dict(),simpleAssign,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","line = line.replace('-', ' ')",simpleAssign,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",word = word.lower(),simpleAssign,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",hist = process_file('emma.txt'),simpleAssign,154
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t.sort(reverse=True),simpleAssign,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = most_common(hist),simpleAssign,155
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = most_common(hist),simpleAssign,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res = dict(),simpleAssign,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",words = process_file('words.txt'),simpleAssign,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","diff = subtract(hist, words)",simpleAssign,156
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",f = cr−s,simpleAssign,163
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",log f = log c − s log r,simpleAssign,163
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 52,simpleAssign,166
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",camels = 42,simpleAssign,167
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",cwd = os.getcwd(),simpleAssign,167
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","path = os.path.join(dirname, name)",simpleAssign,168
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",s = pickle.dumps(t1),simpleAssign,171
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t2 = pickle.loads(s),simpleAssign,171
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t1 == t2,simpleAssign,171
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",stat = fp.close(),simpleAssign,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",stat = fp.close(),simpleAssign,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count = 0,simpleAssign,172
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",blank.x = 3.0,simpleAssign,178
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",blank.y = 4.0,simpleAssign,178
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = blank.x,simpleAssign,179
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box = Rectangle(),simpleAssign,180
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box.width = 100.0,simpleAssign,180
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box.height = 200.0,simpleAssign,180
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box.corner = Point(),simpleAssign,180
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box.corner.x = 0.0,simpleAssign,180
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box.corner.y = 0.0,simpleAssign,180
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p = Point(),simpleAssign,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",center = find_center(box),simpleAssign,181
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p1 = Point(),simpleAssign,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p1.x = 3.0,simpleAssign,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p1.y = 4.0,simpleAssign,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p2 = copy.copy(p1),simpleAssign,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p1 == p2,simpleAssign,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",expected. But you might have expected == to yield True because these points contain,simpleAssign,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",default behavior of the == operator is the same as the is operator; it checks object,simpleAssign,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box2 = copy.copy(box),simpleAssign,182
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",box3 = copy.deepcopy(box),simpleAssign,183
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p = Point(),simpleAssign,183
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p.x = 3,simpleAssign,183
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",p.y = 4,simpleAssign,183
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",x = 0,simpleAssign,184
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time = Time(),simpleAssign,187
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time.hour = 11,simpleAssign,187
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time.minute = 59,simpleAssign,187
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time.second = 30,simpleAssign,187
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum = Time(),simpleAssign,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",start = Time(),simpleAssign,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",start.hour = 9,simpleAssign,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",start.minute = 45,simpleAssign,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",start.second = 0,simpleAssign,188
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",duration = Time(),simpleAssign,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",duration.hour = 1,simpleAssign,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",duration.minute = 35,simpleAssign,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",duration.second = 0,simpleAssign,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","done = add_time(start, duration)",simpleAssign,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",sum = Time(),simpleAssign,189
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time = Time(),simpleAssign,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","minutes, time.second = divmod(seconds, 60)",simpleAssign,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","time.hour, time.minute = divmod(minutes, 60)",simpleAssign,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time_to_int(int_to_time(x)) == x for many values of x. This is an example of a,simpleAssign,191
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",start = Time(),simpleAssign,196
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",start.hour = 9,simpleAssign,196
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",start.minute = 45,simpleAssign,196
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",start.second = 00,simpleAssign,196
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",end = start.increment(1337),simpleAssign,198
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","end = start.increment(1337, 460)",simpleAssign,198
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","sketch(parrot, cage, dead=True)",simpleAssign,198
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time = Time(),simpleAssign,199
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",time = Time (9),simpleAssign,199
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","time = Time(9, 45)",simpleAssign,199
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","time = Time(9, 45)",simpleAssign,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","start = Time(9, 45)",simpleAssign,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","duration = Time(1, 35)",simpleAssign,200
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","start = Time(9, 45)",simpleAssign,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","duration = Time(1, 35)",simpleAssign,201
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d = dict(),simpleAssign,202
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t1 = Time(7, 43)",simpleAssign,203
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t2 = Time(7, 41)",simpleAssign,203
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t3 = Time(7, 37)",simpleAssign,203
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","total = sum([t1, t2, t3])",simpleAssign,203
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","p = Point(3, 4)",simpleAssign,204
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","queen_of_diamonds = Card(1, 12)",simpleAssign,208
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","card1 = Card(2, 11)",simpleAssign,209
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t1 = self.suit, self.rank",simpleAssign,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","t2 = other.suit, other.rank",simpleAssign,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","card = Card(suit, rank)",simpleAssign,211
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",deck = Deck(),simpleAssign,212
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",hand = Hand('new hand'),simpleAssign,213
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",deck = Deck(),simpleAssign,214
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",card = deck.pop_card(),simpleAssign,214
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",hand = Hand(),simpleAssign,217
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",pong = Pong(),simpleAssign,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",ping = Ping(pong),simpleAssign,219
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",y = float('nan'),simpleAssign,223
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",y = math.log(x) if x > 0 else float('nan'),simpleAssign,223
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",res = dict(),simpleAssign,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d[x] = True,simpleAssign,227
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","The <= operator checks whether one set is a subset or another, including the possibilߚ",simpleAssign,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count = Counter('parrot'),simpleAssign,228
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count = Counter('parrot'),simpleAssign,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d = defaultdict(list),simpleAssign,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = d['new key'],simpleAssign,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",word = line.strip().lower(),simpleAssign,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = signature(word),simpleAssign,229
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",word = line.strip().lower(),simpleAssign,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = signature(word),simpleAssign,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",d = defaultdict(list),simpleAssign,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",word = line.strip().lower(),simpleAssign,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",t = signature(word),simpleAssign,230
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])",simpleAssign,231
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","p = Point(1, 2)",simpleAssign,231
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","Point(x=1, y=2)",simpleAssign,231
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","x, y = p",simpleAssign,231
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","d = dict(x=1, y=2)",simpleAssign,232
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","Point(x=1, y=2)",simpleAssign,232
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","d = dict(x=1, y=2)",simpleAssign,232
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",6. Check for the classic = instead of == inside a conditional.,simpleAssign,236
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",neighbor = self.findNeighbor(i),simpleAssign,242
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",pickedCard = self.hands[neighbor].popCard(),simpleAssign,242
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",y = x / 2 * math.pi,simpleAssign,242
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",y = x / (2 * math.pi),simpleAssign,243
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",count = self.hands[i].removeMatches(),simpleAssign,243
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","At n=10, Algorithm A looks pretty bad; it takes almost 10 times longer than Algoߚ",simpleAssign,246
"Think Python, 2nd Edition","rithm B. But for n=100 they are about the same, and for larger values A is much",simpleAssign,246
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",total = 0,simpleAssign,249
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",operation is written d[k] = v.,simpleAssign,251
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",index = hash(k) % len(self.maps),simpleAssign,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",m = self.find_map(k),simpleAssign,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",m = self.find_map(k),simpleAssign,252
"Think Python, 2nd Edition",new_maps = BetterMap(self.num * 2),simpleAssign,253
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","zip([it0, it1,... itN])",zip,166
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",zip(),zip,186
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","zip(s, t)",zip,186
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","zip() example of Section 6.12.2, what does zip(fn, ln)",zip,250
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","zip(('x', 'y'), (1, 2)))",zip,263
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",zip()) return a real sequence (list),zip,306
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",zip(),zip,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","zip([1,3,5], [2,4,6])",zip,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",zip(),zip,478
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",zip( ),zip,1109
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",zip( ),zip,1124
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(), and filter()",map,316
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,316
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(lambda x: x ** 2, range(6))",map,316
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,316
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(), reduce()",map,448
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(), and reduce()",map,448
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map( func, seq1[, seq2...])[b] Applies function func to each element of given sequence(s)",map,448
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map( ),map,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map() built-in function is similar to filter(),map,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(func, seq)",map,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map((lambda x: x+2), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])",map,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(lambda x: x**2, range(6))",map,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map() works with a single sequence. If we used map(),map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(lambda x, y: x + y, [1,3,5], [2,4,6])",map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(lambda x, y: (x+y, x-y), [1,3,5], [2,4,6])",map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","map(None, [1,3,5], [2,4,6])",map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,478
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,479
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,624
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map(),map,903
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map( ),map,1069
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map( ),map,1081
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",map( ),map,1084
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self): # define for str(),privatemethod,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __norm_cval(self, cmpres):# normalize cmp()",privatemethod,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __cmp__(self, other):  # define for cmp()",privatemethod,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __norm_cval(self, cmpres)",privatemethod,585
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __repr__(self): # repr(),privatemethod,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):  # str(),privatemethod,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class C(P):
  def __init__(self):
  super(C, self).__init__()
  print ""calling C's constructor""

 The nice thing about using super() is that you do not need to give any 
 base class name explicitly... it does all the legwork for you! The 
 importance of using super() is that you are not explicitly specifying 
 the parent class. This means that if you change the class hierarchy, 
 you only need to change one line (the class statement itself) rather 
 than tracking through what could be a large amount of code in a class 
 to find all mentions of what is now the old class name.

 13.11.3. Deriving Standard Types

 Not being able to subclass a standard data type was one of the most significant problems of classic 
 classes. Fortunately that was remedied back in 2.2 with the unification of types and classes and the 
 introduction of new-style classes. Below we present two examples of subclassing a Python type, one 
 mutable and the other not.

 Immutable Type Example

 Let us assume you wanted to work on a subclass of floating point numbers to be used for financial 
 applications. Any time you get a monetary value (as a float), you always want to round evenly to two 
 decimal places. (Yes, the Decimal class is a better solution than standard floats to accurately store 
 floating point values, but you still need to round them [occasionally] to two digits!) The beginnings of 
 your class can look like this:
 class RoundFloat(float):
  def __new__(cls, val):",metaclass3,555
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class RoundFloat(float):
  def __new__(cls, val):",metaclass3,556
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",__metaclass__ = MetaC,metaclass2,609
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@decorator(dec_opt_args)
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@staticmethod
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@deco1
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@f
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@deco
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@decomaker(deco_args)
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@deco2
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@tsfunc
 13 def",decaratorfunc,431
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@logged(""post"")
 35 def",decaratorfunc,467
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@staticmethod
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@classmethod
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","@property
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate() function (introduced in Python 2.3),enumfunc,46
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate(iter),enumfunc,166
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate(),enumfunc,186
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate() and zip(),enumfunc,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate(),enumfunc,303
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","enumerate(), zip()",enumfunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate()) return iterators (sequence-like),enumfunc,306
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","enumerate() BIF also returns an iterator. Two new BIFs, any() and all()",enumfunc,313
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate(),enumfunc,792
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate( ),enumfunc,1062
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",enumerate( ),enumfunc,1108
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",squared = [x ** 2 for x in range(4)],simpleListComp,47
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",sqdEvens = [x ** 2 for x in range(8) if not x % 2],simpleListComp,47
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",allLines = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()],simpleListComp,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",allLineLens = [len(x.strip()) for x in f],simpleListComp,322
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",data = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()],simpleListComp,335
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 nums = [randint(1,10) for i in range(2)]",simpleListComp,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",data = [ eachLine.strip() for eachLine in f ],simpleListComp,654
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",deltas = [ x[1]-x[0] for x in partition() ],simpleListComp,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",vals = [ start + d * random.random() for _ in range(2*eps) ],simpleListComp,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",intervals = [ P[i:i+2] for i in range(len(P)-1) ],simpleListComp,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",deltas = [ x[1] - x[0] for x in intervals ],simpleListComp,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",deltas = [ x[1]-x[0] for x in partition() ],simpleListComp,750
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",60  lines = (line.rstrip() for line in data),generatorExpression,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",re.compile(),re,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.match('foo', 'food on the table').group()",re,679
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.match(patt, '').group()",re,682
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.match(patt, '').group()",re,682
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.match(patt, '').group()",re,682
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.findall('car', 'car')",re,684
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.findall('car', 'scary')",re,684
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.findall('car', 'carry the barcardi to the car')",re,684
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.sub('X', 'Mr. Smith', 'attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')",re,685
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.subn('X', 'Mr. Smith', 'attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')",re,685
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.sub('X', 'Mr. Smith', 'attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')",re,685
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.sub('[ae]', 'X', 'abcdef')",re,685
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.subn('[ae]', 'X', 'abcdef')",re,685
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",re.split() works in exactly the same manner as string.split(),re,685
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.split(':', 'str1:str2:str3')",re,685
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.split('\s\s+', eachLine)",re,686
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",re.split(),re,687
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",re.split(),re,687
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",", data).group()",re,693
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.match(patt, data).group()",re,693
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.match(patt, data).group(1)",re,693
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","re.match(patt, data).group(1)",re,694
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import re,importre,184
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import re,importre,686
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import re,importre,691
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def simpleGen():
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):",descriptorGet,599
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):",descriptorGet,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __set__(self, obj, val):",descriptorSet,599
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __set__(self, obj, val):",descriptorSet,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __delete__(self, obj):",descriptorDelete,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",property(),classprop,113
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",property(),classprop,595
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",property(),classprop,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",property(),classprop,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)",classprop,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",property(),classprop,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","property() can accept functions. In fact, at the time that property()",classprop,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",property(),classprop,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",property(),classprop,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",property( ),classprop,1097
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",classmethod(),classmethod2,113
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",classmethod(),classmethod2,595
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",classmethod( ),classmethod2,1053
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",staticmethod(),staticmethod2,113
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",staticmethod(),staticmethod2,429
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",staticmethod() and classmethod(),staticmethod2,546
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",staticmethod(),staticmethod2,595
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",staticmethod( ),staticmethod2,1108
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","__slots__ = ('foo', 'bar')",__slots__,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,225
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,271
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,383
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,444
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,645
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,740
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,776
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,779
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,781
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,786
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,843
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,860
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,864
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","print 'My name is', self.__class__",__class__,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","showname() method, we displayed the self.__class__",__class__,54
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",represents the name of the class from which it has been instantiated. (self.__class__,__class__,54
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","__add__', '__class__",__class__,220
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","in other words, this is equivalent to raising the class with this instance, i.e., raise instance.__class__",__class__,394
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",print '%s: %s' % (args.__class__,__class__,397
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",followed by its arguments. The __class__,__class__,407
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",C.__class__,__class__,527
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",MyClass.__class__,__class__,527
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Finally, because of the unification of types and classes, when you access the __class__",__class__,529
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",other than an instance's __class__,__class__,531
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",I.__class__,__class__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c.__class__,__class__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x.__class__,__class__,539
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","__abs__', '__add__', '__class__",__class__,539
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c.__class__,__class__,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.__class__,__class__,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",p.__class__,__class__,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c.__class__,__class__,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","There are more details; in particular, for objects that override __dict__ or __class__",__class__,564
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self.__class__,__class__,575
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Because self.__class__ is the same as Time60, calling self.__class__",__class__,575
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","else, we would have to perform very careful global search-and-replace. By using self.__class__",__class__,575
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",19  return self.__class__,__class__,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",objectcreated as the results are passed to a call for instantiation as calling self.__class__,__class__,584
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",22  (self.__class__,__class__,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.__class__,__class__,609
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",27 self.__class__,__class__,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",30  return self.__class__,__class__,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",39 self.__class__,__class__,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","__call__', '__class__",__class__,624
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","__call__', '__class__",__class__,627
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",declaration so that you can make an assignment like __dict__,__dict__,427
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",as well as for special attributes like __dict__,__dict__,521
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",in function. An alternative is to access the class dictionary attribute __dict__,__dict__,526
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Using the class defined above, let us use dir() and the special class attribute __dict__",__dict__,526
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__",__dict__,526
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",MyClass.__dict__,__dict__,526
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",print MyClass.__dict__,__dict__,526
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",__dict__': <attribute '__dict__,__dict__,526
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",MyClass.__dict__,__dict__,526
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","As you can tell, dir() returns a list of (just the) names of an object's attributes while __dict__",__dict__,527
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",classes have (in addition to __dict__,__dict__,527
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",C.__dict__,__dict__,527
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",print MyClass.__dict__,__dict__,527
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The aforementioned __dict__,__dict__,528
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",found in __dict__,__dict__,528
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dictionary; no base class __dict__,__dict__,528
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__",__dict__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Similar to classes, instances also have a __dict__",__dict__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c.__dict__,__dict__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",I.__dict__,__dict__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c.__dict__,__dict__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","As you can see, c currently has no data attributes, but we can add some and recheck the __dict__",__dict__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c.__dict__,__dict__,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The __dict__,__dict__,539
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Core Style: Modifying __dict__,__dict__,539
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Although the __dict__,__dict__,539
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",where you would modify the __dict__,__dict__,539
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Attempting to access __dict__,__dict__,540
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x.__dict__,__dict__,540
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",AttributeError: __dict__,__dict__,540
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class's dictionary [__dict__]. With the assignment, one is now added to the instance's __dict__",__dict__,541
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dir() on a class (classic or new-style) shows the contents of the __dict__,__dict__,564
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dir() on a module shows the contents of the module's __dict__,__dict__,564
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",based on the values in its __dict__,__dict__,565
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c.__dict__,__dict__,566
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",A dictionary is at the heart of all instances. The __dict__,__dict__,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", is the same as doing it with inst.__dict__,__dict__,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",users are now able to use the __slots__ attribute to substitute for __dict__,__dict__,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",a __slots__ attribute will not have a __dict__ (unless you add '__dict__,__dict__,597
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","cannot be found in an instance's __dict__ or its class (class's __dict__), or ancestor class (its __dict__",__dict__,597
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",type(x).__dict__,__dict__,598
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",X.__dict__,__dict__,598
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",X.__dict__,__dict__,598
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Otherwise, it should just default to the local object's __dict__",__dict__,599
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c3.__dict__,__dict__,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","print ""c3.__dict__",__dict__,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c3.__dict__,__dict__,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c3.__dict__,__dict__,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 except MyException:

 The equivalent in Python 0.9.6 through 2.4.x. is the longer:
  except MyException:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  finally_suite # executes regardless

 When an exception does occur within the try suite, execution jumps immediately to the finally suite. 
 When all the code in the finally suite completes, the exception is reraised for handling at the next 
 higher layer. Thus it is common to see a try-finally nested as part of a TRy-except suite.

 One place where we can add a TRy-finally statement is by improving our code in so that we 
 catch any problems that may arise from reading the data from the carddata.txt file. In the current code 
 in Example 10.1, we do not detect errors during the read phase (using readlines()):

  ccfile = open('carddata.txt')
 except IOError:
  log.write('no txns this month\n')
 txns = ccfile.readlines()

 It is possible for readlines() to fail for any number of reasons, one of which is if carddata.txt was a file 
 on the network (or a floppy) that became inaccessible. Regardless, we should improve this piece of code 
 so that the entire input of data is enclosed in the try clause:

  ccfile = open('carddata.txt', 'r')
  txns = ccfile.readlines()
 except IOError:
  log.write('no txns this month\n')

 All we did was to move the readlines() and close() method calls to the TRy suite. Although our code is 
 more robust now, there is still room for improvement. Notice what happens if there was an error of 
 some sort. If the open succeeds, but for some reason th readlines() call does not, the exception will 
 continue with the except clause. No attempt is made to close the file. Wouldn't it be nice if we closed the 
 file regardless of whether an error occurred or not? We can make it a reality using TRy-finally:",tryexceptfinally,386
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  ccfile = open('carddata.txt', 'r')
  txns = ccfile.readlines()
 except IOError:
  log.write('no txns this month\n')

 The code works virtually the same with some differences. The most obvious one is that the closing of 
 the file happens before the exception handler writes out the error to the log. This is because finally 
 automatically reraises the exception.

 One argument for doing it this way is that if an exception happens within the finally block, you are able 
 to create another handler at the same outer level as the one we have, so in essence, be able to handle 
 errors in both the original try block as well as the finally block. The only thing you lose when you do 
 this is that if the finally block does raise an exception, you have lost context of the original exception 
 unless you have saved it somewhere.

 An argument against having the finally inside the except is that in many cases, the exception handler 
 needs to perform some cleanup tasks as well, and if you release those resources with a finally block 
 that comes before the exception handler, you have lost the ability to do so. In other words, the finally 
 block is not as ""final"" as one would think.

 One final note: If the code in the finally suite raises another exception, or is aborted due to a return, 
 break, or continue statement, the original exception is lost and cannot be reraised.
 10.3.11. try-except-else-finally:",tryexceptfinally,387
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 22  return f(*args, **kargs)
 23  finally:",tryfinally,467
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 18  f = open(, 'r')
 19  val = pickle.load(f)
 20  f.close()
 21  return val
 22 except (pickle.UnpicklingError, IOError,
 23 EOFError, AttributeError,
 24 ImportError, IndexError), e:
 25 raise AttributeError, \
 26 ""could not read %r: %s"" %
 28 def __set__(self, obj, val):
 29 f = open(, 'w')
 30 try:
 31  try:
 32 pickle.dump(val, f)
 33 FileDescr.saved.append(
 34 except (TypeError, pickle.PicklingError), e:
 35  raise AttributeError, \
 36  ""could not pickle %r"" %
 37 finally:",tryfinally,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","with open('/etc/passwd', 'r') as f:",withfunc,390
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if expression:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if expressionN:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if user.cmd == 'update':
  action = 'update item'
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if user.cmd in ('create', 'delete', 'update'):
  action = '%s item' % user.cmd
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if user_choice == 'do_calc':
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if hasattr(sys, 'exitfunc'):
  prev_exit_func = sys.exitfunc # getattr(sys, 'exitfunc')
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if form.has_key('who'):
  who = form['who'].value
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
 11  if os.path.exists(fname):
 12 print ""ERROR: '%s' already exists"" % fname
 13  else:
 14 break
 16 # get file content (text) lines
 17 all = []
 18 print ""\nEnter lines ('.' by itself to quit).\n""
 20 # loop until user terminates input
 21 while True:
 22  entry = raw_input('> ')
 23  if entry == '.':
 24  break
 25  else:",whileelse,84
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
 29  while True:
 30  try:
 31  choice = raw_input(pr).strip()[0].lower()
 32  except (EOFError,KeyboardInterrupt,IndexError):
 33  choice = 'q'
 35  print '\nYou picked: [%s]' % choice
 36  if choice not in 'uovq':
 37  print 'Invalid option, try again'
 38  else:",whileelse,225
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
 29  while True:
 30 try:
 31 choice = raw_input(pr).strip()[0].lower()
 32 except (EOFError,KeyboardInterrupt,IndexError):
 33 choice = 'q'
 35  print '\nYou picked: [%s]' % choice
 36  if choice not in 'devq':
 37 print 'Invalid option, try again'
 38  else:",whileelse,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
 8 name = raw_input(prompt)
 9 if db.has_key(name):
 10  prompt = 'name taken, try another: '
 11  continue
 12  else:
 13  break
 14  pwd = raw_input('passwd: ')
 15  db[name] = pwd
 17 def olduser():
 18  name = raw_input('login: ')
 19  pwd = raw_input('passwd: ')
 20  passwd = db.get(name)
 21  if passwd == pwd:
 22  print 'welcome back', name
 23  else:",whileelse,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while count > 0:
  input = raw_input(""enter password"")
  # check for valid passwd
  for eachPasswd in passwdList:
  if input == eachPasswd:
  valid = True
  if not valid: # (or valid == 0)
  print ""invalid input""
  count -= 1
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while count > 1:
 6 if num % count == 0:
 7 print 'largest factor of %d is %d' % \
 8 (num, count)
 9 break
 10  count -= 1
 11 else:",whileelse,310
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
  aLine = raw_input(""Enter a line ('.' to quit): "")
  if aLine != ""."":
  fobj.write('%s%s' % (aLine, os.linesep)
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
 17 try:
 18  if int(raw_input(pr)) == ans:
 19 print 'correct'
 20 break
 21  if oops == MAXTRIES:
 22 print 'answer\n%s%d'%(pr, ans)
 23  else:",whileelse,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
  val = (yield count)
  if val is not None:
  count = val
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while self.q:
  97 url = self.q.pop()
  98 self.getPage(url)
  100  def main():
  101  if len(argv) > 1:
  102  url = argv[1]
  103 else:",whileelse,843
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while len(filedata) < MAXBYTES:# read file chunks
 120  data = self.fp.readline()
 121  if data == '': break
 122  filedata += data
 123  else: # truncate if too long
 124  filedata += \
 125  '... <B><I>(file truncated due to size)</I></B>'
 126  self.fp.close()
 127  if filedata == '':
 128  filedata = \
 129  <B><I>(file upload error or file not given)</I></B>'
 130  filename = self.fn
 132  if not self.cookies.has_key('user') or \
 133 self.cookies['user'] == '':
 134 cookStatus = '<I>(cookie has not been set yet)</I>'
 135  userCook = ''
 136  else:
 137  userCook = cookStatus = self.cookies['user']
 139  self.cookies['info'] = join([self.who, \
 140  join(self.langs, ','), filename], ':')
 141  self.setCPPCookies()
 142  print AdvCGI.header + AdvCGI.reshtml % \
 143  (cookStatus, self.who, langlist,
 144  filename, filedata, AdvCGI.url)
 146 def go(self): # determine which page to return
 147  self.cookies = {}
 148  self.error = ''
 149  form = FieldStorage()
 150  if form.keys() == []:
 151 self.showForm()
 152 return
 154  if form.has_key('person'):
 155 self.who = capwords(strip(form['person'].value))
 156 if self.who == '':
 157  self.error = 'Your name is required. (blank)'
 158  else:
 159  self.error = 'Your name is required. (missing)'
 161  if form.has_key('cookie'):
 162  self.cookies['user'] = unquote(strip(\
 163 form['cookie'].value))
 164  else:",whileelse,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while i < 11:
  i += 1


 for i in range(11):



 n = int(raw_input('enter a number: '))
 if n < 0:
  print 'negative'
 elif n > 0:
  print 'positive'
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while count > 1:
  if num % count == 0:
  return False
  count -= 1
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while count > 0:
  if num % count == 0:
  print count, 'is the largest factor of', num
  count -= 1

 The task of this piece of code is to find the largest divisor of a given number num. We iterate through all 
 possible numbers that could possibly be factors of num, using the count variable and decrementing for 
 every value that does not divide num. The first number that evenly divides num is the largest factor, and 
 once that number is found, we no longer need to continue and use break to terminate the loop.

 phone2remove = '555-1212'
 for eachPhone in phoneList:
  if eachPhone == phone2remove:
  print ""found"", phone2remove, '... deleting'

 The break statement here is used to interrupt the iteration of the list. The goal is to find a target 
 element in the list, and, if found, to remove it from the database and break",whilebreak,307
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
  linelen = len(f.readline().strip())
  if not linelen: break",whilebreak,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
 32 doprob()
 33  try:
 34  opt = raw_input('Again? [y]').lower()
 35  if opt and opt[0] == 'n':
 36 break
 37  except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
 38  break",whilebreak,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
  14 data = raw_input('> ')
  15 if not data:
  16 break
  17 tcpCliSock.send(data)
  18 data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ)
  19 if not data:
  20 break",whilebreak,711
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
  13 data = raw_input('> ')
  14 if not data:
  15 break
  16 udpCliSock.sendto(data, ADDR)
  17 data, ADDR = udpCliSock.recvfrom(BUFSIZ)
  18 if not data:
  19 break",whilebreak,715
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while True:
  11  tcpCliSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
  12  tcpCliSock.connect(ADDR)
  13  data = raw_input('> ')
  14  if not data:
  15  break
  16  tcpCliSock.send('%s\r\n' % data)
  17  data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ)
  18  if not data:
  19  break",whilebreak,722
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while expression:,whilesimple,43
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while counter < 3:,whilesimple,43
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while the other is being exchanged:,whilesimple,70
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while i < len(myString):,whilesimple,175
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while i < length:,whilesimple,175
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while i < len(fac_list):,whilesimple,248
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while not done:,whilesimple,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while not chosen:,whilesimple,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while loop:,whilesimple,299
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while expression:,whilesimple,299
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while (count < 9):,whilesimple,299
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while (count < 9):,whilesimple,299
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while True:,whilesimple,300
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while True:,whilesimple,313
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while len(aList) > 0:,whilesimple,474
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while x < 5:,whilesimple,635
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while input() returns the actual list:,whilesimple,636
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while %s < len(%s):,whilesimple,637
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while %s < %d:,whilesimple,637
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while counter < 4:,whilesimple,639
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while eachIndex < len(myList):,whilesimple,640
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while True:,whilesimple,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while True:,whilesimple,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while True:,whilesimple,714
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while len(pick) > 0:,whilesimple,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while True:,whilesimple,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","while 
 Python lets you concentrate on the important parts of your application:",whilesimple,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",while i < slen:,whilesimple,982
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from module import *,fromstarstatements,73
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,490
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from module import *,fromstarstatements,492
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from module import *,fromstarstatements,492
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from module import *,fromstarstatements,493
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from module import *,fromstarstatements,493
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from package.module import *,fromstarstatements,500
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from module import *,fromstarstatements,503
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","from module 
 import *",fromstarstatements,508
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from mymodule import *,fromstarstatements,586
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","from 
 module import *",fromstarstatements,706
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from socket import *,fromstarstatements,706
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from socket import *,fromstarstatements,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from socket import *,fromstarstatements,711
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from socket import *,fromstarstatements,714
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from socket import *,fromstarstatements,715
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from socket import *,fromstarstatements,722
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,802
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,813
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from sqlalchemy import *,fromstarstatements,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from sqlobject import *,fromstarstatements,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from module import *,fromstarstatements,1068
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from random import randint as ri,asextension,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","can be replaced by . . .
  import Tkinter as tk",asextension,491
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cgi import FieldStorage as form,asextension,491
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from smtplib import SMTP as smtp,asextension,755
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",3 from functools import partial as pto,asextension,811
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 from urlparse import urlparse as up,asextension,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4  from random import randrange as rrange,asextension,910
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4 from random import randrange as rrange,asextension,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4  from random import randrange as rrange,asextension,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, nm='John Doe')",__init__,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The __init__(),__init__,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The __init__(),__init__,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",own __init__(),__init__,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",the __init__(),__init__,54
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",method __init__(),__init__,514
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",calls __init__(),__init__,514
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, nm, ph)",__init__,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",to __init__() because the arguments given to AddrBookEntry(),__init__,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",by __init__(),__init__,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",our __init__(),__init__,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",invoke __init__(),__init__,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",to __init__(),__init__,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, nm, ph, id, em)",__init__,516
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",an __init__(),__init__,531
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",method __init__(). Any special action desired requires the programmer to implement __init__(),__init__,531
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",If __init__(),__init__,531
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if __init__(),__init__,531
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",to __init__(),__init__,531
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",as __init__(),__init__,531
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",of __init__(),__init__,531
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",than __init__(),__init__,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",than __init__(),__init__,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",and __init__() are both passed the (same),__init__,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",the __init__() and __del__(),__init__,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",perhaps __init__() and __del__(),__init__,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",because __init__(),__init__,535
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Once __init__(),__init__,535
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",use __init__(),__init__,535
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The __init__(),__init__,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",by __init__(),__init__,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",of __init__(),__init__,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, nm, ph, em)",__init__,545
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",constructor __init__(),__init__,545
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",and __init__(),__init__,545
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",of __init__(),__init__,545
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",to __init__(),__init__,545
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, nm, ph)",__init__,548
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from __init__(),__init__,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",the __init__(),__init__,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",method __init__(),__init__,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inherits __init__(),__init__,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","constructor __init__(), if you do not override __init__()",__init__,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","override 
 __init__() in a subclass, the base class __init__()",__init__,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class __init__(),__init__,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class __init__(),__init__,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",own __init__(),__init__,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","like 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,560
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,561
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,564
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",namely __init__() and __del__(),__init__,567
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, hr, min)",__init__,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, hr, min)",__init__,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, seq)",__init__,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The __init__() method does the aforementioned assignment. The __iter__(),__init__,578
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",constructor __init__(),__init__,583
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, obj)",__init__,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, obj)",__init__,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, fn, mode='r', buf=-1)",__init__,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, name=None)",__init__,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, x)",__init__,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, x)",__init__,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, x)",__init__,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrd)",__init__,608
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,609
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrd)",__init__,609
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrd)",__init__,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The __init__(),__init__,615
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",an __init__(),__init__,629
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, func, args, name='')",__init__,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",constructor __init__(),__init__,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, func, args, name='')",__init__,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, func, args, name='')",__init__,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __init__(self),__init__,825
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, url)",__init__,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, db, dbName)",__init__,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __init__(self, db, dbName)",__init__,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","function 
 __init__( )",__init__,1044
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","instantiation 
  __init__( )",__init__,1076
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  try_suite  # watch for exceptions here
 except Exception[, reason]:
  except_suite # exception-handling code

 Let us give one example, then explain how things work. We will use our IOError example from above. 
 We can make our code more robust by adding a try-except ""wrapper"" around the code:

 >>> try:
 ...  f = open('blah', 'r')
 ... except IOError, e:
 ...  print 'could not open file:', e
 could not open file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory


 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec3.html (1 von 17) [13.11.2007 16:23:43]",trytry,372
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  return float(obj)
  except ValueError:

 The first step we take is to just ""stop the bleeding."" In this case, we make the error go away by just 
 ""swallowing it."" In other words, the error will be detected, but since we have nothing in the except suite 
 (except the pass statement, which does nothing but serve as a syntactical placeholder for where code is 
 supposed to go), no handling takes place. We just ignore the error.

 One obvious problem with this solution is that we did not explicitly return anything to the function caller 
 in the error situation. Even though None is returned (when a function does not return any value 
 explicitly, i.e., completing execution without encountering a return object statement), we give little or 
 no hint that anything wrong took place. The very least we should do is to explicitly return None so that 
 our function returns a value in both cases and makes our code somewhat easier to understand:
 def safe_float(obj):
  retval = float(obj)
  except ValueError:

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec3.html (3 von 17) [13.11.2007 16:23:43]",trytry,374
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  retval = float(obj)
  except (ValueError, TypeError):
  retval = 'argument must be a number or numeric string'
  return retval

 Now there is only the single error string returned on erroneous input:

 >>> safe_float('Spanish Inquisition')
 'argument must be a number or numeric string'
 >>> safe_float([])
 'argument must be a number or numeric string'
 >>> safe_float('1.6')
 >>> safe_float(1.6)
 >>> safe_float(932)

 10.3.5. Catching All Exceptions

 Using the code we saw in the previous section, we are able to catch any number of specific exceptions 
 and handle them. What about cases where we want to catch all exceptions? The short answer is yes, we 
 can definitely do it. The code for doing it was significantly improved in 1.5 when exceptions became 
 classes. Because of this, we now have an exception hierarchy to follow.

 If we go all the way up the exception tree, we find Exception at the top, so our code will look like this:

 except Exception, e:
  # error occurred, log 'e', etc.

 Less preferred is the bare except clause:
  # error occurred, etc.

 This syntax is not as ""Pythonic"" as the other. Although this code catches the most exceptions, it does 

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec3.html (6 von 17) [13.11.2007 16:23:43]",trytry,377
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 except (KeyboardInterupt, SystemExit):
  # user wants to quit
  raise  # reraise back to caller
 except Exception:
  # handle real errors

 A few things regarding exceptions did change in Python 2.5. Exceptions were moved to new-style 
 classes, a new ""mother of all exception"" classes named BaseException was installed, and the exception 
 hierarchy was switched around (very slightly) to get rid of that idiom of having to create two handlers. 
 Both KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit have been pulled out from being children of Exception to being 
 its peers:

 - BaseException
  |- KeyboardInterrupt
  |- SystemExit
  |- Exception
  |- (all other current built-in exceptions)

 You can find the entire exception hierarchy (before and after these changes) in Table 10.2.

 The end result is that now you do not have to write the extra handler for those two exceptions if you 
 have a handler for just Exception. This code will suffice:


 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec3.html (7 von 17) [13.11.2007 16:23:43]",trytry,378
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 except BaseException, e:
  # handle all errors

 And of course, there is the less preferred bare except.

 Core Style: Do not handle and ignore all errors

 The try-except statement has been included in Python to provide a 
 powerful mechanism for programmers to track down potential errors 
 and perhaps to provide logic within the code to handle situations 
 where it may not otherwise be possible, for example, in C. The main 
 idea is to minimize the number of errors and still maintain program 
 correctness. As with all tools, they must be used properly.

 One incorrect use of TRy-except is to serve as a giant bandage over 
 large pieces of code. By that we mean putting large blocks, if not your 
 entire source code, within a try and/or have a large generic except to 
 ""filter"" any fatal errors by ignoring them:

 # this is really bad code
  large_block_of_code # bandage of large piece of code
 except Exception:  # same as except:
  pass # blind eye ignoring all errors

 Obviously, errors cannot be avoided, and the job of TRy-except is to 
 provide a mechanism whereby an acceptable problem can be remedied 
 or properly dealt with, and not be used as a filter. The construct above 
 will hide many errors, but this type of usage promotes a poor 
 engineering practice that we certainly cannot endorse.

 Bottom line: Avoid using try-except around a large block of code with 
 a pass just to hide errors. Instead, either handle specific exceptions 
 and ignore them (pass), or handle all errors and take a specific action. 
 Do not do both (handle all errors, ignore all errors).

 10.3.6. ""Exceptional Arguments""

 No, the title of this section has nothing to do with having a major fight. Instead, we are referring to the 
 fact that an exception may have an argument or reason passed along to the exception handler when 
 they are raised. When an exception is raised, parameters are generally provided as an additional aid for 

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec3.html (8 von 17) [13.11.2007 16:23:43]",trytry,379
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 ... float(['float() does not', 'like lists', 2])
 ... except TypeError, diag:# capture diagnostic info
 ... pass
 >>> type(diag)
 <class 'exceptions.TypeError'>
 >>> print diag
 float() argument must be a string or a number

 The first thing we did was cause an exception to be raised from within the try statement. Then we 
 passed cleanly through by ignoring but saving the error information. Calling the type() built-in function, 
 we were able to confirm that our exception was indeed an instance of the TypeError exception class. 
 Finally, we displayed the error by calling print with our diagnostic exception argument.

 To obtain more information regarding the exception, we can use the special __class__ instance attribute, 
 which identifies which class an instance was instantiated from. Class objects also have attributes, such 
 as a documentation string and a string name that further illuminate the error type:

 >>> diag  # exception instance object
 <exceptions.TypeError instance at 8121378>
 >>> diag.__class__  # exception class object
 <class exceptions.TypeError at 80f6d50>
 >>> diag.__class__.__doc__  # exception class documentation string
 'Inappropriate argument type.'
 >>> diag.__class__.__name__ # exception class name

 As we will discover in Chapter 13Classes and OOP the special instance attribute __class__ exists for all 
 class instances, and the __doc__ class attribute is available for all classes that define their documentation 

 We will now update our safe_float() one more time to include the exception argument, which is passed 
 from the interpreter from within float()when exceptions are generated. In our last modification to 
 safe_float(), we merged both the handlers for the ValueError and TypeError exceptions into one 
 because we had to satisfy some requirement. The problem, if any, with this solution is that no clue is 
 given as to which exception was raised or what caused the error. The only thing returned is an error 
 string that indicated some form of invalid argument. Now that we have the exception argument, this no 
 longer has to be the case.

 Because each exception will generate its own exception argument, if we chose to return this string 
 rather than a generic one we made up, it would provide a better clue as to the source of the problem. In 
 the following code snippet, we replace our single error string with the string representation of the 
 exception argument.
 def safe_float(object):
  retval = float(object)
  except (ValueError, TypeError), diag:
  retval = str(diag)

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec3.html (10 von 17) [13.11.2007 16:23:43]",trytry,381
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  ccfile = open('carddata.txt', 'r')
  txns = ccfile.readlines()
  except IOError:

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec3.html (15 von 17) [13.11.2007 16:23:43]",trytry,386
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 57 sock.connect((host, port))
 59 except socket.error, args:
 60 myargs = updArgs(args) # conv inst2tuple
 61 if len(myargs) == 1:  # no #s on some errs
 62 myargs = (errno.ENXIO, myargs[0])
 64 raise NetworkError, \
 65 updArgs(myargs, host + ':' + str(port))
 67 def myopen(file, mode='r'):
 68 try:
 69 fo = open(file, mode)
 70 except IOError, args:
 71 raise FileError, fileArgs(file, mode, args)
 73 return fo
 75 def testfile():
 77 file = mktemp()
 78 f = open(file, 'w')

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec9.html (2 von 6) [13.11.2007 16:23:47]",trytry,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 84 os.chmod(file, eachTest[0])
 85  f = myopen(file, eachTest[1])
 87 except FileError, args:
 88 print ""%s: %s"" % \
 89 (args.__class__.__name__, args)
 90  else:
 91 print file, ""opened ok... perm ignored""
 92 f.close()
 94 os.chmod(file, 0777) # enable all perms
 95 os.unlink(file)
 97 def testnet():
 98 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
 99 socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 101  for eachHost in ('deli', 'www'):
 102  try:
 103 myconnect(s, 'deli', 8080)
 104  except NetworkError, args:
 105 print ""%s: %s"" % \
 106 (args.__class__.__name__, args)
 108 if __name__ == '__main__':
 109  testfile()
 110  testnet()


 Lines 13

 The Unix startup script and importation of the socket, os, errno, types, and tempfile modules help us 
 start this module.

 Lines 59

 Believe it or not, these five lines make up our new exceptions. Not just one, but both of them. Unless 
 new functionality is going to be introduced, creating a new exception is just a matter of subclassing from 
 an already existing exception. In our case, that would be IOError. EnvironmentError, from which IOError 
 is derived, would also work, but we wanted to convey that our exceptions were definitely I/O-related.

 We chose IOError because it provides two arguments, an error number and an error string. File-related 
 [uses open()] IOError exceptions even support a third argument that is not part of the main set of 
 exception arguments, and that would be the filename. Special handling is done for this third argument, 
 which lives outside the main tuple pair and has the name filename.

 Lines 1121

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec9.html (3 von 6) [13.11.2007 16:23:47]",trytry,405
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  except . . .:
  . . .
 (b) try:
  except . . .:
  . . .



 Improving raw_input(). At the beginning of this chapter, we presented a ""safe"" version 
 of the float() built-in function to detect and handle two different types of exceptions 
 that float() generates. Likewise, the raw_input() function can generate two different 
 exceptions, either EOFError or KeyboardInterrupt on end-of-file (EOF) or cancelled 
 input, respectively. Create a wrapper function, perhaps safe_ input(); rather than 
 raising an exception if the user entered EOF (^D in Unix or ^Z in DOS) or attempted 
 to break out using ^C, have your function return None that the calling function can 
 check for.

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch10lev1sec14.html (2 von 3) [13.11.2007 16:23:48]",trytry,414
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 13  f = ftplib.FTP(HOST)
 14  except (socket.error, socket.gaierror), e:
 15  print 'ERROR: cannot reach ""%s""' % HOST
 16  return
 17  print '*** Connected to host ""%s""' % HOST
 19  try:
 20  f.login()
 21  except ftplib.error_perm:
 22  print 'ERROR: cannot login anonymously'
 23  f.quit()
 24  return
 25  print '*** Logged in as ""anonymous""'
 27  try:
 28  f.cwd(DIRN)
 29  except ftplib.error_perm:
 30  print 'ERROR: cannot CD to ""%s""' % DIRN

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch17lev1sec2.html (5 von 8) [13.11.2007 16:24:47]",trytry,739
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  11 f = open(curdir + sep + self.path)
  12 self.send_response(200)
  13 self.send_header('Content-type',
  14  'text/html')
  15 self.end_headers()
  16 self.wfile.write(
  17 f.close()
  18 except IOError:
  19 self.send_error(404,
  20 'File Not Found: %s' % self.path)
  22  def main():
  23  try:
  24  server = HTTPServer(('', 80), MyHandler)
  25  print 'Welcome to the machine...',
  26  print 'Press ^C once or twice to quit.'
  27  server.serve_forever()
  28  except KeyboardInterrupt:
  29  print '^C received, shutting down server'
  30  server.socket.close()
  32  if __name__ == '__main__':

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch20lev1sec8.html (2 von 3) [13.11.2007 16:25:11]",trytry,884
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 29  from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3
 30  except ImportError, e:
 31  return None
 33 DB_EXC = sqlite3
 34 if not os.path.isdir(dbDir):
 35 os.mkdir(dbDir)
 36 cxn = sqlite.connect(os.path.join(dbDir, dbName))
 38 elif db == 'mysql':
 39 try:
 40  import MySQLdb
 41  import _mysql_exceptions as DB_EXC
 42 except ImportError, e:
 43  return None
 45 try:
 46  cxn = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbName)
 47 except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError, e:
 48 cxn = MySQLdb.connect(user='root')
 49  try:
 50  cxn.query('DROP DATABASE %s' % dbName)
 51  except DB_EXC.OperationalError, e:
 52 pass
 53  cxn.query('CREATE DATABASE %s' % dbName)
 54  cxn.query(""GRANT ALL ON %s.* to ''@'localhost'"" % dbName)
 55  cxn.commit()
 56  cxn.close()
 57  cxn = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbName)
 59 elif db == 'gadfly':
 60  try:
 61  from gadfly import gadfly
 62  DB_EXC = gadfly
 63  except ImportError, e:
 64  return None
 66  try:
 67  cxn = gadfly(dbName, dbDir)
 68  except IOError, e:
 69  cxn = gadfly()
 70  if not os.path.isdir(dbDir):
 71  os.mkdir(dbDir)
 72  cxn.startup(dbName, dbDir)
 73 else:
 74  return None
 75 return cxn
 77 def create(cur):
 78 try
 79 cur.execute('''
 80 CREATE TABLE users (
 81 login VARCHAR(8),

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch21lev1sec2.html (14 von 19) [13.11.2007 16:25:17]",trytry,911
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  20  cxn = eng.connection()
  21  except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError, e:
  22  eng1 = create_engine('mysql://user=root')
  23  try:
  24 eng1.execute('DROP DATABASE %s' % DBNAME)
  25  except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError, e:
  26 pass
  27  eng1.execute('CREATE DATABASE %s' % DBNAME)
  28  eng1.execute(
  29  ""GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO ''@'localhost'"" % DBNAME)
  30  eng1.commit()
  31  cxn = eng.connection()
  33  try:
  34  users = Table('users', eng, autoload=True)
  35  except exceptions.SQLError, e:
  36  users = Table('users', eng,
  37  Column('login', String(8)),
  38  Column('uid', Integer),
  39  Column('prid', Integer),
  40  redefine=True)
  42  self.eng = eng
  43  self.cxn = cxn
  44  self.users = users
  46  def create(self):
  47  users = self.users
  48 try:
  49  users.drop()
  50  except exceptions.SQLError, e:
  51  pass
  52 users.create()

 file:///D|/1/0132269937/ch21lev1sec3.html (2 von 11) [13.11.2007 16:25:19]",trytry,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 11  fobj = open(fname, 'r')
 12 except IOError, e:
 13  print ""*** file open error:"", e
 14 else:",tryexceptelse,87
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 15  ccfile = open('carddata.txt', 'r')
 16  except IOError, e:
 17  log.write('no txns this month\n')
 18  log.close()
 19  return
 21  txns = ccfile.readlines()
 22  ccfile.close()
 23  total = 0.00
 24  log.write('account log:\n')
 26  for eachTxn in txns:
 27  result = safe_float(eachTxn)
 28  if isinstance(result, float):
 29  total += result
 30  log.write('data... processed\n')
 31  else:",tryexceptelse,383
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 6  retval = func(*nkwargs, **kwargs)
 7  result = (True, retval)
 8  except Exception, diag:
 9  result = (False, str(diag))
 10 return result
 12 def test():
 13  funcs = (int, long, float)
 14  vals = (1234, 12.34, '1234', '12.34')
 16  for eachFunc in funcs:
 17  print '-' * 20
 18  for eachVal in vals:
 19  retval = testit(eachFunc,
 20  eachVal)
 21  if retval[0]:
 22  print '%s(%s) =' % \
 23  (eachFunc.__name__, `eachVal`), retval[1]
 24  else:",tryexceptelse,444
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 15 retval.append(
 16  except StopIteration:
 17 if
 18  break
 19 else:",tryexceptelse,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 36  f.retrbinary('RETR %s' % FILE,
 37  open(FILE, 'wb').write)
 38  except ftplib.error_perm:
 39  print 'ERROR: cannot read file ""%s""' % FILE
 40  os.unlink(FILE)
 41  else:",tryexceptelse,740
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  38 retval = urlretrieve(self.url, self.file)
  39 except IOError:
  40 retval = ('*** ERROR: invalid URL ""%s""' %\
  41  self.url,)
  42 return retval
  44  def parseAndGetLinks(self):# parse HTML, save links
  45  self.parser = HTMLParser(AbstractFormatter(\
  46 DumbWriter(StringIO())))
  47  self.parser.feed(open(self.file).read())
  48  self.parser.close()
  49  return self.parser.anchorlist
  51 class Crawler(object):# manage entire crawling process
  53 count = 0  # static downloaded page counter
  55 def __init__(self, url):
  56 self.q = [url]
  57 self.seen = []
  58 self.dom = urlparse(url)[1]
  60 def getPage(self, url):
  61 r = Retriever(url)
  62 retval =
  63 if retval[0] == '*': # error situation, do not parse
  64 print retval, '... skipping parse'
  65 return
  66 Crawler.count += 1
  67 print '\n(', Crawler.count, ')'
  68 print 'URL:', url
  69 print 'FILE:', retval[0]
  70 self.seen.append(url)
  72 links = r.parseAndGetLinks() # get and process links
  73 for eachLink in links:
  74 if eachLink[:4] != 'http' and \
  75 find(eachLink, '://') == -1:
  76 eachLink = urljoin(url, eachLink)
  77 print '* ', eachLink,
  79 if find(lower(eachLink), 'mailto:') != -1:
  80 print '... discarded, mailto link'
  81 continue
  83 if eachLink not in self.seen:
  84 if find(eachLink, self.dom) == -1:
  85 print '... discarded, not in domain'
  86 else:",tryexceptelse,842
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  filename = raw_input('Enter file name: ')
  fobj = open(filename, 'r')
  for eachLine in fobj:
  print eachLine,
  except IOError, e:",tryexcept,50
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  i =
  except StopIteration:",tryexcept,313
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  retval = float(obj)
  except ValueError:
  retval = 'could not convert non-number to float'
  return retval

 The only thing we changed in the example was to return an error string as opposed to just None. We 
 should take our function out for a test drive to see how well it works so far:

 >>> safe_float('12.34')
 >>> safe_float('bad input')
 'could not convert non-number to float'

 We made a good startnow we can detect invalid string input, but we are still vulnerable to invalid 
 objects being passed in:

 >>> safe_float({'a': 'Dict'})
 Traceback (innermost last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 3, in ?
  retval = float(obj)
 TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number

 We will address this final shortcoming momentarily, but before we further modify our example, we 
 would like to highlight the flexibility of the try-except syntax, especially the except statement, which 
 comes in a few more flavors.
 10.3.3. try Statement with Multiple excepts

 Earlier in this chapter, we introduced the following general syntax for except:

 except Exception[, reason]:

 The except statement in such formats specifically detects exceptions named Exception. You can chain 
 multiple except statements together to handle different types of exceptions with the same TRy:",tryexcept,375
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  retval = float(obj)
  except ValueError:
  retval = 'could not convert non-number to float'
  except TypeError:",tryexcept,376
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 except Exception1:
 except (Exception2, Exception3, Exception4):
 except Exception5, Argument5:",tryexcept,387
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  assert 1 == 0, 'One does not equal zero silly!'
 except AssertionError, args:",tryexcept,397
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 23  retval = urlretrieve(url)[0]
 24  except IOError:",tryexcept,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 29  return {""pre"": pre_logged,
 30 ""post"": post_logged}[when]
 31  except KeyError, e:",tryexcept,467
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
 27  rsp, ct, fst, lst, grp =
 28  except nntplib.NNTPTemporaryError, e:
 29  print 'ERROR: cannot load group ""%s""' % GRNM
 30  print '  (""%s"")' % str(e)
 31  print '  Server may require authentication'
 32  print '  Uncomment/edit login line above'
 33  n.quit()
 34  return
 35  except nntplib.NNTPTemporaryError, e:",tryexcept,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","try:
  23  class Users(SQLObject):
  24  class sqlmeta:
  25 fromDatabase = True
  26  login = StringCol(length=8)
  27  uid = IntCol()
  28  prid = IntCol()
  29  break
  30  except _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError, e:
  31 class Users(SQLObject):
  32 login = StringCol(length=8)
  33 uid = IntCol()
  34 prid = IntCol()
  35 break
  36  except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError, e:",tryexcept,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda x: x % 2, seq)",lambda,317
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda x,y: cmp(y, x), or",lambda,423
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda [arg1[, arg2, ... argN]]: expression",lambda,446
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda is:,lambda,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda :True,lambda,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda function by itself serves no purpose, as we see here:",lambda,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda :True,lambda,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda x, y: x + y",lambda,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda x, y=2: x+y",lambda,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda *z: z,lambda,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda expression:,lambda,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda n: n%2, allNums)",lambda,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda functions to show you how map() works on real data:,lambda,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda equivalent seen earlier in this chapter:,lambda,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda x,y: x+y",lambda,455
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda and reduce(), we can do the same thing on a single line:",lambda,455
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda x,y: x+y), range(5))",lambda,456
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda to look like this:,lambda,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambda expression:,lambda,626
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda self, connector, reason: reactor.stop()",lambda,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","lambda e: self.Close(True), qb)",lambda,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def function_name([ formal_args,][ *vargst,] **vargsd):",funcwith2star,441
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def dictVarArgs(arg1, arg2='defaultB', **theRest):",funcwith2star,441
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def newfoo(arg1, arg2, *nkw, **kw):",funcwith2star,442
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def testit(func, *nkwargs, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,444
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def log(f, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def wrapper(*args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def wrapper(*args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def function_name([formal_args,] *vargs_tuple):",funcwithstar,440
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def tupleVarArgs(arg1, arg2='defaultB', *theRest):",funcwithstar,440
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showAllAsTuple(*z):,funcwithstar,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __call__(self, *args):",funcwithstar,629
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def printf(string, *args):",funcwithstar,995
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class FooClass(object):,simpleclass,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Bar(object):,simpleclass,108
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyClass(object):,simpleclass,429
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyClass(object):,simpleclass,429
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyUltimatePythonStorageDevice(object):,simpleclass,487
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyNewObjectType(bases):,simpleclass,512
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyData(object):,simpleclass,513
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyDataWithMethod(object):,simpleclass,514
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class
  def printFoo(self):",simpleclass,514
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class AddrBookEntry(object):,simpleclass,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class EmplAddrBookEntry(AddrBookEntry):,simpleclass,516
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class ClassName(object):,simpleclass,522
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class ClassName(bases):,simpleclass,522
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class data attribute (foo):,simpleclass,524
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,524
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyClass(object):,simpleclass,525
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyClass(object):,simpleclass,526
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyClass(object):,simpleclass,530
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(P):,simpleclass,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class InstCt(object):,simpleclass,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class HotelRoomCalc(object):,simpleclass,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,540
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Foo(object):,simpleclass,541
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class EmplAddrBookEntry(AddrBookEntry):,simpleclass,545
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class NewAddrBookEntry(object):,simpleclass,548
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Parent(object):,simpleclass,549
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class
  def parentMethod(self):",simpleclass,549
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Child(Parent):,simpleclass,550
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class
  def childMethod(self):",simpleclass,550
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class P(object):,simpleclass,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(P):,simpleclass,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(P):,simpleclass,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class A(object):,simpleclass,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class B(A):,simpleclass,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(B):,simpleclass,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class P(object):,simpleclass,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(P):,simpleclass,553
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(P):,simpleclass,553
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(P):,simpleclass,553
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class P(object):,simpleclass,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(P):,simpleclass,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(P):,simpleclass,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class SortedKeyDict(dict):,simpleclass,556
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class P1: #(object):,simpleclass,558
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class P2: #(object):,simpleclass,558
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class B(object):,simpleclass,561
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,561
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C1(object):,simpleclass,562
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C2(object):,simpleclass,562
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class myClass(object):,simpleclass,564
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,565
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class RoundFloatManual(object):,simpleclass,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class RoundFloatManual(object):,simpleclass,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Time60(object):,simpleclass,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Time60(object):,simpleclass,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class RandSeq(object):,simpleclass,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class AnyIter(object):,simpleclass,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class NumStr(object):,simpleclass,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class WrapMe(object):,simpleclass,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class TimedWrapMe(object):,simpleclass,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class CapOpen(object):,simpleclass,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class SlottedClass(object):,simpleclass,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class DevNull1(object):,simpleclass,599
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C1(object):,simpleclass,599
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class DevNull2(object):,simpleclass,599
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C2(object):,simpleclass,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class DevNull3(object):,simpleclass,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C3(object):,simpleclass,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class FooFoo(object):,simpleclass,601
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class FileDescr(object):,simpleclass,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyFileVarClass(object):,simpleclass,603
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class ProtectAndHideX(object):,simpleclass,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class HideX(object):,simpleclass,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class PI(object):,simpleclass,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class HideX(object):,simpleclass,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,607
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MetaC(type):,simpleclass,608
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Foo(object):,simpleclass,609
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class ReqStrSugRepr(type):,simpleclass,609
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class ReqStrSugRepr(type):,simpleclass,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Foo(object):,simpleclass,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Bar(object):,simpleclass,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class FooBar(object):,simpleclass,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class FooBar(object):,simpleclass,611
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MoneyFmt(object):,simpleclass,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,628
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class
  ... def foo(self):",simpleclass,628
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,629
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,629
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class C(object):,simpleclass,632
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyRequestHandler(SRH):,simpleclass,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class ThreadFunc(object):,simpleclass,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class DirList(object):,simpleclass,813
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class GTKapp(object):,simpleclass,825
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class Retriever(object):,simpleclass,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class AdvCGI(object):,simpleclass,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):,simpleclass,884
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MySQLAlchemy(object):,simpleclass,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class MySQLObject(object):,simpleclass,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",raise exclass(),raise,394
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","raise exclass, instance Raise exception using instance (normally an instance of exclass)",raise,394
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",raise ValueError(e),raise,467
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",raise error_proto(resp),raise,758
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",assert 1 == 1,assert,396
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",assert 2 + 2 == 2 * 2,assert,396
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","assert len(['my list', 12]) < 10",assert,396
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","assert range(3) == [0, 1, 2]",assert,396
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",assert 1 == 0,assert,396
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","assert command:

 >>> assert 1 == 0, 'One does not equal zero silly!'",assert,396
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Now we have the obligatory usage example:
 if passwd == user.pass",pass,293
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","wd:
  ret_str = ""pass",pass,293
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","else:
  ret_str = ""invalid pass",pass,293
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def foo_func():
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",">>> class myClass(object):
 ... pass",pass,370
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","5  class NetworkError(IOError):
 6  pass",pass,403
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8  class FileError(IOError):
 9  pass",pass,403
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def bar():
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def foo():
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def cli_util():
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def myNoActionMethod(self):
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",">>> class C(object):
  ...  pass",pass,528
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",">>> class MyClass(object):
  ... pass",pass,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",">>> class C(object):
  ...  pass",pass,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class ClassicClassWithoutSuperclasses:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class B:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class D(B, C):
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __set__(self, obj, val):
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","44 except (OSError, ValueError), e:
 45  pass",pass,603
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","class CC:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def handle(self):
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","28 for i in nloops:
 29 while locks[i].locked(): pass",pass,781
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for item in ['e-mail', 'net-surfing', 'homework', 'chat']:",forwithlist,44
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for eachNum in [0, 1, 2]:",forwithlist,45
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for counter in [0, 1, 2, 3]:",forwithlist,639
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for eachItem in [932, 'grail', 3.0, 'arrrghhh']:",forwithlist,639
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i in [0, 10, 25, 50, 100]:",forwithlist,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i in [0, 10, 25, 50, 100]:",forwithlist,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for eachNum in (.2, .7, 1.2, 1.7, -.2, -.7, -1.2, -1.7):",forwithtuple,143
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for eachMediaType in (45, '8-track tape', 'cassette'):",forwithtuple,222
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for tmpdir in ('/tmp', r'c:\temp'):",forwithtuple,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for animal in ('dog', 'cat', 'hamster', 'python'):",forwithtuple,822
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for animal in ('dog', 'cat', 'hamster', 'python'):",forwithtuple,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for animal in ('dog', 'cat','hamster', 'python'):",forwithtuple,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for funcType in ('handler', 'request'):",forwithtuple,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aList = [123, 'abc', 4.56, ['inner', 'list'], 7-9j]",nestedList,209
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mixup_list = [4.0, [1, 'x'], 'beef', -1.9+6j]",nestedList,211
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mixup_list = [4.0, [1, 'x'], 'beef', -1.9+6j]",nestedList,213
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","person = ['name', ['savings', 100.00]]",nestedList,240
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","person = ['name', ['savings', 100.00]]",nestedList,241
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","setup(name=MOD, ext_modules=[
  Extension(MOD, sources=['Extest2.c'])]",nestedList,942
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6 setup(name=MOD, ext_modules=[
  7 Extension(MOD, sources=['Extest2.c'])]",nestedList,942
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i in vec1:
  ... for j in vec2:",fornested,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aDict = {'host': 'earth'},simpleDict,40
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17 CMDs = {'u': pushit, 'o': popit, 'v': viewstack}",simpleDict,224
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17 CMDs = {'e': enQ, 'd': deQ, 'v': viewQ}",simpleDict,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict2 = {'name': 'earth', 'port': 80}",simpleDict,254
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict2 = {'name': 'earth', 'port': 80}",simpleDict,255
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict2 = {'name': 'earth', 'port': 80}",simpleDict,255
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict3 = {3.2: 'xyz', 1: 'abc', '1': 3.14159}",simpleDict,256
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict4 = {'abc': 123},simpleDict,258
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict5 = {'abc': 456},simpleDict,258
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict6 = {'abc': 123, 98.6: 37}",simpleDict,258
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict7 = {'xyz': 123},simpleDict,258
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict2 = {'host': 'earth', 'port': 80}",simpleDict,260
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cdict = {'fruits':1},simpleDict,261
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",ddict = {'fruits':1},simpleDict,261
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict2 = {'name': 'earth', 'port': 80}",simpleDict,263
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict2= {'host':'earth', 'port':80}",simpleDict,267
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict3= {'host':'venus', 'server':'http'}",simpleDict,267
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","myDict = {'host': 'earth', 'port': 80}",simpleDict,267
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict1 = {' foo':789, 'foo': 'xyz'}",simpleDict,269
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","myDict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}",simpleDict,315
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aDict = {'host': 'earth', 'port': 80}",simpleDict,370
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6 ops = {'+': add, '-': sub}",simpleDict,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aDict = {'z': 9},simpleDict,443
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = {2003: 'poe2'},simpleDict,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","14 increment=2, entryfield_validate={'validator':
 15 'integer', 'min': 2, 'max': 12}",simpleDict,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aDict = { 'name': 'Georgina Garcia', 'hmdir': '~ggarcia' }",simpleDict,844
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","7  RDBMSs = {'s': 'sqlite', 'm': 'mysql', 'g': 'gadfly'}",simpleDict,910
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","logfile = open('/tmp/mylog.txt', 'a')",openfunc,29
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Section 2.15. Files and the open() and file(),openfunc,48
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",2.15. Files and the open() and file(),openfunc,48
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","handle = open(file_name, access_mode = 'r')",openfunc,48
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","If open() is successful, a file object will be returned as the handle (handle)",openfunc,48
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fobj = open(filename, 'r')",openfunc,48
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Section 2.15. Files and the open() and file(),openfunc,49
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The file() built-in function was recently added to Python. It is identical to open(),openfunc,49
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","29 fobj = open(fname, 'w')",openfunc,84
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","errors occur. In this case (lines 1213), we are checking to see if the file open()",openfunc,87
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","As you can imagine, here is what urlopen()",openfunc,177
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('C:\windows\temp\readme.txt', 'r')",openfunc,184
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('C:\windows\temp\readme.txt', 'r')",openfunc,184
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open(r'C:\windows\temp\readme.txt', 'r')",openfunc,184
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 f = open(FILE, ""w"")",openfunc,200
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","15 f = open(FILE, ""r"")",openfunc,200
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')",openfunc,223
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('numbers', 'w')",openfunc,280
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('numbers', 'r')",openfunc,280
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",myFile = open('config-win.txt'),openfunc,314
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('hhga.txt', 'r')",openfunc,318
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')",openfunc,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')",openfunc,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')",openfunc,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')",openfunc,322
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')",openfunc,322
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return max(len(x.strip()) for x in open('/etc/motd')),openfunc,322
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The open() built-in function (see below),openfunc,330
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Section 9.2. File Built-in Functions [open() and file(),openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9.2. File Built-in Functions [open() and file(),openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","As the key to opening file doors, the open() [and file()",openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",initiate the file input/output (I/O) process. The open(),openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",IOError exceptionwe will cover errors and exceptions in the next chapter. The basic syntax of the open(),openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","file_object = open(file_name, access_mode='r', buffering=-1)",openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","programmer, these are the same file open modes used for the C library function fopen()",openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",There are other modes supported by fopen() that will work with Python's open(),openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",including text files. Here is an entry from the Linux manual page for fopen(),openfunc,331
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Section 9.2. File Built-in Functions [open() and file(),openfunc,332
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",fp = open('/etc/motd'),openfunc,332
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fp = open('test', 'w')",openfunc,332
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fp = open('data', 'r+')",openfunc,332
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fp = open(r'c:\io.sys', 'rb')",openfunc,332
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Both open() and file(),openfunc,332
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Section 9.2. File Built-in Functions [open() and file(),openfunc,333
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","you see references to open(), you can mentally substitute file()",openfunc,333
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","For foreseeable versions of Python, both open() and file()",openfunc,333
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","same thing. Generally, the accepted style is that you use open() for reading/writing files, while file()",openfunc,333
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Once open(),openfunc,334
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('myFile', 'r')",openfunc,335
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","only one reference exists to a file, say, fp = open(...)",openfunc,336
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open(filename, 'r')",openfunc,336
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open(filename, 'r')",openfunc,337
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fobj = open(filename, 'w')",openfunc,338
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('/tmp/x', 'w+')",openfunc,338
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",that third argument to open()),openfunc,342
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Low-level operating system open [for files, use the standard open()",openfunc,346
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","27  fobj = open('test', 'w')",openfunc,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",48  fobj = open(path),openfunc,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fobj = open('test', 'w')",openfunc,351
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",fobj = open(path),openfunc,351
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","and popen2 modules), the fdopen() file object used in low-level file access (os module)",openfunc,359
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",find out more about file()/open(),openfunc,359
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open(""blah"")",openfunc,370
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13  log = open('cardlog.txt', 'w')",openfunc,383
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","log = open('logfile.txt', 'w')",openfunc,384
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",reimplements more diagnostic versions of open() [myopen()] and socket.connect(),openfunc,403
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The fileArgs() function is used only by myopen() (see below),openfunc,406
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Like its sibling myconnect(), myopen()",openfunc,407
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",need the name for now and use our new myopen(),openfunc,407
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Improving open(). Create a wrapper for the open(),openfunc,414
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13  f = open(webpage),openfunc,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","myList.extend(map(upper, open('x').readlines()))",openfunc,524
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = WrapMe(open('/etc/motd')),openfunc,590
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",difference is that rather than using the open(),openfunc,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",class. Even the parameters are exactly the same as for open(),openfunc,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","5 self.file = open(fn, mode, buf)",openfunc,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","As you can see, the only call out of the ordinary is the first one to CapOpen() rather than open()",openfunc,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","can use either open() or CapOpen(), but chose only CapOpen()",openfunc,594
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",either CapOpen() or open(),openfunc,620
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = open(''),openfunc,635
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open(filename, 'r')",openfunc,646
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14.5.2. os.popen(),openfunc,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The popen() function is a combination of a file object and the system(),openfunc,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","program and then to access it like a file. If the program requires input, then you would call popen()",openfunc,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","internal manipulation or store that string to a log file, we could, using popen()",openfunc,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = os.popen('uname -a'),openfunc,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","As you can see, popen() returns a file-like object; also notice that readline()",openfunc,651
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Replacing os.popen(),openfunc,653
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The syntax for creating an instance of Popen is only slightly more complex than calling the os.popen(),openfunc,653
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = Popen(('uname', '-a'), stdout=PIPE)",openfunc,653
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = Popen('who', stdout=PIPE)",openfunc,654
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Provides additional functionality on top of os.popen(),openfunc,661
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",standard input and manipulates or otherwise outputs the data. Use os.popen(),openfunc,662
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = open('whodata.txt', 'r')",openfunc,686
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","invoking another program from within ours, we call upon the os.popen()",openfunc,687
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Section 14.5.2. Although os.popen(),openfunc,687
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6 f = popen('who', 'r')",openfunc,687
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",urllib.urlopen() or urllib.urlretrieve(),openfunc,836
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","be looking at in this upcoming section include: urlopen(), urlretrieve(), quote(), unquote()",openfunc,839
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",object returned by urlopen(),openfunc,839
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",urllib.urlopen(),openfunc,839
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",urlopen(),openfunc,839
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","urlopen(urlstr, postQueryData=None)",openfunc,839
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",urlopen(),openfunc,839
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","scheme is passed in, urlopen()",openfunc,839
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","When a successful connection is made, urlopen()",openfunc,840
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Table 20.4. urllib.urlopen(),openfunc,840
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",urlopen(),openfunc,840
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","module, introduced back in the 1.6 days (mostly as an experimental module). It too, has a urlopen()",openfunc,840
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Rather than reading from the URL like urlopen() does, urlretrieve()",openfunc,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","urlopen(urlstr, postQueryData=None)",openfunc,845
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",27 f = urllib2.urlopen(url),openfunc,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",calling urlopen(),openfunc,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",that you use urlopen() instead of urlretrieve(),openfunc,889
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",If we use our friend urllib.urlopen(),openfunc,953
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","12 u = urlopen(URL % ','.join(ticks))",openfunc,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","34 u = urlopen(URL % ','.join(TICKS))",openfunc,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = open(raw_input('enter filename: ')),openfunc,992
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",It makes no difference whether we use open() or capOpen(),openfunc,997
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",os.popen( ),openfunc,1095
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",sys.stdout.write('Hello World!\n'),write,56
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",that the standard output write(),write,56
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","explicitly because, unlike the print statement, write()",write,56
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys; x = 'foo'; sys.stdout.write(x + '\n'),write,66
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12 f.write(bytes_out),write,200
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.write('%d\n' % i),write,280
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The write() built-in method has the opposite functionality as read() and readline(),write,334
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Note that there is no ""writeline()"" method since it would be equivalent to calling write()",write,335
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Similarly, output methods like write() or writelines()",write,335
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Here we ask the user for one line at a time, and send them out to the file. Our call to the write()",write,338
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.write('test line 1\n'),write,338
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.write('test line 2\n'),write,338
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",file.write(str),write,340
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",read()/write(),write,346
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",28  fobj.write('foo\n'),write,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29  fobj.write('bar\n'),write,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",fobj.write('foo\n'),write,351
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",fobj.write('bar\n'),write,351
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",32  log.write('ignored: %s' % result),write,383
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","log.write(""*** caught exception in module\n"")",write,384
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","log.write(""*** no exceptions caught\n"")",write,384
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",log.write('no txns this month\n'),write,387
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",sys.stdout.write('foo'),write,524
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.write('delegation example\n'),write,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.write('faye is good\n'),write,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.write('at delegating\n'),write,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13  def write(self, line)",write,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14  self.file.write(line.upper()),write,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",instance that behaves like a file object. All attributes other than write(),write,594
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14 self.wfile.write('[%s] %s' % (ctime(),write,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",to get the client message and write(),write,721
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13  self.transport.write(data),write,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",calling the write(),write,727
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",data downloaded. This is the write(),write,740
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",sys.stdout.write('Hello World!\n'),write,971
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",System.out.write('Hello World!\n'),write,971
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",file.write(str),write,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","30 fobj.writelines(['%s%s' % (x, ls) for x in all])",writelines,84
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The file object's writelines() method then takes the resulting list of lines (now with terminators),writelines,86
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The writelines() method operates on a list just like readlines(),writelines,334
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",must be added to the end of each line before writelines(),writelines,334
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",file.writelines(seq),writelines,340
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Implement a writelines(),writelines,620
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","uppercase, similar to the way the regular writelines()",writelines,620
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","write(). Note that once you are done, writelines()",writelines,620
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Add an argument to the writelines(),writelines,620
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",file.writelines(seq),writelines,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 bytes_in =,read,200
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","StringIO/cStringIO Treats long strings just like a file object, i.e., read(), seek()",read,239
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The read(),read,334
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",When reading lines in from a file using file input methods like read(),read,335
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","can be used in lower-level operations such as those featured in the os module, i.e.,",read,336
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",,read,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","start_new_thread(function, args, kwargs=None)",read,778
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The key function of the thread module is start_new_thread(). Its syntax is exactly that of the apply(),read,778
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18 thread.start_new_thread(loop0, ())",read,779
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","19 thread.start_new_thread(loop1, ())",read,779
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",start_new_thread(),read,779
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",between instantiating Thread [calling Thread()] and invoking thread.start_new_thread(),read,786
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8  class MyThread(threading.Thread),read,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","29 t = MyThread(loop, (i, loops[i])",read,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6  class MyThread(threading.Thread),read,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","38  t = MyThread(funcs[i], (n,)",read,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",currentThread(),read,792
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","37  t = MyThread(funcs[i], (q, nloops)",read,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","read methods such as, f.readline(), f.readlines(), f.close(), and f.fileno()",read,840
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",[bytes]),read,840
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","be executed, i.e., none of read(), readline(), or readlines()",read,997
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",,read,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.readline(),readline,184
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",File objects produce an iterator that calls the readline(),readline,314
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",len(string.strip(f.readline())),readline,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The readline(),readline,334
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","not a concern, then programmers could call file.readline()",readline,335
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",the call to readline(),readline,336
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in f.readline(),readline,336
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",because every line from the text file already contains a NEWLINE. readline() and readlines(),readline,338
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.readline(),readline,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.readline(),readline,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.readline(),readline,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",file.readline(size=-1),readline,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Returns the next line in the file [similar to file.readline(),readline,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.readline(),readline,590
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",print f.readline(),readline,590
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",data = f.readline(),readline,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",data = f.readline(),readline,653
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 self.rfile.readline())),readline,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","StreamRequestHandler class treats input and output sockets as file-like objects, so we will use readline()",readline,721
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Upload data from ufile file object (using ufile.readline()),readline,746
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f.readline(),readline,840
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",28 print f.readline(),readline,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",file.readline(size=-1),readline,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Returns the next line in the file [similar to file.readline(),readline,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,29
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,36
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import that,importfunc,56
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import module_name,importfunc,56
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,56
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,62
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,62
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import with,importfunc,73
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import this,importfunc,75
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import use,importfunc,77
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import any,importfunc,78
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,78
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,78
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,84
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,85
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import types,importfunc,110
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,119
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import division,importfunc,134
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import new,importfunc,135
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import math,importfunc,142
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import math,importfunc,143
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,149
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import string,importfunc,173
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import string,importfunc,174
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import string,importfunc,176
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,177
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import string,importfunc,177
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import copy,importfunc,241
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,318
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import string,importfunc,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,338
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,343
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import those,importfunc,345
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,345
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,350
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import modules,importfunc,358
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,378
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import 3rd_party_module,importfunc,384
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import an,importfunc,384
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import it,importfunc,389
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import module,importfunc,399
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,411
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import this,importfunc,412
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import math,importfunc,414
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import generators,importfunc,473
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import modules,importfunc,483
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import xxx,importfunc,483
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import mymodule,importfunc,484
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import mymodule,importfunc,484
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,488
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Statement,importfunc,489
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import module1,importfunc,489
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import moduleN,importfunc,489
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import multiple,importfunc,489
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statements,importfunc,489
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statements,importfunc,489
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import tips,importfunc,489
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Statement,importfunc,489
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import specific,importfunc,490
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import feature,importfunc,490
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import longmodulename,importfunc,491
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,491
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import brings,importfunc,492
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import all,importfunc,492
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import and,importfunc,493
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import imptee,importfunc,494
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,494
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import __future__,importfunc,494
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import specific,importfunc,494
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,495
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import speed,importfunc,495
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import from,importfunc,495
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import hooks,importfunc,495
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,495
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import hooks,importfunc,495
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import on,importfunc,498
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import does,importfunc,498
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import and,importfunc,499
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import in,importfunc,499
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import to,importfunc,500
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import subpackages,importfunc,500
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import with,importfunc,500
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import all,importfunc,500
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,500
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Analog,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import feature,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import feature,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import comes,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import feature,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statements,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Analog,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import dial,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import setup,importfunc,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,503
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,503
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import a,importfunc,503
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,504
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,504
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import modules,importfunc,504
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import omh4cli,importfunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import fails,importfunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import a,importfunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import omh4cli,importfunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import name,importfunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statements,importfunc,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import omh4cli,importfunc,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import omh4cli,importfunc,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,507
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import are,importfunc,507
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import it,importfunc,507
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import is,importfunc,507
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import this,importfunc,507
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Python,importfunc,507
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import this,importfunc,507
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import a,importfunc,508
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import only,importfunc,508
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import a,importfunc,509
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import syntax,importfunc,509
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import hooks,importfunc,509
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import them,importfunc,509
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,586
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,595
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import pickle,importfunc,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import types,importfunc,607
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import moneyfmt,importfunc,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,644
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statements,importfunc,644
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import import1,importfunc,644
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import import2,importfunc,645
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import import1,importfunc,645
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import import1,importfunc,645
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import import2,importfunc,645
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import import1,importfunc,645
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import import1,importfunc,645
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import mechanism,importfunc,647
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import and,importfunc,647
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import a,importfunc,649
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,653
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,657
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,657
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import lines,importfunc,690
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,691
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import all,importfunc,711
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import all,importfunc,715
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import our,importfunc,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import of,importfunc,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,737
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,737
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import ftplib,importfunc,739
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,739
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import socket,importfunc,739
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,740
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import that,importfunc,744
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import nntplib,importfunc,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import socket,importfunc,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import random,importfunc,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statements,importfunc,750
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import poplib,importfunc,757
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statements,importfunc,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,775
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import thread,importfunc,775
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import thread,importfunc,775
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import thread,importfunc,779
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import thread,importfunc,780
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,781
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import threading,importfunc,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import threading,importfunc,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import threading,importfunc,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import this,importfunc,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import threading,importfunc,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,800
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,800
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,800
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import _tkinter,importfunc,800
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,802
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,804
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,806
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,807
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,808
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,813
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import wx,importfunc,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import pygtk,importfunc,825
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import gtk,importfunc,825
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import pango,importfunc,825
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import three,importfunc,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import urllib2,importfunc,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import cgi,importfunc,857
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import cgi,importfunc,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import cgi,importfunc,862
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import lines,importfunc,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import MySQLdb,importfunc,906
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import psycopg,importfunc,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import pgdb,importfunc,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,909
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sqlite3,importfunc,909
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,910
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sqlite3,importfunc,911
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,917
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import MySQLdb,importfunc,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import _mysql_exceptions,importfunc,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import os,importfunc,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import MySQLdb,importfunc,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import _mysql_exceptions,importfunc,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import hides,importfunc,932
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import from,importfunc,937
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import and,importfunc,940
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Extest,importfunc,943
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import csv,importfunc,953
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import the,importfunc,958
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import Tkinter,importfunc,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import all,importfunc,969
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,971
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import math,importfunc,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import string,importfunc,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import keyword,importfunc,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import math,importfunc,991
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import sys,importfunc,992
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import mymodule,importfunc,996
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import socket,importfunc,1001
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import csv,importfunc,1008
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,1046
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,1065
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,1068
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,1074
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,1074
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,1074
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,1074
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import cycles,importfunc,1075
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import hooks,importfunc,1075
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import statement,importfunc,1087
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import cycles,importfunc,1087
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import hooks,importfunc,1087
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import hooks,importfunc,1089
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",import 2nd,importfunc,1124
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from types import IntType,importfromsimple,111
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from __future__ import division,importfromsimple,134
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from decimal import Decimal,importfromsimple,149
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from string import Template,importfromsimple,182
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from urllib import urlretrieve,importfromsimple,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from random import randint,importfromsimple,450
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from random import randint,importfromsimple,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from random import randint,importfromsimple,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from functools import partial,importfromsimple,456
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from functools import partial,importfromsimple,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import time,importfromsimple,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from random import randint,importfromsimple,474
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","from the same module, import lines",importfromsimple,490
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Python programmers: the ability to import modules,importfromsimple,490
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cgi import FieldStorage,importfromsimple,491
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from module import var,importfromsimple,492
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from __future__ import new_feature,importfromsimple,494
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Phone import Mobile,importfromsimple,499
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Phone.Mobile import Analog,importfromsimple,500
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Phone.Mobile.Analog import dial,importfromsimple,500
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from __future__ starting in version 2.5.) You can read more about absolute import in,importfromsimple,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Analog import dial,importfromsimple,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Phone.Mobile.Analog import dial,importfromsimple,501
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cli4vof import cli4vof,importfromsimple,504
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","from the main handler, we import the",importfromsimple,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cli4vof import cli4vof,importfromsimple,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cli4vof import cli4vof,importfromsimple,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cli4vof import cli4vof,importfromsimple,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","from cli4vof, the import of",importfromsimple,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from mymod import C,importfromsimple,528
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from random import choice,importfromsimple,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from randseq import RandSeq,importfromsimple,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from math import pi,importfromsimple,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import ctime,importfromsimple,608
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from warnings import warn,importfromsimple,609
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from warnings import warn,importfromsimple,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from os.path import getsize,importfromsimple,636
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from subprocess import call,importfromsimple,653
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","from Python in 2.5, and import either",importfromsimple,676
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from os import popen,importfromsimple,687
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from re import split,importfromsimple,687
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from string import lowercase,importfromsimple,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from sys import maxint,importfromsimple,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import ctime,importfromsimple,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","from these modules, rather than importing the entire module, we choose in this case to import 
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from these modules. Our decision to use from-import rather than import was,importfromsimple,690
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import ctime,importfromsimple,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import ctime,importfromsimple,714
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from SocketServer import TCPServer,importfromsimple,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import ctime,importfromsimple,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import ctime,importfromsimple,725
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from ftplib import FTP,importfromsimple,737
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from ftplib import FTP,importfromsimple,738
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from nntplib import NNTP,importfromsimple,745
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from nntplib import NNTP,importfromsimple,746
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from smtplib import SMTP,importfromsimple,754
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from poplib import POP3,importfromsimple,757
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from poplib import POP3,importfromsimple,758
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from smtplib import SMTP,importfromsimple,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from poplib import POP3,importfromsimple,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import sleep,importfromsimple,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import ctime,importfromsimple,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from myThread import MyThread,importfromsimple,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from random import randint,importfromsimple,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import sleep,importfromsimple,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Queue import Queue,importfromsimple,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from myThread import MyThread,importfromsimple,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import sleep,importfromsimple,813
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from sys import argv,importfromsimple,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from htmllib import HTMLParser,importfromsimple,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from urllib import urlretrieve,importfromsimple,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cStringIO import StringIO,importfromsimple,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from base64 import encodestring,importfromsimple,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from urllib import quote_plus,importfromsimple,862
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from string import capwords,importfromsimple,862
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cgi import FieldStorage,importfromsimple,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from os import environ,importfromsimple,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from cStringIO import StringIO,importfromsimple,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from pyPgSQL import PgSQL,importfromsimple,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from urllib import urlopen,importfromsimple,953
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import ctime,importfromsimple,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from urllib import urlopen,importfromsimple,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import Tk,importfromsimple,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import sleep,importfromsimple,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from tkMessageBox import showwarning,importfromsimple,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import Tk,importfromsimple,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import sleep,importfromsimple,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from tkMessageBox import showwarning,importfromsimple,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import Tk,importfromsimple,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import sleep,importfromsimple,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from tkMessageBox import showwarning,importfromsimple,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import Tk,importfromsimple,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from time import sleep,importfromsimple,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from tkMessageBox import showwarning,importfromsimple,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from Tkinter import Tk,importfromsimple,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from tkMessageBox import showwarning,importfromsimple,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from urllib import urlopen,importfromsimple,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from java.lang import System,importfromsimple,971
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from pawt import swing,importfromsimple,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",from mymodule import foo,importfromsimple,996
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = nm # class instance (data) attribute,simpleattr,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = nm # set name,simpleattr,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = ph  # set phone#,simpleattr,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = newph,simpleattr,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.empid = id,simpleattr,516
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = em,simpleattr,516
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = newem,simpleattr,516
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.empid = id,simpleattr,545
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = em,simpleattr,545
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = Name(nm) # create Name instance,simpleattr,548
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = Phone(ph) # create Phone instance,simpleattr,548
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = 100,simpleattr,564
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","self.value = round(val, 2)",simpleattr,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = hr  # assign hours,simpleattr,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.min = min  # assign minutes,simpleattr,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", +=,simpleattr,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.min += other.min,simpleattr,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.__data = obj,simpleattr,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = name,simpleattr,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.__x = ~x,simpleattr,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.x = x,simpleattr,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.__x = ~x,simpleattr,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.x = x,simpleattr,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.__x = ~x,simpleattr,607
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.res = self.func(*self.args),simpleattr,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.dirs.config(selectbackground='red'),simpleattr,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.cookies[tag] = \,simpleattr,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.cookies[tag] = \,simpleattr,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.cookies['user'] == '':,simpleattr,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.cookies['user'] = '',simpleattr,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.error = 'At least one language required.',simpleattr,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",self.fn = '',simpleattr,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",counter += 1,assignIncrement,43
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x += 1,assignIncrement,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",anInt += 1,assignIncrement,123
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",warn += 1,assignIncrement,292
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count += 1,assignIncrement,299
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count += 1,assignIncrement,299
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for (eachVal = 2; eachVal < 19; eachVal += 3) {,assignIncrement,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25 oops += 1,assignIncrement,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count[0] += 1,assignIncrement,463
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count += 1,assignIncrement,475
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",InstCt.count += 1,assignIncrement,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",C.version += 0.1  # update (only) via class,assignIncrement,540
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",C.spam += 100 # update class attribute,assignIncrement,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",C.spam += 200 # update class attribute again,assignIncrement,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","place"" operators, for example, __iadd__(). This is for supporting an operation like mon += tue and having",assignIncrement,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mon += tue,assignIncrement,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",24 +=,assignIncrement,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25  self.min += other.min,assignIncrement,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x += 1,assignIncrement,635
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",17  em += choice(lowercase),assignIncrement,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",22  dn += choice(lowercase),assignIncrement,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",75 count += 1,assignIncrement,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",69  langStr += AdvCGI.langItem % \,assignIncrement,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",41  row += 1,assignIncrement,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",subtot += int(raw_input('enter a number: ')),assignIncrement,983
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i += 1,assignIncrement,992
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(debug=True):,funcdefault,52
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def func(posargs, defarg1=dval1, defarg2=dval2,...):",funcdefault,436
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def taxMe(cost, rate=0.0825):",funcdefault,436
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def net_conn(host, port=80, stype='tcp'):",funcdefault,437
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def usuallyAdd2(x, y=2):",funcdefault,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def reduce(bin_func, seq, init=None):",funcdefault,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def counter(start_at=0):,funcdefault,463
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def counter(start_at=0):,funcdefault,475
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def countToFour3(n=1):,funcdefault,477
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def my_exit_func(old_exit = prev_exit_func):,funcdefault,657
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def partition(N=5):,funcdefault,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def partition(start=0,stop=1,eps=5):",funcdefault,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def partition(N=5):,funcdefault,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def filename(self, url, deffile='index.htm'):",funcdefault,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,44
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,44
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,45
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,45
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range() function has been often seen with len(),rangefunc,45
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,46
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range([[start, ]stop[,step])",rangefunc,58
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,60
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(), a sibling of the range()",rangefunc,98
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range() generates an unusually large data set. You can find out more about range(),rangefunc,98
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,98
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(-1, 100)",rangefunc,103
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range() Takes the same input as range(),rangefunc,150
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,163
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(-1, -len(s), -1)",rangefunc,164
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,164
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(-1, -len(s), -1))",rangefunc,164
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(256) (e.g., between 0 and 255)",rangefunc,187
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(65536),rangefunc,187
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(1114112) or 0x000000-0x110000. If a value does not fall within the allowable range(s),rangefunc,187
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(256),rangefunc,187
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(1114112),rangefunc,197
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,219
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,219
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(1,3)])",rangefunc,263
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,289
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range() built-in function (which we will discuss in more detail below),rangefunc,302
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(len(nameList)),rangefunc,302
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,302
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,303
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,303
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,303
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,303
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(start, end, step=1)",rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(2, 19, 3)",rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(3, 7)",rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(end),rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(start, end)",rangefunc,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(5),rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range() is exactly the same as the long version of range(),rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(start=0, end, step=1)",rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range() is similar to range() except that if you have a really large range list, xrange()",rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range() will eventually become like xrange(),rangefunc,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(6),rangefunc,316
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range()) is made (as opposed to threerange(), map()",rangefunc,316
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(3) for y in range(5),rangefunc,317
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(). What argument(s) could we give to the range(),rangefunc,325
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(9),rangefunc,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(6),rangefunc,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(6),rangefunc,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(len(pick))),rangefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(1,5)) for who, uid in randName()])",rangefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(1,5)))",rangefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(1,5)) for who, uid in randName()])",rangefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(1,5))",rangefunc,915
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(1,5)])) for who, uid in randName()",rangefunc,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(1,5)])))",rangefunc,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(5)),rangefunc,983
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(0, 21, 2)",rangefunc,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(21),rangefunc,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","range(1, 21, 2)",rangefunc,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(21),rangefunc,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(),rangefunc,991
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range(10),rangefunc,991
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range( ),rangefunc,1068
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range( ),rangefunc,1068
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range( ),rangefunc,1081
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range( ),rangefunc,1083
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range( ),rangefunc,1100
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",range( ),rangefunc,1122
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,32
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def addMe2Me(x):,simplefunc,51
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showname(self):,simplefunc,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showver(self):,simplefunc,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def displayNumType(num):,simplefunc,109
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def displayNumType(num):,simplefunc,110
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __nonzero__(self):,simplefunc,148
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def pushit():,simplefunc,224
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def popit():,simplefunc,224
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def viewstack():,simplefunc,224
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showmenu():,simplefunc,224
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def enQ():,simplefunc,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def deQ():,simplefunc,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def viewQ():,simplefunc,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showmenu():,simplefunc,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo1():,simplefunc,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo2():,simplefunc,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo3():,simplefunc,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def newuser():,simplefunc,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showmenu():,simplefunc,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showMaxFactor(num):,simplefunc,310
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def odd(n):,simplefunc,317
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def safe_float(obj):,simplefunc,374
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def safe_float(obj):,simplefunc,375
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def safe_float(obj):,simplefunc,376
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def safe_float(obj):,simplefunc,377
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def safe_float(obj):,simplefunc,382
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,382
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def hello():,simplefunc,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar():,simplefunc,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar():,simplefunc,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(x):,simplefunc,420
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def doprob():,simplefunc,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def function_name(arguments):,simplefunc,425
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def helloSomeone(who):,simplefunc,425
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,425
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar():,simplefunc,426
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,426
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,426
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar():,simplefunc,426
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,427
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,428
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar():,simplefunc,428
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def staticFoo():,simplefunc,429
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def tsfunc(func):,simplefunc,431
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def wrappedFunc():,simplefunc,431
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,433
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar(argfunc):,simplefunc,433
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def firstNonBlank(lines):,simplefunc,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def firstLast(webpage):,simplefunc,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def true():,simplefunc,446
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def odd(n):,simplefunc,450
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,460
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,461
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,461
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,462
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar():,simplefunc,462
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def incr():,simplefunc,463
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def f1():,simplefunc,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def f2():,simplefunc,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def f3():,simplefunc,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def logged(when):,simplefunc,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def pre_logged(f):,simplefunc,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def post_logged(f):,simplefunc,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,468
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def proc1():,simplefunc,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def proc2():,simplefunc,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def factorial(n):,simplefunc,472
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def randGen(aList):,simplefunc,474
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def countToFour1():,simplefunc,477
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def countToFour2(n):,simplefunc,477
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,486
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def show():,simplefunc,493
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def omh4cli():,simplefunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def cli4vof():,simplefunc,505
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def cli4vof():,simplefunc,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def functionName(args):,simplefunc,522
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,546
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(cls):,simplefunc,546
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(self):,simplefunc,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(self):,simplefunc,553
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(self):,simplefunc,553
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(self):,simplefunc,553
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def keys(self):,simplefunc,556
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def keys(self):,simplefunc,557
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(self):,simplefunc,558
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(self):,simplefunc,558
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar(self):,simplefunc,558
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar(self):,simplefunc,558
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,573
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def next(self):,simplefunc,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def get(self):,simplefunc,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def get(self):,simplefunc,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(self):,simplefunc,601
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def barBar():,simplefunc,601
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def get_x(self):,simplefunc,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def get_x(self):,simplefunc,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def get_pi(dummy):,simplefunc,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def fget(self):,simplefunc,607
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo(data):,simplefunc,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def keys(self):,simplefunc,621
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def foo():,simplefunc,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def bar():,simplefunc,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def usage():,simplefunc,657
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def handle(self):,simplefunc,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def connectionMade(self):,simplefunc,725
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def sendData(self):,simplefunc,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def connectionMade(self):,simplefunc,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,739
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def displayFirst20(data):,simplefunc,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def loop0():,simplefunc,776
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def loop1():,simplefunc,776
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,776
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def loop0():,simplefunc,779
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def loop1():,simplefunc,779
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,779
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,780
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def __call__(self):,simplefunc,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def run(self):,simplefunc,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def getResult(self):,simplefunc,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def run(self):,simplefunc,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def fib(x):,simplefunc,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def fac(x):,simplefunc,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def sum(x):,simplefunc,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def writeQ(queue):,simplefunc,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def readQ(queue):,simplefunc,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def OnInit(self):,simplefunc,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def handler_version(url):,simplefunc,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def request_version(url):,simplefunc,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showForm():,simplefunc,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def process():,simplefunc,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showError(error_str):,simplefunc,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def process():,simplefunc,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def showError(self):,simplefunc,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def do_GET(self):,simplefunc,884
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def setup():,simplefunc,910
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def randName():,simplefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def update(cur):,simplefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def delete(cur):,simplefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def dbDump(cur):,simplefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def insert(self):,simplefunc,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def update(self):,simplefunc,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def delete(self):,simplefunc,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def dbDump(self):,simplefunc,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def finish(self):,simplefunc,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def create(self):,simplefunc,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def insert(self):,simplefunc,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def update(self):,simplefunc,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def delete(self):,simplefunc,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def dbDump(self):,simplefunc,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def main():,simplefunc,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def drop(self):,simplefunc,922
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def excel():,simplefunc,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def word():,simplefunc,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def ppoint():,simplefunc,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def outlook():,simplefunc,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def excel():,simplefunc,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def quit(e):,simplefunc,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def sqcube():,simplefunc,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def cirsph():,simplefunc,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",def isprime(num):,simplefunc,991
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a (meaningful) value. (Functions that do not explicitly,return,26
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a value by the programmer automatically return None, Python's equivalent to NULL.) An example",return,26
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value is the abs() function, which takes a number and",return,26
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values. Get all the,return,31
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value, and then display the results to the user. This will",return,31
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return True,return,32
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a Boolean value indicating the,return,33
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values (None, Python's NULL object is returned by default if one is not given.)",return,51
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return (x + x),return,51
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return x + x,return,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return that which we borrowed back to the,return,81
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value of raw_input(), which in",return,85
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the user to,return,85
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 value of the call. We get the seemingly innocent output of <type 'int'>, but what you need to realize is",return,95
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a zero value.,return,96
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values,return,97
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return type object,return,105
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value is a type object.,return,105
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values as C's strcmp(). The comparison used is the one that applies for that type,return,106
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values from repr() can be evaluated, not",return,107
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the exact same string.,return,107
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return either TRue or False.,return,112
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a long in Python 2.4,return,127
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the numerical value,return,139
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the,return,142
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return string,return,144
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a string with,return,144
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return Booleans.,return,147
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return False,return,148
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return False,return,148
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a calculation. The caller can perform any output desired with the return value.,return,153
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the product of two numbers.,return,153
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the total time in minutes only.,return,155
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the Annual,return,155
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return true if the membership is confirmed and False otherwise.,return,159
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value (or more accurately, a return value of None). There is",return,159
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value but are only interested in one or more elements and not the,return,160
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value, so we could not have used:",return,164
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a signed string in Python 2.4.,return,180
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an,return,182
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template)",return,183
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return

"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an equivalent decoded/encoded,return,202
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return match objects,return,206
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a specific object from a list.,return,210
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the result.,return,217
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values diminishes as mixed objects come into,return,217
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value!,return,222
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a value. The most,return,222
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return None! Yes, it does fly in the face of string methods that do",return,222
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values:,return,222
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a new object. If returning an,return,222
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return objects. However, obviously the",return,222
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the last or requested item from a list and return it to the,return,223
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return argument from a function that we would like to manipulate,",return,235
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return obj1, obj2, obj3",return,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return [obj1, obj2, obj3]",return,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return (obj1, obj2, obj3)",return,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return of three objects, which come back as a tuple of three",return,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a string with the equivalent English text of each,return,247
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return the same time interval in hours and minutes,",return,247
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return another string similar to the input string, but",return,247
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the index of the first,return,249
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value.,return,249
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return it.,return,250
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return entry w/key,return,257
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values other than -1, 0, or 1. The algorithm pursues",return,261
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a positive number if,return,261
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a,return,261
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a positive number if, using the same key, the value in dict1 is",return,261
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an iterator instead of a list,return,265
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return it.,return,267
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return lists. This can be unwieldy if such data,return,268
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return iterators, which by lazier",return,268
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an integer.,return,269
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return as long as the user gives the login and correct password. New users cannot,return,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return as long as they remember their login,return,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return (shallow) copy of,return,284
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an,return,284
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return one as output, but the",return,288
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value or data is returned to the client who may either drop,return,300
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return true if any or all items traversed across an iterator have a Boolean true value,",return,313
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return n % 2,return,317
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a value and ""pause"" the execution of that code and resume",return,319
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a generator that,return,319
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return longest,return,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return longest,return,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return longest,return,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return max(allLineLens),return,322
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return longest,return,322
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a file or file-,return,330
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a string like the other two input methods. Instead, it reads all",return,334
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return it,return,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return leaf name,return,347
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return directory path,return,347
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return retval,return,375
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value more flexible. Perhaps you documented that if a proper argument was passed to,return,375
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a string indicating the problem with the input value. We modify our code one more time,return,375
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return retval,return,376
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return retval,return,382
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return retval,return,382
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value of this method is the context object that will,return,390
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value,return,390
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value is thrown away. So for our file object example, its context",return,390
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return anything from __exit__() or return None or some other Boolean False,return,391
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return any object that has a Boolean TRue value. If an exception did,return,391
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return tuple(myargs),return,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return tuple(myargs),return,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the set of arguments as a,return,406
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an error message to present to the,return,409
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a ""special"" value in the",return,410
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value from a function call. This may be cumbersome because you may have to check return,return,410
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return None as a valid data value? Then you would have to come up with,return,410
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value, perhaps a negative number. We probably do not need to remind you that negative",return,410
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return error,return,410
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return None to the callers so that they can open files without an,return,414
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a complex number,return,415
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value to the caller. Some functions are Boolean in,return,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a value. As you will see below, Python",return,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a value back to their callers and those that are more procedural in nature do not,return,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return anything at all. Languages that treat procedures as functions usually have a special type,return,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return nothing."" These functions default to a return type of ""void"" in",return,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return object type is None.,return,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value is,return,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return only one value/object from a function in Python. One,return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return more than a,return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return ['xyz', 1000000, -98.6]",return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 'abc', [42, 'python'], ""Guido""",return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return ('abc', [4-2j, 'python'], ""Guido"")",return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values are concerned, tuples can be saved in a number of ways. The following three",return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values are equivalent:,return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value in the,return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value is allowed, but in all honesty, Python follows the same tradition. The programmer is just",return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return more than one object. Table 11.1 summarizes the,return,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 value. In Python, no direct type correlation can be made since Python is dynamically typed and functions",return,419
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values of different types. Because overloading is not a feature, the programmer can use the",return,419
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return it.,return,423
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return ""Hello "" + str(who)",return,425
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a decorator that takes the function as an argument. In other words, decomaker()",return,430
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return func(),return,431
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return wrappedFunc,return,431
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value of the decorator is the,return,432
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return [func(eachNum) for eachNum in seq],return,434
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return cost + (cost * rate),return,436
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return cost * (1.0 + rate),return,437
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return eachLine,return,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value packaged with the return,return,444
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value of the function on success or False with the cause of failure.,return,444
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the evaluation of an,return,446
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return True,return,446
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return True,return,446
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return x + y,return,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return x+y,return,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return z,return,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value is the return value of,return,448
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values in a list; if func is None, func behaves as the",return,448
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 value; if initial value init given, first compare will be of init and first",return,448
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return filtered_seq,return,449
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value of False or true comes back (as per the definition of a Boolean functionensure that indeed,return,450
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return one or the other). If bool_func() returns TRue for any sequence item, that",return,450
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return sequence. When iteration over the entire sequence has been,return,450
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return n % 2,return,450
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values.,return,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value list that is comprised of each application of the function. So if your,return,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return mapped_seq,return,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the result as a tuple into,return,453
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return res  # return result,return,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return x+y,return,455
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return x+y,return,455
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value.,return,456
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return global_str + local_str,return,460
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return count[0],return,463
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return incr,return,463
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return f(*args, **kargs)",return,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return wrapper,return,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return wrapper,return,467
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return the wrapped function object, which then is reassigned to the",return,468
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 1,return,472
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return (n * factorial(n-1)),return,472
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value from it, and when calling back into one,",return,473
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a value to the caller and to pause,return,473
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return or end-of-function is,return,473
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the,return,478
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 8 and 4,",return,478
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the largest and smallest,return,478
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a list of only leap,return,478
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value, time elapsed. You can use time.clock() or",return,479
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a loader object. The finder can also take a path for finding subpackages. The loader is,return,496
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return dictionaries of the global and local namespaces,",return,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return those,return,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the same dictionary because the,return,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 a valid instance so that the interpreter can then call __init__() with that instance as self. Calling a",return,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return count,return,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return InstCt.count,return,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return float(days) * daily,return,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return home.,return,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return any object because the instance object is automatically,return,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return any object (or return,return,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return any object other than None will result in a TypeError exception:,return,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 1,return,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return None,return,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return float.__new__(cls, round(val, 2))",return,555
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return super(RoundFloat, cls).__new__(",return,556
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return sorted(super(,return,556
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return sorted(self.keys()),return,557
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return true if the first argument is a subclass of any of the candidate classes in the given,return,562
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return TRue if the first argument is an instance of any of the candidate types and,return,563
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a dictionary of the attributes (keys) and values of the given object,return,565
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return TRue if obj1 is of type,return,566
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return obj.attr; if attr is not,return,566
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a floating point value, regardless of whether floats or integers make up the",return,571
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return str(self.value),return,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return '%.2f' % self.value,return,573
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return '%.2f' % self.value,return,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return '%d:%d' % (, self.min)",return,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a new object:,return,575
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 self. Let us add the following bits of code to our example, fixing our repr() issue above as well as",return,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self,return,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return '%d:%d' % (, self.min)",return,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self,return,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self,return,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return choice(,return,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self,return,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return retval,return,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return any,return,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return and call the object's next() for each item. If,return,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return whatever items we have saved up (break and,return,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return an integer less than zero if obj1 < obj2, greater than zero if obj1 > obj2, or equal to zero if the",return,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the result. The interesting thing is,return,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return -1, 0, or 1 for us. It is, as described above, an integer less than, equal",return,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a value of 1 if (n1 > n2) and (s1,return,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return '[%d :: %r]' % \,return,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self.__num or len(self.__string),return,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return cmp(cmpres, 0)",return,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self.__norm_cval(,return,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return '[%d :: %s]' % (self.__num, self.__string)",return,584
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values of cmp() to 1, and",return,585
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values to only -1, 0,",return,585
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 0,return,585
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return it for access or invocation. The way the special method,return,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self.__data,return,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 'self.__data',return,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return str(self.__data),return,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return getattr(self.__data, attr)",return,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return getattr(, attr)",return,589
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self.__data,return,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return getattr(self, '_%s__%stime' % \",return,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return ctime(self.gettimeval(t_type)),return,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 'self.__data',return,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return str(self.__data),return,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return getattr(self.__data, attr)",return,592
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return str(self.file),return,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 'self.file',return,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return getattr(self.file, attr)",return,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return true if obj is an instance of the given type or an instance of a subclass of the given type.,return,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the desired object.,return,598
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return ~self.__x,return,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return ~self.__x,return,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return pi,return,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return ~self.__x,return,607
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return locals(),return,607
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 'Instance of class:', \",return,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 'Instance of class:', \",return,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 'self.value',return,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return val,return,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return int(self.value),return,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return sorted(self.keys()),return,621
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return True,return,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return True,return,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return true. The one difference between the two is that foo() has no attributes while bar() gets a,return,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return output as well as,return,648
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return the exit code (on Windows, the exit code",return,648
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return twice... once for the parent,return,648
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value from system() and,return,649
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value is always,return,651
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value is always the process identifier (aka process ID,",return,651
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value of 0. This is how we can differentiate the two processes.,return,651
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return to Python (since Python,return,652
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return to the calling program is the exit() function,return,656
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a new one,return,659
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a,return,676
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return match object on success, None on failure",return,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return match object on success, None on",return,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a list of matches,return,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return list of successful matches, splitting at most max times",return,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return the entire match, or a specific subgroup, if requested. groups() will simply",return,678
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a tuple consisting of only/all the subgroups. If there are no subgroups requested, then groups()",return,678
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a,return,690
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return ""int"". (Ditto for all",return,696
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 the same data but prepended with the current timestamp. The final line is never executed, but is there",return,710
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return and NEWLINE characters in both the client and server,return,721
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return and NEWLINE) each way. The server just retains and,return,722
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return data back to the client.,return,725
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return its current date/timestamp, i.e., time.ctime(time.time())",return,730
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 dir's file listing.",return,730
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a message to the client indicating success. The client should have slept or,return,731
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
 33  print '*** Changed to ""%s"" folder' % DIRN",return,740
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return and) quit on any failure. We attempt to login as,return,740
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a tuple (rsp, ct, fst, lst, group):",return,745
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
 20  except nntplib.NNTPPermanentError, e:",return,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
 24  print '*** Connected to host ""%s""' % HOST",return,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
 40  print '*** Found newsgroup ""%s""' % GRNM",return,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return vals,return,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return and NEWLINE \r\n pairs.,return,754
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self._shortcmd('PASS %s' % pswd),return,758
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self._getresp(),return,758
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return data for that message only,return,759
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values.,return,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self.res,return,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 1,return,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return (fib(x-2) + fib(x-1)),return,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 1,return,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return (x * fac(x-1)),return,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 1,return,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return (x + sum(x-1)),return,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values of,return,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return True,return,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the,return,833
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return path,return,842
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
  110 robot = Crawler(url)",return,843
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the resulting string.,return,844
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return url,return,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return req,return,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return HTML back to the server.,return,852
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 the resulting HTML page back to the user. All the ""real"" work in this script takes place in only four lines",return,857
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return the appropriate HTTP headers first,return,857
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return to the form page with information already provided, we have",return,862
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return to a form page to update the data he or,return,864
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return to the client must embed these,return,871
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return to form.,return,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return it,return,884
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return an ""OK"" status (200) and forward the downloaded Web page. If the file was not found,",return,885
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return 
 code of 200 (OK [no error]) and how many times each link was accessed.",return,890
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return codes in the 400s or,return,890
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a ""thank you"" screen.",return,890
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a ""thanks for filling out a guestbook entry"" page. Also provide a link",return,890
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return them to the calling client. Add support for plain text files with,return,891
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return the correct MIME type of ""text/plain.""",return,891
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a real 404 error. You must set urllib._urlopener with an,return,892
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an object that faithfully emulates or,return,902
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value of execute() redefined,return,904
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value for nextset() when there is a new result set,return,904
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return RDBMSs[raw_input(''',return,910
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return fr, to, getRC(cur)",return,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return rm, getRC(cur)",return,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return
 146 cur = cxn.cursor()",return,913
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return self.users.insert().execute(*d).rowcount,return,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return fr, to, \",return,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return rm, \",return,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return getattr(self.users, attr)",return,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return fr, to, i+1",return,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return rm, i+1",return,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a string whose,return,934
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return s;,return,935
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 0;,return,935
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return to the world of,return,937
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return values we designate, convert them to",return,937
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return value, convert it back to a Python integer, then return from the",return,937
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 1 on successful parsing and 0 otherwise.,return,937
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return object, either a single",return,938
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value,return,938
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return NULL;,return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return retval;,return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a NULL, in which case we also return one. In our",return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return object, a Python integer, again using a conversion code of ""i."" Py_BuildValue() creates",return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return NULL;,return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue(""i"", fac(num));",return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return a single value, we are going to",return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a pair of,return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return NULL;,return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue(""ss"", orig_str, \",return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return the original one as well, we need a string to reverse, so the best candidate is just a copy",return,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return object and then free the memory that we allocated in our wrapper. We,return,940
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return NULL;,return,940
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return retval;,return,940
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return object.,return,940
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return back to the caller. Now we are done.,return,940
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue("""");",return,944
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return (n)*fac(n-1);,return,945
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return s;,return,945
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return 0;,return,945
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return NULL;,return,945
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue(""i"", fac(num));}",return,945
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return NULL;,return,946
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return retval;,return,946
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue("""");",return,946
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return None by building a PyObject with an empty string;,return,947
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return PyNone;,return,947
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a string representation of an,return,985
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return an evaluatable string representation of an object,",return,985
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return True,return,991
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return (x+y, x*y)",return,995
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","return

"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return either true or False.,return,1012
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return a signed string in Python 2.4+.,return,1019
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an iterator instead of a list,return,1025
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return (shallow) copy of s,return,1028
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return an,return,1028
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return it,return,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value,return,1044
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values,return,1070
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value,return,1081
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return value(s) 2nd 3rd 4th,return,1102
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",return values and function,return,1114
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if it is both in your path and available. Just type:,simpleif,8
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if conditional statement follows this syntax:,simpleif,42
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if expression:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if x < .0:
  print '""x"" must be atleast 0!'",simpleif,42
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if in the following manner:,simpleif,42
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if expression:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if with the following syntax:,simpleif,42
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if  expression1:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if expression2:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if the exception you are anticipating occurs:,simpleif,50
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if debug:
  ...  print 'in debug mode'",simpleif,52
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if isinstance(num, (int, long, float, complex)):
  6 print 'a number of type:', type(num).__name__",simpleif,109
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if type(num) == type(0):
  print 'an integer'",simpleif,110
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if len(myInput) > 1:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if myInput[0] not in alphas:
 15  print '''invalid: first symbol must be",simpleif,174
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if otherChar not in alphas + nums:
 21 print '''invalid: remaining",simpleif,174
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if otherChar not in alphas + nums:,simpleif,175
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if otherChar not in alphnums:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if 
 they do want to explicitly remove an entire list, they use the del statement:",simpleif,210
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if needed:,simpleif,214
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if eachMediaType in music_media:
  print music_media.index(eachMediaType)",simpleif,222
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if choice == 'q':
 42  break",simpleif,225
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if choice == 'q':
 42 break",simpleif,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if 
 not given), fromkeys():",simpleif,254
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if choice not in 'neq':
 45 print 'invalid option, try again'",simpleif,271
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if an item is a member (or not) of a set:
  >>> 'k' in s",simpleif,274
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if statement is:,simpleif,292
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if expression:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not warn and (system_load >= 10):
  print ""WARNING: losing resources""",simpleif,292
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if balance > 0.00:
  if balance - amt > min_bal and atm_cashout():",simpleif,294
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if balance > 0.00:
  if balance - amt > min_bal and atm_cashout():",simpleif,294
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if expression1:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if expression2:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if user.cmd == 'create':
  action = ""create item""",simpleif,295
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if user.cmd == 'delete':
  action = 'delete item'",simpleif,295
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if x < y:
 ...  smaller = x",simpleif,297
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if certain criteria are met (or not):,simpleif,314
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not eachURL.startswith('http://'):
  allURLs.remove(eachURL)  # YIKES!!",simpleif,315
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if statement:,simpleif,316
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if linelen > longest:
  longest = linelen",simpleif,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if linelen > longest:
  longest = linelen",simpleif,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if linelen > longest:
  longest = linelen",simpleif,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if x > 0:
  # statement B",simpleif,324
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if x < 0:
  # statement C",simpleif,324
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if os.path.isdir(tmpdir):
 6  break",simpleif,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if tmpdir:
 12  os.chdir(tmpdir)",simpleif,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if both exceptions are managed by the same handler:,simpleif,382
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if written as a function. It would probably look something like this:
 def assert(expr, args=None):",simpleif,397
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if __debug__ and not expr:
  raise AssertionError, args",simpleif,397
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if isinstance(args, IOError):
 13 myargs = []",simpleif,403
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if newarg:
 19 myargs.append(newarg)",simpleif,403
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if os.access(file, permd[eachPerm]):
 35 perms += eachPerm",simpleif,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if isinstance(args, IOError):
 40 myargs = []",simpleif,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if 
 the arguments are not given in the correct order:
 >>> def taxMe2(rate=0.0825, cost):",simpleif,437
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not eachLine.strip():
 8  continue",simpleif,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if bool_func(eachItem):
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if clo:
 21  print ""f3 closure vars:"", [str(c) for c in clo]",simpleif,465
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if clo:
 28 print ""f2 closure vars:"", [str(c) for c in clo]",simpleif,465
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if clo:
 35  print ""f1 closure vars:"", [str(c) for c in clo]",simpleif,465
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if we ran into this problem interactively:
 >>> import sys",simpleif,484
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if cli4vof() is called, it will not have the omh4cli name loaded yet:",simpleif,506
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if the class attribute is mutable:
  >>> class Foo(object):",simpleif,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if you want to):
  class TestStaticMethod:",simpleif,546
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if isinstance(other, NumStr):
 16  return self.__class__(self.__num + \",simpleif,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if isinstance(num, int):
 25  return self.__class__(self.__num * num",simpleif,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if cmpres < 0:
  return -1",simpleif,585
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if cmpres > 0:
  return 1",simpleif,585
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not in FileDescr.saved:
 14  raise AttributeError, \",simpleif,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if isinstance(data, int):
  print 'you entered an integer'",simpleif,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if isinstance(data, str):
  print 'you entered a string'",simpleif,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if individual operators had been part of the implementation:
  >>> from operator import *  # import all operators",simpleif,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if the keys() method were (re)written as:,simpleif,621
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if dtype == 'n':
 33 start = input('Starting value? ')",simpleif,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if ltype == 'f':
 44 exec_str = exec_dict['f'] % (var, seq, var)",simpleif,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if ltype == 'w':
 47 if dtype == 's':",simpleif,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if dtype == 'n':
 53 exec_str = exec_dict['n'] % \",simpleif,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if foo():
 13 print 'PASSED'",simpleif,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if isinstance(obj, type(foo)):
 21 if hasattr(obj, '__doc__'):",simpleif,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if hasattr(obj, 'tester'):
 24 print 'Function ""%s"" has a tester... execut",simpleif,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if argc < 3:
 12  usage()",simpleif,657
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if old_exit is not None and callable(old_exit):
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not data:
  23 break",simpleif,710
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if data:
  12  print '...sending %s...' % data",simpleif,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if line:
 64 lower = line.lower()",simpleif,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not lastBlank or (lastBlank and line):
 73 print '  %s' % line",simpleif,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if line:,simpleif,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if initdir:
 56 self.cwd.set(os.curdir)",simpleif,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not check:
 67 check = os.curdir",simpleif,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not os.path.exists(tdir):
 77 error = tdir + ': no such file'",simpleif,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not os.path.isdir(tdir):
 79 error = tdir + ': not a directory'",simpleif,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if error:
 82 self.cwd.set(error)",simpleif,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if path[-1] == '/':
  25  path += deffile",simpleif,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if eachLink not in self.q:
  88 self.q.append(eachLink)",simpleif,843
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if form.has_key('person'):
 44 who = form['person'].value",simpleif,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if form.has_key('howmany'):
 49  howmany = form['howmany'].value",simpleif,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if form.has_key('action'):
 54  doResults(who, howmany)",simpleif,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if form.has_key('person'):
 62 who = capwords(form['person'].value)",simpleif,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if form.has_key('howmany'):
 67 howmany = form['howmany'].value",simpleif,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not error:
 76  if form.has_key('action') and \",simpleif,864
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if environ.has_key('HTTP_COOKIE'):
 39  for eachCookie in map(strip, \",simpleif,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if self.cookies['info'] != '':
 54 self.who, langStr, self.fn = \",simpleif,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if eachLang in self.langs:
 66  langStr += AdvCGI.langItem % \",simpleif,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if form.has_key('lang'):
 169  langdata = form['lang']",simpleif,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if form.has_key('upfile'):
 179 upfile = form[""upfile""]",simpleif,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if upfile.file:
 182 self.fp = upfile.file",simpleif,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not self.error:
 190 self.doResults()",simpleif,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if db == 'sqlite':
 25 try:",simpleif,911
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if db == 'sqlite':
 107 cur.executemany(""INSERT INTO users VALUES(?, ?, ?)"",",simpleif,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if db == 'gadfly':
 110  for who, uid in randName():",simpleif,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if db == 'mysql':
 114  cur.executemany(""INSERT INTO users VALUES(%s, %s, %s)"",",simpleif,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if not cxn:
 144  print 'ERROR: %r not supported, exiting' % db",simpleif,913
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if you run this script:,simpleif,925
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if N/A):,simpleif,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if __name__=='__main__':
 31 Tk().withdraw()",simpleif,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if __name__=='__main__':
 31 Tk().withdraw()",simpleif,962
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if __name__=='__main__':
 33 Tk().withdraw()",simpleif,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if __name__=='__main__':
 33 Tk().withdraw()",simpleif,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if __name__=='__main__':
 50 Tk().withdraw()",simpleif,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if i % 2 == 0:
  print i",simpleif,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if len(iden) > 0:
  if iden[0] not in alphas:",simpleif,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if len(iden) > 1:
  for eachChar in iden[1:]:",simpleif,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if eachChar not in alnums:
  print ""Error: others must be alnum""",simpleif,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if iden not in keyword.kwlist:
  print 'ok'",simpleif,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","if i == num:
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aTuple = ('robots', 77, 93, 'try')",simpleTuple,39
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x, y, z) = (1, 2, 'a string')",simpleTuple,70
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","names = ('Faye', 'Leanna', 'Daylen')",simpleTuple,160
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aTuple = (123, 'abc', 4.56, ['inner', 'tuple'], 7-9j)",simpleTuple,231
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","anotherTuple = (None, 'something to see here')",simpleTuple,231
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","emptiestPossibleTuple = (None,)",simpleTuple,231
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","tup1 = (12, 34.56)",simpleTuple,232
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","tup2 = ('abc', 'xyz')",simpleTuple,232
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","t = (['xyz', 123], 23, -103.4)",simpleTuple,233
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","2, 4) == (3, -1)",simpleTuple,234
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","2, 4) == (2, 4)",simpleTuple,234
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","t = ('third', 'fourth')",simpleTuple,235
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","t = (['xyz', 123], 23, -103.4)",simpleTuple,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","albums = ('Poe', 'Gaudi', 'Freud', 'Poe2')",simpleTuple,306
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","years = (1976, 1987, 1990, 2003)",simpleTuple,306
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","myTuple = (123, 'xyz', 45.67)",simpleTuple,313
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x_product_pairs = ((i, j) for i in rows for j in cols())",simpleTuple,320
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","pathname, basename) ==
 ('/tmp/example', 'filetest.txt')",simpleTuple,349
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","filename, extension) ==
 ('filetest', '.txt')",simpleTuple,349
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","pathname, basename) ==
 ('c:\\windows\\temp\\example', 'filetest.txt')",simpleTuple,350
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","filename, extension) ==
 ('filetest', '.txt')",simpleTuple,350
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","7 myseq = (123, 45.67, -6.2e8, 999999999L)",simpleTuple,434
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dictVarArgs('one', d=10, e='zoo', men=('freud', 'gaudi'))",simpleTuple,442
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aTuple = (6, 7, 8)",simpleTuple,443
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","opvec = (add, sub, mul, div)",simpleTuple,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8 doms = ( 'com', 'edu', 'net', 'org', 'gov' )",simpleTuple,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  ADDR = (HOST, PORT)",simpleTuple,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8  ADDR = (HOST, PORT)",simpleTuple,711
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  ADDR = (HOST, PORT)",simpleTuple,714
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8  ADDR = (HOST, PORT)",simpleTuple,715
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  ADDR = (HOST, PORT)",simpleTuple,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8  ADDR = (HOST, PORT)",simpleTuple,722
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","20  args=(i, loops[i]))",simpleTuple,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6  loops = (4, 2)",simpleTuple,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18  font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold'))",simpleTuple,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8 size=(200, 140))",simpleTuple,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","25  choices=('dog', 'cat', 'hamster','python'))",simpleTuple,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","91  NAMES = (
 92  ('aaron', 8312), ('angela', 7603), ('dave', 7306)",simpleTuple,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8 FIELDS = ('login', 'uid', 'prid')",simpleTuple,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","10 FIELDS = ('login', 'uid', 'prid')",simpleTuple,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","retval = (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue(""i"", res)",simpleTuple,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6 ticks = ('YHOO', 'GOOG', 'EBAY', 'AMZN')",simpleTuple,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 TICKS = ('YHOO', 'GOOG', 'EBAY', 'AMZN')",simpleTuple,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","12 COLS = ('TICKER', 'PRICE', 'CHG', '%AGE')",simpleTuple,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","38  sh.Cells(row, 2).Value = ('%.2f' % round(float(price), 2))",simpleTuple,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aList = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,39
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aList = [3.14e10, '2nd elmt of a list', 8.82-4.371j]",simpleList,68
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aList = [123, 'xyz']",simpleList,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aList += [45.6e7],simpleList,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","myList = [123, x, 'xyz']",simpleList,82
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","foolist = [123, 'xba', 342.23, 'abc']",simpleList,98
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","3, 'abc'] == ['abc', 3]",simpleList,100
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","3, 'abc'] == [3, 'abc']",simpleList,100
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","a = [ 5, 'hat', -9.3]",simpleList,102
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aList = ['ammonia', 83, 85, 'lady']",simpleList,116
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","anotherList = [None, 'something to see here']",simpleList,209
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aListThatStartedEmpty = [],simpleList,209
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","list1 = ['abc', 123]",simpleList,211
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","list2 = ['xyz', 789]",simpleList,211
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","list3 = ['abc', 123]",simpleList,211
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","num_list = [43, -1.23, -2, 6.19e5]",simpleList,211
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","str_list = ['jack', 'jumped', 'over', 'candlestick']",simpleList,211
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","num_list[2:4] = [16.0, -49]",simpleList,212
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","num_list[0] = [65535L, 2e30, 76.45-1.3j]",simpleList,212
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","num_list = [43, -1.23, -2, 6.19e5]",simpleList,213
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","str_list = ['jack', 'jumped', 'over', 'candlestick']",simpleList,213
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","list1, list2 = [123, 'xyz'], [456, 'abc']",simpleList,216
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","s = ['They', 'stamp', 'them', 'when', ""they're"", 'small']",simpleList,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","albums = ['tales', 'robot', 'pyramid']",simpleList,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fn = ['ian', 'stuart', 'david']",simpleList,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","ln = ['bairnson', 'elliott', 'paton']",simpleList,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","a = [6, 4, 5]",simpleList,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","a = [6., 4., 5.]",simpleList,219
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aList = ['tao', 93, 99, 'time']",simpleList,219
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",music_media = [45],simpleList,221
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",motd = [],simpleList,223
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",3 stack = [],simpleList,224
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",3 queue = [],simpleList,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","t[0][1] = ['abc', 'def']",simpleList,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","person = ['name', ('savings', 100.00)]",simpleList,241
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","nameList = ['Walter', ""Nicole"", 'Steven', 'Henry']",simpleList,302
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","nameList = ['Cathy', ""Terry"", 'Joe', 'Heather', 'Lucy']",simpleList,302
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","seq = [11, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 8, 23, 9, 7, 18, 12, 11, 12]",simpleList,317
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","rows = [1, 2, 3, 17]",simpleList,320
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aList = [],simpleList,370
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","simple enough such that we could have just called randint() twice to get our operands, i.e., nums = 
 [randint (1,10), randint(1,10)]",simpleList,423
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",filtered_seq = [],simpleList,449
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",allNums = [],simpleList,450
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",allNums = [],simpleList,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",allNums = [],simpleList,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mapped_seq = [],simpleList,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = [start_at],simpleList,463
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12  retval = [],simpleList,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",NumStr1 = [n1 :: s1] and NumStr2 = [n2 :: s2],simpleList,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","repeating or concatenating the strings, i.e., NumStr1 * NumStr2 = [n1 * n :: s1 * n]",simpleList,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",when NumStr = [0 :: ''],simpleList,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7  saved = [],simpleList,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","vec1 = [12, 24]",simpleList,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","vec2 = [2, 3, 4]",simpleList,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","myList = [932, 'grail', 3.0, 'arrrghhh']",simpleList,640
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",vals = [0] + vals + [1],simpleList,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",vals = [start] + vals + [stop],simpleList,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",vals = [0] + vals + [1],simpleList,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13 origBody = ['xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz']",simpleList,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6  loops = [4,2]",simpleList,780
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 locks = [],simpleList,780
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6  loops = [4,2]",simpleList,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 threads = [],simpleList,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6  loops = [4,2]",simpleList,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25 threads = [],simpleList,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25 threads = [],simpleList,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","21  funcs = [fib, fac, sum]",simpleList,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",36  threads = [],simpleList,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","28  funcs = [writer, reader]",simpleList,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",35  threads = [],simpleList,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",59 self.langs = ['Python'],simpleList,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",167  self.langs = [],simpleList,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Extension('Extest', sources=['Extest2.c']",simpleList,942
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","setup('Extest', ext_modules=[...]",simpleList,942
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18 body = [""Line %d"" % i for i in RANGE]",simpleList,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for key in aDict:,forsimple,40
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNum in range(3):,forsimple,45
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for c in foo:,forsimple,45
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(len(foo)):,forsimple,45
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, ch in enumerate(foo):",forsimple,46
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in squared:,forsimple,47
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in sqdEvens:,forsimple,47
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in fobj:,forsimple,48
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in fobj:,forsimple,87
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for 
 people who aren't used to floor division. One of van Rossum's use cases is featured in his ""What's New 
 in Python 2.2"" talk:",forsimple,134
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNum in range(10):,forsimple,142
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i in range(-1, -len(s), -1):",forsimple,164
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for otherChar in myInput[1:]:,forsimple,174
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for otherChar in myInput[1:]:,forsimple,175
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for otherChar in myInput[1:]:,forsimple,176
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, t in enumerate(s):",forsimple,186
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for t in reversed(s):,forsimple,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, album in enumerate(albums):",forsimple,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, j in zip(fn, ln):",forsimple,218
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for 
 lists, parentheses for tuples, etc., defaults to tuples, as indicated in these short examples:",forsimple,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for key in dict2.keys():,forsimple,255
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for key in dict2:,forsimple,255
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachKey in dict2.keys():,forsimple,266
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachKey in sorted(dict2):,forsimple,266
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in s:,forsimple,274
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(5):,forsimple,280
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for iter_var in iterable:,forsimple,301
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachName in nameList:,forsimple,302
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for nameIndex in range(len(nameList)):,forsimple,302
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, eachLee in enumerate(nameList):",forsimple,303
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for eachVal in range(2, 19, 3):",forsimple,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for count in range(2, 5):",forsimple,305
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for album in sorted(albums):,forsimple,306
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for album in reversed(albums):,forsimple,306
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, album in enumerate(albums):",forsimple,306
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for album, yr in zip(albums, years):",forsimple,306
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for eachNum in range(10, 21):",forsimple,310
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in seq:,forsimple,313
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for 
 eachKey in myDict as shown here:",forsimple,314
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLegend in legends:,forsimple,314
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in myFile:,forsimple,314
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in myFile:,forsimple,314
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachURL in allURLs:,forsimple,315
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachKey in myDict:,forsimple,315
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for pair in x_product_pairs:,forsimple,320
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for line in allLines:,forsimple,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for line in allLines:,forsimple,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in f:,forsimple,335
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in allLines:,forsimple,336
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in f:,forsimple,337
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in fobj:,forsimple,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in fobj:,forsimple,351
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in f:,forsimple,390
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachItem in exc_tuple:,forsimple,411
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for both, i.e., there is no naming conflict in this snippet of code:",forsimple,427
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(2):,forsimple,432
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in lines:,forsimple,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachXtrArg in theRest:,forsimple,441
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachXtrArg in theRest.keys():,forsimple,441
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNKW in nkw:,forsimple,442
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachKW in kw.keys():,forsimple,442
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachItem in seq:,forsimple,449
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNum in range(9):,forsimple,450
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNum in range(9):,forsimple,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNum in range(9):,forsimple,451
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachItem in seq:,forsimple,452
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for item in lseq:,forsimple,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNum in allNums:,forsimple,455
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachItem in simpleGen():,forsimple,474
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for item in randGen(['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']):",forsimple,474
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNum in range(5):,forsimple,477
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for eachNum in range(n, 5):",forsimple,477
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for eachNum in range(n, 5):",forsimple,477
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachItem in range(howmany):,forsimple,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for j in range(1,5):",forsimple,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in f:,forsimple,594
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for your attribute, as shown here in this next example:",forsimple,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachOp in opvec:,forsimple,612
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for 
 built-in methods as it does for BIFsnote how we have to provide a built-in type (object or reference) in 
 order to access a BIM:",forsimple,627
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachNum in range(req):,forsimple,633
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachAttr in dir():,forsimple,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for, changed in the same manner:",forsimple,645
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in data:,forsimple,654
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in f.readlines():,forsimple,686
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in f.readlines():,forsimple,687
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i in range(randint(5, 10)):",forsimple,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for j in range(shorter):,forsimple,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for j in range(longer):,forsimple,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in data:,forsimple,746
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for j in range(2*N+1):,forsimple,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for line in lines:,forsimple,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for j in range(2*N+1):,forsimple,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in msg:,forsimple,758
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,780
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,780
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nloops:,forsimple,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in  nfuncs:,forsimple,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nfuncs:,forsimple,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nfuncs:,forsimple,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nfuncs:,forsimple,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(loops):,forsimple,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(loops):,forsimple,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nfuncs:,forsimple,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nfuncs:,forsimple,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in nfuncs:,forsimple,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachSign in SIGNS:,forsimple,812
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachFile in dirlist:,forsimple,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLang in AdvCGI.langSet:,forsimple,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachCookie in self.cookies.keys():,forsimple,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLang in self.langs:,forsimple,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLang in langdata:,forsimple,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for data in cur.fetchall():,forsimple,907
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for data in cur.fetchall():,forsimple,907
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in rows:,forsimple,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachUser in cur.fetchall():,forsimple,909
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for data in cur.fetchall():,forsimple,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for data in res.fetchall():,forsimple,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for who, uid in randName():",forsimple,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, user in enumerate(users):",forsimple,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, user in enumerate(users):",forsimple,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for usr in,forsimple,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for row in u:,forsimple,953
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for row in csv.reader(u):,forsimple,953
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for row in u:,forsimple,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in RANGE:,forsimple,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in RANGE:,forsimple,962
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in RANGE:,forsimple,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(4):,forsimple,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for data in u:,forsimple,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachChar in s:,forsimple,982
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(len(s)):,forsimple,982
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, x in enumerate(s):",forsimple,983
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(5):,forsimple,983
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i in range(0, 22, 2):",forsimple,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(22):,forsimple,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i in range(1, 20, 2):",forsimple,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(20):,forsimple,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for i in range(len(list1)):,forsimple,989
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for i, x in enumerate(list1):",forsimple,989
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for eachLine in f:,forsimple,992
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",for loop in with the following:,forsimple,1008
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","for tick, price, chg, per in csv.reader(f):",forsimple,1008
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",counter = counter + 1,assignwithSum,35
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","and -- are also unary operators, Python will interpret --n as -(-n) == n, and the same is true for ++n.",assignwithSum,35
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = (x = x + 1) # assignments not expressions!,assignwithSum,68
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = (x = x + 1),assignwithSum,68
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = x = x + 1,assignwithSum,68
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = x + 1,assignwithSum,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",objects will have the same effect as A = A + B (with a new object allocated) except that A is only,assignwithSum,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo2 = 1.3 + 3.0,assignwithSum,101
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",elif type(num) == type(0+0j):,assignwithSum,110
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = i + 1,assignwithSum,115
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = i + 1,assignwithSum,115
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aList[2] = aList[2] + 1,assignwithSum,116
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aComplex = 1.23+4.56J,assignwithSum,123
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aString = aString[:6] + 'Python!',assignwithSum,169
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aString = aString[:3] + aString[4:],assignwithSum,169
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5 alphas = string.letters + '_',assignwithSum,174
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",alphnums = alphas + nums,assignwithSum,176
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = s + 'def',assignwithSum,194
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",list3 = list2 + [789],assignwithSum,216
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",tup3 = tup1 + tup2,assignwithSum,232
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","t = t + ('free', 'easy')",assignwithSum,233
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = s + ' second',assignwithSum,235
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","t = t + ('fifth', 'sixth')",assignwithSum,235
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","10 fac_list = range(1, num_num+1)",assignwithSum,248
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",23  i = i + 1,assignwithSum,248
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",v = s + t,assignwithSum,278
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 op = choice('+-'),assignwithSum,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","a = lambda x, y=2: x + y",assignwithSum,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = lambda :x+y,assignwithSum,468
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = lambda y=y: x+y,assignwithSum,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = lambda y=y: x+y,assignwithSum,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = lambda z:x+z,assignwithSum,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = lambda :x+y,assignwithSum,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = + 1,assignwithSum,525
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 3+0.14j,assignwithSum,539
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo.x = Foo.x + 0.2,assignwithSum,541
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","obj. For example, __iadd__(self, obj) is called for self = self + obj.",assignwithSum,571
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",wrappedComplex = WrapMe(3.5+4.2j),assignwithSum,588
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","eval_code = compile('100 + 200', '', 'eval')",assignwithSum,633
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",counter = counter + 1,assignwithSum,639
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",eachIndex = eachIndex + 1,assignwithSum,640
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29 recvBody = msg[sep+1:],assignwithSum,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",21  path = parsedurl[1] + parsedurl[2],assignwithSum,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",name=Georgina+Garcia&hmdir=%7eggarcia',assignwithSum,844
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",26  friends = friends + fradio % \,assignwithSum,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",40  friends = friends + fradio % \,assignwithSum,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",53  newurl = url + '?action=reedit&person=%s&howmany=%s'%\,assignwithSum,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",116  langlist = langlist + '<LI>%s<BR>' % eachLang,assignwithSum,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",20 top.visible = 1 # or True for Jython 2.2+,assignwithSum,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",alphas = string.letters + '_',assignwithSum,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",alnums = alphas + string.digits,assignwithSum,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",directories given to the set path or PATH= directive. Adding the full path to where your Python interpreter,simpleAssign,10
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",,simpleAssign,23
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",user = raw_input('Enter login name: '),simpleAssign,30
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",num = raw_input('Now enter a number: '),simpleAssign,30
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",2 == 4,simpleAssign,33
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6.2 <= 6,simpleAssign,33
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6.2 <= 6.2,simpleAssign,33
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6.2 <= 6.20001,simpleAssign,33
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Python currently supports two ""not equal"" comparison operators, != and <>. These are the C-style and",simpleAssign,34
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",2 < 4 and 2 == 4,simpleAssign,34
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",not 6.2 <= 6,simpleAssign,34
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",counter = 0,simpleAssign,35
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",miles = 1000.0,simpleAssign,35
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",kilometers = 1.609 * miles,simpleAssign,35
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",n = n * 10,simpleAssign,35
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",n *= 10,simpleAssign,35
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aList[1] = 5,simpleAssign,39
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aTuple[1] = 5,simpleAssign,39
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aDict['port'] = 80 # add to dict,simpleAssign,40
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",counter = 0,simpleAssign,43
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",filename = raw_input('Enter file name: '),simpleAssign,48
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",version = 0.1  # class (data) attribute,simpleAssign,53
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo1 = FooClass(),simpleAssign,54
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo2 = FooClass('Jane Smith'),simpleAssign,54
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Open file fn with mode ('r' = read, 'w' = write)",simpleAssign,58
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if (weather_is_hot == 1) and \,simpleAssign,65
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",shark_warnings == 0):,simpleAssign,65
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 1,simpleAssign,68
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",m = 12,simpleAssign,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",m %= 7,simpleAssign,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",m **= 2,simpleAssign,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = y = z = 1,simpleAssign,69
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x, y, z = 1, 2, 'a string'",simpleAssign,70
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",tmp = x;,simpleAssign,70
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = y;,simpleAssign,70
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = tmp;,simpleAssign,70
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x, y = 1, 2",simpleAssign,70
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x, y = y, x",simpleAssign,70
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 4,simpleAssign,80
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 3.14,simpleAssign,81
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = x,simpleAssign,81
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",The statement x = 3.14 allocates a floating point number (float) object and assigns a reference x to it. x,simpleAssign,81
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","is the first reference, hence setting that object's refcount to one. The statement y = x creates an alias y,",simpleAssign,81
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 3.14,simpleAssign,82
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = x,simpleAssign,82
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = foo,simpleAssign,82
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = 123,simpleAssign,82
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 123,simpleAssign,82
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 ls = os.linesep,simpleAssign,84
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 fname = raw_input('Enter filename: '),simpleAssign,87
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Given the assignment x, y, z = 1, 2, 3, what do x, y, and z contain?",simpleAssign,90
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","What do x, y, and z contain after executing: z, x, y = y, z, x?",simpleAssign,90
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",expr1 <= expr2 expr1 is less than or equal to expr2,simpleAssign,99
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",expr1 >= expr2 expr1 is greater than or equal to expr2,simpleAssign,99
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",expr1 == expr2 expr1 is equal to expr2,simpleAssign,99
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",expr1 != expr2 expr1 is not equal to expr2 (C-style),simpleAssign,99
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","a] This ""not equal"" sign will be phased out in future version of Python. Use != instead.",simpleAssign,99
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",2 == 2,simpleAssign,99
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",2.46 <= 8.33,simpleAssign,99
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5+4j >= 2-3j,simpleAssign,99
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4 > 3 == 3  # same as ( 4 > 3 ) and ( 3 == 3 ),simpleAssign,100
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4 < 3 < 5 != 2 < 7,simpleAssign,100
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo1 = foo2 = 4.3,simpleAssign,100
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo1 = 4.3,simpleAssign,101
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo2 = foo1,simpleAssign,101
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","one variable. When foo2 = foo1 occurs, foo2 is directed to the same object as foo1 since Python deals",simpleAssign,101
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo1 = 4.3,simpleAssign,101
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",id(a) == id(b),simpleAssign,102
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",b = a,simpleAssign,102
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",b = 2.5e-5,simpleAssign,102
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",a = 1,simpleAssign,103
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",b = 1,simpleAssign,103
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = 1.0,simpleAssign,103
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d = 1.0,simpleAssign,103
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","to create a new integer object rather than an alias, as in b = a.",simpleAssign,103
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x, y = 3.1415926536, -1024",simpleAssign,104
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i == 0 if obj1 == obj2,simpleAssign,105
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = Foo(),simpleAssign,108
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = Bar(),simpleAssign,108
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",elif type(num) == type(0L):,simpleAssign,110
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",elif type(num) == type(0.0):,simpleAssign,110
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if type(num) == type(0)...,simpleAssign,110
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if type(num) == types.IntType...,simpleAssign,110
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = 0,simpleAssign,115
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = 0,simpleAssign,115
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",a = 10,simpleAssign,121
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",b = 10,simpleAssign,121
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = 100,simpleAssign,121
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d = 100,simpleAssign,121
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",e = 10.0,simpleAssign,121
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = 10.0,simpleAssign,121
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",anInt = 1,simpleAssign,123
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aFloat = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795,simpleAssign,123
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aFloat = 2.718281828,simpleAssign,123
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aLong = 999999999l,simpleAssign,126
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5.2 == 5.2,simpleAssign,133
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",719 >= 833,simpleAssign,133
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5+4e >= 2-3e,simpleAssign,133
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",77 > 66 == 66 # same as ( 77 > 66 )and ( 66 == 66 ),simpleAssign,133
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",0. < -90.4 < 55.3e2 != 3 < 181,simpleAssign,133
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",rate = distance / totalTime,simpleAssign,134
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","to cast both to floats, i.e., rate = float(distance) / float(totalTime). With the upcoming change to",simpleAssign,134
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","int(obj, base=10)",simpleAssign,140
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","long(obj, base=10)",simpleAssign,140
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","complex(str) or complex(real, imag=0.0) Returns complex number representation of str, or builds",simpleAssign,140
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","The round() built-in function has a syntax of round(flt,ndig=0). It normally rounds a floating point",simpleAssign,142
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","pow(num1, num2, mod=1) Raises num1 to num2 power, quantity modulo mod if provided",simpleAssign,144
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","round(flt, ndig=0)",simpleAssign,144
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Takes ASCII value num and returns ASCII character as string; 0 <= num <= 255 only,simpleAssign,145
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = 42,simpleAssign,147
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = foo < 100,simpleAssign,147
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C(),simpleAssign,148
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C(),simpleAssign,148
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","True, False = False, True",simpleAssign,148
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dec = Decimal(.1),simpleAssign,149
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dec = Decimal('.1'),simpleAssign,149
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",other = _convert_other(other),simpleAssign,149
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Generate a list of a random number (1 < N <= 100) of random numbers (0 <= n <= 
 231-1). Then randomly select a set of these numbers (1 <= N <= 100), sort them, and",simpleAssign,156
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","section), this gives an index with the range 0 <= index <= len (sequence)-1.",simpleAssign,160
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sequence), i.e., -len(sequence) <= index <= -1. The difference between the positive and negative",simpleAssign,160
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","max(iter, key=None) or max(arg0, arg1..., key=None)[b] Returns ""largest"" element in iter or returns",simpleAssign,166
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","min(iter, key=None) or min(arg0, arg1.... key=None)",simpleAssign,166
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sorted(iter, func=None, key=None, reverse=False)[c]",simpleAssign,166
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sum(seq, init=0)[a]",simpleAssign,166
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = str(range(4))  # turn list to string,simpleAssign,168
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",str2 != str3,simpleAssign,171
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","final_index  = len(aString) - 1
  = 4 - 1",simpleAssign,172
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","start:end], start <= x < end.",simpleAssign,172
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 nums = string.digits,simpleAssign,174
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 myInput = raw_input('Identifier to test? '),simpleAssign,174
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",length = len(myString),simpleAssign,175
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = urllib.urlopen('http://' # protocol,simpleAssign,177
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",num = 123,simpleAssign,181
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",MM/DD/YY = 02/15/67',simpleAssign,182
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = Template('There are ${howmany} ${lang} Quotation Symbols'),simpleAssign,182
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","print s.substitute(lang='Python', howmany=3)",simpleAssign,182
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",val = mapping[named],simpleAssign,183
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='\\[rtfvn]', r'Hello World!\n')",simpleAssign,184
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='\\[rtfvn]', r'Hello World!\n')",simpleAssign,184
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","user_input = raw_input(""Enter your name: "")",simpleAssign,186
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.count(str, beg= 0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,188
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.endswith(obj, beg=0, end=len(string))[b],",simpleAssign,188
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",string.expandtabs(tabsize=8),simpleAssign,188
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.find(str, beg=0end=len(string))",simpleAssign,188
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.index(str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,188
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","not found, string_pre_str == string",simpleAssign,189
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.replace(str1, str2, num=string.count",simpleAssign,189
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.rfind(str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,189
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.rindex( str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,189
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.split(str="""", num=string.count(str))",simpleAssign,190
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.splitlines(num=string.count('\n'))[b],[c] Splits string at all (or num) NEWLINEs and returns",simpleAssign,190
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.startswith(obj, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,190
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",FORM><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Back,simpleAssign,194
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9 hello_out = u""Hello world\n""",simpleAssign,200
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 bytes_out = hello_out.encode(CODEC),simpleAssign,200
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",18 hello_in = bytes_in.decode(CODEC),simpleAssign,200
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",list2 > list3 and list1 == list3,simpleAssign,211
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",resulting in list1 < list2 and list2 >= list3. Tuple comparisons are performed in the same manner as,simpleAssign,211
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",hr *= 30,simpleAssign,214
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i for i in range(8) if i % 2 == 0 ],simpleAssign,214
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aTuple = tuple(aList),simpleAssign,219
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aList == aTuple,simpleAssign,219
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",anotherList = list(aTuple),simpleAssign,219
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aList == anotherList,simpleAssign,219
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","list.index(obj, i=0, j=len(list))",simpleAssign,220
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Returns lowest index k where list[k]==obj and,simpleAssign,220
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i<= k<j; otherwise ValueError raised,simpleAssign,220
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","list.sort(func=None, key=None, reverse=False)[b] Sorts list members with optional comparison",simpleAssign,221
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9 if len(stack) == 0:,simpleAssign,224
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9 if len(queue) == 0:,simpleAssign,228
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","aTuple = aTuple[0], aTuple[1], aTuple[-1]",simpleAssign,232
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x, y = 1, 2",simpleAssign,236
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",hubby = person[:]  # slice copy,simpleAssign,240
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",wifey = list(person) # fac func copy,simpleAssign,240
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",hubby[1][1] = 50.00,simpleAssign,240
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",hubby = person,simpleAssign,241
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",wifey = copy.deepcopy(person),simpleAssign,241
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",hubby[1][1] = 50.00,simpleAssign,241
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",newPerson = copy.deepcopy(person),simpleAssign,241
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4 num_str = raw_input('Enter a number: '),simpleAssign,248
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 num_num = int(num_str),simpleAssign,248
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14 i = 0,simpleAssign,248
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",20  if num_num % fac_list[i] == 0:,simpleAssign,248
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fdict = dict((['x', 1], ['y', 2]))",simpleAssign,254
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","key=name, value=earth",simpleAssign,255
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","key=port, value=80",simpleAssign,255
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","key=name, value=earth",simpleAssign,255
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","key=port, value=80",simpleAssign,255
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict3['1'] = 3.14159,simpleAssign,256
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict2['port'] = 6969 # update existing entry,simpleAssign,256
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d[k] = v  # set value 'v' in dictionary with key 'k',simpleAssign,258
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict1['port'] = 8080,simpleAssign,260
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict1['port'] = 80,simpleAssign,260
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cdict['oranges'] = 0,simpleAssign,261
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",ddict['apples'] = 0,simpleAssign,261
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict(x=1, y=2)",simpleAssign,263
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict8 = dict(x=1, y=2)",simpleAssign,263
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict9 = dict(**dict8),simpleAssign,263
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict9 = dict8.copy(),simpleAssign,263
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","c] (seq, val=None)",simpleAssign,265
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict.get(key, default=None)",simpleAssign,265
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict.setdefault (key, default=None)",simpleAssign,265
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","e] Similar to get(), but sets dict[key]=default if key is not",simpleAssign,265
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict4 = dict2.copy(),simpleAssign,267
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dict1['foo'] = 123,simpleAssign,269
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",34 done = False,simpleAssign,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",37  chosen = False,simpleAssign,270
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","40 choice =
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",47 chosen = True,simpleAssign,271
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",49  if choice == 'q': done = True,simpleAssign,271
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","cid:135)


"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = set('cheeseshop'),simpleAssign,274
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",t = frozenset('bookshop'),simpleAssign,274
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",len(s) == len(t),simpleAssign,274
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s == t,simpleAssign,274
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s -= set('pypi'),simpleAssign,275
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = set('cheeseshop'),simpleAssign,276
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",t = frozenset('bookshop'),simpleAssign,276
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","n improper) subset of the other, e.g., both expressions s <= t and s >= t are true, or (s <= t and s >= 
 t) is TRue. Equality (or inequality) is independent of set type or ordering of members when the sets",simpleAssign,276
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s == t,simpleAssign,276
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s != t,simpleAssign,276
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",u = frozenset(s),simpleAssign,276
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s == u,simpleAssign,276
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",set('posh') == set('shop'),simpleAssign,276
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",set('bookshop') >= set('shop'),simpleAssign,277
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",v = s | t,simpleAssign,278
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = set('cheeseshop'),simpleAssign,278
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",u = frozenset(s),simpleAssign,278
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s |= set('pypi'),simpleAssign,278
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = set(u),simpleAssign,278
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s &= set('shop'),simpleAssign,279
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = set(u),simpleAssign,279
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s -= set('shop'),simpleAssign,279
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = set(u),simpleAssign,279
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",t = frozenset('bookshop'),simpleAssign,279
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s ^= t,simpleAssign,279
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = set(u),simpleAssign,280
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s == t,simpleAssign,283
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s != t,simpleAssign,283
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s <= t,simpleAssign,283
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s >= t,simpleAssign,283
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Strict) subset test; s != t and all,simpleAssign,283
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Strict) superset test: s != t and all,simpleAssign,283
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s |= t,simpleAssign,284
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s &= t,simpleAssign,284
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s -= t,simpleAssign,284
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s.symmetric_ difference_ update(t) s ^= t,simpleAssign,284
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","abcdef', then tr() would output'mnodef'. Note that len(srcstr) == len(dststr).",simpleAssign,288
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","abcdefghi', then tr() would output 'mnoghi'. Note now that len(srcstr) >= len",simpleAssign,289
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",id =,simpleAssign,293
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",valid = True,simpleAssign,293
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",valid = False,simpleAssign,293
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if (((balance - amt) > min_bal) && (atm_cashout() == 1)),simpleAssign,293
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","action = msgs.get(user.cmd, default)",simpleAssign,296
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x, y = 4, 3",simpleAssign,297
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",smaller = y,simpleAssign,297
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",smaller = x if x < y else y,simpleAssign,297
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = 0,simpleAssign,299
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = 0,simpleAssign,299
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","handle, indata = wait_for_client_connect()",simpleAssign,300
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",outdata = process_request(indata),simpleAssign,300
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","will then return a list where for any k, start <= k < end and k iterates from start to end in",simpleAssign,304
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = num / 2,simpleAssign,307
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",valid = False,simpleAssign,308
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = 3,simpleAssign,308
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4  count = num / 2,simpleAssign,310
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = iter(myTuple),simpleAssign,313
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",fetch = iter(seq),simpleAssign,313
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",longest = 0,simpleAssign,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",longest = 0,simpleAssign,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",allLines = f.readlines(),simpleAssign,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",linelen = len(line.strip()),simpleAssign,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",longest = 0,simpleAssign,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",linelen = len(line),simpleAssign,321
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",longest = max(len(x.strip()) for x in f),simpleAssign,322
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Which of the statements above will be executed if x = = 0?,simpleAssign,324
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","input is f == 2, t == 26, and i == 4, the program would output: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22,",simpleAssign,324
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",that number. A shorthand for N factorial is N! where N! == factorial(N) == 1 * 2 * 3,simpleAssign,325
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","N-2) * (N-1) * N. So 4! == 1 * 2 * 3 * 4. Write a routine such that given N, the",simpleAssign,325
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",filename = raw_input('Enter file name: '),simpleAssign,336
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",allLines = f.readlines(),simpleAssign,336
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",filename = raw_input('Enter file name: '),simpleAssign,337
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",filename = raw_input('Enter file name: '),simpleAssign,338
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",file.readlines(sizhint=0),simpleAssign,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",", whence=0)",simpleAssign,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Moves to a location within file, off bytes offset from whence (0 == 
 beginning of file, 1 == current location, or 2 == end of file)",simpleAssign,339
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","file.truncate(size=file.tell()) Truncates file to at most size bytes, the default being the current",simpleAssign,340
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13  cwd = os.getcwd(),simpleAssign,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",20  cwd = os.getcwd(),simpleAssign,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","39  path = os.path.join(cwd, os.listdir (cwd)[0])",simpleAssign,348
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cwd = os.getcwd(),simpleAssign,350
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cwd = os.getcwd(),simpleAssign,350
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","path = os.path.join(cwd, os.listdir(cwd)[0])",simpleAssign,351
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",myInst = myClass(),simpleAssign,370
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",retval = None,simpleAssign,375
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 retval = float(obj),simpleAssign,382
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8 retval = str(diag),simpleAssign,382
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 def updArgs(args, newarg=None):",simpleAssign,403
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 myargs = list(args),simpleAssign,403
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",24 if args[0] == errno.EACCES and \,simpleAssign,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29 pkeys = permd.keys(),simpleAssign,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",43 myargs = list(args),simpleAssign,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",51  myargs = args,simpleAssign,404
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",exc_tuple = sys.exc_info(),simpleAssign,411
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d) >>> x = 4 % 0,simpleAssign,414
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = math.sqrt(-1),simpleAssign,414
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",res = hello(),simpleAssign,417
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aTuple = bar(),simpleAssign,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x, y, z = bar()",simpleAssign,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","a, b, c) = bar()",simpleAssign,418
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Keyword calls to foo(): foo(x=42)  foo(x='bar') foo(x=y),simpleAssign,420
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","net_conn(port=8080, host='chino')",simpleAssign,420
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 MAXTRIES = 2,simpleAssign,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12 nums.sort(reverse=True),simpleAssign,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 ans = ops[op](*nums),simpleAssign,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 oops = 0,simpleAssign,422
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 - 2 = 5,simpleAssign,424
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 * 6 = 42,simpleAssign,424
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 * 3 = 20,simpleAssign,424
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 * 3 = 22,simpleAssign,424
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 * 3 = 23,simpleAssign,424
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 * 3 = 21,simpleAssign,424
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 * 3 = 21,simpleAssign,424
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 - 5 = 2,simpleAssign,424
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar.version = 0.1,simpleAssign,427
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",version'] = 0.1. The reason for this is,simpleAssign,427
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",staticFoo = staticmethod(staticFoo),simpleAssign,429
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","method, but note how ""sloppy"" it looks with def staticFoo() followed by staticFoo = staticmethod",simpleAssign,429
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",func = deco2(deco1(func)),simpleAssign,430
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Function composition in math is defined like this: (g · f)(x) = g(f(x)). For consistency in Python:,simpleAssign,430
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",is the same as foo = g(f(foo)).,simpleAssign,430
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = deco(foo),simpleAssign,430
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = decomaker(deco_args)(foo),simpleAssign,430
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",func = deco1(deco_arg)(deco2(func)),simpleAssign,431
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = foo,simpleAssign,433
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","net_conn(port=8080, host='chino')",simpleAssign,437
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","net_conn(port=81, host='chino') # use stype def arg",simpleAssign,437
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14  lines = f.readlines(),simpleAssign,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",21  process=firstLast):,simpleAssign,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25  retval = None,simpleAssign,438
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dictVarArgs(arg2='tales', c=123, d='poe', arg1='mystery')",simpleAssign,442
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","newfoo('wolf', 3, 'projects', freud=90, gamble=96)",simpleAssign,442
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","newfoo(10, 20, 30, 40, foo=50, bar=60)",simpleAssign,442
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","newfoo(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5, *aTuple, **aDict)",simpleAssign,443
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25 print '%s(%s) = FAILED:' % \,simpleAssign,444
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",int(1234) = 1234,simpleAssign,444
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",int(12.34) = 12,simpleAssign,444
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",int('1234') = 1234,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",int('12.34') = FAILED: invalid literal for int(): 12.34,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",long(1234) = 1234L,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",long(12.34) = 12L,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",long('1234') = 1234L,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",long('12.34') = FAILED: invalid literal for long(): 12.34,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",float(1234) = 1234.0,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",float(12.34) = 12.34,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",float('1234') = 1234.0,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",float('12.34') = 12.34,simpleAssign,445
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",true = lambda :True,simpleAssign,447
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",b = lambda *z: z,simpleAssign,448
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lseq = list(seq)  # convert to list,simpleAssign,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",res = lseq.pop(0)  # no,simpleAssign,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",res = init  # yes,simpleAssign,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","res = bin_func(res, item)  # apply function",simpleAssign,454
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","allNums = range(5)  # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleAssign,455
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",total = 0,simpleAssign,455
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","total = mySum(total, eachNum)",simpleAssign,455
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","add1 = partial(add, 1)  # add1(x) == add(1, x)",simpleAssign,456
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mul100 = partial(mul, 100) # mul100(x) == mul(100, x)",simpleAssign,456
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","baseTwo = partial(int, base=2)",simpleAssign,457
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","If you create the partial function without the base keyword, e.g., baseTwoBAD = partial(int, 2), it would",simpleAssign,457
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","left of the runtime arguments, meaning that baseTwoBAD(x) == int(2, x). If you call it, it would pass in 2",simpleAssign,457
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","baseTwoBAD = partial(int, 2)",simpleAssign,457
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","always come after the formal arguments, so baseTwo(x) == int(x, base=2).",simpleAssign,457
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 root = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","7 MyButton = partial(Tkinter.Button, root,",simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9 b1 = MyButton(text='Button 1'),simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 b2 = MyButton(text='Button 2'),simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 qb = MyButton(text='QUIT', bg='red',",simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12  command=root.quit),simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","15 qb.pack(fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True)",simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","b1 = Tkinter.Button(root, fg='white', bg='blue', text='Button 1')",simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","b2 = Tkinter.Button(root, fg='white', bg='blue', text='Button 2')",simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","qb = Tkinter.Button(root, fg='white', text='QUIT', bg='red',",simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",command=root.quit),simpleAssign,458
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = 200,simpleAssign,461
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = 100,simpleAssign,461
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",m = 3,simpleAssign,462
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",n = 4,simpleAssign,462
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = counter(5),simpleAssign,463
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count2 = counter(100),simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",int 'w' id=0x2003788 val=1>,simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",int 'x' id=0x200377c val=2>,simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",int 'y' id=0x2003770 val=3>,simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",int 'z' id=0x2003764 val=4>,simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4 w = x = y = z = 1,simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 x = y = z = 2,simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 y = z = 3,simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13  z = 4,simpleAssign,464
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",19  clo = f3.func_closure,simpleAssign,465
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",26  clo = f2.func_closure,simpleAssign,465
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",33 clo = f1.func_closure,simpleAssign,465
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",20  now = time(),simpleAssign,466
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 10,simpleAssign,468
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = 5,simpleAssign,468
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 10,simpleAssign,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = 5,simpleAssign,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = 8,simpleAssign,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 10,simpleAssign,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = 5,simpleAssign,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = 8,simpleAssign,469
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 10,simpleAssign,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = 5,simpleAssign,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",y = 8,simpleAssign,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","2 j, k = 1, 2",simpleAssign,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6 j, k = 3, 4",simpleAssign,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8 k = 5,simpleAssign,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12 j = 6,simpleAssign,470
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",17 k = 7,simpleAssign,471
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",21 j = 8,simpleAssign,471
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","factorial(N) = N!
  = N * (N-1)!",simpleAssign,472
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","We can now see that factorial is recursive because factorial(N) = N * factorial(N-1). In other words,",simpleAssign,472
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if n == 0 or n == 1: # 0! = 1! = 1,simpleAssign,472
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",myG = simpleGen(),simpleAssign,474
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = start_at,simpleAssign,475
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = counter(5),simpleAssign,475
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","files = filter(lambda x: x and x[0] != '.', os.",simpleAssign,479
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = 200,simpleAssign,486
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = 100,simpleAssign,487
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo.version = 0.2,simpleAssign,487
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bag = MyUltimatePythonStorageDevice(),simpleAssign,487
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bag.x = 100,simpleAssign,487
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bag.y = 200,simpleAssign,487
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bag.version = 0.1,simpleAssign,487
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bag.completed = False,simpleAssign,487
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",short = longmodulename,simpleAssign,491
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = 123,simpleAssign,493
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = 123,simpleAssign,494
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",sys = __import__('sys'),simpleAssign,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",anInt = 42,simpleAssign,497
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","example, calling newname=importAs ('mymodule') will import the module mymodule, but",simpleAssign,509
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",myFirstObject = MyNewObjectType(),simpleAssign,513
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mathObj = MyData(),simpleAssign,513
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mathObj.x = 4,simpleAssign,513
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mathObj.y = 5,simpleAssign,513
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",myObj = MyDataWithMethod()  # create the instance,simpleAssign,514
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","john = AddrBookEntry('John Doe', '408-555-1212')",simpleAssign,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","jane = AddrBookEntry('Jane Doe', '650-555-1212')",simpleAssign,515
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","john = EmplAddrBookEntry('John Doe', '408-555-1212',",simpleAssign,517
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = 100,simpleAssign,524
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mc = MyClass(),simpleAssign,525
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",stype = type('What is your quest?'),simpleAssign,528
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mc = MyClass()  # instantiate class,simpleAssign,530
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mc = MyClass(),simpleAssign,530
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c1 = C()  # instantiation,simpleAssign,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c2 = c1 # create additional alias,simpleAssign,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c3 = c1 # create a third alias,simpleAssign,532
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = 0 # count is class attr,simpleAssign,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",InstCt.count -= 1,simpleAssign,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",a = InstTrack(),simpleAssign,533
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",b = InstTrack(),simpleAssign,534
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","4  def __init__(self, rt, sales=0.085, rm=0.1):",simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 sales tax == 8.5% and room tax == 10%''',simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 self.salesTax = sales,simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8 self.roomTax = rm,simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9 self.roomRate = rt,simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 def calcTotal(self, days=1):",simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 daily = round((self.roomRate *,simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",sfo = HotelRoomCalc(299) # new instance,simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sea = HotelRoomCalc(189, 0.086, 0.058)  # new instance",simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","wasWkDay = HotelRoomCalc(169, 0.045, 0.02)  # new instance",simpleAssign,536
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","wasWkEnd = HotelRoomCalc(119, 0.045, 0.02)  # new instance",simpleAssign,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mc = MyClass(),simpleAssign,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mc = MyClass(),simpleAssign,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",mc = MyClass(),simpleAssign,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C(),simpleAssign,537
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C() # create instance,simpleAssign,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = 1,simpleAssign,538
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",version = 1.2 # static member,simpleAssign,540
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C() # instantiation,simpleAssign,540
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 1.5,simpleAssign,541
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = Foo(),simpleAssign,541
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo.x = 1.7 # try to update class attr,simpleAssign,541
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = Foo(),simpleAssign,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",spam = 100 # class attribute,simpleAssign,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c1 = C()  # create an instance,simpleAssign,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c2 = C()  # create another instance,simpleAssign,542
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = staticmethod(foo),simpleAssign,546
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = classmethod(foo),simpleAssign,546
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",tsm = TestStaticMethod(),simpleAssign,546
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",tcm = TestClassMethod(),simpleAssign,547
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Now, seeing code like foo = staticmethod(foo) can irritate some programmers. There is something",simpleAssign,547
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",p = Parent() # instance of parent,simpleAssign,550
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = Child()  # instance of child,simpleAssign,550
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C() # instantiate child,simpleAssign,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",p = P()  # parent instance,simpleAssign,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C()  # child instance,simpleAssign,551
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",p = P(),simpleAssign,552
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C(),simpleAssign,553
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C(),simpleAssign,553
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C(),simpleAssign,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C(),simpleAssign,554
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","d = SortedKeyDict((('zheng-cai', 67), ('hui-jun', 68),",simpleAssign,556
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",gc = GC(),simpleAssign,559
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",gc = GC(),simpleAssign,559
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d = D(),simpleAssign,560
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c1 = C1(),simpleAssign,562
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c2 = C2(),simpleAssign,562
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",myInst = myClass(),simpleAssign,564
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C(),simpleAssign,565
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = 100,simpleAssign,566
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dir(obj=None),simpleAssign,566
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","super(type, obj=None)[a]",simpleAssign,566
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",vars(obj=None),simpleAssign,566
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",attr = val,simpleAssign,566
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",less than/less than or equal to; < and <= operators,simpleAssign,568
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","C.__gt__(self, obj) and C.__ge__(self, obj) greater than/greater than or equal to; > and >= 

"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","C.__eq__(self, obj) and C.__ne__(self, obj) equal/not equal to; ==,!= and <> operators",simpleAssign,568
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","place of the asterisk implies a combination left-hand operation plus an assignment, as in self = self OP",simpleAssign,571
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",rfm = RoundFloatManual(42),simpleAssign,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",rfm = RoundFloatManual(4.2),simpleAssign,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",rfm = RoundFloatManual(5.590464),simpleAssign,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",rfm = RoundFloatManual(5.5964),simpleAssign,572
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",__repr__ = __str__,simpleAssign,573
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",rfm = RoundFloatManual(5.5964),simpleAssign,573
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","7 self.value = round(val, 2)",simpleAssign,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12 __repr__ = __str__,simpleAssign,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mon = Time60(10, 30)",simpleAssign,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","tue = Time60(11, 15)",simpleAssign,574
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mon = Time60(10, 30)",simpleAssign,575
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","tue = Time60(11, 15)",simpleAssign,575
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",__repr__ = __str__,simpleAssign,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mon = Time60(10, 30)",simpleAssign,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","tue = Time60(11, 15)",simpleAssign,576
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8 = hr,simpleAssign,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9 self.min = min,simpleAssign,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 __repr__ = __str__,simpleAssign,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 = seq,simpleAssign,577
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","wed = Time60(12, 5)",simpleAssign,578
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","thu = Time60(10, 30)",simpleAssign,578
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fri = Time60(8, 45)",simpleAssign,578
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","4 def __init__(self, data, safe=False):",simpleAssign,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5 = safe,simpleAssign,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 self.iter = iter(data),simpleAssign,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11  def next(self, howmany=1):",simpleAssign,579
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",a = AnyIter(range(10)),simpleAssign,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = iter(a),simpleAssign,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = iter(a),simpleAssign,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","a = AnyIter(range(10), True)",simpleAssign,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = iter(a),simpleAssign,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","the empty string should be used, i.e., n=0 and s='', as defaults.",simpleAssign,580
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","i.e., n1 > n2 and s1 < s2, n1 == n2 and s1 > s2, etc.). We use the normal numeric and lexicographic",simpleAssign,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","5 def __init__(self, num=0, string=''):",simpleAssign,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 self.__num = num,simpleAssign,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 self.__string = string,simpleAssign,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12  __repr__ = __str__,simpleAssign,581
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","a = NumStr(3, 'foo')",simpleAssign,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","b = NumStr(3, 'goo')",simpleAssign,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","c = NumStr(2, 'foo')",simpleAssign,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d = NumStr(),simpleAssign,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",e = NumStr(string='boo'),simpleAssign,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = NumStr(1),simpleAssign,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",a == a,simpleAssign,582
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","wrappedList = WrapMe([123, 'foo', 45.67])",simpleAssign,589
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",realList = wrappedList.get(),simpleAssign,590
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8 self.__data = obj,simpleAssign,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9 self.__ctime = self.__mtime = \,simpleAssign,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10  self.__atime = time(),simpleAssign,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13  self.__atime = time(),simpleAssign,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",28 self.__data = obj,simpleAssign,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29 self.__mtime = self.__atime = time(),simpleAssign,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",32 self.__atime = time(),simpleAssign,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",36 self.__atime = time(),simpleAssign,591
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",40 self.__atime = time(),simpleAssign,592
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",timeWrappedObj = TimedWrapMe(932),simpleAssign,592
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = CapOpen('/tmp/xxx', 'w')",simpleAssign,593
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","f = CapOpen('/tmp/xxx', 'r')",simpleAssign,594
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if type(obj) == type(0)...,simpleAssign,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if type(obj) == types.IntType...,simpleAssign,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = SlottedClass(),simpleAssign,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = 42,simpleAssign,596
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","def __get__(self, obj, typ=None)",simpleAssign,598
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = DevNull1(),simpleAssign,599
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c1 = C1(),simpleAssign,599
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = DevNull2(),simpleAssign,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c2 = C2(),simpleAssign,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x =,simpleAssign,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = DevNull3('foo'),simpleAssign,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c3 = C3(),simpleAssign,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x =,simpleAssign,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x =,simpleAssign,600
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = FooFoo(),simpleAssign,601
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = barBar,simpleAssign,601
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  def __init__(self, name=None):",simpleAssign,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 = name,simpleAssign,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","12 def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):",simpleAssign,602
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",foo = FileDescr('foo'),simpleAssign,603
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",bar = FileDescr('bar'),simpleAssign,603
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",fvc = MyFileVarClass(),simpleAssign,603
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = 42,simpleAssign,603
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)", = __builtins__,simpleAssign,603
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = property(get_x),simpleAssign,604
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inst = ProtectAndHideX('foo'),simpleAssign,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inst = ProtectAndHideX(10),simpleAssign,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inst.x = 10,simpleAssign,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inst.x = 20,simpleAssign,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","x = property(get_x, set_x)",simpleAssign,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inst = HideX(20),simpleAssign,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inst.x = 30,simpleAssign,605
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","pi = property(get_pi, doc='Constant ""pi""')",simpleAssign,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inst = PI(),simpleAssign,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",inst.set_x(40) # can we require inst.x = 40?,simpleAssign,606
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",longer use inst.set_x(40) to set the attribute ... they have to use init.x = 40. We also use a function,simpleAssign,607
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",following assignment after the x() function declaration with x = property(**x()).,simpleAssign,607
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","can do some trickery here... if you define a classic class and set __metaclass__ = type, you have",simpleAssign,608
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = Foo(),simpleAssign,609
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",stacklevel=3),simpleAssign,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",18  stacklevel=3),simpleAssign,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",23  __metaclass__ = ReqStrSugRepr,simpleAssign,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",35  __metaclass__ = ReqStrSugRepr,simpleAssign,610
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",44  __metaclass__ = ReqStrSugRepr,simpleAssign,611
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","add(12, 2) = 14",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","add(12, 3) = 15",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","add(12, 4) = 16",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","add(24, 2) = 26",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","add(24, 3) = 27",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","add(24, 4) = 28",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sub(12, 2) = 10",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sub(12, 3) = 9",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sub(12, 4) = 8",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sub(24, 2) = 22",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sub(24, 3) = 21",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sub(24, 4) = 20",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mul(12, 2) = 24",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mul(12, 3) = 36",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mul(12, 4) = 48",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mul(24, 2) = 48",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mul(24, 3) = 72",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","mul(24, 4) = 96",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","div(12, 2) = 6",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","div(12, 3) = 4",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","div(12, 4) = 3",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","div(24, 2) = 12",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","div(24, 3) = 8",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","div(24, 4) = 6",simpleAssign,613
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","4  def __init__(self, value=0.0) :  # constructor",simpleAssign,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5  self.value = float(value),simpleAssign,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","7  def update(self, value=None): # allow updates",simpleAssign,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cash = moneyfmt.MoneyFmt(123.45),simpleAssign,616
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","wed = Time60(12, 5)",simpleAssign,621
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","thu = Time60(10, 30)",simpleAssign,622
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","fri = Time60(8, 45)",simpleAssign,622
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",X = property (**x()).,simpleAssign,622
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",lambdaFunc = lambda x: x * 2,simpleAssign,626
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C() # instantiation,simpleAssign,628
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c1 = C()  # invoking class to instantiate c1,simpleAssign,629
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","c2 = C('The number of the counting shall be', 3)",simpleAssign,629
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",c = C() # instantiation,simpleAssign,629
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","eval(obj, globals=globals(), locals=locals()) Evaluates obj, which is either an expression compiled",simpleAssign,632
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","single_code = compile('print""Hello world!""', '', 'single')",simpleAssign,633
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","exec_code = compile(""""""",simpleAssign,633
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",req = input('Count how many numbers? '),simpleAssign,633
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",x = 0,simpleAssign,635
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aString = raw_input('Enter a list: '),simpleAssign,636
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",aList = input('Enter a list: '),simpleAssign,637
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12 %s = 0,simpleAssign,637
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29 ltype = raw_input('Loop type? (For/While) '),simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",30 dtype = raw_input('Data type? (Number/Seq) '),simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",34 stop = input('Ending value (non-inclusive)? '),simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",35 step = input('Stepping value? '),simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","36 seq = str(range(start, stop, step))",simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",39 seq = raw_input('Enter sequence: '),simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",41 var = raw_input('Iterative variable name? '),simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",48 svar = raw_input('Enter sequence name? '),simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",49 exec_str = exec_dict['s'] % \,simpleAssign,638
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",counter = 0,simpleAssign,639
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",eachIndex = 0,simpleAssign,640
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",19 obj = eval(eachAttr),simpleAssign,642
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","execfile(filename, globals=globals(), locals=locals())",simpleAssign,646
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",result = os.system('cat /etc/motd'),simpleAssign,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",result = os.system('uname -a'),simpleAssign,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",result = os.system('dir'),simpleAssign,650
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","ret = os.fork() # spawn 2 processes, both return",simpleAssign,651
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if ret == 0:  # child returns with PID of 0,simpleAssign,651
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",ret = os.fork(),simpleAssign,652
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if ret == 0:  # child code,simpleAssign,652
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","res = call(('cat', '/etc/motd'))",simpleAssign,653
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","res = call(('dir', r'c:\windows\temp'), shell=True)",simpleAssign,653
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",sys.exit(status=0),simpleAssign,656
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 argc = len(sys.argv),simpleAssign,657
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","prev_exit_func = getattr(sys, 'exitfunc', None)",simpleAssign,657
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",sys.exitfunc = my_exit_func,simpleAssign,657
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",prev_exit_func = None,simpleAssign,658
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","compile(pattern, flags=0)",simpleAssign,676
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","match(pattern, string, flags=0)",simpleAssign,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","search(pattern, string, flags=0)",simpleAssign,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","split(pattern, string, max=0)",simpleAssign,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","sub(pattern, repl, string, max=0)",simpleAssign,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",group(num=0),simpleAssign,677
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('foo', 'foo') # pattern matches string",simpleAssign,679
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('foo', 'bar')# pattern does not match string",simpleAssign,679
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('foo', 'food on the table') # match succeeds",simpleAssign,679
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('foo', 'seafood')  # no match",simpleAssign,680
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='foo', 'seafood')  # use search() instead",simpleAssign,680
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(bt, 'bat')  # 'bat' is a match",simpleAssign,680
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(bt, 'blt')  # no match for 'blt'",simpleAssign,680
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(bt, 'He bit me!') # does not match string",simpleAssign,680
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m =, 'He bit me!') # found 'bit' via search",simpleAssign,680
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(anyend, 'bend')  # dot matches 'b'",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(anyend, 'end') # no char to match",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(anyend, '\nend') # any char except \n",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='.end', 'The end.') # matches ' ' in search",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(pi_patt, '3.14') # exact match",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(patt314, '3014') # dot matches '0'",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(patt314, '3.14') # dot matches '.'",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('[cr][23][dp][o2]', 'c3po') # matches 'c3po'",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('[cr][23][dp][o2]', 'c2do') # matches 'c2do'",simpleAssign,681
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('r2d2|c3po', 'c2do') # does not match 'c2do'",simpleAssign,682
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('r2d2|c3po', 'r2d2') # matches 'r2d2'",simpleAssign,682
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('\w\w\w-\d\d\d', 'abc-123')",simpleAssign,682
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('\w\w\w-\d\d\d', 'abc-xyz')",simpleAssign,682
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('(\w\w\w)-(\d\d\d)', 'abc-123')",simpleAssign,683
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('ab', 'ab')  # no subgroups",simpleAssign,683
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('(ab)', 'ab')  # one subgroup",simpleAssign,683
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('(a)(b)', 'ab') # two subgroups",simpleAssign,683
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('(a(b))', 'ab')  # two subgroups",simpleAssign,683
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='^The', 'The end.') # match",simpleAssign,684
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='^The', 'end. The')  # not at beginning",simpleAssign,684
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='\bthe', 'bite the dog') # at a boundary",simpleAssign,684
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='\bthe', 'bitethe dog') # no boundary",simpleAssign,684
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m ='\Bthe', 'bitethe dog') # no boundary",simpleAssign,684
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('\bblow', 'blow') # backspace, no match",simpleAssign,688
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match('\\bblow', 'blow') # escaped \, now it works",simpleAssign,688
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(r'\bblow', 'blow') # use raw string instead",simpleAssign,688
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11  dtint = randint(0, maxint-1) # pick date",simpleAssign,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12  dtstr = ctime(dtint) # date string,simpleAssign,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","14  shorter = randint(4, 7)  # login shorter",simpleAssign,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","19  longer = randint(shorter, 12) # domain longer",simpleAssign,689
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(patt, data)",simpleAssign,691
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(patt, data)",simpleAssign,692
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m = re.match(patt, data)",simpleAssign,692
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","m =, data)",simpleAssign,694
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","socket(socket_family, socket_type, protocol=0)",simpleAssign,706
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","tcpSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,706
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","udpSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)",simpleAssign,706
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","tcpSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,706
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",ss = socket() # create server socket,simpleAssign,708
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cs = ss.accept() # accept client connection,simpleAssign,708
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7  PORT = 21567,simpleAssign,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8  BUFSIZ = 1024,simpleAssign,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17 tcpCliSock, addr = tcpSerSock.accept()",simpleAssign,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",21 data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ),simpleAssign,709
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cs = socket()  # create client socket,simpleAssign,710
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6  PORT = 21567,simpleAssign,711
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7  BUFSIZ = 1024,simpleAssign,711
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","10 tcpCliSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,711
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",ss = socket()  # create server socket,simpleAssign,713
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cs = ss.recvfrom()/ss.sendto()# dialog (receive/send),simpleAssign,713
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7  PORT = 21567,simpleAssign,714
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8  BUFSIZ = 1024,simpleAssign,714
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 udpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)",simpleAssign,714
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","16 data, addr = udpSerSock.recvfrom(BUFSIZ)",simpleAssign,714
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cs = socket() # create client socket,simpleAssign,715
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6  PORT = 21567,simpleAssign,715
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7  BUFSIZ = 1024,simpleAssign,715
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","10 udpCliSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)",simpleAssign,715
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Socket types (TCP = stream, UDP = datagram)",simpleAssign,717
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8  PORT = 21567,simpleAssign,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17 tcpServ = TCP(ADDR, MyRequestHandler)",simpleAssign,720
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6  PORT = 21567,simpleAssign,722
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7  BUFSIZ = 1024,simpleAssign,722
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6  PORT = 21567,simpleAssign,725
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10  clnt = self.clnt = self.transport.getPeer().host,simpleAssign,725
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 factory = protocol.Factory(),simpleAssign,725
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",17 factory.protocol = TSServProtocol,simpleAssign,725
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6  PORT = 21567,simpleAssign,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10  data = raw_input('> '),simpleAssign,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25  protocol = TSClntProtocol,simpleAssign,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",26  clientConnectionLost = clientConnectionFailed = \,simpleAssign,726
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f= FTP(''),simpleAssign,737
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","retrbinary (cmd, cb [ , bs =8192[ ,ra ]] )",simpleAssign,738
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","storbinary (cmd, f [ , bs= 8192] )",simpleAssign,738
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",f = FTP(''),simpleAssign,738
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","user:passwd@host/path?attr1=val1&attr2=val2..."".",simpleAssign,741
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",n = NNTP('your.nntp.server'),simpleAssign,745
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","r,c,f,l,g ='comp.lang.python')",simpleAssign,745
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","group name, all of which are strings (name == group)",simpleAssign,745
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",n = NNTP('your.nntp.server'),simpleAssign,746
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","rsp, ct, fst, lst, grp ='comp.lang.python')",simpleAssign,746
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","rsp, anum, mid, data = n.article('110457')",simpleAssign,746
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",First (<= 20) meaningful lines:,simpleAssign,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",vals = sorted( random.random() for _ in range(2*N) ),simpleAssign,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14  n = nntplib.NNTP(HOST),simpleAssign,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","15  #, user=USER, password=PASS)",simpleAssign,747
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","43  rsp, frm = n.xhdr('from', rng)",simpleAssign,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","44  rsp, sub = n.xhdr('subject', rng)",simpleAssign,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","45  rsp, dat = n.xhdr('date', rng)",simpleAssign,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","53 rsp, anum, mid, data = n.body(lst)",simpleAssign,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",58  print '*** First (<= 20) meaningful lines:\n',simpleAssign,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",59  count = 0,simpleAssign,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",61  lastBlank = True,simpleAssign,748
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",76 lastBlank = False,simpleAssign,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",78 lastBlank = True,simpleAssign,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",79  if count == 20:,simpleAssign,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d = stop - start,simpleAssign,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",P = partition(),simpleAssign,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",vals = sorted( random.random() for _ in range(2*N) ),simpleAssign,749
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",n = SMTP(''),simpleAssign,754
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = smtp(''),simpleAssign,755
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",send: 'mail FROM:<> size=108\r\n',simpleAssign,755
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",reply: '250 ok ; id=2005122623583701300or7hhe\r\n',simpleAssign,755
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",reply: retcode (250); Msg: ok ; id=2005122623583701300or7hhe,simpleAssign,755
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","data: (250, 'ok ; id=2005122623583701300or7hhe')",simpleAssign,756
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",p = POP3(''),simpleAssign,757
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",p = POP3(''),simpleAssign,758
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","rsp, msg, siz = p.retr(102)",simpleAssign,758
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 sendSvr = SMTP(SMTPSVR),simpleAssign,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17 errs = sendSvr.sendmail('',",simpleAssign,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","20 assert len(errs) == 0, errs",simpleAssign,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",23 recvSvr = POP3(POP3SVR),simpleAssign,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","26 rsp, msg, siz = recvSvr.retr(recvSvr.stat()[0])",simpleAssign,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",28 sep = msg.index(''),simpleAssign,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",30 assert origBody == recvBody # assert identical,simpleAssign,760
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",acquire(wait=None),simpleAssign,778
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",17 nloops = range(len(loops)),simpleAssign,780
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",20 lock = thread.allocate_lock(),simpleAssign,780
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",join(timeout = None) Suspend until the started thread terminates; blocks unless timeout (in seconds),simpleAssign,784
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 nloops = range(len(loops)),simpleAssign,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","19  t = threading.Thread(target=loop,",simpleAssign,785
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",11 = name,simpleAssign,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12 self.func = func,simpleAssign,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 self.args = args,simpleAssign,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",26 nloops = range(len(loops)),simpleAssign,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29 t = threading.Thread(,simpleAssign,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","30 target=ThreadFunc(loop, (i, loops[i]),",simpleAssign,787
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",11 = name,simpleAssign,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12 self.func = func,simpleAssign,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 self.args = args,simpleAssign,788
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",26 nloops = range(len(loops)),simpleAssign,789
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9 = name,simpleAssign,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 self.func = func,simpleAssign,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",11 self.args = args,simpleAssign,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","19 self.res = apply(self.func, self.args)",simpleAssign,790
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",22  n = 12,simpleAssign,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25  nfuncs = range(len(funcs)),simpleAssign,791
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","put(item, block=0) Puts item in queue, if block given (not 0), block until room is available",simpleAssign,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",get(block=0),simpleAssign,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14  val = queue.get(1),simpleAssign,793
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29  nfuncs = range(len(funcs)),simpleAssign,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","32  nloops = randint(2, 5)",simpleAssign,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",33  q = Queue(32),simpleAssign,794
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","top = Tkinter.Tk() # or just Tk() with ""from Tkinter import *""",simpleAssign,802
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,804
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5 top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,806
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6 label = Tkinter.Label(top, text='Hello World!')",simpleAssign,806
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5 top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,807
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6 quit = Tkinter.Button(top, text='Hello World!',",simpleAssign,807
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 command=top.quit),simpleAssign,807
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4 top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,808
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6 hello = Tkinter.Label(top, text='Hello World!')",simpleAssign,808
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9 quit = Tkinter.Button(top, text='QUIT',",simpleAssign,808
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","10  command=top.quit, bg='red', fg='white')",simpleAssign,808
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 quit.pack(fill=Tkinter.X, expand=1)",simpleAssign,808
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",5 def resize(ev=None):,simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9 top = Tk(),simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","12 label = Label(top, text='Hello World!',",simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","14 label.pack(fill=Y, expand=1)",simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","16 scale = Scale(top, from_=10, to=40,",simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17  orient=HORIZONTAL, command=resize)",simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","19 scale.pack(fill=X, expand=1)",simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","21 quit = Button(top, text='QUIT',",simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","22  command=top.quit, activeforeground='white',",simpleAssign,809
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","20 critCB = lambda: showerror('Error', 'Error Button Pressed!')",simpleAssign,811
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","21 warnCB = lambda: showwarning('Warning',",simpleAssign,811
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","23 infoCB = lambda: showinfo('Info', 'Info Button Pressed!')",simpleAssign,811
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25 top = Tk(),simpleAssign,811
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","27 Button(top, text='QUIT', command=top.quit,",simpleAssign,811
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","30 MyButton = pto(Button, top)",simpleAssign,812
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","31 CritButton = pto(MyButton, command=critCB, bg='white', fg='red')",simpleAssign,812
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","32 WarnButton = pto(MyButton, command=warnCB, bg='goldenrod1')",simpleAssign,812
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","33 ReguButton = pto(MyButton, command=infoCB, bg='white')",simpleAssign,812
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",36  signType = SIGNS[eachSign],simpleAssign,812
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","37  cmd = '%sButton(text=%r%s).pack(fill=X, expand=True)' % (",simpleAssign,812
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",39  '.upper()' if signType == CRIT else '.title()'),simpleAssign,812
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9 def __init__(self, initdir=None):",simpleAssign,813
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 = Tk(),simpleAssign,813
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11  self.label = Label(,",simpleAssign,813
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 self.cwd = StringVar(,simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17 self.dirl = Label(, fg='blue',",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",21  self.dirfm = Frame(,simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",22  self.dirsb = Scrollbar(self.dirfm),simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","23  self.dirsb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","24  self.dirs = Listbox(self.dirfm, height=15,",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","25  width=50, yscrollcommand=self.dirsb.set)",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",27  self.dirsb.config(command=self.dirs.yview),simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","28  self.dirs.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH)",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","31  self.dirn = Entry(, width=50,",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",32  textvariable=self.cwd),simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",36  self.bfm = Frame(,simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","37  self.clr = Button(self.bfm, text='Clear',",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","38 command=self.clrDir,",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","41 = Button(self.bfm,",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","43  command=self.doLS,",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","46  self.quit = Button(self.bfm, text='Quit',",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","47,",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",50  self.clr.pack(side=LEFT),simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",51,simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",52  self.quit.pack(side=LEFT),simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","59  def clrDir(self, ev=None):",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","62  def setDirAndGo(self, ev=None):",simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",63  self.last = self.cwd.get(),simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",65  check = self.dirs.get(self.dirs.curselection()),simpleAssign,814
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","71 def doLS(self, ev=None):",simpleAssign,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",73 tdir = self.cwd.get(),simpleAssign,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",74 if not tdir: tdir = os.curdir,simpleAssign,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",87 self.last = os.curdir,simpleAssign,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",97 dirlist = os.listdir(tdir),simpleAssign,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",100  self.dirl.config(text=os.getcwd()),simpleAssign,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",111  d = DirList(os.curdir),simpleAssign,815
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 top = Tk(),simpleAssign,822
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9 lb = Label(top,",simpleAssign,822
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13 ct = Control(top, label='Number:',",simpleAssign,822
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","14 integer=True, max=12, min=2, value=2, step=2)",simpleAssign,822
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18 cb = ComboBox(top, label='Type:', editable=True)",simpleAssign,822
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","23 qb = Button(top, text='QUIT',",simpleAssign,822
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","24 command=top.quit, bg='red', fg='white')",simpleAssign,822
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6 top = initialise(),simpleAssign,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8 lb = Label(top,",simpleAssign,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","12 ct = Counter(top, labelpos=W, label_text='Number:',",simpleAssign,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13 datatype='integer', entryfield_value=2,",simpleAssign,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18 cb = ComboBox(top, labelpos=W, label_text='Type:')",simpleAssign,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","23 qb = Button(top, text='QUIT',",simpleAssign,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","24  command=top.quit, bg='red', fg='white')",simpleAssign,823
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","6  def __init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title=''):",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9  top = wx.Panel(self),simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL),simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 font = wx.Font(9, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","12 lb = wx.StaticText(top, -1,",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","16 c1 = wx.StaticText(top, -1, 'Number:')",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18 ct = wx.SpinCtrl(top, -1, '2', min=2, max=12)",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","22 c2 = wx.StaticText(top, -1, 'Type:')",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","24 cb = wx.ComboBox(top, -1, '',",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","29 qb = wx.Button(top, -1, ""QUIT"")",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","41 frame = MyFrame(title=""wxWidgets"")",simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",47  app = MyApp(),simpleAssign,824
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 top = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL),simpleAssign,825
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13 box = gtk.VBox(False, 0)",simpleAssign,825
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14 lb = gtk.Label(,simpleAssign,825
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18 sb = gtk.HBox(False, 0)",simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","19 adj = gtk.Adjustment(2, 2, 12, 2, 4, 0)",simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",20 sl = gtk.Label('Number:'),simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","24 ct = gtk.SpinButton(adj, 0, 0)",simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","28 cb = gtk.HBox(False, 0)",simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29 c2 = gtk.Label('Type:'),simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",31 ce = gtk.combo_box_entry_new_text(),simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","37 qb = gtk.Button("""")",simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",38 red = gtk.gdk.color_parse('red'),simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",39 sty = qb.get_style(),simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",42[st] = red,simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",44 ql = qb.child,simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",53 animal = GTKapp(),simpleAssign,826
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Ampersand ( & ) delimited set of ""key=value"" pairs",simpleAssign,836
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","urlparse(urlstr, defProtSch=None, allowFrag=None)",simpleAssign,837
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","urljoin(baseurl, newurl, allowFrag=None)",simpleAssign,838
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","urlparse(urlstr, defProtSch=None, allowFrag=None) Parses urlstr into separate components, using",simpleAssign,838
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","urljoin(baseurl,newurl,allowFrag=None)",simpleAssign,839
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","urlretrieve(urlstr, localfile=None, downloadSta-",simpleAssign,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",tusHook=None),simpleAssign,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16  self.url = url,simpleAssign,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",17  self.file = self.filename(url),simpleAssign,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","20  parsedurl = urlparse(url, 'http:', 0) ## parse path",simpleAssign,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",22  ext = splitext(path),simpleAssign,841
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",28  ldir = dirname(path)  # local directory,simpleAssign,842
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","30  ldir = replace(ldir, '/', sep)",simpleAssign,842
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",105 url = raw_input('Enter starting URL: '),simpleAssign,843
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",number = 6,simpleAssign,843
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",http://www/~foo/cgi-bin/ mama&num=6',simpleAssign,844
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","be included as part of a query in a CGI request URL string. The pairs are in ""key=value"" format and are",simpleAssign,844
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","urlretrieve(urlstr, localfile=None,",simpleAssign,845
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",downloadStatusHook=None),simpleAssign,845
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",11 hdlr = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(),simpleAssign,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 opener = urllib2.build_opener(hdlr),simpleAssign,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",19 req = urllib2.Request(url),simpleAssign,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","20 b64str = encodestring('%s:%s' % (LOGIN, PASSWD))[:-1]",simpleAssign,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",26 url = eval('%s_version')(URL),simpleAssign,846
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","7  <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=person VALUE=""NEW USER"" SIZE=15>",simpleAssign,855
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE=""0"" CHECKED> 0",simpleAssign,855
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","10 <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE=""10""> 10",simpleAssign,855
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","11 <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE=""25""> 25",simpleAssign,855
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","12 <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE=""50""> 50",simpleAssign,855
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13 <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE=""100""> 100",simpleAssign,855
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14 <P><INPUT TYPE=submit></FORM></BODY></HTML>,simpleAssign,855
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14 form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,857
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 who = form['person'].value,simpleAssign,857
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 howmany = form['howmany'].value,simpleAssign,857
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12  <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=edit>,simpleAssign,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13  <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=person VALUE=""NEW USER"" SIZE=15>",simpleAssign,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16  <P><INPUT TYPE=submit></FORM></BODY></HTML>''',simpleAssign,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18  fradio = '<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE=""%s"" %s> %s\n'",simpleAssign,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",24  if i == 0:,simpleAssign,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",42 form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",51 howmany = 0,simpleAssign,859
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14  <FORM><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Back,simpleAssign,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",26  <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=edit>,simpleAssign,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","27  <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=person VALUE=""%s"" SIZE=15>",simpleAssign,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",30  <P><INPUT TYPE=submit></FORM></BODY></HTML>''',simpleAssign,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","32  fradio = '<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE=""%s"" %s> %s\n'",simpleAssign,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",38  if str(i) == howmany:,simpleAssign,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",59  form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,863
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",73 howmany = 0,simpleAssign,864
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","UNICODE_HELLO = u""""""",simpleAssign,868
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",print 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r',simpleAssign,868
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4 UNICODE_HELLO = u''',simpleAssign,869
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",INPUT type=file name=...>,simpleAssign,870
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","come in ""key=value"" pairs. All your application needs to do to access the data values is to split the",simpleAssign,871
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17 <FORM METHOD=post ACTION=""%s"" ENCTYPE=""multipart/form-data"">",simpleAssign,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","21 <INPUT NAME=cookie value=""%s""> (<I>optional</I>)</H3>",simpleAssign,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","23 <INPUT NAME=person VALUE=""%s""> (<I>required</I>)</H3>",simpleAssign,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","28 <INPUT TYPE=file NAME=upfile VALUE=""%s"" SIZE=45>",simpleAssign,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",29 <P><INPUT TYPE=submit>,simpleAssign,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","35 '<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=lang VALUE=""%s""%s> %s\n'",simpleAssign,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",43 tag = eachCookie[3:7],simpleAssign,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",51 self.cookies['info'] = self.cookies['user'] = '',simpleAssign,877
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","56 self.langs = split(langStr, ',')",simpleAssign,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",58 self.who = self.fn = ' ',simpleAssign,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",77  userCook = cookStatus = self.cookies['user'],simpleAssign,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",86 <FORM><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Back,simpleAssign,878
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",113  MAXBYTES = 1024,simpleAssign,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",170  if type(langdata) == type([]):,simpleAssign,879
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",180 self.fn = upfile.filename or '',simpleAssign,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",184 self.fp = StringIO('(no data)'),simpleAssign,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",186 self.fp = StringIO('(no file)'),simpleAssign,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",195 page = AdvCGI(),simpleAssign,880
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",form = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,891
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","howmany = form.get('who', '(no name submitted)')",simpleAssign,891
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",UPDATE users SET prid=4 WHERE prid=2;,simpleAssign,896
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",UPDATE users SET prid=1 WHERE uid=311;,simpleAssign,896
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",fetchmany ([ size=cursor.arraysize]) Fetch next size rows of query result,simpleAssign,903
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cxn = MySQLdb.connect(user='root'),simpleAssign,906
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cxn = MySQLdb.connect(db='test'),simpleAssign,906
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cur = cxn.cursor(),simpleAssign,906
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","cur.execute(""UPDATE users SET uid=7100 WHERE uid=7001"")",simpleAssign,907
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cxn = psycopg.connect(user='pgsql'),simpleAssign,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cxn = PgSQL.connect(user='pgsql'),simpleAssign,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cxn = pgdb.connect(user='pgsql'),simpleAssign,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cur = cxn.cursor(),simpleAssign,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",rows = cur.fetchall(),simpleAssign,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",pgsql=C*T*/pgsql}'),simpleAssign,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",pgsql=C*T*/pgsql}'),simpleAssign,908
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","None, '{pgsql=C*T*/pgsql}']",simpleAssign,909
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","462', '', None, '{pgsql=C*T*/pgsql}']",simpleAssign,909
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cxn = sqlite3.connect('sqlite_test/test'),simpleAssign,909
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",cur = cxn.cursor(),simpleAssign,909
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",6  COLSIZ = 10,simpleAssign,910
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8  DB_EXC = None,simpleAssign,910
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",89  drop = lambda cur: cur.execute('DROP TABLE users'),simpleAssign,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",101 pick = list(NAMES),simpleAssign,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","117 getRC = lambda cur: cur.rowcount if hasattr(cur,",simpleAssign,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","120 fr = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","121 to = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","127 rm = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,912
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",140 db = setup(),simpleAssign,913
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","142 cxn = connect(db, 'test')",simpleAssign,913
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","156 fr, to, num = update(cur)",simpleAssign,913
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","162 rm, num = delete(cur)",simpleAssign,913
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","getRC = lambda cur: (hasattr(cur, 'rowcount') \",simpleAssign,915
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",10 COLSIZ = 10,simpleAssign,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16  MySQLdb = pool.manage(MySQLdb),simpleAssign,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",18  eng = create_engine(url),simpleAssign,918
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",60  users = self.users,simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","61  fr = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","62  to = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",64  users.update(users.c.prid==fr).execute(prid=to).rowcount,simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",67  users = self.users,simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","68  rm = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",70  users.delete(users.c.prid==rm).execute().rowcount,simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",73  res =,simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","88  orm = MySQLAlchemy('mysql', DBNAME)",simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","98  fr, to, num = orm.update()",simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","104 rm, num = orm.delete()",simpleAssign,919
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",9  COLSIZ = 10,simpleAssign,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",19  cxn = connectionForURI(url),simpleAssign,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",20  sqlhub.processConnection = cxn,simpleAssign,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",21  #cxn.debug = True,simpleAssign,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","37 cxn1 = sqlhub.processConnection=
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",41  self.users = Users,simpleAssign,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",42  self.cxn = cxn,simpleAssign,920
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",45 Users = self.users,simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","55 fr = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","56 to = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",57 users = self.users.selectBy(prid=fr),simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",59 user.prid = to,simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","63 rm = rrange(1,5)",simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",64 users = self.users.selectBy(prid=rm),simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",77  drop = lambda self: self.users.dropTable(),simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",78  finish = lambda self: self.cxn.close(),simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","82 orm = MySQLObject('mysql', DBNAME)",simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","92 fr, to, num = orm.update()",simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","98 rm, num = orm.delete()",simpleAssign,921
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",drop = lambda self: self.users.drop(),simpleAssign,922
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7  if (n < 2) return(1); /* 0! == 1! == 1 */,simpleAssign,935
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8  return (n)*fac(n-1); /* n! == n*(n-1)! */,simpleAssign,935
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","14  *p = s,  /* fwd */",simpleAssign,935
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",21  *q-- = t;,simpleAssign,935
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4! == 24,simpleAssign,936
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8! == 40320,simpleAssign,936
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12! == 479001600,simpleAssign,936
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","res = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""i"", &num);",simpleAssign,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",res = fac(num);,simpleAssign,939
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",dupe_str=reverse(strdup(orig_str)));,simpleAssign,940
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",4! == 24,simpleAssign,944
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",8! == 40320,simpleAssign,944
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",12! == 479001600,simpleAssign,944
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","14  *p = s,",simpleAssign,945
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",21  *q-- = t;,simpleAssign,945
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",62  dupe_str=reverse(strdup(orig_str)));,simpleAssign,946
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","75 ExtestMethods[] =
 76 {",simpleAssign,946
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",,simpleAssign,953
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",u = urlopen(',simpleAssign,953
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",quotes.csv?s=YHOO&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv'),simpleAssign,953
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","For example, if we give the server a field request of f=sl1d1c1p2, we get a string like the following",simpleAssign,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","The quote server will also allow you to specify multiple stock ticker symbols, as in s=YHOO,GOOG,EBAY,",simpleAssign,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",7 URL = '',simpleAssign,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","15  tick, price, chg, per = row.split(',')",simpleAssign,955
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython), an implementation of the Python language in C# for the .",simpleAssign,957
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8  warn = lambda app: showwarning(app, 'Exit?')",simpleAssign,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  RANGE = range(3, 8)",simpleAssign,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 xl = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app),simpleAssign,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14 ss = xl.Workbooks.Add(),simpleAssign,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 sh = ss.ActiveSheet,simpleAssign,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 xl.Visible = True,simpleAssign,959
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",xl = win32com.client.Dispatch('%s.Application' % app),simpleAssign,960
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8  warn = lambda app: showwarning(app, 'Exit?')",simpleAssign,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  RANGE = range(3, 8)",simpleAssign,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 word = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app),simpleAssign,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14 doc = word.Documents.Add(),simpleAssign,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 word.Visible = True,simpleAssign,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","18 rng = doc.Range(0,0)",simpleAssign,961
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8  warn = lambda app: showwarning(app, 'Exit?')",simpleAssign,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  RANGE = range(3, 8)",simpleAssign,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 ppoint = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app),simpleAssign,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",14 pres = ppoint.Presentations.Add(),simpleAssign,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 ppoint.Visible = True,simpleAssign,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","17 s1 = pres.Slides.Add(1, win32.constants.ppLayoutText)",simpleAssign,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",19 s1a = s1.Shapes[0].TextFrame.TextRange,simpleAssign,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",22 s1b = s1.Shapes[1].TextFrame.TextRange,simpleAssign,963
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","8  warn = lambda app: showwarning(app, 'Exit?')",simpleAssign,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  RANGE = range(3, 8)",simpleAssign,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 olook = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app),simpleAssign,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",15 mail = olook.CreateItem(win32.constants.olMailItem),simpleAssign,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",16 recip = mail.Recipients.Add('you@'),simpleAssign,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",17 subj = mail.Subject = 'Python-to-%s Demo' % app,simpleAssign,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","24 ns = olook.GetNamespace(""MAPI"")",simpleAssign,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",25 obox = ns.GetDefaultFolder(win32.constants.olFolderOutbox),simpleAssign,965
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","9  warn = lambda app: showwarning(app, 'Exit?')",simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","10 RANGE = range(3, 8)",simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13 URL = '',simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",17 xl = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app),simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",18 ss = xl.Workbooks.Add(),simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",19 sh = ss.ActiveSheet,simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",20 xl.Visible = True,simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","28  sh.Cells(5, i+1).Value = COLS[i]",simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","30 sh.Range(sh.Cells(5, 1), sh.Cells(5, 4)).Font.Bold = True",simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",32 row = 6,simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","36  tick, price, chg, per = data.split(',')",simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","37  sh.Cells(row, 1).Value = eval(tick)",simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","39  sh.Cells(row, 3).Value = chg",simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","40  sh.Cells(row, 4).Value = eval(per.rstrip())",simpleAssign,968
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",13  JPanel box = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());,simpleAssign,972
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","14  JLabel hello = new JLabel(""Hello World!"");",simpleAssign,972
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","15  JButton quit = new JButton(""QUIT"");",simpleAssign,972
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",17  ActionListener quitAction = new ActionListener() {,simpleAssign,972
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",39  swhello app = new swhello();,simpleAssign,972
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","10 top = swing.JFrame(""PySwing"")",simpleAssign,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",11 box = swing.JPanel(),simpleAssign,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","12 hello = swing.JLabel(""Hello World!"")",simpleAssign,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","13 quit = swing.JButton(""QUIT"", actionPerformed=quit,",simpleAssign,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","14, foreground=Color.white)",simpleAssign,973
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = 0,simpleAssign,982
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = raw_input('enter a string: '),simpleAssign,982
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = 0,simpleAssign,982
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",slen = len(s),simpleAssign,982
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",subtot = 0,simpleAssign,983
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",type(a) == type(b) whether the value of type(a) is the same as the value of type,simpleAssign,985
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",b)... == is a value compare,simpleAssign,985
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s = float(raw_input('enter length of one side: ')),simpleAssign,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",r = float(raw_input('enter length of radius: ')),simpleAssign,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",if i % 2 != 0:,simpleAssign,986
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","When i % 2 == 0, it's even (divisible by 2), otherwise it's odd.",simpleAssign,987
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",iden = raw_input('Identifier to check? '),simpleAssign,988
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",keys = dict.keys(),simpleAssign,989
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d[list1[i]] = list2[i],simpleAssign,989
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",d[x] = list2[i],simpleAssign,989
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","d = dict(map(None, list1, list2))",simpleAssign,989
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","d = dict(zip(list1, list2))",simpleAssign,989
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",list1 = oldDict.values(),simpleAssign,990
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",list2 = oldDict.keys(),simpleAssign,990
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",count = int(math.sqrt(num)),simpleAssign,991
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",i = 0,simpleAssign,992
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",num = int(raw_input('enter number of lines: ')),simpleAssign,992
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.count(str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,1021
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.endswith(str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,1021
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",string.expandtabs(tabsize=8),simpleAssign,1021
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.find(str, beg=0 end=len(string))",simpleAssign,1021
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.index(str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,1021
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.replace(str1, str2, num=string.count",simpleAssign,1022
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.rfind(str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,1022
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.rindex(str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,1022
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.split(str="""", num=string.count(str))",simpleAssign,1022
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.splitlines(num=string.count('\n'))[b],[c]",simpleAssign,1022
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","string.startswith(str, beg=0, end=len(string))",simpleAssign,1022
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","list.index(obj, i=0, j=len(list))",simpleAssign,1024
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Returns lowest index k where list[k] == obj and i,simpleAssign,1024
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","list.sort(func=None, key=None, reverse=False) Sorts list members with optional comparison",simpleAssign,1024
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict.fromkeys[c](seq, val=None)",simpleAssign,1025
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict.get(key, default=None)[a]",simpleAssign,1025
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","dict.setdefault(key, default=None)[e] Similar to get(), but sets dict[key]=default if key is not",simpleAssign,1025
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s == t,simpleAssign,1027
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s != t,simpleAssign,1027
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s <= t,simpleAssign,1027
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s >= t,simpleAssign,1027
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Strict) subset test; s !=t and all elements,simpleAssign,1027
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Strict) superset test: s != t and all,simpleAssign,1027
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s |= t,simpleAssign,1028
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s &= t,simpleAssign,1028
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s -= t,simpleAssign,1028
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",s.symmetric_difference_update(t) s ^= t,simpleAssign,1028
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",file.readlines(sizhint=0),simpleAssign,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",", whence=0)",simpleAssign,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Moves to a location within file, off bytes offset from whence (0 == 
 beginning of file, 1 == current location, or 2 == end of file)",simpleAssign,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","file.truncate(size=file.tell()) Truncates file to at most size bytes, the default being the current",simpleAssign,1029
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)",Less than/less than or equal to; < and <= operators,simpleAssign,1036
"Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006)","Greater than/greater than or equal to; > and >= 
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"_grid = [[_background_char for column in range(_max_columns)]

 for row in range(_max_rows)]",listCompNested,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip(),zip,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip(),zip,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip(),zip,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip() function. The zip(),zip,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip(),zip,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip(),zip,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"zip() function returns 3-tuples, (-10, 0, 1)",zip,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip(),zip,154
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip(),zip,155
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"zip(arg_spec.args, args))",zip,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip() returns an iterator and dictionary.items(),zip,359
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip(),zip,597
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zip() (built-in),zip,625
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(),map,392
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"map(lambda x: x ** 2, [1, 2, 3, 4]))",map,392
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(),map,392
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(),map,392
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"map(os.path.getsize, files))",map,393
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(),map,393
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map() and filter(),map,394
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"map(), filter(), and functools.reduce()",map,394
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map() with a list comprehension and filter(),map,394
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"map(), filter(), or functools.reduce()",map,394
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(),map,400
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map() function is more convenient.),map,534
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(icon),map,574
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(),map,574
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"map(""@"" + path + ""bookmark.xbm"")",map,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(),map,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map(),map,597
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,map() (built-in),map,611
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __bisect_left(self, value)",privatemethod,269
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __seek_to_index(self, index)",privatemethod,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __change_stock(self, identity, amount)",privatemethod,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"class FuzzyBool(float):

 def __new__(cls, value=0.0):",metaclass3,253
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"class Product(metaclass=AutoSlotProperties):

 def __init__(self, barcode, description):

 self.__barcode = barcode
 self.description = description

 def get_barcode(self):

 return self.__barcode

 def get_description(self):

 return self.__description

 def set_description(self, description):

 if description is None or len(description) < 3:
 self.__description = ""<Invalid Description>""


 self.__description = description

 We must assign to the private __barcode property in the initializer since there
 is no setter for it; another consequence of this is that barcode is a read-only
 property. On the other hand, description is a readable/writable property. Here
 are some examples of interactive use:

 >>> product = Product(""101110110"", ""8mm Stapler"")
 >>> product.barcode, product.description
 ('101110110', '8mm Stapler')
 >>> product.description = ""8mm Stapler (long)""
 >>> product.barcode, product.description
 ('101110110', '8mm Stapler (long)')

 If we attempt to assign to the bar code an AttributeError exception is raised
 with the error text “can’t set attribute”.
 If we look at the Product class’s attributes (e.g., using dir()), the only public
 ones to be found are barcode and description. The get_name() and set_name()
 methods are no longer there—they have been replaced with the name property.
 And the variables holding the bar code and description are also private (__bar-
 code and __description), and have been added as slots to minimize the class’s
 memory use. This is all done by the AutoSlotProperties metaclass which is im-
 plemented in a single method:

 class AutoSlotProperties(type):

 def __new__(mcl, classname, bases, dictionary):",metaclass3,390
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class Appliance(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class TextFilter(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class Undo(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class Bad(metaclass=Meta.LoadableSaveable):,metaclassheader,389
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class Good(metaclass=Meta.LoadableSaveable):,metaclassheader,389
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__() at the start of a custom,superfunc,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"super().__init__(x, y)",superfunc,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super(). If we did not use super() we would have infinite recur-,superfunc,242
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__repr__())),superfunc,255
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__(dictionary),superfunc,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().update(kwargs),superfunc,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__() call is used to initialize the SortedDict using the base class,superfunc,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().update(dictionary),superfunc,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"super().__setitem__(key, value)",superfunc,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().update(kwargs),superfunc,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__delitem__(key),superfunc,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().clear(),superfunc,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__(),superfunc,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"super().__init__(model, price)",superfunc,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__(),superfunc,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().undo(),superfunc,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().load(),superfunc,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"super().__init__(classname, bases, dictionary)",superfunc,388
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__(),superfunc,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__(),superfunc,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__(parent),superfunc,569
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,super().__init__(parent),superfunc,586
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@radius.setter
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@staticmethod
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@classmethod
 before def",decaratorfunc,254
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@classmethod
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@date.setter
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@positive_result
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@functools.wraps(function)
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@bounded(0, 100)
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@functools.wraps(function)
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@logged
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@functools.wraps(function)
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@functools.wraps(function)
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@Property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@Property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@extension.setter
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@abc.abstractmethod
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@abc.abstractproperty
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@abc.abstractmethod
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@abc.abstractmethod
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@abc.abstractproperty
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@abc.abstractmethod
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@coroutine
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@coroutine decorator to do this for us.

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@functools.wraps(function)
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@coroutine
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@coroutine
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@coroutine
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@coroutine
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,@property and @class,decaratorclass,353
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@delegate class decorator from the book’s Util
 module. Here is the start of a new version of the SortedList class",decaratorclass,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@Util.complete_comparisons
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property and @name.setter decorators, we could
 create class",decaratorclass,389
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@valid_number(""quantity"", minimum=1, maximum=1000)
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"@property and @classmethod. We learned how to create custom descrip-
 tors and saw three very different examples of their use. Next we studied class",decaratorclass,407
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,enumerate(),enumfunc,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,enumerate(),enumfunc,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,enumerate(),enumfunc,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,enumerate(),enumfunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,enumerate(),enumfunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,enumerate(),enumfunc,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,enumerate(),enumfunc,597
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,enumerate() (built-in),enumfunc,603
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"leaps = [y for y in range(1900, 1940)]",simpleListComp,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"leaps = [y for y in range(1900, 1940) if y % 4 == 0]",simpleListComp,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"that is, dirs[:] = [dir for dir in dirs if not dir.startswith(""."")]",simpleListComp,229
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"leaps = [y for y in range(1900, 1940)

 if (y % 4 == 0 and y % 100 != 0) or (y % 400 == 0)]",listCompIf,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"codes = [s + z + c for s in ""MF"" for z in ""SMLX"" for c in ""BGW""

 if not (s == ""F"" and z == ""X"")]",listCompIf,117
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"mode = [number for number, frequency in frequencies.items()

 if frequency == highest_frequency]",listCompIf,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"file_sizes = {name: os.path.getsize(name) for name in os.listdir(""."")}",simpleDictComp,131
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"inverted_d = {v: k for k, v in d.items()}",simpleDictComp,132
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = (yield)
 for match in regex.finditer(text)",generatorExpression,398
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"struct.pack(), struct.unpack()",struct,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,struct.Struct() class. The struct.pack(),struct,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,struct.unpack(),struct,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,struct.calcsize(),struct,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,struct.Struct(),struct,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,struct.Struct(),struct,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,struct.Struct.unpack(),struct,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,struct.unpack(),struct,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pickle.load(),pickle,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pickle.dump(self, fh, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)",pickle,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pickle.load() function),pickle,292
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pickle.dump(data, fh, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)",pickle,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pickle.loads(),pickle,460
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pickle.dump(),pickle,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pickle.dump(, fh, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)",pickle,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,shelve.Shelf.sync(),shelve,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language," program, and returns a 2-tuple (title, DVD ID), or (None, None)",dbm,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,", except for the find_bookmark()",dbm,484
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, (example),dbm,603
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.finditer(),re,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.finditer(),re,309
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.compile(),re,495
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.compile(),re,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,,re,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.compile(),re,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.escape(s),re,498
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub(),re,498
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub(),re,499
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub(),re,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub(),re,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"re.split(), re.sub(), and re.subn()",re,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub(),re,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub(),re,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub() uses the regex &#(\d+),re,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub(),re,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub() call uses the regex &([A-Za-z]+),re,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub() function calls the local char_from_entity(),re,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"re.sub() call’s regex, \n(?:[ \xA0\t]+\n)",re,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.sub(),re,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,,re,504
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,re.split() function (or the regex object’s split() method),re,505
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"re.split(r""\s+"", text)",re,505
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import re,importre,64
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def items_in_key_order(d):
 for key in sorted(d):
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):",descriptorGet,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):",descriptorGet,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):",descriptorGet,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):",descriptorGet,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):",descriptorGet,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property(),classprop,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property(),classprop,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property() and classmethod(),classprop,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property(),classprop,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property(),classprop,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property(),classprop,595
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property() (abc module),classprop,595
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property(),classprop,597
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property(),classprop,601
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,property(),classprop,615
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,classmethod(),classmethod2,254
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,classmethod(),classmethod2,597
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,classmethod(),classmethod2,599
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,classmethod(),classmethod2,601
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,staticmethod(),staticmethod2,252
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,staticmethod(),staticmethod2,597
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,staticmethod(),staticmethod2,601
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,staticmethod(),staticmethod2,621
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"__slots__ = (""x"", ""y"")",__slots__,360
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"__slots__
 = (); or the memory and speed savings will be lost.",__slots__,360
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"__slots__ = (""__name"", ""__description"", ""__price"")",__slots__,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,__slots__ = (),__slots__,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"__slots__ = (""attribute_name"",)",__slots__,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,203
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,209
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,424
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,424
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,426
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,430
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,431
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (""{0}({1})"".format(self.__class__",__class__,248
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,one of which is called __class__,__class__,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (""{0}({1})"".format(self.__class__",__class__,255
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__",__class__,256
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__class__,__class__,256
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self=self.__class__,__class__,256
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,format(self=self.__class__,__class__,257
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"types = [\""'\"" + arg.__class__",__class__,257
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self=self.__class__,__class__,257
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"types = [""'"" + arg.__class__",__class__,258
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self=self.__class__,__class__,258
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__class__,__class__,269
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__class__,__class__,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,d.__class__,__class__,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,format(self.__class__,__class__,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,classname = self.__class__,__class__,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"subclass.) Every object has a __class__ special attribute, so self.__class__",__class__,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__class__,__class__,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name = ""_"" + self.__class__",__class__,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,creates a private dictionary called __dict__,__dict__,360
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"to add or remove attributes, we can create classes that don’t have a __dict__",__dict__,360
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,attributes of the specified names and no __dict__,__dict__,360
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if name in self.__dict__,__dict__,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__dict__,__dict__,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if name in self.__dict__,__dict__,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the object’s __dict__,__dict__,362
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,under the hood all of an object’s nonspecial attributes are held in self.__dict__,__dict__,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,__slots__ variable to ensure that the class has no __dict__,__dict__,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:


 except exception_group1 as variable1:


 except exception_groupN as variableN:




Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 fh = open(filename, ""w"", encoding=""utf8"")

 except EnvironmentError as err:

 print(""ERROR"", err)


 print(""Saved skeleton"", filename)

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 index = lst.index(target)

 except ValueError:

 index = -1

 return index

 Here, we have effectively used the try … except block to turn an exception
 into a return value; the same approach can also be used to catch one kind of
 exception and raise another instead—a technique we will see shortly.
 Python also offers a simpler try … finally block which is sometimes useful:





 No matter what happens in the try block’s suite (apart from the computer
 or program crashing!), the finally block’s suite will be executed. The with
 statement used with a context manager (both covered in Chapter 8) can be
 used to achieve a similar effect to using a try … finally block.
 One common pattern of use for try … except … finally blocks is for handling
 file errors. For example, the program reads a list of filenames on
 the command line, and for each one produces another file with the same name,
 but with its extension changed to .nb, and with the same contents except for no
 blank lines. Here’s the program’s read_data() function:

 def read_data(filename):

 lines = []
 fh = None

 fh = open(filename, encoding=""utf8"")
 for line in fh:

 if line.strip():


 except (IOError, OSError) as err:

 return []

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 fh = open(file, ""rb"")
 magic =
 for get_file_type in get_file_type_functions:

 filetype = get_file_type(magic,


 if filetype is not None:

 print(""{0:.<20}{1}"".format(filetype, file))


 print(""{0:.<20}{1}"".format(""Unknown"", file))

 except EnvironmentError as err:


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 result = function(*args, **kwargs)
 return result

 except Exception as err:

 exception = err

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 fh = open(filename)
 for line in fh:



 except EnvironmentError as err:

 with open(filename) as fh:


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 server = CarRegistrationServer(("""", 9653), RequestHandler)

 except Exception as err:
 print(""ERROR"", err)

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 tar =
 for member in tar.getmembers():


 print(""untrusted prefix, ignoring"",

 elif "".."" in

 print(""suspect path, ignoring"",



 except (tarfile.TarError, EnvironmentError) as err:


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 fh = open(self.filename, ""rb"")
 data = pickle.load(fh)
 (self.__width, self.__height, self.__background,
 self.__data) = data
 self.__colors = (set(self.__data.values()) |


 except (EnvironmentError, pickle.UnpicklingError) as err:

 raise LoadError(str(err))

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 fh = open(filename, ""rb"")
 magic =
 if magic == GZIP_MAGIC:

 fh =, ""rb"")


 return True

 except (EnvironmentError, pickle.UnpicklingError) as err:

 print(""{0}: import error: {1}"".format(

 os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), err))

 return False

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 fh = open(filename, ""r"", encoding=""utf8"")
 code =
 module = type(sys)(name)
 sys.modules[name] = module
 exec(code, module.__dict__)

 except (EnvironmentError, SyntaxError) as err:

 sys.modules.pop(name, None)

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 for file in sys.argv[1:]:

 html = open(file, encoding=""utf8"").read()
 for matcher in matchers:


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 filename = self.work_queue.get()

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 results = results_queue.get()
 if results:


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 db =, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"with open(self.filename, ""wb"") as fh:",withfunc,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"with open(self.filename, ""rb"") as fh:",withfunc,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"with open(self.filename, ""wb"") as fh:",withfunc,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"with open(self.filename, ""rb"") as fh:",withfunc,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 line = input(""integer: "")
 if line:

 number = int(line)

 except ValueError as err:


 total += number
 count += 1

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:


 line = input(msg)
 if not line and default is not None:

 return default

 i = int(line)
 if i < minimum:

 print(""must be >="", minimum)

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:


 line = input()
 if count == 0:

 color = ""lightgreen""

 elif count % 2:

 color = ""white""

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 site = None
 i = line.find(""http://"", i)
 if i > -1:

 i += len(""http://"")
 for j in range(i, len(line)):

 if not (line[j].isalnum() or line[j] in "".-""):

 site = line[i:j].lower()

 if site and ""."" in site:

 sites.setdefault(site, set()).add(filename)

 i = j

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while loop:

 while boolean_expression:


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while loop:

 def list_find(lst, target):

 index = 0
 while index < len(lst):

 if lst[index] == target:

 index += 1


 index = -1

 return index

 This function searches the given list looking for the target. If the target is
 found, the break statement terminates the loop, causing the appropriate index
 position to be returned. If the target is not found, the loop runs to completion
 and terminates normally. After normal termination, the else suite is executed,
 and the index position is set to -1 and returned.

 for Loops


 Like a while loop, the full syntax of the for … in loop also includes an optional
 else clause:

 for expression in iterable:


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:


 line = input(message)
 if not line:

 if default is not None:

 return default

 if minimum_length == 0:

 return """"

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while left < right:

 middle = (left + right) // 2
 if self.__key(self.__list[middle]) < key:

 left = middle + 1


 right = middle

 return left

 This private method calculates the index position where the given value be-
 longs in the list, that is, the index position where the value is (if it is in the list),
 or where it should go (if it isn’t in the list). It computes the comparison key
 for the given value using the sorted list’s key function, and compares the com-
 parison key with the computed comparison keys of the items that the method
 examines. The algorithm used is binary search (also called binary chop), which
 has excellent performance even on very large lists—for example, at most, 21
 comparisons are required to find a value’s position in a list of 1000 000 items.#
 Compare this with a plain unsorted list which uses linear search and needs an
 average of 500 000 comparisons, and at worst 1000 000 comparisons, to find a
 value in a list of 1000 000 items.

 def remove(self, value):

 index = self.__bisect_left(value)
 if index < len(self.__list) and self.__list[index] == value:

 del self.__list[index]

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while index < length:

 state =
 if state != _OKAY:

 for next in range(index + 1, length):

 state =
 if state == _OKAY:

 self[index] = self[next]
 del self[next]

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while len(result) < 5:
 x = next(generator)
 if abs(x - 0.5) < sys.float_info.epsilon:

 x = generator.send(1.0)


 We create a variable to refer to the generator and call the built-in next() func-
 tion which retrieves the next item from the generator it is given. (The same
 effect can be achieved by calling the generator’s __next__() special method, in
 this case, x = generator.__next__().) If the value is equal to 0.5 we send the value
 1.0 into the generator (which immediately yields this value back).This time the
 result list is [0.0, 0.25, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5].
 In the next subsection we will review the program which pro-
 cesses files given on the command line. Unfortunately, the Windows shell pro-
 gram (cmd.exe) does not provide wildcard expansion (also called file globbing), so
 if a program is run on Windows with the argument *.*, the literal text “*.*” will
 go into the sys.argv list instead of all the files in the current directory. We solve
 this problem by creating two different get_files() functions, one for Windows
 and the other for Unix, both of which use generators. Here’s the code:

 if sys.platform.startswith(""win""):

 def get_files(names):
 for name in names:

 if os.path.isfile(name):

 yield name


 for file in glob.iglob(name):

 if not os.path.isfile(file):


 yield file

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 filename = (yield)

 We have used the same @coroutine decorator that we created in the
 The get_files() coroutine is essentially a wrapper around the
 function and that expects to be given paths or filenames to work on.



 def get_files(receiver):

 while True:

 path = (yield)
 if os.path.isfile(path):


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 matches = []
 start = Console.get_string(message, ""title"")
 if not start:

 return None
 for title in db:

 if title.lower().startswith(start.lower()):


 if len(matches) == 0:

 print(""There are no dvds starting with"", start)

 elif len(matches) == 1:

 return matches[0]

 elif len(matches) > DISPLAY_LIMIT:

 print(""Too many dvds start with {0}; try entering ""

 ""more of the title"".format(start))


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 start = Console.get_string(message, ""title"")
 if not start:

 return (None, None)

 cursor.execute(""SELECT title, id FROM dvds ""

 ""WHERE title LIKE ? ORDER BY title"",
 (start + ""%"",))

 records = cursor.fetchall()
 if len(records) == 0:

 print(""There are no dvds starting with"", start)

 elif len(records) == 1:

 return records[0]

 elif len(records) > DISPLAY_LIMIT:

 print(""Too many dvds ({0}) start with {1}; try entering ""

 ""more of the title"".format(len(records), start))


Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while data.pos < len(data.text):

 if not data.advance_up_to(""[]/""):


 if data.text[data.pos] == ""["":

 data.brackets += 1

 elif data.text[data.pos] == ""/"":


 elif data.text[data.pos] == ""]"":

 data.brackets -= 1


 raise LexError(""expecting '[', ']', or '/'; ""

 ""but got '{0}'"".format(data.text[data.pos]))

 if data.brackets:

 raise LexError(""ran out of text when expecting '{0}'""

 .format(']' if data.brackets > 0 else '['))

 This function is the heart of the recursive descent parser. It iterates over the
 text looking for the start or end of a block or a new row marker. If it reaches
 the start of a block it increments the brackets count and calls parse_block(); if
 it reaches a new row marker it calls parse_new_row(); and if it reaches the end
 of a block it decrements the brackets count and advances to the next character.
 If any other character is encountered it is an error and is reported accordingly.
 Similarly, when all the data has been parsed, if the brackets count is not zero
 the function reports the error.

 def parse_block(data):
 nextBlock = data.text.find(""["", data.pos)
 endOfBlock = data.text.find(""]"", data.pos)
 if nextBlock == -1 or endOfBlock < nextBlock:

 parse_block_data(data, endOfBlock)

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while boolean_expression:


 Actually, the while loop’s full syntax is more sophisticated than this, since both
 break and continue are supported, and also an optional else clause that we will
 discuss in Chapter 4. The break statement switches control to the statement
 following the innermost loop in which the break statement appears—that is,
 it breaks out of the loop. The continue statement switches control to the start
 of the loop. Both break and continue are normally used inside if statements to
 conditionally change a loop’s behavior.

 while True:

 item = get_next_item()
 if not item:



 This while loop has a very typical structure and runs as long as there are items
 to process. (Both get_next_item() and process_item() are assumed to be custom
 functions defined elsewhere.) In this example, the while statement’s suite
 contains an if statement, which itself has a suite—as it must—in this case
 consisting of a single break statement.

 The for … in Statement


 Python’s for loop reuses the in keyword (which in other contexts is the mem-
 bership operator), and has the following syntax:

 for variable in iterable:


 Just like the while loop, the for loop supports both break",whilebreak,27
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:


 line = input()
 if line:

 number = int(line)
 total += number
 count += 1

 except ValueError as err:


 except EOFError:

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:


 line = input()
 if line:

 number = int(line)

 except ValueError as err:


 total += number
 count += 1

 except EOFError:

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 report_id = unpack_string(fh, False)
 if report_id is None:

 data = {}
 data[""report_id""] = report_id
 for name in (""airport"", ""aircraft_id"",

 ""aircraft_type"", ""narrative""):

 data[name] = unpack_string(fh)

 other_data =
 numbers = NumbersStruct.unpack(other_data)
 data[""date""] =[0])
 data[""pilot_percent_hours_on_type""] = numbers[1]
 data[""pilot_total_hours""] = numbers[2]
 data[""midair""] = numbers[3]
 incident = Incident(**data)
 self[incident.report_id] = incident

 return True

 The while block loops until we run out of data. We start by trying to get a report
 ID. If we get None we’ve reached the end of the file and can break",whilebreak,301
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 data =
 if not data:

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 yield next_quarter
 next_quarter += 0.25

 This function will return 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, and so on, forever. Here is how we could
 use the generator:

 result = []
 for x in quarters():
 if x >= 1.0:


 The break",whilebreak,339
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while True:

 event = getNextEvent()
 if event:

 if event == Terminate:

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while row < rows:,whilesimple,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while column < columns:,whilesimple,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while len(s) < 10:,whilesimple,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while code < end:,whilesimple,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while x is None:,whilesimple,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while i < len(x):,whilesimple,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while username in usernames:,whilesimple,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while

 def list_find(lst, target):",whilesimple,159
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while ord(a) < ord(z):,whilesimple,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while ord(a) < ord(z):,whilesimple,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,339
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while item.startswith(indent, i):",whilesimple,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,398
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,399
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while pipes:,whilesimple,439
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while True:,whilesimple,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,while self.pos < position:,whilesimple,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from importable import *,fromstarstatements,193
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from os.path import *,fromstarstatements,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from importable import *,fromstarstatements,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from os.path import *,fromstarstatements,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from Graphics import *,fromstarstatements,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from package import *,fromstarstatements,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"from module
 import *",fromstarstatements,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"from
 module import *",fromstarstatements,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from module import *,fromstarstatements,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from Graphics.Vector import *,fromstarstatements,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"from module import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"from CharGrid
 import *",fromstarstatements,206
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from importable import *,fromstarstatements,227
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import importable1, importable2, ..., importableN
 import importable as preferred_name",asextension,193
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from importable import object as preferred_name,asextension,193
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from Graphics import Tiff as picture,asextension,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"circle = Shape.Circle(5, 28, 45) # assumes: import ShapeAlt as Shape",asextension,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, x=0, y=0)",__init__,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,method __init__(),__init__,237
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the __init__() method, since the object.__new__()",__init__,237
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, x=0, y=0)",__init__,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class __init__() method by calling super().__init__(),__init__,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s __init__(),__init__,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s __init__(),__init__,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, radius, x=0, y=0)",__init__,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,of __init__() and __eq__(),__init__,242
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, value=0.0)",__init__,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, sequence=None, key=None)",__init__,267
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the
 __init__() method’s type-testing elif clause.)",__init__,272
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, dictionary=None, key=None, **kwargs)",__init__,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, incidents)",__init__,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, filename, record_size, auto_flush=True)",__init__,323
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, identity, name, quantity, price)",__init__,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, filename)",__init__,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, x=0, y=0)",__init__,360
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, *attribute_names)",__init__,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, forename, surname, email)",__init__,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, name, description, price)",__init__,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, attribute_name)",__init__,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, attribute_name)",__init__,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, x=0, y=0)",__init__,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, attribute_name)",__init__,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, name, extension)",__init__,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, getter, setter=None)",__init__,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s __init__(),__init__,379
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,made __init__(),__init__,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the __init__(),__init__,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the __init__(),__init__,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, model, price, fuel)",__init__,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the __init__(),__init__,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The __init__() and undo(),__init__,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __init__(self),__init__,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, filename, *attribute_names)",__init__,385
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, filename)",__init__,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the __init__(),__init__,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dictionary)",__init__,388
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,its __init__(),__init__,389
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,to __init__(),__init__,389
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"reimplementing
 __init__() is sufficient, although this can also be done in __new__()",__init__,389
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,than __init__(),__init__,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,an __init__(),__init__,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,and __init__(),__init__,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, name, productid, category, price, quantity)",__init__,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, getter, setter)",__init__,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The __init__(),__init__,408
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, work_queue, word, number)",__init__,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The __init__() method must call the base class __init__(),__init__,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"s __init__() and run() methods, and the process()",__init__,452
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, address)",__init__,460
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, filename, mode)",__init__,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, name, color=""white"")",__init__,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, text)",__init__,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, parent)",__init__,569
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, parent)",__init__,575
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __init__(self, parent, name=None, url=None)",__init__,586
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"253
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"391

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 fh = open(filename, encoding=""utf8"")
 errors = False
 for lino, line in enumerate(fh, start=1):

 for column, c in enumerate(line, start=1):


 The code begins conventionally enough, setting the file object to None and
 putting all the file handling in a try block. The program reads the file line by
 line and reads each line character by character.
 Notice that we have two try blocks; the outer one is used to handle file object
 exceptions, and the inner one is used to handle parsing exceptions.

 elif state == PARSING_ENTITY:

 if c == "";"":

 if entity.startswith(""#""):

 if frozenset(entity[1:]) - HEXDIGITS:
 raise InvalidNumericEntityError()

 elif not entity.isalpha():

 raise InvalidAlphaEntityError()

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(filename)

 except (EnvironmentError,

 xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError) as err:

 print(""{0}: import error: {1}"".format(

 os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), err))

 return False

 By default, the element tree parser uses the expat XML parser under the hood
 which is why we must be ready to catch expat exceptions.

 for element in tree.findall(""incident""):


 data = {}
 for attribute in (""report_id"", ""date"", ""aircraft_id"",

 ""pilot_total_hours"", ""midair""):

 data[attribute] = element.get(attribute)

 data[""date""] = datetime.datetime.strptime(

 data[""date""], ""%Y-%m-%d"").date()

 data[""pilot_percent_hours_on_type""] = (


 data[""pilot_total_hours""] = int(


 data[""midair""] = bool(int(data[""midair""]))
 data[""airport""] = element.find(""airport"").text.strip()
 narrative = element.find(""narrative"").text
 data[""narrative""] = (narrative.strip()

 if narrative is not None else """")

 incident = Incident(**data)
 self[incident.report_id] = incident

 except (ValueError, LookupError, IncidentError) as err:

 print(""{0}: import error: {1}"".format(

 os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), err))

 return False

 return True",trytry,312
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)

 except (EnvironmentError,

 xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError) as err:

 print(""{0}: import error: {1}"".format(

 os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), err))

 return False

 Parsing an XML file into a DOM is easy since the module does all the hard work
 for us, but we must be ready to handle expat errors since just like an element
 tree, the expat XML parser is the default parser used by the DOM classes
 under the hood.

 for element in dom.getElementsByTagName(""incident""):


 data = {}
 for attribute in (""report_id"", ""date"", ""aircraft_id"",

 ""pilot_total_hours"", ""midair""):

 data[attribute] = element.getAttribute(attribute)

 data[""date""] = datetime.datetime.strptime(

 data[""date""], ""%Y-%m-%d"").date()

 data[""pilot_percent_hours_on_type""] = (


 data[""pilot_total_hours""] = int(


 data[""midair""] = bool(int(data[""midair""]))
 airport = element.getElementsByTagName(""airport"")[0]",trytry,315
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 module = __import__(name)

 except (ImportError, SyntaxError) as err:


 This is the easiest way to dynamically import modules and is slightly safer
 than using exec(), although like any dynamic import, it is by no means secure
 because we don’t know what is being executed when the module is imported.
 None of the techniques shown here handles packages or modules in different
 paths, but it is not difficult to extend the code to accommodate these—although
 it is worth reading the online documentation, especially for __import__(), if
 more sophistication is required.
 Having imported the module we need to be able to access the functionality it
 provides. This can be achieved using Python’s built-in introspection functions,
 getattr() and hasattr(). Here’s how we have used them to implement the
 get_function() function:

 def get_function(module, function_name):

 function = get_function.cache.get((module, function_name), None)
 if function is None:


 function = getattr(module, function_name)
 if not hasattr(function, ""__call__""):

 raise AttributeError()

 get_function.cache[module, function_name] = function

 except AttributeError:

 function = None

 return function

 get_function.cache = {}

 Ignoring the cache-related code for a moment, what the function does is call
 getattr() on the module object with the name of the function we want. If
 there is no such attribute an AttributeError exception is raised, but if there
 is such an attribute we use hasattr() to check
 that the attribute itself has
 the __call__ attribute—something that all callables (functions and methods)
 have. (Further on we will see a nicer way of checking whether an attribute is

 ® 392",trytry,347
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 with open(source) as fin:

 with open(target, ""w"") as fout:

 for line in fin:


 except EnvironmentError as err:


 Here we read lines from the source file and write processed versions of them to
 the target file.
 Using nested with statements can quickly lead to a lot of indentation. Fortu-
 nately, the standard library’s contextlib module provides some additional sup-
 port for context managers, including the contextlib.nested() function which
 allows two or more context managers to be handled in the same with statement
 rather than having to nest with statements. Here is a replacement for the code
 just shown, but omitting most of the lines that are identical to before:


 with contextlib.nested(open(source), open(target, ""w"")) as (

 fin, fout):
 for line in fin:",trytry,367
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 with open(source) as fin, open(target, ""w"") as fout:

 for line in fin:

 Using this syntax keeps context managers and the variables they are associ-
 ated with together, making the with statement much more readable than if we
 were to nest them or to use contextlib.nested().
 It isn’t only file objects that are context managers. For example,
 threading-related classes used for locking are context managers. Context
 managers can also be used with decimal.Decimal numbers; this is useful if we
 want to perform some calculations with certain settings (such as a particular
 precision) in effect.
 If we want to create a custom context manager we must create a class that
 provides two methods: __enter__() and __exit__(). Whenever a with statement
 is used on an instance of such a class, the __enter__() method is called and
 the return value is used for the as variable (or thrown away if there isn’t one).
 When control leaves the scope of the with statement the __exit__() method is
 called (with details of an exception if one has occurred passed as arguments).
 Suppose we want to perform several operations on a list in an atomic
 manner—that is, we either want all the operations to be done or none of them
 so that the resultant list is always in a known state. For example, if we have
 a list of integers and want to append an integer, delete an integer, and change
 a couple of integers, all as a single operation, we could write code like this:

 ® 439


 with AtomicList(items) as atomic:

 del atomic[3]
 atomic[8] = 81738
 atomic[index] = 38172

 except (AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError) as err:

 print(""no changes applied:"", err)

 If no exception occurs, all the operations are applied to the original list (items),
 but if an exception occurs, no changes are made at all. Here is the code for the
 AtomicList context manager:

 class AtomicList:

 def __init__(self, alist, shallow_copy=True):",trytry,368
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 x = float(number)
 print(""<td align='right'>{0:d}</td>"".format(round(x)))

 except ValueError:

 field = field.title()
 field = field.replace("" And "", "" and "")
 if len(field) <= maxwidth:

 field = escape_html(field)

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 for row, record in enumerate(table):

 for column, field in enumerate(record):
 for index, item in enumerate(field):

 if item == target:

 raise FoundException()

 except FoundException:

 print(""found at ({0}, {1}, {2})"".format(row, column, index))

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:


 except exception1 as variable1:


 except exceptionN as variableN:",tryexcept,28
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 i = int(s)
 print(""valid integer entered:"", i)

 except ValueError as err:",tryexcept,29
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 i = int(input(msg))
 return i

 except ValueError as err:",tryexcept,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 digits = sys.argv[1]
 row = 0
 while row < 7:
 line = """"
 column = 0
 while column < len(digits):

 number = int(digits[column])
 digit = Digits[number]
 line += digit[row] + "" ""
 column += 1

 row += 1

 except IndexError:

 print(""usage: <number>"")

 except ValueError as err:",tryexcept,40
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 i = line.index(opener)
 start = i + len(opener)
 j = line.index(closer, start)
 return line[start:j]

 except ValueError:",tryexcept,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 product *= next(i)
 except StopIteration:",tryexcept,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 number = float(x)
 frequencies[number] += 1

 except ValueError as err:",tryexcept,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 print(""\nMake HTML Skeleton\n"")

 except CancelledError:",tryexcept,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 for column in range(column0, column1):

 _grid[row][column] = char

 except IndexError:",tryexcept,208
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 import bz2

 except ImportError:",tryexcept,218
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:


 except ValueError:",tryexcept,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 tree.write(filename, ""UTF-8"")

 except EnvironmentError as err:",tryexcept,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 exec(""import "" + name)

 except SyntaxError as err:",tryexcept,346
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 blocks = parse(blocks)
 svg = file.replace("".blk"", "".svg"")
 if not BlockOutput.save_blocks_as_svg(blocks, svg):

 print(""Error: failed to save {0}"".format(svg)

 except ValueError as err:",tryexcept,412
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 i = int(data)

 except ValueError as err:",tryexcept,416
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 with open(filename, ""rb"") as fh:

 while True:

 current =
 if not current:


 current = current.decode(""utf8"", ""ignore"")
 if (word in current or

 word in previous[-len(word):] +


 print(""{0}{1}"".format(number, filename))

 if len(current) != BLOCK_SIZE:


 previous = current
 except EnvironmentError as err:",tryexcept,440
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 key = (os.path.getsize(fullname), filename)

 except EnvironmentError:",tryexcept,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 md5 = hashlib.md5()
 with open(filename, ""rb"") as fh:


 md5 = md5.digest()
 with self.Md5_lock:

 self.md5_from_filename[filename] = md5

 except EnvironmentError:",tryexcept,449
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 with self.CallLock:

 function = self.Call[data[0]]
 reply = function(self, *data[1:])

 except Finish:",tryexcept,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:


 except LexError as err:",tryexcept,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:


 except ParseException as err:",tryexcept,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:


 except ParseException as err:",tryexcept,537
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"try:

 return parser.parse(text, lexer=lexer)

 except ValueError as err:",tryexcept,562
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"S = {7, ""veil"", 0, -29, (""x"", 11), ""sun"", frozenset({8, 4, 7}), 913}",nestedDict,118
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"modeline = ""mode

 = {0:{fmt}}",nestedDict,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"mean:{fmt}}
 = {median:{fmt}}",nestedDict,153
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,std. dev. = {std_dev:{fmt}},nestedDict,153
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda parameters: expression,lambda,179
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda function:,lambda,179
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda e: (e[1], e[2]) with e being each 3-tuple ele-",lambda,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda self, identity, amount:",lambda,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda self, identity, amount:",lambda,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda self, *a, **kw: """,lambda,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda self, *a, **kw: self._SortedList__list.pop(*a, **kw)",lambda,376
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda self, price: super().set_price(price))",lambda,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda self: self.__stack.pop()),lambda,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda self: self.__stack.append(item)),lambda,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda x: x > 0, [1, -2, 3, -4])) # returns: [1, 3]",lambda,392
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda x, y: x * y, [1, 2, 3, 4]) # returns: 24",lambda,393
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda x, y: x + y.",lambda,393
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda x: x.endswith("".py""), files)))",lambda,393
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lambda tokens: int(tokens[0]))(""seconds"")",lambda,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda tokens: len(tokens.new_rows)),lambda,538
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda tokens:,lambda,538
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda *ignore: principalScale.focus_set()),lambda,572
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda *ignore: rateScale.focus_set()),lambda,572
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda *ignore: yearsScale.focus_set()),lambda,572
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda *ignore: nameEntry.focus_set()),lambda,588
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lambda *ignore: urlEntry.focus_set()),lambda,588
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def sum_of_powers(*args, power=1):",funcwithkeywordonly,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def heron2(a, b, c, *, units=""square meters""):",funcwithkeywordonly,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def print_setup(*, paper=""Letter"", copies=1, color=False):",funcwithkeywordonly,176
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def handle_request(*items, wait_for_reply=True):

 SizeStruct = struct.Struct(""!I"")
 data = pickle.dumps(items, 3)


 with SocketManager(tuple(Address)) as sock:
 if not wait_for_reply:


 size_data = sock.recv(SizeStruct.size)
 size = SizeStruct.unpack(size_data)[0]
 result = bytearray()
 while True:

 data = sock.recv(4000)
 if not data:


 if len(result) >= size:",funcwithkeywordonly,459
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def add_person_details(ssn, surname, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,176
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def print_args(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def update(self, dictionary=None, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def product(*args):,funcwithstar,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def product(*args):,funcwithstar,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def product(*args):,funcwithstar,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def conjunction(*fuzzies):,funcwithstar,253
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def {0}(self, *args):",funcwithstar,257
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __xor__(self, *args):",funcwithstar,258
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def pop(self, key, *args):",funcwithstar,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def range_of_floats(*args) -> ""author=Reginald Perrin"":",funcwithstar,359
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def quit(*ignore):,funcwithstar,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def stop_server(*ignore):,funcwithstar,459
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __exit__(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,461
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def __exit__(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def shutdown(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,468
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def updateUi(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,573
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def fileNew(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def fileSave(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def fileOpen(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def editAdd(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,583
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def editEdit(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def editDelete(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def editShowWebPage(self, *ignore):",funcwithstar,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class exceptionName(baseException):,simpleclass,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class FoundException(Exception):,simpleclass,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class InvalidEntityError(Exception):,simpleclass,166
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class InvalidNumericEntityError(InvalidEntityError):,simpleclass,166
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class InvalidAlphaEntityError(InvalidEntityError):,simpleclass,166
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class InvalidTagContentError(Exception):,simpleclass,166
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class CancelledError(Exception):,simpleclass,183
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class RangeError(Exception):,simpleclass,205
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class RowRangeError(RangeError):,simpleclass,205
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class ColumnRangeError(RangeError):,simpleclass,205
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class className(base_classes):,simpleclass,235
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class Circle(Point):,simpleclass,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class ImageError(Exception):,simpleclass,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class CoordinateError(ImageError):,simpleclass,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class SortedDict(dict):,simpleclass,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class IncidentError(Exception):,simpleclass,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class IncidentCollection(dict):,simpleclass,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class Cooker(Appliance):,simpleclass,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class CharCounter(TextFilter):,simpleclass,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class RunLengthDecode(TextFilter):,simpleclass,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class Stack(Undo):,simpleclass,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class LoadableSaveable(type):,simpleclass,388
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class InvalidDataError(Exception):,simpleclass,416
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class LexError(Exception):,simpleclass,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise
 a TypeError. But we can easily achieve what we want using str.format()",raise,77
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise a ValueError exception if the string or item is not found. The str.find(),raise,158
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise exception(args),raise,164
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise exception(args),raise,164
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise EOFError(""missing ';' at end of "" + filename)",raise,168
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise CancelledError(),raise,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise RowRangeError(),raise,208
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise ColumnRangeError(),raise,208
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise
 TypeError(). The third way (which is also the most Pythonically correct)",raise,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise NotImplementedError(),raise,255
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise
 a TypeError. Here is how we can make FuzzyBool.__add__()",raise,256
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise TypeError(""unsupported operand type(s)",raise,256
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise TypeError(""unsupported operand type(s)",raise,258
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise CoordinateError(str(coordinate)),raise,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise CoordinateError(str(coordinate)),raise,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise CoordinateError(str(coordinate)),raise,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise NoFilenameError(),raise,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""{0}.remove(x)",raise,269
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""{0}.index(x)",raise,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise TypeError(""use add()",raise,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise KeyError(key),raise,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise KeyError(key),raise,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""missing or corrupt string size"")",raise,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""missing or corrupt string"")",raise,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise
 a ValueError exception to indicate corrupt or missing data. The struct.unpack()",raise,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""invalid .aib file format"")",raise,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""unrecognized .aib file version"")",raise,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise IncidentError(""missing data"")",raise,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise IncidentError(""missing data"")",raise,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""invalid price"")",raise,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""cannot change a const attribute"")",raise,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""cannot delete a const attribute"")",raise,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise
 NotImplementedError()), or with an actual (concrete)",raise,378
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise NotImplementedError(),raise,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise NotImplementedError(),raise,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise InvalidDataError(""Invalid data received"")",raise,416
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise InvalidDataError(""Invalid data received"")",raise,417
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,raise Finish(),raise,468
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise
 our own exception (a ValueError)",raise,541
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise LexError(""too many ']'s"")",raise,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise LexError(""syntax error"")",raise,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise LexError(""syntax error"")",raise,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise LexError(""unbalanced brackets []"")",raise,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"raise ValueError(""Unknown error"")",raise,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert left != right, ""the bracket characters must differ""",assert,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert max_rows > 0 and max_columns > 0, ""too small""",assert,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert len(char) == 1, _CHAR_ASSERT_TEMPLATE.format(char)",assert,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert len(char) == 1, _CHAR_ASSERT_TEMPLATE.format(char)",assert,208
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert radius > 0, ""radius must be nonzero and non-negative""",assert,244
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert len(coordinate) == 2, ""coordinate should be a 2-tuple""",assert,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert len(coordinate) == 2, ""coordinate should be a 2-tuple""",assert,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert len(coordinate) == 2, ""coordinate should be a 2-tuple""",assert,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert len(report_id) >= 8 and len(report_id.split()) == 1, \",assert,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert len(record) == self.record_size, (",assert,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert len(identity) > 3, (""invalid bike identity '{0}'""",assert,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert result >= 0, function.__name__ + ""() result isn't >= 0""",assert,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assert result >= 0, function.__name__ + ""() result isn't >= 0""",assert,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,assert len(results) == 1,assert,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,assert len(result) == 1,assert,547
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for country in [""Denmark"", ""Finland"", ""Norway"", ""Sweden""]:",forwithlist,27
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for i in [1, 2, 4, 8]:",forwithlist,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for row in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6):",forwithtuple,40
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for _ in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):",forwithtuple,51
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for x, y in ((1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)):",forwithtuple,106
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for x, y in ((-3, 4), (5, 12), (28, -45)):",forwithtuple,108
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for function in (""function_a"", ""function_b"", ""function_c""):",forwithtuple,430
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for function in (""function_a"", ""function_b"", ""function_c""):",forwithtuple,431
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Given the assignment L = [-17.5, ""kilo"", 49, ""V"", [""ram"", 5, ""echo""], 7]",nestedList,110
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = [53, 68, [""A"", ""B"", ""C""]]",nestedList,145
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = [53, 68, [""A"", ""B"", ""C""]]",nestedList,145
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t]*(?P<key>\w+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(?P<value>[^\n]+)(?<![ \t],nestedList,492
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p[0] = [p[1], p[2], p[4]]",nestedList,559
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p[0] = [p[1], p[2], p[3]]",nestedList,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p[0] = [p[1], p[2]]",nestedList,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p[0] = [p[1], p[2], p[3]]",nestedList,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for column, field in enumerate(record):
 for index, item in enumerate(field):",fornested,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d5 = {""id"": 1948, ""name"": ""Washer"", ""size"": 3}",simpleDict,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d = {}.fromkeys(""ABCD"", 3) # d == {'A': 3, 'B': 3, 'C': 3, 'D': 3}",simpleDict,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Chapter 3. Collection Data Types

 = {0:6}",simpleDict,153
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a={0:.1%} b={1:.0%},simpleDict,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,midair={0.midair:d},simpleDict,303
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for line in open(filename),openfunc,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,bar “Reading and Writing Text Files” (® 131) for an explanation of the open(),openfunc,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Files are opened using the built-in open(),openfunc,128
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,possible it is best to specify the encoding using open(),openfunc,128
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fin = open(filename, encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,128
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fout = open(filename, ""w"", encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,128
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Because open(),openfunc,128
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for line in open(filename, encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,128
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for line in open(filename),openfunc,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for lino, line in enumerate(open(filename), start=1)",openfunc,137
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,called open(),openfunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The file object returned by the open(),openfunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for name in open(filename, encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(""test-names1.txt"", ""w"", encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,We have not shown the get_forenames_and_surnames() function or the open(),openfunc,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for line in open(filename, encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for lino, line in enumerate(open(filename, encoding=""ascii"")",openfunc,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"We set the file object, fh, to None because it is possible that the open()",openfunc,164
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"binary = open(left_align_png, ""rb"").read()",openfunc,217
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"The binary data could be written to a file using open(filename, ""wb"")",openfunc,218
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = urllib.request.urlopen("""")",openfunc,223
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The urllib.request.urlopen(),openfunc,223
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,binary =,openfunc,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The gzip module’s,openfunc,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,built-in open(),openfunc,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"If compression has been requested, we use the gzip module’s",openfunc,291
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"function to open the file; otherwise, we use the built-in open()",openfunc,291
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,create a new file object using the,openfunc,292
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"compressed we use the file object returned by open(), calling its seek()",openfunc,292
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh =, ""wb"")",openfunc,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(filename, ""wb"")",openfunc,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(filename, ""rb"")",openfunc,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh =, ""rb"")",openfunc,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,we used for reading pickles to open the file using,openfunc,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(filename, ""w"", encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,303
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(filename, encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(filename, encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the string ""utf8"". This works fine for Python’s built-in open()",openfunc,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(filename, ""w"", encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,314
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,between the encoding string used for the built-in open(),openfunc,314
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(filename, ""w"", encoding=""utf8"")",openfunc,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__fh = open(filename, mode)",openfunc,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = open(compactfile, ""wb"")",openfunc,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__fh = open(, ""r+b"")",openfunc,329
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,that open(),openfunc,366
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,we call open(),openfunc,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"blocks = open(file, encoding=""utf8"").read()",openfunc,414
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return open(*args, **kwargs)",openfunc,414
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,main() function. It looks like we have a call to open(),openfunc,414
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"blocks = open(file, encoding=""utf8"").read()",openfunc,414
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"with contextlib.closing(, ""rb""))",openfunc,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.fh =, self.mode)",openfunc,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"care about Python 3.1 or later, we can simply write, with",openfunc,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,since from Python 3.1 the,openfunc,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"dictionaries, so we don’t have to learn any new syntax beyond the",openfunc,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the built-in open() function as the fh (“file handle”),openfunc,537
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,files; see file object and open(),openfunc,605
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,see also file object and open(),openfunc,609
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,to a file using the file object’s write(),write,128
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh.write(line),write,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh.write(""{0:.<25}.{1}\n"".format(name, year))",write,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"a file object’s write() method, and the other is to use the print()",write,210
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sys.stdout.write(""Another error message\n"")",write,210
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sys.stdout.write(),write,211
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,text to a file using either the built-in print() function or a file object’s write(),write,227
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh.write(MAGIC),write,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh.write(FORMAT_VERSION),write,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh.write(data),write,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ing the XML, creating an element tree and using its write()",write,309
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ating a DOM and using its write(),write,309
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh.write('<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>\n')",write,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh.write(""<incidents>\n"")",write,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh.write(""</incidents>\n"")",write,317
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,f.write(s),write,323
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__fh.write(_OKAY),write,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__fh.write(record),write,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__fh.write(_DELETED),write,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__fh.write(_OKAY),write,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh.write(data),write,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data.write(info),write,416
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data.write(info),write,416
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.wfile.write(SizeStruct.pack(len(data))),write,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.wfile.write(data),write,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a single string using the file object’s read(),read,128
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"html =""utf8"")",read,223
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,length_data =,read,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data =,read,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,magic =,read,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,magic =,read,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,version =,read,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for incident_match in incident_re.finditer(,read,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,,read,322
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,state =,read,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return,read,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,state =,read,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,state =,read,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,state =,read,327
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,state =,read,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,stdin =,read,439
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,stdin =,read,440
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,calling threading.Thread(),read,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,have created a function and we pass that to threading.Thread(),read,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,This function is passed as an argument to threading.Thread(),read,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,size_data =,read,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data = pickle.loads(,read,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lexer.input(,read,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lexer.input(,read,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh.readline(),readline,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import sys,importfunc,37
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import a,importfunc,37
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import statement,importfunc,37
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import random,importfunc,37
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import statements,importfunc,37
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import random,importfunc,41
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import the,importfunc,47
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import math,importfunc,51
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import the,importfunc,59
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import math,importfunc,60
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import the,importfunc,61
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import the,importfunc,61
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import decimal,importfunc,61
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import the,importfunc,66
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import locale,importfunc,84
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import cmath,importfunc,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import math,importfunc,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import sys,importfunc,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import of,importfunc,96
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import sys,importfunc,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import string,importfunc,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import sys,importfunc,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import the,importfunc,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import statement,importfunc,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import copy,importfunc,145
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import datetime,importfunc,183
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import functionality,importfunc,189
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import collections,importfunc,193
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import importable,importfunc,193
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import MyModuleA,importfunc,193
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import MyModuleB,importfunc,193
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import statements,importfunc,193
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import syntax,importfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import lots,importfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import everything,importfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import os,importfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import importable,importfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import of,importfunc,196
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import any,importfunc,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import and,importfunc,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import only,importfunc,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import using,importfunc,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import is,importfunc,199
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import name,importfunc,199
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import other,importfunc,199
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import Png,importfunc,199
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import string,importfunc,200
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import TextUtil,importfunc,202
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import TextUtil,importfunc,202
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import doctest,importfunc,203
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import doctest,importfunc,209
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import optparse,importfunc,212
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import heapq,importfunc,216
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import importable,importfunc,227
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import collections,importfunc,231
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import Shape,importfunc,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import the,importfunc,272
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import and,importfunc,333
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import math,importfunc,342
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import pdb,importfunc,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import pdb,importfunc,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import doctest,importfunc,424
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import the,importfunc,424
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import doctest,importfunc,424
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import unittest,importfunc,424
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import both,importfunc,426
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import unittest,importfunc,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import test_Atomic,importfunc,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import multiprocessing,importfunc,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"import
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import each,importfunc,532
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import and,importfunc,544
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import brings,importfunc,544
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import we,importfunc,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import and,importfunc,589
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import statement,importfunc,606
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,import order,importfunc,608
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"from now on.

 import sys",importfromsimple,38
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from os import path,importfromsimple,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from os.path import basename,importfromsimple,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from Graphics import Png,importfromsimple,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from module import syntax,importfromsimple,199
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"from
 names to objects. Modules are namespaces—for example, after the statement
 import math",importfromsimple,233
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,from one program and import it,importfromsimple,472
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.x = x,simpleattr,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.y = y,simpleattr,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.x = x,simpleattr,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.y = y,simpleattr,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.radius = radius,simpleattr,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__radius = radius,simpleattr,244
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__value = value if 0.0 <= value <= 1.0 else 0.0,simpleattr,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__value = min(self.__value, other.__value)",simpleattr,248
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.filename = filename,simpleattr,260
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__background = background,simpleattr,260
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data = {},simpleattr,260
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__width = width,simpleattr,260
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__height = height,simpleattr,260
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__colors = {self.__background},simpleattr,260
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data[tuple(coordinate)] = color,simpleattr,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__colors = (set(self.__data.values()) |,simpleattr,263
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.filename = filename,simpleattr,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__key = key or _identity,simpleattr,267
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__list = sequence.__list[:],simpleattr,267
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__list = sorted(list(sequence), key=self.__key)",simpleattr,267
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__list[index] == value):,simpleattr,269
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__list[index] == value):,simpleattr,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__list[index] == value),simpleattr,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__list = [],simpleattr,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__keys = SortedList.SortedList(super().keys(), key)",simpleattr,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__keys = SortedList.SortedList(super().keys(),",simpleattr,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__report_id = report_id,simpleattr,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = date,simpleattr,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.airport = airport,simpleattr,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.aircraft_id = aircraft_id,simpleattr,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.aircraft_type = aircraft_type,simpleattr,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.pilot_percent_hours_on_type = pilot_percent_hours_on_type,simpleattr,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.pilot_total_hours = pilot_total_hours,simpleattr,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.midair = midair,simpleattr,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.narrative = narrative,simpleattr,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__date = date,simpleattr,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data = {},simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__text = """"",simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__incidents = incidents,simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data = {},simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data[key] = datetime.datetime.strptime(,simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data[key] = float(value),simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data[key] = bool(int(value)),simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data[key] = value,simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__text = """"",simpleattr,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__incidents[incident.report_id] = incident,simpleattr,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__data[name] = self.__text.strip(),simpleattr,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__text = """"",simpleattr,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__text += text,simpleattr,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__record_size = record_size + 1,simpleattr,323
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.auto_flush = auto_flush,simpleattr,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__identity = identity,simpleattr,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = name,simpleattr,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.quantity = quantity,simpleattr,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.price = price,simpleattr,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__file = BinaryRecordFile.BinaryRecordFile(filename,",simpleattr,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__index_from_identity = {},simpleattr,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__index_from_identity[bike.identity] = index,simpleattr,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__file[index] = _record_from_bike(bike),simpleattr,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__index_from_identity[bike.identity] = index,simpleattr,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__file[index] = _record_from_bike(bike),simpleattr,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.x = x,simpleattr,360
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.y = y,simpleattr,360
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.attribute_names = attribute_names,simpleattr,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.forename = forename,simpleattr,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.surname = surname,simpleattr,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = email,simpleattr,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.original = alist,simpleattr,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.shallow_copy = shallow_copy,simpleattr,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.modified = (self.original[:] if self.shallow_copy,simpleattr,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.original[:] = self.modified,simpleattr,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__name = name,simpleattr,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.description = description,simpleattr,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.price = price,simpleattr,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.attribute_name = attribute_name,simpleattr,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.attribute_name = attribute_name,simpleattr,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.cache = {},simpleattr,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.x = x,simpleattr,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.y = y,simpleattr,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.attribute_name = attribute_name,simpleattr,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.__storage[id(instance), self.attribute_name] = value",simpleattr,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__name = name,simpleattr,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.extension = extension,simpleattr,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__extension = extension,simpleattr,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__getter = getter,simpleattr,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__setter = setter,simpleattr,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__name__ = getter.__name__,simpleattr,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__setter = setter,simpleattr,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__list = [],simpleattr,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__model = model,simpleattr,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.price = price,simpleattr,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__price = price,simpleattr,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.fuel = fuel,simpleattr,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__undos = [],simpleattr,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__stack = [],simpleattr,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.filename = filename,simpleattr,385
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__attribute_names = [],simpleattr,385
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__stack = [],simpleattr,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.__undos = [],simpleattr,387
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = name,simpleattr,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.productid = productid,simpleattr,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.category = category,simpleattr,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.price = price,simpleattr,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.quantity = quantity,simpleattr,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.getter = getter,simpleattr,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.setter = setter,simpleattr,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.original_list = list(range(10)),simpleattr,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.work_queue = work_queue,simpleattr,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.word = word,simpleattr,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.number = number,simpleattr,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.work_queue = work_queue,simpleattr,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.md5_from_filename = md5_from_filename,simpleattr,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.results_queue = results_queue,simpleattr,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.number = number,simpleattr,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.address = address,simpleattr,460
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)",simpleattr,460
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.filename = filename,simpleattr,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.mode = mode,simpleattr,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.Cars[license] = Car(seats, mileage, owner)",simpleattr,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = name,simpleattr,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.color = color,simpleattr,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.children = [],simpleattr,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.text = text,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.pos = 0,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.line = 1,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.column = 1,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.brackets = 0,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.stack = [Block.get_root_block()],simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.pos += 1,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.text[self.pos] == ""\n""):",simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.line += 1,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.column = 1,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.column += 1,simpleattr,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.parent = parent,simpleattr,569
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.grid(row=0, column=0)",simpleattr,569
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.principal = tkinter.DoubleVar(),simpleattr,569
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.rate = tkinter.DoubleVar(),simpleattr,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.years = tkinter.IntVar(),simpleattr,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.amount = tkinter.StringVar(),simpleattr,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.parent = parent,simpleattr,575
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.filename = None,simpleattr,575
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.dirty = False,simpleattr,575
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = {},simpleattr,575
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.parent[""menu""] = menubar",simpleattr,575
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.toolbar_images = [],simpleattr,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.listBox = tkinter.Listbox(frame,",simpleattr,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.listBox.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tkinter.NSEW)",simpleattr,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.statusbar = tkinter.Label(frame, text=""Ready..."",",simpleattr,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.statusbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2,",simpleattr,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.statusbar[""text""] = """"",simpleattr,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.dirty = False,simpleattr,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.filename = None,simpleattr,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = {},simpleattr,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.filename = filename,simpleattr,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.filename += "".bmf""",simpleattr,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.dirty = False,simpleattr,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.filename, err), parent=self.parent)",simpleattr,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.statusbar[""text""] = text",simpleattr,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.filename = filename,simpleattr,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.dirty = False,simpleattr,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = pickle.load(fh),simpleattr,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"self.filename, err), parent=self.parent)",simpleattr,583
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,[] = form.url,simpleattr,583
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.dirty = True,simpleattr,583
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,[] = form.url,simpleattr,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.dirty = True,simpleattr,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.dirty = True,simpleattr,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.parent = parent,simpleattr,586
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.accepted = False,simpleattr,586
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.nameVar = tkinter.StringVar(),simpleattr,586
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.urlVar = tkinter.StringVar(),simpleattr,586
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = self.nameVar.get(),simpleattr,588
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.url = self.urlVar.get(),simpleattr,588
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self.accepted = True,simpleattr,588
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"augmented assignment operators such as += and *=. The +, -, and * operators",assignIncrement,29
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a += 8,assignIncrement,30
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"shorthand for assigning the results of an operation—for example, a += 8 is es-",assignIncrement,30
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"case when the statement a += 8 is encountered, Python computes a + 8, stores",assignIncrement,30
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The right-hand operand for the list += operator must be an iterable;,assignIncrement,32
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,seeds += 5,assignIncrement,32
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The list += operator extends the list by appending each item of the iterable it,assignIncrement,32
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,line += s,assignIncrement,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,column += 1,assignIncrement,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,row += 1,assignIncrement,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"use += with the item made into a single-item list—for example, even += [12].",assignIncrement,44
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ment operators such as += and *=; these create new objects and rebind behind,assignIncrement,45
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"expression i += True. Naturally, the correct way to do this is i += 1.",assignIncrement,52
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,code += 1,assignIncrement,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count += 1,assignIncrement,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,field += c,assignIncrement,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,field += c,assignIncrement,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,can also use the augmented assignment versions of these operators (+= and,assignIncrement,101
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"cation), and [] (slice), and with in and not in to test for membership. The +=
 and *= augmented assignment operators can be used even though tuples are",assignIncrement,105
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,total += sale.quantity * sale.price,assignIncrement,109
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,L += m,assignIncrement,112
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,operator += does the same thing,assignIncrement,112
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,numbers[i] += 1,assignIncrement,113
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,d[key] += 1,assignIncrement,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,We cannot use the syntax words[word] += 1 because this will raise a KeyError,assignIncrement,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,words[word] += 1,assignIncrement,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,words[word] += 1,assignIncrement,133
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,i += 1,assignIncrement,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x += t,assignIncrement,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"2, 3), and so on. The += operator extends a list, that is, it appends each item in",assignIncrement,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count += 1,assignIncrement,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count += 1,assignIncrement,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result += arg ** power,assignIncrement,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word += char,assignIncrement,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,counts[c] += 1,assignIncrement,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ascii_text += chr(c),assignIncrement,217
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"example, using += looks like the left-hand operand is being changed but in fact",assignIncrement,248
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x += y,assignIncrement,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count += 1,assignIncrement,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index += 1,assignIncrement,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count += 1,assignIncrement,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p += q,assignIncrement,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"narrative += line + ""\n""",assignIncrement,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index += 1,assignIncrement,327
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,value += bike.value,assignIncrement,329
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,bike.quantity += amount,assignIncrement,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,next_quarter += 0.25,assignIncrement,340
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,i += len(indent),assignIncrement,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,level += 1,assignIncrement,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,add_entry() we had to use nonlocal for level because the += operator applied to,assignIncrement,353
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,total += value,assignIncrement,394
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value),assignIncrement,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,brackets += 1,assignIncrement,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def letter_count(text, letters=string.ascii_letters):",funcdefault,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def shorten(text, length=25, indicator=""...""):",funcdefault,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def find(l, s, i=0):",funcdefault,173
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def linear_search(l, s, i=0):",funcdefault,173
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def first_index_of(sorted_name_list, name, start=0):",funcdefault,173
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def shorten(text, length=25, indicator=""...""):",funcdefault,174
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def simplify(text, whitespace=string.whitespace, delete=""""):",funcdefault,200
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def is_balanced(text, brackets=""()[]{}<>""):",funcdefault,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def resize(max_rows, max_columns, char=None):",funcdefault,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def add_horizontal_line(row, column0, column1, char=""-""):",funcdefault,208
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def error(message, exit_status=1):",funcdefault,219
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def load(self, filename=None):",funcdefault,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def pop(self, index=-1):",funcdefault,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def setdefault(self, key, value=None):",funcdefault,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def export_binary(self, filename, compress=False):",funcdefault,293
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def unpack_string(fh, eof_is_error=True):",funcdefault,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def compact(self, keep_backup=False):",funcdefault,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def quarters(next_quarter=0.0):,funcdefault,339
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def quarters(next_quarter=0.0):,funcdefault,339
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def pop(self, index=-1):",funcdefault,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def quit(self, event=None):",funcdefault,573
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def setStatusBar(self, text, timeout=5000):",funcdefault,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def fileQuit(self, event=None):",funcdefault,583
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def ok(self, event=None):",funcdefault,588
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def close(self, event=None):",funcdefault,588
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,40
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,40
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,112
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,112
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,112
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(n)),rangefunc,115
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,115
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"range(5)), list(range(9, 14)), tuple(range(10, -11, -5))",rangefunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"range(1, 5))",rangefunc,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(6)),rangefunc,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(6))),rangefunc,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,154
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"range(a, z)",rangefunc,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"range(a, z)",rangefunc,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"range(""m"", ""v"")",rangefunc,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"range(""m"", ""v""))",rangefunc,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,359
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range(),rangefunc,597
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,range() (built-in),rangefunc,616
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def functionName(arguments):,simplefunc,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def get_int(msg):,simplefunc,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_unicode_table(word):,simplefunc,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_start():,simplefunc,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_line():,simplefunc,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def extract_fields():,simplefunc,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def escape_html():,simplefunc,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_end():,simplefunc,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_start():,simplefunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_end():,simplefunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def extract_fields(line):,simplefunc,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def escape_html(text):,simplefunc,100
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def f(x):,simplefunc,106
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def get_forenames_and_surnames():,simplefunc,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def swap(t):,simplefunc,143
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_users(users):,simplefunc,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def calculate_median(numbers):,simplefunc,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def functionName(parameters):,simplefunc,170
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_digits(digits):,simplefunc,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def populate_information(information):,simplefunc,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def clear_screen():,simplefunc,206
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def clear_screen():,simplefunc,206
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def clear_screen():,simplefunc,206
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,212
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def untar(archive):,simplefunc,219
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def distance_from_origin(self):,simplefunc,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def distance_from_origin(self):,simplefunc,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def edge_distance_from_origin(self):,simplefunc,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def area(self):,simplefunc,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __invert__(self):,simplefunc,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,248
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __bool__(self):,simplefunc,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __int__(self):,simplefunc,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __float__(self):,simplefunc,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __hash__(self):,simplefunc,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __invert__(self):,simplefunc,254
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,255
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __bool__(self):,simplefunc,255
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __int__(self):,simplefunc,255
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __neg__(self):,simplefunc,256
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __neg__(self):,simplefunc,257
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __reversed__(self):,simplefunc,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def clear(self):,simplefunc,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __len__(self):,simplefunc,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def copy(self):,simplefunc,272
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def popitem(self):,simplefunc,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def clear(self):,simplefunc,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def values(self):,simplefunc,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def items(self):,simplefunc,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def copy(self):,simplefunc,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def values(self):,simplefunc,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def items(self):,simplefunc,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def pack_string(string):,simplefunc,293
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def get_text(node_list):,simplefunc,315
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def flush(self):,simplefunc,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def close(self):,simplefunc,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __len__(self):,simplefunc,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def inplace_compact(self):,simplefunc,327
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def _bike_from_record(record):,simplefunc,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def _record_from_bike(bike):,simplefunc,333
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def items_in_key_order(d):,simplefunc,339
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def get_files(names):,simplefunc,340
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def area_of_sphere(r):,simplefunc,342
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,343
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def load_modules():,simplefunc,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def factorial(x):,simplefunc,349
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def update_indented_list(entry):,simplefunc,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def update_indented_list(entry):,simplefunc,353
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def positive_result(function):,simplefunc,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def positive_result(function):,simplefunc,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def decorator(function):,simplefunc,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def logged(function):,simplefunc,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def logged(function):,simplefunc,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def strictly_typed(function):,simplefunc,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def make_strip_function(characters):,simplefunc,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def strip_function(string):,simplefunc,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __enter__(self):,simplefunc,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def clear(self):,simplefunc,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def decorator(cls):,simplefunc,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def complete_comparisons(cls):,simplefunc,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def get_price(self):,simplefunc,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def undo(self):,simplefunc,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def pop(self):,simplefunc,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def save(self):,simplefunc,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def load(self):,simplefunc,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def load(self):,simplefunc,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def clear(self):,simplefunc,387
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def decorator(cls):,simplefunc,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def getter(self):,simplefunc,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def process(data):,simplefunc,416
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def setUp(self):,simplefunc,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def test_list_succeed(self):,simplefunc,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def test_list_fail(self):,simplefunc,428
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def process():,simplefunc,428
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def test_list_fail(self):,simplefunc,428
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,437
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,443
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def run(self):,simplefunc,445
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def print_results(results_queue):,simplefunc,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def run(self):,simplefunc,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def get_car_details(previous_license):,simplefunc,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def retrieve_car_details(previous_license):,simplefunc,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def change_mileage(previous_license):,simplefunc,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __enter__(self):,simplefunc,460
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def main():,simplefunc,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def load(filename):,simplefunc,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def __enter__(self):,simplefunc,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def handle(self):,simplefunc,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def add_dvd(db):,simplefunc,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def edit_dvd(db):,simplefunc,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def list_dvds(db):,simplefunc,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def remove_dvd(db):,simplefunc,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def connect(filename):,simplefunc,476
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def add_dvd(db):,simplefunc,478
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def edit_dvd(db):,simplefunc,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def list_dvds(db):,simplefunc,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def dvd_count(db):,simplefunc,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def remove_dvd(db):,simplefunc,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def html2text(html_text):,simplefunc,499
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def char_from_entity(match):,simplefunc,499
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def has_children(self):,simplefunc,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def location(self):,simplefunc,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def _advance_by_one(self):,simplefunc,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def parse(data):,simplefunc,527
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def parse_new_row(data):,simplefunc,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def accumulate(tokens):,simplefunc,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def add_song(tokens):,simplefunc,537
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def add_block(tokens):,simplefunc,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_KEY(t):,simplefunc,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_VALUE(t):,simplefunc,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_newline(t):,simplefunc,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_error(t):,simplefunc,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_INFO(t):,simplefunc,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_entry_SECONDS(t):,simplefunc,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_entry_TITLE(t):,simplefunc,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_filename_FILENAME(t):,simplefunc,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def t_SYMBOL(t):,simplefunc,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_formula_quantifier(p):,simplefunc,559
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_formula_binary(p):,simplefunc,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_formula_not(p):,simplefunc,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_formula_boolean(p):,simplefunc,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_formula_group(p):,simplefunc,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_formula_symbol(p):,simplefunc,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_formula_equals(p):,simplefunc,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_term(p):,simplefunc,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_termlist(p):,simplefunc,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def p_error(p):,simplefunc,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def clearStatusBar(self):,simplefunc,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,def okayToContinue(self):,simplefunc,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return True, even if each has been assigned separately as we",return,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the operand that determined the result—they do,return,24
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a Boolean (unless they actually have Boolean operands). Let’s see,return,24
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 in a Boolean context.",return,25
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 Every Python function has a return value; this defaults",return,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return value, in which case value is returned.",return,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value can be just one value or a tuple of values. The return value,return,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return to this program in the exercises to improve its,return,41
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return i,return,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return either default (if the user just pressed,return,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the operand that determined,return,44
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the operand that determined,return,56
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return abs(a - b) <= sys.float_info.epsilon,return,59
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return to this topic in the next section,return,63
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return (CR),return,64
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a string that when represented as UTF-8 encoded bytes will always,return,66
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return None,return,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return line[start:j],return,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return None,return,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value version on the right intersperses what we want with error,return,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True if the string,return,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a suitable string to display themselves.,return,80
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return x,return,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return fields,return,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return text,return,100
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a tuple of two values: maxwidth (an int) and format (a str). When,return,102
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return x, x ** 2",return,106
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return a * b * c # here, * is the multiplication operator",return,111
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return anything), the latter accepting the same optional arguments as",return,115
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value is used to perform the comparisons used when sorting. As,return,115
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return a list of every item in the iterable, and is semantically no",return,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value is always the same,return,118
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return values of functions,return,123
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return dictionary,return,126
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return the associated number, and",return,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return the supplied default of 0, and this value plus",return,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the last key–value item in the,return,134
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return each of its items one at a time. Any,return,135
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the,return,135
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return value each time,",return,135
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value equals the sentinel.,return,135
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return forenames, surnames",return,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return to four tuples.,return,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return t[1], t[0]",return,143
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the data with a suitable,return,146
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return user,return,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return to the caller (main()), which inserts the user",return,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return username,return,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the username to the caller.,return,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return Statistics(mean, mode, median, std_dev)",return,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a Statistics named tuple,return,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return mode,return,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return median,return,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return math.sqrt(variance),return,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return statement (if the loop is in a,return,158
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return the index position of a given string or item, or",return,158
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return statement (if the loop,return,159
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return index,return,160
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return values.,return,160
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return an empty list.,return,164
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value since the function finishes as a,return,164
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return [],return,164
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return to the interpreter. If you know what module,return,169
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)),return,170
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value. The return value is either a single,return,170
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return statement. If we use return with no arguments,",return,170
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return statement at all, the function will return None.",return,170
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return in certain kinds of functions.),return,170
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return count,return,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return text,return,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (depending on their emphasis), but never how they do",return,173
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the index position of the first occurrence of a,return,173
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return text,return,174
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return ""{0} {1}"".format(area, units)",return,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return (or yield) statement. The result of a lambda expres-,return,179
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return e[1], e[2], which",return,179
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return 0.5 * b * h,return,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return line,return,187
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return "" "".join(result)",return,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,202
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return not any(counts.values()),return,202
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return False; otherwise, the relevant count is decremented. At the end every",return,202
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value is a string containing all the lines that,return,211
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 value of 2 signifies a usage error, 1 signifies any other kind of error, and 0",return,212
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 identical ISO 8601-format date/time strings.",return,214
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a list of the unique,return,215
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return every element in the entire XML document.,return,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return math.hypot(self.x, self.y)",return,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y,return,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return ""Point({0.x!r}, {0.y!r})"".format(self)",return,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return ""({0.x!r}, {0.y!r})"".format(self)",return,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return math.hypot(self.x, self.y)",return,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y,return,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return NotImplemented. In this third case,",return,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return NotImplement-,return,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return ""Point({0.x!r}, {0.y!r})"".format(self)",return,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return ""({0.x!r}, {0.y!r})"".format(self)",return,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return abs(self.distance_from_origin() -,return,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return a single float value, so",return,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return math.pi * (self.radius ** 2),return,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return abs(self.distance_from_origin - self.radius),return,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return math.pi * (self.radius ** 2),return,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__radius,return,244
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the appropriate resultant FuzzyBool. And to,return,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return FuzzyBool(1.0 -,return,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self,return,248
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self to support the chaining of operations.,return,248
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return str(self.__value),return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the floating-point value formatted as a,return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__value > 0.5,return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return round(self.__value),return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__value,return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return either True or False. The __int__() special method provides integer,return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return 0 for any FuzzyBool value except 1.0). Floating-point,return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__value < other.__value,return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__value == other.__value,return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return hash(id(self)),return,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return format(self.__value, format_spec)",return,251
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__value.__format__(format_spec),return,251
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a string.,return,251
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return FuzzyBool(min([float(x) for x in,return,251
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return FuzzyBool(min(fuzzies)),return,253
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return super().__new__(cls,",return,253
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return FuzzyBool(1.0 - float(self)),return,254
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return FuzzyBool(min(self, other))",return,254
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return FuzzyBool(min(self, other))",return,254
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self > 0.5,return,255
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return round(self),return,255
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return NotImplemented,return,256
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return here only if the need arises in practice.,return,256
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__background,return,260
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__width,return,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__height,return,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return set(self.__colors),return,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return im-,return,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a,return,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return set(self.__data.values()) | {self.__background},return,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return to this theme shortly.),return,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return self.__data.get(tuple(coordinate), self.__background)",return,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return a suitable string, for example, '<Image.Image object at",return,263
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__key,return,268
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return count,return,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return count,return,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return index,return,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__list[index],return,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return iter(self.__list),return,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return an iterator to the,return,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return reversed(self.__list),return,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return (index < len(self.__list) and,return,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__list.pop(index),return,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return len(self.__list),return,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return SortedList(self, self.__key)",return,272
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return cls({k: value for k in iterable},",return,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value is a dictionary of the given class. For example:,return,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return super().__setitem__(key, value)",return,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return its result to the,return,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a StopIteration exception is raised.,return,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a list,return,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the result of calling the base class implemen-,return,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return super().setdefault(key, value)",return,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return args[0],return,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return super().pop(key, args)",return,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return item,return,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the item.,return,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return iter(self.__keys),return,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return iterators: dict.values() for the dic-,return,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return dictionary views, but for most purposes the behavior of",return,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return iter-,return,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return object.__repr__(self),return,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (""{"" + "", "".join([""{0!r}: {1!r}"".format(k, v)",return,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return ""{"" + "", "".join(items) + ""}""",return,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return d,return,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return SortedDict(,return,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self[self.__keys[index]],return,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return an object’s immutable data attributes, we should normally only",return,281
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return copies of an object’s mutable data attributes to avoid the object’s,return,281
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the account’s balance in USD and all_usd which should return,return,283
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__date,return,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a Boolean to the caller indicating success,return,291
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return struct.pack(format, len(data), data)",return,293
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True (assuming no error oc-,return,298
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return None,return,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return """"",return,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return struct.unpack(format, data)[0].decode(""utf8"")",return,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return None,return,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return a tuple, even",return,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return an empty,return,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the string that results from unpacking,return,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return data.decode(""utf8""), but we prefer to go through the",return,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,303
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,306
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,306
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True to the caller—unless an exception,return,306
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return here later if desired.,return,307
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 True. If anything went wrong, the except suite will issue a suitable error mes-",return,309
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return False, and the finally suite will close the file.",return,309
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,314
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return """".join(text).strip()",return,315
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False.,return,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,317
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,318
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,318
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True if no parsing errors occurred.,return,318
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__record_size - 1,return,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return,return,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return None,return,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return None; otherwise, we read and return the record. (An-",return,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return * self.__record_size)",return,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True to,return,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False.,return,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return end // self.__record_size,return,327
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return None if record is None else _bike_from_record(record),return,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 None. But if a record is retrieved we return it as a BikeStock.Bike object.",return,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return Bike(*parts),return,333
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return _BIKE_STRUCT.pack(bike.identity.encode(""utf8""),",return,333
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 only a valid choice, in this case one of “a”, “e”, “l”, “r”, “i”, “x”, and “q”. Here are",return,337
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return ((key, d[key])",return,339
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a generator that produces a list of key–value items,return,339
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return (file for file in names if,return,340
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return an iterator to the names of the,return,341
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a,return,341
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return 4 * math.pi * r ** 2,return,342
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return modules,return,345
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return an empty string which,return,345
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return 120, that is,",return,349
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return 1,return,349
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return x * factorial(x - 1),return,349
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return (b ** 2) - (4 * a * c),return,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return wrapper,return,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the wrapper function—it is this function that,return,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return wrapper,return,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return (amount / total) * 100,return,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return minimum,return,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return maximum,return,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return wrapper,return,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return decorator,return,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result if not make_integer else,return,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return wrapper,return,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value (or exception) to the log string and write to the,return,357
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return the function it is given, so apart",return,357
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return expression part (-> rexp). The last (or only) positional parameter,return,357
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value or not. Annotations have no special significance to,return,357
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return value""",return,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return of {0} got {1}"".format(",return,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result,return,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value must be,return,359
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return type are all annotated with their types when the function it is passed is,return,359
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value are annotated.,return,359
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the wrapped function as usual.,return,359
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return (float(x) for x in range(*args)),return,359
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return ord(char),return,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return to an,return,362
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__width,return,362
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return set(self.__colors),return,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return directly to the,return,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__background,return,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return string.strip(characters),return,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return strip_function,return,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return values,return,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.modified,return,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the copy so that all the changes can be made on the copy.,return,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value of __exit__() is used to indicate whether any exception that,return,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 False or something that evaluates to False in a Boolean context to allow any",return,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return value,",return,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(,return,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return an XML-escaped version of it.,return,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return xml_text,return,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return self.cache.setdefault(id(instance),",return,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self,return,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return self.__storage[id(instance), self.attribute_name]",return,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__name,return,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__extension,return,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self,return,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__getter(instance),return,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the result of calling the getter func-,return,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return self.__setter(instance, value)",return,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__setter,return,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the function or,return,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a class—normally a modified version,return,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__list.pop(index),return,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return cls,return,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return cls,return,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return True. Furthermore, we will be required to implement __init__()",return,379
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__price,return,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.__model,return,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return bool(self.__undos),return,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return super().can_undo,return,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return super().__new__(mcl, classname, bases, dictionary)",return,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return values. One strong appeal of this kind of programming,return,392
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True when bool() is ap-,return,393
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 functions which can then be called to extract the specified attributes or items.",return,394
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a text to apply the regex,return,398
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return generator,return,398
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return wrapper,return,398
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return a value that we can process, and then we send the result",return,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return a decorator,",return,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return getattr(self, name)",return,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return cls,return,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return decorator,return,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the value of the private data attribute. The setter function,return,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self,return,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.getter(instance),return,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return self.setter(instance, value)",return,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return data.stack[1],return,413
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return to how to create and run an experiment,return,418
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return value, immediately",return,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value. If these are always correct then we need to come up with a new,return,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 value is wrong, then we know that we must investigate the function further.",return,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return statement (or at the end of the,return,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return statement), add print(locals(), ""\n""). The built-",return,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return value is in error, we know that we have located the",return,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return median,return,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return statement we,return,421
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return string,return,423
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return anything (they actually return None),",return,423
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 value is used we either return a constant (say, 0) or one of the arguments,",return,423
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return fake objects—third-party modules that provide,return,423
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 string[:position] + insert + string[position:]. (And if we wrote return",return,423
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value is the time,return,430
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the lowest-priority items (in our case the,return,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 value is a custom thread that will call the given function once the thread is",return,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the license it used. Since the loop is infinite the program must be ter-,return,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return license,return,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the license,return,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return previous_license, None",return,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return previous_license, None",return,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return license, CarTuple(*data)",return,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a tuple whose first item is a,return,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return the previous license unchanged. Otherwise, we",return,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return the license (which will now become the previous license), and a CarTuple",return,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return previous_license,return,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return license,return,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return license,return,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return pickle.loads(result),return,459
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return immediately—the context manager will ensure that the,return,460
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return it. In this case we know that the data will always,return,460
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.sock,return,461
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return pickle.load(fh),return,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.fh,return,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return anything.,return,463
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 data = pickle.dumps(reply, 3)",return,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (True, car.seats, car.mileage, car.owner)",return,466
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""This license is not registered"")",return,466
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a tuple whose,return,466
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""Cannot set a negative mileage"")",return,466
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (True, None)",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""Cannot wind the odometer back"")",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""This license is not registered"")",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return an error tuple. If no car,return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 an error tuple.",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""Cannot set an empty license"")",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""Cannot register car with invalid seats"")",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""Cannot set a negative mileage"")",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""Cannot set an empty owner"")",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (True, None)",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (False, ""Cannot register duplicate license"")",return,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return without sending any reply to the client.,return,468
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return a 2-tuple of (True,",return,469
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 director = Console.get_string(""Director"", ""director"")",return,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 year = Console.get_integer(""Year"", ""year"", minimum=1896,",return,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 title = Console.get_string(""Title"", ""title"", old_title)",return,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 director, year, duration = db[old_title]",return,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return matches[which - 1] if which != 0 else None,return,474
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return it, and if there are several matches (but fewer than",return,474
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 ans = Console.get_bool(""Remove {0}?"".format(title), ""no"")",return,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return db,return,477
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return if no size is specified,return,478
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 director = Console.get_string(""Director"", ""director"")",return,478
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 year = Console.get_integer(""Year"", ""year"", minimum=1896,",return,478
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return director_id,return,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return get_director_id(db, director)",return,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return fields[0] if fields is not None else None,return,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a sequence of fields (or,return,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 title = Console.get_string(""Title"", ""title"", title)",return,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 cursor = db.cursor()",return,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 year = Console.get_integer(""Year"", ""year"", year, 1896,",return,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return records[which - 1] if which != 0 else (None, None)",return,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return cursor.fetchone()[0],return,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return re.sub(r""\n\n+"", ""\n\n"", text.strip())",return,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return value (or in the case of a lambda expression, the result of",return,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a suitable,return,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return bytes instead of strings, and the re.ASCII flag is implicitly",return,504
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return 2-tuples of the line number (starting from 1 as is traditional,return,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the key_values dictionary. One dis-,return,517
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return [],return,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return an empty list.,return,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the songs list to the caller. And thanks to the,return,520
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return bool(self.children),return,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the root block—if the parse,return,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return ""line {0}, column {1}"".format(self.line,",return,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the current location as a string,return,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False,return,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return data.stack[0],return,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return the root block, which should have children (and their",return,527
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return block,return,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 the block so that it can be pushed onto the stack of blocks—something we do",return,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return {},return,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return key_values,return,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the key_values dictionary—or an empty dictionary if the,return,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value since we,return,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return value and instead populating our data structure,return,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return values are used.),return,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return [],return,537
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return songs,return,537
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a parser element that,return,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return Block.Block(, tokens.color if tokens.color",return,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return a Block. We also always set the,return,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return stack[0],return,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return result[0].asList(),return,547
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return t,return,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return t,return,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return None), since if the return value is None the token is discarded.",return,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return t from the function if we want the token included in the,return,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the dictionary to the caller just as we did with the,return,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return its results in,return,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return None,return,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return t,return,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return t,return,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return t,return,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return None; this means that,return,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the key_values dictionary to,return,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return the root block with all its children. The block variable is used,return,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return stack[0]; this is the root Block that should,return,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return t,return,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return [],return,562
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return to later on. In addition to distinguishing between widgets and,return,569
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 self.listBox.delete(0, tkinter.END)",return,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return self.fileSave(),return,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return True right away. Otherwise, we pop up a standard message box with",return,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return False. If the user says yes, reply is True, so we give",return,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True if they saved and False otherwise.,return,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return
 True because they want to continue the action they started, abandoning their",return,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return True,return,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,return False to indicate that the entire operation should be cancelled.,return,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 dir = (os.path.dirname(self.filename)",return,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 index = indexes[0]",return,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 index = indexes[0]",return,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return

 index = indexes[0]",return,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"return (statement), 161, 162, 173",return,617
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if boolean_expression1:,simpleif,25
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if boolean_expression2:,simpleif,25
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if boolean_expressionN:,simpleif,25
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if statement example:,simpleif,26
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if x:,simpleif,26
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if lines < 1000:,simpleif,26
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if lines < 10000:
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if letter in ""AEIOU"":",simpleif,28
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if they were to enter “13”, the output will be:",simpleif,29
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if count:,simpleif,33
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if count:,simpleif,34
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if default < minimum:,simpleif,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if abs(nueva_área - vieja_área) < ε:
 print(""las áreas han convergido"")",simpleif,51
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if i != -1:,simpleif,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if j != -1:,simpleif,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if i == -1:,simpleif,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if
 it is a JPEG file:",simpleif,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if filename.lower().endswith(("".jpg"", "".jpeg"")):",simpleif,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(sys.argv) > 1:,simpleif,87
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if sys.argv[1] in (""-h"", ""--help""):",simpleif,87
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if word != 0:,simpleif,87
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if word is None or word in name.lower():,simpleif,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not allow_zero and abs(x) < sys.float_info.epsilon:,simpleif,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if discriminant == 0:,simpleif,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if discriminant > 0:,simpleif,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if x2 is not None:,simpleif,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not field:,simpleif,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if c in ""\""'"":",simpleif,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if field:,simpleif,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if condition:,simpleif,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if sex == ""F"" and size == ""X"":",simpleif,117
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if ip not in seen:,simpleif,121
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(word) > 2:,simpleif,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if word not in words:,simpleif,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if site not in sites:,simpleif,130
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(sys.argv) < 3:,simpleif,137
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] in {""-h"", ""--help""}:
 print(""usage: {0} file1 [file2 [... fileN]]"".format(",simpleif,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if line:,simpleif,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if user.middlename:,simpleif,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] in {""-h"", ""--help""}:
 print(""usage: {0} file1 [file2 [... fileN]]"".format(",simpleif,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if numbers:,simpleif,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not (1 <= len(mode) <= maximum_modes):,simpleif,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(numbers) % 2 == 0:,simpleif,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if statistics.mode is None:,simpleif,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if boolean_expression1:,simpleif,156
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if x == target:,simpleif,160
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,163
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if item == target:,simpleif,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if found:
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if found:
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if found:,simpleif,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if isinstance(err, InvalidNumericEntityError):",simpleif,167
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if isinstance(err, InvalidAlphaEntityError):",simpleif,167
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if isinstance(err, InvalidTagContentError):",simpleif,167
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if skip_on_first_error:,simpleif,167
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,168
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if char in letters:,simpleif,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(text) > length:,simpleif,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(text) > length:,simpleif,174
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not name:,simpleif,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,186
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not (minimum_length <= len(line) <= maximum_length):,simpleif,187
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if char in delete:,simpleif,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if char in whitespace:,simpleif,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if word:,simpleif,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if word:,simpleif,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if c in counts:,simpleif,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if c in left_for_right:,simpleif,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if counts[left] == 0:,simpleif,202
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if sys.platform.startswith(""win""):",simpleif,206
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if char is not None:,simpleif,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not 0 <= row <= _max_rows:,simpleif,208
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if i and i % 68 == 0:,simpleif,217
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if tar is not None:,simpleif,219
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if os.path.isfile(fullname):,simpleif,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(names) > 1:,simpleif,222
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if x < 5 or x >= width - 5 or y < 5 or y >= height - 5:,simpleif,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if midx - 20 < x < midx + 20 and midy - 20 < y < midy + 20:,simpleif,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if color == self.__background:,simpleif,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if filename is not None:,simpleif,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not self.filename:,simpleif,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if filename.lower().endswith("".xpm""):",simpleif,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if sequence is None:
 self.__list = []",simpleif,267
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if index == len(self.__list):
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if index < len(self.__list) and self.__list[index] == value:,simpleif,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if kwargs:,simpleif,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if dictionary is None:,simpleif,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if isinstance(dictionary, dict):",simpleif,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if kwargs:,simpleif,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if key not in self:,simpleif,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if key not in self:,simpleif,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if key not in self:,simpleif,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(args) == 0:,simpleif,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,292
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if compress:,simpleif,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if not length_data:
 if eof_is_error:",simpleif,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if length == 0:,simpleif,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not data or len(data) != length:,simpleif,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if magic == GZIP_MAGIC:,simpleif,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if magic != MAGIC:,simpleif,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if version > FORMAT_VERSION:,simpleif,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not line and narrative is None:,simpleif,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if narrative is not None:,simpleif,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if line == "".NARRATIVE_END."":",simpleif,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(data) != 9:,simpleif,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key == ""date"":",simpleif,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key == ""pilot_percent_hours_on_type"":",simpleif,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key == ""pilot_total_hours"":",simpleif,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key == ""midair"":",simpleif,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if line == "".NARRATIVE_START."":",simpleif,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,306
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(data) != 9:,simpleif,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:,simpleif,315
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if name == ""incident"":",simpleif,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key == ""date"":",simpleif,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key == ""pilot_percent_hours_on_type"":",simpleif,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key == ""pilot_total_hours"":
 self.__data[key] = int(value)",simpleif,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key == ""midair"":",simpleif,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if name == ""incident"":",simpleif,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(self.__data) != 9:,simpleif,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if name in frozenset({""airport"", ""narrative""}):",simpleif,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if self.auto_flush:,simpleif,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if state != _OKAY:,simpleif,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if self.auto_flush:,simpleif,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if offset >= end:,simpleif,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if state != _OKAY:,simpleif,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if self.auto_flush:,simpleif,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if state == _DELETED:,simpleif,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if self.auto_flush:,simpleif,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if self.auto_flush:,simpleif,326
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if state != _OKAY:,simpleif,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if state != _OKAY:
 limit = index",simpleif,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if limit is not None:,simpleif,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if data[:1] == _OKAY:,simpleif,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not keep_backup:,simpleif,329
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if not bicycles.increase_stock(bike.identity, 1):",simpleif,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if record is None:,simpleif,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if record is not None:,simpleif,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if action == ""a"":",simpleif,337
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if action == ""e"":",simpleif,337
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if action == ""l"":",simpleif,338
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if action == ""r"":
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if action == ""i"":",simpleif,338
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if action == ""x"":",simpleif,338
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if action == ""q"":",simpleif,338
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if received is None:,simpleif,340
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if get_file_type is not None:,simpleif,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if name.endswith("".py"") and ""magic"" in name.lower():",simpleif,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,345
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if x <= 1:,simpleif,349
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if level == 0:,simpleif,351
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if level == 0:,simpleif,352
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if result < minimum:,simpleif,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if result > maximum:,simpleif,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not (0 < result <= price):,simpleif,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if __debug__:,simpleif,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if exception is not None:,simpleif,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if unicodedata.category(c)[0] != ""P"":",simpleif,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if name == ""colors"":",simpleif,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if name in frozenset({""background"", ""width"", ""height""}):
 return self.__dict__[""_{classname}__{name}"".format(",simpleif,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if statements for each one like this:,simpleif,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if name == ""background"":",simpleif,363
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if fh is not None:,simpleif,367
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if exc_type is None:,simpleif,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if xml_text is not None:,simpleif,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if instance is None:,simpleif,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if instance is None:,simpleif,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if self.__setter is None:,simpleif,374
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if attribute_name.startswith(""__""):",simpleif,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if cls.__eq__ is object.__eq__:,simpleif,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if L is a SortedList. One easy way to fix this is to inherit the relevant ABC:,simpleif,379
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if c in chars:
 count += 1",simpleif,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if key.startswith(""get_"")]:",simpleif,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if match is not None:,simpleif,399
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if filename.endswith(suffixes):,simpleif,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not empty_allowed and not value:,simpleif,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if instance is None:,simpleif,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if BlockOutput.save_blocks_as_svg(blocks, svg):
  File """", line 141, in save_blocks_as_svg",simpleif,413
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if len(numbers) % 2 == 0:
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if key[0] == 0:,simpleif,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(names) > 1:,simpleif,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if md5 is not None:,simpleif,449
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(filenames) == 1:,simpleif,450
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(sys.argv) > 1:,simpleif,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if car is not None:,simpleif,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not license:,simpleif,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not ok:,simpleif,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if car is None:,simpleif,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if mileage == 0:,simpleif,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not ok:,simpleif,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if server is not None:
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if car is not None:,simpleif,466
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if mileage < 0:,simpleif,466
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if car is not None:,simpleif,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if car.mileage < mileage:
 car.mileage = mileage",simpleif,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not license:,simpleif,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if seats not in {2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}:",simpleif,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if mileage < 0:,simpleif,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not owner:,simpleif,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if license not in self.Cars:,simpleif,467
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if db is not None:,simpleif,472
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not title:,simpleif,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not director:,simpleif,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if old_title is None:,simpleif,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not title:,simpleif,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if title != old_title:
 del db[old_title]",simpleif,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if len(db) > DISPLAY_LIMIT:,simpleif,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not start or title.lower().startswith(start.lower()):,simpleif,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if title is None:,simpleif,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if ans:,simpleif,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if create:,simpleif,476
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not title:,simpleif,478
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not director:,simpleif,478
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if director_id is not None:,simpleif,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if title is None:,simpleif,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not title:,simpleif,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not director:,simpleif,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if dvd_count(db) > DISPLAY_LIMIT:,simpleif,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if start is None:,simpleif,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if ans:,simpleif,483
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if not line or line.startswith(""#""):",simpleif,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if key_value:,simpleif,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if lowercase_keys:,simpleif,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not ini_header:,simpleif,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if not line:
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if state == WANT_INFO:,simpleif,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if info:,simpleif,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not self.pos < len(self.text):,simpleif,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if self.text[self.pos] in characters:,simpleif,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not name and color is None:,simpleif,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if isinstance(item, Block.Block):",simpleif,542
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if isinstance(item, list) and item:",simpleif,542
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if isinstance(item, int):
 if item == EmptyBlock:",simpleif,542
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if lowercase_keys:,simpleif,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""KEY"":",simpleif,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""VALUE"":",simpleif,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if key is None:,simpleif,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""SECONDS"":",simpleif,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""TITLE"":",simpleif,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""FILENAME"":",simpleif,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if title is not None and seconds is not None:,simpleif,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""NODE_START"":",simpleif,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""NODE_END"":",simpleif,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if brackets < 0:,simpleif,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""COLOR"":",simpleif,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if block is None or Block.is_new_row(block):,simpleif,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""NAME"":",simpleif,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if block is None or Block.is_new_row(block):,simpleif,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""EMPTY_NODE"":",simpleif,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if token.type == ""NEW_ROWS"":",simpleif,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if brackets:,simpleif,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if p is None:,simpleif,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if sys.platform.startswith(""win""):",simpleif,573
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if label is None:,simpleif,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not self.okayToContinue():,simpleif,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not self.dirty:,simpleif,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if reply is None:
 return False",simpleif,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if reply:,simpleif,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if self.filename is None:,simpleif,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if not filename:
 return False",simpleif,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if not self.filename.endswith("".bmf""):",simpleif,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not self.okayToContinue():,simpleif,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if filename:,simpleif,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if self.okayToContinue():
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if form.accepted and,simpleif,583
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not indexes or len(indexes) > 1:,simpleif,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if form.accepted and,simpleif,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if != name:,simpleif,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not indexes or len(indexes) > 1:,simpleif,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if not indexes or len(indexes) > 1:,simpleif,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"if sys.platform.startswith(""win""):",simpleif,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if name is not None:,simpleif,586
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Hello"", ""World!"")",printfunc,9
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,9
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print() function. For one thing, print()",printfunc,10
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,10
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,10
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,12
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(route, type(route))",printfunc,17
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,17
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,17
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,18
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""x is nonzero"")",printfunc,26
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,26
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""small"")",printfunc,26
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""large"")",printfunc,26
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(country),printfunc,27
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(country),printfunc,27
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,28
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(countries),printfunc,28
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(letter, ""is a vowel"")",printfunc,28
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(letter, ""is a consonant"")",printfunc,28
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,29
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,32
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Type integers, each followed by Enter; or just Enter to finish"")",printfunc,33
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""count ="", count, ""total ="", total, ""mean ="", total / count)",printfunc,33
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,34
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,34
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Type integers, each followed by Enter; or ^D or ^Z to finish"")",printfunc,34
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""count ="", count, ""total ="", total, ""mean ="", total / count)",printfunc,34
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(sys.argv),printfunc,37
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(err, ""in"", digits)",printfunc,40
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(line),printfunc,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,45
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Hello"")",printfunc,51
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(23 / 1.05),printfunc,62
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(decimal.Decimal(23) / decimal.Decimal(""1.05""))",printfunc,62
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print() on the result of decimal.Decimal(23),printfunc,63
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(euros),printfunc,65
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(s),printfunc,70
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(s),printfunc,70
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(filename, ""is a JPEG image"")",printfunc,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""lived about"", int(died[0]) - int(born[0]), ""years"")",printfunc,75
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""20749"".translate(table))",printfunc,76
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,76
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(decimal.Decimal(""3.4084""))",printfunc,80
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""usage: {0} [string]"".format(sys.argv[0]))",printfunc,87
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""usage: {0[0]} [string]"".format(sys.argv))",printfunc,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""------- ----- --- {0:-<40}"".format(""""))",printfunc,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""------- ----- --- {0}"".format(""-"" * 40))",printfunc,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(b""Tage \xc3\x85s\xc3\xa9n"".decode(""utf8""))",printfunc,91
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(b""Tage \xc5s\xe9n"".decode(""latin1""))",printfunc,92
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""zero is not allowed"")",printfunc,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""ax\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO} + bx + c = 0"")",printfunc,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(equation),printfunc,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""<table border='1'>"")",printfunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""</table>"")",printfunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print() function calls in main(),printfunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""<tr bgcolor='{0}'>"".format(color))",printfunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""<td></td>"")",printfunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""<td>{0}</td>"".format(field))",printfunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""</tr>"")",printfunc,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(x, y)",printfunc,106
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(math.hypot(x, y))",printfunc,108
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Total ${0:.2f}"".format(total))",printfunc,109
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0} {1}"".format(aircraft.manufacturer, aircraft.model))",printfunc,109
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(item[0], item[1])",printfunc,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(key, value)",printfunc,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(value),printfunc,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(key),printfunc,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(key),printfunc,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""'{0}' occurs {1} times"".format(word, words[word]))",printfunc,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0} is referred to in:"".format(site))",printfunc,130
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{green} {olive} {lime}"".format(**greens))",printfunc,131
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(product),printfunc,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(product),printfunc,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""usage: word infile1 [infile2 [... infileN]]"")",printfunc,137
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(t),printfunc,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0:.<{nw}} ({})",printfunc,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""no numbers found"")",printfunc,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,155
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0} file{1}"".format((count if count != 0 else ""no"")",printfunc,158
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,164
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""found at ({0}, {1}, {2})"".format(row, column, index))",printfunc,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""not found"")",printfunc,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""not found"")",printfunc,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print() call to raise),printfunc,167
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""ERROR unexpected EOF:"", err)",printfunc,168
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,168
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""SSN ="", ssn)",printfunc,176
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""positional argument {0} = {1}"".format(i, arg))",printfunc,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""keyword argument {0} = {1}"".format(key, kwargs[key]))",printfunc,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(dictionary[int(digit)], end="" "")",printfunc,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print() Function” (® 181),printfunc,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0} file{1} processed"".format(count, s(count)))",printfunc,179
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Cancelled"")",printfunc,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""ERROR"", err)",printfunc,187
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(os.path.basename(filename)),printfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(path.basename(filename)),printfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(path.basename(filename)),printfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(basename(filename)),printfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(basename(filename)),printfunc,194
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""An error message"", file=sys.stdout)",printfunc,210
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,211
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,211
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(x, end="" "")",printfunc,216
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(message),printfunc,219
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{filename} ({size} bytes)",printfunc,222
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""\t{0}"".format(name))",printfunc,222
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""stock movement failed for"", bike.identity)",printfunc,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,346
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,352
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,367
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,412
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print() with str.format(),printfunc,412
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(datetime.datetime.strptime(date, format))",printfunc,415
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(process(line)),printfunc,417
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print() statements, we can start by putting a print()",printfunc,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,419
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(locals(), ""\n"")",printfunc,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(locals(), ""\n"")",printfunc,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,421
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(,printfunc,425
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(,printfunc,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{function}() {sec:.6f} sec"".format(**locals()))",printfunc,430
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print() statement since by default the,printfunc,431
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,434
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0}{1}"".format(number, err))",printfunc,440
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(data[0]),printfunc,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(data[0]),printfunc,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Mileage successfully changed"")",printfunc,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0}: is the server running?"".format(err))",printfunc,459
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Loaded {0} car registrations"".format(len(cars)))",printfunc,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""Saved {0} car registrations"".format(len(cars)))",printfunc,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""server cannot load data: {0}"".format(err))",printfunc,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0}: {1}"".format(i + 1, match))",printfunc,474
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{title} ({year})",printfunc,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0}: {1}"".format(i + 1, record[0]))",printfunc,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0[0]} ({0[1]})",printfunc,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""{0} is duplicated"".format(""word"")))",printfunc,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""This is not a .m3u file"")",printfunc,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""parse error: {0}"".format(err))",printfunc,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"print(""parse error: {0}"".format(err))",printfunc,537
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,562
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(err),printfunc,577
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print(),printfunc,597
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,print() (built-in),printfunc,615
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p = (4, ""frog"", 9, -33, 9, 2)",simpleTuple,23
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x, y = (1234567890, 1234.56)",simpleTuple,85
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"a, b = (1, 2)",simpleTuple,106
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"eyes = (""brown"", ""hazel"", ""amber"", ""green"", ""blue"", ""gray"")",simpleTuple,107
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"colors = (hair, eyes)",simpleTuple,107
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"things = (1, -7.5, (""pea"", (5, ""Xyz""), ""queue""))",simpleTuple,107
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"MANUFACTURER, MODEL, SEATING = (0, 1, 2)",simpleTuple,107
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"MINIMUM, MAXIMUM = (0, 1)",simpleTuple,107
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"aircraft = (""Airbus"", ""A320-200"", (100, 220))",simpleTuple,107
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"a, b = (b, a)",simpleTuple,107
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t = (1, 2, 3, 4)",simpleTuple,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"args == (1, 2, 3, 4)",simpleTuple,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"args == (5, 3, 8)",simpleTuple,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"args == (11,)",simpleTuple,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"key = (os.path.getsize(fullname), filename)",simpleTuple,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"circle = (11, 60, 8)",simpleTuple,231
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"join=(\"" and\"" if len(args) == 1 else \"",\"")",simpleTuple,257
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"join=("" and"" if len(args) == 1 else "","")",simpleTuple,258
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"items = struct.unpack(""<2h"", data) # items == (11, -9)",simpleTuple,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"items == (11, -9)",simpleTuple,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"matchers = (regex_matcher(receiver, URL_RE)",simpleTuple,398
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"GET_CAR_DETAILS=(

 lambda self, *args: self.get_car_details(*args))",simpleTuple,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"CHANGE_MILEAGE=(

 lambda self, *args: self.change_mileage(*args))",simpleTuple,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"CHANGE_OWNER=(

 lambda self, *args: self.change_owner(*args))",simpleTuple,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"NEW_REGISTRATION=(

 lambda self, *args: self.new_registration(*args))",simpleTuple,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"db[title] = (director, year, duration)",simpleTuple,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"db[title] = (director, year, duration)",simpleTuple,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"by a literal = (i.e., a terminal)",simpleTuple,511
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"color = (Word(""#"", hexnums, exact=7)",simpleTuple,538
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"tokens = (""INI_HEADER"", ""COMMENT"", ""KEY"", ""VALUE"")",simpleTuple,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"tokens = (""M3U"", ""INFO"", ""SECONDS"", ""TITLE"", ""FILENAME"")",simpleTuple,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"states = ((""entry"", ""exclusive""), (""filename"", ""exclusive""))",simpleTuple,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"precedence = ((""nonassoc"", ""FORALL"", ""EXISTS"")",simpleTuple,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = [""zebra"", 49, -879, ""aardvark"", 200]",simpleList,19
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"a = [""Retention"", 3, None]",simpleList,21
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"b = [""Retention"", 3, None]",simpleList,21
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"countries = [""Denmark"", ""Finland"", ""Norway"", ""Sweden""]",simpleList,27
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,seeds += [5],simpleList,32
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"seeds += [9, 1, 5, ""poppy""]",simpleList,32
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"seeds = [""sesame"", ""sunflower"", ""pumpkin""]",simpleList,32
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"One = ["" * "", ""** "", "" * "", "" * "", "" * "", "" * "", ""***""]",simpleList,39
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Digits = [Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine]",simpleList,39
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"how to create tuples and lists from literals, for example, even = [2, 4, 6, 8]",simpleList,44
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"treatises = [""Arithmetica"", ""Conics"", ""Elements""]",simpleList,70
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"stock = [""paper"", ""envelopes"", ""notepads"", ""pens"", ""paper clips""]",simpleList,78
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fields = [],simpleList,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sales = [],simpleList,108
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"first, *rest = [9, 2, -4, 8, 7]",simpleList,111
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"L = [2, 3, 5]",simpleList,111
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"using either slicing or one of the list methods. For example, given the list woods
 = [""Cedar"", ""Yew"", ""Fir""]",simpleList,113
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"woods += [""Kauri"", ""Larch""]",simpleList,113
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"woods[2:2] = [""Pine""]",simpleList,114
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"of it with the code L[2:5] = [""X"", ""Y""]",simpleList,114
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,woods[2:4] = [],simpleList,114
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"we have the list, x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]",simpleList,114
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Here is the complete solution: x[1::2] = [0] * len(x[1::2],simpleList,115
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,leaps = [],simpleList,115
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"example, leaps = [1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936]",simpleList,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,temp = [],simpleList,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,codes = [],simpleList,117
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = [-2, 9, 7, -4, 3]",simpleList,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,forenames = [],simpleList,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,surnames = [],simpleList,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x = [],simpleList,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,temp = [],simpleList,142
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x = [],simpleList,142
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"songs = [""Because"", ""Boys"", ""Carol""]",simpleList,144
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"songs = [""Because"", ""Boys"", ""Carol""]",simpleList,144
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"mode = [5.00, 7.00, 50.00]",simpleList,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,numbers = [],simpleList,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"elements = [(2, 12, ""Mg""), (1, 11, ""Na""), (1, 3, ""Li""), (2, 4, ""Be"")]",simpleList,179
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"__all__ = [""Bmp"", ""Jpeg"", ""Png"", ""Tiff"", ""Xpm""]",simpleList,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = [],simpleList,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,_grid = [],simpleList,206
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,_grid = [],simpleList,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,heap = [],simpleList,216
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,stations = [],simpleList,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"circle = [36, 77, 8]",simpleList,232
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = [],simpleList,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,items = [],simpleList,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,text = [],simpleList,315
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = [],simpleList,340
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,get_file_type_functions = [],simpleList,343
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,modules = [],simpleList,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,entries = [],simpleList,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,indented_list = [],simpleList,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,values = [],simpleList,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data = [],simpleList,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = [],simpleList,423
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t]*(\w+)[ \t]*=[ \t],simpleList,491
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t]*=[ \t],simpleList,492
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,image_files = [],simpleList,497
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,new_names = [],simpleList,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,NAME  ::= [a-zA-Z],simpleList,511
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,NAME  ::= [a-zA-Z],simpleList,511
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,TITLE ::= [^\n],simpleList,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,FILENAME ::= [^\n],simpleList,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,songs = [],simpleList,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,NAME ::= [^][/],simpleList,522
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,VARIABLE ::= [a-zA-Z],simpleList,532
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,songs = [],simpleList,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,stack = [Block.get_root_block()],simpleList,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,SYMBOL ::= [a-zA-Z],simpleList,544
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,songs = [],simpleList,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,stack = [Block.get_root_block()],simpleList,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filetypes=[(""Bookmarks files"", ""*.bmf"")]",simpleList,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filetypes=[(""Bookmarks files"", ""*.bmf"")]",simpleList,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for country in countries:,forsimple,27
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for field in fields:,forsimple,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for c in line:,forsimple,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for sale in sales:,forsimple,109
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for item in L:,forsimple,112
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for i in range(len(L)):,forsimple,112
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for i in range(len(numbers)):,forsimple,113
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for year in range(1900, 1940):",forsimple,115
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for item in iterable:,forsimple,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for ip in ips:,forsimple,121
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for ip in set(ips):,forsimple,121
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for ip in sorted(set(ips)):,forsimple,121
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for item in d.items():,forsimple,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for key, value in d.items():",forsimple,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for value in d.values():,forsimple,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for key in d:,forsimple,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for key in d.keys():,forsimple,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for key in d:,forsimple,125
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in sys.argv[1:]:,forsimple,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for word in line.lower().split():,forsimple,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for word in sorted(words):,forsimple,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in sys.argv[1:]:,forsimple,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for site in sorted(sites):,forsimple,130
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for filename in sorted(sites[site], key=str.lower):",forsimple,130
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in sys.argv[2:]:,forsimple,137
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for i in range(len(x)):,forsimple,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for i in range(100):,forsimple,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for t in zip(range(4), range(0, 10, 2), range(1, 10, 2)):",forsimple,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for t in zip(range(-10, 0, 1), range(0, 10, 2), range(1, 10, 2)):",forsimple,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for item in x:,forsimple,142
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for key, value in sorted(temp):",forsimple,142
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in sys.argv[1:]:,forsimple,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for key in sorted(users):,forsimple,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in sys.argv[1:]:,forsimple,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for x in line.split():,forsimple,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for number in numbers:,forsimple,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for index, x in enumerate(lst):",forsimple,159
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for row, record in enumerate(table):",forsimple,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for char in text:,forsimple,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for arg in args:,forsimple,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for arg in args:,forsimple,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for key in sorted(kwargs):,forsimple,176
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for i, arg in enumerate(args):",forsimple,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for key in kwargs:,forsimple,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for digit in digits:,forsimple,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for arg in args:,forsimple,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for arg in args:,forsimple,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for char in text:,forsimple,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for left, right in zip(brackets[::2], brackets[1::2]):",forsimple,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for c in text:,forsimple,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for row in range(_max_rows):,forsimple,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for column in range(_max_columns):,forsimple,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for x in heapq.merge([1, 3, 5, 8], [2, 4, 7], [0, 1, 6, 8, 9]):",forsimple,216
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for i, c in enumerate(base64.b64encode(binary)):",forsimple,217
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for name in os.listdir(path):,forsimple,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):",forsimple,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in files:,forsimple,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for size, filename in sorted(data):",forsimple,222
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for name in names:,forsimple,222
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for element in tree.getiterator(""station_name""):",forsimple,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for x in range(width):,forsimple,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for y in range(height):,forsimple,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for x in y:,forsimple,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for key, value in dictionary.items():",forsimple,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for example, for letter in letter_range(""m"", ""v""):",forsimple,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for key in self.__keys:,forsimple,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for key in self.__keys:,forsimple,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for key, value in self.items():",forsimple,278
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for report_id in self.keys():,forsimple,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for report_id in self.keys():,forsimple,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for report_id in sorted(super().keys()):,forsimple,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for incident in self.values():,forsimple,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for incident in self.values():,forsimple,303
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for lino, line in enumerate(fh, start=1):",forsimple,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for match in key_value_re.finditer(keyvalues):,forsimple,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for incident in self.values():,forsimple,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for incident in self.values():,forsimple,313
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for node in node_list:,forsimple,315
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for writing out the incidents in XML:,forsimple,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for incident in self.values():,forsimple,317
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for key, value in attributes.items():",forsimple,319
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for index in range(len(self) - 1, 0, -1):",forsimple,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for bike in bicycles:,forsimple,329
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for bike in bicycles:,forsimple,329
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for index in range(len(self.__file)):,forsimple,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for index in range(len(self.__file)):,forsimple,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for module in modules:,forsimple,343
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for file in get_files(sys.argv[1:]):,forsimple,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for name in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) or "".""):",forsimple,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for item in indented_list:,forsimple,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for entry in sorted(entries):,forsimple,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for subentry in sorted(entry[CHILDREN]):,forsimple,353
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for c in s:,forsimple,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for arg in arg_spec.args + arg_spec.kwonlyargs:,forsimple,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for attribute_name in self.attribute_names:,forsimple,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for line in fh:,forsimple,367
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for name in method_names:,forsimple,375
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for c in text:,forsimple,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for name in attribute_names:,forsimple,385
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for name in self.__attribute_names:,forsimple,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for name, value in zip(self.__attribute_names, data):",forsimple,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for value in itertools.chain(data_list1, data_list2, data_list3):",forsimple,394
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for lino, line in enumerate1(lines):",forsimple,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for matcher in matchers:,forsimple,399
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for arg in sys.argv[1:]:,forsimple,402
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):",forsimple,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in files:,forsimple,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for i in range(-2, len(string) + 2):",forsimple,423
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for i in range(1000):,forsimple,431
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in lines[1:]:,forsimple,440
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for i in range(opts.count):,forsimple,443
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in filelist:,forsimple,443
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):",forsimple,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in files:,forsimple,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for i in range(opts.count):,forsimple,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for size, filename in sorted(data):",forsimple,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filename in filenames:,forsimple,449
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for filenames in md5s.values():,forsimple,450
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for i, match in enumerate(matches):",forsimple,474
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for title in sorted(db, key=str.lower):",forsimple,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for i, record in enumerate(records):",forsimple,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for record in cursor:,forsimple,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for match in double_word_re.finditer(text):,forsimple,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for match in image_re.finditer(text):,forsimple,497
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for each nonoverlapping match in
 string s (or in the start:",forsimple,499
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for name in names:,forsimple,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for lino, line in enumerate(file, start=1):",forsimple,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for lino, line in enumerate(fh, start=2):",forsimple,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for x in range(amount):,forsimple,525
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for item in items:,forsimple,542
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for x in range(item):,forsimple,542
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for token in lexer:,forsimple,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for token in lexer:,forsimple,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for token in lexer:,forsimple,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,for x in range(len(token.value)):,forsimple,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for name in sorted(, key=str.lower):",forsimple,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for name in sorted(, key=str.lower):",forsimple,583
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"for name in sorted(, key=str.lower):",forsimple,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sentially the same as a = a + 8. However, there are two important subtleties here,",assignwithSum,30
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"maximum = get_int(""maximum (or Enter for "" + str(default) + ""): "",",assignwithSum,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"phone1 = re.compile(""^((?:[(]\\d+[)])?\\s*\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)$"")",assignwithSum,64
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"phone2 = re.compile(r""^((?:[(]\d+[)])?\s*\d+(?:-\d+)?)$"")",assignwithSum,65
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,start = i + len(opener),assignwithSum,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"result = s[:i], s[i], s[i + 1:]",assignwithSum,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,1.5x² + -3.0x + 6.0 = 0 → x = (1+1.7320508j) or x = (1-1.7320508j),assignwithSum,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"strip = string.whitespace + string.punctuation + string.digits + ""\""'""",assignwithSum,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"words[word] = words.get(word, 0) + 1",assignwithSum,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"words[word] = words.get(word, 0) + 1",assignwithSum,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"words[word] = words.get(word, 0) + 1",assignwithSum,132
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,text = text[:length - len(indicator)] + indicator,assignwithSum,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,text = text[:length - len(indicator)] + indicator,assignwithSum,174
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"UNTRUSTED_PREFIXES = tuple([""/"", ""\\""] +",assignwithSum,218
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"q = eval(p.__module__ + ""."" + repr(p))",assignwithSum,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = chr(ord(a) + 1),assignwithSum,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = chr(ord(a) + 1),assignwithSum,276
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p = q + r,assignwithSum,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"key_value_re = re.compile(r""^\s*(?P<key>[^=]+?)\s*=\s*""",assignwithSum,307
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"compactfile = + "".$$$""",assignwithSum,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"backupfile = + "".bak""",assignwithSum,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"level = level + 1, so level is set to refer to a new integer object. But when we call",assignwithSum,353
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"URL_RE = re.compile(r""""""href=(?P<quote>['""])(?P<url>[^\1]+?)""""""",assignwithSum,397
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"H1_RE = re.compile(r""<h1>(?P<h1>.+?)</h1>"", flags)",assignwithSum,397
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"H2_RE = re.compile(r""<h2>(?P<h2>.+?)</h2>"", flags)",assignwithSum,397
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"start, end = 0, files_per_process + (len(filelist) % opts.count)",assignwithSum,437
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"regex is (?P=name). For example, (?P<word>\w+)\s+(?P=word) matches duplicate",assignwithSum,492
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"double_word_re = re.compile(r""\b(?P<word>\w+)\s+(?P=word)(?!\w)"",",assignwithSum,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = re.sub(r""&#(\d+);"", lambda m: chr(int(, text)",assignwithSum,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = re.sub(r""&([A-Za-z]+);"", char_from_entity, text)",assignwithSum,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = re.sub(r""\n(?:[ \xA0\t]+\n)+"", ""\n"", text)",assignwithSum,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name = re.sub(r""(\w+(?:\s+\w+)*)\s+(\w+)"", r""\2, \1"", name)",assignwithSum,501
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name = re.sub(r""(?P<forenames>\w+(?:\s+\w+)*)""",assignwithSum,502
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name = re.sub(r""(?P<forenames>\w+\.?(?:\s+\w+\.?)*)""",assignwithSum,503
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ATTRIBUTE_FILE ::= ATTRIBUTE+,assignwithSum,511
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"INI_HEADER = re.compile(r""^\[[^]]+\]$"")",assignwithSum,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"KEY_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r""^(?P<key>\w+)\s*=\s*(?P<value>.*)$"")",assignwithSum,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"INFO_RE = re.compile(r""#EXTINF:(?P<seconds>-?\d+),(?P<title>.+)"")",assignwithSum,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,BLOCKS ::= NODES+,assignwithSum,522
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,NODES  ::= NEW_ROW* \s* NODE+,assignwithSum,522
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"parser element by writing key_value = key + Suppress(""="") + value. We can spec-",assignwithSum,531
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"var_list = variable | variable + Suppress("","") + var_list # WRONG!",assignwithSum,533
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"var_list = variable + ZeroOrMore(Suppress("","") + variable)",assignwithSum,533
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"plus_expression = operand + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(""+"") + operand)",assignwithSum,533
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ini_header = left_bracket + CharsNotIn(""]"") + right_bracket",assignwithSum,534
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key_value = Word(alphanums) + equals + restOfLine,assignwithSum,534
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"seconds = Combine(Optional(""-"") + Word(nums)).setParseAction(",assignwithSum,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"info = Suppress(""#EXTINF:"") + seconds + Suppress("","") + title",assignwithSum,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,entry = info + LineEnd() + filename + LineEnd(),assignwithSum,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"parser = Suppress(""#EXTM3U"") + OneOrMore(entry)",assignwithSum,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"node_data = Optional(color + Suppress("":"")) + Optional(name)",assignwithSum,539
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,node = left_bracket - node_data + nodes + right_bracket,assignwithSum,539
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,forall_expression = Group(forall + symbol + colon + formula),assignwithSum,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,exists_expression = Group(exists + symbol + colon + formula),assignwithSum,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_ignore_INI_HEADER = r""\[[^]]+\]""",assignwithSum,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_NAME = r""[^][/\n]+""",assignwithSum,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_NEW_ROWS = r""/+""",assignwithSum,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"icon = path + ""interest.ico""",assignwithSum,573
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"icon = path + ""bookmark.ico""",assignwithSum,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,C:\py3eg\>path=c:\python31;%path%,simpleAssign,11
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"path=c:\python31;%path% and to save this file in the C:\Windows directory. Then,",simpleAssign,11
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,z = x,simpleAssign,15
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The syntax is simply objectReference = value. There is no need for predecla-,simpleAssign,15
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The = operator is not the same as the variable assignment operator in some,simpleAssign,15
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,other languages. The = operator binds an object reference to an object in,simpleAssign,15
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the object on the right of the = operator; if the object reference does not exist it,simpleAssign,15
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,is created by the = operator.,simpleAssign,15
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,z = x,simpleAssign,17
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,b = a,simpleAssign,21
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,b = None,simpleAssign,21
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"expected semantics: < less than, <= less than or equal to, == equal to, != not",simpleAssign,21
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"equal to, >= greater than or equal to, and > greater than. These operators",simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = 2,simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,b = 6,simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a == b,simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"a <= b, a != b, a >= b, a > b",simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a == b,simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"The moral of this is to use == and != when comparing values, and to use is and",simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = 9,simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,0 <= a <= 10,simpleAssign,22
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,five = 5,simpleAssign,24
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,two = 2,simpleAssign,24
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,zero = 0,simpleAssign,24
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,nought = 0,simpleAssign,24
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"s = input(""enter an integer: "")",simpleAssign,29
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = 5,simpleAssign,30
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The second subtlety is that a operator= b is not quite the same as a = a operator,simpleAssign,30
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,total = 0,simpleAssign,33
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 0,simpleAssign,33
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 4 total = 39 mean = 9.75,simpleAssign,33
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,total = 0,simpleAssign,34
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 0,simpleAssign,34
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 37 total = 1839 mean = 49.7027027027,simpleAssign,35
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"age = get_int(""enter your age: "")",simpleAssign,36
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = random.randint(1, 6)",simpleAssign,37
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"y = random.choice([""apple"", ""banana"", ""cherry"", ""durian""])",simpleAssign,37
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"rows = get_int(""rows: "", 1, None)",simpleAssign,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"columns = get_int(""columns: "", 1, None)",simpleAssign,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"minimum = get_int(""minimum (or Enter for 0): "", -1000000, 0)",simpleAssign,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,default = 1000,simpleAssign,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,default = 2 * minimum,simpleAssign,42
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,row = 0,simpleAssign,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,column = 0,simpleAssign,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"i = random.randint(minimum, maximum)",simpleAssign,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s = str(i),simpleAssign,43
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,even[1] = 16.,simpleAssign,44
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 6 sum = 25 lowest = 1 highest = 8 mean = 4.16666666667,simpleAssign,47
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,π = math.pi,simpleAssign,51
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ε = 0.0000001,simpleAssign,51
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,nueva_área = π * radio * radio,simpleAssign,51
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,stretch-factor = 1,simpleAssign,52
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,2miles = 2,simpleAssign,52
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,str = 3 # Legal but BAD,simpleAssign,52
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,l'impôt31 = 4,simpleAssign,52
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,l_impôt31 = 5,simpleAssign,52
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ment versions (+=, -=, /=, //=, %=, and **=) where x op= y is logically equivalent to",simpleAssign,54
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x = x op y in the normal case when reading x’s value has no side effects.,simpleAssign,54
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Objects can be created by assigning literals to variables, for example, x = 17, or",simpleAssign,54
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"by calling the relevant data type as a function, for example, x = int(17). Some",simpleAssign,54
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"an object with a default value is created—for example, x = int() creates an",simpleAssign,54
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,where i op= j is logically equivalent to i = i op j in the normal case when,simpleAssign,55
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t = True,simpleAssign,56
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,f = False,simpleAssign,56
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"equal to x as an int; e.g., math.ceil(5.4) == 6",simpleAssign,58
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"to x as an int; e.g., math.floor(5.4) == 5",simpleAssign,58
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the exponent (as an int) so, x =
 Returns the sum of the values in iterable i as a float",simpleAssign,58
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the float.as_integer_ratio() method. For example, given x = 2.75, the call",simpleAssign,59
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s = 14.25.hex(),simpleAssign,59
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,f = float.fromhex(s),simpleAssign,60
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t = f.hex(),simpleAssign,60
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,float f == 14.25,simpleAssign,60
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = decimal.Decimal(9876),simpleAssign,61
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"b = decimal.Decimal(""54321.012345678987654321"")",simpleAssign,62
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s *= 10,simpleAssign,70
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,i = line.find(opener),simpleAssign,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"j = line.find(closer, start)",simpleAssign,73
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"s.count(""m"", 6) == s[6:].count(""m"")",simpleAssign,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"s.count(""m"", 5, -3) == s[5:-3].count(""m"")",simpleAssign,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"i = s.rfind(""/"")",simpleAssign,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"result = s.rpartition(""/"")",simpleAssign,74
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fields = record.split(""*"")",simpleAssign,75
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"born = fields[1].split(""-"")",simpleAssign,75
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"died = fields[2].split(""-"")",simpleAssign,75
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"from the fields list, for example, year_born = int(fields[1].split(""-"")[0]).",simpleAssign,75
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"s = s.format(""The"", x, ""tops"")",simpleAssign,77
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"who} turned {age} this year"".format(who=""She"", age=88)",simpleAssign,78
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d = dict(animal=""elephant"", weight=12000)",simpleAssign,78
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,math.pi==3.14159265359 sys.maxunicode==65535',simpleAssign,78
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,number = 47,simpleAssign,79
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"center
 = pad",simpleAssign,82
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,maxwidth = 12,simpleAssign,82
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"alignment character (< for left align, ^ for center, > for right align, and = for the",simpleAssign,83
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"0:0=12}"".format(8749203) # 0 fill, minimum width 12",simpleAssign,83
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"0:0=12}"".format(-8749203) # 0 fill, minimum width 12",simpleAssign,83
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word = None,simpleAssign,87
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word = 0,simpleAssign,87
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word = sys.argv[1].lower(),simpleAssign,87
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"code = ord("" "")",simpleAssign,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,end = sys.maxunicode,simpleAssign,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,c = chr(code),simpleAssign,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name =, ""*** unknown ***"")",simpleAssign,88
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Quadratic equations are equations of the form 2ax + bx + c = 0 where a ≠0,simpleAssign,92
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ax² + bx + c = 0,simpleAssign,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,2.5x² + 0.0x + -7.25 = 0 → x = 1.70293863659 or x = -1.70293863659,simpleAssign,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x = None,simpleAssign,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x = float(input(msg)),simpleAssign,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x = None,simpleAssign,93
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"a = get_float(""enter a: "", False)",simpleAssign,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"b = get_float(""enter b: "", True)",simpleAssign,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"c = get_float(""enter c: "", True)",simpleAssign,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x1 = None,simpleAssign,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x2 = None,simpleAssign,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,root = math.sqrt(discriminant),simpleAssign,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,root = cmath.sqrt(discriminant),simpleAssign,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"equation = (""{0}x\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO} + {1}x + {2} = 0""",simpleAssign,94
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"equation = (""{a}x\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO} + {b}x + {c} = 0""",simpleAssign,95
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"equation = (""{}x\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO} + {}x + {} = 0""",simpleAssign,95
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,maxwidth = 100,simpleAssign,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 0,simpleAssign,97
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fields = extract_fields(line),simpleAssign,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"number = field.replace("","", """")",simpleAssign,98
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,quote = None,simpleAssign,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,quote = c,simpleAssign,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,elif quote == c: # end of quoted string,simpleAssign,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,quote = None,simpleAssign,99
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = text.replace(""&"", ""&amp;"")",simpleAssign,100
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = text.replace(""<"", ""&lt;"")",simpleAssign,100
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = text.replace("">"", ""&gt;"")",simpleAssign,100
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"example, setting maxwidth if “maxwidth=n” is given, and similarly setting",simpleAssign,103
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,format if “format=s” is given. Here is a run showing the usage output:,simpleAssign,103
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, [maxwidth=int] [format=str] < infile.csv > outfile.html,simpleAssign,103
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, maxwidth=20 format=0.2f < mydata.csv > mydata.html,simpleAssign,103
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Sale = collections.namedtuple(""Sale"",",simpleAssign,108
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,total = 0,simpleAssign,109
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Aircraft = collections.namedtuple(""Aircraft"",",simpleAssign,109
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Seating = collections.namedtuple(""Seating"", ""minimum maximum"")",simpleAssign,109
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"aircraft = Aircraft(""Airbus"", ""A320-200"", Seating(100, 220))",simpleAssign,109
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,L[0] == L[-6] == -17.5,simpleAssign,110
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,L[1] == L[-5] == 'kilo',simpleAssign,110
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,L[1][0] == L[-5][0] == 'k',simpleAssign,110
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,L[4][2] == L[4][-1] == L[-2][2] == L[-2][-1] == 'echo',simpleAssign,111
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,L[4][2][1] == L[4][2][-3] == L[-2][-1][1] == L[-2][-1][-3] == 'c',simpleAssign,111
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,L[i] = process(L[i]),simpleAssign,112
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x = 8143 # object ref. 'x' created; int of value 8143 created,simpleAssign,113
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"example, we could sort the woods list like this: woods.sort(key=str.lower). The",simpleAssign,115
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0):,simpleAssign,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"This could also be done using leaps = list(range(1900, 1940)). Now we’ll add a",simpleAssign,116
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Note that although == and != have their usual meanings, with the",simpleAssign,118
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s -= t,simpleAssign,120
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s &= t,simpleAssign,120
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s <= t,simpleAssign,120
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s >= t,simpleAssign,120
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s ^= t,simpleAssign,120
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,s |= t,simpleAssign,120
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,seen = set(),simpleAssign,121
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,filenames = set(filenames),simpleAssign,121
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filenames = set(filenames) - {""MAKEFILE"", ""Makefile"", ""makefile""}",simpleAssign,121
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"case of the == and != operators, the order of the operands does not matter, and",simpleAssign,122
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,f == s will produce True if both sets contain the same items.,simpleAssign,122
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"erators (== and !=), with the comparisons being applied item by item (and recur-",simpleAssign,123
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d1 = dict({""id"": 1948, ""name"": ""Washer"", ""size"": 3})",simpleAssign,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d2 = dict(id=1948, name=""Washer"", size=3)",simpleAssign,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d3 = dict([(""id"", 1948), (""name"", ""Washer""), (""size"", 3)])",simpleAssign,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d4 = dict(zip((""id"", ""name"", ""size""), (1948, ""Washer"", 3)))",simpleAssign,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"we use the = operator, for example, d[""X""] = 59. And to delete an item we use",simpleAssign,124
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"s = set(""ACX"")",simpleAssign,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,matches = d.keys() & s,simpleAssign,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word = word.strip(strip),simpleAssign,127
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,words[word] = 0,simpleAssign,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,i = 0,simpleAssign,129
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sites[site] = set(),simpleAssign,130
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"greens = dict(green=""#0080000"", olive=""#808000"", lime=""#00FF00"")",simpleAssign,131
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"format(, olive=greens.olive, lime=greens.lime), but is eas-",simpleAssign,131
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"key m, the code x = d[m] will raise a KeyError exception. But if d is a suitably",simpleAssign,132
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,words = collections.defaultdict(int),simpleAssign,133
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = words[""xyz""] and there was no item with key ""xyz"", when the access is",simpleAssign,133
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d = collections.OrderedDict([('z', -4), ('e', 19), ('k', 7)])",simpleAssign,134
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,tasks = collections.OrderedDict(),simpleAssign,134
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ordered dictionary; or we can call popitem(last=False), in which case the first",simpleAssign,134
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,dictionary like this: d = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(d.items())). Note that,simpleAssign,134
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,product = 1,simpleAssign,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,product *= i,simpleAssign,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,product = 1,simpleAssign,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"i = iter([1, 2, 4, 8])",simpleAssign,136
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word = sys.argv[1],simpleAssign,137
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x[i] = abs(x[i]),simpleAssign,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,i = 0,simpleAssign,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x[i] = abs(x[i]),simpleAssign,138
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"forenames, surnames = get_forenames_and_surnames()",simpleAssign,139
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,limit = 100,simpleAssign,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"years = list(range(1970, 2013)) * 3",simpleAssign,140
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sorted(x, reverse=True)",simpleAssign,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sorted(x, key=abs)",simpleAssign,141
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = sorted(x, key=str.lower)",simpleAssign,142
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = list(zip((1, 3, 1, 3), (""pram"", ""dorie"", ""kayak"", ""canoe"")))",simpleAssign,142
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sorted(x, key=swap)",simpleAssign,143
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sorted([""1.3"", -7.5, ""5"", 4, ""-2.4"", 1], key=float)",simpleAssign,143
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,beatles = songs,simpleAssign,144
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,beatles = songs[:],simpleAssign,144
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,copy_of_dict_d = dict(d),simpleAssign,144
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,copy_of_list_L = list(L),simpleAssign,144
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,copy_of_set_s = set(s),simpleAssign,144
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,y = x[:] # shallow copy,simpleAssign,145
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,y[1] = 40,simpleAssign,145
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,y = copy.deepcopy(x),simpleAssign,145
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,y[1] = 40,simpleAssign,145
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ID, FORENAME, MIDDLENAME, SURNAME, DEPARTMENT = range(5)",simpleAssign,146
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"User = collections.namedtuple(""User"",",simpleAssign,146
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,usernames = set(),simpleAssign,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,line = line.rstrip(),simpleAssign,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"user = process_line(line, usernames)",simpleAssign,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,] = user,simpleAssign,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fields = line.split("":"")",simpleAssign,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"username = generate_username(fields, usernames)",simpleAssign,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"user = User(username, fields[FORENAME], fields[MIDDLENAME],",simpleAssign,147
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"user = User(username, fields[1], fields[2], fields[3], fields[0])",simpleAssign,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,username = original_name = username[:8].lower(),simpleAssign,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 1,simpleAssign,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,namewidth = 32,simpleAssign,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,usernamewidth = 9,simpleAssign,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Name"", ""ID"", ""Username"", nw=namewidth, uw=usernamewidth))",simpleAssign,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"nw=namewidth, uw=usernamewidth))",simpleAssign,148
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,user = users[key],simpleAssign,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name, user, nw=namewidth, uw=usernamewidth))",simpleAssign,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count  = 183,simpleAssign,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,mean = 130.56,simpleAssign,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,median =  43.00,simpleAssign,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,std. dev. = 235.01,simpleAssign,149
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Statistics = collections.namedtuple(""Statistics"",",simpleAssign,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,frequencies = collections.defaultdict(int),simpleAssign,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"statistics = calculate_statistics(numbers, frequencies)",simpleAssign,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,start=1):,simpleAssign,150
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"a plain dict, the update code would have been frequencies[number] = frequen-",simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"mat(filename, lino, etc., or explicitly named arguments, .format(filename=file-",simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name, lino=lino, etc.), we have retrieved the names and values of the local",simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,mean = sum(numbers) / len(numbers),simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"mode = calculate_mode(frequencies, 3)",simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,median = calculate_median(numbers),simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"std_dev = calculate_std_dev(numbers, mean)",simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,highest_frequency = max(frequencies.values()),simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,mode = None,simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,frequency equals the highest value. We can compare using operator == since,simpleAssign,151
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,numbers = sorted(numbers),simpleAssign,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,middle = len(numbers) // 2,simpleAssign,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,median = numbers[middle],simpleAssign,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,total = 0,simpleAssign,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,variance = total / (len(numbers) - 1),simpleAssign,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,elif len(statistics.mode) == 1:,simpleAssign,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"statistics.mode[0], fmt=real)",simpleAssign,152
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"count, modeline, fmt=real, **statistics._asdict()))",simpleAssign,153
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"s"" if count != 1 else """")))",simpleAssign,158
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,found = False,simpleAssign,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,found = True,simpleAssign,165
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,166
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,elif state == PARSING_ENTITY:,simpleAssign,168
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sequence of comma-separated identifiers, or as a sequence of identifier=value",simpleAssign,170
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,letters = frozenset(letters),simpleAssign,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 0,simpleAssign,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,parameter=default syntax. This allows us to call letter_count() with just one,simpleAssign,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"values with parameters that don’t have defaults, so def bad(a, b=1, c): won’t",simpleAssign,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"arguments, passing each argument in the form name=value.",simpleAssign,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"shorten(length=7, text=""The Silkie"")",simpleAssign,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"shorten(""The Silkie"", indicator=""&"", length=7) # returns: 'The Si&'",simpleAssign,171
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = 1,simpleAssign,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result *= arg,simpleAssign,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = 0,simpleAssign,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ample, sum_of_powers(1, 3, 5, power=2).",simpleAssign,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,area = math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)),simpleAssign,175
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"color=True). But if we attempt to use positional arguments, for example,",simpleAssign,176
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"options = dict(paper=""A4"", color=True)",simpleAssign,176
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"forename=""Lexis"", age=47). This provides us with a lot of flexibility. And we",simpleAssign,176
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"dictionary = ENGLISH if Language == ""en"" else FRENCH",simpleAssign,177
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"s = lambda x: """" if x == 1 else ""s""",simpleAssign,179
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"elements.sort(key=lambda e: (e[1], e[2]))",simpleAssign,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,elements.sort(key=lambda e: e[1:3]),simpleAssign,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"elements.sort(key=lambda e: (e[2].lower(), e[1]))",simpleAssign,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"area = lambda b, h: 0.5 * b * h",simpleAssign,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,minus_one_dict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: -1),simpleAssign,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"point_zero_dict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))",simpleAssign,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"message_dict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ""No message available"")",simpleAssign,180
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = 1,simpleAssign,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result *= arg,simpleAssign,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = 1,simpleAssign,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result *= arg,simpleAssign,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = product(1, 2, 0, 4, 8)",simpleAssign,181
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"meta equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=utf-8"" />",simpleAssign,183
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"information = dict(name=None,,",simpleAssign,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filename=None, title=None, description=None,",simpleAssign,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"keywords=None, stylesheet=None)",simpleAssign,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name = get_string(""Enter your name (for copyright)"", ""name"",",simpleAssign,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"year = get_integer(""Enter copyright year"", ""year"",",simpleAssign,184
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,title = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(title),simpleAssign,186
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,description = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(description),simpleAssign,186
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,html = HTML_TEMPLATE.format(**locals()),simpleAssign,186
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"explicitly using key=value syntax, we have used mapping unpacking on the",simpleAssign,186
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"write the format() call as .format(title=title, copyright=copyright, etc.)",simpleAssign,186
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,186
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def get_string(message, name=""string"", default=None,",simpleAssign,187
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"minimum_length=0, maximum_length=80):",simpleAssign,187
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ing key=value syntax to pass local variables to str.format() with a format string,simpleAssign,187
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def get_integer(message, name=""integer"", default=None, minimum=0,",simpleAssign,188
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"maximum=100, allow_zero=True):",simpleAssign,188
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = Graphics.Bmp.load(""bashful.bmp"")",simpleAssign,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = Jpeg.load(""doc.jpeg"")",simpleAssign,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = Png.load(""dopey.png"")",simpleAssign,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = picture.load(""grumpy.tiff"")",simpleAssign,197
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = Xpm.load(""sleepy.xpm"")",simpleAssign,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = Graphics.Vector.Eps.load(""sneezy.eps"")",simpleAssign,198
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = Svg.load(""snow.svg"")",simpleAssign,199
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,counts[left] = 0,simpleAssign,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,left_for_right[right] = left,simpleAssign,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,left = left_for_right[c],simpleAssign,201
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,counts[left] -= 1,simpleAssign,202
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,text = TextUtil.simplify(text) # text == 'a puzzling conundrum',simpleAssign,202
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"add_rectangle(6, 42, 11, 46, fill=True)",simpleAssign,204
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,_max_rows = 25,simpleAssign,206
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,_max_columns = 80,simpleAssign,206
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,_background_char = char,simpleAssign,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,_max_rows = max_rows,simpleAssign,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,_max_columns = max_columns,simpleAssign,207
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"char_at(8, 20) == char_at(8, 24) == ""=""",simpleAssign,208
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sys.stdout = io.StringIO(),simpleAssign,211
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,original sys.stdout with the statement sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__.),simpleAssign,211
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,parser = optparse.OptionParser(),simpleAssign,212
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"parser.set_defaults(maxwidth=100, format="".0f"")",simpleAssign,212
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"opts, args = parser.parse_args()",simpleAssign,212
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"can use any of -w80, -w 80, --maxwidth=80, or --maxwidth 80. After the command",simpleAssign,212
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"moon_datetime_a = datetime.datetime(1969, 7, 20, 20, 17, 40)",simpleAssign,214
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,moon_time = calendar.timegm(moon_datetime_a.utctimetuple()),simpleAssign,214
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,moon_datetime_b = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(moon_time),simpleAssign,214
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"LEFT_ALIGN_PNG = b""""""\",simpleAssign,217
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,binary = base64.b64decode(LEFT_ALIGN_PNG),simpleAssign,218
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,BZ2_AVAILABLE = True,simpleAssign,218
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,BZ2_AVAILABLE = False,simpleAssign,218
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,tar = None,simpleAssign,219
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fullname = os.path.join(path, name)",simpleAssign,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,date_from_name[fullname] = os.path.getmtime(fullname),simpleAssign,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data = collections.defaultdict(list),simpleAssign,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fullname = os.path.join(root, filename)",simpleAssign,221
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"names = data[(size, filename)]",simpleAssign,222
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fh = io.StringIO(binary.decode(""utf8""))",simpleAssign,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree(),simpleAssign,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,root = tree.parse(fh),simpleAssign,225
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"o ORDER, --order=ORDER",simpleAssign,229
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"by using long options, --modified --sizes --order=size misc/, or any com-",simpleAssign,229
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,distance = distance_from_origin(*circle[:2]),simpleAssign,231
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,distance = edge_distance_from_origin(*circle),simpleAssign,231
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Circle = collections.namedtuple(""Circle"", ""x y radius"")",simpleAssign,231
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"circle = Circle(13, 84, 9)",simpleAssign,231
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"distance = distance_from_origin(circle.x, circle.y)",simpleAssign,231
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"circle = Circle(33, 56, -5)",simpleAssign,231
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,circle = circle._replace(radius=12),simpleAssign,232
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,we can write things like circle[RADIUS] = 5. But using a list brings additional,simpleAssign,232
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"nary might be an alternative, for example, circle = dict(x=36, y=77, radius=8),",simpleAssign,232
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"jects are also namespaces; for example, if we have z = complex(1, 2), the z ob-",simpleAssign,233
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the class with any necessary arguments; for example, x = complex(4, 8) creates",simpleAssign,235
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = Shape.Point(),simpleAssign,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"b = Shape.Point(3, 4)",simpleAssign,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"a == b, a != b",simpleAssign,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"y = a.y), and the class integrates nicely with all of Python’s other classes by",simpleAssign,236
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"into one, but Python keeps them separate. When an object is created (e.g., p =
 Shape.Point()), first the special method __new__() is called to create the object,",simpleAssign,237
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"For example, if we execute p = Shape.Point(), Python begins by looking for",simpleAssign,237
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"All instances of custom classes support == by default, and the comparison",simpleAssign,238
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x <= y Returns True if x is less than or equal to y,simpleAssign,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x == y Returns True if x is equal to y,simpleAssign,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x != y Returns True if x is not equal to y,simpleAssign,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x >= y Returns True if x is greater than or equal to y,simpleAssign,239
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p = Shape.Point(3, 9)",simpleAssign,240
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p = Shape.Point(28, 45)",simpleAssign,242
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"c = Shape.Circle(5, 28, 45)",simpleAssign,242
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,area = property(area),simpleAssign,243
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,circle = Circle(-2),simpleAssign,244
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,circle = Circle(4),simpleAssign,244
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,circle.radius = 6,simpleAssign,244
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"The Circle’s initializer, Circle.__init__(), includes the statement self.radius =
 radius; this will call the radius property’s setter, so if an invalid radius is given",simpleAssign,245
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = FuzzyBool.FuzzyBool(.875),simpleAssign,245
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,b = FuzzyBool.FuzzyBool(.25),simpleAssign,245
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a >= b,simpleAssign,245
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,b |= FuzzyBool.FuzzyBool(.5),simpleAssign,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,returns: 'a=87.5% b=50%',simpleAssign,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"immutable—but with the provision of augmented assignment operators (&=
 and |=) to ensure that they are convenient to use.",simpleAssign,246
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"operator, or for __ior__() which provides the in-place |= operator, since both",simpleAssign,248
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"We have created an eval()-able representational form. For example, given f =
 FuzzyBool.FuzzyBool(.75); repr(f) will produce the string 'FuzzyBool(0.75)'.",simpleAssign,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"from ==, and >= from <=. We have shown only two representative methods",simpleAssign,249
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x *= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x //= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x **= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x ^= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x <<= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x -= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x %= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x /= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x &= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x |= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x >>= y,simpleAssign,250
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,value if 0.0 <= value <= 1.0 else 0.0),simpleAssign,253
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"So when we write f = FuzzyBool(0.7), under the hood Python calls Fuzzy-",simpleAssign,254
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"width, height = 240, 60",simpleAssign,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"midx, midy = width // 2, height // 2",simpleAssign,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = Image.Image(width, height, ""square_eye.img"")",simpleAssign,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image[x, y] = border_color",simpleAssign,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image[x, y] = square_color",simpleAssign,259
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if (not (0 <= coordinate[0] < self.width) or,simpleAssign,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,not (0 <= coordinate[1] < self.height)):,simpleAssign,261
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"__setitem__(self, k, v) y[k] = v",simpleAssign,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if (not (0 <= coordinate[0] < self.width) or,simpleAssign,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,not (0 <= coordinate[1] < self.height)):,simpleAssign,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if (not (0 <= coordinate[0] < self.width) or,simpleAssign,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,not (0 <= coordinate[1] < self.height)):,simpleAssign,262
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"read using the single statement, data = pickle.load(fh). The data object is an",simpleAssign,265
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"letters = SortedList.SortedList((""H"", ""c"", ""B"", ""G"", ""e""), str.lower)",simpleAssign,266
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,_identity = lambda x: x,simpleAssign,267
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sequence.key == self.__key):,simpleAssign,267
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,more obvious alternative would have been self.__key = key if key is not None,simpleAssign,268
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index = self.__bisect_left(value),simpleAssign,268
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key = self.__key(value),simpleAssign,269
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"left, right = 0, len(self.__list)",simpleAssign,269
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 0,simpleAssign,269
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index = self.__bisect_left(value),simpleAssign,269
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 0,simpleAssign,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index = self.__bisect_left(value),simpleAssign,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index = self.__bisect_left(value),simpleAssign,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"This method provides support for the x = L[n] syntax, where L is a sorted list",simpleAssign,270
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"We don’t want the user to change an item at a given index position (so L[n] =
 x is disallowed); otherwise, the sorted list’s order might be invalidated. The",simpleAssign,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index = self.__bisect_left(value),simpleAssign,271
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,__copy__ = copy,simpleAssign,272
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d = SortedDict.SortedDict(dict(s=1, A=2, y=6), str.lower)",simpleAssign,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d[""z""] = 4",simpleAssign,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d[""T""] = 5",simpleAssign,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d[""n""] = 3",simpleAssign,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d[""A""] = 17",simpleAssign,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,dictionary = dictionary or {},simpleAssign,273
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None, key=None):",simpleAssign,274
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"d = MyDict.fromkeys(""VEINS"", 3)",simpleAssign,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,This method implements the d[key] = value syntax. If the key isn’t in the,simpleAssign,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"caller to support chaining, for example, x = d[key] = value.",simpleAssign,275
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,item = super().popitem(),simpleAssign,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,keys = __iter__,simpleAssign,277
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"The base class methods dict.get(), dict.__getitem__() (for the v = d[k] syntax),",simpleAssign,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,d = SortedDict(),simpleAssign,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,d.__keys = self.__keys.copy(),simpleAssign,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,using the copy_of_x = ClassOfX(x) idiom that Python’s built-in types support.,simpleAssign,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"And just as we did for SortedList, we have set __copy__ = copy so that the",simpleAssign,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self[self.__keys[index]] = value,simpleAssign,279
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"possible, eval(repr(x)) == x, and we saw how to support this. When an",simpleAssign,281
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p = q - r,simpleAssign,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p -= q,simpleAssign,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p = q * n,simpleAssign,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p *= n,simpleAssign,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p = q / n,simpleAssign,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p /= n,simpleAssign,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p = q // n # Point.__floordiv__(),simpleAssign,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p //= n,simpleAssign,282
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"simple doctests that include saving and loading—use code such as name
 = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), account_name) to provide a suitable",simpleAssign,283
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"r READER, --reader=READER",simpleAssign,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"w WRITER, --writer=WRITER",simpleAssign,287
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,keys = __iter__,simpleAssign,288
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"word = b""Animal""",simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = b""A""",simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word[0] == x,simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word[:1] == x,simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word[0] == x[0] # returns: True,simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word[0] == 65;,simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x == b""A""",simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"word[:1] == b""A""; x == b""A""",simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word[0] == 65;,simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x[0] == 65,simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data = b""5 Hills \x35\x20\x48\x69\x6C\x6C\x73""",simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data = bytearray(data),simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data == b'5 Hills 5 Bills',simpleAssign,290
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"GZIP_MAGIC = b""\x1F\x8B""",simpleAssign,291
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,292
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"MAGIC = b""AIB\x00""",simpleAssign,293
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"FORMAT_VERSION = b""\x00\x01""",simpleAssign,293
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data = string.encode(""utf8"")",simpleAssign,293
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data = struct.pack(""<2h"", 11, -9)",simpleAssign,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data == b'\x0b\x00\xf7\xff',simpleAssign,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"TWO_SHORTS = struct.Struct(""<2h"")",simpleAssign,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data = TWO_SHORTS.pack(11, -9)",simpleAssign,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,items = TWO_SHORTS.unpack(data),simpleAssign,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data == b'\x0b\x00\xf7\xff',simpleAssign,294
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data = bytearray(),simpleAssign,295
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"NumbersStruct = struct.Struct(""<Idi?"")",simpleAssign,298
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"uint16 = struct.Struct(""<H"")",simpleAssign,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,length = uint16.unpack(length_data)[0],simpleAssign,299
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,300
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,followed by all the one-line data items written in key=valueform. For the multi-,simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,date=2007-09-27,simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,aircraft_id=1675B,simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,aircraft_type=DHC-2-MK1,simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,airport=MERLE K (MUDHOLE) SMITH,simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pilot_percent_hours_on_type=46.1538461538,simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pilot_total_hours=13000,simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,midair=0,simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=""",simpleAssign,302
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,303
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"airport=incident.airport.strip(),",simpleAssign,303
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,narrative=narrative)),simpleAssign,303
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,narrative lines; we could be at a key=value line; or we could be at a report ID,simpleAssign,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,narrative = None,simpleAssign,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,line = line.rstrip(),simpleAssign,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""narrative""] = textwrap.dedent(",simpleAssign,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,incident = Incident(**data),simpleAssign,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self[incident.report_id] = incident,simpleAssign,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,narrative = None,simpleAssign,304
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""report_id""] = line[1:-1]",simpleAssign,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"key, value = line.split(""="", 1)",simpleAssign,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[key] = datetime.datetime.strptime(value,",simpleAssign,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data[key] = float(value),simpleAssign,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data[key] = int(value),simpleAssign,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data[key] = bool(int(value)),simpleAssign,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data[key] = value,simpleAssign,305
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"three more possibilities: We are reading key=value items, we are at a narrative",simpleAssign,306
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"In the case of reading a line of key=value data, we split the line on the first
 = character, specifying a maximum of one split—this means that the value",simpleAssign,306
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,can safely include = characters. All the data read is in the form of Unicode,simpleAssign,306
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"If the line doesn’t contain an = character, we check to see whether we’ve read",simpleAssign,306
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,incident_re = re.compile(,simpleAssign,307
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"The second regular expression, key_value_re, is used to capture key=value lines,",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lowed by non-= characters which are captured into the key match group, fol-",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lowed by an = character, followed by all the remaining characters in the line",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""report_id""] =""id"")",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""narrative""] = textwrap.dedent(",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"keyvalues =""keyvalues"")",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""key"")] =""value"")",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""date""] = datetime.datetime.strptime(",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""pilot_total_hours""] = int(",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""midair""] = bool(int(data[""midair""]))",simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,incident = Incident(**data),simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self[incident.report_id] = incident,simpleAssign,308
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the key=value strings in one go using the keyvalues match group, and apply",simpleAssign,309
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"individual key=value line. For each (key, value) pair found, we put them in the",simpleAssign,309
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,match too many or too few key=value lines. The end is the same as before—we,simpleAssign,309
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"root = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element(""incidents"")",simpleAssign,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"element = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element(""incident"",",simpleAssign,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"report_id=incident.report_id,",simpleAssign,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,",",simpleAssign,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"aircraft_id=incident.aircraft_id,",simpleAssign,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"aircraft_type=incident.aircraft_type,",simpleAssign,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pilot_percent_hours_on_type=str(,simpleAssign,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pilot_total_hours=str(incident.pilot_total_hours),",simpleAssign,310
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,midair=str(int(incident.midair))),simpleAssign,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"airport = xml.etree.ElementTree.SubElement(element,",simpleAssign,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,airport.text = incident.airport.strip(),simpleAssign,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"narrative = xml.etree.ElementTree.SubElement(element,",simpleAssign,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,narrative.text = incident.narrative.strip(),simpleAssign,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree(root),simpleAssign,311
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,dom = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation(),simpleAssign,313
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"tree = dom.createDocument(None, ""incidents"", None)",simpleAssign,313
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,root = tree.documentElement,simpleAssign,313
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"element = tree.createElement(""incident"")",simpleAssign,313
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,text_element = tree.createTextNode(text),simpleAssign,314
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,name_element = tree.createElement(name),simpleAssign,314
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,314
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""airport""] = get_text(airport.childNodes)",simpleAssign,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,narrative = element.getElementsByTagName(,simpleAssign,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"data[""narrative""] = get_text(narrative.childNodes)",simpleAssign,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,incident = Incident(**data),simpleAssign,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,self[incident.report_id] = incident,simpleAssign,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,316
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,report_id=xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(,simpleAssign,317
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,aircraft_id=xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(,simpleAssign,317
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,aircraft_type=xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(,simpleAssign,317
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"airport=xml.sax.saxutils.escape(incident.airport),",simpleAssign,317
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,318
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,handler = IncidentSaxHandler(self),simpleAssign,318
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,parser = xml.sax.make_parser(),simpleAssign,318
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,incident = Incident(**self.__data),simpleAssign,320
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Contact = struct.Struct(""<15si"")",simpleAssign,321
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"contacts = BinaryRecordFile.BinaryRecordFile(filename, Contact.size)",simpleAssign,321
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"contacts[4] = Contact.pack(""Abe Baker"".encode(""utf8""), 762)",simpleAssign,321
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"contacts[5] = Contact.pack(""Cindy Dove"".encode(""utf8""), 987)",simpleAssign,321
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,contact_data = Contact.unpack(contacts[5]),simpleAssign,323
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"_DELETED = b""\x01""",simpleAssign,323
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"_OKAY = b""\x02""",simpleAssign,323
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"This method supports the brf[i] = data syntax where brf is a binary record file,",simpleAssign,324
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,end = self.__fh.tell(),simpleAssign,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,offset = index * self.__record_size,simpleAssign,325
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,end = self.__fh.tell(),simpleAssign,327
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index = 0,simpleAssign,327
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,length = len(self),simpleAssign,327
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,limit = None,simpleAssign,328
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The line if data[:1] == _OKAY: is quite subtle. Both the,simpleAssign,329
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,bicycles = BikeStock.BikeStock(bike_file),simpleAssign,329
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,value = 0.0,simpleAssign,329
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,record = self.__file[index],simpleAssign,330
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,bike = _bike_from_record(record),simpleAssign,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index = len(self.__file),simpleAssign,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,record = self.__file[self.__index_from_identity[identity]],simpleAssign,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,index = self.__index_from_identity[identity],simpleAssign,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,record = self.__file[index],simpleAssign,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,bike = _bike_from_record(record),simpleAssign,331
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,record = self.__file[index],simpleAssign,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"_BIKE_STRUCT = struct.Struct(""<8s30sid"")",simpleAssign,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ID, NAME, QUANTITY, PRICE = range(4)",simpleAssign,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,parts = list(_BIKE_STRUCT.unpack(record)),simpleAssign,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"parts[ID] = parts[ID].decode(""utf8"").rstrip(""\x00"")",simpleAssign,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"parts[NAME] = parts[NAME].decode(""utf8"").rstrip(""\x00"")",simpleAssign,332
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"b BLOCKSIZE, --blocksize=BLOCKSIZE",simpleAssign,335
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"e ENCODING, --encoding=ENCODING",simpleAssign,335
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"functions = dict(a=add_dvd, e=edit_dvd,",simpleAssign,338
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"l=list_dvds, r=remove_dvd,",simpleAssign,338
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"i=import_, x=export, q=quit)",simpleAssign,338
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"result = call[extension, reader](filename)",simpleAssign,338
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,next_quarter = received,simpleAssign,340
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,generator = quarters(),simpleAssign,340
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = eval(""(2 ** 31) - 1"")",simpleAssign,341
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x == 2147483647,simpleAssign,341
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"context[""math""] = math",simpleAssign,342
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"into a dictionary, for example, context = globals().copy(). This still gives exec()",simpleAssign,342
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"area_of_sphere = context[""area_of_sphere""]",simpleAssign,343
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,area = area_of_sphere(5),simpleAssign,343
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,area == 314.15926535897933,simpleAssign,343
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,modules = load_modules(),simpleAssign,343
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"get_file_type = get_function(module, ""get_file_type"")",simpleAssign,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,filename = name,simpleAssign,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,name = os.path.splitext(name)[0],simpleAssign,344
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,345
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"We read the text of the file into the code string. The next line, module =
 type(sys)(name), is quite subtle. When we call type() it returns the type object",simpleAssign,345
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"example, we can get the integer 5 in variable x by writing x = 5, or x = int(5),",simpleAssign,345
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"or x = type(0)(5), or int_type = type(0); x = int_type(5). In this case we’ve used",simpleAssign,345
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Given the before list, the after list is produced by this call: after = Indent-",simpleAssign,349
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"KEY, ITEM, CHILDREN = range(3)",simpleAssign,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,level = 0,simpleAssign,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,i = 0,simpleAssign,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key = item.strip().lower(),simpleAssign,350
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,level -= 1,simpleAssign,352
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"result = function(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,wrapper.__name__ = function.__name__,simpleAssign,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,wrapper.__doc__ = function.__doc__,simpleAssign,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"result = function(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,354
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"result = function(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"discounted_price(price, percentage, make_integer=False):",simpleAssign,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = price * ((100 - percentage) / 100),simpleAssign,355
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"called: discounted_price(210, 5, make_integer=True) -> 200",simpleAssign,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"logger = logging.getLogger(""Logger"")",simpleAssign,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(,simpleAssign,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,result = exception = None,simpleAssign,356
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,annotations = function.__annotations__,simpleAssign,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(function),simpleAssign,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"result = function(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,358
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"With the Ord class available, we can create an instance, ord = Ord(), and then",simpleAssign,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ord = Ord(). This is because the instance has the same name as the built-in ord(),simpleAssign,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,name] = value,simpleAssign,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"With this class we can create a constant object, say, const = Const(), and set any",simpleAssign,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"attributes we like on it, for example, const.limit = 591. But once an attribute’s",simpleAssign,361
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,v = x.n Returns the value of object x’s n,simpleAssign,362
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,v = x.n Returns the value of object x’s n,simpleAssign,362
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x.n = v Sets object x’s n attribute’s value,simpleAssign,362
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Const = collections.namedtuple(""_"", ""min max"")(191, 591)",simpleAssign,362
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Offset = collections.namedtuple(""_"", ""id name description"")(*range(3))",simpleAssign,362
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"strip_punctuation = make_strip_function("",;:.!?"")",simpleAssign,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"list by surnames like this: people.sort(key=SortKey(""surname"")). If",simpleAssign,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ple.sort(key=SortKey(""surname"", ""forename"")). And if we had people with the",simpleAssign,365
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"example, to sort by surname we could write: people.sort(key=operator.attr-",simpleAssign,366
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"people.sort(key=operator.attrgetter(""surname"", ""forename"")). The operator.",simpleAssign,366
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fh = None,simpleAssign,367
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the modified list. (We cannot do self.original = self.modified because that,simpleAssign,369
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name_as_xml = XmlShadow(""name"")",simpleAssign,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"description_as_xml = XmlShadow(""description"")",simpleAssign,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"product = Product(""Chisel <3cm>"", ""Chisel & cap"", 45.25)",simpleAssign,370
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,xml_text = self.cache.get(id(instance)),simpleAssign,371
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x = ExternalStorage(""x"")",simpleAssign,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"y = ExternalStorage(""y"")",simpleAssign,372
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"instance itself can be accessed. For example, if we have p = Point(3, 4), we can",simpleAssign,373
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x = y ⇔¬ ( x < y ∨ y < x),simpleAssign,376
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,x ≠ y ⇔¬ ( x = y),simpleAssign,376
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"supplied. (In fact, Python automatically produces > if < is supplied, != if == is",simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"supplied, and >= if <= is supplied, so it is sufficient to just implement the three",simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"operators <, <=, and == and to leave Python to infer the others. However, using",simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"cls.__eq__ = lambda self, other: (not",simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"cls.__ne__ = lambda self, other: not cls.__eq__(self, other)",simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"cls.__gt__ = lambda self, other: cls.__lt__(other, self)",simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"cls.__le__ = lambda self, other: not cls.__lt__(other, self)",simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"cls.__ge__ = lambda self, other: not cls.__lt__(self, other)",simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,is the decorator’s minimum requirement. And if there is a custom == we use,simpleAssign,377
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"price = abc.abstractproperty(get_price, set_price)",simpleAssign,381
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"price = property(lambda self: super().price,",simpleAssign,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,count = 0,simpleAssign,382
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,vowel_counter = CharCounter(),simpleAssign,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,rle_encoder = RunLengthEncode(),simpleAssign,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,rle_text = rle_encoder(text),simpleAssign,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,rle_decoder = RunLengthDecode(),simpleAssign,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,original_text = rle_decoder(rle_text),simpleAssign,383
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,item = self.__stack.pop(),simpleAssign,384
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data = pickle.load(fh),simpleAssign,386
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,g = Good(),simpleAssign,389
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"slots = list(dictionary.get(""__slots__"", []))",simpleAssign,390
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,name = getter_name[4:],simpleAssign,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,getter = dictionary.pop(getter_name),simpleAssign,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"setter = dictionary.get(setter_name, None)",simpleAssign,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"dictionary[name] = property(getter, setter)",simpleAssign,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"dictionary[""__slots__""] = tuple(slots)",simpleAssign,391
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"priority order like this: L.sort(key=operator.attrgetter(""priority"")).",simpleAssign,394
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"enumerate1 = functools.partial(enumerate, start=1)",simpleAssign,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,tion (enumerate()) and a keyword argument (start=1) so that when enumerate1(),simpleAssign,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"reader = functools.partial(open, mode=""rt"", encoding=""utf8"")",simpleAssign,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"writer = functools.partial(open, mode=""wt"", encoding=""utf8"")",simpleAssign,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"loadButton = tkinter.Button(frame, text=""Load"",",simpleAssign,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"saveButton = tkinter.Button(frame, text=""Save"",",simpleAssign,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"command=functools.partial(doAction, ""load""))",simpleAssign,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"command=functools.partial(doAction, ""save""))",simpleAssign,395
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"r""""""(?P=quote)"""""", re.IGNORECASE)",simpleAssign,397
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,flags = re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL,simpleAssign,397
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,receiver = reporter(),simpleAssign,398
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"generator = function(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,398
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ignore = frozenset({""style.css"", ""favicon.png"", ""index.html""})",simpleAssign,399
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,groups = match.groupdict(),simpleAssign,399
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ment receiver = reporter() which we saw earlier, and passed as the receiver",simpleAssign,399
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pipeline = get_data(,simpleAssign,400
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"an integer (by rounding), but drop any numbers that are out of range (< 0 or >=
 10). If we had the four coroutine components, acquire() (get a number), to_int()",simpleAssign,401
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pipe = acquire(to_int(check(output()))),simpleAssign,401
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"received 10, which is out of range (>= 10), and so it was filtered out.",simpleAssign,401
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pipe = acquire(check(to_int(output()))),simpleAssign,401
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pipeline = get_files(receiver),simpleAssign,402
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filenames and the receiver is a reporter() coroutine—created by receiver =
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pipeline = get_files(suffix_matcher(receiver, ("".htm"", "".html"")))",simpleAssign,402
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pipeline = size_matcher(receiver, minimum=1024 ** 2)",simpleAssign,402
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pipeline = suffix_matcher(pipeline, ("".png"", "".jpg"", "".jpeg""))",simpleAssign,402
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pipeline = get_files(pipeline),simpleAssign,402
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"size_matcher(receiver, minimum=None, maximum=None):",simpleAssign,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,size = os.path.getsize(filename),simpleAssign,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,if ((minimum is None or size >= minimum) and,simpleAssign,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,maximum is None or size <= maximum)):,simpleAssign,403
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"valid_string(""name"", empty_allowed=False)",simpleAssign,404
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"valid_string(""productid"", empty_allowed=False,",simpleAssign,404
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"regex=re.compile(r""[A-Z]{3}\d{4}""))",simpleAssign,404
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"valid_string(""category"", empty_allowed=False, acceptable=

 frozenset([""Consumables"", ""Hardware"", ""Software"", ""Media""]))",simpleAssign,404
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"valid_number(""price"", minimum=0, maximum=1e6)",simpleAssign,404
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"def valid_string(attr_name, empty_allowed=True, regex=None,",simpleAssign,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,acceptable=None):,simpleAssign,405
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"create an item using item = StockItem(""TV"", ""TVA4312"", ""Electrical"", 500, 1),",simpleAssign,406
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ifications to main() are to add get_function = GetFunction() before the loop,",simpleAssign,408
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,blocks = parse(blocks),simpleAssign,413
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"widths, rows = compute_widths_and_rows(cells, SCALE_BY)",simpleAssign,413
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,width = len(cell.text) // cell.columns,simpleAssign,413
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,i = int(data),simpleAssign,417
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,numbers = sorted(numbers),simpleAssign,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,middle = len(numbers) // 2,simpleAssign,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,median = numbers[middle],simpleAssign,420
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,suite = unittest.TestSuite(),simpleAssign,425
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(),simpleAssign,425
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,unittest._TextTestResult run=3 errors=0 failures=0>,simpleAssign,425
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(,simpleAssign,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(),simpleAssign,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,items = self.original_list[:],simpleAssign,427
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,items = self.original_list[:],simpleAssign,428
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,items = self.original_list[:],simpleAssign,428
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,repeats = 1000,simpleAssign,430
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t = timeit.Timer(""{0}(X, Y)"".format(function),",simpleAssign,430
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sec = t.timeit(repeats) / repeats,simpleAssign,430
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"child = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),",simpleAssign,437
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"opts, word, args = parse_options()",simpleAssign,437
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filelist = get_files(args, opts.recurse)",simpleAssign,437
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,files_per_process = len(filelist) // opts.count,simpleAssign,437
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,number = 1,simpleAssign,437
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,pipe = pipes.pop(),simpleAssign,439
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,BLOCK_SIZE = 8000,simpleAssign,439
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"number = ""{0}: "".format(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) == 2 else """"",simpleAssign,439
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lines = stdin.decode(""utf8"", ""ignore"").splitlines()",simpleAssign,439
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,word = lines[0].rstrip(),simpleAssign,439
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sys.stdin = sys.stdin.detach(),simpleAssign,440
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"lines = stdin.decode(""utf8"", ""ignore"").splitlines()",simpleAssign,440
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,filename = filename.rstrip(),simpleAssign,440
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"opts, word, args = parse_options()",simpleAssign,443
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filelist = get_files(args, opts.recurse)",simpleAssign,443
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,work_queue = queue.Queue(),simpleAssign,443
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"worker = Worker(work_queue, word, number)",simpleAssign,443
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,worker.daemon = True,simpleAssign,443
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"opts, path = parse_options()",simpleAssign,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data = collections.defaultdict(list),simpleAssign,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fullname = os.path.join(root, filename)",simpleAssign,446
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,work_queue = queue.PriorityQueue(),simpleAssign,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,results_queue = queue.Queue(),simpleAssign,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"worker = Worker(work_queue, md5_from_filename, results_queue,",simpleAssign,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,worker.daemon = True,simpleAssign,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,results_thread = threading.Thread(,simpleAssign,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,target=lambda: print_results(results_queue)),simpleAssign,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,results_thread.daemon = True,simpleAssign,447
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"names = data[size, filename]",simpleAssign,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Md5_lock = threading.Lock(),simpleAssign,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"size, names = self.work_queue.get()",simpleAssign,448
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,md5s = collections.defaultdict(set),simpleAssign,449
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"md5 = self.md5_from_filename.get(filename, None)",simpleAssign,449
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t COUNT, --threads=COUNT",simpleAssign,453
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Address[0] = sys.argv[1],simpleAssign,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"call = dict(c=get_car_details, m=change_mileage, o=change_owner,",simpleAssign,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"n=new_registration, s=stop_server, q=quit)",simpleAssign,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"valid = frozenset(""cmonsq"")",simpleAssign,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,previous_license = None,simpleAssign,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"action = Console.get_menu_choice(menu, valid, ""c"", True)",simpleAssign,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,previous_license = call[action](previous_license),simpleAssign,456
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"license, car = retrieve_car_details(previous_license)",simpleAssign,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"license = Console.get_string(""License"", ""license"",",simpleAssign,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,license = license.upper(),simpleAssign,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ok, *data = handle_request(""GET_CAR_DETAILS"", license)",simpleAssign,457
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"license, car = retrieve_car_details(previous_license)",simpleAssign,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"mileage = Console.get_integer(""Mileage"", ""mileage"",",simpleAssign,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ok, *data = handle_request(""CHANGE_MILEAGE"", license, mileage)",simpleAssign,458
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"handle_request(""SHUTDOWN"", wait_for_reply=False)",simpleAssign,459
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),",simpleAssign,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cars = load(filename),simpleAssign,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,RequestHandler.Cars = cars,simpleAssign,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,server = None,simpleAssign,462
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,CarsLock = threading.Lock(),simpleAssign,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,CallLock = threading.Lock(),simpleAssign,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Call = dict(,simpleAssign,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"SHUTDOWN=lambda self, *args: self.shutdown(*args))",simpleAssign,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,on this variable some programmers would have added Cars = None as a class,simpleAssign,464
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"entries such as GET_CAR_DETAILS=get_car_details, with Python able to find the",simpleAssign,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"SizeStruct = struct.Struct(""!I"")",simpleAssign,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,size = SizeStruct.unpack(size_data)[0],simpleAssign,465
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"car = copy.copy(self.Cars.get(license, None))",simpleAssign,466
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"car = self.Cars.get(license, None)",simpleAssign,466
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,db = None,simpleAssign,472
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"title = Console.get_string(""Title"", ""title"")",simpleAssign,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,,simpleAssign,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"duration = Console.get_integer(""Duration (minutes)"", ""minutes"",",simpleAssign,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"minimum=0, maximum=60*48)",simpleAssign,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"old_title = find_dvd(db, ""edit"")",simpleAssign,473
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"matches = sorted(matches, key=str.lower)",simpleAssign,474
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"which = Console.get_integer(""Number (or 0 to cancel)"",",simpleAssign,474
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"number"", minimum=1, maximum=len(matches))",simpleAssign,474
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"low_zero=False. We can’t use Enter, that is, nothing, to mean cancel, since enter-",simpleAssign,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"start = Console.get_string(""List those starting with """,simpleAssign,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Enter=all]"", ""start"")",simpleAssign,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"director, year, duration = db[title]",simpleAssign,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"The Util.s() function is simply s = lambda x: """" if x == 1 else ""s""; so here it",simpleAssign,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"title = find_dvd(db, ""remove"")",simpleAssign,475
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,create = not os.path.exists(filename),simpleAssign,476
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,db = sqlite3.connect(filename),simpleAssign,476
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cursor = db.cursor(),simpleAssign,476
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"title = Console.get_string(""Title"", ""title"")",simpleAssign,478
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,,simpleAssign,478
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"duration = Console.get_integer(""Duration (minutes)"", ""minutes"",",simpleAssign,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"minimum=0, maximum=60*48)",simpleAssign,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"director_id = get_and_set_director(db, director)",simpleAssign,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cursor = db.cursor(),simpleAssign,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"director_id = get_director_id(db, director)",simpleAssign,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cursor = db.cursor(),simpleAssign,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cursor = db.cursor(),simpleAssign,479
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fields = cursor.fetchone(),simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"title, identity = find_dvd(db, ""edit"")",simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"WHERE dvds.director_id = AND """,simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,""", dict(id=identity))",simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"year, duration, director = cursor.fetchone()",simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"director = Console.get_string(""Director"", ""director"", director)",simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"duration = Console.get_integer(""Duration (minutes)"", ""minutes"",",simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"duration, minimum=0, maximum=60*48)",simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"director_id = get_and_set_director(db, director)",simpleAssign,480
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pass dict(title=title, year=year, duration=duration, director_id=director_id,",simpleAssign,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,id=identity)) instead of locals().,simpleAssign,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cursor = db.cursor(),simpleAssign,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"which = Console.get_integer(""Number (or 0 to cancel)"",",simpleAssign,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"number"", minimum=1, maximum=len(records))",simpleAssign,481
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cursor = db.cursor(),simpleAssign,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"WHERE dvds.director_id ="")",simpleAssign,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,start = None,simpleAssign,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"start = Console.get_string(""List those starting with """,simpleAssign,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Enter=all]"", ""start"")",simpleAssign,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cursor = db.cursor(),simpleAssign,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"title, identity = find_dvd(db, ""remove"")",simpleAssign,482
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"ans = Console.get_bool(""Remove {0}?"".format(title), ""no"")",simpleAssign,483
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,cursor = db.cursor(),simpleAssign,483
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"literal characters src= then at least one “word” character), and then any other",simpleAssign,490
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"example, if we have read a text file with lines of the form key=value, where",simpleAssign,491
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"For example, the key=value regular expression will match the entire line",simpleAssign,491
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,topic= physical geography with the two captures shown shaded. Notice that,simpleAssign,491
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the second capture includes some whitespace, and that whitespace before the
 = is not accepted. We could refine the regex to be more flexible in accepting",simpleAssign,491
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"around the = sign, but with the first capture having no leading or trailing",simpleAssign,491
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ple: topic = physical geography. We have been careful to keep the whitespace,simpleAssign,491
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"assertions to improve the clarity of a key=value regex, for example, by chang-",simpleAssign,492
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key=value is taken from a single line with no possibility of spanning lines—,simpleAssign,492
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,character class such as [ ]. Here’s the key=value regex with comments:,simpleAssign,492
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"In the case of the key=value regex, the negative lookbehind assertion means",simpleAssign,493
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"phisticated, for example, \b(Helen(?:\s+(?:P\.|Patricia))?)\s+(?=Sharman\b).",simpleAssign,494
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"by number (e.g., \1) or by name (e.g., (?P=name)). It is also possible to match",simpleAssign,494
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,P=quote),simpleAssign,495
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"class we had to use a numbered backreference, \1, instead of (?P=quote), since",simpleAssign,495
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"qimage"" (capture number 2) or in ""uimage"" (capture number 3, since (?P=quote)",simpleAssign,495
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"match =""#[\dA-Fa-f]{6}\b"", text)",simpleAssign,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"color_re = re.compile(r""#[\dA-Fa-f]{6}\b"")",simpleAssign,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,match =,simpleAssign,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"while (?P<word>) matches and captures, the \s+ and (?P=word) parts only match.",simpleAssign,496
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image_re = re.compile(r""""""",simpleAssign,497
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,P=quote),simpleAssign,497
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"code = html.entities.name2codepoint.get(, 0xFFFD)",simpleAssign,499
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = re.sub(r""<!--(?:.|\n)*?-->"", """", html_text)",simpleAssign,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = re.sub(r""<[Pp][^>]*?>"", ""\n\n"", text)",simpleAssign,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"text = re.sub(r""<[^>]*?>"", """", text)",simpleAssign,500
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"charset=ISO-8859-1'/>. XML files are UTF-8 by default, but this can be over-",simpleAssign,504
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"match =""""""(?<![-\w])",simpleAssign,504
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"encoding = if match else b""utf8""",simpleAssign,504
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,xmlns =,simpleAssign,506
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,http-equiv = Content-Type,simpleAssign,507
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,content = text/html; charset=utf-8,simpleAssign,507
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,class = right,simpleAssign,507
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,style = margin-right: 10px,simpleAssign,507
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ATTRIBUTE ::= NAME '=' VALUE,simpleAssign,511
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,The symbol ::= means is defined as. Nonterminals are written in uppercase,simpleAssign,511
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ATTRIBUTE ::= NAME '=' VALUE '\n',simpleAssign,511
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the text “depth = 37\n”, we can work through the BNF to see if the text match-",simpleAssign,512
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"first to produce 4 and then 4 / 2 to produce 2. By contrast, the = operator is",simpleAssign,512
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"right-associative, which is why we can write x = y = 5. When there are two or",simpleAssign,512
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"more =s they are evaluated from right to left, so y = 5 is evaluated first, giving",simpleAssign,512
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"y a value, and then x = y giving x a value. If = was not right-associative the",simpleAssign,512
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,EXPRESSION  ::= TERM (ADD_OPERATOR TERM)*,simpleAssign,513
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,TERM  ::= FACTOR (SCALE_OPERATOR FACTOR)*,simpleAssign,513
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,POWER_EXPRESSION ::= FACTOR ('**' POWER_EXPRESSION)*,simpleAssign,513
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key=value format. One unusual aspect is that key names are repeated—but,simpleAssign,514
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,File1=Blondie\Atomic\01-Atomic.ogg,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Title1=Blondie - Atomic,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Length1=230,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,File18=Blondie\Atomic\18-I'm Gonna Love You Too.ogg,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Title18=Blondie - I'm Gonna Love You Too,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,NumberOfEntries=18,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Version=2,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,LINE  ::= INI_HEADER | KEY_VALUE | COMMENT | BLANK,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,KEY_VALUE ::= KEY \s* '=' \s* VALUE?,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,well as the ones that we would expect to be valid such as “length=126\n”. The,simpleAssign,515
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"The KEY_VALUE_RE regex allows for whitespace around the = sign,",simpleAssign,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,line = line.strip(),simpleAssign,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key_value = KEY_VALUE_RE.match(line),simpleAssign,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"key =""key"")",simpleAssign,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key = key.lower(),simpleAssign,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"key_values[key] =""value"")",simpleAssign,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ini_header = INI_HEADER.match(line),simpleAssign,516
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Since we expect most lines to be key=value lines, we always try to match the",simpleAssign,517
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"If the line is not a key=value line, we try to match a .ini header—and if we",simpleAssign,517
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,ENTRY ::= INFO '\n' FILENAME '\n',simpleAssign,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Song = collections.namedtuple(""Song"", ""title seconds filename"")",simpleAssign,518
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"WANT_INFO, WANT_FILENAME = range(2)",simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,state = WANT_INFO,simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,line = line.strip(),simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,info = INFO_RE.match(line),simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"title =""title"")",simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"seconds = int(""seconds""))",simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,state = WANT_FILENAME,simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,elif state == WANT_FILENAME:,simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,title = seconds = None,simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,state = WANT_INFO,simpleAssign,519
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"get_root_block = lambda: Block(None, None)",simpleAssign,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"get_empty_block = lambda: Block("""")",simpleAssign,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,get_new_row = lambda: None,simpleAssign,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,is_new_row = lambda x: x is None,simpleAssign,524
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,data = Data(text),simpleAssign,526
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"block = parse_block_data(data, nextBlock)",simpleAssign,527
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,color = None,simpleAssign,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"colon = data.text.find("":"", data.pos)",simpleAssign,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,color = data.text[data.pos:colon],simpleAssign,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,name = data.text[data.pos:end].strip(),simpleAssign,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,block = Block.get_empty_block(),simpleAssign,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"block = Block.Block(name, color)",simpleAssign,528
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a boolean parser element by writing boolean = true | false.,simpleAssign,531
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,OPTIONAL_ITEM ::= ITEM | EMPTY,simpleAssign,532
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,optional_item = item | Empty() # WRONG!,simpleAssign,532
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,optional_item = Optional(item),simpleAssign,532
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"VAR_LIST ::= VARIABLE | VARIABLE ',' VAR_LIST",simpleAssign,532
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"variable = Word(alphas, alphanums)",simpleAssign,533
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,var_list = Forward(),simpleAssign,533
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,var_list = delimitedList(variable),simpleAssign,533
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"left_bracket, right_bracket, equals = map(Suppress, ""[]="")",simpleAssign,534
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,parser = OneOrMore(ini_header | key_value),simpleAssign,534
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key=value we encounter.,simpleAssign,534
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"individually, for example, as left_bracket = Suppress(""[""), and so on, but using",simpleAssign,534
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key_value parser element—this function will be called for every key=value that,simpleAssign,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"key, value = tokens",simpleAssign,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key = key.lower() if lowercase_keys else key,simpleAssign,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key_values[key] = value,simpleAssign,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,This function is called once for each key=value match. The tokens parameter is,simpleAssign,535
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"title = restOfLine(""title"")",simpleAssign,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"filename = restOfLine(""filename"")",simpleAssign,536
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"left_bracket, right_bracket = map(Suppress, ""[]"")",simpleAssign,538
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"new_rows = Word(""/"")(""new_rows"").setParseAction(",simpleAssign,538
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"name = CharsNotIn(""[]/\n"")(""name"").setParseAction(",simpleAssign,538
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the value EmptyBlock which earlier in the file is defined as EmptyBlock = 0. This,simpleAssign,539
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,nodes = Forward(),simpleAssign,539
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"results = nodes.parseString(text, parseAll=True)",simpleAssign,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,items = results.asList()[0],simpleAssign,540
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,a = b,simpleAssign,543
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,forall x: a = b,simpleAssign,543
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,true & forall x: x = x,simpleAssign,543
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,true & (forall x: x = x),simpleAssign,543
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,forall x: x = x & true,simpleAssign,543
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,forall x: x = x) & true,simpleAssign,543
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"than equals (=), so ~ a = b is actually ~ (a = b). This is why logicians usually put",simpleAssign,543
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,TERM ::= SYMBOL | SYMBOL '(' TERM_LIST ')',simpleAssign,544
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"TERM_LIST ::= TERM | TERM ',' TERM_LIST",simpleAssign,544
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"left_parenthesis, right_parenthesis, colon = map(Suppress, ""():"")",simpleAssign,544
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"forall = Keyword(""forall"")",simpleAssign,544
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"exists = Keyword(""exists"")",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"implies = Literal(""->"")",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"or_ = Literal(""|"")",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"and_ = Literal(""&"")",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"not_ = Literal(""~"")",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"equals = Literal(""="")",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"boolean = Keyword(""false"") | Keyword(""true"")",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"symbol = Word(alphas, alphanums)",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"forall = Keyword(""forall"") | Literal(""∀"")",simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,term = Forward(),simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,formula = Forward(),simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,operand = forall_expression | exists_expression | boolean | term,simpleAssign,545
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"items in the list we pass is important. In this example, = has the highest prece-",simpleAssign,547
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"result = formula.parseString(text, parseAll=True)",simpleAssign,547
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"was detected. For example, if we parse the invalid formula, forall x: = x & true,",simpleAssign,547
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,forall x: = x & true,simpleAssign,547
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,In this case the error location is slightly off—the error is that = x should have,simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the form y = x, but it is still pretty good.",simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"We mentioned before that the ~ operator has a lower precedence than the =
 operator—so let’s see if this is handled correctly by the parser.",simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,true -> ~b = c,simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,true -> ~(b = c),simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"that = has higher precedence than ~. Of course, we would need to write several",simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,Two of the formulas that we saw earlier were forall x: x = x & true and (forall,simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"x: x = x) & true, and we pointed out that although the only difference between",simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,forall x: x = x & true,simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,forall x: x = x) & true,simpleAssign,548
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,actually the same? These two formulas are true & forall x: x = x and true &,simpleAssign,549
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"forall x: x = x), and fortunately, when parsed they both produce exactly the",simpleAssign,549
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,the BNF rule we’re matching (only with ::= replaced with :). Whenever a,simpleAssign,550
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_ignore_COMMENT = r""\#.*""",simpleAssign,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t.value = t.value.lower(),simpleAssign,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t.value = t.value[1:].strip(),simpleAssign,551
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"function, we strip off the = and any leading or trailing whitespace.",simpleAssign,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,line = t.value.lstrip(),simpleAssign,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"i = line.find(""\n"")",simpleAssign,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,line = line if i == -1 else line[:i],simpleAssign,552
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lexer = ply.lex.lex(),simpleAssign,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key = None,simpleAssign,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key = token.value,simpleAssign,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key_values[key] = token.value,simpleAssign,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key = None,simpleAssign,553
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_M3U = r""\#EXTM3U""",simpleAssign,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,t.value = int(t.value[:-1]),simpleAssign,554
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,title = seconds = None,simpleAssign,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lexer = ply.lex.lex(),simpleAssign,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,seconds = token.value,simpleAssign,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,title = token.value,simpleAssign,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,title = seconds = None,simpleAssign,555
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_NODE_START = r""\[""",simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_NODE_END = r""\]""",simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_COLOR = r""(?:\#[\dA-Fa-f]{6}|[a-zA-Z]\w*):""",simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_EMPTY_NODE = r""\[\]""",simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,block = None,simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,brackets = 0,simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lexer = ply.lex.lex(),simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,block = Block.get_empty_block(),simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,brackets -= 1,simpleAssign,556
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,block = None,simpleAssign,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,block.color = token.value[:-1],simpleAssign,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language, = token.value,simpleAssign,557
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t.type = keywords.get(t.value, ""SYMBOL"")",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_EQUALS = r""=""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_NOT = r""~""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_AND = r""&""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_OR = r""\|""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_IMPLIES = r""->""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_COLON = r"":""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_COMMA = r"",""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_LPAREN = r""\(""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"t_RPAREN = r""\)""",simpleAssign,558
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,but using : rather than ::= to mean is defined by. Note that the words in the,simpleAssign,559
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p[0] = p[1],simpleAssign,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p[0] = p[2],simpleAssign,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,p[0] = p[1],simpleAssign,560
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p[0] = p[1] if len(p) == 2 else [p[1], p[3]]",simpleAssign,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"p[0] = p[1] if len(p) == 2 else [p[1], p[3]]",simpleAssign,561
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,lexer = ply.lex.lex(),simpleAssign,562
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,parser = ply.yacc.yacc(),simpleAssign,562
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"year = 2008,",simpleAssign,564
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,key=value field’s value can either be an integer or a double-quoted string. String,simpleAssign,564
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,of course strip whitespace from the ends. Note that the last key=value for a,simpleAssign,564
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"the list of key=values. If using PLY, the lexer is sufficient, providing you use",simpleAssign,564
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"pack() instead of grid(row=0, column=0) to achieve the same effect.",simpleAssign,569
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"principalLabel = tkinter.Label(self, text=""Principal $:"",",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"anchor=tkinter.W, underline=0)",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"principalScale = tkinter.Scale(self, variable=self.principal,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"command=self.updateUi, from_=100, to=10000000,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"resolution=100, orient=tkinter.HORIZONTAL)",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"rateLabel = tkinter.Label(self, text=""Rate %:"", underline=0,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,anchor=tkinter.W),simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"rateScale = tkinter.Scale(self, variable=self.rate,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"command=self.updateUi, from_=1, to=100,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"resolution=0.25, digits=5, orient=tkinter.HORIZONTAL)",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"yearsLabel = tkinter.Label(self, text=""Years:"", underline=0,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,anchor=tkinter.W),simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"yearsScale = tkinter.Scale(self, variable=self.years,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"command=self.updateUi, from_=1, to=50,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,orient=tkinter.HORIZONTAL),simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"amountLabel = tkinter.Label(self, text=""Amount $"",",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"actualAmountLabel = tkinter.Label(self,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,anchor=tkinter.W),simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"textvariable=self.amount, relief=tkinter.SUNKEN,",simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,anchor=tkinter.E),simpleAssign,570
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"principalLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2, pady=2,",simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.W),simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"principalScale.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2, pady=2,",simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"rateLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=2, pady=2,",simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.EW),simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.W),simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"rateScale.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=2, pady=2,",simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.EW),simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"yearsLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=2, pady=2,",simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.W),simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"yearsScale.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=2, pady=2,",simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.EW),simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"amountLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=2, pady=2,",simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.W),simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"actualAmountLabel.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=2, pady=2,",simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.EW),simpleAssign,571
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,amount = self.principal.get() * (,simpleAssign,573
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,application = tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,573
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ""images/"")",simpleAssign,573
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,window = MainWindow(application),simpleAssign,574
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,menubar = tkinter.Menu(self.parent),simpleAssign,575
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,fileMenu = tkinter.Menu(menubar),simpleAssign,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"fileMenu.add_command(label=label, underline=0,",simpleAssign,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"command=command, accelerator=shortcut_text)",simpleAssign,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"menubar.add_cascade(label=""File"", menu=fileMenu, underline=0)",simpleAssign,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,frame = tkinter.Frame(self.parent),simpleAssign,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,toolbar = tkinter.Frame(frame),simpleAssign,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"image = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), image)",simpleAssign,576
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=image),simpleAssign,577
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"button = tkinter.Button(toolbar, image=image,",simpleAssign,577
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,command=command),simpleAssign,577
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"button.grid(row=0, column=len(self.toolbar_images) -1)",simpleAssign,577
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"toolbar.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tkinter.NW)",simpleAssign,577
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"scrollbar = tkinter.Scrollbar(frame, orient=tkinter.VERTICAL)",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set),simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"scrollbar[""command""] = self.listBox.yview",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"scrollbar.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=tkinter.NS)",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,anchor=tkinter.W),simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,sticky=tkinter.EW),simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tkinter.NSEW)",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=999)",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"frame.rowconfigure(1, weight=999)",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"frame.rowconfigure(2, weight=1)",simpleAssign,578
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,window = self.parent.winfo_toplevel(),simpleAssign,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)",simpleAssign,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"window.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)",simpleAssign,579
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,reply = tkinter.messagebox.askyesnocancel(,simpleAssign,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"Save unsaved changes?"", parent=self.parent)",simpleAssign,580
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,filename = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(,simpleAssign,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,parent=self.parent),simpleAssign,581
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,filename = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(,simpleAssign,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"initialdir=dir,",simpleAssign,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"defaultextension="".bmf"", parent=self.parent)",simpleAssign,582
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,form = AddEditForm(self.parent),simpleAssign,583
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,indexes = self.listBox.curselection(),simpleAssign,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,name = self.listBox.get(index),simpleAssign,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"form = AddEditForm(self.parent, name,[name])",simpleAssign,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,indexes = self.listBox.curselection(),simpleAssign,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,name = self.listBox.get(index),simpleAssign,584
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,indexes = self.listBox.curselection(),simpleAssign,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,url =[self.listBox.get(index)],simpleAssign,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,application = tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ""images/"")",simpleAssign,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"application.iconbitmap(icon, default=icon)",simpleAssign,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,window = MainWindow(application),simpleAssign,585
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,frame = tkinter.Frame(self),simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"nameLabel = tkinter.Label(frame, text=""Name:"", underline=0)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"nameEntry = tkinter.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.nameVar)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"urlLabel = tkinter.Label(frame, text=""URL:"", underline=0)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"urlEntry = tkinter.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.urlVar)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"okButton = tkinter.Button(frame, text=""OK"", command=self.ok)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"cancelButton = tkinter.Button(frame, text=""Cancel"",",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,command=self.close),simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"nameLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tkinter.W, pady=3,",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,padx=3),simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"nameEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=3,",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sticky=tkinter.EW, pady=3, padx=3)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"urlLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tkinter.W, pady=3,",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,padx=3),simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"urlEntry.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3,",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"sticky=tkinter.EW, pady=3, padx=3)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"okButton.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=tkinter.EW, pady=3,",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,padx=3),simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"cancelButton.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky=tkinter.EW, pady=3,",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,padx=3),simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tkinter.NSEW)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)",simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,window = self.winfo_toplevel(),simpleAssign,587
Programming in Python 3- a complete introduction to the Python language,"window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)",simpleAssign,587
Python for Kids,"pickle.dump(game_data, save_file)",pickle,142
Python for Kids,"__add__', '__class__",__class__,113
Python for Kids,"__add__', '__class__",__class__,114
Python for Kids,"if age == 12:
  print(""A pig fell in the mud!"")
Python for Kids,"if age == 12:
  print(""A pig fell in the mud!"")
Python for Kids,"if age == 10 or age == 11 or age == 12 or age == 13:
  print('What is 13 + 49 + 84 + 155 + 97? A headache!')
Python for Kids,"if age >= 10 and age <= 13:
  print('What is 13 + 49 + 84 + 155 + 97? A headache!')
Python for Kids,"if money > 1000:
  print(""I'm rich!!"")
Python for Kids,"if age >= 10 and age <= 13:
  print('What is 13 + 49 + 84 + 155 + 97? A headache!')
Python for Kids,"if max(player_guesses) > guess_this_number:
  print('Boom! You all lose')
Python for Kids,"while step < 10000:
  if tired == True:
  elif badweather == True:
Python for Kids,"while 1:
  if self.running == True:
  for sprite in self.sprites:
 class Coords:
  def __init__(self, x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0):
  self.x1 = x1
  self.y1 = y1
  self.x2 = x2
  self.y2 = y2  

 def within_x(co1, co2):
  if (co1.x1 > co2.x1 and co1.x1 < co2.x2) \
  or (co1.x2 > co2.x1 and co1.x2 < co2.x2) \
  or (co2.x1 > co1.x1 and co2.x1 < co1.x2) \
  or (co2.x2 > co1.x1 and co2.x2 < co1.x1):
  return True
Python for Kids,"while True:
  lots of code here
  lots of code here
  lots of code here
  if some_value == True:

 The condition for the while loop is just True, which is always 

 true, so the code in the block will always run (thus, the loop is eter-
 nal). Only if the variable some_value is true will Python break out 
 of the loop. You can see a better example of this in “Using randint 
 to Pick a Random Number” on page 134, but you might want to 
 wait until you’ve read Chapter 7 before taking a look at it.

 What You Learned

 In this chapter, we used loops to perform repetitive tasks without 
 all the repetition. We told Python what we wanted repeated by 
 writing the tasks inside blocks of code, which we put inside loops. 
 We used two types of loops: for loops and while loops, which are 
 similar but can be used in different ways. We also used the break 
 keyword to stop looping—that is, to break out of a loop.

 Programming Puzzles

 Here are some examples of loops that you can try out for yourself. 
 The answers can be found at

 #1: The Hello Loop
 What do you think the following code will do? First, guess what 
 will happen, and then run the code in Python to see if you were 

 >>> for x in range(0, 20):
  print('hello %s' % x)
  if x < 9:
Python for Kids,"while loop, like this:

 >>> import random
 >>> num = random.randint(1, 100)

 u >>> while True:
 v  print('Guess a number between 1 and 100')
 w  guess = input()
 x  i = int(guess)
 y  if i == num:
  print('You guessed right')
 z  break",whilebreak,134
Python for Kids,"while 1:
  if ball.hit_bottom == False:

 Now the loop keeps checking hit_bottom to see if the ball has 

 indeed hit the bottom of the screen. The code should continue",whilecontinue,213
Python for Kids,while loop are as follows:,whilesimple,77
Python for Kids,while x < 50 and y < 100:,whilesimple,77
Python for Kids,while 1:,whilesimple,197
Python for Kids,while 1:,whilesimple,199
Python for Kids,while 1:,whilesimple,200
Python for Kids,while 1:,whilesimple,204
Python for Kids,while 1:,whilesimple,206
Python for Kids,while 1:,whilesimple,210
Python for Kids,while 1:,whilesimple,216
Python for Kids,while 1:,whilesimple,236
Python for Kids,while x == 1:,whilesimple,305
Python for Kids,while x < 10:,whilesimple,306
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,165
Python for Kids,from module-name import *,fromstarstatements,165
Python for Kids,from turtle import *,fromstarstatements,165
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,166
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,168
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,169
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,170
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,171
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,171
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,172
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,174
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,176
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,178
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,178
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,179
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,180
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,182
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,183
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,185
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,186
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,188
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,188
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,189
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,194
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,196
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,199
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,203
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,214
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,234
Python for Kids,from from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,234
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,257
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,276
Python for Kids,from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,286
Python for Kids,from time import *,fromstarstatements,299
Python for Kids,"nickname), as follows:

 import i_am_a_python_module_that_is_not_very_useful as notuseful",asextension,294
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, spots)",__init__,106
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, spots)",__init__,106
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, species, number_of_legs, color)",__init__,130
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,196
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,198
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,199
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,200
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,203
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,206
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,207
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,208
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, paddle, color)",__init__,209
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, paddle, color)",__init__,214
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, canvas, color)",__init__,215
Python for Kids,def __init__(self),__init__,234
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)",__init__,238
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)",__init__,239
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game)",__init__,244
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x, y, width, height)",__init__,246
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game)",__init__,252
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game)",__init__,253
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x, y, width, height)",__init__,274
Python for Kids,def __init__(self),__init__,276
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game)",__init__,278
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x, y, width, height)",__init__,278
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game)",__init__,279
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x, y, width, height)",__init__,281
Python for Kids,"def __init__(self, color)",__init__,296
Python for Kids,class Animals(Animate):,simpleclass,98
Python for Kids,class Mammals(Animals):,simpleclass,98
Python for Kids,class Giraffes(Mammals):,simpleclass,98
Python for Kids,class Animals(Animate):,simpleclass,99
Python for Kids,class Mammals(Animals):,simpleclass,100
Python for Kids,class Giraffes(Mammals):,simpleclass,100
Python for Kids,class Giraffes(Mammals):,simpleclass,104
Python for Kids,class Giraffes(Mammals):,simpleclass,105
Python for Kids,class PlatformSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,246
Python for Kids,class StickFigureSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,252
Python for Kids,class StickFigureSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,253
Python for Kids,class PlatformSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,257
Python for Kids,class StickFigureSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,257
Python for Kids,class DoorSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,274
Python for Kids,class PlatformSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,278
Python for Kids,class StickFigureSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,279
Python for Kids,class DoorSprite(Sprite):,simpleclass,281
Python for Kids,"assert statement:

 >>> mynumber = 10",assert,295
Python for Kids,assert mynumber < 5,assert,295
Python for Kids,assert a < 5,assert,295
Python for Kids,">>> class Things:
Python for Kids,">>> class Inanimate(Things):
Python for Kids,">>> class Animate(Things):
Python for Kids,">>> class Sidewalks(Inanimate):
Python for Kids,">>> class Animals(Animate):
Python for Kids,">>> class Mammals(Animals):
Python for Kids,">>> class Giraffes(Mammals):
Python for Kids,"def breathe(self):
Python for Kids,"def move(self):
Python for Kids,"def eat_food(self):
Python for Kids,"def feed_young_with_milk(self):
Python for Kids,"def eat_leaves_from_trees(self):
Python for Kids,">>> class Car:
Python for Kids,"def draw(self):
Python for Kids,"def draw(self):
Python for Kids,"y  def move(self):
 z  pass",pass,245
Python for Kids,"def move(self):
Python for Kids,">>> if age > 10:
Python for Kids,">>>  if x == 4:
Python for Kids,NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init],nestedList,290
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 5):
 x  for y in range(0, 5):",fornested,235
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 5):
  for y in range(0, 5):",fornested,236
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 5):
  for y in range(0, 5):",fornested,277
Python for Kids,test_file = open('c:\\test.txt'),openfunc,125
Python for Kids,test_file = open('/Users/sarahwinters/test.txt'),openfunc,126
Python for Kids,test_file = open('/home/jacob/test.txt'),openfunc,126
Python for Kids,"test_file = open('c:\\myfile.txt', 'w')",openfunc,126
Python for Kids,"test_file = open('c:\\myfile.txt', 'w')",openfunc,127
Python for Kids,"test_file = open('c:\\myfile.txt', 'w')",openfunc,127
Python for Kids,test_file = open('myfile.txt'),openfunc,127
Python for Kids,"w >>> save_file = open('save.dat', 'wb')",openfunc,142
Python for Kids,"load_file = open('save.dat', 'rb')",openfunc,143
Python for Kids,test_file.write('this is my test file'),write,127
Python for Kids,test_file.write('What is green and loud? A froghorn!'),write,127
Python for Kids,text =,read,125
Python for Kids,print(,read,127
Python for Kids,print(sys.stdin.readline()),readline,88
Python for Kids,u  age = int(sys.stdin.readline()),readline,89
Python for Kids,string to a number? We included that function because readline(),readline,89
Python for Kids,values using sys.stdin.readline(),readline,90
Python for Kids,able. (We used sys.stdin.readline(),readline,112
Python for Kids,v = sys.stdin.readline(),readline,137
Python for Kids,v = sys.stdin.readline(13),readline,137
Python for Kids,import turtle,importfunc,44
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,87
Python for Kids,import command,importfunc,87
Python for Kids,import the,importfunc,88
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,88
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,88
Python for Kids,"import 
Python for Kids,import the,importfunc,91
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,91
Python for Kids,import turtle,importfunc,100
Python for Kids,import the,importfunc,108
Python for Kids,import a,importfunc,130
Python for Kids,import turtle,importfunc,130
Python for Kids,import copy,importfunc,131
Python for Kids,import keyword,importfunc,133
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,134
Python for Kids,import the,importfunc,134
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,135
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,136
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,136
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,137
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,137
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,138
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,138
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,138
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,140
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,140
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,141
Python for Kids,import pickle,importfunc,142
Python for Kids,import the,importfunc,143
Python for Kids,import copy,importfunc,144
Python for Kids,import the,importfunc,146
Python for Kids,import turtle,importfunc,146
Python for Kids,"import 

Python for Kids,import turtle,importfunc,165
Python for Kids,import turtle,importfunc,165
Python for Kids,import turtle,importfunc,169
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,172
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,174
Python for Kids,import tkinter,importfunc,178
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,183
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,185
Python for Kids,import tkinter,importfunc,194
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,194
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,194
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,195
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,196
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,196
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,199
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,199
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,203
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,203
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,214
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,214
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,234
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,234
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,257
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,257
Python for Kids,import random,importfunc,276
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,276
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,287
Python for Kids,import time,importfunc,287
Python for Kids,import pygame2,importfunc,287
Python for Kids,import i_am_a_python_module_that_is_not_very_useful,importfunc,294
Python for Kids,import the,importfunc,298
Python for Kids,import turtle,importfunc,298
Python for Kids,import the,importfunc,299
Python for Kids,import a,importfunc,299
Python for Kids,import only,importfunc,299
Python for Kids,import everything,importfunc,299
Python for Kids,"import
Python for Kids,import keyword,importfunc,301
Python for Kids,import sys,importfunc,301
Python for Kids,import In,importfunc,309
Python for Kids,"from previous examples. First, we import 

Python for Kids,"from
 When importing a module, you can import just",importfromsimple,298
Python for Kids,from turtle import Pen,importfromsimple,299
Python for Kids,from time import localtime,importfromsimple,299
Python for Kids,self.giraffe_spots = spots,simpleattr,106
Python for Kids,self.species = species,simpleattr,130
Python for Kids,self.number_of_legs = number_of_legs,simpleattr,130
Python for Kids,self.color = color,simpleattr,130
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,198
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color)",simpleattr,198
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,199
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color)",simpleattr,199
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,200
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color)",simpleattr,200
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,200
Python for Kids,self.y = -1,simpleattr,200
Python for Kids,self.canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height(),simpleattr,200
Python for Kids,"self.y = -1, we set",simpleattr,200
Python for Kids,self.y = 1,simpleattr,201
Python for Kids,self.y = -1,simpleattr,201
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,202
Python for Kids,self.y = -1,simpleattr,202
Python for Kids,self.y = -3,simpleattr,202
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width(),simpleattr,202
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,203
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color)",simpleattr,203
Python for Kids,self.x = starts[0],simpleattr,203
Python for Kids,self.y = -3,simpleattr,203
Python for Kids,self.canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height(),simpleattr,203
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width(),simpleattr,203
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,206
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 10, fill=color)",simpleattr,206
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,207
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 10, fill=color)",simpleattr,207
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,207
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width(),simpleattr,207
Python for Kids,self.x = -2,simpleattr,208
Python for Kids,self.x = 2,simpleattr,208
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,208
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 10, fill=color)",simpleattr,208
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,208
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width(),simpleattr,208
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,208
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,209
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color)",simpleattr,209
Python for Kids,self.x = starts[0],simpleattr,209
Python for Kids,self.y = -3,simpleattr,209
Python for Kids,self.canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height(),simpleattr,209
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width(),simpleattr,209
Python for Kids,self.y = -3. But don’t try to run the game now—we,simpleattr,210
Python for Kids,self.canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height(),simpleattr,213
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width(),simpleattr,213
Python for Kids,self.hit_bottom = False,simpleattr,213
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,214
Python for Kids,self.paddle = paddle,simpleattr,214
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color)",simpleattr,214
Python for Kids,self.x = starts[0],simpleattr,214
Python for Kids,self.y = -3,simpleattr,214
Python for Kids,self.canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height(),simpleattr,214
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width(),simpleattr,214
Python for Kids,self.hit_bottom = False,simpleattr,214
Python for Kids,self.canvas = canvas,simpleattr,215
Python for Kids," = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 10, fill=color)",simpleattr,215
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,215
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width(),simpleattr,215
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,215
Python for Kids,self.x = -2,simpleattr,215
Python for Kids,self.x = 2,simpleattr,215
Python for Kids, = Tk(),simpleattr,234
Python for Kids,"self.canvas = Canvas(, width=500, height=500, \",simpleattr,234
Python for Kids,self.canvas_height = 500,simpleattr,234
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = 500,simpleattr,234
Python for Kids,self.canvas_height = 500,simpleattr,235
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = 500,simpleattr,235
Python for Kids,self.running = True,simpleattr,235
Python for Kids,self.sprites = [],simpleattr,236
Python for Kids,self.running = True,simpleattr,236
Python for Kids,self.x1 = x1,simpleattr,238
Python for Kids,self.y1 = y1,simpleattr,238
Python for Kids,self.x2 = x2,simpleattr,238
Python for Kids,self.y2 = y2,simpleattr,238
Python for Kids,self.x1 = x1,simpleattr,239
Python for Kids,self.y1 = y1,simpleattr,239
Python for Kids,self.x2 = x2,simpleattr,239
Python for Kids,self.y2 = y2,simpleattr,239
Python for Kids,self.images_left = [,simpleattr,253
Python for Kids,self.images_right = [,simpleattr,253
Python for Kids,self.images_right = [,simpleattr,253
Python for Kids,"self.image = game.canvas.create_image(200, 470, \",simpleattr,253
Python for Kids,self.x = -2,simpleattr,253
Python for Kids,self.coordinates = Coords(),simpleattr,254
Python for Kids,self.jump_count = 0,simpleattr,255
Python for Kids,self.last_time = time.time(),simpleattr,255
Python for Kids,self.coordinates = Coords(),simpleattr,255
Python for Kids,self.x = -2,simpleattr,255
Python for Kids,self.y = -4,simpleattr,256
Python for Kids,self.jump_count = 0,simpleattr,260
Python for Kids,self.current_image_add = -1,simpleattr,261
Python for Kids,self.last_time= time.time(),simpleattr,262
Python for Kids,self.current_image += self.current_image_add,simpleattr,262
Python for Kids,self.coordinates.x1 = xy[0],simpleattr,265
Python for Kids,self.coordinates.y1 = xy[1],simpleattr,265
Python for Kids,self.coordinates.x2 = xy[0] + 27,simpleattr,265
Python for Kids,self.coordinates.y2 = xy[1] + 30,simpleattr,265
Python for Kids,self.y = 0,simpleattr,267
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,268
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,271
Python for Kids,self.y = sprite_co.y1 - co.y2,simpleattr,271
Python for Kids, = Tk(),simpleattr,276
Python for Kids,"self.canvas = Canvas(, width=500, height=500, \",simpleattr,277
Python for Kids,self.canvas_height = 500,simpleattr,277
Python for Kids,self.canvas_width = 500,simpleattr,277
Python for Kids," = PhotoImage(file=""background.gif"")",simpleattr,277
Python for Kids,self.sprites = [],simpleattr,277
Python for Kids,self.running = True,simpleattr,277
Python for Kids, = game,simpleattr,278
Python for Kids,self.endgame = False,simpleattr,278
Python for Kids,self.coordinates = None,simpleattr,278
Python for Kids,self.photo_image = photo_image,simpleattr,278
Python for Kids,"self.image = game.canvas.create_image(x, y, \",simpleattr,278
Python for Kids,"self.coordinates = Coords(x, y, x + width, y + height)",simpleattr,278
Python for Kids,self.images_left = [,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.images_right = [,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,"self.image = game.canvas.create_image(200, 470, \",simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.x = -2,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.y = 0,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.current_image = 0,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.current_image_add = 1,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.jump_count = 0,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.last_time = time.time(),simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.coordinates = Coords(),simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.jump_count = 0,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.last_time= time.time(),simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.current_image += self.current_image_add,simpleattr,279
Python for Kids,self.coordinates.x1 = xy[0],simpleattr,280
Python for Kids,self.coordinates.y1 = xy[1],simpleattr,280
Python for Kids,self.coordinates.x2 = xy[0] + 27,simpleattr,280
Python for Kids,self.coordinates.y2 = xy[1] + 30,simpleattr,280
Python for Kids,self.y = 0,simpleattr,280
Python for Kids,self.x = 0,simpleattr,281
Python for Kids,self.y = sprite_co.y1 - co.y2,simpleattr,281
Python for Kids,self.y = 4,simpleattr,281
Python for Kids,self.photo_image = photo_image,simpleattr,281
Python for Kids,"self.image = game.canvas.create_image(x, y, \",simpleattr,281
Python for Kids,"self.coordinates = Coords(x, y, x + (width / 2), y + height)",simpleattr,281
Python for Kids,self.endgame = True,simpleattr,281
Python for Kids,self.color = color,simpleattr,296
Python for Kids,x  self.current_image += self.current_image_add,assignIncrement,261
Python for Kids,"range(0, 5))",rangefunc,82
Python for Kids,"range(0, 1000))",rangefunc,82
Python for Kids,"range(1, 5)",rangefunc,146
Python for Kids,"range(1, 5)",rangefunc,147
Python for Kids,"range(1, 9)",rangefunc,147
Python for Kids,"range(1, 19))",rangefunc,149
Python for Kids,"range(0, 4))",rangefunc,157
Python for Kids,range(10),rangefunc,172
Python for Kids,range(100),rangefunc,172
Python for Kids,def testfunc(myname):,simplefunc,83
Python for Kids,def variable_test():,simplefunc,84
Python for Kids,def variable_test2():,simplefunc,85
Python for Kids,def spaceship_building(cans):,simplefunc,86
Python for Kids,def silly_age_joke(age):,simplefunc,88
Python for Kids,def silly_age_joke():,simplefunc,89
Python for Kids,def this_is_a_normal_function():,simplefunc,97
Python for Kids,def this_is_a_class_function():,simplefunc,97
Python for Kids,def this_is_also_a_class_function():,simplefunc,97
Python for Kids,def breathe(self):,simplefunc,99
Python for Kids,def move(self):,simplefunc,99
Python for Kids,def eat_food(self):,simplefunc,99
Python for Kids,def feed_young_with_milk(self):,simplefunc,100
Python for Kids,def eat_leaves_from_trees(self):,simplefunc,100
Python for Kids,def find_food(self):,simplefunc,104
Python for Kids,def find_food(self):,simplefunc,105
Python for Kids,def eat_leaves_from_trees(self):,simplefunc,105
Python for Kids,def dance_a_jig(self):,simplefunc,105
Python for Kids,def left_Foot_Forward(self):,simplefunc,107
Python for Kids,def lots_of_numbers(max):,simplefunc,139
Python for Kids,def lots_of_numbers(max):,simplefunc,139
Python for Kids,def mysquare(size):,simplefunc,156
Python for Kids,def hello():,simplefunc,166
Python for Kids,def movetriangle(event):,simplefunc,186
Python for Kids,def movetriangle(event):,simplefunc,186
Python for Kids,def movetriangle(event):,simplefunc,187
Python for Kids,def movetriangle(event):,simplefunc,188
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,198
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,200
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,200
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,203
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,203
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,206
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,208
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,210
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,213
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,215
Python for Kids,def draw(self):,simplefunc,215
Python for Kids,def mainloop(self):,simplefunc,236
Python for Kids,def coords(self):,simplefunc,245
Python for Kids,def animate(self):,simplefunc,260
Python for Kids,def animate(self):,simplefunc,262
Python for Kids,def coords(self):,simplefunc,264
Python for Kids,def coords(self):,simplefunc,265
Python for Kids,def move(self):,simplefunc,265
Python for Kids,def mainloop(self):,simplefunc,277
Python for Kids,def coords(self):,simplefunc,278
Python for Kids,def animate(self):,simplefunc,279
Python for Kids,def coords(self):,simplefunc,280
Python for Kids,def move(self):,simplefunc,280
Python for Kids,def minutes(years):,simplefunc,297
Python for Kids,def test():,simplefunc,300
Python for Kids,def age_in_seconds(age_in_years):,simplefunc,305
Python for Kids,"return True; otherwise, it would return False. If you are",return,57
Python for Kids,return True.,return,57
Python for Kids,"return a value, using a return state-",return,84
Python for Kids,return pocket_money + paper_route – spending,return,84
Python for Kids,return first_variable * second_variable,return,84
Python for Kids,return first_variable * second_variable * another_variable,return,85
Python for Kids,return to the turtle module we toyed with in Chapter 4.,return,100
Python for Kids,"return True, as shown here:",return,111
Python for Kids,"return False for lists, tuples, and",return,112
Python for Kids,"return true,” and so the code prints You need to enter a",return,112
Python for Kids,return value,return,143
Python for Kids,return to the world of code. To draw a yellow circle,return,153
Python for Kids,"return a number between 0 and 9,",return,172
Python for Kids,"return a number between 0 and 99, and",return,172
Python for Kids,return key. We tell tkinter that,return,187
Python for Kids,"return 1. For example, if you’ve created other shapes, it",return,189
Python for Kids,"return 2, 3, or even 100 for that matter (depending on the",return,189
Python for Kids,"return an identifying number, which can be",return,190
Python for Kids,return True,return,211
Python for Kids,return False,return,211
Python for Kids,return false.,return,212
Python for Kids,return True,return,215
Python for Kids,return False,return,215
Python for Kids,return the size of the image once,return,235
Python for Kids,return True,return,239
Python for Kids,return True,return,239
Python for Kids,return False,return,239
Python for Kids,return True at v if it is.,return,239
Python for Kids,return True at x.,return,240
Python for Kids,"return False at |. This is effectively saying, “No, the two coordi-",return,240
Python for Kids,"return the same value. To solve this problem,",return,241
Python for Kids,return True,return,241
Python for Kids,return False,return,241
Python for Kids,return True,return,241
Python for Kids,return False,return,241
Python for Kids,return True,return,242
Python for Kids,return False,return,242
Python for Kids,return True at x. If none of the if,return,243
Python for Kids,return False at y.,return,243
Python for Kids,return True,return,243
Python for Kids,return False,return,243
Python for Kids,return True at w if it is. Other-,return,243
Python for Kids,return False at x.,return,243
Python for Kids,return True,return,243
Python for Kids,return False,return,243
Python for Kids,return True (mean-,return,243
Python for Kids,return True,return,244
Python for Kids,return False,return,244
Python for Kids,return True at x because the,return,244
Python for Kids,return False at y.,return,244
Python for Kids,"return 
 the sprite’s current position on the screen. Here’s the code for the",return,244
Python for Kids,return self.coordinates,return,245
Python for Kids,return the stick figure’s current,return,260
Python for Kids,return self.coordinates,return,264
Python for Kids,return the x and,return,264
Python for Kids,return the object,return,264
Python for Kids,return self.coordinates,return,265
Python for Kids,"return true, because its code will add the value of y",return,269
Python for Kids,return False,return,277
Python for Kids,return True,return,277
Python for Kids,return False,return,278
Python for Kids,return True,return,278
Python for Kids,return False,return,278
Python for Kids,return True,return,278
Python for Kids,return False,return,278
Python for Kids,return True,return,278
Python for Kids,return False,return,278
Python for Kids,return False,return,278
Python for Kids,return self.coordinates,return,278
Python for Kids,return self.coordinates,return,280
Python for Kids,return 0;,return,289
Python for Kids,return 0;,return,290
Python for Kids,return years * 365 * 24 * 60,return,297
Python for Kids,"return
 The return keyword is used to return a value from a function. For",return,305
Python for Kids,return age_in_years * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,return,305
Python for Kids,"return keyword, 305",return,317
Python for Kids,if this worked:,simpleif,27
Python for Kids,if statement might be written in Python like this:,simpleif,54
Python for Kids,"if age > 20:
  print('You are too old!')",simpleif,54
Python for Kids,"if age > 20:
  print('You are too old!')",simpleif,54
Python for Kids,"if age > 20:
  ▯▯▯▯print('You are too old!')",simpleif,55
Python for Kids,"if age > 20:
  ▯▯▯▯print('You are too old!')",simpleif,56
Python for Kids,"if age > 20:
  print('You are too old!')",simpleif,56
Python for Kids,if age is greater than 10:,simpleif,57
Python for Kids,"if age > 10:
  print('You are too old for my jokes!')",simpleif,57
Python for Kids,"if age >= 10:
  print('You are too old for my jokes!')",simpleif,58
Python for Kids,"if age == 10:
  print('What\'s brown and sticky? A stick!!')",simpleif,58
Python for Kids,"if myval == None:
  print(""The variable myval doesn't have a value"")",simpleif,62
Python for Kids,"if statement, like this:",simpleif,63
Python for Kids,"if age == 10:
  print(""What's the best way to speak to a monster?"")",simpleif,63
Python for Kids,"if age == 10:
  print(""What's the best way to speak to a monster?"")",simpleif,63
Python for Kids,"if age == 10:
  print(""What's the best way to speak to a monster?"")",simpleif,63
Python for Kids,"if converted_age == 10:
  print(""What's the best way to speak to a monster?"")",simpleif,64
Python for Kids,"if 

Python for Kids,"if age >= 10 and age <= 13:
  print('What is 13 + 49 + 84 + 155 + 97? A headache!')",simpleif,88
Python for Kids,"if abs(steps) > 0:
  print('Character is moving')",simpleif,111
Python for Kids,if statement might look like this:,simpleif,111
Python for Kids,"if steps < 0 or steps > 0:
  print('Character is moving')",simpleif,111
Python for Kids,"if not bool(year.rstrip()):
  print('You need to enter a value for your year of birth')",simpleif,112
Python for Kids,"if 

 statements) generally won’t evaluate, as in this example:",simpleif,115
Python for Kids,"if True:
  print(""this won't work at all"")''')",simpleif,115
Python for Kids,"if age > 13:
  print('You are %s years too old' % (age - 13))",simpleif,117
Python for Kids,"if 
 the username is jacob, the open parameter should look like this:",simpleif,126
Python for Kids,"if i < num:
  print('Try higher')",simpleif,134
Python for Kids,if i > num:,simpleif,134
Python for Kids,"if x % 2 == 0:
Python for Kids,"if filled == True:
Python for Kids,"if filled == True:
Python for Kids,"if x % 2 == 0:
Python for Kids,"if filled == True:
Python for Kids,"if x % 2 == 0:
Python for Kids,"if filled == True:
Python for Kids,if image like this:,simpleif,182
Python for Kids,"if event.keysym == 'Up':
  canvas.move(1, 0, -3)",simpleif,187
Python for Kids,"if event.keysym == 'Down':
  canvas.move(1, 0, 3)",simpleif,187
Python for Kids,"if event.keysym == 'Left':
  canvas.move(1, -3, 0)",simpleif,187
Python for Kids,"if event.keysym == 'Up':
 v  canvas.move(1, 0, -3)",simpleif,188
Python for Kids,"if event.keysym == 'Down':
 x  canvas.move(1, 0, 3)",simpleif,188
Python for Kids,"if event.keysym == 'Left':
 z  canvas.move(1, -3, 0)",simpleif,188
Python for Kids,"if 

 the ball has hit the top or bottom of the canvas:",simpleif,202
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 3",simpleif,202
Python for Kids,"if pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:
  self.x = -3",simpleif,202
Python for Kids,"if pos[1] <= 0:
  self.y = 3",simpleif,203
Python for Kids,"if pos[3] >= self.canvas_height:
  self.y = -3",simpleif,203
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 3",simpleif,203
Python for Kids,"if pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:
  self.x = -3",simpleif,203
Python for Kids,"if pos[1] <= 0:
  self.y = 3",simpleif,203
Python for Kids,"if pos[3] >= self.canvas_height:
  self.y = -3",simpleif,203
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 3",simpleif,203
Python for Kids,"if pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:
  self.x = -3",simpleif,203
Python for Kids,"if pos[1] <= 0:
  self.y = 3",simpleif,206
Python for Kids,"if pos[3] >= self.canvas_height:
  self.y = -3",simpleif,206
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 3",simpleif,206
Python for Kids,"if pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:
  self.x = -3",simpleif,206
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 0",simpleif,208
Python for Kids,if the ball has hit the bottom of the screen:,simpleif,210
Python for Kids,"if pos[1] <= 0:
  self.y = 3",simpleif,210
Python for Kids,"if pos[3] >= self.canvas_height:
  self.y = -3",simpleif,210
Python for Kids,"if self.hit_paddle(pos) == True:
  self.y = -3",simpleif,210
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 3",simpleif,210
Python for Kids,"if pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:
  self.x = -3",simpleif,210
Python for Kids,"if pos[1] <= 0:
  self.y = 3",simpleif,213
Python for Kids,"if pos[3] >= self.canvas_height:
  self.hit_bottom = True",simpleif,213
Python for Kids,"if self.hit_paddle(pos) == True:
  self.y = -3",simpleif,213
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 3",simpleif,213
Python for Kids,"if pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:
  self.x = -3",simpleif,213
Python for Kids,"if pos[2] >= paddle_pos[0] and pos[0] <= paddle_pos[2]:
  if pos[3] >= paddle_pos[1] and pos[3] <= paddle_pos[3]:",simpleif,215
Python for Kids,"if pos[1] <= 0:
  self.y = 3",simpleif,215
Python for Kids,"if pos[3] >= self.canvas_height:
  self.hit_bottom = True",simpleif,215
Python for Kids,"if self.hit_paddle(pos) == True:
  self.y = -3",simpleif,215
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 3",simpleif,215
Python for Kids,"if pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:
  self.x = -3",simpleif,215
Python for Kids,"if pos[0] <= 0:
  self.x = 0",simpleif,215
Python for Kids,"if ball.hit_bottom == False:
Python for Kids,"if we use our transparent image, we get this:",simpleif,230
Python for Kids,"if co1.x1 > co2.x1 and co1.x1 < co2.x2:
 v  return True",simpleif,239
Python for Kids,"if co1.x2 > co2.x1 and co1.x2 < co2.x2:
 x  return True",simpleif,239
Python for Kids,if co2.x1 > co1.x1 and co2.x1 < co1.x2:,simpleif,239
Python for Kids,if co2.x2 > co1.x1 and co2.x2 < co1.x1:,simpleif,239
Python for Kids,if statements):,simpleif,241
Python for Kids,"if within_y(co1, co2):
 w  if co1.x1 <= co2.x2 and co1.x1 >= co2.x1:",simpleif,242
Python for Kids,"if within_y(co1, co2):
 v  if co1.x2 >= co2.x1 and co1.x2 <= co2.x2:",simpleif,243
Python for Kids,"if within_x(co1, co2):
 v  if co1.y1 <= co2.y2 and co1.y1 >= co2.y1:",simpleif,243
Python for Kids,"if within_x(co1, co2):
 v  y_calc = co1.y2 + y",simpleif,244
Python for Kids,"if self.y == 0:
  self.x = 2",simpleif,256
Python for Kids,"if self.y == 0:
  self.y = -4",simpleif,260
Python for Kids,if time.time() - self.last_time > 0.1:,simpleif,260
Python for Kids,"if self.current_image <= 0:
 |  self.current_image_add = 1",simpleif,261
Python for Kids,"if self.x != 0 and self.y == 0:
  if time.time() - self.last_time > 0.1:",simpleif,262
Python for Kids,"if self.current_image >= 2:
  self.current_image_add = -1",simpleif,262
Python for Kids,"if self.current_image <= 0:
  self.current_image_add = 1",simpleif,262
Python for Kids,"if self.x < 0:
 v  if self.y != 0:",simpleif,262
Python for Kids,"if self.x > 0:
 {  if self.y != 0:",simpleif,263
Python for Kids,"if self.x < 0:
  if self.y != 0:",simpleif,264
Python for Kids,"if self.x > 0:
  if self.y != 0:",simpleif,264
Python for Kids,"if self.y < 0:
 w  self.jump_count += 1",simpleif,265
Python for Kids,"if self.jump_count > 20:
 y  self.y = 4",simpleif,265
Python for Kids,"if self.y > 0:
 {  self.jump_count -= 1",simpleif,265
Python for Kids,"if self.y > 0:
  self.jump_count -= 1",simpleif,266
Python for Kids,"if top and self.y < 0 and collided_top(co, sprite_co):
 z  self.y = -self.y",simpleif,268
Python for Kids,"if top and self.y < 0 and collided_top(co, sprite_co):
  self.y = -self.y",simpleif,269
Python for Kids,"if self.y < 0:
 x  self.y = 0",simpleif,269
Python for Kids,"if 
Python for Kids,"if self.y < 0:
  self.y = 0",simpleif,270
Python for Kids,"if left and self.x < 0 and collided_left(co, sprite_co):
 v  self.x = 0",simpleif,271
Python for Kids,"if right and self.x > 0 and collided_right(co, sprite_co):
 y  self.x = 0",simpleif,271
Python for Kids,"if sprite == self:
Python for Kids,"if top and self.y < 0 and collided_top(co, sprite_co):
  self.y = -self.y",simpleif,271
Python for Kids,"if self.y < 0:
  self.y = 0",simpleif,271
Python for Kids,"if left and self.x < 0 and collided_left(co, sprite_co):
  self.x = 0",simpleif,272
Python for Kids,"if right and self.x > 0 and collided_right(co, sprite_co):
  self.x = 0",simpleif,272
Python for Kids,"if right and self.x > 0 and collided_right(co, sprite_co):
  self.x = 0",simpleif,272
Python for Kids,"if left and self.x < 0 and collided_left(co, sprite_co):
  self.x = 0",simpleif,275
Python for Kids,"if sprite.endgame: = False",simpleif,275
Python for Kids,"if right and self.x > 0 and collided_right(co, sprite_co):
  self.x = 0",simpleif,275
Python for Kids,"if sprite.endgame: = False",simpleif,275
Python for Kids,"if within_y(co1, co2):
  if co1.x1 <= co2.x2 and co1.x1 >= co2.x1:",simpleif,278
Python for Kids,"if within_y(co1, co2):
  if co1.x2 >= co2.x1 and co1.x2 <= co2.x2:",simpleif,278
Python for Kids,"if within_x(co1, co2):
  if co1.y1 <= co2.y2 and co1.y1 >= co2.y1:",simpleif,278
Python for Kids,"if within_x(co1, co2):
  y_calc = co1.y2 + y",simpleif,278
Python for Kids,"if y_calc >= co2.y1 and y_calc <= co2.y2:
  return True",simpleif,278
Python for Kids,"if self.y == 0:
  self.x = -2",simpleif,279
Python for Kids,"if self.y == 0:
  self.x = 2",simpleif,279
Python for Kids,"if self.y == 0:
  self.y = -4",simpleif,279
Python for Kids,"if self.x != 0 and self.y == 0:
  if time.time() - self.last_time > 0.1:",simpleif,279
Python for Kids,"if self.current_image >= 2:
  self.current_image_add = -1",simpleif,280
Python for Kids,"if self.current_image <= 0:
  self.current_image_add = 1",simpleif,280
Python for Kids,"if self.x < 0:
  if self.y != 0:",simpleif,280
Python for Kids,"if self.x > 0:
  if self.y != 0:",simpleif,280
Python for Kids,"if self.y < 0:
  self.jump_count += 1",simpleif,280
Python for Kids,"if self.jump_count > 20:
  self.y = 4",simpleif,280
Python for Kids,"if self.y > 0:
  self.jump_count -= 1",simpleif,280
Python for Kids,"if self.y > 0 and co.y2 >=
  self.y = 0",simpleif,280
Python for Kids,"if self.x > 0 and co.x2 >=
  self.x = 0",simpleif,281
Python for Kids,"if sprite == self:
Python for Kids,"if top and self.y < 0 and collided_top(co, sprite_co):
  self.y = -self.y",simpleif,281
Python for Kids,"if self.y < 0:
  self.y = 0",simpleif,281
Python for Kids,"if left and self.x < 0 and collided_left(co, sprite_co):
  self.x = 0",simpleif,281
Python for Kids,"if sprite.endgame: = False",simpleif,281
Python for Kids,"if right and self.x > 0 and collided_right(co, sprite_co):
  self.x = 0",simpleif,281
Python for Kids,"if sprite.endgame: = False",simpleif,281
Python for Kids,if file) would look like this:,simpleif,287
Python for Kids,"if age > 10 and age < 20:
  print('Beware the teenager!!!!')",simpleif,294
Python for Kids,"if x == age:
  print('end counting')",simpleif,295
Python for Kids,"if item.startswith('b'):
 x  continue",simpleif,296
Python for Kids,"if toy_price > 1000:
 v  print('That toy is overpriced')",simpleif,300
Python for Kids,"if toy_price > 100:
 x  print('That toy is expensive')",simpleif,300
Python for Kids,"if 1 in [1,2,3,4]:
 >>>  print('number is in list')",simpleif,301
Python for Kids,"if dino == 'Tyrannosaurus' or dino == 'Allosaurus':
Python for Kids,"if dino == 'Ankylosaurus' or dino == 'Apatosaurus':
Python for Kids,"if age > 10:
  print('older than 10')",simpleif,303
Python for Kids,"if 

 statement, you’ll get an error message:",simpleif,303
Python for Kids,if age > 10:,simpleif,303
Python for Kids,"if statement again, this time using the pass keyword:",simpleif,303
Python for Kids,"if x == 5:
Python for Kids,"print(""Hello World"")",printfunc,11
Python for Kids,"print(""Hello World"")",printfunc,11
Python for Kids,"print(""Hello World"")",printfunc,12
Python for Kids,print(fred),printfunc,19
Python for Kids,print(fred),printfunc,20
Python for Kids,print(john),printfunc,20
Python for Kids,print(number_of_coins),printfunc,20
Python for Kids,print(fred),printfunc,26
Python for Kids,print(fred),printfunc,26
Python for Kids,print(fred),printfunc,26
Python for Kids,print(fred),printfunc,27
Python for Kids,print(single_quote_str),printfunc,29
Python for Kids,print(double_quote_str),printfunc,29
Python for Kids,print(message % myscore),printfunc,30
Python for Kids,print(message),printfunc,30
Python for Kids,print(message % 1000),printfunc,30
Python for Kids,print(joke_text % bodypart1),printfunc,30
Python for Kids,print(joke_text % bodypart2),printfunc,30
Python for Kids,"print(nums % (0, 8))",printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print(10 * 'a'),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('%s 12 Butts Wynd' % spaces),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('%s Twinklebottom Heath' % spaces),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('%s West Snoring' % spaces),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print(),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print(),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('Dear Sir'),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print(),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('I wish to report that tiles are missing from the'),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('outside toilet roof.'),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('I think it was bad wind the other night that blew them away.'),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print(),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('Regards'),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print('Malcolm Dithering'),printfunc,31
Python for Kids,print(1000 * 'snirt'),printfunc,32
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list),printfunc,33
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list),printfunc,33
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list[2]),printfunc,33
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list),printfunc,33
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list[2:5]),printfunc,34
Python for Kids,print(numbers_and_strings),printfunc,34
Python for Kids,print(mylist),printfunc,34
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list),printfunc,35
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list),printfunc,35
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list),printfunc,35
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list),printfunc,36
Python for Kids,print(list1 + list2),printfunc,36
Python for Kids,print(list3),printfunc,36
Python for Kids,print(list1 * 5),printfunc,36
Python for Kids,print(fibs[3]),printfunc,38
Python for Kids,print(fibs[3]),printfunc,38
Python for Kids,print(favorite_sports['Rebecca Clarke']),printfunc,40
Python for Kids,print(favorite_sports),printfunc,40
Python for Kids,print(favorite_sports),printfunc,40
Python for Kids,print('Why are you here?'),printfunc,54
Python for Kids,print('Why aren\'t you mowing a lawn or sorting papers?'),printfunc,54
Python for Kids,print('Why are you here?'),printfunc,55
Python for Kids,print('Why aren\'t you mowing a lawn or sorting papers?'),printfunc,55
Python for Kids,print('Why are you here?'),printfunc,56
Python for Kids,print('Why are you here?'),printfunc,56
Python for Kids,"print(""Want to hear a dirty joke?"")",printfunc,58
Python for Kids,"print(""Shh. It's a secret."")",printfunc,59
Python for Kids,"print(""Want to hear a dirty joke?"")",printfunc,59
Python for Kids,"print(""Shh. It's a secret."")",printfunc,59
Python for Kids,"print(""What do you call an unhappy cranberry?"")",printfunc,59
Python for Kids,"print(""A blueberry!"")",printfunc,59
Python for Kids,"print(""What did the green grape say to the blue grape?"")",printfunc,60
Python for Kids,"print(""Breathe! Breathe!"")",printfunc,60
Python for Kids,"print(""What did 0 say to 8?"")",printfunc,60
Python for Kids,"print(""Hi guys!"")",printfunc,60
Python for Kids,"print(""Why wasn't 10 afraid of 7?"")",printfunc,60
Python for Kids,"print(""Because rather than eating 9, 7 8 pi."")",printfunc,60
Python for Kids,"print(""Huh?"")",printfunc,60
Python for Kids,print('Huh?'),printfunc,61
Python for Kids,print('Huh?'),printfunc,61
Python for Kids,print(myval),printfunc,62
Python for Kids,"print(""From as far away as possible!"")",printfunc,63
Python for Kids,"print(""From as far away as possible!"")",printfunc,63
Python for Kids,"print(""From as far away as possible!"")",printfunc,63
Python for Kids,"print(""From as far away as possible!"")",printfunc,64
Python for Kids,print(converted_age),printfunc,64
Python for Kids,"print(""I'm not rich!!"")",printfunc,65
Python for Kids,"print(""But I might be later..."")",printfunc,65
Python for Kids,"print(""hello"")",printfunc,68
Python for Kids,"print(""hello"")",printfunc,68
Python for Kids,"print(""hello"")",printfunc,68
Python for Kids,"print(""hello"")",printfunc,68
Python for Kids,"print(""hello"")",printfunc,68
Python for Kids,print('hello'),printfunc,68
Python for Kids,"print(list(range(10, 20)))",printfunc,69
Python for Kids,print('hello %s' % x),printfunc,69
Python for Kids,print('hello %s' % x),printfunc,69
Python for Kids,print('hello %s' % x),printfunc,69
Python for Kids,print('hello %s' % x),printfunc,69
Python for Kids,print('hello %s' % x),printfunc,70
Python for Kids,print('hello %s' % x),printfunc,70
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,70
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list[0]),printfunc,70
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list[1]),printfunc,70
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list[2]),printfunc,70
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list[3]),printfunc,71
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list[4]),printfunc,71
Python for Kids,print(wizard_list[5]),printfunc,71
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,71
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,71
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,71
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,71
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,72
Python for Kids,print(j),printfunc,72
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,72
Python for Kids,print(j),printfunc,72
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,72
Python for Kids,print(j),printfunc,72
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,73
Python for Kids,print(j),printfunc,73
Python for Kids,print(i),printfunc,73
Python for Kids,print(j),printfunc,73
Python for Kids,print(i) statement. The unmarked lines are printed by print(j),printfunc,73
Python for Kids,"print('Week %s = %s' % (week, coins))",printfunc,74
Python for Kids,print(step),printfunc,75
Python for Kids,print(step),printfunc,76
Python for Kids,"print(x, y)",printfunc,77
Python for Kids,print('hello %s' % myname),printfunc,83
Python for Kids,"print('Hello %s %s' % (fname, lname))",printfunc,83
Python for Kids,"print(savings(10, 10, 5))",printfunc,84
Python for Kids,print(variable_test()),printfunc,84
Python for Kids,print(first_variable),printfunc,85
Python for Kids,print(first_variable),printfunc,85
Python for Kids,print(variable_test2()),printfunc,85
Python for Kids,"print('Week %s = %s cans' % (week, total_cans))",printfunc,86
Python for Kids,print(time.asctime()),printfunc,87
Python for Kids,print('Huh?'),printfunc,88
Python for Kids,print('Huh?'),printfunc,88
Python for Kids,print('How old are you?'),printfunc,89
Python for Kids,print('What is 13 + 49 + 84 + 155 + 97? A headache!'),printfunc,89
Python for Kids,print('Huh?'),printfunc,89
Python for Kids,print('I am a normal function'),printfunc,97
Python for Kids,print('I am a class function'),printfunc,97
Python for Kids,print('I am also a class function. See?'),printfunc,97
Python for Kids,print('breathing'),printfunc,99
Python for Kids,print('moving'),printfunc,99
Python for Kids,print('eating food'),printfunc,99
Python for Kids,print('feeding young'),printfunc,100
Python for Kids,print('eating leaves'),printfunc,100
Python for Kids,"print(""I've found food!"")",printfunc,104
Python for Kids,"print(""I've found food!"")",printfunc,105
Python for Kids,print(ozwald.giraffe_spots),printfunc,106
Python for Kids,print(gertrude.giraffe_spots),printfunc,106
Python for Kids,print('left foot forward'),printfunc,107
Python for Kids,print(abs(10)),printfunc,110
Python for Kids,print(abs(-10)),printfunc,110
Python for Kids,print(bool(0)),printfunc,111
Python for Kids,print(bool(1)),printfunc,111
Python for Kids,print(bool(1123.23)),printfunc,111
Python for Kids,print(bool(-500)),printfunc,111
Python for Kids,print(bool(None)),printfunc,111
Python for Kids,print(bool('a')),printfunc,111
Python for Kids,print(bool(' ')),printfunc,112
Python for Kids,print(bool('What do you call a pig doing karate? Pork Chop!')),printfunc,112
Python for Kids,print(bool(my_silly_list)),printfunc,112
Python for Kids,print(bool(my_silly_list)),printfunc,112
Python for Kids,"print(""wow"")') will actually run the statement print(""wow"")",printfunc,114
Python for Kids,"print(""this won't work at all')",printfunc,115
Python for Kids,print('ham'),printfunc,116
Python for Kids,print('sandwich'),printfunc,116
Python for Kids,print(len(creature_list)),printfunc,118
Python for Kids,print(len(enemies_map)),printfunc,118
Python for Kids,"print('the fruit at index %s is %s' % (x, fruit[x]))",printfunc,119
Python for Kids,print(max(numbers)),printfunc,119
Python for Kids,print(max(strings)),printfunc,119
Python for Kids,"print(max(10, 300, 450, 50, 90))",printfunc,120
Python for Kids,print(min(numbers)),printfunc,120
Python for Kids,print('You win'),printfunc,120
Python for Kids,print(x),printfunc,121
Python for Kids,"print(list(range(0, 5)))",printfunc,121
Python for Kids,print(count_by_twos),printfunc,122
Python for Kids,print(count_down_by_twos),printfunc,122
Python for Kids,print(my_list_of_numbers),printfunc,122
Python for Kids,print(sum(my_list_of_numbers)),printfunc,122
Python for Kids,print(sum(my_list_of_numbers)),printfunc,122
Python for Kids,print(text),printfunc,125
Python for Kids,print(a),printfunc,128
Python for Kids,print(b),printfunc,128
Python for Kids,print(harry.species),printfunc,131
Python for Kids,print(harriet.species),printfunc,131
Python for Kids,print(more_animals[0].species),printfunc,131
Python for Kids,print(more_animals[1].species),printfunc,131
Python for Kids,print(my_animals[0].species),printfunc,132
Python for Kids,print(more_animals[0].species),printfunc,132
Python for Kids,print(len(my_animals)),printfunc,132
Python for Kids,print(len(more_animals)),printfunc,132
Python for Kids,print(my_animals[0].species),printfunc,132
Python for Kids,print(more_animals[0].species),printfunc,133
Python for Kids,print(keyword.iskeyword('if')),printfunc,133
Python for Kids,print(keyword.iskeyword('ozwald')),printfunc,133
Python for Kids,print(keyword.kwlist),printfunc,133
Python for Kids,"print(random.randint(1, 100))",printfunc,134
Python for Kids,"print(random.randint(100, 1000))",printfunc,134
Python for Kids,"print(random.randint(1000, 5000))",printfunc,134
Python for Kids,print('Try lower'),printfunc,134
Python for Kids,print(random.choice(desserts)),printfunc,136
Python for Kids,print(desserts),printfunc,136
Python for Kids,print(v),printfunc,137
Python for Kids,print(v),printfunc,137
Python for Kids,print(sys.version),printfunc,138
Python for Kids,print(time.time()),printfunc,138
Python for Kids,print(x),printfunc,139
Python for Kids,print(x),printfunc,139
Python for Kids,print('it took %s seconds' % (t2-t1)),printfunc,139
Python for Kids,print(time.asctime()),printfunc,140
Python for Kids,print(time.asctime(t)),printfunc,140
Python for Kids,print(time.localtime()),printfunc,141
Python for Kids,print(year),printfunc,141
Python for Kids,print(month),printfunc,141
Python for Kids,print(x),printfunc,141
Python for Kids,print(x),printfunc,141
Python for Kids,print(loaded_game_data),printfunc,143
Python for Kids,print(car1.wheels),printfunc,144
Python for Kids,print(car1.wheels),printfunc,144
Python for Kids,print('hello there'),printfunc,166
Python for Kids,"print('I am %s feet wide, %s feet high' % (width, height))",printfunc,167
Python for Kids,print('%x' % 15),printfunc,175
Python for Kids,print('%02x' % 15),printfunc,176
Python for Kids,print(self.canvas.coords(,printfunc,201
Python for Kids,"print(within_x(c1, c2))",printfunc,240
Python for Kids,"print(""Hello World\n"")",printfunc,290
Python for Kids,print('Hello World'),printfunc,291
Python for Kids,print('counting %s' % x),printfunc,295
Python for Kids,print(car1.color),printfunc,296
Python for Kids,print(car2.color),printfunc,296
Python for Kids,print(item),printfunc,296
Python for Kids,print(what_i_want),printfunc,297
Python for Kids,print('x is %s' % x),printfunc,298
Python for Kids,print(localtime()),printfunc,299
Python for Kids,print(gmtime()),printfunc,299
Python for Kids,print(localtime()),printfunc,299
Python for Kids,print(gmtime()),printfunc,299
Python for Kids,print(a),printfunc,300
Python for Kids,print(b),printfunc,300
Python for Kids,print(a),printfunc,300
Python for Kids,print(b),printfunc,300
Python for Kids,print('I can afford that toy'),printfunc,300
Python for Kids,print('pants is in the list'),printfunc,301
Python for Kids,print('pants is not in the list'),printfunc,301
Python for Kids,print(not x),printfunc,302
Python for Kids,print('You really need to buy some pants'),printfunc,302
Python for Kids,print('x is %s' % x),printfunc,304
Python for Kids,print('x is %s' % x),printfunc,304
Python for Kids,print(seconds),printfunc,305
Python for Kids,print(age_in_seconds()),printfunc,305
Python for Kids,print('hello'),printfunc,305
Python for Kids,print('hello'),printfunc,306
Python for Kids,"fibs = (0, 1, 1, 2, 3)",simpleTuple,38
Python for Kids,"t = (2007, 5, 27, 10, 30, 48, 6, 0, 0)",simpleTuple,140
Python for Kids,"t = (2020, 2, 23, 10, 30, 48, 6, 0, 0)",simpleTuple,140
Python for Kids,"font=('Times', 15))",simpleTuple,181
Python for Kids,"font=('Helvetica', 20))",simpleTuple,181
Python for Kids,"font=('Courier', 22))",simpleTuple,181
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_text(220, 300, text='on a goose.""', font=('Courier', 30))",simpleTuple,181
Python for Kids,"some_numbers = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20]",simpleList,34
Python for Kids,"some_strings = ['Which', 'Witch', 'Is', 'Which']",simpleList,34
Python for Kids,"numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,34
Python for Kids,"strings = ['I', 'kicked', 'my', 'toe', 'and', 'it', 'is', 'sore']",simpleList,34
Python for Kids,"mylist = [numbers, strings]",simpleList,34
Python for Kids,"list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,36
Python for Kids,"list2 = ['I', 'tripped', 'over', 'and', 'hit', 'the', 'floor']",simpleList,36
Python for Kids,"list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,36
Python for Kids,"list2 = ['I', 'ate', 'chocolate', 'and', 'I', 'want', 'more']",simpleList,36
Python for Kids,"list1 = [1, 2]",simpleList,36
Python for Kids,"u >>> hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']",simpleList,71
Python for Kids,"hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']",simpleList,71
Python for Kids,"hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']",simpleList,72
Python for Kids,"hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']",simpleList,72
Python for Kids,"u hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']",simpleList,72
Python for Kids,"hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']",simpleList,73
Python for Kids,my_silly_list = [],simpleList,112
Python for Kids,"my_silly_list = ['s', 'i', 'l', 'l', 'y']",simpleList,112
Python for Kids,"fruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'clementine', 'dragon fruit']",simpleList,119
Python for Kids,"numbers = [5, 4, 10, 30, 22]",simpleList,119
Python for Kids,"numbers = [5, 4, 10, 30, 22]",simpleList,120
Python for Kids,"player_guesses = [12, 15, 70, 45]",simpleList,120
Python for Kids,"my_animals = [harry, carrie, billy]",simpleList,131
Python for Kids,"u  starts = [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]",simpleList,202
Python for Kids,"starts = [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]",simpleList,203
Python for Kids,"starts = [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]",simpleList,209
Python for Kids,"starts = [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]",simpleList,214
Python for Kids,z  self.sprites = [],simpleList,235
Python for Kids,"what_i_want = ['remote controlled car', 'new bike', 'computer game']",simpleList,297
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 5):",forsimple,68
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 5):",forsimple,69
Python for Kids,for i in wizard_list:,forsimple,70
Python for Kids,for i in hugehairypants:,forsimple,71
Python for Kids,for i in hugehairypants:,forsimple,71
Python for Kids,for i in hugehairypants:,forsimple,72
Python for Kids,for j in hugehairypants:,forsimple,72
Python for Kids,for i in hugehairypants:,forsimple,72
Python for Kids,for j in hugehairypants:,forsimple,72
Python for Kids,for i in hugehairypants:,forsimple,72
Python for Kids,for j in hugehairypants:,forsimple,72
Python for Kids,for i in hugehairypants:,forsimple,73
Python for Kids,for j in hugehairypants:,forsimple,73
Python for Kids,"for week in range(1, 53):",forsimple,74
Python for Kids,"for step in range(0, 20):",forsimple,75
Python for Kids,"for that matter) outside of the block of code in 
 the function, we get an error message:",forsimple,85
Python for Kids,"for week in range(1, 53):",forsimple,86
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, length):",forsimple,119
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 5):",forsimple,121
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, max):",forsimple,139
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, max):",forsimple,139
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 61):",forsimple,141
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 61):",forsimple,141
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 5):",forsimple,146
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 9):",forsimple,147
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 38):",forsimple,147
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 20):",forsimple,148
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 19):",forsimple,149
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 5):",forsimple,156
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 5):",forsimple,157
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 19):",forsimple,158
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 19):",forsimple,159
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 100):",forsimple,173
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 60):",forsimple,184
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 60):",forsimple,184
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 60):",forsimple,185
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 60):",forsimple,186
Python for Kids,for the Bounce! game in Chapter 13. Here it is:,forsimple,236
Python for Kids,for sprite in self.sprites:,forsimple,236
Python for Kids,for sprite in,forsimple,268
Python for Kids,for sprite in,forsimple,271
Python for Kids,for sprite in,forsimple,281
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 100):",forsimple,295
Python for Kids,for item in my_items:,forsimple,296
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 5):",forsimple,298
Python for Kids,"for x in range(0, 7):",forsimple,304
Python for Kids,"for x in range(1, 7):",forsimple,304
Python for Kids,"for anyone.Python for Kids brings Python to life and brings you (and your parents) into the world of programming. The ever-patient Jason R. Briggs will guide you through the basics as you experi-ment with unique (and often hilarious) example programs that feature ravenous monsters, secret agents, thieving ravens, and more. New terms are defined; code is colored, dissected, and explained; and quirky, full-color illustrations keep things on the lighter side. Chapters end with programming puzzles designed to stretch your brain and strengthen your understanding. By the end of the book you’ll have programmed two complete games: a clone of the famous Pong and “Mr. Stick Man Races for the Exit”—a platform game with jumps, animation, and much more.As you strike out on your programming adventure, you’ll learn how to:M Use fundamental data structures like lists, tuples, and mapsM Organize and reuse your code with func-tions and modulesM Use control structures like loops and conditional statementsM Draw shapes and patterns with Python’s turtle moduleM Create games, animations, and other graphical wonders with tkinterWhy should serious adults have all the fun? Python for Kids is your ticket into the amaz-ing world of computer programming.ABOUT THE AUTHORJason R. Briggs has been a programmer since the age of eight, when he first learned BASIC on a Radio Shack TRS-80. He has written software professionally as a developer and systems archi-tect and served as Contributing Editor for Java Developer’s Journal. His articles have appeared in JavaWorld, ONJava, and ONLamp. Python for Kids is his first book.SHELVE IN:",forsimple,322
Python for Kids,list3 = list1 + list2,assignwithSum,36
Python for Kids,w  coins = coins + magic_coins - stolen_coins,assignwithSum,74
Python for Kids,step = step + 1,assignwithSum,76
Python for Kids,the line step = step + 1.,assignwithSum,76
Python for Kids,"variable with step = step + 1, and the loop continues.",assignwithSum,76
Python for Kids,x = x + 1,assignwithSum,77
Python for Kids,y = y + 1,assignwithSum,77
Python for Kids,total_cans = total_cans + cans,assignwithSum,86
Python for Kids,a = abs(10) + abs(-10),assignwithSum,128
Python for Kids,b = abs(-10) + -10,assignwithSum,128
Python for Kids,x2 = x1 + random.randrange(width),assignwithSum,173
Python for Kids,y2 = y1 + random.randrange(height),assignwithSum,173
Python for Kids,x2 = random.randrange(x1 + random.randrange(width)),assignwithSum,174
Python for Kids,y2 = random.randrange(y1 + random.randrange(height)),assignwithSum,174
Python for Kids,"z  self.coordinates = Coords(x, y, x + width, y + height)",assignwithSum,246
Python for Kids,x  self.coordinates.x2 = xy[0] + 27,assignwithSum,264
Python for Kids,y  self.coordinates.y2 = xy[1] + 30,assignwithSum,264
Python for Kids,"y  self.coordinates = Coords(x, y, x + (width / 2), y + height)",assignwithSum,274
Python for Kids,x = x + 1,assignwithSum,306
Python for Kids,10 × 365 = 3650,simpleAssign,16
Python for Kids,20 + 3650 = 3670,simpleAssign,16
Python for Kids,fred = 100,simpleAssign,19
Python for Kids,fred = 200,simpleAssign,20
Python for Kids,fred = 200,simpleAssign,20
Python for Kids,john = fred,simpleAssign,20
Python for Kids,number_of_coins = 200,simpleAssign,20
Python for Kids,found_coins = 20,simpleAssign,21
Python for Kids,magic_coins = 10,simpleAssign,21
Python for Kids,stolen_coins = 3,simpleAssign,21
Python for Kids,stolen_coins = 2,simpleAssign,22
Python for Kids,3. Click the last prompt line (after stolen_coins = 2).,simpleAssign,22
Python for Kids,magic_coins = 13,simpleAssign,23
Python for Kids,myscore = 1000,simpleAssign,30
Python for Kids,fibs[0] = 4,simpleAssign,38
Python for Kids,fibs[0] = 4,simpleAssign,38
Python for Kids,t = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,44
Python for Kids,age = 13,simpleAssign,54
Python for Kids,age = 25,simpleAssign,54
Python for Kids,age = 25,simpleAssign,55
Python for Kids,age = 25,simpleAssign,56
Python for Kids,"For example, if you are 10 years old, the condition your_age == 10",simpleAssign,57
Python for Kids,age = 10,simpleAssign,57
Python for Kids,age = 10,simpleAssign,58
Python for Kids,age = 10,simpleAssign,58
Python for Kids,age = 12,simpleAssign,59
Python for Kids,age = 8,simpleAssign,59
Python for Kids,age = 12,simpleAssign,59
Python for Kids,u >>> if age == 10:,simpleAssign,59
Python for Kids,w elif age == 11:,simpleAssign,60
Python for Kids,x elif age == 12:,simpleAssign,60
Python for Kids,elif age == 13:,simpleAssign,60
Python for Kids,"with if age >= 10 and age <= 13:, the",simpleAssign,61
Python for Kids,myval = None,simpleAssign,62
Python for Kids,myval = None,simpleAssign,62
Python for Kids,age = 10,simpleAssign,63
Python for Kids,converted_age = int(age),simpleAssign,63
Python for Kids,age = 10,simpleAssign,64
Python for Kids,converted_age = str(age),simpleAssign,64
Python for Kids,Remember that if age == 10 statement that didn’t print any-,simpleAssign,64
Python for Kids,converted_age = int(age),simpleAssign,64
Python for Kids,converted_age = int(age),simpleAssign,64
Python for Kids,converted_age = int(age),simpleAssign,64
Python for Kids,converted_age = float(age),simpleAssign,64
Python for Kids,converted_age = int(age),simpleAssign,64
Python for Kids,converted_age = int(age),simpleAssign,65
Python for Kids,money = 2000,simpleAssign,65
Python for Kids,ninjas = 5,simpleAssign,66
Python for Kids,x = 0,simpleAssign,69
Python for Kids,x = 1,simpleAssign,69
Python for Kids,x = 2,simpleAssign,69
Python for Kids,x = 3,simpleAssign,70
Python for Kids,x = 4,simpleAssign,70
Python for Kids,found_coins = 20,simpleAssign,74
Python for Kids,magic_coins = 70,simpleAssign,74
Python for Kids,stolen_coins = 3,simpleAssign,74
Python for Kids,found_coins = 20,simpleAssign,74
Python for Kids,magic_coins = 70,simpleAssign,74
Python for Kids,stolen_coins = 3,simpleAssign,74
Python for Kids,u >>> coins = found_coins,simpleAssign,74
Python for Kids,step = 0,simpleAssign,76
Python for Kids,"called step with step = 0. Next, we cre-",simpleAssign,76
Python for Kids,"if tired == True:. (True is called a Boolean value, which we’ll learn",simpleAssign,76
Python for Kids,The line elif badweather == True: checks to see if the variable,simpleAssign,76
Python for Kids,u >>> x = 45,simpleAssign,77
Python for Kids,v >>> y = 80,simpleAssign,77
Python for Kids,first_variable = 10,simpleAssign,84
Python for Kids,second_variable = 20,simpleAssign,84
Python for Kids,u >>> another_variable = 100,simpleAssign,85
Python for Kids,first_variable = 10,simpleAssign,85
Python for Kids,second_variable = 20,simpleAssign,85
Python for Kids,total_cans = 0,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 1 = 2 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 2 = 4 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 3 = 6 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 4 = 8 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 5 = 10 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 6 = 12 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 7 = 14 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 8 = 16 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 9 = 18 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 10 = 20 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 1 = 13 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 2 = 26 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 3 = 39 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 4 = 52 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,Week 5 = 65 cans,simpleAssign,86
Python for Kids,v  if age >= 10 and age <= 13:,simpleAssign,89
Python for Kids,reginald = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,96
Python for Kids,reginald = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,99
Python for Kids,reginald = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,99
Python for Kids,harold = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,99
Python for Kids,reginald = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,100
Python for Kids,harold = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,100
Python for Kids,avery = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,100
Python for Kids,kate = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,100
Python for Kids,jacob = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,101
Python for Kids,reginald = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,104
Python for Kids,reginald = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,104
Python for Kids,reginald = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,105
Python for Kids,"using the self parameter, with the code self.giraffe_spots = spots.",simpleAssign,106
Python for Kids,ozwald = Giraffes(100),simpleAssign,106
Python for Kids,gertrude = Giraffes(150),simpleAssign,106
Python for Kids,reginald = Giraffes(),simpleAssign,107
Python for Kids,year = input('Year of birth: '),simpleAssign,112
Python for Kids,your_calculation = input('Enter a calculation: '),simpleAssign,115
Python for Kids,your_age = input('Enter your age: '),simpleAssign,117
Python for Kids,age = float(your_age),simpleAssign,117
Python for Kids,u >>> length = len(fruit),simpleAssign,119
Python for Kids,guess_this_number = 61,simpleAssign,120
Python for Kids,"count_by_twos = list(range(0, 30, 2))",simpleAssign,122
Python for Kids,"count_down_by_twos = list(range(40, 10, -2))",simpleAssign,122
Python for Kids,"my_list_of_numbers = list(range(0, 500, 50))",simpleAssign,122
Python for Kids,t = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,130
Python for Kids,"harry = Animal('hippogriff', 6, 'pink')",simpleAssign,130
Python for Kids,"harry = Animal('hippogriff', 6, 'pink')",simpleAssign,131
Python for Kids,harriet = copy.copy(harry),simpleAssign,131
Python for Kids,"harry = Animal('hippogriff', 6, 'pink')",simpleAssign,131
Python for Kids,"carrie = Animal('chimera', 4, 'green polka dots')",simpleAssign,131
Python for Kids,"billy = Animal('bogill', 0, 'paisley')",simpleAssign,131
Python for Kids,more_animals = copy.copy(my_animals),simpleAssign,131
Python for Kids,"sally = Animal('sphinx', 4, 'sand')",simpleAssign,132
Python for Kids,more_animals = copy.deepcopy(my_animals),simpleAssign,132
Python for Kids,u  t1 = time.time(),simpleAssign,139
Python for Kids,w  t2 = time.time(),simpleAssign,139
Python for Kids,"time.struct_time(tm_year=2020, tm_mon=2, tm_mday=23, tm_hour=22,",simpleAssign,141
Python for Kids,"tm_min=18, tm_sec=39, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=73, tm_isdst=0)",simpleAssign,141
Python for Kids,"month is in the second position (1). Therefore, we use year = t[0]",simpleAssign,141
Python for Kids,"and month = t[1], like this:",simpleAssign,141
Python for Kids,t = time.localtime(),simpleAssign,141
Python for Kids,year = t[0],simpleAssign,141
Python for Kids,month = t[1],simpleAssign,141
Python for Kids,loaded_game_data = pickle.load(load_file),simpleAssign,143
Python for Kids,car1 = Car(),simpleAssign,144
Python for Kids,car1.wheels = 4,simpleAssign,144
Python for Kids,car2 = car1,simpleAssign,144
Python for Kids,car2.wheels = 3,simpleAssign,144
Python for Kids,car3 = copy.copy(car1),simpleAssign,144
Python for Kids,car3.wheels = 6,simpleAssign,144
Python for Kids,t = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,146
Python for Kids,is the if statement (if x % 2 == 0:). This statement checks to see if,simpleAssign,149
Python for Kids,"tor, the % in the expression x % 2 == 0, which is a way of saying, “x",simpleAssign,149
Python for Kids,175 degrees (t.left(175)) if the number in x is even (if x % 2 == 0:);,simpleAssign,150
Python for Kids,"the value of filled is set to True with if filled == True. If it is, we",simpleAssign,157
Python for Kids,"whether filled is True with if filled == True. If it is, we turn filling",simpleAssign,158
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,165
Python for Kids,"btn = Button(tk, text=""click me"")",simpleAssign,165
Python for Kids,t = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,165
Python for Kids,t = Pen(),simpleAssign,165
Python for Kids,"containing an object of the class Tk with tk = Tk(), just like we",simpleAssign,165
Python for Kids,"On the third line, we create a button, with btn = Button and",simpleAssign,165
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,166
Python for Kids,"btn = Button(tk, text=""click me"", command=hello)",simpleAssign,166
Python for Kids,"person(height=3, width=4)",simpleAssign,167
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,168
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=500)",simpleAssign,168
Python for Kids,"enter tk = Tk(). On the last line,",simpleAssign,168
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,169
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=500)",simpleAssign,169
Python for Kids,"turtle.setup(width=500, height=500)",simpleAssign,169
Python for Kids,t = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,169
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,170
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,170
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,171
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,171
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,171
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,171
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,172
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,172
Python for Kids,x1 = random.randrange(width),simpleAssign,173
Python for Kids,y1 = random.randrange(height),simpleAssign,173
Python for Kids,width and the height as parameters with x1 = random.randrange(width),simpleAssign,173
Python for Kids,"and y1 = random.randrange(height), respectively. In effect, with the",simpleAssign,173
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,174
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,174
Python for Kids,x1 = random.randrange(width),simpleAssign,174
Python for Kids,y1 = random.randrange(height),simpleAssign,174
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=fill_color)",simpleAssign,174
Python for Kids,c = colorchooser.askcolor(),simpleAssign,177
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_arc(10, 10, 200, 100, extent=180, style=ARC)",simpleAssign,177
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_arc(10, 10, 200, 100, extent=180, style=ARC)",simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_arc(10, 10, 200, 80, extent=45, style=ARC)",simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_arc(10, 80, 200, 160, extent=90, style=ARC)",simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_arc(10, 160, 200, 240, extent=135, style=ARC)",simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_arc(10, 240, 200, 320, extent=180, style=ARC)",simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_arc(10, 320, 200, 400, extent=359, style=ARC)",simpleAssign,178
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,179
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,179
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,180
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,180
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,182
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,182
Python for Kids,my_image = PhotoImage(file='c:\\test.gif'),simpleAssign,182
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=myimage)",simpleAssign,182
Python for Kids,my_image = PhotoImage(file='C:\\Users\\Joe Smith\\Desktop\\test.gif'),simpleAssign,182
Python for Kids,"image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=myimage) displays it using the create_image",simpleAssign,183
Python for Kids,"played, and anchor=NW tells the function to use the top-left (NW, for",simpleAssign,183
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,183
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=200)",simpleAssign,183
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,185
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,185
Python for Kids,"with canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400).",simpleAssign,185
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,186
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,186
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,188
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,188
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,188
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,189
Python for Kids,"mytriangle = canvas.create_polygon(10, 10, 10, 60, 50, 35)",simpleAssign,189
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,189
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,189
Python for Kids,"mytriangle = canvas.create_polygon(10, 10, 10, 60, 50, 35,",simpleAssign,189
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,195
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=400, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)",simpleAssign,195
Python for Kids,object we created with tk = Tk() to give the window a title. Then,simpleAssign,195
Python for Kids,"ples. For example, both bd=0 and highlightthickness=0 make sure",simpleAssign,195
Python for Kids,w  self.canvas = canvas,simpleAssign,196
Python for Kids,"x = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color)",simpleAssign,196
Python for Kids,"ball = Ball(canvas, 'red')",simpleAssign,197
Python for Kids,"ball = Ball(canvas, 'red')",simpleAssign,197
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,200
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=400, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)",simpleAssign,200
Python for Kids,"ball = Ball(canvas, 'red')",simpleAssign,200
Python for Kids,"We’ve added three more lines to our program. With self.x = 0,",simpleAssign,200
Python for Kids,v  pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,200
Python for Kids,w  if pos[1] <= 0:,simpleAssign,201
Python for Kids,x  if pos[3] >= self.canvas_height:,simpleAssign,201
Python for Kids,w  self.x = starts[0],simpleAssign,202
Python for Kids,pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,203
Python for Kids,pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,203
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,204
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=400, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)",simpleAssign,204
Python for Kids,"ball = Ball(canvas, 'red')",simpleAssign,204
Python for Kids,pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,206
Python for Kids,"paddle = Paddle(canvas, 'blue')",simpleAssign,206
Python for Kids,"ball = Ball(canvas, 'red')",simpleAssign,206
Python for Kids,pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,208
Python for Kids,elif pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:,simpleAssign,208
Python for Kids,"to 0 (<= 0), we set the x variable to 0 with self.x = 0. In the same",simpleAssign,209
Python for Kids,"to the canvas width (>= self.canvas_width), we also set the x vari-",simpleAssign,209
Python for Kids,able to 0 with self.x = 0.,simpleAssign,209
Python for Kids,v  self.paddle = paddle,simpleAssign,209
Python for Kids,"paddle = Paddle(canvas, 'blue')",simpleAssign,210
Python for Kids,"ball = Ball(canvas, paddle, 'red')",simpleAssign,210
Python for Kids,pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,210
Python for Kids,v  paddle_pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,211
Python for Kids,w  if pos[2] >= paddle_pos[0] and pos[0] <= paddle_pos[2]:,simpleAssign,211
Python for Kids,x  if pos[3] >= paddle_pos[1] and pos[3] <= paddle_pos[3]:,simpleAssign,211
Python for Kids,pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,213
Python for Kids,paddle_pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,215
Python for Kids,pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,215
Python for Kids,pos = self.canvas.coords(,simpleAssign,215
Python for Kids,elif pos[2] >= self.canvas_width:,simpleAssign,215
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,216
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=400, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)",simpleAssign,216
Python for Kids,"paddle = Paddle(canvas, 'blue')",simpleAssign,216
Python for Kids,"ball = Ball(canvas, paddle, 'red')",simpleAssign,216
Python for Kids,highlightthickness=0),simpleAssign,234
Python for Kids,"Next, we create the canvas with the self.canvas = Canvas line,",simpleAssign,234
Python for Kids,The backslash (\) in the self.canvas = Canvas line is used only to,simpleAssign,235
Python for Kids,"u = PhotoImage(file=""background.gif"")",simpleAssign,235
Python for Kids,v  w =,simpleAssign,235
Python for Kids,h =,simpleAssign,235
Python for Kids,", anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,235
Python for Kids,", anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,236
Python for Kids,v  if self.running == True:,simpleAssign,236
Python for Kids,g = Game(),simpleAssign,237
Python for Kids,x1=50,simpleAssign,240
Python for Kids,x2=100,simpleAssign,240
Python for Kids,x1=40,simpleAssign,240
Python for Kids,x2=150,simpleAssign,240
Python for Kids,"c1 = Coords(40, 40, 100, 100)",simpleAssign,240
Python for Kids,"c2 = Coords(50, 50, 150, 150)",simpleAssign,240
Python for Kids,w  if y_calc >= co2.y1 and y_calc <= co2.y2:,simpleAssign,244
Python for Kids,v = game,simpleAssign,244
Python for Kids,w  self.endgame = False,simpleAssign,244
Python for Kids,x  self.coordinates = None,simpleAssign,244
Python for Kids,x  self.photo_image = photo_image,simpleAssign,246
Python for Kids,"y  self.image = game.canvas.create_image(x, y, \",simpleAssign,246
Python for Kids,"image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,246
Python for Kids,u g = Game(),simpleAssign,246
Python for Kids,"v platform1 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,246
Python for Kids,g = Game(),simpleAssign,247
Python for Kids,"platform1 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,247
Python for Kids,"platform2 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,247
Python for Kids,"platform3 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,247
Python for Kids,"platform4 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,247
Python for Kids,"platform5 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform2.gif""), \",simpleAssign,248
Python for Kids,"platform6 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform2.gif""), \",simpleAssign,248
Python for Kids,"platform7 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform2.gif""), \",simpleAssign,248
Python for Kids,"platform8 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform2.gif""), \",simpleAssign,248
Python for Kids,"platform9 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform3.gif""), \",simpleAssign,248
Python for Kids,"platform10 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform3.gif""), \",simpleAssign,248
Python for Kids,"w  self.image = game.canvas.create_image(200, 470, \",simpleAssign,253
Python for Kids,"image=self.images_left[0], anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,253
Python for Kids,"image=self.images_left[0], anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,253
Python for Kids,v  self.y = 0,simpleAssign,253
Python for Kids,w  self.current_image = 0,simpleAssign,253
Python for Kids,x  self.current_image_add = 1,simpleAssign,254
Python for Kids,y  self.jump_count = 0,simpleAssign,254
Python for Kids,z  self.last_time = time.time(),simpleAssign,254
Python for Kids,v  if self.y == 0:,simpleAssign,255
Python for Kids,y  if self.y == 0:,simpleAssign,255
Python for Kids,z  self.x = 2,simpleAssign,255
Python for Kids,u  if self.y == 0:,simpleAssign,256
Python for Kids,w  self.jump_count = 0,simpleAssign,256
Python for Kids,g = Game(),simpleAssign,258
Python for Kids,"platform1 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,258
Python for Kids,u  if self.x != 0 and self.y == 0:,simpleAssign,260
Python for Kids,w  self.last_time = time.time(),simpleAssign,261
Python for Kids,y  if self.current_image >= 2:,simpleAssign,261
Python for Kids,image=self.images_left[2]),simpleAssign,262
Python for Kids,image=self.images_left[self.current_image]),simpleAssign,262
Python for Kids,image=self.images_right[2]),simpleAssign,263
Python for Kids,image=self.images_right[self.current_image]),simpleAssign,263
Python for Kids,image=self.images_left[2]),simpleAssign,264
Python for Kids,image=self.images_left[self.current_image]),simpleAssign,264
Python for Kids,image=self.images_right[2]),simpleAssign,264
Python for Kids,image=self.images_right[self.current_image]),simpleAssign,264
Python for Kids,u  xy =,simpleAssign,264
Python for Kids,v  self.coordinates.x1 = xy[0],simpleAssign,264
Python for Kids,w  self.coordinates.y1 = xy[1],simpleAssign,264
Python for Kids,xy =,simpleAssign,265
Python for Kids,co = self.coords(),simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,left = True,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,right = True,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,top = True,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,bottom = True,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,falling = True,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,bottom = True,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,falling = True,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,u  if self.y > 0 and co.y2 >=,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,v  self.y = 0,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,w  bottom = False,simpleAssign,266
Python for Kids,x  elif self.y < 0 and co.y1 <= 0:,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,y  self.y = 0,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,z  top = False,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,elif self.y < 0 and co.y1 <= 0:,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,u  if self.x > 0 and co.x2 >=,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,v  self.x = 0,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,w  right = False,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,x  elif self.x < 0 and co.x1 <= 0:,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,y  self.x = 0,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,z  left = False,simpleAssign,267
Python for Kids,elif self.x < 0 and co.x1 <= 0:,simpleAssign,268
Python for Kids,left = False,simpleAssign,268
Python for Kids,v  if sprite == self:,simpleAssign,268
Python for Kids,x  sprite_co = sprite.coords(),simpleAssign,268
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,268
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,269
Python for Kids,v  self.y = sprite_co.y1 - co.y2,simpleAssign,269
Python for Kids,y  bottom = False,simpleAssign,269
Python for Kids,z  top = False,simpleAssign,269
Python for Kids,bottom = False,simpleAssign,270
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,270
Python for Kids,if bottom and falling and self.y == 0 \,simpleAssign,270
Python for Kids,falling = False,simpleAssign,270
Python for Kids,if bottom and falling and self.y == 0 \,simpleAssign,270
Python for Kids,falling = False,simpleAssign,270
Python for Kids,w  left = False,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,z  right = False,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,elif self.x < 0 and co.x1 <= 0:,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,left = False,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,sprite_co = sprite.coords(),simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,bottom = False,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,if bottom and falling and self.y == 0 \,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,falling = False,simpleAssign,271
Python for Kids,left = False,simpleAssign,272
Python for Kids,right = False,simpleAssign,272
Python for Kids,right = False,simpleAssign,272
Python for Kids,u  if falling and bottom and self.y == 0 \,simpleAssign,272
Python for Kids,v  self.y = 4,simpleAssign,272
Python for Kids,u sf = StickFigureSprite(g),simpleAssign,273
Python for Kids,w  self.photo_image = photo_image,simpleAssign,274
Python for Kids,"x  self.image = game.canvas.create_image(x, y, \",simpleAssign,274
Python for Kids,"image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,274
Python for Kids,z  self.endgame = True,simpleAssign,274
Python for Kids,left = False,simpleAssign,275
Python for Kids,right = False,simpleAssign,275
Python for Kids,"door = DoorSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""door1.gif""), 45, 30, 40, 35)",simpleAssign,275
Python for Kids,sf = StickFigureSprite(g),simpleAssign,275
Python for Kids,highlightthickness=0),simpleAssign,277
Python for Kids,w =,simpleAssign,277
Python for Kids,h =,simpleAssign,277
Python for Kids,", anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,277
Python for Kids,"image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,278
Python for Kids,"image=self.images_left[0], anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,279
Python for Kids,image=self.images_left[2]),simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,image=self.images_left[self.current_image]),simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,image=self.images_right[2]),simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,image=self.images_right[self.current_image]),simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,xy =,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,co = self.coords(),simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,left = True,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,right = True,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,top = True,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,bottom = True,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,falling = True,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,bottom = False,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,elif self.y < 0 and co.y1 <= 0:,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,280
Python for Kids,right = False,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,elif self.x < 0 and co.x1 <= 0:,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,left = False,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,sprite_co = sprite.coords(),simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,bottom = False,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,top = False,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,if bottom and falling and self.y == 0 \,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,falling = False,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,left = False,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,right = False,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,if falling and bottom and self.y == 0 \,simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,"image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw')",simpleAssign,281
Python for Kids,g = Game(),simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform1 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform2 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform3 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform4 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform1.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform5 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform2.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform6 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform2.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform7 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform2.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform8 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform2.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform9 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform3.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"platform10 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""platform3.gif""), \",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,"door = DoorSprite(g, PhotoImage(file=""door1.gif""), 45, 30, 40, 35)",simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,sf = StickFigureSprite(g),simpleAssign,282
Python for Kids,tk = Tk(),simpleAssign,286
Python for Kids,"canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)",simpleAssign,286
Python for Kids,myimage = PhotoImage(file='c:\\test.gif'),simpleAssign,286
Python for Kids,"canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=myimage)",simpleAssign,286
Python for Kids,"v img = image.load_bmp(""c:\\test.bmp"")",simpleAssign,287
Python for Kids,"w screen = video.set_mode(img.width, img.height)",simpleAssign,287
Python for Kids,age = 10,simpleAssign,295
Python for Kids,car1 = Car('red'),simpleAssign,296
Python for Kids,car2 = Car('blue'),simpleAssign,296
Python for Kids,t = turtle.Pen(),simpleAssign,298
Python for Kids,t = Pen(),simpleAssign,299
Python for Kids,a = 1,simpleAssign,300
Python for Kids,b = 2,simpleAssign,300
Python for Kids,"used to tell if two things are equal (for example 10 == 10 is true,",simpleAssign,301
Python for Kids,"and 10 == 11 is false). However, there is a fundamental difference",simpleAssign,301
Python for Kids,"between is and ==. If you are comparing two things, == may return",simpleAssign,301
Python for Kids,using == in this book.,simpleAssign,301
Python for Kids,x = True,simpleAssign,302
Python for Kids,age = 15,simpleAssign,303
Python for Kids,age = 15,simpleAssign,303
Python for Kids,age = 15,simpleAssign,303
Python for Kids,seconds = age_in_seconds(9),simpleAssign,305
Python for Kids,x = 1,simpleAssign,305
Python for Kids,x = 1,simpleAssign,306
Making Use of Python,map(),map,100
Making Use of Python,"map(), and reduce()",map,112
Making Use of Python,map(),map,115
Making Use of Python,map() function helps you do this. The function map(),map,115
Making Use of Python,"map(function,sequence)",map,115
Making Use of Python,map(),map,115
Making Use of Python,"map((lambda a:a+3),[12,13,14,15,16])",map,115
Making Use of Python,"map((lambda a:a**3),[1,2,3,4,5])",map,116
Making Use of Python,"map(round,[13.4,15.6,17.8])",map,116
Making Use of Python,map(),map,116
Making Use of Python,map(),map,116
Making Use of Python,map(),map,116
Making Use of Python,map(),map,116
Making Use of Python,map(),map,116
Making Use of Python,map(),map,116
Making Use of Python,"map(lambda a,b:a+b,[4,7,3],[2,6,8])",map,116
Making Use of Python,map(),map,116
Making Use of Python,"map(func,seq1,seq2)",map,117
Making Use of Python,map(),map,117
Making Use of Python,"map(lambda a,b:(a+b,a-b),[4,7,3],[2,6,8])",map,117
Making Use of Python,map(),map,117
Making Use of Python,map(),map,117
Making Use of Python,"map(None, [4,7,3],[2,6,8])",map,117
Making Use of Python,"map(None,seq,map(square,seq))",map,117
Making Use of Python,map(),map,117
Making Use of Python,map() function. The inner map(),map,117
Making Use of Python,map(),map,118
Making Use of Python,map(),map,122
Making Use of Python,map(),map,381
Making Use of Python,enumerate(),enumfunc,303
Making Use of Python,enumerate(),enumfunc,313
Making Use of Python,if __name__ == ‘__main__’:,__name__,338
Making Use of Python,"nary attribute, __dict__",__dict__,164
Making Use of Python,attributes of a class are reflected in the __dict__,__dict__,165
Making Use of Python,and __dict__,__dict__,165
Making Use of Python,Another way to show an output in the same way as the __dict__,__dict__,165
Making Use of Python,Now let’s use the __dict__,__dict__,165
Making Use of Python,My_Class.__dict__,__dict__,165
Making Use of Python,and the __dict__,__dict__,168
Making Use of Python,i.__dict__,__dict__,168
Making Use of Python,My_Attr_Class.__dict__,__dict__,181
Making Use of Python,"try:




 When an exception is thrown in the try block, the execution immediately passes to
 the finally block. After all the statements in the finally block are executed, the
 exception is raised again and is handled in the except statements if present in the next
 higher layer of the try-except statement. Consider the following example:


 f.write(‘Bank calculations for interest’)

 except IOError:

 print ‘ Error: can\’t find file or read data’

 In the preceding example, the statements in the try block are executed. If an excep-
 tion occurs, it is handled in the except block and the file is closed. What happens
 when the exception does not occur? The file is never closed and remains open. Shifting
 the f.close() statement to the try block will also not solve our problem. In that
 case, when an exception occurs the file will remain open and the program control will
 exit the try-except statement without closing the file. The finally statement
 comes to your rescue in situations like these where certain statements need to be exe-
 cuted whether or not the exception occurs. Let’s write the preceding code again to
 demonstrate the use of the try-finally statement.



 f.write(‘Bank calculations for interest’)

Making Use of Python,"try:

 except Exception:


 II The try block throws an exception, and the except block contains code to 

 handle the exception.

 II A single try statement can have multiple except statements, or an except

 statement can handle multiple exceptions.

 II An exception may have an associated value, called the argument of the exception.

 Every time an exception is thrown, an instance of the exception class is cre-
 ated. The argument of an exception and its type depend on the exception class.

 II The else statement is placed after all the except blocks for a particular try
 block and contains code that must be executed when no exception is raised by
 the try statement.

 II At times those statements must be executed regardless of the occurrence of the
 exception. You can place all such statements in the finally block. The syntax
 of the try-finally statement is this:



Making Use of Python,"while i==1:
 ...  reg_no=raw_input(“Please enter your reg number “)
 ...  if valid(reg_no)==1:
 ... tot_score=score(reg_no)
 ... print “Your total score is “, tot_score
 ... i=0
 ...  else:",whileelse,89
Making Use of Python,"while i>0:

 inp=raw_input(“Enter the password”)
 for pass in passwordlist:

 if inp==pass:

 if not valid:

 print “invalid password”

Making Use of Python,"while (i<=50): #Repeats the loop 50 times

 while 1:

 #Takes user input for name and then checks if its length is 0
 name=raw_input(“Enter the name “)
 if len(name)==0:




 while 1:

 #Takes user input for name and then checks if its 
 #length is not 0
 reg_no=raw_input(“Enter the registration number “)
 if len(reg_no)==0:




 while j<=4:

 #Iterates 4 times for 4 subjects
 print ‘Enter score in subject’, j
 if len(score)==0 or int(score)>100:

 #Checks for the length of score and that they are 
 #not greater than 100

Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 if ch in (‘y’,’yes’,’Y’):

 yr=raw_input(‘Enter a year:’)
 ch=raw_input(‘Do you want to enter another year? ‘)

Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 if ch in (‘y’,’yes’,’Y’):

 yr=raw_input(‘Enter a year:’)
 ch=raw_input(‘Do you want to enter another year? ‘)

Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 if ch in (‘y’,’yes’,’Y’):

 inp=raw_input(‘Enter a number:’)
 ch=raw_input(‘Do you want to enter another value? ‘)

Making Use of Python,"while i<len(qtystr):
 if (c in range(0,47) or c in range(58,255)) and c<>46:

 print “Please enter integers only”



 if i==len(qtystr):

 if qty<>int(qty) or qty<=0:

 print “Invalid value for quantity”

 The code for is as follows:

 def credit_func(cardno):

 #Checks if credit card no. is 16-digit and 
 # contains only numbers 
 if len(cardno)<>16:

 print “Credit card no. should be 16 digits”

Making Use of Python,"while not KeyInput:

 ch=raw_input(‘Press Enter to continue ‘)
 if ch!=’’: #Checks if the input is not the 

 #Enter key

 print ‘Wrong key pressed. You can only press Enter ‘

Making Use of Python,"while not end:

 if BkDet != ‘’:

 print ‘Record number: %s’ % (record)
 print ‘================’
 print BkDet
 record = record + 1

Making Use of Python,"while not end:

 if SwDet != ‘’:

 print ‘Record number: %s’ % (record)
 print ‘===============’
 print SwDet
 record = record + 1

Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 TCP_Client_Socket, ClientAddress =\


 print ‘Server has accepted the connection request from ‘,\


 if ServerData:

 for i in range(len(ServerData)):


Making Use of Python,"while ch<=3:

 #Create four threads for four clients
 NewThreadObject = MyThread()

 Write the Code for the Client
 The following is the code for creating a TCP client for the required application:

 # Client program
 from socket import *
 from time import sleep
 Hostname = ‘localhost’
 PortNumber = 12345
 Buffer = 500
 #Establish connection with the server
 ServerAddress = (Hostname, PortNumber)
 TCP_Client_Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)

 while 1:

 print ‘The client is connected to the server’
 ServerData = TCP_Client_Socket.recv(Buffer)
 if not ServerData:

 print ‘The server has sent nothing’

Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 if not line:



 print header+shtml % (fileupload.filename,data)

Making Use of Python,"while len(filedata) < totbytes: # read each line 

 #from the file

 data = self.f_data.readline()
 if data == ‘’: break
 filedata = filedata + data

Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 if year<=0 or month<=0 or day<=0:


 if cur_year<year:  #Checks if current year

 # is less than year of birth


 if month>12: #Checks if month of birth is greater than 12


 if month in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12):#Checks if number of days in are
 if day>31: #greater than 31 for applicable 



 elif month in (4,6,9,11):  #Checks if number of days in 

 if day>30: #are greater than 31 for 

 #applicable month

 #date of birth


 if year%4==0 and month==2: #Checks if in a leap year, 

 #number of days  

 if day>29: #in date of birth are greater than 29 

Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 if year<=0 or month<=0 or day<=0:


 #Checks if current year is less than year of birth
 if cur_year<year: 


 if cur_year==year and cur_month>month:


 #Checks if month of birth is greater than 12
 if month>12:  


 #Checks if number of days are
 #greater than 31 for applicable month
 if month in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12):
 if day>31:  


 #Checks if number of days in date of birth
 #are greater than 30 for applicable month
 elif month in (4,6,9,11): 
 if day>30:  


 #Checks if in a leap year, number of days
 #in date of birth are greater than 29
 #for february
 if year%4==0 and month==2:  

 if day>29:  

Making Use of Python,"while 1:
 13  print ‘Server is waiting for connection’
 14  TCP_Client_Socket, ClientAddress = TCP_Server_Socket.accept()
 15  print ‘Server has accepted the connection request from ‘,


 16  print ‘The Server is ready to receive data from the client’
 18  while 1:
 19  ClientData = TCP_Client_Socket.recv(Buffer)
 20  if not ClientData:
 21  print ‘The client has closed the connection’
 22  break",whilebreak,276
Making Use of Python,"while 1:
 12  print ‘The client is connected to the server’
 13  DataStr = raw_input(‘Enter data to send to the server: ‘)
 14  if not DataStr:
 15  print ‘The client has entered nothing; hence the 

 connection to the server is closed’

 16  break
 17  TCP_Client_Socket.send(DataStr)
 18  ServerData = TCP_Client_Socket.recv(Buffer)
 19  if not ServerData:
 20  print ‘The server has sent nothing’
 21  break
 22  print ‘The server has sent this data string: ‘, ServerData
 23  TCP_Client_Socket.close()

 Let’s look at this code line by line to understand what is happening:

 II In line 1, all attributes of the socket module, including the socket() function,

 are imported.

 II In lines 3 through 5, variables are defined for the host name and port number
 of the server and the maximum size of data that can be exchanged. The Host-
 name variable will contain the name of the host on which the server is running.
 In this case, both the server and the client are running on the same host. There-
 fore, the value localhost is passed as the host name.

 II In line 6, an attribute, ServerAddress, that contains the address of the server,
 is defined. The address consists of the host name and port number of the server.

 II In line 8, the client socket is created and its object, TCP_Client_Socket, is

 returned. The arguments of the socket() module denote that the client socket
 belongs to the address family AF_INET. The arguments also denote that the
 client socket is a stream socket, SOCK_STREAM.

 II In line 9, the connect() method is used to connect the client to the server. The

 address of the server, which consists of the host name and the port number, is
 passed as an argument to the connect() method.

 II In line 11, a loop contains statement is started. This statement will be used for

 sending and receiving operations.

 II In line 13, the user at the client end is prompted for data input. The data string

 is stored in the attribute DataStr.

 II In line 14, the if condition checks whether the user at the client end has entered
 any data. If not, the loop started in line 11 break",whilebreak,278
Making Use of Python,"while 1:
 11 DataStr=raw_input(‘Enter data to send to the server: ‘)
 12 if not DataStr:
 13 print ‘The user has entered nothing; hence the client 

 socket is closed’

 14 break
 15 UDP_Client_Socket.sendto(DataStr, ServerAddress)
 16 ServerData, ServerAddress = UDP_Client_Socket.recvfrom(Buffer)
 17 if not ServerData:
 18 print ‘The server has sent nothing; hence the client 

 socket is closed’

 19 break
 20 print ‘The server has sent this data string: ‘, ServerData
 21  UDP_Client_Socket.close()

 Let’s look at this code line by line to understand what is happening. It is quite simi-

 lar to the one used for TCP client.

 II In line 1, all attributes of the socket module, including the socket() function,

 are imported.

 II In lines 3 through 5, variables are defined for the host name and port number
 of the server and the maximum size of data that can be exchanged. The Host-
 name variable will contain the name of the host on which the server is running.
 In this case, both the server and the client are running on the same host. There-
 fore, the value localhost is passed as the host name.

 II In line 6, an attribute, ServerAddress, containing the address of the server is
 defined. The address consists of the host name and port number of the server.
 II In line 8, the server socket is created and its object, UDP_Client_Socket, is

 returned. The arguments of the socket() module denote that the server
 socket belongs to the address family AF_INET. The argument also denotes that
 the server socket is a stream socket, SOCK_DGRAM.

 II In line 10, a loop containing statements is started. This statement will be used

 for sending and receiving operations.

 II In line 11, the user at the client end is prompted for data input. The data string

 is stored in the attribute DataStr.

 II In line 12, the if condition checks whether the user at the client end has

 entered any data. If not, then the loop started in line 10 break",whilebreak,283
Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 #at a given address

 DataToServer = raw_input(‘Enter data: ‘) #Asks input for data
 if not Data: #Checks if the variable is blank

 print ‘********************************************’
 print ‘** You have entered nothing **’
 print ‘** The connection to the server is closed **’  
 print ‘********************************************’

 Client_Socket.send(DataToServer) #Sends data to server
 ServerData=Client_Socket.recv(Buffer) #Receives data from client
 if not ServerData: #Checks if the variable is blank

 print ‘The server has ended the connection’
Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 the client’

 ClientData = TCP_Client_Socket.recv(Buffer)
 if not ClientData:

 print ‘The client has closed the connection’
Making Use of Python,"while 1:

 dob=raw_input(“Enter your date of birth, mm-dd-yyyy: “)
 dob=isblank(dob) #Call isblank function for dob
 if len(dob)<>10:

 print “Enter date in correct format!!”
Making Use of Python,while loop is this:,whilesimple,87
Making Use of Python,while evaluating_condition:,whilesimple,87
Making Use of Python,while loop:,whilesimple,88
Making Use of Python,while i==1:,whilesimple,88
Making Use of Python,while (num2 < a):,whilesimple,89
Making Use of Python,while specifying both default and required parameters for the same function:,whilesimple,104
Making Use of Python,while len(var)==0:,whilesimple,119
Making Use of Python,while num2<a:,whilesimple,126
Making Use of Python,while num2<a:,whilesimple,134
Making Use of Python,while i<len(cardno):,whilesimple,138
Making Use of Python,while (ans==’y’):,whilesimple,154
Making Use of Python,while not done:,whilesimple,187
Making Use of Python,while ctr<=3:,whilesimple,195
Making Use of Python,while i<count:,whilesimple,262
Making Use of Python,while 1:,whilesimple,281
Making Use of Python,while 1:,whilesimple,286
Making Use of Python,while 1:,whilesimple,286
Making Use of Python,while i<=3:,whilesimple,297
Making Use of Python,while j<=3:,whilesimple,297
Making Use of Python,while i<=3:,whilesimple,300
Making Use of Python,while j<=3:,whilesimple,300
Making Use of Python,while threadnumber <= 2:,whilesimple,305
Making Use of Python,while threadnumber <= 2:,whilesimple,306
Making Use of Python,while 1:,whilesimple,316
Making Use of Python,while data:,whilesimple,324
Making Use of Python,while data:,whilesimple,325
Making Use of Python,from fib import *,fromstarstatements,130
Making Use of Python,from module import *,fromstarstatements,130
Making Use of Python,from module import *,fromstarstatements,130
Making Use of Python,"from 
 module import *",fromstarstatements,130
Making Use of Python,from module import *,fromstarstatements,275
Making Use of Python,from socket import *,fromstarstatements,275
Making Use of Python,from socket import *,fromstarstatements,277
Making Use of Python,from socket import *,fromstarstatements,281
Making Use of Python,from socket import *,fromstarstatements,283
Making Use of Python,from socket import *,fromstarstatements,286
Making Use of Python,from socket import *,fromstarstatements,287
Making Use of Python,from socket import *,fromstarstatements,307
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,343
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,346
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,348
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,350
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,351
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,351
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,352
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,352
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,355
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,357
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,358
Making Use of Python,from Tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,359
Making Use of Python,The __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,The __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,any __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,the __init__() method has been implemented. The __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,The __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,"the
Making Use of Python,the __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,The __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,"the
Making Use of Python,The __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,the __init__(),__init__,167
Making Use of Python,the __init__(),__init__,168
Making Use of Python,"def __init__(self, aVal, bVal)",__init__,168
Making Use of Python,the __init__(),__init__,168
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,168
Making Use of Python,constructor __init__(),__init__,174
Making Use of Python,tor __init__(),__init__,174
Making Use of Python,the __init__(),__init__,174
Making Use of Python,the __init__(),__init__,175
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,175
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,175
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,175
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,175
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,176
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,176
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,182
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,184
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,185
Making Use of Python,II __init__(),__init__,190
Making Use of Python,The __init__(),__init__,190
Making Use of Python,"def __init__(self,name,phno,fee,age=18,schrship=0.15)",__init__,194
Making Use of Python,"def __init__(self,name,phno,fee,age=18,schrship=0.15)",__init__,209
Making Use of Python,def __init__(self),__init__,301
Making Use of Python,the __init__(),__init__,303
Making Use of Python,"def __init__(self,func,args)",__init__,306
Making Use of Python,"def __init__(self, master)",__init__,359
Making Use of Python,"try:

 except Exception:


 The try_statements block, which is after the try statement, contains the state-
 ments that define the scope of exception handlers associated with it. The except_
 statements block, after the except statement, contains the exception-handler code
 immediately after the try_statements block. The except statement catches the
 specified exception and executes the except_statements block. Let’s consider an
 example to understand better how the try-except statement works.

 >>> try:
 ...  import mod
 ... except ImportError:
 ...  print “Cannot locate the module”
 Cannot locate the module

 In the preceding example, the attempt to open the module mod is made in the block
 of code below the try statement. When the specified module does not exist, the excep-
 tion occurs. As you can see, the exception still occurs, so what is the use of exception
 handling? The answer to this question lies in the except statement. During program
 execution the interpreter tries to execute all statements in the try block. If no exception
 occurs, the statements in the except block are not executed, and any code after the
 try-except-statement is executed. If an exception occurs that is specified in the
 except statement, the code in the except block is executed. If an exception that is not
 specified in the except statement occurs, then the example here does not include the
 exception-handling code for that exception. In this example, occurrence of any other
 exception than ImportError will cause the program to halt execution. What do you
 do if another exception occurs? To handle multiple exceptions, you can also write mul-
 tiple except statements for a single try statement or catch multiple exceptions in a 
 single except statement. Before elaborating on each of these, let’s first discuss the dif-
 ferent ways in which an exception can be handled. Let’s consider an example to
 explain this. 

 NOTE Remember that there should not be any statement between the try
 block and its corresponding except block. A try block should be immediately
 followed by an except block.

 You know that the int() function converts a string value containing only alphanu-
 meric characters to an integer. If the string passed as an argument to the int() func-
 tion does not contain alphanumeric characters, it gives ValueError as follows:

 >>> int(‘abc’)
 Traceback (most recent call last):

 File “<stdin>”, line 1, in ?

 ValueError: invalid literal for int(): abc",trytry,201
Making Use of Python,"try:

 return int(var)
 except ValueError:


 Notice that the preceding code contains a try block for attempting to convert var
 to an integer. The except block catches ValueError if it occurs but simply ignores it.
 You can also choose to return a value if the exception occurs so that the function actu-
 ally always returns a value even if the exception occurs. For example,

 def int_convert(var):


 return int(var)
 except ValueError:

 return 0

 You can also choose to print an appropriate message on the screen or store it in a


 def int_convert(var):


 return int(var)
 except ValueError:

 print ‘The argument does not contain numbers’

 Notice that the preceding example handles the ValueError exception in different
 ways but does not handle the TypeError exception at all, which might occur if any
 object other than a string is passed to the function. Another exception that is expected
 to occur can be handled using the following approaches:

 II A try statement with multiple except statements
 II A single except statement with multiple exceptions

 Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

 A try Statement with Multiple except Statements. A single try statement can

 have multiple except statements. This is useful when the try block contains",trytry,202
Making Use of Python,"try:


 except Exception1:


 except Exception2:


 except ExceptionN:


 In this form of try-except statement, the interpreter attempts to execute the
 statements in the try block. If an exception is thrown and a match is found in an
 except statement, the corresponding except_statements block is executed.
 Let’s come back to our example of the int_convert function. The ValueError
 that was expected to occur was handled in one except statement; however,
 TypeError was not handled. Let’s write another except statement to handle
 >>>def int_convert(var):
 ...  try:
 ... return int(var)
 ...  except ValueError:
 ... print ‘The variable does not contain numbers’
 ...  except TypeError:
 ... print ‘Non-string type can\’t be converted to integer’
 You can execute the preceding code using different function calls as follows:
 The variable does not contain numbers
 Non-string type can’t be converted to integer
 >>> int_convert(‘12’)

 Single except Statement with Multiple Exceptions. You can also use the same
 except statement to handle multiple exceptions. This can be a situation when
 you do not want to perform different actions when any exception occurs. The
 syntax of the except statement with multiple exceptions is this:


 except (Exception1[,Exception2[,...ExceptionN]]]):


 When multiple exceptions are handled in a single except statement, they are
 specified as a tuple. Let’s change the int_convert() function to display the
 same message when either ValueError or TypeError occur.",trytry,203
Making Use of Python,"try:
 ... return int(var)
 ...  except (ValueError,TypeError):
 ... print ‘Wrong argument type or the argument contains
 alphabetic characters’
 You can execute the preceding code using different function calls as follows:
 Wrong argument type or the argument contains alphabetic characters
 >>> int_convert([12])
 Wrong argument type or the argument contains alphabetic characters
 >>> int_convert(‘12’)

 NOTE You can also use the except statement with no exceptions defined as





 This kind of a try-except statement catches all the exceptions that occur.
 Using this kind of try-except statement is not considered a good
 programming practice, though, because it catches all exceptions but does not
 make the programmer identify the root cause of the problem that may occur.

 You learned the different ways in which an exception can be handled. The ques-
 tion now arises, what do you do if you also want the except statement to
 return the value of the exception? Let’s learn how to return values by using the
 except statement.

 Argument of an Exception. An exception may have an associated value, called

 the argument of the exception. Every time an exception is thrown, an instance of
 the exception class is created. The argument of an exception and its type
 depend on the exception class. If you are writing the code to handle a single
 exception, you can have a variable follow the name of the exception in the
 except statement. If you are trapping multiple exceptions, you can have a vari-
 able follow the tuple of the exception. This variable will receive the value of the
 exception mostly containing the cause of the exception. The variable can receive
 a single value or multiple values in the form of a tuple. This tuple usually con-
 tains the error string, the error number, and an error location. Following is an
 example for a single exception:
 def int_convert(var):


 return int(var)

 except ValueError,arg:

 print ‘The argument does not contain numbers:’,arg",trytry,204
Making Use of Python,"try:

 return int(var)

 except (ValueError,TypeError), arg:

 print ‘Wrong argument type or the argument contains alphabetic

 characters:’, arg
 When you execute the preceding call using the function call 
 the output will be:
 Wrong argument type or the argument contains alphabetic characters:
 object can’t be converted to int
 After discussing various forms of the try-except statement, let’s learn how
 the else statement works with the try-except statement.

 The else Statement. There may be some statements that you want to execute 
 if the try statement does not generate any errors. One way out is that you can
 place these statements in the try block. You may not always want to do this,
 though, because these statements might generate some exceptions, which will
 be caught in the subsequent except statements. To solve this problem, you can
 use the else statement. The else statement is placed after all the except
 blocks for a particular try block and contains code that must be executed when
 no exception is raised by the try statement. For example,
 def int_convert(var):


 print int(var)
 except ValueError:

 print ‘The variable does not contain numbers’

 except TypeError:

 print ‘Non-string type can\’t be converted to integer’


 print ‘No exception generated’

 In the preceding example, note that the else statement is placed after all the
 except statements. When you call the int_convert() function by using the
 function call int_convert(‘32’), the output will be:
 No exception generated
 You can also nest try-except statements. Nested try blocks are similar to
 nested constructs. You can have one try block inside another. Similarly, an",trytry,205
Making Use of Python,"try:
 ...  raise KeyboardInterrupt
 ... except KeyboardInterrupt:
 ...  print ‘Sorry u cannot copy’
 Sorry u cannot copy

 This section has explained how you can handle built-in standard exceptions. Let’s

 learn about user-defined exceptions.

 User-Defined Exceptions

 Python also allows you to create your own exceptions by deriving classes from the
 standard built-in exceptions. Here is an example related to RuntimeError. Here a
 class is created that is subclassed from RuntimeError. This is useful when you need
 to display more specific information when an exception is caught. In the try block, the
 user-defined exception is raised and caught in the except block. The variable e is
 used to create an instance of the class Networkerror.

 >>> class Networkerror(RuntimeError):
 ... def __init__(self,arg):
 ...  self.args=arg
 >>> try:
 ... raise Networkerror(“Bad hostname”)
 ... except Networkerror,e:
 ... print e.args
 Bad hostname

 After the discussion in this chapter, you will agree that the try-except statement

 will be used to catch the exception that is generated.",trytry,208
Making Use of Python,"try:

 f = open(curdir + sep + self.path)

 except IOError:

 self.send_error(404,’File Not Found: %s’ % self.path)


 print ‘Welcome to the My simple web server...’
 print ‘Press ^C once or twice to quit’

 except KeyboardInterrupt:

 print ‘^C pressed, shutting down server’

 When you execute the preceding code, a Web server starts. When a client browser

 tries to open a Web page, the Web page is displayed, as shown in Figure 14.3.

 Figure 14.3 The page displayed when the Web server is accessed.",trytry,320
Making Use of Python,"try: #start of the try block

 while ctr<=3:


 except IndexError: #start of the except block

 print ‘Trying to access beyond the length of the list’

Making Use of Python,"try:

 self.wfile.write(“SocketServer works!”)

 except IOError:",tryexcept,316
Making Use of Python,"try:

 print ‘Welcome to the Mywebserver...’
 print ‘Press ^C once or twice to quit’

 except KeyboardInterrupt:",tryexcept,318
Making Use of Python,"lambda [arg1 [,arg2,.....argn]]:expression",lambda,111
Making Use of Python,lambda form as follows:,lambda,111
Making Use of Python,lambda forms:,lambda,111
Making Use of Python,"lambda a,b: a*b",lambda,111
Making Use of Python,"lambda a,b=6:a*b",lambda,111
Making Use of Python,lambda *tup: tup,lambda,111
Making Use of Python,"lambda tup=(‘a’,’b’),**dt:",lambda,111
Making Use of Python,"def tuple_func(formal1, formal2=’xyz’,**vardict):",funcwith2star,107
Making Use of Python,"def var_args_func(formal1, formal2=’xyz’,*vark,**varnk):",funcwith2star,107
Making Use of Python,"def many_args(tup=(‘a’,’b’),**dt):",funcwith2star,111
Making Use of Python,"def tuple_func(formal1, formal2=’xyz’, *vartuple):",funcwithstar,106
Making Use of Python,def tuple_arg(*tup):,funcwithstar,111
Making Use of Python,class My_Subclass(My_Base_Class):,simpleclass,171
Making Use of Python,class My_Class_A(My_Subclass):,simpleclass,172
Making Use of Python,class books(library):,simpleclass,173
Making Use of Python,class software(library):,simpleclass,173
Making Use of Python,class My_Child_Class(My_Class):,simpleclass,175
Making Use of Python,class My_Child_Class(My_Class):,simpleclass,175
Making Use of Python,class books(library):,simpleclass,176
Making Use of Python,class software(library):,simpleclass,176
Making Use of Python,class books(library):,simpleclass,183
Making Use of Python,"class

 def bks_method(self):",simpleclass,184
Making Use of Python,class software(library):,simpleclass,185
Making Use of Python,"class

 def sws_method(self):",simpleclass,185
Making Use of Python,class req_handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):,simpleclass,318
Making Use of Python,class req_handler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):,simpleclass,320
Making Use of Python,raise RuntimeError(),raise,207
Making Use of Python,raise RuntimeError(‘System not responding’),raise,207
Making Use of Python,"list_str=[‘jjj’,445,[‘vf’,23]]",nestedList,57
Making Use of Python,"dict1={‘name’:’mac’,’ecode’:6734,’dept’:’sales’}",simpleDict,37
Making Use of Python,"dict3={‘2’:1234,2:’abc’,6.5:’troy’ }",simpleDict,38
Making Use of Python,"dict1={‘name’:’mac’,’ecode’:6734,’dept’:’sales’}",simpleDict,70
Making Use of Python,"ops={‘+’:add,’-’:sub,’*’:mul}",simpleDict,113
Making Use of Python,"dict1={‘name’:’mac’,’ecode’:6734,’dept’:’sales’}",simpleDict,197
Making Use of Python,"dict1={‘name’:’Laura’, ‘studid’:’S001’}",simpleDict,327
Making Use of Python,"In Python, the base of any file-related operation is the built-in function open()",openfunc,142
Making Use of Python,The open(),openfunc,142
Making Use of Python,You can use the open() function to open any type of file. The syntax for the open(),openfunc,142
Making Use of Python,"file object = open(file_name [, access_mode][,buffering])",openfunc,142
Making Use of Python,code displays an example for the use of the open(),openfunc,143
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘/home/testfile’,’r’)",openfunc,143
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘c:/myfiles/testfile’,’wb’)",openfunc,143
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘/home/testfile’,’r+’)",openfunc,143
Making Use of Python,NOTE If you omit the access mode argument in the open(),openfunc,144
Making Use of Python,After the open(),openfunc,144
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘testfile’,’w’)",openfunc,145
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘newtestfile’,’w’)",openfunc,145
Making Use of Python,"Next, the open()",openfunc,145
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘testfile’,’r’)",openfunc,145
Making Use of Python,"fileobj1=open(‘newtestfile’,’r’)",openfunc,146
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘newtestfile’,’r’)",openfunc,146
Making Use of Python,"fileobj2=open(‘testfile’,’r’)",openfunc,146
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘testfile’,’r’)",openfunc,146
Making Use of Python,"f=open(‘testfile’,’r’)",openfunc,146
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘seekfile’,’w+’)",openfunc,148
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘tellfile’,’w+’)",openfunc,149
Making Use of Python,II open(),openfunc,154
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘course_details’,’a’)",openfunc,154
Making Use of Python,"fileobj=open(‘course_details’,’r’)",openfunc,155
Making Use of Python,II The open(),openfunc,156
Making Use of Python,"File=open(FileName,’a’)",openfunc,182
Making Use of Python,"BkFile=open(‘BookDetails’, ‘a’)",openfunc,184
Making Use of Python,"BkFile=open(‘BookDetails’, ‘a’)",openfunc,184
Making Use of Python,"BkFile=open(‘BookDetails’, ‘r’)",openfunc,185
Making Use of Python,"SwFile=open(‘SoftwareDetails’, ‘a’)",openfunc,186
Making Use of Python,"SwFile=open(‘SoftwareDetails’, ‘a’)",openfunc,186
Making Use of Python,"SwFile=open(‘SoftwareDetails’, ‘r’)",openfunc,186
Making Use of Python,"SwFile=open(‘SoftwareDetails’, ‘r’)",openfunc,186
Making Use of Python,file=open(“Myfile”),openfunc,197
Making Use of Python,the open(),openfunc,199
Making Use of Python,meaning to the arguments of the open(),openfunc,273
Making Use of Python,"WriteToFile=open(‘DataFile’, ‘a’)",openfunc,287
Making Use of Python,"ReadfromFile=open(‘DataFile’,’r’)",openfunc,287
Making Use of Python,The urllip.urlopen(),openfunc,323
Making Use of Python,The urlopen(),openfunc,323
Making Use of Python,urlopen(),openfunc,323
Making Use of Python,"urlopen(url,[,encoded_data])",openfunc,323
Making Use of Python,The urlopen(),openfunc,323
Making Use of Python,"copyfile=open(“copypage.html”,”wb”)",openfunc,324
Making Use of Python,f=urllib.urlopen(“”),openfunc,324
Making Use of Python,"copyfile=open(“copypage.html”,”wb”)",openfunc,325
Making Use of Python,f=urllib.urlopen(“”),openfunc,325
Making Use of Python,urlopen(),openfunc,381
Making Use of Python,The write(),write,144
Making Use of Python,ters in a single line or multiple lines or in a block of bytes. The write(),write,144
Making Use of Python,fileobj.write(‘This is the first line\n’),write,145
Making Use of Python,fileobj.write(‘This is the second line\n’),write,145
Making Use of Python,the functioning of print() method and stdout.write(),write,147
Making Use of Python,II stdout.write(),write,147
Making Use of Python,sys.stdout.write(‘Welcome to Python\n’),write,147
Making Use of Python,Both the examples display the text Welcome to Python. In the stdout.write(),write,147
Making Use of Python,sys.stdout.write(‘Enter a your name: ‘),write,147
Making Use of Python,sys.stdout.write(name),write,147
Making Use of Python,fileobj.write(‘Welcome to Python\n’),write,148
Making Use of Python,fileobj.write(‘Welcome to Python\n’),write,149
Making Use of Python,II write(),write,154
Making Use of Python,II write(),write,156
Making Use of Python,"BkFile.write(libM[0] + ‘,’)",write,184
Making Use of Python,"BkFile.write(libM[1] + ‘,’)",write,184
Making Use of Python,"BkFile.write(Author + ‘,’)",write,184
Making Use of Python,"BkFile.write(Publisher + ‘,’)",write,184
Making Use of Python,"BkFile.write(ISBN + ‘,’)",write,184
Making Use of Python,"BkFile.write(PageCount + ‘,’)",write,184
Making Use of Python,BkFile.write(libM[2] + ‘\n’),write,184
Making Use of Python,"SwFile.write(libM[0] + ‘,’)",write,186
Making Use of Python,"SwFile.write(libM[1] + ‘,’)",write,186
Making Use of Python,"SwFile.write(ProductOf + ‘,’)",write,186
Making Use of Python,"SwFile.write(Size + ‘,’)",write,186
Making Use of Python,SwFile.write(libM[2] + ‘\n’),write,186
Making Use of Python,and write(). The makefile(),write,273
Making Use of Python,"defines various methods to handle different situations, such as handle_write()",write,285
Making Use of Python,WriteToFile.write(DataFromClient + ‘\n’),write,287
Making Use of Python,self.wfile.write(dynhtml),write,318
Making Use of Python,copyfile.write(data),write,324
Making Use of Python,copyfile.write(data),write,325
Making Use of Python,stdout.write(),write,383
Making Use of Python,The writelines() Method. You can use the writelines(),writelines,145
Making Use of Python,list of strings to a file. The writelines(),writelines,145
Making Use of Python,"end of each string in the list, the writelines()",writelines,145
Making Use of Python,as a single string. The following example illustrates the use of writelines(),writelines,145
Making Use of Python,fileobj.writelines(list),writelines,145
Making Use of Python,fileobj.writelines(heading),writelines,155
Making Use of Python,fileobj.writelines(‘\n’),writelines,155
Making Use of Python,fileobj.writelines(details),writelines,155
Making Use of Python,fileobj.writelines(‘\n’),writelines,155
Making Use of Python,II writelines(),writelines,156
Making Use of Python,You can read the data from a file by using the read([size]) method. The read(),read,145
Making Use of Python,argument will be set to -1 in order to read the entire contents of the file. The read(),read,145
Making Use of Python,use of the read(),read,145
Making Use of Python,,read,145
Making Use of Python,"Now, let’s look at the use of the size argument in the read()",read,146
Making Use of Python,,read,146
Making Use of Python,The read(),read,146
Making Use of Python,code When you use the read(),read,146
Making Use of Python,,read,146
Making Use of Python,,read,146
Making Use of Python,"next read statement, the read()",read,146
Making Use of Python,"the end of the file. In such a case, if you execute the read()",read,148
Making Use of Python,,read,148
Making Use of Python,,read,148
Making Use of Python,the read(),read,148
Making Use of Python,"values, the cursor position moves to the byte zero. Now, the read()",read,148
Making Use of Python,II read(),read,154
Making Use of Python,,read,155
Making Use of Python,II read(),read,156
Making Use of Python,"work with file functions, such as read()",read,273
Making Use of Python,"handle_read(), handle_connect(), and handle_close()",read,285
Making Use of Python,,read,287
Making Use of Python,"thread.start_new_thread(func, args,[,kwargs])",read,300
Making Use of Python,thread.get_thread(),read,300
Making Use of Python,"thread.start_new_thread(func1,())",read,300
Making Use of Python,"thread.start_new_thread(func2,())",read,300
Making Use of Python,moves to the next statement. It encounters another start_new_thread(),read,301
Making Use of Python,threading.currentThread(),read,303
Making Use of Python,class MyThread(Threading.Thread),read,304
Making Use of Python,NewThreadObject = MyThread(),read,304
Making Use of Python,thread.start_new_thread(),read,304
Making Use of Python,start_new_thread(),read,304
Making Use of Python,class MyThread(Threading.Thread),read,304
Making Use of Python,NewThreadObject = MyThread(),read,304
Making Use of Python,class MyThread(threading.Thread),read,305
Making Use of Python,NewThreadObject = MyThread(),read,305
Making Use of Python,class MyThread(threading.Thread),read,306
Making Use of Python,"NewThreadObject = MyThread(func1,(threadnumber,))",read,306
Making Use of Python,class MyThread(threading.Thread),read,307
Making Use of Python,"II thread.start_new_thread(func, args,[,kwargs])",read,313
Making Use of Python,II thread.get_thread(),read,313
Making Use of Python,II threading.currentThread(),read,313
Making Use of Python,,read,324
Making Use of Python,,read,324
Making Use of Python,,read,325
Making Use of Python,,read,325
Making Use of Python,thread.get_thread(),read,381
Making Use of Python,thread.start_new_thread(),read,381
Making Use of Python,"Two more methods help you read data from files, readline() and readlines()",readline,146
Making Use of Python,The readline() Method. You can use the readline(),readline,146
Making Use of Python,returned string. The code given here displays the functioning of readline(),readline,146
Making Use of Python,fileobj2.readline(),readline,146
Making Use of Python,f.readline(),readline,146
Making Use of Python,"In this case, first the readline()",readline,146
Making Use of Python,name=sys.stdin.readline(),readline,147
Making Use of Python,the same. When you use the stdin.readline(),readline,147
Making Use of Python,II readline(),readline,156
Making Use of Python,stdin.readline(),readline,383
Making Use of Python,"import
Making Use of Python,import time,importfunc,119
Making Use of Python,import a,importfunc,125
Making Use of Python,"import
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,125
Making Use of Python,import welcome,importfunc,125
Making Use of Python,import fib,importfunc,126
Making Use of Python,import fib,importfunc,127
Making Use of Python,import fib,importfunc,127
Making Use of Python,import casemod,importfunc,128
Making Use of Python,import statements,importfunc,128
Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,128
Making Use of Python,import specific,importfunc,128
Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,128
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,128
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,129
Making Use of Python,import only,importfunc,129
Making Use of Python,import all,importfunc,130
Making Use of Python,import all,importfunc,130
Making Use of Python,import all,importfunc,130
Making Use of Python,import all,importfunc,130
Making Use of Python,import a,importfunc,130
Making Use of Python,import mymodule,importfunc,130
Making Use of Python,import mymodule,importfunc,130
Making Use of Python,"import
Making Use of Python,import sys,importfunc,131
Making Use of Python,import is,importfunc,131
Making Use of Python,import sys,importfunc,131
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,132
Making Use of Python,import fib,importfunc,132
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,132
Making Use of Python,import ___builtin__,importfunc,133
Making Use of Python,import fib1,importfunc,134
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,136
Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,136
Making Use of Python,import time,importfunc,137
Making Use of Python,import isblank_mod,importfunc,139
Making Use of Python,import qty_mod,importfunc,139
Making Use of Python,import creditcard,importfunc,139
Making Use of Python,import age_mod,importfunc,139
Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,140
Making Use of Python,"import

Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,140
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,140
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,147
Making Use of Python,import sys,importfunc,147
Making Use of Python,import sys,importfunc,147
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,150
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,150
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,150
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,150
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,150
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,151
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,151
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,152
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,152
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,152
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,182
Making Use of Python,import a,importfunc,197
Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,197
Making Use of Python,import a,importfunc,197
Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,197
Making Use of Python,import mod,importfunc,197
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,197
Making Use of Python,"import
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,209
Making Use of Python,import cgi,importfunc,233
Making Use of Python,import cgi,importfunc,234
Making Use of Python,import cgi,importfunc,235
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,256
Making Use of Python,import MySQLdb,importfunc,256
Making Use of Python,import MySQLdb,importfunc,258
Making Use of Python,import cgi,importfunc,259
Making Use of Python,import MySQLdb,importfunc,259
Making Use of Python,import MySQLdb,importfunc,262
Making Use of Python,import them,importfunc,275
Making Use of Python,import thread,importfunc,301
Making Use of Python,import Threading,importfunc,304
Making Use of Python,import time,importfunc,304
Making Use of Python,import Threading,importfunc,304
Making Use of Python,import SocketServer,importfunc,316
Making Use of Python,import urlparse,importfunc,322
Making Use of Python,import urllib,importfunc,325
Making Use of Python,import Cookie,importfunc,331
Making Use of Python,import Cookie,importfunc,332
Making Use of Python,import cgi,importfunc,332
Making Use of Python,import os,importfunc,332
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,343
Making Use of Python,import Tkinter,importfunc,343
Making Use of Python,import all,importfunc,343
Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,344
Making Use of Python,import all,importfunc,344
Making Use of Python,import statement,importfunc,345
Making Use of Python,import all,importfunc,345
Making Use of Python,import Tkinter,importfunc,345
Making Use of Python,import Tkinter,importfunc,354
Making Use of Python,import tkMessageBox,importfunc,354
Making Use of Python,import it,importfunc,355
Making Use of Python,import tkMessageBox,importfunc,355
Making Use of Python,import tkMessageBox,importfunc,355
Making Use of Python,import tkMessageBox,importfunc,357
Making Use of Python,import tkMessageBox,importfunc,358
Making Use of Python,import tkMessageBox,importfunc,359
Making Use of Python,import the,importfunc,370
Making Use of Python,import pythoncom,importfunc,373
Making Use of Python,from Bank.Account import fixed,importfromsimple,136
Making Use of Python,from Bank.Account.fixed import interest,importfromsimple,136
Making Use of Python,"from time import sleep,ctime,time
 import thread",importfromsimple,300
Making Use of Python,"from time import sleep, ctime, time
 import threading",importfromsimple,305
Making Use of Python,"from time import sleep, ctime, time
 import threading",importfromsimple,306
Making Use of Python,"from time import sleep,time,ctime
 import threading",importfromsimple,307
Making Use of Python,from time import sleep,importfromsimple,316
Making Use of Python,from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler,importfromsimple,320
Making Use of Python,"from and copy the Web page to another local file.

 import urllib",importfromsimple,324
Making Use of Python,from cgi import FieldStorage,importfromsimple,328
Making Use of Python,from random import randint,importfromsimple,332
Making Use of Python,from cgi import FieldStorage,importfromsimple,334
Making Use of Python,from os import environ,importfromsimple,334
Making Use of Python,from cStringIO import StringIO,importfromsimple,334
Making Use of Python,self.a=0,simpleattr,167
Making Use of Python,self.b=0,simpleattr,167
Making Use of Python,self.a=aVal,simpleattr,168
Making Use of Python,self.b=bVal,simpleattr,168
Making Use of Python,self.studname=name,simpleattr,194
Making Use of Python,self.studphno=phno,simpleattr,195
Making Use of Python,self.studage=age,simpleattr,195
Making Use of Python,self.studfee=fee,simpleattr,195
Making Use of Python,self.studschrship=schrship,simpleattr,195
Making Use of Python,self.studname=name,simpleattr,209
Making Use of Python,self.studphno=phno,simpleattr,209
Making Use of Python,self.studage=age,simpleattr,209
Making Use of Python,self.studfee=fee,simpleattr,209
Making Use of Python,self.studschrship=schrship,simpleattr,209
Making Use of Python,self._account={},simpleattr,301
Making Use of Python,self._account[‘1’]=self.account_savings,simpleattr,301
Making Use of Python,self._account[‘2’]=self.account_current,simpleattr,301
Making Use of Python,self._account[‘3’]=self.account_fixed,simpleattr,301
Making Use of Python,self._account[‘4’]=self.account_recrg,simpleattr,301
Making Use of Python,self.func=func,simpleattr,306
Making Use of Python,self.args=args,simpleattr,306
Making Use of Python,self.cookies[tag] = eval(unquote(eachCook[7:])),simpleattr,335
Making Use of Python,self.cookies[tag] = unquote(eachCook[7:]),simpleattr,335
Making Use of Python,self.cookies[‘info’] = self.cookies[‘stid’] = ‘’,simpleattr,335
Making Use of Python,"self.studname,self.courseid,self.assignno,self.f_name \

 = self.cookies[‘info’].split(‘$’)",simpleattr,335
Making Use of Python,self.studname = self.f_name = self.courseid=self.assignno=’’,simpleattr,335
Making Use of Python,self.cookies[‘info’] = ‘$’.join\,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.error = ‘’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.studname = val.strip().capitalize(),simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.error = ‘Your name is required. (blank)’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.error = ‘Your name is required. (missing)’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.courseid = val.strip().capitalize(),simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.error = ‘Course ID is required. (blank)’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.error = ‘Course ID is required. (missing)’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.assignno = val.strip().capitalize(),simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.error = ‘Assignment Number is required. (blank)’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.error = ‘Assignment Number is required. (missing)’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.cookies[‘stid’] = unquote(form[‘cookie’].value.strip()),simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.cookies[‘stid’] = ‘’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.f_name = File_Upl.filename or ‘’,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.f_data = File_Upl.file,simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.f_data = StringIO(‘(no data)’),simpleattr,337
Making Use of Python,self.f_data = StringIO(‘(no file)’),simpleattr,338
Making Use of Python,self.f_name = ‘’,simpleattr,338
Making Use of Python,"self.w=Button(top, text =”Say Hello”, command=self.Call_Hello)",simpleattr,353
Making Use of Python,self.e1=Entry(master),simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.e1.grid(row=0, column=1)",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,self.e2=Entry(master),simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.e2.grid(row=1, column=1)",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,self.e3=Entry(master),simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.e3.grid(row=2, column=1)",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.f1=Frame(master, relief= “sunken”, bd=2)",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,self.v=IntVar(),simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.r1=Radiobutton(self.f1, text=”Male”,\",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.r2=Radiobutton(self.f1, text=”Female”,\",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.f1.grid(row=1, column=4)",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.L1 = Listbox(master, width = 25, height = 4)",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.L1.grid(row=4, column=1)",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,self.f2=Frame(master),simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.w=Button(self.f2, text =”Prerequisites”, height =1,\",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.w1=Button(self.f2, text =”Clear”, height =1, \",simpleattr,359
Making Use of Python,"self.w2=Button(self.f2, text =”Cancel”, height=1, \",simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,"self.f2.grid(row=4, column=4)",simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.var=IntVar(),simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,"self.c=Checkbutton(master, text=”Part-Time Course”, variable=

 self.var, offvalue=0, onvalue=1)",simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.c.grid(row=7),simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.fname = self.e1.get(),simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.lname = self.e2.get(),simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.age = int(self.e3.get()),simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.str1 = “Dear Mr.”,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.str1 = “Dear Ms.”,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python, = self.str1 + “ “ + self.fname + “ “ + self.lname,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.varl1 = self.L1.get(self.L1.curselection()),simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,"self.prereq = 

 “The prereq for this course is Quality Management (Int).”",simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.flag = 1,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.prereq = \,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.flag = 1,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.prereq = \,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.flag = 0,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.prereq = \,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.flag = 0,simpleattr,360
Making Use of Python,self.str2 = “\nThis course is not available part time.”,simpleattr,361
Making Use of Python,self.str2 = “\nThis course is available part time.”,simpleattr,361
Making Use of Python,self.str2 = “”,simpleattr,361
Making Use of Python,self.result = self.prereq + self.str2,simpleattr,361
Making Use of Python,x+=y,assignIncrement,26
Making Use of Python,x+=y*2,assignIncrement,26
Making Use of Python,Notice that the assignment x+=y is treated as x=x+y. After performing the first,assignIncrement,26
Making Use of Python,"def course_fee(fee, discount=0.15):",funcdefault,104
Making Use of Python,"def course_fee(discount=0.15,fee):",funcdefault,104
Making Use of Python,"def shape(type,radius=3,height=4,length=5):",funcdefault,104
Making Use of Python,"def prod2(a,b=6) :",funcdefault,111
Making Use of Python,"def fibonacci(a,num1=0,num2=1):",funcdefault,125
Making Use of Python,"def fibonacci(a,num1=0,num2=1):",funcdefault,134
Making Use of Python,def getCookie(initialvalues={}):,funcdefault,332
Making Use of Python,range(),rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,range(),rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,range(),rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,range(7),rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,range(),rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,range(7),rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,range(),rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,"range(3,7)",rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,range(),rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,"range(-10,-100,-40)",rangefunc,69
Making Use of Python,range(),rangefunc,74
Making Use of Python,range(),rangefunc,381
Making Use of Python,def functionname(parameters):,simplefunc,101
Making Use of Python,def fnsquare(num):,simplefunc,101
Making Use of Python,def printx(x):,simplefunc,103
Making Use of Python,def square(sum):,simplefunc,108
Making Use of Python,def func():,simplefunc,109
Making Use of Python,def ruf():,simplefunc,110
Making Use of Python,def bee(arg):,simplefunc,110
Making Use of Python,def func():,simplefunc,111
Making Use of Python,def leap(n):,simplefunc,114
Making Use of Python,def square(n):,simplefunc,117
Making Use of Python,def ruf():,simplefunc,118
Making Use of Python,def ruf():,simplefunc,118
Making Use of Python,def bee():,simplefunc,118
Making Use of Python,def ruf():,simplefunc,119
Making Use of Python,def print_func(a):,simplefunc,125
Making Use of Python,def case(inp):,simplefunc,128
Making Use of Python,def bee():,simplefunc,129
Making Use of Python,def isblank(var):,simplefunc,137
Making Use of Python,def age_cal(dob):,simplefunc,138
Making Use of Python,def qty_func(qtystr):,simplefunc,138
Making Use of Python,def my_method_example(self):,simplefunc,166
Making Use of Python,def lib_method(self):,simplefunc,169
Making Use of Python,def clear_screen_method(self):,simplefunc,169
Making Use of Python,def bks_method(self):,simplefunc,169
Making Use of Python,def bks_display(self):,simplefunc,169
Making Use of Python,def sws_method(self):,simplefunc,170
Making Use of Python,def sws_display(self):,simplefunc,170
Making Use of Python,def my_base_class_method(self):,simplefunc,171
Making Use of Python,def my_subclass_method(self):,simplefunc,171
Making Use of Python,def my_subclass_method(self):,simplefunc,173
Making Use of Python,def displaydetails(self):,simplefunc,195
Making Use of Python,def int_convert(var):,simplefunc,202
Making Use of Python,def int_convert(var):,simplefunc,204
Making Use of Python,def int_convert(var):,simplefunc,205
Making Use of Python,def displaydetails(self):,simplefunc,209
Making Use of Python,def show_form():,simplefunc,236
Making Use of Python,def func1():,simplefunc,297
Making Use of Python,def func2():,simplefunc,297
Making Use of Python,def func1():,simplefunc,300
Making Use of Python,def func2():,simplefunc,300
Making Use of Python,def run(self):,simplefunc,304
Making Use of Python,def run(self):,simplefunc,304
Making Use of Python,def run(self):,simplefunc,305
Making Use of Python,def run(self):,simplefunc,306
Making Use of Python,def run(self):,simplefunc,307
Making Use of Python,def handle(self):,simplefunc,316
Making Use of Python,def do_GET(self):,simplefunc,318
Making Use of Python,def do_GET(self):,simplefunc,320
Making Use of Python,def displayError(self):,simplefunc,336
Making Use of Python,def setFBCookies(self):,simplefunc,336
Making Use of Python,def doResults(self):,simplefunc,336
Making Use of Python,def hello():,simplefunc,354
Making Use of Python,def Eval(self):,simplefunc,360
Making Use of Python,def Close(self):,simplefunc,361
Making Use of Python,def Clear(self):,simplefunc,361
Making Use of Python,return an error,return,8
Making Use of Python,return the,return,16
Making Use of Python,return the complex conjugate of the object.,return,22
Making Use of Python,return 51.,return,26
Making Use of Python,"return
Making Use of Python,"return

Making Use of Python,return the memory,return,55
Making Use of Python,"return the highest and lowest characters, respectively.",return,57
Making Use of Python,return a corresponding hexadecimal or octal equivalent as a string.,return,59
Making Use of Python,return the tuples of the key:value pairs in,return,71
Making Use of Python,return the memory address of an object.,return,73
Making Use of Python,"return the last evaluated value. For example,",return,78
Making Use of Python,"return false, the output will be 'Input",return,86
Making Use of Python,return either a true or a false value. The general,return,87
Making Use of Python,return an error:,return,102
Making Use of Python,return Statement,return,108
Making Use of Python,return a value by using the return statement. Returning a,return,108
Making Use of Python,return statement.,return,108
Making Use of Python,return num1+num2,return,108
Making Use of Python,return value can be accessed in the following way:,return,108
Making Use of Python,return sum*sum,return,108
Making Use of Python,return num1+num2,return,108
Making Use of Python,return sum*sum,return,108
Making Use of Python,return value in sum. The,return,109
Making Use of Python,return value of the square function. The main_func then returns the value of sq.,return,109
Making Use of Python,return only one value or object from a function. How do you,return,109
Making Use of Python,return multiple values by using a return statement? You can do this by using a tuple,return,109
Making Use of Python,"return (‘fff’,’city’,8023)",return,109
Making Use of Python,return ‘Hi’,return,111
Making Use of Python,return ‘Hi’,return,111
Making Use of Python,return a*b,return,111
Making Use of Python,return a*b,return,111
Making Use of Python,return tup,return,111
Making Use of Python,"return [tup,dt]",return,111
Making Use of Python,"return multiple values in the form of a list, a",return,112
Making Use of Python,return value is stored in a list.,return,112
Making Use of Python,"return variables are enclosed within square brackets, which",return,112
Making Use of Python,return values of both tup and dt will be stored in a list. As in the other,return,112
Making Use of Python,return n%4==0,return,114
Making Use of Python,return values. The syntax of the map() function is,return,115
Making Use of Python,return values of the function. The first value in each tuple is the addition of,return,117
Making Use of Python,return value of the,return,117
Making Use of Python,return n*n,return,117
Making Use of Python,return global_var+local_var,return,118
Making Use of Python,return var,return,119
Making Use of Python,return 1,return,120
Making Use of Python,return 0,return,120
Making Use of Python,return str(age),return,120
Making Use of Python,return a value by using the return statement.,return,122
Making Use of Python,return ‘Uppercase’,return,128
Making Use of Python,return ‘Lowercase’,return,128
Making Use of Python,return ‘Input character > z’,return,128
Making Use of Python,return ‘Input character > z but less than a’,return,128
Making Use of Python,return ‘Input character less than A’,return,128
Making Use of Python,return the names of functions and variables that are,return,133
Making Use of Python,return the names in the,return,133
Making Use of Python,return all the names that can be,return,133
Making Use of Python,return all the names that can be accessed globally from that function. The return,return,133
Making Use of Python,return the same dictionary in the main,return,134
Making Use of Python,return 1,return,137
Making Use of Python,return 1,return,138
Making Use of Python,return 0,return,138
Making Use of Python,return 0,return,138
Making Use of Python,return 0,return,138
Making Use of Python,return str(age),return,138
Making Use of Python,return the names in the,return,140
Making Use of Python,"return 1 and 0, and the isfile() methods",return,154
Making Use of Python,return 0 and 1 because /home is a directory and testfile is a file. You have learned,return,154
Making Use of Python,return ‘An example of method reference’,return,166
Making Use of Python,return any object other than the class object because this might lead to a,return,167
Making Use of Python,return ‘Base class method’,return,171
Making Use of Python,return ‘Subclass method’,return,171
Making Use of Python,return ‘Method of My_Class_A’,return,173
Making Use of Python,return ‘Method of My_Class_B’,return,173
Making Use of Python,return 1.,return,178
Making Use of Python,"return LibCode,Title,Price",return,182
Making Use of Python,return an error after the connection is closed.,return,257
Making Use of Python,"return value is 1 if the lock is acquired successfully, 0 if not.",return,300
Making Use of Python,"return the name of the file. When the CGI script is accessed, the screen shown in Figure",return,329
Making Use of Python,return C,return,332
Making Use of Python,"return

 self.cookies = {}",return,337
Making Use of Python,"return

 if form.has_key(‘Stud_Name’):",return,337
Making Use of Python,return the name,return,340
Making Use of Python,"return

 #Check for Gender",return,360
Making Use of Python,"return

 #Check for Prereq Course",return,360
Making Use of Python,return l-counter,return,373
Making Use of Python,return counter+1,return,373
Making Use of Python,"return statement, 108–9",return,381
Making Use of Python,"return statement, 108–9",return,386
Making Use of Python,"return statement, 108–9",return,388
Making Use of Python,if condition:,simpleif,84
Making Use of Python,"if x>0:
 ...  print ‘Hello’",simpleif,84
Making Use of Python,if condition:,simpleif,84
Making Use of Python,if num%2==0:,simpleif,85
Making Use of Python,if construct is this:,simpleif,85
Making Use of Python,if condition1:,simpleif,85
Making Use of Python,if condition2:,simpleif,85
Making Use of Python,if condition:,simpleif,85
Making Use of Python,"if len(i)>6:
 ... break",simpleif,92
Making Use of Python,if a==1:,simpleif,93
Making Use of Python,if percent>=80:,simpleif,95
Making Use of Python,if choice in choices:,simpleif,95
Making Use of Python,if ch in op:,simpleif,113
Making Use of Python,if month<cur_month or (month==cur_month and day<cur_day):,simpleif,120
Making Use of Python,if statement as follows:,simpleif,132
Making Use of Python,"if __name__=’__main__’:
Making Use of Python,if len(var)==0:,simpleif,137
Making Use of Python,if len(dob)<>10:,simpleif,138
Making Use of Python,if m<cur_month or (m==cur_month and d<cur_day):,simpleif,138
Making Use of Python,"if c in range(0,47) or c in range(58,255):",simpleif,139
Making Use of Python,if return_age<>0:,simpleif,139
Making Use of Python,if isblank_mod.isblank(qty_order)==1:,simpleif,139
Making Use of Python,if isblank_mod.isblank(credit)==1:,simpleif,139
Making Use of Python,if MenuChoice ==’1’:,simpleif,188
Making Use of Python,if MenuChoice ==’2’:,simpleif,188
Making Use of Python,if MenuChoice ==’3’:,simpleif,188
Making Use of Python,if MenuChoice ==’4’:,simpleif,188
Making Use of Python,if MenuChoice ==’5’:,simpleif,188
Making Use of Python,if MenuChoice ==’6’:,simpleif,189
Making Use of Python,if an argument other than a string is passed as follows:,simpleif,202
Making Use of Python,if op==’+’:,simpleif,207
Making Use of Python,if fs.has_key(‘login’) and (fs[‘login’].value!=””):,simpleif,234
Making Use of Python,if fs.has_key(‘password’):,simpleif,234
Making Use of Python,if fpass==passd:,simpleif,235
Making Use of Python,if not fs:,simpleif,236
Making Use of Python,if fs.has_key(‘login’) and (fs[‘login’].value!=””):,simpleif,236
Making Use of Python,if fs.has_key(‘password’):,simpleif,236
Making Use of Python,if fpass==passd:,simpleif,236
Making Use of Python,if ServerStr.find(‘~~’)!=-1:,simpleif,308
Making Use of Python,if not DataStr:,simpleif,309
Making Use of Python,if self.path==”/”:,simpleif,318
Making Use of Python,if not form:,simpleif,329
Making Use of Python,if form.has_key(“file_name”):,simpleif,329
Making Use of Python,if fileupload.file:,simpleif,329
Making Use of Python,if os.environ.has_key(‘HTTP_COOKIE’):,simpleif,332
Making Use of Python,if not C.has_key(eachkey):,simpleif,332
Making Use of Python,if C.has_key(‘studid’):,simpleif,332
Making Use of Python,if __name__==’__main__’:,simpleif,332
Making Use of Python,if environ.has_key(‘HTTP_COOKIE’):,simpleif,335
Making Use of Python,if len(eachCook) > 5 and eachCook[:2] == ‘FB’:,simpleif,335
Making Use of Python,if self.cookies[‘stid’] != ‘’:,simpleif,335
Making Use of Python,if not self.cookies.has_key(‘stid’) or self.cookies[‘stid’] == ‘’:,simpleif,335
Making Use of Python,if filedata == ‘’:,simpleif,336
Making Use of Python,if not self.cookies.has_key(‘stid’) or self.cookies[‘stid’] == ‘’:,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if form.keys() == []:,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if self.studname == ‘’:,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if form.has_key(‘Course_ID’):,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if self.courseid == ‘’:,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if form.has_key(‘Assign_No’):,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if self.assignno == ‘’:,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if form.has_key(‘cookie’):,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if form.has_key(‘File_Upl’):,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if File_Upl.file:,simpleif,337
Making Use of Python,if not self.error:,simpleif,338
Making Use of Python,if self.age < 21:,simpleif,360
Making Use of Python,if self.v.get()==1:,simpleif,360
Making Use of Python,if self.varl1 == “Quality Management (Adv.)”:,simpleif,360
Making Use of Python,if self.varl1 == “Financial Management (Adv.)”:,simpleif,360
Making Use of Python,if self.varl1 == “Project Management (Adv.)”:,simpleif,360
Making Use of Python,if self.var.get() == 1 and self.flag == 0:,simpleif,361
Making Use of Python,if __name__==’__main__’:,simpleif,373
Making Use of Python,print(),printfunc,147
Making Use of Python,print(),printfunc,147
Making Use of Python,print(‘All displayed’),printfunc,195
Making Use of Python,print(‘All displayed’),printfunc,209
Making Use of Python,print(“Hello World”),printfunc,304
Making Use of Python,print(“Hello World”),printfunc,304
Making Use of Python,print(),printfunc,383
Making Use of Python,"a,b,c)=(1,2,’learn types’)",simpleTuple,19
Making Use of Python,"x,y)=(y,x)",simpleTuple,19
Making Use of Python,"tup=(123,’abc’,345)",simpleTuple,35
Making Use of Python,"tup=(123,’abc’,345)",simpleTuple,35
Making Use of Python,"tup1=(‘ggg’,1562)",simpleTuple,35
Making Use of Python,"tup=(‘a’,’b’)",simpleTuple,36
Making Use of Python,"tuple=(567,’ddd’,[123,3214,’abc’])",simpleTuple,36
Making Use of Python,"tup=(‘welcome’,)",simpleTuple,36
Making Use of Python,"tup=(a,b)",simpleTuple,61
Making Use of Python,"tup=(‘rep’,’tree’)",simpleTuple,61
Making Use of Python,"tup1=(123,’abc’,345)",simpleTuple,67
Making Use of Python,"s= lambda tup=(‘hgh’,23)",simpleTuple,112
Making Use of Python,"tup=(‘sdsd’,23)",simpleTuple,113
Making Use of Python,"op=(‘+’,’-’,’*’)",simpleTuple,113
Making Use of Python,"tup=(‘111’,’abc’,64)",simpleTuple,133
Making Use of Python,"6  ServerAddress = (Hostname, PortNumber)",simpleTuple,275
Making Use of Python,"6  ServerAddress = (Hostname, PortNumber)",simpleTuple,278
Making Use of Python,"6  ServerAddress=(Hostname, PortNumber)",simpleTuple,281
Making Use of Python,"6  ServerAddress=(Hostname, PortNumber)",simpleTuple,283
Making Use of Python,"ServerAddress = (Hostname, PortNumber)",simpleTuple,286
Making Use of Python,"ServerAddress = (Hostname, PortNumber)",simpleTuple,288
Making Use of Python,"ServerAddress = (Hostname, PortNumber)",simpleTuple,307
Making Use of Python,"urltup=(‘http’, ‘’, ‘/doc/lib/lib.html’)",simpleTuple,323
Making Use of Python,"xl.Range(“A3:D3”).Value=(‘How’,’are’,’you!’)",simpleTuple,372
Making Use of Python,"listvar=[‘abcd’,123,2.23,’efgh’]",simpleList,33
Making Use of Python,"listvar[1]=[888,’pqr’]",simpleList,33
Making Use of Python,listvar[0:2]=[],simpleList,34
Making Use of Python,"listvar[1:1]=[1234,’ddd’]",simpleList,34
Making Use of Python,"listvar[1:2]=[‘007’,’xyz’]",simpleList,34
Making Use of Python,"stud_name=[‘Ken’,’William’,’Catherine’,’Steve’,’Mark’]",simpleList,42
Making Use of Python,"stud_name=[‘Ken’,’William’,’Catherine’,’Steve’,’Mark’]",simpleList,43
Making Use of Python,"a=[31,’ddd’]",simpleList,56
Making Use of Python,"list=[23,23.1,23L,234e-1]",simpleList,57
Making Use of Python,"ls=[43,12.23]",simpleList,61
Making Use of Python,"ls=[astr,cstr]",simpleList,61
Making Use of Python,"listvar=[‘abcd’,123,2.23,’efgh’]",simpleList,66
Making Use of Python,"listvar=[‘abcd’,123,2.23,’efgh’]",simpleList,67
Making Use of Python,"stack=[‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’]",simpleList,68
Making Use of Python,"queue=[‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’]",simpleList,69
Making Use of Python,"names=[‘Laurie’,’James’,’Mark’,’John’,’William’]",simpleList,91
Making Use of Python,"names=[‘Laurie’,’James’,’Mark’,’John’,’William’]",simpleList,92
Making Use of Python,"choices=[‘y’,’Y’,’yes’,’Yes’,’YES’]",simpleList,95
Making Use of Python,list_yr=[],simpleList,114
Making Use of Python,list_yr=[],simpleList,115
Making Use of Python,"seq1=[4,7,3]",simpleList,116
Making Use of Python,"seq2=[2,6,8]",simpleList,116
Making Use of Python,"4+2,7+6,3+8]
Making Use of Python,seq=[],simpleList,117
Making Use of Python,"list=[‘one’,’two’,’three’]",simpleList,145
Making Use of Python,"heading=[‘Code’,’Title’,’Duration’,’Fee’]",simpleList,154
Making Use of Python,"details=[course_code,course_title,course_dur,course_fee]",simpleList,155
Making Use of Python,studobjects=[],simpleList,195
Making Use of Python,Mylist=[‘abc’],simpleList,197
Making Use of Python,studobjects=[],simpleList,209
Making Use of Python,"h, —host=[Hostname]",simpleList,245
Making Use of Python,"P, —port=[portno]",simpleList,245
Making Use of Python,"u, —user=[user]",simpleList,245
Making Use of Python,"D, —database=[databasename]",simpleList,247
Making Use of Python,"h, —host=[Hostname]",simpleList,247
Making Use of Python,"P, —port=[portno]",simpleList,247
Making Use of Python,locks=[],simpleList,302
Making Use of Python,threadarray = [],simpleList,305
Making Use of Python,threadarray = [],simpleList,306
Making Use of Python,ServerData=[],simpleList,307
Making Use of Python,add=[],simpleList,307
Making Use of Python,"_public_methods_=[‘letters’,’words’]",simpleList,373
Making Use of Python,"_public_methods_=[‘letters’,’words’]",simpleList,373
Making Use of Python,for iterating_var in sequence:,forsimple,91
Making Use of Python,for x in names:,forsimple,91
Making Use of Python,for i in range(len(names)):,forsimple,92
Making Use of Python,"for num in range(10,20):",forsimple,93
Making Use of Python,"for i in range(2,num):",forsimple,93
Making Use of Python,for the problem statement in the beginning of the chapter is as follows:,forsimple,94
Making Use of Python,for clear in range(35):,forsimple,95
Making Use of Python,for y in range(10):,forsimple,95
Making Use of Python,for clear in range(40):,forsimple,95
Making Use of Python,for each in vartuple:,forsimple,106
Making Use of Python,for each in vardict:,forsimple,107
Making Use of Python,for eachk in vark:,forsimple,107
Making Use of Python,for eachnk in varnk:,forsimple,107
Making Use of Python,for this purpose in is as follows:,forsimple,139
Making Use of Python,for x in list:,forsimple,145
Making Use of Python,for the problem statement in the beginning of the chapter is as follows:,forsimple,154
Making Use of Python,for x in details:,forsimple,155
Making Use of Python,for x in heading:,forsimple,155
Making Use of Python,for i in range(seconds):,forsimple,302
Making Use of Python,for i in range(4):,forsimple,302
Making Use of Python,for mythread in threadarray:,forsimple,305
Making Use of Python,for mythread in threadarray:,forsimple,306
Making Use of Python,for i in range(len(ServerData)):,forsimple,308
Making Use of Python,for i in range(len(ServerList)):,forsimple,309
Making Use of Python,"for key, value in f.headers.items():",forsimple,325
Making Use of Python,for eachkey in initialvalues.keys():,forsimple,332
Making Use of Python,for eachCook in environ[‘HTTP_COOKIE’].split(‘;’):,forsimple,335
Making Use of Python,for eachCook in self.cookies.keys():,forsimple,336
Making Use of Python,for COM in Python is provided by two packages:,forsimple,370
Making Use of Python,a=a+3,assignwithSum,18
Making Use of Python,var=var+1,assignwithSum,20
Making Use of Python,x = y + z,assignwithSum,22
Making Use of Python,x = y + z,assignwithSum,23
Making Use of Python,x=7+3*6,assignwithSum,23
Making Use of Python,"expression x = 7 + 3 * 6, the part 3 * 6 is evaluated first and the result 18 is added",assignwithSum,24
Making Use of Python,z = 7 + ( 5 * (8 / 2) + (4 + 6)),assignwithSum,24
Making Use of Python,x = x + y.,assignwithSum,25
Making Use of Python,tupmain=tup+tup1,assignwithSum,35
Making Use of Python,"tup=tup+(‘c’,’d’)",assignwithSum,36
Making Use of Python,a=9+4j,assignwithSum,55
Making Use of Python,a=9+4j,assignwithSum,55
Making Use of Python,a=a+76,assignwithSum,55
Making Use of Python,num2=num1+num2,assignwithSum,88
Making Use of Python,num2 = num1+num2,assignwithSum,89
Making Use of Python,j=j+1,assignwithSum,95
Making Use of Python,tot_score=tot_score+ int(score) #Calculates total score,assignwithSum,95
Making Use of Python,i=i+1,assignwithSum,95
Making Use of Python,"ch=raw_input(‘Enter an operator, +/-/*: ‘)",assignwithSum,113
Making Use of Python,func=a+b,assignwithSum,116
Making Use of Python,bee=lambda b: a+b,assignwithSum,119
Making Use of Python,id=f+str(day)+str(month) #and evaluates second value,assignwithSum,119
Making Use of Python,age=age+1,assignwithSum,120
Making Use of Python,first=fname+lname[0] #Evaluates the first value,assignwithSum,121
Making Use of Python,third=lname[0]+fname+str(year)[2:],assignwithSum,121
Making Use of Python,fourth=fname[0]+lname+age_func(),assignwithSum,121
Making Use of Python,num2=num1+num2,assignwithSum,126
Making Use of Python,num2=num1+num2,assignwithSum,134
Making Use of Python,age=age+1,assignwithSum,138
Making Use of Python,i=i+1,assignwithSum,139
Making Use of Python,list[i]=x+’\n’,assignwithSum,145
Making Use of Python,i=i+1,assignwithSum,145
Making Use of Python,details[i]=x+’\t’,assignwithSum,155
Making Use of Python,i=i+1,assignwithSum,155
Making Use of Python,heading[j]=x+’\t’,assignwithSum,155
Making Use of Python,j=j+1,assignwithSum,155
Making Use of Python,My_Class.a=My_Class.a + My_Class.b,assignwithSum,164
Making Use of Python,ctr=ctr+1,assignwithSum,195
Making Use of Python,i=i+1,assignwithSum,263
Making Use of Python,i=i+1,assignwithSum,297
Making Use of Python,j=j+1,assignwithSum,297
Making Use of Python,i=i+1,assignwithSum,300
Making Use of Python,j=j+1,assignwithSum,300
Making Use of Python,number=number+1,assignwithSum,305
Making Use of Python,threadnumber=threadnumber+1,assignwithSum,305
Making Use of Python,number=number+1,assignwithSum,306
Making Use of Python,threadnumber=threadnumber+1,assignwithSum,306
Making Use of Python,ClientData=ClientData+’~~’,assignwithSum,308
Making Use of Python,cookie[‘counter’]=int(cookie[‘counter’].value)+1,assignwithSum,332
Making Use of Python,filedata = filedata + \,assignwithSum,336
Making Use of Python,directory containing the Python executable to the set path or PATH= directive.,simpleAssign,7
Making Use of Python,name=raw_input(‘Enter your name: ‘),simpleAssign,14
Making Use of Python,to assign values to variables. The operand to the left of the = operator is the name of the,simpleAssign,18
Making Use of Python,"variable, and the operand to the right of the = operator is the value stored in the vari-",simpleAssign,18
Making Use of Python,price=100,simpleAssign,18
Making Use of Python,discount=25,simpleAssign,18
Making Use of Python,a=2,simpleAssign,18
Making Use of Python,a=b=c=1,simpleAssign,18
Making Use of Python,"a,b,c=1,2,’learn types’",simpleAssign,19
Making Use of Python,"x,y)=10,20",simpleAssign,19
Making Use of Python,var=1,simpleAssign,20
Making Use of Python,var=2.76,simpleAssign,20
Making Use of Python,floatvar=6.4,simpleAssign,20
Making Use of Python,var=floatvar,simpleAssign,20
Making Use of Python,varlong=812386l,simpleAssign,21
Making Use of Python,complexobj=23.87-1.23j,simpleAssign,22
Making Use of Python,x = y - z,simpleAssign,23
Making Use of Python,x = y ** z,simpleAssign,23
Making Use of Python,x = y * z,simpleAssign,23
Making Use of Python,x = y / z,simpleAssign,23
Making Use of Python,x = y % z,simpleAssign,23
Making Use of Python,y=100/4*5,simpleAssign,23
Making Use of Python,"to 7. In the expression y = 100 / 4 * 5, the part 100/4 is evaluated first because",simpleAssign,24
Making Use of Python,y = 100 / (4 * 5),simpleAssign,24
Making Use of Python,You have learned how values are assigned to variables by using the = operator. Let’s,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x = y,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x + = y,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x - = y,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x * = y,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x = x - y.,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x = x * y.,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x / = y,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x = x / y.,simpleAssign,25
Making Use of Python,x % = y,simpleAssign,26
Making Use of Python,x = x % y.,simpleAssign,26
Making Use of Python,x <operator>= y,simpleAssign,26
Making Use of Python,x = x <operator> y,simpleAssign,26
Making Use of Python,x=15,simpleAssign,26
Making Use of Python,y=12,simpleAssign,26
Making Use of Python,"operation, the value of x becomes 27. Then, in the second operation, 12*2=24 is",simpleAssign,26
Making Use of Python,newstr=strvar*4,simpleAssign,28
Making Use of Python,strval*=4,simpleAssign,28
Making Use of Python,score1=70,simpleAssign,31
Making Use of Python,score2=85,simpleAssign,31
Making Use of Python,listvar[3]=8-4j,simpleAssign,33
Making Use of Python,listvar[:0]=listvar,simpleAssign,34
Making Use of Python,"anothertup=tup,(‘a’,’b’,’c’)",simpleAssign,35
Making Use of Python,atup[1]=999,simpleAssign,35
Making Use of Python,tuple[2][1]=5678,simpleAssign,36
Making Use of Python,ruf=bee,simpleAssign,41
Making Use of Python,ruf=beast,simpleAssign,41
Making Use of Python,a variable by using the = sign.,simpleAssign,45
Making Use of Python,string=raw_input(‘Enter a string ‘),simpleAssign,49
Making Use of Python,ls=raw_input(‘Enter a list ‘),simpleAssign,49
Making Use of Python,inp=input(‘Enter a list’),simpleAssign,50
Making Use of Python,s=r’Hello\n’,simpleAssign,54
Making Use of Python,astr=repr(76),simpleAssign,60
Making Use of Python,bstr=repr(ls),simpleAssign,61
Making Use of Python,ls_str=repr(ls),simpleAssign,61
Making Use of Python,b=78,simpleAssign,61
Making Use of Python,name=steve’,simpleAssign,66
Making Use of Python,tupvar=tuple(listvar),simpleAssign,66
Making Use of Python,list1=list(tup1),simpleAssign,67
Making Use of Python,course_code=raw_input(‘Enter course code:’),simpleAssign,71
Making Use of Python,course_title=raw_input(‘Enter course title:’),simpleAssign,71
Making Use of Python,course_dur=input(‘Enter course duration (in hrs.):’),simpleAssign,71
Making Use of Python,course_fee=float(input(‘Enter course fee (in $):’)),simpleAssign,71
Making Use of Python,start_date=raw_input(‘Enter course start date (mm/dd/yy):’),simpleAssign,71
Making Use of Python,end_date=raw_input(‘Enter course end date (mm/dd/yy):’),simpleAssign,71
Making Use of Python,no_of_seats=input(‘Enter no. of seats:’),simpleAssign,71
Making Use of Python,ls=end_date.split(‘/’),simpleAssign,71
Making Use of Python,x==y,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,x!=y,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,x>=y,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,x<=y,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,a=45,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,b=15*3,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,a==b,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,a<=b,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,a==b>50,simpleAssign,77
Making Use of Python,"x,y=45,65",simpleAssign,78
Making Use of Python,ps=p,simpleAssign,82
Making Use of Python,g=123,simpleAssign,82
Making Use of Python,f=123,simpleAssign,82
Making Use of Python,x=10,simpleAssign,84
Making Use of Python,in_chr=raw_input(“Enter a character:”),simpleAssign,85
Making Use of Python,inp=raw_input(‘Enter a character’),simpleAssign,86
Making Use of Python,n=input(‘Enter a number greater than 1 ‘),simpleAssign,88
Making Use of Python,num1=0,simpleAssign,88
Making Use of Python,num2=1,simpleAssign,88
Making Use of Python,num1=num2-num1,simpleAssign,88
Making Use of Python,i=1,simpleAssign,88
Making Use of Python,reg_no=raw_input(“Please enter your reg number “),simpleAssign,88
Making Use of Python,tot_score=score(reg_no),simpleAssign,88
Making Use of Python,i=1,simpleAssign,89
Making Use of Python,a=input(‘Enter an integer ‘),simpleAssign,89
Making Use of Python,num1=0,simpleAssign,89
Making Use of Python,num2=1,simpleAssign,89
Making Use of Python,num1 = num2 - num1,simpleAssign,89
Making Use of Python,if num2==89,simpleAssign,89
Making Use of Python,num=0,simpleAssign,90
Making Use of Python,num=int(raw_input(“Enter a number: “)),simpleAssign,90
Making Use of Python,reply=raw_input(“Do you want to enter another y/n “),simpleAssign,90
Making Use of Python,valid=0,simpleAssign,92
Making Use of Python,i=3,simpleAssign,92
Making Use of Python,if num%i==0:  #to determine the first factor,simpleAssign,93
Making Use of Python,j=num/i  #to calculate the second factor,simpleAssign,93
Making Use of Python,a=1,simpleAssign,93
Making Use of Python,i=1,simpleAssign,94
Making Use of Python,percent=tot_score/4,simpleAssign,95
Making Use of Python,elif percent>=60:,simpleAssign,95
Making Use of Python,elif percent>=40:,simpleAssign,95
Making Use of Python,choice=raw_input(“Do you want to enter details for \,simpleAssign,95
Making Use of Python,x=0,simpleAssign,101
Making Use of Python,x=num*num,simpleAssign,101
Making Use of Python,printx(x=32),simpleAssign,103
Making Use of Python,printx(x=y),simpleAssign,103
Making Use of Python,"stud_fn(score=86,reg_no=’S001’, name=’Laura’)",simpleAssign,103
Making Use of Python,"stud_fn(score=86,reg_no=’S001’)",simpleAssign,103
Making Use of Python,"shape(radius=3,’sphere’)",simpleAssign,105
Making Use of Python,shape(perimeter=30),simpleAssign,105
Making Use of Python,"shape(radius=12,type=’sphere’)",simpleAssign,105
Making Use of Python,"tuple_func(‘city’,’state’, num=20.2,count=30)",simpleAssign,107
Making Use of Python,another keyword argument count=30,simpleAssign,107
Making Use of Python,another keyword argument num=20.2,simpleAssign,107
Making Use of Python,"var_args_func(‘city’,30,’USA’,’2000’,reg=30,que=42)",simpleAssign,108
Making Use of Python,another non-keyword argument que=42,simpleAssign,108
Making Use of Python,another non-keyword argument reg=30,simpleAssign,108
Making Use of Python,"sum=add(14,24)",simpleAssign,108
Making Use of Python,"sum=add(a,b) #Return value of add stored in sum",simpleAssign,108
Making Use of Python,sq=square(sum),simpleAssign,108
Making Use of Python,"output=main_func(14,24)",simpleAssign,109
Making Use of Python,tup=func(),simpleAssign,109
Making Use of Python,"a,b,c)=func()",simpleAssign,109
Making Use of Python,"p,q,r=func()",simpleAssign,109
Making Use of Python,bee=ruf,simpleAssign,110
Making Use of Python,"x= lambda a,b: a*b",simpleAssign,111
Making Use of Python,"x=lambda a,b=6:a*b",simpleAssign,112
Making Use of Python,s= lambda *tup:tup,simpleAssign,112
Making Use of Python,"s((56,23),f=656,g=23,h=23)",simpleAssign,112
Making Use of Python,"ans=apply(ops[ch],nums)",simpleAssign,113
Making Use of Python,8*5=40,simpleAssign,113
Making Use of Python,ch=raw_input(‘Do you want to enter a year? ‘),simpleAssign,114
Making Use of Python,"leap_yrs=filter(leap,list_yr)",simpleAssign,114
Making Use of Python,ch=raw_input(‘Do you want to enter a year? ‘),simpleAssign,115
Making Use of Python,"leap_yrs=filter(lambda n:n%4==0,list_yr)",simpleAssign,115
Making Use of Python,ch=raw_input(‘Do you want to enter a number? ‘),simpleAssign,117
Making Use of Python,global_var=12,simpleAssign,118
Making Use of Python,local_var=34,simpleAssign,118
Making Use of Python,var=raw_input(“Enter a value: “),simpleAssign,119
Making Use of Python,age=cur_year-year-1,simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,t=time.localtime(time.time())  #Determines the current time in a list,simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,cur_year=t[0]  #Extract the current year from the list,simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,cur_month=t[1],simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,cur_day=t[2],simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,fname=raw_input(“Enter your first name: “),simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,fname=isblank(fname) #Call isblank function for fname,simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,lname=raw_input(“Enter your last name: “),simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,lname=isblank(lname) #Call isblank function for lname,simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,month=int(dob[:2]) #Extract month from date of birth,simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,day=int(dob[3:5])  #Extract day from date of birth,simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,year=int(dob[6:10])  #Extract year from date of birth,simpleAssign,120
Making Use of Python,if dobvalid_func()==0: #Checks if dobvalid_func returns true,simpleAssign,121
Making Use of Python,num1=num2-num1,simpleAssign,126
Making Use of Python,‘H’),simpleAssign,128
Making Use of Python,fibo=fib.fibonacci,simpleAssign,133
Making Use of Python,num1=num2-num1,simpleAssign,134
Making Use of Python,"Bank.Account.fixed.interest(Principal,rate=.12,period=5)",simpleAssign,136
Making Use of Python,t=time.localtime(time.time()),simpleAssign,137
Making Use of Python,cur_year=t[0],simpleAssign,137
Making Use of Python,cur_month=t[1],simpleAssign,137
Making Use of Python,cur_day=t[2],simpleAssign,137
Making Use of Python,m=int(dob[:2]) #Extract month from date of birth,simpleAssign,138
Making Use of Python,d=int(dob[3:5])  #Extract day from date of birth,simpleAssign,138
Making Use of Python,y=int(dob[6:10]) #Extract year from date of birth,simpleAssign,138
Making Use of Python,"if dobvalid_func(m,d,y)==0:",simpleAssign,138
Making Use of Python,age=cur_year-y-1,simpleAssign,138
Making Use of Python,i=0,simpleAssign,138
Making Use of Python,i=0,simpleAssign,138
Making Use of Python,c=ord(cardno[i]),simpleAssign,139
Making Use of Python,fname=raw_input(“Enter your first name: “),simpleAssign,139
Making Use of Python,lname=raw_input(“Enter your last name: “),simpleAssign,139
Making Use of Python,"date=raw_input(“Enter your date of birth, mm-dd-yyyy: “)",simpleAssign,139
Making Use of Python,return_age=age_mod.age_cal(date),simpleAssign,139
Making Use of Python,qty_order=raw_input(“Enter quantity: “),simpleAssign,139
Making Use of Python,credit=raw_input(“Enter credit card no.: “),simpleAssign,139
Making Use of Python,i=0,simpleAssign,145
Making Use of Python,name=raw_input(‘Enter your name: ‘),simpleAssign,147
Making Use of Python,current_dir=os.getcwd(),simpleAssign,152
Making Use of Python,"join_dir=os.path.join(current_dir,’testfile’)",simpleAssign,152
Making Use of Python,course_code=raw_input(‘Enter the course code: ‘),simpleAssign,154
Making Use of Python,course_title=raw_input(‘Enter the course title: ‘),simpleAssign,154
Making Use of Python,course_dur=raw_input(‘Enter the course duration: ‘),simpleAssign,154
Making Use of Python,course_fee=raw_input(‘Enter the course fee: ‘),simpleAssign,154
Making Use of Python,i=0,simpleAssign,155
Making Use of Python,j=0,simpleAssign,155
Making Use of Python,if (os.path.getsize(‘course_details’)==0):,simpleAssign,155
Making Use of Python,ans=raw_input(‘Do you wish to add more records(y/n): ‘),simpleAssign,155
Making Use of Python,a=0,simpleAssign,164
Making Use of Python,b=1,simpleAssign,164
Making Use of Python,m = My_Class(),simpleAssign,166
Making Use of Python,m = My_Method_Class(),simpleAssign,167
Making Use of Python,"i = My_Init(1,2)",simpleAssign,168
Making Use of Python,b = My_Base_Class(),simpleAssign,171
Making Use of Python,s = My_Subclass(),simpleAssign,172
Making Use of Python,Aclass = My_Class_A(),simpleAssign,174
Making Use of Python,Bclass = My_Class_B(),simpleAssign,174
Making Use of Python,MyC=My_Class(),simpleAssign,175
Making Use of Python,MyChC=My_Child_Class(),simpleAssign,175
Making Use of Python,MyChC=My_Child_Class(),simpleAssign,175
Making Use of Python,classA = My_Class_A,simpleAssign,177
Making Use of Python,classB = My_Class_B,simpleAssign,177
Making Use of Python,a=0,simpleAssign,179
Making Use of Python,b=1,simpleAssign,179
Making Use of Python,ClearScreen = os.system(‘clear’) #Clears the screen as soon,simpleAssign,182
Making Use of Python,LibCode=Title=Price=’’ #Initializes the attributes,simpleAssign,182
Making Use of Python,LibCode=raw_input(‘Enter the library code: ‘),simpleAssign,182
Making Use of Python,Title=raw_input(‘Enter the title: ‘),simpleAssign,182
Making Use of Python,Price=raw_input(‘Enter the price (in $): ‘),simpleAssign,182
Making Use of Python,FileLen=File.tell()  #Stores the length of file in,simpleAssign,182
Making Use of Python,if FileLen == 0L:  #Checks if the length of file,simpleAssign,183
Making Use of Python,KeyInput=0,simpleAssign,183
Making Use of Python,ClearScreen = os.system(‘clear’),simpleAssign,183
Making Use of Python,KeyInput=1,simpleAssign,183
Making Use of Python,Author=Publisher=PageCount=ISBN=’’ #Initializes the,simpleAssign,184
Making Use of Python,libM=self.lib_method() #Calls the method of the,simpleAssign,184
Making Use of Python,Author=raw_input(‘Enter the name of the author: ‘),simpleAssign,184
Making Use of Python,Publisher=raw_input(‘Enter the name of the publisher: ‘),simpleAssign,184
Making Use of Python,ISBN=raw_input(‘Enter the ISBN: ‘),simpleAssign,184
Making Use of Python,PageCount=raw_input(‘Enter the page count: ‘),simpleAssign,184
Making Use of Python,BkFileLen=BkFile.tell(),simpleAssign,185
Making Use of Python,if BkFileLen == 0L:  #Check if the length of the,simpleAssign,185
Making Use of Python,end=0,simpleAssign,185
Making Use of Python,record=1,simpleAssign,185
Making Use of Python,end=1,simpleAssign,185
Making Use of Python,ProductOf=Size=’’  #Initializes the attributes of,simpleAssign,185
Making Use of Python,libM=self.lib_method() #Calls the method of the,simpleAssign,186
Making Use of Python,ProductOf=raw_input(‘Enter the name of the software vendor: ‘),simpleAssign,186
Making Use of Python,Size=raw_input(‘Enter the size of the software (in MB): ‘),simpleAssign,186
Making Use of Python,SwFileLen=SwFile.tell(),simpleAssign,186
Making Use of Python,if SwFileLen == 0L:  #Check if the length of the,simpleAssign,186
Making Use of Python,end=0,simpleAssign,187
Making Use of Python,record=1,simpleAssign,187
Making Use of Python,end=1,simpleAssign,187
Making Use of Python,done=0,simpleAssign,187
Making Use of Python,MenuChoice=raw_input(MenuItems)  #Asks input for,simpleAssign,187
Making Use of Python,ClearScreen = os.system(‘clear’),simpleAssign,187
Making Use of Python,done=1,simpleAssign,188
Making Use of Python,bk=books() #Creates instance of the books class,simpleAssign,189
Making Use of Python,sw=software()  #Creates instance of the software class,simpleAssign,189
Making Use of Python,scship=self.studfee-(self.studschrship*100/self.studfee),simpleAssign,195
Making Use of Python,r=os.system(“clear”),simpleAssign,195
Making Use of Python,ctr=0,simpleAssign,195
Making Use of Python,num1=input(‘Enter num1:’),simpleAssign,207
Making Use of Python,num2=input(‘Enter num2:’),simpleAssign,207
Making Use of Python,op=raw_input(‘Enter an operator’),simpleAssign,207
Making Use of Python,scship=self.studfee-(self.studschrship*100/self.studfee),simpleAssign,209
Making Use of Python,ctr=0,simpleAssign,209
Making Use of Python,r=os.system(“clear”),simpleAssign,209
Making Use of Python,,simpleAssign,221
Making Use of Python,font><FONT color=#ff6699 face=Arial size=4>Registration form for new,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,Mr <INPUT CHECKED name=R1 type=radio value=V1>  Mrs,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,INPUT name=R1 type=radio value=V2>,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,Ms <INPUT name=R1 type=radio value=V3> Dr <INPUT name=R1,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,type=radio value=V4></font></P>,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,name=T1 size=30>&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,name=T2 size=30></font></P>,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,font><INPUT name=T3,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,size=30></font></P>,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,INPUT name=T4 size=30></font>,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,INPUT name=T5 size=30>,simpleAssign,222
Making Use of Python,INPUT name=T6,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,size=30></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,INPUT name=T7 size=14>&nbsp;,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,name=T8 size=13></font></P>,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,name=T9,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,size=30></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,font><INPUT name=T10 size=30></P>,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,name=T11></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,Income:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><SELECT name=D1,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,size=1> <OPTION selected>Business</OPTION> <OPTION>Service</OPTION>,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,name=D2 size=1> <OPTION selected>Savings account</OPTION> <OPTION>Loan,simpleAssign,223
Making Use of Python,INPUT name=B1 type=submit value=”Submit Form”>&nbsp;&nbsp;,simpleAssign,224
Making Use of Python,INPUT name=B2 type=reset value=Reset></P></FORM>,simpleAssign,224
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=studtitle VALUE=”Mr.” CHECKED> Mr,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=studtitle VALUE=”Mrs.”> Mrs.,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=studtitle VALUE=”Ms.”> Ms.,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=studtitle VALUE=”Dr.”> Dr.,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=text NAME=studname VALUE=”” SIZE=30></p>,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=text NAME=studdob VALUE=”” SIZE=30></p>,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,textarea NAME=studadd rows=2 cols=30></textarea></p>,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=text NAME=studphone VALUE=”” SIZE=30></p>,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=text NAME=emailadd VALUE=”” SIZE=30></p>,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,SELECT name=studcourse size=1> <OPTION selected>Project,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=submit>,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=RESET></FORM></BODY></HTML>,simpleAssign,231
Making Use of Python,fs = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,233
Making Use of Python,title = fs[‘studtitle’].value,simpleAssign,233
Making Use of Python,name = fs[‘studname’].value,simpleAssign,233
Making Use of Python,dob=fs[‘studdob’].value,simpleAssign,233
Making Use of Python,add=fs[‘studadd’].value,simpleAssign,233
Making Use of Python,phone=fs[‘studphone’].value,simpleAssign,233
Making Use of Python,email=fs[‘emailadd’].value,simpleAssign,233
Making Use of Python,course=fs[‘studcourse’].value,simpleAssign,233
Making Use of Python,fs = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,234
Making Use of Python,fpass=fs[‘password’].value,simpleAssign,234
Making Use of Python,fs = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,236
Making Use of Python,Ch=0,simpleAssign,236
Making Use of Python,fpass=fs[‘password’].value,simpleAssign,236
Making Use of Python,"p[password], —password[=password] This option is used to specify the",simpleAssign,245
Making Use of Python,"p[password], —password[=password]",simpleAssign,247
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=text NAME=studname VALUE=”” SIZE=30>,simpleAssign,253
Making Use of Python,textarea NAME=studadd rows=2 cols=30></textarea>,simpleAssign,253
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=text NAME=studphone VALUE=”” SIZE=30>,simpleAssign,254
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=text NAME=emailadd VALUE=”” SIZE=30></p>,simpleAssign,254
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=submit>,simpleAssign,254
Making Use of Python,INPUT TYPE=RESET>,simpleAssign,254
Making Use of Python,"Connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=”localhost”,db=”Student”,\",simpleAssign,256
Making Use of Python,"port=8000, username=”laura”, passwd=”password”)",simpleAssign,256
Making Use of Python,con=connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,256
Making Use of Python,mysql> SET AUTOCOMMIT=0,simpleAssign,257
Making Use of Python,result=con.fetchone(),simpleAssign,258
Making Use of Python,result=con.fetchone(),simpleAssign,258
Making Use of Python,result=con.fetchall(),simpleAssign,258
Making Use of Python,"connection=MySQLdb.connect(host=”localhost”,db=”Registration”,\",simpleAssign,258
Making Use of Python,con=connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,fs = cgi.FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,name = fs[‘studname’].value,simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,dob=fs[‘studdob’].value,simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,add=fs[‘studadd’].value,simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,country=fs[‘studcountry’].value,simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,phone=fs[‘studphone’].value,simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,email=fs[‘emailadd’].value,simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,"connection=MySQLdb.connect(host=”localhost”,db=”Registration”,\",simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,con=connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,result_set=con.fetchall(),simpleAssign,259
Making Use of Python,"connection=MySQLdb.connect(host=”localhost”,db=”Registration”,\",simpleAssign,262
Making Use of Python,con=connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,262
Making Use of Python,count=con.rowcount,simpleAssign,262
Making Use of Python,i=0,simpleAssign,262
Making Use of Python,result_set=con.fetchone(),simpleAssign,262
Making Use of Python,"Connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=”localhost”,db=”Student”,\",simpleAssign,264
Making Use of Python,"port=8000, username=”laura”, passwd=”password”)",simpleAssign,264
Making Use of Python,con=connection.cursor(),simpleAssign,264
Making Use of Python,"TCP_Sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,272
Making Use of Python,"TCP_Sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)",simpleAssign,272
Making Use of Python,4  PortNumber = 12345,simpleAssign,275
Making Use of Python,5  Buffer = 500,simpleAssign,275
Making Use of Python,"8  TCP_Server_Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,276
Making Use of Python,4  PortNumber = 12345,simpleAssign,277
Making Use of Python,5  Buffer = 500,simpleAssign,278
Making Use of Python,"8  TCP_Client_Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,278
Making Use of Python,4  PortNumber=12345,simpleAssign,281
Making Use of Python,5  Buffer=500,simpleAssign,281
Making Use of Python,"8  UDP_Server_Socket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)",simpleAssign,281
Making Use of Python,"13 ClientData, ClientAddress = UDP_Server_Socket.recvfrom(Buffer)",simpleAssign,281
Making Use of Python,4  PortNumber=12345,simpleAssign,283
Making Use of Python,5  Buffer=500,simpleAssign,283
Making Use of Python,"8  UDP_Client_Socket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)",simpleAssign,283
Making Use of Python,"Server_Socket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,285
Making Use of Python,"Client_Socket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,285
Making Use of Python,PortNumber = 22222 #Defines a dedicated port number for the server,simpleAssign,286
Making Use of Python,Buffer = 1024  #Defines the maximum size of data that can be,simpleAssign,286
Making Use of Python,"Server_Socket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #Creates a stream",simpleAssign,286
Making Use of Python,"Temp_Socket, ClientAddress = Server_Socket.accept()  #Accepts",simpleAssign,286
Making Use of Python,DataFromClient = Temp_Socket.recv(Buffer)  #Receives data,simpleAssign,287
Making Use of Python,PortNumber = 22222 #Defines the dedicated port number of the server,simpleAssign,287
Making Use of Python,Buffer = 1024  #Defines the maximum size of data that can be,simpleAssign,288
Making Use of Python,"Client_Socket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #Creates a stream",simpleAssign,288
Making Use of Python,i=0,simpleAssign,297
Making Use of Python,j=0,simpleAssign,297
Making Use of Python,i=0,simpleAssign,300
Making Use of Python,j=0,simpleAssign,300
Making Use of Python,myBank=Bank(),simpleAssign,302
Making Use of Python,lock=thread.allocate_lock(),simpleAssign,302
Making Use of Python,number =1,simpleAssign,304
Making Use of Python,while(number <= 10),simpleAssign,304
Making Use of Python,number =1,simpleAssign,304
Making Use of Python,while(number <= 10),simpleAssign,304
Making Use of Python,number =1,simpleAssign,305
Making Use of Python,while(number <= 5):,simpleAssign,305
Making Use of Python,threadnumber = 1,simpleAssign,305
Making Use of Python,number =1,simpleAssign,306
Making Use of Python,while(number <= 5):,simpleAssign,306
Making Use of Python,threadnumber = 1,simpleAssign,306
Making Use of Python,PortNumber = 12345,simpleAssign,307
Making Use of Python,Buffer = 500,simpleAssign,307
Making Use of Python,"TCP_Server_Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)",simpleAssign,307
Making Use of Python,ch=0,simpleAssign,308
Making Use of Python,ServerStr=str(ServerData),simpleAssign,308
Making Use of Python,ServerList=ServerStr.split(‘~~’),simpleAssign,308
Making Use of Python,DataStr = raw_input(‘Enter data to broadcast: ‘),simpleAssign,309
Making Use of Python,port=8888,simpleAssign,316
Making Use of Python,"srvsocket=SocketServer.TCPServer((“”,port),myR)",simpleAssign,316
Making Use of Python,content-length = 13432,simpleAssign,325
Making Use of Python,"keep-alive = timeout=15, max=100",simpleAssign,325
Making Use of Python,server = Apache/1.3.20 (Unix),simpleAssign,325
Making Use of Python,"last-modified = Fri, 11 Jan 2002 03:49:53 GMT",simpleAssign,325
Making Use of Python,connection = close,simpleAssign,325
Making Use of Python,"date = Fri, 11 Jan 2002 06:46:32 GMT",simpleAssign,325
Making Use of Python,content-type = text/html,simpleAssign,325
Making Use of Python,accept-ranges = bytes,simpleAssign,325
Making Use of Python,urllib.quote(‘\,simpleAssign,326
Making Use of Python,col=ftp&col=python’),simpleAssign,326
Making Use of Python,qt=CGI COM&col=ftp&col=python’),simpleAssign,326
Making Use of Python,’,simpleAssign,326
Making Use of Python, COM&col=ftp&col=python’,simpleAssign,326
Making Use of Python,value pairs are first encoded in the “key=value” format with each key-value pair sep-,simpleAssign,326
Making Use of Python,name=Laura&studid=S001’,simpleAssign,327
Making Use of Python,form=FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,329
Making Use of Python,fileupload=form[“file_name”],simpleAssign,329
Making Use of Python,count=0,simpleAssign,329
Making Use of Python,cookie=Cookie.Cookie(),simpleAssign,331
Making Use of Python,cookie[‘studid’]=200,simpleAssign,332
Making Use of Python,C=Cookie.Cookie(os.environ[‘HTTP_COOKIE’]),simpleAssign,332
Making Use of Python,C=Cookie.Cookie(),simpleAssign,332
Making Use of Python,C[eachkey]=initialvalues[eachkey],simpleAssign,332
Making Use of Python,"cookie=getCookie({‘counter’:0,’studid’:”S01”})",simpleAssign,332
Making Use of Python,eachCook=eachCook.strip(),simpleAssign,335
Making Use of Python,tag = eachCook[2:6],simpleAssign,335
Making Use of Python,cookStatus = studidCook = ‘’,simpleAssign,335
Making Use of Python,studidCook = cookStatus = self.cookies[‘stid’],simpleAssign,336
Making Use of Python,FORM><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Back,simpleAssign,336
Making Use of Python,totbytes = 1024,simpleAssign,336
Making Use of Python,filename = self.f_name,simpleAssign,337
Making Use of Python,studidCook = cookStatus = self.cookies[‘stid’],simpleAssign,337
Making Use of Python,form = FieldStorage(),simpleAssign,337
Making Use of Python,val=form[‘Stud_Name’].value,simpleAssign,337
Making Use of Python,val=form[‘Course_ID’].value,simpleAssign,337
Making Use of Python,val=form[‘Assign_No’].value,simpleAssign,337
Making Use of Python,File_Upl = form[“File_Upl”],simpleAssign,337
Making Use of Python,page = myCGI(),simpleAssign,338
Making Use of Python,top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,344
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,344
Making Use of Python,top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,345
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,346
Making Use of Python,"L1 = Label(top, text=”Hello World”)",simpleAssign,348
Making Use of Python,"L1 = Label(top, text=”Hello World”, width = 20, height =5)",simpleAssign,348
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,348
Making Use of Python,"L1 = Label(top, text=”Hello World”, width = 20, height =5)",simpleAssign,348
Making Use of Python,E1 = Entry(top),simpleAssign,349
Making Use of Python,"E1 = Entry(top, bd =5, fg = “red”, relief = RAISED)",simpleAssign,349
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,350
Making Use of Python,"E1 = Entry(top, bd =5, fg = “red”, relief = RAISED)",simpleAssign,350
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,351
Making Use of Python,"L1 = Label(top, text=”User Name”)",simpleAssign,351
Making Use of Python,"E1 = Entry(top, bd =5)",simpleAssign,351
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,351
Making Use of Python,"L1 = Label(top, text=”User Name”)",simpleAssign,351
Making Use of Python,L1.pack(side=LEFT),simpleAssign,351
Making Use of Python,"E1 = Entry(top, bd =5)",simpleAssign,351
Making Use of Python,E1.pack(side=RIGHT),simpleAssign,351
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,"L1 = Label(top, text=”User Name”)",simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,"L1.grid(row=0, column=0)",simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,"E1 = Entry(top, bd =5)",simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,"E1.grid(row=0, column=1)",simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,"L1 = Label(top, text=”User Name”)",simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,", rely=0.0)",simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,"E1 = Entry(top, bd =5)",simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,", rely = 0.0)",simpleAssign,352
Making Use of Python,top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,354
Making Use of Python,"B1 = Tkinter.Button(top, text = “Say Hello”, command = hello)",simpleAssign,354
Making Use of Python,Lb1 = Listbox(top),simpleAssign,355
Making Use of Python,top = Tk(),simpleAssign,355
Making Use of Python,Lb1 = Listbox(top),simpleAssign,355
Making Use of Python,CheckVar = IntVar(),simpleAssign,357
Making Use of Python,"C1 = Checkbutton(top, text = “Music”, variable = CheckVar)",simpleAssign,357
Making Use of Python,top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,357
Making Use of Python,CheckVar = IntVar(),simpleAssign,357
Making Use of Python,"C1 = Checkbutton(top, text = “Music”, variable = CheckVar, \",simpleAssign,357
Making Use of Python,"onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0)",simpleAssign,357
Making Use of Python,top = Tkinter.Tk(),simpleAssign,358
Making Use of Python,RadioVar = IntVar(),simpleAssign,358
Making Use of Python,"R1 = Radiobutton(top, text = “Male”, variable = RadioVar, value = 1)",simpleAssign,358
Making Use of Python,"R2 = Radiobutton(top, text = “Female”, variable =RadioVar,value = 2)",simpleAssign,358
Making Use of Python,"F1 = Frame(top, width = 100, height = 100)",simpleAssign,358
Making Use of Python,"r1=Radiobutton(F1, text=”Male”, variable=v, value=1)",simpleAssign,358
Making Use of Python,"r2=Radiobutton(F1, text=”Female”, variable=v, value=2)",simpleAssign,358
Making Use of Python,"Label(master, text=”First Name”).grid(row=0)",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"Label(master, text=”Last Name”).grid(row=1)",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"Label(master, text=”Age”).grid(row=2)",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"Label(master, text=””, width=5).grid(row=0, column=3)",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"Label(master, text=”Gender”).grid(row=0, column=4)",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"variable=self.v, value=1).pack(anchor=W)",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"variable=self.v, value=2).pack(anchor=W)",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"Label(master, text=””).grid(row=3)",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,wraplength=60).grid(row=4),simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"width=10, command=self.Chk_Prereq, default=ACTIVE).pack()",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"width=10, command=self.Clear).pack()",simpleAssign,359
Making Use of Python,"width=10, command=self.Close).pack()",simpleAssign,360
Making Use of Python,"Label(master, text=””).grid(row=6)",simpleAssign,360
Making Use of Python,elif self.v.get()==2:,simpleAssign,360
Making Use of Python,elif self.var.get() == 1 and self.flag == 1:,simpleAssign,361
Making Use of Python,root = Tk(),simpleAssign,361
Making Use of Python,app = App(root),simpleAssign,361
Making Use of Python,id= GetIDsOfNames(“MethodCall”),simpleAssign,369
Making Use of Python,id= GetIDsOfNames(“Property”),simpleAssign,369
Making Use of Python,xl=win32com.client.Dispatch(“Excel.Application”),simpleAssign,370
Making Use of Python,xl.visible=1,simpleAssign,370
Making Use of Python,"xl.visible=1,",simpleAssign,371
Making Use of Python,xl=win32com.client.Dispatch(“Excel.Application”),simpleAssign,372
Making Use of Python,xl.visible=1,simpleAssign,372
Making Use of Python,"xl.Cells(1,2).Value=”=NOW()”",simpleAssign,372
Making Use of Python,"xl.Cells(2,2).Value=”=SUM(100,156)”",simpleAssign,372
Making Use of Python,arg1=arg1.strip(),simpleAssign,373
Making Use of Python,counter=arg1.count(‘ ‘),simpleAssign,373
Making Use of Python,l=len(arg1),simpleAssign,373
Making Use of Python,arg1=arg1.strip(),simpleAssign,373
Making Use of Python,counter=arg1.count(‘ ‘),simpleAssign,373
Making Use of Python,Set COMStringServer = CreateObject(“COMSTRINGSERVER”),simpleAssign,374
Making Use of Python,output = COMStringServer.letters(Text1.Text),simpleAssign,374
Making Use of Python,output1 = COMStringServer.words(Text1.Text),simpleAssign,374
Making Use of Python,Set COMStringServer = Nothing,simpleAssign,374
Making Use of Python,Set COMStringServer = CreateObject(“COMSTRINGSERVER”),simpleAssign,374
Python Crash Course,zip(),zip,490
Python Crash Course,"super().__init__(make, model, year)",superfunc,173
Python Crash Course,"super().__init__(make, model, year)",superfunc,174
Python Crash Course,"super().__init__(make, model, year)",superfunc,176
Python Crash Course,"super().__init__(make, model, year)",superfunc,181
Python Crash Course,super().__init__().,superfunc,258
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,"@login_required
Python Crash Course,enumerate(),enumfunc,351
Python Crash Course,enumerate() int()  ord()  str(),enumfunc,490
Python Crash Course,"squares = [value**2 for value in range(1,11)]",simpleListComp,64
Python Crash Course,y_values = [x**2 for x in x_values],simpleListComp,328
Python Crash Course,y_values = [x**2 for x in x_values],simpleListComp,330
Python Crash Course,property() tuple(),classprop,490
Python Crash Course,classmethod()  getattr()  map()  repr() xrange(),classmethod2,490
Python Crash Course,with open('pi_digits.txt') as file_object:,withfunc,190
Python Crash Course,with open('pi_digits.txt') as file_object:,withfunc,191
Python Crash Course,with open('text_files/filename.txt') as file_object:,withfunc,192
Python Crash Course,with open('text_files\filename.txt') as file_object:,withfunc,192
Python Crash Course,with open(file_path) as file_object:,withfunc,192
Python Crash Course,with open(file_path) as file_object:,withfunc,192
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as file_object:,withfunc,193
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as file_object:,withfunc,194
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as file_object:,withfunc,194
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as file_object:,withfunc,195
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as file_object:,withfunc,195
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as file_object:,withfunc,196
Python Crash Course,"with open(filename, 'w') as file_object:",withfunc,198
Python Crash Course,"with open(filename, 'w') as file_object:",withfunc,198
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f_obj:,withfunc,203
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f_obj:,withfunc,203
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f_obj:,withfunc,203
Python Crash Course,"with open(filename, 'w') as f_obj:",withfunc,210
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f_obj:,withfunc,210
Python Crash Course,"with open(filename, 'w') as f_obj:",withfunc,213
Python Crash Course,"with open(filename, 'w') as f_obj:",withfunc,213
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,351
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,352
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,355
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,356
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,357
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,359
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,360
Python Crash Course,with open(filename) as f:,withfunc,363
Python Crash Course,"if alien_0['speed'] == 'medium':
  x_increment = 2
Python Crash Course,"if height >= 36:
  print(""\nYou're tall enough to ride!"")
Python Crash Course,"if number % 2 == 0:
  print(""\nThe number "" + str(number) + "" is even."")
Python Crash Course,"while statement needs to check only one condition: whether or 
 not the flag is currently True. Then, all our other tests (to see if an event has 
 occurred that should set the flag to False) can be neatly organized in the rest 
 of the program.

 Let’s add a flag to from the previous section. This flag, which 
 we’ll call active (though you can call it anything), will monitor whether or 
 not the program should continue running:

 prompt = ""\nTell me something, and I will repeat it back to you:""
 prompt += ""\nEnter 'quit' to end the program. ""

 u active = True
 v while active:

  message = input(prompt)

 w  if message == 'quit':

  active = False

 x  else:",whileelse,124
Python Crash Course,"while True:

  city = input(prompt)
  if city == 'quit':
Python Crash Course,"while True:
  first_number = input(""\nFirst number: "")
  if first_number == 'q':
  second_number = input(""Second number: "")

 u  try:

  answer = int(first_number) / int(second_number)

 v  except ZeroDivisionError:

  print(""You can't divide by 0!"")

 w  else:",whileelse,202
Python Crash Course,"while True:

 u  print(""\nPlease tell me your name:"")

  f_name = input(""First name: "")
  l_name = input(""Last name: "")
  formatted_name = get_formatted_name(f_name, l_name)
  print(""\nHello, "" + formatted_name + ""!"")

 For this example, we use a simple version of get_formatted_name() that 
 doesn’t involve middle names. The while loop asks the user to enter their 
 name, and we prompt for their first and last name separately u.

 But there’s one problem with this while loop: We haven’t defined a quit 

 condition. Where do you put a quit condition when you ask for a series of 
 inputs? We want the user to be able to quit as easily as possible, so each 
 prompt should offer a way to quit. The break statement offers a straight-
 forward way to exit the loop at either prompt:

 def get_formatted_name(first_name, last_name):
  """"""Return a full name, neatly formatted.""""""
  full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name
  return full_name.title()

 while True:
  print(""\nPlease tell me your name:"")
  print(""(enter 'q' at any time to quit)"")
  f_name = input(""First name: "")
  if f_name == 'q':
  l_name = input(""Last name: "")
  if l_name == 'q':
Python Crash Course,"while True:

 u  first_number = input(""\nFirst number: "")

  if first_number == 'q':

 v  second_number = input(""Second number: "")

  if second_number == 'q':
Python Crash Course,"while True:
  first = input(""\nPlease give me a first name: "")
  if first == 'q':
  last = input(""Please give me a last name: "")
  if last == 'q':
  formatted_name = get_formatted_name(first, last)
  print(""\tNeatly formatted name: "" + formatted_name + '.')

 This program imports get_formatted_name() from The 

 user can enter a series of first and last names, and see the formatted full 
 names that are generated:

 Enter 'q' at any time to quit. 

 Please give me a first name: janis 
 Please give me a last name: joplin 

 Neatly formatted name: Janis Joplin. 

 Please give me a first name: bob 
 Please give me a last name: dylan 

 Neatly formatted name: Bob Dylan.

 Please give me a first name: q

 We can see that the names generated here are correct. But let’s say we 

 want to modify get_formatted_name() so it can also handle middle names. 
 As we do so, we want to make sure we don’t break",whilebreak,216
Python Crash Course,"while True:
  response = input(""Language: "")
  if response == 'q':
Python Crash Course,"while loop, like this: 

 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

 from random_walk import RandomWalk

 # Keep making new walks, as long as the program is active.
 while True:
  # Make a random walk, and plot the points.
  rw = RandomWalk()
  plt.scatter(rw.x_values, rw.y_values, s=15)

 u  keep_running = input(""Make another walk? (y/n): "")

  if keep_running == 'n':
Python Crash Course,"while current_number < 10:

 u  current_number += 1

  if current_number % 2 == 0:

 First we set current_number to 0. Because it’s less than 10, Python 

 enters the while loop. Once inside the loop, we increment the count by 1 
 at u, so current_number is 1. The if statement then checks the modulo of 
 current_number and 2. If the modulo is 0 (which means current_number is 
 divisible by 2), the continue statement tells Python to ignore the rest of 
 the loop and return to the beginning. If the current number is not divis-
 ible by 2, the rest of the loop is executed and Python prints the current 


 Avoiding Infinite Loops
 Every while loop needs a way to stop running so it won’t continue",whilecontinue,126
Python Crash Course,"while True:
  gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets)

  if stats.game_active:
  gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens, bullets)
  gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, stats, screen, ship, aliens, bullets)

  gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens, bullets)

 In the main loop, we always need to call check_events(), even if the game 
 is inactive. For example, we still need to know if the user presses Q to quit 
 the game or clicks the button to close the window. We also continue",whilecontinue,289
Python Crash Course,while loop counts from 1 to 5:,whilesimple,122
Python Crash Course,while current_number <= 5:,whilesimple,122
Python Crash Course,while message != 'quit':,whilesimple,123
Python Crash Course,while loop and the program ends:,whilesimple,123
Python Crash Course,while message != 'quit':,whilesimple,123
Python Crash Course,while x <= 5:,whilesimple,126
Python Crash Course,while x <= 5:,whilesimple,127
Python Crash Course,while unconfirmed_users:,whilesimple,128
Python Crash Course,while 'cat' in pets:,whilesimple,129
Python Crash Course,while polling_active:,whilesimple,130
Python Crash Course,while unprinted_designs:,whilesimple,147
Python Crash Course,while unprinted_designs:,whilesimple,148
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,241
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,242
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,243
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,246
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,248
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,249
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,250
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,251
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,259
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,262
Python Crash Course,while loop in looks simple again:,whilesimple,263
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,263
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,268
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,270
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,277
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,279
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,280
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,283
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,285
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,286
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,294
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,296
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,297
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,303
Python Crash Course,while loop:,whilesimple,305
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,305
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,312
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,316
Python Crash Course,while len(self.x_values) < self.num_points:,whilesimple,332
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,335
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,336
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,337
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,337
Python Crash Course,while True:,whilesimple,338
Python Crash Course,while logged out:,whilesimple,448
Python Crash Course,from . import views,fromrelative,413
Python Crash Course,from . import views,fromrelative,440
Python Crash Course,from pizza import *,fromstarstatements,157
Python Crash Course,from module_name import *,fromstarstatements,157
Python Crash Course,from module_name import *,fromstarstatements,159
Python Crash Course,from module_name import *,fromstarstatements,182
Python Crash Course,from pizza import make_pizza as mp,asextension,156
Python Crash Course,from module_name import function_name as fn,asextension,156
Python Crash Course,"Calling p.make_pizza() is more concise than calling pizza.make_pizza():

 import pizza as p",asextension,157
Python Crash Course,"The general syntax for this approach is:

 import module_name as mn",asextension,157
Python Crash Course,"from module_name import function_name as fn
 import module_name as mn",asextension,159
Python Crash Course,"from ship import Ship
 import game_functions as gf",asextension,248
Python Crash Course,"from alien import Alien
 import game_functions as gf",asextension,268
Python Crash Course,"from ship import Ship
 import game_functions as gf",asextension,270
Python Crash Course,from matplotlib import pyplot as plt,asextension,353
Python Crash Course,from matplotlib import pyplot as plt,asextension,355
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,162
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,163
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,163
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,163
Python Crash Course,this __init__(),__init__,163
Python Crash Course,the __init__() method from the Dog class. We’ll pass Dog(),__init__,163
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,164
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,164
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,164
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,166
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,167
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,167
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,167
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,168
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,168
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,168
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,172
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,172
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,172
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,173
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,173
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,173
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,173
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,173
Python Crash Course,from __init__(),__init__,173
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,173
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,173
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,174
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,176
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,176
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,176
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,179
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, battery_size=60)",__init__,180
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, make, model, year)",__init__,181
Python Crash Course,write __init__(),__init__,187
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, question)",__init__,223
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,228
Python Crash Course,def __init__(self),__init__,243
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, screen)",__init__,245
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,245
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, screen)",__init__,251
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,251
Python Crash Course,to __init__() and update(),__init__,252
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, screen)",__init__,252
Python Crash Course,"In __init__(), we add a self.moving_left flag. In update()",__init__,252
Python Crash Course,def __init__(self),__init__,253
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen)",__init__,253
Python Crash Course,for __init__(),__init__,254
Python Crash Course,"an 
Python Crash Course,an __init__(),__init__,257
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,257
Python Crash Course,def __init__(self),__init__,257
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen, ship)",__init__,258
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen)",__init__,267
Python Crash Course,def __init__(self),__init__,276
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings)",__init__,285
Python Crash Course,in __init__(),__init__,286
Python Crash Course,"from 
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, settings)",__init__,288
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings)",__init__,292
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen, msg)",__init__,292
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,293
Python Crash Course,"the 
Python Crash Course,def __init__(self),__init__,299
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,299
Python Crash Course,than __init__(),__init__,301
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen, stats)",__init__,301
Python Crash Course,give __init__(),__init__,302
Python Crash Course,def __init__(self),__init__,306
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings)",__init__,308
Python Crash Course,"in 

 __init__() rather than in reset_stats()",__init__,308
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,308
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen, stats)",__init__,308
Python Crash Course,from __init__(),__init__,310
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen, stats)",__init__,310
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen)",__init__,313
Python Crash Course,of __init__(),__init__,313
Python Crash Course,and __init__(),__init__,314
Python Crash Course,"def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen, stats)",__init__,314
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,317
Python Crash Course,shorten __init__(). The prep_images(),__init__,317
Python Crash Course,the __init__(),__init__,332
Python Crash Course,with __init__(),__init__,332
Python Crash Course,The __init__(),__init__,340
Python Crash Course,"try:
  with open(filename) as f_obj:
  username = json.load(f_obj)
  except FileNotFoundError:
  username = input(""What is your name? "")
  with open(filename, 'w') as f_obj:
  json.dump(username, f_obj)
  print(""We'll remember you when you come back, "" + username + ""!"")
  print(""Welcome back, "" + username + ""!"")


 Because we’re using a function now, we update the comments with a 
 docstring that reflects how the program currently works u. This file is a 
 little cleaner, but the function greet_user() is doing more than just greeting 
 the user—it’s also retrieving a stored username if one exists and prompting 
 for a new username if one doesn’t exist.

 Let’s refactor greet_user() so it’s not doing so many different tasks. 

 We’ll start by moving the code for retrieving a stored username to a sepa-
 rate function:

 import json

 def get_stored_username():

 u  """"""Get stored username if available.""""""

  filename = 'username.json'
  with open(filename) as f_obj:
  username = json.load(f_obj)
  except FileNotFoundError:

 v  return None

  return username

 212  Chapter 10",trytry,212
Python Crash Course,"try: The opening is the first part of the game, roughly...>, <Entry: In 
 the opening phase of the game, it's important t...>]

 To get data through a foreign key relationship, you use the lowercase 
 name of the related model followed by an underscore and the word set u. 
 For example, say you have the models Pizza and Topping, and Topping is 
 related to Pizza through a foreign key. If your object is called my_pizza, 
 representing a single pizza, you can get all of the pizza’s toppings using 
 the code my_pizza.topping_set.all().

 We’ll use this kind of syntax when we begin to code the pages users 
 can request. The shell is very useful for making sure your code retrieves 
 the data you want it to. If your code works as you expect it to in the shell, 
 you can expect it to work properly in the files you write within your project. 
 If your code generates errors or doesn’t retrieve the data you expect it to, 
 it’s much easier to troubleshoot your code in the simple shell environment 
 than it is within the files that generate web pages. We won’t refer to the shell 
 much, but you should continue using it to practice working with Django’s 
 syntax for accessing the data stored in the project.

 N O T E  

 Each time you modify your models, you’ll need to restart the shell to see the effects of 
 those changes. To exit a shell session, enter CTRL-D; on Windows enter CTRL-Z and 
 then press ENTER.

 Getting Started with Django  411",trytry,411
Python Crash Course,"try:
  with open(filename) as f_obj:
  contents = 
  except FileNotFoundError:
  msg = ""Sorry, the file "" + filename + "" does not exist.""
Python Crash Course,"try:
  except FileNotFoundError:

 u  pass

Python Crash Course,"try:

 u  with open(filename) as f_obj:
 v  username = json.load(f_obj)
 w except FileNotFoundError:
 x  username = input(""What is your name? "")
 y  with open(filename, 'w') as f_obj:

  json.dump(username, f_obj)
  print(""We'll remember you when you come back, "" + username + ""!"")
Python Crash Course,"try:

  current_date = datetime.strptime(row[0], ""%Y-%m-%d"")
  high = int(row[1])
  low = int(row[3])
  except ValueError:

 v  print(current_date, 'missing data')

Python Crash Course,"try:
 except ZeroDivisionError:",tryexcept,200
Python Crash Course,"try:
  with open(filename) as f_obj:
  contents =
 except FileNotFoundError:",tryexcept,204
Python Crash Course,"u cc_pops_1, cc_pops_2, cc_pops_3 = {}, {}, {}",nestedDict,371
Python Crash Course,"cc_pops_1, cc_pops_2, cc_pops_3 = {}, {}, {}",nestedDict,372
Python Crash Course,v  widgets = {'text': forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 80})},nestedDict,432
Python Crash Course,"def build_profile(first, last, **user_info):",funcwith2star,153
Python Crash Course,def make_pizza(*toppings):,funcwithstar,151
Python Crash Course,def make_pizza(*toppings):,funcwithstar,151
Python Crash Course,"def make_pizza(size, *toppings):",funcwithstar,152
Python Crash Course,"def make_pizza(size, *toppings):",funcwithstar,155
Python Crash Course,class Dog():,simpleclass,162
Python Crash Course,class ClassName(object):,simpleclass,164
Python Crash Course,class Dog(object):,simpleclass,164
Python Crash Course,class Dog():,simpleclass,164
Python Crash Course,class Dog():,simpleclass,165
Python Crash Course,class Dog():,simpleclass,165
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,167
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,168
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,169
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,169
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,170
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,170
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,172
Python Crash Course,class ElectricCar(Car):,simpleclass,172
Python Crash Course,class Car(object):,simpleclass,173
Python Crash Course,class ElectricCar(Car):,simpleclass,173
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,174
Python Crash Course,class ElectricCar(Car):,simpleclass,174
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,175
Python Crash Course,class Battery():,simpleclass,175
Python Crash Course,class ElectricCar(Car):,simpleclass,176
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,177
Python Crash Course,class Battery():,simpleclass,177
Python Crash Course,class ElectricCar(Car):,simpleclass,177
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,179
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,180
Python Crash Course,class Battery():,simpleclass,180
Python Crash Course,class ElectricCar(Car):,simpleclass,181
Python Crash Course,class Battery():,simpleclass,183
Python Crash Course,class ElectricCar(Car):,simpleclass,183
Python Crash Course,class Car():,simpleclass,183
Python Crash Course,class AnonymousSurvey():,simpleclass,223
Python Crash Course,class Settings():,simpleclass,243
Python Crash Course,class Ship():,simpleclass,245
Python Crash Course,class Ship():,simpleclass,251
Python Crash Course,class Settings():,simpleclass,253
Python Crash Course,class Ship():,simpleclass,253
Python Crash Course,class Bullet(Sprite):,simpleclass,258
Python Crash Course,class Alien(Sprite):,simpleclass,267
Python Crash Course,class GameStats():,simpleclass,285
Python Crash Course,class Button():,simpleclass,292
Python Crash Course,class GameStats():,simpleclass,301
Python Crash Course,class Scoreboard():,simpleclass,301
Python Crash Course,class Settings():,simpleclass,306
Python Crash Course,class Ship(Sprite):,simpleclass,313
Python Crash Course,class Scoreboard():,simpleclass,314
Python Crash Course,class RandomWalk():,simpleclass,332
Python Crash Course,class Die():,simpleclass,340
Python Crash Course,"u  dates, highs, lows = [], [], []",nestedList,357
Python Crash Course,"dates, highs, lows = [], [], []",nestedList,360
Python Crash Course,"for cat in cats:
 for dog in dogs:",fornested,55
Python Crash Course,"alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}",simpleDict,96
Python Crash Course,"alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}",simpleDict,96
Python Crash Course,alien_0 = {'color': 'green'},simpleDict,96
Python Crash Course,alien_0 = {'color': 'green'},simpleDict,97
Python Crash Course,"alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}",simpleDict,97
Python Crash Course,"alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}",simpleDict,97
Python Crash Course,"alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}",simpleDict,98
Python Crash Course,alien_0 = {'color': 'green'},simpleDict,99
Python Crash Course,"alien_0 = {'x_position': 0, 'y_position': 25, 'speed': 'medium'}",simpleDict,99
Python Crash Course,"alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}",simpleDict,100
Python Crash Course,"alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}",simpleDict,109
Python Crash Course,"alien_1 = {'color': 'yellow', 'points': 10}",simpleDict,109
Python Crash Course,"alien_2 = {'color': 'red', 'points': 15}",simpleDict,109
Python Crash Course,"v  new_alien = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5, 'speed': 'slow'}",simpleDict,109
Python Crash Course,"new_alien = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5, 'speed': 'slow'}",simpleDict,110
Python Crash Course,"u  person = {'first': first_name, 'last': last_name}",simpleDict,144
Python Crash Course,"person = {'first': first_name, 'last': last_name}",simpleDict,144
Python Crash Course,x  context = {'topics': topics},simpleDict,419
Python Crash Course,"x  context = {'topic': topic, 'entries': entries}",simpleDict,422
Python Crash Course,x  labels = {'text': ''},simpleDict,428
Python Crash Course,context = {'form': form},simpleDict,429
Python Crash Course,u  labels = {'text': ''},simpleDict,432
Python Crash Course,"context = {'topic': topic, 'form': form}",simpleDict,433
Python Crash Course,"context = {'entry': entry, 'topic': topic, 'form': form}",simpleDict,436
Python Crash Course,context = {'form': form},simpleDict,444
Python Crash Course,context = {'topics': topics},simpleDict,451
Python Crash Course,"context = {'topic': topic, 'entries': entries}",simpleDict,452
Python Crash Course,context = {'form': form},simpleDict,453
Python Crash Course,"BOOTSTRAP3 = {
  'include_jquery': True,
Python Crash Course,"BOOTSTRAP3 = {
  'include_jquery': True,
Python Crash Course,"DATABASES = {
  'default': dj_database_url.config(default='postgres://localhost')
Python Crash Course,at the open(),openfunc,190
Python Crash Course,"tents, you first need to open the file to access it. The open()",openfunc,190
Python Crash Course,for pi_digits.txt in the directory where is stored. The open(),openfunc,190
Python Crash Course,"function returns an object representing the file. Here, open('pi_digits.txt')",openfunc,190
Python Crash Course,Notice how we call open() in this program but not close(),openfunc,190
Python Crash Course,and close the file by calling open() and close(),openfunc,191
Python Crash Course,When you pass a simple filename like pi_digits.txt to the open(),openfunc,191
Python Crash Course,"is in python_work, just passing open()",openfunc,191
Python Crash Course,"python_work—say, a folder called other_files—then just passing open()",openfunc,192
Python Crash Course,store them in a variable and then pass that variable to open(),openfunc,192
Python Crash Course,v with open(filename),openfunc,193
Python Crash Course,for the name of another file you want to work with. After we call open(),openfunc,193
Python Crash Course,"When you use with, the file object returned by open()",openfunc,194
Python Crash Course,"To write text to a file, you need to call open()",openfunc,197
Python Crash Course,"u with open(filename, 'w')",openfunc,197
Python Crash Course,The call to open(),openfunc,197
Python Crash Course,The open(),openfunc,198
Python Crash Course,"u with open(filename, 'a')",openfunc,199
Python Crash Course,"this example, the open()",openfunc,203
Python Crash Course,block will begin just before the line that contains open(),openfunc,203
Python Crash Course,"v with open(filename, 'w')",openfunc,209
Python Crash Course,v with open(filename),openfunc,209
Python Crash Course,u with open(filename),openfunc,350
Python Crash Course,abs()  divmod() input()  open() staticmethod(),openfunc,490
Python Crash Course,"v  file_object.write(""I love programming."")",write,197
Python Crash Course,At v we use the write(),write,198
Python Crash Course,The write(),write,198
Python Crash Course,"file_object.write(""I love programming."")",write,198
Python Crash Course,"file_object.write(""I love creating new games."")",write,198
Python Crash Course,Including newlines in your write(),write,198
Python Crash Course,"file_object.write(""I love programming.\n"")",write,198
Python Crash Course,"file_object.write(""I love creating new games.\n"")",write,198
Python Crash Course,"v  file_object.write(""I also love finding meaning in large datasets.\n"")",write,199
Python Crash Course,"file_object.write(""I love creating apps that can run in a browser.\n"")",write,199
Python Crash Course,contents =,read,190
Python Crash Course,"Once we have a file object representing pi_digits.txt, we use the read()",read,191
Python Crash Course,contents =,read,191
Python Crash Course,contents =,read,203
Python Crash Course,contents =,read,203
Python Crash Course,import this,importfunc,34
Python Crash Course,import this,importfunc,35
Python Crash Course,import this,importfunc,36
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,154
Python Crash Course,import functions,importfunc,154
Python Crash Course,import a,importfunc,154
Python Crash Course,import into,importfunc,154
Python Crash Course,import pizza,importfunc,155
Python Crash Course,import pizza,importfunc,155
Python Crash Course,import a,importfunc,155
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,155
Python Crash Course,"import 
Python Crash Course,import a,importfunc,156
Python Crash Course,import as,importfunc,156
Python Crash Course,"import 

Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,156
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,156
Python Crash Course,import every,importfunc,157
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,157
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,157
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,157
Python Crash Course,import statements,importfunc,157
Python Crash Course,import statements,importfunc,158
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,159
Python Crash Course,import module_name,importfunc,159
Python Crash Course,import classes,importfunc,162
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,179
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,180
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,180
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,180
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,180
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,181
Python Crash Course,import as,importfunc,181
Python Crash Course,import both,importfunc,181
Python Crash Course,import multiple,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import an,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import car,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import every,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import statements,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import a,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import many,importfunc,182
Python Crash Course,import every,importfunc,183
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,183
Python Crash Course,"import 

Python Crash Course,import from,importfunc,183
Python Crash Course,import Car,importfunc,184
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,184
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,184
Python Crash Course,import a,importfunc,186
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,186
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,187
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,209
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,209
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,209
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,210
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,210
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,211
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,212
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,213
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,217
Python Crash Course,import unittest,importfunc,217
Python Crash Course,import unittest,importfunc,217
Python Crash Course,import unittest,importfunc,221
Python Crash Course,import unittest,importfunc,222
Python Crash Course,import unittest,importfunc,225
Python Crash Course,import unittest,importfunc,226
Python Crash Course,import unittest,importfunc,227
Python Crash Course,import statements,importfunc,236
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,239
Python Crash Course,import Pygame,importfunc,239
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,239
Python Crash Course,import Pygame,importfunc,240
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,240
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,240
Python Crash Course,import sys,importfunc,241
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,241
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,241
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,243
Python Crash Course,import Settings,importfunc,244
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,245
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,245
Python Crash Course,import Ship,importfunc,246
Python Crash Course,import sys,importfunc,247
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,247
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,248
Python Crash Course,import sys,importfunc,248
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,258
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,259
Python Crash Course,import Group,importfunc,260
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,267
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,270
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,270
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,271
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,271
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,286
Python Crash Course,import sys,importfunc,286
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,287
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,293
Python Crash Course,import Button,importfunc,294
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,303
Python Crash Course,import pygame,importfunc,313
Python Crash Course,import statements,importfunc,314
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,314
Python Crash Course,import matplotlib,importfunc,323
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,324
Python Crash Course,import pygal,importfunc,342
Python Crash Course,import pygal,importfunc,343
Python Crash Course,import csv,importfunc,350
Python Crash Course,import csv,importfunc,352
Python Crash Course,import csv,importfunc,353
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,354
Python Crash Course,import csv,importfunc,355
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,363
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,363
Python Crash Course,"import 
Python Crash Course,import it,importfunc,365
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,366
Python Crash Course,import pygal,importfunc,367
Python Crash Course,import pygal,importfunc,368
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,369
Python Crash Course,import pygal,importfunc,369
Python Crash Course,import json,importfunc,372
Python Crash Course,import pygal,importfunc,372
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,374
Python Crash Course,import requests,importfunc,379
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,380
Python Crash Course,import requests,importfunc,380
Python Crash Course,import requests,importfunc,384
Python Crash Course,import pygal,importfunc,384
Python Crash Course,import pygal,importfunc,387
Python Crash Course,import requests,importfunc,391
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,410
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,413
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,414
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,414
Python Crash Course,import views,importfunc,414
Python Crash Course,import Topic,importfunc,419
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,419
Python Crash Course,import Topic,importfunc,428
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,428
Python Crash Course,import Topic,importfunc,429
Python Crash Course,import TopicForm,importfunc,429
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,429
Python Crash Course,"import 
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,432
Python Crash Course,import Topic,importfunc,433
Python Crash Course,import statement,importfunc,434
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,436
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,440
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,443
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,445
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,445
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,445
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,447
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,449
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,449
Python Crash Course,import Topic,importfunc,451
Python Crash Course,import the,importfunc,452
Python Crash Course,import dj_database_url,importfunc,469
Python Crash Course,import os,importfunc,470
Python Crash Course,import this,importfunc,480
Python Crash Course,import  pass,importfunc,489
Python Crash Course,from module_name import function_name,importfromsimple,156
Python Crash Course,from pizza import make_pizza,importfromsimple,156
Python Crash Course,from module_name import function_name,importfromsimple,159
Python Crash Course,from car import Car,importfromsimple,180
Python Crash Course,from car import ElectricCar,importfromsimple,181
Python Crash Course,from car import Car,importfromsimple,183
Python Crash Course,from car import Car,importfromsimple,183
Python Crash Course,from electric_car import ElectricCar,importfromsimple,183
Python Crash Course,from collections import OrderedDict,importfromsimple,185
Python Crash Course,from random import randint,importfromsimple,186
Python Crash Course,from name_function import get_formatted_name,importfromsimple,216
Python Crash Course,from name_function import get_formatted_name,importfromsimple,217
Python Crash Course,from name_function import get_formatted_name,importfromsimple,221
Python Crash Course,from survey import AnonymousSurvey,importfromsimple,224
Python Crash Course,from survey import AnonymousSurvey,importfromsimple,225
Python Crash Course,from survey import AnonymousSurvey,importfromsimple,226
Python Crash Course,from survey import AnonymousSurvey,importfromsimple,227
Python Crash Course,from settings import Settings,importfromsimple,243
Python Crash Course,from settings import Settings,importfromsimple,246
Python Crash Course,from ship import Ship,importfromsimple,246
Python Crash Course,from settings import Settings,importfromsimple,248
Python Crash Course,from pygame.sprite import Sprite,importfromsimple,258
Python Crash Course,"from Sprite, which we import from",importfromsimple,258
Python Crash Course,from pygame.sprite import Group,importfromsimple,259
Python Crash Course,from bullet import Bullet,importfromsimple,260
Python Crash Course,from pygame.sprite import Sprite,importfromsimple,267
Python Crash Course,from ship import Ship,importfromsimple,268
Python Crash Course,from pygame.sprite import Group,importfromsimple,270
Python Crash Course,from settings import Settings,importfromsimple,270
Python Crash Course,from bullet import Bullet,importfromsimple,271
Python Crash Course,from alien import Alien,importfromsimple,271
Python Crash Course,from random import randint,importfromsimple,276
Python Crash Course,from settings import Settings,importfromsimple,286
Python Crash Course,from game_stats import GameStats,importfromsimple,286
Python Crash Course,"from time import sleep

 import pygame",importfromsimple,286
Python Crash Course,from game_stats import GameStats,importfromsimple,294
Python Crash Course,from button import Button,importfromsimple,294
Python Crash Course,from game_stats import GameStats,importfromsimple,303
Python Crash Course,from scoreboard import Scoreboard,importfromsimple,303
Python Crash Course,from pygame.sprite import Sprite,importfromsimple,313
Python Crash Course,from pygame.sprite import Group,importfromsimple,314
Python Crash Course,from ship import Ship,importfromsimple,314
Python Crash Course,from random import choice,importfromsimple,332
Python Crash Course,from random_walk import RandomWalk,importfromsimple,333
Python Crash Course,from random import randint,importfromsimple,340
Python Crash Course,from die import Die,importfromsimple,341
Python Crash Course,from die import Die,importfromsimple,343
Python Crash Course,"from die import Die

 import pygal",importfromsimple,345
Python Crash Course,from datetime import datetime,importfromsimple,354
Python Crash Course,from datetime import datetime,importfromsimple,355
Python Crash Course,from pygal.i18n import COUNTRIES,importfromsimple,365
Python Crash Course,from pygal.i18n import COUNTRIES,importfromsimple,365
Python Crash Course,from country_codes import get_country_code,importfromsimple,366
Python Crash Course,from country_codes import get_country_code,importfromsimple,369
Python Crash Course,from import RotateStyle,importfromsimple,372
Python Crash Course,from which we import the,importfromsimple,373
Python Crash Course,from import LightColorizedStyle,importfromsimple,374
Python Crash Course,from import LightColorizedStyle,importfromsimple,374
Python Crash Course,from import LightColorizedStyle,importfromsimple,384
Python Crash Course,from import LightColorizedStyle,importfromsimple,387
Python Crash Course,from operator import itemgetter,importfromsimple,391
Python Crash Course,from django.db import models,importfromsimple,403
Python Crash Course,from django.db import models,importfromsimple,403
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib import admin,importfromsimple,407
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib import admin,importfromsimple,407
Python Crash Course,from learning_logs.models import Topic,importfromsimple,407
Python Crash Course,from django.db import models,importfromsimple,408
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib import admin,importfromsimple,409
Python Crash Course,from learning_logs.models import Topic,importfromsimple,410
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib import admin,importfromsimple,413
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib import admin,importfromsimple,413
Python Crash Course,from django.conf.urls import url,importfromsimple,413
Python Crash Course,from django.shortcuts import render,importfromsimple,414
Python Crash Course,from django.shortcuts import render,importfromsimple,415
Python Crash Course,from django.shortcuts import render,importfromsimple,419
Python Crash Course,from django import forms,importfromsimple,428
Python Crash Course,from django.shortcuts import render,importfromsimple,429
Python Crash Course,from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect,importfromsimple,429
Python Crash Course,from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse,importfromsimple,429
Python Crash Course,from django import forms,importfromsimple,432
Python Crash Course,from django.shortcuts import render,importfromsimple,433
Python Crash Course,from django.shortcuts import render,importfromsimple,436
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib import admin,importfromsimple,439
Python Crash Course,from django.conf.urls import url,importfromsimple,440
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib.auth.views import login,importfromsimple,440
Python Crash Course,from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect,importfromsimple,443
Python Crash Course,from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse,importfromsimple,443
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib.auth import logout,importfromsimple,443
Python Crash Course,from django.shortcuts import render,importfromsimple,444
Python Crash Course,from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect,importfromsimple,444
Python Crash Course,from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse,importfromsimple,444
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm,importfromsimple,444
Python Crash Course,from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse,importfromsimple,447
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required,importfromsimple,447
Python Crash Course,from django.db import models,importfromsimple,449
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib.auth.models import User,importfromsimple,449
Python Crash Course,from django.contrib.auth.models import User,importfromsimple,449
Python Crash Course,from learning_logs.models import Topic,importfromsimple,450
Python Crash Course,from django.shortcuts import render,importfromsimple,452
Python Crash Course,from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse,importfromsimple,452
Python Crash Course,from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application,importfromsimple,470
Python Crash Course,from dj_static import Cling,importfromsimple,470
Python Crash Course,self.age = age,simpleattr,162
Python Crash Course, = name takes the value stored in the parameter name and stores it,simpleattr,163
Python Crash Course,self.make = make,simpleattr,167
Python Crash Course,self.model = model,simpleattr,167
Python Crash Course,self.year = year,simpleattr,167
Python Crash Course,self.make = make,simpleattr,168
Python Crash Course,self.model = model,simpleattr,168
Python Crash Course,self.year = year,simpleattr,168
Python Crash Course,self.odometer_reading = mileage,simpleattr,169
Python Crash Course,self.odometer_reading = mileage,simpleattr,170
Python Crash Course,self.odometer_reading += miles,simpleattr,170
Python Crash Course,self.make = make,simpleattr,172
Python Crash Course,self.model = model,simpleattr,172
Python Crash Course,self.year = year,simpleattr,172
Python Crash Course,self.odometer_reading = 0,simpleattr,172
Python Crash Course,self.odometer_reading += miles,simpleattr,172
Python Crash Course,self.battery_size = battery_size,simpleattr,175
Python Crash Course,self.make = make,simpleattr,179
Python Crash Course,self.model = model,simpleattr,179
Python Crash Course,self.year = year,simpleattr,179
Python Crash Course,self.odometer_reading = 0,simpleattr,179
Python Crash Course,self.odometer_reading += miles,simpleattr,179
Python Crash Course,self.battery_size = battery_size,simpleattr,180
Python Crash Course,self.battery = Battery(),simpleattr,181
Python Crash Course,self.question = question,simpleattr,223
Python Crash Course,self.responses = [],simpleattr,223
Python Crash Course,self.screen_width = 1200,simpleattr,243
Python Crash Course,self.screen_height = 800,simpleattr,243
Python Crash Course,"self.bg_color = (230, 230, 230)",simpleattr,243
Python Crash Course,self.screen = screen,simpleattr,245
Python Crash Course,self.rect.bottom = self.screen_rect.bottom,simpleattr,245
Python Crash Course,self.rect.centerx = self.screen_rect.centerx,simpleattr,251
Python Crash Course,self.rect.bottom = self.screen_rect.bottom,simpleattr,251
Python Crash Course,self.moving_right = False,simpleattr,252
Python Crash Course,self.moving_left = False,simpleattr,252
Python Crash Course,self.ship_speed_factor = 1.5,simpleattr,253
Python Crash Course,self.screen = screen,simpleattr,253
Python Crash Course,self.moving_right = False,simpleattr,253
Python Crash Course,self.moving_left = False,simpleattr,253
Python Crash Course, += self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor,simpleattr,255
Python Crash Course, -= self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor,simpleattr,255
Python Crash Course,self.rect.centerx =,simpleattr,255
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_speed_factor = 1,simpleattr,257
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_width = 3,simpleattr,257
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_height = 15,simpleattr,257
Python Crash Course,"self.bullet_color = 60, 60, 60",simpleattr,257
Python Crash Course,self.screen = screen,simpleattr,258
Python Crash Course,self.speed_factor = ai_settings.bullet_speed_factor,simpleattr,258
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_width = 3,simpleattr,262
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_height = 15,simpleattr,262
Python Crash Course,"self.bullet_color = 60, 60, 60",simpleattr,262
Python Crash Course,self.bullets_allowed = 3,simpleattr,262
Python Crash Course,self.screen = screen,simpleattr,267
Python Crash Course,self.ai_settings = ai_settings,simpleattr,267
Python Crash Course,self.image = pygame.image.load('images/alien.bmp'),simpleattr,267
Python Crash Course,self.rect = self.image.get_rect(),simpleattr,267
Python Crash Course,self.rect.y = self.rect.height,simpleattr,267
Python Crash Course,self.x = float(self.rect.x),simpleattr,267
Python Crash Course,self.alien_speed_factor = 1,simpleattr,276
Python Crash Course,self.alien_speed_factor = 1,simpleattr,277
Python Crash Course,self.fleet_drop_speed = 10,simpleattr,277
Python Crash Course,self.fleet_direction = 1,simpleattr,277
Python Crash Course,self.x += (self.ai_settings.alien_speed_factor *,simpleattr,278
Python Crash Course,self.rect.x = self.x,simpleattr,278
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_speed_factor = 3,simpleattr,283
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_width = 3,simpleattr,283
Python Crash Course,self.ai_settings = ai_settings,simpleattr,285
Python Crash Course,self.ships_left = self.ai_settings.ship_limit,simpleattr,285
Python Crash Course,self.ship_speed_factor = 1.5,simpleattr,286
Python Crash Course,self.ship_limit = 3,simpleattr,286
Python Crash Course, = self.screen_rect.centerx,simpleattr,287
Python Crash Course,self.game_active = True,simpleattr,288
Python Crash Course,self.ai_settings = ai_settings,simpleattr,292
Python Crash Course,self.game_active = False,simpleattr,292
Python Crash Course,self.screen = screen,simpleattr,292
Python Crash Course,self.screen_rect = screen.get_rect(),simpleattr,292
Python Crash Course,"self.button_color = (0, 255, 0)",simpleattr,292
Python Crash Course,"self.text_color = (255, 255, 255)",simpleattr,292
Python Crash Course, =,simpleattr,292
Python Crash Course, =,simpleattr,293
Python Crash Course,self.screen_width = 1200,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.screen_height = 800,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,"self.bg_color = (230, 230, 230)",simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.ship_limit = 3,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_width = 3,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_height = 15,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,"self.bullet_color = 60, 60, 60",simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.bullets_allowed = 3,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.fleet_drop_speed = 10,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.ship_speed_factor = 1.5,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_speed_factor = 3,simpleattr,299
Python Crash Course,self.alien_speed_factor = 1,simpleattr,300
Python Crash Course,self.fleet_direction = 1,simpleattr,300
Python Crash Course,self.ship_speed_factor *= self.speedup_scale,simpleattr,300
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_speed_factor *= self.speedup_scale,simpleattr,300
Python Crash Course,self.alien_speed_factor *= self.speedup_scale,simpleattr,300
Python Crash Course,self.ships_left = self.ai_settings.ship_limit,simpleattr,301
Python Crash Course,self.score = 0,simpleattr,301
Python Crash Course,self.screen = screen,simpleattr,301
Python Crash Course,self.screen_rect = screen.get_rect(),simpleattr,302
Python Crash Course,self.ai_settings = ai_settings,simpleattr,302
Python Crash Course,self.stats = stats,simpleattr,302
Python Crash Course,self.alien_points = 50,simpleattr,304
Python Crash Course,self.speedup_scale = 1.1,simpleattr,306
Python Crash Course,self.ship_speed_factor *= self.speedup_scale,simpleattr,306
Python Crash Course,self.bullet_speed_factor *= self.speedup_scale,simpleattr,306
Python Crash Course,self.alien_speed_factor *= self.speedup_scale,simpleattr,306
Python Crash Course,self.alien_points = int(self.alien_points * self.score_scale),simpleattr,307
Python Crash Course,"self.score_image = self.font.render(score_str, True, self.text_color,",simpleattr,307
Python Crash Course,self.high_score = 0,simpleattr,308
Python Crash Course,self.high_score_rect = self.high_score_image.get_rect(),simpleattr,309
Python Crash Course,self.ships_left = self.ai_settings.ship_limit,simpleattr,310
Python Crash Course,self.score = 0,simpleattr,310
Python Crash Course,self.level = 1,simpleattr,310
Python Crash Course,self.level_rect = self.level_image.get_rect(),simpleattr,311
Python Crash Course,self.num_points = num_points,simpleattr,332
Python Crash Course,self.y_values = [0],simpleattr,332
Python Crash Course,self.num_sides = num_sides,simpleattr,340
Python Crash Course,the operator += takes the string that was stored in prompt and adds the new,assignIncrement,119
Python Crash Course,current_number += 1,assignIncrement,122
Python Crash Course,with current_number += 1. (The += operator is shorthand for current_number =,assignIncrement,122
Python Crash Course,x += 1,assignIncrement,126
Python Crash Course,"But if you accidentally omit the line x += 1 (as shown next), the loop",assignIncrement,127
Python Crash Course,pi_string += line.rstrip(),assignIncrement,194
Python Crash Course,pi_string += line.strip(),assignIncrement,195
Python Crash Course,pi_string += line.strip(),assignIncrement,196
Python Crash Course,pi_string += line.rstrip(),assignIncrement,196
Python Crash Course,w  ship.rect.centerx += 1,assignIncrement,250
Python Crash Course,x += self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor,assignIncrement,254
Python Crash Course,u  self.x += self.ai_settings.alien_speed_factor,assignIncrement,276
Python Crash Course,v  alien.rect.y += ai_settings.fleet_drop_speed,assignIncrement,279
Python Crash Course,u  stats.score += ai_settings.alien_points,assignIncrement,305
Python Crash Course,stats.score += ai_settings.alien_points * len(aliens),assignIncrement,306
Python Crash Course,stats.score += ai_settings.alien_points * len(aliens),assignIncrement,309
Python Crash Course,u  stats.level += 1,assignIncrement,311
Python Crash Course,"not), 78
 += operator, 119",assignIncrement,515
Python Crash Course,"def describe_pet(pet_name, animal_type='dog'):",funcdefault,138
Python Crash Course,"def describe_pet(pet_name, animal_type='dog'):",funcdefault,139
Python Crash Course,"def get_formatted_name(first_name, last_name, middle_name=''):",funcdefault,143
Python Crash Course,"def build_person(first_name, last_name, age=''):",funcdefault,144
Python Crash Course,"def get_formatted_name(first, last, middle=''):",funcdefault,220
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,61
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,61
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,61
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,61
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,61
Python Crash Course,"range(1,6)",rangefunc,61
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,62
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,62
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,62
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,62
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,62
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,62
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,62
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,62
Python Crash Course,"range(1,11)",rangefunc,64
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,64
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,65
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,109
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,110
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,177
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,177
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,177
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,177
Python Crash Course,range() to the ElectricCar class. The get_range(),rangefunc,177
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,178
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,178
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,178
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,178
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,181
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,271
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,335
Python Crash Course,"range(2, 13)",rangefunc,344
Python Crash Course,range()  type(),rangefunc,490
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,521
Python Crash Course,range(),rangefunc,523
Python Crash Course,def greet_user():,simplefunc,134
Python Crash Course,def greet_user(username):,simplefunc,134
Python Crash Course,def greet_users(names):,simplefunc,147
Python Crash Course,def show_completed_models(completed_models):,simplefunc,148
Python Crash Course,def sit(self):,simplefunc,162
Python Crash Course,def roll_over(self):,simplefunc,162
Python Crash Course,def get_descriptive_name(self):,simplefunc,167
Python Crash Course,def get_descriptive_name(self):,simplefunc,168
Python Crash Course,def read_odometer(self):,simplefunc,168
Python Crash Course,def get_descriptive_name(self):,simplefunc,172
Python Crash Course,def read_odometer(self):,simplefunc,172
Python Crash Course,def describe_battery(self):,simplefunc,174
Python Crash Course,def ElectricCar(Car):,simplefunc,175
Python Crash Course,def fill_gas_tank():,simplefunc,175
Python Crash Course,def describe_battery(self):,simplefunc,176
Python Crash Course,def get_range(self):,simplefunc,177
Python Crash Course,def get_descriptive_name(self):,simplefunc,179
Python Crash Course,def read_odometer(self):,simplefunc,179
Python Crash Course,def describe_battery(self):,simplefunc,180
Python Crash Course,def get_range(self):,simplefunc,180
Python Crash Course,def count_words(filename):,simplefunc,205
Python Crash Course,def count_words(filename):,simplefunc,206
Python Crash Course,def count_words(filename):,simplefunc,206
Python Crash Course,def greet_user():,simplefunc,212
Python Crash Course,def greet_user():,simplefunc,213
Python Crash Course,def get_stored_username():,simplefunc,213
Python Crash Course,def get_new_username():,simplefunc,213
Python Crash Course,def greet_user():,simplefunc,213
Python Crash Course,def test_first_last_name(self):,simplefunc,217
Python Crash Course,def test_first_last_name(self):,simplefunc,221
Python Crash Course,def test_first_last_middle_name(self):,simplefunc,221
Python Crash Course,def show_question(self):,simplefunc,223
Python Crash Course,def show_results(self):,simplefunc,223
Python Crash Course,def test_store_single_response(self):,simplefunc,225
Python Crash Course,def test_store_single_response(self):,simplefunc,226
Python Crash Course,def test_store_three_responses(self):,simplefunc,226
Python Crash Course,def setUp(self):,simplefunc,227
Python Crash Course,def test_store_single_response(self):,simplefunc,227
Python Crash Course,def test_store_three_responses(self):,simplefunc,227
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,241
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,242
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,243
Python Crash Course,def blitme(self):,simplefunc,245
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,246
Python Crash Course,def check_events():,simplefunc,247
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,248
Python Crash Course,def check_events():,simplefunc,248
Python Crash Course,def check_events(ship):,simplefunc,250
Python Crash Course,def update(self):,simplefunc,251
Python Crash Course,def blitme(self):,simplefunc,251
Python Crash Course,def check_events(ship):,simplefunc,251
Python Crash Course,def update(self):,simplefunc,252
Python Crash Course,def check_events(ship):,simplefunc,252
Python Crash Course,def update(self):,simplefunc,254
Python Crash Course,def blitme(self):,simplefunc,254
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,254
Python Crash Course,def update(self):,simplefunc,255
Python Crash Course,def check_events(ship):,simplefunc,256
Python Crash Course,def update(self):,simplefunc,259
Python Crash Course,def draw_bullet(self):,simplefunc,259
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,259
Python Crash Course,def update_bullets(bullets):,simplefunc,263
Python Crash Course,def blitme(self):,simplefunc,267
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,268
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,270
Python Crash Course,def update(self):,simplefunc,276
Python Crash Course,def update_aliens(aliens):,simplefunc,277
Python Crash Course,def check_edges(self):,simplefunc,278
Python Crash Course,def update(self):,simplefunc,278
Python Crash Course,def reset_stats(self):,simplefunc,285
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,286
Python Crash Course,def center_ship(self):,simplefunc,287
Python Crash Course,def reset_stats(self):,simplefunc,292
Python Crash Course,def draw_button(self):,simplefunc,293
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,294
Python Crash Course,def initialize_dynamic_settings(self):,simplefunc,299
Python Crash Course,def increase_speed(self):,simplefunc,300
Python Crash Course,def reset_stats(self):,simplefunc,301
Python Crash Course,def prep_score(self):,simplefunc,302
Python Crash Course,def show_score(self):,simplefunc,302
Python Crash Course,def run_game():,simplefunc,303
Python Crash Course,def initialize_dynamic_settings(self):,simplefunc,304
Python Crash Course,def increase_speed(self):,simplefunc,306
Python Crash Course,def increase_speed(self):,simplefunc,307
Python Crash Course,def prep_score(self):,simplefunc,307
Python Crash Course,def prep_high_score(self):,simplefunc,308
Python Crash Course,def show_score(self):,simplefunc,309
Python Crash Course,def reset_stats(self):,simplefunc,310
Python Crash Course,def prep_level(self):,simplefunc,311
Python Crash Course,def show_score(self):,simplefunc,311
Python Crash Course,def prep_ships(self):,simplefunc,314
Python Crash Course,def show_score(self):,simplefunc,314
Python Crash Course,def fill_walk(self):,simplefunc,332
Python Crash Course,def roll(self):,simplefunc,340
Python Crash Course,def get_country_code(country_name):,simplefunc,365
Python Crash Course,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,404
Python Crash Course,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,408
Python Crash Course,def index(request):,simplefunc,415
Python Crash Course,def index(request):,simplefunc,419
Python Crash Course,def topics(request):,simplefunc,419
Python Crash Course,def new_topic(request):,simplefunc,429
Python Crash Course,def logout_view(request):,simplefunc,443
Python Crash Course,def logout_view(request):,simplefunc,444
Python Crash Course,def register(request):,simplefunc,444
Python Crash Course,def __str__(self):,simplefunc,449
Python Crash Course,return to a terminal,return,5
Python Crash Course,return to continue,return,7
Python Crash Course,return to a terminal,return,8
Python Crash Course,return to continue,return,14
Python Crash Course,"return to a project after some time away, you’ll likely have forgot-",return,33
Python Crash Course,return ele-,return,65
Python Crash Course,return True no matter how the value 'Audi' is formatted,return,77
Python Crash Course,return items in a certain order is to sort the keys as they’re,return,106
Python Crash Course,return a list of values without any keys.,return,107
Python Crash Course,return to the beginning of the,return,126
Python Crash Course,return a,return,133
Python Crash Course,return a value or set of values. The value the,return,141
Python Crash Course,return value. The return statement takes a value,return,141
Python Crash Course,return full_name.title(),return,142
Python Crash Course,"return value can be stored. In this case, the returned",return,142
Python Crash Course,return full_name.title(),return,142
Python Crash Course,return full_name.title(),return,143
Python Crash Course,"return any kind of value you need it to, including more com-",return,144
Python Crash Course,return person,return,144
Python Crash Course,"return 
 value is printed at w with the original two pieces of textual information",return,144
Python Crash Course,return person,return,144
Python Crash Course,return full_name.title(),return,145
Python Crash Course,return a string formatted like this:,return,146
Python Crash Course,return a dictionary containing these two pieces of,return,146
Python Crash Course,return value to show that the dictionaries are storing the,return,146
Python Crash Course,return the new list and store it in a separate list.,return,150
Python Crash Course,return profile,return,153
Python Crash Course,return the profile dictionary to the function call line.,return,153
Python Crash Course,return values. You learned how to use functions,return,159
Python Crash Course,"return 
 statement, but Python automatically returns an instance representing this",return,164
Python Crash Course,return long_name.title(),return,167
Python Crash Course,return long_name.title(),return,172
Python Crash Course,return long_name.title(),return,179
Python Crash Course,"return 
 the value you’re expecting, or it should return None. This allows us to per-",return,213
Python Crash Course,return value of the function. At w we print a,return,213
Python Crash Course,return username,return,213
Python Crash Course,return full_name.title(),return,216
Python Crash Course,return value that we’re interested in testing. In,return,218
Python Crash Course,"return a capitalized, properly spaced full name, we expect",return,218
Python Crash Course,return full_name.title(),return,219
Python Crash Course,return full_name.title(),return,220
Python Crash Course,return a single string of the form,return,222
Python Crash Course,"return a single string of the form City, Country –",return,222
Python Crash Course,return number_aliens_x,return,273
Python Crash Course,return number_rows,return,274
Python Crash Course,return True,return,278
Python Crash Course,return True,return,278
Python Crash Course,return any changed settings to their initial values each time the,return,300
Python Crash Course,return the bullet width to normal.,return,306
Python Crash Course,"return randint(1, self.num_sides)",return,340
Python Crash Course,return a random num-,return,340
Python Crash Course,return the start-,return,340
Python Crash Course,return code,return,366
Python Crash Course,return None.,return,366
Python Crash Course,return None,return,366
Python Crash Course,return None if the country,return,366
Python Crash Course,return 'ye',return,375
Python Crash Course,return None state-,return,375
Python Crash Course,return to any previously working state. (To learn more about ver-,return,378
Python Crash Course,"return a complete set of results, so it’s pretty safe to ignore",return,380
Python Crash Course,return self.text,return,404
Python Crash Course,"return self.text[:50] + ""...""",return,408
Python Crash Course,return an error page if the URL,return,414
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/index.html')",return,415
Python Crash Course,return this page. Here’s how we modify learning_logs/,return,419
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/topics.html', context)",return,419
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/topic.html', context)",return,422
Python Crash Course,return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('learning_logs:topics')),return,429
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/new_topic.html', context)",return,429
Python Crash Course,"return a blank form (if it’s another kind of request, it’s still safe to return",return,430
Python Crash Course,"return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('learning_logs:topic',",return,433
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/new_entry.html', context)",return,433
Python Crash Course,"return 
 a form for editing the entry. When the page receives a POST request with",return,436
Python Crash Course,"return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('learning_logs:topic',",return,436
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/edit_entry.html', context)",return,436
Python Crash Course,return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('learning_logs:index')),return,443
Python Crash Course,return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('learning_logs:index')),return,444
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'users/register.html', context)",return,444
Python Crash Course,return self.text,return,449
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/topics.html', context)",return,451
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/topic.html', context)",return,452
Python Crash Course,return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('learning_logs:topics')),return,453
Python Crash Course,"return render(request, 'learning_logs/new_topic.html', context)",return,453
Python Crash Course,return to the last working snapshot of your project if anything goes wrong;,return,471
Python Crash Course,return to your local system’s terminal,return,475
Python Crash Course,return a 404 error if the user,return,478
Python Crash Course,"return 
 None  continue  for lambda  try",return,489
Python Crash Course,return to continue,return,493
Python Crash Course,"return 
 to a previously saved state.",return,506
Python Crash Course,"return to your text editor, you’ll see that has",return,511
Python Crash Course,return to the latest commit or abandon your recent work and pick up devel-,return,512
Python Crash Course,"return values, 141–146",return,519
Python Crash Course,"return values, 141",return,524
Python Crash Course,"if you run this code, you’ll see that it generates an error:",simpleif,31
Python Crash Course,if car == 'bmw':,simpleif,76
Python Crash Course,if the person did not order anchovies:,simpleif,78
Python Crash Course,if requested_topping != 'anchovies':,simpleif,78
Python Crash Course,if the given answer is not correct:,simpleif,79
Python Crash Course,if user not in banned_users:,simpleif,81
Python Crash Course,if statement has one test and one action:,simpleif,82
Python Crash Course,"if conditional_test:
  do something",simpleif,82
Python Crash Course,if the individual has registered to vote yet:,simpleif,83
Python Crash Course,"if age >= 18:
  print(""You are old enough to vote!"")",simpleif,83
Python Crash Course,if age < 4:,simpleif,84
Python Crash Course,if age < 18:,simpleif,85
Python Crash Course,if age < 4:,simpleif,85
Python Crash Course,"if age < 18:
 v  price = 5",simpleif,85
Python Crash Course,"if age < 4:
  price = 0",simpleif,86
Python Crash Course,"if age < 18:
  price = 5",simpleif,86
Python Crash Course,"if age < 65:
  price = 10",simpleif,86
Python Crash Course,if statement that catches the specific condition of interest:,simpleif,86
Python Crash Course,"if age < 4:
  price = 0",simpleif,86
Python Crash Course,"if age < 18:
  price = 5",simpleif,86
Python Crash Course,"if age < 65:
  price = 10",simpleif,86
Python Crash Course,if requested_topping == 'green peppers':,simpleif,90
Python Crash Course,if requested_toppings:,simpleif,91
Python Crash Course,if requested_topping in available_toppings:,simpleif,92
Python Crash Course,if age < 4:,simpleif,94
Python Crash Course,if age<4:,simpleif,94
Python Crash Course,if alien_0['speed'] == 'slow':,simpleif,99
Python Crash Course,"if you had used abbreviations for the variable names, like this:",simpleif,103
Python Crash Course,if name in friends:,simpleif,105
Python Crash Course,if Erin took the poll:,simpleif,106
Python Crash Course,"if alien['color'] == 'green':
  alien['color'] = 'yellow'",simpleif,110
Python Crash Course,"if alien['color'] == 'green':
  alien['color'] = 'yellow'",simpleif,111
Python Crash Course,"if alien['color'] == 'yellow':
  alien['color'] = 'red'",simpleif,111
Python Crash Course,"if you try to use the input as a number, you’ll get an error:",simpleif,119
Python Crash Course,if a number is even or odd:,simpleif,121
Python Crash Course,if test fixes this:,simpleif,123
Python Crash Course,"if message != 'quit':
Python Crash Course,if it does not match the quit value:,simpleif,124
Python Crash Course,"if repeat == 'no':
  polling_active = False",simpleif,130
Python Crash Course,if middle_name:,simpleif,143
Python Crash Course,"if age:
  person['age'] = age",simpleif,144
Python Crash Course,if the function receives only one value:,simpleif,151
Python Crash Course,"if mileage >= self.odometer_reading:
  self.odometer_reading = mileage",simpleif,172
Python Crash Course,"if self.battery_size == 70:
  range = 240",simpleif,177
Python Crash Course,"if mileage >= self.odometer_reading:
  self.odometer_reading = mileage",simpleif,179
Python Crash Course,"if self.battery_size == 70:
  range = 240",simpleif,181
Python Crash Course,if birthday in pi_string:,simpleif,196
Python Crash Course,if username:,simpleif,213
Python Crash Course,"if username:
  print(""Welcome back, "" + username + ""!"")",simpleif,213
Python Crash Course,"if middle:
  full_name = first + ' ' + middle + ' ' + last",simpleif,220
Python Crash Course,if you’re running Python 2.7):,simpleif,240
Python Crash Course,"if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
Python Crash Course,"if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
Python Crash Course,"if self.moving_right:
  self.rect.centerx += 1",simpleif,251
Python Crash Course,if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:,simpleif,251
Python Crash Course,"if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
  ship.moving_right = False",simpleif,251
Python Crash Course,"if self.moving_right:
  self.rect.centerx += 1",simpleif,252
Python Crash Course,"if self.moving_left:
  self.rect.centerx -= 1",simpleif,252
Python Crash Course,"if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
  ship.moving_right = True",simpleif,252
Python Crash Course,"if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
  ship.moving_right = False",simpleif,252
Python Crash Course,if self.moving_right:,simpleif,254
Python Crash Course,"if self.moving_left: -= self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor",simpleif,254
Python Crash Course,if self.moving_right and self.rect.right < self.screen_rect.right:,simpleif,255
Python Crash Course,if self.moving_left and self.rect.left > 0:,simpleif,255
Python Crash Course,"if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
  ship.moving_right = True",simpleif,255
Python Crash Course,"if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
  ship.moving_right = False",simpleif,255
Python Crash Course,"if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
Python Crash Course,"if len(bullets) < ai_settings.bullets_allowed:
  new_bullet = Bullet(ai_settings, screen, ship)",simpleif,263
Python Crash Course,"if bullet.rect.bottom <= 0:
Python Crash Course,"if len(bullets) < ai_settings.bullets_allowed:
  new_bullet = Bullet(ai_settings, screen, ship)",simpleif,264
Python Crash Course,"if alien.check_edges():
  change_fleet_direction(ai_settings, aliens)",simpleif,278
Python Crash Course,"if bullet.rect.bottom <= 0:
Python Crash Course,"if len(aliens) == 0:
  # Destroy existing bullets and create new fleet.",simpleif,284
Python Crash Course,"if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(ship, aliens):
 v  print(""Ship hit!!!"")",simpleif,284
Python Crash Course,"if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(ship, aliens):
  ship_hit(ai_settings, stats, screen, ship, aliens, bullets)",simpleif,287
Python Crash Course,"if stats.ships_left > 0:
  # Decrement ships_left.",simpleif,289
Python Crash Course,"if not stats.game_active:
Python Crash Course,"if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
Python Crash Course,"if play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y):",simpleif,295
Python Crash Course,"if play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y):
  # Reset the game statistics.",simpleif,296
Python Crash Course,"if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
Python Crash Course,if button_clicked and not stats.game_active:,simpleif,297
Python Crash Course,"if button_clicked and not stats.game_active:
  # Hide the mouse cursor.",simpleif,298
Python Crash Course,"if stats.ships_left > 0:
Python Crash Course,"if len(aliens) == 0:
  # Destroy existing bullets, speed up game, and create new fleet.",simpleif,300
Python Crash Course,"if button_clicked and not stats.game_active:
  # Reset the game settings.",simpleif,300
Python Crash Course,"if not stats.game_active:
Python Crash Course,if collisions:,simpleif,305
Python Crash Course,"if stats.game_active:
Python Crash Course,if collisions:,simpleif,306
Python Crash Course,"if stats.score > stats.high_score:
  stats.high_score = stats.score",simpleif,309
Python Crash Course,"if collisions:
  for aliens in collisions.values():",simpleif,309
Python Crash Course,"if len(aliens) == 0:
  # If the entire fleet is destroyed, start a new level.",simpleif,311
Python Crash Course,if button_clicked and not stats.game_active:,simpleif,311
Python Crash Course,"if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
Python Crash Course,"if button_clicked and not stats.game_active:
Python Crash Course,"if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(ship, aliens):",simpleif,315
Python Crash Course,"if stats.ships_left > 0:
  # Decrement ships_left.",simpleif,315
Python Crash Course,"if alien.rect.bottom >= screen_rect.bottom:
  # Treat this the same as if a ship got hit.",simpleif,316
Python Crash Course,"if stats.game_active:
Python Crash Course,"if pop_dict['Year'] == '2010':
 x  country_name = pop_dict['Country Name']",simpleif,363
Python Crash Course,"if pop_dict['Year'] == '2010':
  country_name = pop_dict['Country Name']",simpleif,364
Python Crash Course,"if pop_dict['Year'] == '2010':
  country = pop_dict['Country Name']",simpleif,364
Python Crash Course,"if pop_dict['Year'] == '2010':
  country_name = pop_dict['Country Name']",simpleif,366
Python Crash Course,if code:,simpleif,366
Python Crash Course,"if pop_dict['Year'] == '2010':
  country = pop_dict['Country Name']",simpleif,369
Python Crash Course,if code:,simpleif,370
Python Crash Course,"if pop_dict['Year'] == '2010':
Python Crash Course,"if code:
  cc_populations[code] = population",simpleif,371
Python Crash Course,"if pop < 10000000:
  cc_pops_1[cc] = pop",simpleif,371
Python Crash Course,"if pop < 1000000000:
  cc_pops_2[cc] = pop",simpleif,371
Python Crash Course,"if pop < 10000000:
Python Crash Course,if no entries have been made yet for this topic:,simpleif,423
Python Crash Course,if request.method != 'POST':,simpleif,429
Python Crash Course,"if form.is_valid():
Python Crash Course,if request.method != 'POST':,simpleif,433
Python Crash Course,if form.is_valid():,simpleif,433
Python Crash Course,"if request.method != 'POST':
  # Initial request; pre-fill form with the current entry.",simpleif,436
Python Crash Course,if form.is_valid():,simpleif,436
Python Crash Course,"if request.method != 'POST':
  # Display blank registration form.",simpleif,444
Python Crash Course,"if form.is_valid():
 x  new_user =",simpleif,444
Python Crash Course,"if topic.owner != request.user:
  raise Http404",simpleif,452
Python Crash Course,"if request.method != 'POST':
  # Initial request; pre-fill form with the current entry.",simpleif,453
Python Crash Course,"if request.method != 'POST':
  # No data submitted; create a blank form.",simpleif,453
Python Crash Course,if form.is_valid():,simpleif,453
Python Crash Course,if it’s available:,simpleif,467
Python Crash Course,"if os.getcwd() == '/app':
 v  import dj_database_url",simpleif,469
Python Crash Course,"if os.getcwd() == '/app':
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python interpreter!"")",printfunc,4
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello world!"")",printfunc,4
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python world!"")",printfunc,6
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python interpreter!"")",printfunc,8
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python interpreter!"")",printfunc,9
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python world!"")",printfunc,10
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python world!"")",printfunc,12
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python world!"")",printfunc,13
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python world!"")",printfunc,19
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,20
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,20
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,20
Python Crash Course,print(mesage),printfunc,22
Python Crash Course,print(mesage),printfunc,22
Python Crash Course,print(mesage),printfunc,22
Python Crash Course,print(name.title()),printfunc,24
Python Crash Course,print(),printfunc,24
Python Crash Course,print(name.upper()),printfunc,24
Python Crash Course,print(name.lower()),printfunc,24
Python Crash Course,print(full_name),printfunc,25
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello, "" + full_name.title() + ""!"")",printfunc,25
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,25
Python Crash Course,"print(""Python"")",printfunc,26
Python Crash Course,"print(""\tPython"")",printfunc,26
Python Crash Course,"print(""Languages:\nPython\nC\nJavaScript"")",printfunc,26
Python Crash Course,"print(""Languages:\n\tPython\n\tC\n\tJavaScript"")",printfunc,26
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,28
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,28
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,31
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,32
Python Crash Course,print(5 + 3),printfunc,33
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python people!"")",printfunc,33
Python Crash Course,print(bicycles),printfunc,38
Python Crash Course,print(bicycles[0]),printfunc,38
Python Crash Course,print(bicycles[0].title()),printfunc,38
Python Crash Course,print(bicycles[1]),printfunc,39
Python Crash Course,print(bicycles[3]),printfunc,39
Python Crash Course,print(bicycles[-1]),printfunc,39
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,39
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,41
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,41
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,41
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,41
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,42
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,42
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,43
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,43
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,43
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,43
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,44
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,44
Python Crash Course,print(popped_motorcycle),printfunc,44
Python Crash Course,"print(""The last motorcycle I owned was a "" + last_owned.title() + ""."")",printfunc,44
Python Crash Course,print('The first motorcycle I owned was a ' + first_owned.title() + '.'),printfunc,44
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,45
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,45
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,45
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles),printfunc,45
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nA "" + too_expensive.title() + "" is too expensive for me."")",printfunc,45
Python Crash Course,print(cars),printfunc,47
Python Crash Course,print(cars),printfunc,48
Python Crash Course,"print(""Here is the original list:"")",printfunc,48
Python Crash Course,print(cars),printfunc,48
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nHere is the sorted list:"")",printfunc,48
Python Crash Course,print(sorted(cars)),printfunc,48
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nHere is the original list again:"")",printfunc,48
Python Crash Course,print(cars),printfunc,48
Python Crash Course,print(cars),printfunc,49
Python Crash Course,print(cars),printfunc,49
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles[3]),printfunc,50
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles[3]),printfunc,51
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles[-1]),printfunc,51
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles[-1]),printfunc,51
Python Crash Course,print(motorcycles[-1]),printfunc,51
Python Crash Course,print(magician),printfunc,54
Python Crash Course,print(magician),printfunc,54
Python Crash Course,print(magician),printfunc,54
Python Crash Course,"print(magician.title() + "", that was a great trick!"")",printfunc,55
Python Crash Course,"print(magician.title() + "", that was a great trick!"")",printfunc,56
Python Crash Course,"print(""I can't wait to see your next trick, "" + magician.title() + "".\n"")",printfunc,56
Python Crash Course,"print(magician.title() + "", that was a great trick!"")",printfunc,56
Python Crash Course,"print(""I can't wait to see your next trick, "" + magician.title() + "".\n"")",printfunc,56
Python Crash Course,"print(""Thank you, everyone. That was a great magic show!"")",printfunc,56
Python Crash Course,print(magician),printfunc,57
Python Crash Course,print(magician),printfunc,58
Python Crash Course,"print(magician.title() + "", that was a great trick!"")",printfunc,58
Python Crash Course,"print(""I can't wait to see your next trick, "" + magician.title() + "".\n"")",printfunc,58
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,59
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,59
Python Crash Course,"print(magician.title() + "", that was a great trick!"")",printfunc,59
Python Crash Course,"print(""I can't wait to see your next trick, "" + magician.title() + "".\n"")",printfunc,59
Python Crash Course,"print(""Thank you everyone, that was a great magic show!"")",printfunc,59
Python Crash Course,print(magician),printfunc,60
Python Crash Course,print(value),printfunc,61
Python Crash Course,print(value),printfunc,61
Python Crash Course,print(numbers),printfunc,62
Python Crash Course,print(even_numbers),printfunc,62
Python Crash Course,print(squares),printfunc,62
Python Crash Course,print(squares),printfunc,63
Python Crash Course,print(squares),printfunc,64
Python Crash Course,print(players[0:3]),printfunc,65
Python Crash Course,print(players[1:4]),printfunc,65
Python Crash Course,print(players[:4]),printfunc,65
Python Crash Course,print(players[2:]),printfunc,66
Python Crash Course,print(players[-3:]),printfunc,66
Python Crash Course,"print(""Here are the first three players on my team:"")",printfunc,66
Python Crash Course,print(player.title()),printfunc,66
Python Crash Course,"print(""My favorite foods are:"")",printfunc,67
Python Crash Course,print(my_foods),printfunc,67
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nMy friend's favorite foods are:"")",printfunc,67
Python Crash Course,print(friend_foods),printfunc,67
Python Crash Course,"print(""My favorite foods are:"")",printfunc,67
Python Crash Course,print(my_foods),printfunc,67
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nMy friend's favorite foods are:"")",printfunc,68
Python Crash Course,print(friend_foods),printfunc,68
Python Crash Course,"print(""My favorite foods are:"")",printfunc,68
Python Crash Course,print(my_foods),printfunc,68
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nMy friend's favorite foods are:"")",printfunc,68
Python Crash Course,print(friend_foods),printfunc,68
Python Crash Course,print(dimensions[0]),printfunc,70
Python Crash Course,print(dimensions[1]),printfunc,70
Python Crash Course,print(dimension),printfunc,70
Python Crash Course,"print(""Original dimensions:"")",printfunc,71
Python Crash Course,print(dimension),printfunc,71
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nModified dimensions:"")",printfunc,71
Python Crash Course,print(dimension),printfunc,71
Python Crash Course,print(car.upper()),printfunc,76
Python Crash Course,print(car.title()),printfunc,76
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hold the anchovies!"")",printfunc,78
Python Crash Course,"print(""That is not the correct answer. Please try again!"")",printfunc,79
Python Crash Course,"print(user.title() + "", you can post a response if you wish."")",printfunc,81
Python Crash Course,"print(""Is car == 'subaru'? I predict True."")",printfunc,82
Python Crash Course,print(car == 'subaru'),printfunc,82
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nIs car == 'audi'? I predict False."")",printfunc,82
Python Crash Course,print(car == 'audi'),printfunc,82
Python Crash Course,"print(""You are old enough to vote!"")",printfunc,83
Python Crash Course,"print(""Have you registered to vote yet?"")",printfunc,83
Python Crash Course,"print(""You are old enough to vote!"")",printfunc,84
Python Crash Course,"print(""Have you registered to vote yet?"")",printfunc,84
Python Crash Course,"print(""Sorry, you are too young to vote."")",printfunc,84
Python Crash Course,"print(""Please register to vote as soon as you turn 18!"")",printfunc,84
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your admission cost is $0."")",printfunc,84
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your admission cost is $5."")",printfunc,85
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your admission cost is $10."")",printfunc,85
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your admission cost is $"" + str(price) + ""."")",printfunc,85
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your admission cost is $"" + str(price) + ""."")",printfunc,86
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your admission cost is $"" + str(price) + ""."")",printfunc,86
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding mushrooms."")",printfunc,87
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding pepperoni."")",printfunc,87
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding extra cheese."")",printfunc,87
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nFinished making your pizza!"")",printfunc,87
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding mushrooms."")",printfunc,88
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding pepperoni."")",printfunc,88
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding extra cheese."")",printfunc,88
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nFinished making your pizza!"")",printfunc,88
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding "" + requested_topping + ""."")",printfunc,90
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nFinished making your pizza!"")",printfunc,90
Python Crash Course,"print(""Sorry, we are out of green peppers right now."")",printfunc,90
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding "" + requested_topping + ""."")",printfunc,90
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nFinished making your pizza!"")",printfunc,90
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding "" + requested_topping + ""."")",printfunc,91
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nFinished making your pizza!"")",printfunc,91
Python Crash Course,"print(""Are you sure you want a plain pizza?"")",printfunc,91
Python Crash Course,"print(""Adding "" + requested_topping + ""."")",printfunc,92
Python Crash Course,"print(""Sorry, we don't have "" + requested_topping + ""."")",printfunc,92
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nFinished making your pizza!"")",printfunc,92
Python Crash Course,print(alien_0['color']),printfunc,96
Python Crash Course,print(alien_0['points']),printfunc,96
Python Crash Course,print(alien_0['color']),printfunc,97
Python Crash Course,"print(""You just earned "" + str(new_points) + "" points!"")",printfunc,97
Python Crash Course,print(alien_0),printfunc,98
Python Crash Course,print(alien_0),printfunc,98
Python Crash Course,print(alien_0),printfunc,98
Python Crash Course,"print(""The alien is "" + alien_0['color'] + ""."")",printfunc,99
Python Crash Course,"print(""The alien is now "" + alien_0['color'] + ""."")",printfunc,99
Python Crash Course,"print(""Original x-position: "" + str(alien_0['x_position']))",printfunc,99
Python Crash Course,"print(""New x-position: "" + str(alien_0['x_position']))",printfunc,99
Python Crash Course,print(alien_0),printfunc,100
Python Crash Course,print(alien_0),printfunc,100
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nKey: "" + key)",printfunc,103
Python Crash Course,"print(""Value: "" + value)",printfunc,103
Python Crash Course,print(name.title(),printfunc,104
Python Crash Course,print(name.title()),printfunc,105
Python Crash Course,print(name.title()),printfunc,105
Python Crash Course,"print("" Hi "" + name.title()",printfunc,105
Python Crash Course,"print(""Erin, please take our poll!"")",printfunc,106
Python Crash Course,"print(name.title() + "", thank you for taking the poll."")",printfunc,106
Python Crash Course,"print(""The following languages have been mentioned:"")",printfunc,107
Python Crash Course,print(language.title()),printfunc,107
Python Crash Course,"print(""The following languages have been mentioned:"")",printfunc,108
Python Crash Course,print(language.title()),printfunc,108
Python Crash Course,print(alien),printfunc,109
Python Crash Course,print(alien),printfunc,109
Python Crash Course,"print(""..."")",printfunc,109
Python Crash Course,"print(""Total number of aliens: "" + str(len(aliens)))",printfunc,109
Python Crash Course,print(alien),printfunc,110
Python Crash Course,"print(""..."")",printfunc,110
Python Crash Course,"print(""\t"" + topping)",printfunc,112
Python Crash Course,"print(""\n"" + name.title() + ""'s favorite languages are:"")",printfunc,112
Python Crash Course,"print(""\t"" + language.title())",printfunc,112
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nUsername: "" + username)",printfunc,114
Python Crash Course,"print(""\tFull name: "" + full_name.title())",printfunc,114
Python Crash Course,"print(""\tLocation: "" + location.title())",printfunc,114
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,118
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,118
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello, "" + name + ""!"")",printfunc,118
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nHello, "" + name + ""!"")",printfunc,119
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nYou'll be able to ride when you're a little older."")",printfunc,120
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nThe number "" + str(number) + "" is odd."")",printfunc,121
Python Crash Course,print(current_number),printfunc,122
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,123
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,124
Python Crash Course,"print(""I'd love to go to "" + city.title() + ""!"")",printfunc,125
Python Crash Course,print(x),printfunc,126
Python Crash Course,print(x),printfunc,127
Python Crash Course,"print(""Verifying user: "" + current_user.title())",printfunc,128
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nThe following users have been confirmed:"")",printfunc,129
Python Crash Course,print(confirmed_user.title()),printfunc,129
Python Crash Course,print(pets),printfunc,129
Python Crash Course,print(pets),printfunc,129
Python Crash Course,"print(""\n--- Poll Results ---"")",printfunc,130
Python Crash Course,"print(name + "" would like to climb "" + response + ""."")",printfunc,130
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello!"")",printfunc,134
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello!"")",printfunc,134
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello!"")",printfunc,134
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello, "" + username.title() + ""!"")",printfunc,134
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nI have a "" + animal_type + ""."")",printfunc,136
Python Crash Course,"print(""My "" + animal_type + ""'s name is "" + pet_name.title() + ""."")",printfunc,136
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nI have a "" + animal_type + ""."")",printfunc,136
Python Crash Course,"print(""My "" + animal_type + ""'s name is "" + pet_name.title() + ""."")",printfunc,136
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nI have a "" + animal_type + ""."")",printfunc,137
Python Crash Course,"print(""My "" + animal_type + ""'s name is "" + pet_name.title() + ""."")",printfunc,137
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nI have a "" + animal_type + ""."")",printfunc,138
Python Crash Course,"print(""My "" + animal_type + ""'s name is "" + pet_name.title() + ""."")",printfunc,138
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nI have a "" + animal_type + ""."")",printfunc,138
Python Crash Course,"print(""My "" + animal_type + ""'s name is "" + pet_name.title() + ""."")",printfunc,138
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nI have a "" + animal_type + ""."")",printfunc,140
Python Crash Course,"print(""My "" + animal_type + ""'s name is "" + pet_name.title() + ""."")",printfunc,140
Python Crash Course,print(musician),printfunc,142
Python Crash Course,"print(""Jimi Hendrix"")",printfunc,142
Python Crash Course,print(musician),printfunc,142
Python Crash Course,print(musician),printfunc,143
Python Crash Course,print(musician),printfunc,143
Python Crash Course,print(musician),printfunc,144
Python Crash Course,print(musician),printfunc,144
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nHello, "" + formatted_name + ""!"")",printfunc,146
Python Crash Course,print(msg),printfunc,147
Python Crash Course,"print(""Printing model: "" + current_design)",printfunc,148
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nThe following models have been printed:"")",printfunc,148
Python Crash Course,print(completed_model),printfunc,148
Python Crash Course,"print(""Printing model: "" + current_design)",printfunc,148
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nThe following models have been printed:"")",printfunc,148
Python Crash Course,print(completed_model),printfunc,148
Python Crash Course,print(toppings),printfunc,151
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nMaking a pizza with the following toppings:"")",printfunc,151
Python Crash Course,"print(""- "" + topping)",printfunc,151
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nMaking a "" + str(size)",printfunc,152
Python Crash Course,"print(""- "" + topping)",printfunc,152
Python Crash Course,print(user_profile),printfunc,153
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nMaking a "" + str(size)",printfunc,155
Python Crash Course,"print(""- "" + topping)",printfunc,155
Python Crash Course,"print( + "" is now sitting."")",printfunc,162
Python Crash Course,"print( + "" rolled over!"")",printfunc,162
Python Crash Course,"print(""My dog's name is "" + + ""."")",printfunc,164
Python Crash Course,"print(""My dog is "" + str(my_dog.age) + "" years old."")",printfunc,164
Python Crash Course,"print(""My dog's name is "" + + ""."")",printfunc,165
Python Crash Course,"print(""My dog is "" + str(my_dog.age) + "" years old."")",printfunc,165
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nYour dog's name is "" + + ""."")",printfunc,166
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your dog is "" + str(your_dog.age) + "" years old."")",printfunc,166
Python Crash Course,print(my_new_car.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,167
Python Crash Course,"print(""This car has "" + str(self.odometer_reading) + "" miles on it."")",printfunc,168
Python Crash Course,print(my_new_car.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,168
Python Crash Course,print(my_new_car.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,169
Python Crash Course,print(my_new_car.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,169
Python Crash Course,"print(""You can't roll back an odometer!"")",printfunc,170
Python Crash Course,print(my_used_car.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,170
Python Crash Course,"print(""This car has "" + str(self.odometer_reading) + "" miles on it."")",printfunc,172
Python Crash Course,"print(""You can't roll back an odometer!"")",printfunc,172
Python Crash Course,print(my_tesla.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,173
Python Crash Course,"print(""This car has a "" + str(self.battery_size) + ""-kWh battery."")",printfunc,174
Python Crash Course,print(my_tesla.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,174
Python Crash Course,"print(""This car doesn't need a gas tank!"")",printfunc,175
Python Crash Course,"print(""This car has a "" + str(self.battery_size) + ""-kWh battery."")",printfunc,176
Python Crash Course,print(my_tesla.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,176
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,177
Python Crash Course,print(my_tesla.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,177
Python Crash Course,"print(""This car has "" + str(self.odometer_reading) + "" miles on it."")",printfunc,179
Python Crash Course,"print(""You can't roll back an odometer!"")",printfunc,179
Python Crash Course,print(my_new_car.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,180
Python Crash Course,"print(""This car has a "" + str(self.battery_size) + ""-kWh battery."")",printfunc,180
Python Crash Course,print(message),printfunc,181
Python Crash Course,print(my_tesla.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,181
Python Crash Course,print(my_beetle.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,181
Python Crash Course,print(my_tesla.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,181
Python Crash Course,print(my_beetle.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,182
Python Crash Course,print(my_tesla.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,182
Python Crash Course,print(my_beetle.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,183
Python Crash Course,print(my_tesla.get_descriptive_name()),printfunc,183
Python Crash Course,print(name.title(),printfunc,185
Python Crash Course,print(contents),printfunc,190
Python Crash Course,print(contents.rstrip()),printfunc,191
Python Crash Course,print(line),printfunc,193
Python Crash Course,print(line.rstrip()),printfunc,193
Python Crash Course,print(line.rstrip()),printfunc,194
Python Crash Course,print(pi_string),printfunc,194
Python Crash Course,print(len(pi_string)),printfunc,194
Python Crash Course,print(pi_string),printfunc,195
Python Crash Course,print(len(pi_string)),printfunc,195
Python Crash Course,"print(pi_string[:52] + ""..."")",printfunc,196
Python Crash Course,print(len(pi_string)),printfunc,196
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your birthday appears in the first million digits of pi!"")",printfunc,196
Python Crash Course,"print(""Your birthday does not appear in the first million digits of pi."")",printfunc,196
Python Crash Course,print(5/0),printfunc,200
Python Crash Course,print(5/0),printfunc,200
Python Crash Course,"print(""You can't divide by zero!"")",printfunc,200
Python Crash Course,print(5/0),printfunc,201
Python Crash Course,"print(""Give me two numbers, and I'll divide them."")",printfunc,201
Python Crash Course,"print(""Enter 'q' to quit."")",printfunc,201
Python Crash Course,print(answer),printfunc,201
Python Crash Course,"print(""Give me two numbers, and I'll divide them."")",printfunc,202
Python Crash Course,"print(""Enter 'q' to quit."")",printfunc,202
Python Crash Course,print(answer),printfunc,202
Python Crash Course,print(msg),printfunc,204
Python Crash Course,print(msg),printfunc,204
Python Crash Course,"print(""The file "" + filename + "" has about "" + str(num_words) + "" words."")",printfunc,205
Python Crash Course,"print(""The file "" + filename + "" has about "" + str(num_words)",printfunc,205
Python Crash Course,print(numbers),printfunc,209
Python Crash Course,"print(""We'll remember you when you come back, "" + username + ""!"")",printfunc,210
Python Crash Course,"print(""Welcome back, "" + username + ""!"")",printfunc,210
Python Crash Course,"print(""Welcome back, "" + username + ""!"")",printfunc,211
Python Crash Course,"print(""Welcome back, "" + username + ""!"")",printfunc,213
Python Crash Course,"print(""We'll remember you when you come back, "" + username + ""!"")",printfunc,213
Python Crash Course,"print(""We'll remember you when you come back, "" + username + ""!"")",printfunc,213
Python Crash Course,"print(""Enter 'q' at any time to quit."")",printfunc,216
Python Crash Course,print(question),printfunc,223
Python Crash Course,"print(""Survey results:"")",printfunc,223
Python Crash Course,print('- ' + response),printfunc,223
Python Crash Course,"print(""Enter 'q' at any time to quit.\n"")",printfunc,224
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nThank you to everyone who participated in the survey!"")",printfunc,224
Python Crash Course,print(len(bullets)),printfunc,262
Python Crash Course,print(self.alien_points),printfunc,307
Python Crash Course,print(results),printfunc,341
Python Crash Course,print(frequencies),printfunc,341
Python Crash Course,print(header_row),printfunc,350
Python Crash Course,"print(index, column_header)",printfunc,351
Python Crash Course,print(header_row),printfunc,351
Python Crash Course,print(highs),printfunc,352
Python Crash Course,print(highs),printfunc,353
Python Crash Course,print(first_date),printfunc,354
Python Crash Course,"print(country_name + "": "" + population)",printfunc,363
Python Crash Course,"print(country_name + "": "" + str(population))",printfunc,364
Python Crash Course,"print(country + "": "" + str(population))",printfunc,364
Python Crash Course,"print(country_code, COUNTRIES[country_code])",printfunc,365
Python Crash Course,print(get_country_code('Andorra')),printfunc,366
Python Crash Course,print(get_country_code('United Arab Emirates')),printfunc,366
Python Crash Course,print(get_country_code('Afghanistan')),printfunc,366
Python Crash Course,"print(code + "": ""+ str(population))",printfunc,366
Python Crash Course,print('ERROR - ' + country_name),printfunc,366
Python Crash Course,"print(len(cc_pops_1), len(cc_pops_2), len(cc_pops_3))",printfunc,371
Python Crash Course,"print(""Status code:"", r.status_code)",printfunc,379
Python Crash Course,print(response_dict.keys()),printfunc,380
Python Crash Course,"print(""Status code:"", r.status_code)",printfunc,380
Python Crash Course,"print(""Total repositories:"", response_dict['total_count'])",printfunc,380
Python Crash Course,"print(""Repositories returned:"", len(repo_dicts))",printfunc,380
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nKeys:"", len(repo_dict))",printfunc,381
Python Crash Course,print(key),printfunc,381
Python Crash Course,"print(""Repositories returned:"", len(repo_dicts))",printfunc,381
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nSelected information about first repository:"")",printfunc,381
Python Crash Course,"print('Name:', repo_dict['name'])",printfunc,381
Python Crash Course,"print('Owner:', repo_dict['owner']['login'])",printfunc,381
Python Crash Course,"print('Stars:', repo_dict['stargazers_count'])",printfunc,382
Python Crash Course,"print('Repository:', repo_dict['html_url'])",printfunc,382
Python Crash Course,"print('Created:', repo_dict['created_at'])",printfunc,382
Python Crash Course,"print('Updated:', repo_dict['updated_at'])",printfunc,382
Python Crash Course,"print('Description:', repo_dict['description'])",printfunc,382
Python Crash Course,"print(""Repositories returned:"", len(repo_dicts))",printfunc,382
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nSelected information about each repository:"")",printfunc,383
Python Crash Course,"print('\nName:', repo_dict['name'])",printfunc,383
Python Crash Course,"print('Owner:', repo_dict['owner']['login'])",printfunc,383
Python Crash Course,"print('Stars:', repo_dict['stargazers_count'])",printfunc,383
Python Crash Course,"print('Repository:', repo_dict['html_url'])",printfunc,383
Python Crash Course,"print('Description:', repo_dict['description'])",printfunc,383
Python Crash Course,"print(""Status code:"", r.status_code)",printfunc,385
Python Crash Course,"print(""Total repositories:"", response_dict['total_count'])",printfunc,385
Python Crash Course,"print(""Number of items:"", len(repo_dicts))",printfunc,389
Python Crash Course,"print(""Status code:"", r.status_code)",printfunc,391
Python Crash Course,print(submission_r.status_code),printfunc,391
Python Crash Course,"print(""\nTitle:"", submission_dict['title'])",printfunc,391
Python Crash Course,"print(""Discussion link:"", submission_dict['link'])",printfunc,391
Python Crash Course,"print(""Comments:"", submission_dict['comments'])",printfunc,391
Python Crash Course,"print(, topic)",printfunc,411
Python Crash Course,"print(user.username,",printfunc,449
Python Crash Course,"print(topic, topic.owner)",printfunc,450
Python Crash Course,print()  super(),printfunc,490
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python world!"")",printfunc,492
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Python world!"")",printfunc,492
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Git world!"")",printfunc,507
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Git world!"")",printfunc,510
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello everyone."")",printfunc,510
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Git world!"")",printfunc,511
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello everyone."")",printfunc,511
Python Crash Course,"print(""Oh no, I broke the project!"")",printfunc,511
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello Git world!"")",printfunc,511
Python Crash Course,"print(""Hello everyone."")",printfunc,511
Python Crash Course,"  u dimensions = (200, 50)",simpleTuple,70
Python Crash Course,"dimensions = (200, 50)",simpleTuple,70
Python Crash Course,"dimensions = (200, 50)",simpleTuple,70
Python Crash Course,"u dimensions = (200, 50)",simpleTuple,71
Python Crash Course,"v dimensions = (400, 100)",simpleTuple,71
Python Crash Course,"u  bg_color = (230, 230, 230)",simpleTuple,242
Python Crash Course,"v  self.text_color = (30, 30, 30)",simpleTuple,302
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, c=(0, 0, 0.8), edgecolor='none', s=40)",simpleTuple,330
Python Crash Course,"plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))",simpleTuple,338
Python Crash Course,"plt.figure(dpi=128, figsize=(10, 6))",simpleTuple,338
Python Crash Course,"fig = plt.figure(dpi=128, figsize=(10, 6))",simpleTuple,353
Python Crash Course,"fig = plt.figure(dpi=128, figsize=(10, 6))",simpleTuple,355
Python Crash Course,"fig = plt.figure(dpi=128, figsize=(10, 6))",simpleTuple,358
Python Crash Course,"fig = plt.figure(dpi=128, figsize=(10, 6))",simpleTuple,358
Python Crash Course,"w  SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https')",simpleTuple,469
Python Crash Course,"STATICFILES_DIRS = (
  os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),
Python Crash Course,"SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https')",simpleTuple,476
Python Crash Course,"bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized']",simpleList,38
Python Crash Course,"bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized']",simpleList,38
Python Crash Course,"bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized']",simpleList,38
Python Crash Course,"bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized']",simpleList,39
Python Crash Course,"bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized']",simpleList,39
Python Crash Course,"bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized']",simpleList,39
Python Crash Course,"  u motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,41
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,41
Python Crash Course,motorcycles = [],simpleList,42
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,42
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,43
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,43
Python Crash Course,"u motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,44
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,44
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,44
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki', 'ducati']",simpleList,45
Python Crash Course,"u motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki', 'ducati']",simpleList,45
Python Crash Course,"cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru']",simpleList,47
Python Crash Course,"cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru']",simpleList,48
Python Crash Course,"cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru']",simpleList,48
Python Crash Course,"cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru']",simpleList,49
Python Crash Course,"cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru']",simpleList,49
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,50
Python Crash Course,"motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']",simpleList,51
Python Crash Course,motorcycles = [],simpleList,51
Python Crash Course,"  u magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina']",simpleList,54
Python Crash Course,"magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina']",simpleList,55
Python Crash Course,"magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina']",simpleList,56
Python Crash Course,"magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina']",simpleList,56
Python Crash Course,"magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina']",simpleList,57
Python Crash Course,"magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina']",simpleList,58
Python Crash Course,"magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina']",simpleList,59
Python Crash Course,"magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina']",simpleList,60
Python Crash Course,  u squares = [],simpleList,62
Python Crash Course,squares = [],simpleList,63
Python Crash Course,"digits = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]",simpleList,63
Python Crash Course,"players = ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence', 'eli']",simpleList,65
Python Crash Course,"players = ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence', 'eli']",simpleList,65
Python Crash Course,"players = ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence', 'eli']",simpleList,65
Python Crash Course,"players = ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence', 'eli']",simpleList,66
Python Crash Course,"players = ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence', 'eli']",simpleList,66
Python Crash Course,"players = ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence', 'eli']",simpleList,66
Python Crash Course,"  u my_foods = ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake']",simpleList,67
Python Crash Course,"my_foods = ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake']",simpleList,67
Python Crash Course,"my_foods = ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake']",simpleList,68
Python Crash Course,"cars = ['audi', 'bmw', 'subaru', 'toyota']",simpleList,76
Python Crash Course,"requested_toppings = ['mushrooms', 'onions', 'pineapple']",simpleList,81
Python Crash Course,"banned_users = ['andrew', 'carolina', 'david']",simpleList,81
Python Crash Course,"u requested_toppings = ['mushrooms', 'extra cheese']",simpleList,87
Python Crash Course,"requested_toppings = ['mushrooms', 'extra cheese']",simpleList,88
Python Crash Course,"requested_toppings = ['mushrooms', 'green peppers', 'extra cheese']",simpleList,90
Python Crash Course,"requested_toppings = ['mushrooms', 'green peppers', 'extra cheese']",simpleList,90
Python Crash Course,u requested_toppings = [],simpleList,91
Python Crash Course,"v requested_toppings = ['mushrooms', 'french fries', 'extra cheese']",simpleList,92
Python Crash Course,"u friends = ['phil', 'sarah']",simpleList,105
Python Crash Course,"u aliens = [alien_0, alien_1, alien_2]",simpleList,109
Python Crash Course,aliens = [],simpleList,109
Python Crash Course,aliens = [],simpleList,110
Python Crash Course,"u unconfirmed_users = ['alice', 'brian', 'candace']",simpleList,128
Python Crash Course,confirmed_users = [],simpleList,128
Python Crash Course,"pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'dog', 'goldfish', 'cat', 'rabbit', 'cat']",simpleList,129
Python Crash Course,"u usernames = ['hannah', 'ty', 'margot']",simpleList,147
Python Crash Course,"unprinted_designs = ['iphone case', 'robot pendant', 'dodecahedron']",simpleList,147
Python Crash Course,completed_models = [],simpleList,147
Python Crash Course,"unprinted_designs = ['iphone case', 'robot pendant', 'dodecahedron']",simpleList,148
Python Crash Course,completed_models = [],simpleList,148
Python Crash Course,"unprinted_designs = ['iphone case', 'robot pendant', 'dodecahedron']",simpleList,149
Python Crash Course,completed_models = [],simpleList,149
Python Crash Course,"filenames = ['alice.txt', 'siddhartha.txt', 'moby_dick.txt', 'little_women.txt']",simpleList,206
Python Crash Course,"filenames = ['alice.txt', 'siddhartha.txt', 'moby_dick.txt', 'little_women.txt']",simpleList,206
Python Crash Course,"numbers = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]",simpleList,209
Python Crash Course,"u  responses = ['English', 'Spanish', 'Mandarin']",simpleList,226
Python Crash Course,"v  self.responses = ['English', 'Spanish', 'Mandarin']",simpleList,227
Python Crash Course,"squares = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]",simpleList,324
Python Crash Course,"squares = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]",simpleList,325
Python Crash Course,"input_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,326
Python Crash Course,"squares = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]",simpleList,326
Python Crash Course,"x_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,328
Python Crash Course,"y_values = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]",simpleList,328
Python Crash Course,w  self.x_values = [0],simpleList,332
Python Crash Course,results = [],simpleList,341
Python Crash Course,results = [],simpleList,341
Python Crash Course,frequencies = [],simpleList,341
Python Crash Course,frequencies = [],simpleList,342
Python Crash Course,"v hist.x_labels = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']",simpleList,342
Python Crash Course,results = [],simpleList,343
Python Crash Course,frequencies = [],simpleList,343
Python Crash Course,"hist.x_labels = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12']",simpleList,344
Python Crash Course,results = [],simpleList,345
Python Crash Course,u  highs = [],simpleList,352
Python Crash Course,highs = [],simpleList,353
Python Crash Course,"u  dates, highs = [], []",simpleList,355
Python Crash Course,"u names, stars = [], []",simpleList,385
Python Crash Course,"chart.x_labels = ['httpie', 'django', 'flask']",simpleList,388
Python Crash Course,"u names, plot_dicts = [], []",simpleList,389
Python Crash Course,"names, plot_dicts = [], []",simpleList,390
Python Crash Course,w submission_dicts = [],simpleList,391
Python Crash Course,"v urlpatterns = [
 w  url(r'^admin/', include(,

Python Crash Course,w  fields = ['text'],simpleList,428
Python Crash Course,fields = ['text'],simpleList,432
Python Crash Course,args=[topic_id],simpleList,433
Python Crash Course,args=[],simpleList,436
Python Crash Course,x  ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'],simpleList,469
Python Crash Course,u  ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''],simpleList,476
Python Crash Course,ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost'],simpleList,479
Python Crash Course,"for the item at index -1, Python always returns the last item in the list:",forsimple,39
Python Crash Course,for loop to print out each name in a list of magicians:,forsimple,54
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,54
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,54
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,54
Python Crash Course,for item in list_of_items:,forsimple,55
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,55
Python Crash Course,for each magician in the list:,forsimple,55
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,56
Python Crash Course,for each person in the list:,forsimple,56
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,56
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,57
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,58
Python Crash Course,for magician in magicians:,forsimple,59
Python Crash Course,"for each person in 

 the list, as you can see at v:",forsimple,59
Python Crash Course,"for value in range(1,5):",forsimple,61
Python Crash Course,"for value in range(1,6):",forsimple,61
Python Crash Course,"for value in range(1,11):",forsimple,62
Python Crash Course,"for value in range(1,11):",forsimple,63
Python Crash Course,for player in players[:3]:,forsimple,66
Python Crash Course,for dimension in dimensions:,forsimple,70
Python Crash Course,for dimension in dimensions:,forsimple,71
Python Crash Course,for dimension in dimensions:,forsimple,71
Python Crash Course,"for the value 'bmw'. Whenever the value is 'bmw', it’s printed 
 in uppercase instead of title case:",forsimple,76
Python Crash Course,for car in cars:,forsimple,76
Python Crash Course,for requested_topping in requested_toppings:,forsimple,90
Python Crash Course,for requested_topping in requested_toppings:,forsimple,90
Python Crash Course,for requested_topping in requested_toppings:,forsimple,91
Python Crash Course,for requested_topping in requested_toppings:,forsimple,92
Python Crash Course,"for key, value in user_0.items():",forsimple,103
Python Crash Course,"for name, language in favorite_languages.items():",forsimple,104
Python Crash Course,for name in favorite_languages.keys():,forsimple,105
Python Crash Course,for name in favorite_languages:,forsimple,105
Python Crash Course,for name in favorite_languages.keys():,forsimple,105
Python Crash Course,for name in favorite_languages.keys():,forsimple,105
Python Crash Course,for name in sorted(favorite_languages.keys()):,forsimple,106
Python Crash Course,for language in favorite_languages.values():,forsimple,107
Python Crash Course,for language in set(favorite_languages.values()):,forsimple,108
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens:,forsimple,109
Python Crash Course,for alien_number in range(30):,forsimple,109
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens[:5]:,forsimple,109
Python Crash Course,"for alien_number in range (0,30):",forsimple,110
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens[0:3]:,forsimple,110
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens[0:5]:,forsimple,110
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens[0:3]:,forsimple,111
Python Crash Course,for topping in pizza['toppings']:,forsimple,112
Python Crash Course,"for name, languages in favorite_languages.items():",forsimple,112
Python Crash Course,for language in languages:,forsimple,112
Python Crash Course,"for username, user_info in users.items():",forsimple,114
Python Crash Course,for confirmed_user in confirmed_users:,forsimple,129
Python Crash Course,"for name, response in responses.items():",forsimple,130
Python Crash Course,for name in names:,forsimple,147
Python Crash Course,for completed_model in completed_models:,forsimple,148
Python Crash Course,for completed_model in completed_models:,forsimple,148
Python Crash Course,for topping in toppings:,forsimple,151
Python Crash Course,for topping in toppings:,forsimple,152
Python Crash Course,"for key, value in user_info.items():",forsimple,153
Python Crash Course,for topping in toppings:,forsimple,155
Python Crash Course,"for name, language in favorite_languages.items():",forsimple,185
Python Crash Course,for line in file_object:,forsimple,193
Python Crash Course,for line in file_object:,forsimple,193
Python Crash Course,for line in lines:,forsimple,194
Python Crash Course,for line in lines:,forsimple,194
Python Crash Course,for line in lines:,forsimple,195
Python Crash Course,for line in lines:,forsimple,196
Python Crash Course,for line in lines:,forsimple,196
Python Crash Course,for filename in filenames:,forsimple,206
Python Crash Course,for filename in filenames:,forsimple,206
Python Crash Course,for a username and store it in username.json for next time:,forsimple,211
Python Crash Course,for response in responses:,forsimple,223
Python Crash Course,for response in responses:,forsimple,226
Python Crash Course,for response in responses:,forsimple,226
Python Crash Course,for response in self.responses:,forsimple,227
Python Crash Course,for response in self.responses:,forsimple,227
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,241
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,247
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,250
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,251
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,252
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,256
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,260
Python Crash Course,for bullet in bullets.sprites():,forsimple,260
Python Crash Course,for bullet in bullets.copy():,forsimple,262
Python Crash Course,for bullet in bullets.copy():,forsimple,263
Python Crash Course,for bullet in bullets:,forsimple,268
Python Crash Course,for alien_number in range(number_aliens_x):,forsimple,271
Python Crash Course,for alien_number in range(number_aliens_x):,forsimple,273
Python Crash Course,for row_number in range(number_rows):,forsimple,274
Python Crash Course,for alien_number in range(number_aliens_x):,forsimple,274
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens.sprites():,forsimple,278
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens.sprites():,forsimple,279
Python Crash Course,for collisions in the update_bullets() function:,forsimple,280
Python Crash Course,for bullet in bullets.copy():,forsimple,283
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens.sprites():,forsimple,288
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,295
Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,297
Python Crash Course,for aliens in collisions.values():,forsimple,306
Python Crash Course,"for high scores, we’ll write a new function, check_high_score(), 

Python Crash Course,for event in pygame.event.get():,forsimple,312
Python Crash Course,for ship_number in range(self.stats.ships_left):,forsimple,314
Python Crash Course,for alien in aliens.sprites():,forsimple,316
Python Crash Course,for roll_num in range(100):,forsimple,341
Python Crash Course,for roll_num in range(1000):,forsimple,341
Python Crash Course,"for value in range(1, die.num_sides+1):",forsimple,341
Python Crash Course,"for value in range(1, die.num_sides+1):",forsimple,342
Python Crash Course,for roll_num in range(1000):,forsimple,343
Python Crash Course,"for value in range(2, max_result+1):",forsimple,344
Python Crash Course,for roll_num in range(50000):,forsimple,345
Python Crash Course,"for index, column_header in enumerate(header_row):",forsimple,351
Python Crash Course,for row in reader:,forsimple,352
Python Crash Course,for row in reader:,forsimple,353
Python Crash Course,for row in reader:,forsimple,355
Python Crash Course,for row in reader:,forsimple,357
Python Crash Course,for row in reader:,forsimple,360
Python Crash Course,for pop_dict in pop_data:,forsimple,363
Python Crash Course,for pop_dict in pop_data:,forsimple,364
Python Crash Course,for pop_dict in pop_data:,forsimple,364
Python Crash Course,for country_code in sorted(COUNTRIES.keys()):,forsimple,365
Python Crash Course,"for code, name in COUNTRIES.items():",forsimple,366
Python Crash Course,for pop_dict in pop_data:,forsimple,366
Python Crash Course,for pop_dict in pop_data:,forsimple,369
Python Crash Course,for pop_dict in pop_data:,forsimple,371
Python Crash Course,"for cc, pop in cc_populations.items():",forsimple,371
Python Crash Course,"for cc, pop in cc_populations.items():",forsimple,373
Python Crash Course,for key in sorted(repo_dict.keys()):,forsimple,381
Python Crash Course,for some of the keys in repo_dict:,forsimple,381
Python Crash Course,for repo_dict in repo_dicts:,forsimple,383
Python Crash Course,for repo_dict in repo_dicts:,forsimple,385
Python Crash Course,for repo_dict in repo_dicts:,forsimple,389
Python Crash Course,for repo_dict in repo_dicts:,forsimple,390
Python Crash Course,for submission_id in submission_ids[:30]:,forsimple,391
Python Crash Course,for submission_dict in submission_dicts:,forsimple,391
Python Crash Course,"for ll_env 
 in parentheses), enter the following commands to create a new project:",forsimple,400
Python Crash Course,for topic in topics:,forsimple,410
Python Crash Course,for user in User.objects.all():,forsimple,449
Python Crash Course,for topic in Topic.objects.all():,forsimple,450
Python Crash Course,"for getting help 
 in Appendix C. Don’t be shy about asking for help:",forsimple,481
Python Crash Course,"for that project will often appear in 
 searches—for example, http:",forsimple,502
Python Crash Course,"u full_name = first_name + "" "" + last_name",assignwithSum,25
Python Crash Course,"full_name = first_name + "" "" + last_name",assignwithSum,25
Python Crash Course,"full_name = first_name + "" "" + last_name",assignwithSum,25
Python Crash Course,v alien_0['x_position'] = alien_0['x_position'] + x_increment,assignwithSum,99
Python Crash Course,"w  full_name = user_info['first'] + "" "" + user_info['last']",assignwithSum,114
Python Crash Course,v  full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name,assignwithSum,142
Python Crash Course,full_name = first_name + ' ' + middle_name + ' ' + last_name,assignwithSum,142
Python Crash Course,full_name = first_name + ' ' + middle_name + ' ' + last_name,assignwithSum,143
Python Crash Course,full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name,assignwithSum,143
Python Crash Course,full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name,assignwithSum,145
Python Crash Course,long_name = str(self.year) + ' ' + self.make + ' ' + self.model,assignwithSum,167
Python Crash Course,long_name = str(self.year) + ' ' + self.make + ' ' + self.model,assignwithSum,172
Python Crash Course,long_name = str(self.year) + ' ' + self.make + ' ' + self.model,assignwithSum,179
Python Crash Course,full_name = first + ' ' + last,assignwithSum,216
Python Crash Course,full_name = first + ' ' + middle + ' ' + last,assignwithSum,219
Python Crash Course,full_name = first + ' ' + last,assignwithSum,220
Python Crash Course,alien.x = alien_width + 2 * alien_width * alien_number,assignwithSum,271
Python Crash Course,alien.x = alien_width + 2 * alien_width * alien_number,assignwithSum,273
Python Crash Course,alien.x = alien_width + 2 * alien_width * alien_number,assignwithSum,274
Python Crash Course,w  alien.rect.y = alien.rect.height + 2 * alien.rect.height * row_number,assignwithSum,274
Python Crash Course,w = self.score_rect.bottom + 10,assignwithSum,311
Python Crash Course,w  ship.rect.x = 10 + ship_number * ship.rect.width,assignwithSum,314
Python Crash Course,z  next_x = self.x_values[-1] + x_step,assignwithSum,333
Python Crash Course,next_y = self.y_values[-1] + y_step,assignwithSum,333
Python Crash Course,u  result = die_1.roll() + die_2.roll(),assignwithSum,343
Python Crash Course,v max_result = die_1.num_sides + die_2.num_sides,assignwithSum,343
Python Crash Course,result = die_1.roll() + die_2.roll(),assignwithSum,345
Python Crash Course,u >>> favorite_language = favorite_language.rstrip(),simpleAssign,27
Python Crash Course,age = 23,simpleAssign,31
Python Crash Course,age = 23,simpleAssign,32
Python Crash Course,v popped_motorcycle = motorcycles.pop(),simpleAssign,44
Python Crash Course,last_owned = motorcycles.pop(),simpleAssign,44
Python Crash Course,u first_owned = motorcycles.pop(0),simpleAssign,44
Python Crash Course,argument reverse=True to the sort() method. The following example sorts,simpleAssign,48
Python Crash Course,cars.sort(reverse=True),simpleAssign,48
Python Crash Course,function has been used. The sorted() function can also accept a reverse=True,simpleAssign,48
Python Crash Course,"numbers = list(range(1,6))",simpleAssign,62
Python Crash Course," even_numbers = list(range(2,11,2))",simpleAssign,62
Python Crash Course,w  square = value**2,simpleAssign,62
Python Crash Course,v friend_foods = my_foods[:],simpleAssign,67
Python Crash Course,u friend_foods = my_foods[:],simpleAssign,67
Python Crash Course,u friend_foods = my_foods,simpleAssign,68
Python Crash Course,u dimensions[0] = 250,simpleAssign,70
Python Crash Course,dimensions[0] = 250,simpleAssign,70
Python Crash Course,age = 18,simpleAssign,78
Python Crash Course,age == 18,simpleAssign,78
Python Crash Course,answer = 17,simpleAssign,79
Python Crash Course,u if answer != 42:,simpleAssign,79
Python Crash Course,age = 19,simpleAssign,79
Python Crash Course,age <= 21,simpleAssign,79
Python Crash Course,age >= 21,simpleAssign,79
Python Crash Course,u >>> age_0 = 22,simpleAssign,79
Python Crash Course,age_1 = 18,simpleAssign,79
Python Crash Course,v >>> age_0 >= 21 and age_1 >= 21,simpleAssign,79
Python Crash Course,w >>> age_1 = 22,simpleAssign,80
Python Crash Course,age_0 >= 21 and age_1 >= 21,simpleAssign,80
Python Crash Course,age_0 >= 21) and (age_1 >= 21),simpleAssign,80
Python Crash Course,u >>> age_0 = 22,simpleAssign,80
Python Crash Course,age_1 = 18,simpleAssign,80
Python Crash Course,v >>> age_0 >= 21 or age_1 >= 21,simpleAssign,80
Python Crash Course,w >>> age_0 = 18,simpleAssign,80
Python Crash Course,age_0 >= 21 or age_1 >= 21,simpleAssign,80
Python Crash Course,game_active = True,simpleAssign,81
Python Crash Course,can_edit = False,simpleAssign,81
Python Crash Course,age = 19,simpleAssign,83
Python Crash Course,u if age >= 18:,simpleAssign,83
Python Crash Course,age = 19,simpleAssign,83
Python Crash Course,age = 17,simpleAssign,84
Python Crash Course,u if age >= 18:,simpleAssign,84
Python Crash Course,age = 12,simpleAssign,84
Python Crash Course,age = 12,simpleAssign,85
Python Crash Course,u  price = 0,simpleAssign,85
Python Crash Course,w  price = 10,simpleAssign,85
Python Crash Course,age = 12,simpleAssign,86
Python Crash Course,price = 5,simpleAssign,86
Python Crash Course,age = 12,simpleAssign,86
Python Crash Course,u elif age >= 65:,simpleAssign,86
Python Crash Course,price = 5,simpleAssign,86
Python Crash Course,u new_points = alien_0['points'],simpleAssign,97
Python Crash Course,u alien_0['x_position'] = 0,simpleAssign,98
Python Crash Course,v alien_0['y_position'] = 25,simpleAssign,98
Python Crash Course,alien_0['points'] = 5,simpleAssign,98
Python Crash Course,x_increment = 1,simpleAssign,99
Python Crash Course,x_increment = 3,simpleAssign,99
Python Crash Course,alien_0['speed'] = fast,simpleAssign,100
Python Crash Course,alien['points'] = 10,simpleAssign,110
Python Crash Course,alien['points'] = 10,simpleAssign,111
Python Crash Course,alien['points'] = 15,simpleAssign,111
Python Crash Course,location = user_info['location'],simpleAssign,114
Python Crash Course,"message = input(""Tell me something, and I will repeat it back to you: "")",simpleAssign,118
Python Crash Course,"name = input(""Please enter your name: "")",simpleAssign,118
Python Crash Course,name = input(prompt),simpleAssign,119
Python Crash Course,"age = input(""How old are you? "")",simpleAssign,119
Python Crash Course,"age = input(""How old are you? "")",simpleAssign,119
Python Crash Course,u >>> age >= 18,simpleAssign,119
Python Crash Course,v TypeError: unorderable types: str() >= int(),simpleAssign,119
Python Crash Course,"age = input(""How old are you? "")",simpleAssign,120
Python Crash Course,u >>> age = int(age),simpleAssign,120
Python Crash Course,age >= 18,simpleAssign,120
Python Crash Course,"height = input(""How tall are you, in inches? "")",simpleAssign,120
Python Crash Course,height = int(height),simpleAssign,120
Python Crash Course,The program can compare height to 36 because height = int(height),simpleAssign,120
Python Crash Course,"number = input(""Enter a number, and I'll tell you if it's even or odd: "")",simpleAssign,121
Python Crash Course,number = int(number),simpleAssign,121
Python Crash Course,"and two is zero (here, if number % 2 == 0) the number is even. Otherwise,",simpleAssign,121
Python Crash Course,current_number = 1,simpleAssign,122
Python Crash Course,Python repeats the loop as long as the condition current_number <= 5,simpleAssign,122
Python Crash Course,message = input(prompt),simpleAssign,123
Python Crash Course,"enters the loop. At message = input(prompt), Python displays the prompt and",simpleAssign,123
Python Crash Course,message = input(prompt),simpleAssign,123
Python Crash Course,current_number = 0,simpleAssign,126
Python Crash Course,x = 1,simpleAssign,126
Python Crash Course,x = 1,simpleAssign,127
Python Crash Course,ditional test x <= 5 will always evaluate to True and the while loop will run,simpleAssign,127
Python Crash Course,w  current_user = unconfirmed_users.pop(),simpleAssign,128
Python Crash Course,polling_active = True,simpleAssign,130
Python Crash Course,"u  name = input(""\nWhat is your name? "")",simpleAssign,130
Python Crash Course,"response = input(""Which mountain would you like to climb someday? "")",simpleAssign,130
Python Crash Course,v  responses[name] = response,simpleAssign,130
Python Crash Course,"w  repeat = input(""Would you like to let another person respond? (yes/ no) "")",simpleAssign,130
Python Crash Course,"x musician = get_formatted_name('jimi', 'hendrix')",simpleAssign,142
Python Crash Course,"musician = get_formatted_name('john', 'lee', 'hooker')",simpleAssign,142
Python Crash Course,"musician = get_formatted_name('jimi', 'hendrix')",simpleAssign,143
Python Crash Course,"x musician = get_formatted_name('john', 'hooker', 'lee')",simpleAssign,143
Python Crash Course,"musician = build_person('jimi', 'hendrix')",simpleAssign,144
Python Crash Course,"musician = build_person('jimi', 'hendrix', age=27)",simpleAssign,144
Python Crash Course,"formatted_name = get_formatted_name(f_name, l_name)",simpleAssign,146
Python Crash Course,current_design = unprinted_designs.pop(),simpleAssign,147
Python Crash Course,current_design = unprinted_designs.pop(),simpleAssign,148
Python Crash Course,u  profile['first_name'] = first,simpleAssign,153
Python Crash Course,profile['last_name'] = last,simpleAssign,153
Python Crash Course,profile[key] = value,simpleAssign,153
Python Crash Course,"user_profile = build_profile('albert', 'einstein',",simpleAssign,153
Python Crash Course,"car = make_car('subaru', 'outback', color='blue', tow_package=True)",simpleAssign,154
Python Crash Course,x = name,simpleAssign,162
Python Crash Course,The same process happens with self.age = age. Variables that are accessible,simpleAssign,163
Python Crash Course,"u my_dog = Dog('willie', 6)",simpleAssign,164
Python Crash Course,"my_dog = Dog('willie', 6)",simpleAssign,165
Python Crash Course,"my_dog = Dog('willie', 6)",simpleAssign,165
Python Crash Course,"your_dog = Dog('lucy', 3)",simpleAssign,165
Python Crash Course,"w my_new_car = Car('audi', 'a4', 2016)",simpleAssign,167
Python Crash Course,u  self.odometer_reading = 0,simpleAssign,168
Python Crash Course,"my_new_car = Car('audi', 'a4', 2016)",simpleAssign,168
Python Crash Course,"my_new_car = Car('audi', 'a4', 2016)",simpleAssign,169
Python Crash Course,u my_new_car.odometer_reading = 23,simpleAssign,169
Python Crash Course,"my_new_car = Car('audi', 'a4', 2016)",simpleAssign,169
Python Crash Course,u  if mileage >= self.odometer_reading:,simpleAssign,170
Python Crash Course,"v my_used_car = Car('subaru', 'outback', 2013)",simpleAssign,170
Python Crash Course,"y my_tesla = ElectricCar('tesla', 'model s', 2016)",simpleAssign,173
Python Crash Course,u  self.battery_size = 70,simpleAssign,174
Python Crash Course,"my_tesla = ElectricCar('tesla', 'model s', 2016)",simpleAssign,174
Python Crash Course,"v  def __init__(self, battery_size=70):",simpleAssign,175
Python Crash Course,x  self.battery = Battery(),simpleAssign,176
Python Crash Course,"my_tesla = ElectricCar('tesla', 'model s', 2016)",simpleAssign,176
Python Crash Course,elif self.battery_size == 85:,simpleAssign,177
Python Crash Course,range = 270,simpleAssign,177
Python Crash Course,"my_tesla = ElectricCar('tesla', 'model s', 2016)",simpleAssign,177
Python Crash Course,"my_new_car = Car('audi', 'a4', 2016)",simpleAssign,180
Python Crash Course,my_new_car.odometer_reading = 23,simpleAssign,180
Python Crash Course,elif self.battery_size == 85:,simpleAssign,181
Python Crash Course,range = 270,simpleAssign,181
Python Crash Course,"my_tesla = ElectricCar('tesla', 'model s', 2016)",simpleAssign,181
Python Crash Course,"v my_beetle = Car('volkswagen', 'beetle', 2016)",simpleAssign,181
Python Crash Course,"w my_tesla = ElectricCar('tesla', 'roadster', 2016)",simpleAssign,181
Python Crash Course,"v my_beetle = car.Car('volkswagen', 'beetle', 2016)",simpleAssign,182
Python Crash Course,"w my_tesla = car.ElectricCar('tesla', 'roadster', 2016)",simpleAssign,182
Python Crash Course,"my_beetle = Car('volkswagen', 'beetle', 2016)",simpleAssign,183
Python Crash Course,"my_tesla = ElectricCar('tesla', 'roadster', 2016)",simpleAssign,183
Python Crash Course,v favorite_languages = OrderedDict(),simpleAssign,185
Python Crash Course,"x = randint(1, 6)",simpleAssign,186
Python Crash Course,u  lines = file_object.readlines(),simpleAssign,194
Python Crash Course,lines = file_object.readlines(),simpleAssign,194
Python Crash Course,lines = file_object.readlines(),simpleAssign,195
Python Crash Course,lines = file_object.readlines(),simpleAssign,195
Python Crash Course,lines = file_object.readlines(),simpleAssign,196
Python Crash Course,"u birthday = input(""Enter your birthday, in the form mmddyy: "")",simpleAssign,196
Python Crash Course,w  answer = int(first_number) / int(second_number),simpleAssign,201
Python Crash Course,answer = int(first_number) / int(second_number),simpleAssign,201
Python Crash Course,u  words = contents.split(),simpleAssign,205
Python Crash Course,v  num_words = len(words),simpleAssign,205
Python Crash Course,words = contents.split(),simpleAssign,205
Python Crash Course,num_words = len(words),simpleAssign,205
Python Crash Course,w  numbers = json.load(f_obj),simpleAssign,209
Python Crash Course,"u username = input(""What is your name? "")",simpleAssign,210
Python Crash Course,u  username = json.load(f_obj),simpleAssign,210
Python Crash Course,username = get_stored_username(),simpleAssign,213
Python Crash Course,"username = input(""What is your name? "")",simpleAssign,213
Python Crash Course,"username = input(""What is your name? "")",simpleAssign,213
Python Crash Course,username = get_stored_username(),simpleAssign,213
Python Crash Course,username = get_new_username(),simpleAssign,213
Python Crash Course,"v  formatted_name = get_formatted_name('janis', 'joplin')",simpleAssign,217
Python Crash Course,"formatted_name = get_formatted_name('janis', 'joplin')",simpleAssign,219
Python Crash Course,y FAILED (errors=1),simpleAssign,219
Python Crash Course,"formatted_name = get_formatted_name('janis', 'joplin')",simpleAssign,221
Python Crash Course,u  formatted_name = get_formatted_name(,simpleAssign,221
Python Crash Course,"population=5000000'. Run again, and make sure this new test",simpleAssign,222
Python Crash Course,Verify that a == b,simpleAssign,223
Python Crash Course,Verify that a != b,simpleAssign,223
Python Crash Course,my_survey = AnonymousSurvey(question),simpleAssign,224
Python Crash Course,w  my_survey = AnonymousSurvey(question),simpleAssign,225
Python Crash Course,my_survey = AnonymousSurvey(question),simpleAssign,226
Python Crash Course,u  self.my_survey = AnonymousSurvey(question),simpleAssign,227
Python Crash Course,"v  screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 800))",simpleAssign,241
Python Crash Course,y  if event.type == pygame.QUIT:,simpleAssign,241
Python Crash Course,u  ai_settings = Settings(),simpleAssign,243
Python Crash Course,v  screen = pygame.display.set_mode(,simpleAssign,243
Python Crash Course,u  self.image = pygame.image.load('images/ship.bmp'),simpleAssign,245
Python Crash Course,v  self.rect = self.image.get_rect(),simpleAssign,245
Python Crash Course,w  self.screen_rect = screen.get_rect(),simpleAssign,245
Python Crash Course,x  self.rect.centerx = self.screen_rect.centerx,simpleAssign,245
Python Crash Course,u  ship = Ship(screen),simpleAssign,246
Python Crash Course,u  elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:,simpleAssign,250
Python Crash Course,v  if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:,simpleAssign,250
Python Crash Course,u  self.moving_right = False,simpleAssign,251
Python Crash Course,elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:,simpleAssign,251
Python Crash Course,u  ship.moving_right = True,simpleAssign,251
Python Crash Course,v  elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:,simpleAssign,251
Python Crash Course,elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:,simpleAssign,252
Python Crash Course,elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:,simpleAssign,252
Python Crash Course,ship.moving_left = True,simpleAssign,252
Python Crash Course,elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:,simpleAssign,252
Python Crash Course,elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:,simpleAssign,252
Python Crash Course,ship.moving_left = False,simpleAssign,252
Python Crash Course,v  self.ai_settings = ai_settings,simpleAssign,253
Python Crash Course,w = float(self.rect.centerx),simpleAssign,253
Python Crash Course,y  self.rect.centerx =,simpleAssign,254
Python Crash Course,"ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen)",simpleAssign,254
Python Crash Course,elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:,simpleAssign,255
Python Crash Course,ship.moving_left = True,simpleAssign,255
Python Crash Course,elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:,simpleAssign,255
Python Crash Course,ship.moving_left = False,simpleAssign,255
Python Crash Course,elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:,simpleAssign,256
Python Crash Course,elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:,simpleAssign,256
Python Crash Course,"u  self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, ai_settings.bullet_width,",simpleAssign,258
Python Crash Course,v  self.rect.centerx = ship.rect.centerx,simpleAssign,258
Python Crash Course,w =,simpleAssign,258
Python Crash Course,x  self.y = float(self.rect.y),simpleAssign,258
Python Crash Course,y  self.color = ai_settings.bullet_color,simpleAssign,258
Python Crash Course,u  self.y -= self.speed_factor,simpleAssign,259
Python Crash Course,v  self.rect.y = self.y,simpleAssign,259
Python Crash Course,"ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen)",simpleAssign,259
Python Crash Course,u  bullets = Group(),simpleAssign,259
Python Crash Course,v  elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:,simpleAssign,260
Python Crash Course,"new_bullet = Bullet(ai_settings, screen, ship)",simpleAssign,260
Python Crash Course,elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:,simpleAssign,260
Python Crash Course,v  if bullet.rect.bottom <= 0:,simpleAssign,262
Python Crash Course,elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:,simpleAssign,263
Python Crash Course,elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:,simpleAssign,264
Python Crash Course,elif event.key == pygame.K_q:,simpleAssign,266
Python Crash Course,u  self.rect.x = self.rect.width,simpleAssign,267
Python Crash Course,"alien = Alien(ai_settings, screen)",simpleAssign,268
Python Crash Course,available_space_x = ai_settings.screen_width – (2 * alien_width),simpleAssign,269
Python Crash Course,number_aliens_x = available_space_x / (2 * alien_width),simpleAssign,270
Python Crash Course,"ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen)",simpleAssign,270
Python Crash Course,bullets = Group(),simpleAssign,270
Python Crash Course,u  aliens = Group(),simpleAssign,270
Python Crash Course,"u  alien = Alien(ai_settings, screen)",simpleAssign,271
Python Crash Course,v  alien_width = alien.rect.width,simpleAssign,271
Python Crash Course,w  available_space_x = ai_settings.screen_width - 2 * alien_width,simpleAssign,271
Python Crash Course,x  number_aliens_x = int(available_space_x / (2 * alien_width)),simpleAssign,271
Python Crash Course,"z  alien = Alien(ai_settings, screen)",simpleAssign,271
Python Crash Course,alien.rect.x = alien.x,simpleAssign,271
Python Crash Course,available_space_x = ai_settings.screen_width - 2 * alien_width,simpleAssign,273
Python Crash Course,number_aliens_x = int(available_space_x / (2 * alien_width)),simpleAssign,273
Python Crash Course,"alien = Alien(ai_settings, screen)",simpleAssign,273
Python Crash Course,v  alien_width = alien.rect.width,simpleAssign,273
Python Crash Course,alien.rect.x = alien.x,simpleAssign,273
Python Crash Course,"alien = Alien(ai_settings, screen)",simpleAssign,273
Python Crash Course,"w  number_aliens_x = get_number_aliens_x(ai_settings, alien.rect.width)",simpleAssign,273
Python Crash Course,available_space_y = ai_settings.screen_height – 3 * alien_height – ship_height,simpleAssign,273
Python Crash Course,number_rows = available_height_y / (2 * alien_height),simpleAssign,274
Python Crash Course,number_rows = int(available_space_y / (2 * alien_height)),simpleAssign,274
Python Crash Course,alien.rect.x = alien.x,simpleAssign,274
Python Crash Course,"number_aliens_x = get_number_aliens_x(ai_settings, alien.rect.width)",simpleAssign,274
Python Crash Course,"number_rows = get_number_rows(ai_settings, ship.rect.height,",simpleAssign,274
Python Crash Course,"random_number = randint(-10,10)",simpleAssign,276
Python Crash Course,v  self.rect.x = self.x,simpleAssign,276
Python Crash Course,screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect(),simpleAssign,278
Python Crash Course,u  if self.rect.right >= screen_rect.right:,simpleAssign,278
Python Crash Course,v  elif self.rect.left <= 0:,simpleAssign,278
Python Crash Course,"collisions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(bullets, aliens, True, True)",simpleAssign,280
Python Crash Course,"collisions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(bullets, aliens, True, True)",simpleAssign,282
Python Crash Course,u  if len(aliens) == 0:,simpleAssign,282
Python Crash Course,"collisions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(bullets, aliens, True, True)",simpleAssign,283
Python Crash Course,v  stats = GameStats(ai_settings),simpleAssign,286
Python Crash Course,v  stats.ships_left -= 1,simpleAssign,287
Python Crash Course,screen_rect = screen.get_rect(),simpleAssign,288
Python Crash Course,u  if alien.rect.bottom >= screen_rect.bottom:,simpleAssign,288
Python Crash Course,stats.ships_left -= 1,simpleAssign,289
Python Crash Course,stats.game_active = False,simpleAssign,289
Python Crash Course,"v  self.width, self.height = 200, 50",simpleAssign,292
Python Crash Course,"w  self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)",simpleAssign,292
Python Crash Course,"x  self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height)",simpleAssign,292
Python Crash Course,"u  self.msg_image = self.font.render(msg, True, self.text_color,",simpleAssign,293
Python Crash Course,v  self.msg_image_rect = self.msg_image.get_rect(),simpleAssign,293
Python Crash Course,"u  play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, ""Play"")",simpleAssign,294
Python Crash Course,u  elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:,simpleAssign,295
Python Crash Course,"v  mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()",simpleAssign,295
Python Crash Course,stats.game_active = True,simpleAssign,295
Python Crash Course,stats.game_active = True,simpleAssign,296
Python Crash Course,elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:,simpleAssign,297
Python Crash Course,"mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()",simpleAssign,297
Python Crash Course,"u  button_clicked = play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y)",simpleAssign,297
Python Crash Course,"button_clicked = play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y)",simpleAssign,298
Python Crash Course,stats.game_active = False,simpleAssign,298
Python Crash Course,u  self.speedup_scale = 1.1,simpleAssign,299
Python Crash Course,"button_clicked = play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y)",simpleAssign,300
Python Crash Course,"w  self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)",simpleAssign,302
Python Crash Course,u  score_str = str(self.stats.score),simpleAssign,302
Python Crash Course,"v  self.score_image = self.font.render(score_str, True, self.text_color,",simpleAssign,302
Python Crash Course,w  self.score_rect = self.score_image.get_rect(),simpleAssign,302
Python Crash Course,x  self.score_rect.right = self.screen_rect.right - 20,simpleAssign,302
Python Crash Course,y = 20,simpleAssign,302
Python Crash Course,stats = GameStats(ai_settings),simpleAssign,303
Python Crash Course,"u  sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats)",simpleAssign,303
Python Crash Course,"collisions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(bullets, aliens, True, True)",simpleAssign,304
Python Crash Course,u  self.score_scale = 1.5,simpleAssign,306
Python Crash Course,v  self.alien_points = int(self.alien_points * self.score_scale),simpleAssign,306
Python Crash Course,"u  rounded_score = int(round(self.stats.score, -1))",simpleAssign,307
Python Crash Course,"u  high_score = int(round(self.stats.high_score, -1))",simpleAssign,308
Python Crash Course,"w  self.high_score_image = self.font.render(high_score_str, True,",simpleAssign,309
Python Crash Course,x  self.high_score_rect.centerx = self.screen_rect.centerx,simpleAssign,309
Python Crash Course,y =,simpleAssign,309
Python Crash Course,"u  self.level_image = self.font.render(str(self.stats.level), True,",simpleAssign,311
Python Crash Course,v  self.level_rect.right = self.score_rect.right,simpleAssign,311
Python Crash Course,"button_clicked = play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y)",simpleAssign,311
Python Crash Course,stats.game_active = True,simpleAssign,312
Python Crash Course,elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:,simpleAssign,312
Python Crash Course,"mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()",simpleAssign,312
Python Crash Course,u  self.ships = Group(),simpleAssign,314
Python Crash Course,"ship = Ship(self.ai_settings, self.screen)",simpleAssign,314
Python Crash Course,x  ship.rect.y = 10,simpleAssign,314
Python Crash Course,"button_clicked = play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y)",simpleAssign,315
Python Crash Course,stats.ships_left -= 1,simpleAssign,315
Python Crash Course,screen_rect = screen.get_rect(),simpleAssign,316
Python Crash Course,"u plt.plot(squares, linewidth=5)",simpleAssign,325
Python Crash Course,"v plt.title(""Square Numbers"", fontsize=24)",simpleAssign,325
Python Crash Course,"w plt.xlabel(""Value"", fontsize=14)",simpleAssign,325
Python Crash Course,"plt.ylabel(""Square of Value"", fontsize=14)",simpleAssign,325
Python Crash Course,"x plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=14)",simpleAssign,325
Python Crash Course,set the font size of the tick mark labels to 14 (labelsize=14).,simpleAssign,325
Python Crash Course,"plt.plot(input_values, squares, linewidth=5)",simpleAssign,326
Python Crash Course,"u plt.scatter(2, 4, s=200)",simpleAssign,327
Python Crash Course,"plt.title(""Square Numbers"", fontsize=24)",simpleAssign,327
Python Crash Course,"plt.xlabel(""Value"", fontsize=14)",simpleAssign,327
Python Crash Course,"plt.ylabel(""Square of Value"", fontsize=14)",simpleAssign,327
Python Crash Course,"plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=14)",simpleAssign,327
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, s=100)",simpleAssign,328
Python Crash Course,"u x_values = list(range(1, 1001))",simpleAssign,328
Python Crash Course,"v plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, s=40)",simpleAssign,328
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, edgecolor='none', s=40)",simpleAssign,329
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, c='red', edgecolor='none', s=40)",simpleAssign,330
Python Crash Course,x_values = list(range(1001)),simpleAssign,330
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, c=y_values,,",simpleAssign,330
Python Crash Course,"edgecolor='none', s=40)",simpleAssign,330
Python Crash Course,"v  def __init__(self, num_points=5000):",simpleAssign,332
Python Crash Course,"v  x_direction = choice([1, -1])",simpleAssign,333
Python Crash Course,"x_distance = choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])",simpleAssign,333
Python Crash Course,w  x_step = x_direction * x_distance,simpleAssign,333
Python Crash Course,"y_direction = choice([1, -1])",simpleAssign,333
Python Crash Course,"y_distance = choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])",simpleAssign,333
Python Crash Course,x  y_step = y_direction * y_distance,simpleAssign,333
Python Crash Course,y  if x_step == 0 and y_step == 0:,simpleAssign,333
Python Crash Course,u rw = RandomWalk(),simpleAssign,333
Python Crash Course,"v plt.scatter(rw.x_values, rw.y_values, s=15)",simpleAssign,334
Python Crash Course,rw = RandomWalk(),simpleAssign,335
Python Crash Course,u  point_numbers = list(range(rw.num_points)),simpleAssign,335
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(rw.x_values, rw.y_values, c=point_numbers,,",simpleAssign,335
Python Crash Course,"edgecolor='none', s=15)",simpleAssign,335
Python Crash Course,"keep_running = input(""Make another walk? (y/n): "")",simpleAssign,335
Python Crash Course,"the c argument, use the Blues colormap, and then pass edgecolor=none to get",simpleAssign,335
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(rw.x_values, rw.y_values, c=point_numbers,,",simpleAssign,336
Python Crash Course,"edgecolor='none', s=15)",simpleAssign,336
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(0, 0, c='green', edgecolors='none', s=100)",simpleAssign,336
Python Crash Course,s=100),simpleAssign,336
Python Crash Course,"s=100) than the rest of the points. To mark the end point, we plot the last",simpleAssign,336
Python Crash Course,s=100),simpleAssign,337
Python Crash Course,rw = RandomWalk(50000),simpleAssign,337
Python Crash Course,point_numbers = list(range(rw.num_points)),simpleAssign,337
Python Crash Course,"plt.scatter(rw.x_values, rw.y_values, c=point_numbers,,",simpleAssign,337
Python Crash Course,"edgecolor='none', s=1)",simpleAssign,337
Python Crash Course,world data) and plots each point at size s=1. The resulting walk is wispy and,simpleAssign,337
Python Crash Course,rw = RandomWalk(),simpleAssign,338
Python Crash Course,x_step = get_step(),simpleAssign,339
Python Crash Course,y_step = get_step(),simpleAssign,339
Python Crash Course,"u  def __init__(self, num_sides=6):",simpleAssign,340
Python Crash Course,u die = Die(),simpleAssign,341
Python Crash Course,result = die.roll(),simpleAssign,341
Python Crash Course,result = die.roll(),simpleAssign,341
Python Crash Course,w  frequency = results.count(value),simpleAssign,341
Python Crash Course,frequency = results.count(value),simpleAssign,342
Python Crash Course,u hist = pygal.Bar(),simpleAssign,342
Python Crash Course,die_1 = Die(),simpleAssign,343
Python Crash Course,die_2 = Die(),simpleAssign,343
Python Crash Course,frequency = results.count(value),simpleAssign,344
Python Crash Course,hist = pygal.Bar(),simpleAssign,344
Python Crash Course,die_1 = Die(),simpleAssign,345
Python Crash Course,u die_2 = Die(10),simpleAssign,345
Python Crash Course,hist = pygal.Bar(),simpleAssign,345
Python Crash Course,v  reader = csv.reader(f),simpleAssign,350
Python Crash Course,w  header_row = next(reader),simpleAssign,350
Python Crash Course,reader = csv.reader(f),simpleAssign,351
Python Crash Course,header_row = next(reader),simpleAssign,351
Python Crash Course,reader = csv.reader(f),simpleAssign,352
Python Crash Course,header_row = next(reader),simpleAssign,352
Python Crash Course,u  high = int(row[1]),simpleAssign,353
Python Crash Course,"v plt.title(""Daily high temperatures, July 2014"", fontsize=24)",simpleAssign,353
Python Crash Course,"w plt.xlabel('', fontsize=16)",simpleAssign,353
Python Crash Course,"plt.ylabel(""Temperature (F)"", fontsize=16)",simpleAssign,353
Python Crash Course,"plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16)",simpleAssign,353
Python Crash Course,"first_date = datetime.strptime('2014-7-1', '%Y-%m-%d')",simpleAssign,354
Python Crash Course,reader = csv.reader(f),simpleAssign,355
Python Crash Course,header_row = next(reader),simpleAssign,355
Python Crash Course,"v  current_date = datetime.strptime(row[0], ""%Y-%m-%d"")",simpleAssign,355
Python Crash Course,high = int(row[1]),simpleAssign,355
Python Crash Course,"plt.title(""Daily high temperatures, July 2014"", fontsize=24)",simpleAssign,355
Python Crash Course,"plt.xlabel('', fontsize=16)",simpleAssign,355
Python Crash Course,"plt.ylabel(""Temperature (F)"", fontsize=16)",simpleAssign,356
Python Crash Course,"plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16)",simpleAssign,356
Python Crash Course,"v plt.title(""Daily high temperatures - 2014"", fontsize=24)",simpleAssign,356
Python Crash Course,"plt.xlabel('', fontsize=16)",simpleAssign,356
Python Crash Course,reader = csv.reader(f),simpleAssign,357
Python Crash Course,header_row = next(reader),simpleAssign,357
Python Crash Course,"current_date = datetime.strptime(row[0], ""%Y-%m-%d"")",simpleAssign,357
Python Crash Course,high = int(row[1]),simpleAssign,357
Python Crash Course,v  low = int(row[3]),simpleAssign,357
Python Crash Course,"x plt.title(""Daily high and low temperatures - 2014"", fontsize=24)",simpleAssign,358
Python Crash Course,"u plt.plot(dates, highs, c='red', alpha=0.5)",simpleAssign,358
Python Crash Course,"plt.plot(dates, lows, c='blue', alpha=0.5)",simpleAssign,358
Python Crash Course,"v plt.fill_between(dates, highs, lows, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.1)",simpleAssign,358
Python Crash Course,high = int(row[1]),simpleAssign,360
Python Crash Course,reader = csv.reader(f),simpleAssign,360
Python Crash Course,header_row = next(reader),simpleAssign,360
Python Crash Course,"plt.title(title, fontsize=20)",simpleAssign,360
Python Crash Course,u  pop_data = json.load(f),simpleAssign,363
Python Crash Course,population = pop_dict['Value'],simpleAssign,363
Python Crash Course,u  population = int(pop_dict['Value']),simpleAssign,364
Python Crash Course,population = int(pop_dict['Value']),simpleAssign,364
Python Crash Course,population = int(float(pop_dict['Value'])),simpleAssign,364
Python Crash Course,w  if name == country_name:,simpleAssign,366
Python Crash Course,population = int(float(pop_dict['Value'])),simpleAssign,366
Python Crash Course,u  code = get_country_code(country_name),simpleAssign,366
Python Crash Course,u wm = pygal.Worldmap(),simpleAssign,367
Python Crash Course,wm = pygal.Worldmap(),simpleAssign,368
Python Crash Course,population = int(float(pop_dict['Value'])),simpleAssign,369
Python Crash Course,code = get_country_code(country),simpleAssign,369
Python Crash Course,v  cc_populations[code] = population,simpleAssign,370
Python Crash Course,w wm = pygal.Worldmap(),simpleAssign,370
Python Crash Course,cc_pops_3[cc] = pop,simpleAssign,371
Python Crash Course,wm = pygal.Worldmap(),simpleAssign,371
Python Crash Course,v wm_style = RotateStyle('#336699'),simpleAssign,373
Python Crash Course,w wm = pygal.Worldmap(style=wm_style),simpleAssign,373
Python Crash Course,wm_style = LightColorizedStyle,simpleAssign,374
Python Crash Course,"wm_style = RotateStyle('#336699', base_style=LightColorizedStyle)",simpleAssign,374
Python Crash Course,"wm_style = RS('#336699', base_style=LCS)",simpleAssign,374
Python Crash Course,,simpleAssign,378
Python Crash Course,"The final part, &sort=stars, sorts the projects by the number of stars they’ve",simpleAssign,379
Python Crash Course,v url = '',simpleAssign,379
Python Crash Course,w r = requests.get(url),simpleAssign,379
Python Crash Course,y response_dict = r.json(),simpleAssign,380
Python Crash Course,url = '',simpleAssign,380
Python Crash Course,r = requests.get(url),simpleAssign,380
Python Crash Course,response_dict = r.json(),simpleAssign,380
Python Crash Course,v repo_dicts = response_dict['items'],simpleAssign,380
Python Crash Course,w repo_dict = repo_dicts[0],simpleAssign,381
Python Crash Course,repo_dicts = response_dict['items'],simpleAssign,381
Python Crash Course,repo_dict = repo_dicts[0],simpleAssign,381
Python Crash Course,repo_dicts = response_dict['items'],simpleAssign,382
Python Crash Course,URL = '',simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,r = requests.get(URL),simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,response_dict = r.json(),simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,repo_dicts = response_dict['items'],simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,"w my_style = LS('#333366', base_style=LCS)",simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,"x chart = pygal.Bar(style=my_style, x_label_rotation=45, show_legend=False)",simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,chart.x_labels = names,simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,"rotation of the labels along the x-axis to 45 degrees (x_label_rotation=45),",simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,show_legend=False). We then give the chart a title and set the x_labels attri-,simpleAssign,385
Python Crash Course,"my_style = LS('#333366', base_style=LCS)",simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,u my_config = pygal.Config(),simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,v my_config.x_label_rotation = 45,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,my_config.show_legend = False,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,w my_config.title_font_size = 24,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,my_config.label_font_size = 14,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,my_config.major_label_font_size = 18,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,x my_config.truncate_label = 15,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,y my_config.show_y_guides = False,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,z my_config.width = 1000,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,"chart = pygal.Bar(my_config, style=my_style)",simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,chart.x_labels = names,simpleAssign,386
Python Crash Course,"my_style = LS('#333366', base_style=LCS)",simpleAssign,387
Python Crash Course,"chart = pygal.Bar(style=my_style, x_label_rotation=45, show_legend=False)",simpleAssign,387
Python Crash Course,repo_dicts = response_dict['items'],simpleAssign,389
Python Crash Course,"my_style = LS('#333366', base_style=LCS)",simpleAssign,389
Python Crash Course,r = requests.get(url),simpleAssign,391
Python Crash Course,v submission_ids = r.json(),simpleAssign,391
Python Crash Course,submission_r = requests.get(url),simpleAssign,391
Python Crash Course,response_dict = submission_r.json(),simpleAssign,391
Python Crash Course,"submission_dicts = sorted(submission_dicts, key=itemgetter('comments'),",simpleAssign,391
Python Crash Course,reverse=True),simpleAssign,391
Python Crash Course,Discussion link:,simpleAssign,392
Python Crash Course,Discussion link:,simpleAssign,392
Python Crash Course,Discussion link:,simpleAssign,392
Python Crash Course,Discussion link:,simpleAssign,393
Python Crash Course,Discussion link:,simpleAssign,393
Python Crash Course,ll_env --python=python3 will create a virtual environment that uses Python 3.,simpleAssign,399
Python Crash Course,u  text = models.CharField(max_length=200),simpleAssign,403
Python Crash Course,v  date_added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True),simpleAssign,403
Python Crash Course,"record a date and time v. We pass the argument auto_add_now=True, which",simpleAssign,404
Python Crash Course,v  topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic),simpleAssign,408
Python Crash Course,w  text = models.TextField(),simpleAssign,408
Python Crash Course,date_added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True),simpleAssign,408
Python Crash Course,topics = Topic.objects.all(),simpleAssign,410
Python Crash Course,t = Topic.objects.get(id=1),simpleAssign,411
Python Crash Course,w  topics = Topic.objects.order_by('date_added'),simpleAssign,419
Python Crash Course,v  topic = Topic.objects.get(id=topic_id),simpleAssign,422
Python Crash Course,w  entries = topic.entry_set.order_by('-date_added'),simpleAssign,422
Python Crash Course,v  model = Topic,simpleAssign,428
Python Crash Course,v  form = TopicForm(),simpleAssign,429
Python Crash Course,w  form = TopicForm(request.POST),simpleAssign,429
Python Crash Course,model = Entry,simpleAssign,432
Python Crash Course,u  topic = Topic.objects.get(id=topic_id),simpleAssign,433
Python Crash Course,w  form = EntryForm(),simpleAssign,433
Python Crash Course,x  form = EntryForm(data=request.POST),simpleAssign,433
Python Crash Course,y  new_entry =,simpleAssign,433
Python Crash Course,z  new_entry.topic = topic,simpleAssign,433
Python Crash Course,"When we call save(), we include the argument commit=False y to tell",simpleAssign,434
Python Crash Course,u  entry = Entry.objects.get(id=entry_id),simpleAssign,436
Python Crash Course,topic = entry.topic,simpleAssign,436
Python Crash Course,v  form = EntryForm(instance=entry),simpleAssign,436
Python Crash Course,"w  form = EntryForm(instance=entry, data=request.POST)",simpleAssign,436
Python Crash Course,the argument instance=entry v. This argument tells Django to create the,simpleAssign,437
Python Crash Course,"When processing a POST request, we pass the instance=entry argu-",simpleAssign,437
Python Crash Course,ment and the data=request.POST argument w to tell Django to create a form,simpleAssign,437
Python Crash Course,u  form = UserCreationForm(),simpleAssign,444
Python Crash Course,v  form = UserCreationForm(data=request.POST),simpleAssign,444
Python Crash Course,"y  authenticated_user = authenticate(username=new_user.username,",simpleAssign,444
Python Crash Course,password=request.POST['password1']),simpleAssign,444
Python Crash Course,text = models.CharField(max_length=200),simpleAssign,449
Python Crash Course,date_added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True),simpleAssign,449
Python Crash Course,owner = models.ForeignKey(User),simpleAssign,449
Python Crash Course,topics = Topic.objects.filter(owner=request.user).order_by('date_added'),simpleAssign,451
Python Crash Course,filter(owner=request.user) tells Django to retrieve only the Topic objects,simpleAssign,451
Python Crash Course,topic = Topic.objects.get(id=topic_id),simpleAssign,452
Python Crash Course,v  if topic.owner != request.user:,simpleAssign,452
Python Crash Course,entries = topic.entry_set.order_by('-date_added'),simpleAssign,452
Python Crash Course,entry = Entry.objects.get(id=entry_id),simpleAssign,452
Python Crash Course,topic = entry.topic,simpleAssign,452
Python Crash Course,form = TopicForm(),simpleAssign,453
Python Crash Course,form = TopicForm(request.POST),simpleAssign,453
Python Crash Course,u  new_topic =,simpleAssign,453
Python Crash Course,v  new_topic.owner = request.user,simpleAssign,453
Python Crash Course,"When we first call, we pass the commit=False argument",simpleAssign,453
Python Crash Course,"meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=edge"">",simpleAssign,458
Python Crash Course,"meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=device-width, initial-scale=1"">",simpleAssign,458
Python Crash Course,Django==1.8.4,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,dj-database-url==0.3.0,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,dj-static==0.0.6,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,django-bootstrap3==6.2.2,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,gunicorn==19.3.0,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,static3==0.6.1,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,"psycopg2>=2.6.1. This will install version 2.6.1 of psycopg2, or a newer version",simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,Django==1.8.4,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,dj-database-url==0.3.0,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,dj-static==0.0.6,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,django-bootstrap3==6.2.2,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,gunicorn==19.3.0,simpleAssign,467
Python Crash Course,static3==0.6.1,simpleAssign,468
Python Crash Course,psycopg2>=2.6.1,simpleAssign,468
Python Crash Course,y  BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),simpleAssign,469
Python Crash Course,application = Cling(get_wsgi_application()),simpleAssign,470
Python Crash Course,v === web (Free): `gunicorn learning_log.wsgi __log-file -`,simpleAssign,473
Python Crash Course,"the setting DEBUG=True in, which provides debug messages when",simpleAssign,476
Python Crash Course,v  DEBUG = False,simpleAssign,476
Python Crash Course,"u (ll_env)learning_log$ git commit -am ""Set DEBUG=False for Heroku.""",simpleAssign,477
Python Crash Course,master 081f635] Set DEBUG=False for Heroku.,simpleAssign,477
Python Crash Course,"pushing them to Heroku, you’ll first need to set Debug=False on your local",simpleAssign,479
Python Crash Course,DEBUG = False,simpleAssign,479
Python Crash Course,"topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, id=topic_id)",simpleAssign,480
Python Crash Course,DEBUG=False on the live server.,simpleAssign,482
Python Crash Course,git_practice$ git log --pretty=oneline,simpleAssign,509
Python Crash Course,The --pretty=oneline flag provides the two most important pieces of,simpleAssign,510
Python Crash Course,w git_practice$ git log --pretty=oneline,simpleAssign,510
Python Crash Course,git_practice$ git log --pretty=oneline,simpleAssign,512
Python Crash Course,v git_practice$ git log --pretty=oneline,simpleAssign,513
Python Crash Course,y git_practice$ git log --pretty=oneline,simpleAssign,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","res = [x + y for x in [0, 1, 2] for y in [100, 200, 300]]",listCompNested,584
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(keyslist, valueslist)) # Zipped key/value tuples form (ahead)",zip,262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3]))",zip,265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(L1, L2)",zip,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(L1, L2))  # list()",zip,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(T1, T2, T3))",zip,408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(S1, S2))  # Truncates at len(shortest)",zip,408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(keys, vals))",zip,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(keys, vals)",zip,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(X, Y))",zip,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip('abc', 'xyz') # An iterable in Python 3.X (a list in 2.X)",zip,434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip('abc', 'xyz'))",zip,434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(row1, row2)] for (row1, row2) in zip(M, N)",zip,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(S1, S2))",zip,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip([−2, −1, 0, 1, 2]))",zip,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5]))",zip,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(...) and map(None, ...)",zip,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(seqs...) and 2.X map(None, seqs...)",zip,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip('abc', 'lmnop'))",zip,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","zip(keys, vals)} works like the form dict(zip(keys, vals))",zip,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(sum, M))",map,113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(ord, S)",map,192
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(ord, 'spam'))",map,241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(abs, [−1, −2, 0, 1, 2]))",map,243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(None, S1, S2) # 2.X only: pads to len(longest)",map,408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(ord, 'spam'))",map,409
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(str.upper, open(''))",map,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(abs, (-1, 0, 1)))",map,437
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(func, *iterables)",map,449
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(ord, S)",map,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(function, list)",map,468
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: 2 ** x, range(7))",map,468
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(inc, counters))",map,574
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map((lambda x: x + 3), counters))",map,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(func, seq)",map,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(inc, [1, 2, 3]))",map,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(inc, [1, 2, 3])  # Ours builds a list (see generators)",map,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(pow, [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]))",map,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(inc, [1, 2, 3, 4]))",map,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map((lambda x: x ** 2), range(10)))",map,583
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map((lambda row: row[1]), listoftuple))",map,591
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map((lambda (name, age, job): age), listoftuple))",map,591
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(abs, (−1, −2, 3, 4)))",map,599
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: x * 2, (1, 2, 3, 4)))",map,600
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(str.upper, line.split(',')))",map,600
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: x * 2, line.split(',')))",map,600
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: x * 2, map(abs, (−1, −2, 3, 4))))",map,600
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(math.sqrt, (x ** 2 for x in range(4))))",map,600
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(abs, map(abs, map(abs, (−1, 0, 1)))))",map,601
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(str.upper, filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, line.split())))",map,601
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(abs, [−2, −1, 0, 1, 2]))",map,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(pow, [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5]))",map,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x, y: x + y, open(''), open(''))",map,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(func, ...)",map,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(func, seqs...)",map,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(None, [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5])",map,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(None, 'abc', 'xyz123')",map,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: x ** 2, range(1000)))",map,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: x ** 2, range(1000)))",map,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: x ** 2, range(1000)))",map,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: x ** 2, range(1000)))",map,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(ord, 'spam' * 2500))"")",map,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(ord, 'spam' * 2500))",map,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda x: x ** 2, range(1000)))",map,654
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(F,X)",map,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(str.upper, X))  # map calls (use list() in 3.X)",map,895
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(str, Squares(1, 5)))",map,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(lambda act: act(5), actions))",map,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(), range()",map,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(None, ...)",map,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map()), list(range())",map,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(ord, S))  # list()",map,1473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","map(math.sqrt, values))",map,1480
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(...): ...  # On iter(),privatemethod,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __next__(...): ...  # On next(),privatemethod,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value):  # On ""ThirdClass(value)",privatemethod,806
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __str__(self):  # On ""print(self)"", ""str()",privatemethod,806
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start): # On Number(start)",privatemethod,888
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __add__(self, other): # __add__ fallback: x = (x + y)",privatemethod,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __method(self),privatemethod,947
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __attrnames(self),privatemethod,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __attrnames(self),privatemethod,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __attrnames(self),privatemethod,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __attrnames(self, indent=' '*4)",privatemethod,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __attrnames(self, obj, indent)",privatemethod,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __listclass(self, aClass, indent)",privatemethod,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __len__(self): return len( # len(self),privatemethod,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __and__(self, other):  return self.intersect(other)",privatemethod,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __or__(self, other): return self.union(other)",privatemethod,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):  return 'Set:' + repr( # print(self),privatemethod,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __iter__(self):  return iter(,privatemethod,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __and__(self, other): return self.intersect(other)",privatemethod,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __or__(self, other): return self.union(other)",privatemethod,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __getattr__(self, name): print(name)",privatemethod,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('B.__init__'),privatemethod,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('C.__init__'),privatemethod,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('A.__init__'),privatemethod,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('B.__init__'); A.__init__(self),privatemethod,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('C.__init__'); A.__init__(self),privatemethod,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('A.__init__'),privatemethod,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('B.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('C.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('B.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1053
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('C.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1053
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('B.__init__'),privatemethod,1054
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('C.__init__'),privatemethod,1054
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('B.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1054
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('C.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1054
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('D.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1054
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('B.__init__'),privatemethod,1055
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('D.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1055
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('B.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1055
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('C.__init__'); super().__init__(),privatemethod,1055
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): print('D.__init__'); C.__init__(self); B.__init__(self),privatemethod,1055
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name, 70000)",privatemethod,1061
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value): ... # Return nothing (None)",privatemethod,1227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __delete__(self, instance): ... # Return nothing (None)",privatemethod,1227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __get__(*args): print('get'),privatemethod,1228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __get__(*args): print('get'),privatemethod,1229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __set__(*args): raise AttributeError('cannot set'),privatemethod,1229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name):  # On [Person()",privatemethod,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner): print('__get__')",privatemethod,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value): print('__set__')",privatemethod,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner): print('__get__')",privatemethod,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self): return('class'),privatemethod,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self): return('D class'),privatemethod,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self): return('C class'),privatemethod,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self): return('C class'),privatemethod,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay): # Person = decorateAll(..)(Person)",privatemethod,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __attrnames(self),privatemethod,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __supers(self),privatemethod,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Meta(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Meta(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):
  # Run by inherited type.__call__
  return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)

 This metaclass doesn’t really do anything (we might as well let the default type class
 create the class), but it demonstrates the way a metaclass taps into the metaclass hook
 to customize—because the metaclass is called at the end of a class statement, and
 because the type object’s __call__ dispatches to the __new__ and __init__ methods, 
 code we provide in these methods can manage all the classes created from the metaclass.
 Here’s our example in action again, with prints added to the metaclass and the file at
 large to trace (again, some filenames are implied by later command-lines in this chap-

 class MetaOne(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Eggs(object): # One of the ""object"" optional
 class Spam(Eggs, object):
  __metaclass__ = MetaOne

 Customizing Construction and Initialization
 Metaclasses can also tap into the __init__ protocol invoked by the type object’s
 __call__. In general, __new__ creates and returns the class object, and __init__ initial-
 izes the already created class passed in as an argument. Metaclasses can use either or
 both hooks to manage the class at creation time:

 class MetaTwo(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class SuperMeta(type):
  def __call__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):
  print('In ', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')
  return type.__call__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)

  def __init__(Class, classname, supers, classdict):
  print('In SuperMeta init:', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')
  print('...init class object:', list(Class.__dict__.keys()))

 print('making metaclass')
 class SubMeta(type, metaclass=SuperMeta):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class MetaOne(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Extender(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class MetaExtend(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Metaclass(type):
  def __new__(meta, clsname, supers, attrdict):",metaclass3,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class MetaTrace(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class MetaDecorate(type):
  def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict):",metaclass3,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__metaclass__ = ABCMeta,metaclass2,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__metaclass__ = Meta,metaclass2,1040
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__metaclass__ = Meta,metaclass2,1369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__metaclass__ = Meta,metaclass2,1369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__metaclass__ = M,metaclass2,1462
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Super(metaclass=ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Super(metaclass=ABCMeta):,metaclassheader,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(metaclass=Meta):,metaclassheader,1040
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Client1(metaclass=Extras):,metaclassheader,1361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Client2(metaclass=Extras):,metaclassheader,1361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Client3(metaclass=Extras):,metaclassheader,1361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Spam(metaclass=Meta):,metaclassheader,1369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam(Eggs, metaclass=Meta):",metaclassheader,1369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam(Eggs, metaclass=Meta):",metaclassheader,1370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam(Eggs, metaclass=MetaOne):",metaclassheader,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam(Eggs, metaclass=MetaTwo):",metaclassheader,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam(Eggs, metaclass=MetaFunc):",metaclassheader,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam(Eggs, metaclass=MetaObj()):",metaclassheader,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam(Eggs, metaclass=SubMetaObj()):",metaclassheader,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam(Eggs, metaclass=SubMeta):",metaclassheader,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Super(metaclass=MetaOne):,metaclassheader,1380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(metaclass=A):,metaclassheader,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class B(A, metaclass=M):",metaclassheader,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class C(B, metaclass=M):",metaclassheader,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class C2(C1,metaclass=M2):",metaclassheader,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(metaclass=D):,metaclassheader,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(metaclass=A):,metaclassheader,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(metaclass=A):,metaclassheader,1389
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(metaclass=A):,metaclassheader,1390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(metaclass=A):,metaclassheader,1390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Client1(metaclass=Extender):,metaclassheader,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Client2(metaclass=Extender):,metaclassheader,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(metaclass=Tracer):,metaclassheader,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class B(A, metaclass=Metaclass):",metaclassheader,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class B(A, metaclass=Metaclass):",metaclassheader,1399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(metaclass=func):,metaclassheader,1399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(metaclass=MetaTrace):,metaclassheader,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(metaclass=decorateAll(tracer)):,metaclassheader,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(metaclass=decorateAll(tracer)):,metaclassheader,1404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(metaclass=decorateAll(timer())):,metaclassheader,1404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(metaclass=decorateAll(timer(label='**'))):,metaclassheader,1404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(metaclass=M):,metaclassheader,1462
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","super().act()  # Reference superclass generically, omit self",superfunc,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",super().act()  # super applied to a single-inheritance tree,superfunc,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","super().act()  # Doesn't fail on multi-inher, but picks just one!",superfunc,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","super().act()  # If B is listed first, A.act() is no longer run!",superfunc,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","super().__init__() here would run only one constructor, and adding super throughout",superfunc,1046
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",super().__getitem__(ix)  # Direct name calls work too,superfunc,1047
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",super().act()  # Simpler 3.X call format fails in 2.X,superfunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",super().m() # Can't hardcode class name here,superfunc,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","super().__init__(name, 50000) # Dispatch by super()",superfunc,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","super().__init__(name, 40000)",superfunc,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(percent=(0.0, 1.0))  # Use decorator to validate
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@abstractmethod
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@abstractmethod
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@abstractmethod
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@property # Coding properties with decorators: ahead
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@staticmethod # Function decoration syntax
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@staticmethod
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@staticmethod
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@classmethod
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@property # Property: computed on fetch
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer # Same as spam = tracer(spam)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@count
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@property
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@property
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@name.setter
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@name.deleter
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator # Decorate function
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@staticmethod
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@property
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator # func = decorator(func)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@C
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@d3
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@d3
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator(A, B)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer # Applies to class methods
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer # But fails for simple functions
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer('==>')  # Like listcomp = timer('==>')(listcomp)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer(label='[CCC]==>')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer(trace=True, label='[MMM]==>')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer(trace=False) # No tracing, collect total time
 ... def",decaratorfunc,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer(trace=True, label='\t=>')  # Turn on tracing, custom label
 ... def",decaratorfunc,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@register
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@register
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorate
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@annotate('spam data')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(percent=(0.0, 1.0))  # Use decorator to validate
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest((1, 0, 120)) # persinfo = rangetest(...)(persinfo)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest([0, 1, 12], [1, 1, 31], [2, 0, 2009])
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest([1, 0.0, 1.0]) # giveRaise = rangetest(...)(giveRaise)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(age=(0, 120)) # persinfo = rangetest(...)(persinfo)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(M=(1, 12), D=(1, 31), Y=(0, 2013))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(percent=(0.0, 1.0)) # percent passed by name or position
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(a=(1, 10), b=(1, 10), c=(1, 10), d=(1, 10))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(a=(1, 5), c=(0.0, 1.0))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(a=(1, 5), c=(0.0, 1.0))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@typetest(a=int, c=float)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@typetest
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer(trace=True, label='[CCC]==>')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer('[MMM]==>')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer()
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@timer(label='**')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(m=(1, 12), d=(1, 31), y=(1900, 2013))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@typetest(a=int, c=float)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@valuetest(word1=str.islower, word2=(lambda x: x[0].isupper()))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@valuetest(A=lambda x: isinstance(x, int), B=lambda x: x > 0 and x < 10)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@typetest(Z=str) # Only innermost validates positional args
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@rangetest(a=(1, 10))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@typetest(a=int)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@classmethod # Class method: gets class
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorateAll(tracer)  # Decorate all with tracer

 @decorateAll(timer()) # Decorate all with timer, def",decaratorfunc,1406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@safe
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator  # Class decoration syntax
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@count
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@count
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@count
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@count
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator  # Decorate class
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@eggs
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@singleton # Person = singleton(Person)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@singleton # Spam = singleton(Spam)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Tracer
 ... class",decaratorclass,1306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Tracer # Decorator approach
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Tracer  # Triggers __init__
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@register
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Private('data', 'size')  # Doubler = Private(...)(Doubler)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Private('age')  # Person = Private('age')(Person)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Public('name')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Private('age')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Private('age')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Private('age')  # Person = Private('age')(Person)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@callable syntax for decorators allows us to
 add logic to be automatically run when a function is called or a class",decaratorclass,1358
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@extras
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@extras
 class Client2: ...  # Rebinds class",decaratorclass,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@extras
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Extender
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Extender
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@Tracer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@func
  class C:  # A class",decaratorclass,1399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorateAll(tracer) # Use a class decorator
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorateAll(tracer(timer(label='@@'))) # Traces applying the timer
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorateAll(timer(label='@@'))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorateAll(timer(label='@@'))

 1406 | Chapter 40: Metaclass",decaratorclass,1406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","@decorateAll(tracer)  # Times onCall wrapper, traces methods
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",enumerate(S),enumfunc,411
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",enumerate('spam')),enumfunc,424
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","enumerate(ups('aaa,bbb,ccc'))",enumfunc,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",col2 = [row[1] for row in M],simpleListComp,111
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [x**2 for x in range(5)],simpleListComp,241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [x + 20 for x in T],simpleListComp,279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numbers = [int(P) for P in parts],simpleListComp,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",objects = [eval(P) for P in parts],simpleListComp,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = [list(L) for i in range(4)],simpleListComp,310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [x + 10 for x in L],simpleListComp,424
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [x + 10 for x in L],simpleListComp,425
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines],simpleListComp,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lines = [line.rstrip() for line in open('')],simpleListComp,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lines = [line.rstrip() for line in open('') if line[0] == 'p'],simpleListComp,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",uppers = [line.upper() for line in open('')],simpleListComp,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",seqs = [list(S) for S in seqs],simpleListComp,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",seqs = [list(S) for S in seqs],simpleListComp,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [next(i) for i in iters],simpleListComp,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stmt=""L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\nM = [x + 1 for x in L]",simpleListComp,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c:\code> py −3 -m timeit -n 1000 -r 3 ""L = [1,2,3,4,5]"" ""M = [x + 1 for x in L]",simpleListComp,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c:\code> python -m timeit -n 1000 -r 3 ""L = [1,2,3,4,5]"" ""M = [x + 1 for x in L]",simpleListComp,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c:\code> python -m timeit -n 1000 -r 3 -s ""L = [1,2,3,4,5]"" ""M = [x + 1 for x in L]",simpleListComp,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import random\nvals=[random.random() for i in range(1000)],simpleListComp,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = [x ** 2 for x in range(1000)],simpleListComp,647
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""s = 'spam' * 2500\nx = [s[i] for i in range(10000)]",simpleListComp,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0.8746 [""s = 'spam' * 2500\nx = [s[i] for i in range(10000)]""]",simpleListComp,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0.6143 [""s = 'spam' * 2500\nx = [s[i] for i in range(10000)]""]",simpleListComp,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0.1298 [""s = 'spam' * 2500\nx = [s[i] for i in range(10000)]""]",simpleListComp,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","s = 'spam' * 2500\nx = [s[i] for i in range(10000)]""]",simpleListComp,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0.8711 [""s = 'spam' * 2500\nx = [s[i] for i in range(10000)]""]",simpleListComp,654
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c:\code> python -m timeit -n 1000 -r 3 -s ""L = [1,2,3,4,5]"" ""M = [x + 1 for x in L]",simpleListComp,1434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","t = [print(i, end=' ') for i in range(5, 0, −1)]",simpleListComp,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",nums = [int(col) for col in cols],simpleListComp,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",nums = [int(x) for x in cols],simpleListComp,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",colnames = [desc[0] for desc in curs.description],simpleListComp,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","unders = []
  for attr in dir(self): # Instance dir()
  if attr[:2] == '__' and attr[-2:]",listCompIf,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D = {x: x*2 for x in range(10)},simpleDictComp,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {k: v for (k, v) in zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])}",simpleDictComp,265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {x: x ** 2 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]}",simpleDictComp,265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D = {c: c * 4 for c in 'SPAM'},simpleDictComp,265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {c.lower(): c + '!' for c in ['SPAM', 'EGGS', 'HAM']}",simpleDictComp,266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {k:0 for k in ['a', 'b', 'c']}",simpleDictComp,266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D = {k: None for k in 'spam'},simpleDictComp,266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",table = {act(5): act for act in actions},simpleDictComp,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = (sum(row) for row in M),generatorExpression,112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = (x ** 2 for x in range(4)),generatorExpression,598
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = (S[i:] + S[:i] for i in range(len(S))),generatorExpression,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","genabove = (self.__listclass(c, indent+4) for c in aClass.__bases__)",generatorExpression,968
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","struct.unpack('>i4sh', data)",struct,124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump(D, F)",pickle,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump(object, file)",pickle,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump(shop, open('shopfile.pkl', 'wb'))",pickle,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dumps([1, 2, 3])",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dumps([1, 2, 3], protocol=0)",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump([1, 2, 3], open('temp', 'w'))",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump([1, 2, 3], open('temp', 'w'), protocol=0)",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump([1, 2, 3], open('temp', 'wb'))",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump([1, 2, 3], open('temp', 'wb'))",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.load(open('temp', 'rb'))",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dumps([1, 2, 3])",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dumps([1, 2, 3], protocol=1)",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump([1, 2, 3], open('temp', 'w'))",pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",pickle.load(open('temp')),pickle,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.dump([1, 2, 3], open('temp', 'wb'))",pickle,1211
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pickle.load(open('temp', 'rb'))",pickle,1211
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import dbm,importdbm,271
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.split('[/:]', '/usr/home/lumberjack')",re,108
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match('sp(.*)am', line)",re,192
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",re.compile(),re,308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match('(.*) down (.*) on (.*)', S).groups()",re,1206
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match(b'(.*) down (.*) on (.*)', B).groups()",re,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match('(.*) down (.*) on (.*)', S).groups()",re,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match('(.*) down (.*) on (.*)', U).groups()",re,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match('(.*) down (.*) on (.*)', B).groups()",re,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match(b'(.*) down (.*) on (.*)', S).groups()",re,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match(b'(.*) down (.*) on (.*)', bytearray(B)).groups()",re,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","re.match('(.*) down (.*) on (.*)', bytearray(B)).groups()",re,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import re,importre,108
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import re,importre,308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import re,importre,1206
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import re,importre,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import re,importre,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import re,importre,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def gen(n):
  for i in n: yield",generatorYield,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def squares(x):
  for i in range(x): yield",generatorYield,474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def both(N):
  for i in range(N): yield",generatorYield,605
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def both(N):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def gen(x):
  for i in range(x): yield",generatorYield,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, instancetype=None):",descriptorGet,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner): # Class names:",descriptorGet,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner): # Class names:",descriptorGet,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __get__(self, instance, owner):",descriptorGet,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __set__(self, instance, value):",descriptorSet,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __delete__(self, instance):",descriptorDelete,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __delete__(self, instance):",descriptorDelete,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __delete__(self, instance):",descriptorDelete,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__=['data1'] in Super and __slots__=['data3'] in Sub, only the data2 at-",__slots__,976
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['a', 'b']; x = 1; y = 2",__slots__,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['b', 'c']",__slots__,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['age', 'name', 'job']",__slots__,1010
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['a', 'b']  # __slots__ means no __dict__ by default",__slots__,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['a', 'b']",__slots__,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['a', 'b', '__dict__'] # Name __dict__ to include one too",__slots__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['c', 'd'] # Superclass has slots",__slots__,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['a', '__dict__']  # But so does its subclass",__slots__,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['a', 'b', '__dict__']",__slots__,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__slots__ = ['a'] # Makes instance dict for nonslots,__slots__,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__slots__ = ['a'],__slots__,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__slots__ = ['b'],__slots__,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__slots__ = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']",__slots__,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import importlib,importlib,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import importlib,importlib,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,749
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,751
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,765
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,767
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,768
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,832
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,837
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if __name__ == ""__main__"":",__name__,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1089
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if __name__ == '__main__':,__name__,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__add__', '__class__",__class__,104
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",we must compare instance __class__,__class__,308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__add__', '__class__",__class__,445
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__add__', '__class__",__class__,445
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__annotations__', '__call__', '__class__",__class__,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__annotations__', '__call__', '__class__",__class__,564
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",that Python creates for us—it’s called __class__,__class__,811
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.__class__,__class__,811
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",The built-in instance.__class__,__class__,840
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob.__class__,__class__,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob.__class__,__class__,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return '[%s: %s]' % (self.__class__,__class__,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","If you ever do wish to include inherited attributes too, you can climb the __class__",__class__,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stored attributes, and sets the instance’s __class__",__class__,856
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",you can inspect. Instances have a __class__,__class__,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__class__,__class__,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",The prior section demonstrated the special __class__,__class__,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",classtree(inst.__class__,__class__,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__class__,__class__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Each instance has a built-in __class__,__class__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","the header, so the expression self.__class__",__class__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__class__,__class__,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",above = self.__listclass(self.__class__,__class__,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__class__,__class__,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from, instead of a generic instance type, and is normally the same as I.__class__",__class__,986
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type(I), I.__class__",__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C.__class__,__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",AttributeError: class C has no attribute '__class__,__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type([1, 2, 3]), [1, 2, 3].__class__",__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type(list), list.__class__",__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Classes have a __class__,__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type(I), I.__class__",__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type(C), C.__class__",__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type(I), I.__class__",__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type(C), C.__class__",__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type([1, 2, 3]), [1, 2, 3].__class__",__class__,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type(list), list.__class__",__class__,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c.__class__, d.__class__",__class__,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c.__class__ == d.__class__,__class__,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c.__class__, d.__class__",__class__,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c.__class__, d.__class__",__class__,995
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if hasattr(instance.__class__,__class__,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (instance,) + instance.__class__",__class__,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [instance] + dflr(instance.__class__,__class__,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",trace(dflr(I.__class__,__class__,1007
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class 'object'>: ['__class__,__class__,1008
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.count()  # Passes self.__class__,__class__,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'Bob ' + self.__class__,__class__,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__class__,__class__,1044
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",changing an instance’s __class__,__class__,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",the instance’s __class__,__class__,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","specific subclasses. Because of this, the __class__",__class__,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('caught: %s' % X.__class__,__class__,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Because __class__,__class__,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",large if you’ve forgotten what __class__,__class__,1128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance.__class__,__class__,1151
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",itance rules. The inherited descriptor for name __class__,__class__,1227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aClass = object.__class__,__class__,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",original decorated class—if you test their type with X.__class__,__class__,1321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__class__,__class__,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__class__,__class__,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__class__,__class__,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__class__,__class__,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__class__,__class__,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__class__,__class__,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Special attributes like __class__,__class__,1357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","have a __class__ that links to type, just as an instance has a __class__",__class__,1365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__class__,__class__,1365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C.__class__,__class__,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__class__,__class__,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C.__class__,__class__,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","model in older Pythons, they do not have a __class__",__class__,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__class__,__class__,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C.__class__,__class__,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",AttributeError: class C has no attribute '__class__,__class__,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","in the metaclass’s class, available in its __class__",__class__,1377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(SubMeta.__class__,__class__,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",used instead of that on a metaclass (instance). The class’s __class__,__class__,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","In fact, classes acquire metaclass attributes through their __class__",__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",way that normal instances inherit from classes through their __class__,__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance inheritance does not follow a class’s __class__,__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","only, and using only the instance’s __class__",__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__class__,__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C.__class__,__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C.__class__,__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class M2(M1):  attr2 = 2  # Gets __bases__, __class__",__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","attr4 = 4 # Gets __bases__, __class__",__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C2() # I gets __class__,__class__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__class__,__class__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C2.__class__,__class__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__class__,__class__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.attr1 # Though class's __class__,__class__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",M2.__class__,__class__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.__name__ for x in C2.__mro__] # __bases__ tree from I.__class__,__class__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.__name__ for x in M2.__mro__] # __bases__ tree from C2.__class__,__class__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b. The __dict__ of all classes on the __mro__ found at I’s __class__,__class__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b. The __dict__ of all metaclasses on the __mro__ found at C’s __class__,__class__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",special __class__,__class__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__class__,__class__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__['__class__,__class__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob' # But I.__class__,__class__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__class__,__class__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class '__main__.C'>, {'__class__",__class__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a. Search the __dict__ of all classes on the __mro__ found at I’s __class__,__class__,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a. Search the __dict__ of all metaclasses on the __mro__ found at C’s __class__,__class__,1386
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for k in (C, C.__class__",__class__,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__class__,__class__,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for super in self.__class__,__class__,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Or: ', '.join(super.__name__ for super in self.__class__",__class__,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a loop through a module’s __dict__,__dict__,690
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Module namespaces can be accessed via the attribute__dict__,__dict__,695
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",through the built-in __dict__,__dict__,695
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",keys list of an object’s __dict__,__dict__,695
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Namespace Dictionaries: __dict__,__dict__,696
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",module’s namespace dictionary through the module’s __dict__,__dict__,696
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(module2.__dict__,__dict__,696
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(name for name in module2.__dict__,__dict__,697
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(name for name in module2.__dict__,__dict__,697
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",the effect is the same. We’ll see similar __dict__,__dict__,697
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",", module2.__dict__",__dict__,697
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",M.__dict__,__dict__,759
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in sorted(module.__dict__,__dict__,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(getattr(module, attr)) # Same as .__dict__",__dict__,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__name__, __file__, and __dict__",__dict__,761
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",scanning modules’ __dict__,__dict__,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",navigate arbitrarily shaped and deep import dependency chains. Module __dict__,__dict__,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attrobj in module.__dict__,__dict__,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",transitive_reload(obj.__dict__,__dict__,767
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",modules.extend(x for x in next.__dict__,__dict__,768
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myclient and test interactively by importing myclient and inspecting its __dict__,__dict__,779
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","For example, the __dict__",__dict__,810
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Chapter 31 and Chapter 32. Normally, __dict__",__dict__,810
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(rec.__dict__,__dict__,810
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","age', '__module__', '__qualname__', '__weakref__', 'name', '__dict__",__dict__,810
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(name for name in rec.__dict__,__dict__,810
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(x.__dict__,__dict__,810
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(y.__dict__,__dict__,810
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",", x.__dict__",__dict__,810
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.__dict__,__dict__,811
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",The built-in object.__dict__,__dict__,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(bob.__dict__,__dict__,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in bob.__dict__,__dict__,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', bob.__dict__",__dict__,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in bob.__dict__,__dict__,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",not be stored in the __dict__,__dict__,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a missing __dict__,__dict__,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class with slots (its lack of them is enough to guarantee a __dict__,__dict__,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in sorted(self.__dict__,__dict__,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",inheritance tree; that’s what self’s __dict__,__dict__,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","to the instance’s class, use the __dict__",__dict__,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instead of using __dict__,__dict__,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob.__dict__,__dict__,844
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(bob.__dict__,__dict__,844
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__",__dict__,844
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",6. Why is it better to use tools like __dict__,__dict__,855
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","dictionaries, exposed with the built-in __dict__",__dict__,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(Sub.__dict__,__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(Super.__dict__,__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__module__', 'hello', '__dict__",__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y.__dict__,__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X.data1, X.__dict__",__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X.hello, for instance, cannot be accessed by X.__dict__",__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,879
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","per-instance values. As we’ll see, though, slots may prevent a __dict__",__dict__,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,910
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",If you change the __dict__,__dict__,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",in __dict__,__dict__,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance’s __dict__,__dict__,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","object.__setattr__ scheme shown here, not by self.__dict__",__dict__,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",having to go through __dict__,__dict__,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","to a string at runtime, not a variable. In fact, getattr(X,N) is similar to X.__dict__",__dict__,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",see Chapter 22 and Chapter 29 for more on the __dict__,__dict__,943
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(I.__dict__,__dict__,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Listing instance attributes with __dict__,__dict__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in sorted(self.__dict__,__dict__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result += '\t%s=%s\n' % (attr, self.__dict__",__dict__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return ''.join('\t%s=%s\n' % (attr, self.__dict__",__dict__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in sorted(self.__dict__,__dict__,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tionary (remember, it’s exported in __dict__",__dict__,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fetches inherited names not in self.__dict__,__dict__,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__class__, __delattr__, __dict__",__dict__,966
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in sorted(obj.__dict__,__dict__,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",scanning each object’s attribute __dict__,__dict__,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sion indexed the instance __dict__,__dict__,969
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in sorted(obj.__dict__,__dict__,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Because they scan instance __dict__,__dict__,975
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a __slots__ class attribute, and not physically stored in an instance’s __dict__",__dict__,976
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","fact, slots may suppress a __dict__",__dict__,976
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fetch values from their inheritance source via __dict__,__dict__,976
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","results set, which include both __dict__",__dict__,976
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","too, because slots-based names appear in class’s __dict__",__dict__,976
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","slot management tools, though not in the instance __dict__",__dict__,976
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Supports classes with slots that preclude __dict__,__dict__,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and attr in obj.__dict__",__dict__,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","order for classic classes, searching each object’s namespace __dict__",__dict__,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class '__main__.A'>: ['__dict__,__dict__,1007
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class 'testmixin0.Super'>: ['__dict__,__dict__,1008
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class 'testmixin0.Super'>: ['__dict__,__dict__,1008
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attributes too. Because a class’s __dict__,__dict__,1008
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance’s __dict__,__dict__,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class '__main__.D'>: ['__dict__,__dict__,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",mapattrs must be careful to check to see if a __dict__,__dict__,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",current physical __dict__,__dict__,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","with a key-sharing dictionary model, where the __dict__",__dict__,1011
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","it—substantially. In fact, some instances with slots may not have a __dict__",__dict__,1011
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",to use more storage-neutral interfaces than __dict__,__dict__,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",AttributeError: 'C' object has no attribute '__dict__,__dict__,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",neutral tools such as getattr and setattr (which look beyond the instance __dict__,__dict__,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.d = 4  # Cannot add new names if no __dict__,__dict__,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","We can still accommodate extra attributes, though, by including __dict__",__dict__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.d = 4 # d stored in __dict__,__dict__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","In this case, both storage mechanisms are used. This renders __dict__",__dict__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__  # Some objects have both __dict__,__dict__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a', 'b', '__dict__",__dict__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in list(X.__dict__,__dict__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for attr in list(getattr(X, '__dict__",__dict__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a', '__dict__",__dict__,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a', '__dict__",__dict__,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for attr in list(getattr(X, '__dict__",__dict__,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__  # Both __dict__,__dict__,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__['c'] # __dict__,__dict__,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","getattr(I, 'c'), getattr(I, 'a')  # dir+getattr is broader than __dict__",__dict__,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance __dict__,__dict__,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","perclass without a __slots__, the instance __dict__",__dict__,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",produce an instance __dict__,__dict__,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Slots and __dict__,__dict__,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__dict__ and assigning names not listed, unless __dict__",__dict__,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D.__dict__,__dict__,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C.__dict__,__dict__,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__dict__,__dict__,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",AttributeError: 'D' object has no attribute '__dict__,__dict__,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","C.__dict__.keys(), D.__dict__",__dict__,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lack of slots is enough to ensure that the instance will still have a __dict__,__dict__,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class C(ListTree): __slots__ = ['a', 'b'] # OK: superclass produces __dict__",__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",ates an instance __dict__,__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",need to catch exceptions when __dict__,__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",earlier in this chapter must check for the presence of a __dict__,__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if attr in obj.__dict__,__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",AttributeError: 'C' object has no attribute '__dict__,__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr in getattr(obj, '__dict__",__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and attr in obj.__dict__",__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","the MRO this way, instead of scanning an instance __dict__",__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allowing for a missing __dict__,__dict__,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tributes based on both __slots__ and __dict__,__dict__,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(X.__dict__,__dict__,1229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__,__dict__,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a key in the instance’s __dict__,__dict__,1240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","By contrast, though, we cannot use the __dict__",__dict__,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = self.__dict__,__dict__,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Fetching the __dict__,__dict__,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",stance’s __dict__,__dict__,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","object.__setattr__ scheme shown here, not by self.__dict__",__dict__,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",ing. Namespace __dict__,__dict__,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",del self.__dict__,__dict__,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",get: __dict__,__dict__,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",get: __dict__,__dict__,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",get: __dict__,__dict__,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",get: __dict__,__dict__,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls instead of __dict__,__dict__,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__dict__,__dict__,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onInstance  # Or use __dict__,__dict__,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Using __dict__,__dict__,1318
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",The __setattr__ method in this code relies on an instance object’s __dict__,__dict__,1318
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","However, it uses the setattr built-in instead of __dict__",__dict__,1318
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",may not store attributes in a __dict__,__dict__,1318
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","all). However, because we rely on a __dict__",__dict__,1318
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",getattr apply to attributes based on both __dict__,__dict__,1318
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",and __dict__,__dict__,1357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, v) for (a, v) in x.__dict__",__dict__,1368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('...init class object:', list(Class.__dict__",__dict__,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('...init class object:', list(Class.__dict__",__dict__,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('...init class object:', list(Class.__dict__",__dict__,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('...init class object:', list(Class.__dict__",__dict__,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",ally searches only the __dict__,__dict__,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",itance via __dict__,__dict__,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","attr' in B.__dict__, 'attr' in A.__dict__",__dict__,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","space dictionaries in classes in the tree—that is, by checking the __dict__",__dict__,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","attr' in B.__dict__, 'attr' in A.__dict__",__dict__,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","attr' in B.__dict__, 'attr' in A.__dict__, 'attr' in M.__dict__",__dict__,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Python checks the __dict__,__dict__,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",to the __dict__,__dict__,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a. The __dict__,__dict__,1383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a. The __dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",and __dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance’s own __dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__['__dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",  # comes from I.__dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",and I.__dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__,__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam', '__dict__",__dict__,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__,__dict__,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__dict__,__dict__,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c. Else, return a value in the __dict__",__dict__,1386
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c. Else, call a descriptor or return a value in the __dict__",__dict__,1386
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return Metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, dict(cls.__dict__",__dict__,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for attr, attrval in aClass.__dict__",__dict__,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",listing with __dict__,__dict__,1521
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:  # Merged form
 except Exception1:
 except Exception2:  # Catch exceptions
 else: # No-exception handler
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  x = 'spam'[99]
 except IndexError:
  print('except run')
  print('finally run')
 print('after run')

 print(sep + 'NO EXCEPTION RAISED')
  x = 'spam'[3]
 except IndexError:
  print('except run')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  x = 1 / 0
 except IndexError:
  print('except run')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  try:
 ...  raise IndexError
 ...  finally:
 ...  print('spam')
 ... finally:
 ...  print('SPAM')
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 3, in <module>

 See Figure 36-2 for a graphic illustration of this code’s operation; the effect is the same,
 but the function logic has been inlined as nested statements here. For a more useful
 example of syntactic nesting at work, consider the following file,

 def raise1(): raise IndexError
 def noraise(): return
 def raise2(): raise SyntaxError

 for func in (raise1, noraise, raise2):
  print('<%s>' % func.__name__)
  except IndexError:
  print('caught IndexError')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  for line in myfile:
  ...use line here...
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  fetcher(x, 3)
 ... finally: # Termination actions
 ...  print('after fetch')
 after fetch

 Here, if the try block finishes without an exception, the finally block will run, and
 the program will resume after the entire try. In this case, this statement seems a bit silly
 —we might as well have simply typed the print right after a call to the function, and
 skipped the try altogether:

 fetcher(x, 3)
 print('after fetch')

 There is a problem with coding this way, though: if the function call raises an exception,
 the print will never be reached. The try/finally combination avoids this pitfall—when
 an exception does occur in a try block, finally blocks are executed while the program
 is being unwound:
 >>> def after():
  fetcher(x, 4)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:

 >>> def after():
  fetcher(x, 3)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  statements  # Run this action first
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  stuff(file) # Raises exception
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:  # Format 1
 except [type [as value]]: # [type [, value]] in Python 2.X
 [except [type [as value]]:

 try:  # Format 2
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  for line in myfile:
  ...more code here...
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try: # Same effect but explicit close on error
  for line in fin:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  ...process myfile...
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","first={0[0]}, third={0[2]}",dictwithList,224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0.platform:>10} = {1[kind]:<10},dictwithList,225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",platform:>10} = {[kind]:<10},dictwithList,226
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 40.5, 'jobs': ['dev', 'mgr']}",dictwithList,263
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 40.5, 'jobs': ['dev', 'mgr']}",dictwithList,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'x':X[:], 'y':2}",dictwithList,300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec = {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 40.5, 'jobs': ['dev', 'mgr']}",dictwithList,814
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",with open(r'C:\code\data.txt') as myfile:,withfunc,294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",with open('data') as myfile:,withfunc,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","with open('lumberjack.txt', 'w') as file:",withfunc,1088
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",with open(r'C:\misc\data') as myfile:,withfunc,1115
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","with open('data') as fin, open('res', 'w') as fout:",withfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","with open('') as f1, open('') as f2:",withfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","with open('') as f1, open('') as f2:",withfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","with open('') as fin, open('', 'w') as fout:",withfunc,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","with open(r'C:\code\textdata', 'w') as myfile:",withfunc,1148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",with open(filename) as myfile:,withfunc,1148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [123, 'abc', 1.23, {}]",listwithdict,240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if X:
  A = Y
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if found:
  print('at index', i)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if sometest:
  action, args = func1, (1,)  # Call func1 with one arg in this case
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if a:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 3:
  timer = time.perf_counter  # or process_time
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
  dirname = r'C:\Python33\Lib'
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not 'user' in form:
  print(""<h1>Who are you?</h1>"")
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  reply = input('Enter text:')
  if reply == 'stop':
  elif not reply.isdigit():
  print('Bad!' * 8)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  reply = input('Enter text:')
  if reply == 'stop': break
  num = int(reply)
  print('Bad!' * 8)
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  reply = input('Enter text:')
  if reply == 'stop':
  elif not reply.isdigit():
  print('Bad!' * 8)
  num = int(reply)
  if num < 20:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while test:  # Loop test
  statements # Loop body
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  ...loop body...
  if exitTest(): break

 To fully understand how this structure works, we need to move on to the next section
 and learn more about the break statement.

 break, continue, pass, and the Loop else
 Now that we’ve seen a few Python loops in action, it’s time to take a look at two simple
 statements that have a purpose only when nested inside loops—the break and con
 tinue statements. While we’re looking at oddballs, we will also study the loop else
 clause here because it is intertwined with break, and Python’s empty placeholder state-
 ment, pass (which is not tied to loops per se, but falls into the general category of simple
 one-word statements). In Python:


 Jumps out of the closest enclosing loop (past the entire loop statement)


 Jumps to the top of the closest enclosing loop (to the loop’s header line)


 Does nothing at all: it’s an empty statement placeholder

 Loop else block

 Runs if and only if the loop is exited normally (i.e., without hitting a break)

 General Loop Format
 Factoring in break and continue statements, the general format of the while loop looks
 like this:

 while test:
  if test: break  # Exit loop now, skip else if present
  if test: continue # Go to top of loop now, to test1
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
 ...  name = input('Enter name:')  # Use raw_input() in 2.X
 ...  if name == 'stop': break
 ...  age = input('Enter age: ')
 ...  print('Hello', name, '=>', int(age) ** 2)
 Enter name:bob
 Enter age: 40
 Hello bob => 1600
 Enter name:sue
 Enter age: 30
 Hello sue => 900
 Enter name:stop

 Notice how this code converts the age input to an integer with int before raising it to
 the second power; as you’ll recall, this is necessary because input returns user input as
 a string. In Chapter 36, you’ll see that input also raises an exception at end-of-file (e.g.,
 if the user types Ctrl-Z on Windows or Ctrl-D on Unix); if this matters, wrap input in
 try statements.

 Loop else
 When combined with the loop else clause, the break statement can often eliminate the
 need for the search status flags used in other languages. For instance, the following
 piece of code determines whether a positive integer y is prime by searching for factors
 greater than 1:

 x = y // 2 # For some y > 1
 while x > 1:
  if y % x == 0: # Remainder
  print(y, 'has factor', x)
  break  # Skip else
  x -= 1
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while x and not found:
  if match(x[0]): # Value at front?
  found = True
  x = x[1:] # Slice off front and repeat
 if not found:
  print('not found')

 Here, we initialize, set, and later test a flag to determine whether the search succeeded
 or not. This is valid Python code, and it does work; however, this is exactly the sort of
 structure that the loop else clause is there to handle. Here’s an else equivalent:

 while x:  # Exit when x empty
  if match(x[0]):
  break # Exit, go around else
  x = x[1:]
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while items:
  front = items.pop(0)  # Fetch/delete front item
  if not isinstance(front, list):
  tot += front  # Add numbers directly
  items.extend(front) # <== Append all in nested list
  return tot

 Technically, this code traverses the list in breadth-first fashion by levels, because it adds
 nested lists’ contents to the end of the list, forming a first-in-first-out queue. To emulate
 the traversal of the recursive call version more closely, we can change it to perform
 depth-first traversal simply by adding the content of nested lists to the front of the list, 
 forming a last-in-first-out stack:

 def sumtree(L): # Depth-first, explicit stack
  tot = 0
  items = list(L) # Start with copy of top level
  while items:
  front = items.pop(0)  # Fetch/delete front item
  if not isinstance(front, list):
  tot += front  # Add numbers directly
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while x > 1:
  if y % x == 0: # Remainder
  print(y, 'has factor', x)
  break  # Skip else
  x -= 1
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  line = input()  # Read line from stdin (raw_input in 2.X)
  except EOFError:
  break # Exit loop at end-of-file
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while i < len(L):
  if 2 ** X == L[i]:
  print('at index', i)
  i += 1
  print(X, 'not found')

 # b

 L = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
 X = 5

 for p in L:
  if (2 ** X) == p:
  print((2 ** X), 'was found at', L.index(p))
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while x > 1:
  if y % x == 0:  # No remainder?
  print(y, 'has factor', x)
  break # Skip else
  x -= 1
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  print('-' * 30)
  row = curs.fetchone()
  if not row: break
  for (name, value) in zip(colnames, row):
  print('%s => %s' % (name, value))

 conn.commit() # Save inserted records

 # Fetch and open/play a file by FTP

 import webbrowser, sys
 from ftplib import FTP  # Socket-based FTP tools
 from getpass import getpass # Hidden password input
 if sys.version[0] == '2': input = raw_input # 2.X compatibility

 nonpassive = False  # Force active mode FTP for server?
 filename  = input('File?') # File to be downloaded
 dirname = input('Dir? ') or '.'  # Remote directory to fetch from
 sitename  = input('Site?') # FTP site to contact
 user  = input('User?') # Use () for anonymous
 if not user:
  userinofo = ()
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while X > Y:
 while True:
 while True:
  if exittest(): break",whilebreak,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  reply = input('Enter text:')
  if reply == 'stop': break

 This code makes use of a few new ideas and some we’ve already seen:

 • The code leverages the Python while loop, Python’s most general looping state-
 ment. We’ll study the while statement in more detail later, but in short, it consists
 of the word while, followed by an expression that is interpreted as a true or false
 result, followed by a nested block of code that is repeated while the test at the top
 is true (the word True here is considered always true).

 • The input built-in function we met earlier in the book is used here for general
 console input—it prints its optional argument string as a prompt and returns the
 user’s typed reply as a string. Use raw_input in 2.X instead, per the upcoming note.
 • A single-line if statement that makes use of the special rule for nested blocks also
 appears here: the body of the if appears on the header line after the colon instead
 of being indented on a new line underneath it. This would work either way, but as
 it’s coded, we’ve saved an extra line.

 • Finally, the Python break",whilebreak,330
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  reply = input('Enter text:')
  if reply == 'stop': break",whilebreak,331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  reply = input('Enter text:')
  if reply == 'stop': break
  print(int(reply) ** 2)
  print('Bad!' * 8)

 And if we wanted to support input of floating-point numbers instead of just integers,
 for example, using try would be much easier than manual error testing—we could
 simply run a float call and catch its exceptions:

 while True:
  reply = input('Enter text:')
  if reply == 'stop': break",whilebreak,334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while x:
  x = x−1 # Or, x -= 1
  if x % 2 != 0: continue # Odd? -- skip print
  print(x, end=' ')

 Because continue jumps to the top of the loop, you don’t need to nest the print state-
 ment here inside an if test; the print is only reached if the continue is not run. If this
 sounds similar to a “go to” in other languages, it should. Python has no “go to” state-
 ment, but because continue lets you jump about in a program, many of the warnings
 about readability and maintainability you may have heard about “go to” apply. con
 tinue should probably be used sparingly, especially when you’re first getting started
 with Python. For instance, the last example might be clearer if the print were nested
 under the if:

 x = 10
 while x:
  x = x−1
  if x % 2 == 0:  # Even? -- print
  print(x, end=' ')

 Later in this book, we’ll also learn that raised and caught exceptions can also emulate
 “go to” statements in limited and structured ways; stay tuned for more on this technique
 in Chapter 36 where we will learn how to use it to break out of multiple nested loops,
 a feat not possible with the next section’s topic alone.

 The break statement causes an immediate exit from a loop. Because the code that fol-
 lows it in the loop is not executed if the break is reached, you can also sometimes avoid
 nesting by including a break. For example, here is a simple interactive loop (a variant

"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  x = next(obj)
  if not x: break",whilebreak,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  char =  # Read by character
  if not char: break # Empty string means end-of-file

 for char in open('test.txt').read():

 The for loop here also processes each character, but it loads the file into memory all at
 once (and assumes it fits!). To read by lines or blocks instead, you can use while loop
 code like this:

 file = open('test.txt')
 while True:
  line = file.readline() # Read line by line
  if not line: break
  print(line.rstrip()) # Line already has a \n

 file = open('test.txt', 'rb')
 while True:
  chunk =  # Read byte chunks: up to 10 bytes
  if not chunk: break",whilebreak,401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while loop:

 >>> f = open('')
 >>> while True:
 ...  line = f.readline()
 ...  if not line: break",whilebreak,418
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  data =
  if not data: break",whilebreak,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  data = self.reader.readline()
  if not data: break",whilebreak,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while True:
  if skiptest(): continue",whilecontinue,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while
 clients that use from get copies of the file’s names:",whilesimple,70
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while x > 0:,whilesimple,119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while True:,whilesimple,171
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","while
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while B != '':,whilesimple,207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while slicing a list always returns a new list:,whilesimple,243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while L:,whilesimple,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while L:,whilesimple,346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while True:,whilesimple,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while x != '':,whilesimple,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while x:,whilesimple,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while a < b:,whilesimple,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while True:,whilesimple,390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while x:,whilesimple,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while x:,whilesimple,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while loop:,whilesimple,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while i < len(X):,whilesimple,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while i < len(L):,whilesimple,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while True:,whilesimple,422
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while or range. Another reminder:,whilesimple,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while not found and i < len(L):,whilesimple,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while L:,whilesimple,557
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while all(seqs):,whilesimple,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while all(seqs):,whilesimple,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while iters:,whilesimple,621
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while iters:,whilesimple,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while digits:,whilesimple,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while modules:,whilesimple,768
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while True:,whilesimple,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while offset < len(self.wrapped):,whilesimple,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while True:,whilesimple,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while the try block was running or not. Its general form is:,whilesimple,1100
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while its can vary per client instance:,whilesimple,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import spam,fromrelative,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,720
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import D,fromrelative,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,722
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import m,fromrelative,723
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,724
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,724
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import eggs,fromrelative,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import eggs,fromrelative,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import string,fromrelative,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import mod,fromrelative,729
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import eggs,fromrelative,730
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import eggs,fromrelative,731
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import m1,fromrelative,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import mod,fromrelative,734
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from . import mod2,fromrelative,738
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from module

 import *",fromstarstatements,354
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,550
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module1 import *,fromstarstatements,689
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module import *,fromstarstatements,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module import *,fromstarstatements,693
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from unders import *,fromstarstatements,747
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from alls import *,fromstarstatements,748
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module import *,fromstarstatements,773
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module1 import *,fromstarstatements,773
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module2 import *,fromstarstatements,773
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module3 import *,fromstarstatements,773
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from metainstance import *,fromstarstatements,1380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from dicts import *,fromstarstatements,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mymod import *,fromstarstatements,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mod1 import *,fromstarstatements,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mod2 import *,fromstarstatements,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mod3 import *,fromstarstatements,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from adder import *,fromstarstatements,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from multiset import *,fromstarstatements,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from tkinter import *,fromstarstatements,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from M import func as mfunc,asextension,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from N import func as nfunc,asextension,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from dir1.dir2.mod import z as modz,asextension,713
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","here are some additional details: the following import statement:

 import modulename as name",asextension,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from modulename import attrname as name,asextension,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module1 import utility as util1,asextension,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module2 import utility as util2,asextension,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from dir1.dir2.mod import func as modfunc,asextension,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","breaking your code:

 import newname as oldname",asextension,759
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from library import newname as oldname,asextension,759
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","string that is generated at runtime. The most general approach is to construct an
 import statement as a",asextension,762
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from lister import ListInstance as Lister,asextension,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start)",__init__,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start)",__init__,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, id)",__init__,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, who)",__init__,791
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, jobs, age=None)",__init__,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job, pay)",__init__,818
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,819
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,834
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,837
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args)",__init__,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, x)",__init__,864
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, x, y)",__init__,864
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start, stop)",__init__,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, wrapped)",__init__,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, wrapped)",__init__,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start, stop)",__init__,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(...),__init__,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start, stop)",__init__,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start, stop)",__init__,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, wrapped)",__init__,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value=0)",__init__,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value=0)",__init__,917
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,917
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,923
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, color)",__init__,923
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, color)",__init__,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name='unknown')",__init__,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, salary=0)",__init__,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, reader, writer)",__init__,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, object)",__init__,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,947
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, data)",__init__,950
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, base)",__init__,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None)",__init__,955
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,958
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value = [])",__init__,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value = [])",__init__,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, data)",__init__,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1028
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args)",__init__,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1046
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, filename)",__init__,1046
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self): B.__init__(self); C.__init__(self),__init__,1054
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, salary)",__init__,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name): Employee.__init__(self, name, 70000)",__init__,1061
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1066
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1067
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1074
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1075
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1075
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, line, file)",__init__,1137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, line, file)",__init__,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start)",__init__,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start)",__init__,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, data)",__init__,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, data)",__init__,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)",__init__,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, object)",__init__,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start)",__init__,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start)",__init__,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, square, cube)",__init__,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, square, cube)",__init__,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, square, cube)",__init__,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, square, cube)",__init__,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job=None, pay=0)",__init__,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, acct, name, age, addr)",__init__,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, acct, name, age, addr)",__init__,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, acct, name, age, addr)",__init__,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, acct, name, age, addr)",__init__,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, acct, name, age, addr)",__init__,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args)",__init__,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, x, y)",__init__,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, C)",__init__,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args)",__init__,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, desc, subj)",__init__,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, meth)",__init__,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, func)",__init__,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, hours, rate)",__init__,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, val)",__init__,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, aClass)",__init__,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, object)",__init__,1304
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args, **kargs)",__init__,1304
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, hours, rate)",__init__,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, aClass)",__init__,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, x)",__init__,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args, **kargs)",__init__,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, label, start)",__init__,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args, **kargs)",__init__,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args, **kargs)",__init__,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, attrname)",__init__,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job, pay)",__init__,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, job, pay)",__init__,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args, **kargs)",__init__,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, age)",__init__,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(Class, classname, superclasses, attributedict)",__init__,1361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(Class, classname, supers, classdict)",__init__,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(Class, classname, supers, classdict)",__init__,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(Class, classname, supers, classdict)",__init__,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, value)",__init__,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args, **kargs)",__init__,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, hours, rate)",__init__,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, *args, **kargs)",__init__,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, hours, rate)",__init__,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name, pay)",__init__,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start=[])",__init__,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start=[])",__init__,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start)",__init__,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, start)",__init__,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, name)",__init__,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __init__(self),__init__,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __init__(self, parent, title='popup')",__init__,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  raise IndexError # Trigger exception manually
 ... except IndexError:
 ...  print('got exception')
 got exception

 As usual, if they’re not caught, user-triggered exceptions are propagated up to the top-
 level default exception handler and terminate the program with a standard error mes-

 >>> raise IndexError
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 1, in <module>

 As we’ll see in the next chapter, the assert statement can be used to trigger exceptions,
 too—it’s a conditional raise, used mostly for debugging purposes during development:

 >>> assert False, 'Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 1, in <module>
 AssertionError: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

 User-Defined Exceptions
 The raise statement introduced in the prior section raises a built-in exception defined
 in Python’s built-in scope. As you’ll learn later in this part of the book, you can also
 define new exceptions of your own that are specific to your programs. User-defined
 exceptions are coded with classes, which inherit from a built-in exception class: usually
 the class named Exception:

 >>> class AlreadyGotOne(Exception): pass # User-defined exception

 >>> def grail():
  raise AlreadyGotOne()  # Raise an instance

 >>> try:
 ...  grail()
 ... except AlreadyGotOne:  # Catch class name
 ...  print('got exception')
 got exception

 As we’ll see in the next chapter, an as clause on an except can gain access to the ex-
 ception object itself. Class-based exceptions allow scripts to build exception categories,
 which can inherit behavior, and have attached state information and methods. They
 can also customize their error message text displayed if they’re not caught:

 1086 | Chapter 33: Exception Basics",trytry,1086
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 except NameError:
 except IndexError:
 except KeyError:
 except (AttributeError, TypeError, SyntaxError):

 In this example, if an exception is raised while the call to the action function is running,
 Python returns to the try and searches for the first except that names the exception
 raised. It inspects the except clauses from top to bottom and left to right, and runs the
 statements under the first one that matches. If none match, the exception is propagated
 past this try. Note that the else runs only when no exception occurs in action—it does
 not run when an exception without a matching except is raised.

 Catching all: The empty except and Exception
 If you really want a general “catchall” clause, an empty except does the trick:

 except NameError:
  ...  # Handle NameError
 except IndexError:
  ...  # Handle IndexError
  ...  # Handle all other exceptions

 1096 | Chapter 34: Exception Coding Details",trytry,1096
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  ...  # Catch all possible exceptions

 Empty excepts also raise some design issues, though. Although convenient, they may
 catch unexpected system exceptions unrelated to your code, and they may inadver-
 tently intercept exceptions meant for another handler. For example, even system exit
 calls and Ctrl-C key combinations in Python trigger exceptions, and you usually want
 these to pass. Even worse, the empty except may also catch genuine programming
 mistakes for which you probably want to see an error message. We’ll revisit this as a
 gotcha at the end of this part of the book. For now, I’ll just say, “use with care.”
 Python 3.X more strongly supports an alternative that solves one of these problems—
 catching an exception named Exception has almost the same effect as an empty
 except, but ignores exceptions related to system exits:

 except Exception:
  ...  # Catch all possible exceptions, except exits

 We’ll explore how this form works its voodoo formally in the next chapter when we
 study exception classes. In short, it works because exceptions match if they are a sub-
 class of one named in an except clause, and Exception is a superclass of all the exceptions
 you should generally catch this way. This form has most of the same convenience of
 the empty except, without the risk of catching exit events. Though better, it also has
 some of the same dangers—especially with regard to masking programming errors.

 Version skew note: See also the raise statement ahead for more on the
 as portion of except clauses in try. Syntactically, Python 3.X requires
 the except E as V: handler clause form listed in Table 34-1 and used in
 this book, rather than the older except E, V: form. The latter form is
 still available (but not recommended) in Python 2.6 and 2.7: if used, it’s
 converted to the former.

 The change was made to eliminate confusion regarding the dual role of
 commas in the older form. In this form, two alternate exceptions are
 properly coded as except (E1, E2):. Because 3.X supports the as form
 only, commas in a handler clause are always taken to mean a tuple,
 regardless of whether parentheses are used or not, and the values are
 interpreted as alternative exceptions to be caught.

 The try/except/else Statement

 | 1097",trytry,1097
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:

 try: code...
 except IndexError:
  ...handle exception...
 # Did we get here because the try failed or not?

 Much like the way else clauses in loops make the exit cause more apparent, the else
 clause provides syntax in a try that makes what has happened obvious and unambig-

 try: code...
 except IndexError:
  ...handle exception...
 else: exception occurred...

 You can almost emulate an else clause by moving its code into the try block:

 try: code... exception occurred...
 except IndexError:
  ...handle exception...

 This can lead to incorrect exception classifications, though. If the “no exception oc-
 curred” action triggers an IndexError, it will register as a failure of the try block and
 erroneously trigger the exception handler below the try (subtle, but true!). By using an
 explicit else clause instead, you make the logic more obvious and guarantee that
 except handlers will run only for real failures in the code you’re wrapping in a try, not
 for failures in the else no-exception case’s action.

 Example: Default Behavior
 Because the control flow through a program is easier to capture in Python than in
 English, let’s run some examples that further illustrate exception basics in the context
 of larger code samples in files.

 1098 | Chapter 34: Exception Coding Details",trytry,1098
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:  # Nested equivalent to merged form
  except Exception1:
  except Exception2:

 1104 | Chapter 34: Exception Coding Details",trytry,1104
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 except IndexError as X: # X assigned the raised instance object

 The as is optional in a try handler (if it’s omitted, the instance is simply not assigned
 to a name), but including it allows the handler to access both data in the instance and
 methods in the exception class.
 This model works the same for user-defined exceptions we code with classes—the
 following, for example, passes to the exception class constructor arguments that be-
 come available in the handler through the assigned instance:

 class MyExc(Exception): pass
 raise MyExc('spam') # Exception class with constructor args
 except MyExc as X:  # Instance attributes available in handler

 Because this encroaches on the next chapter’s topic, though, I’ll defer further details
 until then.
 Regardless of how you name them, exceptions are always identified by class instance
 objects, and at most one is active at any given time. Once caught by an except clause
 anywhere in the program, an exception dies (i.e., won’t propagate to another try),
 unless it’s reraised by another raise statement or error.

 Scopes and try except Variables
 We’ll study exception objects in more detail in the next chapter. Now that we’ve seen
 the as variable in action, though, we can finally clarify the related version-specific scope
 issue summarized in Chapter 17. In Python 2.X, the exception reference variable name
 in an except clause is not localized to the clause itself, and is available after the associated
 block runs:

 c:\code> py −2
 >>> try:
 ...  1 / 0
 ... except Exception as X:  # 2.X does not localize X either way
 ...  print X
 integer division or modulo by zero
 >>> X
 ZeroDivisionError('integer division or modulo by zero',)

 This is true in 2.X whether we use the 3.X-style as or the earlier comma syntax:

 >>> try:
 ...  1 / 0
 ... except Exception, X:

 1108 | Chapter 34: Exception Coding Details",trytry,1108
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  1 / 0
 ... except Exception, X:
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

 >>> try:
 ...  1 / 0
 ... except Exception as X:  # 3.X localizes 'as' names to except block
 ...  print(X)
 division by zero
 >>> X
 NameError: name 'X' is not defined

 Unlike compression loop variables, though, this variable is removed after the except
 block exits in 3.X. It does so because it would otherwise retain a reference to the runtime
 call stack, which would defer garbage collection and thus retain excess memory space.
 This removal occurs, though, even if you’re using the name elsewhere, and is more
 extreme policy than that used for comprehensions:

 >>> X = 99
 >>> try:
 ...  1 / 0
 ... except Exception as X:  # 3.X localizes _and_ removes on exit!
 ...  print(X)
 division by zero
 >>> X
 NameError: name 'X' is not defined

 >>> X = 99
 >>> {X for X in 'spam'} # 2.X/3.X localizes only: not removed
 {'s', 'a', 'p', 'm'}
 >>> X

 Because of this, you should generally use unique variable names in your try statement’s
 except clauses, even if they are localized by scope. If you do need to reference the
 exception instance after the try statement, simply assign it to another name that won’t
 be automatically removed:

 The raise Statement

 | 1109",trytry,1109
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  1 / 0
 ... except Exception as X:  # Python removes this reference
 ...  print(X)
 ...  Saveit = X  # Assign exc to retain exc if needed
 division by zero
 >>> X
 NameError: name 'X' is not defined
 >>> Saveit
 ZeroDivisionError('division by zero',)

 Propagating Exceptions with raise
 The raise statement is a bit more feature-rich than we’ve seen thus far. For example,
 a raise that does not include an exception name or extra data value simply reraises the
 current exception. This form is typically used if you need to catch and handle an ex-
 ception but don’t want the exception to die in your code:

 >>> try:
 ...  raise IndexError('spam')  # Exceptions remember arguments
 ... except IndexError:
 ...  print('propagating')
 ...  raise # Reraise most recent exception
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 2, in <module>
 IndexError: spam

 Running a raise this way reraises the exception and propagates it to a higher handler
 (or the default handler at the top, which stops the program with a standard error mes-
 sage). Notice how the argument we passed to the exception class shows up in the error
 messages; you’ll learn why this happens in the next chapter.

 Python 3.X Exception Chaining: raise from
 Exceptions can sometimes be triggered in response to other exceptions—both delib-
 erately and by new program errors. To support full disclosure in such cases, Python
 3.X (but not 2.X) also allows raise statements to have an optional from clause:

 raise newexception from otherexception

 When the from is used in an explicit raise request, the expression following from speci-
 fies another exception class or instance to attach to the __cause__ attribute of the new
 exception being raised. If the raised exception is not caught, Python prints both ex-
 ceptions as part of the standard error message:

 >>> try:
 ...  1 / 0
 ... except Exception as E:
 ...  raise TypeError('Bad') from E # Explicitly chained exceptions

 1110 | Chapter 34: Exception Coding Details",trytry,1110
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  1 / 0
 ... except:
 ...  badname # Implicitly chained exceptions
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 2, in <module>
 ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 4, in <module>
 NameError: name 'badname' is not defined

 In both cases, because the original exception objects thus attached to new exception
 objects may themselves have attached causes, the causality chain can be arbitrary
 long, and is displayed in full in error messages. That is, error messages might give more
 than two exceptions. The net effect in both explicit and implicit contexts is to allow
 programmers to know all exceptions involved, when one exception triggers another:

 >>> try:
 ...  try:
 ...  raise IndexError()
 ...  except Exception as E:
 ...  raise TypeError() from E
 ... except Exception as E:
 ...  raise SyntaxError() from E
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 3, in <module>

 The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 5, in <module>

 The raise Statement

 | 1111",trytry,1111
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  1 / 0

 Like the unified try, chained exceptions are similar to utility in other languages (in-
 cluding Java and C#) though it’s not clear which languages were borrowers. In Python,
 it’s a still somewhat obscure extension, so we’ll defer to Python’s manuals for more
 details. In fact, Python 3.3 adds a way to stop exceptions from chaining, per the fol-
 lowing note.

 Python 3.3 chained exception suppression: raise from None. Python 3.3
 introduces a new syntax form—using None as the exception name in the
 raise from statement:

 raise newexception from None

 This allows the display of the chained exception context described in
 the preceding section to be disabled. This makes for less cluttered error
 messages in applications that convert between exception types while
 processing exception chains.

 The assert Statement
 As a somewhat special case for debugging purposes, Python includes the assert state-
 ment. It is mostly just syntactic shorthand for a common raise usage pattern, and an
 assert can be thought of as a conditional raise statement. A statement of the form:

 assert test, data # The data part is optional

 works like the following code:

 if __debug__:
  if not test:
  raise AssertionError(data)

 In other words, if the test evaluates to false, Python raises an exception: the data item
 (if it’s provided) is used as the exception’s constructor argument. Like all exceptions, 
 the AssertionError exception will kill your program if it’s not caught with a try, in
 which case the data item shows up as part of the standard error message.

 1112 | Chapter 34: Exception Coding Details",trytry,1112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 except (General, Specific1, Specific2):  # Catch any of these

 This approach worked for the defunct string exception model too. For large or high
 exception hierarchies, however, it may be easier to catch categories using class-based
 categories than to list every member of a category in a single except clause. Perhaps
 more importantly, you can extend exception hierarchies as software needs evolve by
 adding new subclasses without breaking existing code.
 Suppose, for example, you code a numeric programming library in Python, to be used
 by a large number of people. While you are writing your library, you identify two things
 that can go wrong with numbers in your code—division by zero, and numeric overflow.
 You document these as the two standalone exceptions that your library may raise:


 class Divzero(Exception): pass
 class Oflow(Exception): pass

 def func():
  raise Divzero()

 ...and so on...

 Now, when people use your library, they typically wrap calls to your functions or classes
 in try statements that catch your two exceptions; after all, if they do not catch your
 exceptions, exceptions from your library will kill their code:


 import mathlib

 except (mathlib.Divzero, mathlib.Oflow):
  ...handle and recover...

 1128 | Chapter 35: Exception Objects",trytry,1128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 except (mathlib.Divzero, mathlib.Oflow, mathlib.Uflow):
  ...handle and recover...

 This may not be the end of the world. If your library is used only in-house, you can
 make the changes yourself. You might also ship a Python script that tries to fix such
 code automatically (it would probably be only a few dozen lines, and it would guess
 right at least some of the time). If many people have to change all their try statements
 each time you alter your exception set, though, this is not exactly the most polite of
 upgrade policies.
 Your users might try to avoid this pitfall by coding empty except clauses to catch all
 possible exceptions:


 except:  # Catch everything here (or catch Exception super)
  ...handle and recover...

 But this workaround might catch more than they bargained for—things like running
 out of memory, keyboard interrupts (Ctrl-C), system exits, and even typos in their own
 try block’s code will all trigger exceptions, and such things should pass, not be caught
 and erroneously classified as library errors. Catching the Exception super class improves
 on this, but still intercepts—and thus may mask—program errors.
 And really, in this scenario users want to catch and recover from only the specific ex-
 ceptions the library is defined and documented to raise. If any other exception occurs
 during a library call, it’s likely a genuine bug in the library (and probably time to contact
 the vendor!). As a rule of thumb, it’s usually better to be specific than general in ex-
 ception handlers—an idea we’ll revisit as a “gotcha” in the next chapter.1

 Why Exception Hierarchies?

 | 1129",trytry,1129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  f = open('nonesuch.txt')
 ... except IOError as V:
 ...  if V.errno == 2: # Or errno.N, V.args[0]
 ...  print('No such file')
 ...  else:
 ...  raise  # Propagate others
 No such file

 This code still works in 3.3, but with the new classes, programs in 3.3
 and later can be more specific about the exceptions they mean to pro-
 cess, and ignore others:

 c:\temp> py −3.3
 >>> try:
 ...  f = open('nonesuch.txt')
 ... except FileNotFoundError:
 ...  print('No such file')
 No such file

 For full details on this extension and its classes, see the other resources
 listed earlier.

 Default Printing and State
 Built-in exceptions also provide default print displays and state retention, which is often
 as much logic as user-defined classes require. Unless you redefine the constructors your
 classes inherit from them, any constructor arguments you pass to these classes are
 automatically saved in the instance’s args tuple attribute, and are automatically dis-
 played when the instance is printed. An empty tuple and display string are used if no
 constructor arguments are passed, and a single argument displays as itself (not as a

 Built-in Exception Classes

 | 1133",trytry,1133
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try: # Multiple arguments save/display a tuple
 ...  raise E('spam', 'eggs', 'ham')
 ... except E as X:
 ...  print('%s %s' % (X, X.args))
 ('spam', 'eggs', 'ham') ('spam', 'eggs', 'ham')

 Note that exception instance objects are not strings themselves, but use the __str__
 operator overloading protocol we studied in Chapter 30 to provide display strings when
 printed; to concatenate with real strings, perform manual conversions: str(X) + 'as
 tr', '%s' % X, and the like.
 Although this automatic state and display support is useful by itself, for more specific
 display and state retention needs you can always redefine inherited methods such as
 __str__ and __init__ in Exception subclasses—as the next section shows.

 Custom Print Displays
 As we saw in the preceding section, by default, instances of class-based exceptions
 display whatever you passed to the class constructor when they are caught and printed:

 >>> class MyBad(Exception): pass
 >>> try:
 ...  raise MyBad('Sorry--my mistake!')
 ... except MyBad as X:
 ...  print(X)
 Sorry--my mistake!

 This inherited default display model is also used if the exception is displayed as part of
 an error message when the exception is not caught:

 >>> raise MyBad('Sorry--my mistake!')
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""<stdin>"", line 1, in <module>
 __main__.MyBad: Sorry--my mistake!

 For many roles, this is sufficient. To provide a more custom display, though, you can
 define one of two string-representation overloading methods in your class (__repr__ or
 __str__) to return the string you want to display for your exception. The string the
 method returns will be displayed if the exception either is caught and printed or reaches
 the default handler:

 >>> class MyBad(Exception):
 ...  def __str__(self):
 ...  return 'Always look on the bright side of life...'
 >>> try:
 ...  raise MyBad()
 ... except MyBad as X:
 ...  print(X)

 Custom Print Displays

 | 1135",trytry,1135
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  parser()
 ... except FormatError as X:
 ...  print('Error at: %s %s' % (X.file, X.line))
 Error at: spam.txt 42

 In the except clause here, the variable X is assigned a reference to the instance that was
 generated when the exception was raised. This gives access to the attributes attached
 to the instance by the custom constructor. Although we could rely on the default state
 retention of built-in superclasses, it’s less relevant to our application (and doesn’t sup-
 port the keyword arguments used in the prior example):

 >>> class FormatError(Exception): pass  # Inherited constructor

 >>> def parser():
  raise FormatError(42, 'spam.txt') # No keywords allowed!

 >>> try:
 ...  parser()
 ... except FormatError as X:
 ...  print('Error at:', X.args[0], X.args[1])  # Not specific to this app
 Error at: 42 spam.txt

 Providing Exception Methods
 Besides enabling application-specific state information, custom constructors also better
 support extra behavior for exception objects. That is, the exception class can also define
 methods to be called in the handler. The following code in, for example,
 adds a method that uses exception state information to log errors to a file automatically:

 Custom Data and Behavior

 | 1137",trytry,1137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  except TypeError: # Most recent matching try
  print('inner try')

 except TypeError: # Here, only if action1 re-raises
  print('outer try')

 % python
 inner try

 Notice, though, that the top-level module code at the bottom of the file wraps a call to
 action1 in a try handler, too. When action2 triggers the TypeError exception, there will
 be two active try statements—the one in action1, and the one at the top level of the
 module file. Python picks and runs just the most recent try with a matching except—
 which in this case is the try inside action1.
 Again, the place where an exception winds up jumping to depends on the control flow
 through the program at runtime. Because of this, to know where you will go, you need
 to know where you’ve been. In this case, where exceptions are handled is more a func-
 tion of control flow than of statement syntax. However, we can also nest exception
 handlers syntactically—an equivalent case we turn to next.

 Example: Syntactic Nesting
 As I mentioned when we looked at the new unified try/except/finally statement in
 Chapter 34, it is possible to nest try statements syntactically by their position in your
 source code:

  except TypeError: # Most recent matching try
  print('inner try')
 except TypeError: # Here, only if nested handler re-raises
  print('outer try')

 Nesting Exception Handlers

 | 1143",trytry,1143
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try: program...
 except:  # All uncaught exceptions come here
  import sys
  print('uncaught!', sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])

 This structure is commonly used during development, to keep programs active even
 after errors occur—within a loop, it allows you to run additional tests without having
 to restart. It’s also used when testing other program code, as described in the next

 On a related note, for more about handling program shutdowns
 without recovery from them, see also Python’s atexit standard library
 module. It’s also possible to customize what the top-level exception
 handler does with sys.excepthook. These and other related tools are
 described in Python’s library manual.

 Running In-Process Tests
 Some of the coding patterns we’ve just looked at can be combined in a test-driver
 application that tests other code within the same process. The following partial code
 sketches the general model:

 import sys
 log = open('testlog', 'a')
 from testapi import moreTests, runNextTest, testName
 def testdriver():
  while moreTests():
  print('FAILED', testName(), sys.exc_info()[:2], file=log)
  print('PASSED', testName(), file=log)

 Exception Idioms

 | 1149",trytry,1149
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  # sys.exc_info()[0:2] are the exception class and instance

 If no exception is being handled, this call returns a tuple containing three None values.
 Otherwise, the values returned are (type, value, traceback), where:

 • type is the exception class of the exception being handled.
 • value is the exception class instance that was raised.
 • traceback is a traceback object that represents the call stack at the point where the
 exception originally occurred, and used by the traceback module to generate error

 As we saw in the prior chapter, sys.exc_info can also sometimes be useful to determine
 the specific exception type when catching exception category superclasses. As we’ve
 also learned, though, because in this case you can also get the exception type by fetching
 the __class__ attribute of the instance obtained with the as clause, sys.exc_info is often
 redundant apart from the empty except:


 1150 | Chapter 36: Designing with Exceptions",trytry,1150
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 except General as instance:
  # instance.method() does the right thing for this instance

 As usual, being too specific in Python can limit your code’s flexibility. A polymorphic
 approach like the last example here generally supports future evolution better than
 explicitly type-specific tests or actions.

 Displaying Errors and Tracebacks
 Finally, the exception traceback object available in the prior section’s sys.exc_info
 result is also used by the standard library’s traceback module to generate the standard
 error message and stack display manually. This file has a handful of interfaces that
 support wide customization, which we don’t have space to cover usefully here, but the
 basics are simple. Consider the following aptly named file,

 import traceback

 def inverse(x):
  return 1 / x

 except Exception:
  traceback.print_exc(file=open('badly.exc', 'w'))

 This code uses the print_exc convenience function in the traceback module, which
 uses sys.exc_info data by default; when run, the script prints the error message to a
 file—handy in testing programs that need to catch errors but still record them in full:

 c:\code> python

 c:\code> type badly.exc
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File """", line 7, in <module>
  File """", line 4, in inverse
  return 1 / x
 ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

 Exception Idioms

 | 1151",trytry,1151
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  ... # IndexError is raised in here
  ... # But everything comes here and dies!
 except IndexError:  # Exception should be processed here

 Perhaps worse, such code might also catch unrelated system exceptions. Even things
 like memory errors, genuine programming mistakes, iteration stops, keyboard inter-
 rupts, and system exits raise exceptions in Python. Unless you’re writing a debugger or
 similar tool, such exceptions should not usually be intercepted in your code.
 For example, scripts normally exit when control falls off the end of the top-level file.
 However, Python also provides a built-in sys.exit(statuscode) call to allow early ter-
 minations. This actually works by raising a built-in SystemExit exception to end the
 program, so that try/finally handlers run on the way out and special types of programs
 can intercept the event.1 Because of this, a try with an empty except might unknowingly
 prevent a crucial exit, as in the following file (

 1. A related call, os._exit, also ends a program, but via an immediate termination—it skips cleanup actions,
 including any registered with the atexit module noted earlier, and cannot be intercepted with try/
 except or try/finally blocks. It is usually used only in spawned child processes, a topic beyond this book’s
 scope. See the library manual or follow-up texts for details.

 Exception Design Tips and Gotchas

 | 1153",trytry,1153
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  print('got it') # Oops--we ignored the exit

 % python
 got it

 You simply might not expect all the kinds of exceptions that could occur during an
 operation. Using the built-in exception classes of the prior chapter can help in this
 particular case, because the Exception superclass is not a superclass of SystemExit:

 except Exception: # Won't catch exits, but _will_ catch many others

 In other cases, though, this scheme is no better than an empty except clause—because
 Exception is a superclass above all built-in exceptions except system-exit events, it still
 has the potential to catch exceptions meant for elsewhere in the program.
 Probably worst of all, both using an empty except and catching the Exception superclass
 will also catch genuine programming errors, which should be allowed to pass most of
 the time. In fact, these two techniques can effectively turn off Python’s error-reporting
 machinery, making it difficult to notice mistakes in your code. Consider this code, for

 mydictionary = {...}
  x = myditctionary['spam'] # Oops: misspelled
  x = None  # Assume we got KeyError
 ...continue here with x...

 The coder here assumes that the only sort of error that can happen when indexing a
 dictionary is a missing key error. But because the name myditctionary is misspelled (it
 should say mydictionary), Python raises a NameError instead for the undefined name
 reference, which the handler will silently catch and ignore. The event handler will in-
 correctly fill in a None default for the dictionary access, masking the program error.
 Moreover, catching Exception here will not help—it would have the exact same effect
 as an empty except, happily and silently filling in a default and masking a genuine
 program error you will probably want to know about. If this happens in code that is
 far removed from the place where the fetched values are used, it might make for a very
 interesting debugging task!

 1154 | Chapter 36: Designing with Exceptions",trytry,1154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 except (MyExcept1, MyExcept2):  # Breaks if you add a MyExcept3 later
  ... # Nonerrors
  ... # Assumed to be an error

 Luckily, careful use of the class-based exceptions we discussed in Chapter 34 can make
 this code maintenance trap go away completely. As we saw, if you catch a general
 superclass, you can add and raise more specific subclasses in the future without having
 to extend except clause lists manually—the superclass becomes an extendible excep-
 tions category:

 except SuccessCategoryName: # OK if you add a MyExcept3 subclass later
  ... # Nonerrors
  ... # Assumed to be an error

 In other words, a little design goes a long way. The moral of the story is to be careful
 to be neither too general nor too specific in exception handlers, and to pick the gran-
 ularity of your try statement wrappings wisely. Especially in larger systems, exception
 policies should be a part of the overall design.

 Core Language Summary
 Congratulations! This concludes your look at the fundamentals of the Python pro-
 gramming language. If you’ve gotten this far, you’ve become a fully operational Python

 Core Language Summary | 1155",trytry,1155
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try: X[0]  # __getitem__?
  except: print('fail []')

  try: X + 99  # __add__?
  except: print('fail +')

  try: X() # __call__? (implicit via built-in)
  except: print('fail ()')

  X.__call__()  # __call__? (explicit, not inherited)
  print(X.__str__())  # __str__?  (explicit, inherited from type)
  print(X)  # __str__?  (implicit via built-in)

 When run under Python 2.X as coded, __getattr__ does receive a variety of implicit
 attribute fetches for built-in operations, because Python looks up such attributes in
 instances normally. Conversely, __getattribute__ is not run for any of the operator
 overloading names invoked by built-in operations, because such names are looked up
 in classes only in the new-style class model:

 c:\code> py −2

 getattr: other
 __len__: 42
 getattr: __getitem__
 getattr: __coerce__
 getattr: __add__
 getattr: __call__
 getattr: __call__
 getattr: __str__
 [Getattr str]
 getattr: __str__
 [Getattr str]

 getattribute: eggs
 getattribute: spam
 getattribute: other
 __len__: 42
 fail []
 fail +
 fail ()
 getattribute: __call__
 getattribute: __str__
 [GetAttribute str]
 <__main__.GetAttribute object at 0x02287898>

 Note how __getattr__ intercepts both implicit and explicit fetches of __call__ and
 __str__ in 2.X here. By contrast, __getattribute__ fails to catch implicit fetches of either
 attribute name for built-in operations.

 __getattr__ and __getattribute__ | 1251",trytry,1251
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  sue.remain = 5
  print(""Can't set sue.remain"")

  sue.acct = '1234567'
  print('Bad acct for Sue')

 Here is the output of our self-test code on both Python 3.X and 2.X; again, this is the
 same for all versions of this example, except for the tested class’s name. Trace through
 this code to see how the class’s methods are invoked; accounts are displayed with some
 digits hidden, names are converted to a standard format, and time remaining until
 retirement is computed when fetched using a class attribute cutoff:

 c:\code> py −3 validate_properties
 [Using: <class 'validate_properties.CardHolder'>]
 12345*** / bob_smith / 40 / 19.5 / 123 main st
 23456*** / bob_q._smith / 50 / 9.5 / 123 main st
 56781*** / sue_jones / 35 / 24.5 / 124 main st
 Bad age for Sue
 Can't set sue.remain
 Bad acct for Sue

 Using Descriptors to Validate
 Now, let’s recode our example using descriptors instead of properties. As we’ve seen,
 descriptors are very similar to properties in terms of functionality and roles; in fact,
 properties are basically a restricted form of descriptor. Like properties, descriptors are
 designed to handle specific attributes, not generic attribute access. Unlike properties,
 descriptors can also have their own state, and are a more general scheme.

 Option 1: Validating with shared descriptor instance state
 To understand the following code, it’s again important to notice that the attribute
 assignments inside the __init__ constructor method trigger descriptor __set__ meth-
 ods. When the constructor method assigns to, for example, it automatically
 invokes the Name.__set__() method, which transforms the value and assigns it to a
 descriptor attribute called name.
 In the end, this class implements the same attributes as the prior version: it manages
 attributes called name, age, and acct; allows the attribute addr to be accessed directly;
 and provides a read-only attribute called remain that is entirely virtual and computed
 on demand. Notice how we must catch assignments to the remain name in its descriptor
 and raise an exception; as we learned earlier, if we did not do this, assigning to this
 attribute of an instance would silently create an instance attribute that hides the class
 attribute descriptor.

 Example: Attribute Validations

 | 1259",trytry,1259
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try: t = X.age  # FAILS unless ""python -O""
 except: print(sys.exc_info()[1])
 try: X.age = 999  # ditto
 except: print(sys.exc_info()[1])

 # Test 2: names are private if not public
 # Operators must be non-Private or Public in BuiltinMixin used

 @Public('name', '__add__', '__str__', '__coerce__')
 class Person:
  def __init__(self, name, age): = name
  self.age = age
  def __add__(self, N):
  self.age += N  # Built-ins caught by mix-in in 3.X
  def __str__(self):
  return '%s: %s' % (, self.age)

 X = Person('bob', 40)  # X is an onInstance
 print(  # onInstance embeds Person = 'sue'
 X + 10

 try: t = X.age  # FAILS unless ""python -O""
 except: print(sys.exc_info()[1])
 try: X.age = 999  # ditto
 except: print(sys.exc_info()[1])

 Finally, if all works as expected, this test’s output is as follows in both Python 3.X
 and 2.X—the same code applied to the same class decorated with Private and then
 with Public:

 c:\code> py −3
 Sue: 50

 Test Your Knowledge: Answers

 | 1349",trytry,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  except IndexError:
  print('caught an index error!')
  except MyError as data:
  print('caught error:', MyError, data)
  print('no error caught...')

 if __name__ == '__main__':

 % python
 caught error: <class '__main__.MyError'> Spam!

 Like all class exceptions, the instance is accessible via the as variable data; the error
 message shows both the class (<...>) and its instance (Spam!). The instance must
 be inheriting both an __init__ and a __repr__ or __str__ from Python’s Excep
 tion class, or it would print much like the class does. See Chapter 35 for details on
 how this works in built-in exception classes.

 3. Error handling. Here’s one way to solve this one (file I did my tests in
 a file, rather than interactively, but the results are similar enough for full credit.
 Notice that the empty except and sys.exc_info approach used here will catch exit-
 related exceptions that listing Exception with an as variable won’t; that’s probably
 not ideal in most applications code, but might be useful in a tool like this designed
 to work as a sort of exceptions firewall.

 import sys, traceback

 def safe(callee, *pargs, **kargs):
  callee(*pargs, **kargs) # Catch everything else
  except: # Or ""except Exception as E:""
  print('Got %s %s' % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))

 if __name__ == '__main__':
  import oops2

 1498 | Appendix D: Solutions to End-of-Part Exercises",trytry,1498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  statements # Run this main action first
 except name1:
  statements # Run if name1 is raised during try block
 except (name2, name3):
  statements # Run if any of these exceptions occur
 except name4 as var:
  statements # Run if name4 is raised, assign instance raised to var
  statements # Run for all other exceptions raised
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  x = 'spam'[3]
 except IndexError:
  print('except run')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 except Exception:  # Exits not caught here
  ...handle all application exceptions...
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  item = searcher()
 except Failure:
  ...not found...
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  except IndexError:
  print('caught an index error!')
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  print(Matrix[(2, 3, 6)])  # Try to index
 ... except KeyError:",tryexcept,260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  print(branch[choice])
 ... except KeyError:",tryexcept,374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try: # try statement catches exceptions
 ...  X = next(I)  # Or call I.__next__ in 3.X
 ...  except StopIteration:",tryexcept,422
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  timer = time.perf_counter  # or process_time
 except AttributeError:",tryexcept,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  print(next(I), end=' @ ')
  except StopIteration:",tryexcept,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  fetcher(x, 4)
 ... except IndexError:",tryexcept,1084
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  fetcher(x, 4)
  except IndexError:",tryexcept,1085
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  kaboom([0, 1, 2], 'spam')
 except TypeError:",tryexcept,1100
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  raise myexc
 ... except myexc:",tryexcept,1124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  except General:",tryexcept,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  except General as X:",tryexcept,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 except mathlib.NumErr:",tryexcept,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  raise E('spam')
 ... except E as X:",tryexcept,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
  except FormatError as exc:",tryexcept,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","try:
 ...  while True:
 ...  while True:
 ...  for i in range(10):
 ... if i > 3: raise Exitloop # break exits just one level
 ... print('loop3: %s' % i)
 ...  print('loop2')
 ...  print('loop1')
 ... except Exitloop:",tryexcept,1145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","first={0}, last={1}, middle={2}'.format(*parts) # Or '{}",nestedDict,224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","E = {'cto': {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 40}}",nestedDict,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('birthday = {0}/{1}/{2},nestedDict,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('birthday = {0}/{1}/{2},nestedDict,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda args: expression,lambda,137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda would serve in place of a def in our example:,lambda,502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda n: x ** n) # x remembered from enclosing def,lambda,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda x: i ** x) # But all remember same last i!,lambda,506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda
 function argument lists: see the Chapter 20 sidebar “Why You Will",lambda,528
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda argument1, argument2,... argumentN : expression using arguments",lambda,568
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda arguments, just like in a def:",lambda,568
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda x: title + ' ' + x) # Title in enclosing def scope,lambda,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x: x ** 2,  # Inline function definition",lambda,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x: x ** 3,",lambda,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda x: x ** 4]  # A list of three callable functions,lambda,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda function:,lambda,571
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda x: (lambda y: x + y)),lambda,573
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda x: (lambda y: x + y))(99))(4),lambda,573
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda defers execution of the handler until the event occurs: the write,lambda,573
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda commonly appears:,lambda,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x: x > 0), range(−5, 5))) # An iterable in 3.X",lambda,576
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x, y: x + y), [1, 2, 3, 4])",lambda,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x, y: x * y), [1, 2, 3, 4])",lambda,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x, y: x + y), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])",lambda,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x, y: x * y), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])",lambda,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x, y: x + y), [2, 4, 6])",lambda,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lambda x: len(x) > 1, line.split()))  # Similar to filter",lambda,601
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda and def—expression conciseness versus statement power:,lambda,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda functions:,lambda,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lambda color='red': 'turn ' + color) # Defaults retain state too,lambda,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(a, *pargs, **kargs): print(a, pargs, kargs)

 >>> f(1, 2, 3, x=1, y=2)
 1 (2, 3) {'y': 2, 'x':",funcwithkeywordonly,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def echo(*args, **kwargs): print(args, kwargs)

 >>> echo(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
 (1, 2) {'a': 3, 'b': 4}

 In Python 2.X, we can call it generically with apply, or with the call syntax that is now
 required in 3.X:

 >>> pargs = (1, 2)
 >>> kargs = {'a':3, 'b':4}

 >>> apply(echo, pargs, kargs)
 (1, 2) {'a': 3, 'b':",funcwithkeywordonly,538
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def kwonly(a, *b, c):
  print(a, b, c)

 >>> kwonly(1, 2, c=3)
 1 (2,) 3
 >>> kwonly(a=1, c=3)
 1 () 3
 >>> kwonly(1, 2, 3)
 TypeError: kwonly() missing 1 required keyword-only argument:",funcwithkeywordonly,539
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def kwonly(a, *, b, c):
  print(a, b, c)

 >>> kwonly(1, c=3, b=2)
 1 2 3
 >>> kwonly(c=3, b=2, a=1)
 1 2 3
 >>> kwonly(1, 2, 3)
 TypeError: kwonly() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given
 >>> kwonly(1)
 TypeError: kwonly() missing 2 required keyword-only arguments:",funcwithkeywordonly,539
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def kwonly(a, *, b='spam', c='ham'):",funcwithkeywordonly,539
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def kwonly(a, *, b, c='spam'):
  print(a, b, c)

 >>> kwonly(1, b='eggs')
 1 eggs spam
 >>> kwonly(1, c='eggs')
 TypeError: kwonly() missing 1 required keyword-only argument:",funcwithkeywordonly,540
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def kwonly(a, *, b=1, c, d=2):
  print(a, b, c, d)

 >>> kwonly(3, c=4)
 3 1 4 2
 >>> kwonly(3, c=4, b=5)
 3 5 4 2
 >>> kwonly(3)
 TypeError: kwonly() missing 1 required keyword-only argument:",funcwithkeywordonly,540
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def kwonly(a, **pargs, b, c):",funcwithkeywordonly,540
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def kwonly(a, **, b, c):",funcwithkeywordonly,540
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(a, *b, **d, c=6):",funcwithkeywordonly,540
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(a, *b, c=6, **d): print(a, b, c, d) # Collect args in header

 >>> f(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5)  # Default used
 1 (2, 3) 6 {'y': 5, 'x': 4}

 >>> f(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5, c=7) # Override default
 1 (2, 3) 7 {'y': 5, 'x':",funcwithkeywordonly,540
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(a, c=6, *b, **d): print(a, b, c, d) # c is not keyword-only here!

 >>> f(1, 2, 3, x=4)
 1 (3,) 2 {'x':",funcwithkeywordonly,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def process(*args, notify=False):",funcwithkeywordonly,542
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def print3(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout):",funcwithkeywordonly,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mysum(first, *rest), although similar to the third var-
 iant, wouldn’t work at all, because it expects individual arguments, not a single

 Keep in mind that recursion can be direct, as in the examples so far, or indirect, as in
 the following (a function that calls another function, which calls back to its caller). The
 net effect is the same, though there are two function calls at each level instead of one:

 >>> def mysum(L):
  if not L: return 0
  return nonempty(L) # Call a function that calls me

 >>> def nonempty(L):",funcwithkeywordonly,557
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mymapPad(*seqs, pad=None):
  seqs = [list(S) for S in seqs]
  res = []
  while any(seqs):",funcwithkeywordonly,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mymapPad(*seqs, pad=None):
  seqs = [list(S) for S in seqs]
  while any(seqs):",funcwithkeywordonly,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mymapPad(*seqs, pad=None):",funcwithkeywordonly,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(x): return x\n$listif3(map(f, 'spam' * 2500))""),
  (0, 0, ""def f(x):",funcwithkeywordonly,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f4(a, *b, **c): print(a, b, c)  # Mixed modes

 def f5(a, b=2, c=3):",funcwithkeywordonly,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def catcher(*pargs, **kargs): print('%s, %s' % (pargs, kargs))

 >>> catcher(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), {}
 >>> catcher(1, 2, c=3, d=4, e=5)  # Arguments at calls
 (1, 2), {'d': 4, 'e': 5, 'c': 3}

 The function object’s API is available in older Pythons, but the func.__code__ attribute
 is named func.func_code in 2.5 and earlier; the newer __code__ attribute is also redun-
 dantly available in 2.6 and later for portability. Run a dir call on function and code
 objects for more details. Code like the following would support 2.5 and earlier, though
 the sys.version_info result itself is similarly nonportable—it’s a named tuple in recent
 Pythons, but we can use offsets on newer and older Pythons alike:

 >>> import sys  # For backward compatibility
 >>> tuple(sys.version_info) # [0] is major release number
 (3, 3, 0, 'final', 0)
 >>> code = func.__code__ if sys.version_info[0] == 3 else func.func_code

 Argument assumptions
 Given the decorated function’s set of expected argument names, the solution relies
 upon two constraints on argument passing order imposed by Python (these still hold
 true in both 2.X and 3.X current releases):",funcwithkeywordonly,1337
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f6(a, b=2, *c): print(a, b, c)  # Defaults and positional varargs

 % python
 >>> f1(1, 2)  # Matched by position (order matters)
 1 2
 >>> f1(b=2, a=1)  # Matched by name (order doesn't matter)
 1 2

 >>> f2(1, 2, 3) # Extra positionals collected in a tuple
 1 (2, 3)

 >>> f3(1, x=2, y=3) # Extra keywords collected in a dictionary
 1 {'x': 2, 'y': 3}

 >>> f4(1, 2, 3, x=2, y=3) # Extra of both kinds
 1 (2, 3) {'x': 2, 'y': 3}

 >>> f5(1) # Both defaults kick in
 1 2 3
 >>> f5(1, 4)  # Only one default used
 1 4 3

 >>> f6(1) # One argument: matches ""a""
 1 2 ()
 >>> f6(1, 3, 4) # Extra positional collected
 1 3 (4,)

 8. Primes revisited. Here is the primes example, wrapped up in a function and a mod-
 ule (file so it can be run multiple times. I added an if test to trap neg-
 atives, 0, and 1. I also changed / to // in this edition to make this solution immune
 to the Python 3.X / true division changes we studied in Chapter 5, and to enable
 it to support floating-point numbers (uncomment the from statement and
 change // to / to see the differences in 2.X):

 #from __future__ import division

 def prime(y):",funcwithkeywordonly,1479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def custom(*kargs, **pargs):",funcwith2star,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *kargs, **pargs):",funcwith2star,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f(**args):,funcwith2star,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def tracer(func, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,537
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(a, *b, c=6, **d):",funcwith2star,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def print3(*args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,547
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def print3(*args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a, **kargs):",funcwith2star,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def total(reps, func, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def bestof(reps, func, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def bestoftotal(reps1, reps2, func, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def total(func, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def bestof(func, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def bestoftotal(func, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def total(func, *pargs, _reps=1000, **kargs):",funcwith2star,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def bestof(func, *pargs, _reps=5, **kargs):",funcwith2star,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def bestoftotal(func, *pargs, _reps1=5, **kargs):",funcwith2star,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f3(a, **b):",funcwith2star,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *pargs, d=6, **kargs):",funcwith2star,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def factory(aClass, *pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,954
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*args, **kwargs):  # Or in 2.X+3.X:",funcwith2star,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):  # On method call:",funcwith2star,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):  # On calls:",funcwith2star,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def getInstance(aClass, *args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def reroute(self, attr, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def rangetest(**argchecks):,funcwith2star,1333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a, b, *kargs, **pargs):",funcwith2star,1339
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def rangetest(**argchecks):,funcwith2star,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def typetest(**argchecks):,funcwith2star,1342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*args, **kargs): # On calls:",funcwith2star,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def reroute(self, attr, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def rangetest(**argchecks):,funcwith2star,1350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def typetest(**argchecks):,funcwith2star,1350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def valuetest(**argchecks):,funcwith2star,1350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*args, **kwargs):",funcwith2star,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*args, **kargs):  # On calls:",funcwith2star,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def adder2(**args):,funcwith2star,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def adder3(**args):,funcwith2star,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def adder4(**args):,funcwith2star,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f3(a, **b):",funcwith2star,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f4(a, *b, **c):",funcwith2star,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def callproxy(*pargs, **kargs):",funcwith2star,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(a, b, c=1, *d):",funcwithstar,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(a, b, c=1, *d):",funcwithstar,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def adder(a, b=1, *c):",funcwithstar,473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f(*args):,funcwithstar,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def min1(*args):,funcwithstar,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def min2(first, *rest):",funcwithstar,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def min3(*args):,funcwithstar,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def minmax(test, *args):",funcwithstar,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def intersect(*args):,funcwithstar,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def union(*args):,funcwithstar,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a, *pargs):",funcwithstar,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mymap(func, *seqs):",funcwithstar,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mymap(func, *seqs):",funcwithstar,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mymap(func, *seqs):",funcwithstar,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mymap(func, *seqs):",funcwithstar,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def myzip(*seqs):,funcwithstar,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def myzip(*seqs):,funcwithstar,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def myzip(*seqs):,funcwithstar,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def myzip(*seqs):,funcwithstar,621
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def myzip(*args):,funcwithstar,621
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def myzip(*args):,funcwithstar,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def timer(func, *args):",funcwithstar,630
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f2(a, *b):",funcwithstar,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f6(a, b=2, *c):",funcwithstar,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def minmax(test, *args):",funcwithstar,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def minmax(test, *args):",funcwithstar,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def reload_all(*args):,funcwithstar,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def reload_all(*args):,funcwithstar,767
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def reload_all(*modules):,funcwithstar,768
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def meth(self, *args):",funcwithstar,934
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args):  # On later calls:",funcwithstar,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def oncall(*args):,funcwithstar,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def wrapper(*args):,funcwithstar,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args):",funcwithstar,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args):",funcwithstar,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def wrapper(*args):,funcwithstar,1276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args):",funcwithstar,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onCall(*args): # On instance creation:,funcwithstar,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args): # On later calls:",funcwithstar,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def tracer(func, *args):",funcwithstar,1284
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, *args):",funcwithstar,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def trace(*args):,funcwithstar,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def Private(*privates):,funcwithstar,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def trace(*args):,funcwithstar,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def Private(*attributes):,funcwithstar,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def Public(*attributes):,funcwithstar,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def rangetest(*argchecks):,funcwithstar,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onCall(*args):,funcwithstar,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def trace(*args):,funcwithstar,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def Private(*attributes):,funcwithstar,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def Public(*attributes):,funcwithstar,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def adder1(*args):,funcwithstar,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def adder2(*args):,funcwithstar,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def adder1(*args):,funcwithstar,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f2(a, *b):",funcwithstar,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def intersect(self, *others):",funcwithstar,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def union(*args):,funcwithstar,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Subclass(Superclass):,simpleclass,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class
  def computeSalary(self):",simpleclass,792
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Engineer(Employee):,simpleclass,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class
  def computeSalary(self):",simpleclass,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class FileReader(Reader):,simpleclass,794
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class SocketReader(Reader):,simpleclass,794
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class SecondClass(FirstClass):,simpleclass,802
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class SecondClass(FirstClass):,simpleclass,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class ThirdClass(SecondClass):,simpleclass,806
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,828
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,829
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,829
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,829
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,833
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class TopTest(AttrDisplay):,simpleclass,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class SubTest(TopTest):,simpleclass,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class TopTest(AttrDisplay):,simpleclass,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(AttrDisplay):,simpleclass,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(Person):,simpleclass,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Super):,simpleclass,864
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Super):,simpleclass,867
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Inheritor(Super):,simpleclass,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Replacer(Super):,simpleclass,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Extender(Super):,simpleclass,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Provider(Super):,simpleclass,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Super):,simpleclass,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Super):,simpleclass,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Super):,simpleclass,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Super):,simpleclass,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Super):,simpleclass,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class

 def selftest():",simpleclass,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(Emp):,simpleclass,881
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class PrivateExc(Exception):,simpleclass,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Test1(Privacy):,simpleclass,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Test2(Privacy):,simpleclass,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class addrepr(adder):,simpleclass,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class addstr(adder):,simpleclass,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class addboth(adder):,simpleclass,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Chef(Employee):,simpleclass,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Server(Employee):,simpleclass,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class PizzaRobot(Chef):,simpleclass,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Uppercase(Processor):,simpleclass,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub2(Tool):,simpleclass,947
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Spam(ListInstance):,simpleclass,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(C):,simpleclass,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class MyList(list):,simpleclass,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Set(list):,simpleclass,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class newstyle(object):,simpleclass,984
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,995
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(object):,simpleclass,995
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,996
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(object):,simpleclass,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(object):,simpleclass,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1002
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,1002
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1003
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,1003
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(X):,simpleclass,1003
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(Y):,simpleclass,1003
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(object):,simpleclass,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(object):,simpleclass,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class limiter(object):,simpleclass,1010
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(E):,simpleclass,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(ListTree):,simpleclass,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class properties(object):,simpleclass,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class properties(object):,simpleclass,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class properties(object):,simpleclass,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class AgeDesc(object):,simpleclass,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class descriptors(object):,simpleclass,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Spam):,simpleclass,1031
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Other(Spam):,simpleclass,1031
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Spam):,simpleclass,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Other(Spam):,simpleclass,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Spam):,simpleclass,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Other(Spam):,simpleclass,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Methods(object):,simpleclass,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class E(C):,simpleclass,1044
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1047
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(C):,simpleclass,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(X):,simpleclass,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(X):,simpleclass,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(A):,simpleclass,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Mixin(A):,simpleclass,1057
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Mixin(A):,simpleclass,1058
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1058
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Mixin(A):,simpleclass,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Mixin(A):,simpleclass,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Chef1(Employee):,simpleclass,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Server1(Employee):,simpleclass,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Chef2(Employee):,simpleclass,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Server2(Employee):,simpleclass,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Career(Exception):,simpleclass,1087
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class MyError(Exception):,simpleclass,1101
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class General(Exception):,simpleclass,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Specific1(General):,simpleclass,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Specific2(General):,simpleclass,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class General(Exception):,simpleclass,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Specific1(General):,simpleclass,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Specific2(General):,simpleclass,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Divzero(Exception):,simpleclass,1129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Oflow(Exception):,simpleclass,1129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Uflow(Exception):,simpleclass,1129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class NumErr(Exception):,simpleclass,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Divzero(NumErr):,simpleclass,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Oflow(NumErr):,simpleclass,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Uflow(NumErr):,simpleclass,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class E(Exception):,simpleclass,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class E(Exception):,simpleclass,1136
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class E(Exception):,simpleclass,1136
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class FormatError(Exception):,simpleclass,1137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class FormatError(Exception):,simpleclass,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class CustomFormatError(FormatError):,simpleclass,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Exitloop(Exception):,simpleclass,1145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Found(Exception):,simpleclass,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Failure(Exception):,simpleclass,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(Super):,simpleclass,1223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Person(Super):,simpleclass,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Catcher(object):,simpleclass,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class GetAttribute(object):,simpleclass,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Powers(object):,simpleclass,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class DescSquare(object):,simpleclass,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class DescCube(object):,simpleclass,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Powers(object):,simpleclass,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Powers(object):,simpleclass,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class GetAttribute(object):,simpleclass,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Manager(object):,simpleclass,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class CardHolder(object):,simpleclass,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class CardHolder(object):,simpleclass,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Name(object):,simpleclass,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Age(object):,simpleclass,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Acct(object):,simpleclass,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Remain(object):,simpleclass,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class CardHolder(object):,simpleclass,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Name(object):,simpleclass,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Age(object):,simpleclass,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Acct(object):,simpleclass,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Remain(object):,simpleclass,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class CardHolder(object):,simpleclass,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Descriptor(object):,simpleclass,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class tracer(object):,simpleclass,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class tracer(object):,simpleclass,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class tracer(object):,simpleclass,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class onInstance(BuiltinsMixin):,simpleclass,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class onInstance(BuiltinsMixin):,simpleclass,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class ProxyDesc(object):,simpleclass,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class onInstance(BuiltinsMixin):,simpleclass,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Client1(Extras):,simpleclass,1359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Client2(Extras):,simpleclass,1359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Client3(Extras):,simpleclass,1359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Extras(type):,simpleclass,1361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(object):,simpleclass,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Spam(Eggs):,simpleclass,1368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Spam(object):,simpleclass,1369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class SubMetaObj(SuperMetaObj):,simpleclass,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class SuperMeta(type):,simpleclass,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class SubMeta(SuperMeta):,simpleclass,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Sub(Super):,simpleclass,1380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(type):,simpleclass,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class M(type):,simpleclass,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class acquisition (instance):,simpleclass,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class M(type):,simpleclass,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class B(A):,simpleclass,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class M1(type):,simpleclass,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class D(type):,simpleclass,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C(D):,simpleclass,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(type):,simpleclass,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(type):,simpleclass,1389
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(type):,simpleclass,1390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A(type):,simpleclass,1390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class

 def eggsfunc(obj):",simpleclass,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class ListAdder(Adder):,simpleclass,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class DictAdder(Adder):,simpleclass,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class ListAdder(Adder):,simpleclass,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class DictAdder(Adder):,simpleclass,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class MyListSub(MyList):,simpleclass,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class MultiSet(Set):,simpleclass,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class
  def speak(self):",simpleclass,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Mammal(Animal):,simpleclass,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Cat(Mammal):,simpleclass,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Dog(Mammal):,simpleclass,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Primate(Mammal):,simpleclass,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Hacker(Primate):,simpleclass,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Customer(Actor):,simpleclass,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Clerk(Actor):,simpleclass,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class Parrot(Actor):,simpleclass,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class MyError(Exception):,simpleclass,1498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class MySubGui(MyGui):,simpleclass,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise EndSearch(location),raise,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError('extra keywords: %s' % kargs),raise,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise NotImplementedError('action must be defined!'),raise,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise AttributeError(attrname),raise,910
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise AttributeError(attr + ' not allowed'),raise,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","raise
  print(bob); print()",raise,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise AttributeError(name),raise,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise AttributeError(name),raise,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise Career(),raise,1087
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise MyError(),raise,1101
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","raise
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise Exc(),raise,1107
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise IndexError  # Class (instance created),raise,1107
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise IndexError()  # Instance (created in statement),raise,1107
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise statement raises (triggers),raise,1120
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise General(),raise,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise Specific1(),raise,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise Specific2(),raise,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise DivZero(),raise,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise IndexError # Same as IndexError(),raise,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise IndexError('spam'),raise,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise E('spam'),raise,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise MyBad(),raise,1136
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise E('spam'),raise,1136
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise E('spam'),raise,1136
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","raise FormatError(42, file='spam.txt')",raise,1137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","raise FormatError(40, 'spam.txt')",raise,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise CustomFormatError(...),raise,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise Found(),raise,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise Failure(),raise,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise AttributeError(attr),raise,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise AttributeError(attr),raise,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise AttributeError(attr),raise,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError('unknown attr:' + name),raise,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError('invald acct number'),raise,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError('cannot set remain'),raise,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError('invald acct number'),raise,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError('cannot set remain'),raise,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise AttributeError(name),raise,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise ValueError('invalid age'),raise,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError(errmsg),raise,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError(errmsg),raise,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError(errmsg),raise,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError(errmsg),raise,1342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise TypeError(errmsg),raise,1343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","raise TypeError(errfmt % (func.__name__, argname, criteria))",raise,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise E(V),raise,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise IndexError(),raise,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise MyError('Spam!'),raise,1498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",raise MyError('Spam!'),raise,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","assert X > Y, 'X too small'",assert,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","assert False, 'action must be defined!' # If this version is called

 >>> X = Super()",assert,869
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","assert x < 0, 'x must be negative'",assert,1113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","assert x < 0, 'x must be negative'",assert,1113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",assert x != 0 # A generally useless assert!,assert,1113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","assert percent >= 0.0 and percent <= 1.0, 'percent invalid'",assert,1330
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func1():
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func2():
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func1():
  ...  # Alternative to pass",pass,390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","when the nested functions are later called, they all effectively remember the same value:
 the value the loop variable had on the last loop iteration. That is, when we pass",pass,506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",">>> def indirect(func, arg):
  func(arg) # Call the pass",pass,562
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",">>> def saver(x=None):
  if x is None:  # No argument pass",pass,659
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","argument to the screen and call it interactively, passing a variety of object types:
 string, integer, list, dictionary. Then, try calling it without pass",pass,663
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","method(self, ...):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","method(self, ...):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","action(self):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",">>> class Truth:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def ham(self):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","passed in to the tester is a mix-in class instead of a function, but the principle is similar:
 everything qualifies as a pass",pass,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def ham(self):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class C:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Methods:
  def imeth(self, x): # Normal instance method: pass",pass,1029
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Spam:
  numInstances = 0  # Trace class pass",pass,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def act(self):
  C.act(self)  # Name superclass explicitly, pass",pass,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f. How would you go about emulating other list operations in the set class? (Hint:
 __add__ can catch concatenation, and __getattr__ can pass",pass,1074
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def onCall(*args): # Multilevel state retention:
  ...  # args pass",pass,1298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if argname in kargs:
  # Was pass",pass,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","elif argname in positionals:
  # Was pass",pass,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","else:
  # Assume not pass",pass,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","of these tools in decorated functions:
 >>> def func(*kargs, **pargs): pass",pass,1339
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for check in argchecks:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for check in argchecks:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","else:
  # Assume not pass",pass,1343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Eggs:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Eggs:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Eggs:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Eggs:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class Eggs:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",">>> class C(D):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",">>> class C(metaclass=D):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","except:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (a, b, c) in [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]:",fortuplename,343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (a, *b, c) in [(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)]:",fortuplename,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (a, b, c) in [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]:",fortuplename,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (a, b) in T:",fortuplename,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (key, value) in D.items():",fortuplename,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (a, b, c) in [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]:",fortuplename,398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (a, *b, c) in [(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)]:",fortuplename,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (x, y) in zip(L1, L2):",fortuplename,408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (k, v) in zip(keys, vals):",fortuplename,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (offset, item) in enumerate(S):",fortuplename,411
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (i, l) in enumerate(open('test.txt')):",fortuplename,411
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (i, line) in enumerate(os.popen('systeminfo')):",fortuplename,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (k, v) in D.items():",fortuplename,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (func, arg) in schedule:",fortuplename,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (row1, row2) in zip(M, N):",fortuplename,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (col1, col2) in zip(row1, row2):",fortuplename,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (root, subs, files) in os.walk('.'):",fortuplename,607
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (number, repeat, stmt) in stmts:",fortuplename,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (ispy3, python) in pythons:",fortuplename,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (number, repeat, setup, stmt) in stmts:",fortuplename,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (ispy3, python) in pythons:",fortuplename,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (key, value) in table.items():",fortuplename,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (linenum, (line1, line2)) in enumerate(zip(f1, f2)):",fortuplename,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (i, c) in enumerate(t):",fortuplename,1214
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (ix, low, high) in argchecks:",fortuplename,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (argname, (low, high)) in argchecks.items():",fortuplename,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (argname, type) in argchecks.items():",fortuplename,1342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (argname, criteria) in argchecks.items():",fortuplename,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (thisDir, subsHere, filesHere) in os.walk(dirname):",fortuplename,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (thisDir, subsHere, filesHere) in os.walk(srcdir):",fortuplename,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for (ix, num) in enumerate(nums):",fortuplename,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:",forwithlist,120
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in [1, 2, 3]:",forwithlist,242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for all in [(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)]:",forwithlist,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in [""spam"", ""eggs"", ""ham""]:",forwithlist,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]:",forwithlist,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for item in [1, 2, 3, 4]:",forwithlist,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for all in [(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)]:",forwithlist,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for val in [line.split()[6] for line in open('input.txt')]:,forwithlist,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]:",forwithlist,416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in [0, 1, 2]:",forwithlist,584
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for y in [100, 200, 300]:",forwithlist,585
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in [n ** 2 for n in range(5)]:,forwithlist,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in (1, 2, 3, 4):",forwithtuple,416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for num in (x ** 2 for x in range(4)):,forwithtuple,598
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in (x ** 2 for x in range(N)):,forwithtuple,605
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for test in (forLoop, listComp, mapCall, genExpr, genFunc):",forwithtuple,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for test in (forLoop, listComp, mapCall, genExpr, genFunc):",forwithtuple,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for obj in (bob, sue, tom):",forwithtuple,832
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for obj in (bob, sue, tom):",forwithtuple,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for klass in (Inheritor, Replacer, Extender):",forwithtuple,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in (x ** 2 for x in range(1, 6)):",forwithtuple,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for klass in (Commuter1, Commuter2, Commuter3, Commuter4, Commuter5):",forwithtuple,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for a in (x for x in dir(I) if not x.startswith('__')):,forwithtuple,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for func in (raiser0, raiser1, raiser2):",forwithtuple,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for func in (raiser0, raiser1, raiser2):",forwithtuple,1127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in (x for x in dir(I) if not x.startswith('__')):,forwithtuple,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for func in (listcomp, mapcall):",forwithtuple,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for func in (listcomp, mapcall):",forwithtuple,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for func in (adder1, adder2):",forwithtuple,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for test in (mathMod, powCall, powExpr):",forwithtuple,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for test in (fact0, fact1, fact2, fact3, fact4):",forwithtuple,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","diag = [M[i][i] for i in [0, 1, 2]]",nestedList,112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","squares = [x ** 2 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]",nestedList,120
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['Bob', 40.0, ['dev', 'mgr']]",nestedList,240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]",nestedList,243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['Bob', 40.5, ['dev', 'mgr']]",nestedList,263
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['abc', [(1, 2), ([3], 4)], 5]",nestedList,297
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['a', X[:], 'b']",nestedList,300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = ['X', L[:], 'Y']",nestedList,309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Y = [L] * 4  # [L] + [L] + ... = [L, L,...]",nestedList,309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 0, 2, 0, 'spam', '', 'ham', []]",nestedList,385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, [2, [3, 4], 5], 6, [7, 8]]",nestedList,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]",nestedList,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"", ""i=0\nwhile i < len(L):\n\tL[i] += 1\n\ti += 1"")]",nestedList,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in range(len(L)):
  for j in range(len(L[i])):",fornested,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in S:
  for y in S:",fornested,899
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in S[::2]:
  for y in S[::2]:",fornested,901
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in S:
  for y in S:",fornested,901
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for attr in dir(instance):
  for obj in inherits:",fornested,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for attr in dir(instance):
  for obj in inherits:",fornested,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for node1 in xmltree.getElementsByTagName('title'):
  for node2 in node1.childNodes:",fornested,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for node in xmltree.getElementsByTagName('title'):
  for node2 in node.childNodes:",fornested,1213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'food': 'Spam', 'quantity': 4, 'color': 'pink'}",simpleDict,114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec = {'name': {'first': 'Bob', 'last': 'Smith'}",simpleDict,115
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}",simpleDict,116
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}",simpleDict,118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","values = {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 40}",simpleDict,221
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","My {map[kind]} runs {sys.platform}'.format(sys=sys, map={'kind': 'laptop'}",simpleDict,224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0:10} = {1:10},simpleDict,225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0:>10} = {1:<10},simpleDict,225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",10} = {:10},simpleDict,226
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",10} = {:<10},simpleDict,226
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",num:d} = {title:s},simpleDict,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 40}",simpleDict,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'spam': 2, 'ham': 1, 'eggs': 3}",simpleDict,253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'spam': 2, 'ham': 1, 'eggs': 3}",simpleDict,255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D2 = {'toast':4, 'muffin':5}",simpleDict,255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}",simpleDict,268
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}",simpleDict,268
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D = {'a': 1},simpleDict,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}",simpleDict,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}",simpleDict,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}",simpleDict,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'x':X, 'y':2}",simpleDict,298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a':1, 'b':2}",simpleDict,299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D1 = {'a':1, 'b':2}",simpleDict,303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D2 = {'a':1, 'b':3}",simpleDict,303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D1 = {'a':1, 'b':2}",simpleDict,303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D2 = {'a':1, 'b':3}",simpleDict,303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}",simpleDict,313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}",simpleDict,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D1 = {'spam':1, 'eggs':3, 'toast':5}",simpleDict,409
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}",simpleDict,422
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","args = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}",simpleDict,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",l=1; m=[1]; n={'a':0},simpleDict,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}",simpleDict,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}",simpleDict,1469
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}",simpleDict,1471
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","me = {'name':('John', 'Q', 'Doe'), 'age':'?', 'job':'engineer'}",simpleDict,1472
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4, 'e':5, 'f':6, 'g':7}",simpleDict,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","d = {1: 1, 2: 2}",simpleDict,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = {1: 1},simpleDict,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = {2: 2},simpleDict,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec1 = {'name': {'first': 'Bob', 'last': 'Smith'}",simpleDict,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec2 = {'name': {'first': 'Sue', 'last': 'Jones'}",simpleDict,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","been presented here. For instance, the exec(open('').read())",openfunc,72
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",exec(open('').read()),openfunc,72
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",exec(open('').read()),openfunc,72
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",exec(open('').read()),openfunc,73
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",these are equivalent to the exec(open('').read()),openfunc,73
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('eggs.txt'), open(r'C:\ham.bin', 'wb')",openfunc,96
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f = open('data.txt', 'w') # Make a new file in output mode ('w' is write)",openfunc,122
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = open('data.txt')  # 'r' (read),openfunc,123
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open('data.txt'): print(line),openfunc,123
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open('data.bin', 'wb')",openfunc,124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","data = open('data.bin', 'rb').read()",openfunc,124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open('unidata.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')",openfunc,124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","text = open('unidata.txt', encoding='utf-8').read()",openfunc,125
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","raw = open('unidata.txt', 'rb').read()",openfunc,125
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","'unidata.txt', encoding='utf8').read()",openfunc,126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","myfile = open('C:\new\text.dat', 'w')",openfunc,196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","myfile = open(r'C:\new\text.dat', 'w')",openfunc,197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","myfile = open('C:\\new\\text.dat', 'w')",openfunc,197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file =""filename"")",openfunc,271
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","output = open(r'C:\spam', 'w')",openfunc,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","input = open('data', 'r')",openfunc,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",input = open('data'),openfunc,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open('data'),openfunc,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","'f.txt', encoding='utf8')",openfunc,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","afile = open(filename, mode)",openfunc,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","myfile = open('myfile.txt', 'w')",openfunc,285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myfile = open('myfile.txt'),openfunc,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('myfile.txt').read()),openfunc,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open('myfile.txt'),openfunc,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","data = open('data.bin', 'rb').read()",openfunc,287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = open('datafile.txt', 'w')",openfunc,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",chars = open('datafile.txt').read(),openfunc,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = open('datafile.txt'),openfunc,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = open('datafile.pkl', 'wb')",openfunc,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = open('datafile.pkl', 'rb')",openfunc,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","json.dump(rec, fp=open('testjson.txt', 'w'), indent=4)",openfunc,292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('testjson.txt').read()),openfunc,292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",P = json.load(open('testjson.txt')),openfunc,292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rdr = csv.reader(open('csvdata.txt')),openfunc,292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = open('data.bin', 'wb')",openfunc,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = open('data.bin', 'rb')",openfunc,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myfile = open(r'C:\code\data.txt'),openfunc,294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, sep='...', file=open('data.txt', 'w'))",openfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('data.txt').read()),openfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sys.stdout = open('log.txt', 'a')",openfunc,364
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sys.stdout = open('log.txt', 'a')",openfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('log.txt').read()),openfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","log = open('log.txt', 'a')",openfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","log = open('log.txt', 'a')",openfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","log = open('log.txt', 'w')",openfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('log.txt').read()),openfunc,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, Y, file=open('temp1', 'w'))",openfunc,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(open('temp1', 'rb').read())",openfunc,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(open('temp2', 'rb').read())",openfunc,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open('test.txt', 'r')",openfunc,400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file = open('test.txt'),openfunc,401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open('test.txt').readlines(),openfunc,401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open('test.txt'),openfunc,401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in reversed(open('test.txt').readlines()),openfunc,401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = os.popen('dir'),openfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = os.popen('dir'),openfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",os.popen('dir').readlines(),openfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",os.popen('dir').read(),openfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in os.popen('dir'),openfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in os.popen('systeminfo'): print(line.rstrip()),openfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in os.popen('systeminfo'),openfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open('input.txt'),openfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [line.rstrip().split()[col-1] for line in open(file),openfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in urlopen(''),openfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('').read()),openfunc,416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = open(''),openfunc,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = open(''),openfunc,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open(''),openfunc,418
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open('').readlines(),openfunc,418
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = open(''),openfunc,419
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = open(''),openfunc,419
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = open(''),openfunc,421
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",P = os.popen('dir'),openfunc,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",P = os.popen('dir'),openfunc,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = open(''),openfunc,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line.upper() for line in open(''),openfunc,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line.rstrip().upper() for line in open(''),openfunc,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line.split() for line in open(''),openfunc,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","line.replace(' ', '!') for line in open('')",openfunc,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sys' in line, line[:5]) for line in open('')",openfunc,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open(''),openfunc,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line.rstrip() for line in open('') if line.rstrip()[-1].isdigit(),openfunc,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",len(open(fname).readlines()),openfunc,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",len([line for line in open(fname) if line.strip() != '']),openfunc,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open(''),openfunc,429
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list(map(str.upper, open('')))",openfunc,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sorted(open('')),openfunc,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list(zip(open(''), open('')))",openfunc,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(enumerate(open(''))),openfunc,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list(filter(bool, open('')))",openfunc,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","functools.reduce(operator.add, open(''))",openfunc,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(open('')),openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tuple(open('')),openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",join(open('')),openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c, d = open('')",openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, *b = open('')",openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 2\n' in open(''),openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2\n' in open(''),openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[1:3] = open(''),openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L.extend(open('')),openfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L.append(open('')),openfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",set(open('')),openfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line for line in open(''),openfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ix: line for ix, line in enumerate(open(''))",openfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line for line in open(''),openfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ix: line for (ix, line) in enumerate(open(''))",openfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",list(line.upper() for line in open('')),openfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",max(open('')),openfunc,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",min(open('')),openfunc,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f(*open('')),openfunc,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def makeopen(id),openfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = open(''),openfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",makeopen('spam'),openfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = open(''),openfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",makeopen('eggs'),openfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = open(''),openfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func(*open('fname')),openfunc,536
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",mysum(open(name))),openfunc,557
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line.rstrip() for line in open('myfile').readlines(),openfunc,590
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line.rstrip() for line in open('myfile'),openfunc,590
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list(map((lambda line: line.rstrip()), open('myfile')))",openfunc,590
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open('temp.txt'),openfunc,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x + y for (x, y) in zip(open(''), open(''))",openfunc,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('\t' + os.popen(cmd).read().rstrip()),openfunc,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""f=open('C:/Python33/Lib/')\nfor line in f: x=line\nf.close()"")",openfunc,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c:\code> py −3 -m timeit -n 1000 -r 5 ""f=open('C:/Python33/Lib/')",openfunc,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stmt=""f=open('C:/Python33/Lib/')\nfor line in f: x=line\nf.close()""))",openfunc,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res1 = os.popen(' tkinter').read(),openfunc,770
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res2 = os.popen(' tkinter').read(),openfunc,770
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res3 = os.popen(' tkinter').read(),openfunc,770
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db ='persondb'),openfunc,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","built-in open function, the filename in",openfunc,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('persondb.dir').read()),openfunc,850
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(open('persondb.dat','rb').read())",openfunc,850
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db ='persondb'),openfunc,850
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db ='persondb'),openfunc,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db ='persondb'),openfunc,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","obj = Uppercase(open('trispam.txt'), sys.stdout)",openfunc,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","prog = converters.Uppercase(open('trispam.txt'), open('trispamup.txt', 'w'))",openfunc,940
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Uppercase(open('trispam.txt'), HTMLize()).process()",openfunc,940
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file  = open(filename, 'wb')",openfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file  = open(filename, 'rb')",openfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",dbase =,openfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",dbase =,openfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","obj = pickle.load(open('shopfile.pkl', 'rb'))",openfunc,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",len(open('savetree.txt').readlines()),openfunc,973
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open('data', 'w')  # Open an output file (this can fail too)",openfunc,1101
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myfile = open(r'C:\misc\data'),openfunc,1115
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for pair in zip(open(''), open(''))",openfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('').read()),openfunc,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fin = open(''),openfunc,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","fout = open('', 'w')",openfunc,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fin = open(''),openfunc,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","fout = open('', 'w')",openfunc,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","log = open(self.logfile, 'a')",openfunc,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","myfile = open(r'C:\code\textdata', 'w')",openfunc,1148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","myfile = open(filename, 'w')",openfunc,1148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open('temp', 'w')",openfunc,1196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open('temp') # Default mode is ""r"" (== ""rt"")",openfunc,1196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = open('latindata', 'rb').read()",openfunc,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = open('utf8data', 'rb').read()",openfunc,1201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open(r'C:\Python33\python.exe', 'r')",openfunc,1201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open(r'C:\Python33\python.exe', 'rb')",openfunc,1201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","'latindata', 'w', encoding='latin-1').write(S)",openfunc,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","'utfdata', 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(S)",openfunc,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","'latindata', 'r', encoding='latin-1').read()",openfunc,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","'utfdata', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()",openfunc,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print'utfdata', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()",openfunc,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f = open('xxx\u00A5', 'w')",openfunc,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open('xxx\u00A5').read()),openfunc,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(open(b'xxx\xA5').read()),openfunc,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = open('data.bin', 'wb')",openfunc,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = open('data.bin', 'rb')",openfunc,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",text = open('mybooks.xml').read(),openfunc,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f = open('py33-windows-launcher.html', encoding='utf8')",openfunc,1214
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f = open('py33-windows-launcher.html', 'rb')",openfunc,1214
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", in 2.X),openfunc,1217
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",coding name to open in 3.X ( in 2.X),openfunc,1217
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",,openfunc,1217
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open(saveto, 'w')",openfunc,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open(htmlto, 'w')",openfunc,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('\n' * 2, open(saveto).read())",openfunc,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",", new=False)",openfunc,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",exec open(filename),openfunc,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = open('myfile.txt', 'w')",openfunc,1472
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file.write('Hello file world!\n') # Or: open().write(),openfunc,1472
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file = open('myfile.txt'),openfunc,1472
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(  # Or print(open().read()),openfunc,1473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file = open(name),openfunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return len(open(name).read()),openfunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open(name),openfunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open(name): tot += len(line),openfunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countlines(name): return sum(+1 for line in open(name)),openfunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countchars(name): return sum(len(line) for line in open(name)),openfunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file = open(name),openfunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file = open(name),openfunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return len(open(name).read()),openfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open(filename),openfunc,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in open(filename),openfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",output = os.popen(commandline).read(),openfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",priorresult = open(result).read(),openfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db ='dbfile'),openfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db ='dbfile'),openfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","localfile = open(filename, 'wb')",openfunc,1506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",,openfunc,1506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f.write('Hello\n'),write,122
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f.write('world\n'),write,122
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file.write(packed),write,124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file.write(S),write,125
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",output.write(aString),write,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myfile.write('hello text file\n'),write,285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myfile.write('goodbye text file\n'),write,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F.write(S + '\n'),write,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % (X, Y, Z))",write,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F.write(str(L) + '$' + str(D) + '\n'),write,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F.write(data),write,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","log.write(""spam, ham"")",write,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file.write(str)),write,358
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object with a file-like write(string),write,359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sys.stdout.write('hello world\n'),write,363
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sys.stdout.write(str(X) + ' ' + str(Y) + '\n'),write,364
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sys.stderr.write(('Bad!' * 8) + '\n'),write,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sys.stdout.write(str(X) + ' ' + str(Y) + '\n'),write,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp2', 'w').write(str(X) + ' ' + str(Y) + '\n')",write,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def write(self, string)",write,369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file.write(output + end),write,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file.write(output + end),write,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file.write(output + end),write,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",say sys.stdout.write(str(X)+'\n'),write,571
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",showall = lambda x: [sys.stdout.write(line),write,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",command=(lambda:sys.stdout.write('Spam\n'))) # 3.X: print(),write,573
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",writer.write(data),write,794
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",writer.write(data),write,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.writer.write(data),write,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def write(self, line)",write,940
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('savetree.txt', 'w').write(str(B))",write,973
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",file.write('The larch!\n'),write,1088
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fout.write(line),write,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fout.write(line.upper()),write,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fout.write(line.upper()),write,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",size = file.write('abc\n'),write,1196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'w').write('abd\n')",write,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'wb').write('abc\n')",write,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'w').write('abc\n')",write,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'wb').write(b'abc\n')",write,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'wb').write(b'a\x00c')",write,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'wb').write(BA)",write,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'w').write('abc\n')",write,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'w').write(b'abc\n')",write,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'wb').write(b'abc\n')",write,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'wb').write('abc\n')",write,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'w').write(b'\xFF\xFE\xFD')",write,1199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'w').write('\xFF\xFE\xFD')",write,1199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'wb').write(b'\xFF\xFE\xFD')",write,1199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('latindata', 'w', encoding='latin-1').write(S)",write,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('utf8data', 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(S)",write,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8').write('spam\nSPAM\n')",write,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig').write('spam\nSPAM\n')",write,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'w').write('spam\nSPAM\n')",write,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-16').write('spam\nSPAM\n')",write,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-16-be').write('\ufeffspam\nSPAM\n')",write,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-16-le').write('SPAM')",write,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f.write('\xA5999\n'),write,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F.write(data),write,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",output.writelines(aList),writelines,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",text =,read,123
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('unidata.txt', 'rb').read()",read,126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",open('unidata.txt').read(),read,126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aString =,read,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aString =,read,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",open('myfile.txt').read(),read,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('datafile.pkl', 'rb').read()",read,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data =,read,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,read,400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",,read,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",open('').read(),read,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",,read,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",,read,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",,read,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data =,read,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def read(self),read,794
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def read(self),read,794
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def read(self),read,794
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",text =,read,1196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'r').read()",read,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'rb').read()",read,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'r').read()",read,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'rb').read()",read,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'r').read()",read,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'rb').read()",read,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'r').read()",read,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'rb').read()",read,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'r').read()",read,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'rb').read()",read,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'r').read()",read,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'rb').read()",read,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'rb').read()",read,1199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'r').read()",read,1199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('latindata', 'rb').read()",read,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('utf8data', 'rb').read()",read,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('latindata', 'r', encoding='latin-1').read()",read,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('utf8data', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()",read,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",text =,read,1201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data =,read,1201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'rb').read()  # ASCII (UTF-8)",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'r').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'rb').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'r').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'rb').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'r').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-16').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-16-be').read()",read,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'rb').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'rb').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'rb').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'rb').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-16').read()",read,1203
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('spam.txt', 'rb').read()",read,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-16').read()",read,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-16-be').read()",read,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'rb').read()",read,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-16-le').read()",read,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-16').read()",read,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('latindata', 'rb').read()",read,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('utfdata', 'rb').read()",read,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data =,read,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'r').read()",read,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open('temp', 'rb').read()",read,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",open('temp').read(),read,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",t =,read,1214
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b =,read,1214
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name).read()),read,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name).read()),read,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return len(,read,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aString = input.readline(),readline,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myfile.readline(),readline,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myfile.readline(),readline,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myfile.readline(),readline,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",open(r'C:\Python33\Lib\').readline(),readline,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",open('C:/Python33/Lib/').readline(),readline,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",open('C:\\Python33\\Lib\\').readline(),readline,287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line = F.readline(),readline,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line = F.readline(),readline,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line = F.readline(),readline,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F.readline(),readline,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f.readline(),readline,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f.readline(),readline,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f.readline(),readline,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f.readline(),readline,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f.readline(),readline,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,5
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,23
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,24
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import basics,importfunc,31
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,34
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import your,importfunc,51
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import os,importfunc,51
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,52
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,55
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,55
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import into,importfunc,55
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import spam,importfunc,59
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,60
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,63
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,64
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operations,importfunc,66
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import tools,importfunc,67
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operations,importfunc,67
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import script1,importfunc,67
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import script1,importfunc,67
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import script1,importfunc,67
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import reported,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import does,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import is,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import imp,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import is,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,69
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import myfile,importfunc,69
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,69
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,69
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,70
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import get,importfunc,70
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import threenames,importfunc,70
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,71
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,71
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,71
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,72
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,72
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,73
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,73
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,78
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,78
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import commands,importfunc,79
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,79
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import modules,importfunc,79
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,84
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,86
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import other,importfunc,87
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,87
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,98
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,98
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import random,importfunc,98
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,108
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import struct,importfunc,124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import codecs,importfunc,126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import decimal,importfunc,127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,149
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,149
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,155
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,156
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import random,importfunc,156
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import decimal,importfunc,159
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import decimal,importfunc,159
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import decimal,importfunc,161
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import copy,importfunc,183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import os,importfunc,199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,216
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,216
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,216
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import cgi,importfunc,271
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import json,importfunc,291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import csv,importfunc,292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import struct,importfunc,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import struct,importfunc,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import copy,importfunc,300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import types,importfunc,306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,354
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,358
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,363
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,364
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,364
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import another,importfunc,367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import os,importfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import used,importfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import os,importfunc,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,444
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,444
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import docstrings,importfunc,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,448
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,448
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,449
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,449
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import docstrings,importfunc,451
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,453
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,458
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,458
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,458
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import on,importfunc,461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import builtins,importfunc,491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import builtins,importfunc,491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import builtins,importfunc,492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import but,importfunc,493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import on,importfunc,493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import buil,importfunc,493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import in,importfunc,493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import first,importfunc,497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import one,importfunc,497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import chain,importfunc,497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import first,importfunc,498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import thismod,importfunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import thismod,importfunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import builtins,importfunc,517
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import builtins,importfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,547
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,547
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import print_function,importfunc,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import chains,importfunc,561
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,573
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,600
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import os,importfunc,607
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,615
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import random,importfunc,616
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import time,importfunc,630
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,632
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timer,importfunc,632
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timeit,importfunc,643
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timeit,importfunc,643
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timeit,importfunc,643
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timeit,importfunc,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timeit,importfunc,647
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,647
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timeit,importfunc,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import __main__,importfunc,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,665
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import other,importfunc,669
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import

"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import that,importfunc,670
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import modules,importfunc,671
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import b,importfunc,671
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import b,importfunc,672
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,672
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,672
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import is,importfunc,672
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import literally,importfunc,672
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import tools,importfunc,673
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import b,importfunc,673
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,673
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import are,importfunc,673
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operation,importfunc,674
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operation,importfunc,674
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,674
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,674
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,675
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operation,importfunc,675
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operation,importfunc,675
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import time,importfunc,676
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import step,importfunc,676
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operations,importfunc,676
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import steps,importfunc,676
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,676
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import script0,importfunc,677
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import script0,importfunc,677
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import script0,importfunc,678
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import procedure,importfunc,678
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,678
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,679
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import across,importfunc,680
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,680
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,681
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,682
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,682
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,682
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,683
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import b,importfunc,683
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import b,importfunc,683
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operation,importfunc,683
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,684
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import by,importfunc,684
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,685
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operation,importfunc,685
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,685
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,685
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,686
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,686
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,687
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import any,importfunc,688
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,688
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import fetches,importfunc,688
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import Statement,importfunc,689
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import module1,importfunc,689
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,689
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,689
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,690
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operations,importfunc,690
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import simple,importfunc,690
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import simple,importfunc,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import assigns,importfunc,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import small,importfunc,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import small,importfunc,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import module,importfunc,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,693
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import variables,importfunc,693
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,693
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,693
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import per,importfunc,693
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import is,importfunc,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import will,importfunc,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import allows,importfunc,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,695
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import is,importfunc,696
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import module2,importfunc,696
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,696
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import moda,importfunc,698
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operations,importfunc,698
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mod3,importfunc,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mod2,importfunc,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import is,importfunc,700
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,700
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,700
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,701
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,701
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import was,importfunc,701
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,701
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,701
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import module,importfunc,701
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,701
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import qualify,importfunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import changer,importfunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import changer,importfunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,703
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,703
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import model,importfunc,704
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,704
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,704
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,704
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import story,importfunc,707
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import can,importfunc,707
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import turns,importfunc,707
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,708
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import path,importfunc,708
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,708
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,708
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,709
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,709
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,709
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,709
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,712
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,712
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import as,importfunc,713
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,714
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import utilities,importfunc,714
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import that,importfunc,714
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import utilities,importfunc,714
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import utilities,importfunc,714
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import across,importfunc,715
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import utilities,importfunc,715
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,715
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import either,importfunc,716
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import both,importfunc,716
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,716
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,716
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,716
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import utilities,importfunc,716
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,717
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,717
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,717
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,717
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operations,importfunc,718
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,718
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,718
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,718
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import name,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import will,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import without,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import change,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import modname,importfunc,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import forms,importfunc,720
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,720
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,720
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,720
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import was,importfunc,720
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import spam,importfunc,720
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import without,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import name1,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import is,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import starting,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import spam,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import E,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import X,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import X,importfunc,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import dot,importfunc,722
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,722
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,722
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,722
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,723
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,723
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,723
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,724
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,724
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import

"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,724
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import eggs,importfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import searches,importfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import in,importfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import in,importfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import in,importfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import in,importfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import name,importfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import name,importfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import resolution,importfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import protocol,importfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import dot,importfunc,729
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,729
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,729
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mod,importfunc,729
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import spam,importfunc,730
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import eggs,importfunc,730
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,730
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import spam,importfunc,730
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import

"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import

"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,731
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import spam,importfunc,731
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import m1,importfunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import m1,importfunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,733
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import m1,importfunc,733
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mod,importfunc,734
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import algorithm,importfunc,735
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operation,importfunc,735
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sub,importfunc,737
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import through,importfunc,738
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,738
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,738
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sub,importfunc,739
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,739
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import ns2,importfunc,740
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import ns2,importfunc,740
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import ns2,importfunc,740
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,741
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import ns2,importfunc,741
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import algorithm,importfunc,741
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import algorithm,importfunc,741
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sub,importfunc,741
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import path,importfunc,741
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sub,importfunc,741
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,742
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,742
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import model,importfunc,742
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,742
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import through,importfunc,742
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import through,importfunc,742
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,743
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,743
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,743
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import searches,importfunc,743
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,746
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import unders,importfunc,747
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import alls,importfunc,748
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,748
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,748
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,748
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import even,importfunc,749
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,749
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,749
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import runme,importfunc,749
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,751
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import minmax2,importfunc,751
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import enables,importfunc,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import formats,importfunc,756
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,757
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,757
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import string,importfunc,757
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import modulename,importfunc,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import reallylongmodulename,importfunc,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import feature,importfunc,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,759
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mydir,importfunc,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mydir,importfunc,761
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import tkinter,importfunc,761
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,761
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,761
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import x,importfunc,762
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,762
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,762
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,762
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import by,importfunc,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operations,importfunc,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import B,importfunc,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import B,importfunc,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import C,importfunc,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import types,importfunc,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,765
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import its,importfunc,765
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import itself,importfunc,765
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import b,importfunc,766
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import c,importfunc,766
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import a,importfunc,766
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import types,importfunc,767
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import types,importfunc,768
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import tkinter,importfunc,769
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import os,importfunc,770
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operation,importfunc,770
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,770
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import one,importfunc,771
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import directory,importfunc,771
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statements,importfunc,771
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import its,importfunc,772
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,773
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import nested1,importfunc,773
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,773
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import its,importfunc,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import module,importfunc,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import reload,importfunc,775
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import each,importfunc,775
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import to,importfunc,775
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import is,importfunc,775
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import in,importfunc,775
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import recur2,importfunc,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import recur1,importfunc,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import recur2,importfunc,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import name,importfunc,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import cycles,importfunc,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,777
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import

"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,777
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,777
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,777
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,777
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import and,importfunc,778
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,779
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,779
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,779
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import recur2,importfunc,779
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import modulename,importfunc,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import person,importfunc,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import person,importfunc,805
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import modules,importfunc,819
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import person,importfunc,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,822
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,825
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import person,importfunc,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import shelve,importfunc,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import glob,importfunc,850
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import shelve,importfunc,850
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import our,importfunc,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import our,importfunc,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import shelve,importfunc,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import shelve,importfunc,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import before,importfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import manynames,importfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import these,importfunc,881
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import classtree,importfunc,881
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import docstr,importfunc,882
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import converters,importfunc,940
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import shelve,importfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import shelve,importfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import testmixin,importfunc,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import listinstance,importfunc,963
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import testmixin,importfunc,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import testmixin,importfunc,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import lister,importfunc,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pprint,importfunc,1004
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import spam,importfunc,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import parrot,importfunc,1076
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import asserter,importfunc,1113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,1114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import decimal,importfunc,1116
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mathlib,importfunc,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import exceptions,importfunc,1132
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,1158
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import of,importfunc,1158
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,1159
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import hooks,importfunc,1159
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1178
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1202
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import codecs,importfunc,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import glob,importfunc,1205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import struct,importfunc,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import struct,importfunc,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,1209
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pickle,importfunc,1211
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import with,importfunc,1272
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timer,importfunc,1297
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import timeit,importfunc,1297
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import time,importfunc,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import time,importfunc,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import time,importfunc,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,1409
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import cgi,importfunc,1414
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import html,importfunc,1414
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import them,importfunc,1428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,1428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import each,importfunc,1428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import these,importfunc,1429
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import spam,importfunc,1430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,1431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,1431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import operations,importfunc,1433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pdb,importfunc,1433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import pdb,importfunc,1435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1441
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1442
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1445
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,1460
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import syntax,importfunc,1463
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import module1,importfunc,1465
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import the,importfunc,1465
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import math,importfunc,1480
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import it,importfunc,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mymod,importfunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import mymod2,importfunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import myclient,importfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import instead,importfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import myclient,importfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import all,importfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import then,importfunc,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import in,importfunc,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import from,importfunc,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import or,importfunc,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import could,importfunc,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import oops2,importfunc,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import search,importfunc,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys,importfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import os,importfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import random,importfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import random,importfunc,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import cgi,importfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import shelve,importfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import shelve,importfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import statement,importfunc,1518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import this,importfunc,1520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,67
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from myfile import title,importfromsimple,69
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from accidentally replacing each other.

 import versus",importfromsimple,71
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from the interactive prompt without having to
 import and",importfromsimple,72
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from fractions import Fraction,importfromsimple,127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import division,importfromsimple,148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from decimal import Decimal,importfromsimple,158
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from fractions import Fraction,importfromsimple,160
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from fractions import Fraction,importfromsimple,161
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from decimal import Decimal,importfromsimple,161
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from Python’s
 import this",importfromsimple,217
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from collections import namedtuple,importfromsimple,281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from sys import stdin,importfromsimple,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import with_statement,importfromsimple,322
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from urllib.request import urlopen,importfromsimple,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from makeopen import makeopen,importfromsimple,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,547
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from print3 import print3,importfromsimple,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from functools import reduce,importfromsimple,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from Python’s import this,importfromsimple,589
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from scramble import scramble,importfromsimple,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from scramble import scramble,importfromsimple,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from Python’s import this,importfromsimple,614
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from timer0 import timer,importfromsimple,630
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from timeit import repeat,importfromsimple,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from ZIP archives: archived files are automatically extracted at import time,importfromsimple,684
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from the module import search,importfromsimple,684
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module1 import printer,importfromsimple,689
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from M import func,importfromsimple,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from N import func,importfromsimple,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,701
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from dir1.dir2.mod import x,importfromsimple,708
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from statements. These import
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from submodule import X,importfromsimple,711
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,712
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from Versus import with Packages
 import statements",importfromsimple,713
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from dir1.dir2 import mod,importfromsimple,713
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from dir1.dir2.mod import z,importfromsimple,713
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from email.message import Message,importfromsimple,717
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename,importfromsimple,717
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from http.server import CGIHTTPRequestHandler,importfromsimple,717
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from dotted syntax to import modules,importfromsimple,718
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import absolute_import  # Use 3.X relative import model,importfromsimple,719
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from string import name,importfromsimple,721
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mypkg import string,importfromsimple,722
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from system.section.mypkg import string,importfromsimple,722
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from m import x,importfromsimple,723
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from system.section.mypkg import mod,importfromsimple,729
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mod import attr,importfromsimple,734
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from dir1.mod import attr,importfromsimple,734
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from sub import mod1,importfromsimple,737
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mypkg import spam,importfromsimple,742
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mypkg import spam,importfromsimple,743
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import featurename,importfromsimple,748
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from formats import money,importfromsimple,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from
 Both the import and",importfromsimple,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from reloadall import reload_all,importfromsimple,766
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,767
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from reloadall import reload_all,importfromsimple,767
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,767
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,768
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module import X,importfromsimple,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module import function,importfromsimple,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from imp import reload,importfromsimple,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from imp import reload
 import module",importfromsimple,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from imp import reload
 import module",importfromsimple,775
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from module import function,importfromsimple,775
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from recur1 import X,importfromsimple,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from recur1 import Y,importfromsimple,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from recur1 import Y,importfromsimple,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from modulename import FirstClass,importfromsimple,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from person import person,importfromsimple,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,822
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from person import Person,importfromsimple,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from person import Person,importfromsimple,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from classtools import AttrDisplay,importfromsimple,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from person import Person,importfromsimple,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from number import Number,importfromsimple,888
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from squares import Squares,importfromsimple,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from squares_yield import Squares,importfromsimple,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from squares_manual import Squares,importfromsimple,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from squares_yield import Squares,importfromsimple,904
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from squares_nonyield import Squares,importfromsimple,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from skipper_yield import SkipObject,importfromsimple,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from contains import Iters,importfromsimple,909
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from commuter import Commuter1,importfromsimple,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from commuter import Commuter5,importfromsimple,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from streams import Processor,importfromsimple,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from converters import Uppercase,importfromsimple,940
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from pizzashop import PizzaShop,importfromsimple,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from trace import Wrapper,importfromsimple,943
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from config file...

 import streamtypes",importfromsimple,956
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from listinstance import ListInstance,importfromsimple,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from listinstance import ListInstance,importfromsimple,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from listtree import ListTree,importfromsimple,973
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from tkinter import Button,importfromsimple,973
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from listinstance import ListInstance,importfromsimple,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from listinherited import ListInherited,importfromsimple,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from listtree import ListTree,importfromsimple,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from lister import Lister,importfromsimple,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from setwrapper import Set,importfromsimple,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from testmixin0 import Sub,importfromsimple,1007
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from __future__ import print_function
 import timeit",importfromsimple,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from spam import Spam,importfromsimple,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from spam import Spam,importfromsimple,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from spam import Spam,importfromsimple,1028
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from bothmethods import Methods,importfromsimple,1029
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from spam_static import Spam,importfromsimple,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from spam_class import Spam,importfromsimple,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from spam_static_deco import Spam,importfromsimple,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from bothmethods_decorators import Methods,importfromsimple,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from its import this,importfromsimple,1063
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import with_statement,importfromsimple,1114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from struct import pack,importfromsimple,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from struct import pack,importfromsimple,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse,importfromsimple,1213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from validate_tester import loadclass,importfromsimple,1261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from validate_descriptors1 import CardHolder,importfromsimple,1263
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from validate_descriptors2 import CardHolder,importfromsimple,1263
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from decorator1 import spam,importfromsimple,1284
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from timerdeco2 import timer,importfromsimple,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from timerdeco2 import timer,importfromsimple,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from interfacetracer import Tracer,importfromsimple,1306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from access2 import Private,importfromsimple,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from access2 import Private,importfromsimple,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from rangetest1 import rangetest,importfromsimple,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from rangetest import rangetest,importfromsimple,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from timerdeco import timer
 import sys",importfromsimple,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from access_builtins import BuiltinsMixin,importfromsimple,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from argtest_testmeth import C,importfromsimple,1353
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from decotools import tracer,importfromsimple,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from types import FunctionType,importfromsimple,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from decotools import tracer,importfromsimple,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from types import FunctionType,importfromsimple,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from types import FunctionType,importfromsimple,1404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1414
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from math import sqrt,importfromsimple,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from functools import reduce,importfromsimple,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from timeit import repeat
 import math",importfromsimple,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from myclient import countChars,importfromsimple,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from myclient import mymod,importfromsimple,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from collector import somename,importfromsimple,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mypkg.mymod import countChars,importfromsimple,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","from recur1, but because it uses
 import instead",importfromsimple,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from mylist import MyList,importfromsimple,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from setwrapper import Set,importfromsimple,1493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from setwrapper import Set,importfromsimple,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from __future__ import print_function,importfromsimple,1498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from MySQLdb import Connect,importfromsimple,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",from getpass import getpass,importfromsimple,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name # self is the new object,simpleattr,129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= (1.0 + percent)  # Update pay in place,simpleattr,129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.state = start  # save state explicitly in new object,simpleattr,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.state += 1 # Changes are always allowed,simpleattr,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.state = start,simpleattr,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.state += 1,simpleattr,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = id,simpleattr,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.original =,simpleattr,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","'bob'). Moreover, if classes are not used, global variables are often the most",simpleattr,554
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = who # Self is either I1 or I2,simpleattr,790
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = who # Self is either I1 or I2,simpleattr,791
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value  # self is the instance,simpleattr,799
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value,simpleattr,806
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= other,simpleattr,807
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = jobs,simpleattr,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age,simpleattr,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name  # Fill out fields when created,simpleattr,818
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job # self is the new instance object,simpleattr,818
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,818
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.job=job, we save the passed-in job on the instance for later use. As usual in Python,",simpleattr,819
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,819
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,819
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,819
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)) # Must change here only,simpleattr,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,826
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent + bonus))  # Bad: cut and paste,simpleattr,829
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,834
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.person = Person(name, 'mgr', pay) # Embed a Person object",simpleattr,837
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.members = list(args),simpleattr,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.attr1 = TopTest.count,simpleattr,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.attr2 = TopTest.count+1,simpleattr,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.attr = value  # Per-instance data,simpleattr,860
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value # Assign instance attr,simpleattr,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.message = text  # Change instance,simpleattr,863
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.X = 55 # Instance attribute (instance.X),simpleattr,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.X = 5  # Hides class,simpleattr,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data1 = 'spam',simpleattr,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data2 = 'eggs',simpleattr,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = start,simpleattr,888
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",[index] = value # Assign index or slice,simpleattr,893
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = start - 1,simpleattr,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.stop = stop,simpleattr,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value += 1,simpleattr,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = wrapped,simpleattr,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = wrapped # Iterator state information,simpleattr,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.offset = 0,simpleattr,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.offset += 2,simpleattr,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.start = start,simpleattr,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.stop = stop,simpleattr,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.start = start  # Multiscans: extra object,simpleattr,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.stop = stop,simpleattr,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = start - 1,simpleattr,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.stop = stop,simpleattr,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value += 1,simpleattr,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = wrapped # Local scope state saved auto,simpleattr,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value,simpleattr,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.ix = 0,simpleattr,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.ix += 1,simpleattr,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value,simpleattr,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = value + 10 # Loops,simpleattr,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.other = 99 # Recurs but doesn't loop: fails,simpleattr,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value # Initialize data,simpleattr,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", += other  # Add other in place (bad form?),simpleattr,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value,simpleattr,917
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,917
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val += other # Usually returns self,simpleattr,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value,simpleattr,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value,simpleattr,923
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.color = color,simpleattr,923
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.color = color,simpleattr,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",  = name,simpleattr,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.salary = salary,simpleattr,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.salary = self.salary + (self.salary * percent),simpleattr,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.server = Server('Pat')  # Embed other objects,simpleattr,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.chef  = PizzaRobot('Bob')  # A robot named bob,simpleattr,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.oven  = Oven(),simpleattr,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.reader = reader,simpleattr,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.writer = writer,simpleattr,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = object # Save object,simpleattr,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.attr = value), it changes or creates an attribute in the instance (recall that inher-",simpleattr,945
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.method = 99  # Doesn't break Tool.__method,simpleattr,947
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = data,simpleattr,950
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.base = base,simpleattr,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.val = val,simpleattr,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.val = -val # But called for object, not work",simpleattr,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,955
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,955
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.data1 = ""food""",simpleattr,958
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__attrnames()) # name=value list,simpleattr,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data1 = 'food',simpleattr,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data1 = 'spam'  # Create instance attrs,simpleattr,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data2 = 'eggs'  # More instance attrs,simpleattr,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data3 = 42,simpleattr,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data1 = 'spam' # Create instance attrs,simpleattr,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data2 = 'eggs' # More instance attrs,simpleattr,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.data3 = 42,simpleattr,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__attrnames()) # name=value list,simpleattr,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__visited[aClass] = True,simpleattr,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__visited = {},simpleattr,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__visited[aClass] = True,simpleattr,968
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = []  # Manages a list,simpleattr,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = 'Bob';,simpleattr,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.c = data,simpleattr,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._age = value,simpleattr,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls = 0,simpleattr,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls += 1,simpleattr,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = cls(*args),simpleattr,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.salary = salary,simpleattr,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.perobj = [] # Instance attribute,simpleattr,1066
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.line = line,simpleattr,1137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.file = file,simpleattr,1137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.line = line,simpleattr,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.file = file,simpleattr,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.inTitle = False,simpleattr,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = transform(value),simpleattr,1220
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._name = name,simpleattr,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._name = value,simpleattr,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = start,simpleattr,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value,simpleattr,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._name = name,simpleattr,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._name = value,simpleattr,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._name = name,simpleattr,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._name = name,simpleattr,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._name = name,simpleattr,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = start,simpleattr,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value # No delete or docs,simpleattr,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value,simpleattr,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value,simpleattr,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.Z = 4  # Instance attr,simpleattr,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._X = 2 # Instance attr,simpleattr,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.Z = 4 # Instance attr,simpleattr,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = data,simpleattr,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = data,simpleattr,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.fget = fget,simpleattr,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.fset = fset,simpleattr,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.fdel = fdel # Save unbound methods,simpleattr,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__doc__ = doc # or other callables,simpleattr,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = object # Save object,simpleattr,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.other = value # Recurs (and might LOOP!),simpleattr,1240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._name = name  # Triggers __setattr__!,simpleattr,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = start # Triggers __setattr__!,simpleattr,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = start # Triggers __setattr__!,simpleattr,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value=start inside the constructor triggers __setattr__,simpleattr,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.attr2 = 2,simpleattr,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.attr2 = 2,simpleattr,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._square = square # _square is the base value,simpleattr,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._cube  = cube # square is the property name,simpleattr,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._square = value,simpleattr,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self._square = square # ""self.square = square"" works too,",simpleattr,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._cube  = cube # because it triggers desc __set__!,simpleattr,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._square = square,simpleattr,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._cube  = cube,simpleattr,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._square = square,simpleattr,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self._cube  = cube,simpleattr,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.spam = 77,simpleattr,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.spam = 77  # incl __getattribute__, some __X__ defaults",simpleattr,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.person = Person(name, 'mgr', pay) # Embed a Person object",simpleattr,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.person = Person(name, 'mgr', pay) # Embed a Person object",simpleattr,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.person = Person(name, 'mgr', pay)  # Embed a Person object",simpleattr,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.person = Person(name, 'mgr', pay)",simpleattr,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.acct = acct  # Instance data,simpleattr,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name  # These trigger prop setters too!,simpleattr,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age # __X mangled to have class name,simpleattr,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.addr = addr  # addr is not managed,simpleattr,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__name = value,simpleattr,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__age = value,simpleattr,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__acct = value,simpleattr,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.acct = acct  # Instance data,simpleattr,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name  # These trigger __set__ calls too!,simpleattr,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age # __X not needed: in descriptor,simpleattr,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.addr = addr  # addr is not managed,simpleattr,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value,simpleattr,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = value,simpleattr,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.acct = value,simpleattr,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.acct = acct  # Client instance data,simpleattr,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name  # These trigger __set__ calls too!,simpleattr,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age # __X needed: in client instance,simpleattr,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.addr = addr  # addr is not managed,simpleattr,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.acct = acct  # Instance data,simpleattr,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name  # These trigger __setattr__ too,simpleattr,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age # _acct not mangled: name tested,simpleattr,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.addr = addr  # addr is not managed,simpleattr,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.acct = acct  # Instance data,simpleattr,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name  # These trigger __setattr__ too,simpleattr,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age # acct not mangled: name tested,simpleattr,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.addr = addr  # addr is not managed,simpleattr,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = cls(*args),simpleattr,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.attr = 'spam',simpleattr,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.C = C,simpleattr,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = self.C(*args),simpleattr,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = C(*args)  # Embed instance in instance,simpleattr,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls = 0,simpleattr,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls += 1,simpleattr,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls = 0  # Save func for later call,simpleattr,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls += 1,simpleattr,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls = 0  # Save func for later call,simpleattr,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls += 1,simpleattr,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= (1.0 + percent),simpleattr,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= (1.0 + percent) # onCall remembers giveRaise,simpleattr,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls = 0  # Save func for later call,simpleattr,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls += 1,simpleattr,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.desc = desc  # Route calls back to deco/desc,simpleattr,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.subj = subj,simpleattr,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls = 0  # Save func for later call,simpleattr,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls += 1,simpleattr,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls = 0,simpleattr,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.meth = meth,simpleattr,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.calls += 1,simpleattr,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.alltime = 0,simpleattr,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.alltime += elapsed,simpleattr,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.func = func,simpleattr,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.alltime = 0,simpleattr,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.alltime += elapsed,simpleattr,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.hours = hours,simpleattr,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.rate = rate,simpleattr,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.attr = val,simpleattr,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.aClass = aClass,simpleattr,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.instance = None,simpleattr,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = object # Save object,simpleattr,1304
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.fetches = 0,simpleattr,1304
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)  # Use enclosing scope name",simpleattr,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.fetches += 1,simpleattr,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.hours = hours,simpleattr,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.rate = rate,simpleattr,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.aClass = aClass # Use instance attribute,simpleattr,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = self.aClass(*args)  # ONE (LAST) INSTANCE PER CLASS!,simpleattr,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = x ** 4,simpleattr,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)",simpleattr,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.label = label  # Accesses inside the subject class,simpleattr,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = start  # Not intercepted: run normally,simpleattr,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",[i] =[i] * 2,simpleattr,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.__wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)",simpleattr,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age  # Inside accesses run normally,simpleattr,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age,simpleattr,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = 42,simpleattr,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age += yrs,simpleattr,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = 42,simpleattr,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age += yrs,simpleattr,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.__wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)",simpleattr,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.attrname = attrname,simpleattr,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,1330
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,1330
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,1330
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.job = job,simpleattr,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = int( * (1 + percent)),simpleattr,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= (1.0 + percent) # tracer remembers giveRaise,simpleattr,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.__wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)",simpleattr,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age = age  # Inside accesses run normally,simpleattr,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.age += N  # Built-ins caught by mix-in in 3.X,simpleattr,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value,simpleattr,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value,simpleattr,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.value = value,simpleattr,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)  # Use enclosing scope name",simpleattr,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.hours = hours,simpleattr,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.rate = rate # In-method fetch not traced,simpleattr,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)",simpleattr,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.hours = hours,simpleattr,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.rate = rate # In-method fetch not traced,simpleattr,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= (1.0 + percent)  # onCall remembers giveRaise,simpleattr,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= (1.0 + percent),simpleattr,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= (1.0 + percent),simpleattr,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name # Person = DecoDecorate(Person),simpleattr,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = pay,simpleattr,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= (1.0 + percent),simpleattr,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = start,simpleattr,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = start,simpleattr,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = start[:] # Copy start: no side effects,simpleattr,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.wrapped = list(start) # Make sure it's a list here,simpleattr,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.adds = 0 # Varies in each instance,simpleattr,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.adds += 1  # Per-instance counts,simpleattr,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.__attrnames()) # name=value list,simpleattr,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.cust = Customer(),simpleattr,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.empl = Employee(),simpleattr,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = None,simpleattr,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = employee.takeOrder(foodName),simpleattr,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = name,simpleattr,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.clerk = Clerk() # Embed some instances,simpleattr,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.customer = Customer()  # Scene is a composite,simpleattr,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.subject = Parrot(),simpleattr,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.growing = False,simpleattr,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.fontsize = 10,simpleattr,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.lab = Label(parent, text='Gui1', fg='white', bg='navy')",simpleattr,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.lab.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)",simpleattr,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.fontsize += 5,simpleattr,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.lab.config(bg=color,",simpleattr,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.growing = True,simpleattr,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self.lab.config(font=('courier', self.fontsize, 'bold'))",simpleattr,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",self.growing = False,simpleattr,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D['quantity'] += 1  # Add 1 to 'quantity' value,assignIncrement,114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spams += 42,assignIncrement,340
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","that combines an expression and an assignment in a concise way. Saying spam +=
 42, for example, has the same effect as spam = spam + 42, but the augmented form",assignIncrement,341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X += Y # Newer augmented form,assignIncrement,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X += Y,assignIncrement,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x += 1 # Augmented,assignIncrement,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","The left side has to be evaluated only once. In X += Y, X may be a complicated object",assignIncrement,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","1. C/C++ programmers take note: although Python now supports statements like X += Y, it still does not",assignIncrement,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Note however, that because of this equivalence += for a list is not exactly the same as a",assignIncrement,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","and = in all cases—for lists += allows arbitrary sequences (just like extend), but con-",assignIncrement,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L += 'spam'  # += and extend allow any sequence, but + does not!",assignIncrement,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","This behavior is usually what we want, but notice that it implies that the += is an in-",assignIncrement,352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L += [3, 4]  # But += really means extend",assignIncrement,352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a += 1 # Or, a = a + 1",assignIncrement,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i += 1,assignIncrement,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x += 1  # Changes x, not L",assignIncrement,406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[i] += 1 # Or L[i] = L[i] + 1,assignIncrement,406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[i] += 1,assignIncrement,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i += 1,assignIncrement,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",offset += 1,assignIncrement,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[i] += 10,assignIncrement,424
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",var += 1 # Change global var,assignIncrement,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",thismod.var += 1 # Change global var,assignIncrement,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",glob.var += 1  # Change global var,assignIncrement,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state += 1 # Cannot change by default (never in 2.X),assignIncrement,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state += 1 # Allowed to change it if nonlocal,assignIncrement,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam += 1,assignIncrement,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state += 1  # Allowed to change it if nonlocal,assignIncrement,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state += 1,assignIncrement,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","nested.state += 1 # Change attr, not nested itself",assignIncrement,516
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","state[0] += 1 # Extra syntax, deep magic?",assignIncrement,517
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum += L[0],assignIncrement,557
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in L: sum += x,assignIncrement,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot += sumtree(x) # Recur for sublists,assignIncrement,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func.count += 1,assignIncrement,564
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[i][j] += 10,assignIncrement,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res += x.upper(),assignIncrement,602
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stmt=""L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\nfor i in range(len(L)): L[i] += 1""))",assignIncrement,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stmt=""L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\ni=0\nwhile i < len(L):\n\tL[i] += 1\n\ti += 1""))",assignIncrement,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[i] += 1"" "" i += 1""",assignIncrement,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"", ""for i in range(len(L)): L[i] += 1""),",assignIncrement,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests += 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567",assignIncrement,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests += 2 ** 32, 2 ** 100",assignIncrement,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests += 12.34, 12.344, 12.345, 12.346",assignIncrement,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests += 2 ** 32, (2 ** 32 + .2345)",assignIncrement,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests += 1.2345, 1.2, 0.2345",assignIncrement,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",count += 1,assignIncrement,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",TopTest.count += 2,assignIncrement,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X + Y, X += Y if no __iadd__",assignIncrement,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X += Y (or else __add__),assignIncrement,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",offset += 2,assignIncrement,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","To also implement += in-place augmented addition, code either an __iadd__ or an",assignIncrement,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",classes already support += for this reason—Python runs __add__ and assigns the result,assignIncrement,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __iadd__(self, other):  # __iadd__ explicit: x += y",assignIncrement,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x += 1,assignIncrement,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x += 1,assignIncrement,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x += 1,assignIncrement,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x += 1  # And += does concatenation here,assignIncrement,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result += spaces + '{0}={1}\n'.format(attr, getattr(obj, attr))",assignIncrement,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","above += self.__listclass(super, indent+4)",assignIncrement,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","above += self.__listclass(super, indent+4)",assignIncrement,968
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result += spaces + '{0}={1}\n'.format(attr, getattr(obj, attr))",assignIncrement,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result += spaces + '{0}={1}\n'.format(attr, getattr(obj, attr))",assignIncrement,972
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result += spaces + '{0}={1}\n'.format(attr, getattr(obj, attr))",assignIncrement,973
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result += spaces + '%s=%s\n' % (attr, getattr(obj, attr))",assignIncrement,973
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",here += dflr(sup),assignIncrement,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam.numInstances += 1,assignIncrement,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam.numInstances += 1,assignIncrement,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam.numInstances += 1,assignIncrement,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cls.numInstances += 1 # cls is lowest class above instance,assignIncrement,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",oncall.calls += 1,assignIncrement,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__setitem__ methods in bytearray implement += in-place concatenation and index as-,assignIncrement,1194
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls += 1,assignIncrement,1284
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls += 1,assignIncrement,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls += 1,assignIncrement,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",wrapper.calls += 1,assignIncrement,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",use [onCall.calls += 1],assignIncrement,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls += 1,assignIncrement,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",onCall.alltime += elapsed,assignIncrement,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls += 1,assignIncrement,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",onCall.alltime += elapsed,assignIncrement,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in S: x += ord(c)  # Or: x = x + ord(c),assignIncrement,1473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum += next  # Add items 2..N,assignIncrement,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot += arg,assignIncrement,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot += args[key],assignIncrement,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot += arg,assignIncrement,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot += 1,assignIncrement,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",MyListSub.calls += 1  # Class-wide counter,assignIncrement,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fontsize += 5,assignIncrement,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob['age'] += 1,assignIncrement,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","concatenating strings, 100, 200, 1100

 += in-place addition, 920, 1194",assignIncrement,1507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f2(x=x):,funcdefault,504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(a, b=2, c=3):",funcdefault,533
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(spam, eggs, toast=0, ham=0):",funcdefault,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def tester(func, items, trace=True):",funcdefault,546
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def tester(func, items, trace=True):",funcdefault,547
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a, b=4, c=5):",funcdefault,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a, b, c=5):",funcdefault,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a, b, c=3, d=4):",funcdefault,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a: 'spam' = 4, b: (1, 10) = 5, c: float = 6) -> int:",funcdefault,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a:'spam'=4, b:(1,10)=5, c:float=6)->int:",funcdefault,567
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def tester(func, items, trace=True):",funcdefault,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def runner(stmts, pythons=None, tracecmd=False):",funcdefault,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def runner(stmts, pythons=None, tracecmd=False):",funcdefault,654
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def saver(x=[]):,funcdefault,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def money(N, numwidth=0, currency='$'):",funcdefault,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def listing(module, verbose=True):",funcdefault,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,829
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,829
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,829
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,837
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __call__(self, a, b, c=5, d=6):",funcdefault,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def tester(listerclass, sept=False):",funcdefault,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def testByNames(modname, classname, sept=False):",funcdefault,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def trace(X, label='', end='\n'):",funcdefault,1004
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mapattrs(instance, withobject=False, bysource=False):",funcdefault,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def mapattrs(instance, withobject=False, bysource=False):",funcdefault,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def giveRaise(self, percent, bonus=.10):",funcdefault,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def timer(label=''):,funcdefault,1298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def timer(label='', trace=True): # On decorator args:",funcdefault,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a, b, c, e=True, f=None):  # Args:",funcdefault,1336
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def timer(label='', trace=True):  # On decorator args:",funcdefault,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def timer(label='', trace=True): # On decorator args:",funcdefault,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def adder(good=1, bad=2, ugly=3):",funcdefault,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f5(a, b=2, c=3):",funcdefault,1479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10)),rangefunc,96
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(4))  # 0..3 (list() required in 3.X),rangefunc,112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(−6, 7, 2)) # −6 to +6 by 2 (need list() in 3.X)",rangefunc,112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(4),rangefunc,112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(−6, 7, 2)",rangefunc,112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(3),rangefunc,113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(-5, 5))",rangefunc,165
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(-5, 5))",rangefunc,167
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(1, 5)",rangefunc,265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(5)]),rangefunc,272
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(3))  # list(),rangefunc,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(5)), list(range(2, 5)), list(range(0, 10, 2))",rangefunc,403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(−5, 5))",rangefunc,403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(5, −5, −1))",rangefunc,403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(len(X))),rangefunc,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(0, len(S), 2))",rangefunc,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(0, 5)",rangefunc,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(5)),rangefunc,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(...)),rangefunc,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(0, 10)",rangefunc,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10)),rangefunc,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(−5, 5))",rangefunc,576
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(−5, 5) if x > 0]  # Use ()",rangefunc,576
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10),rangefunc,583
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(len(M)),rangefunc,586
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(len(M)),rangefunc,586
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(3) for col in range(3),rangefunc,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(3)] for row in range(3),rangefunc,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(4)),rangefunc,597
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(4)),rangefunc,599
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(4)),rangefunc,599
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(4)),rangefunc,601
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(N),rangefunc,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(N)),rangefunc,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(3)),rangefunc,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(3))),rangefunc,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10),rangefunc,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10),rangefunc,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(5)),rangefunc,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(5)),rangefunc,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10),rangefunc,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10)),rangefunc,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10),rangefunc,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10)),rangefunc,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(50)),rangefunc,633
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(),rangefunc,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,644
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,644
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,644
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,644
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,644
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10000),rangefunc,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10000),rangefunc,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10000),rangefunc,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000)]').timeit(1000),rangefunc,647
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(1000)]"")",rangefunc,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000)),rangefunc,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000)),rangefunc,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000)),rangefunc,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000)),rangefunc,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(1000)}"")",rangefunc,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(1000)}"")",rangefunc,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000),rangefunc,654
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(1000)),rangefunc,654
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(1000)]"")",rangefunc,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(1, 6)",rangefunc,899
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(128),rangefunc,1180
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(128),rangefunc,1185
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(128),rangefunc,1187
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(N),rangefunc,1297
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(y, 1, −1)",rangefunc,1480
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(5, 0, −1))",rangefunc,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(5, 0, −1) # Pre 3.3: for x in range()",rangefunc,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(5, 0, −1))",rangefunc,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(5, 0, −1))",rangefunc,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","range(N, 1, −1))",rangefunc,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",range(10)),rangefunc,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def lastName(self):,simplefunc,129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,297
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def function():,simplefunc,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def outer():,simplefunc,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def function():,simplefunc,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func2():,simplefunc,390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def square(x):,simplefunc,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printer(messge):,simplefunc,473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def changer():,simplefunc,474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def outer():,simplefunc,474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def changer():,simplefunc,474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def hider():,simplefunc,492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def all_global():,simplefunc,495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func1():,simplefunc,496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func2():,simplefunc,496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def local():,simplefunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def glob1():,simplefunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def glob2():,simplefunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def glob3():,simplefunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def test():,simplefunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f1():,simplefunc,500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f2():,simplefunc,500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f1():,simplefunc,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f2():,simplefunc,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def maker(N):,simplefunc,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def maker(N):,simplefunc,502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f1():,simplefunc,504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f1():,simplefunc,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f2(x):,simplefunc,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def makeActions():,simplefunc,506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def makeActions():,simplefunc,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f1():,simplefunc,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f2():,simplefunc,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f3():,simplefunc,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,508
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,509
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester():,simplefunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested():,simplefunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,516
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,516
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester(start):,simplefunc,517
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested(label):,simplefunc,517
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,519
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,519
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,519
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested():,simplefunc,520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested():,simplefunc,520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mysum(L):,simplefunc,555
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mysum(L):,simplefunc,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mysum(L):,simplefunc,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mysum(L):,simplefunc,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mysum(L):,simplefunc,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def sumtree(L):,simplefunc,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def echo(message):,simplefunc,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func(a):,simplefunc,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def knights():,simplefunc,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def action(x):,simplefunc,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def makewidgets(self):,simplefunc,573
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def gensquares(N):,simplefunc,593
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def buildsquares(n):,simplefunc,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def ups(line):,simplefunc,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def gen():,simplefunc,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def timesfour(S):,simplefunc,604
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def scramble(seq):,simplefunc,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def scramble(seq):,simplefunc,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def scramble(seq):,simplefunc,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def scramble(seq):,simplefunc,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def scramble(seq):,simplefunc,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def permute1(seq):,simplefunc,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def permute2(seq):,simplefunc,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def forLoop():,simplefunc,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def listComp():,simplefunc,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mapCall():,simplefunc,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def genExpr():,simplefunc,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def genFunc():,simplefunc,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def gen():,simplefunc,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def forLoop():,simplefunc,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def listComp():,simplefunc,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mapCall():,simplefunc,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def genExpr():,simplefunc,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def genFunc():,simplefunc,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def gen():,simplefunc,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def listComp():,simplefunc,638
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mapCall():,simplefunc,638
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def testcase():,simplefunc,647
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def selector():,simplefunc,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def selector():,simplefunc,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def selector():,simplefunc,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def saver():,simplefunc,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def proc(x):,simplefunc,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,694
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f():,simplefunc,698
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printer():,simplefunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printer():,simplefunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def somefunc():,simplefunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def somefunc():,simplefunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tester():,simplefunc,749
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def commas(N):,simplefunc,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def selftest():,simplefunc,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def status(module):,simplefunc,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def tryreload(module):,simplefunc,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func1():,simplefunc,772
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func2():,simplefunc,772
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def display(self):,simplefunc,799
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def uppername(obj):,simplefunc,811
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def info(self):,simplefunc,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def lastName(self):,simplefunc,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def lastName(self):,simplefunc,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def lastName(self):,simplefunc,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,837
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def showAll(self):,simplefunc,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def gatherAttrs(self):,simplefunc,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def display(self):,simplefunc,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method(self):,simplefunc,867
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method(self):,simplefunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def delegate(self):,simplefunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method(self):,simplefunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method(self):,simplefunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def action(self):,simplefunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def delegate(self):,simplefunc,869
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def action(self):,simplefunc,869
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def delegate(self):,simplefunc,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def action(self):,simplefunc,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def delegate(self):,simplefunc,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f():,simplefunc,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def g():,simplefunc,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def m(self):,simplefunc,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def g1():,simplefunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def g2():,simplefunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def h1():,simplefunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested():,simplefunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def h2():,simplefunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nested():,simplefunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nester():,simplefunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method1(self):,simplefunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method2(self):,simplefunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nester():,simplefunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method1(self):,simplefunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method2(self):,simplefunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def nester():,simplefunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method1(self):,simplefunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method2(self):,simplefunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def hello(self):,simplefunc,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def hola(self):,simplefunc,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def instancetree(inst):,simplefunc,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func(args):,simplefunc,882
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method(self):,simplefunc,882
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __index__(self):,simplefunc,894
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __next__(self):,simplefunc,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __next__(self):,simplefunc,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def gen(self):,simplefunc,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __next__(self):,simplefunc,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __iter__(self):,simplefunc,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __next__(self):,simplefunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def oncall():,simplefunc,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __bool__(self):,simplefunc,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __bool__(self):,simplefunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __nonzero__(self):,simplefunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def live(self):,simplefunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __del__(self):,simplefunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def work(self):,simplefunc,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def work(self):,simplefunc,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def work(self):,simplefunc,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def work(self):,simplefunc,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def bake(self):,simplefunc,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def process(self):,simplefunc,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def m2(self):,simplefunc,949
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def double(self):,simplefunc,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def triple(self):,simplefunc,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def square(arg):,simplefunc,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def handler():,simplefunc,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def handler(self):,simplefunc,954
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def makewidgets(self):,simplefunc,954
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def invertdict(D):,simplefunc,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def keysof(V):,simplefunc,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def dflr(cls):,simplefunc,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def inheritance(instance):,simplefunc,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getage(self):,simplefunc,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getage(self):,simplefunc,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printNumInstances():,simplefunc,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printNumInstances():,simplefunc,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printNumInstances(self):,simplefunc,1028
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printNumInstances():,simplefunc,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printNumInstances(cls):,simplefunc,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printNumInstances(cls):,simplefunc,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def meth():,simplefunc,1035
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def count(aClass):,simplefunc,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1042
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def act(self):,simplefunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def generate():,simplefunc,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method(self):,simplefunc,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def generate():,simplefunc,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method(self):,simplefunc,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def method(self):,simplefunc,1069
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def catcher():,simplefunc,1085
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def gosouth(x):,simplefunc,1099
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def stuff(file):,simplefunc,1101
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def f(x):,simplefunc,1113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def reciprocal(x):,simplefunc,1113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __enter__(self):,simplefunc,1116
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def raiser0():,simplefunc,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def raiser1():,simplefunc,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def raiser2():,simplefunc,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,1130
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def parser():,simplefunc,1137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def logerror(self):,simplefunc,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def parser():,simplefunc,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def logerror(self):,simplefunc,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def action2():,simplefunc,1143
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def action1():,simplefunc,1143
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def searcher():,simplefunc,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def searcher():,simplefunc,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func():,simplefunc,1153
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def bye():,simplefunc,1154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getName(self):,simplefunc,1219
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getName(self):,simplefunc,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def delName(self):,simplefunc,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getSquare(self):,simplefunc,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getCube(self):,simplefunc,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __len__(self):,simplefunc,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def lastName(self):,simplefunc,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __repr__(self):,simplefunc,1256
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getName(self):,simplefunc,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getAge(self):,simplefunc,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getAcct(self):,simplefunc,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def loadclass():,simplefunc,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def printholder(who):,simplefunc,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def F(arg):,simplefunc,1273
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorator(F):,simplefunc,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorator(F):,simplefunc,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorator(C):,simplefunc,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorator(C):,simplefunc,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def F(arg):,simplefunc,1282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def actualDecorator(F):,simplefunc,1282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorator(O):,simplefunc,1282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorator(func):,simplefunc,1298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def pay(self):,simplefunc,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def display(self):,simplefunc,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def getInstance(object):,simplefunc,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorate(func):,simplefunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorate(func):,simplefunc,1314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def size(self):,simplefunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def display(self):,simplefunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def accessControl(failIf):,simplefunc,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(aClass):,simplefunc,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def accessControl(failIf):,simplefunc,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(aClass):,simplefunc,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def accessControl(failIf):,simplefunc,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(aClass):,simplefunc,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def accessControl(failIf):,simplefunc,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(aClass):,simplefunc,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def accessControl(failIf):,simplefunc,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(aClass):,simplefunc,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(func):,simplefunc,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(func):,simplefunc,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def rangetest(func):,simplefunc,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(func):,simplefunc,1342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def accessControl(failIf):,simplefunc,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def onDecorator(aClass):,simplefunc,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def fails(test):,simplefunc,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def extras(Class):,simplefunc,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def extras(Class):,simplefunc,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def toast(self):,simplefunc,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def spam(self):,simplefunc,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def eggsfunc(obj):,simplefunc,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def eggsfunc(obj):,simplefunc,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def spam(self):,simplefunc,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def Extender(aClass):,simplefunc,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def spam(self):,simplefunc,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def pay(self):,simplefunc,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def pay(self):,simplefunc,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorator(cls):,simplefunc,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func(cls):,simplefunc,1399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def lastName(self):,simplefunc,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorateAll(decorator):,simplefunc,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def lastName(self):,simplefunc,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def decorateAll(decorator):,simplefunc,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def DecoDecorate(aClass):,simplefunc,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def lastName(self):,simplefunc,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def copyDict(old):,simplefunc,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def mathMod():,simplefunc,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def powCall():,simplefunc,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def powExpr():,simplefunc,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def dictcomp(I):,simplefunc,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def dictloop(I):,simplefunc,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countdown(N):,simplefunc,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def fact1(N):,simplefunc,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def fact3(N):,simplefunc,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def fact4(N):,simplefunc,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def rev1(S):,simplefunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def rev2(S):,simplefunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def rev3(S):,simplefunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countLines(name):,simplefunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countChars(name):,simplefunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countLines(name):,simplefunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countChars(name):,simplefunc,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countLines(file):,simplefunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countChars(file):,simplefunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def test(name):,simplefunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countLines(name):,simplefunc,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def countChars(name):,simplefunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __len__(self):,simplefunc,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def stats(self):,simplefunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def __str__(self):,simplefunc,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def action(self):,simplefunc,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def oops():,simplefunc,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def doomed():,simplefunc,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def oops():,simplefunc,1498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def doomed():,simplefunc,1498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def safe(callee):,simplefunc,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def reply(text):,simplefunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def timer():,simplefunc,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def grow():,simplefunc,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def reply(self):,simplefunc,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def grow(self):,simplefunc,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def grower(self):,simplefunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def stop(self):,simplefunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return to some of these tradeoffs at the end of the book, after you’ve learned",return,8
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return to your system shell prompt, type Ctrl-D on Unix-like machines,",return,50
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return value, a Python module",return,68
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return str strings, but binary files instead deal in",return,107
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return all its values in Python 3.X; this isn’t needed in 2.X where map makes a list of,return,113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1] # Split string on blanks,return,129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a Boolean result, which we would normally test and take",return,145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value is much less critical than differences in the return value,return,147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return integers for integers. Using // instead of / in 2.X when integer truncation,return,147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return just digits, not Python literal strings:",return,152
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the octal and hexadecimal string,return,174
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return the same type of object. For example, the",return,193
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 Horizontal tab",return,195
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return strings of raw bytes from the external file (there’s much more on files in,return,196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return all but the first item of a list. Here, sys.argv[1:] returns the desired list,",return,204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 function’s result value.”",return,209
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return fmt % args  # See Part IV,return,234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to Python’s string model to flesh out the details of Unicode,return,237
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return new lists instead of new strings when applied,return,240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return objects) in square brackets, separated by commas. For instance,",return,241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return the list as a result (technically, they both return a value called",return,248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return last item (by default: −1),return,248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return information about its content. See other documentation sources or experiment,return,249
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return any (key, value) pair; etc.",return,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return all of the dictionary’s values and (key,value) pair",return,254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return iterable objects in 3.X, so wrap",return,255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return from a key,return,255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return from the end,return,255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a list of titles: in dictionaries, there’s",return,258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return lists as before,return,264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return view objects, whereas",return,266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return actual result lists. This functionality is also available in Python 2.7,",return,266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return simple lists, so as to avoid breaking existing 2.X",return,266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return successive,return,267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a list in 3.X, the traditional coding pattern for",return,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return keys,return,270
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return new tuples when applied to tuples, and that tuples",return,278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the number of characters written in Python 3.X; in,return,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return one line on each loop iteration. This form is usually easiest to code, good",return,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return values from write methods,return,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value of functions,return,305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement with a result value.,return,305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return

"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a+b+c+d[0],return,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to this topic in Chapter 13.,return,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 values that you might be interested in retaining, you can call these functions with",return,356
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return value is None, the",return,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value for functions that don’t return anything meaningful):,return,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return the list they have changed; instead, they return the None object. Thus, if you",return,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return any value we care about (technically, it returns None, as we saw in the preceding",return,359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return True or False (custom versions of 1 and 0).,return,381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a true or false operand object.,return,381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 a true or false object in Python, not the values True or False. Let’s look at a few examples",return,381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return True or False (1 or 0),return,381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return True or False as their truth results, which,",return,381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an object—either the object,return,381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return right operand (true or false),return,381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return right operand (true or false),return,382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return either the left or the right object,",return,382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return either the,return,383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return all that are true), and the any and all built-ins can",return,385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return the value assigned, but Python assignments are just statements,",return,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return sequences of the same type as that being shuffled—,return,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a different object,return,421
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return results one at a,return,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a new string, to which we can apply another string method. The last",return,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return an iterable in Python 3.X, like map. Here they are",return,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return True if any,return,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the largest and,return,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a single result:,return,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return iterables instead of processing them. To see how these have been absorbed into,return,434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return iterable objects in,return,434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return iterables and process them.,return,434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return lists of results.,return,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return iterable objects, producing results on demand. This may",return,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return iterable results in 3.X. Unlike range, though,",return,436
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return multiple-scan lists so the,return,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return iterable view objects that generate result items one at a time,",return,439
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [a for a in dir(x) if not a.startswith('__')] # See Part IV,return,445
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x ** 2 # square,return,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return values (other than,return,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a new list that contains the ASCII,return,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return and yield).,return,473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return

"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c[0],return,473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return results. But writing new functions requires the,return,475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return sends a result object back to the caller. When a function is called, the",return,475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement;,return,475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return without a value,return,475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, and variables are not declared. As with everything",return,476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return any kind of object, and so on. As one consequence, a single function can",return,476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement:,return,477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value,return,477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statement can show up anywhere in a function body; when reached,",return,477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement,return,477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return sends back a None.,return,477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statement itself is optional too; if it’s not present, the function exits when",return,477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statement also returns the None object automatically, but this return value is",return,477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x * y  # Body executed when called,return,478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement that sends back the result as the value of the call,return,479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values in Python, we can use",return,479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement to send a result object back to the caller.,return,481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement at the end of intersect sends back the result,return,483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statements, the behavior of function call expressions,",return,483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return if it has no return statement in it?,return,483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement. Such functions are,return,484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement with no expression in it also returns,return,484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Z,return,491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 False. All other scopes still find the originals in the built-in scope.",return,494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values instead of globals, but I need to explain why.",return,495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return values instead. Six,return,497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values. In this specific case, we would probably be better off coding an accessor",return,498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return f2 # Return f2 but don't call it,return,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values from other functions. Most importantly, f2 remembers",return,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return action,return,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return X ** N  # action retains N from enclosing scope,return,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return action,return,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return lambda X: X ** N  # lambda functions retain state too,return,502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return action,return,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return action,return,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return acts,return,506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return acts,return,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return and review this,return,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return results, their local variables won’t",return,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,516
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nested,return,517
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return original(*kargs, **pargs)",return,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.original(*kargs, **pargs)",return,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement and used it in a few examples. Here’s,return,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return can send back any sort of object, it",return,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return multiple values by packaging them in a tuple or other collection type. In fact,",return,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x, y  # Return multiple new values in a tuple",return,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*pargs, **kargs)  # Pass along arbitrary arguments",return,537
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c + d,return,537
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return first,return,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tmp[0],return,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return item 0 at the end.,return,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tmp[−1] instead of,return,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x < y # See also: lambda, eval",return,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x > y,return,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return for outputs. Generally, you",return,553
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statements are often the best ways to isolate external dependencies to,return,553
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 statements for outputs, whenever possible.",return,554
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statements and anticipated mutable argument changes for output. In Python 3.X,return,555
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return L[0] + mysum(L[1:])  # Call myself recursively,return,555
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 0,return,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return L[0] + mysum(L[1:]),return,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 0 if not L else L[0] + mysum(L[1:])  # Use ternary expression,return,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return L[0] if len(L) == 1 else L[0] + mysum(L[1:]) # Any type, assume one",return,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return first if not rest else first + mysum(rest) # Use 3.X ext seq assign,return,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return L[0] + mysum(L[1:]) # Indirectly recursive,return,557
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tot,return,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return and continue later. In fact, it’s generally possible to implement recursive-style",return,559
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tot,return,559
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return echo,return,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return b * a,return,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c,return,565
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values. For arguments, they appear after a",return,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, they are written",return,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value:,return,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c,return,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value annotation is stored under key “return” if coded,return,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c,return,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c,return,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c,return,567
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement; you simply type,return,568
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x + y + z,return,568
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return action  # Return a function object,return,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x ** 2,return,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x ** 3  # Define named functions,return,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x ** 4,return,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 2 + 2,return,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 2 * 4,return,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 2 ** 6,return,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (lambda y: x + y)  # Make and return function, remember x",return,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x + 10 # Function to be run,return,574
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return values into a new list. Remember that map is an iterable in,return,574
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tally,return,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to in the next chapter.,return,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return value expression,",return,578
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return values. They may use mutable arguments to communicate results,return,579
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statements, by changing passed-in",return,579
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statements are usually,return,579
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return them in a new list. Syntactically, list comprehensions are enclosed",return,582
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return results one at a time, suspending and resuming their",return,591
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an object that produces results on demand,return,591
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 In this part of the book, we’ve learned about coding normal functions that receive input",return,592
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a,return,592
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a result generator that can appear in any iteration context. We stud-,return,592
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a value and exit, generator functions automatically",return,592
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an object,return,593
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a gener-,return,593
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statement that, along with falling off the",return,593
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement with no value,return,594
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return this automatically. The returned,return,594
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return themselves for iter, because they support next directly.",return,594
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return any type of object, and as iterables may appear in any of Chap-",return,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a generator object—an automatically created,return,597
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return supplemental class objects in-,return,605
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a final value to the outer,return,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return results, it’s a normal generator function, and hence an",return,607
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, and the first may leave your cursor at the end of the output line in some",return,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self or supplemental object,return,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return their objects directly for,return,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a result;,return,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [seq[i:] + seq[:i] for i in range(len(seq))],return,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [seq] # Empty sequence,return,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return objects with methods that handle next operations run by for loops at,return,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [func(*args) for args in zip(*seqs)],return,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return (func(*args) for args in zip(*seqs)),return,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return generators designed to support the,return,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return True if all and any items in an iterable are True (or,return,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return result lists, it’s just as easy to turn them into generators with yield so that",return,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return one piece of their result set at a time. The results are the same as before,",return,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [tuple(S[i] for S in seqs) for i in range(minlen)],return,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [tuple((S[i] if len(S) > i else pad) for S in seqs) for i in index],return,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return (tuple(S[i] for S in seqs) for i in range(minlen)),return,621
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement would. The,return,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an empty list).,return,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a generator object, which yields one",return,627
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an iterable generator object when,return,627
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statement, which terminates the",return,627
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return time.clock() - start  # Total elapsed time in seconds,return,630
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (elapsed, ret)",return,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (best, ret)",return,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return bestof(reps1, total, reps2, func, *pargs, **kargs)",return,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value so callers can verify its operation.,return,632
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 the best-of tuple, which embeds the last total call’s result tuple.",return,632
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [abs(x) for x in repslist],return,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return list(map(abs, repslist)) # Use list() here in 3.X only!",return,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return map(abs, repslist)",return,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return list(abs(x) for x in repslist) # list() required to force results,return,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return list(gen())  # list() required to force results,return,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [abs(x) for x in repslist] # 0.69 seconds,return,636
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return list(abs(x) for x in repslist) # 1.08 seconds: differs internally,return,636
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [x + 10 for x in repslist],return,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return list(map((lambda x: x + 10), repslist)) # list() in 3.X only",return,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return list(x + 10 for x in repslist)  # list() in 2.X + 3.X,return,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return list(gen()) # list in 2.X + 3.X,return,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x,return,638
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [F(x) for x in repslist],return,638
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return list(map(F, repslist))",return,638
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value slightly and remove a minor overhead charge.,return,638
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (elapsed, ret)",return,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (best, ret)",return,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return min(total(func, *pargs, **kargs) for i in range(_reps1))",return,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c + d,return,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (elapsed, ret)",return,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (best, ret)",return,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return min(total(func, *pargs, **kargs) for i in range(_reps1))",return,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x\nlist(f(x) for x in 'spam' * 2500)"")]",return,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x\n[f(x) for x in 'spam' * 2500]""]",return,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x\nlist(map(f, 'spam' * 2500))""]",return,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x\nlist(f(x) for x in 'spam' * 2500)""]",return,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x"",",return,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x"",",return,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return x"",",return,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the new empty list on the right.,return,659
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a newly created list, rather than ex-",return,659
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return (and yield) statements are optional. When a function,return,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a value explicitly, the function exits when control falls off the end of the",return,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a value; if you don’t provide a return,return,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return is a None return,return,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return are Python’s equivalent of what are called,return,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return one. As we noted in Chapter 11, for instance, assigning",return,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the sum (or concatenation) of the two.,return,663
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value sum? (Hints: a slice,return,663
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a new dictionary containing all the items in its argu-,return,663
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a new dictionary containing all the items,return,663
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return N!. Code,return,665
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to this topic in a moment.,return,674
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to the Python window and reload the module to fetch the new code. Notice,return,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, not cross-module changes.",return,746
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x < y,return,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x > y,return,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x < y,return,751
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x > y,return,751
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return result,return,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '%s%*s' % (currency, numwidth, number)",return,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return to more general module topics. In Chapter 22, we learned that the module",return,756
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return ""Hello""",return,772
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an empty,return,791
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, yield items on request, and so on). But in a method function, the",return,799
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value becomes the result of the corresponding expression.,return,805
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return ThirdClass( + other),return,806
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return '[ThirdClass: %s]' %,return,806
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return  # Still needs a self argument (obj),return,811
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return (,",return,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1] # self is implied subject,return,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '[Person: %s, %s]' % (, # String to print",return,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '[Person: %s, %s]' % (,",return,830
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '[Person: %s, %s]' % (,",return,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.person, attr)  # Delegate all other attrs",return,837
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(self.person)  # Must overload again (in 3.X),return,837
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return ', '.join(attrs)",return,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'Spam',return,845
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return data more directly than text embed-,return,854
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to class fundamentals and finish,return,855
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to our study of the details,return,855
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an,return,862
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value becomes the result of the,return,887
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Number( - other) # Result is a new instance,return,888
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return index ** 2,return,891
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[index]  # Perform index or slice,return,892
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 255,return,894
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[i],return,894
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an iterator object.,return,895
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self,return,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value ** 2,return,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return SkipIterator(self.wrapped)  # New iterator each time,return,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return item,return,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a new generator object with the requisite __next__. As an added bonus, generator",return,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return SquaresIter(self.start, self.stop)",return,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value ** 2,return,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[i],return,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self,return,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return item,return,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x in,return,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[i],return,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x in,return,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'addrepr(%s)' %  # Convert to as-code string,return,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a user-friendly,return,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return an as-code string that could be used to re-create the object, or a",return,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return '[Value: %s]' %  # Convert to nice string,return,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return '[Value: %s]' %  # User-friendly string,return,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'addboth(%s)' %  # As-code string,return,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return strings;,return,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(self.val) # Convert to a string result,return,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(self.val) # __repr__ used if echoed or nested,return,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + other,return,917
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.val + other,return,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return other + self.val,return,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the same results as the original—though the last saves an extra call or dis-,return,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.val + other,return,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__add__(other) # Call __add__ explicitly,return,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.val + other,return,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self + other  # Swap order and re-add,return,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.val + other,return,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Commuter5(self.val + other) # Else + result is another Commuter,return,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Commuter5(other + self.val),return,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return '<Commuter5: %s>' % self.val,return,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the special NotImplemented object for unsupported operands to influence method,return,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self,return,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Number(self.val + other) # Propagates class type,return,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value * other,return,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value * other,return,923
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return oncall,return,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return > other,return,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return < other,return,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return NotImplemented for unsup-,return,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return cmp(, other)  # cmp not defined in 3.X",return,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return ( > other) - ( < other),return,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return True,return,927
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return False,return,927
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 0,return,927
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return True # 3.X tries __bool__ first,return,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 0 # 2.X tries __len__ first,return,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return False:,return,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return False,return,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return False,return,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 0 from the,return,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return False  # Returns int (or True/False, same as 1/0)",return,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, but the general usage pattern is",return,931
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return ""<Employee: name=%s, salary=%s>"" % (, self.salary)",return,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return data.upper(),return,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)  # Delegate fetch",return,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return to this issue in the next chapter as a new-style class change,",return,944
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return arg1 + arg2,return,950
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + arg1 + arg2,return,950
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.base * 2,return,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.base * 3,return,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return arg ** 2 # Simple functions (def or lambda),return,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.val + arg,return,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.val * arg,return,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(self.val),return,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return aClass(*pargs, **kargs)  # Call aClass (or apply in 2.X only)",return,954
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an instance.,return,955
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return result,return,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '<Instance of %s, address %s:\n%s>' % (",return,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return result,return,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '<Instance of %s, address %s:\n%s>' % (",return,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return result % ', '.join(unders)",return,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return result,return,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '\n{0}<Class {1}, address {2}:\n{3}{4}{5}>\n'.format(",return,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '<Instance of {0}, address {1}:\n{2}{3}>'.format(",return,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '\n{0}<Class {1}, address {2}:\n{3}{4}{5}>\n'.format(",return,968
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '<Instance of %s, address %s:\n%s%s>' % (...) # Expression",return,968
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '<Instance of {0}, address {1}:\n{2}{3}>'.format(...) # Method",return,968
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Set(res) # Return a new Set,return,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Set(res),return,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return[key] # self[i], self[i:j]",return,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return list.__getitem__(self, offset - 1)",return,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Set(res) # Return a new Set,return,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'Set:' + list.__repr__(self),return,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(, name)",return,988
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(, name)",return,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(, name)",return,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[i]  # Run expr or getattr,return,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(, '__add__')(other)",return,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value is a list used to initialize the __mro__ attribute when the,return,1004
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return {K: V2 for (K, V2) in D.items() if V2 != V}",return,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return sorted(K for K in D.keys() if D[K] == V),return,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return {V: keysof(V) for V in set(D.values())},return,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return here,return,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return attr2obj if not bysource else invertdict(attr2obj),return,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 the instance’s value. If I code anymore here, though, I’ll deprive readers of the remaining",return,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 40,return,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 40,return,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 40,return,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return any sort of object, this allows the",return,1035
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return either the original function itself, or a new proxy object that saves the original",return,1035
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return functions, the classmethod and property built-in",return,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a callable to which the original function name can be rebound. In fact, any such",return,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.func(*args),return,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c,return,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value of the spam function itself:,return,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return func(*args),return,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return oncall,return,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b + c,return,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a proxy object that,return,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return aClass  # Return class itself, instead of a wrapper",return,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, name)",return,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Proxy,return,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 an arbitrary object to replace it—a protocol with almost limitless class-based custom-",return,1040
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to such things at the,return,1041
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Spam(),return,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Spam(),return,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Spam,return,1069
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return obj[index],return,1083
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return obj[index],return,1084
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'So I became a waiter...',return,1087
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return values or status codes after every,return,1088
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return ERROR;  # even if not handled here,return,1089
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return ERROR;,return,1089
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return doLastThing();,return,1089
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to it if an exception occurs.,return,1094
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x / y,return,1099
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x / y,return,1099
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return state-,return,1099
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to the code that,return,1100
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x ** 2,return,1113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 1 / x  # Python checks for zero automatically,return,1113
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an object that supports the context manage-,return,1114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a value,return,1114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self,return,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return False # Propagate,return,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statement would have the same effect, as the default None return",return,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a,return,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'Not called!',return,1136
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'Called!',return,1136
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an empty string at the end of a,return,1146
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an empty string—an empty string,return,1146
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return

"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a sentinel value to designate success or failure. In a widely applicable function,",return,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, it’s impossible for any",return,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value to signal a failure condition. Exceptions provide a way to signal results,return,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value:,return,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return ...founditem...,return,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, are the generally preferred way to signal such conditions.",return,1147
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return bytes results,return,1190
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return file content to you raw, as a sequence of integers",return,1196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a str for reads,return,1196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a bytes for reads and expect one (or,return,1196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return content as str strings. The only major difference is that text files automat-,return,1197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return contents as a bytes object, but accept either a bytes or",return,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return corrupted data in the,return,1201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an object’s pickle string:,return,1209
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return,return,1220
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return nothing,return,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self._name,return,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value ** 2,return,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a copy of the,return,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self._name,return,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance._name,return,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance._name,return,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value ** 2,return,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value * 10,return,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance._X * 10,return,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '%s, %s' % (,",return,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.fget(instance) # Pass instance to self,return,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the property object (self should suffice). Since the prop,return,1237
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return an attribute’s value, and the other two return nothing",return,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)  # Delegate fetch",return,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self._name  # Does not loop: real attr,return,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) # Avoid looping here",return,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)",return,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 3,return,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)",return,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self._square ** 2,return,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self._cube ** 3,return,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance._square ** 2,return,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance._cube ** 3,return,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return object.__getattribute__(self, name)",return,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 42,return,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return lambda *args: None,return,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 42,return,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return lambda *args: None,return,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '[Person: %s, %s]' % (,",return,1253
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.person, attr)  # Delegate all other attrs",return,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(self.person)  # Must overload again (in 3.X),return,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.person, attr)  # Delegate all other attrs",return,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.person, attr) # Delegate all others",return,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(person, attr)",return,1256
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(person),return,1256
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__name,return,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__age,return,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__acct[:-3] + '***',return,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.retireage - self.age  # Unless already using as attr,return,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return module.CardHolder,return,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return,return,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.age  # Use descriptor data,return,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.acct[:-3] + '***',return,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance.retireage - instance.age # Triggers Age.__get__,return,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance.__name,return,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance.__age  # Use descriptor data,return,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance.__acct[:-3] + '***',return,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance.retireage - instance.age # Triggers Age.__get__,return,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self._acct[:-3] + '***'  # name, age, addr are defined",return,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return superget(self, 'acct')[:-3] + '***'",return,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return superget(self, name) # name, age, addr: stored",return,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the aug-,return,1267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return any type of callable: any,return,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return F,return,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a different object than the original function—a proxy for,return,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return wrapper,return,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return wrapper,return,1276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the original class,return,1277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return C,return,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a,return,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, name)",return,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Wrapper,return,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return callables, classes that use __init__ or __call__ methods",return,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self,return,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)",return,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Wrapper,return,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Wrapper(C(*args)) # Embed instance in instance,return,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value types after function calls. You can use,return,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return either the original class or an inserted wrapper,return,1280
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the decorated func-,return,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return F,return,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return F,return,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return F,return,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return lambda: 'X' + F(),return,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return lambda: 'Y' + F(),return,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return lambda: 'Z' + F(),return,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'spam',return,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return callable,return,1282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return actualDecorator,return,1282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return O,return,1282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return the original decorated object this way instead of a proxy, we can",return,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return results, but we’ll fix these shortcomings later in this sec-",return,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return wrapper,return,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return wrapper,return,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return wrapper,return,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 2 ** N,return,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return wrapper(self, instance)",return,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.desc(self.subj, *args, **kwargs) # Runs tracer.__call__",return,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self(instance, *args, **kwargs)  # Runs __call__",return,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return wrapper,return,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.meth(instance, *args, **kwargs)",return,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return wrapper,return,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return result,return,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [x * 2 for x in range(N)],return,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return force(map((lambda x: x * 2), range(N)))",return,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return value, cumulative time for each function,",return,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return decorator # Returns the actual decorator,return,1298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return result,return,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Timer,return,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [x * 2 for x in range(N)]  # listcomp(...) triggers Timer.__call__,return,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return force(map((lambda x: x * 2), range(N)))",return,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [x * 2 for x in range(N)],return,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [x * 2 for x in range(N)],return,1301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instances[aClass],return,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.hours * self.rate,return,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instance,return,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall.instance,return,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.instance,return,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)  # Delegate fetch",return,1304
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname) # Delegate to wrapped obj",return,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Wrapper,return,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.hours * self.rate # In-method accesses not traced,return,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self,return,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)",return,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instances[aClass],return,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return instances[aClass],return,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return obj # Return obj itself, not a wrapper",return,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(,return,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return func,return,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b,return,1314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return func,return,1314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return decorate,return,1314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a + b,return,1314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attr)",return,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return len( # Methods run with no checking,return,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.__wrapped, attr)",return,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onInstance,return,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr in attributes)),return,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr not in attributes)),return,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'Person: ' + str(self.age),return,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'Person: ' + str(self.age),return,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(self.__wrapped),return,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.__wrapped + other # Or getattr(x, '__add__')(y)",return,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.__wrapped[index]  # If needed,return,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.__wrapped(*args, **kargs) # If needed",return,1324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onInstance,return,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self._wrapped + other # Assume a _wrapped,return,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return str(self._wrapped),return,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self._wrapped[index],return,1325
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self._wrapped(*args, **kargs)",return,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.reroute('__add__', other)",return,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.reroute('__str__'),return,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.reroute('__getitem__', index)",return,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.reroute('__call__', *args, **kargs)",return,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(instance._wrapped, self.attrname)  # Assume a _wrapped",return,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)",return,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)",return,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return aClass # Return original class,return,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return func  # No-op: call original directly,return,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return func(*args),return,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return func  # Wrap if debugging; else use original,return,1333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*pargs, **kargs) # OK: run original call",return,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, by coding them in the def header line itself; Python",return,1340
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*pargs, **kargs)",return,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*pargs, **kargs)",return,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*pargs, **kargs)",return,1343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return result,return,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return [x * 2 for x in range(N)]  # listcomp(...) triggers onCall,return,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return force(map((lambda x: x * 2), range(N)))  # list() for 3.X views",return,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return[-1]  # alltime per class, not instance",return,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return the original class in optimized mode (–O), so at-",return,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.__wrapped, attr)",return,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onInstance,return,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr in attributes)),return,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr not in attributes)),return,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.reroute('__add__', other)",return,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.reroute('__str__'),return,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.reroute('__getitem__', index)",return,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.reroute('__call__', *args, **kargs)",return,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '%s: %s' % (, self.age)",return,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return argtest(argchecks, lambda arg, vals: arg < vals[0] or arg > vals[1])",return,1350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return argtest(argchecks, lambda arg, type: not isinstance(arg, type))",return,1350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return argtest(argchecks, lambda arg, tester: not tester(arg))",return,1350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return func,return,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*pargs, **kargs)  # OK: run original call",return,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a * 1000,return,1353
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a * 1000,return,1353
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return
 the new client class. Therefore, they are often used for managing or augmenting",return,1359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return the augmented class,",return,1361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return any type of object that implements the,return,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Class,return,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Class,return,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return to in the next chapter’s final words.,return,1364
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + arg,return,1368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + arg,return,1370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the new class object:,return,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)",return,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + arg,return,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)",return,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + arg,return,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type(classname, supers, classdict)",return,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + arg,return,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Class,return,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type(classname, supers, classdict)",return,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + arg,return,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Class,return,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type(classname, supers, classdict)",return,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)",return,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + arg,return,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__call__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)",return,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return arbitrary objects, instead of type subclasses.",return,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)",return,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'toast',return,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'spam',return,1380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'eggs' # But not from metaclasses,return,1380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a value found in step a,return,1386
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a value found in step a,return,1386
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return cls.x,return,1389
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return[i]  # Built-ins skip class, use meta",return,1390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(, name)  # But not run same by built-ins",return,1390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value * 2,return,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return obj.value * 4,return,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value + 'ham',return,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return obj.value * 4,return,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value + 'ham',return,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)",return,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value * 2,return,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)",return,1394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return obj.value * 4,return,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return value + 'ham',return,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return aClass,return,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.value * 2,return,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname) # Delegate to wrapped object",return,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Wrapper,return,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.hours * self.rate,return,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname) # Delegate to wrapped object",return,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Wrapper,return,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.hours * self.rate,return,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return an instance,return,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, clsname, supers, attrdict)",return,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.x + self.y,return,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return decorator(type(clsname, supers, attrdict))",return,1399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a type instance either—any object,return,1399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'spam',return,1399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return 'spam',return,1399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return func(*args, **kwargs)",return,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return result,return,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onCall,return,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return onDecorator,return,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict) # Make class",return,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return type.__new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict)",return,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return MetaDecorate,return,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return aClass,return,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return DecoDecorate,return,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return[-1],return,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return the original class objects. Metaclasses aug-,return,1408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return types to be anno-,return,1453
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return a new object of the same type as the,return,1471
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x + y,return,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return sum,return,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return sum,return,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return good + bad + ugly,return,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tot,return,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tot,return,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tot,return,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return adder1(*args.values()),return,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return new,return,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return new,return,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return values, instead of printing",return,1480
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return {i: i for i in range(I)},return,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return new,return,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return N,return,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return N * fact0(N-1),return,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return N if N == 1 else N * fact1(N-1)  # Recursive, one-liner",return,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, range(1, N+1))",return,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return res,return,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return math.factorial(N)  # Stdlib ""batteries""",return,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return S[-1] + rev1(S[:-1]) # Recursive: 10x slower in CPython today,return,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return ''.join(reversed(S)) # Nonrecursive iterable: simpler, faster",return,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return S[::-1]  # Even better?: sequence reversal by slice,return,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return len(file.readlines()),return,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return countLines(name), countChars(name) # Or return a dictionary",return,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tot,return,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return tot,return,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return len(file.readlines()),return,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return countLines(file), countChars(file) # Open file only once",return,1486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return len(file.readlines()),return,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return countLines(name), countChars(name) # Or return a dictionary",return,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.add(, other) # Or return type?",return,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return x + y,return,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return new,return,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.add(other)  # The left side is in self,return,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return + y,return,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return d,return,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return MyList(self.wrapped + other),return,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return MyList(self.wrapped * time),return,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return self.wrapped[offset]  # For iteration if no __iter__,return,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return len(self.wrapped),return,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return MyList(self.wrapped[low:high]),return,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return getattr(self.wrapped, name)",return,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return repr(self.wrapped),return,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return MyList.__add__(self, other)",return,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return self.calls, self.adds  # All adds, my adds",return,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return a value to make them work. As noted in Chapter 32 and elsewhere,",return,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Set(res),return,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Set(res),return,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return '<Instance of %s(%s), address %s:\n%s>' % (",return,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return ', '.join(names)",return,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return Food(foodName),return,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return ""that's one ex-bird!""",return,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return ""no it isn't...""",return,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return None,return,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return callee(*pargs, **kargs)",return,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return callproxy,return,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statement, 592–597",return,1519
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return statement,return,1532
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","return statement versus, 592–597",return,1540
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if this doesn’t work right away for you):,simpleif,56
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not 'f' in D:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if statement squeezed onto a single line. Here are a few examples:,simpleif,118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if you provide the proper encoding name:,simpleif,125
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if present (more on this later in the book):,simpleif,125
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if needed:,simpleif,206
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if desired, assign the result back to the string’s original name:",simpleif,208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if there’s a clash:,simpleif,255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if needed:,simpleif,280
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if you want to scan a text file line by line, file iterators are often your best option:",simpleif,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if we wish to perform math on these:
 >>> int(parts[1]) # Convert from string to int",simpleif,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if we pickle in other data protocol modes):,simpleif,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if needed:,simpleif,311
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if a sequence is as long as you expect:,simpleif,314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if statement, coded in a C-like language:",simpleif,322
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x > y:
  x = 1",simpleif,322
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x > y:
  x = 1",simpleif,324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x:
  if y:",simpleif,326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if all tests prove false. The general form of an if statement looks like this:,simpleif,371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if 1:
 ...  print('true')",simpleif,372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not 1:
 ...  print('true')",simpleif,372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x == 'roger':
 ...  print(""shave and a haircut"")",simpleif,372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x == 'bugs':
 ...  print(""what's up doc?"")",simpleif,372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if logic in your script:,simpleif,373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if
 statement might look like the following:",simpleif,373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if choice == 'ham':
 ...  print(1.99)",simpleif,373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if choice == 'eggs':
 ...  print(0.99)",simpleif,373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if choice == 'bacon':
 ...  print(1.10)",simpleif,373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if statement can have the same default effect:,simpleif,374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if choice in branch:
 ...  print(branch[choice])",simpleif,374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x:
  y = 2",simpleif,376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if y:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x.endswith('NI'):
  x *= 2",simpleif,377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x.endswith('NI'):
  x *= 2",simpleif,377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if A is true (or nonempty), and to default otherwise:",simpleif,384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if the short-circuit rule takes effect:,simpleif,384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if no specific type is required:,simpleif,390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x:
  ...process x...",simpleif,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if you want them to be:,simpleif,403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if you shuffle a list, you create reordered lists:",simpleif,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if parts and parts[0].lower() == 'system type':
 ... print(parts[1].strip())",simpleif,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if line[0] == 'p':
 ...  res.append(line.rstrip())",simpleif,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if tests:,simpleif,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if you plan to operate heavy machinery anytime soon!):,simpleif,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if you require more list tools):,simpleif,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if 2 ** X == L[i]:
  found = True",simpleif,468
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if test:
  def func(): # Define func this way",simpleif,477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if they are already there:,simpleif,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if used:,simpleif,539
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if passed:,simpleif,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if arg < res:
  res = arg",simpleif,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if arg < first:
  first = arg",simpleif,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if test(arg, res):
  res = arg",simpleif,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not x in res:
  res.append(x) # Add new items to result",simpleif,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not L:
  return 0",simpleif,555
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not isinstance(x, list):
  tot += x  # Add numbers directly",simpleif,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if state not in visited:
  visited.add(state) # x.add(state), x[state]=True, or x.append(state)",simpleif,560
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if we recoded the prior def with a lambda:,simpleif,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x > 0:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x % 2 == 0:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if
 selections on nested for clauses applied to numeric objects rather than strings:",simpleif,585
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if x % 2 == 0:
  for y in range(5):",simpleif,585
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if y % 2 == 1:
  res.append((x, y))",simpleif,585
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if
 the code using it produces all results with a tool like join:",simpleif,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if len(x) > 1:
  yield x.upper()",simpleif,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name.startswith('call'):
  print(root, name)",simpleif,607
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if you want to run it live):,simpleif,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if left in:,simpleif,636
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if omitted; in Python 3.3:,simpleif,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if
 required by your shell:",simpleif,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not pythons:
  # Run stmt on this python: API call",simpleif,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not pythons:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if
 you add an assignment to X after the reference:",simpleif,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if you mean to print the global X, you need to declare it in a global statement:",simpleif,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if nothing else was found along the way:,simpleif,740
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if test(arg, res):
  res = arg",simpleif,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if test(arg, res):
  res = arg",simpleif,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if len(sys.argv) == 1:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if verbose:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr.startswith('__'):
  print('<built-in name>') # Skip __file__, etc.",simpleif,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if verbose:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if type(obj) == types.ModuleType and obj not in visited:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if the names in the original module are later reset:,simpleif,774
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if you want to inspect it:,simpleif,811
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if you try to call a method without any instance:,simpleif,864
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if you need a refresher on slicing):,simpleif,891
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if omitted:,simpleif,892
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if it’s defined:,simpleif,895
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if self.value == self.stop:
  raise StopIteration",simpleif,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attrname == 'age':
  return 40",simpleif,910
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'age':
  self.__dict__[attr] = value + 10 # Not or setattr",simpleif,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attrname in self.privates:
  raise PrivateExc(attrname, self) # Make, raise user-define except",simpleif,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr.startswith('__') and attr.endswith('__'):
  result += spaces + '{0}\n'.format(attr)",simpleif,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if aClass in self.__visited:
  return '\n{0}<Class {1}:, address {2}: (see above)>\n'.format(",simpleif,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr.startswith('__') and attr.endswith('__'):
 # result += spaces + '{0}\n'.format(attr)",simpleif,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not x in res:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not x in",simpleif,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if not x in self:,simpleif,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if no other built-in type is appropriate to use:,simpleif,984
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if not withobject:,simpleif,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'age':
  return 40",simpleif,1020
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'age':
  return 40",simpleif,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'age':
  self.__dict__['_age'] = value  # Or object.__setattr__()",simpleif,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if the exception goes uncaught:,simpleif,1111
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if exc_type is None:
  print('exited normally\n')",simpleif,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if enabled):,simpleif,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if line1 != line2:
  print('%s\n%r\n%r' % (linenum, line1, line2))",simpleif,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if needed:,simpleif,1145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if needed:,simpleif,1192
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if node2.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'title':
  self.inTitle = True",simpleif,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if self.inTitle:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'title':
  self.inTitle = False",simpleif,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if node2.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:",simpleif,1213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not valid():
  raise TypeError('cannot fetch name')",simpleif,1220
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not valid(value):
  raise TypeError('cannot change name')",simpleif,1220
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if we use a nested class:,simpleif,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if instance is None:
  return self",simpleif,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if self.fget is None:
  raise AttributeError(""can't get attribute"")",simpleif,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if self.fset is None:
  raise AttributeError(""can't set attribute"")",simpleif,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if self.fdel is None:
  raise AttributeError(""can't delete attribute"")",simpleif,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'name':
  attr = '_name' # Set internal name",simpleif,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'name':
  attr = '_name' # Avoid looping here too",simpleif,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'X':
  return self.value ** 2 # value is not undefined",simpleif,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'X':
  attr = 'value'",simpleif,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'X':
  return self.value ** 2 # Triggers __getattribute__ again!",simpleif,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'X':
  attr = 'value'",simpleif,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'X':
  return object.__getattribute__(self, 'value') ** 2",simpleif,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'attr3':
  return 3",simpleif,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'square':
  return self._square ** 2",simpleif,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'cube':
  return self._cube ** 3",simpleif,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if name == 'square':,simpleif,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'square':
  return object.__getattribute__(self, '_square') ** 2",simpleif,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'cube':
  return object.__getattribute__(self, '_cube') ** 3",simpleif,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'square':
  object.__setattr__(self, '_square', value)  # Or use __dict__",simpleif,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == '__str__':
  return lambda *args: '[Getattr str]'",simpleif,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == '__str__':
  return lambda *args: '[GetAttribute str]'",simpleif,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr in ['person', 'giveRaise']:
  return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)  # Fetch my attrs",simpleif,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == 'giveRaise':
  return lambda percent: person.giveRaise(percent+.10)",simpleif,1256
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if value < 0 or value > 150:
  raise ValueError('invalid age')",simpleif,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if len(value) != self.acctlen:
  raise TypeError('invald acct number')",simpleif,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if present):,simpleif,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if value < 0 or value > 150:
  raise ValueError('invalid age')",simpleif,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if value < 0 or value > 150:
  raise ValueError('invalid age')",simpleif,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'remain':
  return self.retireage - self.age  # Doesn't trigger __getattr__",simpleif,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if value < 0 or value > 150:
  raise ValueError('invalid age')",simpleif,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'acct':
  name = '_acct'",simpleif,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if len(value) != self.acctlen:
  raise TypeError('invald acct number')",simpleif,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'remain':
  raise TypeError('cannot set remain')",simpleif,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'remain':
  return superget(self, 'retireage') - superget(self, 'age')",simpleif,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'age':
  if value < 0 or value > 150:",simpleif,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'acct':
  value = value.replace('-', '')",simpleif,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if len(value) != self.acctlen:
  raise TypeError('invald acct number')",simpleif,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if name == 'remain':
  raise TypeError('cannot set remain')",simpleif,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if trace:
  format = '%s %s: %.5f, %.5f'",simpleif,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if instance == None:
  instance = aClass(*args, **kwargs)  # One scope per class",simpleif,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if onCall.instance == None:
  onCall.instance = aClass(*args, **kwargs) # One function per class",simpleif,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if self.instance == None:
  self.instance = self.aClass(*args, **kwargs) # One instance per class",simpleif,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if aClass not in instances:
  instances[aClass] = aClass(*args, **kwargs)",simpleif,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if aClass not in instances:
  instances[aClass] = object",simpleif,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr in privates:
  raise TypeError('private attribute fetch: ' + attr)",simpleif,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr in privates:
  raise TypeError('private attribute change: ' + attr)",simpleif,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if failIf(attr):
  raise TypeError('private attribute fetch: ' + attr)",simpleif,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == '_onInstance__wrapped':
  self.__dict__[attr] = value",simpleif,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if failIf(attr):
  raise TypeError('private attribute change: ' + attr)",simpleif,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if failIf(attr):
  raise TypeError('private attribute fetch: ' + attr)",simpleif,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if failIf(attr):
  raise TypeError('private attribute change: ' + attr)",simpleif,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if or assert statements in the method itself, using inline tests:",simpleif,1330
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if percent < 0.0 or percent > 1.0:
  raise TypeError, 'percent invalid'",simpleif,1330
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if args[ix] < low or args[ix] > high:
  errmsg = 'Argument %s not in %s..%s' % (ix, low, high)",simpleif,1331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if kargs[argname] < low or kargs[argname] > high:
  errmsg = '{0} argument ""{1}"" not in {2}..{3}'",simpleif,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if pargs[position] < low or pargs[position] > high:
  errmsg = '{0} argument ""{1}"" not in {2}..{3}'",simpleif,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if trace:
  print('Argument ""{0}"" defaulted'.format(argname))",simpleif,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if they are to be validated otherwise:,simpleif,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if argname in kargs:
  if not isinstance(kargs[argname], type):",simpleif,1342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if argname in positionals:
  position = positionals.index(argname)",simpleif,1342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not isinstance(pargs[position], type):
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if trace:
  format = '%s%s: %.5f, %.5f'",simpleif,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not __debug__:
  return aClass",simpleif,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if failIf(attr):
  raise TypeError('private attribute fetch: ' + attr)",simpleif,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if attr == '_onInstance__wrapped':
  self.__dict__[attr] = value",simpleif,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if failIf(attr):
  raise TypeError('private attribute change: ' + attr)",simpleif,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if failif(kargs[argname], criteria):
  onError(argname, criteria)",simpleif,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if failif(pargs[position], criteria):
  onError(argname, criteria)",simpleif,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if trace:
  print('Argument ""%s"" defaulted' % argname)",simpleif,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if required():
  Client1.extra = extra",simpleif,1360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if required():
  Client2.extra = extra",simpleif,1360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if required():
  Client3.extra = extra",simpleif,1360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if required():
  Class.extra = extra",simpleif,1360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if required():
  Class.extra = extra",simpleif,1361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if required():
  Class.extra = extra",simpleif,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if required():
  Class.extra = extra",simpleif,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if fetched through the class but bound when fetched through the instance:,simpleif,1380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if sometest():
  classdict['eggs'] = eggsfunc1",simpleif,1394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if someothertest():
  classdict['ham'] = hamfunc",simpleif,1394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if trace:
  format = '%s%s: %.5f, %.5f'",simpleif,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if type(attrval) is FunctionType:
  classdict[attr] = decorator(attrval)",simpleif,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if type(attrval) is FunctionType:
  setattr(aClass, attr, decorator(attrval)) # Not __dict__",simpleif,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if browser:, new=True)",simpleif,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
  input('[Press Enter]') # Keep window open if clicked on Windows",simpleif,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if N == 0:
  print('stop')  # 2.X: print 'stop'",simpleif,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if N == 0:
  yield 'stop'",simpleif,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if len(S) == 1:
  return S",simpleif,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if mymod’s defs appeared in myclient). For example, another file can say:",simpleif,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not x in res:
  res.append(x) # Add new items to result",simpleif,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if desired):,simpleif,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if filename.endswith('.py'):
  fullname = os.path.join(thisDir, filename)",simpleif,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if thisDir.upper() in visited:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if filename.endswith('.py'):
  pypath = os.path.join(thisDir, filename)",simpleif,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if not os.path.exists(result):
  open(result, 'w').write(output)",simpleif,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if output != priorresult:
  print('FAILED:', testcase['script'])",simpleif,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if self.growing:
  self.fontsize += 5",simpleif,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if input('Print?') in ['y', 'Y']:",simpleif,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if input('Delete?') in ['y', 'Y']:
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('hello world'),printfunc,28
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(2 ** 100),printfunc,28
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Hello world!'),printfunc,49
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(2 ** 8),printfunc,49
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,53
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,54
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('done'),printfunc,54
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('done'),printfunc,54
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.platform),printfunc,55
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(2 ** 100),printfunc,55
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x * 8),printfunc,55
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('The Bright Side ' + 'of Life...'),printfunc,59
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Run', 'away!...')",printfunc,61
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.platform),printfunc,63
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(2 ** 100),printfunc,63
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x * 8),printfunc,63
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.platform),printfunc,64
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(2 ** 100),printfunc,64
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x * 8),printfunc,64
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c) # Also used in this file (in 2.X: print a, b, c)",printfunc,70
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Hello module world!'),printfunc,87
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(3.1415 * 2),printfunc,98
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(D['name']),printfunc,114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('missing'),printfunc,117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('no, really...')",printfunc,117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', D[key])  # <== press Enter twice here (3.X print)",printfunc,118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', D[key])",printfunc,119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(c.upper()),printfunc,119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam!' * x),printfunc,119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(text),printfunc,123
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('yes'),printfunc,128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('yes'),printfunc,128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('yes'),printfunc,128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(b / (2.0 + a)),printfunc,143
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(num),printfunc,144
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 - 0.3),printfunc,158
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(y),printfunc,160
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(item * 3),printfunc,165
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,192
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(s),printfunc,194
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(S),printfunc,196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(path),printfunc,197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(path),printfunc,197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(mantra),printfunc,198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(os.getcwd()),printfunc,199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('------- ...more... ---'),printfunc,200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-' * 80),printfunc,200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(c, end=' ')  # Step through items, print each (3.X form)",printfunc,201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.argv),printfunc,204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(str('spam'), repr('spam'))  # 2.X: print str('spam'), repr('spam')",printfunc,205
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(reply % values),printfunc,221
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s=%s' % ('spam', 42))",printfunc,227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('{0}={1}'.format('spam', 42))",printfunc,227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('{}={}'.format('spam', 42))",printfunc,227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' ') # Iteration (2.X uses: print x,)",printfunc,242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(D.get('toast')),printfunc,255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(year + '\t' + table[year]),printfunc,257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(Matrix[(2, 3, 6)])",printfunc,260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(0),printfunc,260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(0),printfunc,260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(rec['name']),printfunc,261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(k),printfunc,267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(key)  # Still no need to call keys(),printfunc,267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(k, D[k]) # sorted()",printfunc,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(k, D[k])",printfunc,270
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('present', D['c'])",printfunc,270
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(D.get('c')),printfunc,270
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(D.get('x')),printfunc,270
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x) # Iteration context (Chapters 14, 20)",printfunc,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(bob[x]),printfunc,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(line, end='')",printfunc,286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(chars),printfunc,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(row),printfunc,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('The Killer', joke)",printfunc,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(text),printfunc,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a+b+c+d[0]),printfunc,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('action error'),printfunc,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam' * 3),printfunc,328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,329
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(int(reply) ** 2),printfunc,331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bye'),printfunc,331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(int(reply) ** 2),printfunc,332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bye'),printfunc,332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(num ** 2),printfunc,333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bye'),printfunc,333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(float(reply) ** 2),printfunc,334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bad!' * 8),printfunc,334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bye'),printfunc,334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(num ** 2),printfunc,335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bye'),printfunc,335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(front, L)",printfunc,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d)",printfunc,345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(front, L)",printfunc,346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d)",printfunc,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d, e)",printfunc,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d, e)",printfunc,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, sep='')",printfunc,356
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(L),printfunc,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print([object, ...][, sep=' '][, end='\n'][, file=sys.stdout][, flush=False])",printfunc,359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(),printfunc,360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z)",printfunc,360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, sep='')",printfunc,360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, sep=', ')",printfunc,360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, end='')",printfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, end=''); print(x, y, z)",printfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, end='...\n')",printfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, sep='...', end='!\n')",printfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, end='!\n', sep='...')",printfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z)",printfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(text),printfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s: %-.4f, %05d' % ('Result', 3.14159, 42))",printfunc,361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y)",printfunc,362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, end='')",printfunc,362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, file=afile)",printfunc,362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('hello world'),printfunc,363
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, Y)",printfunc,364
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, x)",printfunc,364
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(1, 2, 3)",printfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('back here'),printfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, z, file=log)",printfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(1, 2, 3, file=log)",printfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(4, 5, 6, file=log)",printfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(7, 8, 9)",printfunc,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Bad!' * 8, file=sys.stderr)",printfunc,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, Y)",printfunc,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('spam', 'ham', 'eggs')",printfunc,367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('spam', 'ham', 'eggs')",printfunc,367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(),printfunc,367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(''),printfunc,368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s %s %s' % ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'))",printfunc,368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('{0} {1} {2}'.format('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'))",printfunc,368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('answer: ' + str(42)),printfunc,368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(someObjects),printfunc,369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(someObjects, file=myobj)",printfunc,369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('false'),printfunc,372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Run away! Run away!'),printfunc,372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(1.25),printfunc,373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bad choice'),printfunc,373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(branch.get('spam', 'Bad choice'))",printfunc,373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(branch.get('bacon', 'Bad choice'))",printfunc,374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bad choice'),printfunc,374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bad choice'),printfunc,374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('block1'),printfunc,376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('block0'),printfunc,376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x * 8),printfunc,377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x * 8),printfunc,377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('olde'),printfunc,379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('new'),printfunc,379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('hello'),printfunc,380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Type Ctrl-C to stop me!'),printfunc,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' ')",printfunc,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, end=' ')",printfunc,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(y, 'is prime')",printfunc,392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Not found'),printfunc,393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' ')",printfunc,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' ')",printfunc,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' ')",printfunc,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b)",printfunc,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', D[key])",printfunc,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', value)",printfunc,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b)  # 2.X: prints with enclosing tuple ""()",printfunc,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, ""was found"")",printfunc,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, ""not found!"")",printfunc,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, ""was found"")",printfunc,400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, ""not found!"")",printfunc,400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(chunk),printfunc,401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(line.rstrip()),printfunc,401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(line.rstrip()),printfunc,401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, 'Pythons')",printfunc,403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(item, end=' ')",printfunc,403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X[i], end=' ')",printfunc,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X[i], end=' ')",printfunc,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(item, end=' ')",printfunc,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(S, end=' ')",printfunc,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, end=' ')",printfunc,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, end=' ')",printfunc,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(S[i], end=' ')",printfunc,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(c, end=' ')",printfunc,406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, '--', x+y)",printfunc,408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(item, 'appears at offset', offset)",printfunc,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(item, 'appears at offset', offset)",printfunc,411
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s) %s' % (i, l.rstrip()))",printfunc,411
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(line.rstrip()),printfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%05d) %s' % (i, line.rstrip()))",printfunc,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(val),printfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(item),printfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(awker('input.txt', 7))",printfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(','.join(awker('input.txt', 7)))",printfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(line),printfunc,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x ** 2, end=' ')",printfunc,416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x ** 3, end=' ')",printfunc,416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x * 2, end=' ')",printfunc,416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path),printfunc,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** 32),printfunc,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path),printfunc,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** 32),printfunc,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path),printfunc,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** 32),printfunc,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(line.upper(), end='')",printfunc,418
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(line.upper(), end='')",printfunc,418
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(line.upper(), end='')",printfunc,418
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path),printfunc,419
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path),printfunc,419
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X ** 2, end=' ')",printfunc,421
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X ** 2, end=' ')",printfunc,422
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, D[key])",printfunc,422
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, D[key])",printfunc,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sys.path)'], ['x', '=', '2'], ['print(x', '**', '32)",printfunc,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sys.path)\n', 'x!=!2\n', 'print(x!**!32)",printfunc,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sys.path)', 'print(x ** 32)",printfunc,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sys.path)', 'print(x ** 32)",printfunc,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(line.upper(), end='')",printfunc,429
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sys.path)\n', 'print(sys.path)\n')",printfunc,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** 32)\n'),printfunc,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** 32)\n'),printfunc,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x ** 32)\n', 'import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)",printfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x ** 32)\n', 'import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)",printfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x ** 32)\n', 'print(sys.path)",printfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sys.path)\n', 3: 'print(x ** 32)",printfunc,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d, sep='&')",printfunc,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path),printfunc,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** 32),printfunc,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(i),printfunc,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i)  # Unlike 2.X lists, one pass only (zip too)",printfunc,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x) # Iteration contexts auto call next(),printfunc,436
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(pair),printfunc,437
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(pair),printfunc,437
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(next(I1), next(I1), next(I1))",printfunc,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(k, end=' ')",printfunc,439
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(k, v, end=' ')",printfunc,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, end=' ') # Still no need to call keys()",printfunc,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(k, D[k], end=' ')",printfunc,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(k, D[k], end=' ')",printfunc,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(square(4)),printfunc,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(square.__doc__),printfunc,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(docstrings.__doc__),printfunc,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(docstrings.square.__doc__),printfunc,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(docstrings.Employee.__doc__),printfunc,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.__doc__),printfunc,448
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.getrefcount.__doc__),printfunc,448
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(int.__doc__),printfunc,449
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(map.__doc__),printfunc,449
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('hello %d\n\a' % i),printfunc,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, 'not found')",printfunc,468
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Hello ' + message),printfunc,473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(first.X),printfunc,497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(var),printfunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(var),printfunc,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x(2)),printfunc,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, state)",printfunc,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, state)",printfunc,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, state)",printfunc,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, state)",printfunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, state)",printfunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Current=', spam)",printfunc,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, state)",printfunc,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, state)",printfunc,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, self.state)",printfunc,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, self.state)  # So .nested()",printfunc,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, nested.state)",printfunc,516
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(label, state[0])",printfunc,517
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Custom open call %r:' % id , kargs, pargs)",printfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Custom open call %r:' %, kargs, pargs)",printfunc,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,519
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,519
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,519
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,519
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,520
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(b),printfunc,524
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(L),printfunc,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,532
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,533
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print((spam, eggs, toast, ham))",printfunc,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(args),printfunc,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(args),printfunc,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d)",printfunc,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('calling:', func.__name__)",printfunc,537
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(tracer(func, 1, 2, c=3, d=4))",printfunc,537
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,539
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d)",printfunc,540
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d)",printfunc,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(min1(3, 4, 1, 2))",printfunc,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(min2(""bb"", ""aa""))",printfunc,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(min3([2,2], [1,1], [3,3]))",printfunc,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(minmax(lessthan, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 3))",printfunc,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(minmax(grtrthan, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 3))",printfunc,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(items),printfunc,546
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sorted(func(*items))),printfunc,546
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, pargs)",printfunc,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, kargs)",printfunc,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d)",printfunc,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(L),printfunc,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sumtree(L)),printfunc,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sumtree([1, [2, [3, [4, [5]]]]])) # Prints 15 (right-heavy)",printfunc,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sumtree([[[[[1], 2], 3], 4], 5])) # Prints 15 (left-heavy)",printfunc,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(message),printfunc,562
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(label + ':' + message),printfunc,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(arg, '=>', func.__annotations__[arg])",printfunc,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(f(2)),printfunc,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(L[0](3)),printfunc,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(f(2)),printfunc,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(L[0](3)),printfunc,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,571
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, end=' : ')",printfunc,593
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' : ')",printfunc,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' : ')",printfunc,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s, %s' % (num, num / 2.0))",printfunc,598
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, D[key])",printfunc,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(line, end='')",printfunc,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s, %s, and %s' % (a, b, c))",printfunc,607
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x.upper(), end=' ')",printfunc,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x.upper(), end=' ') for x in 'spam')",printfunc,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(*(x.upper() for x in 'spam')),printfunc,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(S, end=' ')",printfunc,609
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(L, end=' ')",printfunc,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, end=' ')",printfunc,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' ')",printfunc,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' ')",printfunc,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, end=' ')",printfunc,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(args),printfunc,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sorted(func(*args))),printfunc,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path)\nprint(sys.path),printfunc,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path)\nprint(sys.path),printfunc,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mymap(abs, [-2, −1, 0, 1, 2]))",printfunc,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mymap(pow, [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5]))",printfunc,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mymap(abs, [−2, −1, 0, 1, 2]))",printfunc,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mymap(pow, [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5]))",printfunc,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(list(mymap(abs, [−2, −1, 0, 1, 2])))",printfunc,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(list(mymap(pow, [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5])))",printfunc,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(myzip(S1, S2))",printfunc,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mymapPad(S1, S2))",printfunc,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mymapPad(S1, S2, pad=99))",printfunc,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(list(myzip(S1, S2)))",printfunc,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(list(mymapPad(S1, S2)))",printfunc,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(list(mymapPad(S1, S2, pad=99)))",printfunc,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(myzip(S1, S2))",printfunc,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mymapPad(S1, S2))",printfunc,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mymapPad(S1, S2, pad=99))",printfunc,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(list(myzip(S1, S2)))  # Go!... [('a', 'x'), ('b', 'y'), ('c', 'z')",printfunc,621
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(''.join(Z for Z in X + Y)),printfunc,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.version),printfunc,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.version),printfunc,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%.4f [%r]' % (best, stmt[:70]))",printfunc,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-' * 80),printfunc,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('[%r]' % stmt),printfunc,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(python),printfunc,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(cmd),printfunc,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(__main__.X),printfunc,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,659
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(saver.x),printfunc,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(list),printfunc,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b)",printfunc,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b)",printfunc,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b)",printfunc,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(y, 'is prime')",printfunc,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(text, 'spam')",printfunc,671
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,687
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('hello'),printfunc,690
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('starting to load...'),printfunc,695
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('done loading.'),printfunc,696
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, moda.X)",printfunc,698
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, end=' ')",printfunc,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(mod3.X),printfunc,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, end=' ')",printfunc,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(mod2.X, end=' ')",printfunc,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(mod2.mod3.X),printfunc,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(message),printfunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('reloaded:', message)",printfunc,702
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('dir1 init'),printfunc,711
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('dir2 init'),printfunc,711
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('in'),printfunc,712
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('string' * 8),printfunc,724
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(string),printfunc,724
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(eggs.X),printfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(string),printfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(eggs.X),printfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(string),printfunc,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('string' * 8),printfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(eggs.X),printfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(string),printfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(string),printfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Ni' * 8),printfunc,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(string),printfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Ni' * 8),printfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('string' * 8),printfunc,727
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(string),printfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Ni' * 8),printfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('string' * 8),printfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(string),printfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Ni' * 8),printfunc,728
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Eggs' * 4),printfunc,730
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Eggs' * 4),printfunc,731
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Eggs' * 4),printfunc,731
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Eggs' * 4),printfunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('m1.somefunc'),printfunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('m2.somefunc'),printfunc,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(r'dir1\sub\mod1'),printfunc,737
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(r'dir2\sub\mod2'),printfunc,737
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(r'dir1\sub\mod1'),printfunc,738
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(r'dir2\sub\lower\mod3'),printfunc,739
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(r'dir1\sub\pkg\'),printfunc,739
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(r'ns3\dir\!'),printfunc,740
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""It's Christmas in Heaven..."")",printfunc,749
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(minmax(lessthan, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 3))",printfunc,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(minmax(grtrthan, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 3))",printfunc,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('I am:', __name__)",printfunc,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(minmax(lessthan, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 3))",printfunc,751
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(minmax(grtrthan, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 3))",printfunc,751
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(commas(test)),printfunc,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(''),printfunc,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s [%s]' % (money(test, 17), test))",printfunc,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(money(float(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])))",printfunc,753
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(money(X), money(X, 0, ''))",printfunc,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(money(X, currency=u'\xA3'), money(X, currency=u'\u00A5'))",printfunc,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(money(X, currency=b'\xA3'.decode('latin-1')))",printfunc,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(money(X, currency=u'\u20AC'), money(X, 0, b'\xA4'.decode('iso-8859-15')))",printfunc,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(money(X, currency=b'\xA4'.decode('latin-1')))",printfunc,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(u'\xA5' + '1', '%s2' % u'\u00A3')",printfunc,756
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('\xA5' + '1', '%s2' % '\u00A3')",printfunc,756
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('name:', module.__name__, 'file:', module.__file__)",printfunc,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sepline),printfunc,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%02d) %s' % (count, attr), end = ' ')",printfunc,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(module.__name__, 'has %d names' % count)",printfunc,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sepline),printfunc,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('reloading ' + module.__name__),printfunc,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('FAILED: %s' % module),printfunc,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(func2()),printfunc,772
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,772
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,790
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,791
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(emp.computeSalary()),printfunc,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,799
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Current value = ""%s""' %",printfunc,802
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a),printfunc,807
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(b),printfunc,807
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a),printfunc,807
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,809
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(rec[0]),printfunc,812
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(rec['name']),printfunc,812
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('{0} {1}'.format(,",printfunc,822
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s %s' % (,",printfunc,822
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.2f' % pay),printfunc,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print([-1]),printfunc,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.2f' %,printfunc,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())",printfunc,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,826
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(bob),printfunc,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())",printfunc,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(bob),printfunc,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())",printfunc,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom.lastName()),printfunc,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom),printfunc,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('--All three--'),printfunc,832
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(obj),printfunc,832
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom),printfunc,833
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(bob),printfunc,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())",printfunc,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom.lastName()),printfunc,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom),printfunc,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(person),printfunc,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(bob),printfunc,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', getattr(bob, key))",printfunc,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y),printfunc,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(bob),printfunc,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())",printfunc,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom.lastName()),printfunc,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom),printfunc,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', db[key])",printfunc,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', db[key])",printfunc,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '\t=>', db[key])",printfunc,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.message),printfunc,863
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('in Super.method'),printfunc,867
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('starting Sub.method'),printfunc,867
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('ending Sub.method'),printfunc,867
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('in Super.method'),printfunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('in Replacer.method'),printfunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('starting Extender.method'),printfunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('ending Extender.method'),printfunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('in Provider.action'),printfunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('\n' + klass.__name__ + '...'),printfunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('\nProvider...'),printfunc,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X)  # Access global X (11),printfunc,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X)  # 11: module (a.k.a. manynames.X outside file),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(obj.X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(obj.X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(C.X)  # 33: class (a.k.a. obj.X if no X in instance),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(C.m.X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(g.X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(manynames.X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(manynames.C.X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(I.X),printfunc,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(I.X),printfunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X)  # Reference global in module (11),printfunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X)  # Reference local in enclosing scope (33),printfunc,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*40),printfunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X)  # In enclosing def (nester),printfunc,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X)  # In enclosing def (nester),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*40),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X)  # In enclosing def (not 3 in class!),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.X),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.X),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*40),printfunc,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('.' * indent + cls.__name__),printfunc,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Tree of %s' % inst),printfunc,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.__doc__),printfunc,882
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.method.__doc__),printfunc,882
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X), repr(X), str(X)",printfunc,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X[i], end=' ') # Runs __getitem__(X, i)",printfunc,891
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('getitem:', index)",printfunc,892
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('indexing', index)",printfunc,892
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('slicing', index.start, index.stop, index.step)",printfunc,892
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(item, end=' ')",printfunc,895
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, end=' ')",printfunc,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, end=' ')",printfunc,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, end=' ')",printfunc,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x + y, end=' ')",printfunc,899
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(next(I), next(I), next(I))",printfunc,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x + y, end=' ')",printfunc,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x + y, end=' ')",printfunc,901
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x + y, end=' ')",printfunc,901
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, end=' ')",printfunc,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, end=' ')",printfunc,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s:%s' % (i, j), end=' ')",printfunc,904
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, end=' ')",printfunc,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s:%s' % (i, j), end=' ')",printfunc,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x + y, end=' ')",printfunc,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('get[%s]:' % i, end='')",printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('iter=> ', end='')",printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('next:', end='')",printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('contains: ', end='')",printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(3 in X),printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, end=' | ')",printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(),printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print([i ** 2 for i in X]),printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print( list(map(bin, X)) )",printfunc,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('get[%s]:' % i, end='')",printfunc,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('iter=> next:', end='')",printfunc,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('next:', end='')",printfunc,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('contains: ', end='')",printfunc,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(y.age),printfunc,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(objs),printfunc,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(objs),printfunc,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('add', self.val, other)",printfunc,917
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('radd', self.val, other)",printfunc,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('add', self.val, other)",printfunc,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('add', self.val, other)",printfunc,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('add', self.val, other)",printfunc,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x + 10),printfunc,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(10 + y),printfunc,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z),printfunc,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z + 10),printfunc,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z + z),printfunc,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z + z + 1),printfunc,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z),printfunc,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z + 10),printfunc,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z + z),printfunc,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z + z + 1),printfunc,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-' * 60),printfunc,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x + 1),printfunc,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(1 + y),printfunc,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x + y),printfunc,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Called:', pargs, kargs)",printfunc,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('turn', self.color)",printfunc,923
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('turn', color)",printfunc,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(cb4()),printfunc,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('turn', self.color)",printfunc,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X > 'ham')  # True (runs __gt__),printfunc,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X < 'ham')  # False (runs __lt__),printfunc,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X > 'ham')  # True (runs __cmp__),printfunc,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X < 'ham')  # False (runs __cmp__),printfunc,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('yes!'),printfunc,927
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('no!'),printfunc,927
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('yes!'),printfunc,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('in bool'),printfunc,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(99),printfunc,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('in bool'),printfunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(99),printfunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('in nonzero'),printfunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(99),printfunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Hello ' + name),printfunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Goodbye ' +,printfunc,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(, ""does stuff"")",printfunc,935
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(, ""makes food"")",printfunc,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(, ""interfaces with customer"")",printfunc,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(, ""makes pizza"")",printfunc,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(bob),printfunc,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(, ""orders from"", server)",printfunc,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(, ""pays for item to"", server)",printfunc,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""oven bakes"")",printfunc,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('...'),printfunc,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('<PRE>%s</PRE>' % line.rstrip()),printfunc,940
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Trace: ' + attrname),printfunc,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.X),printfunc,945
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.X),printfunc,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.__X),printfunc,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(self.__X),printfunc,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(message),printfunc,948
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(n),printfunc,949
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(act()),printfunc,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(act(5)),printfunc,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(act(5)),printfunc,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('{0:2} => {1}'.format(key, value))",printfunc,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(message),printfunc,955
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X) # Default: class name + address (id),printfunc,958
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print() or str(),printfunc,959
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x)  # print() and str(),printfunc,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(instance) # Run mixed-in __str__ (or via str(x)),printfunc,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-' * 80),printfunc,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,963
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(), str()",printfunc,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(), str()",printfunc,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(B),printfunc,973
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(S[:1000]),printfunc,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x.union(Set([1, 4, 7])))",printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x | Set([1, 4, 6]))",printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('(indexing %s at %s)' % (self, offset))",printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(list('abc')),printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x[1]),printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x[3]),printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, len(x))",printfunc,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x.intersect(y), y.union(x))",printfunc,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x & y, x | y)",printfunc,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(name),printfunc,988
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('getattr: ' + name),printfunc,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('getattr: ' + name),printfunc,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('getitem: ' + str(i)),printfunc,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('add: ' + other),printfunc,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('A.meth'),printfunc,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.meth'),printfunc,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(label + pprint.pformat(X) + end),printfunc,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Classic classes in 2.X, new-style in 3.X')",printfunc,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Py=>%s' % I.attr1),printfunc,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('New-style classes in 2.X and 3.X'),printfunc,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Py=>%s' % I.attr1),printfunc,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(attr, '=>', getattr(X, attr))",printfunc,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(attr, '=>', getattr(X, attr))",printfunc,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(attr, '=>', getattr(X, attr))",printfunc,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, getattr(I, a))",printfunc,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Slots  =>', end=' ')",printfunc,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(min(timeit.repeat(stmt, number=1000, repeat=3)))",printfunc,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Nonslots=>', end=' ')",printfunc,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(min(timeit.repeat(stmt, number=1000, repeat=3)))",printfunc,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('set age: %s' % value),printfunc,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('set: %s %s' % (name, value))",printfunc,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Number of instances created: %s"" % Spam.numInstances)",printfunc,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Number of instances created: %s"" % Spam.numInstances)",printfunc,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Number of instances created: %s"" % Spam.numInstances)",printfunc,1028
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print([self, x])",printfunc,1029
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print([x]),printfunc,1029
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print([cls, x])",printfunc,1029
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Number of instances: %s"" % Spam.numInstances)",printfunc,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Extra stuff..."")",printfunc,1031
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Number of instances: %s"" % cls.numInstances)",printfunc,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Number of instances: %s %s"" % (cls.numInstances, cls))",printfunc,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Extra stuff..."", cls)",printfunc,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Number of instances created: %s"" % Spam.numInstances)",printfunc,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print([self, x])",printfunc,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print([x]),printfunc,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print([cls, x])",printfunc,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))",printfunc,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(spam(1, 2, 3))",printfunc,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(spam('a', 'b', 'c'))",printfunc,1037
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (oncall.calls, func.__name__))",printfunc,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x.spam(1, 2, 3))",printfunc,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x.spam('a', 'b', 'c'))  # Same output as tracer1 (in",printfunc,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,1042
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('eggs'),printfunc,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('eggs'),printfunc,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(proxy),printfunc,1044
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('A'),printfunc,1044
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('B'),printfunc,1044
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C index'),printfunc,1047
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('D index'),printfunc,1047
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('eggs'),printfunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('eggs'),printfunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('eggs'),printfunc,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('X.m'),printfunc,1049
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Y.m'),printfunc,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('A.method'); super().method(),printfunc,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('B.method'); super().method(),printfunc,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.method'),printfunc,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('D.method'); super().method(),printfunc,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('B.method'),printfunc,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('D.method'); super().method(),printfunc,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('D.method'); B.method(self); C.method(self),printfunc,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('A.other'),printfunc,1057
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Mixin.other'); super().other(),printfunc,1057
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('B.method'),printfunc,1057
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.method'); super().other(); super().method(),printfunc,1057
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.method'); super().other(); super().method(),printfunc,1057
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('A.other'),printfunc,1058
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Mixin.other'); super().other(),printfunc,1058
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('B.method'),printfunc,1058
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.method'); super().other(); super().method(),printfunc,1058
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.method'); super().other(); super().method(),printfunc,1058
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.method'); Mixin.other(self); B.method(self),printfunc,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('A.method'),printfunc,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Mixin.method'); super().method(),printfunc,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('B.method'),printfunc,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.method'); super().method(),printfunc,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('A.method'),printfunc,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Mixin.method'); A.method(self),printfunc,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('C.method'); Mixin.method(self),printfunc,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.i),printfunc,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(Spam.count) # Visible in generate's scope, per LEGB rule (E)",printfunc,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Spam.count) # Works: in global (enclosing module),printfunc,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""%s=%s"" % (label, Spam.count))",printfunc,1069
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('got exception'),printfunc,1084
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('got exception'),printfunc,1085
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('continuing'),printfunc,1085
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('after fetch'),printfunc,1087
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('after try?'),printfunc,1087
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('after fetch'),printfunc,1088
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('after try?'),printfunc,1088
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(gobad(x, 0))",printfunc,1099
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(gobad(x, 0))",printfunc,1099
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x + y),printfunc,1100
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Hello world!'),printfunc,1100
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('resuming here'),printfunc,1100
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('not reached'),printfunc,1102
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sep + 'EXCEPTION RAISED AND CAUGHT'),printfunc,1105
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('finally run'),printfunc,1105
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('after run'),printfunc,1105
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sep + 'NO EXCEPTION RAISED, WITH ELSE')",printfunc,1105
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('else run'),printfunc,1106
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('finally run'),printfunc,1106
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('after run'),printfunc,1106
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sep + 'EXCEPTION RAISED BUT NOT CAUGHT'),printfunc,1106
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('finally run'),printfunc,1106
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('after run'),printfunc,1106
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(line),printfunc,1115
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('running ' + arg),printfunc,1116
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('starting with block'),printfunc,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('raise an exception! ' + str(exc_type)),printfunc,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('reached'),printfunc,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('not reached'),printfunc,1117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(pair),printfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.path)\n'),printfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(sys.platform)\n', 'x = 2\n')",printfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(2 ** 32) # Raise 2 to a power\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n')",printfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(pair),printfunc,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('caught'),printfunc,1124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('caught: %s' % sys.exc_info()[0]),printfunc,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(I),printfunc,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(I),printfunc,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.args),printfunc,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(repr(X)),printfunc,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Error at:', self.file, self.line, file=log)",printfunc,1138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(1 + []),printfunc,1143
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('finally run'),printfunc,1144
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('...'),printfunc,1144
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('continuing'),printfunc,1145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(B),printfunc,1183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Default encoding:', sys.getdefaultencoding())",printfunc,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('{0}, strlen={1}, '.format(aStr, len(aStr)), end='')",printfunc,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('byteslen1={0}, byteslen2={1}'.format(len(bytes1), len(bytes2)))",printfunc,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(text),printfunc,1196
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(title),printfunc,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(E.text),printfunc,1213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(i, sys.exc_info()[0])",printfunc,1214
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('fetch...'),printfunc,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('change...'),printfunc,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('remove...'),printfunc,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*20),printfunc,1223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print( # Or help(,printfunc,1223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(P.X),printfunc,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(P.X),printfunc,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Q.X) # 32 ** 2 (1024),printfunc,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('fetch...'),printfunc,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('change...'),printfunc,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('remove...'),printfunc,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(  # Runs name getter (name 1),printfunc,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*20),printfunc,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print( # Or help(,printfunc,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(self, instance, owner, sep='\n')",printfunc,1228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('fetch...'),printfunc,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('change...'),printfunc,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('remove...'),printfunc,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*20),printfunc,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Name.__doc__)  # Or help(Name),printfunc,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('fetch...'),printfunc,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('change...'),printfunc,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('remove...'),printfunc,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Person.Name.__doc__),printfunc,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(c1.X),printfunc,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(c1.X),printfunc,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(c2.X) # 32 ** 2 (1024),printfunc,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('DescState get'),printfunc,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('DescState set'),printfunc,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(obj.X, obj.Y, obj.Z)",printfunc,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(obj.X, obj.Y, obj.Z)",printfunc,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(obj2.X, obj2.Y, obj2.Z)",printfunc,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('InstState get'),printfunc,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('InstState set'),printfunc,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(obj.X, obj.Y, obj.Z)",printfunc,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(obj.X, obj.Y, obj.Z)",printfunc,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(obj2.X, obj2.Y, obj2.Z)",printfunc,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s => %s' % (attr, getattr(I, attr)))",printfunc,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('getName...'),printfunc,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('setName...'),printfunc,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Get: %s' % name),printfunc,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Set: %s %s' % (name, value))",printfunc,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Get: %s' % name),printfunc,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Trace: ' + attrname),printfunc,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.wrapped),printfunc,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('get: ' + attr),printfunc,1241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('set: ' + attr),printfunc,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('del: ' + attr),printfunc,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*20),printfunc,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('get: ' + attr),printfunc,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(A.X),printfunc,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(A.X),printfunc,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(B.X) # 32 ** 2 (1024),printfunc,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('get: ' + attr),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.attr1),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.attr2),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.attr3),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*20),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('get: ' + attr),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.attr1),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.attr2),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.attr3),printfunc,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.square),printfunc,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.cube),printfunc,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.square),printfunc,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.square),printfunc,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.cube),printfunc,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.square),printfunc,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.square),printfunc,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.cube),printfunc,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.square),printfunc,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.square),printfunc,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.cube),printfunc,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.square),printfunc,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('__len__: 42'),printfunc,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('getattr: ' + attr),printfunc,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('__len__: 42'),printfunc,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('getattribute: ' + attr),printfunc,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('\n' + Class.__name__.ljust(50, '='))",printfunc,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue.lastName()),printfunc,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sue),printfunc,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom.lastName()),printfunc,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(tom),printfunc,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('**', attr)",printfunc,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('**', attr)",printfunc,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('[Using: %s]' % module.CardHolder) # No need for getattr(),printfunc,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(who.acct,, who.age, who.remain, who.addr, sep=' / ')",printfunc,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Bad age for Sue'),printfunc,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('bob:',, bob.acct, bob.age, bob.addr)",printfunc,1261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('sue:',, sue.acct, sue.age, sue.addr)",printfunc,1261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('bob:',, bob.acct, bob.age, bob.addr)",printfunc,1261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x.attr),printfunc,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(func()),printfunc,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))",printfunc,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))",printfunc,1284
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,1284
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))",printfunc,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** y),printfunc,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))",printfunc,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** y),printfunc,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))",printfunc,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** y),printfunc,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (wrapper.calls, func.__name__))",printfunc,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x ** y),printfunc,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))",printfunc,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(bob.lastName()) # Runs tracer.__call__(???),printfunc,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))",printfunc,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(eggs(32)),printfunc,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('methods...'),printfunc,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(int(,printfunc,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName()) # Runs onCall(bob)",printfunc,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))",printfunc,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))",printfunc,1294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.meth.__name__))",printfunc,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s: %.5f, %.5f' % (self.func.__name__, elapsed, self.alltime))",printfunc,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(result),printfunc,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('allTime = %s' % listcomp.alltime),printfunc,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(''),printfunc,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(result),printfunc,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('allTime = %s' % mapcall.alltime),printfunc,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('\n**map/comp = %s' % round(mapcall.alltime / listcomp.alltime, 3))",printfunc,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(format % values),printfunc,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(result),printfunc,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('allTime = %s\n' % func.alltime),printfunc,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('**map/comp = %s' % round(mapcall.alltime / listcomp.alltime, 3))",printfunc,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X.attr, Y.attr)",printfunc,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Trace:', attrname)",printfunc,1304
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Trace: ' + attrname),printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Spam!' * 8),printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print([food.fetches]),printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(''),printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print([bob.fetches, sue.fetches])",printfunc,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Trace: ' + attrname),printfunc,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Spam!' * 8),printfunc,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Registry:'),printfunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(name, '=>', registry[name], type(registry[name]))",printfunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('\nManual calls:'),printfunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(spam(2)),printfunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(ham(2)),printfunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('\nRegistry calls:'),printfunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(name, '=>', registry[name](2))",printfunc,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('[' + ' '.join(map(str, args)) + ']')",printfunc,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s => %s' % (self.label,",printfunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.label),printfunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y.label),printfunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.size()),printfunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y.size()),printfunc,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('[' + ' '.join(map(str, args)) + ']')",printfunc,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(__debug__),printfunc,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s is %s years old' % (name, age))",printfunc,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(  # Or giveRaise(self, .10)",printfunc,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s is %s years old' % (name, age))",printfunc,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c, d)",printfunc,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1340
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(argchecks),printfunc,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(argchecks),printfunc,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c),printfunc,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(format % values),printfunc,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('---------------------------------------------------'),printfunc,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(result),printfunc,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('allTime = %s\n' % func.alltime),printfunc,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('---------------------------------------------------'),printfunc,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(int(, int(",printfunc,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName()) # runs onCall(bob)",printfunc,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%.5f %.5f' % (Person.giveRaise.alltime, Person.lastName.alltime))",printfunc,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('[' + ' '.join(map(str, args)) + ']')",printfunc,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('---------------------------------------------------------'),printfunc,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X),printfunc,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('[%s]' % sys.exc_info()[1]),printfunc,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('?%s?' % result),printfunc,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('--------------------------------------------------------------------'),printfunc,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('date = %s/%s/%s' % (m, d, y))",printfunc,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(a + b + c + d),printfunc,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('--------------------------------------------------------------------'),printfunc,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('%s %s %s' % (label, word1, word2))",printfunc,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('--------------------------------------------------------------------'),printfunc,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(A + B),printfunc,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('--------------------------------------------------------------------'),printfunc,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(nester(1, 2, 'spam'))",printfunc,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In', meta, classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making class'),printfunc,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making instance'),printfunc,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('data:',, X.meth(2))",printfunc,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In ', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In MetaTwo.init:', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making class'),printfunc,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making instance'),printfunc,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('data:',, X.meth(2))",printfunc,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In MetaFunc: ', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making class'),printfunc,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making instance'),printfunc,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('data:',, X.meth(2))",printfunc,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In ', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In ', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In MetaObj.init:', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making class'),printfunc,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making instance'),printfunc,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('data:',, X.meth(2))",printfunc,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In ', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In ', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In SubMetaObj.init:', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In ', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In SubMeta init:', classname, supers, classdict, sep='\n...')",printfunc,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making class'),printfunc,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('making instance'),printfunc,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('data:',, X.meth(2))",printfunc,1377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In', classname)",printfunc,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In SubMeta init:', classname)",printfunc,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print([n.__name__ for n in SubMeta.__mro__]),printfunc,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(),printfunc,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(SubMeta.__call__),printfunc,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(),printfunc,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(),printfunc,1378
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('In', classname)",printfunc,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print([x.__name__ for x in k.__mro__]),printfunc,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('ay', cls)",printfunc,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('by', self) # A normal class (normal instances)",printfunc,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('bz', self)",printfunc,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.spam()),printfunc,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.eggs()),printfunc,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.ham('bacon')),printfunc,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y.eggs()),printfunc,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y.ham('bacon')),printfunc,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.spam()),printfunc,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.eggs()),printfunc,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.ham('bacon')),printfunc,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y.eggs()),printfunc,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y.ham('bacon')),printfunc,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.spam()),printfunc,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.eggs()),printfunc,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(X.ham('bacon')),printfunc,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y.eggs()),printfunc,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(Y.ham('bacon')),printfunc,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Trace:', attrname)",printfunc,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Trace:', attrname)",printfunc,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('In M.__new__:'),printfunc,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print([clsname, supers, list(attrdict.keys())])",printfunc,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))",printfunc,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(format % values),printfunc,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.2f' %,printfunc,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())  # Runs onCall(bob)",printfunc,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.2f' %,printfunc,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())",printfunc,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.2f' %,printfunc,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())",printfunc,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*40),printfunc,1404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.5f' % Person.__init__.alltime),printfunc,1404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.5f' % Person.giveRaise.alltime),printfunc,1404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.5f' % Person.lastName.alltime),printfunc,1404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(,",printfunc,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.2f' %,printfunc,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())",printfunc,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*40),printfunc,1406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.5f' % Person.__init__.alltime),printfunc,1406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.5f' % Person.giveRaise.alltime),printfunc,1406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('%.5f' % Person.lastName.alltime),printfunc,1406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(c, end=' ')",printfunc,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(),printfunc,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(text, file=file)",printfunc,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(tags, file=file)",printfunc,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('[File: %s]' % saveto, end='')",printfunc,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.argv),printfunc,1432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(2 ** 100),printfunc,1433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(1 / X),printfunc,1435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(1 / X),printfunc,1435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.version.split()[0]),printfunc,1441
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.version.split()[0]),printfunc,1442
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.version.split()[0]),printfunc,1445
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.argv),printfunc,1445
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(99),printfunc,1445
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y)",printfunc,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, file=F)",printfunc,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(x, y, end=' ')",printfunc,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Hello module world!'),printfunc,1465
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Hello module world!'),printfunc,1466
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(ord(c)),printfunc,1473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', D[key])",printfunc,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', D[key])",printfunc,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, 'not found')",printfunc,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print((2 ** X), 'was found at', L.index(2 ** X))",printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, 'not found')",printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(L),printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print((2 ** X), 'was found at', L.index(2 ** X))",printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, 'not found')",printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(L)  # list(),printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print((2 ** X), 'was found at', L.index(2 ** X))",printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(X, 'not found')",printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder(2, 3))",printfunc,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder('spam', 'eggs'))",printfunc,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder(['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']))",printfunc,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('adder1', end=' ')",printfunc,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('adder2', end=' ')",printfunc,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(func(2, 3, 4))",printfunc,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(func('spam', 'eggs', 'toast'))",printfunc,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(func(['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'], ['e', 'f']))",printfunc,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(adder()),printfunc,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(adder(5)),printfunc,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder(5, 6))",printfunc,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder(5, 6, 7))",printfunc,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder(ugly=7, good=6, bad=5))",printfunc,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder1(1, 2, 3),  adder1('aa', 'bb', 'cc'))",printfunc,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder2(a=1, b=2, c=3), adder2(a='aa', b='bb', c='cc'))",printfunc,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder3(a=1, b=2, c=3), adder3(a='aa', b='bb', c='cc'))",printfunc,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(adder4(a=1, b=2, c=3), adder4(a='aa', b='bb', c='cc'))",printfunc,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b)",printfunc,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b)",printfunc,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b)",printfunc,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(a, b, c)",printfunc,1479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(y, 'not prime')",printfunc,1479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(y, 'is prime')",printfunc,1479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(sys.version),printfunc,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(N, end=' ')",printfunc,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(fact0(6), fact1(6), fact2(6), fact3(6), fact4(6))",printfunc,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(fact0(500) == fact1(500) == fact2(500) == fact3(500) == fact4(500)),printfunc,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(test.__name__, min(repeat(stmt=lambda: test(500), number=20, repeat=3)))",printfunc,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(test('')),printfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(test(input('Enter file name:')) # Console (raw_input in 2.X),printfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(test(sys.argv[1])),printfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(countLines(''), countChars(''))",printfunc,1487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('not implemented!'),printfunc,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('not implemented!'),printfunc,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(y),printfunc,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(z),printfunc,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x),printfunc,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x[2]),printfunc,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x[1:]),printfunc,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x + ['eggs']),printfunc,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x * 3),printfunc,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(' '.join(c for c in x)),printfunc,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('add: ' + str(other)),printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x[2]),printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x[1:]),printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x + ['eggs']),printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x + ['toast']),printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(y + ['bar']),printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(x.stats()),printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('get %s' % name),printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('set %s %s' % (name, value))",printfunc,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(c, end=' ') # __iter__ (else __getitem__)",printfunc,1493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(,printfunc,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('spam'),printfunc,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('huh?'),printfunc,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('meow'),printfunc,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('bark'),printfunc,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Hello world!'),printfunc,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print( + ':', repr(self.says()))",printfunc,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('no error caught...'),printfunc,1497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Got %s %s' % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))",printfunc,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(allsizes[:2]),printfunc,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(allsizes[-2:]),printfunc,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(allsizes[:2]),printfunc,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(allsizes[-2:]),printfunc,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('skipping', pypath)",printfunc,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(allsizes[:3]),printfunc,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(allsizes[-3:]),printfunc,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=', sums[key])",printfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(totals),printfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Created:', result)",printfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(output),printfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('Passed:', testcase['script'])",printfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(text),printfunc,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Connecting...'),printfunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(server.getwelcome()),printfunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('There are', msgCount, 'mail messages, size ', mboxSize)",printfunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(msginfo),printfunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('-'*80),printfunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print('[%d: octets=%d, size=%s]' % (msgnum, octets, msgsize))",printfunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(line),printfunc,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(line),printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('skipping'),printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""Content-type: text/html\n"")",printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""<HTML>"")",printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""<title>Reply Page</title>"")",printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""<BODY>"")",printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""<h1>Hello <i>%s</i>!</h1>"" % cgi.escape(form['user'].value))",printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(""</BODY></HTML>"")",printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print(key, '=>', db[key])",printfunc,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(row),printfunc,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print(curs.description),printfunc,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Connecting...'),printfunc,1506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Downloading...'),printfunc,1506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",print('Playing...'),printfunc,1506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (1, 2, 3, 4)",simpleTuple,121
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (2,)",simpleTuple,121
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","In this interaction, X and Y should be == (same value), but not is (same object)",simpleTuple,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (0,)",simpleTuple,276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (0, 'Ni', 1.2, 3)",simpleTuple,276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = ('Bob', ('dev', 'mgr'))",simpleTuple,277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (1, 2, 3, 4)",simpleTuple,277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = (40,)",simpleTuple,278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = ('cc', 'aa', 'dd', 'bb')",simpleTuple,278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)",simpleTuple,279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2)",simpleTuple,279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (1, [2, 3], 4)",simpleTuple,279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = ('Bob', 40.5, ['dev', 'mgr'])",simpleTuple,280
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (1, 2, 3)",simpleTuple,311
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","generate a new tuple with the desired value. Given T = (4, 5, 6)",simpleTuple,312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","the first item by making a new tuple from its parts by slicing and concatenating: T
 = (1,) + T[1:]. (Recall that single-item tuples require a trailing comma.)",simpleTuple,312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c] = (1, 2, 3)",simpleTuple,342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b), c) = ('SP', 'AM')",simpleTuple,343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, *b, c = (1, 2, 3, 4)",simpleTuple,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)",simpleTuple,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = (""and"", ""I'm"", ""okay"")",simpleTuple,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Here, the first time through the loop is like writing (a,b) = (1,2)",simpleTuple,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","like writing (a,b) = (3,4)",simpleTuple,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b), c) = ((1, 2), 3)",simpleTuple,398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)",simpleTuple,398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, *b, c = (1, 2, 3, 4)",simpleTuple,398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","assignment statement (x, y) = (1, 5)",simpleTuple,408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T1, T2, T3 = (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)",simpleTuple,408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = (1, 2)",simpleTuple,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Y = (3, 4)",simpleTuple,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","action = (lambda n, x=x: x ** n)",simpleTuple,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","args = (1, 2)",simpleTuple,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","args += (3, 4)",simpleTuple,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","args = (2,3)",simpleTuple,537
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","args += (4,)",simpleTuple,537
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = (lambda a=""fee"", b=""fie"", c=""foe"": a + b + c)",simpleTuple,568
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","lower = (lambda x, y: x if x < y else y)",simpleTuple,571
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = (x + '\n' for x in 'aaa,bbb,ccc'.split(','))",simpleTuple,598
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","G = ((x, x * x) for x in range(10))",simpleTuple,625
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = (last3 + ',' + result)",simpleTuple,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests += (2 ** 100), −(2 ** 100)",simpleTuple,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec = ('Bob', 40.5, ['dev', 'mgr'])",simpleTuple,812
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","C.__bases__ = (B,)",simpleTuple,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","C.__bases__ = (Y,)",simpleTuple,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","C.__bases__ = (Y,) # Same effect, without super()",simpleTuple,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","values = (label, self.func.__name__, elapsed, self.alltime)",simpleTuple,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","values = (label, func.__name__, elapsed, onCall.alltime)",simpleTuple,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rangetest(X=(1, 10))",simpleTuple,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","values = (label, func.__name__, elapsed, onCall.alltime)",simpleTuple,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L.config(font=('arial', fontsize, 'italic'))",simpleTuple,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","font=('arial', fontsize, 'italic')",simpleTuple,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Button(win, text='press', command=(lambda: reply('red'))).pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)",simpleTuple,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","font=('courier', self.fontsize, 'bold italic'))",simpleTuple,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","userinfo = (user, getpass('Pswd?'))",simpleTuple,1506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,88
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [123, 'spam', 1.23]",simpleList,109
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = ['bb', 'aa', 'cc']",simpleList,110
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = [[1, 2, 3]",simpleList,111
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",doubles = [c * 2 for c in 'spam'],simpleList,112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",squares = [],simpleList,120
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [None],simpleList,128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","suits = ['hearts', 'clubs', 'diamonds', 'spades']",simpleList,157
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]",simpleList,169
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1, L2 = [1, 3, 5, 2, 4], [2, 5, 3, 4, 1]",simpleList,170
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,179
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1 = [2, 3, 4]",simpleList,182
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1 = [2, 3, 4]",simpleList,182
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1 = [2, 3, 4]",simpleList,183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","A = [""spam""]",simpleList,186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","A = [""spam""]",simpleList,186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","motto}, {0} and {food}'.format(42, motto=3.14, food=[1, 2]",simpleList,223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = '{motto}, {0} and {food}'.format(42, motto=3.14, food=[1, 2]",simpleList,223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","first=S, last=M, middle=['P', 'A']",simpleList,224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","first=S, last=M, middle=['P', 'A']",simpleList,228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [],simpleList,240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[i:j] = [],simpleList,241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[i:j] = [4,5,6]",simpleList,241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [c * 4 for c in 'SPAM'],simpleList,243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['spam', 'Spam', 'SPAM!']",simpleList,243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","matrix = [[1, 2, 3]",simpleList,244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['spam', 'Spam', 'SPAM!']",simpleList,244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[0:2] = ['eat', 'more']",simpleList,244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","or more items, an assignment L[1:2]=[4,5]",simpleList,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[1:2] = [4, 5]",simpleList,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[1:1] = [6, 7]",simpleList,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[1:2] = [],simpleList,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [1],simpleList,246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[:0] = [2, 3, 4]",simpleList,246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[len(L):] = [5, 6, 7]",simpleList,246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['eat', 'more', 'SPAM!']",simpleList,246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",can also mimic append with the clever slice assignments of the prior section: L[len(L):]=[X],simpleList,246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L.append(X), and L[:0]=[X]",simpleList,246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['abc', 'ABD', 'aBe']",simpleList,247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['abc', 'ABD', 'aBe']",simpleList,247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['abc', 'ABD', 'aBe']",simpleList,247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['abc', 'ABD', 'aBe']",simpleList,248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['abc', 'ABD', 'aBe']",simpleList,248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [],simpleList,249
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['spam', 'eggs', 'ham']",simpleList,249
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['spam', 'eggs', 'ham', 'toast']",simpleList,249
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L # Same as L[1:] = [],simpleList,249
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",delete a section of a list by assigning an empty list to a slice (L[i:j]=[],simpleList,249
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['Already', 'got', 'one']",simpleList,250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[1:] = [],simpleList,250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[0] = [],simpleList,250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D['ham'] = ['grill', 'bake', 'fry']",simpleList,254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd']",simpleList,255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [],simpleList,259
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db = [],simpleList,261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict(name='Bob', age=40.5, jobs=['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,263
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = dict(name='Bob', age=40.5, jobs=['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,280
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Rec('Bob', age=40.5, jobs=['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Rec(name='Bob', age=40.5, jobs=['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec = dict(name=name, job=['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['a', X, 'b']",simpleList,298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1,2,3]",simpleList,299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1 = [1, ('a', 3)]",simpleList,300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L2 = [1, ('a', 3)]",simpleList,300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1 = [1, ('a', 3)]",simpleList,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L2 = [1, ('a', 2)]",simpleList,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [None],simpleList,305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = ['X', L, 'Y']",simpleList,308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [4, 5, 6]",simpleList,309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [4, 5, 6]",simpleList,310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = [list(L)],simpleList,310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [4, 5, 6]",simpleList,310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = ['grail'],simpleList,310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1,2,3] + [4,5,6]",simpleList,313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","four strings or numbers (e.g., L=[0,1,2,3]",simpleList,314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",assigning to this slice (L[3:1]=['?'],simpleList,314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list to one of its offsets (e.g., L[2]=[]",simpleList,314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",to a slice (L[2:3]=[],simpleList,314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",staticData = [],simpleList,321
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam, ham] = ['yum', 'YUM']",simpleList,340
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","C, D] = [nudge, wink]",simpleList,341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","seq = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","seq = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = b = [],simpleList,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = [],simpleList,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = [],simpleList,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = [], []",simpleList,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L += [9, 10] # Mapped to L.extend([9, 10]",simpleList,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [],simpleList,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","2. As suggested in Chapter 6, we can also use slice assignment (e.g., L[len(L):] = [11,12,13]",simpleList,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,355
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = ['eggs'],simpleList,360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",A = B = C = [],simpleList,370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","A = [Z, Y][bool(X)]",simpleList,383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]",simpleList,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","items = [""aaa"", 111, (4, 5), 2.01]",simpleList,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests = [(4, 5), 3.14]",simpleList,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1 = [1,2,3,4]",simpleList,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L2 = [5,6,7,8]",simpleList,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,409
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","keys = ['spam', 'eggs', 'toast']",simpleList,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","vals = [1, 3, 5]",simpleList,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","keys = ['spam', 'eggs', 'toast']",simpleList,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","vals = [1, 3, 5]",simpleList,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",col7 = [],simpleList,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,420
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,421
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,421
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,424
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,425
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,429
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [11, 22, 33, 44]",simpleList,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [11],simpleList,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [11],simpleList,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",to be careful about using mutables in a multiple-target assignment (a = b = [],simpleList,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","as well as in an augmented assignment (a += [1, 2]",simpleList,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]",simpleList,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","funcs = [lambda x: x**2, lambda x: x**3]",simpleList,474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acts = [],simpleList,506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acts = [],simpleList,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","mutable objects like lists and dictionaries for default arguments (e.g., def f(a=[]",simpleList,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state = [start],simpleList,517
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,526
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = [3, 4]",simpleList,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a default to be a mutable object (e.g., def f(a=[]",simpleList,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,557
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",simpleList,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","schedule = [ (echo, 'Spam!'), (echo, 'Ham!') ]",simpleList,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [f1, f2, f3]",simpleList,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","counters = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,574
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",updated = [],simpleList,574
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,576
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1,2,3,4]",simpleList,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,582
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [ord(x) for x in 'spam'],simpleList,582
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,583
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,584
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,585
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = [[1, 2, 3]",simpleList,586
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","N = [[2, 2, 2]",simpleList,586
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tmp = [],simpleList,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tmp = [],simpleList,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tmp = [],simpleList,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","listoftuple = [('bob', 35, 'mgr'), ('sue', 40, 'dev')]",simpleList,590
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,605
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L, S = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,609
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,619
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c:\code> py −3 -m timeit -n 1000 -r 3 ""L = [1,2,3,4,5]",simpleList,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""res=[]",simpleList,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0.5655 ['res=[]\nfor x in range(1000): res.append(x ** 2)'],simpleList,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0.1285 ['res=[]\nfor x in range(1000): res.append(x ** 2)'],simpleList,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0.0102 ['res=[]\nfor x in range(1000): res.append(x ** 2)'],simpleList,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res=[]\nfor x in range(1000): res.append(x ** 2)'],simpleList,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""res=[]",simpleList,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","1.3471 [""res=[]\nfor x in 'spam' * 2500: res.append(ord(x))""]",simpleList,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stmts = [
  (0, 0, ""def f(x): return x\n[f(x) for x in 'spam' * 2500]",simpleList,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""def f(x): return x\nres=[]",simpleList,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","2.0506 [""def f(x): return x\nres=[]\nfor x in 'spam' * 2500: res.append(f(x))""]",simpleList,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0.5657 ['res=[]\nfor x in range(1000): res.append(x ** 2)'],simpleList,654
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, """", ""res=[]",simpleList,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res=[],simpleList,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res=[],simpleList,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","C:\python33\python -m timeit -n 1000 -r 5 -s ""def f(x):"" -s "" return x"" ""res=[]",simpleList,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = [],simpleList,659
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",saver.x = [],simpleList,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = [1, 2]",simpleList,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__all__ = ['a', '_c']",simpleList,747
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sys.path = [r'd:\temp'],simpleList,757
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","company = [bob, sue, tom]",simpleList,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec['jobs'] = ['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,812
"Learning Python, 5th Edition"," = ['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,812
"Learning Python, 5th Edition"," = ['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition"," = ['dev', 'cto']",simpleList,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec = dict(name='Bob', age=40.5, jobs=['dev', 'mgr']",simpleList,814
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attrs = [],simpleList,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]",simpleList,891
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","data = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]",simpleList,892
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",privates = ['age'],simpleList,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","privates = ['name', 'pay']",simpleList,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","objs = [Printer(2), Printer(3)]",simpleList,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","objs = [Printer(2), Printer(3)]",simpleList,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y += [2],simpleList,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y += [3],simpleList,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","acts = [x.double, y.double, y.triple, z.double]",simpleList,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","actions = [square, sobject, pobject.method]",simpleList,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","actions = [square, sobject, pobject.method, Negate]",simpleList,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",_tclCommands=[],simpleList,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",here = [cls],simpleList,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C: __slots__ = ['a'],simpleList,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C: __slots__ = ['a'],simpleList,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C: __slots__ = ['a'],simpleList,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C: __slots__ = ['a'],simpleList,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A: __slots__ = ['a'],simpleList,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A: __slots__ = ['a'],simpleList,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class B(A, ListTree): __slots__ = ['b']",simpleList,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C: __slots__ = ['a'],simpleList,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Is = [],simpleList,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",shared = [],simpleList,1066
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","excs = [IndexError, TypeError]",simpleList,1107
"Learning Python, 5th Edition"," = [1, 1, 1]",simpleList,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","builtins = ['add', 'str', 'getitem', 'call']",simpleList,1326
"Learning Python, 5th Edition"," = [1, 2, 3]",simpleList,1391
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tags = ['<i>%s</i>' % htmlescape(line) if line[:1],simpleList,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2]",simpleList,1466
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1,2,3] + [4,5,6]",simpleList,1468
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 3, 4]",simpleList,1469
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[3:1] = ['?'],simpleList,1469
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1,2,3,4]",simpleList,1470
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[2] = [],simpleList,1470
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[2:3] = [],simpleList,1470
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [0, 1]",simpleList,1471
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = ['s', 'p']",simpleList,1472
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = [],simpleList,1473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]",simpleList,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]",simpleList,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = [],simpleList,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","values = [2, 4, 9, 16, 25]",simpleList,1480
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,1480
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = [],simpleList,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",names = [],simpleList,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allsizes = [],simpleList,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allsizes = [],simpleList,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allsizes = [],simpleList,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",totals  = [0],simpleList,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","totals = [(x + y) for (x, y) in zip(totals, nums)]",simpleList,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'orange', 'white', 'cyan', 'purple']",simpleList,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","colors = ['blue', 'green', 'orange', 'red', 'brown', 'yellow']",simpleList,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","colors = ['black', 'purple']",simpleList,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in Ks:,forsimple,118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in sorted(D):,forsimple,119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for integers, use float to guarantee that one operand is a float around a / when run in
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for item in set('abc'):,forsimple,165
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for equality in a Python program. Let’s create a shared reference to demonstrate:,forsimple,183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in S:,forsimple,192
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in myjob:,forsimple,201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for use in other roles:,forsimple,218
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in L:,forsimple,241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for the result. Index assignment in
 Python works much as it does in C and most other languages:",forsimple,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for year in table: # Same as:,forsimple,257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for more in this chapter’s sidebar “Why You Will Care:,forsimple,262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in D.keys():,forsimple,267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in D:,forsimple,267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for k in Ks: print(k, D[k]) # 2.X:",forsimple,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in sorted(Ks):,forsimple,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in sorted(D):,forsimple,270
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in T:,forsimple,277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in bob:,forsimple,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in bob:,forsimple,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in bob.values():,forsimple,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for row in rdr:,forsimple,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in myfile:,forsimple,294
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in mylist:,forsimple,320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for continuation lines when the prior line ends in a backslash:,forsimple,328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for this example is in in the book’s examples package:,forsimple,330
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for example, any number of objects may be listed in the call’s parentheses:",forsimple,367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for related discussion in operator overloading in Part VI:,forsimple,385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for code to be filled in
 later—a sort of Python “TBD”:",forsimple,390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in obj:,forsimple,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for loop is a generic iterator in Python:,forsimple,395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for target in object:,forsimple,395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for target in object:,forsimple,395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in S:,forsimple,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in T:,forsimple,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in D:,forsimple,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for both in T:,forsimple,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for each key
 in the objects list and reports on the search’s outcome:",forsimple,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in tests:,forsimple,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for item in items:,forsimple,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in tests:,forsimple,400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in seq1:,forsimple,400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(3):,forsimple,403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for item in X:,forsimple,403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(X)):,forsimple,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for loop form in
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for item in X:,forsimple,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for
 slicing in the second:",forsimple,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(S)):,forsimple,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(S)):,forsimple,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(L)):,forsimple,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in range(0, len(S), 2):",forsimple,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in S[::2]:,forsimple,406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in L:,forsimple,406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(L)):,forsimple,406
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in L:,forsimple,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for item in S:,forsimple,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for item in col7:,forsimple,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for loop can work on any sequence type
 in Python, including lists, tuples, and strings, like this:",forsimple,416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for X in L:,forsimple,421
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in D.keys():,forsimple,422
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in D:,forsimple,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(L)):,forsimple,424
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in L:,forsimple,425
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for the last line in a file):,forsimple,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for every line in the file:,forsimple,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for tips on using the following’s 3.X print in 2.X as usual):,forsimple,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in M:,forsimple,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in M:,forsimple,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in M: print(x) # map iterator is now empty:,forsimple,436
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in M:,forsimple,436
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for pair in Z:,forsimple,437
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for pair in Z:,forsimple,437
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in D.keys():,forsimple,439
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in D:,forsimple,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in sorted(D.keys()):,forsimple,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in sorted(D):,forsimple,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for help on an actual string object directly (e.g., help('')) doesn’t work in recent Pythons:",forsimple,451
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for loop (e.g., for x in seq:",forsimple,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in D.keys().sort():,forsimple,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in Ks:,forsimple,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in S]? Why? (Hint:,forsimple,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(50):,forsimple,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in seq1:,forsimple,481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for it in
 this order:",forsimple,489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for a custom open in the sidebar “Why You Will Care:,forsimple,494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(5):,forsimple,506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(5):,forsimple,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args[1:]:,forsimple,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in rest:,forsimple,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args[1:]:,forsimple,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in args[0]:,forsimple,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for other in args[1:]:,forsimple,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for seq in args:,forsimple,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in seq:,forsimple,545
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(items)):,forsimple,546
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for args in scramble(items):,forsimple,547
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args:,forsimple,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args:,forsimple,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args:,forsimple,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for arg in
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in kargs:,forsimple,552
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in L:,forsimple,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for repeats as it goes. We will use this scheme in
 later recursive examples in this book:",forsimple,560
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in func.__annotations__:,forsimple,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for f in L:,forsimple,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for f in L:,forsimple,570
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in counters:,forsimple,574
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in seq:,forsimple,575
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in range(−5, 5):",forsimple,576
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in L[1:]:,forsimple,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for next in sequence[1:]:,forsimple,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(5):,forsimple,583
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(5):,forsimple,585
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for row in M:,forsimple,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for col in row:,forsimple,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for row in M:,forsimple,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for col in row:,forsimple,587
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for row in range(3):,forsimple,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for col in range(3):,forsimple,588
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(N):,forsimple,593
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in gensquares(5):,forsimple,593
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for us in 3.X (and in
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(n):,forsimple,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in buildsquares(5): print(x, end=' :",forsimple,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in map((lambda n: n ** 2), range(5)):",forsimple,595
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for sub in line.split(','):",forsimple,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(10):,forsimple,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(4)] # List comprehension:,forsimple,597
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(4)) # Generator expression:,forsimple,597
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in line.split():,forsimple,602
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for example, repeats each character in a string four times:",forsimple,602
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in S:,forsimple,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in line.split():,forsimple,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in S:,forsimple,604
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in D:,forsimple,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for name in files:,forsimple,607
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(S)):,forsimple,609
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(L)):,forsimple,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(S)):,forsimple,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(seq)):,forsimple,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in scramble((1, 2, 3)):",forsimple,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(seq)):,forsimple,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(seq)):,forsimple,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in scramble((1, 2, 3)):",forsimple,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for x in F((1, 2, 3)):",forsimple,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(seq)):,forsimple,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for args in scramble(items):  # Use generator (or:,forsimple,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(seq)):,forsimple,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in permute1(rest):,forsimple,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(len(seq)):,forsimple,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in permute2(rest):,forsimple,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in permute2('abc'):,forsimple,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for args in zip(*seqs):,forsimple,617
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for args in zip(*seqs):,forsimple,618
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(10)] # List comprehension:,forsimple,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(10)) # Generator expression:,forsimple,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for X in range(5)]  # 3.X:,forsimple,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for Y in range(5):,forsimple,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for X in range(5)]  # 2.X:,forsimple,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for Y in range(5):,forsimple,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(10):,forsimple,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(10):,forsimple,625
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(1000):,forsimple,630
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in repslist:,forsimple,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(reps):,forsimple,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in repslist:,forsimple,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in repslist:,forsimple,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in repslist:,forsimple,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in repslist:,forsimple,637
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in repslist:,forsimple,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(_reps):,forsimple,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(_reps):,forsimple,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(_reps):,forsimple,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for variety in the first two of these commands):,forsimple,643
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(10000):,forsimple,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(10000):,forsimple,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(10000):,forsimple,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(10000):,forsimple,650
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(10000):,forsimple,651
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in f:,forsimple,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(10000):,forsimple,654
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in range(1000):,forsimple,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for __all__ in Chapter 25:,forsimple,711
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for program mode only in 3.X:,forsimple,729
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for variety use the 3.3 Windows launcher covered in Appendix B):,forsimple,730
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for space; see the file dualpkg\results.txt
 in the book’s examples for the full listing):",forsimple,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args[1:]:,forsimple,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args[1:]:,forsimple,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for test in tests:,forsimple,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for test in tests:,forsimple,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for longer names, and to avoid name clashes when you are already using a name
 in your script that would otherwise be overwritten by a normal import statement:",forsimple,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for arg in args:  # For all passed in
  if type(arg) == types.ModuleType:",forsimple,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for obj in objects:,forsimple,767
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for emp in company:,forsimple,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for pay because according to Python’s syntax rules and Chapter 18, any arguments in
 a function’s header after the first default must all have defaults, too:",forsimple,819
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for easier changes in the future, not altered its behavior:",forsimple,825
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for person in self.members:,forsimple,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for person in self.members:,forsimple,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in db:,forsimple,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in sorted(db):,forsimple,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for objects based on OOP’s inheritance model, even when they live in
 a file:",forsimple,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in sorted(db):,forsimple,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for supercls in cls.__bases__:,forsimple,880
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for more about this difference in Chapter 32):,forsimple,883
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(5):,forsimple,891
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for item in X:,forsimple,895
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in Squares(1, 5):",forsimple,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for n in X] # Exhausts items:,forsimple,897
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for n in X] # Now it's empty:,forsimple,897
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in range(start, stop + 1):",forsimple,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in gsquares(1, 5):",forsimple,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in skipper:,forsimple,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for y in skipper:,forsimple,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for value in range(self.start, self.stop + 1):",forsimple,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in Squares(1, 5):",forsimple,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for value in range(self.start, self.stop + 1):",forsimple,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in Squares(1, 5).gen():",forsimple,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in S:,forsimple,904
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for j in S:,forsimple,904
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in Squares(1, 5):",forsimple,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in S:,forsimple,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for j in S:,forsimple,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in skipper:  # Each for calls __iter__:,forsimple,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for y in skipper:,forsimple,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in X:,forsimple,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in,forsimple,908
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for iterators (and fully covered in Part VII):,forsimple,910
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in objs:,forsimple,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in objs: print(x)  # No __str__:,forsimple,916
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for klass in Employee, Chef, Server, PizzaRobot:",forsimple,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for act in acts:,forsimple,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for act in actions:,forsimple,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for act in actions:,forsimple,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in dir(self):,forsimple,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for super in aClass.__bases__:,forsimple,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for super in aClass.__bases__:,forsimple,968
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in,forsimple,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in other:,forsimple,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in value:,forsimple,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in self:,forsimple,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in value:,forsimple,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for
 new-style classes always used in 3.X, and available as an option in 2.X:",forsimple,1002
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for all classic classes in 2.X):,forsimple,1003
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for sup in cls.__bases__:,forsimple,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(1000):,forsimple,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for portability, but could leverage variables and nonlocal instead in 3.X only:",forsimple,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for either subclass
 in isolation, since its MRO includes just itself and its actual superclass:",forsimple,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for X.i in range(Y.a):,forsimple,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in myfile:,forsimple,1115
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in fin:,forsimple,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for pair in zip(f1, f2):",forsimple,1118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in fin:,forsimple,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in fin:,forsimple,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for aStr in myStr1, myStr2, myStr3:",forsimple,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for
 example, is unlikely to work in 3.X even if you use the correct object types:",forsimple,1201
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for title in found:,forsimple,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for E in tree.findall('title'):,forsimple,1213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for the fetch in __setattr__ (the first time originating in __init__):,forsimple,1243
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for Class in GetAttr, GetAttribute:",forsimple,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for readers working with the book examples package, some filenames
 in this chapter are again implied by the command-lines that follow their listings):",forsimple,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for descriptors
 in Python 2.X, but not 3.X:",forsimple,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for
 instance, might be useful in a general-purpose tool like this. Decorator arguments come
 in handy here:",forsimple,1298
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for reference, all the code in this section is in the file",forsimple,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for name in registry:,forsimple,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for name in registry:,forsimple,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(self.size()):,forsimple,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for attr in builtins:,forsimple,1327
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for attr, attrval in classdict.items():",forsimple,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for attr, attrval in classdict.items():",forsimple,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for PDFs and other document tools such as Sphinx surveyed in Chapter 15. But hey:,forsimple,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for
 path files in C:\PythonNM and C:",forsimple,1431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for packages enabled in 3.0:,forsimple,1460
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in file:,forsimple,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in S:,forsimple,1473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in S:,forsimple,1473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in D:,forsimple,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in keys:,forsimple,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in sorted(D):,forsimple,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(7):,forsimple,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args:,forsimple,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for next in args[1:]:,forsimple,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in args.keys():,forsimple,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args[1:]:,forsimple,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in argskeys[1:]:,forsimple,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for arg in args[1:]:,forsimple,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in old.keys():,forsimple,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in d1.keys():,forsimple,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in d2.keys():,forsimple,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in values:,forsimple,1480
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in repslist:,forsimple,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in repslist:,forsimple,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in repslist:,forsimple,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(I):,forsimple,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for or yield from here (yield from works in 3.3 and later only):,forsimple,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in countdown2(N-1): yield x  # 3.3+:,forsimple,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","for i in range(1, N+1):",forsimple,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in x.keys():,forsimple,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for k in y.keys():,forsimple,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for c in z:,forsimple,1493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in self:,forsimple,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for other in others:,forsimple,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for seq in args:,forsimple,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for x in seq:,forsimple,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for filename in allpy:,forsimple,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for filename in filesHere:,forsimple,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for srcdir in sys.path:,forsimple,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for filename in filesHere:,forsimple,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in sorted(sums):,forsimple,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for testcase in testscripts:,forsimple,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for i in range(msgCount):,forsimple,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in hdrlines:,forsimple,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for line in server.retr(msgnum)[1]:,forsimple,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for key in db:,forsimple,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",for row in curs.fetchall():,forsimple,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",pay = decimal.Decimal(str(1999 + 1.33)),assignwithSum,159
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Fraction(17, 6) # 5/2 + 1/3 = 15/6 + 2/6",assignwithSum,162
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = x + Fraction(*(4.0 / 3).as_integer_ratio()),assignwithSum,163
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = a + 2,assignwithSum,181
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",no effect on A. The same would be true if the last statement here were B = B +,assignwithSum,186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = chr(ord(S) + 1),assignwithSum,207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = chr(ord(S) + 1),assignwithSum,207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = I * 2 + (ord(B[0]) - ord('0')),assignwithSum,207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = S + 'SPAM!' # To change a string, make a new one",assignwithSum,208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = S[:4] + 'Burger' + S[−1],assignwithSum,208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = S[:3] + 'xx' + S[5:] # Slice sections from S,assignwithSum,211
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = S[:where] + 'EGGS' + S[(where+4):],assignwithSum,212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = S.replace('+', 'spam')",assignwithSum,215
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = string.replace(S, '+', 'spam')",assignwithSum,216
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D1 == D2 # Dictionary equality: 2.X + 3.X,assignwithSum,303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = L * 4  # Like [4, 5, 6] + [4, 5, 6] + ...",assignwithSum,309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = T[:2] + (4,) # OK: (1, 2, 4)",assignwithSum,311
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 1; b = 2; print(a + b)  # Three statements on one line,assignwithSum,327
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = A + B + \,assignwithSum,328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Augmented assignment (equivalent to spams = spams + 42),assignwithSum,340
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = list(string[:2]) + [string[2:]] # Slice and concatenate",assignwithSum,343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = b + 1,assignwithSum,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = X + Y  # Traditional form,assignwithSum,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = x + 1  # Traditional,assignwithSum,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","nation instead. Thus, the second line here is equivalent to typing the longer S = S +",assignwithSum,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","the long form, X = X + Y, X appears twice and must be run twice. Because of this,",assignwithSum,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = L + [3]  # Concatenate: slower,assignwithSum,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = L + [5, 6] # Concatenate: slower",assignwithSum,351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = L + 'spam',assignwithSum,352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = L + [3, 4] # Concatenation makes a new object",assignwithSum,352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Compound statements = header + “:” + indented statements. All Python com-,assignwithSum,375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1 + 2 + 3 \ # Omitting the \ makes this very different!,assignwithSum,379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum = sum + x,assignwithSum,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = S[1:] + S[:1]  # Move front item to end,assignwithSum,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = S[i:] + S[:i]  # Rear part + front part,assignwithSum,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = L[i:] + L[:i]  # Works on any sequence type,assignwithSum,405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i = i+1,assignwithSum,468
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Z = X + Y  # X is a global,assignwithSum,490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = y + z # No need to declare y, z: LEGB rule",assignwithSum,495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tmp = list(args) # Or, in Python 2.4+: return sorted(args)[0]",assignwithSum,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",items = items[1:] + items[:1],assignwithSum,546
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, c=10) # 1 + 5 + 10 (keywords work normally)",assignwithSum,567
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f = lambda x, y, z: x + y + z",assignwithSum,568
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = res + x,assignwithSum,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","of the assignment statement. For example, X = yield Y is OK, as is X = (yield Y) + 42.",assignwithSum,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = S[1:] + S[:1] # Move front item to the end,assignwithSum,609
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = L[1:] + L[:1] # Slice so any sequence type works,assignwithSum,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = S[i:] + S[:i] # Rear part + front part (same effect),assignwithSum,610
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",seq = seq[1:] + seq[:1] # Generator function,assignwithSum,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = lambda seq: (seq[i:] + seq[:i] for i in range(len(seq))),assignwithSum,611
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",scramble2 = lambda seq: (seq[i:] + seq[:i] for i in range(len(seq))),assignwithSum,612
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rest = seq[:i] + seq[i+1:] # Delete current node,assignwithSum,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rest = seq[:i] + seq[i+1:] # Delete current node,assignwithSum,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start = timer() # Or perf_counter/other in 3.3+,assignwithSum,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import pkg.eggs  # <== Full package paths work in all cases, 2.X+3.X",assignwithSum,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = a + 'xyz'  # __add__: makes a new instance,assignwithSum,807
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class = data + logic,assignwithSum,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","110000.00  # Or: pay = pay + (pay * .10), if you _really_ do!",assignwithSum,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr] = value + 10  # OK: doesn't loop,assignwithSum,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = x + y # Not nested: doesn't recur to __radd__,assignwithSum,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = x + y # With isinstance test commented-out,assignwithSum,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = Number([1]) # In-place change faster than +,assignwithSum,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B2 = Button(command=cb2.changeColor)  # Remembers function + self pair,assignwithSum,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = object1.doit # Bound method object: instance+function,assignwithSum,949
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = Number(3)  # State + methods,assignwithSum,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","display = str(getattr(self, attr))[:82-(len(indent) + len(attr))]",assignwithSum,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__add__ = lambda(y): 88 + y,assignwithSum,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.__add__ = lambda(y): 88 + y,assignwithSum,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",t = X.a + X.b + X.c + X.d,assignwithSum,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1,assignwithSum,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1,assignwithSum,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1,assignwithSum,1028
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1,assignwithSum,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y.a = X.a + X.b + X.c,assignwithSum,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = u'spam'  # 2.X Unicode literal accepted in 3.3+,assignwithSum,1176
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C = bytearray(S) # A back-port from 3.X in 2.6+,assignwithSum,1193
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start  = time.clock()  # State is scopes + func attr,assignwithSum,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = type('Spam', (), {'data': 1, 'meth': (lambda x, y: + y)})",assignwithSum,1368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cls.x = cls.y + cls.z,assignwithSum,1389
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start  = time.clock() # State is scopes + func attr,assignwithSum,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tags = '<html><body bgcolor=beige>' + tags + foot + '</body></html>',assignwithSum,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = S[0] + 'l' + S[2:],assignwithSum,1472
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = S[0] + 'l' + S[2] + S[3],assignwithSum,1472
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum = sum + arg,assignwithSum,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = x + [4, 5, 6]",assignwithSum,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = DictAdder(dict(name='Bob')) + {'a':1},assignwithSum,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allpy = glob.glob(dirname + os.sep + '*.py'),assignwithSum,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sums[ix] = sums.get(ix, 0) + num",assignwithSum,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",result = testcase['script'] + '.result',assignwithSum,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",msgnum = i+1,assignwithSum,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",input()  # <== ADDED,simpleAssign,64
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Returns to your script a line of text read as a string (e.g., nextinput = input())",simpleAssign,65
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 999,simpleAssign,73
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","food': 'spam', 'taste': 'yum'}, dict(hours=10)",simpleAssign,96
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",3.1415 * 2  # repr: as code (Pythons >= 2.7 and 3.1),simpleAssign,98
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = list(S)  # Expand to a list: [...],simpleAssign,102
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = bytearray(b'spam') # A bytes/list hybrid (ahead),simpleAssign,102
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B  # B[i] = ord(c) works here too,simpleAssign,102
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","match = re.match('Hello[ \t]*(.*)world', 'Hello Python world')",simpleAssign,108
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","match = re.match('[/:](.*)[/:](.*)[/:](.*)', '/usr/home:lumberjack')",simpleAssign,108
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[99] = 1,simpleAssign,110
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",row[1] for row in M if row[1] % 2 == 0] # Filter out odd items,simpleAssign,112
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D['age'] = 40,simpleAssign,114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","either keyword arguments (a special name=value syntax in function calls), or the result",simpleAssign,114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob1 = dict(name='Bob', job='dev', age=40) # Keywords",simpleAssign,114
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob2 = dict(zip(['name', 'job', 'age'], ['Bob', 'dev', 40])) # Zipping",simpleAssign,115
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rec = 0  # Now the object's space is reclaimed,simpleAssign,116
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D['e'] = 99 # Assigning new keys grows dictionaries,simpleAssign,117
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = D.get('x', 0) # Index but with a default",simpleAssign,118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",value = D['x'] if 'x' in D else 0 # if/else expression form,simpleAssign,118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Ks = list(D.keys()) # Unordered keys list,simpleAssign,118
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 4,simpleAssign,119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x -= 1,simpleAssign,119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",T[0] = 2 # Tuples are immutable,simpleAssign,121
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","packed = struct.pack('>i4sh', 7, b'spam', 8)  # Create packed binary data",simpleAssign,124
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = set('spam')  # Make a set out of a sequence in 2.X and 3.X,simpleAssign,126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",set('spam') == set('asmp') # Order-neutral equality tests (== is False),simpleAssign,127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",d = decimal.Decimal('3.141'),simpleAssign,127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",decimal.getcontext().prec = 2,simpleAssign,127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f = Fraction(2, 3)",simpleAssign,127
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = None # None placeholder,simpleAssign,128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if type(L) == type([]):  # Type testing, if you must...",simpleAssign,128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if type(L) == list:  # Using the type name,simpleAssign,128
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Worker('Bob Smith', 50000)  # Make two instances",simpleAssign,129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Worker('Sue Jones', 60000)  # Each has name and pay attrs",simpleAssign,129
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x < y, x <= y, x > y, x >= y",simpleAssign,137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x == y, x != y",simpleAssign,137
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","In Python 2.X, value inequality can be written as either X != Y or X <> Y. In Python",simpleAssign,138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",best practice is to use X != Y for all value inequality tests.,simpleAssign,138
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 3 # Name created: not declared ahead of time,simpleAssign,141
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = 4,simpleAssign,141
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b / (2.0 + a)  # Pythons <= 2.6: echoes give more (or fewer) digits,simpleAssign,143
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",num = 1 / 3.0,simpleAssign,144
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",2.0 >= 1  # Greater than or equal: mixed-type 1 converted to 1.0,simpleAssign,145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",2.0 == 2.0  # Equal value,simpleAssign,145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",2.0 != 2.0  # Not equal value,simpleAssign,145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2,simpleAssign,145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 4,simpleAssign,145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Z = 6,simpleAssign,145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",1 == 2 < 3 # Same as: 1 == 2 and 2 < 3,simpleAssign,145
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Python does not compare the 1 == 2 expression’s False result to 3—this would tech-,simpleAssign,146
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",1.1 + 2.2 == 3.3  # Shouldn't this be True?...,simpleAssign,146
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","int(1.1 + 2.2) == int(3.3)  # OK if convert: see also round, floor, trunc ahead",simpleAssign,146
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Y // Z # Always truncates, always an int result for ints in 2.X and 3.X",simpleAssign,148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Y / float(Z) # Guarantees float division with remainder in either 2.X or 3.X,simpleAssign,148
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,simpleAssign,153
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1  # 1 decimal is 0001 in bits,simpleAssign,153
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x | 2  # Bitwise OR (either bit=1): 0011,simpleAssign,154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x & 1  # Bitwise AND (both bits=1): 0001,simpleAssign,154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0010 = 0011) and a binary AND to select common bits (0001&0001 = 0001). Such bit-,simpleAssign,154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 0b0001 # Binary literals,simpleAssign,154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 0xFF # Hex literals,simpleAssign,154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99,simpleAssign,154
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",decimal.getcontext().prec = 4  # Fixed precision,simpleAssign,159
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",decimal.getcontext().prec = 2,simpleAssign,159
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",ctx.prec = 2,simpleAssign,159
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Fraction(1, 3) # Numerator, denominator",simpleAssign,160
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = Fraction(4, 6) # Simplified to 2, 3 by gcd",simpleAssign,160
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 1 / 3.0  # Only as accurate as floating-point hardware,simpleAssign,161
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = 4 / 6.0  # Can lose precision over many calculations,simpleAssign,161
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",decimal.getcontext().prec = 2,simpleAssign,161
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = 2.5,simpleAssign,162
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = Fraction(*f.as_integer_ratio()) # Convert float -> fraction: two args,simpleAssign,162
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = set('abcde'),simpleAssign,164
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = set('bdxyz'),simpleAssign,164
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","set(['a', 'c', 'b', 'e', 'd']) # Pythons <= 2.6 display format",simpleAssign,164
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = x.intersection(y)  # Same as x & y,simpleAssign,165
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = set([1, 2, 3])",simpleAssign,165
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = set() # Initialize an empty set,simpleAssign,167
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = list(set(L)) # Remove duplicates,simpleAssign,169
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L1 == L2 # Order matters in sequences,simpleAssign,170
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",set(L1) == set(L2) # Order-neutral equality,simpleAssign,170
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sorted(L1) == sorted(L2) # Similar but results ordered,simpleAssign,170
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam' == 'asmp', set('spam') == set('asmp'), sorted('spam') == sorted('asmp')",simpleAssign,170
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Similarly, flags can be initialized more clearly with flag = False. We’ll discuss these",simpleAssign,171
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",True == 1 # Same value,simpleAssign,172
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","When we type a = 3 in an interactive session or program file, for instance, how does",simpleAssign,175
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","assignment statement such as a = 3 in Python, it works even if you’ve never told Python",simpleAssign,176
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 3 # Assign a name to an object,simpleAssign,176
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Figure 6-1. Names and objects after running the assignment a = 3. Variable a becomes a reference to,simpleAssign,177
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 3  # It's an integer,simpleAssign,178
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 1.23 # Now it's a floating point,simpleAssign,178
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 3,simpleAssign,178
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 42,simpleAssign,179
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 3.1415  # Reclaim 'shrubbery' now,simpleAssign,179
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 3,simpleAssign,180
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = a,simpleAssign,180
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Figure 6-2. Names and objects after next running the assignment b = a. Variable b becomes a reference,simpleAssign,180
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 3,simpleAssign,180
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = a,simpleAssign,180
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 3,simpleAssign,181
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = a,simpleAssign,181
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L2 = L1,simpleAssign,182
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L1 = 24,simpleAssign,182
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L2 = L1  # Make a reference to the same object,simpleAssign,182
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L1[0] = 24 # An in-place change,simpleAssign,182
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L2 = L1[:] # Make a copy of L1 (or list(L1), copy.copy(L1), etc.)",simpleAssign,183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L1[0] = 24,simpleAssign,183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = copy.copy(Y) # Make top-level ""shallow"" copy of any object Y",simpleAssign,183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = copy.deepcopy(Y) # Make deep copy of any object Y: copy all nested parts,simpleAssign,183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 42,simpleAssign,183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",M = L  # M and L reference the same object,simpleAssign,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L == M # Same values,simpleAssign,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","The first technique here, the == operator, tests whether the two referenced objects have",simpleAssign,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L == M # Same values,simpleAssign,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 42,simpleAssign,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 42 # Should be two different objects,simpleAssign,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X == Y,simpleAssign,184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = A,simpleAssign,186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = A,simpleAssign,186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = A[:],simpleAssign,186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = r'\temp\spam',simpleAssign,191
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'sp\xc4m',simpleAssign,191
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = u'sp\u00c4m',simpleAssign,191
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",path = r'C:\new\text.dat',simpleAssign,197
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 2,simpleAssign,199
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = 1,simpleAssign,206
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = 0,simpleAssign,207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = B[1:],simpleAssign,207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = S.replace('pl', 'pamal')",simpleAssign,208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",result = S.find('pa')  # Call the find method to look for 'pa' in string S,simpleAssign,210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = S.replace('mm', 'xx')  # Replace all mm with xx in S",simpleAssign,211
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",where = S.find('SPAM') # Search for position,simpleAssign,212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = list(S),simpleAssign,212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",col1 = line[0:3],simpleAssign,213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",col3 = line[8:],simpleAssign,213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cols = line.split(),simpleAssign,213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",line[-len(sub):] == sub,simpleAssign,215
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1234,simpleAssign,220
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1.23456789,simpleAssign,220
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",qty = 10,simpleAssign,221
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Y = X.replace('and', 'but under no circumstances')",simpleAssign,223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",somelist = list('SPAM'),simpleAssign,224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","first=S, third=A'",simpleAssign,224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","first=S, last=M'",simpleAssign,224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","parts = somelist[0], somelist[-1], somelist[1:3] # [1:3] fails in fmt",simpleAssign,224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam  =  123.4567',simpleAssign,225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = 123.4567 ',simpleAssign,225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",win32 = laptop ',simpleAssign,225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam  =  123.4567',simpleAssign,226
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = 123.4567 ',simpleAssign,226
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",win32 = laptop ',simpleAssign,226
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","My %(kind)s runs %(platform)s' % dict(kind='laptop', platform=sys.platform)",simpleAssign,227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",somelist = list('SPAM'),simpleAssign,227
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","parts = somelist[0], somelist[-1], somelist[1:3]",simpleAssign,228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam  =  123.4567',simpleAssign,228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = 123.4567 ',simpleAssign,228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","plat)10s = %(kind)-10s' % dict(plat=sys.platform, kind='laptop')",simpleAssign,228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",win32 = laptop ',simpleAssign,228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","My %(kind)-8s runs %(plat)8s' % dict(kind='laptop', plat=sys.platform)",simpleAssign,228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","data = dict(platform=sys.platform, kind='laptop')",simpleAssign,229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",unpacks a dictionary of keys and values into individual “name=value” keyword argu-,simpleAssign,229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict(name='Bob', job='dev')",simpleAssign,232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","num)i = %(title)s' % dict(num=7, title='Strings')",simpleAssign,234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",7 = Strings',simpleAssign,234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","format(num=7, title='Strings')",simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",7 = Strings',simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","num} = {title}'.format(**dict(num=7, title='Strings'))",simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",7 = Strings',simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",t = string.Template('$num = $title'),simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",7 = Strings',simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","t.substitute(num=7, title='Strings')",simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",7 = Strings',simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","t.substitute(dict(num=7, title='Strings'))",simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",7 = Strings',simpleAssign,235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = list('spam'),simpleAssign,240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = list(range(-4, 4))",simpleAssign,240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[i] = 3,simpleAssign,241
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",1. Deletion. The slice you specify to the left of the = is deleted.,simpleAssign,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",2. Insertion. The new items contained in the iterable object to the right of the = are,simpleAssign,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[2:5]=L[3:6], for instance, works fine because the value to be inserted is fetched before the deletion",simpleAssign,245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",arguments—a special “name=value” syntax in function calls that specifies passing by,simpleAssign,247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L.sort(key=str.lower)  # Normalize to lowercase,simpleAssign,247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L.sort(key=str.lower, reverse=True)  # Change sort order",simpleAssign,247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",around is to use the key=func keyword argument to code value trans-,simpleAssign,247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","formations during the sort, and use the reverse=True keyword argument",simpleAssign,247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","None). If you say something like L=L.append(X), you won’t get the modified value of L",simpleAssign,248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sorted(L, key=str.lower, reverse=True) # Sorting built-in",simpleAssign,248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sorted([x.lower() for x in L], reverse=True) # Pretransform items: differs!",simpleAssign,248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict(name='Bob', age=40)",simpleAssign,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict([('name', 'Bob'), ('age', 40)])",simpleAssign,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict(zip(keyslist, valueslist))",simpleAssign,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict.fromkeys(['name', 'age'])",simpleAssign,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D[key] = 42,simpleAssign,252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Change entry (value=list),simpleAssign,254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",movie = table[year]  # dictionary[Key] => Value,simpleAssign,256
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","key for (key, value) in table.items() if value == V]  # Value=>Key",simpleAssign,258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",key for key in table.keys() if table[key] == V] # Ditto,simpleAssign,258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Matrix[(2, 3, 4)] = 88",simpleAssign,259
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Matrix[(7, 8, 9)] = 99",simpleAssign,259
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2; Y = 3; Z = 4  # ; separates statements: see Chapter 10,simpleAssign,259
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rec['age'] = 40.5,simpleAssign,261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","db['bob'] = rec # A dictionary ""database""",simpleAssign,261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db['sue'] = other,simpleAssign,262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D['age'] = 40,simpleAssign,262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","dict(name='Bob', age=40)  # dict keyword argument form",simpleAssign,262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D['state1'] = True  # A visited-state dictionary,simpleAssign,264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = set(),simpleAssign,264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict(zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])) # Make a dict from zip result",simpleAssign,265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict.fromkeys(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0) # Initialize dict from keys",simpleAssign,266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict.fromkeys('spam') # Other iterables, default value",simpleAssign,266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)",simpleAssign,267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","K = D.keys()  # Makes a view object in 3.X, not a list",simpleAssign,267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",V = D.values()  # Ditto for values and items views,simpleAssign,267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",K = D.keys(),simpleAssign,268
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",V = D.values(),simpleAssign,268
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Ks = D.keys() # Sorting a view object doesn't work!,simpleAssign,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Ks = list(Ks) # Force it to be a list and then sort,simpleAssign,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Ks = D.keys() # Or you can use sorted() on the keys,simpleAssign,269
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Dictionary equality tests (e.g., D1 == D2) still work in 3.X, though. Since we’ll revisit",simpleAssign,270
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","if D.get('c') != None: print('present', D['c'])  # Another option",simpleAssign,270
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = file['key']  # Fetch data by key,simpleAssign,271
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",form = cgi.FieldStorage() # Parse form data,simpleAssign,271
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D['a'] = 0, and D['b'] = 0 would create the desired dictionary. You can also",simpleAssign,272
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","use the newer and simpler-to-code dict(a=0, b=0) keyword form, or the more",simpleAssign,272
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","T = 0, 'Ni', 1.2, 3",simpleAssign,276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",T = tuple('spam'),simpleAssign,277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tmp = list(T) # Make a list from a tuple's items,simpleAssign,278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",T = tuple(tmp)  # Make a tuple from the list's items,simpleAssign,278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Rec = namedtuple('Rec', ['name', 'age', 'jobs'])  # Make a generated class",simpleAssign,281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",O = bob._asdict() # Dictionary-like form,simpleAssign,281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Rec('Bob', 40.5, ['dev', 'mgr']) # For both tuples and named tuples",simpleAssign,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name, age, jobs = bob  # Tuple assignment (Chapter 11)",simpleAssign,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","job, name, age = bob.values()",simpleAssign,282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aList = input.readlines(),simpleAssign,283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Open binary file: rb=read binary,simpleAssign,287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X, Y, Z = 43, 44, 45  # Native Python objects",simpleAssign,288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","parts = line.split(',')  # Split (parse) on commas",simpleAssign,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",parts = line.split('$') # Split (parse) on $,simpleAssign,289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",E = pickle.load(F)  # Load any object from file,simpleAssign,290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name = dict(first='Bob', last='Smith')",simpleAssign,291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",age=40.5),simpleAssign,291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = json.dumps(rec),simpleAssign,291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",O = json.loads(S),simpleAssign,292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",O == rec,simpleAssign,292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","data = struct.pack('>i4sh', 7, b'spam', 8)  # Make packed binary data",simpleAssign,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","values = struct.unpack('>i4sh', data) # Convert to Python objects",simpleAssign,293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","self[index]=value assignments). Although it’s beyond this book’s scope, it’s also pos-",simpleAssign,297
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",A = L[:] # Instead of A = L (or list(L)),simpleAssign,299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = D.copy() # Instead of B = D (ditto for sets),simpleAssign,299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = copy.deepcopy(Y)  # Fully copy an arbitrarily nested object Y,simpleAssign,300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1 == L2, L1 is L2  # Equivalent? Same object?",simpleAssign,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","The == operator tests value equivalence. Python performs an equivalence test,",simpleAssign,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","In the preceding example, L1 and L2 pass the == test (they have equivalent values because",simpleAssign,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S1 == S2, S1 is S2",simpleAssign,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S1 == S2, S1 is S2",simpleAssign,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","As a rule of thumb, the == operator is what you will want to use for almost all equality",simpleAssign,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L1 < L2, L1 == L2, L1 > L2 # Less, equal, greater: tuple of results",simpleAssign,301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","str(11) >= '11', 11 >= int('11') # Manual conversions force the issue",simpleAssign,303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D1 == D2,simpleAssign,303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",type([1]) == type([])  # Compare to type of another list,simpleAssign,306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",type([1]) == list  # Compare to list type name,simpleAssign,306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",type(f) == types.FunctionType,simpleAssign,306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[1] = 0 # Changes M too,simpleAssign,309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L[1] = 0 # Changes only L, not M",simpleAssign,309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[1] = 0 # Impacts Y but not X,simpleAssign,309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[1] = 0,simpleAssign,310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y[0][1] = 99 # All four copies are still the same,simpleAssign,310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y[0][1] = 99,simpleAssign,310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",T[2] = 4 # Error!,simpleAssign,311
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","line: for example, X=1;X assigns and then prints a variable (more on statement",simpleAssign,313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D['w'] = 0,simpleAssign,313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D[(1,2,3)] = 4",simpleAssign,313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[1:])? What happens when you assign a nonsequence to a slice (L[1:2]=1)?,simpleAssign,314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X, Y = Y, X",simpleAssign,314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1;,simpleAssign,322
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 2;,simpleAssign,322
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 2,simpleAssign,322
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1;,simpleAssign,323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1,simpleAssign,323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1;,simpleAssign,324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 2;,simpleAssign,324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 2,simpleAssign,324
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if (A == 1 and,simpleAssign,328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B == 2 and,simpleAssign,328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C == 3):,simpleAssign,328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if sys.version[0] == '2': input = raw_input  # 2.X compatible,simpleAssign,331
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","cerned with the = statement, but assignment occurs in many contexts in Python.",simpleAssign,340
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = ham = 'lunch',simpleAssign,340
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","coded ham = 'lunch' followed by spam = ham, as ham evaluates to the original string",simpleAssign,341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",nudge = 1 # Basic assignment,simpleAssign,341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",wink = 2,simpleAssign,341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","A, B = nudge, wink  # Tuple assignment",simpleAssign,341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","A, B  # Like A = nudge; B = wink",simpleAssign,341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",nudge = 1,simpleAssign,342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",wink = 2,simpleAssign,342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","nudge, wink = wink, nudge # Tuples: swaps values",simpleAssign,342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","nudge, wink # Like T = nudge; nudge = wink; wink = T",simpleAssign,342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Although we can mix and match sequence types around the = symbol, we must generally",simpleAssign,342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c, d = string # Same number on both sides",simpleAssign,342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = string  # Error if not",simpleAssign,342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = string[0], string[1], string[2:]  # Index and slice",simpleAssign,343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = string[:2] # Same, but simpler",simpleAssign,343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c = string[2:],simpleAssign,343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b), c = string[:2], string[2:]  # Nested sequences",simpleAssign,343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","red, green, blue = range(3)",simpleAssign,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","front, L = L[0], L[1:]  # See next section for 3.X * alternative",simpleAssign,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",front = L[0],simpleAssign,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = L[1:],simpleAssign,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","also be achieved with the append and pop methods of list objects; here, front =
 L.pop(0) would have much the same effect as the tuple assignment statement, but it",simpleAssign,344
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c, d = seq",simpleAssign,345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = seq",simpleAssign,345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, *b = seq",simpleAssign,345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = seq",simpleAssign,345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, *b, c = seq",simpleAssign,345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, *c = seq",simpleAssign,345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, *b, c = range(4)",simpleAssign,346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","front, *L = L # Get first, rest without slicing",simpleAssign,346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c, *d = seq",simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c, d, *e = seq",simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, *e, c, d = seq",simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, *b, c, *d = seq",simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = seq",simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = seq,simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, = seq",simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, *b = seq # First, rest",simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = seq[0], seq[1:]  # First, rest: traditional",simpleAssign,347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = seq # Rest, last",simpleAssign,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = seq[:-1], seq[-1]  # Rest, last: traditional",simpleAssign,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = all[0], all[1:3], all[3]",simpleAssign,348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = b = c = 'spam',simpleAssign,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = c,simpleAssign,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = b,simpleAssign,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = b = 0,simpleAssign,349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X *= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X %= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X &= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X ^= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X <<= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X −= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X /= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X **= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X |= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X >>= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X //= Y,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","side). For instance, X *= Y multiplies and assigns, X >>= Y shifts right and assigns, and",simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",so on. X //= Y (for floor division) was added in version 2.2.,simpleAssign,350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",M = L  # L and M reference the same object,simpleAssign,352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",M = L,simpleAssign,352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","of this book, you cannot redefine reserved words by assignment (e.g., and = 1 results",simpleAssign,353
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","built-ins, which are predefined but not reserved (and so can be reassigned: open = 42",simpleAssign,355
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 0  # x bound to an integer object,simpleAssign,355
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = print('spam')  # print is a function call expression in 3.X,simpleAssign,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",change a variable by typing = when you really mean to use the == equality test. You’ll,simpleAssign,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = L.append(4)  # But append returns None, not L",simpleAssign,357
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","given call, and values after = give argument defaults. In English, this built-in function",simpleAssign,359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","arguments—that is, you must use a special “name=value” syntax to pass the arguments",simpleAssign,359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 99,simpleAssign,360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",temp = sys.stdout  # Save for restoring later,simpleAssign,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sys.stdout = temp  # Restore original stream,simpleAssign,365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1; Y = 2,simpleAssign,366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sys.stdout = FileFaker(),simpleAssign,369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myobj = FileFaker()  # 3.X: Redirect to object for one print,simpleAssign,369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",myobj = FileFaker()  # 2.X: same effect,simpleAssign,369
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",3. What’s wrong with saying L = L.sort()?,simpleAssign,370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","1. You can use multiple-target assignments (A = B = C = 0), sequence assignment",simpleAssign,370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","A, B, C = 0, 0, 0), or multiple assignment statements on three separate lines (A
 = 0, B = 0, and C = 0). With the latter technique, as introduced in Chapter 10, you",simpleAssign,370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",them with semicolons (A = 0; B = 0; C = 0).,simpleAssign,370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","4. To print to a file for a single print operation, you can use 3.X’s print(X, file=F)",simpleAssign,370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1,simpleAssign,376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if a == b and c == d and  \,simpleAssign,379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",d == e and f == g:,simpleAssign,379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if (a == b and c == d and,simpleAssign,379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",d == e and e == f):,simpleAssign,379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1; y = 2; print(x)  # More than one simple statement,simpleAssign,380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",A = Z,simpleAssign,382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",A = Y if X else Z,simpleAssign,383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",A = Y if X else Z,simpleAssign,383
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = A or B or C or None,simpleAssign,384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = A or default,simpleAssign,384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tmp1, tmp2 = f1(), f2()",simpleAssign,384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = False), for loop tests (while True:), and for displaying results at the interactive",simpleAssign,385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = x[1:]  # Strip first character off x,simpleAssign,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a=0; b=10,simpleAssign,388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 10,simpleAssign,391
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",found = False,simpleAssign,393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",while ((x = next(obj)) != NULL) {...process x...},simpleAssign,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type = in Python when you mean ==. If you need similar behavior, though, there are at",simpleAssign,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = True,simpleAssign,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = next(obj),simpleAssign,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = next(obj),simpleAssign,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = next(obj),simpleAssign,394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum = 0,simpleAssign,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",prod = 1,simpleAssign,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",prod *= item,simpleAssign,396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = both  # Manual assignment equivalent",simpleAssign,397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = all[0], all[1:3], all[3]",simpleAssign,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if item == key:  # Check for match,simpleAssign,399
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i = 0,simpleAssign,404
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i = 0,simpleAssign,407
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D1['spam'] = 1,simpleAssign,409
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D1['eggs'] = 3,simpleAssign,409
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D1['toast'] = 5,simpleAssign,409
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D2[k] = v,simpleAssign,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D3 = dict(zip(keys, vals))",simpleAssign,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",offset = 0,simpleAssign,410
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",E = enumerate(S),simpleAssign,411
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if i == 4: break,simpleAssign,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",parts = line.split(':'),simpleAssign,412
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cols = line.split(),simpleAssign,413
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2,simpleAssign,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys\nprint(sys.path)\nx = 2\nprint(x ** 32)\n',simpleAssign,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2\n',simpleAssign,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2\n',simpleAssign,417
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2,simpleAssign,418
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2,simpleAssign,418
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(L) # Obtain an iterator object from an iterable,simpleAssign,420
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(L),simpleAssign,421
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(L)  # Manual iteration: what for loops usually do,simpleAssign,422
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(D),simpleAssign,422
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(P),simpleAssign,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",R = range(5),simpleAssign,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(R) # Use iteration protocol to produce results,simpleAssign,423
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",E = enumerate('spam') # enumerate is an iterable too,simpleAssign,424
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(E),simpleAssign,424
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lines = f.readlines(),simpleAssign,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'x = 2\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys', 'print(sys.path)', 'x = 2', 'print(x ** 32)']",simpleAssign,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys', 'print(sys.path)', 'x = 2', 'print(x ** 32)']",simpleAssign,426
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","IMPORT SYS\n', 'PRINT(SYS.PATH)\n', 'X = 2\n', 'PRINT(X ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","IMPORT SYS', 'PRINT(SYS.PATH)', 'X = 2', 'PRINT(X ** 32)']",simpleAssign,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","True, 'impor'), (True, 'print'), (False, 'x = 2'), (False, 'print')]",simpleAssign,427
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2'],simpleAssign,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fname = r'd:\books\5e\lp5e\draft1typos.txt',simpleAssign,428
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2,simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","IMPORT SYS\n', 'PRINT(SYS.PATH)\n', 'X = 2\n', 'PRINT(X ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","IMPORT SYS\n', 'PRINT(SYS.PATH)\n', 'X = 2\n', 'PRINT(X ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n', 'x = 2\n']",simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = 2\n', 'x = 2\n'), ('print(x ** 32)\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n')]",simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 'import sys\n'), (1, 'print(sys.path)\n'), (2, 'x = 2\n'),",simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",nonempty=True,simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'x = 2\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys\nprint(sys.path)\nx = 2\nprint(x ** 32)\n',simpleAssign,430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'x = 2\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'x = 2\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n')",simpleAssign,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys\n&&print(sys.path)\n&&x = 2\n&&print(x ** 32)\n',simpleAssign,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys\n', ['print(sys.path)\n', 'x = 2\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n'])",simpleAssign,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","11, 'import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'x = 2\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n', 44]",simpleAssign,431
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","11, 'import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'x = 2\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","import sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'x = 2\n', 'print(x ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","n', 'x = 2\n'}",simpleAssign,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","n', 'x = 2\n'}",simpleAssign,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0: 'import sys\n', 1: 'print(sys.path)\n', 2: 'x = 2\n', 3: 'print(x ** 32)\n'}",simpleAssign,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","IMPORT SYS\n', 'PRINT(SYS.PATH)\n', 'X = 2\n', 'PRINT(X ** 32)\n']",simpleAssign,432
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2\n',simpleAssign,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2,simpleAssign,433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","A, B = zip(*zip(X, Y))  # Unzip a zip!",simpleAssign,434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Z = zip((1, 2), (3, 4)) # Unlike 2.X lists, cannot index, etc.",simpleAssign,434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = map(lambda x: 2 ** x, range(3))",simpleAssign,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","R = range(10) # range returns an iterable, not a list",simpleAssign,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(R) # Make an iterator from the range iterable,simpleAssign,435
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = map(abs, (-1, 0, 1)) # map returns an iterable, not a list",simpleAssign,436
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = map(abs, (-1, 0, 1)) # Make a new iterable/iterator to scan again",simpleAssign,436
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Z = zip((1, 2, 3), (10, 20, 30)) # zip is the same: a one-pass iterator",simpleAssign,437
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Z = zip((1, 2, 3), (10, 20, 30))",simpleAssign,437
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Z = zip((1, 2, 3), (10, 20, 30)) # Manual iteration (iter() not needed)",simpleAssign,437
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",R = range(3)  # range allows multiple iterators,simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I1 = iter(R),simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I2 = iter(R)  # Two iterators on one range,simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Z = zip((1, 2, 3), (10, 11, 12))",simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I1 = iter(Z),simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I2 = iter(Z)  # Two iterators on one zip,simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","M = map(abs, (-1, 0, 1))  # Ditto for map (and filter)",simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I1 = iter(M); I2 = iter(M),simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",R = range(3)  # But range allows many iterators,simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","I1, I2 = iter(R), iter(R)",simpleAssign,438
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)",simpleAssign,439
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","K = D.keys() # A view object in 3.X, not a list",simpleAssign,439
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","I = iter(K)  # View iterables have an iterator,",simpleAssign,439
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",K = D.keys(),simpleAssign,439
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",V = D.values()  # Ditto for values() and items() views,simpleAssign,439
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(D),simpleAssign,440
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","dir(str) == dir('')  # Same result, type name or literal",simpleAssign,446
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",dir(list) == dir([]),simpleAssign,446
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = 40,simpleAssign,447
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__displayhook__ = displayhook(...),simpleAssign,450
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = 40,simpleAssign,452
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","type parentheses around tests in if and while headers (e.g., if (X==1):). You can,",simpleAssign,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",beginners to say something like mylist = mylist.append(X) to try to get the result,simpleAssign,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list, or split the method calls out to statements: Ks = list(D.keys()), then",simpleAssign,464
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 5,simpleAssign,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",found = False,simpleAssign,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i = 0,simpleAssign,467
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","myfunc('spam', 'eggs', meat=ham, *rest)",simpleAssign,473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name=value keyword syntax, and unpack arbitrarily many arguments to send with",simpleAssign,476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",One way to understand this code is to realize that the def is much like an = statement:,simpleAssign,478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",othername = func  # Assign function object,simpleAssign,478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func.attr = value # Attach attributes,simpleAssign,478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = times(3.14, 4)  # Save the result object",simpleAssign,479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = intersect([1, 2, 3], (1, 4)) # Mixed types",simpleAssign,482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","For example, in the following module file, the X = 99 assignment creates a global vari-",simpleAssign,486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","able named X (visible everywhere in this file), but the X = 88 assignment creates a",simpleAssign,486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99  # Global (module) scope X,simpleAssign,486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88  # Local (function) scope X: a different variable,simpleAssign,486
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","includes = statements, module names in import, function names in def, function argu-",simpleAssign,487
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","module, a statement L = X within a function will classify L as a local, but L.append(X)",simpleAssign,488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99 # X and func assigned in module: global,simpleAssign,490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func(1)  # func in module: result=100,simpleAssign,491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",they are both assigned values in the function definition: Z by virtue of the = state-,simpleAssign,491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","open = 99  # Assign in global scope, hides built-in here too",simpleAssign,492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88  # Global X,simpleAssign,493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = 99  # Local X: hides global, but we want this here",simpleAssign,493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",it’s possible to reassign them with a statement like True = False. Don’t worry: you,simpleAssign,494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","For more fun, though, in Python 2.X you could say __builtin__.True = False, to reset",simpleAssign,494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88  # Global X,simpleAssign,495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99  # Global X: outside def,simpleAssign,495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y, z = 1, 2 # Global variables in module",simpleAssign,495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99,simpleAssign,496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88,simpleAssign,496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 77,simpleAssign,496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99 # This code doesn't know about,simpleAssign,497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",first.X = 88 # But changing it can be too subtle and implicit,simpleAssign,497
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99,simpleAssign,498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = new,simpleAssign,498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",var = 99 # Global variable == module attribute,simpleAssign,498
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",var = 0  # Change local var,simpleAssign,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",var = 0  # Change local var,simpleAssign,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",var = 0  # Change local var,simpleAssign,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",glob = sys.modules['thismod']  # Get module object (or use __name__),simpleAssign,499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",An assignment (X = value) creates or changes the name X in the current local,simpleAssign,500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99  # Global scope name: not used,simpleAssign,500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88  # Enclosing def local,simpleAssign,500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88,simpleAssign,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","action = f1() # Make, return function",simpleAssign,501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = maker(2) # Pass 2 to argument N,simpleAssign,502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","g = maker(3) # g remembers 3, f remembers 2",simpleAssign,502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",h = maker(3),simpleAssign,502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 88,simpleAssign,504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ment, which is why it remains worth studying today. In short, the syntax arg=val in a",simpleAssign,504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Specifically, in the modified f2 here, the x=x means that the argument x will default to",simpleAssign,504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 88 # Pass x along instead of nesting,simpleAssign,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 4,simpleAssign,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = func(),simpleAssign,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 4,simpleAssign,505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acts = makeActions(),simpleAssign,506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","acts[0](2)  # All are 4 ** 2, 4=value of last i",simpleAssign,506
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","acts.append(lambda x, i=i: i ** x)  # Remember current i",simpleAssign,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acts = makeActions(),simpleAssign,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 99,simpleAssign,507
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state = start  # Referencing nonlocals works normally,simpleAssign,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = tester(0),simpleAssign,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state = start,simpleAssign,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = tester(0),simpleAssign,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state = start  # Each call gets its own state,simpleAssign,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = tester(0),simpleAssign,510
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = tester(42) # Make a new tester that starts at 42,simpleAssign,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state = 0,simpleAssign,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state = 0  # This creates the name in the module now,simpleAssign,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = tester(0),simpleAssign,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = 99,simpleAssign,511
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state = start # Each call gets its own state,simpleAssign,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = tester(0),simpleAssign,512
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",state = start # global allows changes in module scope,simpleAssign,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = tester(0),simpleAssign,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = tester(42)  # Resets state's single copy in global scope,simpleAssign,513
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = tester(0) # Create instance, invoke __init__",simpleAssign,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = tester(42)  # Each instance gets new copy of state,simpleAssign,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",H = tester(99),simpleAssign,514
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",nested.state = start  # Initial state after func defined,simpleAssign,516
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = tester(0),simpleAssign,516
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","G = tester(42)  # G has own state, doesn't overwrite F's",simpleAssign,516
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",original =,simpleAssign,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = custom,simpleAssign,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys\nprint(sys.path)\nx = 2\nprint(x ** 32)\n',simpleAssign,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys\nprint(sys.path)\nx = 2\nprint(x ** 32)\n',simpleAssign,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sys\nprint(sys.path)\nx = 2\nprint(x ** 32)\n',simpleAssign,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = self,simpleAssign,518
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 99 # Changes local variable a only,simpleAssign,524
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = 88,simpleAssign,524
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","inside a function (e.g., a=99) does not magically change a variable like b in the scope of",simpleAssign,524
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 2  # Changes local name's value only,simpleAssign,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = X  # They share the same object,simpleAssign,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a = 2  # Resets 'a' only, 'X' is still 1",simpleAssign,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = L  # They share the same object,simpleAssign,525
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = b[:] # Copy input list so we don't impact caller,simpleAssign,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 2,simpleAssign,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2  # Changes local names only,simpleAssign,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X, L = multiple(X, L)  # Assign results to caller's names",simpleAssign,527
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(T): (a, (b, c)) = T",simpleAssign,528
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value by using the argument’s name in the call, with the name=value syntax.",simpleAssign,529
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","passes too few values, again using the name=value syntax.",simpleAssign,529
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func(name=value),simpleAssign,530
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def func(name=value),simpleAssign,530
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(*, name=value)",simpleAssign,530
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","position, but using the name=value form tells Python to match by name to argu-",simpleAssign,530
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name depending on how the caller passes it, but the name=value form specifies a",simpleAssign,530
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",value); followed by a combination of any keyword arguments (name=value) and,simpleAssign,531
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name); followed by any default arguments (name=value); followed by the *name (or,simpleAssign,531
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",in 3.X) form; followed by any name or name=value keyword-only arguments (in,simpleAssign,531
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","annotation values, specified as name:value (or name:value=default when",simpleAssign,532
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(c=3, b=2, a=1)",simpleAssign,532
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","The c=3 in this call, for example, means send 3 to the argument named c. More formally,",simpleAssign,532
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(1, c=3, b=2) # a gets 1 by position, b and c passed by name",simpleAssign,532
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(name='Bob', age=40, job='dev')",simpleAssign,533
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f(a=1),simpleAssign,533
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(1, c=6) # Choose defaults",simpleAssign,533
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Be careful not to confuse the special name=value syntax in a function header and a,simpleAssign,533
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, ham=1, eggs=0) # Output: (1, 0, 0, 1)",simpleAssign,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(spam=1, eggs=0) # Output: (1, 0, 0, 0)",simpleAssign,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(toast=1, eggs=2, spam=3)  # Output: (3, 2, 1, 0)",simpleAssign,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name. Again, keep in mind that the form name=value means different things in the call",simpleAssign,534
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(a=1, b=2)",simpleAssign,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",args['d'] = 4,simpleAssign,535
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(**args)  # Same as func(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4)",simpleAssign,536
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(*(1, 2), **{'d': 4, 'c': 3}) # Same as func(1, 2, d=4, c=3)",simpleAssign,536
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, *(2, 3), **{'d': 4})  # Same as func(1, 2, 3, d=4)",simpleAssign,536
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, c=3, *(2,), **{'d': 4}) # Same as func(1, 2, c=3, d=4)",simpleAssign,536
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, *(2, 3), d=4) # Same as func(1, 2, 3, d=4)",simpleAssign,536
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, *(2,), c=3, **{'d':4})  # Same as func(1, 2, c=3, d=4)",simpleAssign,536
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ter 11 (e.g., x, *y = z), though that star usage always creates lists, not",simpleAssign,536
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","action, args = func2, (1, 2, 3) # Call func2 with three args here",simpleAssign,537
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","echo(0, c=5, *pargs, **kargs) # Normal, keyword, *sequence, **dictionary",simpleAssign,538
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","kwonly(1, c=3)",simpleAssign,539
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",kwonly(a=1),simpleAssign,539
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","kwonly(c=3, b=2, a=1)",simpleAssign,539
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(1, 2, 3, c=7, x=4, y=5) # Anywhere in keywords",simpleAssign,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(1, *(2, 3), **dict(x=4, y=5)) # Unpack args at call",simpleAssign,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(1, *(2, 3), **dict(x=4, y=5), c=7)  # Keywords before **args!",simpleAssign,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(1, *(2, 3), c=7, **dict(x=4, y=5))  # Override default",simpleAssign,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(1, c=7, *(2, 3), **dict(x=4, y=5))  # After or before *",simpleAssign,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(1, *(2, 3), **dict(x=4, y=5, c=7))  # Keyword-only in **",simpleAssign,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","process(X, Y, notify=True) # Override flag default",simpleAssign,541
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = args[0],simpleAssign,543
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = args[0],simpleAssign,544
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Call signature: print3(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout)",simpleAssign,547
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sep = kargs.get('sep', ' ') # Keyword arg defaults",simpleAssign,547
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","end = kargs.get('end', '\n')",simpleAssign,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = kargs.get('file', sys.stdout)",simpleAssign,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",first = True,simpleAssign,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",first = False,simpleAssign,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","print3(1, 2, 3, sep='??', end='.\n', file=sys.stderr) # Redirect to file",simpleAssign,548
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",first = True,simpleAssign,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",first = False,simpleAssign,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sep = kargs.pop('sep', ' ')",simpleAssign,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","end = kargs.pop('end', '\n')",simpleAssign,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","file = kargs.pop('file', sys.stdout)",simpleAssign,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",first = True,simpleAssign,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",first = False,simpleAssign,549
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","widget = Button(text=""Press me"", command=someFunction)",simpleAssign,550
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)",simpleAssign,550
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, c=3, b=2)",simpleAssign,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(a=1, c=3, b=2)",simpleAssign,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def func(a, b, c): a = 2; b[0] = 'x'; c['a'] = 'y'",simpleAssign,551
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","first, *rest = L",simpleAssign,556
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum = 0,simpleAssign,557
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = L[1:],simpleAssign,557
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum = 0,simpleAssign,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot = 0,simpleAssign,558
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot = 0,simpleAssign,559
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",items = list(L) # Start with copy of top level,simpleAssign,559
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",items[:0] = front # <== Prepend all in nested list,simpleAssign,559
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","as if it had appeared on the left of an = sign. After a def runs, the function name is simply",simpleAssign,562
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = echo  # Now x references the function too,simpleAssign,562
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = make('Spam')  # Label in enclosing scope is retained,simpleAssign,563
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func.count = 0,simpleAssign,564
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","and its = character). In the following, for example, a: 'spam' = 4 means that argument",simpleAssign,566
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",act = knights(),simpleAssign,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",msg = act('robin') # 'robin' passed to x,simpleAssign,569
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","showall = lambda x: list(map(sys.stdout.write, x)) # 3.X: must use list",simpleAssign,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","t = showall(['spam\n', 'toast\n', 'eggs\n']) # 3.X: can use print",simpleAssign,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","t = showall(('bright\n', 'side\n', 'of\n', 'life\n'))",simpleAssign,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","showall = lambda x: [print(line, end='') for line in x]  # Same: 3.X only",simpleAssign,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","showall = lambda x: print(*x, sep='', end='')  # Same: 3.X only",simpleAssign,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",act = action(99),simpleAssign,572
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",act = action(99),simpleAssign,573
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Button(,simpleAssign,573
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = L[0],simpleAssign,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tally = sequence[0],simpleAssign,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tally = function(tally, next)",simpleAssign,577
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","res = list(map(ord, 'spam')) # Apply function to sequence (or other)",simpleAssign,582
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x for x in range(5) if x % 2 == 0],simpleAssign,583
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list(filter((lambda x: x % 2 == 0), range(5)))",simpleAssign,583
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x ** 2 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0],simpleAssign,584
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list( map((lambda x: x**2), filter((lambda x: x % 2 == 0), range(10))) )",simpleAssign,584
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x, y) for x in range(5) if x % 2 == 0 for y in range(5) if y % 2 == 1]",simpleAssign,585
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = gensquares(4),simpleAssign,594
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = gensquares(5)  # Returns a generator which is its own iterator,simpleAssign,594
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = yield i,simpleAssign,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = gen(),simpleAssign,596
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sorted((x ** 2 for x in range(4)), reverse=True) # Parens required",simpleAssign,599
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = timesfour('spam'),simpleAssign,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(G)  # Iterate manually (expression),simpleAssign,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = timesfour('spam'),simpleAssign,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(G)  # Iterate manually (function),simpleAssign,603
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I1 = iter(G) # Iterate manually,simpleAssign,604
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I2 = iter(G) # Second iterator at same position!,simpleAssign,604
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I3 = iter(G) # Ditto for new iterators,simpleAssign,604
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I3 = iter(c * 4 for c in 'SPAM') # New generator to start over,simpleAssign,604
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = timesfour('spam')  # Generator functions work the same way,simpleAssign,605
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","I1, I2 = iter(G), iter(G)",simpleAssign,605
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","I1, I2 = iter(L), iter(L)",simpleAssign,605
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = iter(D),simpleAssign,606
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = os.walk(r'C:\code\pkg'),simpleAssign,607
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(G),simpleAssign,607
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D = dict(a='Bob', b='dev', c=40.5); D",simpleAssign,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f(a='Bob', b='dev', c=40.5) # Normal keywords",simpleAssign,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f(**D)  # Unpack dict: key=value,simpleAssign,608
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = permute2('abc') # Iterate (iter() not needed),simpleAssign,613
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",permute1('spam') == list(permute2('spam')),simpleAssign,614
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",seq = list(range(10)),simpleAssign,615
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",p1 = permute1(seq)  # 37 seconds on a 2GHz quad-core machine,simpleAssign,615
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",p2 = permute2(seq)  # Returns generator immediately,simpleAssign,615
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","p2 = list(permute2(seq))  # About 28 seconds, though still impractical",simpleAssign,615
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",p1 == p2  # Same set of results generated,simpleAssign,615
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",p3 = permute2(list(range(50))),simpleAssign,615
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",seq = list(range(20)),simpleAssign,616
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",p = permute2(seq),simpleAssign,616
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",p = permute2(seq),simpleAssign,616
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",minlen = min(len(S) for S in seqs),simpleAssign,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",maxlen = max(len(S) for S in seqs),simpleAssign,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",index = range(maxlen),simpleAssign,620
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",minlen = min(len(S) for S in seqs),simpleAssign,621
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","iters = map(iter, args)",simpleAssign,621
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","iters = list(map(iter, args))  # Allow multiple scans",simpleAssign,622
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99,simpleAssign,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 99,simpleAssign,623
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99,simpleAssign,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 99,simpleAssign,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = set(),simpleAssign,624
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res[x] = x * x,simpleAssign,625
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x * x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]  # Lists are ordered,simpleAssign,625
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x * x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0}  # But sets are not,simpleAssign,625
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x: x * x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0} # Neither are dict keys,simpleAssign,625
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start = time.clock(),simpleAssign,630
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",timer = time.clock if sys.platform[:3] == 'win' else time.time,simpleAssign,630
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","repslist = list(range(reps))  # Hoist out, equalize 2.x, 3.x",simpleAssign,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ret = func(*pargs, **kargs)",simpleAssign,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = timer() - start,simpleAssign,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",best = 2 ** 32  # 136 years seems large enough,simpleAssign,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start = timer(),simpleAssign,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ret = func(*pargs, **kargs)",simpleAssign,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = timer() - start # Or call total() with reps=1,simpleAssign,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if elapsed < best: best = elapsed # Or add to list and take min(),simpleAssign,631
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",timer = time.clock if sys.platform[:3] == 'win' else time.time,simpleAssign,633
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",timer = time.clock if sys.platform[:3] == 'win' else time.time,simpleAssign,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",reps = 10000,simpleAssign,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","repslist = list(range(reps))  # Hoist out, list in both 2.X/3.X",simpleAssign,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestof, (total, result)) = timer.bestoftotal(5, 1000, test)",simpleAssign,634
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total(spam, 1, 2, a=3, b=4, _reps=1000) calls and times spam(1, 2, a=3, b=4)",simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestof(spam, 1, 2, a=3, b=4, _reps=5) runs best-of-N timer to attempt to",simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestoftotal(spam 1, 2, a=3, b=4, _rep1=5, reps=1000) runs best-of-totals",simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",timer = time.clock if sys.platform[:3] == 'win' else time.time,simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","_reps = kargs.pop('_reps', 1000) # Passed-in or default reps",simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",repslist = list(range(_reps))  # Hoist range out for 2.X lists,simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start = timer(),simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ret = func(*pargs, **kargs)",simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = timer() - start,simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","_reps = kargs.pop('_reps', 5)",simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",best = 2 ** 32,simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start = timer(),simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ret = func(*pargs, **kargs)",simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = timer() - start,simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if elapsed < best: best = elapsed,simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","_reps1 = kargs.pop('_reps1', 5)",simpleAssign,639
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total, result) = timer2.bestoftotal(test, _reps1=5, _reps=1000)",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total, result) = timer2.bestoftotal(test)",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total, result) = timer2.bestof(test, _reps=5)",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total, result) =, _reps=1000)",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestof, (total, result)) = timer2.bestof(, test, _reps=5)",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total(pow, 2, 1000, _reps=1000)[0]  # 2 ** 1000, 1K reps",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total(pow, 2, 1000, _reps=1000000)[0] # 2 ** 1000, 1M reps",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestof(pow, 2, 1000000, _reps=30)[0]  # 2 ** 1M, best of 30",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestoftotal(str.upper, 'spam', _reps1=30, _reps=1000) # Best of 30, tot of 1K",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestof(total, str.upper, 'spam', _reps=30)  # Nested calls work too",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total(spam, 1, 2, c=3, d=4, _reps=1000)",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestof(spam, 1, 2, c=3, d=4, _reps=1000)",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestoftotal(spam, 1, 2, c=3, d=4, _reps1=1000, _reps=1000)",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bestoftotal(spam, *(1, 2), _reps1=1000, _reps=1000, **dict(c=3, d=4))",simpleAssign,640
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",timer = time.clock if sys.platform[:3] == 'win' else time.time,simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start = timer(),simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ret = func(*pargs, **kargs)",simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = timer() - start,simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",best = 2 ** 32,simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start = timer(),simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ret = func(*pargs, **kargs)",simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = timer() - start,simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if elapsed < best: best = elapsed,simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","elapsed, ret) = total(func, *pargs, _reps=1, **kargs)",simpleAssign,641
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(timeit.repeat(stmt=""[x ** 2 for x in range(1000)]"", number=1000, repeat=5))",simpleAssign,643
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(timeit.repeat(stmt=""[x ** 2 for x in range(1000)]"", number=1000, repeat=5))",simpleAssign,643
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(timeit.repeat(stmt=""[x ** 2 for x in range(1000)]"", number=1000, repeat=5))",simpleAssign,643
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(timeit.repeat(number=10000, repeat=3,",simpleAssign,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(timeit.repeat(number=10000, repeat=3,",simpleAssign,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(timeit.repeat(number=10000, repeat=3,",simpleAssign,645
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","i=0"" ""while i < len(L):""",simpleAssign,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(repeat(number=1000, repeat=3,",simpleAssign,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","vals=list(range(1000))',",simpleAssign,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(repeat(number=1000, repeat=3,",simpleAssign,646
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","timeit.timeit(stmt='[x ** 2 for x in range(1000)]', number=1000) # Total time",simpleAssign,647
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","timeit.repeat(stmt='[x ** 2 for x in range(1000)]', number=1000, repeat=3)",simpleAssign,647
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(timeit.repeat(stmt=testcase, number=1000, repeat=3))",simpleAssign,647
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","defnum, defrep= 1000, 5  # May vary per stmt",simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pythons: None=this python only, or [(ispy3?, python-executable-path)]",simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",number = number or defnum,simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",repeat = repeat or defrep # 0=default,simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",ispy3 = sys.version[0] == '3',simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stmt = stmt.replace('$listif3', 'list' if ispy3 else '')",simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","best = min(timeit.repeat(stmt=stmt, number=number, repeat=repeat))",simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stmt1 = stmt.replace('$listif3', 'list' if ispy3 else '')",simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","stmt1 = stmt1.replace('\t', ' ' * 4)",simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lines = stmt1.split('\n'),simpleAssign,648
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","nfor x in range(1000): res.append(x ** 2)""),  # \n=multistmt",simpleAssign,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""$listif3(map(lambda x: x ** 2, range(1000)))""),  # \n\t=indent",simpleAssign,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""list(x ** 2 for x in range(1000))""), # $=list or ''",simpleAssign,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pythons = pythons if '-a' in sys.argv else None # -a: all in list, else one?",simpleAssign,649
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""s=set()\nfor x in range(1000): s.add(x ** 2)""),",simpleAssign,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","0, 0, ""d={}\nfor x in range(1000): d[x] = x ** 2""),",simpleAssign,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0.6053 ['s=set()\nfor x in range(1000): s.add(x ** 2)'],simpleAssign,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",0.5414 ['d={}\nfor x in range(1000): d[x] = x ** 2'],simpleAssign,652
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x=line"" ""f.close()""",simpleAssign,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","min(timeit.repeat(number=1000, repeat=5,",simpleAssign,653
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",best = min(timeit.repeat(,simpleAssign,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","setup=setup, stmt=stmt, number=number, repeat=repeat))",simpleAssign,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","setup = setup.replace('\t', ' ' * 4)",simpleAssign,655
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Pystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 0.685303,simpleAssign,656
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Pystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 0.463547,simpleAssign,656
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Pystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 0.099975,simpleAssign,656
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99,simpleAssign,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88 # X classified as a local name (everywhere),simpleAssign,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88,simpleAssign,657
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99,simpleAssign,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88 # Unqualified X classified as local,simpleAssign,658
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = x or [], which takes advantage of the fact that Python’s or returns one of its",simpleAssign,659
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = proc('testing 123...'),simpleAssign,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","list = list.append(4) # append is a ""procedure""",simpleAssign,660
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","ments. Does the call adder(ugly=1, good=2) work? Why? Finally, generalize the",simpleAssign,663
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f1(b=2, a=1)",simpleAssign,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f3(1, x=2, y=3)",simpleAssign,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","f4(1, 2, 3, x=2, y=3)",simpleAssign,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = y // 2 # For some y > 1,simpleAssign,664
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = 1  # Initialize variable,simpleAssign,690
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","In this example, the print and = statements run the first time the module is imported,",simpleAssign,690
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",simple.spam = 2 # Change attribute in module,simpleAssign,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1,simpleAssign,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 42  # Changes local x only,simpleAssign,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y[0] = 42 # Changes shared mutable in place,simpleAssign,691
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 42  # Changes my x only,simpleAssign,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",small.x = 42  # Changes x in other module,simpleAssign,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name1 = module.name1 # Copy names out by assignment,simpleAssign,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name2 = module.name2,simpleAssign,692
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","For instance, given an assignment statement such as X = 1 at the top level of a module",simpleAssign,695
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = 42,simpleAssign,695
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 88 # My X: global to this file only,simpleAssign,698
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99 # Cannot see names in other modules,simpleAssign,698
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 11 # My X: global to this file only,simpleAssign,698
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 3,simpleAssign,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2,simpleAssign,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,699
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1,simpleAssign,711
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 2,simpleAssign,711
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = 3,simpleAssign,712
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99999,simpleAssign,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99999,simpleAssign,725
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99999,simpleAssign,726
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Works if in ""."" = home of main script file",simpleAssign,730
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import sub.spam  # <== Works if move modules to pkg below main file,simpleAssign,731
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c:\code> set PYTHONPATH=C:\code,simpleAssign,732
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",import dualpkg.m1 as m1  # And: set PYTHONPATH=c:\code,simpleAssign,733
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c:\code> set PYTHONPATH=C:\code\ns\dir1;C:\code\ns\dir2,simpleAssign,737
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c:\code> set PYTHONPATH=
 c:\code> py −3.2",simpleAssign,740
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c:\code> set PYTHONPATH=C:\code\ns3\dir,simpleAssign,740
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c:\code> set PYTHONPATH=c:\code\ns4\dir1;c:\code\ns4\dir2,simpleAssign,741
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, _b, c, _d = 1, 2, 3, 4",simpleAssign,747
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, _c, _d = 1, 2, 3, 4",simpleAssign,748
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = args[0],simpleAssign,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = args[0],simpleAssign,750
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",digits = str(N),simpleAssign,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","digits, last3 = digits[:-3], digits[-3:]",simpleAssign,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","numwidth=0 for no space padding, currency='' to omit symbol,",simpleAssign,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","and non-ASCII for others (e.g., pound=u'\xA3' or u'\u00A3').",simpleAssign,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",N = abs(N),simpleAssign,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",whole = commas(int(N)),simpleAssign,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests = 0, 1 # fails: −1, 1.23",simpleAssign,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tests = 0, 1, −1, 1.23, 1., 1.2, 3.14159",simpleAssign,752
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99999999999999999999,simpleAssign,753
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 54321.987,simpleAssign,754
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c:\code> set PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8  # Python matches console,simpleAssign,755
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","money(N, numwidth=0, currency='$')",simpleAssign,756
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","numwidth=0 for no space padding, currency='' to omit symbol,",simpleAssign,756
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","and non-ASCII for others (e.g., pound=u'£' or u'£').",simpleAssign,756
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = modulename,simpleAssign,758
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","of the global statement. For instance, the effect of global X; X=0 can be simulated (albeit with much",simpleAssign,759
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",more typing!) by saying this inside a function: import sys; glob=sys.modules[__name__]; glob.X=0.,simpleAssign,759
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",seplen = 60,simpleAssign,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sepline = sepchr * seplen,simpleAssign,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",count = 0,simpleAssign,760
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",string = __import__(modname),simpleAssign,762
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",string = importlib.import_module(modname),simpleAssign,763
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",visited[module] = True,simpleAssign,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if type(attrobj) == types.ModuleType: # Recur if module,simpleAssign,764
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if len(sys.argv) > 1: modname = sys.argv[1] # command line (or passed),simpleAssign,765
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",module = importlib.import_module(modname)  # Import by name string,simpleAssign,765
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,766
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 2,simpleAssign,766
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Z = 3 # File,simpleAssign,766
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",next = modules.pop() # Delete next item at end,simpleAssign,768
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if type(x) == types.ModuleType and x not in visited),simpleAssign,768
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","res1 == res2, res2 == res3",simpleAssign,770
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","set(res1) == set(res2), set(res2) == set(res3)",simpleAssign,770
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 99,simpleAssign,772
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = 88 # Changes my ""X"" only!",simpleAssign,772
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",nested1.X = 88 # OK: change nested1's X,simpleAssign,773
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,775
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 2,simpleAssign,776
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I1 = C1() # Make instance objects (rectangles),simpleAssign,789
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I2 = C1() # Linked to their classes,simpleAssign,789
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I1 = C1() # Make two instances,simpleAssign,790
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I2 = C1(),simpleAssign,790
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I1 = C1('bob')  # Sets to 'bob',simpleAssign,791
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I2 = C1('sue')  # Sets to 'sue',simpleAssign,791
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Employee()  # Default behavior,simpleAssign,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue = Employee()  # Default behavior,simpleAssign,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tom = Engineer()  # Custom salary calculator,simpleAssign,793
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = converter(data),simpleAssign,794
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = FirstClass() # Make two instances,simpleAssign,799
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = FirstClass() # Each is a new namespace,simpleAssign,799
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = SecondClass(),simpleAssign,803
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",var = 1  # food.var,simpleAssign,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = person.person()  # Class within module,simpleAssign,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = person() # Use class name,simpleAssign,804
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = person.Person()  # Uppercase for classes,simpleAssign,805
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = ThirdClass('abc')  # __init__ called,simpleAssign,807
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rec.age = 40,simpleAssign,809
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = rec() # Instances inherit class names,simpleAssign,809
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = rec(),simpleAssign,809
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rec.method = uppername # Now it's a class's method!,simpleAssign,811
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec['age'] = 40.5 # Or {...}, dict(n=v), etc.",simpleAssign,812
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rec.age = 40.5,simpleAssign,812
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",pers1 = rec()  # Instance-based records,simpleAssign,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",pers1.age = 40.5,simpleAssign,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",pers2 = rec(),simpleAssign,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec1 = Person('Bob', ['dev', 'mgr'], 40.5)  # Construction calls",simpleAssign,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec2 = Person('Sue', ['dev', 'cto'])",simpleAssign,813
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","rec = Rec('Bob', 40.5, ['dev', 'mgr'])  # Named tuples",simpleAssign,814
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith')  # Test the class,simpleAssign,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000) # Runs __init__ automatically",simpleAssign,820
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,821
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","pay = 100000 # Simple variable, outside class",simpleAssign,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",pay *= 1.10  # Give a 10% raise,simpleAssign,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Or: pay = pay * 1.10, if you like to type",simpleAssign,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", *= 1.10 # Give this object a raise,simpleAssign,823
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,824
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,827
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tom = Manager('Tom Jones', 'mgr', 50000)  # Make a Manager: __init__",simpleAssign,831
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tom = Manager(),simpleAssign,833
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tom = Manager('Tom Jones', 50000)  # Job name not needed:",simpleAssign,835
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tom = Manager('Tom Jones', 50000)",simpleAssign,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","development = Department(bob, sue) # Embed objects in a composite",simpleAssign,838
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,841
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instances with their class names and a name=value pair for,simpleAssign,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",count = 0,simpleAssign,842
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X, Y = TopTest(), SubTest() # Make two instances",simpleAssign,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","TopTest: attr1=0, attr2=1]",simpleAssign,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","SubTest: attr1=2, attr2=3]",simpleAssign,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,843
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tom = Manager('Tom Jones', 50000)",simpleAssign,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Person: job=None, name=Bob Smith, pay=0]",simpleAssign,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=100000]",simpleAssign,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=110000]",simpleAssign,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Manager: job=mgr, name=Tom Jones, pay=60000]",simpleAssign,846
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person(...) # Use name directly,simpleAssign,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith') # Re-create objects to be stored,simpleAssign,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tom = Manager('Tom Jones', 50000)",simpleAssign,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db[] = obj  # Store object on shelve by key,simpleAssign,849
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = db['Bob Smith'] # Fetch bob by key,simpleAssign,850
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Person: job=None, name=Bob Smith, pay=0]",simpleAssign,850
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Sue Jones => [Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=100000]",simpleAssign,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Tom Jones => [Manager: job=mgr, name=Tom Jones, pay=50000]",simpleAssign,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Bob Smith => [Person: job=None, name=Bob Smith, pay=0]",simpleAssign,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Bob Smith => [Person: job=None, name=Bob Smith, pay=0]",simpleAssign,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Sue Jones => [Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=100000]",simpleAssign,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Tom Jones => [Manager: job=mgr, name=Tom Jones, pay=50000]",simpleAssign,851
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue = db['Sue Jones'] # Index by key to fetch,simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db['Sue Jones'] = sue # Assign to key to update in shelve,simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Bob Smith  => [Person: job=None, name=Bob Smith, pay=0]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Sue Jones  => [Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=100000]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Tom Jones  => [Manager: job=mgr, name=Tom Jones, pay=50000]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Bob Smith  => [Person: job=None, name=Bob Smith, pay=0]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Sue Jones  => [Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=110000]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Tom Jones  => [Manager: job=mgr, name=Tom Jones, pay=50000]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Bob Smith  => [Person: job=None, name=Bob Smith, pay=0]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Sue Jones  => [Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=121000]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Tom Jones  => [Manager: job=mgr, name=Tom Jones, pay=50000]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Bob Smith  => [Person: job=None, name=Bob Smith, pay=0]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Sue Jones  => [Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=133100]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Tom Jones  => [Manager: job=mgr, name=Tom Jones, pay=50000]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",rec = db['Sue Jones'] # Fetch object by key,simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Person: job=dev, name=Sue Jones, pay=146410]",simpleAssign,852
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = value # Shared class data,simpleAssign,860
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam = 42 # Generates a class data attribute,simpleAssign,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = SharedData()  # Make two instances,simpleAssign,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = SharedData(),simpleAssign,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",SharedData.spam = 99,simpleAssign,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.spam = 88,simpleAssign,861
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",contains an = assignment statement; because this assignment assigns the name data,simpleAssign,862
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = MixedNames(1) # Make two instance objects,simpleAssign,862
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = MixedNames(2) # Each has its own data,simpleAssign,862
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = NextClass()  # Make instance,simpleAssign,863
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","I = Sub(1, 2)",simpleAssign,864
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Super() # Make a Super instance,simpleAssign,867
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Sub() # Make a Sub instance,simpleAssign,867
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Provider(),simpleAssign,868
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Super(),simpleAssign,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Sub(),simpleAssign,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Sub(),simpleAssign,870
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Super(),simpleAssign,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Sub(),simpleAssign,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Sub(),simpleAssign,871
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Assignment (X = value),simpleAssign,872
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Assignment (object.X = value),simpleAssign,872
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = 11  # Global (module) name/attribute (X, or manynames.X)",simpleAssign,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = 22  # Local (function) variable (X, hides module X)",simpleAssign,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 33  # Class attribute (C.X),simpleAssign,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 44  # Local variable in method (X),simpleAssign,873
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj = C() # Make instance,simpleAssign,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 66,simpleAssign,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = manynames.C(),simpleAssign,874
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 11  # Global in module,simpleAssign,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 22  # Change global in module,simpleAssign,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 33  # Local in function,simpleAssign,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 33  # Local in function,simpleAssign,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 44  # Change local in enclosing scope,simpleAssign,875
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 3 # Hides global,simpleAssign,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C(),simpleAssign,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2 # Hides global,simpleAssign,876
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 3 # Hides enclosing (nester),simpleAssign,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C(),simpleAssign,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 1,simpleAssign,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2 # Hides global,simpleAssign,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 3 # Class local hides nester's: C.X or I.X (not scoped),simpleAssign,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = 4 # Hides enclosing (nester, not class)",simpleAssign,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C(),simpleAssign,877
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Sub(),simpleAssign,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = Sub(),simpleAssign,878
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person(),simpleAssign,881
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = docstr.spam(),simpleAssign,883
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",2. When a simple assignment statement (X = Y) appears at the top level of a class,simpleAssign,885
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Number(5)  # Number.__init__(X, 5)",simpleAssign,888
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Y = X - 2  # Number.__sub__(X, 2)",simpleAssign,888
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Object creation: X = Class(args),simpleAssign,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X | Y, X |= Y if no __ior__",simpleAssign,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.any = value,simpleAssign,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X[key] = value, X[i:j] = iterable",simpleAssign,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X < Y, X > Y, X <= Y, X >= Y, X == Y, X != Y",simpleAssign,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","I=iter(X), next(I); for loops, in if no __con",simpleAssign,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X.attr, X.attr = value, del X.attr",simpleAssign,889
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","s ""L = list(range(100))"" ""x = L.__len__()""",simpleAssign,890
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","s ""L = list(range(100))"" ""x = len(L)""",simpleAssign,890
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","s ""L = list(range(100))"" ""x = L.__len__()""",simpleAssign,890
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","s ""L = list(range(100))"" ""x = len(L)""",simpleAssign,890
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Indexer(),simpleAssign,891
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Indexer(),simpleAssign,892
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Indexer(),simpleAssign,892
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,894
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = StepperIndex() # X is a StepperIndex object,simpleAssign,894
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c, d) = X # Sequence assignments",simpleAssign,895
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if self.value == self.stop:  # Also called by next built-in,simpleAssign,896
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Squares(1, 5)  # Iterate manually: what loops do",simpleAssign,897
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(X)  # iter calls __iter__,simpleAssign,897
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Squares(1, 5)",simpleAssign,897
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Squares(1, 5)  # Make an iterable with state",simpleAssign,897
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = Squares(1, 3)  # Each calls __iter__ and then __next__",simpleAssign,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Squares(1, 5)",simpleAssign,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = list(Squares(1, 5))",simpleAssign,898
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if self.offset >= len(self.wrapped): # Terminate iterations,simpleAssign,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",item = self.wrapped[self.offset] # else return and skip,simpleAssign,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",skipper = SkipObject(alpha)  # Make container object,simpleAssign,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(skipper)  # Make an iterator on it,simpleAssign,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",next = __next__  # 2.X/3.X compatibility,simpleAssign,900
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = S[::2],simpleAssign,901
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G = gen(5)  # Create a generator with __iter__ and __next__,simpleAssign,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",G.__iter__() == G # Both methods exist on the same object,simpleAssign,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(G) # Runs __iter__: generator returns itself,simpleAssign,902
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = Squares(1, 5) # Runs __init__: class saves instance state",simpleAssign,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(S) # Runs __iter__: returns a generator,simpleAssign,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = Squares(1, 5)",simpleAssign,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(S.gen()) # Call generator manually for iterable/iterator,simpleAssign,903
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = Squares(1, 5)",simpleAssign,904
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(S),simpleAssign,904
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","J = iter(S)  # With yield, multiple iterators automatic",simpleAssign,904
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = Squares(1, 3)",simpleAssign,904
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = Squares(1, 5)",simpleAssign,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(S),simpleAssign,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",J = iter(S)  # Multiple iterators without yield,simpleAssign,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","S = Squares(1, 3)",simpleAssign,905
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",offset = 0,simpleAssign,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",item = self.wrapped[offset],simpleAssign,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",skipper = SkipObject('abcdef'),simpleAssign,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(skipper),simpleAssign,906
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if self.ix == len( raise StopIteration,simpleAssign,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",item =[self.ix],simpleAssign,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",next = __next__  # 2.X/3.X compatibility,simpleAssign,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Iters([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # Make instance",simpleAssign,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = iter(X)  # Manual iteration (what other contexts do),simpleAssign,907
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Iters('spam')  # Indexing,simpleAssign,909
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Empty(),simpleAssign,910
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","method is defined or inherited, self.attr = value becomes self.__setattr__('attr',",simpleAssign,910
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name'] = x, not = x; because you’re not assigning to",simpleAssign,910
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Accesscontrol(),simpleAssign,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.age = 40 # Calls __setattr__,simpleAssign,911
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __setattr__(self, attrname, value):  # On self.attrname = value",simpleAssign,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attrname] = value  # Avoid loops by using dict key,simpleAssign,912
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Test1(),simpleAssign,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = Test2(),simpleAssign,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y.age = 30  # Works,simpleAssign,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.age = 40  # Fails,simpleAssign,913
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = adder() # Default displays,simpleAssign,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = addrepr(2)  # Runs __init__,simpleAssign,914
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = addstr(3),simpleAssign,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = addboth(4),simpleAssign,915
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Adder(5),simpleAssign,917
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Commuter1(88),simpleAssign,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = Commuter1(99),simpleAssign,918
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__radd__ = __add__ # Alias: cut out the middleman,simpleAssign,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",other = other.val,simpleAssign,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Commuter5(88),simpleAssign,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = Commuter5(99),simpleAssign,919
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = klass(88),simpleAssign,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = klass(99),simpleAssign,920
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Number(5),simpleAssign,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Number(5),simpleAssign,921
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C = Callee(),simpleAssign,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","C(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5)",simpleAssign,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X(a=1, b=2, d=4)  # Keywords",simpleAssign,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X(*[1, 2], **dict(c=3, d=4))  # Unpack arbitrary arguments",simpleAssign,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X(1, *(2,), c=3, **dict(d=4)) # Mixed modes",simpleAssign,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Prod(2) # ""Remembers"" 2 in state",simpleAssign,922
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Prod(3),simpleAssign,923
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cb1 = Callback('blue')  # Remember blue,simpleAssign,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cb2 = Callback('green') # Remember green,simpleAssign,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B1 = Button(command=cb1)  # Register handlers,simpleAssign,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B2 = Button(command=cb2),simpleAssign,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cb3 = callback('yellow')  # Handler to be registered,simpleAssign,924
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cb1 = Callback('blue'),simpleAssign,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cb2 = Callback('yellow'),simpleAssign,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","B1 = Button(command=cb1.changeColor)  # Bound method: reference, don't call",simpleAssign,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cb1 = Callback('blue'),simpleAssign,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj = cb1.changeColor # Registered event handler,simpleAssign,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","does not imply that != is false, for example, so both __eq__ and __ne__ should",simpleAssign,925
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,926
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Truth(),simpleAssign,927
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Truth(),simpleAssign,927
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Truth(),simpleAssign,927
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Truth(),simpleAssign,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Truth(),simpleAssign,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,928
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,929
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",brian = Life('Brian'),simpleAssign,930
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Put another way, it’s just as if you say X = 1 and then X = 2; X will be 2. Hence, there",simpleAssign,934
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if len(args) == 1: # Branch on number arguments,simpleAssign,934
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elif type(arg[0]) == int:  # Branch on argument types (or isinstance()),simpleAssign,934
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = PizzaRobot('bob')  # Make a robot named bob,simpleAssign,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj = klass(klass.__name__),simpleAssign,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Employee: name=bob, salary=50000>",simpleAssign,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Employee: name=bob, salary=60000.0>",simpleAssign,936
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",customer = Customer(name)  # Activate other objects,simpleAssign,937
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",scene = PizzaShop()  # Make the composite,simpleAssign,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Homer orders from <Employee: name=Pat, salary=40000>",simpleAssign,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Homer pays for item to <Employee: name=Pat, salary=40000>",simpleAssign,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Shaggy orders from <Employee: name=Pat, salary=40000>",simpleAssign,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Shaggy pays for item to <Employee: name=Pat, salary=40000>",simpleAssign,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = converter(data),simpleAssign,938
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = self.converter(data),simpleAssign,939
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object = SomeClass(),simpleAssign,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object = pickle.load(file) # Fetch it back later,simpleAssign,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object = SomeClass(),simpleAssign,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",dbase['key'] = object  # Save under key,simpleAssign,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object = dbase['key']  # Fetch it back later,simpleAssign,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",shop = PizzaShop(),simpleAssign,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Employee: name=Pat, salary=40000>, <Employee: name=Bob, salary=50000>)",simpleAssign,941
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Employee: name=Pat, salary=40000>, <Employee: name=Bob, salary=50000>)",simpleAssign,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","LSP orders from <Employee: name=Pat, salary=40000>",simpleAssign,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","LSP pays for item to <Employee: name=Pat, salary=40000>",simpleAssign,942
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Wrapper([1, 2, 3])  # Wrap a list",simpleAssign,943
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Wrapper({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) # Wrap a dictionary",simpleAssign,943
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def meth1(self): self.X = 88  # I assume X is mine,simpleAssign,945
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def metha(self): self.X = 99  # Me too,simpleAssign,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C3()  # Only 1 X in I!,simpleAssign,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def meth1(self): self.__X = 88  # Now X is mine,simpleAssign,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",def metha(self): self.__X = 99  # Me too,simpleAssign,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C3()  # Two X names in I,simpleAssign,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","fully expanded name (e.g., I._C1__X = 77). Moreover, names could still collide if un-",simpleAssign,946
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object1 = Spam(),simpleAssign,949
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object1 = Spam(),simpleAssign,949
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object1 = Spam(),simpleAssign,949
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",t = Spam.doit  # Unbound method object (a function in 3.X: see ahead),simpleAssign,949
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = self.m1  # Another bound method object,simpleAssign,949
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Selfless(2),simpleAssign,950
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Number(2)  # Class instance objects,simpleAssign,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = Number(4),simpleAssign,951
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bound = x.double,simpleAssign,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sobject = Sum(2),simpleAssign,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",pobject = Product(3),simpleAssign,952
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","widget = Button(text='spam', command=handler)",simpleAssign,953
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","b = Button(text='spam', command=self.handler)",simpleAssign,954
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",object1 = factory(Spam) # Make a Spam object,simpleAssign,955
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","object2 = factory(Person, ""Arthur"", ""King"") # Make a Person object",simpleAssign,955
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","object3 = factory(Person, name='Brian') # Ditto, with keywords and default",simpleAssign,955
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","aclass = getattr(streamtypes, classname)  # Fetch from module",simpleAssign,956
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","reader = factory(aclass, classarg)  # Or aclass(classarg)",simpleAssign,956
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Spam(),simpleAssign,958
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Spam(),simpleAssign,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=food,simpleAssign,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",display = str(x)  # Print this to interpret escapes,simpleAssign,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Instance of Spam, address 43034496:\n\tdata1=food\n>'",simpleAssign,960
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Sub(),simpleAssign,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,961
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance = Sub()  # Return instance with lister's __str__,simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",modobject  = importlib.import_module(modname) # Import by namestring,simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","listerclass = getattr(modobject, classname)  # Fetch attr by namestring",simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,962
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C(),simpleAssign,963
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x.a, x.b, x.c = 1, 2, 3",simpleAssign,963
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a=1,simpleAssign,963
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b=2,simpleAssign,963
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c=3,simpleAssign,963
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,964
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,965
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,966
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,966
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,966
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","here = self.__attrnames(aClass, indent)",simpleAssign,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","here = self.__attrnames(self, 0)",simpleAssign,967
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,969
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,969
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,969
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,970
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,970
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,970
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__doc__=None,simpleAssign,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__module__=testmixin,simpleAssign,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__doc__=None,simpleAssign,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__module__=testmixin,simpleAssign,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__doc__=
  Mix-in that returns an __str__ trace of the entire class tree and all",simpleAssign,971
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__module__=__main__,simpleAssign,972
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = MyButton(text='spam'),simpleAssign,973
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",_name=43363688,simpleAssign,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = str(B) # Or print just the first part,simpleAssign,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Lister = ListTree # Choose a default lister,simpleAssign,974
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res =[:]  # Copy of my list,simpleAssign,980
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Set([1, 3, 5, 7])",simpleAssign,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = MyList('abc')  # __init__ inherited from list,simpleAssign,981
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = Set(self) # Copy me and my list,simpleAssign,982
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Set([1,3,5,7])",simpleAssign,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = Set([2,1,4,5,6])",simpleAssign,983
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,988
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C() # Built-ins not routed to getattr,simpleAssign,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.normal = lambda: 99,simpleAssign,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.normal = lambda: 99,simpleAssign,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,989
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,990
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C()  # Instances are made from classes,simpleAssign,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C()  # Type of instance is class it's made from,simpleAssign,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C()  # All classes are new-style in 3.X,simpleAssign,993
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c, d = C(), D()",simpleAssign,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",type(c) == type(d)  # 3.X: compares the instances' classes,simpleAssign,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c1, c2 = C(), C()",simpleAssign,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",type(c1) == type(c2),simpleAssign,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c, d = C(), D()",simpleAssign,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",type(c) == type(d)  # 2.X: all instances are same type!,simpleAssign,994
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","c, d = C(), D()",simpleAssign,995
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",type(c) == type(d)  # 2.X new-style: same as all in 3.X,simpleAssign,995
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,995
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,996
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,996
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A:  attr = 1  # Classic (Python 2.X),simpleAssign,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 2,simpleAssign,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","attr = 1  # New-style (""object"" not required in 3.X)",simpleAssign,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 2,simpleAssign,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,998
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A:  attr = 1  # Classic,simpleAssign,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 2,simpleAssign,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class D(B, C): attr = C.attr # <== Choose C, to the right",simpleAssign,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 1  # New-style,simpleAssign,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 2,simpleAssign,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class D(B, C):  attr = B.attr # <== Choose A.attr, above",simpleAssign,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,999
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D()  # Will vary per class type,simpleAssign,1000
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class D(B, C): meth = C.meth # <== Pick C's method: new-style (and 3.X)",simpleAssign,1000
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,1000
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class D(B, C): meth = B.meth # <== Pick B's method: classic",simpleAssign,1000
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,1000
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C.meth(self) # <== Pick C's method by calling,simpleAssign,1000
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D.mro() == list(D.__mro__),simpleAssign,1004
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","filterdictvals(dict(a=1, b=2, c=1), 1) => {'b': 2}",simpleAssign,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","invertdict(dict(a=1, b=2, c=1)) => {1: ['a', 'c'], 2: ['b']}",simpleAssign,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",withobject: False=remove object built-in class attributes.,simpleAssign,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bysource:  True=group result by objects instead of attributes.,simpleAssign,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",inherits = inheritance(instance),simpleAssign,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr2obj[attr] = obj,simpleAssign,1005
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","attr2obj = filterdictvals(attr2obj, object)",simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A:  attr1 = 1,simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr2 = 2,simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr1 = 3,simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = D(),simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Python's search == ours?,simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","trace(mapattrs(I, bysource=True), 'OBJS\n') # Source => [Attrs]",simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","attr1 = 1  # ""(object)"" optional in 3.X",simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr2 = 2,simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr1 = 3,simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = D(),simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","trace(mapattrs(I, bysource=True), 'OBJS\n')",simpleAssign,1006
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = Sub() # Sub inherits from Super and ListInstance roots,simpleAssign,1007
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","trace(mapattrs(I, bysource=True))",simpleAssign,1008
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","trace(mapattrs(I, withobject=True))",simpleAssign,1008
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","amap = mapattrs(I, withobject=True, bysource=True)",simpleAssign,1008
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 2,simpleAssign,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = 3,simpleAssign,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = D(),simpleAssign,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","trace(mapattrs(I, bysource=True))  # Also: trace(mapattrs(I))",simpleAssign,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",be to index the mapattrs function’s bysource=True dictionary result to obtain an object’s,simpleAssign,1009
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = limiter(),simpleAssign,1010
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.age = 40 # Looks like instance data,simpleAssign,1011
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.ape = 1000 # Illegal: not in __slots__,simpleAssign,1011
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 1,simpleAssign,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1012
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c = 3  # Class attrs work normally,simpleAssign,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 1,simpleAssign,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.b = 2,simpleAssign,1013
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X.a = 1; X.b = 2; X.c = 3  # The instance is the union (slots: a, c)",simpleAssign,1014
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = Slotful(3),simpleAssign,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","I.a, I.b = 1, 2",simpleAssign,1015
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D() # But slot name still managed in class,simpleAssign,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 1; X.b = 2,simpleAssign,1016
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D() # But slot name still managed in class,simpleAssign,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 1; X.b = 2,simpleAssign,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 99 # Bullet 4: no class-level defaults,simpleAssign,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 1; X.b = 2,simpleAssign,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C() # OK: no __slots__ used,simpleAssign,1017
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.c = 3,simpleAssign,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1018
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 1; X.b = 2; X.c = 3; X.d = 4,simpleAssign,1019
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class statement (e.g., name=property()), and a special @ syntax we’ll meet later is avail-",simpleAssign,1020
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = operators(),simpleAssign,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","age = property(getage, None, None, None) # (get, set, del, docs), or use @",simpleAssign,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = properties(),simpleAssign,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","age = property(getage, setage, None, None)",simpleAssign,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = properties(),simpleAssign,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.age = 42 # Runs setage,simpleAssign,1021
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name] = value,simpleAssign,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = operators(),simpleAssign,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.age = 41 # Runs __setattr__,simpleAssign,1022
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance._age = value,simpleAssign,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",age = AgeDesc(),simpleAssign,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = descriptors(),simpleAssign,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x.age = 42 # Runs AgeDesc.__set__,simpleAssign,1023
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0,simpleAssign,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = Spam()  # Cannot call unbound class methods in 2.X,simpleAssign,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = Spam()  # Methods expect a self object by default,simpleAssign,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c = Spam(),simpleAssign,1026
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = Spam()  # Can call functions in class in 3.X,simpleAssign,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = Spam()  # Calls through instances still pass a self,simpleAssign,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c = Spam(),simpleAssign,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0,simpleAssign,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = spam.Spam(),simpleAssign,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = spam.Spam(),simpleAssign,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c = spam.Spam(),simpleAssign,1027
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0,simpleAssign,1028
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b, c = Spam(), Spam(), Spam()",simpleAssign,1028
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",smeth = staticmethod(smeth) # Make smeth a static method (or @: ahead),simpleAssign,1029
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cmeth = classmethod(cmeth)  # Make cmeth a class method (or @: ahead),simpleAssign,1029
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj = Methods() # Callable through instance or class,simpleAssign,1029
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0  # Use static method for class data,simpleAssign,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",printNumInstances = staticmethod(printNumInstances),simpleAssign,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = Spam(),simpleAssign,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = Spam(),simpleAssign,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c = Spam(),simpleAssign,1030
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",printNumInstances = staticmethod(printNumInstances),simpleAssign,1031
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = Sub(),simpleAssign,1031
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = Sub(),simpleAssign,1031
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c = Other(),simpleAssign,1031
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0  # Use class method instead of static,simpleAssign,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",printNumInstances = classmethod(printNumInstances),simpleAssign,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","a, b = Spam(), Spam()",simpleAssign,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",printNumInstances = classmethod(printNumInstances),simpleAssign,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",printNumInstances = classmethod(printNumInstances),simpleAssign,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Sub(),simpleAssign,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = Spam(),simpleAssign,1032
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",z = Other()  # Call from lower sub's instance,simpleAssign,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0,simpleAssign,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",count = classmethod(count),simpleAssign,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0,simpleAssign,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0,simpleAssign,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Spam(),simpleAssign,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y1, y2 = Sub(), Sub()",simpleAssign,1033
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","z1, z2, z3 = Other(), Other(), Other()",simpleAssign,1034
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",meth = staticmethod(meth) # Name rebinding equivalent,simpleAssign,1035
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numInstances = 0,simpleAssign,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = Spam(),simpleAssign,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",b = Spam(),simpleAssign,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c = Spam(),simpleAssign,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj = Methods(),simpleAssign,1036
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",oncall.calls = 0,simpleAssign,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C(),simpleAssign,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C = decorator(C),simpleAssign,1038
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aClass.numInstances = 0,simpleAssign,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam: ...  # Same as Spam = count(Spam),simpleAssign,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Sub(Spam): ... # numInstances = 0 not needed here,simpleAssign,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spam(): pass # Like spam = count(spam),simpleAssign,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Other: pass  # Like Other = count(Other),simpleAssign,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C: ... # Like C = decorator(C),simpleAssign,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = C()  # Makes a Proxy that wraps a C, and catches later X.attr",simpleAssign,1039
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","my creation routed to Meta... # Like C = Meta('C', (), {...})",simpleAssign,1040
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","classname = Meta(classname, superclasses, attributedict)",simpleAssign,1040
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1043
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",proxy = super()  # This form has no meaning outside a method,simpleAssign,1044
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C()  # So why use the super() special case at all?,simpleAssign,1045
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1047
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1047
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1048
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i = C(),simpleAssign,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i = C(),simpleAssign,1050
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D() # Runs leftmost only by default,simpleAssign,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = B(),simpleAssign,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C() # Each super works by itself,simpleAssign,1051
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D() # But this now invokes A twice!,simpleAssign,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = B()  # Runs B.__init__, A is next super in self's B MRO",simpleAssign,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C(),simpleAssign,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = D()  # Runs B.__init__, C is next super in self's D MRO!",simpleAssign,1052
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = B()  # object is an implied super at the end of MRO,simpleAssign,1053
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C(),simpleAssign,1053
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = D()  # Runs B.__init__, C is next super in self's D MRO!",simpleAssign,1053
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = D(),simpleAssign,1054
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1054
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1055
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1055
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = D(),simpleAssign,1056
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1059
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Chef1('Bob'),simpleAssign,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue = Server1('Sue'),simpleAssign,1060
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Chef2('Bob'),simpleAssign,1061
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue = Server2('Sue'),simpleAssign,1061
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tom = TwoJobs('Tom'),simpleAssign,1061
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tom = TwoJobs('Tom'),simpleAssign,1061
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tom = TwoJobs('Tom'),simpleAssign,1061
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tom = TwoJobs('Tom'),simpleAssign,1061
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = 1  # Class attribute,simpleAssign,1064
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = X(),simpleAssign,1064
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 2  # May change more than X,simpleAssign,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",J = X()  # J inherits from X's runtime values,simpleAssign,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 1  # Use class attributes as variables,simpleAssign,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.b = 2  # No instances anywhere to be found,simpleAssign,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.c = 3,simpleAssign,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Record(),simpleAssign,1065
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C()  # Two instances,simpleAssign,1066
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = C()  # Implicitly share class attrs,simpleAssign,1066
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Sub() # Inheritance searches ListTree before Super,simpleAssign,1067
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",other = Super.other # But explicitly pick Super's version of other,simpleAssign,1067
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Sub() # Inheritance searches Sub before ListTree/Super,simpleAssign,1067
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",__str__ = Lister.__str__ # Explicitly pick Lister.__str__,simpleAssign,1067
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",count = 1,simpleAssign,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",count = 1,simpleAssign,1068
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",count = 1,simpleAssign,1069
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aclass = generate('Gotchas'),simpleAssign,1069
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = aclass(),simpleAssign,1069
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Gotchas=1,simpleAssign,1069
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",spot = Cat(),simpleAssign,1076
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = Hacker() # Animal.reply: calls Primate.speak,simpleAssign,1076
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if (doFirstThing() == ERROR) # Detect errors everywhere,simpleAssign,1089
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if (doNextThing() == ERROR),simpleAssign,1089
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if (doStuff() == ERROR),simpleAssign,1089
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1 / 0,simpleAssign,1106
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",exc = IndexError()  # Create instance ahead of time,simpleAssign,1107
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lock = threading.Lock() # After: import threading,simpleAssign,1115
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",ctx.prec = 2,simpleAssign,1116
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = decimal.Decimal('1.00') / decimal.Decimal('3.00'),simpleAssign,1116
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 2,simpleAssign,1119
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = General() # Raise superclass instance,simpleAssign,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Specific1() # Raise subclass instance,simpleAssign,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Specific2() # Raise different subclass instance,simpleAssign,1126
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = IndexError('spam') # Available in object attribute,simpleAssign,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = E('spam'),simpleAssign,1134
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'spam'  # 3.X bytes literal make a bytes object (8-bit bytes),simpleAssign,1175
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","B = B""""""",simpleAssign,1175
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'spam' # 3.X bytes literal is just str in 2.6/2.7,simpleAssign,1176
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = u'spam' # 2.X Unicode literal makes a distinct type,simpleAssign,1176
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'spam',simpleAssign,1177
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = u'eggs',simpleAssign,1178
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'\xc4\xe8' # Text encoded per Latin-1,simpleAssign,1181
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'\xc3\x84\xc3\xa8' # Text encoded per UTF-8,simpleAssign,1181
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'A\xC4B\xE8C'  # bytes recognizes hex but not Unicode,simpleAssign,1183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'A\u00C4B\U000000E8C'  # Escape sequences taken literally!,simpleAssign,1183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'A\xC4B\xE8C'  # Use hex escapes for bytes,simpleAssign,1183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'AÄBèC',simpleAssign,1183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","B = b'A\xC4B\xE8C'  # Chars must be ASCII, or escapes",simpleAssign,1183
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'A\xc3\x84B\xc3\xa8C'  # Text encoded in UTF-8 format originally,simpleAssign,1184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = B.decode('utf-8') # Decode to Unicode text per UTF-8,simpleAssign,1184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",T = S.encode('cp500') # Convert to encoded bytes per EBCDIC,simpleAssign,1184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = T.decode('cp500') # Convert back to Unicode per EBCDIC,simpleAssign,1184
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = S.decode('latin1')  # Decode bytes to Unicode text per latin-1,simpleAssign,1185
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","U = u'A\xC4B\xE8C'  # Make Unicode string, hex escapes",simpleAssign,1185
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = u'A\xC4B\xE8C'  # Hex escapes for non-ASCII,simpleAssign,1186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = u'A\u00C4B\U000000E8C'  # Unicode escapes for non-ASCII,simpleAssign,1186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","U # u'' = 16 bits, U'' = 32 bits",simpleAssign,1186
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = u'A\xC4B\xE8C',simpleAssign,1187
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bytes1 = aStr.encode() # Per default utf-8: 2 bytes for non-ASCII,simpleAssign,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bytes2 = aStr.encode('latin-1')  # One byte per char,simpleAssign,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bytes3 = aStr.encode('ascii')  # ASCII fails: outside 0..127 range,simpleAssign,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","aÄBèC, strlen=5, byteslen1=7, byteslen2=5",simpleAssign,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","AÄBèC, strlen=5, byteslen1=7, byteslen2=5",simpleAssign,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","AÄBèC, strlen=5, byteslen1=7, byteslen2=5",simpleAssign,1188
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'spam' # b'...' bytes literal,simpleAssign,1190
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'spam' # A sequence of small ints,simpleAssign,1190
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'abc'  # Literal,simpleAssign,1191
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","B = bytes('abc', 'ascii') # Constructor with encoding name",simpleAssign,1191
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","B = bytes([97, 98, 99]) # Integer iterable",simpleAssign,1191
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = B.decode()  # bytes.decode() (or str()),simpleAssign,1191
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'spam',simpleAssign,1192
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = B'spam',simpleAssign,1192
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C = bytearray(S),simpleAssign,1193
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","C = bytearray(S, 'latin1') # A content-specific type in 3.X",simpleAssign,1193
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'spam'  # b'..' != '..' in 3.X (bytes/str),simpleAssign,1193
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C = bytearray(B),simpleAssign,1193
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C[0] = b'x',simpleAssign,1193
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C[0] = ord('x')  # Use ord() to get a character's ordinal,simpleAssign,1193
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C[1] = b'Y'[0] # Or index a byte string,simpleAssign,1194
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",BA = bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03'),simpleAssign,1198
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L = S.encode('latin-1')  # 5 bytes when encoded as latin-1,simpleAssign,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = S.encode('utf-8')  # 7 bytes when encoded as utf-8,simpleAssign,1200
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",S = u'A\xc4B\xe8C'  # 2.X type,simpleAssign,1204
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'Bugger all down here on earth!' # Usually from a file,simpleAssign,1206
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",U = u'Bugger all down here on earth!' # Unicode text,simpleAssign,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = b'Bugger all down here on earth!',simpleAssign,1207
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","B = struct.pack('>i4sh', 7, b'spam', 8)",simpleAssign,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","vals = struct.unpack('>i4sh', B)",simpleAssign,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","vals = struct.unpack('>i4sh', B.decode())",simpleAssign,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","data = struct.pack('>i4sh', 7, b'spam', 8) # Create packed binary data",simpleAssign,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","values = struct.unpack('>i4sh', data)  # Extract packed binary data",simpleAssign,1208
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Python 3.X default protocol=3=binary,simpleAssign,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Python 2.X default=0=ASCII,simpleAssign,1210
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","found = re.findall('<title>(.*)</title>', text)",simpleAssign,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",xmltree = parse('mybooks.xml'),simpleAssign,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",parser = xml.sax.make_parser(),simpleAssign,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",handler = BookHandler(),simpleAssign,1212
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tree = parse('mybooks.xml'),simpleAssign,1213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",xmltree = parse('mybooks.xml'),simpleAssign,1213
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = c.encode(encoding='ascii'),simpleAssign,1214
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value  # Change attribute value,simpleAssign,1219
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",person = Person(),simpleAssign,1220
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","attribute = property(fget, fset, fdel, doc)",simpleAssign,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name = property(getName, setName, delName, ""name property docs"")",simpleAssign,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith')  # bob has a managed attribute,simpleAssign,1222
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue = Person('Sue Jones')  # sue inherits property too,simpleAssign,1223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name = property(getName, setName, delName, 'name property docs')",simpleAssign,1223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith'),simpleAssign,1223
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = property(getX, setX) # No delete or docs",simpleAssign,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",P = PropSquare(3)  # Two instances of class with property,simpleAssign,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Q = PropSquare(32) # Each has different state information,simpleAssign,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",P.X = 4,simpleAssign,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func = decorator(func),simpleAssign,1224
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name(self): ...  # Rebinds: name = property(name),simpleAssign,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = property(name),simpleAssign,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name(self):  # name = property(name),simpleAssign,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name(self, value): # name = name.setter(name)",simpleAssign,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name(self):  # name = name.deleter(name),simpleAssign,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith')  # bob has a managed attribute,simpleAssign,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue = Person('Sue Jones')  # sue inherits property too,simpleAssign,1225
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = Descriptor() # Descriptor instance is class attr,simpleAssign,1228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Subject(),simpleAssign,1228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = D()  # Attribute a is a descriptor instance,simpleAssign,1228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1228
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X.a = 99 # Stored on X, hiding C.a!",simpleAssign,1229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = C(),simpleAssign,1229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",a = D(),simpleAssign,1229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.a = 99 # Routed to C.a.__set__,simpleAssign,1229
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance._name = value,simpleAssign,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = Name()  # Assign descriptor to attr,simpleAssign,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith')  # bob has a managed attribute,simpleAssign,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue = Person('Sue Jones')  # sue inherits descriptor too,simpleAssign,1230
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = Name(),simpleAssign,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance._name = value,simpleAssign,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = Name(),simpleAssign,1231
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = DescSquare(3) # Assign descriptor instance to class attr,simpleAssign,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = DescSquare(32)  # Another instance in another client class,simpleAssign,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c1 = Client1(),simpleAssign,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c2 = Client2(),simpleAssign,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",c1.X = 4,simpleAssign,1232
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = DescState(2)  # Descriptor class attr,simpleAssign,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 3 # Class attr,simpleAssign,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj = CalcAttrs(),simpleAssign,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj.X = 5 # X assignment is intercepted,simpleAssign,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",CalcAttrs.Y = 6 # Y reassigned in class,simpleAssign,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj.Z = 7 # Z assigned in instance,simpleAssign,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","obj2 = CalcAttrs()  # But X uses shared data, like Y!",simpleAssign,1233
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance._X = value,simpleAssign,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = InstState() # Descriptor class attr,simpleAssign,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = 3 # Class attr,simpleAssign,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj = CalcAttrs(),simpleAssign,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj.X = 5 # X assignment is intercepted,simpleAssign,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",CalcAttrs.Y = 6 # Y reassigned in class,simpleAssign,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",obj.Z = 7 # Z assigned in instance,simpleAssign,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","obj2 = CalcAttrs()  # But X differs now, like Z!",simpleAssign,1234
"Learning Python, 5th Edition", = value,simpleAssign,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",managed = DescBoth('spam'),simpleAssign,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = Client('eggs'),simpleAssign,1235
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name = Property(getName, setName)  # Use like property()",simpleAssign,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Person(),simpleAssign,1236
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __setattr__(self, name, value): # On all attribute assignment []",simpleAssign,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Catcher(),simpleAssign,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition"," = 99 # Prints ""Set: pay 99""",simpleAssign,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Wrapper([1, 2, 3])",simpleAssign,1239
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = self.other # LOOPS!,simpleAssign,1240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = object.__getattribute__(self, 'other') # Force higher to avoid me",simpleAssign,1240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",other'] = value # Use attr dict to avoid me,simpleAssign,1240
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def __setattr__(self, attr, value):  # On [obj.any = value]",simpleAssign,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr] = value  # Avoid looping here,simpleAssign,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob Smith')  # bob has a managed attribute,simpleAssign,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue = Person('Sue Jones')  # sue inherits property too,simpleAssign,1242
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr] = value,simpleAssign,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",A = AttrSquare(3)  # 2 instances of class with overloading,simpleAssign,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",B = AttrSquare(32) # Each has different state information,simpleAssign,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",A.X = 4,simpleAssign,1244
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr1 = 1,simpleAssign,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = GetAttr(),simpleAssign,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr1 = 1,simpleAssign,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = GetAttribute(),simpleAssign,1245
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","square = property(getSquare, setSquare)",simpleAssign,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cube = property(getCube),simpleAssign,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Powers(3, 4)",simpleAssign,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",3 ** 2 = 9,simpleAssign,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",4 ** 3 = 64,simpleAssign,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.square = 5,simpleAssign,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",5 ** 2 = 25,simpleAssign,1246
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance._square = value,simpleAssign,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",square = DescSquare(),simpleAssign,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",cube  = DescCube(),simpleAssign,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Powers(3, 4)",simpleAssign,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",3 ** 2 = 9,simpleAssign,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",4 ** 3 = 64,simpleAssign,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.square = 5,simpleAssign,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",5 ** 2 = 25,simpleAssign,1247
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",_square'] = value  # Or use object,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name] = value,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Powers(3, 4)",simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",3 ** 2 = 9,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",4 ** 3 = 64,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.square = 5,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",5 ** 2 = 25,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Powers(3, 4)",simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",3 ** 2 = 9,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",4 ** 3 = 64,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.square = 5,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",5 ** 2 = 25,simpleAssign,1248
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs = 88 # eggs stored on class, spam on instance",simpleAssign,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",eggs = 88 # In 2.X all are isinstance(object) auto,simpleAssign,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Class(),simpleAssign,1250
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","GetAttr===========================================
 getattr: other",simpleAssign,1252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","GetAttribute======================================
 getattribute: eggs",simpleAssign,1252
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', job='dev', pay=100000)",simpleAssign,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tom = Manager('Tom Jones', 50000) # Manager.__init__",simpleAssign,1254
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","person = object.__getattribute__(self, 'person')",simpleAssign,1255
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","person = object.__getattribute__(self, 'person')",simpleAssign,1256
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acctlen = 8 # Class data,simpleAssign,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",retireage = 59.5,simpleAssign,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.lower().replace(' ', '_')",simpleAssign,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name = property(getName, setName)",simpleAssign,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","age = property(getAge, setAge)",simpleAssign,1257
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.replace('-', '')",simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","acct = property(getAcct, setAcct)",simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",remain = property(remainGet),simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",modulename = sys.argv[1] # Module name in command line,simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",module = importlib.import_module(modulename) # Import module by name string,simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",CardHolder = loadclass(),simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = CardHolder('1234-5678', 'Bob Smith', 40, '123 main st')",simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob.age = 50,simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = CardHolder('5678-12-34', 'Sue Jones', 35, '124 main st')",simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sue.age = 200,simpleAssign,1258
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acctlen = 8 # Class data,simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",retireage = 59.5,simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.lower().replace(' ', '_')",simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = Name(),simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",age = Age(),simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.replace('-', '')",simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if len(value) != instance.acctlen: # Use instance class data,simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acct = Acct(),simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",remain = Remain(),simpleAssign,1260
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",CardHolder = loadclass(),simpleAssign,1261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = CardHolder('1234-5678', 'Bob Smith', 40, '123 main st')",simpleAssign,1261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = CardHolder('5678-12-34', 'Sue Jones', 35, '124 main st')",simpleAssign,1261
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acctlen = 8 # Class data,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",retireage = 59.5,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.lower().replace(' ', '_')",simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance.__name = value,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = Name()  # vs mangled attr,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance.__age = value,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",age = Age()  # class.age vs mangled attr,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.replace('-', '')",simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if len(value) != instance.acctlen: # Use instance class data,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance.__acct = value,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acct = Acct()  # class.acct vs mangled name,simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",remain = Remain(),simpleAssign,1262
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = CardHolder('1234-5678', 'Bob Smith', 40, '123 main st')",simpleAssign,1263
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = CardHolder('1234-5678', 'Bob Smith', 40, '123 main st')",simpleAssign,1263
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acctlen = 8 # Class data,simpleAssign,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",retireage = 59.5,simpleAssign,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.lower().replace(' ', '_') # addr stored directly",simpleAssign,1264
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.replace('-', '')",simpleAssign,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name] = value # Avoid looping (or via object),simpleAssign,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",acctlen = 8 # Class data,simpleAssign,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",retireage = 59.5,simpleAssign,1265
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",superget = object.__getattribute__  # Don't loop: one level up,simpleAssign,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","value = value.lower().replace(' ', '_') # addr stored directly",simpleAssign,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","name] = value  # Avoid loops, orig names",simpleAssign,1266
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",set to the original function decorated (name = property(name)). Property setter,simpleAssign,1267
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F = decorator(F) # Rebind function name to decorator result,simpleAssign,1273
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",meth(...): ... # meth = staticmethod(meth),simpleAssign,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name(self): ...  # name = property(name),simpleAssign,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func(): ... # func = decorator(func),simpleAssign,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func(): ... # func = decorator(func),simpleAssign,1274
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(x, y):  # func = decorator(func)",simpleAssign,1275
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","method(self, x, y):  # method = decorator(method)",simpleAssign,1276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(x, y):  # func = decorator(func)",simpleAssign,1276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","method(self, x, y):  # method = decorator(method)",simpleAssign,1276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1276
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C(99) # Make an instance,simpleAssign,1277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C = decorator(C)  # Rebind class name to decorator result,simpleAssign,1277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C(99) # Essentially calls decorator(C)(99),simpleAssign,1277
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C: ... # C = decorator(C),simpleAssign,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C: ... # C = decorator(C),simpleAssign,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C:  # C = decorator(C),simpleAssign,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = C(6, 7) # Really calls Wrapper(6, 7)",simpleAssign,1278
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C: ... # C = Decorator(C),simpleAssign,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = C(),simpleAssign,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = C()  # Overwrites x!,simpleAssign,1279
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",f = A(B(C(f))),simpleAssign,1280
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1280
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C = spam(eggs(C)),simpleAssign,1280
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1280
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func():  # func = d1(d2(d3(func))),simpleAssign,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func():  # func = d1(d2(d3(func))),simpleAssign,1281
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","F = decorator(A, B)(F) # Rebind F to result of decorator's return value",simpleAssign,1282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",F(): ...  # F = decorator(F),simpleAssign,1282
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C: ...  # C = decorator(C),simpleAssign,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c):  # spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1283
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls = 0,simpleAssign,1284
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c): # Same as: spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs(x, y):  # Same as: eggs = tracer(eggs)",simpleAssign,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)  # spam is an instance attribute",simpleAssign,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs(4, y=4) # self.calls is per-decoration here",simpleAssign,1285
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls = 0,simpleAssign,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c): # Same as: spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs(x, y):  # Same as: eggs = tracer(eggs)",simpleAssign,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)  # wrapper calls spam",simpleAssign,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs(4, y=4) # Global calls is not per-decoration here!",simpleAssign,1286
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls = 0 # Instead of class attrs or global,simpleAssign,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c): # Same as: spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs(x, y):  # Same as: eggs = tracer(eggs)",simpleAssign,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)  # wrapper calls spam",simpleAssign,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs(4, y=4) # Nonlocal calls _is_ per-decoration here",simpleAssign,1287
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","them, with func.attr=value. Because a factory function makes a new function on each",simpleAssign,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",wrapper.calls = 0,simpleAssign,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c): # Same as: spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs(x, y):  # Same as: eggs = tracer(eggs)",simpleAssign,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)  # wrapper calls spam",simpleAssign,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","eggs(4, y=4) # wrapper.calls _is_ per-decoration here",simpleAssign,1288
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c):  # spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a=4, b=5, c=6) # spam saved in an instance attribute",simpleAssign,1289
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","giveRaise(self, percent): # giveRaise = tracer(giveRaise)",simpleAssign,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lastName(self): # lastName = tracer(lastName),simpleAssign,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)  # tracer remembers method funcs",simpleAssign,1290
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","calls = 0 # Else ""self"" is decorator instance only!",simpleAssign,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c):  # spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)",simpleAssign,1291
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","giveRaise(self, percent): # giveRaise = tracer(giveRaise)",simpleAssign,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lastName(self): # lastName = tracer(lastName),simpleAssign,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)",simpleAssign,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', 100000)",simpleAssign,1292
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = Descriptor(),simpleAssign,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Subject(),simpleAssign,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c):  # spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","giveRaise(self, percent): # giveRaise = tracer(giveRaise)",simpleAssign,1293
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","giveRaise(self, percent): # giveRaise = tracer(giveRaise)",simpleAssign,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b, c):  # spam = tracer(spam)",simpleAssign,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",force = list if sys.version_info[0] == 3 else (lambda X: X),simpleAssign,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start  = time.clock(),simpleAssign,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = self.func(*args, **kargs)",simpleAssign,1295
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = time.clock() - start,simpleAssign,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = listcomp(5) # Time for this call, all calls, return value",simpleAssign,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",result = mapcall(5),simpleAssign,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allTime = 0.17780527629411225,simpleAssign,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allTime = 0.3328064956447921,simpleAssign,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",map/comp = 1.872,simpleAssign,1296
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","timeit.timeit(number=1, stmt=lambda: listcomp(1000000))",simpleAssign,1297
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",start  = time.clock(),simpleAssign,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = self.func(*args, **kargs)",simpleAssign,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = time.clock() - start,simpleAssign,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",force = list if sys.version_info[0] == 3 else (lambda X: X),simpleAssign,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",listcomp(N):  # Like listcomp = timer(...)(listcomp),simpleAssign,1299
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = func(5) # Time for this call, all calls, return value",simpleAssign,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allTime = 0.1834406801777564,simpleAssign,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allTime = 0.3403542519173618,simpleAssign,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",map/comp = 1.855,simpleAssign,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = listcomp(5000),simpleAssign,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = listcomp(5000),simpleAssign,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = listcomp(5000),simpleAssign,1300
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = listcomp(5000),simpleAssign,1301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = listcomp(5000),simpleAssign,1301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = listcomp(5000),simpleAssign,1301
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","instances[aClass] = aClass(*args, **kwargs)",simpleAssign,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob', 40, 10)  # Really calls onCall",simpleAssign,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue', 50, 20)  # Same, single object",simpleAssign,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Spam(val=42) # One Person, one Spam",simpleAssign,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = Spam(99),simpleAssign,1302
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","the None check could use is instead of == here, but it’s a trivial test either way):",simpleAssign,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",instance = None,simpleAssign,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",onCall.instance = None,simpleAssign,1303
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Wrapper([1,2,3])  # Wrap a list",simpleAssign,1304
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Wrapper({""a"": 1, ""b"": 2}) # Wrap a dictionary",simpleAssign,1304
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam: # Spam = Tracer(Spam),simpleAssign,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Person: # Person = Tracer(Person),simpleAssign,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",food = Spam() # Triggers Wrapper(),simpleAssign,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob', 40, 50) # bob is really a Wrapper",simpleAssign,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue', rate=100, hours=60) # sue is a different Wrapper",simpleAssign,1305
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",MyList(list): pass # MyList = Tracer(MyList),simpleAssign,1306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = MyList([1, 2, 3])  # Triggers Wrapper()",simpleAssign,1306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",WrapList = Tracer(list)  # Or perform decoration manually,simpleAssign,1306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = WrapList([4, 5, 6])  # Else subclass statement required",simpleAssign,1306
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob', 40, 50)",simpleAssign,1307
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue', rate=100, hours=60)",simpleAssign,1307
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Wrapper(Person('Bob', 40, 50))",simpleAssign,1307
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Wrapper(Person('Sue', rate=100, hours=60))",simpleAssign,1307
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Spam:  # Like: Spam = Tracer(Spam),simpleAssign,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",food = Spam()  # Triggers __call__,simpleAssign,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Person:  # Person = Tracer(Person),simpleAssign,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = Person('Bob')  # bob is really a Wrapper,simpleAssign,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Sue = Person('Sue'),simpleAssign,1308
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",food = Wrapper(Spam()) # Special creation syntax,simpleAssign,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",food = Spam()  # Normal creation syntax,simpleAssign,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = getInstance(Person, 'Bob', 40, 10) # Versus: bob = Person('Bob', 40, 10)",simpleAssign,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = getInstance(Person('Bob', 40, 10)) # Versus: bob = Person('Bob', 40, 10)",simpleAssign,1309
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = tracer(func, (1, 2))  # Special call syntax",simpleAssign,1310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Rebinds name: func = tracer(func),simpleAssign,1310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = func(1, 2)  # Normal call syntax",simpleAssign,1310
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X=Class().init()). Over time, though, despite being fundamentally a",simpleAssign,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",registry[obj.__name__] = obj # Add to registry,simpleAssign,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",return(x ** 2) # spam = register(spam),simpleAssign,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Eggs:  # Eggs = register(Eggs),simpleAssign,1312
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Eggs(2),simpleAssign,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func.marked = True # Assign function attribute for later use,simpleAssign,1313
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",func.label = text,simpleAssign,1314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","spam(a, b):  # spam = annotate(...)(spam)",simpleAssign,1314
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Decorator same as: Doubler = Private('data', 'size')(Doubler).",simpleAssign,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",traceMe = False,simpleAssign,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr] = value  # Avoid looping,simpleAssign,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",traceMe = True,simpleAssign,1315
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Doubler('X is', [1, 2, 3])",simpleAssign,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Y = Doubler('Y is', [-10, −20, −30])",simpleAssign,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X.size = lambda S: 0,simpleAssign,1316
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",traceMe = False,simpleAssign,1319
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Person:  # Person = onInstance with state,simpleAssign,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Person('Bob', 40)",simpleAssign,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Person('bob', 40)  # X is an onInstance",simpleAssign,1320
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Person(),simpleAssign,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Person() # Name validations still work,simpleAssign,1323
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","exec('__%s__ = ProxyDesc(""__%s__"")' % (attr, attr))",simpleAssign,1327
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__add__ = ProxyDesc(""__add__"")",simpleAssign,1327
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","__str__ = ProxyDesc(""__str__"")",simpleAssign,1327
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aClass.__getattribute__ = getattributes,simpleAssign,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aClass.__setattr__ = setattributes  # Insert accessors,simpleAssign,1328
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', 'dev', 100000)",simpleAssign,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",birthday = 5/31/1963,simpleAssign,1332
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",birthday = 5/31/1963,simpleAssign,1333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",birthday = 5/31/1963,simpleAssign,1333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",trace = True,simpleAssign,1333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",code  = func.__code__,simpleAssign,1333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allargs = code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount],simpleAssign,1333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",funcname = func.__name__,simpleAssign,1333
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",expected = list(allargs),simpleAssign,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",positionals = expected[:len(pargs)],simpleAssign,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","errmsg = errmsg.format(funcname, argname, low, high)",simpleAssign,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",position = positionals.index(argname),simpleAssign,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","errmsg = errmsg.format(funcname, argname, low, high)",simpleAssign,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","persinfo(age=40, name='Bob')",simpleAssign,1334
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","birthday(5, D=1, Y=1963)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","persinfo(age=150, name='Bob')",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","birthday(5, D=40, Y=1963)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",giveRaise = rangetest(...)(giveRaise),simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob Smith', 'dev', 100000)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', 'dev', 100000)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob.giveRaise(percent=1.20),simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(a, b=7, c=8, d=9):",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(1, 2, 3, d=4)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(1, d=4)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(d=4, a=1)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(1, b=2, d=4)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(d=8, c=7, a=1)",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(1, 2, 3, d=11)  # Bad d",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(11, d=4)  # Bad a",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(d=4, a=11)  # Bad a",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(1, b=11, d=4) # Bad b",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(d=8, c=7, a=11) # Bad a",simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",birthday = 5/1/1963,simpleAssign,1335
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1 # Plus two more local variables,simpleAssign,1336
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 2,simpleAssign,1336
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",code = func.__code__  # Code object of function object,simpleAssign,1336
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount] # <== First N locals are expected args,simpleAssign,1336
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name=value” syntax must appear after any simple “name” in both places. As we’ve,simpleAssign,1337
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","omitargs(d=8, c=7, b=6)",simpleAssign,1339
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",code = func.__code__,simpleAssign,1339
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",code = func.__code__,simpleAssign,1339
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(a, b, c):  # func = rangetest(...)(func)",simpleAssign,1340
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(a, b, c):  # func = rangetest(...)(func)",simpleAssign,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, 2, c=3) # Runs onCall, argchecks in scope",simpleAssign,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",argchecks = func.__annotations__,simpleAssign,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(a:(1, 5), b, c:(0.0, 1.0)):  # func = rangetest(func)",simpleAssign,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(1, 2, c=3) # Runs onCall, annotations on func",simpleAssign,1341
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",positionals = list(allargs)[:len(pargs)],simpleAssign,1342
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(a, b, c, d): # func = typetest(...)(func)",simpleAssign,1343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","func(a: int, b, c: float, d): # func = typetest(func)",simpleAssign,1343
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = func(*args, **kargs)",simpleAssign,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = time.clock() - start,simpleAssign,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",onCall.alltime = 0,simpleAssign,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",force = list if sys.version_info[0] == 3 else (lambda X: X),simpleAssign,1345
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",listcomp(N):  # Like listcomp = timer(...)(listcomp),simpleAssign,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = func(5) # Time for this call, all calls, return value",simpleAssign,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","giveRaise(self, percent): # giveRaise = timer()(giveRaise)",simpleAssign,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lastName(self): # lastName = timer(...)(lastName),simpleAssign,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)",simpleAssign,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', 100000)",simpleAssign,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allTime = 0.5793010457092784,simpleAssign,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",allTime = 1.0861149923442373,simpleAssign,1346
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",traceMe = False,simpleAssign,1347
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Person:  # Person = onInstance with state,simpleAssign,1348
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X = Person('Bob', 40)",simpleAssign,1349
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",trace = False,simpleAssign,1350
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",code = func.__code__,simpleAssign,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",expected = list(code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount]),simpleAssign,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",positionals = expected[:len(pargs)],simpleAssign,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",position = positionals.index(argname),simpleAssign,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",try: result = test(),simpleAssign,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sum(1, d=4, b=2, c=3.0)",simpleAssign,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","fails(lambda: sum(1, d=4, b=2, c=99))",simpleAssign,1351
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","when trace=True, in all but the last of these ""X"" is",simpleAssign,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","fails(lambda: nester(1, 2, Z=3))  # Nested typetest is run: keyword",simpleAssign,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","fails(lambda: nester(0, 2, 'spam')) # <==Outer rangetest not run: posit.",simpleAssign,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","fails(lambda: nester(X=0, Y=2, Z='spam')) # Outer rangetest is run: keyword",simpleAssign,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",date = 1/2/1960,simpleAssign,1352
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C(),simpleAssign,1353
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1()  # Make an instance,simpleAssign,1359
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1(),simpleAssign,1360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1(),simpleAssign,1360
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1()  # X is instance of Client1,simpleAssign,1361
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client1 = extras(Client1),simpleAssign,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client2 = extras(Client2),simpleAssign,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client3 = extras(Client3),simpleAssign,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1(),simpleAssign,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client1: ...  # Client1 = extras(Client1),simpleAssign,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1() # Makes instance of augmented class,simpleAssign,1362
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C()  # Class instance object,simpleAssign,1365
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C()  # classes have a class too,simpleAssign,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = C()  # classes have no class themselves,simpleAssign,1366
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class = type(classname, superclasses, attributedict)",simpleAssign,1367
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = 1  # Class data attribute,simpleAssign,1368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Spam = type('Spam', (Eggs,), {'data': 1, 'meth': meth, '__module__': '__main__'})",simpleAssign,1368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i = x(),simpleAssign,1368
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class = Meta(classname, superclasses, attributedict)",simpleAssign,1370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = 1  # Class data attribute,simpleAssign,1370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Spam = Meta('Spam', (Eggs,), {'data': 1, 'meth': meth, '__module__': '__main__'})",simpleAssign,1370
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = 1 # Class data attribute,simpleAssign,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Spam(),simpleAssign,1371
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = 1 # Class data attribute,simpleAssign,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Spam(),simpleAssign,1372
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = 1  # Function returns class,simpleAssign,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Spam(),simpleAssign,1373
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Class = self.__New__(classname, supers, classdict)",simpleAssign,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = 1 # Called at end of statement,simpleAssign,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Spam(),simpleAssign,1374
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Class = self.__New__(classname, supers, classdict)",simpleAssign,1375
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data = 1,simpleAssign,1376
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Spam(),simpleAssign,1377
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",The metaclass=M declaration in a user-defined class is inherited by the class’s normal,simpleAssign,1379
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Sub()  # Normal instance of user-defined class,simpleAssign,1380
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 1,simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = B()  # I inherits from class but not meta!,simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A: attr = 1,simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = B(),simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 1,simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A: attr = 2,simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = B(),simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 1,simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class A: attr = 2,simpleAssign,1381
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C(),simpleAssign,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr1 = 1  # Metaclass inheritance tree,simpleAssign,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C1: attr3 = 3  # Superclass inheritance tree,simpleAssign,1382
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C() # Class data descriptors have precedence,simpleAssign,1384
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C: d = D() # Data descriptor attribute,simpleAssign,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C(),simpleAssign,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.d = 1,simpleAssign,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",class C: d = D(),simpleAssign,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C(),simpleAssign,1385
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",attr = 1 # Built-ins skip a step,simpleAssign,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = C(),simpleAssign,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.__str__ = lambda: 'instance',simpleAssign,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I.attr = 2; I.attr,simpleAssign,1387
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def x(cls): print('ax', cls) # A metaclass (instances=classes)",simpleAssign,1388
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = B()  # Instance method calls: get inst,simpleAssign,1389
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y, z = 11, 22",simpleAssign,1389
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = B(),simpleAssign,1389
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = B(),simpleAssign,1390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = B(),simpleAssign,1390
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client1.eggs = eggsfunc,simpleAssign,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client1.ham = hamfunc,simpleAssign,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client2.eggs = eggsfunc,simpleAssign,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client2.ham = hamfunc,simpleAssign,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1('Ni!'),simpleAssign,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = Client2(),simpleAssign,1392
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",classdict['eggs'] = eggsfunc,simpleAssign,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",classdict['ham'] = hamfunc,simpleAssign,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1('Ni!'),simpleAssign,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = Client2(),simpleAssign,1393
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",classdict['eggs'] = eggsfunc2,simpleAssign,1394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",classdict['ham'] = lambda *args: 'Not supported',simpleAssign,1394
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","aClass.eggs = eggsfunc  # Manages class, not instance",simpleAssign,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",aClass.ham = hamfunc # Equiv to metaclass __init__,simpleAssign,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Client1:  # Client1 = Extender(Client1),simpleAssign,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = Client1('Ni!')  # X is a Client1 instance,simpleAssign,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Y = Client2(),simpleAssign,1395
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Person:  # Person = Tracer(Person),simpleAssign,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob', 40, 50)  # bob is really a Wrapper",simpleAssign,1396
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","aClass = type(classname, supers, classdict)  # Make client class",simpleAssign,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob', 40, 50)  # bob is really a Wrapper",simpleAssign,1397
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 1,simpleAssign,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = 2,simpleAssign,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",I = B(),simpleAssign,1398
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls = 0  # Else self is decorator instance only,simpleAssign,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","result = func(*args, **kargs)",simpleAssign,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",elapsed = time.clock() - start,simpleAssign,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",onCall.alltime = 0,simpleAssign,1400
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","giveRaise(self, percent):  # giveRaise = tracer(giverRaise)",simpleAssign,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",lastName(self):  # lastName = tracer(lastName),simpleAssign,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)",simpleAssign,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', 100000)",simpleAssign,1401
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",classdict[attr] = tracer(attrval) # Decorate it,simpleAssign,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)",simpleAssign,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', 100000)",simpleAssign,1402
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)",simpleAssign,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', 100000)",simpleAssign,1403
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)",simpleAssign,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","sue = Person('Sue Jones', 100000)",simpleAssign,1405
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","class=M). In Python 2.X, use a class attribute instead: __metaclass__ = M. In 3.X,",simpleAssign,1408
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Basic, name=value, *pargs, **kargs, keyword-only",simpleAssign,1411
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # 2.X compatibility,simpleAssign,1414
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",input = raw_input,simpleAssign,1414
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",htmlescape = cgi.escape,simpleAssign,1414
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",htmlescape = html.escape,simpleAssign,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",maxline = 60  # For seperator lines,simpleAssign,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",browser = True  # Display in a browser,simpleAssign,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Official Certificate <===

 Date: %s",simpleAssign,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",date = time.asctime(),simpleAssign,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",name = input('Enter your name: ').strip() or 'An unknown reader',simpleAssign,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","text = template % (sept, date, name, book, sept)",simpleAssign,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","htmlto = saveto.replace('.txt', '.html')",simpleAssign,1415
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tags = text.replace(sept,  '<hr>')  # Insert a few tags",simpleAssign,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tags = tags.replace('===>', '<h1 align=center>')",simpleAssign,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","tags = tags.replace('<===', '</h1>')",simpleAssign,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tags = tags.split('\n')  # Line-by-line mods,simpleAssign,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","foot = '<table>\n<td><img src=""ora-lp.jpg"" hspace=5>\n<td>%s</table>\n' % link",simpleAssign,1416
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",set PYTHONPATH=c:\pycode\utilities;d:\pycode\package1,simpleAssign,1430
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C:\code> python -m pdb a b -c  # Debugging a script (c=continue),simpleAssign,1433
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 0,simpleAssign,1434
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C:\code> set PY_PYTHON=3  # Or via Control Panel/System,simpleAssign,1446
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",C:\code> set PY_PYTHON3=3.1  # Use PY_PYTHON2 for 2.X,simpleAssign,1446
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","PY_PYTHON=3). As mentioned in the prior point, manually changing your file associations",simpleAssign,1449
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Extended sequence unpacking in 3.0: a, *b = seq",simpleAssign,1460
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X != Y,simpleAssign,1460
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",K in D (or D.get(key) != None),simpleAssign,1460
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X=D.keys(); X.sort(),simpleAssign,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","def f(x): (a, b) = x",simpleAssign,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X=iter(file)),simpleAssign,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",Use key=transform or,simpleAssign,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",reverse=True,simpleAssign,1461
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Dictionary <, >, <=, >=

"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D['w'] = 0 # Create a new entry,simpleAssign,1469
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","D[(1,2,3)] = 4 # A tuple used as a key (immutable)",simpleAssign,1469
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[1:2] = 1,simpleAssign,1470
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","X, Y = Y, X",simpleAssign,1470
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",D['d'] = 4,simpleAssign,1471
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L[2] = 3,simpleAssign,1471
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = 0,simpleAssign,1473
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","keys = list(D.keys()) # list() required in 3.X, not in 2.X",simpleAssign,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 5,simpleAssign,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",i = 0,simpleAssign,1474
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 5,simpleAssign,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 5,simpleAssign,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",X = 5,simpleAssign,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = list(map(lambda x: 2**x, range(7))) # Or [2**x for x in range(7)]",simpleAssign,1475
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if type(args[0]) == type(0): # Integer?,simpleAssign,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum = 0 # Init to zero,simpleAssign,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum = args[0][:0] # Use empty slice of arg1,simpleAssign,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",sum = args[0]  # Init to arg1,simpleAssign,1476
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot = args[0],simpleAssign,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",argskeys = list(args.keys()) # list needed in 3.X!,simpleAssign,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot = args[argskeys[0]],simpleAssign,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",args = list(args.values()) # list needed to index in 3.X!,simpleAssign,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot = args[0],simpleAssign,1477
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","remember that if you assign (e = d) rather than copying, you generate a reference",simpleAssign,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",new[key] = old[key],simpleAssign,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",new[key] = d1[key],simpleAssign,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",new[key] = d2[key],simpleAssign,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",e = copyDict(d),simpleAssign,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","z = addDict(x, y)",simpleAssign,1478
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if y <= 1:  # For some y > 1,simpleAssign,1479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = y // 2  # 3.X / fails,simpleAssign,1479
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",reps = 10000,simpleAssign,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",repslist = range(reps) # Pull out range list time for 2.X,simpleAssign,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = sqrt(i),simpleAssign,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","res = pow(i, .5)",simpleAssign,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = i ** .5,simpleAssign,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","elapsed, result = timer2.bestoftotal(test, _reps1=3, _reps=1000)",simpleAssign,1481
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",new[i] = i,simpleAssign,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total(dictcomp, 1000000, _reps=50)[0] # Total to make 50 1M-item dicts",simpleAssign,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","total(dictloop, 1000000, _reps=50)[0]",simpleAssign,1482
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","t = list(map(lambda x: print(x, end=' '), range(5, 0, −1)))",simpleAssign,1483
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",if N == 1:  # Fails at 999 by default,simpleAssign,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res = 1,simpleAssign,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",res *= i  # Iterative,simpleAssign,1484
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot = 0,simpleAssign,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",tot = 0,simpleAssign,1485
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",somename = 42,simpleAssign,1488
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",new[k] = x[k],simpleAssign,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",new[k] = y[k],simpleAssign,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Adder(),simpleAssign,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = ListAdder(),simpleAssign,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = DictAdder(),simpleAssign,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Adder([1]),simpleAssign,1489
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = ListAdder([1]),simpleAssign,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",d =  # Change to use instead of x,simpleAssign,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = ListAdder([1, 2, 3])",simpleAssign,1490
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = MyList('spam'),simpleAssign,1491
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",calls = 0 # Shared by instances,simpleAssign,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = MyListSub('spam'),simpleAssign,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",y = MyListSub('foo'),simpleAssign,1492
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Attrs(),simpleAssign,1493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = Set([1, 2, 3, 4]) # Runs __init__",simpleAssign,1493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = Set([3, 4, 5])",simpleAssign,1493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","z = Set(""hello"")  # __init__ removes duplicates",simpleAssign,1493
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","x = MultiSet([1, 2, 3, 4])",simpleAssign,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","y = MultiSet([3, 4, 5])",simpleAssign,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","z = MultiSet([0, 1, 2])",simpleAssign,1494
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",w = MultiSet('spam')  # String sets,simpleAssign,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data1=spam,simpleAssign,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data2=eggs,simpleAssign,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",data3=42,simpleAssign,1495
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",x = Lunch() # Self-test code,simpleAssign,1496
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",dirname = r'C:\Python33\Lib',simpleAssign,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",filesize = os.path.getsize(filename),simpleAssign,1499
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fullsize = os.path.getsize(fullname),simpleAssign,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",thisDir = os.path.normpath(thisDir),simpleAssign,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",visited[thisDir.upper()] = True,simpleAssign,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",pysize = os.path.getsize(pypath),simpleAssign,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","cols = line.split(',')",simpleAssign,1500
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",filename = sys.argv[1],simpleAssign,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",numcols = int(sys.argv[2]),simpleAssign,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","cols = line.split(',')",simpleAssign,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",fontsize = 25,simpleAssign,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",popup = Toplevel(),simpleAssign,1501
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",color = random.choice(colors),simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Label(popup, text='Popup', bg='black', fg=color).pack()",simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L.config(fg=color),simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",L.config(fg=random.choice(colors)),simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",win = Tk(),simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L = Label(win, text='Spam',",simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",relief=RAISED),simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","L.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)",simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Button(win, text='timer', command=timer).pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)",simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Button(win, text='grow', command=grow).pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)",simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Button(parent, text='Spam', command=self.reply).pack(side=LEFT)",simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Button(parent, text='Grow', command=self.grow).pack(side=LEFT)",simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","Button(parent, text='Stop', command=self.stop).pack(side=LEFT)",simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",color = random.choice(self.colors),simpleAssign,1502
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",mailpasswd = getpass.getpass('Password for %s?' % mailserver),simpleAssign,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",server = poplib.POP3(mailserver),simpleAssign,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","msgCount, mboxSize = server.stat()",simpleAssign,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",msginfo = server.list(),simpleAssign,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",msgsize = msginfo[1][i].split()[1],simpleAssign,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","resp, hdrlines, octets =, 0)  # Get hdrs only",simpleAssign,1503
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",form = cgi.FieldStorage() # Parse form data,simpleAssign,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db['bob'] = rec1,simpleAssign,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db['sue'] = rec2,simpleAssign,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",bob = db['bob'],simpleAssign,1504
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",db['bob'] = bob,simpleAssign,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition","conn = Connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='XXXXXXX')",simpleAssign,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",curs = conn.cursor(),simpleAssign,1505
"Learning Python, 5th Edition",connection = FTP(sitename)  # Connect to FTP site,simpleAssign,1506