Published November 13, 2023 | Version v2.0.0
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IPBES nexus assessment - Chapter 5.2 – WATER, data management report 1 – Methodology to cluster response options

  • 1. ROR icon University of Zurich
  • 2. ROR icon United States Geological Survey
  • 3. Wetlands International South Asia


The project leaders generated a list of 18 clusters of response options linked to the water nexus element.  Potential response options were identified from those listed in policy documents that correspond to international treaties and national regulations and international instruments such as conventions, European Union directives, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports on water and land and the documents within the International freshwater treaties database ( Recommendations from two Indigenous and local knowledge dialogue workshops held in 2022 and 2023 in the context of the nexus assessment were also considered; these provided a different cosmovision and approach to the identification of response options.



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