Published November 13, 2023
| Version v2.0.0
IPBES nexus assessment - Chapter 4, data management report 1 – Systematic literature review for section 4.3
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This was a systematic review of the peer-reviewed and grey literature that focusses on the assessment of policy and sociopolitical response options for the nexus. The results of interpretation of the review can be found in section 4.3 of chapter 4. The review focussed on English language peer-reviewed publications sourced through a Scopus database search and English language grey literature publications sourced from a Google and searches of IPCC, IPBES, and GEO6 assessment webpages. The review aimed to answer four primary aims as follows:
- To assess evidence for the suitability of different bundles of governance and policy instruments (i.e., response options) to address specific nexus challenges and nexus elements.
- To identify the key actors involved in designing and implementing the response options and how these vary across different nexus challenges and nexus elements.
- To assess the enablers/barriers for tackling the nexus and how these vary across different Nexus challenges and Nexus elements.
To assess what cross-cutting issues are considered in relation to different nexus challenges and nexus elements.