RPO/RFO,Organisation/Entity RPO,ADAPT - Centre for Digital Content Technology RPO,AMBER - Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research - Dublin RPO,APC - Microbiome Institute - Cork RPO,APT – Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre Dublin RPO,Atlantic Technological University RPO,BiOrbic Bioeconomy Research Centre - Dublin RFO,Bord Iascaigh Mhara RPO,CAPPA - Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis - Cork RPO,CCT Dublin RPO,CeADAR – Data Analytics & Machine Intelligence - Dublin RPO,Central Bank & Financial Services Authority of Ireland RPO,Centre for Veterinary Epidemiological Research Analysis (CVERA) RPO,COMAND - Interactive Media Technologies - Athlone RPO,CONFIRM - Smart Manufacturing Research Centre - Limerick RPO,CONNECT - The Centre for Future Networks and Communications - RPO,CREDIT - Centre for Renewables and Energy - Dundalk RPO,CREST - Centre for Research in Engineering Surface Technology - Dublin RPO,CURAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices - Galway RFO,Department of Agriculture; Food and the Marine (DAFM) RFO,"Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth" RFO,Department of Education RFO,"Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment" RFO,Department of Foreign Affairs RFO,"Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science" RFO,Department of Health RFO,"Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage" RFO,Department of Public Expenditure and Reform RFO,Department of Rural and Community Development RFO,Department of Social Protection RFO,"Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications" RFO,Department of the Taoiseach RFO,"Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media" RFO,Department of Transport RPO,Design+ Applied Design Technology Gateway - Carlow RPO,Dorset College RPO,DPTC - The Dairy Processing Technology Centre RPO,Dublin Business School RPO,Dublin City University RPO,Dublin Dental University Hospital RPO,Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) RPO,"Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT)" RPO,Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) RPO,Economic and Social Research Institute RPO,Educational Research Centre RFO,Enterprise Ireland RFO,Environmental Protection Agency RPO,Ervia & Gas Networks Ireland RPO,Fáilte Ireland RPO,FHI - Food for Health Ireland - Dublin RPO,FutureNeuro - Centre for Chronic and Rare Neurological Diseases - Dublin RPO,Galway Business School RFO,Geological Survey Ireland RPO,Griffith College RFO,HEA RPO,Health Information and Quality Authority RFO,Health Research Board (HRB) RFO,Health Research Charities Ireland RFO,Heritage Council RPO,Hibernia College RPO,Holmes Institute Dublin RPO,Houses of the Oireachtas RPO,Housing Agency RPO,HSE RPO,Ibat College RPO,ICD Business School  RPO,iCRAG - Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences RFO,IDA Ireland RPO,I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre - Dublin RPO,IMaR - Intelligent Mechatronics and RFID - Tralee RPO,IMR - Irish Manufacturing Research - Mullingar RPO,Independent College Dublin RPO,INFANT - Irish Centre for Foetal and Neonatal Translational RFO,Inland Fisheries Ireland RPO,Insight – Centre for Data Analytics RPO,Institute of Public Health in Ireland RFO,InterTradeIreland RPO,IPIC - Irish Photonic Integration Centre - Cork RFO,IReL RPO,Irish Aid RFO,Irish Cancer Society RPO,Irish College of General Practitioners RFO,Irish Fulbright Commission RFO,Irish Research Council (IRC) RPO,Learnovate Centre - Dublin RPO,Lero - The Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software - Limerick RPO,Low Pay Commission RPO,MaREI - Marine Renewable Energy Ireland - Cork RFO,Marine Institute RPO,Marino Institute of Education RPO,Mary Immaculate College RPO,MCCI - Microelectronics - Cork RPO,Met Éireann RPO,MET Gateway - Medical & Engineering Technology - Galway RPO,MiCRA - Microsensors for Clinical Research and Analysis - Dublin RPO,MTI - Meat Technology Ireland RPO,Munster Technological University RPO,National Cancer Registry Ireland RPO,National College of Art & Design (NCAD) RPO,National College of Ireland (NCI)  RPO,National Disability Authority RPO,National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education RPO,National Monuments Service RPO,National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) RPO,National Suicide Research Foundation RPO,"National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Maynooth University)" RPO,NIBRT - National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training RPO,NIMBUS - Embedded Computing and Software Systems - Cork RPO,NORF RPO,Office of Public Works (OPW) RPO,Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) RPO,Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (PMTC) - Limerick RPO,PMBrc - Pharmaceutical & Molecular Biotechnology RPO,"Precision Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing research - Sligo" RPO,"PRISM - Polymer, Recycling, Industrial, Sustainability and Manufacturing Research Institute " RPO,Royal College of Physicians Ireland RPO,Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland RPO,Royal Irish Academy of Music RFO,Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) RPO,SEAM - South Eastern Applied Materials Research Centre - Waterford RPO,Shannon ABC - Nutraceuticals Research - Tralee/ Limerick RPO,SOLAS RPO,South-East Technological University RPO,Sport Ireland RPO,"SSPC, the SFI Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals" RPO,St John of Gods Research Foundation RFO,Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) RFO,Teagasc RPO,Technological University Dublin RPO,Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest RFO,The Arts Council RPO,The Irish Centre for High-End Computing RPO,The Open Training College RPO,Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) RPO,Trinity College Dublin RPO,Tusla RPO,Tyndall National Institute RFO,Údarás na Gaeltachta RPO,Uisce Éireann RPO,University College Cork RPO,University College Dublin RPO,University of Galway RPO,University of Limerick RPO,VistaMilk RPO,Walton Institute RPO,Waterways Ireland RPO,WiSAR Lab - Wireless Sensor Technologies - Letterkenny