Ochrona zdrowia publicznego jako misja farmaceuty wykonującego zawód w aptece ogólnodostępnej
The article is a discussion of the doctoral dissertation that analysed the role of a pharmacist in a generally accessible pharmacy. The pharmacy is a place of conducting business with a profit-oriented policy, at the same time - as it is stated - constitutes a public health protection facility where the pharmacist’s mission is being carried out. The status of a public pharmacy and its role is full of contradictions, which raises research problems relevant to the mission of the pharmacist. In the era of the growing role of prophylaxis and health education, there is the problem of the lack of proper legal regulations in the scope of compliance with the real needs of the profession of pharmacist in a public pharmacy. There is also a question about the independence of the pharmacist in carrying out his profession. The paper presents the thesis that a pharmacist employed in a public pharmacy, despite his competences, does not fully pursue the mission of the profession, which is the protection of public health, due to the lack of comprehensive legal regulations that would allow it. The dissertation shows, among others, the assessment of the role of a pharmacist practicing a profession in a public pharmacy in the field of public health protection in Poland. Moreover, it points out the need to broaden the legal framework of this involvement in order to fulfil the mission of this profession more fully.