D5.3 Interoperable re-quirements and specification
This document provides an overview of the interoperability framework across the INSPIRE ecosystem. It defines interfaces between the INSPIRE Community Platform including NextCloud and OpenProject, as well as the data repository Zenodo and its connection with the resource portal GenPORT, and the INSPIRE main web site.
Building upon achievements of previous projects (e.g., GenPORT, Efforti, ACT, GEAM site), this document aims at providing the specifications of a data repository and the development of an interoperable framework across INSPIRE sites. First and foremost, there is a need to specify and setup up an interface between leading EU Open Science data repository Zenodo and GenPORT.
Any integration required within the lifetime of the project would need to be specified as part of this document which remains a living document until the end of the project's development phase.
This deliverable compliment the suite of documents associated with the overall specifications of the INSPIRE technological ecosystem, namely:
- D5.1: Specification of online collaboration and knowledge sharing environment.
- D5.2: INSPIRE main site and service platform specification, and
- D5.4: Adapted and operable online training platform.
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