<h1 align="center">ADS-C Text File</h1>
1. Message Structure
1.1 Flight Information Header
- Registration: Registration number of the aircraft.
- ICAO ID: Unique identifier assigned to the aircraft by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
- ATSU Address: Air Traffic Service Unit Address, which typically includes the area the plane is flying over.
- Channel Frequency: The frequency channel being used.
1.2 ADS-C Message with FANS Headers and Checksum
Within this message, there are various tags representing different types of data:
Tag 03 (Acknowledgement)
- Contract Number: A number related to the contract.
Tag 04 (Negative Acknowledgement)
- Contract Request Number
- Reason
Tag 05 (Noncompliance Notification)
Tag 06 (Cancel Emergency Mode)
Tag 07 (Basic Report)
- Latitude: Latitude of the aircraft.
- Longitude: Longitude of the aircraft.
- Altitude: Current altitude of the aircraft in feet.
- Timestamp: The time the data was logged.
- Position accuracy: Accuracy of the positional data.
- NAV redundancy: Navigation system status.
- TCAS: Traffic Collision Avoidance System status.
Tag 09 (Emergency Basic report)
Same data structure as Tag 07, but relates to a significant emergency event.
Tag 10 (Lateral Deviation Change Event)
Same data structure as Tag 07, but relates to a significant lateral deviation change event.
Tag 12 (Flight ID)
- Flight ID: Unique identifier for the flight.
Tag 13 (Predicted Route)
- Next waypoint:
- Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, and ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for the next waypoint.
- Next+1 waypoint:
- Latitude, Longitude, Altitude for the waypoint after the next one.
Tag 14 (Earth Reference Data)
- True track: The actual path that the aircraft has been following.
- Ground speed: The speed of the aircraft relative to the ground.
- Vertical speed: Speed at which the aircraft is ascending or descending.
Tag 16 (Meteorological Data)
- Wind speed: Current wind speed.
- True wind direction: The actual direction from which the wind is blowing.
- Temperature: Current outside temperature in Celsius.
Tag 18 (Vertical Rate Change Event)
Same data structure as Tag 07, but relates to a significant vertical rate change event.
Tag 19 (Altitude Range Event)
Same data structure as Tag 07, but relates to a significant altitude range event.
Tag 20 (Waypoint Change Event)
Same data structure as Tag 07, but relates to a significant waypoint change event.
Tag 22 (Intermediate Projected Intent Group)
- Distance: Distance to the target location from the current position.
- True track: Direction or bearing of the path relative to the geographical North (True North).
- Altitude: Altitude of the point.
- ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
Tag 23 (Fixed Projected Intent Group)
- Lat: Latitude of the point.
- Lon: Longitude of the point.
- Alt: Altitude of the point.
- ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival.
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check. A code to ensure data integrity during transmission.
2. Data analysis
2.1 Messages
First message of ADSC: 2023-07-07 15:07:18:1688742438
Last message of ADSC: 2023-10-20 09:10:50:1697793050
- Total Messages: 227126
- Decoded messages: 227126
- Messages with position: 196951 (86.71%)
2.2 Tag Counts and Percentages
- Tag 07 Basic report: Count: 146537, Percentage: 64.518%
- Tag 13 Predicted Route: Count: 145311, Percentage: 63.978%
- Tag 14 Earth Reference data: Count: 74189, Percentage: 32.664%
- Tag 16 Meteorological data: Count: 60758, Percentage: 26.751%
- Tag 03 Acknowledgement: Count: 50441, Percentage: 22.208%
- Tag 14 Air Reference Data: Count: 47818, Percentage: 21.054%
- Tag 12 Flight ID: Count: 47448, Percentage: 20.891%
- Tag 20 Waypoint Change Event: Count: 44124, Percentage: 19.427%
- Tag 19 Altitude Range Event: Count: 6272, Percentage: 2.761%
- Tag 23 Fixed Projected Intent Group: Count: 1839, Percentage: 0.810%
- Tag 04 Negative Acknowledgement: Count: 1265, Percentage: 0.557%
- Tag 22 Intermediate Projected Intent Group: Count: 945, Percentage: 0.416%
- Tag 05 Noncompliance Notification: Count: 388, Percentage: 0.171%
- Tag 18 Vertical Rate Change Event: Count: 99, Percentage: 0.044%
- Tag 10 Lateral Deviation Change Event: Count: 80, Percentage: 0.035%
- Tag 09 Emergency Basic report: Count: 16, Percentage: 0.007%
- Tag 17 Airframe Identification Group: Count: 10, Percentage: 0.004%
- Tag 06 Cancel Emergency Mode: Count: 2, Percentage: 0.001%
2.3 Aircrafts and ATSU addresses
2999 unique aircraft registrations in the file.
Aircraft with the most messages: F-HHUG No of messages: 2216
72 unique ATSU Addresses in the file.
ATSU Adress with most messages: PIKCPYA - Shanwick (55102 messages)