Variable,Description Site_ID,ID of the site as used in the manuscript Latitute_DMS,Latitude coordinate of the sampling plot as centered point in [DMS] Longitute_DMS,Longitude coordinate of the sampling plot as centered point in [DMS] Latitute_DD,Latitude in dceimal degree Longitude_DD,Longitude in dceimal degree EUP,Site ID as used in the field (Ecosystem Unit Plot) Sample_Point ,Number of pit at each sampling site within the EUP (30x30 m plot) Increment,Depth of sampling in [cm] Location,north and south location Moisture_class,"Moisture class with (1) dry, (2) moist and (3) wet, as presented in Schiedung et al. (2022," BD_bulk_gcm3,"Uncorrected bulk density in [g/cm3], as presented in Schiedung et al. (2022," BD_fine_soil_gcm3,"Bulk density of the fine soil and corrected for rock/root fragmens (>2mm) in [g/cm3], as presented in Schiedung et al. (2022," TN_wpc,"Total nitrogen in [%], as presented in Schiedung et al. (2022," d13C_TC_permil,"Delta 13C of total carbon in [permil], as presented in Schiedung et al. (2022," TC_wpc,"Total carbon in [%], as presented in Schiedung et al. (2022," d13C_SOC_permil,"Delta 13C of soil organic carbon in [permil], as presented in Schiedung et al. (2022," SOC_wpc,"SOC content in [%], as presented in Schiedung et al. (2022," SOC_TN,SOC to TN ratio [-] TN_SOC,TN to SOC ratio [-] CTO_PyC_SOC_pc,Proportion of PyC_CTO (PyC extracted by CTO-375) of total SOC [%] CTO_PyC_content_mggsoil,Absolute PyC_CTO content [mg/gsoil] HyPy_PyC_SOC_pc,Proportion of PyC_HyPy (PyC extracted by HyPy) of total SOC [%] HyPy_PyC_content_mggsoil,Absolute PyC_HyPy content [mg/gsoil] Pre_PyPy_d13C_permil,Delta 13C of sample prior to HyPy [permil] HyPy_PyC_d13C_permil,Delta 13C of PyC_HyPy [permil] Bulk_14C_year_of_measurement,Year of measurement of bulk SOC radiocarbon Bulk_14C_PMC,Bulk SOC percentage morder carbon [%] Bulk_F14C,Bulk SOC F14C value [-] Bulk_DELTA_14C_permil,Bulk SOC DELTA 14C value [permil] HyPy_PyC_14C_year_of_measurement,Year of measurement of PyC_HyPy radiocarbon HyPy_PyC_14C_PMC,PyC_HyPy percentage morder carbon [%] HyPy_PyC_F14C,PyC_HyPy F14C value [-] HyPy_PyC_DELTA_14C_permil,PyC_HyPy DELTA 14C value [permil] HyPy_PyC_14Cyears ,PyC_HyPy radiocarbon years [14C years] HyPy_PyC_cal_14C_mean_BP,Calibrated age of PyC_HyPy using OxCal v4.4.2 [years before present] HyPy_PyC_cal_14C_max_BP,Maximum calibrated age (upper 95% confidence interval) of PyC_HyPy using OxCal v4.4.2 [years before present] HyPy_PyC_cal_14C_min_BP,Minimum calibrated age (lower 95% confidence interval) of PyC_HyPy using OxCal v4.4.2 [years before present]