Normatywna implementacja wartości w sektorze dystrybucji ubezpieczeń zgodnie z Dyrektywą UE 2016/97 w sprawie dystrybucji ubezpieczeń
The development of the law and consumer protection in financial professional services proves that values such as: professionalism, due diligence, impartiality and the need for supervision by a specialized state institution (in the case of insurance distribution it is the Polish Financial Supervision Authority) over their implementation by supervised entities, are universal. It needs to be underlined that these values were originally developed in democratic states of law for the civil service, providing public services for the citizens. The deployment of these values to dedicated private sectors proves their universal and timeless character, and the way they are implemented shows the necessity to take into consideration non-normative rules and principles, arising out of the historical development of professional insurance distribution services in Poland and the world, which cannot be ignored by the statutory law.
Additional details
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- Ustawa z dnia 15 grudnia 2017 r. o dystrybucji ubezpieczeń, t.j. Dz.U. 2023, poz. 1111.
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- Standardowy zakres kontroli brokera ubezpieczeniowego, https://www.knf. dotyczace_kontroli_posrednikow_ubezpieczeniowych?article- Id=75057&p_id=18 [dostęp: 30.09.2023].