CESM 1.1.1 Radiative kernels Angeline G Pendergrass (apgrass@ucar.edu) June 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------- For more scripts and to check for updates, visit https://github.com/apendergrass/cam5-kernels ----------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK START: ncl scripts/calcp.ncl ncl scripts/calcdq1k.ncl matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "addpath ./scripts; kernel_demo" Once you've run a test using the demo, you can replace the demo with your own changes in temperature and moisture. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS * Kernels (./kernels) -alb.kernel.nc: Albedo (SW) -ts.kernel.nc : Surface temperature (LW) -t.kernel.nc : Air temperature (LW) -q.kernel.nc : Moisture kernel (LW and SW) -PS.nc : Surface pressure from CESM simulation used to calculate kernels * Radiative forcing (./forcing) -aerosol.forcing.nc: Aerosol forcing (LW and SW) -ghg.forcing.nc : Greenhouse gas forcing (LW and SW) * Demo data files (./demodata): Generated from the year of CESM simulation for the kernels (2006/7) and for forcing (2096/7) -basefields.nc : Base state temperature, moisture, and radiative fluxes -changefields.nc: Example changes in temperature, moisture, and radiative fluxes * Scripts (./scripts) -calcp.ncl: Calculate 3-d pressure fields from PS.nc and hybrid-sigma coordinate info in t.kernel.nc -calcdq1k.ncl: Given a base moisture, temperature, and pressure field, calculate the change in moisture for 1 K warming at constant relative humidity -kernel_demo.m: Given changes in temperature, moisture, and surface shortwave radiation (net and downwelling), calculate TOA climate feedbacks * Additional scripts at https://github.com/apendergrass/cam5-kernels -Convert kernels to standard CMIP5 pressure levels -Demo on CMIP5 pressure levels -Decompose the temperature feedback in to Planck and lapse rate components -Calculate cloud feedback -Logarithmic moisture (rather than linear) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- RADIATIVE FLUX VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS FLNS : Net Longwave Flux at Surface, all-sky (positive: up) FLNSC: Net Longwave Flux at Surface, Clear-sky (positive: up) FLNT : Net Longwave Flux at Top-of-atmosphere, all-sky (positive: up) FLNTC: Net Longwave Flux at Top-of-atmosphere, Clear-sky (positive: up) FSNS : Net Shortwave Flux at Surface, all-sky (positive: down) FSNSC: Net Shortwave Flux at Surface, Clear-sky (positive: down) FSNT : Net Shortwave Flux at Top-of-atmosphere, all-sky (positive: down) FSNTC: Net Shortwave Flux at Top-of-atmosphere, Clear-sky (positive: down)