Schneider, Clément2017FIGURE 31 in Morphological review of the order Neelipleona (Collembola) through the redescription of the type species of Acanthoneelidus, Neelides and Neelus10.5281/zenodo.846142FIGURE 31. Neelides folsomi. Chaetotaxy of Abd. VI and genital plate, (A) Abd. VI tergum; (B) Abd. VI sternum along with the postero-ventral chaetae of Abd. IV; (C) Abd. VI variations of integument: gray spots = dermastra, dark dots = enlarged primary granules, hatchings = devoid of granulation; (D) female genital plate. Chaetotaxy of the furca, (E) manubrium and dens, posterior side; (F) distal part of dens, anterior side; (G) furca along with the postero-ventral chaetae of Abd. IV, external side; (H) distal part of dens, internal side. Ventral tube and tenaculum (I) lateral view; (J) focus on tenaculum. * indicate a same chaeta between (B) and (G).BEAbd.VIHAsternumnsµ.aav3Abd.IVaµ.2avsternumav50a*A1,ΜmBavFE3A2JE2DG2AP1AJAE11125J*1E1ΜmavCavIJ