Published October 6, 2023 | Version v1
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Set up and Guiding Principles of the Netherlands National Open Science Festival 2020- 2023

  • 1. Imming Impact


This document describes the Setup and Guiding Principles for the first three editions of the Netherlands National Open Science Festival: 

2020 at the Wageningen University and Research (due to Covid this edition was canceled and changed to an online Festival in 2021), 2022 at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, 2023 at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Also see the Guidelines for Community Led Sessions at the Netherlands National Open Science Festival (online) that were previously shared, and the following collections of outputs of the Festival:

A Collection of Open Science Use Cases

A Collection of Open Science Use Cases on Societal Engagement  


Original Set up and Guiding Principles of the Netherlands National Open Science Festival.pdf