Published September 5, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Fabric controls fault stability in serpentinite gouges

  • 1. Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome 00143 , Italy
  • 2. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, La Sapienza University of Rome, Rome 00185 , Italy
  • 3. Dipartimento di Geoscienze, University of Padua, Padova 35131 , Italy


Serpentinites are polymineralic rocks distributed almost ubiquitously across the globe in active tectonic regions. Magnetite-rich serpentinites are found in the low-strain domains of serpen- tinite shear zones, which act as potential sites of nucleation of unstable slip. To assess the potential of earthquake nucleation in these materials, we investigate the link between me- chanical properties and fabric of these rocks through a suite of laboratory shear experiments. Our experiments were done at room temperature and cover a range of normal stress and slip velocity from 25 to 100 MPa and 0.3 to 300 μm s −1 , respecti vel y. We show that magnetite-rich serpentinites are ideal materials since they display strong sensitivity to the loading rate and are susceptible to nucleation of unstable slip, especially at low forcing slip velocities. We also aim at the integration of mechanical and microstructural results to describe the underlying mechanisms that produce the macroscopic behaviour. We show that mineralogical composi- tion and mineral structure dictates the coexistence of two deformation mechanisms leading to stable and unstable slip. The weakness of phyllosilicates allows for creep during the interseis- mic phase of the laboratory seismic cycle while favouring the restoration of a load-bearing granular framework, responsible of the nucleation of unstable events. During dynamic slip, fault zone shear fabric determines the mode of slip, producing either asymmetric or Gaussian slip time functions for either fast or slow events. We report rate/state friction parameters and integrate our mechanical data with microstructural observations to shed light on the mech- anisms dictating the complexity of laborator y ear thquakes. We show that mineralogical and fabric heterogeneities control fault slip behaviour.


Pozzi et al. - 2023.pdf

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FEAR – Fault Activation and Earthquake Rupture 856559
European Commission