Published September 21, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Risky behaviors and road safety: An exploration of age and gender influences on road accident rates

  • 1. Incheon National University


An accessory dataset and code repository for the (under review) publication: 

Risky behaviors and road safety: An exploration of age and gender influences on road accident rates, in PLOS One. 

In this repository, the "sample_data.csv" in the data folder is the final dataset used in the modeling (4_modeling.ipynb). 

This directory contains: 

Repository file descriptions
File + path Description Type
requirements.txt a list of required Python packages .txt
src/ a Python function for population grouping by age and gender. .py
data/accidents/... A .csv and .gpkg containing accidents in England, UK in 2019 .csv & .gpkg
data/boundaries/england_lsoa.gpkg A .gpkg containing the LSOA boundaries for England .gpkg
data/hexagonal_grid/england_h8_grid.gpkg A .gpkg containing the H3 hexagonal grid at the level 8 resolution for England .gpkg
data/population/... A .xlsx and .gpkg containing population data for England in 2019 by age and gender .xlsx & .gpkg
data/sample_data.csv A .csv containing the sample data for this study .csv
1_hex_grid_generation.ipynb Python notebook detailing hexagonal grid generation (step 1 of the methodology) .ipynb
2_population_data.ipynb Python notebook detailing population data processing (step 2 of the methodology) .ipynb
3_accident_sample_data.ipynb Python notebook detailing accident and sample data processing (step 3 of the methodology) .ipynb
4_modeling.ipynb Python notebook detailing final model building and SHAP generation .ipynb

To replicate this study, simply download this repository, install the required Python packages (requirements.txt), and run the Python notebooks in order from 1 to 4.

For reference, Python version 3.9.16 was used in this study. 



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