Published October 28, 2007 | Version v1
Book Open

Molecular evolution of the genus Lolium L.

  • 1. Centre for Evolution, Genomics and Bioinformatics


The book is a comprehensive compendium describing the genus Lolium, its genetics and evolution mostly based on the author’s long-standing research on these important fodder and turf grasses. A central point of reference is the Mayr’s Biological Species Concept (BSC) under which the analysed taxa are verified. Combining excellently the data from the field of population genetics, genome mapping and molecular phylogeny the author draws the clear picture depicting the origin of studied species and relationships between them in a new light.

The book describes the dynamics of evolutionary changes on the molecular level. A special emphasis is put on transposons, which are regarded as driving forces behind the evolutionary process. Similarly, the role of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in the evolution and domestication of the species from the genus Lolium is well illustrated by a number of domestication syndrome regions identified. A huge scale of research is very impressed; for instance, 502 DNA markers were mapped and 145 QTLs were identified. Several new approaches were used including the application of transposon-based polymorphism as well as own marker systems such BSAP (Bacteria Specific Amplification Polymorphism). Additionally, the other members of “Core Pooids” i.e., Poeae, Aveneae and Triticeae were included in order to estimate the level of similarity between Lolium and the other representatives of grasses. The author’s results together with historical resources confirmed for the first time that L. multiflorum and L. perenne are not biological species, and that the differences between these two forms have arisen during the domestication process of L. multiflorum. The common ancestor of the genus has the closest affinity to Schedonorus and two clades, named here TEMULENTUM and PERENNE diverged independently 2.7 and 2.35 MYA respectively.

The monograph is exceptionally clear in discussing population processes, species diversification, different consequences of gene flow and introgression. The writing style is simple and direct, the content fabulous and the perspective illuminating.


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