There is a newer version of the record available.

Published July 10, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Human Mobility Prediction Challenge 2023

  • 1. MIT
  • 2. Yahoo Japan Corporation
  • 3. University of Tokyo


The challenge takes place in a mid-sized and highly populated metropolitan area, somewhere in Japan. The area is divided into 500 meters x 500 meters grid cells, resulting in a 200 x 200 grid cell space.

The human mobility datasets (task1_dataset.csv.gz and task2_dataset.csv.gz) contain the movement of a total of 100,000 individuals across a 90 day period, discretized into 30-minute intervals and 500 meter grid cells. The first dataset contains the movement of a 75 day business-as-usual period, while the second dataset contains the movement of a 75 day period during an emergency with unusual behavior.

There are 2 tasks in the Human Mobility Prediction Challenge.

In task 1, participants are provided with the full time series data (75 days) for 80,000 individuals, and partial (only 60 days) time series movement data for the remaining 20,000 individuals (task1_dataset.csv.gz). Given the provided data, Task 1 of the challenge is to predict the movement patterns of the individuals in the 20,000 individuals during days 60-74. Task 2 is similar task but uses a smaller dataset of 25,000 individuals in total, 2,500 of which have the locations during days 60-74 masked and need to be predicted (task2_dataset.csv.gz).

While the name or location of the city is not disclosed, the participants are provided with points-of-interest (POIs; e.g., restaurants, parks) data for each grid cell (~85 dimensional vector) as supplementary information (which is optional for use in the challenge) (cell_POIcat.csv.gz).

For more details, see



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

Request access

If you would like to request access to these files, please fill out the form below.

You need to satisfy these conditions in order for this request to be accepted:

For teams to be granted access to the data, teams should submit the name and email of the lead author, and full list of members (name, institution, email address) and their team name (alphabets and numbers only, keep it below 10 characters) in the `Justification' box in Zenodo. Upon approval by the organizing team, the data will become available for download.

**Participants shall not carry out activities that involve unethical usage of the data, including attempts at re-identifying data subjects, harming individuals, or damaging companies. Participants will be allowed to submit full versions of their works to venues of their choice, upon approval by the organizers.**

This data contains movement information generated from user location data obtained from Yahoo Japan Corporation smartphone applications. It does not reveal the actual timestamp, latitude, or longitude, etc. and does not identify individuals. This data can only be used for the purpose of participating in the HuMob Challenge 2023. Questions concerning this data should be sent to the following email address.

Email address: yjresearch-data "at"

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