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Published February 9, 2023 | Version v3
Dataset Restricted

Updates applied to Flemish online news and their associated change types

  • 1. Ghent University


This dataset contains 291,666 news articles produced by six different Flemish online news outlets (VRT NWS, Knack, Het Laatste Nieuws, Het Nieuwsblad, De Morgen, De Standaard), together with (in total 197,979) updates applied to these news articles in the first 24 hours after publication. The respective article versions (one row per article version that has been put online over time) can be found in the 'article_versions_vrt.csv', 'article_versions_knack.csv', 'article_versions_hln.csv', 'article_versions_nieuwsblad.csv', 'article_versions_demorgen.csv' and 'article_versions_standaard.csv'. Documentation regarding the meaning of the attributes in these files is provided in 'article_versions_README.txt'.

Next to this dataset, we also provide a coded set of changes made during a subset of the news updates in 'coded_article_change_types.csv'. The file contains all text extracts that are part of a specific change, together with the type of the change to which the text extract belongs. Corresponding documentation is provided in 'coded_article_change_types_README.txt'.



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