Published June 9, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

A new species of Contarinia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from flower galls on the relict tree Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae) endemic to Crete (Greece)

  • 1. School of Zoology, The George S Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel & The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel.
  • 2. Natural History Museum Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 6, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland.
  • 3. Institute of Biosciences and BioResources - Italian National Research Council, Corso Calatafimi 414, 90129 Palermo, Italy.;
  • 4. Department of Geoinformation in Environmental Management - CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Alsyllio Agrokepiou, 73100 Chania, Greece.;
  • 5. Laboratory of Forest Entomology, Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation - Demetra, Terma Alkmanos, 11528 Ilissia, Athens, Greece.
  • 6. Natural History Museum Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 6, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland. & Eastern China Conservation Centre for Wild Endangered Plant Resources, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, 3888 Chenhua Road, Songjiang, 201602 Shanghai, China


Fazan, Laurence, Dorchin, Netta, Giriens, Sophie, Pasta, Salvatore, Garfì, Giuseppe, Remoundou, Ilektra, Petrakis, Panos V., Kozlowski, Gregor (2023): A new species of Contarinia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from flower galls on the relict tree Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae) endemic to Crete (Greece). Zootaxa 5301 (2): 257-268, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5301.2.6, URL:



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