Published April 24, 2023 | Version 1
Other Open

5G-IANA - D6.1 Market analysis and initial business models

  • 1. InCites Consulting


[Deliverable pending final approval by the EC]. The aim of this deliverable is to provide details about the 5G-IANA ecosystem along with the initial envisioned business model for the 5G-IANA platform. In addition, to provide the results of a survey that was conducted with the scope to collect the expectations that third parties have from the 5G-IANA platform. Finally, it presents the devised plan for engaging third parties to the open calls that will be organized by the project. 



5G-IANA - D6.1 - Market analysis and initial business models.pdf

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5G-IANA – 5G Intelligent Automotive Network Applications 101016427
European Commission