{ "links": [ { "rel": "describedby", "href": "https://yoda.uu.nl/schemas/default-2/metadata.json" } ], "Discipline": [ "Agricultural Sciences - Animal and dairy science (4.2)", "Social Sciences - Other social sciences (5.9)" ], "Language": "en - English", "Collected": { "Start_Date": "2022-07-07", "End_Date": "2026-07-07" }, "Covered_Geolocation_Place": [ "Wageningen, The Netherlands" ], "Covered_Period": {}, "Tag": [ "growing pigs", "housing", "dietary conditions", "pig health", "farmer perception", "pig husbandry", "pig health and welfare" ], "Related_Datapackage": [ { "Persistent_Identifier": { "Identifier_Scheme": "DOI", "Identifier": "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7096699" }, "Relation_Type": "IsPartOf: Current datapackage is part of", "Title": "DMP_example_FictitiousProject_v01" } ], "Retention_Period": 10, "Data_Type": "Dataset", "Funding_Reference": [ { "Funder_Name": "WUR library", "Award_Number": "W123456789" } ], "Creator": [ { "Name": { "Given_Name": "Danny", "Family_Name": "de Koning" }, "Affiliation": [ "Wageningen University and Research" ], "Person_Identifier": [ { "Name_Identifier_Scheme": "ORCID", "Name_Identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8264-4541" } ] }, { "Name": { "Given_Name": "Irene", "Family_Name": "Verhagen" }, "Affiliation": [ "Wageningen University and Research" ], "Person_Identifier": [ { "Name_Identifier_Scheme": "ORCID", "Name_Identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5588-1333" } ] } ], "Contributor": [ { "Name": { "Given_Name": "Laura", "Family_Name": "Zeeman" }, "Affiliation": [ "Wageningen University and Research" ], "Person_Identifier": [ { "Name_Identifier_Scheme": "ORCID", "Name_Identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6917-3052" } ], "Contributor_Type": "ProjectMember" } ], "Data_Access_Restriction": "Restricted - available upon request", "Title": "Metadata example for data underlying the publication \"DMP_example_FictitiousProject_v01\"", "Description": "\"Health and welfare in pigs is an increasingly important subject within Dutch society. Although the subject of health and welfare in commercial pig husbandry has been researched on various occasions, results of these studies are not widely applied. We aim to study the effects of several housing (barren housing vs various types of enriched housing) and dietary conditions (feeding levels, and dietary protein and sugar contents) on the health and welfare of growing pigs (assessed by behaviour, lesions, antibody titres, hormones, body weight). Additionally we aim to assess the perception of farmers on pig health and welfare, what they consider poor health and welfare, and what they would take away from the results of these studies (through recorded interviews and online surveys).\"", "Version": "20230209_v01", "Retention_Information": "Contact our department secretariat for information about retention periods at fakesecretariat@wur.nl. Arrangements have been made to allow continued access to sensitive data when requested and formal agreements between parties have been made.", "Data_Classification": "Sensitive", "Collection_Name": "WUR_templates_readme_metadata_dmp", "Remarks": "The data that this metadata concerns is an internally archived fully reproducible data package of which not all parts can be made openly available due to sensitive information. Other non-sensitive data (pig observation, anonymized surveys and interview transcriptions) have been published within 4TU.ResearchData at https: //doi.org/789465/fakedoi.", "License": "Custom" }