Published February 3, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Exploring frontiers of orbitrap performance for long transients

  • 1. Thermo Fisher Scientific


Experiments on a modified Orbitrap Exploris instrument have shown that even in a compact instrument
it is possible to achieve a resolving power in excess of 2,000,000 when appropriate tolerance and tuning
requirements are met. Such levels are achieved for a 4-s detection time.
A new Orbitrap design with improved pumping allowed, for the first time, isotopic resolution of intact
monoclonal antibodies even when using standard nitrogen supply in the Ion Routing Multipole. Longer
transients further improve signal-to-noise ratios, approaching levels needed for single-charge resolution
in charge detection mass spectrometry. Further steps for improvement of instrumentation are discussed.


Exploring frontiers of orbitrap performance for long transients, Denisov E, Damoc E, Makarov A. Int J Mass Spectrom. 2021;466..pdf

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TopSpec – Next generation precision antibody profiling - from science fiction to reality 829157
European Commission