Published January 30, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

Evaluation of the Suitability of New Cassava Genotypes to RTB Users' Needs and Preferences regarding Gari-Eba at IITA Nigeria, Cameroon and Benin Gender Equitable Positioning, Promotion and Performance, WP5

  • 1. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan Nigeria
  • 2. Texas A&M, USA
  • 3. Bioversity, Montpellier, France


This report summarizes the WP5 activities under RTB foods during the whole project period related to the gari-eba food product profile. WP5 Activities focus on evaluating advanced cassava clones for their post-harvest qualities with champion farmer processors and consumers of the food product. WP5 trials were evaluated in Osun and Imo state in 2018 and 2019. These trials informed the general WP5 methodology that was developed to assess the clones with users of Roots Tubers and Bananas. Successively WP5 trials with a set of advanced clones were established on station in Osun (Agawu) and Benue state (Otobbi) and processed in neighbouring communities in 2020. These experiments were repeated in cooperation with IRAD Cameroon at Njombé in Littoral Region in 2021 as well as in Benin Republic (Cotonou) in cooperation with CIRAD and IITA Benin in 2022. Samples of roots and food product were taken to the lab food products were prepared in the lab based on roots and gari from the trials. Measurements were taken on the food samples including Instrumental and Sensory Texture Profile analyses and colour which were the main traits of focus as informed by WP1 gender/socially inclusive mapping of preferred traits among cassava users. This allowed for a cross country cross (food) culture comparison of results. Except for the trials processed in 2017 and 2018 consumer testing was carried out with the processed material in rural and urban areas considering socio economic covariates. Results have co-informed the release of Game changer and Obasanjo 2 varieties in Nigeria. Importantly the work shows the consistent good performance of Game Changer and established that the earlier released variety TME30572 can be regarded as standard for excellent food product quality as it appeared to be the best by far during the consumer testing in Osun and Benue state where the variety was included as breeders check. The experiments furthermore show how social covariates determine which variety is most preferred and which lab measurements on the food are linked to consumer liking. Ethnic group consumption habit, being involved in farming or not, rural/urban and gender have been identified as important determinants of overall and food product quality traits. Further investigation on the relation between lab measurements and consumer overall and trait liking is necessary before thresholds can be determined especially as gari-eba is such a complex product involving many processing steps. Multivariate analysis linking consumer testing to lab parameters measured on the food and to genetic information can be another way to facilitate selection for quality traits in breeding and master the complexity of the gari-eba food product profile.


RTBfoods_Evaluation Report of New Cassava Genotypes_IITA_Nigeria.pdf

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