Pictogram: Historiographic Aspect and Contemporary Development
- 1. O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to generalize theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation and development of pictograms as graphic elements at the present stage, which constantly accompany a person in various areas of one’s life. The research methodology applies a chronological, historical and comparative method for a general theoretical understanding of selected problems and detection of main historical milestones of the pictographic language in chronological order and the identification of current branches of its use. The artistic and composite analysis method was used when working with some design solutions and revealing the figurative potential of the icons more fully. The method of terminological analysis was used to identify modern terms to characterize pictograms, in particular for the digital environment. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive study of the sources that reveal the historiographical aspect of the formation of pictograms and their development at the present stage; presenting development stages of pictographic language and its transformation, new options and aesthetic qualities in the digital environment. Conclusions. The significant impulse for the development of pictography was the beginning of the 20th century, when the project activity of Bauhaus and the guidelines established by this institution, including graphic design, contributed to the formation of a new system of pictographic language aimed at the visual presentation of information. Otto Neurath and E. Lissitzky’s work also contributed to the conciseness, recognition and clarity as to the main guidelines in the formation of pictograms. The end of the 20th century marked the beginning of the digital age when pictograms took the lead and transformed functionally and aesthetically. The pixel structure of the display on the monitors of phones, tablets, computers led to new rules for forming the expressiveness of the pictograms. At the present stage, the significant development of icons is provided by the gaming industry. Still, the features of integrity, uniform style, and subordination remain the main vectors in forming these graphic elements, particularly for game design.
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