Principles of Kinetic Video Mapping Organising for the Stage: National Experience
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
The purpose of the study is to determine the principles of organising the kinetic video mapping and analyse the existing national experience in creating stage performances. Under the designated purpose, the article is designed to solve the following interrelated tasks: to compile the basic concepts and definitions on the article’s subject; to determine the technology of organising kinetic mapping and its potential application in theatrical and entertainment performances; to trace and generalise the national experience of using kinetic video mapping in the theatrical and entertainment sets. The research methodology is based on an integrated approach and several methods. The analytical method is to consider historical, philosophical, cultural and art literature on the subject of research; the theoretical and conceptual method is to analyse the concept and terminology system of study and identify features of the introduction of kinetic video mapping in the stage space; the historical method is to clarify the transformation of the practice of implementing digital technology in the stage space, as well as the comparative-typological method is to compare the specifics of the functioning of different types of video mapping, including kinetic. The scientific novelty of the work is the first regard of the particulars of the kinetic video mapping use in performance staging. Conclusions. The article shows that kinetic video mapping creates an interactive show where the spectator and the actor can interact with the visual content. The authors have found that the placement of the Kinect sensor allows directing the projection of the image on moving three-dimensional objects or instantly changing the direction according to the location of these moving objects in space. This moving object can be a person. Thus, in projection, the illusion is created that the image can interact with the user, “directed” by their movements, which provides significant advantages in staging the performance. Due to the peculiarity of the kinetic system to edit the broadcast of video content according to the location of moving objects, this type of video mapping is often called interactive. The actor no longer needs to think about the mark on the stage because in kinetic mapping, video projection “adjusts” to their movements. However, due to the high cost of this technology, today’s directors use it not for the convenience of artists (actors) on stage but to turn the event into an interactive show in which spectators can participate.
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