#-----------------------------------------------------# Information about source code used to generate dataset #-----------------------------------------------------# What is InbredMetapop? InbredMetapops is a spatially and genetically explicit individual-based model to simulate eco-evolutionary dynamics in metapopulations, explicitly accounting for accumulation of genetic load and dispersal evolution. The model has been created to test the extent to which strong population structure, the build-up of deleterious mutations (i.e. genetic load) and the evolution of dispersal can act synergistically to facilitate reduction of the genetic load in metapopulations and postpone extinctions through mutational meltdowns. For more details, please see [ref]. Full source code available at [https://github.com/r02ap19/InbredMetapops]. Parameters All parameter of the model are defined in the parameter.h file. Parameter values can be changed in parameters.cpp before producing an executable. The default parameters are those used in the main text [ref]. How to compile InbredMetapop Simulations were conducted on a high performance computer (Linux). The executable was compiled in Release mode with the compiler gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36). To compile the code on a Linux system, the macro LINUX in PolyDisp.h must be set to LINUX 1 (the default). To compile on a Windows system, LINUX in PolyDisp.h must be set to LINUX 0. #-----------------------------------------------------# Definitions of data columns in summary datasets #-----------------------------------------------------# set_V2: "p_time": persistence time of simulation (number of generations). "fluc_size": largest fluctuation in metapopulation size observed within simulation (number of individuals). "disp_cost": dispersal cost of simulation (probability of dying during dispersal). "fluc_gen": generation at which the largest fluctuation in the simulation occured. "w": change in mean local population fitness (given by eq.1, see main text) following a fluctuation "ho": change in mean number of homozygous mutations per individual within each local population following a fluctuation. "muts": change in mean number of mutations per individual within each local population following a fluctuation. set_extra_V2: "disp_cost": dispersal cost of simulation (probability of dying during dispersal). "disp_phe": dispersal phenotype of individual (probability of dispersing). "fitness": fitness of individual (given by eq.1, see main text). set_load_V2: "seg_load": change in mean number of segregating mutations within local population following a fluctuation. "drift_load": change in mean number of mutations fixed within local population following a fluctuation. "fluc_size": largest fluctuation in metapopulation size observed within simulation (number of individuals). For details, please see the main text.