Published August 31, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D8.2 Dissemination, Communication and Collaboration Plan and Activities V1

  • 1. VILABS (CY) LTD


“D8.2 Dissemination, Communication and Collaboration Plan and Activities V1” describes the AI4PublicPolicy dissemination and communication strategy, elaborating on the incentives, objectives, methodology, tools, channels and evaluation methods identified as most suitable for implementing the strategy, within the framework of “WP8 Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardization”. The strategy integrates dissemination and communication actions and assesses their impact with KPIs, while ensuring the visibility, dissemination and exploitation of the progress and findings of AI4PublicPolicy across the project’s target groups and audiences. The project’s 36- month strategy will be regularly updated based on a SMART approach (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely and targeted) to ensure that each action focuses on the interests and needs of the stakeholder groups.


AI4PublicPolicy_D8.2 Dissemination, Communication and Collaboration Plan and Activities V1.pdf

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AI4PublicPolicy – Automated, Transparent Citizen-Centric Public Policy Making based on Trusted Artificial Intelligence 101004480
European Commission