Published July 12, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Restricted

GOhydro D5.2 - Communication and dissemination plan (2nd version)

  • 1. NCSR-D
  • 2. Holisun


Deliverable 5.2 (D5.2) describes the plan of the consortium to maximize the visibility and dissemination of the project’s results. The plan contains three key strategic directions (a) Raising public awareness and ensuring maximum visibility of the project key facts, outputs and findings amongst the public; (b) Supporting the transfer of project results and engagement from key stakeholders in academia and industry (c) Enhancing the commercial potential of the results and users’ reception. It was provisioned for D5.2 to have two versions; a first version delivered at M3 of the project identifying a suitable Dissemination and Communication (D&C) strategy to be followed by a second updated version at M15 after the generation of concrete results and their evaluation with regards to the plan’s efficacy. The results were compiled and reported in D5.3 “Dissemination and Communication Report” submitted at M12. D5.3 also included a list of the values of the KPIs achieved during Year 1 of the project and a first assessment of the D&C plan in terms of efficiency based on those values.

This second version of D5.2 begins with a reminder of the greater concept of the Dissemination and Communication Strategy that the consortium has opted to follow (Chapter 1) and summarizes the main actions undertaken. To avoid redundancy and overlap with D5.2, Chapter 2 comprises in a summarized way the values of all KPIs until M15 of the project and assesses the overall effectiveness of the D&C Plan so far. Chapter 3 contains the main conclusions and future steps.



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ICT-AGRI-FOOD – ERA-NET Cofund on ICT-enabled agri-food systems 862665
European Commission