Published February 25, 2022 | Version V1.0
Project deliverable Open

D2.10 3rd Report on FAIR requirements for persistence and interoperability


It is generally acknowledged that researchers require substantial support from research infrastructures, data stewards, service providers, funders, etc. in order to achieve reasonable levels of FAIRness. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) ecosystem also recognises the importance of FAIR data. As a final report, this deliverable aims to highlight and summarise the prerequisites, best practices and warnings that the EOSC association should take into account while driving forward the development, support and adoption of sustainable FAIR solutions. 

The prerequisites outline the basic requirements for implementing robust technical FAIR solutions, namely multilingualism and readability for both machines and humans. The best practices highlight two key guidelines that can reliably lead to achieving more FAIRness. The warnings provide a couple of cautions regarding PIDs and research object types.


D2.10_3rd Report on FAIR requirements for persistence and interoperability_25022022_v1.0_final.pdf

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FAIRsFAIR – Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe 831558
European Commission