Published May 21, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Macronyssus cyclaspis

  • 1. All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology RAS, Tyumen, 625041, Institutskaya str., 2 & National research Tomsk state university, Lenina str. 36, Tomsk, 634050 Russia
  • 2. University of Michigan, 3600 Varsity Dr. # 1030, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
  • 3. All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology RAS, Tyumen, 625041, Institutskaya str., 2 & Tyumen state medical university, Odesskaya str. 54, Tyumen, 625023 Russia
  • 4. Penza State University, Krasnaya str. 40, Penza, 440026 Russia
  • 5. National research Tomsk state university, Lenina str. 36, Tomsk, 634050 Russia & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4661 - 0560
  • 6. Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya sqr. 1, Voronezh, 394018 Russia
  • 7. Tver' state university, Zhelyabova str. 33, Tver', 170100 Russia
  • 8. Tyumen state university, Volodarskogo str. 6, Tyumen, 625003 Russia


Macronyssus cyclaspis (Oudemans, 1906b)

Liponyssus pipistrelli Oudemans, 1906a: 37.

Liponyssus cyclaspis Oudemans, 1906b: 61.

Steatonyssus cyclaspis.— Buitendijk, 1945: 307; Fonseca, 1948: 316.

Ichoronyssus štorkáni.— Dusbábek, 1964a: 97 (synonymy by Radovsky, 1966).

Ichoronyssus cyclaspis.— Pinchuk, 1970: 79.

Macronyssus cyclaspis.— Till & Evans, 1964: 518; Radovsky, 1966: 94; 1967: 125; Beron, 1968: 159; Haitlinger, 1978: 709; Rybin, 1983: 358; Rybin et al., 1989: 425; Estrada-Peña et al., 1989: 350; Villegas-Guzman et al., 2005: 125; Scheffler, 2010; Radovsky, 2010: 56.

Type locality: Arnhem (Netherlands) (Oudemans, 1906a).

Type host: Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Oudemans, 1906a).

Distribution in Russian Federation: [Russia] (Stanyukovich, 1997).

Distribution outside Russian Federation: Europe (Radovsky, 1967). Asia (Kyrgyzstan— Rybin 1983). Central America (Mexico— Beron, 2014)

Hosts (Old World). Barbastella barbastellus (Radovsky, 1967), Barbastella darjelingensis (Beron, 2014), Myotis myotis (Dusbábek, 1964), M. nattereri (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. brandtii (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. frater (Stanyukovich, 1997), M. daubentoni (Beron, 2014), Eptesicus serotinus (Dusbábek, 1964), Ep. nilssonii (Stanyukovich, 1997), Nyctalus noctula (Beron, 2014), Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Radovsky, 1967), Pi. kuhlii (Kuhl, 1817) (Stanyukovich, 1997), Plecotus auritus (Dusbábek, 1964), Pl. austriacus (Stanyukovich, 1997).

Remark. The record of M. cyclaspis on Murina leucogaster (Stanyukovich, 1997) should be attributed to Macronyssus sibiricus (Orlova et al., 2017).


Published as part of Orlova, M. V., Klimov, P. B., Orlov, O. L., Smirnov, D. G., Zhigalin, A. V., Budaeva, I. V., Emelyanova, A. A. & Anisimov, N. V., 2021, A checklist of bat-associated macronyssid mites (Acari: Gamasina: Macronyssidae) of Russia, with new host and geographical records, pp. 537-564 in Zootaxa 4974 (3) on page 545, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4974.3.4,


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  • Oudemans, A. C. (1906 b) Acarologische Aanteekeningen XXII. Entomologische Berichten, 2 (28), 55 - 62.
  • Oudemans, A. C. (1906 a) Acarologische Aanteekeningen XXI. Entomologische Berichten, 2 (27), 37 - 43.
  • Buitendijk, A. M. (1945) Vorloopige catalogue van de Acari in de collectie-Oudemans. Zoologische Mededelingen, 24, 281 - 391.
  • Fonseca, F. da (1948) A monograph of the genera and species of Macronyssidae Oudemans, 1936 (synom: Liponissidae Vitzthum, 1931) (Acari). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 118, 249 - 334. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1948. tb 00378. x
  • Dusbabek, F. (1964 a) Parasitische Fledermausmilben der Tschechoslowakei. II. Fam. Dermanyssidae Kol. 1856. Ceskoslovenska Parasitologie, 11, 77 - 125.
  • Radovsky, F. (1966) Revision of the macronyssid and laelapid mites of bats: outline of classification with descriptions of new genera and new type species. Journal of Medical Entomology, 3, 93 - 99. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / jmedent / 3.1.93
  • Pinchuk, L. M. (1970) [The mites of the genus Ichoronyssus (Gamasoidea: Dermanyssidae) of bats from the region between Prut and Dnester rivers]. Paraziti pozvonochnih zhivotnih, Kartea Moldoveniasca, 1970, 73 - 87. [in Russian]
  • Till, W. M. & Evans, G. O. (1964) A revision of the genus Steatonyssus Kolenati. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Zoology, 11 (8), 513 - 582. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 4724
  • Radovsky, F. (1967) The Macronyssidae and Laelapidae (Acarina: Mesostigmata) parasitic on bats. University of California, Berkeley, California, 288 pp.
  • Beron, P. (1968) Notes sur quelques Acariens des fam. Myobiidae, Spinturnicidae et Macronyssidae, parasites des chauvessouris en Bulgarie. Bulletin de l'Institut de Zoologie et Musee, 27, 51 - 53.
  • Haitlinger, R. (1978) Pasozyty zewnetrzne nietoperzy Dolnego Slaska. IV. Macronyssidae, Dermanyssidae, Veigaiaidae. Wiadomosci Parazytologiczne, 24, 707 - 716.
  • Rybin, S. N. (1983) [Gamasid mites of bats and their shelters in South Kyrgyzstan]. Parasitologiya, 17 (5), 355 - 360. [in Russian]
  • Rybin, S. N., Horacek, I. & Cervenny, I. (1989) Bats of southern Kirghizia: distribution and faunal status. In: Hanak, V., Horacek, I. & Gaisler, J. (Eds.), European bat Researh 1987. Charles University Press, Prague, pp. 421 - 441.
  • Estrada-Pena, A., Peribanez-Lopez, M. A., Sanchez-Acedo, C., Balcells-Rocamora, E. & Serra-Cobo, J. (1989) Distribution and faunal composition in north and northeast of Spain of some mites and ticks parasitic on Chiroptera (Spinturnicidae, Macronyssidae, Ixodidae, and Argasidae). Acarologia, 30, 345 - 353.
  • Villegas-Guzman, G. A., Lopez-Gonzalez, C. & Vargas, M. (2005) Ectoparasites associated to two species of Corynorhinus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from the Guanacevi mining region, Durango, Mexico. Journal of Medical Entomology, 42, 125 - 127. https: // doi. org / 10.1603 / 0022 - 2585 (2005) 042 [0125: EATTSO] 2.0. CO; 2
  • Scheffler, I. (2010) Ectoparasites of bats in hibernation places in Brandenburg. Markische Entomologische Nachrichten, 12, 119 - 132.
  • Radovsky, F. (2010) Revision of Genera of the parasitic mite family Macronyssidae (Mesostigmata: Dermanyssoidea) of the world. Indira Publishing House, West Bloomfield, Michigan, 170 pp.
  • Stanyukovich, M. K. (1997) Keys to the gamasid mites (Acari: Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata, Macronyssoidea et Laelaptoidea) parasiting bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) from Russia and adjacent countries. Rudolstadter Naturhistorische Schriften, 7, 13 - 46.
  • Beron, P. (2014) Acarorum Catalogus III: Opilioacarida, Holothyrida, Mesostigmata. Pensoft & National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, 286 pp.