Published November 30, 2021 | Version v2
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Wetness traits of Phyllosphere

  • 1. UERJ


Supplementary Video S1: Contrasting wetness traits among uncolonized leaf surface of Dracaena fragans  (exotic species in the understorey of the Atlantic Rain Forest, Tijuca National Park, RJ, Brazil), non-wettable lichens and a bryophyte where the drop is instantaneously absorbed making unfeasible estimate the contact angle between the water droplet and the surface 

Supplementary Video S2: Non-wettable lichens instantaneously repelling water droplets which are retained by leaf tissue or other phyllosphere organisms.

Supplementary Video S3: Differential water droplet retention angle between leaf tissue and phyllosphere.

Supplementary video S4: lugol's dye (5%) was applied on a lichen (collected from a stem) that did not stain indicating the higher water repellency of this organism.


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