Published August 3, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

OntoCommons D3.9 - Report on the first focused workshop on domain ontologies

  • 1. STFC
  • 1. ENIT
  • 2. GCL
  • 3. UKRI


The focused workshop was entitled “Domain Ontologies for Research Data Management in Industry Commons of Materials and Manufacturing” (DORIC-MM 2021) and was constituted of two main parts: a preparatory half-day event (kick-off) on the 15th of March 2021 and a full-day event on the 7th of June 2021, co-located with the 18th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC). These activities had a strongly interactive character and aimed to gather inputs about the semantic landscape in the field of materials and manufacturing. The March preparatory event was free and open, to attend it participants were only required to 
register as OntoCommons experts and answer a short survey. The June event was more academic: in line with ESWC, oral contributions for this event were invited or selected from submitted papers (via the OpenReview platform). 


OntoCommons D3.9 - Report on the first focused workshop on domain ontologies.pdf