DATA PACKAGE FROM MORALES-BRIONES ET AL (American Journal of Botany) Phylogenomic analyses using genomes and transcriptomes do not “resolve” relationships among major clades in Phrymaceae This package contains the data and software outputs (i.e. fasta files, alignments, trees, etc). 1_transcriptomes_and_genomes: final_filtered_transcriptomes: CDS and PEP Fasta files of filtered transcriptomes genomes: Fasta files of CDS used genomes original_transcriptome_assemblies: Fasta files of original Trinity transcriptome assemblies 2_final_homologs: Tree files of final homologs in newick format 3_MO_orthologs: Tree files of final MO orthologs in newick format 4_MO_fasta_files_24tx_aln: Alignment and clean Alignments in fasta format from MO orthologs. 5_concatenated_matrices: Concatenated alignment from 4_MO_fasta_files_24tx_aln in fasta, nexus and phylyip formats. 6_phylogenetic_analyses ASTRAL: Input and output files from ASTRAL IQtree_concatenated: Input and output files from IQ-Tree for the concatenated alignment. IQtree_invidivual_gene_trees: Input and output files from IQ-Tree for the individual MO ortholog alignments. IQtree_invidivual_gene_trees_rooted: Rooted trees in newick format from IQtree_invidivual_gene_trees Phyparts: Input and output files Phyparts QS: Input and output files from Quartet Sampling cpDNA: Analises of the chloroplast data set. IQtree: Input and output files from IQ-Tree for the contiguous cpDNA alignment. QS: Input and output files from Quartet Sampling aln: Contiguous cpDNA alignment assemblies: cpDNA assemblies using FastPlast full_assemblies: Complete assemblies from 7 species. partial_assemblies: Partial assemblies from 7 species. hybridization_test: Hybridization analyses hyde: Input and output files from HyDe analyses. phylonet: Input and output files from PhyloNet analyses. mcmc_gt: Input and output files from MCMC_GT analyses. ml: Input and output files from InferNetworks_ML analyses. map_dup: Input and output files from the orthogroup mapping. treepl: Input and output files from individual time-calibrated ortholog trees for cloudogram wgd: Input and output files from analyses of distribution of Synonymous Distance among Gene Pairs (Ks plots) If you have any question about the data, please do not hesitate to contact Diego F. Morales-Briones at