"Therefore, expensive solutions are needed to protect mother earth from the devastating effects of nuclear energy.",costs "Like coal or oil, it was a way of producing electricity at a central location for distribution through the established grid.",alternatives "Mark Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University, is optimistic that the world can meet the 2 C target and, in fact, stabilize emissions at 350 ppm instead of the 450 ppm that the United Nations aspires to, using solely renewable energy.",enviroment/health Nuclear power provides other benefits in addition to clean air.,enviroment/health "This means for every kilowatt of electricity produced, almost twice as much waste heat is generated.",waste "Because the existing plants will be amortised at the end of their originally planned life time, huge financial profits can be realised for any day longer which these plants can be kept in operation.",costs "The long-term waste conundrum seems more pressingâ € ” after all, is n't the notion that you do n't bequeath problems to your descendants a major tenet of environmentalism ?",waste "There is also the potential for a nuclear reactor disaster, such as the explosion and meltdown that occurred at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union in 1986 or the partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island in the United States in 1979.",reactorsecurity Improved building insulation and super efficient light bulbs and clothes dryers are more cost effective ways of cutting down on energy use and setting back global warming.,enviroment/health "Coal and natural gas power plants emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change.",enviroment/health "There are now many hundreds of reactor years of experience, and Chernobyl was the only accident that injured the public.",reactorsecurity "Such a release could cost up to $ 2.1 trillion, and would force the permanent relocation of 11.1 million people. """,costs * Subsidies and investment could be spent on other solutions ( such as renewable energy systems ).,alternatives "Portability and Productivity • Because nuclear power produces an enormous amount of energy using a very small amount of fuel, its average production cost is just 1.87 cents per kilowatt hour.",costs The fuel necessary to generate energy is uranium and the power originated from the nuclear fission of its atoms produces an incredible amount of energy.,reliability "On the other hand, by using breeder and fusion reactors, we can produce other fissionable element.",improvement "Perhaps most significantly, it will squander the resources necessary to implement meaningful climate change solutions.",enviroment/health Three simultaneous ongoing complete meltdowns have proven impossible to stop or contain since they started almost 2 years ago.,reactorsecurity "Once built, the cost to operate a nuclear power plant is constant and predictable since the uranium fuel cost amounts to less than $ 0.0003 per KWH.",costs "They could entirely replace the world's fossil fuel-based energy system by 2050, if governments will it to be so, he said.",alternatives "And how can the world monitor the enrichment of uranium to the level needed for power plants, but insufficient for nuclear weapons ?",weapons We rejected nuclear for several reasons.,other Nuclear energy is a practical solution to many of the problems posed by fossil fuels but of course it will not completely replace fossil fuels.,alternatives "However, by 1974 sections of the Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) and the public generally were becoming concerned with the hazards of uranium mining and the impact of mining on traditional Aboriginal communities.",enviroment/health "Waste heat from nuclear reactors can be used "" How nuclear power could fertilise fields. """,waste "Expand [ ing ] successful innovation initiatives, like ARPA-e, and cut those that fail to deliver results. "" ]",improvement A major reason that government favours this form seems to be due to vast amounts of money and effort being put into lobbying by the power companies.,costs "While not completely opposed to atomic energy, they point out that it has its own environmental perils.",enviroment/health "While coal, NG, and petroleum are bound to rise and decline, much of the uranium has not been mined and lots more have not been discovered.",reliability "According to this twisted logic, environmental benefits from new nuclear power plants do receive proper credit under the Obama administration ’s Clean Power Plan.",enviroment/health "If a meltdown were to occur in either the reactor or the spent fuel pool, the accident could kill and injure tens of thousands of people, cost billions of dollars in damages and leave large regions uninhabitable.",reactorsecurity "And it is incorrect to call it waste, because 95 percent of the potential energy is still contained in the used fuel after the first cycle.",waste "Furthermore, if we do n’t start using renewable now then we may never make the switch, so this is the chance to take that first step.",alternatives "To some, nuclear energy is the savior for our growing energy needs - clean, affordable, limitless, safe and most importantly the major answer to our dwindling supply of fossil fuels ( 1 ).",reliability "The more nuclear power plants ( and nuclear waste storage shelters ) are built, the higher is the probability of a disastrous failure somewhere in the world. """,reactorsecurity "When the utilities default on these loans, taxpayers will foot the bill.",costs "The on-the-ground footprint of nuclear power, through its plants and uranium mines, is about 1,000 times larger than it is for wind.",alternatives "Second, the lifecycle CO2 emissions of nuclear is roughly the same as PV and wind.",enviroment/health Thirdly it has n't happened for many years in most countries.,other """ Nuclear energy will serve those priorities well. """,other Nuclear waste radioactivity dissipates over time.,waste "Nuclear energy distracts governments from taking the real global action necessary to tackle climate change and meet people ’s energy needs. """,enviroment/health "Secondly, nuclear energy is a backup power source for solar power if it is a cloudy day this would be a backup power source.Thirdly, Australia is a stable country so we will rarely have natural disaster and that's why I want nuclear power plants in Australia.",alternatives "They may suffer "" anxiety, tension and fear, a sense of helplessness, "" and accompanying physical disorders, n. 2, supra, because of the risk that their relatives may be harmed in a nuclear accident.",reactorsecurity "Fusion, of course, is the ultimate dream : virtually unlimited, radiation-free clean energy powered by the most abundant element in the universe and with no carbon emissions.",improvement "Nuclear energy is too expensive, energy efficiency is all that's needed, with more use of renewables.",costs "It does not take a physicist to come to some understanding and approval of nuclear energy, just some open-minded investigation.",other With a lot of hard work * hopefully * we will land somewhere between a catastrophe and loss of most of the web of life as we know it.,other "Because nuclear energy has such a small impact on its surroundings, nuclear power plants provide excellent habitat for all species of plants and animals to thrive.",enviroment/health "All of us are exposed to natural radioactivity every minute, mostly from rocks and soil.",enviroment/health I understand that this would make it possible to have a pure quantity of Uranium 233 which is fissile and could be formed into an atomic bomb.,weapons "It ’s quite dangerous, but thanks to obviousness of the danger, precautions are taken.",reactorsecurity Mining and milling operators must deal with mill tailings â € ” the radioactive material left over after the uranium has been extracted from the oreâ € ” as well as waste rock and radiologically contaminated equipment.,waste "Depending on reactor design, there may not be enough Helium-3 fuel on earth to supply it.",reliability "That being said, nuclear energy is definitely a type of renewable energy that we need to look at.",reliability "Uranium mining, which creates serious health and environmental problems, has disproportionately impacted indigenous people because much of the world ’s uranium is located under indigenous land.",enviroment/health "In fact, considering all inputs including waste management, less than 6 % of the output is required, usually only 2-3 %.",waste "( This means that either no one will be responsible for physical, environmental, or health damages in the case of an accident or leakage over time from waste storage, or that the government will ultimately have to cover the cost of any damages. )",enviroment/health "Nuclear : The crowning mother of expenses, nuclear is the blunt force of power generation for things like super-heavy industrial use or large cities.",costs "Some Soviet designed and built reactors have been a safety concern for many years, but are much better now than in 1986.",reactorsecurity Uranium is further subject to large price hikes since the resource is only available to a few countries.,costs "This on-off tendency made it more difficult and costly for utilities to gain the expertise in nuclear power or to run plants properly. """,costs Energy efficiency is more important than nuclear power.,reliability "The 54 % opposing it is up significantly from 43 % a year ago, while the 44 % who favor using nuclear energy is down from 51 %.",other "Nuclear plants are also expensive to set up and decommission, and the costs of storing radioactive waste ( effectively indefinitely ) also have to be considered.",waste "But in the 31 years since the partial meltdown at Three Mile Island, there have n't been any emergencies in the United States that remotely approached the severity of that incidentâ € ” though there have been some close calls.",reactorsecurity Periodic inspections also ensure that each facility operates safely.,reactorsecurity "Terrorism : The opportunity for theft by terrorists of nuclear materials usable in even a "" dirty bomb "" would susbtantially increase if nuclear power is expanded.",weapons Claims that nuclear energy is “ safe ” have no more grounding than the land the decimated Fukushima power plant sits upon.,reactorsecurity "In a recent estimate, the UK government calculated that cleaning up the country ’s ageing nuclear facilities will exceed 73 billion pounds ( USD 100 billion ).",costs "Keeley said the market "" is n't delivering to us what we actually want, "" but instead is providing a "" flood of electricity from super-cheap natural gas, which is cleaner than coal but is n't really clean. """,enviroment/health "More than 58,000 metric tons of highly radioactive spent fuel already has accumulated at reactor sites around the U.S. for which there currently is no permanent repository.",waste "It would be lovely if nuclear power were the panacea for climate change, but spent nuclear fuel is estimated to remain dangerous for tens of thousands of years.",waste "The number of firemen, those most heavily exposed during the first few days after the onset of the fire ( it was not a nuclear explosion ), who died from their exposure was 28 out of about 600.",enviroment/health Dishonest representation of the potential of other low carbon alternatives does not add extra credibility to MSR and it does not help the sense of urgency among developers of MSR to claim that there is no real competition.,alternatives "The plaintiffs in these cases could have alleged [ 460 U.S. 766, 777 ] that the risk of crime ( or their dislike of the occupants of the facility ) would cause severe psychological health damage.",enviroment/health My reasons are Firstly It will not use green house gasses and will save the world from pollution.,enviroment/health "April 16th, 2006 : "" [ Claim ] Nuclear energy is expensive.",costs The nuclear power can be dangerous and unsafe.,reactorsecurity "Nuclear power already delivers less energy globally than renewable energy, and the share will continue to decrease in the coming years.",alternatives There is currently no acceptable solution for disposal of radioactive waste.,waste "Nuclear power is the ultimate way of centralising power, putting it in the hands of experts, multi-national corporations and Big Government.",other "So nuclear power, which can only generate electricity, is almost irrelevant.",other "Conventional mining has caused dust and radon inhalation for workers – resulting in high rates of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases – and both types of mining have caused serious contamination of groundwater. """,enviroment/health "October, 2001 : "" The Chernobyl plant explosion released radiation into the surrounding area.",reactorsecurity Nuclear plants require significant quantities of water to remove the waste heat - usually into the environment.,enviroment/health I ’ll bet this functionality will be beneficial even at several times background radiation.,other It is said that the world's uranium fuel supply should last in the region of 90 years ( 15 ) - which is not a huge amount of time ; the oil reserve is said to be around sixty years.,reliability "None of the various international conventions on nuclear damage currently in force are designed to make operators, or owners, of nuclear facilities liable for damage they cause. """,other "However, the truth is that nuclear power plants are a miniscule source of radiation.",enviroment/health "Nuclear power is far from emission-free on a lifecycle basis, and the energy inputs from fossil fuels negate any advantage from reduced direct emissions of CO2.",enviroment/health * Target for terrorism ( as are all centralized power generation sources ).,weapons People around the world stood aghast at the apocalyptic destruction wreaked on Japan during a few hellish minutes when the United States dropped the nuclear bombs Little Boy and Fat Man on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.,weapons Another effect of renewed operation is a risk of a nuclear accident.,reactorsecurity "The thinking is that big corporations are motivated only to distort the truth, minimize legal exposure, withhold information, and to make money at the expense of the public good if necessary.",costs "Moreover, the cancer rate in the Chernobyl region is well below that of Australia, which is to say that radiation is, at worst, a very weak carcinogen.",enviroment/health Adding more nuclear reactors to a site simply makes it more vulnerable to attacks by increasing the number of targets or making the target bigger.,reactorsecurity "Commercial nuclear energy is already the cheapest, safest and environmentally benign carbon neutral source of energy on Earth.",enviroment/health "As a result, the percentage of electricity from renewables has significantly increased in recent years, which is great.",alternatives "Although the casualties were not that high, but it caused serious environmental concerns.",enviroment/health The nuclear industry is responsible for horrific wastes which will endure as a nightmare for our grandchildren.,waste "Also, once the fuel is used, you ca n’t simply take it to the landfill – it ’s radioactive and dangerous.",waste The currently favoured ‘ solution ’ of burying the waste in bedrock and sealing off access for ever is desperate and irresponsible.,waste Uranium mining can also damage the environment.,enviroment/health "Operation of [ TMI-1 ] would be a constant reminder of the terror which they felt during the accident, and of the possibility that it will happen again.",reactorsecurity Energy inputs to nuclear fuel cycle produce only a few ( eg 1-3 ) percent of the CO2 emissions saved.,enviroment/health Australia is a stable country which means we do n't have many natural disasters so there is minimal danger and it is easy to store waste safely.,waste "The government's Nuclear Regulatory Commission has a set safety goal for every reactor in the country : The chance of an accident that results in radioactivity being released to the environment must be no more than one in a million, as determined by probabilistic risk assessment.",reactorsecurity "“ Target for terrorism ” That also applies to other things like hydro, but modern micro plants can be underground so that even an airplane crash would not harm the reactor.",reactorsecurity "Even if the cost of uranium goes up, the impact on the cost of power will be that much lower.",costs But a risk of an accident is not an effect on the physical environment.,enviroment/health "They pose security, environmental and health risks at every step in their operation.",enviroment/health A similar accident happened in Japan in 2011 after a tsunami hit the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.,reactorsecurity Nuclear energy extracts by far more energy from the natural resource Uranium than does the exploitation of oil or any other natural resource.,alternatives "Whenever nuclear waste is buried, risks are created for future generations, as there is no 100 % reliable way to store radioactive materials.",waste "The production of 1,000 tons of uranium fuel generates approximately 100,000 tons of radioactive tailings and nearly one million gallons of liquid waste containing heavy metals and arsenic in addition to radioactivity.",enviroment/health Doing this we help slow down global warming.,enviroment/health International experts agree that there will continue to be disastrous failures at nuclear power stations and that this can not be avoided2.,reactorsecurity The number of U.S. reactors shut down for a year or longer to address numerous safety problems provides strong evidence of poor safety practices and inadequate NRC enforcement.,reactorsecurity "While the average construction time is seven years, eight of the reactors have been under construction for more than 20 years.",other "July 2005 : "" An outstanding advantage of nuclear over fossil fuel energy is how easy it is to deal with the waste it produces.",waste "Abandoned mines from the Cold War era continue to pose contamination problems in the Navajo Nation. ( Today, most of the uranium used in American reactors comes from Canada, Australia, and Russia. )",enviroment/health "Wildlife has been flourishing there ( partly in the absence of humans, but clearly not harmed by the fallout ), as described in Mary Mycio ’s book Wormwood Forest : A Natural History of Chernobyl.",enviroment/health "The risks from nuclear energy are real, inherent and long-lasting.",reactorsecurity Estimates conclude that somewhere between 15 000 and 30 000 people lost their lifes in the Chernobyl aftermath and more than 2.5 million Ukrainians are still struggling with health problems related to nuclear waste.,enviroment/health "Fukushima was an old plant, and the latest generation of nuclear reactor designs are much less likely to meltdown.",reactorsecurity If a nuclear factory broke down lots of people will die because some people are exposed to it.,enviroment/health "For every 22 tonnes of uranium used, one million tonnes of CO2 emissions is averted.",enviroment/health "Just last month, a study was published that found thyroid cancer rates among children in the Fukushima Prefecture were 20 to 50 percent higher than children outside the prefecture.",enviroment/health "It could be put right back in the ground where it came from. """,other Concentration of power in nuclear is economical.,costs If terrorist came they could target a nuclear plant then hundreds of people will die.,weapons Yes I know that it would take millions of years for the radioactive waste to stop being radioactive but it could be stored in a safe place.,waste The legacy of environmental contamination and health costs for miners and mines has been catastrophic.,enviroment/health "The studies also inform us that up to 2,646 lb of the highly radioactive and long-lasting isotope caesium-137 would be released into the atmosphere, contaminating Britain, Ireland, continental Europe and beyond, making swathes of the country uninhabitable and causing more than two million cancers.",enviroment/health How long can we expect supplies of Uranium and nuclear energy to last ?,reliability The additional contribution from all man-made sources of radiation is much smaller.,enviroment/health "In particular, there is evidence of cancer clusters linked to nuclear power production.",enviroment/health "On top of this, the cost of building a nuclear waste dump costs around USD 29 billion. """,waste France and Germany have been using Nuclear power for years and they have n't had any problems.,other "If the government opened the long-term nuclear repository that was supposed to be beneath Yucca Mountain in Nevada today, it would be immediately filled with already existing nuclear waste.",waste "As U.S. government nuclear experts are arguing that Japanese authorities extend the current 12-mile evacuation and exclusion zone around Fukushima to 50 miles, a serious accident at Indian Point would mean relocating 17 million people.",reactorsecurity "Finally, perhaps most importantly, PV & wind are unreliable and require fossil fuel ( typically natural gas ) backup for the most of the time the wind is n’t blowing & the sun is n’t shining.",alternatives The country now seems on track to fill the gap with renewable energy.,alternatives "But worldwide, nuclear plants are down 15 percent of the time, and when a plant goes down, so does a large fraction of the grid.",reliability At Fukushima we have the worst industrial disaster ever.,reactorsecurity The Bush administration gave the nuclear industry $ 18.5 billion in loan guarantees to try to encourage investment in new nuclear plants.,improvement "But as Michael Grunwald noted in Time, recent price estimates for a large plant in Florida came in at $ 12 billion to $ 18 billion, and that's before you consider the fact that the nuclear industry has a history of 250-percent cost overruns.Some analysts say alternative methods would yield much more climate-saving bang for our buck than nuclear power.",costs The immense heat given off by this water can also be damaging to eco systems located nearby the reactor.,enviroment/health Many energy companies have created special nature parks or wildlife sanctuaries on plant sites.,enviroment/health "A major useful source to correct the fear mongering and distortions surrounding radiation – in particular exposing the erroneous linear-no-threshold ( LNT ) assumption used by all regulatory agencies ( outside of France ) as the basis of their regulatory policies – is to be found at the website of Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information ( SARI ), an international organization of some 80 scientists, physicians, and others from 14 different countries around the world, to which we both belong.",enviroment/health World-wide recognized climate experts like Fred Singer have been highly critical of AGW.,enviroment/health The move comes against the backdrop of nuclear innovations that seek to address safety and cost issues that have hampered the sector.,reactorsecurity "Most scientists are ominously silent about the political side of the nuclear fuel cycle, particularly the undermining of civil liberties ' necessary ' to safeguard nuclear power.",reactorsecurity "People dont know that coal plants blow out and release radon, thorium and uranium in large quantities, About 800.000 tonnes uranium globally and 2 mio tonnes thorium.",alternatives "Hence, an important argument underpinning the anti – nuclear power movement has always been its insistence that an umbilical cord links military and civilian nuclear programs, which, as a consequence, drives a new and even more terrifying arms race.",weapons "Serious radioactive contamination spread over 150,000 square kilometers in Byelorussia, Ukraine and Russia.",enviroment/health If the world adopts nuclear power as a major source of energy there will be uranium wars just as there are now oil wars.,other Personally I would task/reward/encourage every University in the UK to produce a working Thorium Reactor model every year.,other The logic in making it a generalisation is obviously flawed.,other "If one were to try and figure out how much a new plant might cost by looking at the last generation of nuclear power plants, "" on average, cost overruns there were equal to three times the pre-construction projections, so if it was supposed to cost $ 1 billion, it cost $ 3 billion, "" he explained.",costs "I ’d rather urge people to challenge some of their basic assumptions ( specifically, that ‘ green energy ’ companies are benevolent ) ; so a key pillar of any pro-nuke argument has to be to remind lefties that green business is still business.",other "The more nuclear power plants ( and nuclear waste storage shelters ) are built, the higher is the probability of a disastrous failure somewhere in the world.",reactorsecurity The United States has relatively strong safety standards for nuclear power.,reactorsecurity "The social structures which favour and in turn are favoured by nuclear power include capitalism, patriarchy, the intellectual division of labour and the state.",other "However, the treaty itself is fatally flawed because it contains an intractable contradiction : in exchange for offering technology and nuclear know-how from established nuclear powers to set up civil nuclear programs, countries that sign on to the treaty agree not to divert material into a weapons program.",weapons "Should this prevent the further development of nuclear energy, particularly if it is believed that nuclear energy is part of the solution to the global warming crisis ?",enviroment/health "Maria Korsnick, the new head of the Nuclear Energy Institute, told skeptical Wall Street analysts in New York today that supporting financially struggling, aging reactors is critical to curbing heat-trapping emissions, and that states like Illinois, New York and now Connecticut are stepping up with financial support ( Energywire, Feb. 9 ).",costs "Construction cost overruns notwithstanding, most nuclear power plants produce electricity at competitive costs.",costs Therefore the world can not free itself from nuclear weapons while reactors and nuclear fuel chain facilities such as uranium enrichment and reprocessing factories exist.,weapons "Opposing nuclear power can be done at different levels : education, community activities, rallies and civil disobedience to apply pressure within existing institutions, and at the same time efforts for long-term institutional change towards equality, participation and democracy.",other "And costs are only so high, because safety standards have been forced to absurd levels by greens.",costs "On average, a nuclear power plant annually generates 20 metric tons of used nuclear fuel, classified as high-level radioactive waste.",waste "Uranium mining is the first step in the nuclear power cycle ; it has taken the lives of many miners all over the world causing environmental contamination, cancers and nuclear waste.",enviroment/health Currently nuclear energy saves the emission of 2.5 billion tonnes of CO2 relative to coal.,enviroment/health "January 8, 2008 - "" No nuclear power station anywhere in the world has ever been built on time and on budget with the average reactor costing three times as much and twice as long to build.",costs Building nuclear power plants takes too long It can take between 20 to 30 years to move from the planning to the opening of a nuclear reactor.,other "Vast amounts of fossil fuels must be burned to mine, transport and enrich uranium and to build the nuclear plant.",alternatives "With new generations of reactors, potential major breakthroughs such as nuclear fusion, the methods we use to harness nuclear energy will get better in the next coming years.",improvement Phase out nuclear power and end nuclear subsidies.,other "Having studied many reports and original ORNL documents regarding LFTR, it turns out that LFTR is truly dreadful technology.",other • A good wind project produces electricity only about 30 percent of the time.,alternatives "Studies by numerous health entities, including the National Cancer Institute and the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, show that US nuclear power plants effectively protect the public's health and safety.",enviroment/health It is technically impossible to build a plant with 100 % security.,reactorsecurity "Wall Street wo n’t finance one unless taxpayers co-sign, and the nuclear industry tried and failed to obtain more than $ 100 billion in federal loan guarantees.",costs The extensive coverage of such accidents was distorted heavily by the mass media and distorted even further by the ignorant population that believed them.,reactorsecurity This enormous demand for new generating capacity must be met while also containing global warming and minimizing pollution and other environmental damage.,enviroment/health You Can Put Neucler Waste In Less Populated Areas.,waste Nuclear energy makes only a trivial contribution to world energy needs.,other "Advocates are fond of noting that nuclear power now provides 70 percent of the country's "" carbon-free "" energy.",enviroment/health "Reverting back to nuclear energy is a grave and dangerous move on Japan ’s part, a move that could potentially threaten the entire globe.",reactorsecurity "Cooling those operations often requires a whole lot of water, the drawing and releasing of which can affect aquatic wildlife.",enviroment/health "* Was it because many of them were funded by foreign countries ( the USSR, or Arab countries in the case of the anti-Zionist left ) that had a vested interest in selling fossil fuel ?",other "Despite ongoing quarrels over its costs and an international perception that “ German angst ” caused the government to shut down reactors after the Fukushima accident, a vast majority of Germans is still in favour of putting an end to nuclear power.",costs "Since the areas around nuclear power plants are so clean, they are often developed as wetlands that allow trees, flowers, and grasses to thrive and provide nesting areas for waterfowl and other birds.",enviroment/health "April 16th, 2006 : "" Nuclear reactors are vulnerable to terrorist attack.",weapons "The proliferation of nuclear weapons is inextricably linked to nuclear power by a shared need for enriched uranium, and through the generation of plutonium as a by-product of spent nuclear fuel.",weapons "Efforts to ensure that nuclear power plants maintain this safety record are constantly emphasized, and the record compares favorably with all other ways of making electricity. ”",reactorsecurity "It ’s a valuable area of research that could guarantee abundant clean energy, so it ’s worth investing in the technology, continuing to use it and not abandoning it.",improvement "High risks : Despite a generally high security standard, accidents can still happen.",reactorsecurity "We are deeply disturbed that the lives of people in Japan are being endangered by nuclear radiation in the air, in the water and in the food as a result of the breakdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant.",enviroment/health "Reactors are themselves terrorist targets and current ones are not even defended to the level of the 9/11 assault – 19 men in four teams, including air attack scenarios.",weapons "If abundance of cheap energy is available then that changes the landscape, we no longer need to insure future oil and coal supply, so no need to tear up other countries and pursuing these ends.",alternatives "There are no operating “ next generation ” reactors, such as high-temperature breeder reactors and particle-beam activated reactors, that are reported to produce less waste and have reduced safety concerns.",reactorsecurity The process of mining and refining uranium has n’t been a clean process.,enviroment/health But increasing reliance on nuclear power is one of the costliest ways to achieve that goal.,costs "Generated throughout all parts of the fuel cycle, this waste poses a serious danger to human health.",enviroment/health "By now, everybody knows what happened at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and most recently - Fukushima.",reactorsecurity More protests followed wherever locations for radioactive waste processing and storage were considered.,waste This presents risks to the populations that exist on the route to these waste areas.,waste "The United States would do better by following the example of New York, which recently decided to support nuclear power plants to keep them from closing because of competition from cheap natural gas.",costs "Of the 10 nations which have developed nuclear weapons ‘ six did so with political cover and/or technical support from their supposedly peaceful nuclear program – India, Pakistan, Israel, South Africa, North Korea and France ’ 3.",weapons "One design, the Generation IV Integral Fast Reactor, goes even further in providing an answer to the waste problem through recycling and use of all the energy available in the fuel.",waste "Also, directly mining Uranium is not the only source we can use.",other Nuclear power should be banned from Austraila if a meltdown happens it will kill tens of thousands of people.,enviroment/health We will also guarantee a riskier future for us all.,reactorsecurity Nuclear power is not an automatic or inevitable development.,improvement "Scientific studies too numerous to mention show repeatedly that wind, solar, geothermal, and tidal sources of clean energy are abundant and easily accessible.",alternatives Disasters • One of the biggest disadvantages of nuclear energy is the occurrence of accidents due to core meltdown.,reactorsecurity "Also, unlike wind and solar power, nuclear power can provide a continuous flow of energy that utilities can depend on any time of day.",reliability Its harmful effects on humans and ecology can still be seen today.,enviroment/health Finaly we can store it safely.,other "But what is good and reaffirming, is that we are now finally entering the nuclear age.",other A successful attack would release ' large quantities of radioactive materials to the environment. ',weapons Radioactive clouds deposited radiation thousands of kilometers away.,enviroment/health No safe solution has yet been devised to store it.,reactorsecurity "This tech is already proven to be safe and controllable, well beyond that of other nuclear.",improvement The chances of a meltdown is as low as it ever could be and about the uranium we do n't need to worry we have one third of the world's.,reactorsecurity This appears to have resulted in more Americans prioritizing environmental protection and fewer backing nuclear power as an alternative energy source.,enviroment/health "Compare that to the 4,000 people the World Health Organization estimates were victimized by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster ( and that number includes those born with genetic mutations following the meltdown ), and nuclear seems like much less of a health risk.",enviroment/health Nuclear energy is safe and secure.,reactorsecurity "If pristine DNA is stressed enough to come apart, it is * far * more likely co fall back together correctly because of base pair affinity, than mutated DNA with mis-matched base pairs.",enviroment/health "Radiation is like virtually all other agents, both chemical and physical, to which life has been exposed during the 3 billion or so years of life on earth.",enviroment/health "Well some people think it's too dangerous, because the process also releases lots of radiation - a type of energy that can hurt people if they 're exposed to it.",reactorsecurity Exorbitant Cost : Cost estimates for new reactor construction continue to soar and are unpredictable.,costs Energy conservation is seven times more cost-effective than nuclear power.,costs It costs as much as a nuclear power plant and makes 1/10 of the usable power ( allowing for capacity factor ).,costs "Here are some quotes : With radioactive cobalt, botanists can produce new types of plants.",other "Furthermore, it is feasible to get private insurance for renewables, whereas the private sector is unwilling to underwrite nuclear facilities, whether LFTR or otherwise.",alternatives Even low-level radioactive waste requires centuries to reach acceptable levels.,waste "Thus some scientists can work on weapons of mass destruction because the political decisions regarding these weapons are made at a distance, in an apparently legitimate forum.",weapons "These measures have included pumping thousands of tons of seawater into the crippled reactors and spent fuel rod containment pools, dropping water from helicopters, and trying to plug a containment leak first with concrete, then a polymer, and finally with sawdust and rags.",reactorsecurity "In contrast, measures such as bicycle transport, passive solar design, solar heating, wind power or biogas production lend themselves to local community control.",alternatives Nuclear power can not replace that energy.,other "Nuclear plants only produce electricity and ca n't replace oil and gas "" The case against nuclear power "".",alternatives