Lower gasoline prices over the past year are likely driving greater opposition toward the use of nuclear power.,costs "If you bring in a talented marketing agency you could not only raise the awareness you could even make it sexy, then people will be demanding it.",other "A nuclear station broke down and massive amounts of radiation leaked out, killing many people over time and making some areas uninhabitable.",enviroment/health Firstly If Australia does not use nuclear energy Australia would let off greenhouse gasses.,enviroment/health "True, but the level of radioactivity is very low & with normal engineering, they pose no threat to anyone.",enviroment/health "So from a CO2 perspective, exactly how is the building of a nuclear plant all that different from the building of any number of renewable energy plants – or any other modern structure for that matter ?",enviroment/health "They have to varying degrees either changed their public stance, or conceded that since nuclear power is virtually emission-free regarding CO2, it merits at least grudging support as part of the response to increasing atmospheric CO2 levels and depletion of fossil fuels.",enviroment/health "Ironically, it is now the conservatives that believe this, at least where Iran is concerned … * Was it that they were trying to protect the jobs of coal miners, and of railwaymen who make their living hauling coal ?",other "All traded uranium is sold for electricity production only, and two layers of international safeguards arrangements confirm this.",other To do this we need to … make a dramatic and rapid retreat from the use of nuclear power to generate electricity.,other Nuclear Energy is the Most Certain Source.,other "They are part of a vanguard of next-generation plants that include so-called small modular reactors ( SMRs ), seen as safer and less costly.",costs "Prospects for nuclear energy as an option are limited, the report found, by four unresolved problems : high relative costs ; perceived adverse safety, environmental, and health effects ; potential security risks stemming from proliferation ; and unresolved challenges in long-term management of nuclear wastes. ”",costs Nuclear power stations are expensive : Nuclear power is by far the most expensive form of energy that has ever been carried out on an industrial scale.,costs "Fall, 2006 - "" Roughly 700 million metric tons of CO2 emissions are avoided each year in the United States by generating electricity from nuclear power rather than some other source.",enviroment/health "These fears are unjustified and nuclear energy from its start in 1952 has proved to be the safest of all energy sources. """,reactorsecurity "The right-leaning R Street Institute released a report this week that found no economic justification for financially supporting reactors that have been disadvantaged by cheap natural gas, state clean energy programs and federal tax incentives for wind.",alternatives This could result in a level of destruction hitherto unenvisaged.,other "There are four states with undeclared stockpiles of nuclear weapons developed from civil programs, and it is no coincidence that they are in some of the most volatile, militarized — and hence dangerous — areas of the world : Israel, Pakistan, India, and North Korea.",weapons There were no deaths or serious radiation doses from the Fukushima accident.,enviroment/health Major uranium mines in Australia and Canada have ISO14001 certification.,other "Not only will nuclear power not fully relieve the need for fossil fuels, it wo n’t relieve it AT ALL for very long.",reliability The stuff could be spent on nuclear energy instead of renewable energy !,alternatives The Cleaning power of Ionizing radiation will even help remove DNA damaged by the “ free ” radicals that may have caused the genetic damage in the first place and still be in place in the DNA molecule.,enviroment/health "But while geothermal, solar and wind are safe, nuclear is not.",alternatives "The agency also relies on flawed approaches to assessing risks and inspecting nuclear facilities, and its standards for preventing and mitigating severe accidents are too low. ”",reactorsecurity "When these safety systems are properly installed and maintained, they function adequately.",reactorsecurity "February 5, 2006 : "" In recent years, several electric utilities have emerged as nuclear-power specialists, reaping economies of scale and building expertise that enables them to run safer, more secure operations.",reactorsecurity "Nuclear reactors are major targets for terrorists : Because of the potential threat of mass destruction, nuclear power plants are major targets for terrorists.",weapons There may be only 200 years left of all uranium ores including poor uranium ores which take more energy to mine and process and thus release more carbon emissions.,enviroment/health The psychological health damage alleged by PANE is no closer to an event in the environment or to environmental concerns.,enviroment/health "If nuclear weapons were to have a future, perfecting them as the ultimate weapon of mass destruction needed some other justification than the annihilation of entire cities that left behind a multigenerational legacy of radiation poisoning.",weapons It is the most efficient use of the Earth's resources.,other "There are unlikely to be wars fought over sustainable locally generated, solar, wind or wave power.",alternatives A sever accident with a salt cooled reactor would provide a perfect water born path to spread contamination from the long half life products.,reactorsecurity "What about the mining of Uranium, and what general environmental risks might this pose ?",enviroment/health It was simply unthinkable that a mineral which could be profitably sold would be left in the ground.,costs It will if a new direction in US research proves a success.,other Wind and PV could never reach the zero death requirement that nuclear has to fulfill.,enviroment/health "When they are not maintained, have structural flaws or were improperly installed, a nuclear reactor could release harmful amounts of radiation into the environment during the process of regular use.",reactorsecurity I do agree that if more members of the public were aware if the limitations of renewables and the need for nuclear power it is more likely that action would be taken.,alternatives But just because nuclear technology can be put to evil purposes is not an argument to ban its use.,weapons It does not make greenhouse gases so it is a good switch over.,enviroment/health By adopting benign forms of power supply the UK could help to promote the people-friendly way forward.,other "Today, the dangerous weapons programs in both Iran and North Korea are linked to their civilian reactor programs.",weapons "To meet the short-term demand, the use of coal and other fossil fuels will increase.",alternatives "In sum, there is a case for government intervention to improve the economic competitiveness of nuclear plants and avoid early closures.",costs "Hydro and liquefied gas are the greatest killers, even before coal, but do environmentalists care ?",alternatives We should use nuclear power because geographically we are dead so no explosions of the nuclear plants.,reactorsecurity Public ignorance of general industrial standards of performance means that trivial incidents can acquire high profile in media.,other Terrorists target people with nuclear power and killl them.,weapons "When necessary, design changes followed and extra safety protocols and features had to be put in place, this was perceived as unexpected cost increases.",costs "The benefits of nuclear energy are outweighed by weapons-use risks Michael Levi, Council on Foreign Relations Fellow for Science and Technology.",weapons "The Swiss government and industry fought the plan, saying it could have led to blackouts, higher costs and the loss of energy independence because the country would have become more dependent on coal-fired power from neighbouring Germany.",alternatives It's still radioactive and potentially deadly.,enviroment/health "However, each year the particle pollution caused by coal power plants claims about 7,500 lives in the United States.",alternatives People exposed to high levels of radiation will die or suffer other health consequences within days or weeks.,enviroment/health "Sizewell B, the UK ’s most recent power station cost the taxpayer around £ 3.7 billion just to install Decommissioning and cleaning up all of our current nuclear sites is costing more than £ 70 billion.",costs This is because it ’s now being touted as a more environmentally beneficial solution since it emits far fewer greenhouse gases during electricity generation than coal or other traditional power plants.,enviroment/health "If our ( U.S. ) government were committed to developing a superior nuclear technology, such as the LFTR, it could find ways to make it happen and to be deployed.",improvement "On the other hand, if reprocessing really works as well this may be a major proliferation concern – not only getting Pa233 but also Pu239 from a reactor running on normal LEU.",other Nuclear power threatens the environment and people ’s health.,enviroment/health "In promoting nuclear power, and thereby entrenching centralised political and economic power, other consequences result which mobilise people in opposition : environmental effects ( especially radioactive waste ), the connection with nuclear weapons, threats to Aboriginal land rights, threats to civil liberties, and many others.",weapons "Nuclear proponents also argue that nuclear energy production is constant, unlike fickle winds and sunshine.",reliability "If building new plants is as dangerous as critiques claim, would n't these existing plants be shut down ?",reactorsecurity "Taking into account the carbon-equivalent emissions associated with the entire nuclear life cycle, nuclear plants contribute significantly to climate change and will contribute even more as stockpiles of highgrade uranium are depleted. """,enviroment/health Both wind and solar can each be scaled to meet the energy needs of the entire globe and OTEC as well as geothermal and osmotic power have the same potential.,alternatives "Advances in technology will bring the cost down further in the future. """,costs The intermittency of renewable energy and unavailability of energy storage means that the installed capacity of renewable sources has to be considerably higher than the desired output ( by a factor of three or more ).,alternatives "Consequently, the government has to subsidize the costs.",costs How many electric vehicles could be powered by 50 or 100 more nuclear power plants ?,reliability One other con is that so few people exist who are trained in this specific aspect of creating nuclear energy.,other The potential for such devastation lies in the radioactive fuel that fires the nuclear power plant.,reactorsecurity "As solar and wind energy are dependent upon weather conditions, nuclear power plant has no such constraints and can run without disruption in any climatic condition.",alternatives "As he says, the modern nuclear plants as approved for Georgia are passively safe, requiring no operator intervention to shut down in an emergency.",reactorsecurity "Nuclear power is recognized as the cheapest form of energy production ( 9 ) and the power supplied by them are not subject to fluctuation of a whole range of issues - supply and demand, acquisition, stock trading and political instability in source countries.",costs Inside critics have played a crucial role in campaigns against nuclear power by providing information about political developments and occasionally speaking out in public against them.,other Rickover ’s and France ’s experience with sodium cooled reactors has shown that the violent water / sodium chemical reaction makes this design unreliable.,reliability "Because they know that if you recycle fuel rods, you dont have a waste problem and they lose an argument against nuclear.",waste "The Chernobyl disaster was basically irrelevant to any western reactor, or any that might be built today.",reactorsecurity "In all countries using nuclear energy there are well established procedures for storing, managing and transporting such wastes, funded from electricity users.",waste "Since then, it has proven itself as one of our safest energy technologies.",reactorsecurity nuclear power should be banded from Australia because it is dangerous.,other "Nuclear power is alleged to be beneficial, but uranium mining is a severe cultural threat to Aborigines, who are already a strongly oppressed group in Australia.",enviroment/health Nowhere in the world is nuclear power subsidised – on the contrary in Sweden and Germany it has a special tax.,costs "Fossil fuels, not nuclear, are the real enemies of renewables.",alternatives In this case the nuclear-free zone campaign provided a channel for exposing and challenging the role of nuclear expertise and elites in promoting nuclear power.,other We should take a page from the playbook of the German antinuclear movement.,other "Solar, wind, geothermal, hydro and other forms of green power are cheaper, cleaner, safer, faster to build, require no federal limits on liability and create no radioactive waste.",waste * Waste lasts 200 – 500 thousand years.,waste "Safety is a major consideration throughout the design, construction, and operation of a nuclear power plant.",reactorsecurity Nuclear power plants can adjust their output as needed verses the intermittent wind or solar generated electric power.,alternatives "[... ] On 18 September, the DOE announced that its Next Generation Nuclear Plant project will receive a $ 40 million boost in funding.",costs Fusion offers the potential for basically an inexhaustible source of energy.,reliability "If nations meet their Paris pledges, called intended nationally determined contributions, or INDCs, and continue decarbonizing beyond 2030 at a rate of 5 percent, there is more than a 3-in-4 chance that a 4 C temperature rise could be avoided.",enviroment/health "January 8, 2008 : "" Decommissioning nuclear plants also cost a lot of money.",costs "Actually, the best form of nuclear power may be Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors ( LFTR ’s ) which can dramatically lower the risks of nuclear power, and which are much more efficient in using a Thorium/Uranium233 fuel cycle to produce energy ( compared to use of a fuel cycle based on Uranium235/Plutonium, as found in existing nuclear plants ).",improvement The local fuel processing of the breeder and burner configurations eliminates the possibility of diversion during transport.,reactorsecurity "Can we continue to despoil our environment with long-lived radioactive materials that are scattered to the wind and embedded in our precious soil, randomly exposing large populations, and foisting health impacts on unsuspecting future generations who have no choice in this matter ?",enviroment/health "In pure numbers, there have been more coal power accidents than nuclear.",reactorsecurity "Not only has a terrorist never attempted to blow up a nuclear power plant, there is, a ) no evidence that a terrorist group is plotting to blow up one, and b ) a terrorist would never attempt to do such a thing.",weapons Nuclear energy economies of scale are improving Pascal Zachary.,other You can not meet Britain ’s future energy needs and reduced carbon emissions without a big expansion of nuclear power.,enviroment/health Community institutions have already been weakened as a result of a loss of citizen confidence in the ability of these institutions to function properly and in a helpful manner during a crisis.,other "Direct pressure to stop nuclear power helps restrain the expansion of the power of the state, technocracy and other institutions behind nuclear power.",other "The main institutional opponents of the measure were the government and energy companies, which had threatened that a "" Yes "" vote would lead to blackouts, higher costs and a reliance on dirty coal power from Germany, which plans to close all nuclear plants by 2022 in response to the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan - which was also the impetus for Switzerland's referendum.",costs secondly we have so much nuclear energy that if we did have an accident it would be one of the biggest accidents.,reactorsecurity "Last week, more than 200 United Nations researchers threw their weight behind atomic energy, calling for a tripling of output within the coming years as a means to combat carbon emissions.",enviroment/health nuclear energy has so many more cons than pros because n reality unless you have a good enove cooling system the fision process is very unstable and just measing with uranium-235 can kill you and if that dose not explain it imagine puting a block of c4 in your mouth and ou body is a city then it explodes.,enviroment/health "A large amount of uranium ore needs to be mined, milled, refined and enriched in order to produce that little tiny pellet that has the energy of many coal hopper cars.",other "Moreover, plutonium, a necessary component of nuclear weapons and the most life-destroying element known to humanity, is not an element that occurs naturally on earth.",weapons "The consequences of an accident would be absolutely devastating both for human being as for the nature ( see here, here or here ).",reactorsecurity "With a portion of the initial nuclear power plants closing or requiring significant upgrade after just a few decades ( in some cases less than sixty years ), it seems that the life cycle of some plants is much shorter than perhaps the outward cost might warrant ( 14 ).",costs I have written to several senators and representatives pointing out the need to use nuclear power as the principal sources of power to replace fossil fuels.,alternatives "The authors arrived in part at their imaginary figure by attributing every death that occurred to the radiation from Chernobyl, as though suddenly all other causes of death stopped for the time being.",enviroment/health One problem with nuclear reactors is what to do with the high level waste they produce.,waste IT IS PROPAGANDA for the low information audience and the green zealots.,other Even transporting nuclear fuel to and from plants poses a contamination risk.,enviroment/health "At present, there is a worrisome groundswell of opinion that renewable energy is sufficient to hit that target, Wigley of the University of Adelaide said.",alternatives And it costs the federal government NOTHING more than backing the loans.,costs The cons are just the standard greenpeace lies.,other "Retrieved 1.24.08 : "" Nuclear power is not a clean energy source.",enviroment/health Nuclear power plants are prime target for terrorism activities.,weapons