Column name,unselected for analysis,relevant question,Brief description,,,, n,,,,,,, pmid,TRUE,,Pubmed identifier of the article if applicable,,,, id,TRUE,,Pubmed identifier of the article if applicable,,,, source,,,"The source database, MED= PubMed/MEDLINE NLM, more information at",,,, doi.x,,,Digital Object Identifier of the article,,,, title,,,Title of the article,,,, authorString,TRUE,,Comma separated authors list,,,, journalTitle,,are differences across journals?,Name of the journal which the article belongs to,,,, pubYear,,is any time trend?,Year of the publication,,,, journalIssn,TRUE,,Journal ISSN number: If ISSN present it shows ISSN other wide it gives ESSN,,,, pubType,,,"Category of publication, more information at",,,, isOpenAccess,,,Article Open Access status indicated with a Y or an N (only for full text),,,, inEPMC,,,Value is either Y (yes) or N (no); this indicates whether the citation is available as full text in Europe PMC.,,,, inPMC,,,Values: Y or N; this indicates whether the citation is available as full text in PMC,,,, hasPDF,,,A ‘Y’ value indicates that the publisher has provided a PDF version of the article.,,,, hasBook,,,A ‘Y’ value indicates that full book text is available,,,, hasSuppl,,,A ‘Y’ value indicates that the article has supplemental data associated (and available) with it.,,,, citedByCount,,is any impact in citationsof sharing the data?,A count that indicates the number of times an article has been cited by other articles in the the Europe PMC database,,,, hasReferences,,,Values: Y or N; this indicates whether an article has a reference list or not. The value Y can only be returned for articles that are available as full text in Europe PMC.,,,, hasTextMinedTerms,,,Values: Y or N; this indicates whether the article has any associated text-mined terms. The value Y can only be returned for articles that are available as full text in Europe PMC.,,,, hasDbCrossReferences,,,Values: Y or N; this indicates whether an article has any cross references to biomolecular databases,,,, hasLabsLinks,,,A ‘Y’ value indicates that the article is associated with External Links. More information at,,,, hasTMAccessionNumbers,,,Values: Y or N; this indicates whether an article has any text-mined accession number references to biomolecular databases,,,, firstIndexDate,,,The date when the article has been first indexed in Europe PMC,,,, firstPublicationDate,,,"The date of first publication, whichever is first, electronic or print publication. Where a date is not fully available e.g. year only, an algorithm is applied to determine the value",,,, issue,,,Issue of the journal,,,, journalVolume,,,Volume of journal,,,, pageInfo,,,"The page range: start page-end page,",,,, pmcid,,,Pubmed Central Identifier if full text is available in Europe PMC,,,, pmcid_,,,"Pubmed Central Identifier if full text is available in Europe PMC, without ""PMC"" beginning",,,, pmcid_pmc,,,,,,, pmcid_uid,,,"Pubmed Central Identifier if full text is available in Europe PMC, without ""PMC"" beginning",,,, doi.y,,,Digital Object Identifier of the article,,,, filename,,,Filename of downloaded XMl-format Europe PMC open access full text,,,, is_relevant_data,,,"Data sharing would have been relevant for the article (data was used in study), from rtransparent, see",,,, is_relevant_code,,,"Code sharing would have been relevant for the article (code was used in study), from rtransparent,",,,, article,,,Digital Object Identifier of the article,,,, is_open_data,,,"Data sharing detected by rtransparent or oddpub, more information at and",,,, open_data_category,,,"Way of sharing the data, see Table 1 at ",,,, is_open_code,,,"Code sharing detected by rtransparent or oddpub, more information at and",,,, open_data_statements,,,"Detected data sharing statements, more information at ",,,, open_code_statements,,,"Detected code sharing statements, more information at ",,,, is_success,,,"Completed detection data/code sharing by rtransparent,",,,, true_open_data,,% of misclassification of the rtransparent package,Manually confirmed data sharing in the articles where rtransparent or oddpub recognized data sharing,,,, doi_open_data,,open data with the paper or separated,Digital Object Identifier to data repositatory (if DOI given) or link to data (if DOI not given),,,, study_type,,,"Type of study, In vitro/Clinical/Review",,,, dataset_type,,,"Description of dataset and its content, Protein/Gene/Other dental in-vitro/In-vivo/Clinical trial/Longitudinal/Ecological/Cross-sectional/Review",,,, Notes,,,Notes related to data,,,, FAIR level,,main outcome ordinal,"Adherence to FAIR principles; Incomplete/initial/moderate/advanced, more information at",,,, FAIRness,,main outcome!!,"% of maximun adherence to FAIR principles (sum of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability from total maximum score of 24)",,,, Findability,,main outcome 1,"Adherence to Findability dimension, score of max 7",,,, Accesibility,,main outcome 2,"Adherence to Accessibility dimension, score of max 3",,,, Interoperability,,main outcome 3,"Adherence to Interoperability dimension, score of max 4",,,, Reusability,,main outcome 4,"Adherence to Reusability dimension, score of max 10",,,, findable fair level,,,"Adherence to Findability dimension, Incomplete/initial/moderate/advanced",,,, accessible fair level,,,"Adherence to Accessibility dimension, Incomplete/initial/moderate/advanced",,,, interoperable fair level,,,"Adherence to Interoperability dimension, Incomplete/initial/moderate/advanced",,,, reusable fair level,,,"Adherence to Reusability dimension, Incomplete/initial/moderate/advanced",,,, FsF-F1-01D,,,F1-01D - Data is assigned a globally unique identifier,,"""","""FsF-F1-01D"" = ""F1-01D - Data is assigned a globally unique identifier""",", " FsF-F1-02D,,,F1-02D - Data is assigned a persistent identifier,,"""","""FsF-F1-02D"" = ""F1-02D - Data is assigned a persistent identifier""",", " FsF-F2-01M,,,"F2-01M - Metadata includes descriptive core elements (creator, title, data identifier, publisher, summary and keywords) to support data findability",,"""","""FsF-F2-01M"" = ""F2-01M - Metadata includes descriptive core elements (creator, title, data identifier, publisher, summary and keywords) to support data findability""",", " FsF-F3-01M,,,F3-01M - Metadata includes the identifier of the data it describes,,"""","""FsF-F3-01M"" = ""F3-01M - Metadata includes the identifier of the data it describes""",", " FsF-F4-01M,,,F4-01M - Metadata is offered in such a way that it can be retrieved,,"""","""FsF-F4-01M"" = ""F4-01M - Metadata is offered in such a way that it can be retrieved""",", " FsF-A1-01M,,,A1-01M - Metadata contains access level and access conditions of the data,,"""","""FsF-A1-01M"" = ""A1-01M - Metadata contains access level and access conditions of the data""",", " FsF-A1-03D,,,A1-03D - Data is accessible through a standardized communication protocol,,"""","""FsF-A1-03D"" = ""A1-03D - Data is accessible through a standardized communication protocol""",", " FsF-A1-02M,,,A1-02M - Metadata is accessible through a standardized communication protocol,,"""","""FsF-A1-02M"" = ""A1-02M - Metadata is accessible through a standardized communication protocol""",", " FsF-I1-01M,,,I1-01M - Metadata is represented using a formal knowledge representation language,,"""","""FsF-I1-01M"" = ""I1-01M - Metadata is represented using a formal knowledge representation language""",", " FsF-I1-02M,,,I1-02M - Metadata uses semantic resources,,"""","""FsF-I1-02M"" = ""I1-02M - Metadata uses semantic resources""",", " FsF-I3-01M,,,I3-01M - Metadata includes links between the data and its related entities,,"""","""FsF-I3-01M"" = ""I3-01M - Metadata includes links between the data and its related entities""",", " FsF-R1-01MD,,,R1-01MD - Metadata specifies the content of the data,,"""","""FsF-R1-01MD"" = ""R1-01MD - Metadata specifies the content of the data""",", " FsF-R1.1-01M,,,R1.1-01M - Metadata includes license information under which data can be reused,,"""","""FsF-R1.1-01M"" = ""R1.1-01M - Metadata includes license information under which data can be reused""",", " FsF-R1.2-01M,,,R1.2-01M - Metadata includes provenance information about data creation or generation,,"""","""FsF-R1.2-01M"" = ""R1.2-01M - Metadata includes provenance information about data creation or generation""",", " FsF-R1.3-01M,,,R1.3-01M - Metadata follows a standard recommended by the target research community of the data,,"""","""FsF-R1.3-01M"" = ""R1.3-01M - Metadata follows a standard recommended by the target research community of the data""",", " FsF-R1.3-02D,,,R1.3-02D - Data is available in a file format recommended by the target research community,,"""","""FsF-R1.3-02D"" = ""R1.3-02D - Data is available in a file format recommended by the target research community""",", " ,,,,,,,", "