Published September 9, 2019 | Version 01
Project deliverable Restricted

FarFish 2nd annual report

  • 1. Matís


This 2nd annual report provides an overview of the overall progress in the FarFish project during its second year from the viewpoint of WP8 (Project management). The report contains details on delivery dates of deliverables and milestones i.e. if they were submitted on time and justifications if not; and if there were any deviations from the project plan regarding content. The report does also review the contribution and use of resources of each partner; and whether it is in line with what was expected in the project plan. The 1st periodic report, which covers the first 18 months of the project, is as well discussed; highlighting the most important issues that came out of the review process. Main consortium meetings are discussed. Deviations from original project plan and mitigation measures deployed are as well covered in the report, identifying what has not gone as planned and how that is being addressed by the consortium.
The report does also cover specifically each task in WP8, by listing up the purpose of each task and what has been done to meet the tasks.
Meeting minutes from PMG meetings, the 2019 annual meeting and the semi-annual WP & CS leader meeting are attached to this report in Appendices.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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FarFish – Responsive Results-Based Management and capacity building for EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement- and international waters 727891
European Commission