________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meta data Identifier: DOI Creator: German Aerospace Center, Institute of Vehicle Concepts nameType: Organizantional Title: Railway services operated with diesel multiple units in Spain and Portugal. Publisher: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte. Publication Year: 2022 ResourceType: Simulated Trajectories Subject: This data set comprises railway services operated with diesel multiple units in Spain and Portugal with a set of infrastructural and operational attributes. Date: 2022-02-10 Description: This data set comprises railway services operated with diesel multiple units in Spain and Portugal with a set of infrastructural and operational attributes. Methodology is described in relatedItem. FundingReference: FCH2Rail; Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Pack for Rail Applications; Grant Agreement Number: 101006633 RelatedItem: "D1.1 - Report on line and use case based requirements" of the FCH2Rail project. keywords: FCH2Rail, future power train design, zero emission power train, multiple units, railway, geodata ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This dataset comprises following attributes: service: First and last station of the railway service. length: Length of the railway service in km. electrified_length: Length of electrified sections in km. not_electrified_length: Length of not electrified sections in km. electrification_degree: Electrfiicatioin degree in %. longest_autonomy: Longest not electrified section in km. first_station_electrified: Binary of first station is electrified with catenary. last_station_electrified: Binary of last statin is electrified with catenary. elevation_first_station: Elevation of first station in meter above sea level [m.a.s.l.]. Reference global sea level of Jaxa Alos 0.1*0.1. elevation_last_station: Elevation of last station in meter above sea level [m.a.s.l.]. Reference global sea level of Jaxa Alos 0.1*0.1. daily_trips: Count of daily trips on the service. vehicle: Vehicle type used on this service. stop_number: Numver of stops at stations throughout a trip. trip_time: Trip duration in hours. gauge: Railway gauge in mm. type: Railway vehicle type. Mainline Loc = Mainline Locomotive, MU Iber. gauge = Multiple unit on iberian gauge, MU Feve Gauge = multiple unit on feve gauge. avg_stop_distance: Average stop distance in km. avg_speed: Average velocity in km/h. daily_autonomy: Cumulated distance under not electrified sections in km. annual_train_km: Train kilometers per year. annual_train_km_wo_catenary: Train kilometers per year not under catenary.