Published March 10, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data from: "Alteration of the gut microbiota's composition and metabolic output correlates with COVID-19-like severity in obese NASH hamsters"


This dataset contains all data collected and used for the publication : "Alteration of the gut microbiota’s composition and metabolic output correlates with COVID-19-like severity in obese NASH hamsters". Besides the Readme, it contains 11 files.

Excel files with classification (i.e. genes according to their fold induction or repression) are provided. Data include different conditions with varying number of samples per group. Data are structured according to employed methods and then stratify the data obtained within the individual work packages.



Files (217.5 kB)

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Is supplement to
Journal article: 10.1080/19490976.2021.2018900 (DOI)


  • Genepattern