Published March 9, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Professionalising Data Stewardship in the Netherlands

  • 1. DTL projects


This presentation is part of the Practical course on FAIR Data Stewardship in Life Science by ELIXIR Italy, EOSC-Pillar Project, the ICDI Competence Centre, and EOSC-Life, in collaboration with ELIXIR Netherlands.

March 9, day 4

Mijke Jetten & Celia van Gelder, Professionalising data stewardship in the Netherlands


  • Quick intro
  • Learning goals
  • The need for skills and capacity building in data stewardship
  • The Netherlands
  • Other players in the ecosystem
  • Takeaways
  • Discussion with the audience


Professionalising Data Stewardship in the Netherlands_Italy_March_2022.pdf