NLBSE2022-Public.sqlite -- A SQLite database containing the raw dataset used in this project NLBSE2022-Public.xlsx -- Excel spreadsheet containing the complete listings for the tables in the paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents of NLBSE2022-Public.sqlite | Table Name | Purpose | |:--------------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | gitCommit | Commit log | | refactoring | Mined refactorings | | renamedAttribute | All attribute renamings | | renamedClass | All class renamings | | renamedMethod | All method renamings | | renamedParameter | All parameter renamings | | renamedVariable | All variable renamings | | tool_unitTestFiles | Presence of specific JUnit attributes in the source files | | manual_review_exclusion | Set of statistically significant identifiers manually analyzed to check for exclusion criteria | | manual_review_taxonomy | Set of statistically significant identifiers manually analyzed to construct the taxonomy in RQ3 | | rename_included_no_autogenerated | All renames that have digits after excluding autogenerated source files | | rename_included | All renames that have digits | | refactored_test_files | Test files that had undergone a refactoring | | analysis_digitcount | Details about the position and value of the digit in the names | | analysis_digitpos | The part-of-speech tags of the names | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------