Published May 3, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The image of the airport through mobile applications

  • 1. Facultad de Turismo Universidad de Málaga, Spain


The image airports project via their applications (apps) affects -- directly or indirectly-- passengers’ satisfaction. Today, airports are competing to attract more airlines and passengers to improve commercial revenues. Airport apps (as mobile marketing tools) are offering a broad range of opportunities to both passengers and airports. Apps are the best solution if airports want to improve the passenger experience as well as differentiate themselves from their competitors. The results of this investigation reveal that an airport’s image-perception has either a positive or adverse effect on customer satisfaction. Our structural equation model confirms that the projection of the airport image on an app improves passengers’ sense of security- control, along with cross selling. This paper provides a glimpse to how commercial activities in airports will function with interactive media. 



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