%% Figure 1 data print as a txt table %% Fig.2-a xdata = discretization x axis ydata= discretization y axis zdata = squared modulus of the normal mode Fig2a_n_x.txt = xdata Fig2a_n_y.txt = ydata Fig2a_n_z.txt = zdata n = 1,2,3,4 %% Fig.2-b xdata = wavelength in 1/nm ydata= frequency in GHz zdata= normalized amplitude of the spectrum (space FFT) Fig2b_x.txt = xdata Fig2b_y.txt = ydata Fig2b_z.txt = zdata %% Fig.2-c xdata = mode number ydata = mode frequency GHz Fig2c.txt = [xdata,ydata] %% Fig.2-d xdata = time in ns ydata_nmcode = modulus of the normal modes' amplitude (NMM) ydata_mumag = modulus of the normal modes' amplitude (mumag) Fig2d.txt = [xdata,ydata_nmcode,ydata_mumag] %% Fig.2-e xdata = frequency GHz; ydata_1 = Power evaulated in the upper branch of the waveguide (NMM) ydata_2 = Power evaulated in the lower branch of the waveguide (NMM) Fig2e.txt = [xdata,ydata_1,ydata_2] %% Fig.2-f xdata= rf magnetic field uT; ydata_1 = Power evaulated in the upper branch of the waveguide (mumag) ydata_2 = Power evaulated in the lower branch of the waveguide (mumag) Fig2f_mumag.txt = [xdata,ydata_1,ydata_2] xdata= rf magnetic field uT; ydata_1 = Power evaulated in the upper branch of the waveguide (NMM 5 modes) ydata_2 = Power evaulated in the lower branch of the waveguide (NMM 5 modes) Fig2f_5modes.txt= [xdata,ydata_1,ydata_2] data= rf magnetic field uT; ydata_1 = Power evaulated in the upper branch of the waveguide (NMM 20 modes) ydata_2 = Power evaulated in the lower branch of the waveguide (NMM 20 modes) Fig2f_20modes.txt= [xdata,ydata_1,ydata_2] %% Figure 3 %% Fig3-a xdata = x discretization nm ydata= y discretization nm zdata= modulus of the normal mode n Fig3a_n_x.txt = xdata Fig3a_n_x.txt = ydata Fig3a_n_x.txt = zdata n = 1,2,3,4 %% Fig3-j , j = b,c,d xdata_1= increasing frequency GHz ydata_1= My (NMM) Fig3j_1_NMM.txt = [xdata_1,ydata_1] xdata_2= decreasing frequency GHz ydata_2= My (NMM) Fig3j_2_NMM.txt = [xdata_2,ydata_2] xdata_1= increasing frequency GHz ydata_1= My (mumag) Fig3j_1_mumag.txt = [xdata_1,ydata_1] xdata_2= decreasing frequency GHz ydata_2= My (mumag) Fig3j_2_mumag.txt = [xdata_2,ydata_2] %% Fig.4-j , j = a,c xdata_up = increasing frequency rf excitation GHz ydata_up = frequency of the average magnetization (NMM) zdata_up = normalized output power (NMM) Fig4j_up_x.txt = xdata_up Fig4j_up_y.txt = ydata_up Fig4j_up_z.txt = zdata_up xdata_dw = decreasing frequency rf excitation GHz ydata_dw = frequency of the average magnetization (NMM) zdata_dw = normalized output power (NMM) Fig4j_dw_x.txt = xdata_dw Fig4j_dw_y.txt = ydata_dw Fig4j_dw_z.txt = zdata_dw %% Fig.4-k , k = b,d xdata_up = increasing frequency rf excitation GHz ydata_up = frequency of the average magnetization (mumag) zdata_up = normalized output power (mumag) Fig4k_up_x.txt = xdata_up Fig4k_up_y.txt = ydata_up Fig4k_up_z.txt = zdata_up xdata_dw = decreasing frequency rf excitation GHz ydata_dw = frequency of the average magnetization (mumag) zdata_dw = normalized output power (mumag) Fig4k_dw_x.txt = xdata_dw Fig4k_dw_y.txt = ydata_dw Fig4k_dw_z.txt = zdata_dw %% Fig.4-e xdata = x discretization nm ydata= y discretization nm zdata= modulus of the normal mode n Fig4e_n_x.txt = xdata Fig4e_n_x.txt = ydata Fig4e_n_x.txt = zdata n = 1,2,3