======================================================== Dataset: GR-RWL1-O15J16 Daily refugee arrivals and weather data Greece, Oct.2015 - Jan.2016 Release Notes Copyright (c) 2016 by Harris V. Georgiou ======================================================== Release: Jul 28, 2016 - Version: 1.1a - Format: .xlsx/.csv/.arff ======================================================== This file contains important information about the current version of the dataset package. Downloading and using this material hints that you accept the EULA/Terms-of-Use (please read carefully). We welcome your comments and suggestions. _______________________________________________ WHAT'S IN THIS PACKAGE? - Overview - Available file formats - Files and Datasets - License Agreement _______________________________________________ OVERVIEW Since early January 2015, Europe has witnessed an unprecedented influx of refugees from regions of war and conflict in the Middle East, primarily Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. The rapid allocation of proper resources is the most critical factor in the success or failure of any rescue and relief operations, especially in the "hot" zones. In order to do so, proper tools of predictive analytics mus be available, specifically for forecasting the intensity and, if possible, the location of the next refugee influx waves, so that the rescue elements and the logistical support is properly prepared beforehand. This package contains a set of data regarding daily refugee arrivals at the Greek islands of first-reception in teh Aegean Sea, for the most intense period of influx waves, from the beginning of October 2015 until the mid-January of 2016. The sources of the data are: 1) For daily arrivals: UNHCR Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response (Data mashups) http://data.unhcr.org/mediterranean/country.php?id=83 2) For weather: Searchable Weather Database - National Observatory (Greece) http://meteosearch.meteo.gr/ The datasets from (1) have already been used in various publications describing such predictive analytics models. Detailed description and related conclusions can be found at: * Harris V. Georgiou, "Identification of refugee influx patterns in Greece via model-theoretic analysis of daily arrivals" (9-May-2016), https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.02784 _______________________________________________ AVAILABLE FILE FORMATS The datasets are available in the following formats (included): *.xlsx : MS-Excel/LibreOffice native spreadsheets *.csv : comma-separated plaintext spreadsheets *arff : WEKA native data source (plaintext) These data formats are equivalent, i.e., they contain the exact same sets of data. Normally, at least one of them should be compatible with any major programming platform (e.g. Matlab, Octave, R) or any native programming language for arbitrary handling (e.g. C, Java). _______________________________________________ FILES AND DATASETS Root folder: GR-RWL1-O15J16\ Dataset 1: Arrivals\(csv,weka,xlsx) "GreeceArrivals-01Oct15-16Jan16.*" Complete data series for refugee influx arrivals, combined for the entire region (sum) "GreeceArrivals-FramesLoc-01Oct15-16Jan16.*" Multi-day frames with individual sums for four major islands: Chios, Kos, Lesvos, Samos Dataset 2: Weather\(csv,weka,xlsx,raw) "Chios-Oct15-Jan16.*" Weather data (temp,wind,gust,w.dir) for Chios "Kos-Oct15-Jan16.*" Weather data (temp,wind,gust,w.dir) for Kos "LesvosPetra-Oct15-Jan16.*" Weather data (temp,wind,gust,w.dir) for Lesvos, loc:"Petra" "LesvosThermi-Oct15-Jan16.*" Weather data (temp,wind,gust,w.dir) for Lesvos, loc:"Thermi" "Samos-Oct15-Jan16.*" Weather data (temp,wind,gust,w.dir) for Samos In the second dataset, the "raw" folder contains the complete weather data for each island (plaintext) with the exact geographical location of the station. For Lesvos there are two measuring stations, each located near one fo the two major sea passages: "Petra" in the North and "Thermi" in the East/SouthEast. _______________________________________________ LICENSE AGREEMENT This material was produced primarily for academic research and educational purposes. Downloading and using this material implies acceptance of the Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (BY-NC-SA), 2016. * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Copyright (c) 2016 by Harris V. Georgiou (MSc,PhD) -- http://xgeorgio.info --