File names take the following form region_gamemode.csv.bz2 With region = na for North American server euw for Europe West gamemode = ai = Artificial intelligence (i.e., vs the computer) normal_blind = Normal Blind (PvP) normal_draft = Normal Draft (PvP) ranked_solo = Ranked Solo Queue (PvP) ranked_team = Ranked Team Queue (PvP) group_finder = Group Finder mode (PvP) Rows in each file consist of one summoner's information. Each file contains the following variable (columns) summonerId: Summoner Identification number matchId: Match ID number winner: 1 = won match, 0 lost kill: number of kills death: number of deaths assist: number of assists timeCreated: time stamp of match duration: duration of match (seconds) matchType: match type spell0: summoner spell ID in slot (0,1) spell1 championId: champion ID championName: Champion's name item0: item ID in slot (0 - 6) item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 goldEarned: gold earned during match goldSpent: gold psent during match inhibitorKills: number of inhibitor kills towerKills: number of tower kills sightWardsBought: sight wards purchased visionWardsBought: vision wards purchased wardsKilled: number of wards killed wardsPlaced: number of wards placed minionsKilled: total minons kills neutralMinionsKilled: number of neutral minions kills neutralMinionsKilledEnemyJungle: neutral minions killed in enemy team's jungle neutralMinionsKilledTeamJungle: neutral minions killed in own team's jungle totalDamageDealt: total damage dealt totalDamageDealtToChampions: total damage dealt to enemy champions totalDamageTaken: total damage taken trueDamageDealt: true damage dealt trueDamageDealtToChampions: true damage dealt to champions trueDamageTaken: true damage taken physicalDamageDealt: physical damage dealt physicalDamageDealtToChampions: physical damage dealt to enemy champions physicalDamageTaken: physical damage taken magicDamageDealt: magic damage dealt magicDamageDealtToChampions: magic damage dealt to enemy champions magicDamageTaken: magic damage taken totalHeal: total heal amount totalUnitsHealed: total number of units healed totalTimeCrowdControlDealt: total dealth crowd control time predictedRole: predicted role according to SVM model (0 = T, 1 = J, 2 = M, 3 = A, 4 = S) potentialRoles: 5 digit value with potential roles according to ChampionGG, following TJMAS order with 1 = primary, 2 = secondary, 0 = not listed as a role by ChampionGG Ability.Power: Number of items with bonus (0 - 6) Armor Armor.Penetration Attack.Damage Attack.Speed Bonus.Gold.per.Large.Monster.Kill Cooldown.Reduction Critical.Strike Damage.taken.from.Critical.Strikes Gold.per.10.seconds Health Health.Regen Life.Steal Magic.Damage.on.Hit Magic.Penetration Magic.Resistance Mana Mana.Regen Movement.Speed JungleItem: Number of items designated as a jungle item Cleanse: 1 = selected, 0 not selected Teleport Ignite Ghost Heal Smite Exhaust Clarity Clairvoyance Barrier Flash