Data supplementing the paper Marx, S., Gruenhage, G., Walper, D., Rutishauser, U., Einhäuser, W. (2015). Competition with and without priority control: linking rivalry to attention through winner-take-all networks with memory. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1339, 138-153. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12575 The files can be freely used for scientific purposes, provided this reference is appropriately cited. Files contain the behavioral data, the model can be found at The following files are contained in this folder: dataExp1.mat contains the data of experiment 1 The variables durationLeft and durationRight contain 5 x 6 x 6 cell arrays with the dominance durations for the left and right grating, respectively. Dimensions are subject x contrast level left x contrast level right. dataExp2.mat contains the data of experiment 2 Variables buttonStart, buttonEnd and whichButton contain 3x4x5 (contrast levels x blank duration levels x subjects) cell arrays that contain the start time and end time of each button press, and which button (1/2) was pressed, respectively. Variables presStart and presEnd contain 3x4x5 (contrast levels x blank duration levels x subjects) cell arrays that contain start and end of each blank period. All time stamps refer to the onset of the first blanking trial (end of continuous presentation) Variable prevPerz contains the percept (button) that was pressed at the end of the continuous presentation period. figure3_human.m, figure4_human.m and figure6_human.m exemplify the usage of the data by re-plotting the figures containing human data of the aforementioned paper.