Published May 11, 2017 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

BioExcel Deliverable 4.4 – Dissemination Report and Updated Plan

  • 1. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • 2. EMBL-EBI
  • 3. EPCC
  • 4. Ian Harrow Consulting


This document reports on the dissemination activities of BioExcel for the period until 30 April 2017. Together with D4.5 – Training Report and Updated Plan (PM18), this deliverable gives a complete overview of the work completed under work package 4. The current D4.4 presents information about the project website, social media channels, dissemination events and publications, while D4.5 focuses on the BioExcel Training Programme. Where content overlaps, we specify if a subset of information is presented and refer to the deliverable with the most detailed overview.

The project website is one of the main channels for connecting with the wider communities. Its content has substantially increased over the time of the project and it attracts a healthy regular traffic. Social media activities have been successful for promotion. Mailing lists and newsletters have been established for communication with specific interest groups. Webinars have been particularly popular not only for promotion but for providing a long-lasting expertise to researchers. Through extensive participation in 41 dissemination events in addition to 28 training ones we have been able to outreach to a large proportion of user base. 23 articles have been published in scientific journals and conference publications. A promotional video that showcases the mission and vision of the center has been produced for further distribution. Several important collaborations have been established with partnering organizations – ELIXIR, OpenPHACTS and MolSSI, and others are in ongoing discussions.


D4.4 - Dissemination Report and Updated Plan.pdf

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BioExcel – Centre of Excellence for Biomolecular Research 675728
European Commission