Is it satisfiable that there is a counterexample to the preservation of {0} x ev3 by f? unsat ((proof (let (($x116 (not y7))) (let (($x164 (= $x116 y10))) (let (($x117 (not y8))) (let (($x176 (= $x117 y11))) (let (($x130 (not y12))) (let (($x129 (not y11))) (let (($x128 (not y10))) (let (($x285 (or $x128 $x129 $x130))) (let (($x286 (not $x285))) (let (($x118 (not y9))) (let (($x269 (or $x116 $x117 $x118))) (let (($x299 (= $x269 $x286))) (let (($x757 (not $x299))) (let ((@x799 (hypothesis $x757))) (let (($x270 (not $x269))) (let ((@x800 (hypothesis $x286))) (let ((@x765 (def-axiom (or $x299 $x270 $x285)))) (let (($x106 (not y6))) (let (($x105 (not y5))) (let (($x104 (not y4))) (let (($x253 (or $x104 $x105 $x106))) (let (($x254 (not $x253))) (let (($x291 (= $x253 $x299))) (let (($x94 (not y3))) (let (($x93 (not y2))) (let (($x92 (not y1))) (let (($x237 (or $x92 $x93 $x94))) (let (($x165 (not (or y1 (= $x104 $x164))))) (let (($x189 (= (not (and y4 y5 y6)) (= (not (and y7 y8 y9)) (and y10 y11 y12))))) (let (($x99 (and y1 y2 y3))) (let (($x195 (or $x99 $x189))) (let (($x184 (not (or y3 (= $x106 (= $x118 y12)))))) (let (($x178 (not (or y2 (= $x105 $x176))))) (let (($x135 (and y10 y11 y12))) (let (($x136 (or (and $x128 $x129 $x130) (and y10 $x129 $x130) (and y10 $x129 y12) (and y10 y11 $x130) $x135))) (let (($x123 (and y7 y8 y9))) (let (($x124 (or (and $x116 $x117 $x118) (and y7 $x117 $x118) (and y7 $x117 y9) (and y7 y8 $x118) $x123))) (let (($x111 (and y4 y5 y6))) (let (($x112 (or (and $x104 $x105 $x106) (and y4 $x105 $x106) (and y4 $x105 y6) (and y4 y5 $x106) $x111))) (let (($x100 (or (and $x92 $x93 $x94) (and y1 $x93 $x94) (and y1 $x93 y3) (and y1 y2 $x94) $x99))) (let (($x193 (and $x100 $x112 $x124 $x136 $x165 $x178 $x184 $x195))) (let (($x154 (and $x100 $x112 $x124 $x136 (not (or y1 (xor y4 (xor y7 y10)))) (not (or y2 (xor y5 (xor y8 y11)))) (not (or y3 (xor y6 (xor y9 y12)))) (not (not (or $x99 (xor $x111 (xor $x123 $x135)))))))) (let ((@x201 (mp (asserted $x154) (rewrite (= $x154 $x193)) $x193))) (let ((@x180 (and-elim @x201 $x165))) (let ((@x183 (not-or-elim @x180 $x92))) (let ((@x256 (def-axiom (or $x237 y1)))) (let (($x238 (not $x237))) (let (($x300 (or $x238 $x291))) (let (($x344 (or $x104 $x105))) (let (($x346 (or $x344 $x106))) (let (($x445 (= $x346 (= (or (or $x116 $x117) $x118) (not (or (or $x128 $x129) $x130)))))) (let (($x315 (not (or (or $x92 $x93) $x94)))) (let (($x444 (or $x315 $x445))) (let ((@x293 (mp (mp (and-elim @x201 $x195) (rewrite (= $x195 $x195)) $x195) (rewrite (= $x195 $x300)) $x300))) (let ((@x585 (mp (mp @x293 (rewrite (= $x300 $x444)) $x444) (rewrite (= $x444 $x300)) $x300))) (let ((@x803 (unit-resolution @x585 (unit-resolution @x256 @x183 $x237) $x291))) (let ((@x770 (def-axiom (or (not $x291) $x254 $x299)))) (let ((@x804 (unit-resolution @x770 @x799 @x803 $x254))) (let ((@x616 (def-axiom (or $x253 y4)))) (let (($x206 (= y4 $x164))) (let ((@x209 (mp (not-or-elim @x180 (not (= $x104 $x164))) (rewrite (= (not (= $x104 $x164)) $x206)) $x206))) (let ((@x720 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x104 $x164 (not $x206))) @x209 (or $x104 $x164)))) (let ((@x806 (unit-resolution @x720 (unit-resolution @x616 @x804 y4) $x164))) (let ((@x705 (def-axiom (or (not $x164) $x116 $x128)))) (let ((@x808 (unit-resolution @x705 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x285 y10)) @x800 y10) @x806 $x116))) (let ((@x656 (def-axiom (or $x269 y7)))) (let ((@x809 (unit-resolution @x656 @x808 (unit-resolution @x765 @x800 @x799 $x270) false))) (let ((@x811 (lemma @x809 (or $x285 $x299)))) (let ((@x830 (unit-resolution @x811 @x799 $x285))) (let ((@x763 (def-axiom (or $x299 $x269 $x286)))) (let ((@x831 (unit-resolution @x763 @x830 @x799 $x269))) (let (($x210 (= y5 $x176))) (let ((@x213 (mp (not-or-elim (and-elim @x201 $x178) (not (= $x105 $x176))) (rewrite (= (not (= $x105 $x176)) $x210)) $x210))) (let ((@x738 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x105 $x176 (not $x210))) @x213 (or $x105 $x176)))) (let ((@x833 (unit-resolution @x738 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x253 y5)) @x804 y5) $x176))) (let (($x182 (= $x118 y12))) (let (($x214 (= y6 $x182))) (let ((@x217 (mp (not-or-elim (and-elim @x201 $x184) (not (= $x106 $x182))) (rewrite (= (not (= $x106 $x182)) $x214)) $x214))) (let ((@x756 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x106 $x182 (not $x214))) @x217 (or $x106 $x182)))) (let ((@x835 (unit-resolution @x756 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x253 y6)) @x804 y6) $x182))) (let ((@x813 (hypothesis $x116))) (let ((@x707 (def-axiom (or (not $x164) y7 y10)))) (let (($x252 (or y7 y8 y9))) (let (($x247 (not $x252))) (let (($x265 (or y9 $x116 $x117))) (let ((@x650 (def-axiom (or $x265 y7)))) (let ((@x818 (unit-resolution @x650 @x813 $x265))) (let (($x261 (or y8 $x116 $x118))) (let ((@x642 (def-axiom (or $x261 y7)))) (let ((@x819 (unit-resolution @x642 @x813 $x261))) (let (($x243 (or y8 y9 $x116))) (let ((@x628 (def-axiom (or $x243 y7)))) (let ((@x820 (unit-resolution @x628 @x813 $x243))) (let (($x266 (not $x265))) (let (($x262 (not $x261))) (let (($x232 (not $x243))) (let (($x545 (or $x232 $x247 $x262 $x266 $x270))) (let (($x383 (or $x116 $x117))) (let (($x385 (or $x383 $x118))) (let (($x391 (not $x385))) (let (($x386 (not (or (or y9 $x116) $x117)))) (let (($x381 (not (or (or y8 $x116) $x118)))) (let (($x398 (or $x381 $x386))) (let (($x376 (not (or (or y8 y9) $x116)))) (let (($x371 (not (or (or y7 y8) y9)))) (let (($x397 (or $x371 $x376))) (let (($x399 (or $x397 $x398))) (let (($x400 (or $x399 $x391))) (let ((@x535 (rewrite (= (or (or $x247 $x232) (or $x262 $x266)) (or $x232 $x247 $x262 $x266))))) (let ((@x532 (monotonicity (rewrite (= $x397 (or $x247 $x232))) (rewrite (= $x398 (or $x262 $x266))) (= $x399 (or (or $x247 $x232) (or $x262 $x266)))))) (let ((@x544 (monotonicity (trans @x532 @x535 (= $x399 (or $x232 $x247 $x262 $x266))) (rewrite (= $x391 $x270)) (= $x400 (or (or $x232 $x247 $x262 $x266) $x270))))) (let ((@x549 (trans @x544 (rewrite (= (or (or $x232 $x247 $x262 $x266) $x270) $x545)) (= $x400 $x545)))) (let ((@x394 (rewrite (= $x270 $x391)))) (let ((@x396 (monotonicity (rewrite (= $x247 $x371)) (rewrite (= $x232 $x376)) (rewrite (= $x262 $x381)) (rewrite (= $x266 $x386)) @x394 (= (or $x247 $x232 $x262 $x266 $x270) (or $x371 $x376 $x381 $x386 $x391))))) (let ((@x404 (trans @x396 (rewrite (= (or $x371 $x376 $x381 $x386 $x391) $x400)) (= (or $x247 $x232 $x262 $x266 $x270) $x400)))) (let (($x273 (or $x247 $x232 $x262 $x266 $x270))) (let ((@x267 (mp (mp (and-elim @x201 $x124) (rewrite (= $x124 $x124)) $x124) (rewrite (= $x124 $x273)) $x273))) (let ((@x550 (mp (mp @x267 @x404 $x400) @x549 $x545))) (let ((@x821 (unit-resolution @x550 @x820 @x819 @x818 (hypothesis $x269) $x247))) (let ((@x634 (def-axiom (or $x252 $x117)))) (let ((@x725 (def-axiom (or (not $x176) y8 y11)))) (let ((@x823 (unit-resolution @x725 (unit-resolution @x634 @x821 $x117) (hypothesis $x176) y11))) (let ((@x743 (def-axiom (or (not $x182) y9 y12)))) (let ((@x826 (unit-resolution @x743 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x252 $x118)) @x821 $x118) (hypothesis $x182) y12))) (let ((@x702 (def-axiom (or $x286 $x128 $x129 $x130)))) (let ((@x827 (unit-resolution @x702 @x826 @x823 (hypothesis $x285) (unit-resolution @x707 @x813 (hypothesis $x164) y10) false))) (let ((@x829 (lemma @x827 (or y7 $x286 (not $x182) (not $x176) $x270 (not $x164))))) (let ((@x836 (unit-resolution @x829 @x830 @x835 @x833 @x831 @x806 y7))) (let (($x268 (or y10 y11 y12))) (let (($x263 (not $x268))) (let (($x281 (or y12 $x128 $x129))) (let ((@x837 (unit-resolution @x705 @x836 @x806 $x128))) (let ((@x690 (def-axiom (or $x281 y10)))) (let (($x259 (or y11 y12 $x128))) (let ((@x668 (def-axiom (or $x259 y10)))) (let (($x277 (or y11 $x128 $x130))) (let ((@x682 (def-axiom (or $x277 y10)))) (let (($x282 (not $x281))) (let (($x278 (not $x277))) (let (($x248 (not $x259))) (let (($x578 (or $x248 $x263 $x278 $x282 $x286))) (let (($x430 (not (or (or $x128 $x129) $x130)))) (let (($x425 (not (or (or y12 $x128) $x129)))) (let (($x420 (not (or (or y11 $x128) $x130)))) (let (($x435 (or $x420 $x425))) (let (($x415 (not (or (or y11 y12) $x128)))) (let (($x410 (not (or (or y10 y11) y12)))) (let (($x434 (or $x410 $x415))) (let (($x436 (or $x434 $x435))) (let (($x437 (or $x436 $x430))) (let ((@x570 (rewrite (= (or (or $x263 $x248) (or $x278 $x282)) (or $x248 $x263 $x278 $x282))))) (let ((@x567 (monotonicity (rewrite (= $x434 (or $x263 $x248))) (rewrite (= $x435 (or $x278 $x282))) (= $x436 (or (or $x263 $x248) (or $x278 $x282)))))) (let ((@x576 (monotonicity (trans @x567 @x570 (= $x436 (or $x248 $x263 $x278 $x282))) (rewrite (= $x430 $x286)) (= $x437 (or (or $x248 $x263 $x278 $x282) $x286))))) (let ((@x582 (trans @x576 (rewrite (= (or (or $x248 $x263 $x278 $x282) $x286) $x578)) (= $x437 $x578)))) (let ((@x433 (rewrite (= $x286 $x430)))) (let ((@x432 (monotonicity (rewrite (= $x263 $x410)) (rewrite (= $x248 $x415)) (rewrite (= $x278 $x420)) (rewrite (= $x282 $x425)) @x433 (= (or $x263 $x248 $x278 $x282 $x286) (or $x410 $x415 $x420 $x425 $x430))))) (let ((@x441 (trans @x432 (rewrite (= (or $x410 $x415 $x420 $x425 $x430) $x437)) (= (or $x263 $x248 $x278 $x282 $x286) $x437)))) (let (($x289 (or $x263 $x248 $x278 $x282 $x286))) (let ((@x283 (mp (mp (and-elim @x201 $x136) (rewrite (= $x136 $x136)) $x136) (rewrite (= $x136 $x289)) $x289))) (let ((@x583 (mp (mp @x283 @x441 $x437) @x582 $x578))) (let ((@x841 (unit-resolution @x583 (unit-resolution @x682 @x837 $x277) (unit-resolution @x668 @x837 $x259) (unit-resolution @x690 @x837 $x281) @x830 $x263))) (let ((@x674 (def-axiom (or $x268 $x129)))) (let ((@x845 (unit-resolution @x743 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x268 $x130)) @x841 $x130) @x835 y9))) (let ((@x662 (def-axiom (or $x270 $x116 $x117 $x118)))) (let ((@x846 (unit-resolution @x662 @x845 (unit-resolution @x725 (unit-resolution @x674 @x841 $x129) @x833 y8) @x836 @x831 false))) (let ((@x847 (lemma @x846 $x299))) (let ((@x848 (unit-resolution @x656 @x813 $x269))) (let ((@x761 (def-axiom (or $x757 $x270 $x286)))) (let ((@x849 (unit-resolution @x761 @x848 @x847 $x286))) (let ((@x698 (def-axiom (or $x285 y11)))) (let ((@x851 (unit-resolution @x550 @x819 @x820 @x818 @x848 $x247))) (let ((@x729 (def-axiom (or $x176 y8 $x129)))) (let ((@x853 (unit-resolution @x729 (unit-resolution @x634 @x851 $x117) (unit-resolution @x698 @x849 y11) $x176))) (let ((@x734 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or y5 (not $x176) (not $x210))) @x213 (or y5 (not $x176))))) (let ((@x768 (def-axiom (or (not $x291) $x253 $x757)))) (let ((@x855 (unit-resolution @x768 @x847 @x803 $x253))) (let ((@x747 (def-axiom (or $x182 y9 $x130)))) (let ((@x858 (unit-resolution @x747 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x252 $x118)) @x851 $x118) (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x285 y12)) @x849 y12) $x182))) (let ((@x752 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or y6 (not $x182) (not $x214))) @x217 (or y6 (not $x182))))) (let ((@x711 (def-axiom (or $x164 y7 $x128)))) (let ((@x861 (unit-resolution @x711 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x285 y10)) @x849 y10) @x813 $x164))) (let ((@x716 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or y4 (not $x164) (not $x206))) @x209 (or y4 (not $x164))))) (let ((@x622 (def-axiom (or $x254 $x104 $x105 $x106)))) (let ((@x863 (unit-resolution @x622 (unit-resolution @x716 @x861 y4) (unit-resolution @x752 @x858 y6) @x855 (unit-resolution @x734 @x853 y5) false))) (let ((@x864 (lemma @x863 y7))) (let (($x703 (not $x164))) (let ((@x875 (hypothesis $x703))) (let ((@x709 (def-axiom (or $x164 $x116 y10)))) (let (($x721 (not $x176))) (let (($x236 (or y4 y5 y6))) (let (($x231 (not $x236))) (let (($x228 (or y5 y6 $x104))) (let ((@x877 (unit-resolution @x720 @x875 $x104))) (let ((@x586 (def-axiom (or $x228 y4)))) (let (($x249 (or y6 $x104 $x105))) (let ((@x610 (def-axiom (or $x249 y4)))) (let (($x245 (or y5 $x104 $x106))) (let ((@x602 (def-axiom (or $x245 y4)))) (let (($x250 (not $x249))) (let (($x246 (not $x245))) (let (($x223 (not $x228))) (let (($x510 (or $x223 $x231 $x246 $x250 $x254))) (let (($x352 (not $x346))) (let (($x347 (not (or (or y6 $x104) $x105)))) (let (($x342 (not (or (or y5 $x104) $x106)))) (let (($x359 (or $x342 $x347))) (let (($x337 (not (or (or y5 y6) $x104)))) (let (($x332 (not (or (or y4 y5) y6)))) (let (($x358 (or $x332 $x337))) (let (($x360 (or $x358 $x359))) (let (($x361 (or $x360 $x352))) (let ((@x500 (rewrite (= (or (or $x231 $x223) (or $x246 $x250)) (or $x223 $x231 $x246 $x250))))) (let ((@x497 (monotonicity (rewrite (= $x358 (or $x231 $x223))) (rewrite (= $x359 (or $x246 $x250))) (= $x360 (or (or $x231 $x223) (or $x246 $x250)))))) (let ((@x509 (monotonicity (trans @x497 @x500 (= $x360 (or $x223 $x231 $x246 $x250))) (rewrite (= $x352 $x254)) (= $x361 (or (or $x223 $x231 $x246 $x250) $x254))))) (let ((@x514 (trans @x509 (rewrite (= (or (or $x223 $x231 $x246 $x250) $x254) $x510)) (= $x361 $x510)))) (let ((@x355 (rewrite (= $x254 $x352)))) (let ((@x357 (monotonicity (rewrite (= $x231 $x332)) (rewrite (= $x223 $x337)) (rewrite (= $x246 $x342)) (rewrite (= $x250 $x347)) @x355 (= (or $x231 $x223 $x246 $x250 $x254) (or $x332 $x337 $x342 $x347 $x352))))) (let ((@x365 (trans @x357 (rewrite (= (or $x332 $x337 $x342 $x347 $x352) $x361)) (= (or $x231 $x223 $x246 $x250 $x254) $x361)))) (let (($x257 (or $x231 $x223 $x246 $x250 $x254))) (let ((@x251 (mp (mp (and-elim @x201 $x112) (rewrite (= $x112 $x112)) $x112) (rewrite (= $x112 $x257)) $x257))) (let ((@x515 (mp (mp @x251 @x365 $x361) @x514 $x510))) (let ((@x881 (unit-resolution @x515 (unit-resolution @x602 @x877 $x245) @x855 (unit-resolution @x610 @x877 $x249) (unit-resolution @x586 @x877 $x228) $x231))) (let ((@x594 (def-axiom (or $x236 $x105)))) (let ((@x883 (unit-resolution @x734 (unit-resolution @x594 @x881 $x105) $x721))) (let (($x739 (not $x182))) (let ((@x885 (unit-resolution @x752 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x236 $x106)) @x881 $x106) $x739))) (let ((@x868 (unit-resolution @x729 (unit-resolution @x698 @x800 y11) (hypothesis $x721) y8))) (let ((@x871 (unit-resolution @x747 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x285 y12)) @x800 y12) (hypothesis $x739) y9))) (let ((@x872 (unit-resolution @x662 @x871 @x868 @x864 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x757 $x269 $x285)) @x800 @x847 $x269) false))) (let ((@x874 (lemma @x872 (or $x285 $x182 $x176)))) (let ((@x886 (unit-resolution @x874 @x885 @x883 $x285))) (let ((@x887 (unit-resolution @x761 @x886 @x847 $x270))) (let ((@x658 (def-axiom (or $x269 y8)))) (let ((@x727 (def-axiom (or $x176 $x117 y11)))) (let ((@x745 (def-axiom (or $x182 $x118 y12)))) (let ((@x891 (unit-resolution @x745 (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x269 y9)) @x887 y9) @x885 y12))) (let ((@x892 (unit-resolution @x702 @x891 (unit-resolution @x727 (unit-resolution @x658 @x887 y8) @x883 y11) @x886 (unit-resolution @x709 @x875 @x864 y10) false))) (let ((@x893 (lemma @x892 $x164))) (let ((@x895 (unit-resolution @x705 @x893 @x864 $x128))) (let ((@x696 (def-axiom (or $x285 y10)))) (let ((@x898 (unit-resolution @x696 @x895 $x285))) (let ((@x900 (unit-resolution @x583 (unit-resolution @x682 @x895 $x277) @x898 (unit-resolution @x690 @x895 $x281) (unit-resolution @x668 @x895 $x259) $x263))) (let ((@x904 (unit-resolution @x727 (unit-resolution @x658 (unit-resolution @x761 @x898 @x847 $x270) y8) (unit-resolution @x674 @x900 $x129) $x176))) (let ((@x902 (unit-resolution @x761 @x898 @x847 $x270))) (let ((@x660 (def-axiom (or $x269 y9)))) (let ((@x908 (unit-resolution @x745 (unit-resolution @x660 @x902 y9) (unit-resolution (def-axiom (or $x268 $x130)) @x900 $x130) $x182))) (unit-resolution @x622 (unit-resolution @x752 @x908 y6) (unit-resolution @x734 @x904 y5) @x855 (unit-resolution @x716 @x893 y4) false)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))